//------------------------------// // Chapter 24: Guardians Of The Prime Universe // Story: Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later // by DATONETWIxDASHFAN //------------------------------// "...okay? Lauren?" whispered Brishen, unsure what to make of this, as he watched Wallflower...or 'Lauren' singing along to a song on the radio like a big dork. He knew something wasn't right about this like he was wrong; she's a great singer...Wait, what? "Sorry, but I'm a great singer!" laughed Lauren, still singing along. Brishen quickly felt fear, as this wonderful person made him all calm and relaxed. NO WHAT!? "How are you doing that!?" "My powers. My magic. I can write, change, or edit stories like yours and others, but I won't. It's not right; it's not my place to change someone's story." She looked at him with a sad but sweet smile. "I'm sorry." "What are you talking about!? How can you read my mind?!" "Not your mind, your story. Your book. Everyone has a book with their stories. Their lives. And I'm able to edit those stories. I can give or take. I can even create a new world if I want to, but that's wrong." Brishen's heart started to beat fast as he realized who this person was. He couldn't believe there was a kind woman in the car with him. Finally, he relaxed and became calm, knowing he wasn't in danger, "Jesus Christ, you are like...a god? Like, how do you keep doing that?" Lauren smiled, still singing along. "Not a god; I just can edit or rewrite everyone's books or make my own." Brishen nodded, understanding what she was saying. Wait, do I? Wait, of course. "Again, sorry about that, but I need you to calm down and understand my powers. This wasn't meant to be happening anyway." She sighed as she rubbed her back. "Rainbow bummed into me when she was blindsided in that fight. Not her fault, of course, but I know 'her,' and she will blame Rainbow," she said, making a small laugh. "No matter who they became, they're still them deep down—even their love for each other. Ah, it's sweet." she shook her head, snapping out of it. "Anyway, when the fight happened, Rainbow bumped into me, and I flew off course and bumped into your friend here. By the way, I hope she doesn't mess with the Prime Universe too badly, or "THEY" will appear." Brishen couldn't understand any of this. He has so many questions. "Who are 'THEY'?" She turned off the radio with her magic; her voice became grave and frightened as she watched the road. "Tell me, do you know what your body does when it becomes sick with a virus?" Brishen shrugged. "Cough, sneeze, headache, body ache? All kinds of things." Lauren sighed. "No, I mean when a body does something to fight it. How it tries to stop it. The same thing happens to the universe when an outside force messes with a prime universe story. Infect it and try to change it. The universe fights back." Brishen nodded as he understood. "Oh, okay." Lauren shook her head. "No, you don't. It's like a body releasing its T-cells, white blood cells, fighting back the virus. The universe is the immune system, releasing something much more dangerous than anything in it. Of course, all creators make their guardians based on something or someone. My guardians are based on my dear failed universe... I hope the girls won't be too hard on your friend." She looked up in the back-view mirror and could see shadows following them. "Speaking of which, a creator can't also mess with a non-prime universe. We're not allowed to be down here, so the universe is sending its Guardians to send me back or...the other way..." Brishen gulped and could see the fear in her eyes, making him scared and wanting to leave this plant car, but he couldn't. He remembers Blitz and something at the beach that Wallflower needed to get. Which were my counterpart's magical powers? I need to seal it in the stuff I'm taking out, right? Brishen found himself holding a cool-looking staff and turned to her, not caring she did that again. "So, that's why we're heading to the beach? To get...me or, in this case, his powers? From another universe?" Lauren nodded. "Yep. If I keep this story intact and don't mess with it anymore, the guardians won't attack...maybe." "So, what are you doing once I have the magic? Can't you leave?" Lauren took a deep breath. "I can't. Your friend needs to keep the prime universe story alone, or else...well, yeah. If she allows it to go how it was meant to, I can jump out of her body and bring her back here, but I can't, like I said. It's all static right now. Her being there caused the story to go off the rails; the