//------------------------------// // Part 7: The One-winged Angel // Story: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-magic: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children // by IndyWriter Productions //------------------------------// Cloud and the Main 7 made their way through the rubble and dust of the ruined Shinra headquarters. The mercenary parked his bike and pulled out his Fusion Sword, alongside a second smaller blade. The Main 7 clambered off the bike and walked amongst the broken road, searching for Kadaj. "Up there!" Rainbow exclaimed. The others looked up to where the rainbow-maned pegasus was pointing. There, standing on a pile of broken concrete, Kadaj stood, smiling triumphantly, holding the cracked capsule. "Brother, I'm with her at last." He hugged the capsule tight. Cloud and Main 7 all glared at him. "So, what's gonna happen now?" Cloud asked angrily. Kadaj chuckled darkly and looked down at the capsule. "Mother's going to tell me." He said simply. "How subtle." Spike said sarcastically. "Why are ya’ll so obsessed with this "Mother” bein?” Applejack asked irritably. "I guess puppets don't get the memo." Cloud said flatly. Kadaj gave a look of disdain. He stared at the group with malice in his eyes. "So what if I'm a puppet." Kadaj's left hand began glowing blue. "Once upon a time..." "Get ready, everypony" Twilight said fervently. Cloud and the Main 7 readied himself for the imminent attack. "YOU WERE, TOO." Kadaj shouted as he threw several magical flares at the team. Cloud jumped after Kadaj, while Twilight summoned a shield to protect her friends from the attack. The flares bounced off the purple shield. Twilight lowered the shield once the barrage was over. "Time to show him what we can really do." Rainbow pulled Spike onto her back and flew off. "Rainbow, what are you doing?" Spike asked fearfully, clinging on to her mane. "You'll see." The blue pegasus said. Rainbow's takeoff was the queue for the others to give chase. Meanwhile, Cloud was busy locking swords with Kadaj. They both glided through the air trading blow for blow. Once they landed, Kadaj spun backward to gain more space. Unknown to him, Rainbow flew towards him from behind. "Alright, Spike. When I tell you to, give'em the biggest blast of fire you got." Rainbow instructed. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Spike asked nervously. "Trust me. He won't see it coming." Rainbow said confidently. Kadaj was too distracted battling Cloud to realize what was happening behind him. Once Rainbow was close enough, she gave the signal. "Now!" She yelled. Spike drew in a large breath and bathed the remnant in a blast of green fire. Kadaj jumped from the flames, smoldering but unfazed, and kicked Rainbow in the stomach. Both pegasus and dragon tumbled to the ground. Cloud went in for a swing, but Kadaj was too quick and leaped onto a pile of rubble. "That guy’s tough." Spike got up. "Well, so are we." Rainbow coughed, rubbing her sore stomach. "You're not hurt are you?" "Nope, I'm fine." Spike said. "Good, cuz Twi would've killed me if you weren't." Rainbow said. Speaking of Twilight, she flew high above Kadaj and shot several magic blasts at him. He smoothly dodged each one and leapt toward the princess. "Yipe!" The princess shrieked as Kadaj swung wildly. Thankfully, she avoided getting chopped. Kadaj landed back down onto the ground and locked swords with Cloud yet again. Just then, the Shera flew in, breaking up the fight. Inside, Cloud's other friends watched from above. "Cloud, I brought you materia." Yuffie said, holding a bunch of colorful, glowing orbs. The aircraft lurched forward. "Woah! Hey, watch it!" Yuffie exclaimed crossly. "Yo, Cid! Land this junk heap." Barret commanded. "Shut up! You want off, then jump!" Cid replied indignantly. "Cloud can handle this alone." Vincent said. "Huh?" Yuffie was confused. "Kadaj is a remnant of Sephiroth." Vicent explained. "Think of him as a larval form." "Larva? You mean he's an insect?" Yuffie asked in disgust. "Lassie, shut your gullet." Cait Sith said. Red XIII glared up at him. "So the punk's gonna become Sephiroth." Cid concluded. "Vincent. Does Cloud know about Kadaj?" Tifa asked. "...One would think." Vincent answered simply. "Then you're right. It's his fight now." Tifa said. "What about those colorful, horse friends he has? Why are they helping?" Yuffie asked. "I'm pretty sure those a ponies. They're way to small to be horses." Tifa