//------------------------------// // As The World Caves In Pt. 3 // Story: Primordial Conflict // by Jumping Jack //------------------------------// As The World Caves In When I stepped out of the elevator, I could hear the clattering of plates and glasses clinking together along with the droning of chatter. A small hallway curved down into two half spiral stair cases. Before I could go further, I felt a hoof on my shoulder and looked. It was Cloudchaser. She looked at me worriedly. I sighed and smiled at her, patting her hoof. She then reached into her suite and withdrew a strange mask. “They gave this to us when we got in here. Something is definitely going down. We can’t link in to notify without getting caught. I just hope your dad is okay on waiting a bit longer.” She said. I looked over my shoulder and stuffed the mask into my suite. “I already have my excuse if I get pulled aside for how I look right now. Where’s Flitter?” I asked. Cloudchaser motioned down the steps. “She’s patrolling down stairs. Just… becareful, Fie. We’ll talk later once this is over.” She said. I nodded softly before walking down the steps with her. As expected, we were stopped by a Knuckle Head ganger. “The hell happened to you?” She asked. I sighed and wiggled a hoof. “Had to deal with a rowdy group of protesters that snuck in. They are already dealt with.” I lied. The mare studied me and shook her head. “Lucky you. But sadly, can’t let you in like that. Step over here. You’re lucky we have spare suites.” She said. Cloudchaser and I followed her around the side of the gala. I looked out to see a big, open area. The middle of the room had wooden square tiled floors for what I am assuming is a performance and dance floor. At one of the far ends of the big square floors was a stage. Ivory curtains draped the wall. Big, round tables draped with red cloth were filled with most of the important figure heads I saw earlier, along with several other ponies who I assumed were other big pony heads of Hoofington. Servers walked among the tables, refilling wine and alcohol glasses. The entire area of the room was closed off with the big glass dome that looked out above the grey clouds. The sun shining high overhead and creating a sparkle like effect everywhere. The three tips of the skyscraper curled up at three sides of the dome symmetrically. From a lower class Hoofington pony’s point of view, this was the dream. The very reason to make it to the top. To reach the skies and soar above it with the gods themselves. The thought made me sick. These ponies aren’t gods. I heard several more clicking sounds in my mind. When I stepped into the room, I heard a loud click and then the sound of a clock ticking. Din chuckled and hummed. Ignoring the sounds, I took off my ripped up suite and Cloudchaser began to bandage me up a bit. Once she was done, the Knuckle Head mare passed me a freshly clean suite that I threw on. The mare did my tie while I adjusted my suite. Putting on my hat, I stepped out and took a deep breath. Cloudchaser looked over past me and nodded. I followed her look and saw Flitter on the opposite end of the room. Cloudchaser turned to me and leaned in. “Knuckle Head found out this is a good opportunity to wipe his competition. He has the place rigged with a knockout gas and plans to make his move once General Lilac finishes her speech.” She whispered. “That’s when we put on the masks.” I narrowed my eyes and looked among the crowd. I couldn’t tell which is Knuckle Head, but whoever they are, I hope things won’t involve us too much. We are only here to catch everypony red hoofed. Cloudchaser went back to positioning herself by the stairs, directly across Flitter. I positioned myself near the stage. The dining went on like normal. I scanned the room. I noticed that some of the gangers were either family or old rivals. What really stood out to me was two of the gang heads, the handsome stallion and the horse mare, were glaring at each other from across the room. The talks among the gangs was either past actions leading up to now or how they started off and became head of the gang or corporations. I couldn’t help but hide my disgust. To think these ponies want to dine among gods? Din cackled as my hate was beginning to rise. My, my. Quite unhappy with the situation, are we not? She began. I snorted. ‘Look at all these creatures. Thinking they can dine high on a pedestal. I hate this city. I don’t ever regret moving away from here.’ I thought. Din hummed. Then why not end it all here? Cleanse the plague that filths the streets? Become the new empress of this city? No pony would question you with me by your side. I blinked and found myself sitting next to Din. She cast an amused sideways glance down at me. But alas, you appear to hesitate with the decision. Do you not want the courage to make these rats cower before your might? To get them to no longer hunt your dear ol’ dad? Better yet… these ponies are aiding the ones responsible for your grief. What about the one responsible for your dear friend’s death? Do you not want revenge? I remained quiet for a bit before bowing my head. ‘What point would it serve in doing so? It won’t bring him back.’ I said. Din looked ahead into the abyss with me. A proper answer. But then, what would happen if your family was caught? It would be just as late to save them if you weren’t prepared. She stated. I nodded. ‘Which is why everypony is moving once this is done. When dad can get everypony here behind bars, we would be able to relax.’ I replied. Din chuckled. But you said it yourself. Who knows how long that’ll take. And if there is one rat at the top, there will always be another to take its’ place. She grinned a little maniacally. You already did the world a service but slaying one. You shouldn’t feel bad at slaying pests. They deserve it. It’s not your fault. My eyes widened and I felt my left eye twitch. The abyss suddenly began to echo with a chorus of voices, each one repeating “It’s not your fault” over and over. Din chuckled. Quite a mess you have up here. But then again… who really is at fault? Every creature here has made a choice. And with those choices, they grow ever so closer to using the titles known as gods. I shook my head. ‘You’re right. I made my choice to leave Hoofington behind in order to get away from it all. I left Canterlot due to bad happenstance. Ponyville is my home. But with you. I never had one to begin with. Ouroboros made that choice. In part due to you picking me as one.’ I then turned to glare at her. ‘If anything, we will all reap what we sowed here. And only one will come out on top.’ Din grinned and nodded. Very well spoken, vessel. Like you, I do not regret my own choice to be your element. As much as we detest each other, I can’t say it hasn’t been fun. She said. I looked at her quizzically. She cast a glance at me. I plan to come out on top over my sisters. Even the damned serpent himself. This will be my realm to rule. I studied her. Something was off. ‘You’re quite… friendly right now…’ I thought, narrowing my eyes. Din waved a wing in dismissal. More so biding my time. Plus, this whole event is boring and I’m starting to grow tired of this already. She said. She then grinned and nodded her head. Best pay attention, vessel. That pony is about to speak. I blinked and found myself back in the gala. How long was I zoned out? I blinked and looked over to the stage. General Lilac had taken the place of a neatly dressed pony. I must have missed a speech. General Lilac tapped the wine glass with a spoon as the room began to quite. She took off her hat, a long bleach blonde mane flowing down around her neck. “Thank you all for coming.” She began with a stoic expression. “As general to the Euclides Military Service, it is with humble pleasure to be a part of this year’s gala. Please, continue to dine and drink while I speak. We are all allies here.” She then softly grinned as the room had several chuckles. “As you all are aware, EMI has been funding several instances of the projects that you, our top investors, will be the first to experience.” She then waved a hoof to her side and one of the Triad captains wheeled in a cart draped with a cloth. I saw the ponies in the room eye it with curiosity. General Lilac looked around the room. “Mares and Gentle-stallions! I present to you, straight from Euclides’s own development team, Midas’s Touch.” She pulled back the cloth and before the room, sparkling in the sunlight, a golden liquid resting in a luxuriously designed bottle. The handle bearing a golden equine rearing up. There were quiet murmurs in the room. I narrowed my eyes at the bottle. Another Triad captain wheeled in a cart stacked with shot glasses of the the sparkling, golden liquid. General Lilac motioned with a hoof. “Please, enjoy the samples.” She then softly smiled as the two captains passed around the glasses with the help of the servers. The table next to me by the stage was passed the liquid. The ponies around it studied it, swirled it around in the glass before taking the shot. There was some coughing and some impressed sounds from the tables. “Well, well. Not bad tasting at all.” One pony said. “It’s like ambrosia. But… that’s like…” another began. “Wow! That has a kick!” Another pony from a different table coughed. There were pleased murmurs amongst the tables as General Lilac nodded with a pleased look. “I’m glad you all agree with it. As we will be releasing this concoction out to the world today.” She said. There were some hoof stomps and small cheers from the tables. General Lilac nodded and held up a hoof. “Consider this all a gift from your neighbors in Pony Land, to the glorious light of Equestria.” She grinned. I saw somepony from the table next to me start motioning. I glanced and saw a pony tapping their muzzle. Realizing what the signal was, I quickly put on the mask and saw the sisters do the dame. Flitter and Cloudchaser, from their positions, looked worriedly. I took a deep breath. Things are about to get hairy. As if on cue, I heard something hiss behind me. I looked back and saw a vent spraying out gas. I gasped as I saw a gold cloud began to waft into the room. The sparkling gold glittered as it crept across the floor. I expected the Knuckle Head gang to stand up and begin causing havoc, but to my surprise, I saw the two captains and General Lilac have their own masks on. The stoic general’s look cold and calculating now. I then saw a pony from a far off table stand up. Neatly dressed like us. That must be Knuckle Head. I readied myself but froze as I saw the pony pant and walk over to the stage, only to collapse, grunting as he tried to push himself off of the ground. Suddenly, ponies began panicking, but the ponies that got up to move, they either fell back in their chair or collapsed to the ground. I looked over to Cloudchaser and Flitter, seeing them look just as confused. I balked, seeing that the Knuckle Head next to Flitter didn’t have a mask on and began coughing and reeled forward onto the ground. I then saw one pony rush towards an exit door, only to find it locked before collapsing in a coughing fit. The clock in my head started to get louder and louder. This isn’t good. I looked over to General Lilac, who eyed the room as one by one, ponies were paralyzed in their seats or on the ground and those that were affiliated were having a convulsing coughing fit. General Lilac hopped off of the stage and walked to the center of the room. The captains joining her. “Isn’t the beverage stunning?” She said behind the mask, her voice reverberating behind it. “That relaxing feeling in your muscles. The ecstasy as all your pleasure nerves activate?” She began. ”Guys, what’s going? Everything is beginning to pick up static.” Scribble’s voice broke through. I saw Cloudchaser put a hoof to her ear, turning her head. ”General Lilac sprayed Pockegold pollen in the room. Wild Fire, you need to get out, now.” Cloudchaser stated. My dad’s voice broke through. ”Are we jeopardized?” He asked. I put my hoof to my ear, turning my head. “Dad. General Lilac has all the top players in Hoofington in one room. She has them all under a paralyzes and the room is being filled with Pocketgold pollen. You do not want to be under its’ affects. Trust me. Get out of the building. Take Heart and Blitz with you if they are still hanging around. Things are going to get hairy. Cloudchaser, Flitter and I will make our way to you. Go, now!” I replied. I nodded to Cloudchaser and Flitter, who crept low to the ground and made their way up the steps. I was about to walk when I felt a pony grab my hind leg. I looked over and my eyes widened. The pony’s eyes were red and bloodshot. Gasping for air as they reached out to me. They wanted to say something but choked. Eventually, they pulled away and began panicking. “D-d-demon!!” They cried out. The other gangers began standing up and whipped out their arc weapons. I ducked as they began firing at each other, hitting some of the ponies in the crowd and even slaying a few. All hell was breaking loose. I crept low and moved away from the freaking out pony, who had stood up now and pulled out their arc pistol and fired at me. I yelped and scurried under the table cloth, crawling to the next one. There was a loud stomp of a hoof as General Lilac shouted: “Hail to your king!” She called out. The ponies that were panicking froze. I gasped and put a hoof to my ear. “Cloudchaser? Flitter?” I asked worriedly. Cloudchaser’s voice broke through. "Flitter has her plugs in. She’s fine but we need to leave, now!” She said. I froze as the ponies walked towards the center of the room. They stood at attention behind General Lilac, and she seemed pleased with herself. “How close we are to perfection!” She marveled. She looked around the room. “As you can see, the beverage you drank granted you immunity to the affects of this gas filling the room. A new, experimental drug we are testing to perfect. These are the affects if they are unfermented. The insatiable desire to kill. But with the right trigger, you can control the panicked minds of your subjects. Complete obedience to your cause.” She threw out a hoof. “No more procrastination! No more do it later! Incompetence be damned among your families and rivals! You’ll have your whole empire at your command!” I then found myself slipping out from under the table cloth and the clock began to slow. There was a bright light. One that made Din grow angry out of no where. General Lilac stepped forward as brilliant, glowing wings unfurled on her back. There is no way. Is she really? There was only one way to check. I then stepped out of the side and over onto the tiled floor. Every eye turned to me. General Lilac studied me as I stood just a few feet from her. ”Fie? Fie, what are you doing?!” I heard Cloudchaser speak. I heard my dad’s voice break through, but I tuned it out and focused on General Lilac’s eyes. Something compelled me to stand before the pony. Our eyes met. But strangely, we were not thrown into another domain. Din spat. A would be, huh? Lux… you… BITCH! The fire began to swirl around me as I felt my suite burn away. General Lilac’s eyes widened as