Primordial Conflict

by Jumping Jack

Chapter 29: Little House on The Prairie

Chapter 29: Little House on The Prairie

We waited at the train station for Scribble. He was taking his time to show up. I had my hood up and resting myself on the bench with my forelegs tucked under me. Thi was messing with her arc ammo magazines. Flitter was sitting down in front of us with Cloudchaser, the former maintaining her bow while the other was boredly fidgeting with her padded hoof gauntlets. Thi groaned and looked at the clock.

“We’re lucky the train is on its way. What the hell is taking that egghead so long?” She asked with a cross of her forelegs. Cloudchaser shook her foreleg and stretched it.

“Got lost?” She asked. I shook my head.

“Scribble practically lives here. I’m sure he knows where he is going.” I said. I hoped at least. It really was taking a long while for the stallion to get back. After another ten minutes of waiting, we saw the train appearing in the distance, the whistle loud. Scribble finally came around the corner and frowned.

“Glad you all are here rather than the designated area we agreed to meet back once we were done.” He said. Thi was about to speak before stopping herself. It dawned on all of us. Flitter snickered.

“Whoopsies.” She said. Scribble slumped and shook his head.

“At least we are on time with the train.” He said. I stepped off of the bench and stretched.

“And we all get to exchange notes on the four day ride over to Hoofington. Hope we brought plenty of things to keep ourselves occupied.” I said. My friends seemed to mumble and hum in response. I smiled and motioned to the train as it hissed open. “Shall we?” My friends stood up and entered the train with me. We made our way to the back seats of the middle passenger cart. We were the only ponies to enter from Canterlot. Taking our seats, I sat next to Cloudchaser, which put an extra bit of pep into my mood. Flitter and Scribble sat across from us while Thi had the whole next seat to herself, already making herself comfortable.

“So. How did things go with your mother?” Scribble asked as he took out his journal and began scribbling down in it. I smiled softly and nodded. I explained everything to him. We had all gathered in the throne room. The princesses. My mother and a couple of generals. The Wonder Bolts. Twilight and her friends along with Starlight and her’s. Discord. Spike had written down a long list in a bullet point fashion so he could send it to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire. We also noticed that the journalist they had caught in the castle was still around. Starlight explained that the journalist would promise to work closely with them in order to get the truth and in exchange, the news ponies would be able to have an exclusive interview with all of us.

It first started off with everypony updating on the events with Starswirl. Twilight had to explain that the Pony of Shadow’s time was supposed to be in spring. But when Ouroboros had pulled Starswirl out of Limbo, he corrupted a timeline that they had to fix a little earlier than designated. Twilight had managed to get this info out of Ouroboros by tricking the serpent with insane cunning that I didn’t think was possible. She truly is a hero of Equestria. Starswirl had been aging due to the instability and when they banished the Pony of Shadows, Starswirl retained his normal age he was when he first was trapped in it.

The Pillars had also returned. The story book heroes were now providing aid wherever they could to the denizens of Equestria. Once Twilight and her friends had finished updating, it was Starlight’s turn. Her and the others have been conversing with the other leaders, aiding and doing tasks for them in order to keep things from spiraling out of control. She was rather nervous about it, but as time went on, she grew a bit more confident and was able to maintain her own status along with her friends on being their own heroes. I couldn’t help but admire all of them. These ponies were incredible. That left with me on my update. I explained to them everything. They were aware of what happened out in the Highseas and the Nilneigh Islands.

But telling them details was exhibiting their own reactions. Even my mother listened intently. Thi also chimed in when she could, explaining the reasonings behind the Triad actions, which were mostly just insane cult like handling of ancient magic. We then explained the very pony responsible for the organization. Queen Moonlight Sonata. The natural born alicorn ruling southern Pony Land. The princesses looked grimly as they listened to Thi retell her own encounters with her. How she has one hoof in Equestria and plans to invade it with advance crystal tech traded from their neighboring northern kingdom.

Thi made it very clear to everypony as well as reminding them by pointing to Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Flitter that the Triad are not good ponies. She recounted learning about their culture on the year she had stowed away on their ship. The citizens are brainwashed into pledging for the iron banner of the Triad and The Kingdom of Euclides. Schools teach them mainly basic history on top of advance math and science. When the colts and fillies grow up, they are enlisted into the military for several years. Those that make it are proud members of the Triad. Those that don’t live in poverty or forced to work behind the desk or worst, the crystal mines.

The Kingdom of Fenice, the main source of their tech, is still a mystery to her, but she knows that Euclides and Fenice are working closely together. After she was done telling her details about our current enemies, it was my turn to bring up our cosmic enemies. I immediately dropped the bomb shell about having waged a bet of ascension against Ouroboros. Everypony listened quietly as I explained the meeting on the moon. How my primal heritage was playing a big factor in Ouroboros pulling Starswirl out due to his own mistake. My mother wasn’t sure how to react to this bit of news. But I continued, stating that Ouroboros is missing because he’s attending a meeting with the other cosmic beings over the balance instability here. And what’s worse for us is that Equulie mentioned these Archbeings, however they are called, are on their way to enforce divine correction, which would spell a lot of things that we still don’t know.

With the six now boosted by Ouroboros, I had told them Din and I are now going to be enemy number one with the others. But I reassured that I had befriended three of the six. I told them about Gwyen and the events of Appleloosa. Captain Catlyn and the Black Whiskers (I also made sure to have Princess Celestia and Luna be aware that even though they are pirates, they just want to look for a special treasure and would be treated as honored guests as they aid us against the balance instability). Zalas being the last of her tribe and how she is accompanied by her patron god Quetzalcoatl to see more of the world after accepting her grief. We still don’t know about the other three, but with how we had been meeting the power elements, meeting the other three will now be a lot more difficult.

After explaining all of that, we began to devise plans. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would maintain their royal duties to quell disturbances and maintain harmony across Equestria. Twilight and her friends would be tying up some loose ends before making a proper plan. Starlight and her friends along with Discord, in his Discorded way, would plan on maintaining stable connections to our allies and prepare them for the worst. My mother, the generals and the Wonder Bolts would be tasked with relaying only specified info and to teach certain tactics and plans from old wars in the past. Twilight was unhappy about saying it, but they need to be prepared to use more than just conversation to best our now vilified neighbors.

Our plan was to continue searching for the remaining three. I had explained that the others would meet up with us on the spring solstice. In order for us all to keep in contact with each other, Twilight had given all of us link buds. Each one improved to attune to different frequencies so long as we desire to contact the others or more in call. She had also made it clear that they’ll be used for only emergency communication or updated event calls, casting a glance at Pinkie Pie. We wrapped up our meeting by just having a small break of mingling.