pointed out. "I believe they are from another world, sent to help us." Vincent replied. "Help? Like a miracle?" Tifa asked. "Perhaps. It's best we leave them to it. We need all the help we can get." Vincent said. "What? I don't get it. Why can't we help out?" Yuffie asked in annoyance. "This is man talk." Cid said. "Sexist. Sexist!" Yuffie said, offended. "Wheesht, lassie, shut your mouth." Cait Sith said angrily. "Men don't get it either." Barret said. "Two years ago, think of the strength that all had when we had that last battle." Tifa said softly. "It's only been a couple years...but already that strength has gone. For Cloud, I think he's found it again. Outside, Cloud and Kadaj continued striking blades. Kadaj then yanked the Buster Sword from Cloud and threw it back causing it the lodge into a wall. Barret sneered. "He's got ten minutes." He said. "That's Cloud. A royal pain in the ass, like always" Yuffie sighed. "Cloud is Cloud." Tifa smiled. Cloud managed to pull his sword out and glared at the gang leader, who was currently occupied with Applejack and her lasso. Fluttershy hid behind her apple farmer friend. "You doing okay, sugarcube?" Applejack kept her eyes on Kadaj, but was speaking to Fluttershy. "I...just wished we didn't have to fight." The shy pegasus said sadly. "Neither do ah, Flutters. But, it's pretty clear this guy ain't goin peacefully." The apple farmer said. "Yeah, but still..." Fluttershy said. Cloud viscously kicked Kadaj away and went after him. "Violence should never be the answer." Fluttershy lowered her head in grief. Applejack put a hoof on her friend's shoulder to comfort her. Meanwhile, Cloud and Kadaj stared at each other across a building roof. Kadaj gritted his teeth and jumped upward, ready to impale Cloud. The Buster Sword began to emanate to greenish-blue aura. Just as Kadaj was about to strike, Cloud gave a mighty slash. Kadaj was sent backward over the roof, however, he managed to grab a steel overhang. He looked down, watching his sword fall into the dusty abyss. He winced, suddenly Cloud and the Main 7 were their standing on the overhang. There was a long silence. "Well, are we gonna finish him off?" Rainbow asked expectantly. "Must we kill him, darling?" Rarity asked apprehensively. "Eep." Fluttershy squeaked. "He has caused a lot of problems." Applejack pointed out. "We've made friends with reformed creatures before." Spike said. "Remember Discord?" "Ah'd definitely say this guys worse than Discord, Spike." Applejack replied. "We still shouldn't leave him to die." Twilight said. "Maybe he just needs a friend." Pinkie said cheerfully. Having enough of the bantering, Kadaj threw the capsule up. All eyes were on it, which was all the distraction Kadaj needed. The leader launched himself at the capsule and held it close. He pulled something out of it and threw the capsule away. He stared at Cloud and the Main 7. "Welcome to my Reunion." He said sadistically. Cloud glared and jumped after him. "Should we go after them?" Spike asked. While the Main 7 debated whether to follow or not, Cloud drew closer to Kadaj. Kadaj, on the other hand, pushed whatever was in his hand into his chest. Black smoke began to pour out as the remnant yelled in agony. He landed on an archway and slowly held up his hand. Cloud came down blade first, but was stopped. Through the dust, the figure that stood was no longer Kadaj, he was taller and had long, silver hair along with silver plates on his shoulders. he also wielded a long, but thin sword; the Masamune. Cloud stared in shock and disbelief. "Good to see you, Cloud." The figure spoke darkly. Cloud's eyes widened in shock. One slash from the figure's sword was all that was needed to send Cloud upward. Cloud landed safely on top of a building. Twilight teleported herself and her friends over to the blond swordsman. "Cloud, what happened?" Before he could answer the figure jumped up and landed on the building, too. "Your Geostigma is gone." The figure said. "That's too bad. Although Twilight and her friends had never see the figure before, they all came to the same conclusion. "C-Cloud." Twilight shuddered. "Is that..." "Sephiroth." Cloud said angrily. "What do you want?" "The last thoughts of Geostigma's dead." Sephiroth smiled. "Those remnants will join the Lifestream and girdle the planet, choking it, corroding it." The Main 7 were frightened, yet perplexed. "What is he talking about?" Rarity asked. "What I want, Cloud...is to sail