Pokémon: Equestrian Champions

by Banshee531

A Real Rival Rousing Fight

As the Equestria League Finals unfolded at Canterlot City, the battle between Flash and his long time rival Lightning raged on. Flash and his team had managed to eliminate Lightning's first two Pokémon, Androrg and Thrashark, early in the match, but Lightning was not deterred, and came roaring back with his third Pokémon: Venomega. With it, he defeated Skyler and now Flash and Viper were going head to head with this mighty Poison-type.

"Flamethrower!" Flash yelled, Viper unleashing the fire blast. But as the flames came for Venomega, he just braced himself before charging into the fire.

"Used Brutal Swing!" Lightning ordered, Venomega leaping out of the flames and swinging his tail down at Viper. However, the snake cut the Flamethrower and slithered back, only for Venomega's second swing to grab Viper's tail.

"Con!" He hissed as he was yanked before Venomega spun him around before slamming him into the sandy ground. And before Viper could react, Venomega tightened his grip on his tail and pulled him again.

"Viper!" Flash gasped as Viper was thrown next, landing a few feet away. "You okay?" Viper hissed as he pushed himself up, then nodded his head. "Alright." He pointed at Venomega, "Use Flamethrower again!"

"Vi!" He launched another fire attack, but Venomega leapt to the side.

"Cross Poison!" Venomega crossed his arms as the blades glowed, then swung them as he fired a X-shaped blast of poisonous energy. It hit Viper directly, pushing him back.

Celestia: "Vipeacon may be immune to being poisoned, but that doesn't mean Poison-type attacks won't work on him."

Luna: "Though the attacks won't be as effective as they would be on other Pokémon."

Viper shook his head at the blow, only for Venomega to charge up at him, "Use Crunch!" Before Viper had the chance to escape, Venomega thrust his head into the back of Viper's neck.

"Vi!" He hissed as Venomega lifted him up and squeezed him. He felt himself tearing up at the pain, only to whip his tail up and wrap it around Venomega's neck, squeezing and forcing Venomega to let him go.

"Oh yeah!" Flash cheered, "That's the way! Now," he pointed at Viper, "Pyro Coil!" Viper swung the rest of his body around and bit down onto the tube on his tail.

"Vi...PEACON!" His entire body exploded into fire, consuming Venomega.

"VENO!" He roared as his body was roasted, only to reach up with his tail and grab Viper's body. Using as much strength as he could muster, Venomega pried Viper off of him and the flames died down.

Mic: "Incredible! Venomega managed to pull his opponent off of him while being both choked and burned!"

Cadance: "That Venomega doesn't mess around."

"Brutal Swing!" Venomega swung his tail again, spinning Viper around before slamming him into the sand.

"VI!" He cried as a sand cloud was formed, Venomega laughing at the sight.

"Flamethrower!" A blast of fire shot out of the cloud, striking Venomega in the chest. Viper then slithered out of the cloud as Flash called out, "Do it!"

"Vi!" Viper swung his tail and threw a bunch of sand into Venomega's face, blinding him the same way he had blinded Androrg.

Mic: "Once again, Flash uses the terrain to his advantage. Will this be the deciding factor of this battle?"

"Use Crunch!" Flash yelled, Viper leaping and biting on Venomega's leg. The lizard winced at this, only to use his tail to grab Viper to try and pull him off. Viper felt the pull, trying to stay on, only to look up and see Venomega's tongue extend out and wipe his eyes clean of the sand. The sight made him lose his grip on Venomega's leg, the Poison Dark-type then yanking him upward.

"Brutal Swing!" Before Viper could try to wrap his body around the tail, Venomega spun him around again before letting go.

"Vi!" He cried as he was sent flying, crashing and rolling along the sand as Venomega ran after him.

"Viper, get out of there buddy!" But as Viper tried to get up, Venomega spun around and kicked up a cloud of sand, smacking the sand into Viper's eyes.

"VI!" He hissed as the sand hit him, blinding the snake.

"He's right in front of you!" Flash ordered. "Quick, Flamethrower!" Viper opened his mouth, firing the flames as Venomega leapt back before ducking under the fire. He then swung his tail around, grabbing Viper by the throat.

"Brutal Swing!" Lightning ordered, Venomega spinning him again before slamming him into the sand. This was followed by another yank before he spun the snake again, this time letting go.

