Pokémon: Equestrian Champions

by Banshee531

We Are the Champions

All over Equestria, the people of the region were wide-eyed as they watched their TVs. It showed the image of two figures, a trainer and his ever faithful Pokémon partner. Flash Sentry and his Riolu Springer were both kneeling on the ground with their heads down as their opponents, Shining Armor and Galladin, stared at them in shock.

Mic: "I can't believe it! After this intense battle, both Flash and his Riolu appear unconscious. I can't tell if they're actually knocked out or if something else has happened, but this doesn't look good for them."

The Rotom Drone flew down and started scanning Springer, his systems unable to determine what was wrong.

"Is Flash okay?" Spike slowly asked.

"He was so powerful..." Applejack whispered, "He was only one step away from achievin' his dream."

Doc shook his head and sighed, "I suppose this time...his opponent was just too strong."

Sunset nodded in agreement, "Flash and Springer were connected through their auras. Their link was so strong that Flash felt everything Springer felt. It's a double-edged sword. The shock must have been too much for him to handle."

"So what happens now?" Trixie asked.

"Did Flash lose?" Pinkie added as they all turned to Twilight. The girl had gone surprisingly quiet as she stared down at the field.

"Please," she whispered, "Please get up."

In that moment, the Rotom Drone flew up. "I have just received an update from the league officials. They have decreed that if Riolu does not stand up in the next five minutes, he will be deemed unable to battle and the match will end in Shining Armor's victory."

The crowd started murmuring at this as Rotom projected a screen that showed a five minute countdown. Everyone then started yelling at Flash and Springer, telling them to get up. But no matter what happened, he didn't respond.

"Flash!" Rainbow screeched, "Get your lazy backside up already!"

"You can't let it end like this!" Fluttershy screamed.

"Get up darling!" Rarity cried.

"Flash!" Cloud yelled to her grandson, "Don't let everything you've been through be a waste!" But Flash remained unconscious, the teen simply kneeling there dead to the world. "Flash..."

From their booth, the professors grimaced as Celestia whispered, "Flash...come on. Where's that fighting spirit that's gotten you so far before?"

Luna looked away in pain. "I guess...even Flash has his limits."

Cadance looked close to tears as the countdown hit four minutes. "I can't look."

From his vantage point, Shining Armor stared down at the boy he had given his Riolu to so long ago. "This isn't like you. Giving up so easily. That's not the trainer I've come to respect." Flash remained unchanged, "Are you really gonna let everything you've worked for end here and now!?"

Galladin stared at the Riolu it had beaten, disappointed that their battle would end so suddenly. "Gall," he called out, "Gal Galladin!" Springer just knelt there, looking like a strong breeze was all that stood between him and falling to the ground completely.

The crowd's yells almost deafened one another out, with no one voice able to be distinguished over the other. That was until one particular person spoke up. "SPRINGER!" Everyone around her turned to Twilight as she stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs. "YOU HAVE TO STAND UP!" She turned to the trainer. "FLASH! STAND UP! PLEASE!" There was still no response. "You wanna be the Equestria League Champion, don't you?! The very best, like no one ever was! I know you can still win this match!" Flash just kept staring at the ground, nobody able to tell if his eyes were open or not. "The Flash I know would never give up! He doesn't give up until the very end!"

"Twilight..." Shining whispered as he heard his sister call out to him.

"Did you know that your dream isn't just yours?! Your dream is also my dream too!!!" She turned to the Riolu, then back at Flash. "It's also Springer's, and the people who've supported you up until now! And the rest of your Pokémon!" Though Flash couldn't feel it, the Pokeballs on his belt began to shake. His team were all too exhausted to break out as they continued to move, "Only you can fulfil our dream! So please, for all of us, for me...stand up! Flash...FLASH!" She closed her eyes and began to pray, her heart telling her Flash could hear her if she did so. "Get up."

All Flash could see was darkness. He didn't know where he was and how he got there, the last thing he remembered being his battle against Shining before feeling intense pain. And now here he was, unable to tell which way was up. He felt like he was floating in pure black water, his body unable to move as he felt something more. It was an intense pressure, and it was getting stronger. He could feel the darkness about to crush him, turn the teen into nothingness. And as he floated, he started hearing a voice. His voice, only it was darker, harsher, filled with contempt and anger.

"Useless. You will never fulfil your destiny. Failure. All of this time, you've wasted your life."

"Flash..." he heard a new voice. One he had only heard before, not too long ago.

"Spring...Springer?" He tried to reach out, only to feel the darkness push him. He held out his hand, but felt nothing. "Springer...don't go."

"Why bother? You know you cannot win. It's time to give up. To let yourself be consumed by what you know is true. You are nothing." The dark voice roared, Flash wincing in pain as he began to close his eyes, feeling the last of his consciousness begin to fade.

"NO!" Screamed a voice, something suddenly grabbing the teen's hand before pulling him through the darkness. Within seconds, the pressure around him vanished and he was able to open his eyes. He was almost blinded by a light, pulling him into a white void. The darkness was gone, behind him as he looked up and saw he wasn't alone.

