Chaos i'll C̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ Saved!

by CosmicShenanigan-er

This day is going to be Perfect!

(A Canterlot Wedding) Ep25/26 S2


Laughter was heard as continues glass breaking was heard.

And suddenly, a pink alicorn pony was seen in a badly injured state, said pony back away as Twilight sparkle lit up her horn to cast a spell on her.

"No! Wait! Ugh! Please! Don't hurt me! Twilight, it's me! Please, you have to believe me." Cadance tried to reason, but Twilight won't budge, "I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadance who brought you down here was an imposter." She explained, but Twilight didn't listen.

"Likely story!" Twilight replied in anger, about to cast a powerful spell on Cadance, when Cadance had an idea.

"if this doesn't work.. please forgive me twily..." Cadance wobbly get up and was about to do something that can prove she's the real one.

"Sunshine, sunshine... Ladybugs.. awake." Cadance does the usual little dance she and Twilight used to do, but it was not working all too well due to her being badly injured.

But Twilight recognized the dance as she sit down and watch.

"Clap your hooves.." she and Cadance said at the same time as they clap their hooves together.

"..and do a little shake..!" Twilight widened Eyes sparkled as she finally is convinced.

"You remember me!" Twilight didn't waste enough time as she jumps in for a hug, which cadance gladly returned, but still in bad shape.

But cadance was still able to smile even in her condition, "Of course I do. How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most?" She gets up with Twilight's help.

Chrysalis laughter was heard as they were alarmed.

"We have to get out of here. We have to stop her!" Twilight helps cadance as she nodded running towards the exit.


"Why did i used that kind of line? That was incredibly stupid and cringe since the day i tried to cook a pancake.." a voice was heard near them as they got alarmed at the potential threat, but for Twilight, it was a familiar bored tone she heard.

"Wait.." Twilight momentarily stopped Cadance from attacking, greatly confused, she asked.

"I know that sound anywhere.. even if i only met her, like just a moment." Twilight looked around as she tries to pinpoint where the sound is.

"Hey! Show yourself!" Twilight screamed, for a moment, everything was silent.

Until a familiar slurping was heard, it was getting louder, and finally the mysterious figure showed herself.

It was Rosa light, the same Rosa that helped turned Discord into the stone (she left a note saying she was the one that stopped him) the same rosa with the same bored look in her eyes.

"Hm.. Twilight, princess." She nodded in a rather careless but formal way, usually this will alarm Cadance as she lit up her horn.

Twilight didn't stop cadance this time as she went closer to Rosa, lighting up her own horn as she narrows her eyes suspiciously.

" do i'll know your the same Pony i saw during the beginning of discord's return?" She asked the pony, Cadence was not surprised by Discord's return but rather at the pony that stopped him.

Rosa just rolled her eyes while slurping her soda, "you're name is twilight sparkle, student of Celestia, the.. stopper of discord, the same pony that fainted during my discussion with dislocate/discharge/disgod/discord, the same pony that caused the now dubbed 'lesson zero' incident." She replied a rather lengthy explaination, Twilight didn't understand on what she said but the last part which got her blushed in embarrassment.

"H-how did you know that?!" She demanded as she pointed her hoove to Rosa, which only promptly made rosa rolled her eyes again.

"I'm a time traveller, figure it out." She sarcasticly replied, which made cadance and Twilight jumped in surprised.

"Your a time traveller?!" Twilight and Cadance screamed in surprised, which got rosa confused before it hit her.

"Oohh... Oh." She slightly widened her eyes, "that's right, i didn't told you about that fact of my life, well, only meeting you for few minutes won't get a lot of information about me, yes, i am a time traveller." She nodded as she slurps her drink.

"Will you take these seriously?!" Twilight screamed and demanded the rather unfazed Rosa. "My brother's and babysitter's wedding is about to get ruined by an imposter up there!" She shook rosa so hard it dropped her drink, "we wanna know if we get there in time!" She demanded as rosa stopped shaking, which got her eyes rolling everywhere.

"Ugh... Yes yes, your brother will be okay, i'll take two of you up there." She responded as she got another drink from her mane, opening and slurping it, loudly.

"Well.. how do we get up there? Are there any time machine close here that will get us up there?" Cadance anxiously asked.

