Love Your Difference

by BronyDad

To Be or Not To Be

Chapter 9

To Be or Not To Be

Rushing forward, Twilight stood defensively over her fallen friend. Almost immediately, Applejack was standing by her side, and then Rarity moved next to her. A moment later, Fluttershy landed on Twilight's other side. Finally, Pinkie Pie and Zecora hurried to Fluttershy's side, and as one, they bravely stood before the approaching Timberwolves, determined to protect their friend.

In the face of such great resolve, the Timberwolves hesitated. After a few moments, they slowly turned away and vanished into the trees, leaving the friends alone in the eerie silence.

Hearing a soft groan, the friends turned back to find Rainbow Dash sitting up and rubbing her head. "Oh, wow," the Pegasus said, making a face. "I never want to be that happy ever again."

"Rainbow Dash, you're back!" Twilight exclaimed.

"You bet I am," Rainbow Dash replied with a smile, but then was knocked flat on her back as Pinkie Pie tackled her with an enormous hug.

"Oh, Rainbow! I'm so happy you're back!" Pinkie Pie cried happily.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash said, struggling to escape the excited Earth pony. "I'm happy too. But seriously, how can you stand being that happy all the time, Pink?"

Pinkie Pie beamed widely. "Because I can spread it around to all my friends, silly."

As Rainbow Dash chuckled at her answer, Applejack approached and hoof bumped her. "I knew ya could do it, Rainbow Dash." Glancing over at Pinkie Pie, she cocked an eyebrow. "What was bein' Pinkie Pie like?"

"Trust me," Rainbow Dash replied, cringing. "You don't wanna know."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pinkie Pie demanded, glaring at her.

"Was it as easy as Pinkie said it was?" Rarity asked. "Cause to me it sounded like she was spouting a lot of hooey."

"Hey!" Pinkie Pie cried, outraged.

"Yeah, ya know that Pinkie," Applejack agreed. "Even when she's explainin' herself she don't make a lot of sense."

Pinkie Pie hoof stomped in frustration. "I'm standing right here!"

"Oops, sorry Pinkie," Applejack apologized.

"I'm sorry too," added Rarity.

"No offense, Pink," Rainbow Dash offered.

Grinning, Pinkie Pie waved a hoof dismissively. "None taken."

"But, yeah, it was totally as easy as Pinkie Pie said," Rainbow Dash answered. "I saw the two of them in trouble, and the urge to save them was overpowering. So I did, and afterwards, when Pinkie's personality tried to take back over, I could clearly see who I was supposed to be, and all of the sudden, fighting off the hypnosis was easy."

"Girls," Twilight suddenly spoke up. "I know this is a happy occasion for us, but I really think we should keep moving." Indicating the several piles of broken wood surrounding them, she continued, "We have no idea how long the Timberwolves will take to reanimate, and I want to be as far away from them as possible when they do."

"I don't think we have too much to worry about," Fluttershy stated from above. "We showed them what happens when they mess with us. I don't think they'll try again."

Twilight stepped forward. "But don't forget that they can come together to form a larger wolf. It would be much safer if we got away as quickly as possible."

Remembering the time that three Timberwolves had merged together and had nearly caught her, Applejack shivered. "I agree, let's get outta here."

Deciding to bring up the rear of their party, Twilight allowed the others to pass her before following, but after taking no more than five steps, she heard somepony call her name. Turning around, she found that Rainbow Dash hadn't yet moved. "Rainbow Dash, what's wrong? We need to get moving."

Nodding, Rainbow Dash trotted beside Twilight in silence, watching her indecisively. Understanding that the Pegasus sometimes had trouble expressing herself, Twilight waited patiently.

Finally, after quickly checking to make sure they were still alone, Rainbow Dash quietly asked, "You remember that talk we had yesterday, when you were upset? I told you that I respect you and could never do some of the things you've done in order to cheer you up?"

Twilight found that she was unable to hide the smirk that stole across her face. "Yeah."

"Uh, well." Looking extremely embarrassed, Rainbow Dash inquired, "Is there any way that you could forget I said all that?"

"Not a chance, Rainbow Dash." Twilight shook her head with amusement. "Not a chance."

Snorting in frustration, Rainbow Dash replied grumpily, "Yeah, that's kinda what I thought."

"But remember what you said," Twilight reminded her. "You said that you would have to remember why you said it, and maybe you wouldn't mind so much."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash said with a frown. "I guess it's cool...but could you at least keep it to yourself?"

