//------------------------------// // Chapter 17: Kindness Comes In Different Shapes // Story: Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later // by DATONETWIxDASHFAN //------------------------------// "SHUT UP!" Tempest shouted as she faced the group behind her, seeing them shutting up and looking at her. They were quiet. Well, Clarity was still coughing her lungs out. "You shouldn't be fighting! We have a giant problem right now, like I told  you."She jumped off the table and pointed to Flutterheart. "The Crystal Empire is in flames, and her parents have been turned into fire demons by Sunset, who has also been turned, thanks to that pony-looking human." Everyone jumped off the table and sat in the chairs. "When you mean pony-looking humans, you mean like Blitz and her parents?" asked AJ, kicking JA out of her chair and sitting. "Yes, just like them, but more like Twilah, as if that mare were a unicorn." Tempest answered and could hear the others whisper to each other, "Now I think about it. She did look like Twilight." Twilight's friends looked at each other and asked her what she meant, and she explained to them how this mare looked, having the same hairstyle as Twilight but a black star of Twilight's cutie mark on her shirt. Ember wondered if that was the same creature she saw fighting with the white one, but she didn't get a good look at them to confirm it. That's when AJ spoke: "Cozy, didn't you say that Discord told you that an evil Alicorn was meant to appear and force Twilight to remove magic from the world?" Everyone in the room who wasn't there for that started whispering what she meant by that: Twilight sealing away magic. "Yeah, he did, but the way he made it sound, it was like it was more into the far future than right now, but I could be wrong." JA kicked AJ out of the chair and sat down. "Well, if this Alicorn is the same as this unicorn human and is a problem, and Twilight is the solution, then..." JA pointed it out. "The sooner Princess Twilight is brought back here, the better." Tempest sighed, knowing that wouldn't happen sooner than she had hoped. But she isn't here, and the best chance we have is with Twilah, but she's gone into that pocket universe." She looked over to Cozy, but Cozy shrugged. "Hey, I took a chance with that spell when I used it on Celestia. She could have died, from all I know. I never tested it on living beings." Luna stood up. "YOU WHAT!?" Cozy looked away. "I'm sorry, but hey, at least Celestia didn't die or worse." "Worse?" Luna asked but didn't want to know and sat back down. "I'm not using that spell on anyone here, and we can try sending a message, but from what Celestia told me, she was dropped off in the middle of nowhere and wasn't for...wait." Cozy realized something. "Celestia told me she found a human with rainbow hair in that place and showed her the way to Twilah House. Can that human be connected somehow with that pony-looking human?" "I'm sure we'll find out," Starlight stated, crossing her arms. "But if Twilah isn't here, who's in charge right now?" asked Clarity, leaning back and coughing. Everyone looked like Princess Flutterheart and Ember, but Tempest teleported before them. "I am. Princess Flutterheart is still young and has no experience being a leader in battle, and Ember...no offense, Ember, you're a good dragon, but you don't have leadership qualities in battle. For dragon fights, sure, but this is different." Ember nodded in agreement. "Fair, but I-" Tempest turned to the others without letting Ember finish. "I helped the Storm King invade many places, and most of that was me being the leader." She sat back down and used her magic to create a magical image of the Crystal Empire. "Sunset, known as Sunfall now, can infect ponies with her dark magic, which can turn anyone into a fire demon and be under her control. We can't send an army in, and with things as they are right now, we can't even send an army if we even wanted to, which is why we're going alone. If we sneak inside and recover the crystal heart, it might undo the damage." Ember tried to speak, but Flutterwar stood up and said, "No, the only way we'll beat Sunfall is through war and bloodshed." "What!?" Tempest shouts, not liking the idea. "Do you know what you are saying?" Flutterwar pointed a hoof at Tempest and said, "And I'll keep saying it till everyone else is saying it." "This isn't war, and no bloodshed!" shouted Tempest, rising. "This rescue mission for Dashie is getting the crystal heart and undoing the magic. Then, we finally got that mirror, which allowed us to reach Princess Twilight, Braver, and the others. No one needs to die!" Flutterwar jumped on the table while Fluttershy followed her and tried to pull her back but couldn't. "Listen here! We must destroy them all! Kill the enemy! For Equestria and our love, we must fight! And if we must kill those under Sunfall's control, so be it. Everyone dies in war; it's fate! Fate is the reason why we're born and why we'll die! Killing those under the spell is just kindness! MERCY KILLING IS THE ONLY KINDNESS IN THE WORLD!" Tempest slammed her hooves on the table, glaring at Flutterwar and saying, "No. This is my decision, and no one will argue with me. This isn't your universe! We don't start wars and start killing! We save those who are under that spell." Flutterwar stared Tempest down and then smirked, knowing this wasn't her universe but also that they'd die trying if Tempest had her way. So, she decided to make her move. She walked to Tempest and asked, "If you can't do this, I'll go ahead." "Huh?" Tempest was confused and backed away. Flutterheart took out a war helmet and started to speak as she pointed to the magical image of the Empire. "Listen, you damn hippies, the enemy has taken over this city and will be swarming with nothing but enemies! We can't send an army; if we did, we'd fail anyone with how soft these ponies are. So we're going in small groups of two around the city! While the main group, which will be heavy hitters like Ember here, takes the front and draws their attention, The smaller teams will move in and take back the heart, and at the same time, they will look for Dashie, who is more important than some stupid rock. We must not fail. Failure will lead to death, and death is what will come. If we must kill those under the spell, then so be it; we must be merciful and end their pain. The only kindness that can be done is to put them out of their misery. If you can't handle that, leave, or I'll put you down myself." Tempest had no words. This plan is perfect as if it came from a well-trained general. Heck, it's something she might even think of, but only one thing is. "No killing!" shouted Fluttershy, walking up to Flutterwar. "We don't kill! That isn't what kindness is! Ending a life isn't kindness! It's just wrong! We can't just kill them. That isn't right!" "She's right!" shouted Clarity, getting up and coughing. "We must save lives, not end them!" Flutterwar got all up in Shy's face and looked at her with bloodshot eyes. "That is kindness! Killing those under the spell is the only act of true kindness you can do. Death is the only kindness! Only in death do you have true freedom." "Killing isn't kindness! It's murder, and it's wrong!" Fluttershy shouted as she got up in Flutterwar's face, "There's another kindness in the world!" "THIS IS THE KINDNESS I SEEN AND EXPERIENCE!" shouted Flutterwar, pushing Fluttershy. "Death is the only kindness in this world. We're all going to die anyway, so what's the difference!? Killing is the only kindness that can be done! Freeing those from the harsh life is the only way to be kind." Flutterwar started to break down, saying how she had to free her warmates as they were severely wounded and seeing how lousy war truly is. Fluttershy could only help her off the table and let her cry on her shoulder as they sat in the corner. Tempest coughs, getting everyone's attention: "The Flutterwar plan is perfect, and we should do it, but no killing. I don't have to remind everyone of this because we all know better, right?" Everyone nodded. "Good, now Tirek and Cozy will be backing up Ember as our heavy hitters and take the front and draw Sunfall and her force's attention while the others move in from different points, mostly made of two, and join together inside the castle and outside of it. The Crystal Heart should still be at the bottom pillar near the castle, and