Rainbow Dash Around the World

by MagicS

Why Not Keep Relaxing?

The following morning, nobody came to wake Rainbow Dash and Wish up early. The two of them stayed curled up in bed, pleasantly slumbering, until well into late morning. When they woke up they did it at the same time thanks to Wish’s movements disturbing Rainbow Dash. The filly blushed in embarrassment when she realized she had been using her friend as a pillow the whole night.

“Heh, sleep well?” Rainbow Dash asked her.

“Shut up...” Wish muttered and looked away.

“There’s the sassy filly I like,” Rainbow chuckled and reached over to ruffle Wish’s mane.

“Nnngh, stop it,” Wish grumbled.

Rainbow Dash snorted in amusement before pulling her hoof away, stretching out on the bed and looking at the window. Sunlight was coming in through the drapes and right onto the bed to warm the two of them up. “Wonder what time it is? Maybe Rosalie hasn’t woken up yet.”

“They just had their big festival, I bet most ponies don’t get up early on the day right after,” Wish shrugged.

“Heh, they probably rest today, yeah.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

Wish yawned one last time to finally wake herself up completely before she hopped off the bed. “I’m going to see if Rosalie is awake or making breakfast or anything yet.”

Rainbow Dash rolled over to stretch her wings one by one. “Yeah, I’ll be right out too.”

Wish left the den and walked out into the sitting room before peering around into the kitchen and seeing Rosalie standing there, brewing some coffee and preparing to pour it into a few mugs. When she saw Wish in the corner of her eye she turned to look over at the filly and smiled.

“I thought I heard the two of you wake up. Want some coffee?” Rosalie asked.

“Yes please,” Wish smiled. “Rainbow Dash will definitely want some too.”

“I’ll bring it out to the table,” Rosalie said and one by one she carefully carried each mug out onto the table in the sitting room. Shortly after that, Rainbow Dash came yawning out of the den and plopped down onto the couch. When her nose sniffed in the scent of coffee her eyes opened up all the way.

“Oh, oh yeah, that’s what I need,” Rainbow Dash smiled and reached for the nearest mug.

“Rainbow Dash and I were wondering what’s going on in Arondel today,” Wish said to Rosalie. “Is everyone mostly resting?”

Rosalie nodded. “More or less. The harvested crops need a few days before they start growing again and then the farming cycle starts anew. So it’s not really a festival anymore but you’ll still find most residents of Arondel relaxing or playing around.” She suddenly looked a little more serious as she glanced between the two of them. “You… you weren’t planning on leaving yet, were you?”

“No,” Rainbow Dash grinned. “You can relax, we weren’t going to just up and ditch you today or anything. I don’t know how much longer we’ll be here but we aren’t leaving yet.”

“Oh good, because I-”

Whatever Rosalie was about to say had to be put on pause because right at that moment someone knocked on her front door. The earth pony and her guests were surprised, Rosalie tilted her head and got up, walking over to the door.

“I wonder who this could be?” She said as she pulled it open.

An older stallion was standing there, Rainbow Dash thought she had probably seen him a couple of times at the Harvest Festival but it was likely she had never learned his name.

“Rufus! So nice to see you, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” Rosalie asked the stallion.

“Hello there, Rosalie,” Rufus politely dipped his head to her. “I was wondering if...” He trailed off as he looked past her and saw Rainbow Dash and Wish inside. “Oh! They are still here, this is perfect.”

“You need us for something?” Rainbow Dash asked as she floated off the couch towards him, with a curious Wish following along.

“Actually Mayor Charlotte asked me to see if the two of you were still in town. She said she had something to talk to you about,” Rufus said.

Rainbow Dash and Wish shared a glance before Rainbow shrugged. “Alright. Not like we had anything else planned for today.”

Rufus smiled. “Great to hear. You remember where her office is, right? I’m not going back there myself.”

“Yeah. Small enough town anyways, can’t really forget where anything is,” Rainbow said.

“I can come with you too if you’re going,” Rosalie said.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “No need, Rosalie. Thanks for the offer but why don’t you get some rest too? You’ve already done a great job hosting me and Wish, kay? I think you’ve kind of earned it. Sides, not like it can be anything that’ll take too long.”

Rosalie looked mildly miffed at first before she just smiled and shrugged. “Alright, you two enjoy meeting the mayor again. I’ll cook up something here or have a game ready by the time you get back.”

“Goodbye then, I’ll see you some other time, Rosalie.” Rufus waved and walked away from Rosalie’s door, heading elsewhere in Arondel.

“We’re going too,” Rainbow said and dropped to the ground, walking off the porch.

“Bye, Rosalie.” Wish waved at the mare and walked out right after Rainbow Dash.

“Bye you two, have a nice day!” Rosalie cheerfully said to them and waved as well.

