Rescued by a Rainbow

by Indeliblink

All My Fault

Cloudsdale. The floating city was well-known by ponies all over Equestria. It had an honorable reputation among the other cities in the region, and its pegasi were respected for their fine flying skills. In fact, the city was held in the highest regard, even sometimes being compared to the royal city of Canterlot. It was for this reason that a large, rust-colored stallion now lived in the cloud city with his wife, a thin, dark grey pony with a very long white mane. Their small one-story home had recently become even more cramped with the anticipation of a new member to the family. Despite this, both parents were thrilled to have their own colt to raise, confident that they were now the proud parents of a future Wonderbolt. He would be tall, handsome, well-mannered (thanks to his parents, of course) and most of all, a terrific flyer. Unfortunately for them, one significant problem arose with these high hopes...

"Well, congratulations! It's a beautiful little filly!" A doctor turned to the father with a smile on his face, carefully holding a tiny grey pegasus in his arms. He caught an eager look on the stallion's face, but it quickly faded into disappointment.

"What? No, that can't be right. We're supposed to have a colt." He stared at the doctor expectantly, who blinked in confusion.

"I-I'm not entirely sure what you mean," the doctor said. "You can't control the gender of your foal." He looked down at the child and turned his gaze to the mother, who was panting heavily. "Would you like to see her?"

Before he could get a reply, the father interrupted with a shout, "No! You're wrong, doctor!" The doctor reeled back in shock, nearly losing his grip on the newborn. He adjusted his hold on it as the other stallion snorted angrily. "We are not to be the parents of... of a filly," he spat the word out with disgust.

The doctor was at a loss for what to do. He glanced awkwardly at the mare laying on the hospital bed, shuffled closer to her and slowly helped her to get a firm hold on the foal. He could hear an exasparated growl from the father as he stomped out of the room, and a look of fear briefly flickered in the mother's eyes. "Will your husband be all right, ma'am?" He asked with concern.

She sighed quietly, stroking her child's soft, light grey coat and blond mane. "I don't know," she admitted. She gazed down into her daughter's face affectionately and nuzzled her forehead, meriting a cute giggle as the filly looked up at her with bright gold eyes.

I can only hope so...

Over the next few months, the family returned home and resettled into their home. As much as he tried (which was very little), the little filly's father could not find it in his heart to care for her at all. He immediately suggested that they try again, in the hopes that birth ratios would favor him and give him the colt he desired.

His wife, however, could see that he was merely trying to overlook the foal they already had. She refused to have another foal with him for the time being, as she genuinely loved her daughter and did not care to see her neglected. This decision did not sit well with the stallion, of course; in a fit of rage, he lashed out with a knife he was holding at the time and left a deep gash in his wife's lower abdomen. Coming to his senses, he rushed her to the hospital where he waited for nearly two days before hearing from the doctors. She had survived, much to his relief... but the wound had been infected by the dirty knife that caused it.

She would never be able to bear another foal again.

The stallion felt a crushing blow as he realized his dreams of having a colt with the mare he loved were now unreachable. He fell back on his haunches and sighed in defeat; the doctor, who happened to be the one who had delivered their foal months earlier, looked at him with eyes containing a mix of sympathy and... what? Satisfaction? Relief? He couldn't tell, and the doctor spun around and left the room.

A few days later, the couple arrived home from the hospital in silence. The stallion led his wife into the living room and turned to face her. She had not yet been informed of the consequences of the knife wound he had inflicted, and he motioned for them to sit down.

"Honey," he began, sitting down alongside her, "there's been a... an issue that developed, after the... incident." He swallowed the lump in his throat and continued. "You... we... won't be able to have another foal. Ever." He looked sadly at the mare and was surprised to see not sadness, but simply acceptance. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, a somewhat triumphant expression on her face.


The stallion reeled back in shock. "What?" he gasped. "How can that possibly be good?" He stared at her with his mouth open, unable to come up with anything that could explain the situation.

"You don't deserve to have a colt of your own, not with the way you've been treating our filly," she spat at him, "and any other filly we may have had in the future." The stallion couldn't believe his ears; his stupefied look slowly changed into an intense snarl. His anger boiled up rapidly until it finally exploded in the only way he could direct it.