Dashie must be within the castle and trying to reach the mirror in the underground vault. Our top priority is getting the crystal heart to undo the spell and get Dashie." Everyone agreed and nodded. "We're leaving now." She turned to Flutterheart. "When Twilah returns, tell her what's happening. Her joining us will be a great aid." Flutterheart nodded, making Tempest turn to the others, but JA raised her hoof, smacking AJ. "So, who's teaming up with who? Because I'm not joining this sour apple here." "I don't want to be on her team either," AJ added. Tempest sighed as the group started to fight again, and her friends and Starlight walked over to her. "I feel we shouldn't let them team up with their counterparts. I sense no love there," stated Chrysalis, while Luna agreed. Tirek rubbed his beard, saying, "I feel we should. Maybe talking and working with each other under pressure will be a good bonding experience." "He has a point." Starlight said, "They need to work together and understand that they're not so different. Even learning from each other." Tempest looked back at the fighting and sighed loudly. She knew she was going to regret this. The gateway closed, and Twilah found herself in her house, which she had made within the pocket universe. As Spike had said, she could hear chanting outside the home. She approached the window, seeing Spike had made a wall between them and the rioting Canterlot citizens. She could hear them shouting to free them and trying to climb over the wall, but Spike shocked them off. "Spike, what's the danger level if I get out there?" Spike, as a hologram, appeared near her and answered her question. "The danger level is too high to step outside when I deal with these mares and stallions with weapons. They have been rioting since yesterday, saying how they have been imprisoned. I've been trying to tell them they are not prisoners and will be free when the danger with the black water is over. They are just not listening and are acting like, well, animals." Twilah nodded and opened the door, shocking Spike, as all his programs to protect his creator turned on at once. He was showing many red warning screens around his face and body. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" he asked as he tried to stop her. "Spike, they're scared; if they see a familiar face, they'll calm down. Plus, the city you made..." She looked out and could see city apartment buildings surrounding the house. She checked her watch, and inside those buildings were modern-day apartments, unlike in Equestria homes. "They had never seen anything inside like that before. They don't have TVs, kitchen appliances, washing machines, or any modern stuff, so I'm sure they're scared. They're fish out of water. Let me talk to them and see what's wrong." "You'll be killed," Spike replied, but Twilah smiled. "Then I'll be dead." She walked out the door and saw the gate open, seeing rioters. There were many different ponies and other creatures, all holding weapons, their crying children, family members, or the wounded. They all stormed in but stopped as they saw Twilah, or in this case, their princess, Twilight. "My princess, you've got to save us from this weird place!" said one, walking forward and holding his wife. "Nothing but whiteness as far as the eyes can see! No sky or wind! NOTHING!" "What he means," the wife said, "is that everything is white and scary. There's no tree or animal. Just us and the white. Well, and these weird buildings and what's inside them." Twilah nodded and walked into the middle of the group, checking on a hurt dragon girl. "Yes, the whiteness is because this is a pocket universe, an infinite space that can hold anything. I thought I created it, but no, it already existed." She could hear everyone whispering about her finding this place, and some were upset. "So you sent us into this hell hole without asking!?" "That's a horrible thing to do! You should have asked first!" "I'm so telling Celestia when we get out here!" Twilah pressed a button on her watch, and soon, a swarm of nanomachines came shooting out of the house, landed near Twilah, and became a white ambulance. Faceless androids came out, talking out an EMS stretcher but spooking them all, as they had never seen a human-looking android before. Some were taking battle positions, but Twilah stood in the way. "No, no. These are my medical droids; this is their ambulance, and they're here to help the injured. Now, please, allow them to do their job." A few ponies were reluctant, but they did allow them to walk forward and care for the injured. "I'll answer any question you guys have later." She could hear them whispering and complaining but ignored them and continued. "For now, listen to me. Outside, in Equestria, there is a black water-like substance. It can't be harmed by normal magic and is dangerous to touch. It can't be removed right now, and we're afraid it might spread, but we're working on it. For now, I'm asking for all of you to stay here. Where's it safe? My AI, who's been talking to you since you got here, made this city for you to live in for now, and he will protect you. Please lower your weapons, or he won't help you." Everyone started to talk among themselves, like, What's an AI, why did their princess make this place, and why is she average size again? Many started to calm down and trust Twilah, but a few didn't and were angry, raising their weapons. "No! I don't believe you!" shouted one pony, a stallion who had a bat. "This place is horrible, and these androids are freaky! We should go back and help our loved ones!" "Yeah! My kids are still out there!" shouted another pony, a mother. "And I'll do anything to get back to them!" "Same!" "Me too!" "I agree! We must save our children and families! Not be here, and let them be scared without us!" Soon, many agreed and shouted, and Twilah knew nothing she could say. She pressed a button, and the nanomachines came out and became cop vans. Coming out were black-gear androids holding riot shields. They formed a line around Twilah and slowly pushed the folks back, shouting to lower their weapons. "Listen! Please listen!" Twilah begged, "The world is a hazardous place right now. You'll die out there! Please put your trust in me. I can help." "No, you can't!" shouted one, while others shouted about how useless she was. "Please, trust me. I'll figure this out," she begged. "How!? You're useless and can't even beat some water?! You can't save us! Celestia could, but you can't." "Yeah, we would rather be out there than in here! Let us out! I'll take my chances!" "Please, please don't do this." Twilah begged, "I don't want anyone to die." She could see the rioters start pushing back against the droid cops, but everyone stopped as those on Twilah's side stepped between them, leading them to no one else but Sassy Saddles. "You're going to be alright. I know this place is weird and scary, but the princess will find a way to save us. She's been working hard, and I believe in her. And you should, too." Twilah knows this pony, the fashion pony, as she dropped off some clothes a few days ago. It is very close to Rarity. Soon, more joined her, saying the same thing and giving Twilah a chance. Twilah was moved, and she could only smile. "Thank you; I'll save everyone. I promise." Sassy could only smile and give a nod, as she knew this was Blitz's mother, not really Twilight. "See, she'll figure it out." More and more shouted the same thing, even from the apartment buildings, as many opened windows and believed their princess. Soon, the riots started dying, and Twilah could call back the riot droids into their van. She walked up to the hurt and created more ambulances while the wounded were taken into the hospitals that were made as this was all happening. Twilah told everyone to return to their homes and turn on the box with the screen. She would give a speech in an hour. She returned to her house and walked in, shutting the door and leaning against the wall as tears came. "You were great, 'princess,'" Spike commented. "No...I wasn't. Twilight could have easily handed this better, not me. If Sassy wasn't here..." "No, you were, and don't believe otherwise. You handled the situation, and I'm proud." "Thanks." She smiled and looked at the watch. "Spike, can you do something for me?" "Anything, 'princess'." "Can you scan this black water for me? I believe it's not magic, but  maybe." Twilah