"VIPER!" Flash screamed as his Vipeacon was sent hurtling into the air, only for him to hear Lightning give his final command.

"Cross Poison!" Venomega crossed his blades before swinging them apart, unleashing the X-shaped poison blast and hit Viper head-on.

"VI!" He screamed as he was hit, only to fall like a rock. And as the sand embraced him, he let out a moan as his eyes turned to spirals, "Peacon..."

"Viper!" Flash cried as the Rotom Drone flew down and scanned him.

"Vipeacon is unable to battle. The winner is Venomega." The crowd began to cheer as Mic spoke up.

Mic: "Now Flash is down two Pokémon, leaving both sides with only four Pokémon left."

"Alright," Flash held up his Pokeball. "Viper, come on back." Returning his fire snake, he stared at his Pokeball and smiled. "You were great. Take a beak and leave the rest of this to us."

"Aw man..." Spike sighed, "How's he gonna beat that?! That Venomega's super tough!"

"Lightning must have trained it extra hard," Doc commented, "And I'm willing to bet Viper's battle against Androrg left him more exhausted then we realized."

"So who's Flash gonna use next?" Pinkie asked, the group now seeing him carefully take out his next Pokeball.

"He needs speed," Rainbow added, "Someone fast who can out speed Venomega. The thing's so big that it has a hard time moving around fast."

"Maybe," Cloud shook her head, "But with its tail, it doesn't need to be fast. Even if Flash can somehow get behind it, Venomega's tail can catch them if they're not careful."

"Prongs!" Flash threw the Pokeball, "I choose you!" Everyone's eyes went wide as they watched the Pokeball fly up and reveal Flash's Stagrowth.

Mic: "Flash chose a Grass-type? That's a dangerous choice considering Venomega's powerful Poison-type attacks."

Celestia: "Maybe. But with it's speed, it might not matter."

"But Prongs took a lot of damage from Thrashark," Fluttershy gulped, "And he's still frozen." The ice Thrashark had bitten into Prongs was still there, slowing his movements.

"Flash wouldn't have picked Prongs if he didn't think he could beat Venomega," Twilight added, "He's up to something."

"Go Prongs!" Flash ordered as his Stagrowth charged, Venomega just glaring at him. But before either Pokémon could get to close to one another, Prongs suddenly shot off to the side, zipping to the lizard's eight o'clock. Venomega spun to see him, only for Prongs to race around him.

"Ven," Venomega growled as he tried to lock onto Prongs' location, but the Forest Antler Pokémon continued to zip around.

"Use Energy Ball!" Prongs came to a stop and formed the attack before firing, the sphere exploding into Venomega's back. The lizard cried out at this as Prongs started running again. "Again!" Flash yelled as Prongs reappeared in front of Venomega and fired another blast.

"Meg!" Venomega hissed as the attack slammed into his face, knocking him back.

"One more time!" Prongs disappeared as Venomega regained his footing, the stag zipping behind the lizard, "Do it!" He came to a stop and charged up another Energy Ball.

"Venoshock!" The Poison Dark-type spun around and fired his own sphere, both attacks colliding before an explosion shook the area. Venomega charged at this, the shockwave of the explosion doing nothing to it while Prongs was knocked off balance. "Cross Poison!" Venomega swung his blades, firing the X-shaped attack at Prongs pointblank.

"Growth!" He screamed, the deer sliding through the sand from the blow.

"You okay?" Flash asked as Prongs began to pick himself up, then flinched as purple lightning began to surge around him. "Not again!" The crowd gasped as Lightning laughed.

Mic: "Looks like another of Flash's Pokémon has been poisoned."

Luna: "At least it wasn't caused by Poison Point this time."

Up in the stands, Grand sighed and shook his head, "Flash keeps falling for every trap. He needs to get Prongs out of there." He glanced over at Lightning, "I have to admit, Lightning's made sure to not show any opening. He's become so powerful...just how far is pushing his Pokémon to do this?"

Flash grimaced at this, only for the Stagrowth to glance back at him. When their eyes met, Flash did a small nod, "Alright. At least I don't have to worry about Poison Point." He pointed at Venomega, "Horn Leech!"

"Stag!" Prongs charged as his antlers glowed and thrust them into Venomega's stomach, causing the Venom Pokémon's eyes to go wide before being drained. Prongs' hooves scraped through the sand as he tried to push Venomega back, only for the lizard to easily shove him back.