the darkness of the cosmos with this planet as my vessel. Just as my mother did long ago." Sephiroth lifted his hand. Dark clouds quickly spiraled in and covered the entire sky. "Then one day we'll find a new planet and on it's soil we'll create a shining future." He continued. "Well, we are not gonna let that happen." Rainbow stated confidently. "Aren't we girls?” Despite all the new-found fear, the rest of the Main 7 let go of each other and stood their ground. "That's right! We'll do everything to stop you." Twilight announced. "Pitiful last words for an up-incoming leader." Sephiroth said darkly. Twilight was taken aback at Sephiroth's words. "Wait, how did you..." "What about this planet." Cloud asked sternly. "Well, that's up to you, Cloud." Sephiroth said sinisterly. Lightning crashed down as Sephiroth pounced at our heroes. Cloud and Main 7 all did the same. Cloud's and Sephiroth's swords clashed together. The battle began. Down below, people watched as dark streams of energy flowed down the ruined buildings. Within their home, Marlene and Denzel stood in front of the window. Denzel held his head in pain while his sister looked sympathetically at him. Marlene heard the sound of a water droplet. She looked up. "Is it her?" She asked to herself. Visions of the flooded church and a figure dressed in red and pink flowed through her head. Meanwhile, Cloud and the Main 7 struggled to combat their new foe. Cloud's Buster Sword clashed with the Masamune. Sephiroth launched Cloud away. Rainbow flew toward him, ready to ram him. Sephiroth positioned his sword, ready to strike. Rainbow turned at the last possible second just a Sephiroth swung his sword. The blue pegasus barely dodged out of the way, but lost a couple feathers. "Am I really that predictable?" She asked herself. Just then Sephiroth felt something poke his shoulder. He turned to see Fluttershy in front of him, glaring at him. "You stop that right now, mister." Fluttershy said, giving him "The Stare." Sephiroth gave her a confused glare before winding up for a front stab. Fluttershy squeaked, putting her hooves over her eyes in fear. Just before Sephiroth could impale Fluttershy, a streak of rainbow whizzed by and pulled the animal caretaker out of the way. "Are you crazy, Fluttershy?!" Rainbow held her friends front hooves with her own. She was relieved Fluttershy was still alive, but still very much upset over what could've happened. "I-I-I thought "The Stare" w-would work." Fluttershy stammered. "Well, unfortunately it didn't." Rainbow said uneasily as she watched Sephiroth slam Cloud into a building. The mercenary smashed through the window, but immediately got back up just as Sephiroth swooped in. Cloud blocked the impending slash and jumped off the far wall. Sephiroth gave chase. Each traded sword blows, all the while dancing around each other and around the building supports. They locked blades. "Oh, where did you find this strength?" Sephiroth asked darkly. "I'm not about to tell you." Cloud said angrily. He thrusted forward sending his archnemesis through the building ceiling. He jumped after him. Cloud found himself outside, and Sephiroth was nowhere to be found. He looked around trying to find him. Then he heard a crash, he looked up and saw a giant piece of burning debris falling toward him. He jumped onto another building just as the debris crashed against the walls of the building. Sephiroth then came down and swung. Cloud quickly blocked it, jumped up into the air and came down slamming his sword into the ground, the impact created a three-way claw mark through the metal shell of the building, but Sephiroth was nowhere to be found. Cloud looked up and saw the One-winged Angel landing softly on an elevated building level. Suddenly, Pinkie dropped her party cannon right in front of him. "Surprise attack!" Pinkie shouted in excitement. Before Pinkie could hit the button, Sephiroth swung his sword and sliced the cannon in two. Both pieces fell to the ground. Pinkie stood their in shock and heartbreak, her mane flattened and became a darker shade of pink, no longer conveying her happy, bubbly self. "How could you?” She whimpered Pinkie began to cry, a fountain of tears sprayed out from her eyes. Sephiroth paid no attention and sliced a chunk out of the building. The chunk slid forward and was about to crush Cloud, but he leaped out of the way. Sephiroth met him in the air and continued their swordfight. Twilight and Spike saw the whole