"Of course, Rainbow." Twilight smiled. "I promise."

"Great," Rainbow Dash said, seemingly satisfied with her answer. "And I really am proud to be your friend."

Deeply touched, Twilight beamed, but before she could respond, Fluttershy suddenly swooped down from above. "Wow, Dash, that was some sweet action!" she stated admiringly.

"I guess it was," Rainbow Dash replied uncertainly, not used to hearing Fluttershy speak in this manner.

"You just swooped in there at the nick of time and saved Pinkie and Zecora!" Fluttershy exclaimed enthusiastically. "And it was totally awesome how you just blew straight through that Timberwolf!"


"And then you flipped just before hitting that tree!" Fluttershy continued with a small backward flip in the air. "And then sprang back off of it, and completely wiped out the other two!"

"I know, Fluttershy, I was there." Rainbow Dash scratched her head uneasily as she gave Twilight a questioning look. As Fluttershy continued to hover in front of her, grinning and clearly expecting her to say something more, Rainbow Dash took a wary step backward. "Would you mind if I talked to Twilight for a few? I have some things I wanna ask her, since, you know, I'm me again."

"Yeah, all right, that's cool," Fluttershy answered. As Rainbow Dash turned toward Twilight, Fluttershy suddenly said, "Hey, Rainbow."

Turning to face her once more, she found Fluttershy holding a hoof out toward her. "Hoof bump!"

With a forced smile, Rainbow Dash held out her own hoof, and used to Fluttershy's usual delicate hoof bumps, was surprised by the overly eager hoof bump that she received instead.

Shaking her stinging hoof, Rainbow Dash watched Fluttershy as she soared up into the sky. She then turned worriedly to Twilight. "So...what's the deal with Fluttershy? I know I've been here the whole time, but as Pinkie, I got distracted way too easily, and I know that I missed some stuff."

Unsure how much she could say without breaking the promise she made to Fluttershy back in the library, Twilight chose her words carefully. "Well, basically, she is really enjoying being more like you."

Rainbow Dash nodded her head knowingly. "That's totally understandable."

Giving Rainbow Dash a meaningful look, Twilight explained further. "She likes it, Dash. A lot. Like, more than anything else."

Eyes growing wide as she realized what Twilight was saying, Rainbow Dash asked, "You mean, like, so much she doesn't want to change back?"

"It's terrible Dash! And none of us know what to do."

Gazing up at Fluttershy, who had begun to fly in a leisurely circle above them, a look of distress crept across Rainbow Dash's face.

As she watched Rainbow Dash's features slowly turn to dismay, it suddenly occurred to Twilight that the proud Pegasus always acted differently toward Fluttershy than the rest of them. Always reluctant to allow her friends to see her emotions, she never seemed to have any trouble opening up to Fluttershy. While all of them tended to act more gently toward Fluttershy, it seemed that it was somehow different with Rainbow Dash, like there was something deeper.

Twilight knew from Fluttershy's stories that Rainbow Dash had stuck up for her in Summer Flight Camp before they had even known each other. Perhaps, being the best flyer in the camp, Rainbow Dash had felt the need to defend the weakest from the bullies, but whatever the reason, it seemed a strong bond had formed between the two.

At that moment, comprehension struck Twilight harder than Applejack hit her apple trees. Recalling Princess Luna's words, warning that she would need to allow another to solve the problem, or risk losing everything, she realized that this was exactly what the Princess had been hinting about. This was the moment when she needed to step back and let somepony else take up the fight, and that somepony else was Rainbow Dash.

Full of resolve and determined to do what was best for the others, Twilight made the decision to place all her hope and trust in Rainbow Dash. Placing a hoof on the Pegasus's shoulder, Twilight said, "You've got to talk to her."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "What, me? Why? What could I possibly say?"

"She loves being you because she has always looked up to you," Twilight pushed. "She'll listen to you, I know it."

Visibly anxious, Rainbow Dash asked, "But what if she won't?"

"She will."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Right...but what should I say to her?"

"I don't know." Twilight shrugged. "Just be kind and let her know you miss her."

Staring at Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash swallowed hard and then took flight. Noticing her drawing near, Fluttershy streaked toward her. "Hey, Dash, you wanna race?"

"Nah, not right now," Rainbow Dash answered, trying to sound as cool as possible. "I just wanted to talk to you."