"Brutal Swing!" Venomega reached down and grabbed Prongs by the horns, then lifted him up above his head. He cried out as he tried to kick Venomega, only for his hooves to miss, "DO IT!"

"VENO!" Venomega spun on his heel and swung Prongs, letting him go and sending him flying.

"STAG!" He cried before crashing, wincing as he broke through a pile of sand and rolled to a stop. He quickly stood up and shook the sand off of him, only to be struck by the poison. "GROWTH!"

"This isn't looking good," Rarity gulped.

"Flash has to do something quick," Trixie added.

"Come on Flash," Sunset sighed as Astro watched with big puppy dog eyes.

"Gal!" he cried, "Gal galvern!"

Mic: "Is this going to be Stagrowth's end, or will Flash have a plan to save him?"

"Energy Ball!" Flash ordered, Prongs firing the sphere. But the Poison Dark-type simply swatted the attack away, causing it to explode behind him. "Not good. Prongs, use Body Slam!" Prongs charged and like the start of the battle, started darting around.

Like before, Venomega couldn't keep up, only for Lightning to roll his eyes, "Oh please. You're just a predictable as that weakling Riolu. Spin and sweep your tail!"

Venomega slammed his tail into the sandy ground before spinning a full three sixty, a large cloud of sand covering him just as Prongs charged. "Stag?" His eyes went wide, only to quickly shut them before flying into the sand cloud.

He came to a stop next, only for Venomega to turn to the deer, "Get out of there!" Flash cried, Prongs about to turn around to run, only for the Poison to kick in.

"Cross Poison!" Venomega swung his arms, firing the poisonous energy blast. It slammed Prongs in the back, knocking him out of the cloud. "Venoshock!"

"Veno..." The lizard formed the sphere in front of his mouth and fired it just as the Forest Antler Pokémon hit the sand.

"PRONGS!" Flash screamed as the orb hit his Pokémon, unleashing a blow that the poison doubled in power. And when the energy dissipated, Prongs just stood there swaying for a second before slumping over.

"Stag..." he moaned as spirals formed in his eyes and the Rotom Drone flew down to scan him.

"Stagrowth is unable to battle. The winner is Venomega." The crowd all gasped at this, barely any cheers happening. There was nothing but shock as they saw the full battle swing in Lightning's direction which incredible ease, only for Rotom to speak up, "Three of Flash's Pokémon have been eliminated. As such, there shall be a short break while the field is changed." As soon as Flash and Lightning their Pokémon, the sand covered field retracted into the pit,

Mic: "I have to admit, that Venomega was one tough cookie."

Celestia: "It's strength is no joke. If Flash can't find a way to beat it, he's gonna be in serious trouble during the second half of this battle."

"Come on Flash!" Spike yelled, "Get the lead out! You can't let things end like this!"

"I'm starting to get worried..." Rarity sighed, "It's looking like Flash can't keep up with Lightning's raw power."

Twilight shook his head at this, "We can't think like that. Flash needs our support, now more than ever." She looked down at the field. "Losing three Pokémon in a row is bound to shake his confidence. If we start thinking that he can't win, he will as well." She turned to the others, "The only way he's got a chance is if he knows we believe in him." They all nodded and looked back to the field, now screaming words of encouragement at Flash.

But the teen barely noticed these cries, instead seeing the giant grin on Lightning's face, "What?! Something funny?!"

"Absolutely!" Lightning laughed, "I mean, just look at how unbelievably pathetic you are." Flash growled at this, Lightning letting out a yawn next, "You know, I was actually expecting something out of this fight after our encounter in Horizon City...but I was wrong. So wrong." He shined a big grin at this, "You seriously thought you had the edge on me because you beat Androrg and Thrashark, but that's all because you don't understand how to be true trainer."

"What was that?!" Flash barked back.

"You heard me." Lightning instantly replied, "Those two were sacrifices. Their goal was to tire out your team and let me gauge how strong they really are. And I have to say...you're still just a worthless loser."

"What'd you just say?!"

Lightning shook his head at this, "You know, I expected more from the guy that supposedly saved Equestria four times," Lightning cackled, "But I guess those first two threats weren't as dangerous as your friend Twilight led me to believe. They must have been lies, because I now know that if I hadn't been there, Equestria would be toast. In fact, you have no right to be a hero or the badges you have! Your whole team is pathetic, and its all because of you!"

