School of Hard Knocks

by flutterdashforever


Rainbow Dash was a tall girl of about sixteen, although she would always insist that she was nearly seventeen. Her unusually prismatic hair was her pride and joy and her mother’s despair. She would always tell Rainbow that, if she only did something with it, she could be stunning. Rainbow liked the slightly ruffled look and, in fact, spent a few minutes of every morning making sure it didn’t sit too flat.

Rainbow was currently standing in front of her full length mirror. She was appraising her appearance critically. She was, somewhere in her mind, aware of the fact that there were probably a lot of people who would kill to have her natural good looks, and so she always walked away from any encounter with a mirror with some level of satisfaction.

She gave a curt nod and strode out the door in to the fresh morning air. The new day was crisp and cool and Rainbow felt alive. She had never understood people who had trouble getting up in the morning. It was so fresh and exhilarating that she would never be willing to miss this, even if it did mean a few extra hours of sleep.

After pausing for a moment to enjoy the new day, Rainbow unfurled her cyan wings and stretched them out to either side as far as possible, feeling the joints that had stiffened from the night’s disuse begin to loosen. She leaped in to the air and, before gravity had the chance to work out what was happening, she gave one mighty flap, propelling herself in to the pale blue sky.

Rainbow had been flying for only twenty minutes before she arrived at her destination. She sighed. If only the destination was as pleasant as the journey. Resigning herself to the day, Rainbow Dash landed in front of her school.

Omnes Mannis High: the biggest high school in Equestria, with rows of tall buildings and huge classrooms.

Rainbow strode down the wide corridor, shouldering her way past other students. She was early, as always, and so had a bit of time to kill before she had her first class. She was just wondering what to do next when she was tackle hugged from behind.

“Hey there, Dash!”

“Ah! Pinkie!” Rainbow turned in the crushing embrace and saw a girl who was just a little shorter than her. She had blue eyes and extremely fluffy pink hair.

“Why do you always get in so early, Dash?”

“Uh, Pinkie, can’t breathe.”

“Hmm? Oh, sorry.”

Rainbow took a great gulping breath as she was released. “Thank you."

"You're welcome. So?"

"So what?"

"Why do you always get to school so early?"

"Well, how would you like to spend extended amounts of time in my house?”

Pinkie’s face, very unusually, fell solemn. “Are they still fighting?”


“Chin up, Dashie. Just think of the benefits if they split up: You get two birthday parties every year!”

Despite herself, Rainbow chuckled. “I guess you’re right.”

Pinkie smiled. “That’s the spirit!”

The two walked away, talking and laughing. Neither of them saw the pair of teal eyes that had been watching them carefully from behind a locker door.

Twilight Sparkle was sitting in the library reading a book. She was a tall girl, no one would say she was attractive when the phrase ‘unfathomably adorable’ hung so tantalizingly in the dialogue. She had purple hair and thick reading glasses that somehow added to her charm. Just peeking through her hair was the horn, characteristic to her kind. It was purple. She turned a page and continued to read.

“Hello, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight jumped, she was not used to being interrupted while reading. She looked up from her book at the girl who had addressed her. She was short with blond hair and grey wings folded behind her back. “Um, hello,” she said uncomfortably. “Sorry, I don’t know your name.”

The girl looked a little put out but smiled nonetheless. “My name is Derpy.”

“Nice to meet you, Derpy. Um, how is it you know my name?”

Derpy looked a little uncomfortable. “I asked around.”

“You did what?”

“Uh, just a lucky guess. Nice meeting you, Twilight Sparkle.” With that, she extended her wings and half flapped, half ran out the door.

Twilight shrugged and returned her attention to her book. After a moment she became aware of a weight on her knee. She looked down and saw a muffin on a piece of paper that simply read, “Enjoy.” It was a good muffin.

Rainbow was talking to Pinkie when the bell rang. She sighed deeply and half grinned at her exuberant friend. “Looking forward to class?”

Pinkie pulled a face. “Ugh, aren’t we supposed to have sex ed today?”

Rainbow grinned. “Yup! I don’t really think you need it though. Some of the stuff you say, I think you could practically run the class for Mister Johnson.”

Pinkie grinned. “He'd probably like that, he is a wee bit on the delicate side.”

The two began to walk towards the classroom

“Now I know how uncomfortable all this is for you youngsters but it is important. Now I want each of you to take a condom just in case, and always remember to use them. I don’t want any pregnant teenagers.” Mister Johnson held a box filled with small plastic packages. He handed it to one of the students who took it reluctantly. It passed around the room with relative ease until it stopped at Rainbow. She attempted to just pass it to the next student but her teacher saw and walked over.

“I know how difficult this is for you, but you can never be sure that you won't need it.”

“Yes I can, Sir.”

“Please just take one Miss Dash. After all, better safe than sorry right?”

