//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: The End Comes // Story: Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later // by DATONETWIxDASHFAN //------------------------------// Luna screamed and charged at Cozy, but Cozy just grabbed her and tossed her near Chrysalis, making her catch Luna, and both glared at Cozy. "FRIEND COZY! WHAT IS THE MEANING FOR THIS!?" shouted Luna in her Royal Canterlot voice. Her body started to glow with magic, ready to fight. Cozy pounds her hooves together, smirking all evil like, "Oh, so you think I'm going to explain everything, huh? Well, it's simple: I've been lying to all of you. Do you think I care about being your friend? The only reason I'm friends with all of you is because of Braver; she's in my way of taking over Equestria." She turned to both Dawn's, "Not anymore, with these two here. They'll take Braver and destroy Twilight and her stupid friends while I rule Equestria with an iron hoof!" Luna and Chrysalis didn't want to believe it; all those years together and being friends with Braver were lies. They didn't want to fight Cozy but couldn't let her win and rule Equestria. Even more so with Dawn, hurting Braver. Cozy smirk grew as she watched the two stand side by side, ready for a fight. "You two won't be the first; Dawn already cared for the others." The two looked at Dawn and her human-looking version, which summoned Tempest and Tirek, both standing in front of them, with their eyes lifeless, as if they were being mind-controlled by Dawn. "What have you done, Dawn!? You've brainwashed Tirek and Tempest!? And what did Cozy do to Celestia?!" shouted Chrysalis. Dawn laughed as her horn glowed rainbow colors, as Tempest and Tirek's eyes glowed the same color, and she said, "She killed Celestia, duh. As for brainwashing them, it's fun and easy to do so. It's a spell that my human self made to control her victims and make them my slaves." Dawn ordered the two to bow, making her laugh. Luna blasted her magic at her, but Cozy blocked it. "Why!? Why are you doing this, friend Dawn? And who's this human-looking person!? Why is her chest bleeding rainbow colors!?" Dawn laughed as the two looked at the human version. She raised one finger and pointed it at them. "Her name is Rainbow Sun Dawn. Why is she doing this? It's all for 'her'! We are showing her our love for her! I lost my rainbow comet light, but I found her again." She turned to Dawn and gave her a warm smile. "I won't let my pony self lose that light too." She turned back to Luna and Chrysalis, pointing her hand at them and making the two move back. "Dawn, what does she mean!? Are you still in there!?" shouted Luna, hoping this human was controlling her, but all that hope was crushed when Dawn gave her a dark smirk. "No. My human version is right. All of this is for 'her.'" She put her hoof on her chest. "This is for Braver. I'm going to show her my love for her! Show her friends and family is pointless and not worth loving." She closed her eyes as tears started to fall. "All of you have been taking her away from me! I will make sure everyone is gone, and the only one she will love is me!" She opened her eyes, and her rainbow magic covered her body. "SHE DOESN'T NEED YOU! OR HER FAKE FAMILY! ALL OF YOU WERE ONLY GIVING HER FAKE FRIENDSHIP ANYWAY! I SEEN IT! JUST USING HER! I'M GOING TO SHOW HER I'M HER REAL FRIEND, AND I'M THE ONLY WHO DESERVES HER LOVE!" Her horn glowed brightly. "NOW, BECOME MY SLAVE SO YOU CAN BREAK HER!" Dawn fired off her mind-control spell, but Luna created a powerful magical shield and blocked it. Chrysalis stepped forward and spoke as the shield protected her. "I knew your love for her felt wrong! You don't love her, but see her as an object, a thing, a doll you want to control and make her love you!" Chrysalis glared down at Dawn, whose spell was cracking Luna's shield. "I won't become your slave, and I won't let you hurt her; even more so, if you're going to take her from the rest of us, then I'll protect the ones who love her and will stop you! YOU HEAR ME, DAWN!? I WILL PROTECT OUR FRIENDS FOR THE ONE SHE CALLS 'FAMILY'!" She quickly turned to Cozy and glared harder at her. "AND YOU! YOU ARE LYING TO YOURSELF! I can feel the love you have for Braver! So much love, you don't know what to do with it!" Cozy narrowed her eyes and spit at the ground. She raised her hoof at Dawn, telling her she'd handle these two, making her stop using the spell. She walked towards Chrysalis and spoke coldly, "If you feel my love, then you should feel how much hate I have for all of you and Braver. Love and hate go together, so get a taste of the latter." Her horn glowed, and her hooves glowed red. She scattered Luna's shield with one punch and punched Chrysalis in the jaw. Luna got up and flew over her, firing a magical beam at Cozy, who raised her hooves, blocking it and being pushed back. "Chrysalis! You okay?" asked Luna, standing before her, protecting her. Chrysalis rubbed her jaw, glaring Cozy down, her own horn glowing, getting ready for a fight. "Yes! Let's show this pony not to mess with us!" Chrysalis shot her magic, and so did Luna; the three started fighting one another. "I would feel bad about fighting you two since you've been so nice to me and treated me like family." Cozy dodged their magical blast and punched back, hitting and knocking them down. "I would have killed you quick, but Dawn needs you two, so I'm going to beat you two down until you are on the brink of death, and when Dawn is finished with you, I'm going to kill you as mercy!" She laughed, enjoying their pain. "Don't worry, you two will be free soon enough!" Luna and Chrysalis glared at each other as they got back up and ready for another round. "Let's kick her butt and save the others!" smiled Chrysalis, flying