universe is fixing it or trying." Brishen didn't understand a word she was saying. He's just nodding and not saying anything. But he's trying. What a good boy. "So, like I said, I hope my girls won't be too hard on her." "Who are they anyway?" he asked because he's such a sweet boy. "They're based on my old girls. Well, my main girls. My creations are the ones that never got a chance to have their stories told, of their lives and what they are and can do." She looked back up and could see the shadows getting much closer. "They are not like the Guardians here—not even close. They're based on my old creations and 100% alive." She smiled, happy to say. "They're not just my guardians; they're like my daughters. I created them to inspire others. They're the best things I've ever done. They're my pride and joy!" She turned back to him. "They're called..." Wallflower and Rainbow Dash step back as they can see someone appear out of the crack in the universe and fall toward the ocean like a shooting star, creating a powerful shock wave and rocking the boat even harder. They hold on to the railings and watch as the person slowly rises from the water, looking at them through her aqua-blue sunglasses and holding a surf surfboardmg]https://i.postimg.cc/pXmfMMxH/Imageedit-98-2340614622.png "SURF UP!" shouted the girl, running on the water and jumping on her board, creating a massive wave like no one had ever seen. "HUH!?" shouted Wallflower and Rainbow Dash as the wave washed over the ship, causing them to become wet and drenched, but somehow, the ship was fine, like nothing hit it. The water washed away, and the girl stood in front of them. "Surf's up! The name's Neptune!" She spun her board with one finger and leaned on the wall. "So what do we get here? An anomaly messing with the Mother Earth story? Not cool, not cool. I can't allow that." Wallflower could feel something wrong coming from this girl—like if she isn't careful, she'll be killed. "I'm just...helping a friend in my universe," said Wallflower, trying her best not to be scared and show weakness but failing at it. "I'm sorry, but..." Before she could finish, Dash stepped in front of her with her arms out. "I have no clue what's going on here, but the way this girl is acting tells me everything," Dash said, looking up and down at the girl and not seeing her as a threat to her outfit. "I'm not scared of a little beach bum like you!" Neptune stopped spinning her board and sighed. "Beach Babe!" she said with air quotes. "And sorry, Dash, but I need to destroy this anomaly." She raised her hand and blasted Dash away with a jet stream of water from her palm. "Sorry, dude. Now for you!" She quickly dashed forward and swung her board towards WWallflower's neck, but her brown jacket made her dodge with ease, surprising the two. "Wow! That was amazing!" smiled Neptune, shocked that this girl dodged her attack. "My jacket!" Wallflower showed off her brown jacket. "It saved me." Neptune looked closer at it, rubbing her chin. "Really? Far out! What's it made of? Wait, I know! Cotton!" Wallflower blinks a few times, dumbfounded that this girl, called Neptune, was so laid-back and calm as she tried to kill her a few seconds ago. "Uhhh...yes, I think. Also, I'm sorry, but I need to help a friend!" Wallflower raised her hand, using magic to summon plant life from the ship's garden area, but Neptune punched her in the chest with her board. "Too slow, babe. I'm made of water, meaning I'm always moving faster than you'll ever be." Wallflower coughed up blood and fell to the ground, grabbing her chest in pain and coughing. "Hey, don't hurt her!" shouted Dash, kicking Neptune in the head, but her head turned to water, and she reformed back, grabbing Dash's foot and tossing her behind Wallflower. "You got spunk; I like that. But this is beyond you. Go back to what you were doing, okay? Let this story play out like normal while I'll kill this girl!" "No! I won't let you hurt her!" shouted Dash, running at her, but Neptune summoned water to form around her legs and tripped her, causing her to land next to Wallflower. Neptune summoned rollerblades and rolled her way to them, skating around them. "Had a nice...FALL!?" Wallflower and Dash were surprised that she made the joke and slightly annoyed. "Did you just say—" asked Dash, cringing a bit. "Fall? Yep. I love doing that joke, as I'm always falling in love with beautiful babies!" She could see Dash blushing a bit, causing Neptune to laugh harder. "Ah, man! I knew you liked chicks, Dash! Sorry, dude, but I'm already taken." Dash blushed harder