My mother wanted to stay and chat, but she needed to get back to drills. But she did give me something. A pendent wrapped around my neck. The silver chain draped down and connected into a cartoon-ish wing like design. It used to belong to her when she was my age. I quietly curled my hoof over the pendent, smiling softly. I finished explaining everything to Scribble and he rolled his hoof and jaw before sighing.

“I can’t believe we are actually preparing for an invasion by not just our neighbors, but forces we cannot comprehend. It’s almost as if this realm has become an epicenter to every bad prophecy combining into one.” Scribble said defeatedly. I nodded.

“What we can only do is be our best selves through it all. So long as we stick to the plan, everything will hopefully be figured out.” I said sadly. Thi hummed before sighing and sitting up from her seat.

“Alright, I’m done moping about it all. How about we just play a game?” She asked. Cloudchaser cocked her head.

“Game?” She asked. Thi smirked and reached into her saddle bag. I gapped as she pulled out, to my genuine shock and awe, an Ogres and Oubliettes board game. She winked at me.

“Come on, Fie. I remember you saying back in CSGU that you used to play this. I… am probably going to regret suggesting this, but perhaps you can teach us how to play.” I was speechless. I don’t even know how to respond. I was hit with a sudden wave of nostalgia. I levitated the board and admired it.

“It’s a third generation version… Thi, these are no longer manufactured. Everything is fifth generation. Where did you get this??” I asked. My friends snickered while Scribble arched an amused brow. I flushed and rubbed the back of my head. Thi scooted over to my seat, forcing me to make room for her.

“Let’s just say, my relic hunting days are never going to be behind me.” She said proudly. Scribble narrowed his eyes suspiciously, causing Thi to shrug. “What?” I smiled and looked to my friends.

“Well… I guess I can give it a try again. I don’t have my old character sheet, but I think I’d go with a new class.” I said. I opened up the box and began pulling out the sheets, GM board and two books, one of race and class and the other campaigns. The four days of the train ride have been the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I was the GM and when my friends had picked their races and classes, I began to go over some rules I recall that worked to everypony’s benefits from my friend group. With those established, we had the best campaign I could think of.

I remember a game I used to play when gem tech was starting to come around and I decided to gather inspiration and ideas from it. Four days went by rather quickly for us, and we managed to complete the campaign at its’ middle arc. I was impressed that my friends warmed up to embracing their characters. Even Scribble seemed to have come out of his shell and show a side to us that made us genuinely appreciate him for. Me and Thi kept quiet about it, but we had a feeling we were witnessing the true Silver Scribble. At some point, I even managed to have luck be on my side and convinced Cloudchaser that our characters were in a romantic relationship.

Of course, I kept writing things off as reminders that it is a game. But the looks from the others were suspicious at best. It was early morning on the fourth day. I yawned tiredly as I ate my eggs and hotcakes. I had a dumb smile on my face. The past three days playing O&O kept hitting me with nostalgia. I wonder how my old friends are doing? When Table Top popped into my head, I held onto my mother’s pendant. For some reason, it comforted me. I would have to face that issue eventually.

I spent the morning at breakfast answering my friend’s questions about Hoofington. Answering to the best I could, the train whistled and the intercom crackled.

”Now arriving. Hoofington Station.” I sighed and looked out the window. We were going through a tunnel. Upon exiting it, the city of Hoofington appeared before us. A massive skyscraper being the first thing you would see. A city of red, tan and brown buildings dotting the areas. Off in the hills further away were where the suburbs would be. A massive stadium a bit of ways away from the skyscraper hosts most of the visiting musical talents in Equestria whenever they go on tour. Buildings of varying heights combined into blocks, unable to match the skyscraper, but still had unique designs of their own, were either business or apartment condos. The winter wonderland gave it a special sparkle with the rising sun that made Cloudchaser and Flitter let out awed gasps.

"It's like a snowy metropolis!" Cloudchaser stated. I only hummed and nodded.

"Mhm." Thi got between the two and whistled.

"Huh... no offense, but I always thought of it a bit more... well... decrepit?" she asked. I shook my head.

"It's only in the bad areas. It's called the Scrap Lands by the locals." I pointed to the window, hoping to make it clear that I was aiming at the off distant corner of the city. "It's a big district of the city that is currently suffering a three-way gang war. I... honestly don't know if things have changed or not. But we won't have to go there. Where we are going is that way." I pointed my hoof to the hills. "Mustang Creek. A big neighborhood that has three sections. Poor, middle and upper class. I lived in the middle class." I said. Cloudchaser rubbed her chin.

"I wonder what the city offers." She asked. I shrugged.

"No Little Neighpon. But it does have certain districts that each have their own labels. The Wooden District has most of the private or individually owned businesses. An oak tree that grew naturally, but in an unnatural formation marks the district. You have the Banner District. That's for the retired military and usually a military recruitment area. They throw pretty neat parades." I said, recounting the many times dad has taken us, sometimes with my mom's anniversary. I then sighed and flourished my hoof. "Then the Neon District. It's a gilded district with back-alley degenerates and has a massive problem with drug dealing and is mostly a gang vacation spot. Sucks, because there are some pretty neat stores there, as I was told." I said, frowning as my brother would sometimes try to describe some certain areas that, on paper, sounded good. But my dad would point out the usual ugliness behind it. I hope to Celestia that we won't have to go there to find Blitz. I hope he's at his apartment. Thi smirked.

"Might as well give us the grand tour." she said. I shook my head.

"I don't like it here. I wished we didn't have to come back, but my siblings still work here. I... hope my foalhood home is still up." I said. "I also hope dad is back here and still not in Manehatten. It's got me worried when mom said he's gone dark for a while." I looked down at the city. With my luck, I hope it's a convenient little trot home. The train came to a stop and we got up. Cloudchaser and Flitter were the first to leave the train with Thi and Scribble following after. I stepped out last and the familiar smell of a polluted city washed over me.

Exiting the station led us down a half circle pair of steps that had a giant brass statue of a stallion in farmer attire. He was striking a pose with a pitchfork stuck down into a rocky mound. Flitter floated over to the plaque.

"Founder of Hoofington. Trek 'Hoofington' Hoof scoured the Rocky Trail, finding the valley that would later become the start of the metropolitan city of tomorrow." Flitter looked up at the statue. "He was a farmer?" she asked. I shrugged.