commotion. Twilight felt horrible for the grieving, pink earth pony. She landed next to Pinkie, who was still crying her eyes out. Spike got off Twilight's back and placed his hand on Pinkie's side to comfort her. "Oh, Pinkie, I'm so sorry this happened." Twilight comforted. "We'll try to fix it when we get back home." She tried to think of something else to say. "Don't you have a spare?" She asked cautiously. All of a sudden, Pinkie stopped crying and her mane went back to being it's normal bright and poofy self. "Oh, you're right Twilight, in fact, this was the older model. I hardly use this one anymore." Pinkie said happily. Twilight was surprised. She didn't think Pinkie Pie actually had a second party cannon. "Wait, you have more than one?" She asked. "Of course I do, silly." Pinkie giggled. "What kind of party pony would I be if I didn't." Pinkie then hopped after the two swordsmen. Twilight looked over to Spike, who just shrugged. "Let's not think about that. We still need to help Cloud." The baby dragon said. Back with Cloud and Sephiroth, the two collided swords. The spiky-haired SOLDIER pushed Sephiroth back and gave chase. "I've thought of a wonderful present for you." Sephiroth sailed up, slicing off a girder from a building. Cloud sliced through it. Down on a building rooftop, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy were busy searching for the clashing duo. "Where in Equestria did they get off to?" Applejack wondered. "You tell me, Applejack." Rarity replied. "Because I don't see them anywhere-" "Girls, watch out from above!" The Friendship Princess wailed. The three mares looked to see the two girder pieces plummeting down toward them. Thinking quickly, Rarity stopped the two pieces with her magic just before they could crush to three of them. Rarity struggled to keep the heavy pieces of steel in her magical grasp. With all her strength, she thrust the pieces away. The fashionista breathed heavily from the strain. "Rarity, that was incredible!" Rainbow said thrillingly. "T-Thanks, darling, but we still need to find Cloud." The white unicorn said. "They're over there." Rainbow pointed to the two specks, seemingly, flying up Shinra's main tower. "How are we supposed to keep up with those two?" Twilight asked incredulously. "Can't you just teleport us there?" Spike asked. "You know it takes more effort than that, Spike." Twilight indicated. "Maybe you can get us there once they reach a stalemate, Twi. Ah don't see how we can get to them by hoof." Applejack said. She was right; they were so far ahead that jumping across buildings would take too long and even then, they were surrounded by fire. "You have a point, Applejack." Twilight admitted. "Alright, that's what we'll do." While this was happening, Cloud and Sephiroth continued their swordfight. "Shall I give you despair?" Sephiroth asked malevolently. He knocked Cloud downward and flew upward. Fortunately, Cloud lodged his sword into the side of the tower and balanced on it. He looked up at Sephiroth, who smiled down at him. "On your knees. I want you to beg for forgiveness." Sephiroth threatened. Just as he said that, a huge portion of the tower broke loose and began to crumble down toward both of them. Sephiroth swung his sword creating a wall of rubble. Thinking on his feet, Cloud separated a part of his sword from the rest then lodged it into the tower. Once the time was right, he pulled the two swords out, backflipped, and began slicing his way through the falling debris. As he sliced through one particular piece, Sephiroth came down swinging. Cloud blocked the blow and the two clashed as pieces of building rained down around them. They both realized their platform was becoming unstable. They both jumped up, dodging falling rubble left and right. All the while continuing their fight. Cloud began to make a retreat and slashed through the pieces. Sephiroth merely glared at him. The rubble crashed down to the ground, creating a wall of dust. Cloud leapt higher and higher until he found a place to stop. he keeled over in exhaustion. Just then, The Main 7 teleported right next to him. "Cloud, are you okay?" Rainbow asked worriedly. "Not really." Cloud got back up. Without warning, Sephiroth appeared and prepared for a landing slash. Cloud rolled out of the way. Sephiroth completely missed the Main 7 who saw it as a signal to attack. They tried getting a hit on him while avoiding the giant sword, but Sephiroth was too evasive