and quickly stood up. She was giving Neptune a death glare. "Shut up! I didn't like that lame pick-up line!" Neptune did a double take and couldn't believe this. "Lame!? Are you kidding me!? You should hear some of the jokes I have! Like, did it hurt when you fell from heaven? And my favorite, did you fart because you blew me away!?" Wallflower and Dash did a double look at how cheesy or outright bad the pick-up lines were. "I know, right!? I thought those were the best. Oh! Or, did the sun come out, or did you smile at me?" She couldn't stop laughing. Wallflower whispered to Dash, who listened closely. "Look, I'm not from this universe, and I think I'm not meant to be here, even so, going by this beach bum here. Maybe she can help us." Dash gave her a confused look. "You sure? I'm not trusting this beach bum like she tried to kill you." "I heard that!" said Neptune, looking a bit annoyed. "Come on, babe. I didn't kill her; she's fine. I just wanted to remove her head from her body. That's not killing—oh, wait, it is. Sorry, babe." Wallflower was getting annoyed. She just wanted to save Blitz, not deal with an annoying surfer. "Please, I just need your help. You said I'm an anomaly, right? I'm not meant to be here, correct?" "Rightly, O'," said Neptune, rubbing her nose. "And if I stay here, something bad will happen to this universe." "Bingo," said Neptune, pointing at her and giving a wink. "Then please send me back! I need to save a friend, or she will die!" begged Wallflower, making Dash gasp. Neptune walked up to her and smiled. "I can't do that. That's out of my hands. The guardian's job is to clean up and protect the prime universe and not allow anomalies in." She pointed at herself. "That's my job, hot stuff, sorry...now!" She quickly swung her board, smacking Wallflower like a baseball, hitting the bat, making her fly through the air and land in the swimming pool with a splash. "Oops, sorry, dude. You're still alive. Wait, no, I shouldn't be asking for that." Neptune and Dash watched as plants rose from the swimming pool, draining it as they broke through it. They carried a hurt Wallflower in her forest nymph form, holding her chest in pain. "Sweet, you did a transformation. I bet you're all powered up now!" smiled Neptune, thinking she was the best thing since sliced bread. "I mean, look at you. You look cool!" "Don't praise her after you hurt her!? What are you, crazy!?" asked Dash, giving her a dirty look. "What? No, I'm not crazy. I'm the craziest surfer ever. Come on, dude. That's like the best pick-up line ever." She grabbed Dash by her neck. "Now be a cute babe and go back to the railing and continue where you left off, okay?" she nicely asked. "You know, I want to punch you in the face. So please, don't make me." "Ha! Nice try." Neptune tossed Dash behind her as she rolled her way to Wallflower, who was being set down and protected by the vines. "I'm the craziest surfer ever," said Neptune, cracking her knuckles and summoning a wave of water. "Sorry, babe. This is going to hurt." "NO!" shouted Dash, tackling Neptune to the ground and looking at Wallflower. "GO FIND MY FRIENDS! FIND SUNSET!" Wallflower was shocked to hear that. Was there a Sunset in this universe? "AND THE OTH-OOF!" She was punched in the gut, causing her to cough up blood and fall backward. Wallflower looked as Neptune quickly rose like water and turned to Dash, all pissed off but hiding it behind that laid-back face of hers. "Sorry about that. You're a good dude. A real trooper, but it's over. I have to do my job, and I will." She summoned a water fist and charged at Dash, but Wallflower quickly used her vines and grabbed her, holding her up. "Stop this! We don't have to fight!" shouted Wallflower, wanting to stop the fighting. Neptune looked at her and could see the anger and hurt in her eyes. "Yeah, we do. Mother Earth deeply cares about the story she helped make. You can say I'm watching out for my little sister or something. So..." Neptune became water and slid out of the vines, facing her with pure rage. "I'LL PROTECT MY LITTLE SISTER FROM YOU! YOU WON'T RUIN MY MOTHER EARTH STORY!" Neptune dashed forward, but a bright rainbow trail blasted through her, scattering her like water into mist, leaving a confused Wallflower. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?" shouted Neptune as she reformed her body and looked in front of her. "What? How did-?" she stopped as she saw Dash running in place. "That was me! I'm the fastest girl in my universe!" smirked Dash, running up to her, punching her hard in the stomach, and scattering her again. Dash leaped back and held Wallflower in her arms. "Hold on tight!" Dash ran as fast as she could, leaving behind a rainbow trail like before. "My everything," whispered Neptune, reforming on the floor. "I was not expecting that. Dash is the fastest in her world. Well, I guess I was right about one thing. She's always falling for beautiful girls. Ha!" She slowly stood up but could see more figures exiting the cracks and landing around the ship. "Back up? Boo!" "Boo, nothing, Neptune. Milky gave you an easy order, and you screwed it up more!" said an upset female voice, landing near her. Neptune pouted as she looked at the nerdy-looking girl as she was reading a book. "Oh, hey, sis! I didn't see you there." Neptune's sister lowered her book and could see her sister now. "That's because you were too busy failing your job and fighting Rainbow Dash. By the way, you shouldn't be doing that! You should have killed the anomaly right away! What's wrong with you!? Revealing yourself like that!? Always making things harder, I swear!" Neptune just waved her off, not caring about what she was saying. "I'm fine, sister. I can handle this. I got this." Neptune tried to stand up, but her sister helped her up, and she could see how worried she looked for her. "Sister, please. Don't worry about me. I can-" "No, you can't. You're in no condition to fight. I'll deal with this with the others and find the anomaly. Head back to Mil-huh?" Neptune's sister could feel her hair being ruffled up by Neptune herself. "Nah, I can't let my dear twin fix my mess. I'm not that type of girl," said Neptune, smiling. Her sister sighed and nodded. "Alright, but be careful. You need to find out how strong Dash is. She and her friends are on our level; remember that. She could seriously hurt you or worse..." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Thanks, sister. I'll keep that in mind. Now, let's surf up!" said Neptune, rolling away. Her sister could only sigh and roll off while reading her book, knowing where to go on the ship. "Let's see. The book says after Dash runs off, she heads for Twilight in..." In this universe, Twilight is fixing the ship's energy problem in the power room as the crew watches her work under the panel. "All that's left is to hold this lead wire in place while the auxiliary unit cycles and everything should be back to normal in three, two, and one," but she could do it. Dash appeared with Wallflower in her arms and pulled Twilight from under the panel, surprising everyone. "No time for that!" shouted Dash, ready to run with Twilight, but she saw someone blocking the door before she could. It was Neptune's sister. "You are correct. There's no time. It's time for the anomaly to die," replies the girl, taking out a pencil and starting to write in the book. Soon, a giant pencil breaks through the ceiling, causing everyone to scream. "Is that a rare rotring-side knock pencil!?" shouted Twilight with awe. The girl quickly looked up from the book and smiled with glee as if there was someone else who loved pencils. "YES, IT IS! FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW RARE THESE PENCILS ARE!" she rolled towards Twilight. "Of course, the only one to match my smarts is Twilight Sparkle! Mother Earth always compares us a lot!" "What?" asked Twilight, getting a bit weirded out, but Dash quickly moved her back to protect her. "Dash, what's going on? Who's the girl and that giant pencil!!? She promptly noticed the weird-looking girl in Dash's arms. "Wait, who is she? Is she okay!? "Twilight, please. Listen, this girl in my arms said she's from another universe and needs to get back home, but for some reason, these girls attacked her and want her dead!" "Huh? Another universe? But-" she couldn't finish as Dash grabbed her and dodged the pencil, stabbing where they were standing, and the girl was tapping the book with her pencil. "Stop it. Leave the anomaly with me and return on track with the story." Twilight stood up and prepared herself for a fight while Dash stood behind her, holding Wallflower tight and ready to dash off. "Or what!?" demanded Twilight, wanting an answer. "Or this." The giant pencil was pulled away, returned with the eraser head, and slammed into the floor. Quickly swung towards them, but Dash pulled Twilight away and dodged it in time to see it erasing the ship crew from existence. "HOLY CRAP!" shouted Twilight in horror. "Twilight, please. We need to leave! They are trying to kill her!" shouted Dash, pointing at Wallflower. "And anyone standing in their way!" Twilight looked at