"I never really knew much of Hoofington's history. I think he was once a farmer. Got tired of it and decided to travel. He used a pitchfork as a basic utility tool. Which is something I found odd." I said, rubbing my chin. I then shrugged and trotted around the statue. "Sorry, I'm not the pony to really give a history lesson about Hoofington. But I can say uhh... welcome to Hoofington?" I said with a nervous smile as I held out a hoof in presentation towards the city. Auto wagons puttered by crystals acting as traffic lights. Ponies of all kinds going to wherever they are deciding to head. The station platform was packed. Which is strange considering it is morning. I then looked to see ponies emerging from an underground stairway. Oh right, I forgot there was an underground metro system. My friends and I trotted into the city, reaching the main square. A giant astrolabe globe was at the center of a stairway dip into a long, winding plaza. I pointed to the distant skyscraper towering over head.

"It may look like it is close. But this is just the first out of seven winding plazas that lead to it. The road to and back is quite long." I tapped my hoof to my chin. "I think it takes five minutes via auto wagon to reach the Hoofington Tower. That is if you are starting from where we are at. And about a two-hour trot if you can make it past the crosswalks without stopping." I explained. Thi whistled as Cloudchaser and Flitter floated over to a food kiosk. Scribble looked up at the giant astrolabe and rubbed his chin. I sighed, but smiled as my curious friends took a moment to look around. Cloudchaser and Flitter came back with smoothies while Scribble wrote something down in his journal. When they were done, I pointed to the buildings around us as we made our way to the end of the long plaza. "These spots are mainly used as tourist traps. Some of the places can be overly expensive, but in a gang filled town like Hoofington, it's to be expected." Flitter blinked as she pulled her smoothi away.

"This is gang owned?" she asked. I shrugged.

"Assuming so. It's no surprise here to the locals and businesses that Hoofington is plagued with back-alley deals. And you know... criminal empires exist." I said, rolling my hoof in gesticulation. Thi looked up to the skyscraper and frowned.

"I can't help but be reminded that the Triad could possibly be dealing here. This town is pretty tucked in from the rest of Equestria. Right under the princesses's noses." She said. I sighed and shrugged.

"They've made appearances here before. But you aren't wrong. I only assume Princess Celestia and Luna can get overwhelmed just by being here. That, or the attempted assassinations." I said matter-of-factly. Cloudchaser and Flitter balked while Scribble arched a brow. I nodded. "The culprit was caught before anything happened. In fact, the princesses weren't aware it was happening." I said. Thi scratched her head.

"The news ponies here must be really up to date on everything." she said. I nodded.

"While the printing press was founded in Manehatten. This place is a hub for The Daily Hoof." I pointed at them. "And yes, everything technically has a hoof in the name. At least, all the main brand stuffs. Again, tourist traps." I then walked up the steps and waved my hoof, whistling. I frowned as a taxi wagon puttered by. I kept waving and eventually, a taxi wagon pulled over. The mare nodded and tipped her cap.

"Where ya' headin'?" she asked. I crawled into the wagon and motioned for my friends to follow. They entered and leaned over the front.

"To Mustang Creek." I said. The mare nodded and pulled some levers before we were puttering down the street. The city's wonders passed us by as my friends tried to take in as much as they could. I smiled, quite enjoying their curiosity. I then narrowed my eyes as we passed several areas where I've noticed some suspicious looking behaviors and deals for several blocks. They weren't kidding. It was starting to escalate more. Well, we won't be staying here for long. I just only want to check up on my siblings and dad, if he's here at least. The mare drove us down two miles of blocks and districts before crossing a bridge over a river and into a tunnel. The crystal headlights working as intended for dark traveling. I sighed and looked boredly out of the window. As homesick as I was, I wasn't particularly enthused to be back. Hoofington maybe where I'm from. But it isn't what I represent. I'm a Ponyville pony through and through and I would like to keep it that way. Speaking of Ponyville, we did pass it on the train ride over, but we were caught up in our campaign we completely avoided it. Ahh well. Not like we can't stop on the way back.

After exiting the tunnel, we arrived at a road that led into the hills. Clay and wooden fencing of neighborhoods passed us by after we passed several restaurants and charge stations for the auto wagons on a freeway. We turned down a road and I began to see familiar landmarks. A water tower in a close-up distance usually told me as a filly that we were almost home. Then, we would pass by the school. My old middle school, still looking the same as ever. Right next to the school about a block away was the high school I attended. A lot of awkward memories there. The grey, boring old looking building remained as gilded as ever. The only good thing about it was the courtyard during lunch. We passed by more neighborhoods and off charted landmarks before arriving in front of a road leading into a neighborhood. The plaque read:

Mustang Creek

Good to be home... I stepped out of the auto wagon before paying the mare her bits for the ride while my friends waited for me. The mare puttered away and I turned, taking a deep breath. I motioned to the neighborhood.

"Welcome home, Fie." I said in general. I walked past my friends as they walked after me. Thi trotted up to me before matching my pace.

"It's so strange. I'm a little nervous about seeing your foalhood home." she said. I shook my head.

"You? Nervous about seeing my old home? It's funny you call it a tough neighborhood. But it's about as plain and simple as every other neighborhood we pass. The city is the plague." I said. Cloudchaser grinned.

"I wonder if you have any old family photos. Want to see how you looked before." she said. I balked, a sudden realization dawning over me as I looked at her, seeing Flitter next to her giving a coy smile. Cloudchaser looked as oblivious as always. I flushed and shook my head.

"N-no way! You are not allowed to look at my old, loser self!" I stated, backing away from them. I awkwardly danced around Thi before slinking down next to her, throwing my hood up. My companions snickered at my reaction.

"Relax, Fie. I doubt anything bad will come of it." Flitter chuckled. I groaned in embarrassment. There is nothing worse than showing your crush your family pictures. Especially of old you. Thi smirked and pat my head.

"C'mon, Fie. We don't know where you live. Show us the house first before you start getting too embarrassed." she said with a wink. I sighed and stood up, taking a moment to gather myself before walking ahead of them. We trotted directly down the road, passing a frozen swimming pool and a small community park. We trekked a little further down the road. I glanced nervously under my hood as my foalhood home came into view. I stopped in front of a two storied house. It still hasn't changed. Well, aside from the overgrowth that has been happening to the bushes. I titled my head. It doesn't seem like anypony has been home in a long while. The brick like house was faded. The garage door where we would store old stuff was bent in all kinds of places, making it nigh impossible to open without some gusto. One window was cracked. That must have happened at some point when I was not home. I sighed and walked up to the porch, stepping up and proceeded to knock, only to stop when the door creaked open as I tapped it once. I looked back to my companions. My expression telling them that it was a bizarre thing to happen.

I peeked my head cautiously by the door.