and too quick on the draw. Spike, unfortunately, got too close, leading to the Masamune slicing into his cheek and ear frill. He yelped from the searing pain. "Spike!" Twilight wailed, fearing for her best friend's life. With Twilight's attention away from him, Sephiroth took this opportunity to nail the purple alicorn in the chest with the sword handle. Twilight tumbled to the ground, holding her chest in pain. "Don't you hurt my friends!" Rainbow yelled furiously. She flew toward the One-winged angel at great speed, but Sephiroth simply grabbed her by the mane and viscously threw her at Applejack. Both collided and landed in a heap. Rarity grabbed the Masamune with her magic and furiously tried pulling it from Sephiroth's grasp. Sephiroth wasn't too pleased by this and kicked Rarity in the face. He then turned to Fluttershy and Pinkie who were holding each other. Both of them were too terrified to move. “Defeating me is meaningless.” Sephiroth said coldly. “You know that more than anyone, Cloud.” The former SOLDIER’s green eyes locked onto Cloud, who readied his sword. Sephiroth pounced and clashed swords with Cloud. The mercenary struggled to counter each strike. Sephiroth mixed it up with a punch that pushed Cloud back. Again and again they blocked each other’s sword attacks. Then, Sephiroth delivered a knee strike right into Cloud’s stomach. The hit sent Cloud flying into the rubble behind him. Sephiroth pointed his sword forward and ran toward the cloud of dust. Suddenly, Cloud appeared with a blue aura surrounding him. He ran forward and swung wildly. Sephiroth readjusted and blocked the oncoming slashes. Cloud flipped back and then jumped up positioning his sword so it would slice his foe down the middle. Unfortunately, this would end up being a mistake. Sephiroth lunged his sword forward at the descending Cloud. The Masamune plunged into Cloud's abdomen. Cloud groaned and gasped in pain as blood spurted from his wound. The Main 7 could only watched with horror. "NO!" Twilight shrieked. "Is this the pain you felt before, Cloud?" Sephiroth asked darkly. Cloud didn't answer. "Let me remind you. This time you won't forget." A large, black wing appeared from Sephiroth's back. Cloud only had time to realize what was going to happen before the One-winged Angel swung his sword up, sending Cloud flying into the sky. Sephiroth launched himself after him. Cloud managed to counter the first couple of slashes, but then the slashes turned to stabs. Sephiroth pierced through Cloud's arms, midsection, and even through his right foot. Cloud desperately grabbed ahold of the blood-soaked blade, but Sephiroth swung downward causing Cloud to plummet toward the earth. He slammed into the ground. The Main 7 were at his aid immediately. "Cloud! Cloud! Can you hear me!?" Twilight asked, freaking out. "T-There's s-s-so much b-b-b-blood." Fluttershy whimpered. "Stay with us sugarcube. You'll be alright." Applejack said. "That monster. He'll get what's coming." Rainbow seethed through tears. Cloud struggled to get up. Blood leaked everywhere, staining the ground. Cloud managed to use his sword as a support and began to get back up. Applejack and Rarity helped him up. "Tell me what you cherish most. Give me pleasure of taking it away." Sephiroth dived toward Cloud and the Main 7, ready to slice them to pieces. For brief moment all Cloud could comprehend was the Main 7's screams of terror and his life flashing before his eyes. All Cloud could see was white. He was still covered in blood and in pain. Then came a familiar voice. "So what if it looks hopeless. Even if it were me, I still wouldn't give up." Cloud recognized the voice, but he didn't respond. "Embrace your dreams and whatever happens protect your honor as SOLDIER." ... "Well, okay, you never made SOLDIER, but it's what's in here that counts. The figure gestured to his chest, where his heart would be. "Zach?" Cloud asked in wonder. "Well, you need a hand with him?" Cloud shook his head and got up from kneeling. "You already beat him once. Didn't you? This should be a cinch." "Yeah." Cloud said. "Cloud, you know what I told you?" "That's right. I am your living legacy." Cloud answered. Cloud was now back into reality. He jumped upward toward Sephiroth, much to the surprise of the Main 7. Cloud clashed his sword with Sephiroth. He jumped off a wall, which Cloud followed. "I pity you. You just don't get it at all." Cloud said. "There's not a thing I don't cherish." Sephiroth