opened a small, sealed box, revealing the black water in a glass container. The AI scanned it and confirmed what Twilah thought. "It's not magic. There are no mana signs, but I'm picking up something." Twilah checked the reading and saw it just as she thought. "It's almost the same reading as..." whispered Twilah, looking outside. "As this universe..." The Crystal Empire was in flames and black smoke. A ton of flying demon ponies flew past in the air, letting out an ear-piercing scream as they flew by. There were no living souls out in the burned streets, no life other than the once crystal ponies turned demons. Dashie hid in a ruined house, and the element inside her healed her burns. She remembered how Sky's wounds would be healed by the same element and was kind of glad she had it now because if she didn't, half of her entire body would have been burned beyond repair. "This was a bad idea," Dashie whispered, remembering taking on Armor and his wife. "A terrible idea." She peeked out the window and saw Sunfall demon ponies everywhere, searching for and turning any living thing. She needed to get to the crystal heart and use it. She had Dash memories and saw the heart being powered by hope, protecting the Empire from evil. If she could pour enough hope into it, it could undo the curse and turn the crystal ponies, along with Sunset and the others, back to normal. She was thinking about her next move but could hear a voice behind her. "You can't escape fate, Dashie." Dashie quickly turned around and saw a blast of fire hitting her and tossing her out of the ruined house, which was covered in flames. She landed on the hard ground, rolling to put the fire out. She could barely move, and her burns were hurting. Even with her element healing her, the pain was too much to bear. She tried to get up but fell; her body was weak and tired. She saw Sunfall smiling and walking out of the flaming home. "My master told us about your story. How it was meant to go." She kneeled and pulled Dashie by the hair. "You were never met to be here. You were having that foolish daughter. Your daughter should have died that day. She should have died being a monster by killing herself." Dashie gritted her teeth in rage, not letting Sunfall insult her daughter. "Because of your daughter and her sisters. They changed so many stories in the multiverse and the time verse. My master isn't happy. She wants all and every story to follow a set path. A path that she wants." "What the heck are you talking about?" Sunfall laughed and let her go. With her claw hand pointing at her, she rose up and unleashed a stream of blazing fire. Dashie rolled away, dodged it, and got up, ready to fight. "I'll explain this simply since you're dumb." "Hey, you don't insult my intelligence!" "Oh, you can't be that dumb, can you?" Dashie glared at her and was getting pissed off. "Let me explain this, like I said, in simple words. My master wants everything to go according to her vision and reach that path's end." She raised her hands into the air and said, "The End. Everything. No more multiverse, no more alt timelines. She can finally shut her library down for good." She pointed at her now. "But as long as 'her' daughter is fighting fate, the endless cycle of endless stories will continue." "Wait, you mean my kid?" Sunfall shook her head. "Blitz? No, her forced story is coming to an end soon. You and this universe aren't in the same time flow. For her, it's been almost a week. She's fighting my master's prototype of her 'saviors,' Rainbow Sun Dawn, and will lose. Finally, ending her forced story, along with her sister." "No, that won't happen!" "Oh? Because she is fighting for her life as we speak." Sunfall laughed, "And you can't stop it. Just like you can't stop me." She unleashed a massive amount of fire, engulfing the area. "No! No!" screamed Dashie, and she jumped out. Sunfall saw that Dashie was gone when the fire was gone, but she knew where she was going. Just as planned. She walked away, and her minions were coming in and surrounding her. "She's heading for the mirror. I'll meet her there. The others are coming. Get every demon ready." The demons nodded and headed off. She opened her bat wings and soared off to the castle to meet Dashie at the vault, where the mirror was still. As she entered the castle, a bright flash could be seen, and Ember, Cozy in her cursed magical form, and Tirek appeared in the middle of the city. "HEY! EVIL LOVE BIRDS! We heard what was happening, and we're here to stop you!" shouted Cozy as her voice reached the whole city. Ember and Tirek groaned in annoyance. "She's so loud for a short pegasus," said Ember, covering her ears. "Agree. Also very annoying brat sometimes. So little, but yet, filled with so much rage." Cozy turned to them, his eyes blazing with rage. "Hey! I BEEN RIGHT HERE!" "We know," smirked Tirek. Tirek and Cozy were fighting as Armor and his wife landed before them. They stopped fighting and faced the two flame demons of the Empire's once-princess and prince rulers. "Well, look who we have here," smiled Armor, his eyes glowed with a deep blue flame. "A dragon lord and two former villains are at our doorstep. I see our daughter sent the most useless form of help." teased his wife as her eyes glowed pink. "I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S USELESS!" roared Cozy, about to charge off, but Tirek held her back and spoke while Cozy was swinging her arms, "Give up. We can save you; let us help you." "Oh, so noble," laughed Armor. "But you can't help us. We're free and powerful. We won't give it up." "It's not worth the power. This is a curse." Tirek said with a sad face, "Don't be monst-ouch!" he shouted as Cozy bit him, making him let go and dropping her. "Screw the "we'll save you" bull. I'm kicking their ass!" and she charged off. "That girl is insane," sighed Armor as he created a blazing shield and sword. "So eager to die first. But it will be over soon." Ember and Tirek could only look on as Armor charged off toward Cozy while they charged toward Cadance. "Let's kill her first and be done with it. Her screaming will be the first of many," he laughed as his wife flew off. Armor was a fast flyer thanks to his magic and cut Cozy down, his sword slashing her and tossing her into a building. Armor flew by the building and saw Cozy crash into the roof, the building exploding and burning by his magic. He smiled and continued to search for her to make sure she was dead. Cozy slowly emerged, her magical form saving and healing her and her body glowing. She growled as her body glowed bright red and became somewhat twisted. She blasted out of the house and punched Armor's blazing shield, sending him flying away. "Dear!" shouted Cadance as she watched her husband being sent flying, but she quickly paid attention to her fight with Tirek and Ember. She unleashed a stream of pink flame, and the two split apart. She then summoned a flaming tornado and tossed it at Tirek and Ember. They dodged it, and Tirek leaped into the air and came down on her with his giant fist, but he quickly pulled back as her flaming pink barrier burned his fist. "You will never stop us. The master will win, and you will fail!" "No, we won't! We will beat you and save you and your kingdom," said Ember, firing fireballs. "We will not be saved." She fired pink balls of flame, and both fireballs clashed midair, creating a large explosion. In the distant part of the city, each group got into the city. AJ and her friends were with their counterparts, while Tempest was with Chrysalis, Luna, and Starlight. They all started to head towards the castle, and the Mane 4 were fighting with their counterpart. "Keep your head down, soldier! We're in deep enemy territory, and I will not have you die on me!" very loudly shouted Flutterwar to Fluttershy as they ran from building to building, dodging demon guards. "Please, quiet down. They might hear us," whimpered Fluttershy as they tried their best to stay hidden and not be seen by the demon ponies. Flutterwar did a tactical roll and loudly hummed her battle theme, crawling behind the demon ponies like they hadn't even noticed her, leaving Fluttershy in shock. "HOW ARE THEY NOT HEARING THAT!?" whispered Fluttershy to herself, and Flutterwar was waving at her to come over, giving the all-clear signal. Fluttershy nervously ran over to her, and the two hid in a ruined shop and ducked under the