A hoof slammed hard into the mare's stomach, bruising the area around the wound and loosening a few stitches as the breath was sucked from her body. "How dare you!" Another blow, this time directed at her ribs, several of which cracked under the fury-filled stomp. "You worthless whore! I. Will. KILL. YOU!" He punctuated each word with another powerful blow to her face.

As he reared back for another, he stopped suddenly upon hearing a faint mewl. He looked down at his wife's face, battered and bleeding from a crushed muzzle and a cut on the forehead. A smirk appeared on his face as he stepped away; the mare slowly felt her consciousness slipping away as she watched her husband leave, but not before she heard a comment that turned her blood to ice.

"On second thought, I'll bring your precious filly up here so it can watch."

The stallion approached an old wooden door and opened it, revealing a long staircase that ended in a basement the size of an average bedroom. At the bottom of the stairs, now revealed in a pool of light from upstairs, lay the foal that had cursed his family, squinting up at him tiredly. She looked at him with confusion and a hint of fear, unknowing of the scene she would soon witness.

That obliviousness, that childlike innocence, enraged him to the core. The thing couldn't even see how much it had ruined his life, yet he was supposed to show it love and care? Not if he had any say in the matter. His smirk stretched into a sinister grin, and he scooped the filly up, receiving a squeal of fright as he carried her up the stairs, chuckling madly the whole way.

When he reached the top of the stairs, he bucked the door shut, nearly knocking it off its hinges. He walked calmly into the adjoining room and threw the foal to the ground next to her mother. As he watched, the foal sniffled and nuzzled her mother's mane, looking for anything to hide her father from view. He only stared coldly at the two for a moment before trotting over to them and slapping the poor filly away.

"Now," he hissed, "now do you see what you have caused?" He pressed a hoof firmly down on his wife's chest, grinning wickedly at the terrified young pegasus. He pressed down harder, beating his wings for extra thrust, as he felt the mare's ribs starting to groan and give way under his brute strength. "This is your fault," he whispered. With a sickening crunch, he felt the ribcage cave in under his hoof as blood began leaking from the mare's mouth. "This is all your fault!" he screamed, and he relished the surge of glee he felt upon seeing the shock and pain in the filly's watery eyes while her mother suffered equally, choking desperately for air. Her labored breathing gradually faded, becoming shallower, slower, until it finally came to a ragged halt.

"Mommy!" the filly wailed, pouncing on top of her mother. She hugged her leg tightly, tears staining the soft fur an even darker shade of grey, until she was yanked off by her father. He growled in hatred and kicked the mare one last time before dragging his daughter away roughly by her mane, giving her a clear view of her mother as she was pulled farther and farther away. The stallion dropped her to the kitchen floor, pinned her down with nothing more than a piercing glare, and wrenched open the door leading to the basement. With one final flail of her tiny legs, she was tossed down the long staircase, tumbling head over hooves as numerous bruises and cuts appeared all over her frail body. Her father sneered as he heard the filly's yelps of pain and fear; he turned around and bucked the door shut once again, this time tearing it clean off its hinges and sending it flying down the staircase.

The filly reached out in the vain hope that she could somehow break her fall, but this only resulted in another bruise on her foreleg from the cruel wooden stairs. In a last-ditch effort, she tried to open her wings; she hit the floor of the basement squarely on her left wing, and was met with the pain of a thousand knives as the fragile, underdeveloped bones in the appendage were completely shattered. She rolled a few meters away from the stairs, crying out each time her injured wing was crushed underneath her torso.

She struggled to remain conscious, opening her eyes to the sight of a large figure bolting down the stairs after her. "No," she whimpered, "g-go away... please..." As her hearing came back to her, she heard loud thumps and slams and realized that the object hurtling towards her was actually falling down the stairs. Her eyes stretched wide as she writhed on the floor, only bringing more pain to her battered body. Finally giving up, she lay limp on the ground and shut her eyes tightly as the massive wooden door crashed down on her, and she swore she heard laughter from somewhere far away before darkness swept across her vision.