It was Twilight, floating and holding his hand. "Please," she looked close to tears, "Please don't give up."

"Twilight..." he whispered, "I'm...I'm sorry." He looked down, as a dark void started reaching out with shadowy tendrils. "I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't...I couldn't beat him."

"It's not over yet," Twilight replied, "Don't let yourself fall into despair. Because no matter what, you're amazing." She pulled him close, hugging him as the dark shadows receded. "I've seen everything you've been through. Been there since the very beginning. I've seen how you've grown, how you've fought to get stronger and helped others when you had no reason to help them. You helped me grow too. More than I ever thought possible. I know now that even if you're not with me, I can do amazing things."

"Twilight," he whispered as a smile appeared in his lips.

"So get back up," Twilight added, "And remember, you're not the only one in this fight either." And as she said that, she began to fade away and disappear. Flash wanted to ask what she meant by that, but then his eyes fell upon another in the voice with him.


"Flash," Springer smiled from about twenty feet away, "You are the trainer I've chosen." As he said that, images began to appear around him, showing the many memories between the two. Memories of the day they had first met. Meeting in the forest, Flash protecting him and the pair bonding in the hospital. "Since the day we met, I knew you and I were meant to be together." Flash went wide-eyed as he saw the images of their time together. So many memories that listing them all would take a lifetime. "You've given me so much support, trusted me with so much and been there to help me stand when I fall." With that, Springer held out his paw. "I've always trusted my judgement...but I trust you more."

"Springer," Flash whispered before holding out his hand. As he did, the pair started glowing.

Everyone watched as the countdown hit its final minute, many fearing that this was it. But as the clock began to go into that last minute, Flash and Springer began to move.

"No way," Rainbow gasped as the pair moved in sync. One leg lifted itself up and pushed its foot into the ground, both now going up into standing height.

"Flash," Twilight whispered, only for everyone to go wide-eyed as the pair began to glow.

The light flew off their hands and connected between them as Springer kept talking. "As long as we're together, I know there's no limit to what we can do. No opponent we can't beat. No evil we can't stop. Because we're the ultimate team. You...me...and all of our friends."

Flash's eyes went wide, only to shine a huge grin. And as he did this, the dark void behind him completely vanished. All the doubt and despair was gone.

"Yeah," he nodded before the pair started floating towards one another. "Let's go Springer!" As they drew closer, the light around them grew brighter. "As long as we're together, the both of us..." They finally grasped hands as the light became blinding, but it didn't hurt Flash. "...until the very end. We'll keep fighting. Keep pushing. Keep going and become...and become..."

Before anyone in the stadium could ask what the light was, Flash and Springer jerked as their eyes shot open. "STRONGER!"

"RIOLU!" Springer exclaimed as the light exploded off of them both, filling the entire stadium and shooting into the air as a massive pillar of light. The light gave off a wave that shook the place, everyone now being blinded by the light but refusing to close their eyes in case they missed anything.

"What's happening?!" Spike yelped.

"I...I don't know," Twilight replued, "Flash..."

Down on the battlefield, Galladin was just as blind as everyone else. But he could sense Springer approaching, though something seemed...different. "Drain Punch!" He then saw the figure now radiating the blinding light...and he was growing.

Before he could react, a sudden powerful force slammed into his chest. "Galladin!" He screamed as he was knocked flying back, his energy now being sapped away. And before he could try to counter, he was struck again, and again and again and again. The hits weren't hard, but every one of them sapped away more and more of his energy.

Then, the figure leapt up and kicked off him, the light exploding off him to reveal the figure. It was a four foot high blue, black and yellow jackal-like creature standing on two legs with black cascade badge-shaped appendages and had spikes coming off the back of its paws and chest.

"Lu..." the new opponent growled as the light died down to reveal him to the world, "LUCARIO!"

Everyone in the stands and watching the TV were now wide-eyed, all gasping as Mic exclaimed, "INCREDIBLE! It looked like Flash and Riolu were down for the count, but now they're back and to the absolute shock of the crowd, Riolu has evolved into Lucario! This is unbelievable!"

"You have no idea how right you are..." Celestia whispered, 'Somehow, Flash and Springer's bond is so strong that it was able to overwhelm the power of the Everstone energy and allow Springer to evolve. I...I can't believe how strong they've become.'

"Springer evolved?" Spike yelped, "But how?!" He turned to Twilight, "I thought Springer couldn't evolve. The Everstone energy."

Twilight just shook her head at this while Cloud laughed and said some things defy explanation. But it was clear that Flash and Springer's bond had grown to do the impossible, now gaining this new level of power.

"She's right," Doc nodded. "Springer was pretty powerful before, but now that he's evolved, all of his abilities will have skyrocketed."

They stared down at Flash and Springer as the newly evolved Lucario looked himself over and smiled at his new form. Shining, who had been quiet during this time, smirked at Flash and nodded, "Well Flash, you certainly know how to surprise us. I sure wasn't expecting something like this to happen."