window shop, looking around for any more demons. "We should be reaching the castle soon, but..." Fluttershy heard War stop talking and turned to her, seeing her slowly reaching out to a demon pony standing guard near the shop window, ready to twist her neck. "NO!" screamed Shy, tackling War to the ground, alerting the demons before them. War slowly glared at Shy, making her smile. "Oops." "You stupid, stupid, stupid, IDIOT! I could have had her and given us a way through; now look at what you did!" She pointed, and Shy saw a demon pegasus flying off and calling the others, getting more demons to arrive here. With her crazed eyes and smile, War stood up and spoke, "Let them bring more! I fought in a war when I was a filly! I always come out on top and covered in scars! COME YOU MAGGOTS! LET ME SHOW YOU THE KINDNESS OF DEATH!" Shy was terrified by her and how she was enjoying this. Soon, many more arrived—a large army of them. War rose her hooves up, ready to fight them all. "COME AT ME, YOU MAGGOTS! I WANT TO FEEL YOUR BLOOD ON MY FLANK!" The demon ponies rushed to her, screaming like banshees, while Flutterwar laughed and shouted as well, charging off to them, but was pulled away by her tail by Shy as she flew away, as she knew they couldn't take them all on. "PRIVATE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WE'RE NOT TACTICAL RETREATING! GET BACK TO THE ACTION!" Shy flew to the nearest house and tossed War inside, flying in herself, shutting the window, and barricading it. "We need to hide; we can't fight all of them," whispered Shy, covering War's mouth and hearing the demons running by, not noticing them. War pulled her hoof away, annoyed. "We can fight them all. If we die here, it's on you, Private." "I'm sorry, but we couldn't have won." She watched War walk to a corner and sit down. "War, I keep telling you, we don't need to kill ponies! There is no kindness in that. Why do you keep thinking that!?" She asked, wanting to know why. War sighed and turned to her. "I hate looking at you. You know? It's like looking at a younger version of me. So much younger, not having to experience war or death." War started to break down again, and tears filled her eyes. "I was only a filly, drafted into a pointless war. I learned so many things—so many awful things. You show the enemy kindness in their last moments and make them see that death is not bad and accept it. When your life flashes before your eyes, it's like the world goes in slow motion, and the only thing you want is peace. I made a vow never to see death as a horrible thing. It's kindness—my kindness, reminding me I'm not a monster." Shy didn't say a word, not wanting to ruin this moment. "I want to give these demon ponies that after we fight them and kill them. I want them to feel my kindness and die peacefully, not being forced into a battle they never wanted. Like me..." Many years ago I was born in the Kingdom of Day to a carefree family and lived a wonderful childhood, playing with my younger sibling, being taught by my parents, and having fun. My life was good until the age of 8 when they came knocking... "NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE MY DAUGHTER! SHE'S JUST A KID!" cried Flutterwar's mother as a guard held her back. The rest of the guards tore the house upside down and looked for her. "Your daughter signed up for the military, miss. She's a soldier now." "NO! I'll never see her again!" "Ma'am, you must calm down." "SHE'S TOO YOUNG TO FIGHT IN A WAR! She will never sign anything like that! HONEY, RUN WITH FLUTTERWONDER!" screamed her mother. As she, her brother, and her father were in the basement, he locked the door and pulled back the board, revealing a hole in the basement wall. He gave his son a saddle bag and told him to be brave and stay with his big sister. He then turned to Flutterwonder, giving her a saddle bag and telling her to take care of her little brother and that they would meet up with them later before pushing them inside the hole, replacing the board, and blocking it. Flutterwonder started to cry as she ran with her brother in the tunnel. As they went deeper, they could hear their father yelling in pain. They kept going and made it to the outside. The tunnel exited towards a back ally, and they kept running and hiding from the royal guards, trying to get to a train station. They had just reached and sneaked their way into the train station and were about to get on a parting train, but the guards tackled her as they spotted her, stopping her. Flutterwonder could see her brother on board the train, crying and screaming her name. "RUN AWAY! KEEP GOING! BE A BRAVE COLT!" She shouted and was being dragged away, seeing her brother getting further on the train and further away and out of her life. War was back in the present, and I could see Shy still waiting for her to continue. "I was a good soldier. I learned to kill and not show mercy, no matter the situation...but I couldn't. I couldn't be kind and show them sweet kindness of mercy killing. I did everything to survive and get home...to no one. My parents told me stories of the war when I was very young, including how many died and how the war was pointless, so I did what I was told. I killed. Became a monster, a weapon. I was sent on mission after mission over the years, fighting the enemy and taking over pro-Luna towns with my squad mates. I grew up cold and harsh, nothing like my old self." "What happens next?" asked Shy, curious. "I raised the ranks and became a captain, and a captain has to go on more dangerous missions, like capturing important figureheads or leaders." War's eyes darkened, and Shy felt scared by her. She didn't move and watched as she continued her story. We were charged with capturing a protest leader who was causing trouble for the kingdom, and we surrounded the protester's base, a farmhouse. I ordered my men to charge in. My men stormed the house, and I followed. "ALL OF YOU UNDER ARREST!" shouted Flutterwonder. "DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND SURRENDER!" "NO!" a mare screamed, jumped up from the couch, and fired her magic with her horn, hitting one of the soldiers but holding a magical shield, blocking it. Soon, chaos erupted as the other protesters charged in, attacking her soldiers. "SHOOT TO KILL!" she ordered, her unicorn soldiers blasting off their magic, hitting the protesters, and killing many. "Remember, capture the target, and don't kill them! The princess wants them alive!" "YES, MA'AM!" her soldiers shouted, and the battle raged. (It wasn't a long battle. We didn't even lose anyone; it was a freaking one-sided fight. The protesters had no weapons, and the magic their unicorns knew wasn't high enough to hurt us. We captured our target, brought them back to HQ, and I was given a promotion. I was now a general for all the battles and missions I won, leading an entire army of my own, but the princess summoned me to her throne room.) Flutterwonder entered the throne room and bowed to Celestia. "My princess!" "Flutterwonder. You've been doing an amazing job, and I have a mission for you." She stood up. "What's the mission, my princess? What needs killing?" "This mission is for you only. Come." Celestia got off her throne and led Flutterwonder to the underground part of the castle and entered the prison, heading for a cell, where a lone figure sat, tied to a chair and wearing a bag over their head and covered in blood, clearly beaten. "I want you to kill him." "Him? Why? Who is he?" "He is the leader of the protester group you dealt with; that is all you need to know. I want him dead and-" She turned to a young mare guard, went back to her, and whispered, "I want no witnesses." "Yes, ma'am." She bowed, turned to her prisoner, entered the cell, and removed the bag. The stallion was bruised, his left eye swollen, and he had a busted lip, a bloody nose, and a black right eye. "C-can't be," whispered Flutterwonder as she stood there in shock. Celestia spoke in a dark tone. "Do it. Kill him now. Prove your worth to me. Show me your kindness, which I heard so much about, or you too will be killed." Sitting in front of her was her younger brother. Flutterwonder was shocked, and as her brother slowly looked up at her, crying, he finally got to see her again. "Kindness?" whispered Flutterwonder as she rose her hooves to his neck. Yes, kindness. It's the only kindness I have left." She grabbed his