next to Luna. "Yes! For our friends, we shall win!" smiled Luna. Her body and Chrysalis glowed with magic. As the two fought, Tempest and Tirek were looking on, still under the spell, but tears were falling from their eyes. Dawn took notice and smirked. "What's wrong? Hate seeing your friends fighting each other, huh?" "Yes," said Tempest in a monotone voice, not even looking at her and trying to fight the spell. "You are cruel, Dawn." Dawn rolled her eyes. "The only cruel one here is you guys. Taking Braver from me. She's not yours. She's mine. You're the real monsters. Using her for your own needs and taking her away from me." Tempest and Tirek fought the spell to face Dawn, both saying, "We're not using her! We truly love her!" This made Dawn mad, and she increased her spell on them, making them turn back and not say anything. "I'm the only one who can love her! Only me!" screamed Dawn. Her magic covered her body, becoming a dark rainbow aura and making the two bow before her. "Now! Attack!" The two got up, their eyes glowed the same colors as Dawn, and they walked forward to attack their friends while Cozy was having the time of her life. "Come on, don't be afraid to use your magic, Princess Luna!" giggled Cozy, dodging her magic. "Come on, this is fun, isn't it?" She pounds her hooves again and smacks them both, hitting and pushing Luna and Chrysalis back. "Come on, show me your dark magic, Princess Luna! I know Nightmare Moon is still in there! You said Braver helped you finally destroy her, right?? HA! Don't kid yourself! Nightmare Moon is still inside you and will always be; even if she's gone, her magic is still inside you! I bet she's enjoying this as we fight!" Luna's eyes glowed a light purple, and her magic glowed a dark purple. She was able to hit Cozy back, but only a little bit. "I'm not Nightmare Moon! She's gone! I destroyed her myself!" screamed Luna; her magic became a light blue. She could land some punches and kicks on Cozy, but Cozy was still faster, able to dodge her and land more hits. Chrysalis was watching the fight, waiting for the perfect time, and when Cozy was distracted by the battle, Chrysalis shot her magic at her, but Tempest shielded her, taking the hit and catching her off guard. "Tempest!?" shouted Chrysalis, worried about her. Tempest turned and glared at her, not saying a word. She blasted out her firework magic at her as Tirek landed behind Chrysalis, grabbing her and forcing her to be hit by the magic and thrown into a broken pillar. Luna saw this and tried to reach her friend, but Cozy teleported and punched her away. "Don't worry about her! You should worry about yourself! I can still feel her magic; she's alive!" grinned Cozy, making her magic cover her body, making her fast, and her eyes went bright red and charged at her, punching and kicking her and sending her away. Crashing through the ruined wall and into the great hall, falling near the steps and lying there. Cozy landed near Luna and pulled her mane up. "I should thank you and Tirek for teaching me to control this curse magic I got after putting that necklace on. I can't believe how easy it was to trick you. All I had to say was, 'I want to use my new magic for good! Not evil!' and you were on board." Luna's eyes slowly open, and she stares at her once-friend with sadness, speaking in a hurt tone, "You also wanted to protect her, didn't you? I remember you saying, and I quote, 'That blockhead might be strong, but she's going to need someone to watch her back and protect her from danger. Who better than me?'" Cozy's eyes widen, her anger is growing, her grip on Luna's mane tightens, and her other hoof rises, getting ready to hit her, when Luna's eyes glow a light blue, and her magic grabs Cozy mane, throwing her back, hitting the pillar, and cracking it. "I remember those days. You and Braver had a blast together, and you were happy. I know you weren't lying; you are a good friend, Cozy. Did Dawn's mind control you as well?" Luna spoke, and using her magic, she lifted herself and flew up, staring down at her, her magic covering her body. "Please, don't make me hurt you. Please stop this." Cozy glared at her. Her eyes went pure dark red, and her whole body became a twist-red version of herself. Her once-blue curly mane went bloody flowing, and she tied it into a ponytail, summoning two hoof gloves and putting them on. "It's been a long time since I let loose! So, I'm going all out!" laughed Cozy, charging at Luna and unleashing a fury of hits on her, cracking her shield, knocking her back, and flying down to the ground. Cozy jumped and did a front flip, slamming her hooves down on Luna, making her shield break and causing her to roll back, almost falling down the stairs, but Cozy stopped her with her hoof. Cozy smiled more as she held her up and whispered in her ear, "Thanks for believing in me, even after all these years. Now I can take on Braver without holding back!" she laughed, kicking her down the steps. Luna flew down the stairs and crashed at the bottom, not moving. Luna could feel her body shutting down; she couldn't move; she was severely injured and was losing consciousness; she saw a bright rainbow light at the top of the stairs while Cozy walked down the steps. She could see it was both Dawn's and the others, seeing Chrysalis under the mind control spell now. They lost... "I'm sorry, Twilight...Braver..." mumbled Luna, her eyes tearing up and feeling Cozy pick her head up a bit. She could see her once-friend glaring back at her, moving closer, and whispering in her ear. "Sorry, I have to make this believable." Luna's eyes went wide; she could hear what was happening as Cozy kept whispering. "I'm making her believe I'm on her side. I need you guys to be under her control for a bit. I'll set