"Shut up Lightning! I won't let you insult my team like that!"

Lightning just cocked an eyebrow at this, "Oh come on, you know its true. After all, I know exactly what your problem is: You only ever focus on the now."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"During your battle with Androrg and Thrashark, you only focused on how to beat them and not which of my Pokémon were coming next. Now you've exhausted your team switching around while I kept my best for last." He pointed at Flash as he said these next words, "That's the difference between you and me. I plan for everything while you just sit there and think you can just believe your Pokémon will win. That's why you're nothing but a false hero!" He pointed to himself next, "I'm a true trainer and not a loser like you! That...is why I'll always win!" As he said that, the sound of the battlefield raising filled the air.

Mic: "Now we'll get a look at the field that one of these two will finish their Equestria League journey on. What will it be?"

The new battlefield revealed itself as a large mountain sticking up from one side, which was mainly a series of large rocks that struck together to form the mountain, which had multiple flat surfaces to give it a stair-like vibe. From out of the largest rock was a bunch of water being sprayed out, running down the side of the mountain to form a waterfall. In the center of the battlefield was a flat path of rock connecting Flash's platform to Lightning's, and the waterfall fell into a groove dug into the center of the path and formed a river, which in turn lead to a large pool on the other side.

Mic: "It's a rock and water field."

Cadance: "Those different environments will surely allow for some interesting fights."

Flash glared at Lightning as he continued their conversation, "Yeah, looking ahead hasn't always been my strong suit. But focusing on the here and now isn't a weakness."

"Ri," Springer nodded as he took out a Pokeball.

"I think ahead sometimes, when I need to. But not being able to adapt is way worse than not having a plan. That's just how I roll." He pointed at the teen, "So bring it on! I'm still gonna take you down and win this. Because if I can't beat you here and now, then there's no way I'll stand a chance against Shining Armor. That's why I'm gonna win this!"

Lightning just shook his head again, "Just give up already. You'll never beat me. You're a loser...and all losers do is lose." He then shined a big grin, "But go ahead and try. I'll just leave you in the dust like I always do."

"We'll see about that!" Flash threw the ball, "Hopper, I choose you!" The ball flew up and unleashed the Skeidran. Hopper let out a roar as he spread his wings and took to the air, the crowd gasping at the sight. Many that had seen the Battle Tournament remembered Hopper while others were shocked at this newcomer to this Equestria League.

Mic: "And Flash's fifth Pokémon is Skeidran, a powerful choice indeed."

In the land of dragons, everyone was in the main hall watching a new TV they had gotten strictly for this moment. Drayce, Scylla, Princess, Titan and Mercy were more excited than anyone else as they saw the Dragon King appear, ready to battle the trainer that defeated him and bring honor to their land.

"You can do it Hopper," Drayce whispered, "Show everyone in Equestria the power of the Dragon King." The three Skeidran all roared at this, Princess glancing down at the egg she was currently holding. Even though it couldn't see him, she knew the child inside would be cheering for its father.

"Pitchawk!" Lightning threw the ball into the air, "Battle Ready!" The ball opened up to reveal his Dark Flying-type, the bird letting out a squawk as he took to the air.

Mic: "It looks like it's going to be air to air combat, as Lightning's chosen Pokémon is Pitchawk!"

Luna: "In speed, I'd have to give Hopper the advantage. But in manoeuvrability, I think Pitchawk has the edge."

Pitchawk flew up and glared at Hopper, who growled back as Flash gave his first command. "Iron Tail!" Hopper charged at this, quickly closing the gab between them before swinging down his glowing tail.

"Night Slash!" Pitchawk's wing began to glow as he swung it into the tail. The two pushed against one another, only to knock each other back.

"Extreme Speed!" Hopper began to shine as this command hit his ears, only to vanish in the Picthawk's eyes. And before he could react, Hopper was right on top of the bird before slamming his foot down.

"Hawk!" He cried as he was knocked spiraling towards the ground, only to flare his wings and recover.

"Wyvern Wing!" Hopper's body becoming surrounded by the dragonic energy, roaring as he beat his wings and fired the attack at the bird.

"Shadow Ball!" Pitchawk formed a sphere of dark energy at the tip of his beak, which exploded off and hit the Wyvern Wing. The two attacks collided and exploded, creating a smoke cloud that Pitchawk quickly shot into. "Now, Night Slash!" Before Hopper could react, Pitchawk shot out the other side and smashed his wing into his head.

