//------------------------------// // ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 4 // Story: Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen // by Epic Fable //------------------------------// “Evolution?” Sunset repeated. Noir would nod as the other digimon looked on with interest. Blanc also had a glee but she reserved herself as to let Noir explain. “Digivolution. A type of evolution we go through. We start off as eggs and we hatch. When fed we digivolve further but after that through fighting, surviving, learning we digivolve to new forms based on our experiences and environment.” “You call evolving digivolving?” Twilight asked. “What exactly is a digimon.” “It is as I said. We are digital monsters born to fight and evolve through digivolution. No matter the individual, all digimon look forward to their evolution.” “How did we get here? Where is here?” Rainbow was the next to ask. “You are in a very isolated location within the forest of the Plant Kingdom…in the Digital World.” “Wait digital? Are we in some…simulation? A game?” Twilight asked in a hurry. “Digital world is the digital world. Always has been. For centuries.” “But you are using the word digital. That would imply-wait centuries?! That can’t be. I don’t understand-” “I’m sorry, but it was as I said. The Digital World has always been ever since the first few eggs hatched.” “So how did you all meet? The kids here.” Flash asked next. “Well-” “Wait, we can't trust them. You said outsiders are dangerous!” Dracomon protested. Noir pondered briefly before patting his head. “I understand why you are worried, but these are humans.” “Ahem?” Spike coughed. “Most of them are humans. They do not know of you nor the danger.” “D-Danger?” Fluttershy repeated. She would hide behind her hair briefly. Patamon kinda nuzzled her to make her calm to which the girl smiled at and even petted him. “Yes. You see, a long time ago one of the royal knights, a powerful digimon called Gankoomon, who protects the higher up levels of the world and its ruler, brought me eight eggs. He said to guard them and hid them. What stuck with me is what he said to me. ‘The outside world was changing and changing for the worse! Nine digimon! Nine humans! Please protect them at all costs!’ I was confused, you see, because I only got eight digimon. I also never heard of a human and looked into it. A whole world of them! I was amazed! A world parallel to ours!” Noir’s eyes sparkled in wonder as she recounted the tale.  “We sistermon made a vow to protect those who can’t help themselves, but when we received these eggs…we felt like we had to hide them…something was special about them. So we raised them. When they hatched it reminded me of an old legend.” “Legend?” “Yes.” Noir would take a sip of her stew as she continued. “Nine digimon representing the nine tribes will come together in unity with hearts as one with nine humans to bring unity to the world.” “What are the nine tribes?” Sunset asked with her on the edge of her seat. “Dragon, beast, bird, bug, plant, aqua which is marine life, holy which is like angelic, light based and mythical, machine and dark which can be demonic or monstrous. Each digimon is a member of some or few of these tribes. Blanc and myself for example are of the holy tribe.” Blanc would then add in. “We have been hearing concerning rumors of the outside world though. Lands being invaded. World war…Noir thinks Gankoomon bought into the legend and wanted us to shelter these digimon for when the time is right…otherwise you would never see all tribes together like this.”  “That’s so intriguing. Such a different but oddly familiar world.” Twilight commented. “Wait…you’re not thinking we are involved in this do you?” Rarity asked in worry. “I’m afraid I do not have all the answers for you. I’m sorry children.” The group was discouraged. Their faces were sullen and postures down though Sunset couldn’t help ponder. Why were they there? How did they get there? Where were their geodes and why just them? “I’m sorry…” Liollmon would rub against Flash’s leg as if he was a housecat. The action took Flash off guard at first but he would smile and pet him on the back. “Thanks little guy.” “So you have no idea how we can get back home?” fluttershy asked. Noir would answer with only a frown. “We have lives to get back to! We can’t just sit here and twiddle our thumbs!” Rainbow would shout as she jumped out of her seat. Twilight would pat her shoulder before looking at Noir. “Is there anyone who does?” The question made Noir ponder before she brighten up a little. “There maybe. If you could find Gankoomon but thats a low chance since he always wonders the Digital World…Oh! Sistermon Ciel!” “Who?” “Another like us. She is in the outside world and has connections to digimon of the uppercrusts of society. It’s a long shot but she could know how to help you.” “Should you really tell them that Sistermon Noir? What if they ARE up to no good and then try to hurt us or Ciel?” Draco protested. Sunset would react by slamming her fist onto the table starling everyone present. “What is your deal?! Have we not made it clear that we are just lost and trying to get back home? If we wanted to hurt any of you wouldn't we? Not that we could!” “I’m just listening to what the sistermon told us! The outside world is a scary place and why we are hiding!” When Draco explained all of his friends had varying reactions. Some worried, some understanding and some annoyed.  “Hey we didn’t want to come here in the first place!” Sunset would just get more and more angrier before she looked at Dracomons eyes and just sighed. She would look to the worrying faces of her friends and saw how defensive the little dragon was. She just left the room in a slight hurry. “Sunset!” “Dracomon…this is why I say you need to relax.” “But Noir you said-” “I know what I said. As a warning. Not an absolute. There is a time and place for everything. This wasn’t it and you were rude to our guests. You know what you should do.” “...Yes ma’am…” Dracomon would hesitate for a minute before walking outside. He would find Sunset just outside of the church staring at the night sky. A blue, red and green moon would surround a larger white moon as she stared in awe. The little dragon would stare at her, then the moons, then back at her. “I never would imagine…that I would see such a thing. Not even back home…” “Really?” “Yeah.” “...Sunset. I’m-” “Look. I get it. You are looking out for your friends. So am I. It just felt uncalled for.” “We been told a lot. We were hidden. It’s hard who to trust. It doesn’t help that there is a digimon who has found some of us and think he can make a meal of us.” “Yeah who? Or what I guess since I wouldn’t know them” “Tuskmon. A dinosaur digimon with large black tusks…he’s been trying to find the church forever now.” When Dracomon described the creature Sunset's eyes shrank as she gulped. “Okay…another set of bad news…”