Rainbow Dash Around the World

by MagicS

Final Round

“Now how about that?” Vox said as she saw the black band disappear from around Rainbow Dash’s neck. “They really did it. Heh, isn’t that something?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said, not taking her eyes off the Head Inquisitor as she rubbed at her neck and saw Vox’s band disappear as well.

“Guess it’s over for the Queen. Over for the Inquisitors too probably. But it doesn’t really change anything right here between the two of us, does it? And Dreamweaver… I don’t know what he’s going to do now but I don’t think he particularly cares about what’s happened either. He already might have all he needs,” Vox shrugged. “Especially since that silly filly has made it to his lab by now.”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. “What’s he doing with her?”

“I honestly have no idea. Why does it matter to you anyways? Why do you even care about that dumb kid?”

Rainbow Dash blinked once, frowning at Vox. “I… I really don’t think you could ever possibly understand.”

“Fair enough,” Vox shrugged again. “Not like it matters, since you’re never going to see her again.”

Her horn lit up and Vox lifted her front right hoof. A chain enveloped in her magical aura started snaking out of the suit until Vox could grab it with both her hooves and swung it back so the chain’s length was resting behind her neck. She idly rubbed her right hoof up and down the swaying length that dropped off that side of her body while smugly smiling and humming to herself. The unicorn seemed to be full of joy as she took another step towards Rainbow Dash.

“You’re not stopping me, Vox.” Rainbow Dash defiantly said to her advancing opponent. There was no ounce of fear or doubt in her voice.

“We’ll see,” Vox’s red eyes locked with the rubies of Rainbow Dash.

The two mares didn’t blink, their bodies didn’t move at all for the next few ticks of the clock. The rainbow pegasus stood a few steps below the white unicorn—and at this moment the rest of the world might as well not even exist. Thoughts of what would come after were no longer going through either of their minds. There was no notice. No sudden sound, or tremor in the stairs, no drop of sweat that fell to the ground. Vox simply jumped forward towards Rainbow Dash, whipping her chain out at the pegasus’s head.

Rainbow Dash ducked below it and let the chain sail over her head, then had to immediately lift her head back up as Vox’s viper-fast return swing aimed right at her chin. Rainbow Dash was put on the defensive as Vox kept swinging the chain at her as if it was a whip, a single solid blow from it on her body or head could probably end the fight right there. And because of the narrow confines of the stairway the chain kept bouncing off and sparking against the walls, chipping bits of stone away. Rainbow had to step down a couple of steps just to stay safe since Vox wasn’t giving her the opportunity to fly.

After a few more swings, Rainbow Dash saw her opening. A slower whip of the chain was coming at her body and Rainbow lifted up her left hoof, grabbing the chain and swiftly wrapping her limb around it. It hurt, but she had stopped it. Before she could even try yanking it away from her opponent though—Vox simply let go of her weapon.

The white unicorn grinned and her horn sparked red before she vanished—and immediately appeared to Rainbow Dash’s right, already in the middle of throwing a punch.

Rainbow extended a wing outward to catch her before she could land it, but Vox immediately teleported again. This time to Rainbow Dash’s left while her punch was still following through. Rainbow brought up her hoof to block it but Vox teleported in a flash once more, reappearing in front of Rainbow Dash and doing a backflip that ended with her back hooves catching Rainbow Dash in the chin and smacking her into the wall.

Someone’s been practicing… Rainbow noticed with distaste. Vox had never teleported like this before.

She wiped her jaw and lunged forward at the unicorn to try and get on the offensive but Vox made another pinpoint teleport directly above her. When Rainbow Dash attempted to spin and knock her down with her wings, Vox teleported again to behind her and swiped Rainbow’s legs out from under her before teleporting again to higher up on the stairs.

“This fits you,” Rainbow Dash coughed as she picked herself up after falling hard on the stone steps. “It’s a really annoying and cowardly way to fight.”

“Heaven forbid I fight fair,” Vox giggled.

She didn’t allow Rainbow Dash anymore time to recover either, making three teleports in rapid succession, ever closer to Rainbow Dash, with her body in motion through each one. And finally at the last one she landed a solid punch on Rainbow Dash’s face. Rainbow had seen it coming—she had seen her body moving like that through the teleports—but she couldn’t react to her sudden appearance.

As Rainbow stumbled backwards, Vox appeared in midair and kicked her in the side, then appeared on the other side and punched Rainbow Dash in the ribs. She never stayed in one spot for more than a split-second, sometimes winding up a punch and then teleporting like a picture book around Rainbow Dash before finally connecting. It was a wild way of fighting and Rainbow Dash had never experienced something like it before. While she could hear and sense Vox each time she teleported the unicorn was still able to teleport faster every time Rainbow Dash attempted to defend against her attacks and then went for her openings.

If Rainbow was trying to block a kick from the left Vox teleported in mid kick and struck her from the right. In the state Rainbow Dash was in she just didn’t have the speed or reflexes to fight back.