"Hello? Dad? Anypony home?" I asked, opening the door slightly. No pony responded. That's odd. The door was slightly ajar. Did we get broken into? I then narrowed my eyes and nodded to my companions, motioning them to be on guard. They seemed to be confused at first, but Thi withdrew her arc pistol and cocked it before carefully walking up to the door and taking point. The rest of my friends took positions at the bottom of the porch, ready to follow us in. I took a cautious step in, seeing that the small hall with the stairs heading up to my old room was dark. I flicked on the crystal lights and opened the door more, gasping as I stepped in. The place was a mess. Thi peeked in and narrowed her eyes, darting them all around the place. I carefully stepped over a broken and knocked over picture frame. I peeked my head into the living room. The curtains were knocked over, same with the crystal lamp shade. The broken coffee table shattered and the furniture scuffed or tipped over. The hologem tv in the corner was riddled with three holes. My expression became worried.

"Dad? Are you home?" I asked again. My friends finally entered and Scribble broke the change in atmosphere.

"Hmm. Seems like your folks haven't been home in a long while." he said, looking at a picture frame of what would be our family portrait. I looked into the kitchen. Everything was either broken or shattered. Cans of food were strewn about and the back door was knocked over. I trotted out the backdoor and looked around. There were bullet holes in the wooden fencing. In the snow, I could see hoofprints and scrapes. This must have happened recently. I turned back around and entered the house.

"Fie. I think you need to take a look at this!" I heard Cloudchaser from upstairs. Thi and Scribble were just outside my old room as I trotted around the corner and up the stairs. I squeezed through them and I gasped. My room was a total mess. My bed was shattered. My old posters were ripped down and my closet door caved in. All my collection figures were broken and scattered on the floor. My own hologem tv and hologem game station were strewn about, broken and crackling. Cloudchaser brushed aside some hole riddled comics and picked up a casing. Thi sighed.

"Well... I honestly wasn't sure what to expect. But maybe we should have." she said. I looked around my room. So many memories. So many things I've collected. All gone. I then looked past Scribble and Thi to my parent's bedroom. I trotted past them and barely opened the door when I smelt an awful odor coming from the room. I coughed and covered my muzzle before opening the door. My eyes widened. There were two neatly dressed ponies lying motionless on the ground. Their suites tattered and riddled with holes. I darted my eyes, looking around the room. It was about as trashed as everything else. I noticed something hanging on the door molding next to me. A scroll impaled by a knife. Thi and Scribble covered their muzzles as I stepped in and took the paper. Ignoring the corpses in my parent's bedroom, or at least trying my hardest too, I read the note.

Your task is to capture the hero cop Wild Fire and bring him to the warehouse in the Scrap Lands. You know which one.
-Knuckle Head

I coughed and stumbled out of the room. The stench was beginning to waft through the house. We exited my house and I waved my hoof, trying to take in what fresh air I could. Flitter's eyes were watering as she spoke.

"Ack! What even happened here??" she asked. I sighed and held up the note.

"Remember how I said my father is a hero cop? A title like that gives him plenty of enemies. And it seems one of them tracked him down." I said grimly. Thi took a deep breath before wiping her forehead.

"From the look and smell of it. It's pretty recent, but not too recently. I think they've been in there for a while." she sighed. Scribble looked at me.

"What does the note say?" he asked. I furrowed my look and read it out loud. My friends looked worriedly at me.

"Your mom did say he went dark quite a while ago." Cloudchaser stated. I nodded. This isn't good. I came here to check up on him and my siblings. But now it seems the worst of what I've feared and have been hoping to avoid, happened. I turned to my companions.

"Guys... I... I don't know what I should do." I began. "I came here to check up on him. And now that he is missing, I..." I grit my teeth. "I have to find him. I can't live with myself if I don't and I also don't want to ruin my fresh start with my mom." I said determinedly. Thi looked at me worriedly.

"What about your siblings?" she asked. I shook my head.

"They can wait a bit. I need to find my dad." I then began to trot back up the street. Cloudchaser flew around and stopped me.

"Hold up, Fie. I understand this is a situation you want to handle. But we don't have a way to get back to the city. And you said it yourself. We should avoid The Scrap Lands." she said with a cross of her forelegs. I looked up at her and nodded, my worried expression giving me away.

"I-I know what I said. But... I wasn't expecting this to happen... I should have known better..." I snorted and fell to my haunches. "Thi. Were those Triad ponies?" I asked. Thi blinked, realizing she was being addressed before rubbing the back of her head.

"Hard to tell. I didn't see any insignia telling us otherwise. I wouldn't rule it out. But I'm not familiar with the gangs here." She explained. I nodded and sighed.

“Well, we better start moving now so we can make it back to the city before dark.” I said with defeated purpose. Thi looked around and grinned.

“Maybe not.” She said as she trotted across the street. We watched her as she opened the side of an auto wagon parked across from my house. She tapped the crystal and it puttered to life. From the looks of the autowagon, it was riddled with bullet holes. I narrowed my eyes and Thi shrugged. “It’s already stolen. Why not return it back to them?” She said with a cool lean out of the side of the wagon. Scribble shook his head before trotting over.

“We are trying to get to our destination alive, Thi.” He said. Thi nodded and pulled a string down with her magic, making the wagon honk.

“Welcome to Thi’s Taxi Service. Please fasten your safety harnesses and enjoy the rid.” She grinned as we got in. Cloudchaser looked at her in concern as I sat next to her.

“At least we aren’t on a mountain side this time.” She said warily. She then flipped down some levers before we suddenly jerked and began rolling. Thi scratched her head.

“Uhh… was it this one?” She asked herself as she pulled the lever down. We suddenly screeched and Thi quickly tried to level it. We took off at high speed, yelling as the auto wagon began squealing down the neighborhood. Flitter held onto the side of the wagon for dear life as we made a sharp turn, cutting off a couple of other auto wagons who blared their own horns at us before speaking.

“I think I’m gonna’ be sick…” she hiccuped before covering her mouth. I looked at Thi with panic.

“S-slow down, Thi!” I stated. Thi fumbled with the levers.

“D-don’t worry, I got this!” She said, her tone uncertain. Scribble slumped.

“May the princesses guide us to our paradise…” he sighed.

It took Thi a bit to get the hang of driving the auto wagon. With our dumb luck, we managed to make it through the tunnel and even out our speed. We still held onto the wagon for support just in case Thi decided to do something even more gung-ho. We raced down the freeway, Thi swerving and avoiding the other pedestrians. Cloudchaser looked to me, looking quite nervous as she held on.

