//------------------------------// // The Preparation // Story: Celestia Wants to Date Twilight Sparkle // by JKinsley //------------------------------// “Stop fidgeting, dear, or I’ll get these adjustments all wrong, and your dress won’t fit right,” said Rarity, annoyed that Twilight’s wings seemed adamant about twitching and flapping and doing anything but standing tall and staying there.  “Sorry, Rarity. I’m nervous, that’s all. Cadance said it would take a while for me to get used to them, and that wings are tied to a pegasus’ emotional state. I think Rainbow and Fluttershy confirmed that, too,” replied Twilight, eyes straight forward as she otherwise stood stock still. Rarity continued to measure around Twilight’s chest and along her back, getting the exact positions she would need for the holes for Twilight’s wings. “Honestly, darling, any of us would be nervous, too. I mean, being asked on a date by a princess! A dream come true! And Princess Celestia, no less.” “I thought your dream was a prince,” said Twilight, turning her head to face Rarity with an eyebrow raised and her eyes narrowed. “Well, as you said, was. When Prince Blueblood turned out to be a brute, I... may have set my sights elsewhere,” Rarity confessed. “As Princess Cadance is already spoken for, by your brother, no less, that would leave you, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. And by anypony’s standard, any of you would be excellent partners.” Twilight blushed heavily, and Rarity noticed just the hint of a smile forming. “You would really consider dating me?” Twilight asked, flattered. “Wait, this isn’t just because I’m a princess, now, is it?” “Why, of course not! I’m sure I’ve seen the same things Princess Celestia has. You are a beautiful, intelligent pony, my dear Twilight, and anypony would be lucky to be by your side, princess or not. Now! On to the dress itself!” Rarity chanted. “Then, what of our other friends? Have you considered any of them? Or what of Princess Celestia and Luna?” Twilight asked. Rarity stood still and nodded sagely. “Fair point. And I suppose you deserve an answer to those questions.” Twilight sat on her haunches and looked expectantly at Rarity. “For our friends, I suppose the answers are fairly simple. Rainbow Dash is right out, but that’s simply because she’s expressed an exclusive interest in stallions thus far. So rather than any character flaw of hers, it’s a more fundamental incompatibility. Unless she starts expressing an interest in mares, I don’t see her and I doing anything we’re not already doing. Granted, all the stallions she’s been dating have some connection to Sweet Apple Acres.” She shrugged. “Might be a pattern there. “Applejack... well, she and I both value hard work, and we both have our charms. We’re dedicated to family, and would help anypony in need in an instant. I don’t know if we could work out the ‘slap-slap-kiss’ thing we almost have going, but there you have it. Not that I wouldn’t fancy a midnight tryst, pinned by those powerful hooves...” She blushed, coughed, and then refocused. “Pinkie Pie has her heart in the right place, and nopony can deny she can be cute as a button when she’s not being, well, Pinkie Pie, if I’m honest. She’d be a hooffull, but there would never be a dull moment. “And Fluttershy. We do have ever so much in common. It would be so easy, to nudge her in that direction with me. So effortless. I don’t know if it would be interesting, but it would be... well, as she would say, nice,” Rarity finished with a remarkably good impression of the shy pegasus. “And for the other princesses?” Twilight pushed. “Well, Princess Celestia has always been gracious and kind to us, to everypony, and you can’t deny that she’s got an allure. Yes, she stands taller than Big Macintosh, and the span of one of her wings is as long as Rainbow’s entire wingspan, but good heavens. The mare is divine in so many senses of the word. “And Princess Luna, too. I’d say she embodies so many of the qualities I find endearing in our friends, the fun-loving pranking of Rainbow and Pinkie, your intellect, the desire to serve and be accepted. And, let’s not forget, she rivals even my beauty.”  