you all free, and I'll stop her. I won't let her hurt Braver or anyone." Luna didn't believe it. Was this another trick? Or was she telling the truth? "I need you to forget this; sorry in advance." finished Cozy as she decked Luna in the face, knocking her out and falling back, making her forget about what happened and leaving her to Dawn, who walked down and clapped her hooves. "Well done, Cozy! You did great!" complimented Dawn, walking past her and stopping near her. "Let's get started." Cozy smiled and nodded, watching her put the mind-control spell on Luna, who stood up and approached the others. "How long will the spell last?" asked Cozy, walking behind Dawn. "As long as I'm alive, don't worry. They're not getting free anytime soon." Dawn turned back to her. "At first, I didn't believe you that you wanted to join me in destroying the Braver family and friends, but seeing the first hoof killing Celestia and beating your friends, you're not lying, and I believe you. You can have Equestria, but..." Dawn glared her down. "Braver is mine! You'll leave us alone forever, deal?" Cozy smiled and nodded. "Good! Now let's head out; it's time to break my dear Braver for good." Grinned Dawn, leading them to where the portal was. Cozy followed but stopped, turned around, and saw two figures hiding behind a pillar. She could see it was Fluttershy, shaking like a leaf, and... "It's the human version of Trixie. Why are they here?" thought Cozy, seeing Dr. Amazement shaking with deep fear and holding the hilt of the unsheathed sword in her hand. Cozy turned around, got closer to the portal, and reflected on how she got there. Cozy could see the castle, so she landed on the steps and pushed open the doors. She didn't see anyone and called out to Luna and even Celestia, but there was no answer. She could sense magic and followed it, which led her to the throne room. She pushed the door open and saw Celestia sitting on her throne, reading a book, blushing as she read it, and commenting on the scene she was reading: "Oh, Mr. Hero, grabbing her flank like that! The princess is such a naughty mare. How about you spank her?" Cozy blinks a few times, not believing what she's seeing. Celestia turned the page with magic and drooled a bit. "Oh my! She can't take the hero's 'sword' in, can she!?" Celestia slowly lowers her hoof down below. "Oh hero, please take me!" read out loud Celestia, putting the book closer to her face, but heard Cozy coughing loudly, getting her attention, and panicky throwing the book behind the throne. "Hi Cozy! How can I help you?" nervously said Celestia, getting off her seat, fixing herself, and blushing. Cozy raised an eyebrow. "Why are you acting like a foal caught eating cookies before dinner?" "No reason! Nothing!" Celestia quickly said, sweating a bit. Cozy smirked, loving to tease Celestia like this, but she was on a mission. "Whatever. Listen, where is your sister, Luna? I know Chrysalis is living here as well. Where are they?" Celestia calmed down and answered, "They're not here. They went to the beach today, a friend's day out, but-" Cozy watched as Celestia looked around, waved at her to come closer, and whispered, "I think it's a date! I'm so excited for my sister! I haven't seen her smile and have fun in centuries. Maybe they're dating!" Cozy could tell she was serious and could feel her magic rising in joy, but this made her sigh. She did not care whether or not two of her friends were dating. She needed to tell them about Dawn and how dangerous she was. "Sorry, Celestia, but I don't have time for that! This is an emergency! They might be in trouble. We need to find them!" shouted Cozy, walking out of the throne room and not listening to Celestia. She didn't have time for this; she needed to find them. She didn't want Dawn to get her hooves on them and do something to them, but Celestia flew before her and landed, asking what was happening. Cozy explained everything. Celestia walked over to a stained glass window of Twilight. "Dear Twilight student, is...evil? And she's planning something with her human counterpart? I can't believe it. Are you sure this is true?" "Positive." Cozy answered, "That's why we need to find Luna and Chrysalis. Tempest and Tirek went missing. Dawn is missing, too, and from the information Trixie's human counterpart gave, Dawn's human counterpart might be teaming up with each other. This is bad!" Celestia could see the worried look in Cozy's eyes; her sister's friend was scared. She nodded. "Then we'll get to them, head to the castle, and tell Twilight what's going on. Don't worry, Cozy. They're all safe. I'm sure of it." Cozy sighed. She wanted her not to warn stupid Twilight, but she could sense powerful magic. Celestia felt it too and looked around, trying to find the source, but it wasn't coming from Cozy. "Is this...an Alicorn?" wonders Celestia, looking up, and she sees a bright rainbow light. "It feels very familiar..." "Celestia, run!" screamed Cozy, but she was too late. A rainbow blast hit her, sending her into a wall and falling to the floor. Cozy ran to her, seeing her breathing and getting up. They turned and saw Dawn and her counterpart floating down from the rainbow light. "Dawn!?" shouted Celestia. "So it's true! Why will you go against teacher Twilight and her teachings? You're her student!" "Yeah, and!?" said Dawn, landing and walking over to her, not caring. "You, of all creatures, should know how I feel about friendship. I don't need any more friends; I only need Braver, who will stay by my side no matter what. So I'll get rid of her family and friends! And anyone who stands in my way." Dawn's counterpart landed next to her, smiling, putting her hand on Dawn's head, and petting her. "You truly are me! Twilah tried to teach me the same thing: needing