Rainbow felt her patience snap with a twang. She looked up and stared directly in to the teacher’s eyes. “I can be quite certain I won't need one...Sir.”

“And how is that?”

“Because I’m gay!” she snapped loud enough for the whole class to hear. Mister Johnson looked thoroughly taken aback. Beside her, Pinkie Pie burst out laughing, slapping her leg with one hand and biting down hard on the other.

“Um, yes, um, fine, uh, moving on.” Mister Johnson turned and continued to pass the box around the classroom.

Rainbow caught Pinkie’s gaze and winked.

“Did you see his face?” Pinkie exclaimed as the two walked out of class. “I thought he was going to catch fire, he went that red!”

Rainbow laughed heartily. “Yea, that was pretty funny. Reckon I gave the whole school something to gossip about for a while too.”

Pinkie laughed again. “Oh, you sexy thing.” She leaned forward and kissed Rainbow deeply on the lips. When she pulled back she winked. “If we’re gonna give the school something to gossip about, we may as well do it properly.”

“Says you, you’re probably just in it for the kisses anyway.”

Pinkie leaned back, pantomiming horror. “When have I ever given you the impression that I wasn’t?”

The two continued to flirt shamelessly. Fluttershy stood and watched them walking away. She was of average height, an extremely delicate, one might even say petite, build, with large teal eyes and beautiful pink hair. Folded behind her back was a pair of canary yellow wings. She breathed a sigh and walked away to find somewhere quiet to have something to eat, maybe even a juice box.

Rainbow was sitting beside Pinkie Pie in the small eating area. There were lots of other students all around, eating their lunch and generally having a good time. Pinkie was flirting, and Rainbow wasn’t about to stop her until they both heard a voice from behind them.

“Well howdy there, guys. What’re you two up to?”

Rainbow looked around to see a tall girl with blond hair in a plait and a Stetson. “Hey there, Applejack. Not much, what are you doing? It’s unusual to see you not snogging miss prissy princess pants.”

“Her name is Rarity!” Applejack snapped but she didn’t sound all that angry.

Pinkie was practically bouncing up and down on her seat. “As much as I disagree with Rainbow’s childish use of ‘prissy princess pants’ I do agree with her on one count: why would you be here if you could be off kissing? Kissing is fun, it’s like biting but everyone’s a winner.”

Applejack shook her head. “Rarity is off at the spa again, and no matter how many times she asks me to go with her, the answer will always be no.”

“I bet it wouldn’t be if she hired out the entire spa as a birthday present and gave you the massages herself…” Pinkie muttered in to her cup.

Hearing what she had said, Applejack winked. “Now that’s a whole different birthday.”

Pinkie giggled but was interrupted by a ringing sound. Applejack reached down and pulled out her phone. She flipped it open and examined it closely for a moment. “Oh, would you look at that, miss prissy princess pants is finished at the spa. Bye all.” She turned around and bumped in to an extremely delicate girl with large blue eyes. “Sorry, sugarcube. I didn’t see you there.”

“That’s ok.” With that, the girl hurried away, but Rainbow Dash’s eyes remained fixed on the spot where she had been standing.

“Equestria to Rainbow Dash,” Pinkie said, giggling. “Yoo-hoo, come in Rainbow Dash.” She waved a hand back and forth in her friend’s face but she remained unresponsive. Pinkie sighed and decided that this called for desperate measures. “Hey! Look over there! An extremely attractive girl taking off all her clothes!”

“Huh?” Rainbow spun around in the direction Pinkie was pointing.

“That’s my girl,” she said, smiling and slapped Rainbow on the back.

“Humph,” she said, unhappily.

“Aww, did I dissapoint you? Tell you what, you want me to go and start stripping? Cause I could do that if you like.”

Rainbow sighed. “Nah, never mind. She was pretty cute though, wasn’t she?”

“Who, that adorable waif Jacky bumped in to?”

“Who bumped in to?”

Pinkie shrugged. “Just trying out new nicknames for Applejack. So was it her you were swooning over?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

Pinkie shrugged again. “If you like that sort of thing, not my type really.”

Rainbow grinned a wicked little grin. “No, she isn’t your type. Boys are your type.”

“Oh, hush now, there’s still hope for me yet.”

“Straight girl,” Rainbow teased.

“Single girl,” Pinkie retorted, poking her tongue out.

Rainbow snorted. “That goes for both of us, sweetie.”

Hello everypony. First of all I would like to thank Cicatrix for their help on this story. Second I would like to say that, yes, I did put a lot of references in this story but just telling you where they are would take all the fun out of it so I'm going to let you find them for yourself. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. For updates on future chapters and other general writing stuff, feel free to check out the updates section on my user page. [EDIT]: I feel like I should put an apology here. I know I promised Flutterdash in this story and Pinkiedash shipping seems to be taking the lead but I do intend to make this mostly Flutterdash. I'm sorry, please don't hate me until I've finished the Flutterdash bits.