the room began to panic. I felt a tingly sensation throughout my body. The smell of burning dye. Din, in physical form, reared up from her fire and slammed her hooves onto the ground, glaring down at General Lilac. “You dare call yourself a god among mortals?!” She barked. The gangers and Triad captains took a step back, but Din swished her head and Lilac ducked as the ponies behind her were unfortunately without heads. Their bodies smoldering as they crumpled to the ground. Din snarled angrily. “Damn that serpent and damn Lux!! How dare she?!? Our powers are our’s alone!! You know not what you toil in, little pony!!” General Lilac took a step back, her eyes widened in surprise. She then looked at me. I couldn’t control myself. Din had taken full possession. The clock in my head ticked loudly. “So, it's true... You're a bearer.” She balked at me. Din furled her wings in front of her and unfurled them majestically, the fire dispersing into the crowd. Ponies began screaming as the fire crept up the tables and ponies. “You mortals dare to dine amongst the gods?? Then allow me to show you what it is like to be near one!!” Din cackled and grinned maniacally. She looked at General Lilac. “I can see now why Aquarius says Lux has to answer for what she has done. She broke the very laws of balance by giving an ounce of power to you! One who she did not pick! You mock us with flaunting that power around!! Now, you’ll suffer the star's wrath!!” She reared back up, flapping her wings as she aligned her back with the sun. The sun began to turn red. The room no longer sparkling, but a sinister glow. I watched in horror, unable to do anything. Din has taken control of me once more. The fire began to rise and the ponies inside an agonizing look of terror in a silhouette as they screamed. I felt a hoof on my shoulder and saw Cloudchaser shaking me in the corner of my eye, trying to pull me away. She had to let go as the fire around me began to rise. I was now engulfed in flames, my eyes glowing brightly as I began to watch my body moved on its’ own. Din floated high overhead, her horn beginning to concentrate a ball at the tip of her horn. I saw General Lilac spring out from her cover and gallop over to a door, leading out to a small balcony. Din grinned as she then aimed her horn at the dome. The beam sliced through the glass dome, breaking and shattering it around me. I looked to see General Lilac take cover under a table as the glass fell, impaling the ponies that were unfortunate enough to not be gifted with the burning death. I noticed Cloudchaser and Flitter, the latter pulling the former along as they raced out onto the outside balcony. Flitter hopped over the railing with Cloudchaser and she took off with her sister dangling under her. I was glad they got out. I had no control of myself by any means. My thoughts were my own, but the actions were strung along. I could only watch as my body walked towards General Lilac out into the balcony. The cold wind blowing past me. The Triad general turned around as she had no where else to go. Din soared high into the air, the sun red at her back as her shadow loomed down over us. “You can run as much as you like little pony! But this rat infested city will be your tomb!!” Din roared, her voice echoing loudly around us. General Lilac tossed off her mask, her look challenging Din. “I may not have the power of a god yet, Din! But mark my words, our glorious Queen Sonata will rip the very fabrics of the god’s domain and take what is rightfully her’s!!” She shouted up to her. Din tossed her head back and laughed. “Ahahahahaha!! She maybe strong now thanks to the serpent!! But I will ascend!! I’ll be sure to make it very clear to Lux that I will not stop until she is destroyed! Fate of the realm be damned!!” She then looked down at me. “Take a look at the pony before you! The very creature you hunt is standing here and now! And yet, you cower before her, like a pathetic little worm! She loathes this city more than those rats that sung to me! Her desire to see it rot will be fulfilled! Aligning with my own desire to correct that which is wrong!! So run, little filly! You have no where to hide!!” Din’s horn began concentrating, a flare from the sun converging into the concentration of power at her horn. The sun spewed flare after flare, descending and combining into a bigger ball of fire. I saw General Lilac look at me. Her eyes challenging me. She then grinned and in a surprising back flip, she fell from the balcony. I walked over to the edge and I saw her figure getting smaller and smaller. Then, as if from nowhere, a flying ship burst from the clouds. Steam hissed as the brass ship waved its' fins through the clouds. Din cackled as we saw General Lilac hanging onto the side of the ship, staring down at me stoically. I had to give it to the general. She had the balls to not cower before Din's might. I couldn't believe I was thinking this, but I wished I had that amount of courage she had. General Lilac smirked as the ship began to dip and turn as it cleaved its' way through the clouds and sky. Din scoffed and glanced at me. I looked up at her and Din spread her wings majestically, as if displaying herself an angel of death before me. The red sun crowning the spell she held at the tip of her horn. "You know what they say, vessel. We all deal with our frustrations in our own way! At least I am doing you a favor at the same time!" She laughed maniacally as she rose the ball high into the air. The clouds around the city dispersing. The sinister glow of the sun shined down across Hoofington. I could hear it. The chorus of screaming below us. Sirens blaring and the sound of a distant voice over a garbled megaphone. And I could only watch. Thi's POV I raced down the main street of Hoofington. Swerving to avoid panicking creatures running and crowding to vacate the city. It all happened so fast. It was like the end of the world was starting. Scribble held on for dear life in the passenger side as we popped a hill and went sailing over a crowd of ponies. I managed to straighten out the wagon when we landed and continued to make our way towards the tower. High overhead, with the sun's sinister glow, a massive spell hung directly on top of the tower. We had heard the voice of Din confronting General Lilac and talking to Fie. I pulled down on the brake lever and the wagon screeched, sharply turning to the side before stopping. I hopped out and stared up at the tower. I couldn't hide my worried and panicked expression. Scribble poked his head out of the wagon's window. "What do we do...?" He asked in desperation. I then looked down and saw Fie's dad galloping over to us with two other ponies in tow. He turned up to the top of the tower, his look serious and uncertain. I furrowed my brow. "We have to get Fie!" I shouted over the screams of ponies around us. I then noticed two figures floating down to us at a fast pace. Cloudchaser nearly tumbled over herself as she landed and Flitter panted tiredly. Both mares still in their disguises. Fie's dad looked to them both. "What happened!?" He asked exasperatedly. Cloudchaser coughed and looked up to the tower. "I-I don't know. General Lilac was giving a speech and then all of a sudden, Fie confronted her!" She said. Flitter pulled out her plugs and tossed them aside, looking up as well. "It was like she was compelled to confront her!" She then looked to us. "And that's not the only thing. General Lilac sprouted wings that glowed!" She then looked to Scribble. "Is she a power element!?" I furrowed my look again. The sun was sending