neck. Death is the only kindness! Only in death do you have true freedom, my sweet brother." "STOP!" cried Fluttershy, as she couldn't bear to listen anymore. The image of herself snapping the neck of her brother was too much for her to handle. War sighed and turned to her. "That's my story. I did my job, was trusted, and..." "This is the greatest honor you could do for your kingdom, and to me, Flutterwonder, no." Celestia corrected herself, "Flutterwar. You'll be fused with the element of kindness and be the greatest soldier ever!" Celestia stepped back and saw Flutterwar tied down, surrounded by unicorn mages. One walked in, holding the stone orb of kindness. "Yes, my princess!" Flutterwar could see the orb glowing brightly as it got closer to her chest, blinding her, and feel her body being ripped apart and her mind burning away... "...died. I died not on the battlefield but in a testing lab. They gave me their kindness, and my story ended that day. I still think about that day; as I was drafted to be a weapon, I felt that wasn't where my story was meant to go...but it was fate. We're all pawns in a bigger picture; no matter what, we can't escape what is in store. She looked up and could see Shy was in tears and had her hooves covering her face. "...But you? You still have a chance." "What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy through her tears. "I'm a monster. You're not. Please don't end up like me. Keep that kindness in you. Spread that kindness to many and plant those wonderful sparks in others." War started to cry heavily. "Your kindness will save this world, Shy. Your kindness will save the ponies and creatures you love and help them improve. Your kindness is the strongest, and it can beat anything in your way, even fate." she drops to her knees, takes Shy's hooves, and puts them around her neck. "Even one such as myself." "I won't. You're not a monster; you're a victim of war. You did what you could to live." She smiled and wiped her tears away. "No. I'm not. I'm a monster, a weapon to kill. Please, set me free." She closed her eyes and smiled, feeling Fluttershy's hooves shaking and holding her neck tight. "That's a girl. Remember, spread your kindness to those who need it the most. I have faith in you, Private. Make me proud and show the world you are a hero." War was silent. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Fluttershy crying heavily and shaking, so she slowly hugged her and held her head tight. "You aren't a monster. You are worth living. Why? Why is there a world like yours?" asked Shy, as War was confused and slowly patted her back. "What are you talking about?" "Your story—you didn't have a choice! You didn't get a happy ending. It's not fair." "I did have a happy ending. It was short, but I got to see my brother again and spent the rest of my life remembering all the good things before my story ended on that testing table. Don't cry for me. Don't waste your tears on me." Fluttershy held her closer and tighter, with great sadness in her voice. "It's not a waste! You aren't a waste! You remind me of Braver! Holding all that pain within her, thinking she doesn't deserve love, kindness, or friends, it hurts my heart to see her suffer because of her past." War was shocked, and her tears fell down her face and landed on Shy. "Shy...Braver does deserve a happy life. Her birth mother was forced to be a weapon, and when Sky killed her, she passed on her life to Braver, and Nightfall-crazed father fused her with Blitz and the broken elements, us, the scattered memories of the real victims. I'm just a memory, a ghost of the past. Please, don't cry for me. A ghost. Nothing more." Shy lifted her head and shook her head. "No! You're not! You're a part of Braver and are here; you are kind." "...what?" whimpered War, not understanding what Shy was saying. "W-What do you...?" "I know who Braver is. She is the kindest mare I have ever met, but I have seen how crazed she can get when she fights. Even when she's like that, her kindness always bleeds through." War couldn't understand what she was saying, but she was. However, she didn't want to hear it, as Shy continued. "That kindness is you. You keep her from becoming like you, don't you? You are Braver kindness made real." War started to cry heavily and nod. "Y-Yes. I am her kindness. That's what Blanket told me when she found me." "Who is Blanket?" War broke the hug and shook her head. "That's classified. I can't say more, but know this: She's the reason Braver and Blitz can be happy and live their lives. She is the real victim here in all this mess." Shy didn't press her for more and stood up. "I understand." She then took her hoof and helped War up. We need to hurry! The others might be already at the castle!" Fluttershy rushed to the window and looked, and it was clear to move out. "Shy, wait. One more thing." "Yes?" "When the time comes, I have to return to Braver Core, back to that place. Promise me something." She held her hooves on her chest, and Shy's eyes widened for the first time. War looked truly happy and not crazed or anything. "Make sure to tell her and Blitz to let their past go and not to forget their true self. Don't let their spark burn away in that prison of regret. It's like you said, it's not fair; she needs her happy ending, too. Promise me, you'll ensure they find it, no matter the cost." "I promise." Fluttershy could see War smiling and closing her eyes. The air changed in the room as War was gone and replaced with a different version of herself. There were no scars and no crazed look. Flutterwar was now wearing a long pink coat and a matching bandana. Deep down, Shy could feel like this was Flutterwar's real story self, never dying in the Final Harmony project and living to meet " Rainbow Sky." Flutterwar laughed at her new form, "A story where I met Sky, and our fates changed for the better. That's the story I wish had happened." "Me too, Flutterwar." Whispered Shy as she was happy to see Flutterwar's proper form. War shook her head. "Call me Flutterwonder. Now, Let's go." She leaped through the window, crawled on the ground, and hummed her theme song. Once again, none of the demon ponies noticed her. She rolled to a nearby building and waved at her to hurry. Shy sighed and followed but smiled as she saw her grabbing a nearby demon. Instead of twisting their neck, she put them in a sleep hold and hid them away. "No killing," whispered Flutterwonder. Shy nodded, glad she was keeping her promise, and they hurried on. Flutterwonder stopped her from stepping into the middle of the street, and a demon patrol came running, searching the area. "Hide." "I don't see anything, sir!" A demon soldier shouted, and his superior nodded and ordered him to move out. Once they left, they continued and were at the castle wall. They could see Ember and the others still fighting Cadance and Armor. "It looks like we're the first ones here. Let's go inside and head to the basement. Dashie must be there. Let the others deal with looking for the heart." Flutterwonder was about to leap to the top but froze and looked down. "What's wrong?" asked Shy, as Flutterwonder was pale. "Blitz...Braver..." "Where!!" shouted Shy as she looked around but turned back to Flutterwonder, seeing her chest glowing and dimming. Her legs were disappearing. "What's happening!?" Flutterwonder looked at her and said, "One of them is dying..." On Earth, Blitz and the others enter the police station. She tells the others to wait there. She drops the clothing bags and goes to the front desk to get Dash out of jail. Sunset sat down, leaning back, and looked up at the ceiling but remembered something. She looked down and saw a large box that Blitz had on her when she left Rachel's office. It seemed too small for Twi; maybe it was for Braver? She became very curious and opened the box and looked inside, but a hand held the box shut and made her look up, and she got spooked by Wallflower again, who was holding the box as Blitz gave it to her. "Christ, you freaking ninja, stop doing that! How are you hiding your presence so well?" Sunset yelled, and Wallflower shrugged her shoulders. "I never stand out. Anyway, no touch." "I won't. I just wanted to see what was in the box; Blitz never said anything about it and left it here." Wallflower held the box to her chest. "It's for someone she cares about. She did a ton of work to save enough money for this gift. You