//------------------------------// // A Happy Ending? (I Guess) // Story: Twilight Sparkle And The Chocolate Factory // by SuperBird64 //------------------------------// "Alright everycreature your first question you're gonna ask and probably thinking of as I speak is along the lines of how and why? Well welcome to The Crystal Room where you will find triple sized squirrels triple sized cracking octuple sized nuts to find of course octuple sized gems." "Octuple isn't a wo-" Twilight rudely opened a dictionary in Gruff's face "Right here octuple: containing 8 things or parts, octuple sized 8 times the size right there clear as crystal, ever heard of a octagon? ." "You can't find that sized gems inside that sized nuts cause those aren't-" Gallus statement is cut off by Wonka making a turkey like noise "You'll break the-I mean you know Gary-" "His name is Gallus!" "Right you know you really shouldn't mumble, can never understand what you're saying." The griffon rolls his eyes before placing them back onto his JoyColt. The room was almost 3 or 4 times the size of the Fizzy Lifting Room, had a white and sky blue floor, green walls, 5 machines that looked like a combination between a scale and a chute, with same amount of squirrels above. Boxes and baskets were placed around the room there was also 2 golden tables which had 8 pegasi Twi-Clones all different mane styles working 4 were polishing gemstones 4 were wrapping them and speaking of gems. "As you can see once all nut's shell is removed the squirrels drop the crystal on the Gem-Scale if it's a good gem." A ruby is placed on the scale and the arrow on the scale points at good which prompts a Twi-Clone to place it into a shopping cart and carries over to a table "It's polished and wrapped up but if it's a bad gem." a sapphire lands on the scale and the arrow points at bad so as a result the platform below it opens like a trapdoor and falls. Bad Gem a robotic voice says "It goes down into the garbage chute." "Could save me a lot of time gem mining." Smolder said to herself then trying to move forwar only to be stopped by Twily Wonka's Twicane "I wouldn't advise getting any closer Smoulder- (Don't know why people spell her name like that) "You pronounced it wrong it's Smolder." Ember corrects "if you touch their 'nuts' they'll attack." the princess warns that the dragon responds by biting the ruby off the cane's bottom. "Listen here you dumb pony I want a mining squirrel, a pile of gemstones, a boat, a...." Twilight tunes out everything the dragoness was listing followed by a tap to the shoulder and a offer of a bag of bits "One bag of bits for a squirrel, can't stand her complaining and espically don't want her to have a greed growth spurt." the alicorn shakes her head "2 bags?" "Out of the question they're not for sale." "Sorry Princess Smolder it's out of my budget." the dragon she was addressing eye twitches a little followed by a screech, she ran over to the polishing table and tried to grab one of the oversized gems but the clones were fast enough to grab and hug them close. Getting angry she takes all the wrap off the roll and throws it, punches holes through the baskets and kicks over a small stack of boxes prompting the 8 Twi-Clones to stop working and try to stop the rampaging dragon. She turns a cart over and kicks it into 4 copies, catching 1 and knocking the other 3 over like bowling pins. The shopping cart and Twi-Clone end up crashing through a crowd of the renaming clones and into a much taller stack of boxes making the latter 7 copies run over in a attempt to stop it from falling over only to be buried under the pile. "Don't care how i want it now!" She climbs onto stands on one of the Crystal-Scales "DON'T CARE HOW I WANT IT NOWW-" the arrow points to bad and the chute opens only for Smolder to save herself before being cramped into the small tube. "Hah take that karma!" she flies up to where the triple sized squirrels were "I think i'll have you." "Don't touch the squirrels 'nut'!" The dragon doesn't hear the alicorn's warning and as a result the squirrel hisses and jumps onto her face followed by the other 4 who attack other parts of her body. She screams as she along with the rabid creatures all fall down the open chute, the squirrels jumping out right as the platform almost fully closes, the dragoness nowhere to be found. Bad Gem "Wow i'm just surprised she didn't set anything on fire." The alicorn admits "SMOLDER!" Ember climbs up to, opens and looks down the chute but right as she about to jump in after a 9th janitor alicorn clone walks up to her pulling a trash bin along "Hold on just gotta throw a few things away....A large fish head for example cut this morning from a halibut, a large oyster from a oyster stew, steak no on else would chew and a portrait of Dragon King-" "HOW'D YOU GET THAT?" The Dragon Lord yells only to knock the painting in herself also making her lose her balance and fall as the janitor leaves the room with the now empty trash bin Bad Gem "Lots of garbage going down today. Loving dad and caring mom/dear old dad and loving mom that's just sad." Twilight bluntly comments "Don't most garbage chutes have incinerators?" Autumn asks "Why yes including this and it's on today not that it will matter since dragons are immune to fire anyway." the 8 pegasi clones come out from under the pile of boxes, look down the chute the 2 dragon went down and start to sing. Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clone We've got another puzzle for you Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clean If you are wise you'll listen to us What do you get when you're greedy as a tip tank Every dragon reaches into each other's banks Constantly fighting over who rules all That doesn't sound like quite the ball Probably cause it isn't Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clod If you're not greedy you will go far You will live in harmony too Simply just don't act like a needy tip jar "Alright everyone through this door and up these stairs." Twilight leads the remaining 2 pairs of creatures up through a door, Gallus bumping in the door frame multiple times and just like with the hot pipe doesn't show any signs of pain as the group start walking up the stairs but after a lot of steps don't feel any closer to the top. "Is it just me or are these stairs endless?" Rainshine questions "It's just you." Gruff bluntly response raising the kirin's temper a little. "You know I have experience with endless stairs and know a trick a BLJ" "Bird Laced Jelly?" Autumn jokingly asks which he rolls his eyes at "You know Gerald-" "GALLUS!" "You really shouldn't mumble speak up perhaps." "I'm being so serious I know how to do the tr-" the gamer bird is cut off by Twilight casting a spell which teleports the entire group except him. Shrugging the griffon puts his JoyColt away, sits down on one of the steps and pulls out a Grifftendo 64 controller, face away from the stairs, pushes the control stick away from the stairs, performs a long jump, pulls the control stick back towards the slope and spams, while still holding the Control Stick and Z. He seems to almost glitch through and out of reality as he finally reaches the top of stairs where he find the group walking into a elevator "Oh glad you made sonny didn't think that dumb old video game glitch would work in real life." "Hey princess what type of elevator is this? And why is it so big?" he asks joining the others inside the oversize elevator and starts playing on his JoyColt again. "Well George- "Gallus" "Gallus this is actually the first time you haven't mumbled it's called The Great Glass Elevator and it's big cause it was suppose to fit all 13 creatures but you saw how that went, with a push of a button the elevator can take us to one of the many rooms in this factory." "Hey princess I hope this isn't too much to ask but could my daughter possibly pick a room?" Rainshine asks "I don't see why not in fact that's a perfect idea! Go ahead!" the alicorn lets the younger kirin through to the button panel "Oh my goodness so many good rooms to choose from!" Autumn starts a awe at all the rooms that range from normal like a cupcake, taffy puller, chocolate molding, ice cream, packaging and caramel room just to name a few But then there were some oddballs like an oxygen can, rainbow, cloning, slime, fireworks and testing room once again just to name a few which the kirin didn't question. She was about to pick the caramel room when she noticed a 7th oddball button named Fudge Mountain and of course curious she pressed it. Rather than the elevator going up or down it instead jerks to the left, causing Gallus to bump his head against one of the elevator walls once again not noticing. The elevator then jerks down, backwards and through a hole which transitions them from the factory's industrial appearance to a snow-like area with a large mountain. "Welcome to Fudge Mountain!" Twilight said as 7 of her clones were mining into the mountain, all unicorns but unlike every other group of them were all identical with the only difference being their mining helmets that were each respectively a color of the rainbow. 2 of them then turned and waved to alicorn who waved back. The elevator then came down and stopped at what looked like a ski station that was serving hot cocoa. "Trust me despite atmosphere and ski station it's not as cold as it looks." the elevator doors open and the tourists find it as cold as when they were outside with their coats on. "The snow isn't real it's just grains of sugar." Twilight says demonstrating by catching a fake snowflake on her tongue showing it was just sugar "I think it's getting in my feathers." Gruff comments "And on my screen!" Gallus adds trying to clear all the sugar off his console's small screen "Come along everycreature!" Twilight says Autumn sees an unattended cup of cocoa she looks around before gladly taking it she puts it up to her muzzle only to get burned, raising her temper a little which also gives her an idea. She ignites her eyes, being half dragon/fire allowed her to gulp down the liquid as if it were water, only to get grains of sugar thrown on her. "HEY!" "Whoa there watch your