more friends and letting my rainbow comet light have space. I was like you once, not needing anyone else in my life and wanting to stay alone, but I found my reason to rise like the morning dawn. You feel the same, right?" She looked down at Dawn, who smiled and nodded. "Let's find our rainbow comet light friends and start the plan." Celestia could sense dark evil from this human version of Dawn; she believed it was controlling the Twilight student and needed to get her out of there. "You won't get away with this! Controlling, dear Twilight student, with your evil power! You won't win. If you leave now, I'll forget this all happened!" ordered Celestia to get into a fighting stance and ready for battle. Dawn laughed out loud, making Celestia confused. "You think I'm being controlled? No, I haven't. I'm just finally being me! It took me a while, but I'm not afraid to be me anymore, as I saw the truth." Dawn spoke, her eyes turning white. "The truth? What are you talking about?" asked Cozy, walking closer to her. Dawn took notice of her and narrowed her eyes at her. "That you and so-called 'friends; keep taking her away from me! Even more so with her family as well. You all keep taking Braver from me! She's MINE! She's all mine!" shouted Dawn, losing her mind and eyes glowing brighter, sending her rainbow magic towards them. Celestia grabbed Cozy and dodged the attack, which broke the wall and a few stained glass windows, leaving a blast hole in its place. Celestia got back up and stood before Cozy, blocking the attack and not letting it hit her. She couldn't believe Dawn was going crazy like this and using her power against them; Twilight would never allow this. "How dare you!" shouted Celestia. "Attacking me and attacking your friend, Cozy, like this! Maybe Twilight's faith in you for the future was wrong after all! You're nothing but a monster!" Dawn couldn't help but laugh as she heard that. "A monster, huh? I guess I am. That's fine by me. Many see Braver as that, and I told her I'd become a monster if it meant staying by her side. So if I'm a monster, I'll happily embrace it." "But why are you doing this?" asked Cozy, trying to get Dawn to confess. "Why? Simple: I'm the one Braver needs. Not some pathetic friends or her family, and certainly not you. Braver and I are soulmates—real ones! I love her!" She narrowed her eyes at her. "Not like you! I know you love her, but she doesn't love you back! She never will. That's why I'm going to use you and the other 'friends' to break her spirit and show her she can't escape f̸̧̧̪̲̤͍͔͔͍̻̦̐͐̆͊̌͊͋̏͑̇͘͘̕͝a̷̧̤͇̱̰̫̜͚̥̐́̐́̾̊̀͜t̷̢̜̟̠̯̬̹̩̫̪͕̎̓̂̃̊͒͜e̵̼̬̝̯̊͛̀̾̕. I'll make her mine. We will always be together." "What about Blitz?" asked Cozy. "Or the others? They'll stop you." Dawn smirks, "Blitz will become ours, too, since she's part of Braver and the others. You mean their parents? Ha, I'm going to use them as well and break Braver even more. After she's broken, I'll destroy them, even my teacher, Twilight." Dawn starts to laugh but stops as she hears Cozy laughing with her. "What's so funny?!" shouted Dawn, annoyed. Cozy stopped laughing and stared at her. "I'm in!" Dawn was shocked by this. She thought she would fight her, but no, she would join her. "In?" "Yep. I've been faking all this friendship for years. I always wanted to have my revenge on Twilight after what she did to me in the past and sealed me away. If you want her gone, I'm in!" stated Cozy. "What about Braver?" questioned Dawn, narrowing her eyes at her. "What about her? It's not like I'm in love with her or anything, idiot. I'm just pretending to be friends with her while I grow stronger and finally beat her," Cozy replied. Dawn couldn't help but smirk. She walked over to Cozy, reaching out her hoof. Cozy stared at her, unsure what was going on, but slowly took her hoof and shook it. Dawn pulled her in while Rainbow Dawn glared over them with her evil stare. "You are good at lying, and I won't be fooled by you again. I'm not a filly anymore. Prove it. Show me that I can trust you!" Cozy nodded and said, "Will killing Celestia be enough?" "What!?" gasped Celestia. Rainbow Dawn laughed and pulled back from the two. "Oh, this is going to be good! I should have brought popcorn." "What!? Cozy, you must be joking!?" asked Celestia in fear. Cozy turned around and pounded her hooves, making her eyes go red. "I always wanted to kill you, you know?" "Huh? Kill? What are you talking about?" asked Celestia, backing away as she could sense the overflowing magic from her. Cozy gathered all her magic and slammed her hoof into the castle floor, sending out a powerful blast, destroying the throne room and exposing the outside world. Within one second, she gut-punched Celestia but whispered something into her ear. "I'm going to send you to a pocket dimension. I'll leave this with you." Celestia could feel a crystal pressing against her gut, making her hold it with both hooves. "It recorded everything, she said. I can't get you out of that dimension; you'll need to find a way out, and when you do, go to Twilight and her stupid friends. Show them that. I'll stop Dawn before she has a chance to do her plan. But if I'm not fast enough, tell Braver. That blockhead can stop her." Cozy started to cast her spell when she saw Luna and Chrysalis entering the throne room... "If I knew that scared pegasus and humans were here, I would have given them the recording crystal instead, but it's too late now. Just follow along and pretend I'm on Dawn's side." Cozy glared at the back of Dawn's head and said, "I won't let you hurt Braver, and if I have to, I'll stop you even if it means killing you." Cozy entered the portal and vanished with the others as it closed and disappeared. Fluttershy and Amazement step out of the pillar and drop to