shouldn't be snooping around." "Okay, I get it. Sorry." She leaned back in her chair, upset, and crossed her arms. "It's for Lucy anyway, right? What is it?" "..." Wallflower was about to say something but looked away and held the box on her lap. "Don't be jealous." "Eh?" Sunset was shocked at her comment. "Blitz cares about her, yes, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about you," she blushed, "or me. So, don't get jealous. Just be happy that she's happy." "You think I'm jealous?!" Sunset shouted, and Wallflower looked at her and stared into her eyes. Sunset was speechless. "I'm not jealous. I..." she groans and drips down in her chair, annoyed. "Whatever..." "Blitz loves you two!" said Braver as she and Twilight listened, making the girls blush. "Braver, hush," said Twilight, not wanting her daughter to start something. "But it's true, mom." She turned back to the girls. "Blitz loves you two a lot; she always talks about you girls. So, don't worry or be jealous, okay? I know you both love her, so-" "WE DON'T LOVE HER LIKE THAT!" shouted both girls, beet red, but they suddenly looked at each other and both sighed. Braver laughed, and soon coming back were Blitz and Dash, who were pretty beat up with a black eye and cut lip. Twilight quickly got up and went to her, picking her up like a puppy. "What happened to you!?" "The guy I was fighting was stronger than me, but..." "Dash, we can talk about it later." Blitz smiled, picked up her bags, and told everyone they were heading back to her place. But she turned to Dash, who was being carried like a baby by Twilight, who was still worried. "Mom will be proud of what you did, so don't worry. She can find another job." "Right," whispered Dash, blushing, not for what Blitz said but for how everyone in the streets kept looking at her. "Twi, please put me down. People are staring." "Oh, sorry." blushed Twi, letting her down. Back home, Braver headed to her room to put her clothes away while Dash took Twi clothes to their room and got an ice pack from the bathroom. Blitz and Sunset went upstairs to hang on the second-floor balcony. Sunset leaned against the railing and watched the sunset. Blitz leaned against the wall next to the door and had her phone out. "Hey, can I ask you a question?" Sunset asked as she looked back, and Blitz put her phone down. "Yeah?" "Why did you want me to be friends? I wasn't a great person back then, yet you still reach out to me." "Because I didn't see the person you were, I saw the person you can be. When we first met, you were kind and caring, even though you hit me," laughed Blitz, rubbing her cheek and causing Sunset to cringe at her old self's actions. "God, I'm sorry about that! I was going through some shit." "Sunny." Blitz walked closer and stood in front of her with a smile. "You don't need to apologize. You didn't hurt me. If you did, you wouldn't be here right now with me." She held her hands, causing her to blush. "Like I said, I see a beautiful sunset in you. You're so colorful and warm. I'm happy I met you. Meeting such a warm and beautiful girl makes me happy." Blitz could hardly see Sunset's face as the beaming of the setting sun was in her eyes, but she saw a beautiful sun-like glow to Sunset's hair. Blitz quickly felt Sunset's hands pulling away and smacking her shoulder. "Not going to work on me twice, you dork." Sunset was trying to hide her blush, and Blitz laughed, knowing it did. "Sunset, when I called you my friend, it was because I cared about you and wanted you to be happy. You deserve the world and more." "You're so cheesy." She smiled and hugged her. "Thank you," she whispered in her ear. "I'm going to do my best for you." "Sunset, you don't have to force yourself to be my friend just to repay me. Just be yourself. You're a good person." "No, I'm not..." "You are. Sunset, you're a good person, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise," Blitz said with a warm smile, making her blush more. She looked away. "If you say so." Blitz remembered something and returned inside in a blink of an eye, returning with a box. "Here, an early birthday gift and being a great friend in covering my ass." "You didn't have to..." She turned and froze. It was the box she had seen before, and she remembered what Wallflower had said. She opened it, and her heart dropped. Blitz laughed as she was speechless. "Do you like it?" "L-like it!? I LOVE IT!" She pulled out a black leather jacket with flames on the sides and a red and yellow sun on the back. "DUDE! HOW MUCH DOES THIS COST!? THIS IS REAL LEATHER AND A VERY DETAIL DECAL! THIS MUST HAVE BEEN EXPENSIVE!" "Nah, I saved up from working and saving my allowance." Sunset, lower the jacket, and remember Blitz's weird jobs since last year. She realizes she was doing all that work to buy her this gift. She feels touched; her friends do a lot of things for her, but she has never seen this much work before and starts to tear up. "W-why?" "Because it suits you. You're my fiery friend; you shine like the sun." Sunset dropped the jacket and hugged her. "Thank you," she whispered and started to cry. "Thanks, Blitz." Blitz held her tight and repeated something that her mothers once told her: "That symbol on that jacket is your fiery warmth, shining on your friends. The sun will guide and warm your friends, even in the darkest hour." "That's why I love you, Blitz. That's why I fell for you; you're always there for me and everyone else," thought Sunset, as she could cry. Under them, Twilight and Wallflower were sitting out on the back porch and hearing everything. Twilight turned to the girl, seeing her looking sad and clutching her fist in her shorts. Twilight knew what was happening and tried to raise her spirit. "So... how did you and Blitz meet?" "Huh?" "You and Blitz, how did you meet?" "Uh..." Twilight noticed she was making this awkward, but she needed to distract her. "I know you're not the type to talk, but you can make an exception with me. "You're her mom, so...by the way, why are you taller now?" Wallflower started to ask many questions, and Twi couldn't keep up. "Well, let Blitz explain all that, but anyway, tell me. I love hearing how friends met." Wallflower was unsure about telling her, as she knows Twilah, who is Twilight, is Blitz's mother, but Twilight gave her a warm smile. "Please tell me. You don't have to if I'm forcing you-" Twilight stopped as Wallflower raised her hand and spoke. "She was the only person who ever noticed me." four years ago In middle school, Blitz walked the halls after class with her headphones on, listening to music while her nose was in a book. A group of girls walked past, laughing, and one bumped into Blitz, pushing her to the locker. "Out the way, nerd!" the girl shouted and laughed, along with the others. "Sorry..." Blitz said without thinking and continued reading but stopped and helped pick up the books the girl she knocked into when pushed. The green-haired girl, with her eyes covered by her hair, was embarrassed and shocked. She made a cute little squeak and then soon ran off. "H-Hey! You left your book." Blitz was confused and didn't know why that girl ran off and looked at the book; it was a journal. She opened it and saw a name on the inside: Wilma Blush. It was a cute name, and she closed it and looked down the hall. "I hope I can give it back to her tomorrow." The next day, Blitz and Sunset were walking the hall as school just ended. Blitz was trying to find the girl who owned the journal. "Are you sure about this, Blitz? You're not a detective, you know. Maybe she dropped it on purpose. Who reads a journal anyway?" "I do," replies Blitz, holding her journal with cute animal stickers. Sunset laugh. "Okay, whatever, nerd. I'm heading home; see you tomorrow." Sunset left, waving bye, and Blitz left alone to find the journal's owner. Blitz looked all over the school and couldn't find the owner. "Maybe she already went home? But, then again, she's probably in the library. If she's not there, then she's not in school. Well, better check the library." When she entered the library, she saw no one there but the librarian pushing the cart with tons of books in it. Blitz walked in the middle of the library, held the book out, and turned to her right. She saw the girl hiding in a row of books, watching her. "Um, I think this is yours." The girl quickly did the same cute squeak the day before and ran off. Again, leaving