//------------------------------// // Happy Reunion // Story: Rainbow Dash Around the World // by MagicS //------------------------------// One week after the very busy day where the Lost Isle of the Lizard People met a merpony for the first time in ages, fixed their long-standing civil war, got invaded, almost got enslaved, and then had a grand naval battle rescuing everyone, a rainbow-maned pegasus floated on down to the mountain castle where she figured her friends would be. She was right. Gilbert had seen her coming, after watching the skies for ages now, and alerted the others. Rainbow Dash landed on the stairs right in front of the castle doors as they opened up and her friends poured out. They saw her frazzled mane and tail, they saw her sweat-covered body, they saw her bloodshot eyes, they saw the dark bags under those eyes, they saw how pale she was, they saw how messed up her feathers were, they saw how hard her heart was beating in her chest. And they saw when Rainbow Dash flashed them her same usual smile. “I’m tired,” she said and collapsed onto the stairs, immediately asleep. “Idiot,” Daylight Gleam said to her as she washed her forehead with a wet rag. “Yeah, I know,” Rainbow Dash groaned as she fought off the horrible rolling pains inside her body. “I don’t think you do. Do you have any idea how worried all of us were for you?” Daylight frowned. “Look, I get it, but it had to be done. There was no other way to keep the island, and the rest of the ocean for that matter, safe from Bosche,” Rainbow said, closing her eyes and trying to relax from the aches she felt. “I’m not disagreeing, but I’m saying that it could’ve been handled better.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “How have things been since I’ve been gone? How’s Senax doing about the Necklace?” “Actually you don’t need to worry about that.” “Huh?” Rainbow Dash sat up in surprise—and immediately regretted it when that sent a fresh wave of pain through her body. “Ugh!” “Senax will tell you later, when you’ve rested. Just relax for now. I can tell you that things are alright here. Better than alright even,” Daylight smiled. “I’ll take your word for it...” Rainbow said and lied back down. “Sleep some more, okay? You clearly need it.” “Mm...” Rainbow Dash grumbled, closing her eyes. Before long she had drifted off back to sleep once more. The next time she woke up she stayed up. She was in a room in the castle she had never been in before. This one had a bed. So naturally despite her wanting to get up and move around she was being kept in it at her friends’ insistence. Everyone was there with her now thanks to her being cognizant and rested enough to talk and get filled in on what had happened since she left. Apparently she had missed quite the celebration that had taken place when they got back to the island with Princess Fairscale, there was partying for days. In part also celebrating the renewed friendship with the other lizards led by Firescale. The two of them had met personally to settle things. The Heart of Azure was also now docked somewhere much easier to reach and its sail had been fixed so they could essentially leave whenever they wanted. Still as she looked at her gathered friends in the room, despite the smiles they wore for her, she couldn’t find herself totally happy with the way things had ended up. Her eyes settled on Senax and Rainbow Dash found her face falling into a frown. “Senax... about the Necklace... I’m sorry.” Senax just blinked, sharing a look with the others before raising an eyebrow back at her. “Didn’t Daylight tell you not to worry about that?” “Uh, maybe? But that’s your people’s ancient treasure...” "Yes and... I am disappointed that Godfrey has it. One day I do want to get it back, but from the beginning I was just happy that we could rescue everyone and all of us were okay,” Senax said. “But also... I’ve figured out we don’t need the Necklace now.” “How come?” Rainbow asked. “Let me show you,” Senax took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A glow started to come from behind her closed eyes and Senax opened them up—revealing a bright golden light just like the one that had possessed her when she first wore the Necklace. “I see it. Even without the Necklace I can still see Merlantis and the Trident,” Senax said. “Its power is within me, it can’t be taken away. Godfrey may have the Necklace itself but after wearing it its magic still imprinted on me. It chose me, and directly connected me to the Trident.” “We figured it out while sitting around waiting for you to get back,” Gilbert beamed. “Oh. That’s pretty convenient,” Rainbow Dash blinked. “I’m worried that the Necklace will still work for Godfrey too though since he actually has it,” Breakwater frowned. “It glowed when he touched it didn’t it?” “Yes,” Daylight nodded. “I suspect even with the trouble