fire Atom” "It Autumn!" Rainshine corrects from a distance " it's may not be that cold in here but fire is still enough to cause an entire fudge avalanche which is why you'll need this." the princess gives the kirin a pair of spiked snow shoes and a vest connected to another one by a rope who that was being worn by her mother "Come on sweetie what are you waiting for?" Rainshine ushers her daughter by placing a hoof on the mountain, holding and reaching out another pickaxe. Autumn joins her mother and with that both kirin start climbing up Fudge Mountain, eventually finding a perfect spot to start mining. As for Gallus and Gruff once they find a spot to mine the older one starts mining straight down "Hold on there dad if there's one game I know a lot about it's Minecraft." he empathizes his point by pointing at his Minecraft Creeper shirt "And one of the biggest tips in the game is to never mine straight down." "You and your video games." Gruff mutters changing from mining down to mining forwards when his son notices Twi-Clones guiding horses pulling wagons "Wait in Grover's name are they doing." "Well Gala-" Twilight starts teleporting right next to the griffons "His name is Gallus and Gala's a girl name!" "Right as I was saying once my clones had mined enough chocolate and fudge out of the mountain, they place it on a wagon which is then transported through that hole which lead to the Pounding and Cutting Room." Rainshine and Autumn mine a respective chunk out of the mountain and decide to hand each other their chunks, the younger one slightly melting it before popping it into her mouth. "Hey honey is it just me or did that pile of fudge melt a little?" The other kirin looks up to find a pile of fudge that is starting to melt and shift a little but her attention is quickly adverted over to a sign reading Please Pull This Boulder Out In Case Of Emergency which of course is next to a out of place fudge rock blocking a hole in the mountain She stares in awe and goes to pull the plug out only to be stopped by her mother "Hold on there Autumn Blaze I think you're reading it wrong." she wipes splattered fudge off the sign revealing it to actually say Don't Pull This Boulder Rock Even In Case Of Emergency "See it just had fudge on it don't let it tempt y-" The kirin ruler suddenly got hot fudge on her horn raising her temper, another glop of it fell on her tail, her back, her face. Autumn heard her mother growling, spotted her horn turning red and eyes about to fully ignite signaling she about to snap, luckily she managed to stop the last glob of hot fudge from falling on her. "Thank you honey I almost lost my temper there." Rainshine thanks starting to calm down only to burn her hand on the spot they mined which was basically the last straw the tall kirin flipped their species names and became a nirik whole body turning black, mane and tail bursting into red and blue flames. Thinking fast the kirin pulls the boulder in hopes of putting her mother out only to realize the warning. Ironically the nirik turns herself back to a kirin once she realizes what her daughter did. She rushes over and pulls her daughter away only for nothing to come out. "Huh I expected something lik-" Rainshine was cut off by a massive stream stream of fudge coming out the hole covering both of them in it and causing them to fall from the mountain, hitting their heads multiple times before finally landing in the wagon, the Twi-Clone driving the wagon somehow not noticing followed by taking the wagon through the hole. The pair of griffons stare in shock from what just happened "They're going to the Pounding and Cutting room aren't they?" "No need to worry about them the Twi-Clones will notice and get them out before any pounding or cutting can happen hopefully The 7 unicorn Twi-Clones which the color of the rainbow helmets started a beat by banging their pickaxes and eventually broke out into a song. Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clone We've got another puzzle for you Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clean If you are wise you'll listen to us What do you get when you spend your life in silence? In order to eliminate the threat of violence Isn't controlling your temper enough To stop the spark of an single ember And having to rebuild your home Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clod If you're more open you will go far You will live in harmony too If you just talk about your problems Twilight laughs nervously "Should we move along?" She leads the griffon back to the Great Glass Elevator the lionbirds taking their climbing gear off "Alight that seemd to conclude the to-" "HEY! Isn't it my turn to pick a room!" Twilight cringes at Gallus' statement and scrunches up her face a little "F-fine g-go ahead." the blue birb picks another oddball room in this case a room labeled Testing Room which implies it hasn't been properly labeled yet The elevator goes forward, out of Fudge Mountain, comes to a sudden halt and then jerks down where it comes to another stop "Hey Sci-Twi! How are you?" "Living the dream!" Sci-Twi