"Sky!" He cried as he was knocked back as Pitchawk then flew straight up.

"Use Aerial Ace!" Hopper spread his wings, slowing his descent as he landed on the nearby rock pile. He then kicked off, springing back into the air and shooting straight for Pitchawk.

"Dran!" He swung his foot and kicked Pitchawk in the head, knocking him back.

"Wyvern Wing!" The energy formed around him again, soon firing as Pitchawk managed to correct himself midair.

"Shadow Ball!" Pitchawk fired the orb at this, both attacks colliding and making another smoke cloud. This one consumed Pitchawk as Hopper remained a safe distance away. "Sky Attack!" Hopper flew around the outer edge of the cloud, waiting to see when Pitchawk would attack...only for the Dark Flying-type to not appear.


"Look out Hopper!" Flash yelled, "Sky Attack's a really strong move!"

Twilight grimaced at this, "Normally, using it would mean yourself at risk of attack until it's ready to fire. But with that smoke cloud protecting him..."

"Pitchawk's safe," Rainbow finished as the smoke began to clear to reveal a glowing Pitchawk.

"Quick! Use Iron Tail!" Hopper charged at this, his tail glowing. But when he spun it around, Pitchawk suddenly shot back, dodging the attack.

"Pitch!" He roared before thrusting forward and tackling Hopper, "PITCHAWK!"

"Sky!" Hopper cried as he was knocked back, both colliding with a rock wall that caused another dust cloud to appear. A few moments later, Pitchawk flew out of the cloud while Hopper stayed, laying on one of the rock ledges with several rocks that had fallen around him, some even landing on his wings.

"Hopper!" Flash gasped as his Skeidran pushed itself to its feet.

Mic: "Ouch. That attack looks like it really hurt. I guess in an aerial battle, maneuverability is more important than speed."

Flash sighed and held up a Pokeball. "Hopper, return!" The beam struck the Skeidran and pulled him back inside the ball, Flash frowning as he stared at the sphere. "Rest up. I promise you'll have the chance to pay them back."

"Aw man..." Spike moaned, "Hopper's big return ended like that?!"

"Don't count Hopper out just yet," Ryu told them. "He'll be back and with a vengeance."

Cloud shook her head, "Maybe...but against a strong Flying-type like that, Flash is gonna have his work cut out for him. With Skyler out, he doesn't have a lot of options left."

They all watched as Flash took out a Pokeball. "Riptide!" He threw it, "I choose you!" In a flash, the water lizard appeared on the battlefield.

Mic: "And Flash's final Pokémon is Reptidal. An interesting choice given the typing on his opponent."

"Reptidal!" he roared, only to hear the sounds of laughter, turning to see a cackling Lightning.

"So...the prodigal failure has returned!" Lightning guffawed, "I know you're a loser, but I at least thought you would learn and get rid of that weakling!" He shook his head, "Now I know without a doubt I've won if that's your final Pokémon. I don't even have to try anymore." He let out a long yawn, "Its too bad though...I'm sure Gorillamp would have loved to make it the golden three."

Riptide growled back, only for Flash to speak up, "Don't listen to him bud. It's time to show him just how powerful you've become." Riptide nodded before locking eyes on Pitchawk, the two glaring one another down hard. "Aqua Break!"

"Tidal!" Riptide roared as he charged, forming a sword as Pitchawk dived down at him.

"Aerial Ace!" As Pitchawk got in close, he spun around to skewer the lizard on his beak, only for Riptide to use his sword to block the attack, then pushed Pitchawk back before slashing him.

"Pitch!" He cried as he was knocked back, only to flare his wings to stabilize himself.

"Night Slash!" Riptide tried to slash at Pitchawk again, but the Dark Flying-type spun around him and cut the lizard's back with a glowing wing.


"Riptide!" Flash gasped, only to see Pitchawk take to the air, "When it comes back around, get ready to hit him with Ice Punch!"

"Rep!" Riptide turned to Pitchawk, but it didn't dive again.

"Shadow Ball!" Pitchawk formed the sphere and fired, the lizard's eyes going wide as he crossed his arms. The attack exploded off of him, knocking him staggering back. "Now, Aerial Ace!"

