A Dazzling Trio

by Spyder27

An Innocuous Visit

Chapter V: An Innocuous Visit

Taking a deep breath, I can’t help but find this whole situation ironic… I worked so hard to get out of this business a couple years ago, but here I am, standing at the bottom of these stairs once again. It’s her fault… The demon in my mind made this happen by striking up another deal with the crime boss I’ve gotten to know all too well. Filthy Rich shouldn’t get in my head this much, but he does… The worst combination is his ideas mixed with her ideas. She’s like the umbra of my shadow… The darkest part of me, still trying to gain power. Is she even a part of me…? I don’t like to think that she is… 
Shaking my head slowly, I walk a couple steps up the stairs. Knowing Rich, this deal might be pretty disastrous for me… I don’t know what he will want in return, but whatever it is, I know it will require me to do a lot of work just to pay off whatever favor he’s doing for me. That… isn’t acceptable. I don’t want to owe him something when I don’t even know what deal was made. That’s why I’m here to begin with. I have to find out what’s going on before it gets any worse. Maybe I can even call it off before I owe him anything… 
Stopping right in front of the door, I slowly shake my head, sighing quietly. No… That won’t work. If I interfere with her plans, she will make sure I regret it. If I dare to cancel her deal with Rich, she may hurt Sunset or our marriage… The best thing I can do is just observe what happens and try to prevent anything bad from happening. Yeah… Sounds easier than it will be.
Opening the front door of the mansion, it’s surprisingly quiet inside the estate aside from the occasional person walking past to do some chore. The front foyer presents staircases on either side of the main hallway leading up to the second floor. I can’t help but feel my throat go dry, thinking about what I will say to Rich. I can’t turn back now though… Quickly, I push forward, walking up the stairs without taking a second to admire the white walls or the impressive light fixtures. 
It’s funny… I used to revel in wealth. I would seek out power above others and find luxury to be the best thing to strive for. Now? I can’t help but find this flaunting of wealth a bit pretentious. Sure, it’d be nice to be in the same shoes that Filthy Rich is in, but I would like to think I would use it for a better cause. Maybe to help my friends. The pure difference between my past viewpoint and my modern one is a bit ironic to me. It’s something I think about nearly every day… 
If I could help my friends with money, what would I do? Not many of my friends are in need of money. Other than Rainbow Dash. She is still trying to get through her studies while working as an assistant to her university’s baseball coach. She lives with her parents and constantly complains about not having enough money to spend on some item she’d like. Other than Dash, I’d probably just invest in my friends’ businesses to give them a little more to work with. Regardless, that’s if I had the money. Who knows? If my ideas for the music studio pay off, maybe I’ll be able to fulfill that vision.
Quickly, I walk through the second floor lobby area and make my way down the hall, trying to ignore everything except getting to Rich’s office. Still, it’s hard for me to keep my eyes away from the one room to my left. Outside of Diamond Tiara’s room, a small board hangs right next to the nearly closed door. The board has a list of names of who is allowed inside her room and at the bottom of it is Apple Bloom’s name. Through the crack in the door, not much can be seen from inside Tiara’s room. It’s still pretty dim inside, but I can see the flashing of blue light, presumably from a television. Sitting right next to Diamond Tiara’s bed, a familiar girl with red hair laughs along with the ill teenager, both of them seemingly having a good time. I’m glad that Apple Bloom is still permitted to see Tiara after the coughing fit she had last time. I was almost sure her father would make it impossible for anyone who wasn’t necessary to see her. Maybe he does see Apple Bloom as necessary. I mean, let’s admit it. She is Diamond Tiara’s only friend right now and taking that away is going to break anyone’s spirit.
After a moment, Apple Bloom’s eyes turn towards the door, connecting with mine and subsequently reminding me just how long I’ve been standing here. Shaking my head, I quickly walk down the hallway towards the second set of stairs. The only reason I’m here is to negotiate and learn the terms of this new deal from Rich. Not to visit with her daughter. It’s just morbid curiosity that makes me want to check up on the girl, even if I don’t know her that well. 
“Adagio!” Apple Bloom’s voice calls down the hall, making me look back towards Tiara’s room. The young cowgirl stands at the door giving me a wave before looking inside and telling her friend something. From the movement of her lips, I can partially tell that she is saying that she will be back in a moment. Regardless, Apple Bloom runs down the hall towards me, pulling her mask up and stopping just a few feet away from me. “How are ya doing? It’s been a couple days and the last time I saw ya, I was waiting for Tiara at the hospital.” Her mask blocks my view of her mouth and her nose, making me rely on her eyes to tell how she feels. “Sorry if I kept ya waiting and all… I didn’t want to leave Tiara alone at the hospital after all that she went through.” 