flares into the ball of fire high above. "I-I don't know. But we have to get out of here!" The mare pony with the bubblegum mane stated. The stallion in the caramel mane motioned to the tower. "What about Fie!? We're just going to leave her!?" He asked. Fie's dad looked between them. "Heart. Blitz. Get in the wagon. There's nothing we can do right now. We have to leave!" He said. The two ponies exchanged worried glances before piling into the surveillance wagon. Cloudchaser and Flitter got in along with Fie's dad after. When everypony was in, I quickly hopped back in and pushed and pulled the levers before the wagon went forward, screeching on its' wheels and making a sharp turn before racing down the main street. I slowed a bit as up ahead, I saw a crowd of ponies scrambling and grouping. Where can I go? I then saw my opening. I pushed a lever down and the wagon sharply turned, balancing on two wheels before landing on the other two and racing down an alley. We barreled through trashcans and other materials, bursting out of the end of the alley and racing down the street. Fie's dad looked through the mirror and grit his teeth. "The city is getting crowded. Let's head to the suburbs. There's a back way out of Hoofington. An evacuation point for residents." He said. I nodded and grunted as I swerved to avoid several auto wagon barreling towards us. Everypony held on for dear life as I quickly turned the corner. My mind was in hyper focus. My eyes darting to gather as much info as possible as we raced through the streets. I did glance over to the looming red sun overhead. It was getting bigger and bigger. Fie... we'll come get you back. I promise. I'm not leaving you this time. After several more sharp turns, a few alleyways and finally reaching the long road that led to the tunnels, I found myself panting. I must have held in my breath at some point and forgot to breath. Blitz was shaking and clutching his head in a panic. "Wh-what is even happening!? A-are we going to die??" He asked. Fie's dad shook his head. "I promised Fie we'd all leave together. We aren't dying here, but we do need to get as far away as possible. I... don't know the extent of that power when it releases." He said. Heart was bouncing her hind leg restlessly. "Is all of that... really Fie? That... can't be our little sister..." She stated. Scribble sighed and nodded. "A lot to take in. Sadly, this is something she has been trying to deal with for a while now. Something triggered Din's rage. Did General Lilac instigate anything?" He asked, looking over his seat. Cloudchaser and Flitter bowed their heads. "We were just gathering what we could of the gala. There was a rumor that Knuckle Head's gang was going to gas the place and take out key ponies, but General Lilac was one step ahead. I saw Fie put her mask on early. Thankfully, we followed her motion. The Triad released Pocketgold pollen into the room, and everypony just... freaked out." Cloudchaser explained. Flitter nodded. "General Lilac also mentioned Midas's Touch. A beverage she gave everypony in the room a shot to. It must have been laced with paralyses." She looked to Fie's dad. "Mr. Fire... I think... everypony in the room perished. If it wasn't the conditioned gangers, it was Din's fire that did everycreature in." Cloudchaser nodded grimly. "We were lucky we were up the stairs when it happened. When we came back down, I tried to stop Fie... but she..." She shuddered. "She was already possessed. Din has taken full control. Just like last time." Everypony went quiet. I slumped tiredly in my seat, sighing. "Was General Lilac also involved in the casualties?" She asked. Both sisters shook their head. "I... think she got away. Din and Fie had cornered her, but we saw her jump off and a massive brass air ship broke through the cloud, catching her." Flitter explained. I frowned. Of course. "So, they hid Iron Hoof in the clouds. General Lilac had it all planned out. With the Triad's hoof so far buried into Equestria, why stop at business expenses? If those gangers were investing into the Triad, then they had suffered their own consequences in it." I stated. That has to be it. The Triad were meticulous if anything. I saw Cloudchaser shift nervously in her seat. "I... I don't know, honestly. From the way it sounded... I think General Lilac was showing evercreature in the room what is the effects of not properly extracting from the Pockegold. The wings... I don't know where that came from. But Din mentioned that it was given to her by Lux. As if the power of the element was gifted to her from the element itself." She pointed towards the direction of the tower. "We heard it ourselves. She was livid that General Lilac was flaunting that power. But... I don't know why Din is continuing her anger!" She stated. Fie's dad narrowed his eyes. "It almost sounds like she was showing the leaders of the gangs how to properly market the Pocketgold. If they didn't do it right, it'd be devastating to their business." He looked between us as he continued. "The underbelly of Hoofington has been doing a lot of investing into EMI. Which wasn't normal activity five years ago. In fact, the gangs hated EMI because of a reformation act they were trying to pass in order to clean up the streets. But something happened that caused the act to be flipped over. And all of a sudden, the gangs are now helping EMI." I snorted. "Probably thanks to our neighbors in Pony Land." I grumbled. Fie's dad rubbed his chin. "Most likely. Crystal tech was beginning to slowly modernize Equestria long ago. It started with appliances. Then it became engineering. Now, it's being implemented as a way of life. I've busted a few smuggling trades with crystals being used for other properties that was causing a lot of harm than good. But it seems the Triad were on a different mindset when providing Equestria with crystal tech." He explained. There was a sudden, thunderous echo that sounded like it was delayed as the voice of Din called out to the city as we exited the tunnel. I came to a screeching halt and we all looked out of the wagon. "Bow before the might of my power! The power of the one born from the stars!!" Din laughed, the sound unnervingly echoed. We stared in horrified awe as the massive ball of fire began to slowly descend against the tower. We were pretty far away, but it still looked like we were overlooking a testing site. Which was something I wished I couldn't metaphor about. The tower began to shatter and break as the ball began to crush the building. Fie's dad removed his hat and stared in horror at the sight. "May the sisters have mercy on our souls..." He said. The tower began to crumble, a massive cloud of dust blasting through the city. It happened. The ball touched ground, creating a crater as it continued to burrow into the earth. We saw the flare from the sun began to converge into a spot high in the air and a massive, spectral fiery alicorn reared back, throwing out her forelegs in a chambering manner, the wings spreading in a display of majesty and might. We had to shield our eyes as the ball flashed. It lasted for a good five seconds before we were able to look. There was no sound anymore. The screaming distant and droning. A fiery, cloud in the form of a mushroom rose higher than the tower. The base of the cloud spreading out in a glorious blaze of power and destruction I didn't think anything in this world was capable of. This... is truly the power of a god. The city is in flames. The buildings and sights crumbling, breaking or burning into silhouettes among the flames. We were stunned. Unable