Blitz alone, but this time she ran off her but quickly lost her. "That was strange." Later, Blitz was walking home with her headphones on, thinking about the girl. "She seemed like she didn't want to talk to me and ran off; not only that, but she also didn't take her journal back." Blitz stopped and turned around. "Hello?" She looked down the sidewalk but saw no one, but she swears she felt someone was behind her. She returned, walking home, not noticing the girl poking her head out of the bushes, blushing. "How is she doing that?" whispered Wilma, stepping out and heading home. The next day, the school was having a field day, and the whole school was outside, doing different activities. Sunset and Blitz were talking and watching people run and do races. "Why don't you run, too? I saw you run. You are almost as fast as your mom. Are you sure you don't want to race? Try out for the track team when we go to high school. Or at least run with the other students so that you can whip their asses. There is no reason why I should be the only one kicking their ass, you know." "You can, and I'm fine here. I wouldn't say I like running when everyone else is looking. It isn't very comfortable. Besides, I'm slower than my mom. I can barely keep up with her, and she's still holding back." "Whatever, let's do something!" "What do you have in mind?" Sunset pointed to the capture flag as students joined for the next match. "How about that?" "Hmmm, okay." As they walked to the field, the girl was watching Blitz again. She wanted to talk to her, but her anxiety and fear were holding her back. She slowly walked up to her, bumping into other students, but no one ever reacted to her, almost like she didn't exist. As the girl was trying to make her way to Blitz, she was pushed again and landed on Blitz's back. Blitz turned and was surprised. "It's you." Wilma got off her too quickly, fell on her rear, and started to freak out, which confused Blitz. "I-I-I-I-I-I-" "Whoa, hey. Don't worry." Blitz smile, getting her attention. "It's okay, no harm done." Blitz held her hand and helped her up. "See, good as new. Um...hey, listen. I'm sorry to still have your journal. I was going to give it back, but I can't find you. Maybe we can exchange numbers so I can return it? I left it back home today, since there were no classes today." Wilma blushed and was about to agree, but someone ran up to them, pushing her onto Blitz. "Hey, watch where you're going!" shouted Blitz, but the person turned around and yelled back. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you." They turned back and were gone before Blitz could correct them. "That was mean. Are you okay?" "Y-y-yes, thank you." She got off of her and stood there, all worried. "Cool, hey, why not come hang out with us? We will play Capture the Flag and need one more person on our team. Care to join us?" "U-um...I-I-I... okay..." she nodded. "Cool, name's Blitz; nice to meet you." "Wilma, my name is Wilma." "That's a cute name." "Thank you." She was so happy, and Blitz led her over to Sunset. "This is Sunset, a good friend of mine." Sunset turned to Blitz and looked around as Wilma spoke. "S-s-s-sunset, i-i-it's a pleasure t-" "Blitz, come on, it's starting! Here!' Sunset tossed the two flags to her and took a battle stance as their team, and the other team started to get ready. Blitz handed the other flag to Wilma and smiled to help calm her down as she shook like a leaf. "It's okay, just follow my lead." "O-o-o-o-ok." Blitz winked at her, which made her heart flutter, and Blitz looked at the other team. "Alright, let's do this." It was a long battle to capture the flag. The Blitz team mostly lost all their flags, and even Sunset lost her flag, leaving only Blitz le. Blitz easily dodged anyone nearby and took their flags, but soon, she lost her flag, and the match was over. "The blue team is the winner!" shouted the teacher, but she saw Blitz holding her hand up. "What's up, Blitz?" "Teacher, we won, though." "No, the blue team won." "But we still have a flag, and the other team lost all their flags." Blitz lifted the flag Wilma was holding, showing the flag still on her belt. "Wha-how!?" said the teacher in shock; even both teams were shocked. "She was stealing flags when people got near her. Just no one bothers to go after her,' answered Blitz. "Oh, well. You win, congratulations?" the teacher said, rubbing his head in confusion. "Thanks!" Blitz turned to her team and said, "We won. Great job, guys!" Her team cheered, and Sunset ran up to Blitz. "Dude, you did great; same with that girl. Where did she go?" Blitz confusingly pointed to her right. "She is still here. Right there." Blitz laughed as Sunset freaked out, making Wilma make her cute squeak, which made her even more adorable. "Woah, I've never seen her before." Blitz gave her a weird look. "What? You were looking at her before you gave us the flags." "...I did?" "Yeah." "Weird, oh well, great job! I'm heading to the next game! Better catch up!" "Huh, oh, okay." As Sunset left, Blitz turned to Wilma and asked her something. "This might sound weird, but..." "Yes, people don't notice me or even remember me," she said, surprising Blitz. "Wait, what? Is that why no one notices you on the field?" "Yes, they all forget I exist." "What?" Blitz slowly poked her side, making sure she wasn't a ghost or magic-related, which made Wilma do her cute squeak. "So, you're real, not a ghost." "I'm not a ghost; I'm a human." "Then how can people not notice you? That's not normal; is that some magic thing?" "Magic?" "Yeah! Magic is real—well, not in this universe." Wilma had no idea what Blitz meant, but she answered, "I see, well, it's a family curse." "What? A curse?" "People don't notice or remember me, no matter what. My mother had it, her father, and so on." "Really? Huh, that's sad." "Yeah, but I'm used to it." "Still, you shouldn't have to." Blitz placed her hand on Wilma's shoulder, giving her a warm smile. "Don't worry; from now on, I'll make sure you're always noticed. Even if you disappear, I won't forget you." "Really?" "Promise." "..." Wilma had tears running down her face, and she hugged her, which took her by surprise, but she hugged her back, comforting her. After that day, the two became friends, and Wilma kept spooking Sunset. It was weeks later, and the school had its middle school prom. Blitz arrived as Dashie dropped her off. She stepped out of the car wearing a rainbow dress, which looked Greek, thanks to Rachel for making it. Of course, she's still wearing her purple jacket. "Have fun at the dance, sweetie." "I will, Mom, see you after the dance. Bye, I love you." "I love you too; stay safe." Blitz waved her mom goodbye and headed into the school, where students danced, talked, and hung out with their friends. Unlike everyone else, she spotted Sunset wearing regular clothes and noticed Blitz blush as she saw her dress. "Wow, you look awesome. Your mom's friend made that." "Yeah, she did." "You look amazing; I'm not really into fancy clothing, so..." "Don't worry; you look great the way you are." "Heh, thanks. So, have you seen her? The one who keeps scaring me?" "Sunset, her name is Wilma. You can least remember her name." "Whatever, anyway, have you seen her?" She started to take a drink from her soda. "She's right next to you." "What?" "Hi, Sunset." Sunset jumped, dropping her soda, and it exploded as it hit the floor, getting soda everywhere. "Oh god!" Sunset was freaking out. "W-w-what happened?" said Wilma, looking around as she didn't notice herself popping up out of nowhere, which caused Sunset to freak out. "What's wrong?" asked Blitz. "What's wrong!? What's wrong is that she was just not here when she was. How the hell did she do that!? This is the third time this week!" Blitz shrugged, and Jokey said, "Maybe it's magic." "There's no such thing as magic, you dork. And stop saying that! That doesn't make any sense. Magic doesn't exist, you nerd. Man, my boots are covered in soda. BRB! I'm going to clean up. You two enjoy the dance, but there is no funny business." She pointed and blushed. "Yeah, yeah," waved Blitz as Sunset left, leaving her and Wilma alone. "You should stop scaring her. She'll get mad at you." "Sorry, it just happens..." "I know, it's just hard to explain." "Yes." "Anyway, would you care to dance?" "D-dance? Me?" "Yes, you." Blitz held her hand, and Wilma shyly grabbed it. "S-sure." The two head to