“H-how much do the Hoofington Police Force watch the roads.” She asked with a gulp. I was shaking on my seat, trying my best to keep myself calm.

“Th-they are always watching. B-but seeing a bullet ridden wagon could mean many things.” I said. Flitter groaned as she was looking a tad green in the face.

“Are you saying it’s normal to see a bullet ridden wagon barrel down the road?” She hurked. I unfortunately nodded.

“Could be a civilian running from a shootout. And with how spread out the force is, they can’t pull over every bullet ridden wagon they see.” I replied, adjusting myself as Thi exited the freeway and began slowing down finally. I felt like I melted into my seat with everypony else while Thi laughed.

“Haha! I told ya’ I got this!” She said, looking at our melted bodies over her shoulder. Scribble sat up and steadied his head.

“Now what?” He rasped. I sat up in my seat, holding my stomach in an attempt to calm it. I then looked around, seeing we were in part of the Neon District. I frowned and pointed in the opposite direction of the district.

“We’re still a long way away. Head down that road and I’ll let you know when to turn.” I said. Thi gave a cool salute before turning the auto wagon down the road. I did my best to mentally point out landmarks to get my sense of direction. It brought back some deep memories of when dad would take me on occasional rides around town. We spent a good thirty minutes driving around before we had to stop and ask a random pony for directions.

We were lucky enough they did so. Usually, citizens of Hoofington were wild cards. You never knew what personality you were going to get. We thanked the pony before Thi followed the written directions that Scribble read off. It was steady driving after a bit, and we soon began to feel a bit at ease with Thi’s driving. The cloudy overcast made the city quite dull looking in the daytime. The snowfall was light and serene. I couldn’t help but envy the weather a bit. As funny and strange as it sounded, I wish I could be as carefree in a place like this dump of a city.

It was the afternoon when we finally pulled up to a wagon lot. Thi sloppily parked the wagon into two spaces and looked back to us.

“This it?” She asked. I looked out the window of the wagon and narrowed my eyes. Decrepit buildings that have seen better days. In our right was a street buckball court and next to it a tennis court. To our left, apartment buildings and auto wagons parked on the sides on both ends of the street. I shook my head.

“Nope. But we are in general area. We have to hoof it from here.” I looked to my friends. “Listen, do not accept anything anypony offers you here. Keep your heads down and don’t draw attention to yourselves. If somepony wants to pick a fight, just turn the other way and ignore whatever taunts they are throwing. They could just be having a bad day.” I said. Thi snickered and wiggled her hoof at me.

“Yes, mom.” She said. I shot her a glare.

“I’m serious, Thi. There is nothing good about this area. This entire district has been ready to be renovated by the city, but they keep getting ran out by gangs.” I said. I recall from a news report long ago on the hologem tv about a restoration project in the works. It was to repair and refurbish old buildings and pave new roads, turning it into a much more habitable place to live. And then the riots happened. I don’t know why the folks here thought preserving the place means destroying it. At this point, the city is just waiting for the entire district to crumble so it’ll be less work to do.

I stepped outside of the wagon, shivering a bit and adjusting my cloak hoodie as a chill wind blew over me. I waited for my friends to exit and proceeded to walk down the street with them close beside me. It was lucky we were in a group. Hopefully, we’ll play off as some ponies not to mess with. It was also luck that it was still winter. Most ponies don’t want to be out in the snow, even in the poorer districts.

The city was alive with distant sirens and distant popping noises. Flitter rubbed her foreleg upon hearing some closer sounding gunshots. Cloudchaser smiled reassuringly before putting a comforting wing around her. I felt a tad jealous of Flitter. But my wariness and caution were on high alert. We spent a good half hour wandering around, trying to figure out where these warehouses were. We came across a storage unit building, where I walked in and asked the desk pony where the warehouses would be.

Of course, that raised some suspicion from the pony, but they stated that we were heading the wrong way and need to take a left at Boulevard. I thanked them, much to their chagrin before trotting out and leading my friends back to where we came from. However, I glanced to my right, seeing something scurry out of sight from the corner of my eye. I looked back to my friends. They seemed to be looking around as well, but unaware of the possible danger stalking us right now.

I gotta’ figure something out here. I have a feeling this is going to be a little tricky. I stopped as I saw a group of ponies looking our way. They were dressed in casual clothing, but something about them gave off bad vibes. I looked back to my companions.

“Let’s pick up the pace. We’ve been walking around for too long.” I said to them in a low voice. Thi narrowed her eyes, glancing over to the ponies before nodding. The rest took that as a que to pick up our trot. We moved down a few blocks before I looked over my shoulder slightly. Just as I thought. We are being followed. The group of ponies were lagging behind, pretending to chat amongst themselves. Keep your cool, Fie. We just have to get to the warehouse.

I can’t believe this. Of all the times for dad to get taken by gangers. And now I have to look for him. Not just for my sake, but for my mom and possibly my siblings. I’d rather avoid all of this, but he’s my dad. And I need to apologize to him. I looked to Thi and nodded. Thi looked to the others and made a subtle gesture. We turned into the buckball court and stopped at the center. I pretended to look around, keeping an eye on the group. They crossed the street and as I figured, they waited a bit before entering into the court.

Thi rolled her neck as she turned around.

“You know, it’s not polite to be following other ponies.” She said to the approaching group. I looked over my shoulder slightly? Eyeing them. A lime-colored mare with a yellow mane grinned.

“What, we can’t just walk in and play buckball?” She replied. Scribble sighed and motioned to them.

“You’ve been following us. We’re not that stupid.” He said. A tall, bald and built light blue stallion shrugged.

“We were walking the same way you guys were. I don’t see what the issue is.” He smirked. The mare rubbed her chin.

“Though. You guys look like you aren’t from around here. Got lost? Maybe we can help ya’.” She grinned. I turned to them.

“Yeah. Can you point us to the direction of the warehouses?” I asked, walking to get between them and my friends. The ponies seemed to exchange amused glances and chuckles before the mare looked at me and tilted her head.

“You’re looking for the warehouses? Here?” She then laughed. “Girl, you must be completely lost if you are looking for those here.” She snickered.

“Tourist are so hilarious!” One pony chuckled, wiping their eyes. I held up a hoof to my friends. I could tell they were a little nervous. We have to remain calm. These ponies are probably just bored and want to amuse themselves. I motioned in no particular direction.

“Then perhaps at least point us in the right direction? You don’t have to lead us. We wouldn’t ask that of you ponies.” I said. I saw the mare shoot me a glare.