her, could see her state, and nodded. "Yes. Let's move." She quickly held Dash's hand and turned to run off, but they could see the girl in front of them blushing as she read the book. "No! There is no romance in this universe...but the nerd and tomboy holding hands? I didn't expect that." "Who cares!? Get out of our way!" demanded Dash, charging at her with Twilight, who was holding on for dear life. The girl blasted them back with an unseen energy. She made them slide back far from her. "I'm not letting you two leave until you drop the ano-" Dash wanted to say something, but Twilight beat her to it as he marched up to the girl, all in her face. She was making her step back a bit. "She has a name! And it's...its...Dash?" Twilight turned back to Dash, who shrugged and looked at Wallflower. "My name is Wallflower. Wallflower Blush." Dash and Twilight were shocked to hear that, as that was the same name as their friend. "Wallflower!?" shouted Twilight, shocked and scared. "As in our friend?!" "You know me? This universe version of me!?" asked Wallflower, surprised. "Well, we know a girl named Wallflower Blus-whoa!" Dash said as she dodged the eraser head and continued dodging it as it followed her. "TWI!" Twilight quickly turned around and saw the girl moving the pencil while erasing something in the book. "Oh no, you don't!" Twilight leaps on her, trying to wrestle the pencil from the girl's hand. "Give me that pencil! Give me the damn pencil!" "NEVER!" shouted the girl, not willing to let go. "This is mine, and I will use it to erase the anomaly and anyone who stands in my way! I can rewrite you guys back to normal anyway." Twilight kept wrestling the girl for the pencil but making the real-life giant pencil move around all wildly like in the room, as it wasn't after Dash anymore. It kept erasing random things as both nerds were fighting over it until... "Haha! Gotcha!" said Dash, leaping between them, grabbing the pencil, and landing far from them. "Ha! How does that saying go? Not mighty without the bat? Or was it a spear?" Twilight and the girl looked at her with dumbfounded looks. "Not mighty without the pen! The saying is 'Not mighty without the pen!'" shouted the girl and Twilight, angrily rushing towards Dash and pointing their fingers on her nose. "It's a saying about how thinking and writing have more influence on people and events than the use of force or violence! And the quote is 'Mightier than the sword'! Not 'spear' or 'bat'!" Dash just stood there, confused about what was happening. Twilight and the girl started to chat about the quote and other quotes. "I like the saying, 'A pen isn't mightier than a sword. Pens do not do battle or sword poetry. Mighty is the hand that knows when to pick up the pen or the sword.' Wiegraf Folles. Such a great take on the quote, no?" asked Twilight, pushing her glasses up. The girl also pushed her glasses up. "Oh yes, such a great version of the quote. It's even from a video game character. No matter the quote or version, words and thinking are the way to solve anything." Twilight and the girl were still chatting while Dash stood there, unsure what to do. "Guys, we're kind of in the middle of a battle. Can we save the talk for later?" asked Dash, walking back to Wallflower and picking her up. Both Twilight and the girl looked disappointed and sighed. Twilight walked back to Dash and held her hand. The girl opened her book and blushed when she saw the two holding hands. "R-Right! Hand her over! She needs to be killed, or this story will derail even more than it already has!" demanded the girl, pointing her finger at them. Twilight and Dash looked at her, then at each other, and nodded. "I'm sorry, but I can't do it. We will not let you hurt a different universe of our friends! You...you...sorry, we missed your name," Twilight said, scratching her head in confusion. The girl's eyes lit up as she was being asked about herself. "Oh, my name is Uranus!" proudly said the girl, with her chest out and everything. The room was silent, but Dash snorted and laughed a bit, confusing the girl. "W-What?" "Uranus? The planet Uranus? Your parents named you after a planet!? Hahahaha!" Dash gave Wallflower to Twilight and held her sides. "And the worst one, too! Uranus! OH, MAN! Hahaha! Your parents must hate you! Or were they idiots!? Hahaha!" Twilight looked at her, confused but annoyed, as this was not the time for this. "Dash, can you not make fun of her name right now? Please? She's tr-," but Twilight was cut off as Uranus shouted at Dash, "YOOR-en-us!" and slammed her book on the