the dance floor, and Blitz and Wilma start dancing together, enjoying themselves. "I've never been to a dance before." "Really? Why not?" "I was scared, and no one would notice me, so no one asked." "Well, now you have." "Thanks, Blitz; you're the best." "Aww, no problem." The two continued dancing and the current dance was over. Kids started to leave the dance floor; some stayed. Sunset returned and joined them in dancing. Later in the night, it was time to reveal the popular boys and girls of the school. "Everyone, please give a hand to the most popular girl, Blitz," shouted the gym teacher, clapping. Blitz almost spilled her juice. "Oh?" "Yeah, everyone loves you!" shouted Sunset, pushing her forward. "Wow." Blitz walked up, and the class clapped and cheered, which was embarrassing for her. "Congratulations, Blitz!" shouted a few kids. "Thank you?" Wilma smiled and watched as Blitz smiled and waved. She could feel Blitz's warm aura, like a bright comet in the night sky—a rainbow comet. As everyone continued cheering, Wilma slowly started to frown. "She is so bright. Why does she even want to be my friend? She's so popular and bright while I'm invisible. No matter how hard I try, no one notices or remembers me." She slowly stepped back and headed to the exit. She stops and turns to Blitz. "Thank you, thank you for everything. You made me feel so happy, but you shouldn't waste your light on me. Thanks Blitz. Goodbye." Wilma left the dance, and no one seemed to notice, but one person did. Wilma walked down the hall and almost reached the exit, but she heard her name being called out. "WILMA!" Wilma turned around and saw Blitz breathing hard as she ran. "Hey, where are you going?" "What do you mean? I'm leaving. You shouldn't be wasting your time on me. Go back to the dance." "What are you talking about? Why are you leaving?" She asked, stepping forward, but she saw Wilma shaking as she rested her hand on the door. "I'm invisible to everyone. I should leave, and no one will notice." "You're not invisible; you're right there. Lo-" "That doesn't matter; it's a curse. I'll always be ignored and forgotten, but not you. You're bright, Blitz. You're like a comet, and I'm nothing; I'll bring you down if you keep being around me. Goodbye." She opened the door and walked through, closing behind her. "What? Wilma!" Blitz rushed out the door and held her hand. "Blitz? What are you doing?" "What does it look like? I'm trying to stop you. Why are you leaving?" "I told you why? Just go back inside and party with the others. Don't worry about me." "I'm not letting you leave. If you're going to go, I'm going with you." Wilma was surprised by "what?" "You heard me! You're my friend! If you're leaving, I'm coming with you!" "B-but, Blitz, you can't. Everyone is in there, cheering for you. They need you, not me." "No, they don't; you need me." Blitz took her other hand and smiled. "If you're leaving, I'm leaving with you." "Blitz...you shouldn't." "Why not?" "Because...because..." "Wilma, come on. Why are you leaving? The truth is because I can-" Blitz stopped as she saw her crying. "...Wilma?" Wilma held Blitz's hands tighter. "I'm scared. I was scared you'd forget me as you kept shining bright like a comet in the night sky. I'm scared. I'm scared." "Wilma, I will never forget about you, I promise. Even if you disappeared, I would find you." "Really?" Blitz looked up in the night sky and said, "They will shine in your heart, showing the world that you are the light." "Huh?" "Something a great woman filled with so much hope for a better tomorrow, she once told me that as she held me in her arms." Blitz let go of Wilma's hands and placed them on her cheeks, gently brushing the tears away. "Wilma, I made my light a new tomorrow. Even if it's not perfect and isn't the best. I want to share it with you. I want to shine my light on you so you shine your light on me. You keep saying I'm bright as a comet, but you shine just as brightly in the darkness. Why else do I keep finding you?" Blitz gave her a huge smile. "I can't ever lose you when you shine so bright!" Wilma stared at Blitz and started to cry. She then embraced her, wrapping her arms around her, and Blitz hugged her back. "Thank you, thank you, Blitz. I'm so glad I met you. Thank you." "You're welcome, Wilma." Blitz took Wilma back inside, and everyone cheered her name again, not noticing or remembering the girl who disappeared and reappeared. She was happy, and no one could change her mind. Once again, Sunset got scared but smiled as she started to get used to it, as Wilma was a friend. After the dance, Blitz and her friends were on the grass, waiting for their folks, but Blitz picked up a flower and gave it to Wilma. "Even if you're a Wallflower, you don't have to hide; I won't forget or ignore you. No one should; you are special, no matter what others say or think. So, don't ever hide." Wilma started to cry again. "Thank you, Blitz." She took the flower, held it, and said, "You can call me that, a wallflower! I'll always remember you, no matter what. I'll always be there for you. Like a flower always looking to its light!" "...that's why I'm called Wallflower and how I met her. She always knows where I am because I shine brightly." She started to play with her fingers. "I always look at her. She's my best friend and my hero. She's like a comet—bright and warm. She's a rainbow, showing hope and peace. She's so nice and sweet; she makes me feel at home and safe." Twilight smiled, seeing how much Wilma loved Blitz. "You truly love her, huh?" Wallflower made her cute squeak and blushed hard, trying to act dumb. "Well, of course, I do; we are friends. She's so kind, friendly, and bright. She's gorgeous and strong and has nice legs-" She covered her mouth, realizing what she just said. She turned to Twilight with a big blush. "Please don't tell her I said that!" "Your secret is safe with me." Twilight giggled as she shut her mouth and tossed away the key. This made Wallflower giggle, and they went back inside as it was nighttime. They entered and saw Blitz waiting for her in the living room with the others. Blitz asked her to sit down; she needed to tell her something. "What's wrong?" asked Wallflower. "There's something I need to tell you." She said okay and watched Blitz breathe in and out in a bright flash. She was in her anthro form, but to Wallflower, it was the Rainbow Comet. "Blitz, you are the Rainbow Comet...?" "Y-yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner; I was scared." "I can't believe it. You're the Rainbow Comet." "Yep." "That explains a lot. Like how you disappeared or corrected people when they called her Super Horse." "Hehehe, yeah." Blitz scratched her cheek. "It also explains the sexy leg muscles and speed yo-" she said, stopping as she covered her mouth and blushed. "You think my legs are sexy?" she asked, blushing and smiling. "Oh god, no," she said, covering her face. "You think my legs are sexy." Blitz looked at her legs and smiled harder. "I guess they are!" "No!" Wallflower quickly got up and headed to the front door, where a bright red stop sign said, "I'm leaving!" But Blitz grabbed her hand, and Wallflower could feel her shaking. She quickly turned around and, for the first time, saw Blitz shake with fear. "...Blitz?" "Wilma, I need your help." Wilma could see Braver becoming like her sister in that form and seeing Blitz's parents looking worried but also very concerned; something must be wrong. "What's wrong?" Sunset, who was on the wall and leaning the whole time, decided to speak. "Blitz is scared, really scared." "Scared? Of what?" "Lucy is in danger," she said as she told her what was happening, and after being told, Wallflower held Blitz. "We won't let her be eaten! We'll find a way to save her!" "But I don't know how. I-I'm scared." "I'll help you. I won't let anyone hurt her or you. I'll be your light in the darkness, shining bright as you always shine for me." She leans back. "You gave me your kindness; now it's my turn to return mine. I'll help you. I'll keep your light safe. You are not alone." Blitz could feel her tears coming, and she started to cry on her shoulder while hugging her. Wallflower has never seen Blitz like this before. She slowly held her and became sad as well. "You truly love her, huh?" she thought, stroking Blitz's back. Blitz cried as she was scared and losing hope, with only five days remaining. end of 17