their rear in fear and shock as they see the battle that is taking place. "No," muttered Fluttershy. "This can't be. Cozy lied to us all. This can't be real. Can it?" Amazement didn't know what to say or do. She didn't expect this. She kept holding the hilt of her sword, trying to be brave and wanting to help Mona(her universe Luna) pony counterpart, but seeing that woman again scared her. She tried to help in some way, but seeing that monster that killed her beloved, she was so scared and angry that she didn't even know where to begin or how to feel. "Damn it," whispered Amazement, pounding the floor. "I'm not like you, honey bun! I'm not strong." Shy looked over and saw her new friend hitting the floor. She called herself weak and said she wasn't like Wonder, which reminded her why they were even here. Everyone left her home, but Shy was at the door with AJ, the last one to go. "Spike is heading to the School of Friendship before returning to Canterlot. We need Starlight to help with her daughter and ask her some questions. I'm heading home and getting my family somewhere safe. This bad feeling is getting worse," said AJ. "What should I do, get Pinkie?" asked Fluttershy, but AJ shook her head. "I'll do that; don't worry now. Just find Discord; we're going to need his help on this. We can't let Dawn or her counterpart do what they want. I'll see you later. Do you know what to do?" Fluttershy nodded and watched AJ leave, but AJ turned back. "What are you going to do with your house guest?" she asked, making Shy look at the couch with Amazement lying on it and hiding under a thick blanket. "I'll try to convince her to come with me; if she doesn't, I'll do what I must. I'm not leaving her here alone, knowing the danger we're all in. I'll protect her." stated Fluttershy. AJ nodded and smiled at her, saying goodbye and leaving. Fluttershy shut her door and slowly walked over to the couch. "Um, Miss. Amazement? Can we talk for a minute?" She asked but got no answer. "Please. You don't have to talk; listen, please," she begged. She sat before the couch and looked at the back of Amazement, still hidden under the blanket. "You...you heard all that. My world is in danger, and you two were trying to stop that evil, right?" Again, I am still waiting for an answer. Fluttershy sighed and lowered her head. "I'm sorry about what happened to Dr. Wonder. If she's anything like my Twilight, I'm sure she was a wonderful and loving friend." Amazement moved a bit under the blanket. She could hear Fluttershy's words, but she didn't want to face her, so she spoke in a sad tone. "Wonder was perfect, not because of her looks, intelligence, or magic. It was because she was always true to herself and never changed. She was a loving woman who always put others first and would never give up, no matter what. It's why I loved and dated her, but she's gone now. My honey bun is gone." Fluttershy was surprised to hear that, hearing a version of Trixie loving a version of Twilight like that. "Yes, I'm sure she is. And I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for everything you've been through. But we're not giving up. My friends and I won't stop until that 'monster' is defeated and my world is saved." "And what about her!?" shouted Amazement, jumping out of the blanket and staring at her with tears falling down her eyes. "WHAT ABOUT WONDER!?... I couldn't save her..." "Miss. Amazement...I-" started Fluttershy, but she was cut off. "Don't say it!" she ordered. Fluttershy closed her mouth. Amazement looked down, saw her hand holding the sword hilt, and started to cry, "I... wasn't strong enough. I couldn't save her; she died. She was right there, telling me I'm so stubborn and wanted me to get help, then let her die as she saved me." She tightened her grip on the sword hilt, shaking with fear and sadness. "It should have been me! Why!? Why did she do that? Why!? I could have taken the blow. She should be the one here, alive and helping you all. She loved me so much that she didn't think twice and gave her life for me." Fluttershy got up and wrapped her arms around her, hugging her. "Miss. Amazement, don't blame yourself. Wonder was happy to protect you and make sure you live, and that's a good thing. You're here, still alive. Wonder wouldn't want you to be sad and cry for her; she would want you to move forward, right?" Amazement was surprised by this, but hearing those words made her cry even more. She embraced Fluttershy, who smiled and hugged her back. "I have to do something, right?" asked Amazement, letting go of her. Fluttershy wiped her own eyes and nodded. "Yes, yes, you do. This is a big threat to my world, and I won't let them take it. And we need your help. I understand you're scared of what happened to Wonder and your safety. I'm scared, too." "You?" asked Amazement, a bit surprised. Fluttershy nodded. "Yeah. I'm scared, terrified, and don't know what to do. I'm not like AJ, who's strongly willed; I'm not Dash in being brave and filled with courage; and I'm not like Twilight, who's smart and can think of a way out. But I'm going to stand and fight. We'll protect everyone and this world with my friends and now you. We'll stop her and her plans and get you home, and you can give Wonder a proper funeral." Amazement couldn't help but smile, hearing those words and seeing her new friend being brave. She could be more daring than Wonder. "You're right. You're unlike those three, but you're more than that. You're Fluttershy. And being like yourself is better than anything." Fluttershy smiled as Amazement took out the sword and pointed it to the heavens. "As part of the Revenger and Wonder's legacy, I will fight! For her! Like Captain AppleCore always says, 'No more mistakes. No do-overs. Look out for each other! And trust your partner!'