//------------------------------// // Arc2 chapter 15: Getting There Won't Be Easy // Story: Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later // by DATONETWIxDASHFAN //------------------------------// Nothing but steam and hissing could be heard as part of Equestria's land was covered in black water and burned. Bright green grass and flowers withered away as the dark water covered everything, turning everything black and charred. Trees became dry, twisted forms of themselves, losing all their leaves and life. "What is this?" asked Celestia, seeing the black water stopping in front of Ponyville and turning the land into a dry, burned-barren area. Twilah walked past her, knelt before it, and turned to the group. "Does anyone have a glass cup?" She watched as a light gray pegasus with derp eyes held a tray of drinks and gave her a glass cup, making her smile and bowing her head, thanking her "thanks." She carefully took a scoop of black water and could see it not melting. "...very strange..." "What is it?" asked AJ as Twilah returned to the group. "It's not melting the cup, but looking at the level of burning on the land, the heating point should've scattered the glass, heck its not even hot. I don't think this is water or even heated." "Then what is it?" asked Fluttershy. Twilah shook her head. "I don't know. It could be magic or something more; I don't know. I need a lab to do testing and research." She swirled the cup, and the liquid followed the motion like gelatin. "But from what I'm seeing, this liquid is very heavy, and no doubt isn't water. It could be a chemical or something." "Can it be removed from the land, friend Twilah?" asked Luna, looking out at the land. Twilah closed her eyes, and her horn lit up. Soon, a tiny bit of black water started to float and gather together as a small sphere of liquid hovered over the cup. She opened her eyes, looking very worried now. "That's all I could pull out with magic, and I tried to break it down to nothing but couldn't. Not even magic couldn't destroy it, and I gave it everything I could by removing it from the cup, and only a tiny amount came out." She turned back to the burning land. "This isn't good. If we don't find a way to remove or destroy it, this 'water' will sink into the ground and kill everything, making the land uninhabitable and spreading across the land." "What could cause this?" asked Luna, not liking the sound of what could happen. AJ copy stepped forward and spoke in a bitter tone, "Blame that human with the pony ears. Also, that pink unicorn. She summoned it here, right? How else could this evil water get here? Lucky, the black sun was gone when she ran tail." AJ walked up to her copy. "Sugar cube, before we deal with this problem, we gotta ask you something." "What?" glared the AJ copy. AJ could see the anger in her copy eyes and pushed her hat forward. "I was going to ask you what we should call you and the others, but I don't like your tone one bit. How about you just talk without that tone, and we can work on the problem together?" "Fine, fine, you win. My name is Jack'O'Apples, or JA for short. So, what do you want, sugar cube? Nice hat, by the way!" said JA with a smile, and again, AJ could feel the lying behind that fake smile. "Why, you little! I can tell you are lying. Stop and talk!" JA placed her hoof on her chest. "Oh? Am I lying?" asked JA, with a mocking tone in her voice and a broader smile. "Yeah, you are, and I don't like liars. I don't care if you're me. So, drop the act," she said, stopping as JA grabbed her by her bandana scarf and headbutted her hard, knocking her back and making her hat fly off. "AJ!" shouted her friends as they tried to help her, but JA's friends stopped them. Pinkie's counterpart tossed a "rock candy" at Fluttershy, but Dashie caught it and glared at them as Pinkie's counterpart spoke, "Sorry, but my friends and I have some issues with the four of you." "Like what?" asked Dashie, tossing the rock in the air repeatedly. However, she was surprised to see the four copies suddenly act differently when facing her, as their demeanor changed into actual friendly ponies and not masks. "I'm Glad you're finally here, and—" JA looked over to Twilah, who had her arms crossed and was pretty mad at how she was acting. "Her. I never thought we'd see you two in person." Twilah walked forward, stopping as she scanned the group and spoke, "Before the twins left, you said something about Braver Core, and as long as it doesn't die, you won't die." She lowered herself to them, "You are the ones, aren't you?". "One what, darling?" questioned Rarity as she stepped far away from her sickly counterpart, who was coughing up vomit. Dashie started to think about what she meant, and it suddenly hit her. She asked Twilah if they were 'them', and she nodded. "Yes, it's them. I don't know how since I thought they were killed during the fusion of the elements." Celestia and Luna walked up and asked what she meant by that, but Jack O'Apples and her friends quickly took a battle stance and gave the sisters a cold stare. They stepped back and questioned why they suddenly became so defensive, and Fluttershy Copy said, "In