"Thanks Shining." He pointed at the champion, "Springer and I are ready for whatever you throw at us." He clutched his hand into a fist, "When we're together, there's nothing we can't do. And that includes beating you right here, right now!"

Shining smirked at this, "Then come and prove it. Show me that you and Springer deserve to stand at the top of the Equestria League."

"With pleasure!" Flash cheered as Springer charged, "Bone Rush!" The Lucario formed the staff and broke it in half as Galladin stood tall.

"Sacred Sword!" The two Pokémon met in the center of the field and started dual wielding their respective attacks. Both clashed at the same time, Springer's being a little bit shorter, but they appeared to be on a more even level. Galladin held up both blades and swung them down, but Springer crossed his bones and used them to block the attack. He wasn't even pushed back a centimeter, the two Fighting Steel-type's heads inches from one another.

After a few seconds, the pair pushed away from one another. But as he skidded back, Springer threw the bones at Galladin. He managed to use his Sacred Sword to deflect one, but another struck him in the shoulder, knocking the Pokémon back.

"Drain Punch!" Springer leapt and pulled his fist back.

"Night Slash!" Galladin spun around at this, firing a purple glowing blade, striking Springer in the stomach.

"Car!" He roared as he hit the ground, only to suddenly be surrounded by a yellow light. "CARIO!" The crowd blinked at this, some noticing the spikes on his chest and arms glowing longer.

Mic: "Is that a new move?"

Celestia: "No, it's an ability called Justified. Springer must have gained it when he evolved."

Cadance: "Every time Springer gets hit by a Dark-type move, his Attack strength will grow stronger."

"That's a rare ability for a Lucario to have," Sunset added, "But then again, what else is new for those two."

"Extreme Speed!" Springer was surrounded by the blue lightning as he began teleporting all around Galladin, the knight unable to hit the speed demon. "Do it!" Springer appeared and swung his leg into the Gallant Knight's head.

Galladin staggered back as Springer continued to warp all around him, then appeared above him ready to deal an axe kick to his head. "Iron Defense!" Despite not wearing his shields, Galladin raised his arms and swords to defend himself. Springer's kick struck the side of Galladin's blade, bouncing off it. "Slash!" Galladin swung his arms apart, knocking Springer away before slashing at the Lucario.

"Car!" He flinched.

"Drain Punch!" Before Galladin could react, Springer pulled his fist back and punched him in the chest to drain away his energy. Both Pokémon leapt back at this, landing a good distance away as Flash gave his next command. "Aura Sphere!"

"Loo," Springer brought his paws together and formed the sphere, then spun on the spot. "LUCARIO!" He threw the orb like a bowling ball, the attack skimming above the ground as it headed for Galladin.

"Sacred Sword!" Shining ordered, Galladin bringing both blades together as they glowed before swinging down and hitting the ground. The attack caused the ground to break apart, the energy from the blades flying through the fissure. When it reached the Aura Sphere, it exploded, shaking the ground as Springer's attack was nullified. And as the smoke faded, the four stared one another down and smiled. Then, trainers started chuckling which breaking out into full-on laughter.

Mic: "They're laughing? Why?"

Celestia: "Just shows how much fun they're having. As Flash said in his last battle, this is a game. What's the point in putting so much effort into it if you're not gonna enjoy yourself?"

Shining was the first to stop laughing, though he did let a few chuckles through. "I...I gotta say, this has been one of the toughest battles I've ever been in."

"Same," Flash nodded, "And I'm glad it's against you Shining."

"Couldn't have said it better myself. Flash, even if you lose, I hope you'll continue to protect Equestria with me. Hopefully one day, I'll be able to pass on the torch to you." Flash nodded again, "You might be cocky, sarcastic and even act a little stupid at times, but you're definitely one of the best trainers Equestria has ever given rise too. And if I lose, you'll be considered the best and I know you'll make me proud."

"Thanks Shining," Flash replied, "And I'm definitely gonna win. Right Springer?"

"Car!" Springer nodded.

"Well then get ready," Shining responded, "Cause we're gonna throw everything we have at you!"

"Bring it!" Flash cheered, "We'll take whatever you dish out and send it back to you a hundred times over! GO SPRINGER!"

"GALLADIN!" The two Fighting Steel-types charged at one another, "Slash!" Galladin swung his swords, but Springer leapt straight up and over the knight.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer formed the orb and fired it, the attack hitting Galladin in the back. He staggered back at this as Springer landed and rolled to his feet. "Bone Rush!" Springer charged, but Galladin regained his footing and spun around.

'I gotta do it. It might power Springer up, but that means he'll get through Springer's attacks.' "Night Slash!" Galladin swung his blade and unleashed the purple crescent energy blade, which Springer raised his arms to defend. It struck Springer and exploded, stopping him for a second as the aura appeared around him and his spikes grew.

"Car!" He formed the bone in his hands, which he started spinning around, "CARIO!" He swung it at Galladin, but the knight blocked it with one of his blades.

"Sacred Sword!" The blade glowed and he swung it back, the sword knocking Springer back.