Twilight just chuckled. “I have to admit, I’m surprised you’ve given it this much thought.” “And you haven’t, darling?” Rarity replied. “Well, no. I’ve been focused on making and keeping friends. I... well... never really considered that somepony might romantically interested in me.” Twilight looked down. Rarity lifted Twilight's chin with a hoof. “Now, now, dear, there’s no shame in that. Friends are wonderful! They can help you get through anything, including—not to sound pessimistic on the eve of something wonderful—heartbreak. We’ll always be here for you, Twilight.” Twilight smiled and reached out to hug Rarity, who quickly reciprocated. “Now, let’s get these alterations finished up, yes? We want you looking your best tomorrow.” Twilight nodded and stood back up. She flared her wings and found they had stopped fidgeting. She smiled, and let Rarity continue on. Twilight returned home, her new dress delicately folded and wrapped in tissue paper in her saddlebag. “Spike!” she called once inside. “Any mail? Specifically, any mail from the princess?” “Yeah, you got a few letters here,” he replied. From the sound of his voice, he was in the kitchen, probably munching on some gemstones. Or ice cream, Twilight mused. “I’ll pick them in a minute, unless they’re marked urgent!” she called again. She headed up the stairs, and hearing only a grunt, continued her climb. Once she reached her room at the top of her little castle/tree, she gently levitated the dress out of her saddlebag and hung it in her closet. Another lovely gift from Rarity. I wonder if this is going to be another dress I only wear once, or if I can actually wear this for more than one occasion? She slid the door to the closet shut and sat down in front of it, gathering her thoughts. I’m really going on a date with Celestia. As equals, yes, at least ostensibly. I still think of her as a mentor. But... maybe we can learn together? She’s not dated in, well, a long time, and I’ve never dated. She smiled and clapped her hooves together. It’ll be like having a research buddy!  “Twilight,” Spike called. Twilight noted a mix of pain and laziness in voice. Must’ve ate too much, again. “Coming, Spike!” she replied, and set off down the spiral staircases. By the time she reached the kitchen, she could hear Spike groaning. “Spike, what have I told you about overeating?” “Pace myself, and check the box for the recommended serving size.” Spike clutched his stomach and groaned again. Twilight rolled her eyes and chuckled. Same old Spike. She spotted the letters on the counter and flipped through them. A letter from Pinkie Pie, made obvious by the pink envelope and sparkles; probably an invitation to that “Just Got Asked Out By A Divine, Immortal Princess” party she threatened to plan. A few more looked like notices from various libraries and bookmakers from around Equestria, responding to her request for more books. Only one was a scroll, wrapped in a red ribbon and sealed with Celestia’s crest. “Aha! The plans for the date!” she said. “Date? Date with who?” Spike muttered. “Spike, have you been focusing on eating rather than what’s gone on for the last few days? Celestia asked me out on a date for Hearts and Hooves Day. We’ve been preparing ever since. You know, spa visit, dress fitting, and the makeover scheduled for tomorrow?” Twilight shook her head. “Um, no?” “I had you write at least three checklists!” “Well, how am I supposed to remember?” he cried. “Because you wrote three checklists! And because it’s all we’ve talked about! I’m going on a date with Princess Celestia because she’s not dated anypony in a long time, and wants to be reintroduced to it with somepony she knows. So, a practice date,” she said. She finished flatly, almost disappointed. “Uh huh,” Spike said. “Just, don’t overeat, OK? Especially while I’m gone.” She grabbed Celestia’s letter with her magic and galloped upstairs, giggling. Giggling? Twilight, you and Celestia both said this was to help her get back into the dating scene with somepony familiar, her inner voice said. She shot back with, Well, it doesn’t mean I can’t be excited, or that I can’t genuinely enjoy myself with her. I mean, it’s been ages since Celestia and I last had any time to just ourselves. She jumped onto her bed and tugged at the ribbon binding the scroll, and then held it open to read. Dear Twilight Sparkle, I have finalized our plans for this Friday. I will meet you at The Kettle and Hearth at 7:30 that evening for some tea and pastries. Then, we’ll tour the gardens and finish the night with some stargazing atop the Astronomy Tower. I’ve made all the arrangements. Enclosed is a first-class ticket for yourself to Canterlot on the afternoon train. You’ll only need to bring yourself and that winning smile. I hope to see you soon, Sincerely, Princess Celestia