our universe, you killed us for your pointless war!" "WHAT!?" shouted the sisters in pure shock and confusion. Twilah turned to the group. "Rainbow Sky showed us memories of her past; in her universe, you two were at war with each other, and Luna had the upper hand, and that was having Bre—" Twilah corrected herself quickly. Braver as a magical weapon." She turned to Celestia and said, "You made a project known as "Final Harmony," where you took random ponies and fused them with elements of harmony in that universe, but..." "Each test was a failure, and not only did it destroy and scatter the element orbs, but it also killed the test objects," said Dashie, as she and Twilah moved aside, showing everyone JA and her friends. "Those are these ponies right here. They are victims of your other universe selves." The sisters step backward in disbelief as the copy's glare intensifies, making them shiver. Everyone else is in shock when they hear that, even the town folks, who are whispering among themselves. "My sister and I...will never..." asked Luna, feeling like she was about to cry. Celestia lowers her head in shame at her other universe counterpart for doing such an evil thing, but she could only ask Twilah and Dashie two questions: "How are they here now? And...that universe Twilight, did she also...?" Twilah and Dashie said no. They had no idea why they were here and not dead. They also answered the second question about Nightfall, as she wasn't born during that time when the war was going on. After Sky ended the war by wiping out both kingdoms as the black slime took over the sister's bodies and infected the kingdoms, it was 1000 years later when Nightfall was born. Even then, they looked over to the ghost figures of those two, Nightfall and Sky, as they didn't move once from the spot where they appeared. Making the two wonder what's going on... On earth and in Blitz's home, she opened her eyes, freaking out as she remembered what happened. She shot up and looked around the dark living room and noticed everything was normal like there was no considerable hole in the ceiling and no ruins of the living room; in fact, she was on the couch. "Was I dreaming up everything?" she whispered as she put her hands on her face and felt the sweat on her brow, which made her wonder if she had been sweating this much before the dream. She looked around and saw the time: 11:30 p.m. "Damn, I can't sleep after a dream like that." She got up and noticed a light coming from the kitchen and slowly walked over, hoping her mom was talking, even though she didn't hear anything until she got closer. She peeked around the corner and saw Sunset and her moms, but she knew it wasn't her 'moms,' but Twilight and Dash. The only one wearing clothes now is Dash, wearing a black shirt and shorts; Twilight has a blanket over her naked body, and being much taller than her real mom, Twilight couldn't wear any of Twilah's clothes. She could also see her sister in a blanket, but in the corner, huddled in a ball and crying. Twilight and Dash were kneeling behind her as she faced the corner, trying to calm her down. "Sweetie. It's okay. This doesn't change who you are." said Twilight, stroking her daughter's side, and Dash added, "You are still my sweet daughter. Nothing will change that." Braver turned to them with tears in her eyes. "Am I!? Because that 'horn' says otherwise!" pointing down at her privates. "WHY DO I HAVE THAT!?" Blitz quickly remembered that and hurried into the room. Sunset called out her name when she saw her run towards her sister. Braver promptly covered her head as she saw her sister running towards her. "Braver! Look at me!" said Blitz, who had a severe tone. Braver didn't want to, afraid her sister would be scared or disgusted by her. Blitz knelt, pulled the blanket away, and then her sister's hands away and saw that her sister's 'horn' was still there; she didn't see things before she fainted. She could also see the female part. She covered her up and spoke with a very caring, sisterly tone, which Braver had never heard before. "It's okay. Since you are part slime, your race is like slugs. You and your race have hermaphroditic genders, as you have male and female parts. Since you became a human in my universe, it gave you two gender parts." Braver cried when she heard, "I'm a girl, though! ...right?" "Of course you are! You identify as a girl; that's who you are." She hugged her sister and spoke softly, with tears in her eyes, "I always love you, no matter what. You're my twin sister, remember?" "Even if I'm a freak?" asked Braver as Blitz hugged her tightly. "You're not a freak." She kissed her sister on the head and said, "You aren't; trust me." They suddenly heard Sunset playing her guitar, which made the two girls and Braver's parents turn around. "Ya, sis is right. You aren't a freak. If you were a girl in your universe, then you are a girl." She played a few more notes. "That doesn't change who you are, no matter what anyone says or what you have down there." Braver looked up to her Blitz friend and smiled, knowing Sunset and Blitz were right; it didn't change who she was as long as she knew it and her family