"Nah, don't have a time machine.. or a TARDIS." She muttered the last part to the point it wouldn't be heard by the two ponies.

"Well, you are a time traveller, how to we get up there?" Cadance tilted her head, asked, which got a chuckle from Rosa.

"Like this." She lightly taps the ground with her hooves, at first nothing happened, which got Twilight and Cadance confused.

Twilight was about to asked a question when the rosa tapped suddenly became a giant ring, making them sink, got off guard Cadance tried to fly out of it, only it failed as she was too weak to do it, Twilight tried to cast a spell when she stops as she looks at Rosa, who looks calm, trusting Rosa with this, they sinks.


Everything is dark, the sky, sea, castle, no trace of anything, was this is it? Did Twilight just trust Rosa with this and got teleported to nowhere? Is this where she'll meet her demise? Her fate? Twilight can only whimper as she thought of the worst possible possibility.

"Twily..." Twilight ears perk up, that sound like cadance voice, was she still alive?

"Twilight..." That was rosa's, looks like they are still alive.

"Twilight... Open your eyes.." what..? Was her eyes been closed all the time?

Twilight slowly opened her eyes, as colors slowly took over, the castles the sky and the nearby houses was seen, which got her a sigh of relief.

Cadance look at her with confusion, "Twilight... Are you okay? You look so.. frightened." She asked, only for Twilight to shake her head.

"No.. you don't need to know, it was really embarrassing." She blushed a bit, rosa just rolled her eyes while slurping her drink.

"You may not know me, sparkle." Rosa started, "but i know a major lot of you, i know you though it was the end of the world, rather embarrassing because it was just your eyes closed, you didn't even know your eyes are closed." Rosa chuckled, which only got Twilight to glare and covered her own face.

"But enough comedy, cadance." Cadance ears twitches in respond. "The wedding something something is about to end, do what you gotta do." Cadance nodded as she slammed the door of the wedding room open, revealing a ton of ponies with an hypnotized shining armor and chrysalis being in the middle last corridor something.

"What? How did you escape the tunnels? What about my bridesmaids?" Disguised Cadance/Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at the real one.

"Ah'm.. greatly confused.." applejack looks at the two cadance.

"Why is there two Cadance here?" Random pony asked.

"Yes yes, it was me who brought the real one, you all welcome." Rosa entered the building, which got confusion among the ponies with the mane six and Celestia recognizing her.

"Hey! Aren't you-" rainbow dash suddenly got cut off.

"Yes, Sonic. I'm the same pony, now shut up and watch the action." Rosa quickly explained, which got rainbow dash shut up, muttering something about being disrespectful.

"She's a changeling. She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them." Cadance quickly informed the ponies which got a gasped for a respond.

"This is stupid cliche." Rosa rolled her eyes, muttering.

Usually in the original timeline, chrysalis would drop her disguise already, but in this version, she pushed further.

"And how do we know you're not what you said i am?!" Fake Cadance cried out, which the ponies murmured about being that she's right.

Rosa Light stepped in as Twilight only watch right beside cadance, she's too frightened and questioning what is happening.

"..true" rosa respond with a nodded, "but you forgot one thing..." She suddenly smirked as she puts her hoove at her mane, seemingly searching something.

"And that would be..?" Chrysalis raised n eyebrow.

"This!" Rosa grabbed a square looking device as she pressed a big obvious red button in the middle, the device antenna glowed an Hunter green color scheme.

The same said color scheme was now cover the outerline of Chrysalis body as she undisguised, which got the ponies gasped and Chrysalis greatly confused with anger.

"How did you do that?!" She screamed in frustration and anger, rosa smirked as the ponies scrambled and running everywhere out of the building.

"Im a time traveller, duh" rosa paused, "wait.. that's not right.. meh" she shrugged, "i forgot."

The queen of changelings just clicked her tongue, "no matter.. this is just a minor setback" she smirked that matches Rosa's.

"The shield is already down and my childrens are already on there way." She laughed a rather evil one. Rosa there is just unfazed.

"Usually i'll just do the same treatment i gave to discord to you, but im feeling generous." She slurped her already in hoove drink.

"I'll just let the mane six deal with you." She said in a bored but antipating tone.