ground. Dash and Twilight jumped at that and quickly got ready for whatever she would do, but Dash was still laughing at her. "What?" chuckled Dash. "It's YOOR-en-us! Not UR-an-us. You are saying it wrong." "Wait, wait, wait, are you serious!? Your name is still a planet!?" asked Dash as her laughter slowed. Uranus rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "It's a Greek primordial deity known as Ouranos. Thank you very much. The Roman version is Uranus." Dash burst into laughter again, causing the girl to go bright red in anger. "Dash, please. We're not here for a comedy show. Can we take the girl and leave?" asked Twilight, looking at her, who was laughing harder than before. "Sorry...hahahah! But this is priceless, hahaha!" Twilight face-palmed and sighed. "Whatever, let's just leave." "Yeah, yeah, we're leaving. Smell ya later, 'Your anus'! Hahahahaha!" Dash shouted, running away with Twilight, holding Wallflower and rolling her eyes. Uranus could feel her blood boiling as she removed her glasses, and the whole room became nothing but letters and paper. Dash and the others froze and turned back, seeing the girl becoming ink-like. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE FUN OF MY NAME!? MOTHER EARTH GAVE ME THAT WONDERFUL NAME, AND YOU MAKE FUN OF IT! HOW DARE YOU!?" shouted Uranus, crushing her glasses and blasting a sea of letters at them. Dash, Twilight, and Wallflower could see the streams of letters and dodged in time as they saw the letters melting through the paper floor. Twilight gave Dash a pissed-off look, 'You had to make her mad, huh?' Dash smiled nervously and looked at the letters. "I think I made her mad." "Yeah, I can tell," said Twilight, rolling her eyes and getting up and readying for a fight, but... "Shoot. I can't see..." whispered the girl, her hands out and trying to find something. "I forgot; without my glasses, I'm blind." Dash and Twilight were confused and wondered if she was tricking them, but Uranus kept walking and looking around as if she was truly blind. Soon, reality returned to normal. Dash grabbed Twilight's waist. "Let's BOOK it before she can attack us again!" smirks Dash, making everyone in the room grumble. "I'll write your death sentence if you don't give me the anomaly!" Dash didn't care and started dashing off with the girls, leaving Uranus alone. "Hey, wait a minute." "Hasta La Vista, your anus!" smirked Dash, running faster. "It's YOOR-EN-US!" screamed Uranus, angry and stomping her feet. Dash just laughed, as she was having too much fun. "Dash, please calm down," begged Twilight, trying to get comfortable while being carried by her. "Let's find the girls and find out what's happening." Dash looked over at Wallflower, who was still in pain and agreed—heading down the ship hallway more quickly. Meanwhile, Uranus bumped into the doorway, as she was blind like a bat. "Come on out, you three. You can't hide forever! You'll give me the anomaly or die! It's your choice!" "Uranus? I understand your sister, but you too? Losing your cool like that. I'm so disappointed in you, you dipshit." Uranus could hear a stern, cold female voice talking, and soon, loud rock music played. "Oh, hello, Pluto..." Uranus felt a new pair of glasses being handed to her and put them on. Looking at the very short, black-haired girl named Pluto looked like a rock punk. "What's up, fucking four eyes? I see you fucked up just like you, sis!" she smirked. "Don't worry, the girls are closing in on the anomaly, and it will be wiped clean from this universe!" Nine female shadows ran through the ship, looking for Wallflower, checking each part of the ship, and scaring the crew and students. Dash and Twilight headed towards the all-you-can-eat buffet room, where Pinkie was hiding. Pinkie was unaware of another pink girl rolling into the room, spooking the female chef. "Oh, cake and tea!" The leader of the guardians was above in the sky, watching all this. She closed her eyes, couldn't sense her creator, and felt beyond worried. "Mother Earth, where are you? What's happening to you?" Meanwhile, Brishen is screaming for his life as he drives the plant car while Lauren is on top of it and blasting the shadows away. "THOUGHT THEY WOULDN'T ATTACK YOU!" "WHAT!? I can't hear you! YOU'RE SCREAMING TOO MUCH!" shouted Lauren. Brishen kept screaming, not hearing what she said, and driving down the long, dark road, hearing the fighting above him. "THIS STUPID MAGICAL POWER BETTER BE WORTH IT!" he screamed as the car drove down the road and more shadows appeared through the woods... End of Chapter 24