“What, we ain’t good enough to help? I feel like you are stepping way more out of line than you think, filly.” She said before getting up in my face. I remained stoic and stared her down. “You best be grateful we are offering to help. We’re really itching for some entertainment.” She then narrowed her eyes. She then balked and stepped back. “No freakin’ way!” I blinked in confusion. She pointed at me. “Her eyes! They ain’t natural!” I looked to my friends and shrugged. They returned it before looking back to the group.

“Wait. You saying that’s…” the stallion began. Another mare in the group, an orange hide and brown mane with green eyes stepped back.

“Oh no, buck that! I’m out!” She said before cantering away. Two more ponies followed after her. I scratched my head. The mare antagonizing us suddenly darted her eyes around before withdrawing something from behind her, holding a black arc pistol in her teeth. Unfortunately for her, Thi was quicker and she pulled the trigger, knocking the firearm out and clattering to the ground. I frowned at the mare.

“I expected a lot out of today, but frankly, I am not in the mood to be dealing with ponies who seem to have woken up this morning looking for trouble.” I stated. Hold on… if these ponies know about my eyes, then maybe I can use it to my advantage this time. This mare pulled something out without hesitation, so why should I not take the chance? I kept my stoic look as I stared down the mare. “I’ll ask again. Can you point us to the warehouses?” I asked, my tone a little threatening. The mare shrunk back, cowering before me. I heard a cackle in the back of my mind accompanied by several clicking noises.

The mare shakily pointed a hoof to our right.

“J-just take a right past Birchwood Drive. T-trot a few blocks and then take a left at Boulevard.” She stammered. I smiled and motioned with my head. The mare scrambled to her hooves and galloped away, the stallion and the rest of the crew scampering after her. Cloudchaser let out a relived sigh.

“Well, that was surprisingly all over the place.” She said. I beamed and looked back at them.

“For once, my reputation precedes me!” I said happily. Thi snickered, holstering her arc pistol.

“Glad it didn’t escalate anymore. How young they were.” She said. Scribble trotted past us before motioning with a hoof.

“As fun as it was, I’d rather not stick around. Who knows if somepony doesn’t know who you are.” He said. I nodded.

“Fair point.” And with that, we trotted down the street, taking the turn down Birchwood and traveling a few blocks before reaching Boulevard. When we turned, we can see the industrial part of the city in the distance. We were passing a junkyard full of old auto wagons and other debris when we stopped and looked to see a few black painted auto wagons puttered past us. I narrowed my eyes as we watched them pass by.

They looked strangely similar to the one we had driven. I shook my head. But then again, it could just be a coincidence. We continued walking when one of the wagons stopped and out stepped a couple of neatly dressed ponies.

“Hey! Stop!” One of them called out. I looked to my friends.

“Keep going. We’ll lose them in the junkyard.” I said as we turned and galloped down the street. Several voices called after us as we turned down into the junkyard. I looked over my shoulder. “Split up and keep low!” I said. My friends breaked and I dashed around a massive pile of metal and debris. I heard the many hoofsteps scrapping against the dirt. Why the hell are they after us? We didn’t do anything! But maybe there was. They were dressed similarly to the ponies at my house.

I crept low as I scoured over smaller piles, being careful as to not make too much noise. I had to duck into a crushed auto wagon as a few neatly dressed ponies cantered by.

“Where the hell did he go?” The pony asked. “And how the hell did he escape already? He’s tied back up at the warehouse, isn’t he?” The other pony withdrew a rifle and clipped it to a saddle.

“Either way. The hero cop is going to die here. We gotta’ find him.” The pony replied. I ducked lower, my eyes darting in thought. I then brushed my fire streak mane. Quietly, I threw my hood over and waited for them to move on. I hope the others are okay. I waited a bit longer, my ears flicking before crouching low and scurrying across the opening and into another pile of cover. I made my way back and around the other ponies searching. I then bumped into Flitter and we both caught each other. I smiled and she returned it. We then had to duck behind a half destroyed concrete barrier.

An auto wagon had slowly pulled up and came to a stop. A couple of ponies stepped out and one brushed back their slick black mane. She wore a white suite and over a purple coat as orange, cold eyes scanned the area. Another pony stepped out and clipped a rifle their saddle. The sharp dressed mare nodded and the pony unfurled their wings and took off into the sky. I grit my teeth. I saw three more pegasi ponies searching the junkyard.

I nodded to Flitter and we crept past. I had a lot of bad chills from looking at that mare. We got quite a bit of distance, avoiding a pegasi swooping over before we bumped into Scribble. He waved to us as he had ducked into a porcelain tub. We crept over and I whispered.

“Have you seen Thi and CC?” I asked. Scribble nodded and motioned with a hoof in the other direction. Flitter looked worriedly to the sky.

“What do we do? Why are they hunting us?” She whispered. I pointed at my hooded mane.

“They think I’m dad.” I replied. “They believe he escaped just after they were done with him.” I furrowed my look into worry. “We have to get him out of wherever they have him locked up.”

“Hey! I see one!” A pegasi overhead shouted. We looked up, but we saw the pegasi get hit in the chest with a green fireball. I looked to the others as voices and hooves began to move around us.

“Scribble. Stay behind them. Flitter, see if you can provide support from the back. I’m going to go help Thi.” I said. Flitter looked around.

“What about CC?” She asked. I darted my eyes.

“Okay, new plan. Scribble, cover Flitter while she looks for CC. I’ll sneak past and ambush the ponies.” There was loud popping and voices shouting. I balked and quickly sprang to my hooves. Without a second thought, I galloped out of cover and made my way towards the gun fight. I slid into cover as I heard a couple of arc bullets zip over head. Peeking out, I saw Thi having taken cover behind a crane. She grit her teeth and popped some shots from cover. The gangers had her pressured. I looked up and saw the pegasi about to swoop around to flank her. But a lilac blur zipped up and knocked one of the pegasi out of the air before quickly pivoting and zipping from one pony to the other. They fell like flies.

Some of the ground ponies aimed up at her. No! I felt panic as I rushed out of cover. Without a second thought, I had conjured my clones and rushed the ponies. They yelped in surprise as my clones took down and incapacitated most of them. Unfortunately, three of my clones were shot up and faded. I galloped quickly behind cover as my other clone had her head blown off into a puff of smoke and faded. I then heard a loud spring as Thi sailed into the air and grinned, taking aim as she landed on top of the crane and popping a couple of the ponies. Up above her, Cloudchaser had managed to swoop down to avoid a rain of arc bullets from a pegasi and tackled.

She wrestled with the pony in the air. There was a loud bang and a flash from the pegasi’s gun and Cloudchaser screamed as she fell from the sky. My eyes widened.