. I'm going to keep going and will be stronger! And I'm going to beat the crap out of that bitch for taking my honey bun!" Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Okay then, I'm glad you're with us, but who's Captain AppleCore?" Amazement put her sword away and looked at Fluttershy, using her magic to show a magical image of Captain AppleCore, which shocked Fluttershy to see a human version of AJ, wearing a blue suit with red and white stripes in the torso area, a white star on her chest and the shield she's holding, and wearing a red hood cape. Amazement looked closer and smiled, "One of the greatest superheroes in my world, along with my favorite honey bun, Dr. Wonder. She's been frozen for many years while trying to stop a villain called Red Rotten Core. She came back and fought many villains. She's the leader of a group I mentioned; they all fight and save lives. I'm a new member; thanks to Honey Bun for recommending me," she said. Fluttershy smiled as well and nodded, liking that AJ is a superhero in the Amazement universe who fights bad guys and is a team leader. She couldn't help but laugh, thinking how jealous and upset AJ would be, knowing she was a hero in another world. "Well, since you're a part of this now, I'll let you know the plan," Shy said, opening the door and walking with Amazement. "I'm looking for a male draconequus named Discord, huh?" Shy stopped as she could see the shock reaction on her face. "What's wrong?" "Discord...in my universe, he's an old man wearing a brown suit. He's not evil, but he's not good. He's kind of a neutral god-like being but loves seeing chaos between both sides. I'm kind of shocked you're friends with your universe, Discord." replied Amazement, following her in the air with the magic of flight. "Well, my Discord is sweet and mischievous but also kind and understanding," said Fluttershy. Amazement shrugged and just smiled as she kept listening to the yellow pegasus. "But when Braver came to live in this, he became somewhat bitter toward her, even hating her. I never knew how Cozy explained his hate for her." Shy had a sad but worried look on her face now. "I never really thought of what would happen to him after I die, leaving him all alone. His only friends are me and the girls. Without us, he's alone." Amazement looks a bit sad, and I couldn't help but understand a bit. She's not that old but has lost many people in her life, even her father, who died when she was very young, and now she has lost Wonder... "Even if Braver changed this universe's fate, that doesn't mean he will be alone. Some creatures will call him a 'friend' like we do. He'll never be alone. I need to tell him that and make him help us." said Fluttershy, looking back at Amazement. "How can you be so sure of that?" asked Amazement. "Because even though Braver and Twilight are very different from each other in looks and personalities, they are similar in being kind and loving souls. They'll be there for him, even if it's just Twilight. They'll remind him that friendship never lasts forever but also never dies. I need to tell him that as well so he can let go of this pain, he's carrying. So he can live and not be bitter." Amazement smiled and nodded, seeing the same fire in her eyes that Wonder had, and she could not help but follow Fluttershy to the very end. "Okay, since we're heading somewhere, I'm guessing you know where he is," asked Amazement, seeing the smile on her face and nodding. "Yep, he wasn't in his little universe, and when Cozy told me about him leading Braver to the Chaos Slime city, he must be there, but I wonder why?" asked Shy to herself, trying to figure that out. Still, the two stopped flying as they could hear a loud boom in the distance, seeing a large explosion coming from an area. The two look at each other and fly towards the explosion, seeing smoke coming from Celestia and Luna Castle. "Oh no! Celestia, Luna, and Cozy! Something must have happened! We need to hurry!" shouted Shy as she and Amazement flew towards the castle, entering it through the main entrance. Shy panicked, but Amazement held her sword at the ready. She could hear fighting coming from upstairs and see someone falling near the top of the steps. Amazement pulled Shy to the nearby pillar and hid as they watched. "Honeybun, I'm a failure... I couldn't even draw my sword to save that pony resembling Mona, your teacher's sister. Forgive me..." cried Amazement, still gripping her sword. Shy finally recovered from the shock and rubbed her hoof on the human back. "It's okay, Amazement. You're going to be okay. You're not alone; you didn't fail anyone. You kept me safe, and if you did attack, we'd be under Dawn's control as well, or worse, dead. Thank you." Amazement sniffled a little bit and gave a weak smile. "Now, we need to find Discord," said Fluttershy, and she looked at her. "We're running out of time!" Amazement looked at her and gave her a confident smile, nodding as she followed her out of the castle and headed toward the Chaos Slime underground city. Shy remembered the map that Cozy showed them. It wasn't before long they found it, but the sun was setting. Amazement used her magic to remove the rocks from the entrance, and both ran inside. They could see the dead and ruined underground city of the slimes. "Where are we supposed to find him in this mess?" asked Amazement, looking around her surroundings. Fluttershy suddenly felt a deep feeling in her chest, but it wasn't like before; it was like telling her where to go. She turned her head and saw a path in the upper part of the city, seeing a large cave leading out. "He's over there!" she pointed. Amazement nodded, followed her towards the cave, and entered. They could see a dark tunnel ahead and walked forward until they found