"Ice Punch!" As Pitchawk dove down and slammed into him, Riptide flinched at the blow, only to raise his now glowing fist.

"TIDAL!" He swung it down into Pitchawk's back, making him squawk as he was thrown back. The bird hit the ground rolling, only to hop onto his feet instantly.

"Shadow Ball!" Pitchawk fired a smaller than normal dark sphere and struck Riptide in the face, making him cry out. "Again!"

"Hawk!" He charged up another Shadow Ball, only for Flash to let out another command.

"Aqua Tail!" Riptide spun his tail around and deflected the Shadow Ball with a strike of water, Pitchawk then taking to the sky. Now out of reach, Riptide did the only thing he could think of and began to climb up the rock pile.

"Night Slash!" As Riptide was halfway up the rocks, Pitchawk dived down with glowing wings.

"Aqua Break!" Riptide stopped on the rocks and turned to Pitchawk, forming a sword and holding it up seconds before Pitchawk made contact. The sword collided with Pitchawk's wing, only for Riptide to break his sword in half and smack the bird away.

"Pitch!" it yelped, flapping its wings back.

"What are you doing?! He's wide open! Use Shadow Ball!" The bird fired another sphere, striking the area above Riptide, causing bits of rock to break off.

"Rep!" He gasped before leaping away from the rock pile.

"Aerial Ace!"

"HAWK!" The bird squawked as he dove down and slammed into Riptide, making him cry out as he was knocked into the rock pile. He then slumped down before falling into the water, moaning as he laid in it and slowly drifted towards the lake.

"Riptide!" Flash gasped, only to see Riptide roll onto his back in the water.

"Sky Attack!" He heard Lightning command, making him look up to see Pitchawk's body begin to glow. Riptide blinked at the sight, only to glance at the incoming lake.

"HAWK!" Pitchawk roared as he began to dive down, only for Riptide to leap into the lake, sinking instantly into its depths. This forced Pitchawk to pull up and skim along the surface, trying to locate the water lizard.

"Running scared?" Lightning laughed, "Figures that weakling would."

"Nope. Riptide's just catching his breath." He pointed at Pitchawk, "Aqua Break!" As Pitchawk's Sky Attack faded, the water of the lake exploded as Riptide shot out.

"REPTIDAL!" He screeched with sword in hand. Before Pitchawk could react, Riptide slashed him down, only for the bird to barrel-roll away from the attack before flying back up.

"Shadow Ball!" Pitchawk fired the orb, Riptide diving back down, only for the blast to push the water back. It pushed the lizard to the edge of the pool, making Lightning yell, "Now, Aerial Ace!" Pitchawk dived down, picking up speed as the slipstream appeared around him.

"Rock Smash!" Riptide charged as his legs glowed, the two Pokémon colliding with one another. Riptide slammed his foot into Pitchawk's chest, pushing the charging bird back.

"Tidal!" He yelped as Pitchawk's tackle completed itself, knocking him back before the bird flew back up.

"Night Slash!" Pitchawk quickly dived again before Riptide could recover, reaching him as his wings glowed. The bird let out a squawk and started slashing violently as Riptide, hitting him two, three, four times.

"Aqua Tail!" Flash called out, Riptide quickly leaping backwards before swinging his tail around and smashing it into Pitchawk. The bird squawked, but managed to land without falling over and leaping away from Riptide.

"Shadow Ball!" Pitchawk fired the attack and struck Riptide before he could respond, the water lizard hissing as it exploded and knocked him off his feet. Pitchawk then rushed forward before beating his wings and taking off into the air.

And as Pitchawk got above the rock pile, Riptide pushed himself to his feet while Lightning called out, "Sky Attack!" He looked up and saw Pitchawk begin to glow again.

"Rock Smash!" Flash ordered, Riptide climbing up the rock pile as fast as he could. When he reached the top, he used both legs and his tail to catapult himself into the air.

"Rep!" He roared as he got close to Pitchawk, his legs glowing. And as he was about to shoot past the bird, he swung around in the air. "REPTIDAL!" Kicking Pitchawk as hard as possible, he sent the bird tumbling towards the ground, now crashing into the stream.

"What are you doing?! Get out of there!" Lightning screamed, Pitchawk trying to move in the pushing water as Riptide fell.