just smiled wickedly. Cloud readied his sword and swung hard. The One-winged Angel blocked, but Cloud magically separated his Buster Sword into several blades. Sephiroth was taken aback. Cloud took one sword and slashed through Sephiroth. Smoke began pouring out from the silver-haired swordsman's body. Cloud took each sword and swung as Sephiroth gasped and grunted. Cloud hovered over him and descended toward him. Each blade took one last slash through the One-winged Angel before he landed the final blow. Cloud landed on the ground as the blades planted themself into the metal. The Main 7 stared with wide eyes and mouths agape. Cloud looked up at the smoking Sephiroth. "Stay where you belong. In my memories." Cloud said. "I will...never be a memory." Sephiroth said sinisterly. His black wing enveloped him and through the dissipating smoke and feathers, Kadaj fell from it and onto the ground. The Main 7 were left puzzled. "Wait, so Kadaj was Sephiroth the whole time?!" Twilight asked in shock. "No, he absorbed the remains of Jenova and used his body as a host. They are two different people." Cloud explained. "Oh, so that's why they needed the capsule." Twilight wrote down the explanation in her notebook. Kadaj struggled to get up, but he still had his sword with him. Cloud and Main 7 were prepared for another fight. Kadaj stared at them with whatever rage he had left. He ran forward to attack, but he was too weak and collapsed. Cloud caught him in his arms. "Brother..." Kadaj wheezed. "Kadaj." A female voice came. Rain began to fall, soaking everyone in water. "Are you serious? Now of all times?" Rarity flung her wet mane back from her eyes. "Not now, Rarity." Applejack hissed. "You don't have to hold on any longer." "Mother, is that..." Kadaj spoke. "Everyone's waiting, if you're ready." Kadaj smiled slowly and held his left hand out, as if try to grab something. His breaths sounded labored, but also relieved. Then, starting from his hand, he began to dissipate into orb-like energy. Cloud and Main 7 watched in awe as Kadaj;s body began to fade into the spiritual energy. Once he was completely gone, Cloud stood back up. "What just...happened?" Rainbow asked. "He finally let go. Back into the Lifestream." Cloud answered simply. Down below, people watched the rain pour down. This was no ordinary rain, however. A boy and a girl, infected with Geostigma, realized their infections were disappearing. This special water was the cure. Others that were infected walked out into the streets to let the water rid them of their infection, even Rufus Shinra was healed. High above, in the Shera, Tifa and her friends celebrated Cloud's victory. "Oh, yeah. We rock!" Yuffie exclaimed. "What'd I tell you?" Barret said victoriously. "That's my boy, Cloud." Cait Sith said happily. "A little push is what he needs, that's all." Tifa exclaimed joyfully. "Ya'll calm down. Hang on to your britches." Cid ordered. Tifa looked up, her eyes falling on a single water droplet. "Somehow I knew you were there. Thank you." She said. Cloud and Main 7 watched the large aircraft preparing to land. "So, is it all over now?" Spike asked. "Yeah, I think so." Twilight pulled the dragon in with her wing. A small smile formed on Cloud's face. He closed his eyes, relishing the moment of peace he finally had. Suddenly, a gunshot. Suddenly, searing pain tore through Cloud's chest. He fell onto his knees. The Main 7 watched with fright as Cloud crumpled o his knees, they all looked to see, to their horror, Yazoo and Loz standing their, both with multicolor lights glowing from the left arms. They had survived the explosion, but were both battered and bruised. Green energy and black smoke flowed out from their bodies. "We will go together..." Yazoo said in pain. "Together, we'll play." Loz wheezed. "How did you two survive?!" Rarity asked in terror. "Doesn't matter. You'll all come with us, too." Yazoo weakly aimed his gun at the Main 7. Cloud, with all the rage he could muster, rushed at them, yelling furiously. "Cloud, wait!" Twilight called out. Loz and Yazoo stuck their left arms out as the glowing lights grew brighter. Just as Cloud came down at them with his sword, a tremendous explosion shook the entire building. "Cloud!" The Main 7 screamed in shock. Tifa and Yuffie both looked down with shocked looks from the Shera. Denzel and Marlene watched from the window of their home, holding hands. "He'll come back. He said that he would." Denzel said.