//------------------------------// // ACT I: Episode 5: Chapter 17 // Story: Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen // by Epic Fable //------------------------------// “So have you seen a group of diverse digimon and human children around?” The witch asked. “Oh those heroes? They saved our village. It’s a shame. You just missed them. They went down that path not too long ago.” Kiwimon replied. “I see…Thank you for your time." The duo would leave Kiwimon as they talked with one another. "What now...Wizardmon?” “Witchmon we have a friend in that direction. You think he can handle it?” the wizard asked his witch companion. “Oh we can check.” "Remember, we need to put a lid on this. We we're put in charge of this after reports of the chosen and humans were seen." "I'm well aware. Bad enough he and his partner are giving us orders too." "Least they trust us to do this." "More like he gets off on that." "Well you're not wrong." Wizardmon would pat her as he signaled to the path. "Come on let's go." The group would continue on their journey as they ventured through more of the grasslands. The weather was muggy and thick with fog as everyone stood close to one another. The air would have a slight chill and slight moisture due to the fog brazing against everyone's skin. “Ohhh!” “What’s wrong Rarity?” Floramon asked her. “Oh this weather is terrible for my hair!” “Yes because that is so important right now.” Applejack said in a deadpan tone. The rest of the group would chuckle to themselves. "Oh yes because i SOOOO foresaw us getting whisked away to some other world that we know nothing with everything that makes my hair a mess!" "And the monsters trying to get us." Rainbow pointed out. "Tomato, toMAto." “Maybe we should take a breather. Twilight, do you have the map?” Flash would asked as Twilight searched herself. “Yes. Thankfully Kiwimon was gracious enough to give us some supplies.” Hagurumon would grab the map from her as they both look over it. The group would eye the map over their shoulders. “We are close to the border of the Bug Empire.” “Wait really?!” Pinkie shouted. “According to this we have to go through this thick forest.” Hagurumon pointed out. “And how are we supposed to see it through this thick fog OOF!” Rainbow would bump into something mid sentence as she fell backwards. Everyone would slowly approach the object in question as it was shown to be a tree. “I think we found it.” Patamon said dryly. “Now we need to stick together. I don’t want any of us to get lost in there.” Applejack commanded. As Sunset stepped up and led the way, everyone would go in one at a time. The forest blocks their field of vision, preventing them from seeing a clear path only hindered by the foggy weather currently present. As the group ventured forward Rarity would constantly let out whines and disgusted squeals as she would graze against the wet tree or muddy surface “ruining” her boots and so on. This would garner various eye rolls or even a chuckle from her friends. Silence filled the air as everyone would walk, trying to avoid tripping over the roots that littered in the ground beneath their feet. “Ugh I can’t stand this!” “Yeah we heard you.” “I don’t blame Rarity.” Flash commented. “This place is so muggy and kinda hard to walk through.” “Just stay close.” The group would continue to walk through the forest, shifting through the fog and brush as the only sound that could be heard was the various grunts from the group through their labored trek. “It’s really quiet.” “Yeah. Kind of peaceful.” “Not that. Haven’t ya’ll noticed that there is literally no noise whatsoever? Not even crickets, frogs or what have you?” Applejack pointed out. The others would look around, unnerved by the deathly silence. “I don’t like this…” Fluttershy said quietly though with the deafening silence everyone could hear her. “Stay close.” “Oh I so wish I had my bug spray, my moisturizer and- where’s Rainbow Dash?” “Huh?” Everyone would look around and notice that Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen. “Yeah, where is Rainbow Dash?” “Hawkmon is gone too!” “Wait what?!” “Rainbow Dash! This isn’t funny!” Applejack yelled out. “It really isn’t!” Fluttershy managed to yell. “Uh guys.” Flash spoke up. “I don’t see Twilight.” Liollmon looked around in a panic. “I don’t see Hagurumon either!” “Flash? Flash!” “He was just here!” “What’s going on?!” Floramon cried out. “Stay behind me!” Rarity demanded as she pushed the flower monster behind her. As everyone would try to avoid the plans with Rarity in particular grabbing Floramon running around, the two would notice that they were alone. “Girls? Flash? Oh dear…” “Where is everyone…” “Shh shh it’s okay. We’ll be okay…” “RARITYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!” Rarity would feel her grip lighten as Floramon would be dragged by various vines as Rarity chased after her friend. She ran and ran before jumping to gran Floramon by her arms, grabbing firmly and tight. “It’s okay I got you! Don’t let go!” “I don’t want to leave you!” “Don’t you DARE talk that way! We’ll find everyone else I promise! You need to help me!” The two girls would struggle as Rarity would pull with all her might before the vines snapped from the strain letting Floramon go falling on Rarity. “Are you okay?!” “I’m okay, I’m okay! Oh thank you thank you!” Floramon would say repeatedly as Rarity helped her up. “Of course! Now come on darling. We can not let ourselves fret over this! Our friends are waiting for us somewhere.” “You think they’re okay?” “I know they are. I've been through too much with those girls and I KNOW this won't be the end of them. The end of us. Together we can help them.” “How can you be so confident?” “It’s because I believe. I believe in my friends. Like you.” “You do see me as a friend?” “I do.” Rarity replied with a smile. As Floramon smiled a light would appear in front of Rarity. As Rarity held out her hand, a digivice of white coloring appeared in her hand. “I figured it would be you. Now come on, let's find our friends!”