"RIO!" He roared, staggering back as Galladin raised both blades above his head before bringing them downward. But Springer's raised his arms up and used the spikes on their backs to block the attack. "Lucario!" He thrust them up, knocking Galladin off balance before he leapt forward and sank both feet into his chest.

"GALL!" Galladin cried as Springer pushed off him.

"Extreme Speed!" Springer started rapidly throwing punches and kicks into the knight, but Galladin began to hop back, narrowly avoiding the strikes. He then leapt back as Flash gave his next command, "Bone Rush!"


Both blades clashed, only for Galladin to instantly spin around and use his blades to swipe at Springer's legs.

"Car!" The Lucario tripped over at this, Galladin then slamming his foot down onto his stomach.

"Oh no," Twilight gasped as Shining gave his next order.

"Sacred Sword!" Galladin raised his swords, only for Springer to vanish. "What?! Where'd he go?! That couldn't have been Double Team..." He then realized that Springer must have still been sped up by Extreme Speed, Galladin only pinning an afterimage of him. "But then where's the real Springer?"

He, Galladin and the crowd all glanced around, but saw no sign of the Lucario. He had just...vanished. Shining turned to Flash, who didn't look at all worried as he raised his arm up high with his fingers positioned like they were holding a ball. As he did, a bright light suddenly appeared above the stadium and everyone looked up. The source of the light was a massive sphere of blue energy, growing larger and larger with every second.

As they watched it grow, Flash closed his eyes and began to speak. "All of our dreams." The teen was still glowing, brighter than ever before. The light surrounded his other Pokeballs, connecting those inside to him and Springer so that they could all share their energy. "We're putting all of our thoughts." The sphere grew so large and bright that it now hurt just to look at it. "All of our hopes!" Shining looked down at him, seeing he was still in the same pose as he opened his eyes. "Into this one final strike!"

Shining and Galladin looked up and despite the pain of the light, they were both able to see him. Springer, somehow floating high above the stadium, in the same pose Flash was in as he held the largest Aura Sphere ever seen above his head. "Loo-car!" He roared, ready to fire whenever Flash gave the command.

Mic: "What's going on?! How is Lucario able to create an Aura Sphere that large?!"

Celestia: "Honestly, I gave up trying to expect logic to ever work when it came to those two a long time ago."

All over the stadium, people cried out in many different emotions. Awe, wonder, horror and so many more. Their friends were all smiling with joy, knowing that to summon an attack that strong meant that the two of them had truly become the very best...like no one ever was.

"This is the final blow for our dreams!" Flash yelled as Springer put the last bit of effort into his attack. "Springer, let's end this with an old favorite!"

"Flash!" Twilight exclaimed.

"YOU CAN DO IT!" His other friends screamed as Shining just stared at the sight, "WIN!!!!!!"

"Aura Sphere!" Flash yelled before taking a deep breath. "BARRAAAAAAGE!!!!!" The massive Aura Sphere exploded into a thousand normal sized Aura Spheres, Lucario now somehow raining them down toward the ground.

Shining and Galladin both gasped seeing this, Shining calling out to his Pokémon. "Sacred Sword!" Galladin swung his blades around wildly, slashing at every single Aura Sphere that got close to him. The others smashed into the ground around him, trapping him in one place and forcing him to defend himself...only for it to be too much.

"Gall!" He yelped as one struck his shoulder, "Din!" Another struck his arm, then his chest, leg, shoulder, knee, elbow, chest. "GALLADIN!" He slammed his Sacred Swords together and swung them, unleashing an energy blade that struck the Aura Spheres and caused them to explode like fireworks.

However, something flew through the smoke and fell towards Galladin. Springer.

"DO IT!" Flash yelled as Springer held one final Aura Sphere in his paws, pulling it back as Galladin tried to move. But the last Sacred Sword had sapped his strength, unable to react as Springer thrust the Aura Sphere, "SPRINGER!"

"LUCARIO!" Galladin raised his sword at this, the force of the energy inside the Aura Sphere now hitting him.


The stadium shook as the explosion rocked the battlefield, sending out shockwaves that flew up and pinned everyone into their seats as they closed their eyes to avoid the light. Many cried out in fear, some believing the stadium was gonna be ripped apart by the attack. But after a minute or so, they found themselves able to move once again.

Twilight opened her eyes and looked down at the battlefield, forcing herself to her feet as she stared into the smoke that now filled the stadium. "What just happened?" The others began to recover and stared at the field as well, worried they were gonna end up seeing Springer on the ground again.

Mic: "I...I can't see anything. What's going on? Do we have a winner?"

The Rotom Drone flew down, trying to get a scan of the field as the crowd began to murmur. But then the cloud of smoke began to fade. The first to be seen was Galladin, looking battered and bruised, but still standing. Springer then appeared, also standing though looking just as badly beaten. Flash and Shining were seen next, both panting and looking as beaten up as their Pokémon.

All four were staring at the opposing individual, all locked in that moment. But then Shining smiled before whispering something only Flash seemed to hear, "Well done." With that, Galladin fell to the floor, the crowd gasping as the Rotom Drone flew down and scanned him.