responded, a unicorn Twi-Clone wearing glasses and mixed some chemicals as the Great Glass Elevator jerked backwards. "Alright every-" she finds that only the pair of griffons are left "Griffon, welcome to the TV room, now labeled Testing Room! Which holds my latest and greatest invention...Tele-Port!" "Didn't you say Dinner Gum was your latest invention?" Gallus pointed out "I said that was my latest INVENTING ROOM invention there's a clear crystal difference." the room itself was very dull and was considered by the lionbirds to be the dullest room on the tour. It was all white, including Tele-Port which was just a giant white camera that seems to be near a whit platform. The only actual color being the creatures in the room including Twilight, Gruff, Gallus and the 2 Twi-Clones peagsi with different mane colors both l wearing goggles and speaking of which "Oh right I almost forgot..." she trails off reaching into a bin of them and pulling out 3 "Put these on for protection." "So little missy what does this so-called Tele-Port do so revolutionary it reuqires protection?" "Well it takes large objects and transports them onto that normal sized TV." She points at a Twi-Clone sitting in a white chair flipping through many TV channels using a white remote and stops on a bookshelf commercial "That one's good! Observe!" She spawns in 2 big things a sealed 2 pack of Twinkies and a book. "LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!" That grabs a Twi-Clone attention who drops the Twinkie they were eating and flies to the seat and starts operating the massive camera. The pegasus turns it toward the 2 large objects and with a flash of light they both disappear. "Where in blazing tailfeathers did it go?" "It's flying over our heads in a million pieces forgot to mention that part even though it looks like only a few hundred pieces." all the particles fly into the TV and a few seconds reappear with the book becoming normal sized sitting snuggly on a shelf with an equally sized book next to it. "Go on grab it." "You can't be serious there's no way I can reach through a digital screen..." When the princess doesn't reply the gamer griffon shrugs and reaches into the screen which creates a kind of water ripple a kind of effect in the screen when the claw goes through. Gallus of course grabs the snack, unwraps it and takes a bite "Eh I like." "Look here prissy pretty princess I already hate TV and electronics It rot the senses, kills imagination dead, clots and clutters up the mind and had basically made my son dull and basically blind." "Look you're completely missing the point of this-" she cuts herself off with a scream when she spots the younger griffon stick his head into the screen the alicorn pulls him out with her magic "ARE YOU CRAZY!" "Welp i'm not fitting in there. You think this can send living creatures wait a second if Tele-Port is suppose to make big things smaller why not make it so it can send anything at it's origina size?” "That a whole another can of worm as for sending creatures I don't really think so could get very messy-" "Hey dad watch this! LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!" Gallus shouts and before the pony could do anything the blur birb disappears in another flash of light, somehow leaving his JoyColt behind "What has he been playing this whole time" Twilight mutter picking up the console and finds that he's max out the score in Tetris "Never remember Tetris requiring so much button mash." she realizes something and laughs nervously "This is kind of a bad time to bring this up but sometimes not all the pieces make it through." "WHAT!" "Okay you know what-" she rudely picks up the Twi-Clone and throws them aside and grabs the remote as Gruff scans the commercial "I don't see him." "He has to be on one of these channels." she first from the ad to a news channel the griffon isn't there she flips to a cooking show where the chef is grilling the steak, not there she flips to a third channel which shows a rock em sock em commercial "Oh this channel is on commercial break." she flips back to the cooking show multiple times. "Flipping between channels isn't gonna speed up the commercial." "Well it worked for me once." And it does as the rock em sock em commercial is at it's halfway point it ends, only to reveal it a earlier airing of the same episode of the cooking show at a earlier point evident by how the chef is tendering the raw steak, which Gallus isn't in either. A horror movie, rock music video, Beatles like one none of them have Gallus in them "Wait I think I know where he is." she logs out of the channels and cuts to a screen save of wind blowing on show curtains suddenly the curtains open to reveal Gallus along with 11 other Twi-Clones all pegasi with different mane colors who are all pacing back and forth leaving the gamer confused, they suddenly stop 5 walking off screen. Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clone We've got a final puzzle for you Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clean If you are wise you'll listen to us They all point at Gallus leaving the gamer birb confused until a princess copy places a script in front of him, he sighs voice somehow normal What do you get from a glut of TV? "Woops wrong song" The same princess clone says flipping the page to the actual non copyrighted song, the griffon cringes at the lyrics before sighing further What do you get when you lose a visible treasure? You end up miserable and joy invisible Selling pure stones as tasty scones And having to pick many bones The clones then let the griffon walk off screen Sounds like, sounds like, sounds like, sounds like, sounds like a pretty sad life Twinkie Twinkle Twily Clod If you're more hopeful you will go far You will live in harmony too If you...just...don't lose joy over an idol Once all the clones went off screen Gallus came back on screen where his father grabs him "Oh good you've caught him and completely unharmed." "UNHARMED YOU CALL THIS UNHARMED HE'S BARELY 6 INCHES TALL!" Gruff yells holding his son now the size of an 6 action figure but more fittingly the JoyColt "Is there a way to return me back to normal size?" "It's television not telephone there's a clear difference." "HOW DOES THAT RELATE TO THIS SITUATION?!" "Cause I added a new feature called Strike That Reverse It but I wouldn't exactly recommended using it" She logs back onto the channels and to the channel where the book was on "Wait strike that reverse it!" The Twi-Clone operating the camera follows that command and presses the button labeled said command which indirectly sends a beam into the TV which zaps the Twinkies out of the commercial, back to it's original size and onto the platform except the first half looked normal but the second half was twisted making the older griffon grimace. "And that just what it does to non living matter." "Well? What else can you do about this?" "I don't know...Wait I think I got it just to get Gallus to- "NOW YOU GET IT RIGHT!" "...The taffy puller and inflate him full of oxygen!" "TAFFY PULLER!? AND THAT'S NOT EVEN HOW-" Completely overwhelmed by this point the griffon's father passes out "Darn it forgot to mention it was a magic taffy puller." she scolds, and hits herself in the head unintentionally calling over 2 of her clones "Take the small one to the magic taffy puller, make sure to pump him full of oxygen so he doesn't end up tall and skinny." One takes a hold of the dazed small griffon and the other drags the older away by under his arms. Twilight frowning and dropping the Willy Wonka act drops her goggles off in a bin and makes her way to a office "Please tell me the office is the one saving grace, she opens the door to find everything cut in half, the desk, chair, clock, clock etc. "OH COME ON!" she tries to sit in the half chair only to knock it over, annoyed she adds the other half of the object, she sits down and slams her face in the desk placing her top hat down in a upwards position. All of a sudden Pinkie pops out of the hat like a rabbit further empathized by how she wore a pair of bunny ears and had a carrot in her mouth "Hey Twi how the-" "I'm extraordinarily busy right now Pinkie." "Oh come on it's not like the tour was that bad." "It was that bad I possibly may have fixed relations between the nations through the Candy Room and possibly the song but i may have steered all the bad relations towards me and Canterlot after everything that happened to their children, with the only one who directly showed it was Queen Novo and Gruff! I'm supposed to be the Princess Of Friendship and Twinkies and if I can't even achieve one of them that what am? A unicorn with wings and a little added height? I'VE LOST EVERYTHING OKAY!" she slams her face back into the desk "That was the whole point of the test my faithful student." a gentle voice suddenly cut in "Princess Celestia!" Twilight fell to her knees "I've made a horrible mistake and plunged all of Equestria in war." "There is no war for you to speak of why do you think you were never invited to any of the diplomatic meetings?" "Wait so you're saying all the news about tension was just a test I just though I was never invited cause it was an issue only you could solve." "Well that's only half true there was tension at some point but it was solved fairly quickly which gave me an idea for this test in the first place to test what you'll do if Equestria was ever on the brink of war." "Did you know this was a test?" Twilight whispered to Pinkie "Nope just coincidentally gave you the idea to open the factory, you know some old fashioned Pinkie Magic!" She whispered back "And let's just say color me impress you went all out, using Discord's magic, which he told me he wanted back to modify your Twinkie factory into a chocolate/candy one. "So that explains why none of the rulers including Novo or Gruff had bigger reactions...welp that clears that up but I still feel like there's something missing." Twilight's statement is followed by a glass elevator, appearing encasing Twilight inside and flies through the roof, which prompted the alicorn to start screaming, Discord appears "Don't worry she'll be fine." he assures