“It’s fine. Your sister and I didn’t wait long actually. But why are you wearing your mask around me and not Diamond Tiara?” I ask her slowly, feeling a little put off by the behavior. Wouldn’t it be easier to wear her mask around Tiara instead of other people? 
“Oh! Well, Tiara’s white blood cell count is really low right now, so I’m trying to not get her sick and all. But she also gets depressed when every person she sees has to wear a mask around her, so I’ve been sleeping over here the last couple of nights. Everyone could use a smile during a time like this, right?” From the movement of her cheeks, I can sort of tell that Apple Bloom is smiling under her mask. It’s still a weird plan and I can’t help but wonder if her family approved of this, but I suppose Apple Bloom is willing to go through those lengths to help someone. I know she went through some incredible hoops to help me when I desperately needed a friend. Even lying to Applejack just to make sure I got the help I needed. 
“I see. That’s pretty impressive, short stuff.” The ironic part about my statement is the fact that Apple Bloom isn’t nearly as short as she used to be. She’s almost as tall as me, making the only discernible difference between us is our mannerisms. I act a lot older than most people in their twenties simply because… Well, I am older. By thousands of years. “Did Tiara like the collection you got for her? You know, the box of books we bought at the bookstore?” 
Apple Bloom nods enthusiastically, giving me a thumbs up in the place of a smile. “Yep! She and I have been reading them for the past couple days now. We’re almost done with the first book~” Apple Bloom’s giggle ends slowly, leaving the air undisturbed for a few moments. “Hey, so… Before we talk about anything else, I need to tell you something,” Apple Bloom slowly explains, her eyes breaking away from mine to look towards the floor. An air of hesitancy rests around her, only making me feel more curious.
“What is it, Apple Bloom? You can tell me anything that’s on your mind.” Honestly, it never feels good when Apple Bloom is hesitant like this. It usually means she has something big to tell me. Whether that’s an emotional talk or some problem she’s going through is left to be decided. I still remember when she cried in my office, telling me that she really hoped I wouldn’t stop hanging out with her as soon as I became friends with Sunset. 
“It’s going to take at least a week for Tiara’s immune system to get back where it was and all. I know you’re going to be taking the GED in a week and I… I just wanted to say I won’t really be able to help you study for it anymore.” A guilty tone comes to Apple Bloom’s eyes before bowing her head slightly. I can understand why she feels guilty, but I can also understand why she won’t be able to help. She shouldn’t feel bad about missing this when she has to help her sick friend. “I’m sorry. I just want you to know that I believe in you and I think Tiara needs me here more than you need me to study. I could ask my big sis to-”
“Apple Bloom. Stop, okay? Don’t blame yourself. I understand and I don’t feel angry at all~” Giving Apple Bloom a smile, I shake my head slowly with a chuckle, turning slightly away from her. “Stick by your friend, alright? I’ll tell you the results of the test afterward, but for now? Just do what you need to. I won’t be upset~” For a moment, not another word is said. The one thing I can compliment about this big mansion is that you can usually have privacy in moments like these depending on the time of day. Giving Apple Bloom a small wave, I smile at her, taking a step away. “I have my own things to do for a while~” Apple Bloom looks conflicted for a moment, but she waves back to me, turning around as well. 
“Then I’ll see ya on the flipside!” Apple Bloom tells me before running back towards Tiara’s room, her bow bouncing along behind her. Chuckling to myself, I walk down the hall, ready to finally talk with Rich. The little conversation I had with Apple Bloom kind of calmed me down a little bit. Maybe that will help me accurately ask for details of the deal. 
Quickly going up the second flight of stairs, I reach the third floor, only taking a moment to reach Rich’s office. Taking a deep breath, I knock my hand against the door. 
“Come in,” a masculine voice comes from the other side of the door, prompting me to open the door. Sitting at his desk, Filthy Rich signs a couple of papers before looking up at me. “Ah, Dazzle. Here to talk more about the deal like you said on the phone, huh?” Without any hesitation, Rich offers me the seat in front of his desk. For privacy’s sake, I close the door behind me, sitting down in front of him.