to speak or think of anything. I couldn't help but think back to Mount Grimoire. The volcano erupting as we sailed away on an airship. The island burning and melting, being blanketed at the might of the mountain. But this... this was a different feeling. One I couldn't even begin to describe. The unnerving, echoing laugh of Din could be heard throughout Hoofington. Din did a small back flip before soaring down into the city, landing and swishing her fiery mane. She began to walk forward, aiming her horn this way and that as beams of fire were striking at either already destroyed buildings or some that survived. There were a series of explosions not too far off as she walked. The mushroom cloud still rising and expanding. Din then took off again, rising high into the air and we could see a grin across her spectral muzzle. Somewhere, inside that very creature, is my best friend. The earth began to shake as the shock wave of the spell reached us. I gripped the side of the barricade and called out to her. "FIE!! YOU HAVE TO FIGHT IT!! DIN CANNOT WIN!!" I shouted, feeling my voice getting hoarse. But of course, it fell on deaf ears. I growled and shook my head. "No... I can't lose my best friend..." This shouldn't be happening. None of this should have happened. Why did it have to happen?! I then looked high up into the sky, roaring as loud as I could. "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO GAIN FROM TORTURING US!?!? I threw my hoof out to the sky in a gesture I was hoping would be as insulting as I could make it. "DAMN YOU, HIGHER BEINGS!!! I'LL SWEAR ON MY LIFE THAT I'LL REACH THE VERY END OF YOUR UNIVERSE AND BUCK YOUR SORRY ASSES INTO THE NEXT BIG BANG!!!" I slammed my hoof hard against the barricade, denting the railing. I panted heavily, feeling my throat dry and head dizzy. I couldn't think of anything. What could I do? What could any of us do? We are hopeless. Cursed to bend over for maniacal power elements that have no care of destroying everything around them and expecting them to be the ones to save our realm from disaster. This was so ass backwards!! I looked up angrily at the spectral fire alicorn in the distance. Din was marveling at her work. She then did a stretch that only increased my anger more. This is just a sick game to her, isn't it? Din kicked up into the air and suddenly, her form was gone, save for the large wisp of fire. Like a shooting star, the ball of fire sailed off over the city and to wherever Celestia knows in Equestria, vanishing in the sky with a twinkle. The sun was no longer red. But the cloud remained, albeit fading a bit. There was now only quiet. No screaming. No sirens. I hadn't noticed the amount of ponies that were watching with us not too far down the street. All looking on in horror. It was over. The destruction of Hoofington burned before us in an unnatural way where there was no smoke from it. The tell of this being the work of a primal. I looked back to the others. Their expressions horrified and uncertain. I lowered my head, looking at my hoof and saw it bloodied and injured. I flexed it a bit before nodding to myself. Looking towards the sky, I stood determinedly. "Hang on, Fie. We'll get you back. Din will answer for what she has done." I vowed. "We interrupt this broadcast for urgent news." There was the sound of shuffling paper, Anchor Press sounding quite terrified as he spoke. "Five hours ago, Equestrian Ministries Incorporated was hosting a gala for important individuals from the city of Hoofington at the Tri-Mourn Tower. There was also a representative from Pony Land in attendance. Yet, as the proceedings went on, tragedy befell the city. On this day, the city of Hoofington is no more. Our fire borne hero, who we've been following for a full month and a quarter now. Our own inspirational savoir to Equestria, unleashed destruction onto the once metropolitan city. Our fire borne heroes' own home, burnt by what is known to be a megaspell, cast by the primordial entity inside of her. Megaspells, my listeners, are a forbidden magic that not even the sisters can handle, let alone what science can make from it. Requiring large amounts of energy from the very realm of the cosmos for even a fraction of the power. What is explored in theory, has unfortunately become, a nightmare of a reality. It is with heavy heart that we bring this news to you, denizens of Equestria. There is nothing left of Hoofington, save for the suburbs and the mountainous area surrounding it. The princesses released a statement that all ponies who have survived the event must flee with what they can. To go anywhere but Hoofington. May the ethereal stream guide your way. On this very same news, a bounty has been put out by EMI for the capture or death of the fire borne hero. There has been no sightings of her whereabouts after the events transpired. As if she vanished into thin air." There was the sound of Anchor Press putting his papers down and groaning a bit. "Quiet Fire. If you are out there. Listening in on this station right now. Do not give up hope. Do not let today be the very thing to lose your courage. We at the headquarters here, continue to believe in your fight against the forces of evil. And if you are now vilified around the world, you at least have one ally here." There was a moment of silence. "This is... Anchor Press... we will return after our break..." The radio crackled, and a song began playing. A slow song that echoed into the howling wind that blew through the charred remains of a building. The fire raging wildly nearby. Not a single soul was stirring. Not a single sound. Only the echoes of a haunting song. Spike panted as he ran through the castle hallways. The young dragon burst open the door to the castle library and waved a red scroll up in the sir. “Twilight! Twilight!” He called out. The library was full of books scattered about. As if a storm had blown through. Starswirl, looking quite grim as he flipped through a book, his eyes scanning the pages. Not too far from him surrounded by a pile of books, was a skinny and small, grey unicorn in a worn-out cloak. His blue, bowler cut mane matted and unkempt as he tired scanning the pages of a book. Spike looked around in a panic. “Has anypony seen Twilight?” He asked. “Over here, Spike!” Twilight called out. Spike followed her voice that led him behind the scattered pile of books. Spike held up the scroll when Twilight looked up from her reading. She looked exhausted. As if she hasn’t slept a day. Her mane unkempt and disheveled. She then widened her eyes upon seeing the red scroll. “Is that…?” She began. Spike nodded. “I’ve never seen a red scroll from the Princesses before.” He stated. Twilight took the scroll in her magic, standing up and walking around to the table as she read: “Dear Twilight Sparkle. It is with heavy heart that our country of Equestria is… going to war.” Her expression began to grow worried as Starswirl and the other unicorn looked up from their own books. “This red scroll will be sent out to all allies in a call to battle. Our neighbors of Pony Land have declared us an enemy and… will begin advancement come springtime…” Twilight dropped the scroll and sat on her haunches, her look in utter disbelief. “I can’t believe it… war?” Starswirl sighed and stroked his beard. “If what the letter says is true. Then we are indeed an enemy to Pony Land.” He looked grimly. “It has been over a thousand years since the last war we had. I… do not find the idea pleasant.” He said. The unicorn pony motioned to the castle. “B-but, we have the Pillars! We have the Elements of