supported her. Sunset started to rock out, making Braver cheer; even her parents felt better that their daughter was now okay. "Thank you, Sunset," said Twilight, smiling, knowing that even though this wasn't her Sunset, her kindness was the same. Sunset said it was no biggie, but she noticed her friend letting go of her sister and facing her as she leaned on the stink counter. "They told you?" Sunset looked away and glared down at the guitar. "Yup, of course. Initially, I didn't believe it, but then I saw your sister here casting magic and fixing the house." She leans backward and tips her head back, looking outside the window. "Good thing she did that too. Firetrucks, cops, and the whole neighborhood came knocking. I had to cover for you as you were still knocked out. I had to explain we just had a sleepover and lie about hearing no explosion." She leans her head and body back, smiling, "Was shitting bricks, dude. I was scared shitless!" Twilight and Dash didn't know what she meant by that slang, but Blitz did. She face palmed herself and spoke, "Sunset, I'm sorry you had to lie and be put in a tough position." "It's cool; I'm a big girl; I can handle it. I'm not a child anymore." Dash walked up, put her hand on her shoulder, and spoke, "Still, thank you for covering us. No matter the universe, you are still the same pony—well, person. Thanks." Dash gave her a thumbs up. Sunset nodded. "I still can't believe I'm a cool pony with magic! and she's older than me, too!" She gleaned at the thought, making Dash and Twilight laugh, but Blitz was very serious, making her friend notice. "What's up? Is it about me knowing you are the superhero, Rainbow Comet? Chill, I won't-" "It's not about that. I don't fucking care if you know. Did they tell you why I'm here, along with them!?" Sunset said yes and knows the story about Rainbow Sun Dawn and how she's after their Dawn, Lucy. "Good, we're on the same page then. We must head to Lucy's place right now and bring her here. We need to protect her." said Blitz, about to head for the backyard door. "Hey, hold it, Blitz," Sunset called her and grabbed her shoulder. It's almost midnight. She's asleep along with her folks." Her grip got harder. Speaking of her folks, they won't allow you to take her like that, and you can't show them or Lucy your authentic self. If you do, and after all this, your life will be over; you know that, proper?" Blitz smacked her friend's hand away and turned to face her in anger. "I don't give a horse shit, Sunset! Lucy is in danger! I'm not letting that crazy woman touch her!" Twilight, Dash, and Braver had worried expressions, remembering how their Dawn was eaten by Rainbow Dawn, who then told them she was going after this universe Dawn to become stronger. "I don't understand how eating this universe Dawn makes her stronger?" questioned Dash. Looking over to Twilight, who had her hand on her chin, and started to pace around the kitchen. Even Braver joined her as the two began to mumble theories about it, but Sunset spoke up. "Maybe it's like that old movie. The One?" "The One?" asked Dash while Twilight and Braver listened in. "Yeah. It's a multiverse-based movie where the bad guy kills other versions of himself; in doing so, he becomes more powerful, but how this craze bitch sounds like, it sounds like that and mixed with that fighting anime about a bug monster eating these two androids to be more powerful and perfect." When she heard that, Twilight shouted, That was it. "Yes, of course! It's like when we fused with Twilah and Dashie and Midnight and Sky. I remember our fused selves being super strong. It must be the same thing." She turned to Braver, who nodded and added, "Even if this universe Dawn doesn't have magic, this evil Dawn will become powerful just by eating her. We need to make sure that doesn't happen! Right, si..sister!?" Braver and the others noticed Blitz was gone, and the door was wide open. "That idiot. Always blitzing things without thinking..." whispered Sunset, running out to the yard and seeing a rainbow comet in the sky. Dash ran out and quickly said she would catch her, but when she jumped into the air, she quickly remembered that she didn't have wings anymore and fell flat on her face. Twilight hurries to her, asking if she's okay. Sunset shook her head at the two before calling to Braver, "Braver, come on. You use your magic or something!? We can't allow her to reach Lucy's place! Things will go wrong, and I fear she will force Lucy out of the house. We don't need cops here or the media!" Braver nodded, hurried out of the kitchen, and stood outside. She closed her eyes and tried to teleport her sister back, but she could see the blanket pony in front of her, but now as a human girl. "Magic is very limited in this form; you won't be able to reach her with that spell." Braver opened her eyes, saw the yard, and closed them again to see her standing there again in the darkness. "Who are you?" The girl shook her head, saying it wasn't important right now. What is essential is stopping her sister. "How? She's too fast," asked Braver, lowering her head. The girl walked over and put her hands on Braver's shoulders. "Remember