Fluttershy grinned with pleasure. "Sure, what's up?"

Taking a moment to find the right words, Rainbow Dash said, "The others are telling me that you don't want to be yourself anymore. What's going on, Fluttershy? You can tell me."

"Well, I just don't want to be that weak scaredy-pony anymore," Fluttershy explained. "And can you blame me? I mean, look at how high I'm flying. And watch this!" Rocketing straight up toward a large cloud, Fluttershy sliced into it, and using her body as a chisel, chipped away at the cloud until it was the shape of a lightning bolt, identical to the one on Rainbow Dash's flank.

Looping back, Fluttershy soared toward Rainbow Dash. "See, wasn't that rad?"

"It sure was," Rainbow Dash admitted. "But don't you miss your old self?"

"No way!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "It's way too awesome being you!"

"Yeah, it is pretty great being me," Rainbow Dash agreed with a cocky smile. Deciding to try a different tactic, she asked, "But what about your animal friends? How can you care for them if you're always flying around and practicing new moves?"

Fluttershy frowned. "What do you mean? I'll be able to care for them like I always have."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No, Fluttershy. You're me now, remember? I probably wouldn't even think to feed them."

"But I-"

"C'mon, Fluttershy, it takes you the entire morning to take care of them all. There's no way you'll have the patience for that now. I wouldn't even be able to make it a half hour before going completely out of my mind with boredom."

Seeing Fluttershy's face fall as she realized her friend was right, Rainbow Dash pressed on. "This isn't you, Fluttershy. You've got to go back to your old self. You'll be happier that way."

"Happier?" Fluttershy retorted. "How will I be happier when I'm scared of my own shadow? How can I be happier when I can't even find the courage to fly?"

"Um..." Rainbow Dash trailed off, unsure what to say.

"Just think back to Summer Flight Camp, you think I was happy then?" Fluttershy demanded. "I was the weakest flyer and everypony laughed at me. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there to defend me. I wouldn't have even gotten my cutie mark if it weren't for you."

"You...I...uh..." Rainbow Dash stammered, recognizing the truth behind her words.

"But no, I would never expect you to understand any of that!" Fluttershy snapped. "You were always the best, at everything. You were top flyer in the whole camp, you won every race, and everypony listened when you had something to say." Her face becoming a mask of rage, Fluttershy yelled, "But I didn't have any of that! All I had was a group of bullies that laughed and made up songs about how awful of a flyer I was! That camp was the worst time of my life!"

Fully comprehending the extent of Fluttershy's suffering, Rainbow Dash had begun to shrink away from the enraged Pegasus, her ears drooping in defeat. But then her last statement struck something deep within, and Rainbow Dash blurted out, "And it helped you find your destiny!"

This brought Fluttershy up short. She stared at Rainbow Dash for a long moment. "No, that was you."

"Actually, was you."

"No," Flutteshy shook her head. "You challenged those colts to a race that knocked me out of the clouds, and it was your Sonic Rainboom that startled the animals and allowed me to discover my special connection with them. It was you."

Wanting to ease Fluttershy's anguish more than she had ever wanted anything in her entire life, Rainbow Dash spoke straight from her heart in a voice that was brimming with emotion. "You're wrong, Fluttershy. I may have caused the situation, but it was your heart, your instincts, that discovered your destiny and earned you your cutie mark. In fact, if you hadn't been at Summer Flight Camp, I may not have gotten mine, and then the others wouldn't have gotten theirs either."

As Fluttershy hovered before her, speechless, Rainbow Dash went on. "And you think that you were weak, but weren't you up there every day giving it your all? Sure, you ran off crying when everypony laughed at you. But didn't you still come back the next day and try again?"


Suddenly overcome with regret, Rainbow Dash looked away. "In the beginning, when those bullies first started singing those songs...I laughed with everypony else."

"You did?" Fluttershy asked quietly, her eyes wide with shock.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash admitted with an unhappy sigh. "But then I saw you return, day after day, and try as hard as you could. And watching you struggle...I came to respect you. That's why I started sticking up for you. I didn't even know you, but I recognized your guts, your will, and I wanted to know you."


"And anyway, we were all foals back then. Nopony thinks of you as weak anymore," Rainbow Dash stated. "Actually, Flitter and I were just talking about you a few days ago."

"About me?" Fluttershy repeated in surprise. "What was she saying?"