It didn’t help that she was feeling every strain in her muscles, every sore spot, every bruise from her imprisonment. Her lungs burned and her stomach ached even before this fight had begun. Vox held every advantage and had clearly been working hard to overcome Rainbow Dash in case they ever fought again. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash had been wasting away to nearly nothing and had already been through a lot today. The way the fight was going so far it didn’t look too good for her.

That said though, if there was anything Rainbow Dash loved it was a challenge. And in a fight like this she would never, ever, give up. Even if all her bones were broken. Rainbow was not going to let Vox have it so easy.

The next time Vox disappeared in a static red burst, Rainbow Dash hunkered low to the stairs and grabbed the chain that Vox had discarded. She heard the tell-tale sound of Vox reemerging into reality coming from above and to the right of her head. Without looking or moving any other part of her body than was absolutely necessary—Rainbow Dash swung the chain up in the direction of the sound. She didn’t even look.

And then she guessed.

Where would Vox be most likely to teleport to next? Probably the opposite side from where the chain was coming to hit her.

Rainbow Dash heard the crackling pop of Vox teleporting right as her other hoof went up into the air to the left of her head.

The chain whizzed through empty air and in another red burst of static energy Vox reappeared—and swiftly enjoyed a stiff hoof to the gut. The unicorn gasped in pain and surprise, falling to the stairs right next to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow looked at her with a grin and wasted no time in jumping on the Head Inquisitor, scrambling on top of her to keep her pinned down and punching her horn to temporarily disorientate her and keep her from casting any more spells. She tried to grab her by the head and bash her skull against the stone steps, but Vox grasped her hooves and held Rainbow Dash back.

Something that Rainbow Dash had briefly failed to take into account was that her physical strength was drastically lower than normal. Even a thin unicorn like Vox could contend with her like this.

“How did you do that?” Vox growled into her face.

“It’s called being an experienced fighter. I knew where you would go,” Rainbow cockily grinned at her.

“Tch,” Vox clicked her tongue and briefly threw Rainbow Dash off her, making the pegasus painfully roll down a few steps.

“Oof!” Rainbow Dash grunted as she came to a stop.

Meanwhile Vox stood up and started putting more magic into her horn, getting ready to attack Rainbow Dash. At this distance she probably couldn’t react or close the distance in time to stop Vox normally—but she saw her savior again. The chain was still left lying on the steps and in reach of her.

Rainbow Dash grabbed it and swung it at Vox’s head. The unicorn had to turn her attention to it, using her magic to instead telekinetically grab and stop it instead of using it to attack Rainbow Dash. The chain was stopped in midair—grabbed in Vox’s red aura—but that was all the opportunity Rainbow Dash needed. She ran forward and threw a punch at the unicorn’s face, Vox was able to dodge it and throw up a punch of her own that Rainbow Dash countered and the two of them started to attack each other together like that. No more fancy moves or movement for the moment, just a flurry of punches traded back and forth. Neither one could actually land a solid blow on the other though. Rainbow wasn’t as fast as usual in her punches but she still had enough in her to avoid Vox’s own.

Steadily she stepped forward and started pushing Vox back up the stairs, much to the unicorn’s growing annoyance.

“You don’t actually think this is ending well for you, do you?” Vox asked her.

Rainbow didn’t answer and kept pushing—methodically only focusing on taking out her opponent. Since Vox realized she was slowly losing she decided to change things up. Her chain was still held in her magic, just because she couldn’t focus on using another spell at the moment didn’t mean she still couldn’t use that. The chain came shooting up at Rainbow Dash’s face and she had to dodge away from it only to get elbowed in the side of the head by Vox when she left herself open.

Vox then brought the chain back down in an attempt to simply slash it across Rainbow Dash’s back but her opponent again managed to jump away in time. Not entirely though. There wasn’t enough room in the stairway and Rainbow Dash ended up bumping into the wall and the chain took away a few feathers on her left wing before smashing down against the stairs and taking a big chip out of one. There was no hesitation or slowing down from Vox at this point though and she again whipped the chain up at Rainbow Dash, coming in low and angling up with it so Rainbow couldn’t duck under it.

Which left the option of jumping over it.

Rainbow Dash dove over the incoming chain and right towards Vox.

This time though it was Vox predicting her moves. The unicorn grinned and ducked under Rainbow Dash as the pegasus’s blue body flew overhead before throwing up her limbs into Rainbow’s stomach and catapulting the pony into the stairs behind the two of them. Rainbow Dash landed painfully on them with her back—the sharp edges feeling like somepony had hit her with hammers at a few spots along her spine.

Before she could fully recover she felt the cold metal of the chain wrap itself around her throat and pull her back towards Vox.

“Now the fun part~” Vox said as she telekinetically tightened the chain and held Rainbow Dash up in front of her.