"Ice Punch!" Riptide pulled his fist back before landing, thrusting it down into the water. The attack instantly froze every bit of water, making everyone in the audience gasp. Pitchawk now found himself trapped, his entire bottom half now in the ice along with one of his wings.

"Hawk!" He cried, trying to move but being able to do nothing against the ice hold the frozen water had on him. He started pecking at the ice, but it did nothing to help.

"Now, use Rock Smash!" Flash exclaimed, Riptide's legs glowing as he charged at the bird.

"Shadow Ball!" Lightning ordered, Pitchawk firing the dark sphere. But Riptide leapt over the attack with ease, the orb striking the rocks behind him as he spun through the air.

"Rep!" He then thrust his foot into Pitchawk's chest, "TIDAL!" The force of the impact made Pitchawk squawk in pain, blasting him through the ice. The entire frozen stream and lake shattered, releasing the water beneath it as Pitchawk was knocked into the lake.

Everyone watched as Riptide land in the steam, only for Pitchawk to float up to the surface with spirals in his eyes. "Pitch..." he moaned as the Rotom Drone flew down to scan him.

"Pitchawk is unable to battle. Reptidal is the winner." Everyone cheered at this, as Lightning quickly returned the bird.

Mic: "And Reptidal's Rock Smash puts an end to Pitchawk's command of the skies. Both sides have only three Pokémon left, so it's unknown who will be claiming victory now."

Flash's friends all smiled as they watched Riptide move over to him. "Now everything's even," Pinkie clapped, the others nodding and cheering.

"Flash can't relax yet," Doc grimaced, "His Pokémon have all taken damage and Lightning still has two left that are going into this battle fresh. Anything could happen."

Flash looked Riptide over and held up his Pokeball. "Alright bud. Come back and take a break for now." He returned him, only to glance up at Lightning...and see nothing on his face. No frustration or anger, just a blank bored stare.

And with that, Lightning took out a Pokeball. "Roglacier!" He threw it, "Battle Ready!" Everyone watched as the Ice Fighting-type appeared from out of the sphere, landing by the edge of the river before leaping onto one of the rocks.

"Row..." he whispered, "Roglacier."

"An Ice-type," Flash smirked before turning to Springer. "Ready to do this bud?"

"Ri!" Springer nodded before running out onto the battlefield, he and Roglacier staring one another down.

Mic: "It's Riolu verses Roglacier."

Luna: "This isn't the first time these two have battled. They faced off against one another in the Battle Tournament."

Celestia: "That's right. In that battle, Springer won. But how will things turn out this time?"

"Use Hail!" Lightning roared before Flash could say anything, Roglacier firing an orb of ice into the air.

"Extreme Speed!" Flash commanded, Springer charging at blinding speed. He then disappeared and before the orb could release its Hail, Riolu reappeared and thrust his foot into Roglacier's stomach.

"Row!" He screamed as he knocked off the rock. And as he fell, the ice ball exploded and began to form a cloud above them. Springer looked up and saw the hail beginning to fall, only for the ice to explode against him.


"Drain Punch!" Flash yelled, Springer shaking for a bit before leaping at Roglacier. But as he threw a punch, the Ice-type suddenly vanished and Springer ended him hitting nothing but cold air.


Celestia: "Roglacier's Snow Cloak has kicked in, making it almost impossible for Springer to land a hit."

"Ice Punch!" Lightning countered, Roglacier appearing behind Springer and preparing a freezing cold fist into the back on his head. But before anyone could give Springer a warning, the Riolu jumped to the side, Roglacier's attack missing.

"Ri!" He laughed, Roglacier going wide-eyed at this.

"Row?" Roglacier barely said before Springer spun around and kicked him in the face, knocking the Pokémon back. "Row!"

"What the heck?! What just happened?!" Lightning yelled.

"Simple. I'm planning ahead by focusing on the here and now." Flash laughed, Lightning hissing at him in response. Flash then shrugged as he added, "Oh, come on Lightning. I know your team as well, and I knew you would use Snow Cloak right off the bat." He pointed to Springer, "That's why I brought Springer. He can see him thanks to his aura. No matter where Roglacier hides, Springer'll track him with ease!" Flash's finger switched to Roglacier as it recovered, "Now, use Aura Sphere!"

"Rio..." Springer formed the orb and threw it, "LU!" Roglacier tried to activate his Snow Cloak, but the blast struck before he could disappear.