ten years ago? When does Prime Discord give Blitz that weird pill? He said it allowed her to change between forms like Dashie and Twilah. He also gave you one. You see where I am going with this, right?" Braver's eyes widened as she remembered something was in her mouth and shallowed it. She now understands, but she doesn't know how to change forms. "It's easy. Just think of your true self; let it take over." Braver closes her eyes harder, and the girl disappears as her body shifts. Sunset and Braver's parents watched in surprise as Braver's body started to change with a light blue and purple light. It wasn't long before the light faded, and they were amazed at what they saw. "...sweetie?" whispered Twilight. Dash chuckled and slapped her hands together. "HA! I always wonder if you could do it as well." "Just like her sister...just with Twilight hair..." whispered Sunset, as she looked at Braver, not in her human form but in her antrho form. "Just like my sister," thought Braver when she heard that. With her magic, a bright flash appeared under the blanket, and she let it go. She showed she was wearing the same outfit as Blitz. "I'm off!" Her wings shot open and blasted off to the sky, leaving behind a blue and purple ink trail. Blitz, in her anthro form, hurried her way to Lucy's house at full speed but quickly sensed something, was tackled, and was sent flying higher into the sky. She believed it was Rainbow Dawn and held whoever tackled her, knee-kicked them in the gut, and sent them flying away. "THAT HURT, SIS!" "What!?" Blitz replied in shock and confusion as she heard Braver's voice. She became more confused as she saw Braver's new form as she rubbed her gut. "Braver!?" Braver recovered, looked at her sister, and said, "Come back home! You can't tell Lucy like this! You aren't thinking straight!" "BRAVER, STAY OUT OF THIS! Lucy is in danger, and you should know more than anyone why I need to save her!" screamed Blitz. "I do know more than anyone! I'm not going to let you screw this up, sister! You can't save her by causing chaos! Besides, that good version of Rainbow Dawn said we had a week!" "How can we even trust her!? Lucy is in danger, and I won't let that bitch take her! Now move, Braver, or I'll move you myself!" Braver didn't say a word and took a stance, causing Blitz to have a pissed look on her face. "Fine, you leave me no choice, sis. I won't hold back." Blitz took a stance as well. The two sisters started to fight one another, and it was hard to tell who was winning as the two were fast, blocking and dodging each other's attacks. They had the same power level but differed, making it difficult to see who was more robust. Blitz was much faster, but Braver outclassed her sister in pure strength. "I don't get it, Braver! Why do you keep trying to stop me from protecting Lucy!?" shouted Blitz as she punched Braver, sending her back but not very far. "Because if you do, you will lose her for good! You'll lose your chance to save her!" shouted Braver as she punched Blitz, sending her flying far back. Blitz caught herself in midair and was about to rush at her sister when Braver appeared in front of her, "You told me that Lucy is scared to be around you sometimes because of her parents and how they hate you and your parents! You can't force her out of the house in the middle of the night! Don't you think they'll suspect you and the police will be called!? What are you going to do then, huh!?" Braver rushed at her sister, and both caught each other hands and spun around, "The media will come knocking if you reveal yourself as the Rainbow Comet! Your life will be over! You can't stay in this universe after it's all over!" Blitz pushed forward with anger in her eyes. "I don't fucking care! As long as Lucy is safe! I'll gladly give up living here to make sure she's safe! As long as Lucy is safe, I need nothing else." "You are like Dashie and my mom..." whispered Braver, shaking her head. "...like Sky." she let go and grabbed her sister's legs, swung her around, and quickly sensed where this universe forest was, where this all started ten years ago, and found it. She sent Blitz flying towards the forest far out of town and crashing near a flower-covered crater. Braver landed on her, pointing her fingers at her head. "Think, Blitz, think! You'll be wasting the second chance that 'they' gave us! TO YOU!" She then pulled Blitz by her shirt and made her face their parent's grave. "TO THEM! THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO THROW IT ALL AWAY!" Blitz elbowed her sister in the gut and kicked her away into a tree. "I don't care! I CAN LIVE WITH YOU!" shouted Blitz, getting up on her knees, but saw Braver getting back up, and her dark slime and magic were flowing out of her. She was mad. "What about Dashie and Twilah!?" shouted Braver, slowly walking forward and not letting her reply as she went on, "Your friends!? The new family that you have now!? Are you going to break their hearts!?" "THEY WILL GET OVER IT!" shouted Blitz, taking a defensive stance, and her magic flowed out in rainbow flames. "WILL THEY!?" shouted Braver as her magic flowed out, and the world around her started