“Yes, that’s exactly why I’m here,” I explain with an exhausted tone. Before I can say another thing, Rich holds up his hand to stop me. What does he have to say now?
“Before we go further, I can’t help but ask why are we talking about this again? Surely you aren’t trying to change the conditions of the deal on me now. Especially after I gave you such a good deal,” Rich remarks with a smirk, making my mind boil slightly. Is it really that wrong of me to assume that his deal wasn’t in my favor? He never makes a deal like that. 
“It really depends on what the original deal was,” I tell him quietly without looking away, furrowing my eyebrows.
“Have you already forgotten what we agreed upon? You’re a bright young woman and I’m an older man. If anything, you should remember more than me,” Rich jokes with me, poking fun at my remark.
“Let’s just say that I fell and hit my head again, Rich. What was the original deal?” I ask him quickly and with a stern tone. All I want to do is find out what kind of deal we made and then do what I can to manage it. I’m not in the mood for this usual game… “And don’t lie to me. You know damn well that I can tell when you’re lying.” 
Rich chuckles to himself, shaking his head slightly. For some reason, he finds my request humorous, but I wouldn’t be laughing if I was him… I’m serious about this. The usual game he plays won’t fly right now. “You’ve got to watch where you fall, Dazzle. You could get really hurt one of these days and then how would your dear fiancé react?” Within a moment, my heart seems to stop, my eyes widening. How in the world does he know that? Has he been stalking me? I… No, don’t let him get in your head. She probably told him about it, that’s all. He’s just pushing your buttons as usual. “Very well. About a month ago, you came in here just like today and asked me to do you a favor. You said it was possible you would need to leave the city for a bit in the next month or so. You requested that I get you a series of items that you might need. For what you might use all of these things, I am not sure. I hope you at least remember the reason why you asked for these.” Reaching inside his desk drawer, Rich pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to me, a look of indifference on his face. 
Looking at the piece of paper, I can’t help but raise my eyebrow slightly. It is my handwriting, that’s for sure. The items on this list are pretty… random. Maps of pretty much any region in the country, access to a fake I.D. and even an energy reader. What the hell are you up to…? “Yeah, I remember why I needed these,” I lie through a whisper, handing the sheet of paper back to Rich. I need to find out why she would need these items and why she’s planning on going on a trip in my body. “Now. What did we agree was my end of the deal?” It would be stupid to leave here without that crucial bit of information. There’s always a price to using Rich’s vast resources. 
Leaning back in his chair, Filthy Rich closes his eyes, a slightly annoyed smile coming to his face. I can only assume that he isn’t pleased about having to tell me all these details again, but I can’t leave without them. I know that she wouldn’t tell me the specifics even if I asked her… “Your end of the deal is simple, Dazzle. I want you to convince your friend, Apple Bloom, to… consider applying to the same college Diamond Tiara will be attending.” Raising my eyebrow, I can’t really take him seriously for a moment. Did he actually just say that? What kind of request is that? It sounds so simple, yet… Mysterious. Why would he want that? 
“Okay, Rich. Let me ask. Why do you want that? Why are you invested in where Apple Bloom applies to college?” I understand that the two girls are friends, but I don’t completely get why he wants me to talk with Apple Bloom about this. What’s the damn catch?
“You’re right, Dazzle. Technically, I shouldn’t care at all what she does with her life.” Rich brings his hand to his forehead, sighing quietly to himself. Even though he admitted that it’s strange for him to pry into Apple Bloom’s life, something about his demeanor tells me this means a lot to him. The only things that mean this much to him are the things surrounding his daughter. Just like he said, Diamond Tiara is involved in this somehow, but I don’t know why yet. Though, I have my suspicions… “Look. Apple Bloom has been a blessing. Really. Diamond Tiara was always depressed and talking about death, but after she came around…” Rich takes a deep breath and shakes his head, looking down at the desk. For some reason, this gives the man a bigger sense of humanity than I’ve ever seen from him. “Tiara actually started to anticipate things. Like watching movies or playing games with Apple Bloom. Since the two of them are about to graduate high school within the next year, I don’t want that to disappear.” 
Leaning back in my seat, I nod slowly, finally understanding Rich’s motive. “Rich. Just because they are graduating doesn’t mean their friendship will disappear. Apple Bloom isn’t like that,” I tell him quietly, thinking back on the young girl’s behavior. If anything, she would travel through hell to make sure her friends are doing alright. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and others. She’d never give up on them. 
