A Satisfactory Surplus Of Sense

by Starlight Fan

The Mean Six

Things were not going well for Twilight and her friends(plus Starlight Glimmer, I was counting her), all they were supposed to do was have a Friendship Retreat but they each kept splitting up in the Everfree Forest, and running into the evil clones of themselves that the unreformed ex-Queen Chrysalis had made with dark magic and creepily stealing hairs from their manes. Goodness, why do people think she’s cute?

Anyway, now Starlight and Rarity have come across Twilight and Pinkie who were arguing next to a crying Fluttershy.

“Of course I care about Fluttershy!” Twilight yelled at Pinkie Pie.

“Then you've got a super weird way of showing it!” Pinkie Pie yelled back, yeah Pinkie, I have a list of super weird ways that show YOU care so you shouldn’t be talking.

“Get out of my head!” Pinkie Pie suddenly yelled much to the other ponies’ confusion, giving Starlight the opportunity to ask what’s going on.

“What is going on with you two?” Starlight asked in concern.

“Twilight is so into her retreat that she doesn't even care if her friends are upset! She just wants us to ‘stay on schedule’!” Pinkie Pie began mocking the alicorn, which made Twilight begin to tear up.

“Well, I'm sorry, Pinkie! If I knew you thought this was a ‘boring, lame, no-fun retreat’, I wouldn't have invited you in the first place!” Twilight began arguing.

“I NEVER SAID THAT! WHEN DID I DO THAT?!”Pinkie Pie shouted, which made Twilight’s eyes widen.

“Wait what…” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Sorry, y'all. We would've been here sooner, but we had to take the long way after Rarity ran off with all my stuff.” Applejack said as she and Rainbow Dash showed up with the former glaring at the fashionista.

“What?! I did not!” Rarity spoke incredulously.

“She’s not lying, I was with her the whole time!” Starlight glared furiously at the farmer, “YOU were the one who traveled with US and laughed at me relentlessly about how ridiculous I looked carrying the gear!”

“What?! I never did that.” Applejack said angrily, while also looking confused.

“It’s true. I was with her.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Well I was with Starlight and that’s exactly what happened, are you calling her a liar?!” Rarity glared at the two tomboys.

“Wait, this doesn’t make any sense.“ Twilight interrupted the conversation, “I highly doubt Applejack OR Rarity did the things you’re all accusing each other of and Rainbow Dash and Starlight both have alibis to prove it. Which means you, me, and Pinkie might have been tricked.”

“Uh… Rainbow Dash apparently left me alone in the woods, but… I don’t think that was what happened either.” Fluttershy said meekly.

“Something is clearly messing with us, we better get to the Tree Of Harmony and FAST.” Twilight said quickly before she and her friends began running and/or flying as fast as they could.

“I just don’t get it, who would be able to trick us like that?” Rainbow Dash asked skeptically.

Starlight’s eyes immediately widened before they narrowed, “Oh I think I know EXACTLY who.”

Chrysalis was livid, first her new servants betray her and now she can’t even use the Tree Of Harmony because they basically got destroyed.

“Servants always fail you in the end!” Chrysalis spoke venomously, “Just wait, Starlight. I will have my revenge!”

Suddenly, she felt a blast of magic hit her on the back of the head and soon fell unconscious.

It was revealed that behind her, Starlight had shot a blast of magic directly at her to make her fall while the Mane Six stood behind.

“Phew, glad my hunch was right.” Starlight smirked before asking, “She’s not dead is she?”

Fluttershy went to check her pulse and said, “Nope.”

“We should probably take her to Canterlot.” Twilight grumbled before sighing, “Why do my plans always get interrupted by villains?!”

“I have no idea but this was the worst day ever.” Pinkie Pie laughed hysterically.

“And that makes you happy?” Starlight questioned.

“Sorry, it’s just so absurd.” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

Indeed Pinkie Pie, this episode was a big mess to fix.

I know right.