to warp and shift. Her eyes were glowing bright purple. Within seconds, both sisters met each other in the middle and slammed their punches together, creating a shockwave that pushed the forest trees back. "Yes! Yes, they will!" shouts Blitz, holding her fist back and glaring at her sister. "You're a liar, and you know it!" shouted Braver, punching forward. "They love you! They'll miss you!" Both pulled back their punches and swung their other fists, clashing again. As it landed, the blanket girl spit second appeared between them. "You'll be breaking Lucy's heart and..." Braver started to cry, causing Blitz to look confused as she continued, "You'll be breaking your own heart. I can see you love her. Don't do this." Blitz's eyes started to glow blue and brighter as her cheeks became hot. "S-Shut up!" "You'll lose her forever." "SHUT UP!" Blitz swung her fist again, and Braver did the same, but both were stopped by the girl's hands, who were standing between them. "You." The two looked at her with confusion on their faces. The girl tossed Braver's fist back, making her fall on her butt, while looking at Blitz and, without a word, smacking her on the head. "Stop acting like Dash and Dashie! Just admit it already! You love Lucy, and this will be the stupidest thing you'll ever do. Don't blitz this up," said the girl. She smacked Blitz again. Loyalty can go so far. If you want to protect Lucy, do it with her consent, not forcefully. Tell her what's going on, you dummy—just like what Twilah and Dashie would tell you." "How do you know that?" asks Blitz, rubbing her head. "I'm-" but before she could say anything else, the wind blew up the blanket, revealing her body. Blitz looked down and said her carpets were the same as Blitz's, causing the girl to blush and start to shake as she lowered her blanket and started shaking. "IT'S COLD!" and she was gone. "...it's summer though?" whispered Blitz, holding her chest and feeling her orb being warm. She looked over to the grave and started to cry. "This is my home. I don't want to lose it, but I can't lose Lucy." "You won't!" Braver got up and hugged her. Blitz cried on her shoulder and hugged her back. "I'm sorry, sis..." "It's okay. I promise you won't lose her. You won't lose your Dawn..." whispered Braver, holding her tight. "Thank you...sister..." Blitz smiled and held her back tightly. It was the next day back in Equestria, and everyone in Ponyville was ordered to move out of the area, as it wasn't safe now, and the black water wasn't spreading now but could in the future. Starlight was closing the School of Friendship, ensuring no one was inside. After checking each room, she finally exited the school and locked it, but she could hear whispering as ponies and creatures were pulling their wagons or carrying their things and glaring at her. She could hear them all. "She's the mother of that Dawn girl, right? I heard a friend who was there last night say that her daughter was going to kill everyone, and that's when that blackwater appeared." "I heard it from my niece, who was with her daughter, and saw what happened. It was terrifying, as she told me. That Dawn girl is a monster, like her mother. I heard stories about her mother. Wasn't she a cult leader or something in that one weird town?" "That Starlight Glimmer!? I thought she was a hero and a teacher! How can I send my kids here when one of the teachers is a mother to that monster? We can't trust her!" Starlight sighed, moved on, walked away from the school, and was heading to AJ Farm. She could hear all the whispering, the glares, and the hate. It wasn't long before she finally reached the farm and saw Big Mac and his family packing their things. "Big Mac, need help packing?" asked Starlight, walking to the farmhouse. "Nope," Big Mac said, turning his head away from her as he helped his family with their things. "..." Starlight didn't say anything else and moved on to the barn, but he saw the doors being kicked open, and both AJ and JA were fighting as they rolled out of the barn, with Applebloom following them. "Sis! Stop this!" yelled Applebloom as she watched them roll down a hill into the pig pen and land in the mud. Starlight hurried over to Applebloom, asking her what was happening and why they were fighting. "Starlight? JA was helping me with the packing, but when AJ came in, she told my sister she liked her hat." They looked at the pig pen and saw AJ bucking JA in the sides. "Say what you want to say!" shouted AJ, bucking her again. "Never!" shouts JA, kicking her back but being held by AJ, making the two roll over to the pig, who oinks at them. "Then take this!" shouted AJ, bucking her into the air, jumping after her, and spinning to kick her back down, landing in the mud, but AJ held her back in pain when she landed herself. "Damn it! I think I pulled my back out a bit!" "Then let me help with that!" AJ saw her counterpart coming out of the mud behind her, tackled her to the mud, and pinned her down. "All because I said 'nice hat'?" "Because you're lying!" shouted AJ as she tried to push her off. "What does it mean then, huh!? Why are you so worked up about it, huh!?" JA asked, trying to push her