"Galladin is unable to battle. The winner is Lucario. All six of Shining Armor's Pokémon are unable to battle. So the winner of the battle and new Champion of Equestria is...FLASH SENTRY!" That statement caused the entire stadium to explode into cheers, along with everyone else in the region.

Mic: "IT'S OVER! After a heated battle I'm sure no one will ever forget, Flash Sentry has claimed victory over Shining Armor and won the coveted title of Equestria League Champion!"

All over Equestria, screams of excitement and joy filled the air. And back in the stadium, nobody was cheering louder then Flash's friends and family.

"I can't believe he did it!" Spike cheered, "He won! He actually won!"

"Heck yeah he won!" Rainbow added.

"YAY FLASH!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"This is so great," Fluttershy looked ready to cry. "I wanted Flash more than anyone to win this and he did."

"No other outcome would have felt right," Applejack nodded.

Rarity was also close to tears, the girl trying not to ruin her makeup as she wiped them. "Now he can hold his head up high and tell the world he is Equestria's greatest trainer."

Sunset and Trixie nodded, cheering for Flash as well while Cloud was holding back her tears. "You did it. Your grandfather, your parents and the whole rest of our family would be so proud. I know I am."

Doc smiled at Flash, remembering back to when they first met and he had to bail him out of a rough situation. "It's hard to believe you're even the same kid." He shook his head. "No, because you're not the same kid. You've grown and matured a lot since back then, and I'm glad I got to see you become the champion you are now."

Twilight remained quiet, though she was close to tears herself as she stared at the boy who had just beaten her brother. Words could not express what she was feeling right now. "Flash..."

Flash's brain was completely fried. Every time he tried to process the information, it stalled and he had to reboot. But eventually, the realization sank in. "We did it. We actually did it." He turned to Springer, his instant reflex being to look down, only to see his partner's waist and looked up into the Lucario's eyes. Springer wasn't a Riolu anymore. He had finally managed to achieve his evolved form despite the energy that had been forced into him so long ago.

"Springer..." he whispered before breaking out in a smile. Springer did the same and the pair broke out into a run, Springer leaping at the taller trainer. "SPRINGER!" He cheered as they wrapped their arms around one another, hugging until Springer's new weight overwhelmed Flash. "Whoa, whoa, WHOA!" He fell over, the pair continuing to hug for a second until Springer got off him and he sat up and really looked the Fighting Steel-type over. "Wow, look at you! You're actually a Lucario!"

"Car!" Springer nodded as he looked himself over and smirked at his new body. This fact was still sinking in as well, "Lucario!" He held out his paw and Flash happily accepted, allowing Springer to pull him up to his feet. And when they stood, the pair high-fived before pumping fists and laughing.

Meanwhile, Shining had moved over to Galladin and helped him sit up. "You did great old friend," he said to the Gallent Knight Pokémon. He turned to Flash and Springer, smiling at the pair and nodding. "Now we can leave the region in their hands without needing to worry."

"Gall," he nodded, "Galladin." Shining smirked and held up his Pokeball, telling him to take a long rest before returning him and the armor pieces he had dropped earlier. With that done, Shining turned back to Flash and Springer.

The pair stopped celebrating at this as Shining held out a hand. "Congratulations Flash. You've proven without a doubt that you deserve to be responsible for protecting Equestria. Pegasoar was right to choose you."

Flash smiled and grabbed his hand, "Thanks Shining."

The pair shook as the crowd cheered, Shining continuing to speak, "But if you ever need any help with something, feel free to ask. Even if I'm not the champion anymore, I still wanna do my part in protecting my home." Flash nodded before the two turned towards the cheering crowd, waving at them as Mic spoke up.

Mic: "And thus, the Equestria League has come to a conclusion, and this year's is sure to be one nobody will ever forget. It's the end of an era."

Celestia: "But the start of a new one."

Mic: "Indeed. Now why don't we go down and have our new champion address his subjects?" The Rotom Drone flew down and started recording Flash, who gulped as he tried to think of something to say. Luckily, Shining was there to save him.

"Sorry everyone," he told the camera, "But Flash and I have someplace to be. I'm afraid you'll have to wait until we get back to hear what Flash has to say." Before Mic could ask what he meant, the field retracted and Shining, Flash and Springer slowly descended into the darkness.

"Wait!" Mic yelped, "Where are they going?!" He turned to the professors, but found two of them were now missing. "Hey, where'd Celestia and Luna go?" Cadance shrugged, clearly trying to hide a smirk.

"What's going on?" Spike asked Twilight, "Where'd Flash and Shining go?"

"I don't know," Twilight hummed, "But...wait, I remember something like this happening before. When Shining beat Grand, the two of them disappeared for a bit after the battle."

"Where'd they go?" Rainbow asked, but Twilight just shrugged.

"I don't know. I asked after the match, but Shining just played coy. I remembered being really annoyed that he wouldn't tell me, but then after his victory party, I completely forgot."