he’s certainly having to deal with since that battle that he’s going to attempt to get to Merlantis soon. Just like us.” “Normally I would say something like that is impossible considering where Merlantis is but when it involves him...” Breakwater trailed off. “We can’t be too hopeful when it comes to my brother,” Gilbert finished. “Yeah,” Breakwater nodded. Senax closed her eyes and the golden glow faded away before she opened them back up. “It’s alright. We still know what to do and where to go now, I can’t exactly put the feeling I have into words but… I know things will work out now. We’ll get there—and we won’t let the Trident fall into his talons. And more than that… I’ll finally be able to lead my people back home.” “We still probably shouldn’t mess around now though. The more we sit around doing nothing the likelier it is that we don’t get to Merlantis first,” Rainbow said. “Sorry if you guys have been enjoying your time here on the island, but now that I’m back we should get going. And to tell you the truth I’ve got the suspicion that it’s not just Godfrey who might be on their way to Merlantis.” “What do you mean?” Daylight asked. “It’s something about what Godfrey told me, about how he knew we were here, and just a gut feeling of mine but-” before Rainbow Dash could say anything else, the door to the room opened up and Princess Fairscale and the elders strode in. The Princess’s eyes immediately found Rainbow Dash and a warm smile spread across her face. “I heard you were awake and I had to come here to greet you. I owe you so much, Rainbow Dash. Your friends have been speaking about you nonstop since you’ve been gone.” She stepped forward and bowed down in front of Rainbow Dash’s bed, the elders following suit. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash. For everything.” “You’re welcome but uh, you really, really, don’t need to bow,” Rainbow blushed in embarrassment at the display. “I do. From what I’ve heard, you’ve gone to protect our island and our people from any future attack,” Princess Fairscale said, still bowing low. Rainbow Dash lied back, staring up at the ceiling. “I just… did something that needed to be done. Especially since I needed to make up for screwing things up with Godfrey.” “Still!” Princess Fairscale stood up exuberantly and clasped her hands together. “We have a great celebration planned for you! We’ve already been celebrating the past week, but that was mostly between our two people’s. Now we will give the five of you the grand festival you deserve! Anything you want, anything you need, you’ll have it, now with everything else out of the way we can truly welcome back the Child of Ponyseidon and reward you all for saving us from those awful ponies!” “Um...” Rainbow Dash grimaced and looked at her friends, who were now standing about just as awkwardly. Princess Fairscale noticed this and looked around. “What is it?” “It’s just that, well...” Daylight started. “We have to leave,” Senax said. “Now?” Princess Fairscale’s face dropped. “As soon as we can,” Senax nodded. “Things aren’t over for us.” “B-B-But things have finally calmed down! We can finally truly reunite, you can finally tell us everything about the other merponies out there, we can—we can be normal! At last we can treat you like you’re meant to be treated and finally merponies and Lizard People will renew our bond until it is just as strong as before!” Princess Fairscale pleaded. The elders also had stood up now and were looking at Senax and the others with pleading looks. “We just can’t. Like Senax said, things aren’t over for us. You oughta know this, but there’s somewhere we still need to go. And we can’t waste anymore time getting there,” Rainbow Dash said. “Merlantis...” Princess Fairscale whispered. “We know you needed to go there but we were hoping it wouldn’t have to be so soon.” “I’m sorry,” Senax said, looking just as forlorn as the Princess. “We do wish we could stay but once again we unfortunately find ourselves on a bit of a timer,” Gilbert said. “It doesn’t help that we have to get all the way back to Malkonrik first,” Breakwater added. “Good news is Godfrey shouldn’t remotely have as easy of a way to getting to Merlantis at least,” Daylight said. “And no one else should be aware of its location either.” “I doubt there are many who have a way to get to the bottom of the ocean,” Gilbert nodded. Rainbow Dash grinned and looked over at Breakwater. “It’s a good thing we happen to have a really resourceful friend, isn’t it?” “Certainly is,” Breakwater smiled. “B-But you’re coming back, aren’t you?!” Princess Fairscale suddenly asked Senax, she ran forward and fell to her knees in front of the merpony. “Please tell me you aren’t leaving us for good, Child of Ponyseidon?” “Of course not!” Senax answered immediately and clasped her hooves with Fairscale’s hands. “I will absolutely