down and hold her arm down. AJ headbutted her and was set free as JA held her nose. The two were about to go at it again, but a magical aura held them in place. "That's enough! You both need to stop!" Starlight walked over to the pig pen and used magic to pick them up and set them down outside. "Seriously, what is wrong with you two!? AJ, this fighting can't be over your hat." "Of course not! It's over something more important!" said AJ, wiping the mud off. "So what is it, then? Because I do not understand the fighting here," Starlight asked, confused. JA wipes the mud and looks at Applebloom. "I don't have time for this. Her family needs to leave as soon as possible. Let's go, Applebloom." "Okay, sis two." Applebloom walked over to her as AJ was left alone with Starlight. "She hates them..." whispered AJ, making Starlight hear her. "Who?" asks Starlight, putting her hoof on her shoulder. "My...no, her parents. When she sees this hat..." AJ took off her hat and looked at it with sadness. "She sees them and is filled with such hatred." "Hatred? But she sounds and looks fine. I don't hear any hate from her," Starlight asked, confused. AJ put on her hat and turned to her. "She's a damn good liar, that's why. She can hide it so well that not even Applebloom or my brother can tell when she's angry. Heck, same as everyone else, like even you couldn't tell. She doesn't want to bring down the mood. So whenever she sees this hat, she can't stand it. So she'll say nice things about it, but the hate she feels can't be hidden behind those words." "AJ..." whispered Starlight. AJ stood up and cracked her back a bit. "Don't worry, Starlight; this is my problem, and I will help my counterpart. So why are you here?" Starlight looked away from her. "I, uh, was wondering if you wanted help packing up? Since no one knows if the black water can spread, they don't know how long we have left to find a safe spot." AJ touches her friend's side. "Sugar cube, don't lie to me. Why are you here?" Starlight started to shake and looked away. "It's about Dawn, isn't it?" "Yeah." "Let's talk then..." said AJ, walking her to the farmhouse. Meanwhile, the safe zone was in New Ponyville, and Sunset was getting everything set up for the incoming ponies and creatures. She had her crew of staff setting up tents and other things as she looked at her checklist but stopped as she saw Cozy landing next to her. "What's wrong, Cozy? Shouldn't you be recovering after what happened?" asks Sunset, looking at her. Cozy looked at her bandages and shook her head. "I'll be fine. I'm here to help. Where do you need us?" Sunset said, 'Us?' and Cozy nodded as Tirek and Chrysalis appeared behind her, making Sunset smile. "Right, we need help setting sector F up and getting tents there and up. Can you three do it?" "Of course, lead the way!" said Cozy, smiling. "Right," said Sunset, as she ordered a staff member to show them where the three had left with them. "She's still recovering, and yet she's still helping. She and the other two wouldn't be doing that or even being here now if this happened years ago," whispered Sunset, looking back at her checklist. "Braver, you truly are like your mother." She suddenly remembers something. "Speaking of Twilight...well, a version of Twilight." Sunset gave her second-in-command the list and hurried off to the town hall, entering it and seeing Twilah, now in her pony form, not only testing on the black water but also doing different things and talking to Celestia. "S.p.i.k.e, how are the Canterlot citizens?" asked Twilah as she somehow rebuilt her watch with nothing but a box of scrap. "They are doing fine. They're scared of where they are, but I created a city for them to live in. Though some want to head back home." answered the hologram of robot Spike, but Twilah shook her head as she turned to Celestia, who was near her. "Right now, being in there is safer. Open the gateway in an hour; I'm coming after I'm done here." She turned to Celestia after Spike turned off the live feed. "I still can't believe my pocket dimension wasn't something I created but found. Even magic could locate it." "You should've seen your face when I told you." Celestia laughed as she was writing on a clipboard and handed it to her. "Are you sure about this? Taking over Twilight's role as ruler while trying to find a way to destroy this blackwater?" "I don't mind it, plus I can show Twilight I can be a better ruler, and with my mind, I can also bring better tech to your world." proudly said Twilah. Celestia couldn't help but smile, as it was like looking at a younger Twilight; her dear young student was back in the good old days. "Sorry if I'm putting more stuff on your plate, Twilah, but with Canterlot gone, I had to bring these plans up again," said Sunset as she took a scroll from her saddle bag. Twilah took it and looked at the map of Equestria, seeing many red dots on it. "What are those red dots?" "Those are where we could put new cities and towns." Twilah looked at her with confusion. "You need my approval for this? Given what's happening right now, this should be going ahead without my approval. Just get a group of workers from other cities