“I know that, Dazzle,” Rich tells me in a frustrated tone, rubbing his forehead with a sigh. “Tiara wants to go to college and… she wants to do it alone. Without my constant surveillance and guidance. She wants to have a dorm room and ‘experience a normal college life.’ I promised her that I would let her if her health permits it, but… I’m too scared to let her go without someone there for her.” Rich reconnects our eyes with a determined look, seemingly the most serious he’s ever been. “Apple Bloom understands what she’s going through and what to be worried about. I was thinking that if she went to the same college, they could share a dorm room or apartment and-”
“She could be your eyes, right?” I interrupt with a raised eyebrow. Rich slowly nods, making me feel a little more annoyed. I shouldn’t be surprised, but the fact that he would go under his daughter’s nose and make sure she’s still monitored is annoying. And using Apple Bloom on top of that… Still, I guess he just wants what is best for his daughter. “Alright, Rich. I’ll try to talk to her. I can’t promise any results, but I will keep up my end of the bargain. That’s the deal, right?” Reaching my hand out, Rich takes it and we have a friendly handshake. Thankfully, this deal wasn’t too bad. Alright. One last bargain to fulfill.


Walking up the metal stairs, I can’t help but feel a little worried. Sunset is leading me to an apartment where two former Canterlot High students live, meaning that this is the first major time I’m apologizing to someone other than Sunset’s friends. This should be a cake walk, right? Considering that my problems with Sunset’s friends were much more severe. All I did was control the minds of these two individuals. Still, that was probably traumatic for them… But if I really want to prove that I am completely different and worthy of Sunset, I need to do this. Not just for them, but for me as well. 
Sunset looks back at me, a warm smile coming from her. Her kind gaze only makes me feel fuzzy on the inside. I can’t help but get lost in those eyes, wondering what she’s thinking whenever she looks at me like this. “Are you nervous?” Sunset asks me with a caring tone to her voice, instantly reading me like a book. Sunset knows way too much about me.
“How can you do that? You always know what I’m thinking before I can say a word.” Sunset giggles at my statement, grabbing my hand to reassure me. I’m technically used to this gesture already, but every now and then, holding hands with her still makes me blush. What can I say? She’s really beautiful… Inside and out… 
“You’re my future wife~ I know what you’re feeling because it’s my job to know~ That and I’ve been where you are. I can just tell when you’re feeling bad.” Gently laying her lips against my cheek, Sunset giggles quietly, making my blush only intensify. “It’s normal to know these sorts of things when you love someone like I love you~” Sure. Normal. I doubt that. Sunset is really smart and she picks up on the smallest things. She pays so much attention to me just to make sure she can be here for me and make my day better. I like to think that I do the same for her. 
“Yeah. I am a little nervous, but I guess that comes with the territory. I’m just glad that I have you here with me,” I whisper, tightening my grip against her hand. When I apologized to our friends, I had to do it alone. Mostly, it was due to Sunset’s weird scheduling conflicts and my sense of pride, but now I can have the support of my friends to help me apologize. Having Sunset by my side makes my heart beat faster and this situation feels just a little more realistic instead of impossible. 
“Well, I’m always going to have your back~ No matter what happens today, just remember you’re doing the right thing.” Again, Sunset gives me a kind smile that warms my heart, making me remember that one winter I fell in love with her. Before I can comprehend another thought, Sunset stops us in front of an apartment door, looking into my eyes. “Just so you know,” Sunset whispers, bringing her lips to mine with the confidence of a lion tamer. Her hands gently pull against my scarf, pulling me into the embrace regardless of my wishes. “Naytra ven tru~ Remember that.” Again, my cheeks flush at the words Sunset confidently states. It’s rare that she ever uses those words with me, but she’s remembered them for a year and a half now. Every time she says those words, I can’t help but feel flustered that she remembered something so small about my past.
“I love you too,” I whisper in response, returning the passionate kiss she just gave me. Every second feels like a minute… Her skin feels so soft and her lips feel warm. As much as I’d love to get drunk with this feeling, I can’t get too distracted now. 