themselves in a chamber. An air geyser blasting out warm air filled the chamber with crystals. The two were about to move when they heard a sad voice. "Why are you here, Fluttershy? I don't want to see you anymore. I can't keep seeing what my future will be like." Amazement and Shy looked around until they saw a tunnel and saw Discord looking at wall paintings. Fluttershy steps forward, seeing the sad and depressed state of her friend in "Discord?" "Sis! Let me go with you! I'm not a filly anymore! I can protect myself!" shouted Applebloom as she followed AJ back to town. "Gosh darn it, sis. I told you this was too dangerous! You need to stay back and protect Big Mac and his family. You don't know how to fight against these new monsters. We'll handle it," said AJ as she ran with her sister, who was keeping up. "Then, at least let me help you get to the school! Are you still having these bad feelings?" asked Applebloom. "Yep, and they're not getting better. It's making my heart race; I'm shaking and feel like I will cry. We need to hurry; I don't know why, but this is worse than the first time," answered AJ as they finally got into town and almost reached the school. They could see Starlight and Sunburst waiting for her, but they came to a dead stop in front of them. "Did Spike tell you? About your daughter?" Sunburst nodded. "Yes, he told us everything." He turned to Starlight, who had a face of guilt, fear, and anger on her face. "Starlight..." "It's my fault..." whispered Starlight, filling AJ with rage as she remembered Dashie explaining how the Earth universe version of Dawn's parents wasn't great. AJ grabbed Starlight by her headmaster dress, shouting, "Did you hit your daughter!? Made her suffer!?" "Applejack! That's enough!" shouted Sunburst as he tried to pull her off his wife. "No! If you hurt your daughter by letting her suffer, then you caused all this." Starlight looked surprised but shook her head. "I would never hit her... I never gave her a mother's love when Sunburst showed me her." AJ and Applebloom looked confused, and AJ finally let go of her, asking her what she meant. "I never wanted kids. This caused Sunburst and I to break up. A few years later, we met again, and our feelings came back, but he showed me a baby foal." AJ understood it now: "You aren't Dawn, mother, are you?" Starlight shook her head. "No, her birth mother died during childbirth, and Sunburst was trying his best, but he couldn't do it alone. So, I decided to marry him, raise Dawn, and tell everyone she was my child; only Twilight knew the truth. And for the past 15 years, I treated her as my own, and I love her, but..." Starlight, look up at the stars. "Those first few years, I treated her like a stranger and didn't know how to bond with her. But she was smart but felt so closed off to the world. But when she met Braver, Dawn became happier, opening up and making new friends. I started to feel proud of her, treat her like my own, and love her more." AJ looked sad, and Applebloom asked her, "Why didn't you tell her the truth? She knows you're not her real mom, right?" "...ashamed of raising someone else's child. A child that I didn't want. I lied about her being my daughter. I couldn't face her; I didn't know how she would react, and I'm not even sure how she would feel if she knew her real mothers." Sunburst hugged his wife and said, "I'm sorry, Starlight." "You're not at fault. It's mine; I'm a coward and can't accept the truth," Starlight cried. "Who's the birth mother?" asked AJ. Sunburst sighed and answered, "A mare earth pony named Cherry Berry." Applejack was about to ask another question, but the ground shook. The three ponies and Applebloom turned and looked, and they could see Canterlot castle being raised in the air while the city was sliding off the mountain and into the land below. "The castle!" shouted Sunburst. "THE CITY! RARITY!?" shouted AJ as more creatures looked at the castle and city and started screaming and running around, causing chaos. But AJ could see a rainbow comet coming from the castle, heading towards the city and stopping it from sliding further into the land. "Dash!" shouted Applebloom, but AJ corrected her, "That's not Rainbow Dash; it's Braver's twin sister! Blitz!" They all watched as the city was being pulled back into place, but it suddenly started to fall again. "Lass isn't like her sister; she's not strong enough!" shouted AJ. "We need to help her!" As AJ said, Pinkie, Sweetie Bella, and Scoots joined the gang. "Applejack, what are we going to do!?" shouted Pinkie, freaking out. "My sister is in trouble!" cried Sweetie Bella, crying as Applebloom held her. "What are we going to do!?" asked Scootaloo, as she was holding onto Sweetie as well. AJ didn't answer them, as she was trying to think, but before she could think of something, her chest started to hurt, and so did Pinkie. "Pinkie, my heart hurts so much, making me feel sick. I can't breathe." Pinkie couldn't answer as her chest started to hurt like AJ's. The others could only look on, as they didn't know what to do. Meanwhile, in the falling Canterlot, Spike held Rarity, her chest hurting as they stood outside in the crumbling streets. "Rarity!? What's going on!?" "My chest...I'm having trouble breathing," stated Rarity, grabbing her chest. "Something wrong!? Something is warning me about something. Oh, Spike, are we all going to die?" "I...don't know..." answered Spike, not knowing what else to say, as he held her as the ground shook and the city fell. Rarity held him back, not wanting to leave him, and looked up at the floating castle. Back in the cave, Fluttershy held her chest, screaming out in pain, and Discord looked at her and held her. "D-Discord..." she whispers as she's crying, and he holds her as tears form in his