and have them start creating a new city or town. If it's funding, I'll approve anything." Twilah looked at the map. Sunset nodded but commented, "Can you pick a new place to start building a new city and town? If you don't mind." Twilah, look at her and the map. "The two red spots here should be fine," she said, turning back to her work. "...!" Sunset was a little surprised at how quickly she picked them. She agreed, smiled, and bowed her head. "Thank you." She took the map and looked at the places she liked. "An area in a small mountain will work as a city, and a small town on that shore will be perfect. Coming up with names will be later." She put the map in her bag and left. While Twilah continued with her work, Luna came in with a few Equestria world leaders and wanted to discuss what was happening. In the sky, Dashie, in her pony form, was flying above the land, holding a scanner that Twilah made. She started to fly over the black water. She could see all the death it had within. All plant life was dead, a sad sight for the human-turned Pegasus. She was going to turn the machine off but stopped as she could feel some energy. "Dashie?" said the communicator on her hoof, hearing Twilah's voice. "What's up, hun?" replies Dashie, looking at her watch. "I completely forgot to ask Sunset what Dawn said to us. I'm busy now with Equestria leaders. Can you hurry back? Just press the button on the scanner, and it will float there, taking readings on its own." Dashie pressed the button, and the scanner did what she was told: "Okay, scanner going. I'm heading back." "Thank you; see you soon. Love you." and the communicator cut out. Dashie took off, leaving the scanner alone. I'm not noticing the black water slightly moving forward to New Ponyville... Back on Earth, Twilight was amazed by this universe's technology and was shocked by the things it could do. "Simply amazing!" said Twilight, her eyes widening with amazement as she looked at the technology. "Twilight, it's just a toaster," said Dash, watching her wife play with it. "But it talks! Even has a screen on it!" Sunset, sitting at the table, couldn't help but laugh. "It's just a normal toaster with a touch screen on it. The voice is just a simple AI. 'Serra, make toast'." "No toast found," the toaster replies, opening up to reveal that there is no toast in it. "Amazing!" glees Twilight. Sunset and Dashie laugh as Twilight is too happy with the toaster. "I take it your world isn't advanced?" asked Sunset, looking at Dash, who sat down. "Nope. We're mostly advanced in magic." Dash said as they watched Twilight put toast in the machine and touch the screen, asking the toaster questions and having fun with it. As the two talked, a flash of light appeared in the kitchen. Braver teleported herself and Blitz back home. It wasn't long before they learned that Blitz said she was wrong and needed to do this right. If that other Dawn was right and really on their side, then they have six days to set up a plan to protect Lucy and beat Rainbow Dawn. Twilight and Braver were brainstorming a plan while Dash was tipping her chair on two legs and balancing it. Blitz and Sunset were talking, mostly catching up on each other's stuff they missed out on, like with Sunset, which was about their friend group. "Brishen was almost arrested again, really?" sighed Blitz. "That dude needs to stop conning people. I swear...". "Yeah, that guy is a piece of work, alright. I'm sure he's the one who scammed the mayor. "Oh yeah, he was," replied Blitz, laughing a bit. They both look at Braver and her folks. "So, what are you going to do with them? They can't stay locked up here in the house," asks Sunset. Blitz knew her friend was right and sighed, as she didn't want to put this on Twilight and Dash, but some people needed to make sure her parents were alive since they had been gone for a few days, and she could see Dashie and Twilah phones on the counter and had a ton of missed calls. She claps her hands, making everyone look at her. "Twilight and Dash. Listen, my folks have jobs, and judging by the missed calls, their bosses will worry if my parents don't show up, and I don't need them coming here and asking what happened. I hate to do this, but could you-" "Hell yeah! I'll do Dashie's job while Twilight or Braver comes up with a plan," said Dash, slamming the chair back down. "Plus, I show her that her job is easy; watching kids is super easy!" Twilight turned to Blitz, smiling as she petted her new toaster friend. "Same; maybe something in this world can help us. Besides, making things is easy; I'll show Twilah how wrong she is!" Blitz sighed and was happy to hear that but also a little worried. Sunset went back to her place and was going to come over in the morning to help. Twilight and Dash were shown to Blitz's parent's room, and she showed Braver to the guest room, but Braver asked if she was going to stay there until she or her mom came up with a plan. "What? No, you need to get out and see my world. Plus, I want you to see my friends. We must meet my universe, Aunty Rarity; you and Twilight need clothes." Blitz said, jumping on the bed and pointing out how freaking tall