Breaking off the embrace, Sunset’s cheeks blush slightly before she knocks on the apartment door. In moments like these, it’s easy for anticipation to build up. The scary kind of anticipation… Every part of me wonders who I’m about to meet again and what they will say to me. Even if they reject my apology, I will still accept it. As long as I do it, then it will be fine. I guess this is my way of trying to make up for my past… 
The door slowly opens with a loud creak, demonstrating how old the apartment is. Looking outside, a white woman with messy blue hair squints her eyes, scratching her head. Her purple sunglasses hide her eye color from my view, but I can still tell she was probably asleep moments prior. Her disheveled appearance isn’t the most surprising aspect though… The thing that instantly makes me feel uncomfortable is her clothing. The woman wears a loose tank top, socks and underwear… with no pants. I had heard of people answering the door like this, but I would never do it in a hundred years. 
“Hiya. If you’re here for a petition, I ain’t the one to sign it,” a raspy voice tells us with a small wave. 
“Hello, Vinyl~ I’m Sunset Shimmer. Remember me? We went to Canterlot High together? I knew Octavia a lot back then,” Sunset introduces herself with a smile, barely getting a nod from the woman. 
“Eh? Huh. Tavi! Someone from high school wants to talk to you,” Vinyl yells into the apartment. Thankfully, the girl doesn’t seem to recognize me, but I wonder if that will change when I apologize. “Come on in,” Vinyl tells us, turning on the lights to the living room area. Walking inside slowly, Sunset seems familiar with the area as if she’s been here before. Vinyl walks over to the kitchen area, opening the fridge right as another woman enters the room. This stranger’s skin is a light gray with black hair, her violet eyes giving a nice contrast to her colorless appearance. The clothes she has on give a tidy and proper impression, showing that she cares about the way she dresses. 
Looking over at Vinyl, the woman’s jaw practically hits the floor before an angry glare stares daggers at Vinyl’s head. “Vinyl! Have you no decency?! Get some pants on!” she angrily exclaims, only being shrugged off by the disheveled and tired woman. 
“They were the ones who interrupted me in the middle of my evening nap,” Vinyl explains before rolling her eyes under her sunglasses. Octavia shakes her head, looking at Sunset and I. Her eyes stay on me for a few moments with a look of recognition on her face. So, she remembers me… 
“Sunset~ To what do I owe the pleasure?” Octavia expresses with a smile, hugging my fiancé. To the best of her abilities, she tries to ignore my presence or her emotions surrounding me. 
“Hi, Octavia~ It’s been a long time since we’ve talked, huh?” Both Sunset and Octavia chuckle to themselves right as Vinyl leaves the room, presumably to oblige Octavia’s request. “Well, my fiancé and I were in the neighborhood and I thought it would be nice to drop by and see how you and Vinyl are doing.” 
“Fiancé?” Octavia asks in surprise, widening her eyes. It takes a moment for the proper woman to compose herself, but the shock doesn’t quite leave her face. “You mean that you’re engaged to…”
“Adagio Dazzle. That’s my name,” I state, interrupting Octavia as kindly as possible. Reaching my hand out, I do my best to offer a peaceful gesture, giving her a smile. Octavia takes my hand in hers, smiling back at me in an apologetic tone. Maybe it’s because she’s ashamed of herself for ignoring me this whole time. 
“Erm… Right. Apologies. I… We met at Canterlot High, right? During the Battle of the Bands?” Octavia asks me, trying to be nice, but I can see that she remembers everything about me from that time. 
“Yes. I was the person that took control of everyone’s minds,” I tell her quietly, still finding it hard to admit that. Octavia nods slowly, an uneasy look in her eyes, but she still seems understanding. 
“Huh? Took control of people’s minds?” Vinyl asks, walking back into the room with a confused look on her face. 
“Vinyl,” Octavia states in an exasperated tone, clearly tired of Vinyl’s cluelessness. “Don’t you remember what happened during the Battle of the Bands? You even helped Sunset defeat the Dazzlings,” Octavia scolds her with a shake of her head. Vinyl looks up at the ceiling in thought.
“Um… I guess? It’s been a few years, Tavi.” Vinyl shrugs her shoulders, making the usually composed Octavia angry in a comedic fashion. 
“That’s something I wanted to talk about,” I speak up again, grabbing the attention of both women. Sunset holds onto my hand to reassure me of her presence. Despite how much I try to tell myself that I’m alright, this is still nerve-wracking. “Look. I’m really sorry about the Battle of the Bands. I know that what I did was wrong and over the years, I’ve tried to change. I know you two may not accept my apology, but I still wanted to tell you that I’m sorry.” Moving my gaze back towards the women, I see confusion on Vinyl’s face, clearly contrasting the conflicted understanding in Octavia’s eyes. 