eyes. Discord looked at the wall painting that he needed to look at. Using his magic to remove the overgrown plants and vines, he revealed a wall painting of a human figure with a pink horn. Standing in the remains of a castle and a city, smiling as six ponies lay dead around it, along with two dead humans. Further down, he could see the colorful orb being broken and the black pony scattering like a rainbow bomb. "...it's happening. Waver, you can't change fate. It's foolish to go against it. Even you fell to your sad fate..." whispered Discord, closing his eyes. Amazement and Fluttershy looked and could see the painting as well. "Discord, we can still change fate and save the girls. You can't give up!" Fluttershy touched his cheek. "Believe in Braver! Twilight told me something, and I know that's why she'll stop it." Discord opened his eyes and looked at her, wanting to hear it. "She said..." Fluttershy visited Twilight in the castle and saw Twilight smiling at Braver as she hung with her friends at their tea party and laughing at Tirek, who was too big and looked out of place with the other girls; Dawn looked annoyed. "She has it..." whispered Twilight. Fluttershy turned to her, asking what she meant. "That spark. It's her spark... I believe in her." stated Twilight, smiling. Discord couldn't believe what he was hearing. "And that's what she said?" asked Discord. Fluttershy nodded and added, "The spark. It's a beautiful light that shines upon the world. The spark she carries. It's the greatest power in the world! The power to save the world and even the universe! Like we have done many times in the past. Because of the people who saved her, Braver carries that spark and meets wonderful, colorful friends, giving them a second chance in life." "The power of friendship?" asked Discord, but Fluttershy shook her head. "No, the spark. The spark that Braver has! It's not just about friendship. The spark gives her strength, a light she can't go astray. She won't scatter! She won't become 'that'!" Shy pointed to the rainbow bomb. "It's a light of hope that the girl has—the light she has now with her friends. The light that gives her a reason to live and keeps her together, like the sun, which brings warmth and light." Shy pushed Discord away and stood up, not caring about the pain in her chest. "She's not the only one carrying that spark; others do! Everyone has that spark, including you! Please help us, Discord! Fate isn't set in stone. The future can change; it's our story, not fate. Find that spark!" Discord's eyes went wide as he turned to the painting he had been looking at before they found him. He could see the same message on the wall. "Waver and ꋖꅏꂑ꒒ꂑꁅꍩꋖ ꌚꉣꁲꌅꀗ ...both of you were right. Even after helping you two a few hours ago, I still didn't want to believe it." He looked at the painting of the smiling white-haired and purple-horned human figure. "Fate is just an illusion. It's nothing but a path we create and decide on. It's not written in stone." He turned and stood, being his usual self. "What are we waiting for!?" He snaps his fingers and wears a rock band outfit. "We need to bring the band back together!" Shy and Amazement were confused by that statement, asking what he meant by it. "The twins can't win this alone; they need the ones who saved them!" smirked Discord, playing his guitar. Fluttershy could hear a tune that sounded familiar to her. It sounded like a rock ballad of the greatest song in the world, like a tribute. "Who saved them? You don't mean?" asked Shy, and Discord smiled at her. "Yup, and you are going to help me!" sang Discord, pointing at Amazement, who pointed at herself, "Yes, you! Dr. Wonder showed you the multiverse index of many universes. I know a few, but not all of them. I need your help. So let's go!" With a snap of his fingers, they're in a blue payphone booth and slowly disappear, leaving Fluttershy alone. She turned to the wall painting and saw the message left behind by this Waver creature, but she noticed something under it and tore the rocks away, revealing something that made Fluttershy cry. "Fate isn't set in stone. The future can change; it's our story, not fate. Find that spark! This is a gift. Waver and I left for Discord, Fluttershy. When this is all over, show him this and your message." Shy looked at the picture again and looked at the message once more. "Discord, thank you for helping us in our hour of need. Your kindness saved many lives—the light that gave hope and changed fate. That spark that Fluttershy started in your heart is the most powerful magic of all. You won't ever be alone, my friend. I'll make sure of it. No matter how many timelines fate creates, You'll be loved." Fluttershy stepped back and looked at the picture. It was an old Discord hanging out with different ponies, with each pony's name above them, each read "Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, Misty, Sunny, and Izzy," and near them was the black pony, Braver. Next to the picture of Braver was a recording crystal. Shy took it, running off and flying off, seeing chaos ahead of her. She turned on the crystal. "Hello, is this thing working? Discord..." As Fluttershy flew off, a white-haired, female anthro pony stepped out of the darkness, smiling while glitching prism effects surrounded her. "You won't control this timeline. I made sure of it, F̴̢̘̰̺̖͇̗͎̜͕͈̟̻͈̣̌͒̽́̀͐̑͑̈́̊͒̽̇͜ȁ̸̫̭̠̙̼̠̏͒̍̄̀̀͜yṭ̴̨̡̧̘̲̜͍̂̋͐͑̈́̆͐̀̌̀́̕͘͜͠͝h. Just like my mother, I'll keep saving those from their awful fates that you created. It's their future, not yours. Their lives and stories to tell, not yours to change." She said, turning around and disappearing into the prism effects, end of chapter 12 ...and spin-off story with Discord and Amazement to be continued in "Gathering The Names Across the Multiverse"