"Hah! Like i'll let you leave!" Chrysalis light her messed up horn as she cast magic towards Rosa, said Rosa just rolled her eyes as she easily sidestepped the spellcast.

"Feeling tough are we now?"

"Yepperoonie." Rosa responded, nodding, which only anger Chrysalis more.


The Cat and mouse chase lasted for so long it started sunsetting.

After for so long too, Chrysalis was tired, but was able to hit Rosa once, only it took one hit to back Rosa in a corner, she was all frightened.

Chrysalis gasped for air tiredly, "see... No matter what you do... You're fate was seal the time you met me.." chrysalis huffed tiredly, "I did not anticipate it took this long just to hit you once... But... That hit was the only thing to need to back you up in a corner oh so scared" she laughed a but, still tired.

Rosa grunted, "w-well.. but look at that" she smirked, "i momentarily stopped you from making you communicate to your childrens too.. right?" She said in full confidence, the magic she got hit was nothing more than just a scratch to her, she was just merely acting.

"W-hat.. but.. how..?" Chrysalis tiredly but frustrated asked.

"Quick explanation; You lose, i win, the moment you lost the connection with your children was the moment you already losed, the queen was too busy dealing with me while her army of childrens (that came out wrong) didn't get the order they need to progress and the ponies saw it, fought back at the armies and boom! Look at that." She quickly lengthy but short explained it.

"How did... I... Lose to One pony... You didn't even get hit by my magic blast and that one hit was just for purpose... How...?" She weakly asked, which Rosa slurped her drink, kissing her own lips.

"Im a time traveller, figure it out." She paused, blinked, and finally smiled, "ah, now that sentence makes more sense here than before."

"I.. refuse to lose like.. this..!" Chrysalis get up, enduring the pain, ready to light up her horn which sparkles was form.

Rosa whistled, "oh my star from the above, you are quite a stubborn queen, i like it." She smiled as she acknowledge a strong enemy, "but it's rather too late for you for that."

"And w-why is that..?" The queen stammered but determined to end this the way she likes it.

"Behind you... Lol."

The queen quickly turned around as she was hit by a wave of love magic, throwing her and her changelings out of canterlot back to the badlands.

"I will get my reeevvveeenngee..!!" She screamed her final words before they disappeared, a shine appeared before disappearing quickly.

"Huh.. that was cliche, but i like it." She smiled as she drank her drink, emptying it.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. You have a real wedding to put together." Celestia respond at Cadance and Shining armor.

Rosa was about to leave via through the rings when pinkie pie suddenly appeared infront of her.

"Hey Rosey! (Don't call me that.) Why don't you invite yourself at the wedding! I mean you did help us save canterlot, twice too, you know! You can help with cadance and her dress! (Thats rarity's job) Oh! Maybe the foods? (Applejack's) What about the music?! (Shy's) What about some cool tricks that leave a rainbow trail behind! (...) Or maybe some checklist?! (I don't do those, and it's Twily's.)" Pinkie's mane deflated a bit, which sadness trying to overtake her.

Rosa couldn't live with the guilt as she sighed. "Ugh... Maybe i'll help you with the party-" "OH THAT IS WONDERFUL TO HEAR, THANK YOU FOR ATLEAST CONSIDERING IT OH THIS WILL BE FUN!!!" The narrator doesn't even have the time to narrate as rime moved forward-


"... How did i get here again..?" Rosa asked the pony next to her, which only got a shrugged for a respond, Rosa just groan as she watches the wedding happening.

"Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza–"

"Princess Cadance is fine."

"Hm. The union of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. May we have the rings please? I now pronounce you mare and colt!" Celestia declared as the now wife and husband kissed, everyone celebrated, rosa just clapped, still congratulating then tho.

"Good job, both of you, yay, can i leave now?" Rosa asked, but couldn't be heard by the loud cheers, especially Twilight's and Pinkie's

"Those two are too perfect for eachother." Rosa thought as she watches Pinkie and Twilight cheers loudly.

Fireworks goes out as musics takeovers

"This is going to be a long night..." Rosa sighed as more fireworks cracked and exploded in the sky,

Rosa looks over the fireworks as it was getting late, Rosa slowly smiled

"maybe.. maybe it won't be too bad afterall."