A lot of flowers were left strewn all over the ground and many of the Harvest Festival decorations were left up. Besides that the only big change compared to yesterday was how many fewer ponies there were around. Only a few were out walking around Arondel—mostly adults with only a couple small groups of kids running around and playing.

Wish tentatively watched them, still not fully comfortable.

A fact that Rainbow Dash took note of.

“Do you want to try playing with them again?” Rainbow asked.

“Y-Yes,” Wish nodded. “I’d like to. Maybe tomorrow though, I just need another day.”

“You sure? I don’t want to force you...”

“I’m sure,” Wish replied with a little extra firmness in her voice.

Rainbow Dash nodded and the two of them continued walking to Mayor Charlotte’s office. Quietly. A few faces smiled and nodded to them as they walked along, and even a few of the kids recognized Wish and waved to her. Arondel was as pleasant as always. It wasn’t just the Harvest Festival that made it a nice place.

“I don’t hate everyone.”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash’s ears twitched as she looked down at Wish, the filly was looking out at the other ponies walking through Arondel.

“I just wanted to say… it’s not like I felt that way about everyone. Even before today. I like Rosalie, she’s nice, and… she told me about her family earlier at the festival. She doesn’t get along with them and they never see each other anymore. She… it’s not the same as my problems… but I feel like she can understand better. At least a little bit. And I can tell she’d really try to help, and be kind, just like you.”

Rainbow Dash smiled. “She’s a good pony.”

“Yeah… and I’m… I’m still glad we came here. I’m glad we met everyone,” Wish said, walking slightly closer to Rainbow Dash.

They walked into the mayor’s building/residence soon after that, and went right up to her office after greeting a few of the same Arondel elders that always seemed to be around here. Mayor Charlotte was sitting at her desk with a pleasant smile on her face, looking at some papers and opened up envelopes on her desk. When Rainbow and Wish entered her smile widened even further and she got up and came to greet them personally, throwing her hooves around them and hugging them. It was surprisingly informal for a mayor but Vissidia was just that kind of place.

“I have some great news!” Mayor Charlotte said. “A carrier hawk from Verbansk has come back. The governor responded to me about Hoofica and our plans to help it!”

Rainbow Dash’s face lit up in an excited smile. “Seriously? Already? That’s awesome!”

Wish too sighed in relief, her tumultuous feelings not having anything to do with Hoofica’s well-being. She too wanted those ponies to have peace and the ability to live well. This felt like a massive weight off her shoulders.

“So what’s happening now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“An effort is already being made to coordinate a large transportation of food and relief to Hoofica from across Vissida. The governor is taking care of it personally. Hawks have also been sent to Hoofica itself so we can try setting up communication with them. There’s another thing too,” Charlotte said and walked back to her desk, picking up the one envelope that hadn’t been opened just yet.

“What is it?” Rainbow Dash walked over to see it too.

“As it turns out, there was an Aux-Lemm caravan in Verbansk when the hawk I sent arrived. We’ll be working with them as well to help move things along more smoothly. And when the governor explained things in detail to them, one of the ponies working on the caravan wrote a personal letter to you.”

“A letter for me?” Rainbow Dash was confused as she took the envelope from Charlotte and opened it up. “That doesn’t make any sense, who would write a letter to me?”

She unfolded the paper and her eyes scanned over it, dawning comprehension coming to them as Wish looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.

“Rainbow Dash? What’s in the letter?” The filly questioned.

To Rainbow Dash,

It’s been a long while since we parted ways and I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. When I learned you had planned to travel south straight into Hoofica I was worried, but it seems my fears were unfounded. If anything, going by what I just heard from the Vissidian Governor, it was a good thing you went there. Sounds like they need help, but if the country is back like normal then good job. I’ll be leading the caravan that takes the first batches of food from Vissidia up to Hoofica. I’m sure I’m going to meet quite a few ponies who have something to say about you there.

After that I’ve decided to retire. There’s been enough excitement in the world and in my life lately. A nice piece of land in Vissidia to spend my days on sounds like a dream after years of pulling wagons through the hot desert.

On that note, you’d be surprised how different things are up there. There were some long talks between the camels and representatives of a few groups after that fire you and your friends left behind was found. Don’t be concerned though, they were good talks. Talks that were sorely needed. The desert and Hoofica both seem to be in a lot better place now than they were before you flew through them. Ponies and other creatures don’t even know they should be thanking you.

We may not have known each other for long but I always got the feeling you were a special pony. I wish you luck in whatever travels you go through next. I get the feeling that a lot of ponies around the world are going to come to remember your name.

-Cart D’Evron

P. S. He Whose Neck Is Long says hi

Rainbow Dash was smiling by the end of it, and her eyes were misty. She folded up the letter and wiped at her eyes. “Aw geez… I-I could totally never admit this to my friends back home… but stuff like this might actually be the best part of adventuring.” She opened her wing and pulled Wish in for a tight hug against her body.

“Heh,” Wish grinned and hugged her back.

“Pff… laugh it up, kid.”