“Eh, it’s alright? I don’t really care anymore,” Vinyl tells me before plopping herself on the couch. As a result, Octavia gives her another angry glare. 
“Well, I, for one, think that was very mature of you~ Your apology is accepted,” Octavia states with a smile, shaking my hand once more without hesitation. “I’m glad you have had such a life-changing journey~ Though, I must apologize for my wife.” Once again, Octavia looks down at the blue-haired woman, prompting Vinyl to raise her arms in confusion. 
“What the hell did I do?” Vinyl asks in defense. “I opened the door, let them in, forgave her AND put on pants! What else do you want from me, Tavi?!” Octavia simply rolls her eyes in response to Vinyl’s question, making it hard for me to resist the urge to laugh. For some reason, their interactions are pretty… humorous. 
“Are you two going to stay around? We could catch up,” Octavia asks us with a kind smile, offering us a couple seats in the living room.
Nodding slowly, I can’t help but feel like we’ve overstayed our welcome. Maybe it’s because I’m still feeling awkward from apologizing. Regardless, it’s not a comfortable feeling. “Actually, I think we should-”
“We can stay for a few minutes if it’s not a problem,” Sunset responds with a chuckle, interrupting my statement. 
“Great! I’ll make us some tea~ Vinyl, how would you like yours?” Octavia asks in her usual smooth and composed voice. Vinyl simply raises her hand and makes her fingers look like a gun. “The usual then,” Octavia responds to the gesture with a nod, walking over to their kitchen area. For the life of me, I can’t understand how a gun gesture would relate to tea… What the fuck…? I guess people understand each other like that after a while. Sunset and I certainly have our fair share of weird tricks. 
Sitting down on one of the chairs, Sunset has a happy smile on her face. She seems to enjoy staying here for a bit, even though I’m anxious about it. Sitting down next to Sunset, I can’t help but feel out of place here. Sunset wants to visit with them for a bit, but I’m not even sure what to talk about. 
“So, Sunset. What did you do after high school?” Vinyl asks in a whisper, rubbing her eyes quietly. From the tone in her voice, it sounds like Vinyl is bored and she would rather go back to sleep. 
“Oh? Well, I’m working through my college classes to become a psychologist~ I also have an internship where I work under some pretty credible doctors and all,” Sunset tells Vinyl pridefully. She only has a year left of this routine before she actually graduates. Regardless, it’s an impressive achievement. 
“That’s nice. Tavi and I make music. Sometimes we even make it together. Though, it’s hard to find a place that would agree to let us record with no strings attached.” Vinyl rolls her eyes, seemingly annoyed by her current situation.
“Unfortunately, that is a struggle,” Octavia agrees with her partner’s words, putting down the teacups in front of us. Gently taking a sip of the tea, I can’t help but raise my eyebrow slightly. It’s not necessarily something I like, but it’s bearable… I’d prefer to have water, but I’m not going to reject their hospitality. 
“A lot of musicians in the city complain about the same thing,” I say quietly, taking another sip of my tea. 
“Do you make music too? I mean, I should have expected such. You were a great singer,” Octavia expresses with a slight wave of her hand, trying to show just how stupid she thought her own question was. Sunset looks at me with a smirk, seemingly smug that someone else says that I’m a good singer too. 
“No, I don’t make music. I used to sing at a nightclub, but now I work at a music studio that prioritizes teaching the fundamentals of music. Things such as music and guitars. But I got to know some other musicians in the city and I heard the same complaints from them.” Stirring my tea with my finger, I try to find something else to say to appease my boredom. What else can be said? “The music industry in this city is pretty much engineered to favor the bigger artists. The only way you can be taken seriously is if you’re some big name or connected to other producers,” I say half-mindedly, looking at the spinning liquid in my cup. When I look up again, I see both Vinyl and Octavia look at me with wide eyes. “What?”
“That’s precisely what I said to Vinyl,” Octavia tells me, a happy smile on her face. Is she glad that someone else can understand their struggles? That they’re not alone in this hopeless industry? 
“The only time I can make money is by being a DJ for a party. No one actually wants to produce my music into albums because they’re scared of taking a chance on me,” Vinyl vents with a shake of her head. “It’s even worse for Tavi! She barely gets any offers. Even for those parties that would want her classical type of music!”
“It’s alright, darling. There’s no reason to be so heated about it,” Octavia reassures her, brushing her hand through Vinyl’s hair. I can barely remember these two from Canterlot High, but it seems like Sunset knows them a lot better than I do. Their struggles make me feel pity for them.