"She was telling me that she had seen you flying alongside a hawk a little while ago, and that she had been impressed with your flying skills. And it wasn't because you were a strong flier, or because you were flying fast, she was impressed by how graceful you were. She said that you made it look so natural, and it had been one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen."

Mouth hanging open, Fluttershy could do nothing more than stare at her friend.

Scratching her head in embarrassment, Rainbow Dash smiled sheepishly. "I thought that was a really nice thing for Flitter to say about you, and I totally meant to tell you about it, but...I forgot."

"She...she really said that?" Fluttershy muttered in astonishment.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash nodded. "So you see, everypony respects you here. They may not be as obvious about it as they are with me, but they do."

"But, what about you?" Fluttershy asked. "Don't you like me more this way?"

Knowing that she could not spare Fluttershy's feelings, Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No, Fluttershy, I don't like this at all. I want you to go back to your old self. That is the Fluttershy I respect, the only Fluttershy I respect."

"But...we could go flying together whenever you want now," Fluttershy offered, desperately trying to earn Rainbow Dash's approval. "And I can help you practice your new stunts, and even help with your weather jobs." Moving in closer, she said, "Think about it, I'll never chicken out now. I won't ever disappoint you again."

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but I don't want any of that. I just want you back."

Crestfallen, Fluttershy began to slowly descend to the ground, hiding her face behind her mane.

"Where you going?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't feel like flying anymore," Fluttershy mumbled, refusing to meet her friend's gaze.

Landing softly on the ground, Fluttershy trotted ahead, passing Zecora without a single glance, and only slowed when she had put a good amount of distance between them.

Frowning at Fluttershy's behavior, Twilight watched Rainbow Dash as she returned. "So, what did she say? Is she willing to become herself again?"

"I don't know," Rainbow Dash said in a troubled tone. "I think all I did was hurt her feelings."

Gazing at Fluttershy, Twilight said, "Maybe she just needs some time to absorb everything. But..." Turning back to Rainbow Dash, Twilight trailed off when she saw that the Pegasus was fighting back tears. "Rainbow?"

"She told me that this new Fluttershy would never disappoint me," Rainbow Dash said in a shaky voice. "How many times have I made her feel that way? I'm always too hard on her, I always push her to do things she's not comfortable with." Looking at Twilight with tear brimmed eyes, she whispered, "She doesn't want to change back, and it's all my fault."

Together, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie all moved around Rainbow Dash, each pressing their head to hers. Standing there, feeling the warmth from four of her closest friends, Rainbow Dash regained control of her emotions, and with a sniff, stepped back and wiped her eyes.

Glancing behind her, Twilight found Zecora watching them. Upon noticing her, Zecora held her gaze for a moment, during which Twilight registered the sorrow in her eyes.

After taking a deep breath, Rainbow Dash assured them, "All right, I'm cool, thanks guys." Then she indicated Fluttershy, who was walking with her shoulders slumped and her head hung as she stared at the ground. "But look at Fluttershy. I think she's distancing herself from us."

"She just needs a friend," Rarity stated, fidgeting with her hat. "I'll just head on over there and see if she wants to talk."

As Rarity started off, Applejack quickly put out a hoof to stop her. "Err...Rarity, maybe somepony who is actually themselves should go talk to her."

"I'll go," Pinkie Pie volunteered.

"Be careful Pinkie, she doesn't need any of your over the top, super hyper antics," Rainbow Dash warned.

Making a face, Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "I know that!" Noticing that her friend was still visibly upset, she added, "Don't worry Dashie, I'll be careful." Then, with a reassuring smile, she galloped ahead to catch up with Fluttershy.

"Ya'll think Pinkie can handle it on her own?" Applejack asked worriedly.

"I don't know of anypony else who would be more qualified," Twilight answered.

Staring anxiously at the Earth pony as she reached Fluttershy and began talking, the four followed Zecora in tense silence.

After several minutes, Fluttershy suddenly laughed and launched herself back into the sky as a smiling Pinkie Pie skipped back toward them.

"Pinkie, how in the world can you cheer up even the most depressed pony after only a few minutes with them?" Applejack asked in awe as she neared them.

Pinkie Pie grinned. "Because laughter brings happiness." Turning to Rainbow Dash, she winked playfully. "Told you not to worry."

"Thanks, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash said, and Twilight noticed that she no longer looked so troubled.