Harmony! We can prevent it from happening… right?” He asked. Twilight shook her head slowly, her look uncertain. “No, Stygian. Pony Land has been advancing their technology far beyond Equestria’s standards. They have the resources and the power to invade us. We don’t… stand a chance to what we have now. We need a lot of time to develop our own defenses and we just don’t have the time or resources.” She motioned in no general direction. “We’ve been so focused on the balance instability that there was no way we could have saw it coming. Quiet Fire and her friends only warned us. But I didn’t…” She faltered. Starswirl nodded. “This is a part of the responsibility that the princesses themselves consistently deal with. You are still young and in training.” He looked at her sternly. “We have only just begun. The times ahead are going to be challenging. Your mental fortitude will be tested. Your allies varied. Your enemies many. You must make decisions and actions on the fly. You cannot be grey.” He put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder and gave a small smile behind his beard. “You’ve shown me a different side to confrontation. Perhaps with the right words, this declared war can be prevented from escalating. And as… a friend, I will do what I can to aid in your endeavors.” Twilight gave a soft smile before bowing her head and slumping. Spike put a reassuring claw on her foreleg and Twilight brought him in for a hug with her wing. “Oh, Spike… What can we do?” She asked, not towards Spike, but more to herself. Spike sighed and looked up at her. “Do what Fie would do. Be our best selves. That’s all we can do.” He replied. He then puffed his cheeks out, as if he was ready to vomit. Spike turned his head up and away from Twilight as he belched green fire. A scroll appeared and Twilight caught it with her magic. Taking off the seal, she scanned the scroll, and her look became defeated. The three looked at her worriedly. “Quiet Fire… is missing…” She said sadly. Starswirl furrowed his look as Twilight continued. “Princess Celestia… news reached to her about Hoofington. The city… it’s gone…” Stygian looked horrified. “G-gone?” He asked. Twilight looked at Starswirl. “A megaspell.” Starswirl’s look changed drastically to complete shock. Stygian and Spike looked at the two in confusion. “A-a megaspell?” Spike asked. Starswirl bowed his head, a dark shadow over his expression. “Megaspells. A form of magic that requires a lot of energy to draw from in order to make a fraction of it. It’s… only ever been spoken about in theory. Trying to replicate anything like it has been a complete failure over the years. Scholars and scientists have tried to find work arounds to even come close to matching the energy. But nothing definitive comes up. But… how could a megaspell be cast over a city?” He asked quizzically. Twilight bowed her head. “The letter states that the sun had turned red as Dodge City to Manehatten could see the cloud over the mountains. The news…” Twilight's eyes widened in realization as she then reached with her magic, pulling out a small radio and placing it on the table. Tuning to the station, Anchor Press was already in the middle of talking: ”As eyewitnesses report the unnerving exclaims of the primordial being declaring her reign over the city. It appears that… somepony incurred the wrath of the being and goaded it into destroying the city. The casualties are yet to be confirmed as rescue workers are fanning out over the burning city. To those that are still surviving. Still clinging to your life. Hold on just a little bit longer. Help is on the way.” There was the shuffling of papers. ”There is still no sign of our fire borne hero. Some reports have claimed that they had recently spotted the fire maned mare roaming near Las Pegasus. Other’s have exclaimed seeing her as a ghost, wandering the roads.” Anchor Press sighed. ”We will not confirm or deny any of these claims. We are here to bring the truth and facts of the issues. As it is our duty to our great land Equestria. Stay tuned as we continue to bring you updates.” A jazzy song began playing as Twilight slumped defeatedly. “Fie… what happened?” She asked under her breath. The town of Appleloosa was crowded, ponies gathering in front of the town hall as the mayor held up his hooves. “Now, now! Please remain calm, everypony! ‘Ah promise we are doin’ our best to update ya’ll on the current events, but as it goes, we jus’ don’t have anythin’ solid yet.” He explained. The crowd chattered and began asking questions as the mayor nodded. “Ah’ll take any an’ all questions an’ answer to the best of my knowledge.” From a distance overlooking the crowd, Galavance furrowed her look determinedly. She then took off into the sky and flew out towards the edge of town. She descended down to a small hut, landing on the porch and opening the door. The place was roomy enough to move around. Gwyen was checking on a rat that was on the cooking fire spit in the center of the room. She looked up to Galavance and sighed. “How bad is it?” Gwyen asked. Galavance shook her head. “Not good. Sheriff Silverstar hasn’t been able to catch a break and even my own screech isn’t calming down the crowd. Everypony is panicking.” She rubbed her foreclaw sadly. “Are you… able to detect Fie?” She asked. Gwyen shook her head. “Gaia has been quiet ever since that dream on the moon. I’ve… stopped dreaming up a garden to see if she is there, but that didn’t elicit anything. I’m… unsure if she’s even in there.” She said, tapping her head. Galavance narrowed her eyes and met Gwyen’s. The electric pigmented griffon nodded. “Your eyes are still swirling with that magic. But that’s odd.” She said, scratching her head. Gwyen nodded softly. “How’s Rita?” Gwyen asked. Galavance swirled her claw. “She’s… okay. The megaspell has her freaked out like everypony in town. Considering she’s a primal herself, I think she senses the mass amount of disrupted energy flowing currently.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “At least, that’s what I could get out of her. She been sticking close to her eggs.” Gwyen nodded. “I don’t blame her. It’s just… all so much to take in.” She bowed her head, taking off her hat. “I shouldn’t have left them… I should have stayed. I might have done something to control the situation…” Gwyen’s claw dug into her chair, easily breaking off a good chunk and causing the griffon to blink and hold up the shattered wood. She frowned and dumped the wood into the fire. Galavance walked over to Gwyen and put a reassuring claw on her shoulder. “We’ll just have to look for Fie on our end. She could be anywhere.” She said. Gwyen darted her eyes as she stared into the fire. ‘Din… why did you do it? Come on, Gaia… give me at least something to go off of.’ She thought. But her mind was silent. The Lion’s Mane bobbed in the waves as the ship sailed southward. Catlyn at the helm and staring straight ahead. Kale and Michael at her sides. Catlyn glanced at Kale and she frowned softly. “Come on, Kale. Can’t let Michael do all the work.” She said. Kale looked contemplative. Catlyn and Michael exchanged glances. “Oi, mate. Ye’ alright?” Michael asked. Kale looked over his shoulder and pass them. “Been listening in on the radio. Appears… something awful happened in the Mainland.” He said. Catlyn arched a brow. “But, the radio is in my cabin. I don’t remember turnin’ it on. And how the hell are you able to hear it from up here?” Catlyn asked. Kale flicked his ears. “One can do amazing things if they train their senses to do so.” He gave a soft chuckle as the two gave him a quizzical raise of their brow in response. “I’m only kidding. She doesn’t know it, but Laddie has a small radio she listens in on from time to time. Girl likes to keep herself updated to the world.” He explained. Catlyn blinked. “Laddie? When’d she get a radio on board?” She asked. Kale grinned. “She’s a Black Whisker. Even you, Captain, have been able to swindle things into your own possession.” He said. Catlyn smirked. “Right on that part. So… what did ye’ manage to hear?” She asked. Kale’s look lowered as a dark shadow cast over his expression. “Our fire friend had unleashed destruction on a city thanks to her element. Her home city, mind you. And now, she’s gone missing.” Catyln’s look turned to shocked horror. Michael looked grimly at Kale. “Ye’ sure ye’ heard correctly?” He asked. Kale nodded. “I wish it was a part of my imagination. A bounty has been put up for her head. There’s… nothing left of the city.” Catyln darted her eyes, growling. ‘What the hell is goin’ on around here?’ She thought to herself. There was only silence on her end. Catlyn groaned and kicked the bottom of the steering wheel with a boot. “Blast it all! Where the hell is Aquarius? She never stops talking. But ever since that dream on the moon, she’s grown quiet.” She stated. Michael scoffed. “Good riddance. That creature was really startin’ to test me.” He said. Kale cocked a head. “Able to hear Aquarius as well?” He snickered a bit. Michael spat over the side of the ship. “Nay. But I can jus’ tell she’s been wantin’ to take over again.” He growled. Catlyn looked up to Kale. “Anything else you gleamed off the news?” She asked. Kale shook his head. “Nothing yet so far. This has been interesting even towards Laddie. She’s been sitting dumbfounded for a while now.” He said. Catlyn sighed and nodded. “Keep me updated when ye’ can.” She said. She then looked up to the sky, her eyes scanning the overcast. ‘Kid. Ye’ better be okay. I don’t want to be sailin’ me ship to Scallywag’s Locker for your sorry hide.’ She thought with a concerned look. The chimera roared in pain as it collapsed onto its’ side. Zalas stood triumphantly with her newly created staff at her side. The snake, Quetzalcoatl, curled down from the staff head and around her shoulder. She gently pet the snake as she walked past the slain beast. The snowy woodlands made her shiver and adjusted her makeshift cloak. It was thanks to Quetzalcoatl’s warming embrace she hasn’t fallen asleep in the cursed cold. The last of her tribe walked carefully past decrepit pillars as a crumbled ruin towered overhead. This place must have been a fort of some kind back in the ancient times. Zalas’s eyes darted this way and that, taking in every moving shadow and every creature scampering into cracks. Zalas came to the ruin’s entrance. Stone steps leading further down. Quetzalcoatl slithered and coiled around the staff before glowing, creating light for Zalas to see. She descended the steps, her every move cautious and alert. When she reached further inside after passing two rooms, she stepped around an old table that had an abundant of strange equipment on it. Taking a better look around, holding her staff high up, it appeared that this ruin was excavated long ago. Quetzalcoatl hissed as Zalas looked ahead. Her eyes widened as she saw a strange, purple crystal. It hummed and glowed, protruding directly out of the wall. She walked over and gently brushed it. She could see sparkles of magic inside the crystals. She narrowed her eyes and looked to her side. Another one. And another one. Many of the purple crystals began making a jagged path. She followed the crystal path, seeing that the excavators had reached far into mining before stopping at a wall with jagged rocks. From the broken tools, it seemed like they could have gone no further. Zalas reached out a claw to the wall and brushed it gently. She then closed her eyes, reaching out with her magic. When she opened her eyes, she could see the webbing rivers of magic emitting from the wall. There was indeed something more behind it. She took a step back and brought a claw in, tilting her claw up and drawing in the dark fog from the staff as well as Ventus’s own power. Combining it together, she gently grasped it and held out the claw straight at the wall. She then made a gentle push as the small sphere of dark fog and wind floated towards the wall. When it collided, the wall blew open with such a concussive force that Zalas had to shield herself with her cloak. When the dust settled, she stepped over the rubble and gasped. The purple crystals were amalgamating in a cavern, making large veins dotting the cavern. And in the middle of it all, was a tree like structure. It branched around the cavern, connecting to veins and even into the walls itself. The sheer amount of magical flow bursting and shining from the tree like crystal. She studied the structure. She counted seven branches. Each separated from the ones that connected to veins and walls. Upon closer inspection, she could make out symbols in the branches. Quetzalcoatl curled around her neck and slithered his tongue out. Zalas nodded. “A curioussss find indeed.” A traveling group of ponies, bearing armor and barding along with weapons, gifted with small bits of power from the Serpent of Balance, were walking down a road. The snow crunching under their weight as they chatted amongst each other, having successfully slain a group of fire lackeys that had tried to ambush them. It was a battle won with no sweat. As they reached the bottom of a hill, they stopped, and one pointed further up ahead. “Is that… a filly?” One of the hunters asked. They looked to see a dark, cloaked figure of a small filly, walking towards them from the distance. The ponies looked at each other in worry. “The roads are dangerous for fillies. Come on. We better make sure we can get her escorted to safety.” The lead one said. They started to trot over to filly. As she got closer, she stopped, her hood covering her face. One pony narrowed their eyes. The cloak looked… off. They could swear it was moving. The more they got closer, the more a lingering dread fell over them. They stopped several yards away. The filly’s cloak was flowing at the seams. A dark, smoke like fire waving through the fabric. For some reason, the hunters felt fear. Something froze them in their spot. The filly rose her head and she grinned. The pony’s shadows began to move on their own. The shadows from the trees began to rise as golems bearing weapons stumbled forward. The ponies snapped out of their fear frozen stage and drew the weapons. One pony rushed over and swung their blade through the golem’s middle. The pony smirked, but it quickly vanished as the golem sickeningly squelched itself back together. There was a scream. One of the ponies was entangled into shadows. The pony struggled, grunting as their weapon clattered to the ground. “Hold on!” Another pony shouted as they turned and began hacking away at the tendrils. Their weapon phased right through it. The pony balked as a separate tendril shot out and with a loud sing of a blade, the pony fell headless. The others began to panic as the golems began advancing. One was unfortunate to get dog piled, the shadows combining into a dark blob before melting into the ground. The tendril that restrained the pony brought up two more and unable to struggle any longer, the pony was unable to fend for themself. A tendril pierced the side of the pony’s head while the other tendril went through the pony’s middle The tendrils then began melting back into the ground along with