“No, there is a reason to be heated. It’s just a fault of the city we live in, at the moment,” I speak up again, relating to their problems. If it was easier for artists to record their music, then they would actually stand a chance to be heard by others. To possibly be paid by some producer and make more albums.
“Actually, Adagio is thinking about buying the music studio she works at and implementing something that would solve that issue~” Sunset tells them in a chipper tone, nudging me slightly to give my pitch. I don’t know why she would want me to talk about it here… It’s just an idea that entirely depends on whether or not I pass the GED. Her eyes give me an encouraging look, telling me to go ahead. The other two seem interested as well… 
“Well, if I pass my GED, I am going to try and buy the music studio and turn it into an establishment where musicians can record their music for a fee. They’d receive help in turning their music into albums and it would essentially give anyone the chance to make the music they want. It’s not definite, but it’s what I want to do.” Looking down at the table, I take a deep breath, still a little unsure in the plan. Music shouldn’t be reserved for the mighty. It should be a treasure shared with all life. 
“That sounds… wonderful,” Octavia tells me with a tone of disbelief in her voice. Her eyes, however, tell me that she thinks it sounds like a dream come true. “Do you mind telling us more?”


Sunset cuts the engine of the motorcycle once we park inside the garage. Even though the garage is big enough for two cars, we mainly use the space to store some boxes and we sometimes hang out here to have a couple beers together. Regardless, it’s a pretty spacious place. Sunset was even thinking about getting a couple seats to put in here, but we still have to finish up everything inside the house before we think about decorating out here. 
Closing the garage door, I get off the vehicle and take off my helmet with a deep breath. As much as I love riding with Sunset, the constant bumps in the road does make it difficult to relax after a ride. I swear that I can still feel the vibrations as if the world itself is shaking. Still. At least it’s a vehicle. One that Sunset loves a lot. Turning my gaze to her, I see that she’s already reaching inside the mini fridge, taking out a couple of beers. 
“That was fantastic~” Sunset tells me with a big smile on her face. The whole time after we left their apartment, Sunset had a prideful look on her face. Is she really that proud of me for apologizing? “Not only did you successfully apologize to them, but you also got a couple of people who are interested in investing in your project~ God, I’m so proud of you, Alligator~” Sunset giggles from happiness before tossing one of the cans the short distance to me.
Catching the beverage, I can’t help but feel those same insecure thoughts come back to the forefront of my mind. She’s the only one I allow myself to be insecure with. “You’re really proud of me?” I ask her quietly, opening the can and taking a sip. Has it really been that long since I’ve heard her say that? No… Probably not. I just… love hearing her say that she admires me or that she’s proud of me. It makes me feel worthy of this bond I have with her. 
“Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?” Sensing my doubt, Sunset walks over to me and cups my cheek, her warm smile returning once again. “Adagio, you know how far you’ve come? Lightyears from where you once were~” Gingerly dragging her finger down my neck, Sunset moves her hand to the shoulder of my coat. Her eyes carry a gentleness in them that I’ve never seen anywhere else. Maybe she only looks at me like that. “I am so proud of you, sweetheart~ Really~” Without saying another word, Sunset wraps her arm around me, pulling my lips into hers. The warmth coming from her feels wonderful… Without my permission, my cheeks blush once more as electricity runs down my back. This is the kind of thing she does to me… She electrifies my very being, making me feel like I’m in heaven. Without even saying the words, Sunset reassures me that she loves me just as much as I love her.
Another wave of electricity passes through me as Sunset moves her arm to the small of my back, holding me close to her. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to escape from her trap. My head begins to spin again, but that’s usual for moments like this. It’s usual to get lost in the moment. To get lost in her… I can’t help it. She’s my whole world. With a simple move, Sunset is able to take me away from this world and any memories that may haunt me. Every kiss reminds me how she and I weren’t destined to be friends in the first place. Despite everything, we worked through it. She’s here, giving me all of her love. I can’t be more fortunate than this. 
Gently pulling herself away, Sunset leaves my lips with a sense of longing on them, wishing that it wasn’t the end already. “How about we bring this inside?” Sunset asks me in a quiet hum, whispering in my ear. I can’t help but nod to her request. I can’t refuse her sometimes. Maybe that’s a flaw of mine, but… I live for those smiles she gives me. I love her happiness and I wouldn’t get in the way of that for the world. 