Pinkie gasped when she said that. "Victory party?!" She got up, "I can't believe I forgot to plan a victory party for Flash!"

"And what would you be planning if Flash had lost?" Cloud asked, only for Pinkie to shine a big grin.

"A 'sorry you lost but you were still awesome' party, duh! Now, I gotta get going to get everything ready!"

She then zipped past them as Applejack asked, "How the heck are yah gonna throw him a party now?"

Pinkie just gave her a look that said 'do not doubt my party power' before she left and the others turned back to the field. "I still wanna know where Flash went," Trixie added, the others nodding in agreement, but then Twilight happened to glance over at Cloud and saw her smiling.

"Do you know where they're going?" The others turned to the former Gym Leader.

"I don't know for sure, but I've been around long enough to hear rumours." They all raised an eyebrow at this. "There is said to be a place so sacred that only Equestria's Champion, former Champions and a select few are allowed to see it."

Flash and Springer looked around, watching as the battlefield they were on continued to go lower into the mountain. They went so low that Flash was amazed there was room for this along with all the underground tunnels he had previously run through.

"Where are we going?" He finally asked Shining, but his predecessor simply smiled a knowing smirk.

"You'll see. Just be patient." And as he said this, the battlefield came a stop, Shining turned to one of the walls, Flash and Lucario following his gaze and saw a large set of mechanical double doors standing in front of the wall. Both had Pokeball images marked into the metal.

"What's that?" He asked, feeling a sense of awe at the sight of them.

"The entrance to the Hall of Fame." Flash turned to the voice and spotted Celestia and Luna, both walking in from another door off to the side. "A place of great renown."

Luna nodded. "Only the best of the best are permitted to enter these halls. Celestia and I are a rare exception. Normally, the only people allowed in here are Champions and former Champions. And now, that includes you."

Celestia stepped over to Springer and kneeled down to look the Lucario in the eye. "Just look at you. So strong now." She patted the jackal on the head and the canine growled happily as she scratched behind the ear. She then turned to Flash, "And you've grown so much since the day you first walked through my door. I'm very proud of how far you've come."


"Well," Shining told them, "It's time." Before Flash could ask what he was talking about, the man stepped up to the doors as a scanner device appeared out of the wall. It unleashed a green light that hit Shining and rolled over his body, beeping after a second before retracting. Moments later, the doors began to slowly open into a tunnel. They all walked in, seeing it was a long hallway that shared the same design as the doors. The floor had a line of Pokeballs on it while the walls had the same beautiful patterns. At the end of the hallway, a pair of doors just like the ones at the entrance could be seen. They all walked down the hallway, and as they did, Flash noticed something.

Pillars that lined the walls on either side, each pillar had a different shape engraved into it. It was only when he recognized the shape of a gear on one pillar that he realized he was looking at the badges that were official and accepted in the Equestria League. Along with the Gear Badge, he saw the Harvest Badge, Dust Badge and a few more that he recognized from his friends showing their's off. Flash and Springer were so focused on the badge images that they almost ran into the door, Shining being the only reason they didn't run face first into it. "This is it," the former champion told him as the doors scanned him like the others. Once that was done, they opened as well.

"Wow," Flash whispered as he saw a room made of blue marble that was so shiny that Flash felt like he was standing on a mirror. The walls were bright yellow and a bunch of framed pictures could be seen lining it. Compared to the size of the walls, the number of pictures only took up about a tenth of the walls. A red carpet could be seen on the ground, leading from the door to a metal desk in front of the back wall, and the back wall had a large screen that almost took up the whole wall.

"Welcome," Shining commented, "To the Hall of Fame."

"This place is incredible," Flash gasped, Shining chuckling at this.

"Yeah, I had the same expression when Grand brought me in here." Flash stepped off the carpet and looked at one of the pictures, seeing a man in his late twenties surrounded by a Timbark, Frostorge, Slumberam, Volthor, Mushroast and Aquapphire. He then saw many other trainers, all with different Pokémon that looked incredibly powerful. All former trainers that had once held the title of Champion.

"Here is where we honor those that have proven themselves worthy of the title Champion," Celestia added when they returned to the carpet. They moved aside and Flash spotted a metal circle in front of a table that had six slots in it.

"Flash Sentry," Shining spoke up, "You have proven yourself to be strong, kind, resilient and many other virtues that make a great Equestria League Champion. And now you stand here, ready to take on responsibilities that come with this most noble of titles. Equestria's future is now in your hands." He pointed to the table. "Place your Pokémon in the slots and step inside the circle."

Flash did as he was told, taking out his Pokeballs and placing them onto the table. When only one slot was left, Flash took out Springer's Premier-Ball and turned to the Lucario. He knew the Aura Pokémon didn't like being inside his ball, but the Lucario gave his trainer a thumbs up, not a hint of fear in his eyes.

Flash smiled and returned Springer before placing him in the slot, the teen stepping back into the circle. As he did this, it and the table lit up with the light flowing over Flash and the Pokeballs. Moments later, the back screen activated and Flash's image appeared in the center.