the unfortunate soul. The remaining ponies dropped their weapons, one scrambling back against a tree while the other galloped away. The creatures turned to the one cowering with their back against the tree, crumpling to the ground and holding out a hoof. "N-no! Stay back!" They panicked. They then looked between the creatures and saw the filly walk by, her eyes meeting the pony's. The pony gasped. The filly's eyes were swirling with purple and black. Like a dark fire clouding the twilight sky. The filly giggled and waved a small hoof at the pony before walking back down the road. The pony began to scream as the creatures began to descend down on the unfortunate soul. As the filly now was greeted with peace, she took a deep breath and looked up at the cloudy overcast and light snow. "That serpent is dumber than he looks. Now all my friends won't be broken anymore." She giggled. Deep inside the filly's mind, a sinister being of darkness giggled gleefully unnerving. Let's teach them how queens really play. Tenebres smirked. Quiet Fire's POV I gasped and jolted awake. I sat up and looked around. It was dark. I began to cough and wave my hoof in front of me. It was also dusty. Now that I was awake, I felt a searing headache. I groaned and rubbed my head. Where am I? I rasped and panted as I painfully stood up, shaking my head to calm the headache. I grunted, mustering what little energy I had to make the light spell work. My horn's magic flickered before a steady light shone at the tip of my horn. I looked around and gasped. I was standing in a cell. Strangely, the cage door to my cell was on its' side against the wall. I stumbled out of it and waved my head. The dungeon was ancient. The walls covered in moss and mold. The walls to some of the cells destroyed and the cages missing. I furrowed my look. I carefully walked towards a cobblestone stairway leading up. Ascending the stairs, I began to have flashes of Hoofington. I froze as I got halfway up the stairs and clutched my head, screaming as I tossed myself to the wall. My ears were ringing and my head seared. Sweat dripped from my brow as I stared at the ground, dazed and lost. My breathing heavy. What is happening to me? Memories flashed through my mind. I remember being possessed. Din cackling high overhead. She had got me to sprout wings and fly away from the tower as she hurled the megaspell down on the Tri-Mourn Tower. After that... she combined with me and in a moment of trauma and anger, I felt myself controlling Din this time. I destroyed most of the city, swearing out loud. But... why don't I remember what caused me to do so? Was I... angry at Din? Angry at myself? Did I really loathe Hoofington that much that I was okay with destroying the city? I was so confused and disoriented. Nothing made sense. I suddenly felt... very alienated from myself. I was me... but I'm... not me? I then heard a soft hum and I gasped. "Din...?" I asked aloud. Din chuckled sinisterly. Did you like the show? An unfortunate side effect of using such power. But such is the case when you want to just let loose every once in a while. Din yawned boredly. My eyes widened in anger. "Let loose? You were that bored that you made me walk out into the gala floor, confront the very pony who pissed you off. Decide to decimate the tower and, I hope you are keeping up, decided to let General Lilac go and chose to destroy my home??" I shuddered. Din shifted in my head. I was doing you a favor. Besides, if I'm going to punish a mortal for breaking the very foundation of our beings because my sister for whatever reason wanted to do so, I might as well do it where I can crush both under my hooves. Din grinned. My look remained. "Explain. Now." I growled. Din shifted again in my head, yawning. Taking out all those ponies and cleansing the city of rats would clear your mind of all the struggle you were building up after finding your friend's grave. It was thanks to those mortals, who dared to even consider themselves gods among creatures, that caused all those muddled thoughts. I like my space clear. What's better than killing two birds with one stone? You get to live free of the burden of a filth ridden city and I get to enjoy the sound of singing. I shook my head slowly, ascending the steps. Every hoof step a stomp. "It wasn't just gangers, Din. It was Mares. Stallions. Colts. Fillies. Foals. Elderly. Not everypony was bad in Hoofington. It may have been an underbelly for a criminal empire, but there was always good amongst the trash." I rasped. Din snickered and waved a hoof boredly at me. Please. You make it sound like it's the end of the world. It's not the summer solstice yet, vessel. It doesn't matter what status a mortal creature is born into. One way or another, they all want that moment of glory that makes them feel closer to the top. Shaping the future generation to reach even higher and higher until there is nothing left to reach for. Mortals are all the same. From birth to death. Good and evil. One thing that matters in the end for them is power. Din pat her chest. What kind of Queen would I be, if not to show my subjects their place? I'll show them all that the power they seek is beyond their reach. To show those that flaunt it what true might can be. And it feels invigorating to do so. I darted my eyes in thought. Things are starting to make a bit more sense now. I stepped out of the stairway and looked around. I appeared to be in a castle of some kind. The ruins filled with rubble and a collapsed ceiling that blanketed the ground with snow. I shivered as a cold wind blew through. I was missing my hoodie cloak. I looked around and looked to see a banner. It'll have to do. I bit down on the fabric and ripped a good chunk out of the banner. Taking a bit to study it, I realized I had ripped out a chunk of the Equestrian Flag. I furrowed my brow and shook my head. I need to make sure I'm not freezing to death. I started to wrap and fold the piece of the flag before tossing it around me. Using my magic, I fasted the loose curtain rope at my chest and flicked the back of my makeshift cloak. It was warm enough. I sighed and threw on the hood I managed to bring together with another part of the Equestrian Flag. I walked down the hallway, taking a turn and finding myself in the foyer of a rundown castle. I still had no idea where I was. But taking a step down the stairs to the foyer, I blinked and noticed shadows beginning to rise from the ground. Lackeys formed, brandishing weapons of all kinds. I heard Din cackle. The hunt is on then. She grinned. I walked to the center top of the stairs and withdrew my quarterstaff. Feeling a surge of energy, I spun the halberd around and aimed at the creatures. I have to figure out where I am. I have to get back to my friends. I adjusted my halberd, seeing the golems beginning to charge me. I grit my teeth and jumped from the top of the stairs, my halberd held back and ready to strike. I swung my halberd, dispersing the creatures into melting shadow. That seemed to get the other Lackeys to freeze. I glared and stood up on two, motioning to the golems. "Hey, you started it. Time to finish it." I challenged. In the end, not every story has a happy ending, or a true ending for that matter. There is still so much to tell and so much to discover. And unfortunately for me, my story is far from over. The more Lackeys I slayed, the more it dawned on me. I'm an author of my fate. I'll write my own destiny over the one laid out for me. I'll continue to fight for that goal. For my friends. For my renewed kindling with my family. For Equestria.