Quietly walking inside the house from the garage, we make sure to close the door behind us. The cool air inside makes me realize just how warm it is outside. Putting my drink down on the small table next to the door, I move my hands to take off my coat before Sunset stops me. Softly, Sunset bites my earlobe, sliding my coat off of me. The house is so quiet… It doesn’t take very long for Sunset to take my coat off of me as well, hanging both of them up on the rack next to the door. Before I can return the favor, I see Sunset take off her sweater by herself. 
Wrapping my arms around her neck, I can’t help but smirk, both of us rocking our bodies slowly. “Are you really proud of me or was this just some ploy to make a nest? You could have just asked~” I whisper to her, pressing my nose against hers with a smile. Sunset giggles slightly to herself before kissing me again, holding me close in our dance, even though there’s no music playing. 
“I really am proud of you~” Sunset whispers in response, kissing me again and again. Every second makes me feel even happier, being in her arms. It feels like home whenever I am locked in her embrace. She is my home. The one I love more than anything. “How many times do I have to say it before you believe it?” Sunset taunts me through mumbles between our kisses, gently pushing me down to the couch. Looking up at her, I can see Sunset hesitate, gently biting her lip. 
“I don’t know. Maybe you’ll have to show me before I believe it.” Even though my statement was said as a taunt, a part of me meant it as the truth. Part of me anticipates what my summer mist would do. No one else is in this house… It’s just us. 
Sunset lowers herself down onto my lap, once again connecting our lips. Her hands gently feel my white t-shirt, touching my breasts as gently as she can. Even now, she still seems super careful to not hurt me. “I’ll buy you a new one,” Sunset whispers into my ear with a deep desire in her voice. What does she mean by that…? Buy me a new what-
Sunset’s hands grab a hold of my shirt, pulling against me as she bites my neck. Within a moment, I can feel the thin fabric rip against my back, making my eyes widen. Everything in me feels like it’s on fire, seeing just how much she wants me. In one simple move, she claimed me as hers and made me fall for her even more. All she had to do was rip my shirt off of me… She better keep that promise.


The tweeting of birds can barely be heard from outside. The first light of morning comes in through the kitchen window and I can’t help but be thankful that our house has a lot of insulation. Not only for heat, but for sounds as well. We can barely hear sounds coming from outside and people can hardly hear us. Gives us some privacy and it lets me sleep for longer than those birds would like.
Stirring my coffee, I take a deep breath, taking in the early morning atmosphere. I have to go to work in a couple hours, but for some reason, I woke up now. It’s probably because of the nightmare I had dreamt… Even though Sunset and I had a great night, my mind gave me an awful dream of the siren queen that has been haunting my life for a couple years now. A heavy sigh exits my lips before I take a sip of my coffee, looking out the window of the kitchen. Maybe it’s just my mind playing tricks on me, but I keep dreading what the future holds. As much as I’m looking forward to my marriage with Sunset, the siren made sure to threaten me to keep our nuptials prolonged until her plan is done with. I don’t even know what her plan is fully… I just know she wants to find a Nexus for some reason. In Equestria, a Nexus was pretty easy to find, but hard to control. In this world, who knows how different that could be. 
The light sound of footsteps on the stairs makes me walk into the living room, looking up at the descending figure. Walking down towards me, Sunset barely has her eyes open, her hair messy all over. All she has on are a pair of underwear and a shirt that is pretty wrinkly. Overall, it looks like she should still be asleep.
“What are you doing awake?” I ask her with a small laugh, making Sunset groggily shrug. She walks past me into the kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee for herself. 
“I felt lonely. Realized you weren’t there,” Sunset tells me quietly with a tired tone to her voice, somehow making her seem even cuter. Why does she have to be so goddamn cute?
“Aw~ You missed me?” I ask her in a slightly teasing tone, giggling before messing with her hair. Sunset groggily nods, taking a sip of her coffee. 
“How could I not? You’re warm and you’re my world,” Sunset tells me with a casual smirk, her hand gently holding my chin in place before kissing my cheek. “So, I thought if you were up, I might as well be with you~ Unless you want to be alone?” The thought that Sunset was lonely without me and she missed me makes me feel so… warm inside. She’s so precious and cute at the same time, yet she’s so strong and determined. Sunset is so weird… But she’s my weirdo. She’s my one and only. With one statement, she’s able to make all of my dread disappear, replacing it with anticipation for the upcoming day. 
“As long as it is with you, I never want to be alone~”