come back one day! I and all of the merponies of my tribe! You… you are our first friends out here. And back in the old days you were our only friends… or at least the closest thing to it. When the rest of us are back here, we’ll build an even better relationship with you. A true friendship between equals. I promise you.” “Anything, so long as we get to see you again,” Fairscale bowed her head as tears gathered at her eyes. “Right now those words are all I can give you. It may take some time before I come back here but you have no idea how much it helps me knowing you and your people are here. And that you want us,” Senax said. She smiled lightly. “It’s going to be a little different, after protecting the Necklace for so long—we’re the ones who owe you for making it possible to find our way back home.” Princess Fairscale and the elders gasped as Senax lowered her head to the floor and bowed to them. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. I am sorry I have to say farewell for now, but we will meet again.” Rainbow Dash’s stomach growled. The others all looked over at her with varying expressions of disappointment and annoyance at how she had just spoiled the mood. A much larger blush spread across her face this time. “I uh… I need to eat something before we go, actually.” “I can’t believe you’re still alive after drinking all those potions in one day,” Smooth Tongue said as Rainbow Dash shoveled food into her maw. “Well—mph—my body… kind of hurts everywhere… so there’s that...” Rainbow said between mouthfuls. The others were eating a far more generous meal, having plenty of food for the trip back, not to mention all the money they still had if they stopped anywhere along the way. Right now they were all in the usual dining room since the Princess, the elders, and many other lizards who had joined them or been rescued in the attack wanted to see them before they left. It was a very loud and crowded castle at the moment. They still needed to leave soon but they could at least say goodbye. Especially since it probably would only be Senax ever actually coming back. “I guess you don’t know when I’ll be feeling better since I should technically be dead,” Rainbow Dash said. “Sorry,” Smooth Tongue nodded. Daylight shortly after that poked her in the side. “We really should be going… the Princess is doing everything she can to keep Senax occupied.” Rainbow looked over and saw the two engaged in conversation, Princess Fairscale offering all sorts of jewelry to the merpony, and asking her to wait and try new foods as they arrived, or asking if she wanted to see parts of the island she hadn’t before. Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, it’s lame but we really need to leave...” “Better just get up and go before we’re sidetracked again,” Breakwater said from across the table. He then glanced over at Gilbert—who was busy eating another roasted chicken. “Isn’t that right, Gilbert?” “Hm? Oh—um—yes,” Gilbert nodded. Breakwater rolled his eyes. Rainbow Dash sighed and pushed her plate away. Despite feeling like she could eat ten times as much as what she already had, there wasn’t anything to be gained by sitting around. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath and stood up, intentionally making a show of pushing her chair out and how loudly it screeched against the stone floor. “Thank you for the food, but it’s time for us to go.” A hush came over the entire large room. Princess Fairscale staring at her. Senax sighed and stood up next. “Yes, it is. Thank you, all of you, but we have to say goodbye now.” Princess Fairscale opened her mouth—and closed it. No one else spoke up. On the Heart of Azure they were about to pull up the anchor while Princess Fairscale and seemingly the entire rest of the island’s population watched from the coast. Senax had been waving to them the entire time. Gilbert had been waving to them quite a lot too despite him having work to do. But soon everything was taken care of, the Heart of Azure was ready to go. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but take a look around the island—seeing how different it was now than when they had arrived. The waters were calm, there was no fog, the sun was out, and a far friendlier group of lizards were watching them. Things hadn’t gone perfectly, she wished they could’ve gotten the Necklace without their matriarch passing away and then Godfrey not stealing it, but the rest of the work they had done? Rainbow Dash was proud of it. And regardless of everything else, Senax and her merponies now had friends on the Grand Ocean. Breakwater whistled to announce they were heading off and Rainbow Dash blew some wind into the sails to help them out. Then in a minute they were back into open waters and heading north. The whole time, Senax stood at the stern and watched the island until it disappeared.