"I know that for your friend, you fear," Zecora interrupted them. "But things can now get better, we're here."

Lifting a hoof, Zecora pulled back a curtain of vines to reveal a sunlit valley. Stepping out of the trees, the six friends gasped at the beauty before them.

The valley was huge, stretching as far as the eye could see in every direction. Not far from where they were standing, a river of crystal clear water flowed as multiple fish leaped into the air.

Although the valley itself was beautiful, it was not what had impressed the six friends.

Towering above them was a giant flower that vaguely resembled a tulip, large enough for all six ponies to sit inside. It's golden orange petals seemed to glow in the sunlight as it swayed on a thin but sturdy leafy stem that stretched to the ground. Looking around, Twilight spotted several other flowers sporadically spaced across the valley.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe it...this is it," Rainbow Dash muttered.

"What's that now?" Applejack cocked an eyebrow.

"Nothing. Never mind," Rainbow Dash hastily replied.

Gazing at the giant flower in wonder, Twilight inquired, "This is the Sun Glow?"

"Yes, indeed," Zecora answered, then pointed to a small pod hanging below an enormous leaf on the stem not far above. "Now, I just need the sprout freed." She glanced at Rainbow Dash. "Now, my dear, if you don't mind, you could save us some valuable time."

"Of course!" Rainbow Dash flew up and with a strong tug, pulled the pod free. Giving the Sun Glow sprout to Zecora, she asked, "How can something so big begin so small?"

"That is why there is such beauty in life," Zecora told her. "Nothing can be strong without a struggle and strife."

Placing the pod on the ground, Zecora smashed it opened with a hoof and began scooping the fluid inside into a bottle. Following Zecora to the river, the friends sat down as they watched her fill a bottle half full of water, and then begin to mix in other herbs that she had brought along in her saddlebag.

While Zecora worked, Rarity approached the river. "Good gravy, I need a drink," she said, bending her head toward the water. "My throat is as dry as-"

Without warning, Rarity shrieked, causing them all to start and Zecora to drop the bottle she was holding.

Staring at her own reflection in the water, Rarity cried, "Oh my stars, would you just look at my mane! It's covered with dried mud and is such a tangled mess! And my coat! It's so matted down and filthy!" Placing a foreleg across her brow, she sat back on her haunches. "Oh, this is a fashion disaster! No! It's worse than that! This is a fashion nightmare!"

Seeing her begin to sway, Applejack rushed forward just in time to catch the stricken Unicorn as she fainted. Laying her on the ground, Applejack gently slapped her face, speaking her name softly.

After several moments, Rarity slowly opened her eyes and sat up. "Oh, what a bizarre dream. I dreamt that I had become a...a..." Shivering, she finished. "A country girl." Inspecting her hooves and noticing the chips and dirt on them, she sighed dramatically. "I suppose it wasn't a dream after all...I'm going to be in desperate need of a makeover."

"Well, stuff me full of apples and call me a bushel!" Applejack exclaimed. "She's so prissy that one look at all her messiness was all it took for her true self to come back faster than a jackrabbit on a sugar rush!"

Thrilled, Twilight laughed at Applejack's comment and beamed at her friend as she blinked and looked around at all of them.

Gingerly touching her mane, Rarity's hoof landed on Applejack's hat, and pulling it off, she stared at it with confusion.

"Ugh, why in Equestria was I wearing this dingy old thing?" she asked as she tossed Applejack's hat aside. Catching the dirty look her friend was giving her, Rarity quickly added, "Not that it looks bad on you, darling. It brings about a sort of...rustic charm."

Glaring at Rarity as she finally placed her beloved hat back atop her head, Applejack's grin broke free of her fake scowl and she hugged her friend fiercely.

"Oh, no, don't, you'll get dirty..." Rarity began, but then gave up her resistance and returned Applejack's hug.

"It's great to have ya back," Applejack said happily. "Your fussin' and all."

As Applejack released her, Rarity placed a hoof gently on her cheek. "Applejack... thank you for giving me your hat. I'll never forget it, and maybe, someday, I'll prove myself worthy enough to have a friend as fabulous as you."

Her face slowly turning red, Applejack stepped back as Pinkie Pie scooped Rarity up in a great hug that caused her to gasp for air.

Smiling broadly, Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "I'll bet you totally set the record for the quickest anypony has ever freed themselves from the Sleeping Weeping Willow's hypnosis!"