Flash wasn't sure how, but the machine had put him into the coolest pose he could think of. Flash was standing tall with a hand out, a Pokeball in his hand. Then, Springer appeared in front of Flash. He was posing the way he would if he was forming an Aura Sphere, the attack actually being between his paws, which meant he only obstructed Flash's legs and waist.

A moment later, Skyler appeared behind Flash with his wings spread. The trainer's head obstructed only his tail as Skyler's claws were primed between his shoulders. Then, Riptide appeared to Flash's left holding an Aqua Break in a backhanded grip while Prongs appeared to Flash's right in a ready to charge stance that had his antlers primed. To Prong's right, Viper appeared with his body coiling around the Stagrowth's legs with his flames extended and a burst of fire flying out of his mouth. And finally to Riptide's left, Astro appeared with his wings and claws spread and his mouth open wide like he was letting out a roar.

This image was the coolest thing Flash had ever seen, made even cooler when he saw the Gym Badges he had won through his travels lining the edge of the image. Below Flash's feet, words appeared that cemented all of his accomplishments:

Equestria League Champion, Flash Sentry, and his Team of Pokémon.

The date and time of Flash's victory appeared below it, forever immortalising his achievement. Celestia then stepped up. "Congratulations," she told him. "You and your Pokémon are now and forever members of the Hall of Fame."

"Wow," Flash turned back to the board and stared at the image of his own face. As he did, he scratched the back of his head. "Are...you sure it's okay for someone like me to be a Pokémon League Champion?"

"Oh come now," Luna chuckled, "You fought well and with great honor to achieve what you have."

Shining nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Be proud of that."

Flash smiled and nodded, "Right..." He glanced around, now seeing all the people who had won their way to this spot. Those who now trusted the protection of their region to him. "I won't bring shame to the title of Equestria League Champion." He took one final look at the screen showing him and his team and nodded. This was what he wanted, and this was what he had earned.

After they returned from the hall of fame, the press had a field day. He was pulled into a room of the stadium and sat down, looking out at a large crowd of reporters who asked question after question. Flash tried to answer them all the best he could, though a few questions he found himself stumped until Shining spoke up. And after three hours of questions, which made him question how the heck can there be enough questions to fill that much time, the conference came to an end and the new champion was able to leave the place.

He left the stadium and rode down the mountain, where he found a limo waiting for him. He, Springer, Shining, Celestia and Luna got in, Flash wondering where they were going. "My lab, of course." Celestia giggled, Flash raising an eyebrow at this. He knew the answer should have been obvious, but he still felt like he was being kept in the dark about something.

"Where are Twilight and the others?"

"At the lab," Luna replied, "You didn't expect them to wait at the stadium for three hours, did you?" Flash shook his head as the limo pulled into the lab's street. "This has certainly been an interesting day. No doubt the rest of the week, heck the next month, will be just as interesting."

"Just be careful," Shining added, "People will take a while to get used to you as the new champion. All it's gonna take is one slip up and they'll lose all respect for you. So for the next few weeks, try not to do anything stupid."

"Thanks..." Flash deadpanned as the car came to a stop, "That makes me feel so much better." They all stepped out of the limo and looked up at the lab, Flash expecting to see his friends waiting for him outside...but they were nowhere in sight.

He turned to the others and saw they were waiting for him to go ahead, Flash raising an eyebrow but deciding to go inside. And as he walked in, he found the place didn't have any lights on. But before he could do anything, the lights switched on and both he and Springer were blinded for a second before they heard a bunch of voices cry out.

"SURPRISE!" They opened their eyes and found all their friends, including the gym leaders, all firing party poppers. "CONGRATULATIONS!" They all yelled, Flash looking up and seeing a banner on the wall that said: 'Congrats on becoming the new champion!'

Twilight, Spike and Doc ran up at this, Twilight throwing her arms around him to hug the teen. "You did it!"

"Heck yeah you did!" Spike cheered as he and Flash high-fived, Doc stepping up and giving the trainer a fist bump. "You had us scared there."

"Yeah!" Rainbow nodded. "When you collapsed like that, we thought you were dead man."

"Please don't ever scare us like that again," Rarity added, Flash nodding and promising he wouldn't as the Gym Leaders stepped up next.

"You sure made us proud to have lost to you!" Tidal laughed, "You'll make a great champion. And if you ever need help with anything, we'll all be there to land you our support amigo."

The other Gym Leaders nodded, Flash happily smiling before taking out his Pokeballs and throwing them into the air. In a flash, his Pokémon all appeared. They looked a lot better after the hours of rest they had had since the battle. "We did it guys! We're Equestria's Champions!"

"CAR/TORE/REP/STAG/VI/GAL!" They all cheered.

"I'm proud of you all," Flash continued, "But just because we won, that doesn't mean it's the end of our training." They nodded back, "We're the champions now, and that means people will be looking to us for help whenever they need it. So we can't go laying around on the job. We've gotta keep training as hard as we can so that no matter what threats we come up against, we can stand tall against them. You with me?"