Rainbow Dash let out a strangled gasp as the chain painfully cut off her air. It was too tight on her, and Vox’s magic too strong, Rainbow tried reaching up and pulling it away from her throat but it was impossible. In Vox’s sadism though, she had made the mistake of bringing Rainbow Dash too close. Not anticipating Rainbow Dash being able to still fight back, she wasn’t prepared for the solid kick to her chin that Rainbow Dash delivered.

“Ngh!” Vox stepped back, stumbling down half a step, and reflexively canceled her magic.

Rainbow Dash reached up and pulled the chain off her, letting it clatter to the floor while she breathed in and caught her breath.

“I’ve had enough of you...” Rainbow Dash coughed.

“Thinking the same thing you little-” Vox couldn’t finish the sentence as another blue hoof came at her face. She disappeared in a red burst and resumed trying to trick Rainbow Dash with her teleports. She wasn’t stupid about it either, knowing Rainbow Dash was trying to predict where she would appear she constantly made quick jumps around her without attacking yet. Appearing for a half a second at most before disappearing and reappearing someone else. Sometimes she would fake getting ready to throw a punch or kick—all to keep Rainbow on edge and maybe make her screw up.

So Rainbow Dash kept her eyes peeled and her ears open. Her pupils were darting about from side to side keeping up and her muscles were tensed. Her legs and wings were ready to act on pure reflex to strike Vox whenever she tried to make her own attack.

The crackling noise came from right above her head and Rainbow Dash looked up—right hoof already going up as well—to see an empty white suit falling to her.

Rainbow’s eyes opened in surprise as the sound of another crackling teleport reached her ears and Vox jumped onto her back, wrestling Rainbow Dash down to the stairs and immediately overpowering the pegasus and putting her in a headlock. Rainbow tried opening her wings and flapping them to push herself up and potentially knock Vox off of her but she found she couldn’t unfurl them. Vox’s magic must’ve been pinning them in place. She reached up with her hooves and tried to pry Vox’s away—having better luck than with the chain—but Vox fought to keep her hold as well.

“Well look at the situation you’re in~” Vox taunted as she held Rainbow down.

“Been… in… worse...” Rainbow said and managed to instead elbow Vox in the ribs.

Vox winced and loosened her grip slightly but she didn’t let up on her magic at all, Rainbow Dash was only able to try and fight against her hooves some more.

“If you want to struggle so much...” Vox growled as she had one hoof wrapped around Rainbow’s neck and reached the other out to grab the chain a few steps away. “Then fine!”

She looped the chain around Rainbow’s neck and pulled it taut to begin strangling the pegasus once more.

Rainbow Dash tried to pull it away but she just didn’t have the physical strength right now. She was too worn out, too weakened from her months in the dungeon. With Vox lying on top of her, her magic pinning her wings down, and her chain choking the life out of her, Rainbow Dash couldn’t do anything.

“This has been fun, really fun, but now it has to end. You know, Rainbow Dash? I’m not going to miss you. But you know what I will miss? What I’m really going to be disappointed about not getting to see?” Vox asked her, laughing in her ear. “It’s your face. Your face when I kill all of your friends too!”

Rainbow Dash twitched, a strangled growl coming out of her throat.

“That’s right! All those friends of yours you told me about? Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Scootaloo? I’m going to kill them! I don’t care where I have to go, how long it takes me to get there, I’m going to find them and I’m going to kill them just like you. So you can take that pleasant thought with you straight to the grave!”

But from below her, she felt the pegasus push back.

“Hnnnggghhh!” Rainbow Dash started to push herself to her hooves. Despite the weight of Vox bearing down on her and the chain cutting off her air supply, it was like a new well of power had been tapped in her body. Her eyes narrowed in red hot anger, fury in her pupils.

Vox’s eyes widened in shock and she pulled harder on the chain to try and stop Rainbow Dash.

When Rainbow Dash sharply smashed her head backwards and into Vox’s muzzle.

Once. Twice. And on the third time she heard a painful but satisfying crack and felt a spurt of hot liquid pour over the back of her head.

“Guah!” Vox groaned in pain and fell off of Rainbow Dash, blood dripping from her broken nose and the chain falling to the stairs while her magic canceled again as well.

Rainbow Dash gasped and coughed a few times before turning to her. Vox’s own eyes were alight with fury and in a blind rage she pushed more red magic into her horn to attack Rainbow Dash with. Wordlessly, Rainbow Dash scooped the chain up and whipped it at Vox.

The metal wrapped around her white horn and Rainbow Dash tugged—pulling the surprised Vox towards her and breaking her magical concentration.

With her free hoof, Rainbow Dash pulled back and delivered the strongest possible punch she could directly on Vox’s jaw once she pulled her in.

Several teeth went flying and Rainbow Dash dropped the chain the moment her hoof made contact. Vox was knocked back into the wall and her head painfully smashed into it. The white unicorn collapsed to the stairs with a sputtering murmur and coughed up some blood onto the steps before lying still.

Rainbow Dash didn’t spare her a second glance—she was already running back up the stairs.