"Yeah, great job, Rare," Rainbow Dash agreed, holding out a hoof.

Rarity stuck her nose into the air. "Hoof bumps really aren't my thing." With a sudden grin, she added, "But it certainly does seem appropriate in this situation, doesn't it?"

Hoof bumping a beaming Rainbow Dash, Rarity giggled and climbed to her hooves. "I hope you girls don't mind if I take a moment to freshen up, at least the best that I can here. I've just got to get some of this gunk off of me. It is most unpleasant."

Entering the river, Rarity stopped near the bank where it was still shallow and lying down, began rubbing at her mane determinedly.

Glancing up at Fluttershy and catching the look of anger on her face as she watched Rarity, Twilight quickly trotted over to Zecora.

Remaining silent as the sage vigorously shook a bottle and then added a single drop to another bottle, causing a light blue puff of smoke to rise into the air, Twilight studied the contents and realized it looked exactly like the liquid that she had spilled the previous evening.

"Is it done?" Twilight asked excitedly.

Smiling, Zecora nodded, but then gave her a stern look. "It will only work if Fluttershy wants it to. If she does not, then there is nothing we can do."

"And...I guess we only get one shot?"

"No, I can make more," Zecora answered. "But if you can't convince her, it will be a useless chore."

Carrying the potion to the others, Twilight announced, "Okay everypony, Fluttershy's remedy is finished, but it can only work if we convince her to change back. Are we ready?"

As the others all nodded, Twilight called, "Fluttershy, we need to talk to you."

Knowing what they wanted to talk about, Fluttershy landed before them. With a nasty look on her face, she sat down and crossed her forelegs across her chest. "What? You guys wanna tell me how much you don't like me now?"

"We don't like you," Pinkie Pie replied in a serious tone, causing the others to gasp in shock.

"Pinkie!" Twilight cried, appalled.

"We love you!" the joyful Earth pony exclaimed, jumping into the air and throwing her forelegs out wildly. Relieved, the others all nodded their agreement.

"We really do, Fluttershy. Everypony here does," Twilight said. "We love you with all of our hearts."

"And we want you back, as yourself," Rainbow Dash added, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

Angrily, Fluttershy shrugged off Rainbow Dash's hoof. "None of you have any idea how much fun I'm having now. If I go back, I'll be plain old boring Fluttershy again."

"But sugar cube, you ain't boring," Applejack argued.

Fluttershy frowned. "I'm...not?"

"Oh, heavens no," Rarity responded from the river as she picked a twig out of her tail. "I always enjoy having you over while I work, and I look forward every week to our spa dates."

"And I just love, love, love, all our picnics with your animal friends," Pinkie Pie chimed.

"I don't ever see Winona happier than she is when ya come over to take her for a walk," Applejack added.

"After a hard day of studying," Twilight told her, "there isn't anything more relaxing than visiting you at your cottage and drinking your tea. And I really enjoy all those animal stories you always tell."

"Yeah, and remember all the things we've done together," Rainbow Dash smiled. "Like the butterfly migration and our walks around the lake?"

Scowling, Fluttershy said nastily, "You hated those things."

Her face falling, Rainbow Dash looked down and began picking at the dirt with her hoof. "I'm sorry that I made you feel that way, but the truth is, I enjoyed them because you did. Sure, the butterfly migration was like the most boring thing ever, but watching you enjoy it made me happy. I don't know why I hid it from you. I guess I just didn't want you to think I was going soft."

"I am so disappointed in you, Rainbow," Fluttershy spat. "I thought you were the coolest pony around, but now I see that you're just a big softie." Standing up, she glared at them all. "I can't believe this! I thought you would all be happy for me! I mean, I'm so much better now than I used to be, but all you guys do is whine about missing my old self."

"Fluttershy, I think th-" Applejack began.

"I don't give a flying feather what you think!" Fluttershy shouted, causing Applejack to flinch and draw back. "Face it, old Fluttershy is gone!"


Hearing the disappointment in Rainbow Dash's voice, Fluttershy snapped, "There it is again, the disappointment! Even when I better myself you are still disappointed in me! Well, maybe I'm not the problem, maybe all of you are the problem!"

Her face a mask of rage, Fluttershy leaped into the sky. "I am so sick of all you losers! I'm outta here!"

Then, before any of them could say a word, she dashed out of the valley, and out of their lives.