The others cheered as well, all stating they would be ready to help if Flash ever needed it. Flash smiled and thanked them, then looked over at a nearby table and saw a bunch of food. "Well, I don't know about you, but after the day I've had, I'm starving." He threw his fist into the air, "LET'S GETTING TO CELEBRATING!"

"YEAH!" Everyone cheered before getting down to having some fun. Within minutes, the plates of food were highly diminished and Pinkie turned on some music. It was some of the best songs ever as people started bobbing their heads to it as they slowly broke into groups and started talking about Flash's journey.

Each of the gym leaders had chosen to talk about their battles with Flash and how he won their badge. "And just when it seemed like I was gonna win, his Reptidal pulls out it's Torrent Ability to power himself up."

"Then he fired an Energy Ball right at the ground, kicking up a large cloud of sand that covered Stampalo and caused his Flame Charge to die out."

"I thought I had him beat when Tockwork blinded Springer," Doc told Rarity and Fluttershy. "But then Flash did something completely Flash-like. He had Springer connect his aura to him and used that to direct him. That sure threw me for a loop."

Others were also talking about adventures they had with Flash, Applejack telling them about how Riptide evolved and she caught her Lombre. Pinkie was telling those that would listen how Flash and Springer saved them from dehydration in Ghastly Gorge while Sunset was telling them about how Flash and Springer saved Eclixie from Mechano's machine.

Flash was starting the feel embarrassed by all the praise he was getting, the teen finishing the last of his food before sneaking out the front door to get some air. And when he thought he got away scott free, someone began to silently follow him. And as he got outside, he took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. Despite the lights of the city, the stars were still shining brightly in the sky. The sight alone calmed Flash's heart, the teen still having a hard time believing his journey was at an end. And now, a new journey was beginning for him. One that may end up shaping the future of Equestria.

"Beautiful night." Flash turned to see Twilight standing by the door, smiling at him before slowly making her way over. Once they were side by side, they looked back up at the stars and Flash was reminded of the night before the league when they did the same in the park. "I know I've said this, but congratulations." She turned to smile at him, "I'm glad you were able to win."

"Thanks. I'll admit though, things got hairy there for a moment."

"Yeah," Twilight nodded, "Rainbow was right. When you fell to your knees, we all began to think the worst." She nudged hsi side, "But you pulled through, just like I thought you would."

"Thanks to you," Flash replied, only for Twilight to raise an eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...you'd think I'm crazy."

"Please...don't think so little of me." She giggled, "I've known you were crazy since the day I first met you." Flash laughed back at this as she added, "What happened?"

Flash sighed and began to explain what had happened when he was unconscious, Twilight amazed when he told her about seeing her. "So do you remember any of that, or was it really just in my head?"

Twilight shrugged back, "I don't know. There was a moment I was praying for you to wake up. The next thing I knew, I blacked out for a moment then I came to you were up on your feet."

"Wow..." Flash whispered.

"Do you think I somehow connected to Springer and that allowed me to connect to you?"

"Maybe," Flash nodded, "Or maybe the two of us just found a way to connect by ourselves." He turned to her. "After everything we've been through, I wouldn't be surprised if we somehow did something like that without realizing it." Twilight nodded with a smile. "Besides," he looked up at the stars, "You've always been my light." Twilight blushed at this. "Since the day we met, you've helped me stay on the right path. The only reason I've become worthy of being the champion was because of everything you helped me learn."

"Flash..." Twilight whispered as her heart began to beat a thousand times a minute. As she did, her hand slowly moved over and eventually touched his. Flash went wide-eyed at this, but didn't pull his hand away. He let Twilight place her hand inside his and wrapped it around hers, the pair then turning to one another and staring into the other's eyes.

"You're my light too," Twilight said, only for the teen boy to reflexively move up to her and press his lips onto hers. He heard Twilight gasp against them, but she didn't pull away. She squeezed his hand tighter as she started to kiss him back, lifting her free hand up to touch his cheek. The pair continued to kiss like this for about a minute before pulling away, the still blushing Twilight staring up into Flash's eyes while continuing to hold his hand tightly. "That was nice," she whispered.

Flash smiled and nodded back. He would have kissed her again, but before he could, the entire sky was filled with light and sound. They looked up and saw a firework fly into the air, exploding and taking the shape of a Pikachu's face. The lab's doors opened up and the others ran outside, all in awe at the sight of the fireworks as they flew into the sky and exploded into the shapes of different Pokémon. Some took the shape of different Pokeballs while others became the faces of a Thawn, Hisscor and Aquana. The fireworks show lasted a long time, the rest of Flash's friends and Pokémon gathering around him and Twilight as they watched.

As they did this, Flash swung an arm around Twilight and pulled her close. Twilight smiled and put her head on his shoulder, completely ignoring the looks everyone else was giving them. All they cared about was what was happening in the here and now. But as the fireworks display came to an end, everyone couldn't help but wonder what the future held for all of them.

Where would walking their individual paths lead them in their lives with their Pokémon? Only time would tell, as the journey...concludes.