“Cloudchaser!” I shouted. Thi whipped around and shot the pony out of the sky before flicking her head down and sailing through the air, catching Cloudchaser and landing onto a platform. I trotted out of cover as Scribble and Flitter met up with us. Flitter had an arrow knocked, aiming at a pony aiming at Thi and released without hesitation. The pony yelled in pain before crumpling to the ground, clutching the wound. She then looked up and gasped as she saw Thi bound down to them and lowered Cloudchaser to the ground.

We had incapacitated all of the ponies. Is what I would have expressed had a few more not shown up, aiming their arc weapons at us. Cloudchaser sat up, clutching her side and wincing as Flitter held her up and Scribble helped her put pressure on the wound. Thi aimed her gun the moment the others had. I rushed over, only to stop and back away as the sharp dressed mare stepped around a corner and aimed her arc revolver at me. She stepped between me and my friends, eyeing me. She smirked.

“Well, well. Here I thought the goodie two shoe cop had escaped so quickly. But it’s even more of a surprise to see a little filly version of him.” She said coldly. I growled and lowered myself in ready. The mare clicked her tongue and shook her hoof before pointing to herself. “I admit. I was not expecting today to be like this. But since you are here, I can only assume you stopped by your little house on the prairie?” I didn’t respond. I only remained staring at her with a glare. She sighed and shrugged. “From a distance, you really do look like Detective Fire."

I knew it! Pushing aside my call, I saw the mare eyed me and they narrowed suspiciously.

“Hold on… orchid eyes with swirling fire…” she grinned. “You’re that pony the radio has been talking about. How the surprises keep piling up.” Damn. This is not the time for my reputation to precede me. The mare studied me before her eyes went cold and she whipped around, fanning the revolver. I saw Thi flinch and scream as she dropped her arc pistol and fell to her side. She tried to catch herself, only to fall completely. I stared in horror. This pony… she just did not… I then felt a sudden surge of energy. The surrounding gangers shifted and balked at me. The mare looked over her shoulder and smirked.

“And just like that, confirmation of the highest order. So… I’m curious if the rumors are true.” She said turning to me. “Could just be a wild magic you have yet to control.” She then snickered before waving a hoof. “All that talk on the radio is bull crap. Gods don’t exist and neither does a demi-god.” She then holstered her revolver and flipped out a switch blade, taking a stance that I was certain wasn’t zebra or karate. She held the knife out and waved it in front of me. I shook my head in utter disbelief.

“You really are wanting to test your theory that much?” I rasped. I heard a cackle in the back of my mind and more clicking. I then stood up on two and withdrew my quarter staff, twirling it around my forelegs before aiming it at her. “You shouldn’t want to toil in the god’s domain.” I’ll make this pony regret her actions from here to Pony Land. The pony smirked and got low before rushing me. She lashed out her knife at my head, but I tilted it to the side and it swished past me. I jabbed her in the chest, pushing her back before bringing the staff around my waist and giving a hefty poke that sent her off her hooves. She landed back on her hooves but she slid a bit away from me.

She coughed and kneeled over, panting. I stabbed the staff in the ground and glared at her. I then shot a look over to the others, my eyes falling onto the nervous looking gangers.

“Give my friends their space and I’ll ensure that your leader will walk away with only casts on her legs.” I glowered. The gangers stiffened and backed away. I nodded to Scribble as he turned to Flitter, giving her a medkit before tending to Thi. I then turned my attention back to the pony. “Now then. Where is my dad?” I asked. The mare coughed as she shakily stood up. She wiped her bloodied muzzle and spat, looking at her hoof and it began to shake. She then smirked a little too happily.

“Detective… Wild Fire… is in… Warehouse seven…” she rasped. I felt my hood slip from my head and her eyes widened. I glared down at the mare and taking a moment to gather myself, I exhaled to calm myself and felt the energy recede.

"Thank you. Now, show me where that is. And don't think about letting your underlings think they can get away with things. Here's a hint." I imagined splitting myself. When I looked at them, I saw five of me. I looked at them slightly worriedly before turning back to the mare. She shakily stood up, clutching her chest before looking at her underlings.

"Let them go..." she rasped. The ponies looked nervously at us. Thi panted as Scribble had removed her jacket and used a tool to pull out the rubber tips of the arc bullets. As my clones trotted over and began aiming the staffs at the gangers, Scribble proceeded to wrap her side up before putting her denim jacket over her back as he helped her up. Thi coughed and clutched her side as she leaned against him. I poked the mare in the back of the head, causing her to growl and move towards them as Flitter had finished helping Cloudchaser get bandaged up. With my friends a little worse for wear, I forced the mare to lead us back to the warehouses. It took us ten minutes to arrive as the mare led us down the snow-covered dirt path to a massive warehouse. As we approached a door to the side of the massive bay doors, two guards aimed their arc rifles at us before the sharp dressed mare held up a hoof. "At ease and let us aside." she ordered. The gangers looked at each other before seeing the many clones of me walk around with the remaining crew, my friends closely behind me. They had a terrified look before stepping aside.

I was suddenly feeling nervous. If this mare was telling the truth and my dad is in here... Oh Celestia, what will he think when he sees me walking in with somepony who is probably a leader or right hoof of a top gang? I shook my thoughts away. I have to focus on the now. Face the day, Fie. Your actions here are going to come back to bite you eventually. But you'll be ready one way or another. The mare unlocked the door and we stepped inside. She led us past massive wooden crates and rounded a corner where several ponies were playing cards or standing by. When they saw us, they jumped to their hooves and aimed their weapons, only to stop when the mare held up a hoof. Seeing us walk in, they nervously looked between one another. Shit, this is going to get bad. I heard a few more clicks in my head before we rounded another corner. I froze as I saw a trench coated figure slumping and tied to a chair. His one eye swollen and his lip and snout bloodied. But there was no denying it. My father eyed us as we walked in. His eye met mine and widened just slightly.

My friends positioned themselves safely away from the group while my clones acted as bodyguards. The sharp dress mare smirked.

"Good to see you again, Detective." she said. My father looked up at her, keeping a cool and calm beaten look.

"Viper. It's only been twenty minutes." he rasped a bit. "Though, why am I not surprised a couple of kids managed to take you hostage. You must be really having an off day." The mare, Viper, growled. I stepped around her and looked at my dad. He eyed me and a small smile crept on his face. "The mare of the hour. This really has been a strange day." I furrowed my look before trotting over to him and remembering I had a knife at my hind thigh, I took it out with my magic and cut the rope. My father rubbed his hoof ankles before standing up and picking up his hat and putting it comfortably over his long, fire streak mane. The grizzled stallion then turned to Viper and smirked. "Knuckle Head won't be happy about this one. But I'm certain he'll have plenty of time cooling off while you are behind bars." he said coolly. Viper grinned.