Twilight was. Braver smiled, as her sister was right; they needed clothes, and the faster, the better. She hopped in bed with her sister and talked before she fell asleep, making Blitz look at the night sky, fearing if they could really stop Rainbow Dawn. Dashie, Sunset, and Tempest teleported to the Crystal Empire and met up with Princess Cadence. She got word about what was going on, and all of Equestria saw the black core sun. After being told what was happening, she led them to the underground treasure vault. "So, what are we looking for?" asked Tempest, lighting the way down the stairs. They reached the bottom, and Cadence opened the large door, which was the size of a small house. The room was full of books and treasure. Sunset could see it and spoke, "Long ago, I saw something in this magical item back in the castle before it was moved here. It showed me being an Alicorn princess and also a human." Dashie stopped when she heard her, "Wait?" Sunset nods her head as they walk into the room. "I suddenly became so cruel and dishonest in my pursuit of finding the magical item again after not understanding friendship that I met up with Twilight, who helped me understand what friendship was and made me give up on looking for the item." Cadence pulled the covering off, revealing a mirror. "This mirror creates strange magic every thirty moons, giving off that energy for three days. It seems to be a gateway, but no one can pass through it for whatever reason. Like it's meant for someone else." Dashie trotted up to the mirror, and Sunset was behind her. Dashie blushed as she saw not only her naked reflection but also a naked older human sunset. "See! It's showing us our human forms. Maybe it's a gateway to your universe?" wonders Sunset, turning to her. "Maybe..." said Dashie, walking up and looking at herself, seeing her human body. When she turned back to normal, her pony's reflection showed. Cadence walks up, looking in the mirror. "If this mirror truly can bridge a gateway to your world, then you can visit anytime, but for now, you need to head home and help Braver and the others. Tempest!" Tempest bows her head to the princess. "I need you to head back and tell Twilah and the oth-" "Not going to happen. I won't allow that!" said a female voice, making everyone look around, but Dashie and Tempest remembered hearing that voice. Dashie quickly ran toward the mirror, but dead black trees blocked her. "Damn! Not you again!" shouted Dashie, seeing the black anthro mare from yesterday as she was sitting on top of the mirror. "What's up?" smirked the mare, waving at them. Tempest protected the princess as Dashie took a running stance while Sunset had no idea what was happening. "Who are you?" demanded Cadence, getting angry as this pony-human hybrid was blocking them from the mirror, and they needed it. The mare smirked, as she knew they couldn't attack her—not until they heard what she had to say and the trees vanished. "A passerby, nothing more but also a chosen savior picked by my master." said the mare, cracking her knuckles. "I won't allow 'her' to destroy fate. Everything needs to follow a set path. Your stories are nothing but books in my master library. There's a set ending, and all your fates are the same. Nothing will change." Dashie didn't care and charged, ready to give her a good punch. "Don't believe me? Fine, I'll show you." Before Dashie could get near her, the mare touched the mirror. Infecting it with black seeds, turning it into a twisted version of itself, a black tree claw shot out of the black reflection surface, knocking Dashie away, grabbing Sunset, and pulling her into the mirror. "Sunset!" everyone screamed as she vanished, but quickly was spit out. "Don't worry. She's fine. She was taking a page from the prime universe story on her fate. Her friends saved her in the prime universe, but without them here, Her fate is now sealed—to be a demon—and her ending is to be killed rather than dying in her bed of old age, surrounded by Twilight, her friends, and her loved ones. See ya!" She summoned a dead black tree and walked through it, while Sunset slowly became a naked human teenage girl and slowly became twisted and evil. "R-RUN!" she shouted as she could feel the evil within her taking over. They watched as Sunset became a demon with flame-like hair, tattered bat wings, and clawed fingers. They started to laugh as the black mirror showed Sunset pounding within it as she watched her demon version talk. "This power! I can rule this world! Twilight and the others won't stop me this time!" laughed demon Sunset as her wings shot open and soared towards Cadence, pushing Tempest away and grabbing into Cadence's neck and slowly starting to corrupt her. "You can't escape fate, Twilight, or even you, Cadence," laughed the demon Sunset. "All books will be finished, the multiverse and time verse will die, your stories will end, and every story will belong to my master!" She let Cadence go, who became a pink fire Alicorn demon with a pink fire mane, tail, and flaming wings. She turned to them, her horn burning red. Both spoke as Dashie and Tempest stepped back. "This is where our stories end!" End of ch15