//------------------------------// // The Darkness Is Revealed // Story: The Struggle of Love and Darkness // by EvelynMonroe //------------------------------// The sun resided just above as it shined it's empowering rays down on Celestia, reflecting a brilliant aura off her sleek white body. The mighty sound of the wind rushed by her ears with growing intensity as she cut through the air like an arrow. Her eyes, now fiery with determination as the flame in her soul burned bright from the sun's exposure, filling her body with energy. "This ordeal, this madness, it has to end.. and now." She thought to herself. Behind the dark and resentful exterior of her younger sister echoed a feint cry for help, a dimming light that Celestia could now sense. Whatever was making Luna act this way, she knew it wasn't her own doing.. it couldn't be. This was an all too familiar feeling as she recalled the way her sister had changed on that very dark and dreary night.. the night of Nightmare Moon. However, an unsettling thought wavered in her mind as she was unsure as to where Luna had gone. "She could be anywhere in Equestria by now" she thought, but knowing her little sister's heart so well suddenly gave her an idea as to where she might have headed. "Dear sister, please be where I think you are." she said to herself, as she began passing over the vast acres of the thick trees and exotic shrubbery that made up what all ponies around Equestria know and fear to this day.. the Everfree Forest. Back at the old castle, the castle once ruled by the Equestrian Sisters over a millennium ago, stood the flustered and confused princess of the night, pacing vigorously back and forth in the old throne room as she continued to battle within herself. The dark influence that poisoned her body continued to clench it's evil grip around her mind, squeezing harder and harder as her subconscious slowly began to fade. "You know what you must do.." the evil voice hissed. It was menacing sounding as it rung loudly through out her mind. "No.. I cannot.. She is my sister!" Luna said, responding to the evil voice that was within her. "She has banished you for one thousand pain-staking years!.. and yet you are still willing to call her YOUR sister!?" said the evil voice, hissing loudly. Luna cringed as she was now lying on the floor, holding her head with both hooves. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD CURSE YOU!" Luna screamed as she clenched her eyes shut, attempting to mentally wall off the dark influence with all her willpower. The evil voice could not help but laugh maniacally at her feeble attempt. "You cannot fight it, the darkness will always be a part of who you are.. and NOTHING will change that. Not even your pathetic precious sister Celestia." replied the evil voice, it's words echoing loudly. "You cannot make me do anything! You no longer have control over me!" Luna replied, challenging the evil spirit. Suddenly she cringed in pain, causing her eyes to glow white as the evil menace forced her to look at the damaged wall that she had caused earlier to her old home. "I cannot influence you? Look at what I have made YOU do, you foolish little whelp!" hissed the spirit, it's words ringing louder than ever in her mind. "And you will do the same thing to your sad excuse for a sister Celestia!" it finished, laughing maniacally once again. "No!.. Please do not!.." cried Luna. She was struggling to stay in control but the darkness slowly began to devour her from the inside. She quickly scanned the room for something to remind herself of her sister, something that could help her stay focused on the good. There was another window adjacent to the damaged wall. It was smaller in size and at eye level as it showed Luna and Celestia together ruling as one over Equestria, their sun and moon equally sharing the sky behind them. She walked over to it, placing both her hooves and her head on the glass as she cried to herself, not wanting to lose the new life she had fought so hard for. "Aww, boo hoo.. Cry all you want my dear Luna but nothing is going to change the fact that I.. CONTROL.. YOU!" shouted the spirit, followed once again by it's signature evil laugh. She opened her eyes to look at her sister in the glass once more. She was reminded of all the times Celestia was there for her, of all the times she had fought for her. These memories came flooding into her mind, suddenly filling her with a burning desire to fight back. "You will not make me do anything you vile beast.. as my sister resides deep in the depths of my heart which the likes of you will NEVER reach! She is EVERYTHING to me, and you are NOTHING!" she yelled, taunting the darkness. She cringed once again as pain surged through her body, succumbing to the dark spirit's control once again. "YOU ARE A FOOL!" the evil voice hissed, slamming her head through the glass window causing it to shatter. Luna fell into shock. She wiped her forehead expecting to feel blood, but there was nothing. "St.. Stop... Please.." pleaded Luna, now fearing the spirit's dangerous potential of it's control over her. The spirit only laughed in response, echoing its maniacal voice through her mind louder than ever. Luna began to cry to herself. She was losing the fight. She cursed herself for not telling Celestia sooner.. knowing that all this may have been prevented if she had just sucked up her pride. Now she is going to suffer the consequences. "Do not feel so down my faithful subject, as you will be sure to enjoy this soon enough.." Luna cringed at the sheer thought of harming her sister. "How are you doing this?.. How is this even possible?" she asked, tears now streaming down her face. "The spirits of harmony may have cleansed you of my physical form.. but my spirit still lives on.." Replied the darkness. "But I do not understand! This is my body, how.. how are you controlling me!?" "..We are more alike than you realize Luna. I have always been apart of you, and I always will be.." "No! That isn't true! I know who I am!" replied Luna with anger in her voice as she clenched her eyes shut once again, fighting with all her might against it's grasp over her. The darkness only responded with another vile laugh, bouncing its hideous voice off the walls in her mind as it slowly began to tear her apart. Suddenly, she heard the sound of wings flapping in the distance causing her to peer up out the window. What she saw suddenly lifted her broken spirit, filling her body with restored hope. "Ah, the time has finally come.. now relax my dear Luna and submit to me!" commanded the dark spirit inside her, as intense pain washed over her entire body. Luna could not help but cry out in agony as the darkness slowly began coursing through her veins. It felt like pure poison as it boiled inside her. The pain was unimaginable as her vision began to blur. "CELESTIA! HELP M..." was all she could get out before succumbing to the darkness.. for the final time. End of Chapter 5 Next chapter coming soon so stay tuned!