"Is that so? Then you better hope that you have another place to return to. You can't hide from us." she said. I shot a glare over to her.

"Another theory you want to test?" I said coldly. The mare winced and stepped back slightly. My dad arched a quizzical brow before reaching with his magic and pulling out the mare's revolver. He flicked the gun, spilling out the emptied shells and reloading it.

"The lesson of the day here is that crime doesn't pay. Something I thought the force would exhibit. But meh. You can't win them all." He said, aiming the revolver. "Now, be a good mare and tell your goons you are going to be on an extended vacation. I'm sure they won't mind the odor being missed." Viper growled and mumbled under her breath as she turned and walked with my father closely behind her. My friends and my clones kept close to us as we cautiously eyed the neatly dressed ponies aiming their weapons at us. Suddenly, a loud creak of wood sounded and I looked up, gasping. A stack of large wooden crates began to topple down on us. We all scattered as a loud crash enabled everypony to open fire. I had no idea what was happening. I only kept low and looked around.

"Guys! Dad!" I called out. I slipped behind one of the toppled crates and I looked to see Flitter and Cloudchaser having taken cover not too far from me. I quickly glanced around and balked, ducking as several bullets rained around me. I scrambled to my hooves and dove behind a metal pillar. Taking cover, I ordered any of my living clones to fan out and save my dad and my friends. I began hearing screams and shouts as I saw two of my clones bound towards a couple of gangers and began attacking them. I saw on the other side of the pile of crates a few arc bullets whistled up and hit the ponies above us. That must be Thi. There was a flash as a fireball hurled up and knocked a walkway out from underneath a few more gangers, causing them to fall and tumble-down on stacked crates. All hell was breaking loose. I then felt somepony tap me and I turned, ready with the knife before I saw my dad looking down at me.

"What are you doing here, Fie?" he asked in a serious tone. I covered my head as a couple of bullets hit the metal pillar and I scooched around to keep myself in cover.

"Wha? Dad, now is not the time to be asking that! I'll tell you once we get out of here!" I shouted as more bullets bounced off the pillar. I peeked out and saw an arrow whistle up and strike and cripple a pony down from the walkway. Okay, time to see how far I can do this. I imagined splitting myself and to my surprise, I got hit with a pounding headache. My brow beginning to sweat as my clones appeared and I ordered them to run out and engage. As they did, I groaned and clutched my head. Hold on a bit longer, Fie... bear the burnout...! I felt my dad pull me up to my hooves and aimed around cover. His eyes dilated and he felled four gangers on the ground level. He then led me out just as Thi and Scribble came sailing over the toppled boxes and painfully making their way to cover. With most of the gangers on our side dealt with, that left the gangers on the other side, which were climbing over and firing at us. My clones from above dropped down and tackled a couple of them before one took an unfortunate loss of head.

"What do we do now?!" I heard Cloudchaser shout. Thi reloaded and fired at the gangers climbing over, my dad following suite.

"We get out of here!" I shouted back. Thi panted as Scribble kept supporting her, a rock at the ready.

"Easier said than done! How the hell does that pony have so many gangers!?" she asked through grit teeth. My dad darted his eyes in thought. I felt my headache begin to recede. I'm guessing a couple of my clones had fallen. And it only kept piling. However, my knife dropped as my horn popped and fizzled. I panted as sweat began to form on my head. My dad then shoved a flask at my chest and nodded. It was a little much to be drinking at this time. But who knows, maybe my dad knows how to handle himself when he drinks in a firefight. Using my hooves, I uncapped the flask and took a giant swig. The beverage was sweet like honey and warm. I felt a sudden surge of energy that was my own and I sighed in relief. My dad took the flask back and pocketed it before motioning with his head.

"Back door where I was held. Should be able to lead us out." he said. He then waved at Thi, who nodded with a wince. I then shouted over the rain of arc bullets.

"On the count of three guys!!" I shouted. I noticed the gangers pulling back, stilling popping shots off, but remaining cautious. "One!... Two!.. Three!...!" I then dashed out of cover and Thi flicked her head down, causing Scribble and herself to sail through the air. She fired at the upper walkway, causing the gangers to duck and fire back. Cloudchaser and Flitter flew out of cover, Flitter firing three volleys of arrows, two striking two unfortunate guards in their legs. My father followed behind, firing back as we galloped back to the area my dad was contained in. We came up to a door and Scribble tossed out a rock, turning and bucking with one hoof as the rock fell to connect with his hoof. The door was blown off its' hinges and we scrambled out of the warehouse. We booked it at a hurried but easy pace, getting as much distance from the firefight. The gangers had just followed us out of the back door and began to give chase, but my dad opened up an auto wagon belonging to the gang and hot-wired the crystal ignition. We piled into the wagon and I shut the door as my dad sped off with the gangers turning the corner and firing at us. We swerved and sped through the junk before squealing out onto the road and racing down.

I took a moment to calm my breathing as I peeked my head out and saw as Viper rounded the corner, her look frustrated. I then smirked and gave a salute before melting back into my seat. I looked over the seat and saw Thi laying down on Scribble's lap as she winced and clutched her side.

"Rgh! This is worse than that Bugbear sting!" she rasped. Scribble unwrapped her bandage before reaching back and rewrapping a cleaner one around her after dabbing the wounds. She then smirked up at the stallion. "Huh. Never knew you had so many sparkles around you." she said before her head rested and her eyes closed. I balked in worry, but Scribble put a hoof on her neck and nodded with tired relief.

"She's passed out, but alive." he said. I then looked to Flitter and Cloudchaser. Cloudchaser saw my look and gave a pained smile while Flitter proceeded to properly tend to her.

"What in Celestia's cake flank were you thinking rushing at an armed pony like that!?" Flitter exclaimed. Cloudchaser rubbed the back of her head, hissing in pain as Flitter wrapped a bandage around Cloudchaser's side.

"Ow! Easy! It's not the first time I've done that!" she said. Flitter let out a frustrated sigh before wrapping her hooves in a hug around her.

"Don't be so damn reckless next time!" she said with a shaky breath. Cloudchaser was stunned and gave a reassuring smile, patting her back.

"I... I'm sorry, sis. I'm okay thanks to you." she said. Seeing that my friends were okay, I felt all the adrenaline leave me and I slumped into my seat. I then saw my dad studying me without turning his head.

"We need to have a talk, young lady." he said. I sighed and nodded tiredly.

"That's why I'm here..." I rasped.