"Glay!" He cried, stumbling back for a second before activating Snow Cloak. The Pokémon vanished a second later, Springer seeing this and closing his eyes.

Springer took a deep breath at this, only to spin around as Roglacier appeared in front of him. "Blizzard!" Lightning ordered, Roglacier pulling its scarf down and unleashing a blast of freezing cold air.

"RI!" Springer held up his arms to protect his face, the wind slamming into him as Roglacier vanished again.

"Use Extreme Speed!" Springer's body sparked at this, vanishing mid-way through the Blizzard. He ran to one of the rocks, dashing straight up as Roglacier appeared on it as well, the two soon racing upward.

"Close Combat/Bone Rush!" As they reached the top, both Pokémon prepared their attacks. Springer formed the energy bone as Roglacier leapt and threw a flurry of punchs. But as Springer spun his staff around to block the attacks, Roglacier's first punch smacked him in the face.

"Ri!" He was knocked back at this before Roglacier punched him in the chest. "Rio!" He fell off the rock at this, hitting the edge of another before crashing into the stream, Roglacier now staring down at him from the top.

"Time to pay you back for earlier," Lightning cackled, "Use Ice Punch on the waterfall!"

Everyone gasped as Roglacier leapt down to the base of the waterfall, his fist glowing blue. "Springer!" Flash yelled, "Get out of there!" Springer let out a moan as he tried to stand in the water, only for Roglacier to slam his fist into the water. And as the ice came for the Riolu, Flash yelled another order, "Springer, use Aura Sphere on the ice!"

"Ri!" Springer barked as he made and thrust the orb, the sphere instantly cutting through the ice. It then ripped its way up stream, only to explode.

"Row!" Roglacier gasped as the ice from the explosion cut into him.

"Drain Punch!" Springer quickly cut into a sprint at this, leaping out of the water.

"Ri/Glay!" They both cried as Springer thrust a energy sucking fist into Roglacier's stomach. The Pokémon was now knocked flying across the field, only for a piece of hail to smack Springer in the face.

And as Roglacier flew through the air, he began to spin and landed on a rock just as Springer got out of the stream. But as Springer began to charge at him, Lightning let out an order, "Use Blizzard on the rocks!" Roglacier unleashed a burst of freezing cold air, now freezing the stones that Springer was about to run over.

"Ri!" Springer yelped as he slipped on one of the frozen rocks, only to quickly flail his legs around before getting stable. "Riolu..."

"Ice Punch!" Roglacier landed on the frozen rock and skated over, his fist now freezing over.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer fired an orb at this, but Roglacier phased out of existence for a moment, the attack flying through him. "Scan him and do it again!"

"Ri!" Springer closed his eyes before firing another sphere, this one just a few degrees to the left.

"Row!" Roglacier yelped as he was knocked back, his freezing fist dissipating just as a piece of hail hit Springer in the face.

"Ri!" He cried, the Riolu's feet now sliding across the ice.

Flash frowned at the sight, only to see Roglacier disappear again with Snow Cloak. "Shoot...even with Springer's aura, its not enough. Gotta get rid of that Hail attack...wait, that's it!" He pointed to the sky, "Springer, use Aura Sphere and aim it straight up!" Springer instantly did what he was told, throwing an orb right into the hail cloud.

Mic: "What could Flash be up to?"

The answer came when the sphere struck the cloud and exploded, causing a powerful wind that pushed it away and dispersed the weather effect. "What?" Lightning whispered as the crowd began to cheer, only for the teen to point at Springer, "He's open! Use Blizzard!"

"Row!" Roglacier pulled his scarf down and unleashed a burst of freezing wind, instantly blasting into Springer.

"Ri!" Springer cried as he tried to protect his face, only to find his body becoming ridged. Ice began to form around him and within seconds, Springer was completely frozen solid.

"SPRINGER!" Flash screamed.

"That's Lightning," Grand sighed, "Never missing a beat. He knew Flash was expecting him to be thrown off when Hail was removed and turned it to his advantage."

"Flash!" Twilight cried, "You gotta get Springer out of there!"

"But how?" Spike asked, "Springer can't move or do...anything."

"Close Combat!" Lightning ordered, Roglacier charging at full speed.

And as he got closer, Flash went wide-eyed at the sight, only for a bulb to go off in his head. He closed his eyes and connected to his partner, quickly giving him instructions, "Springer, concentrate your aura around you, then blast it outward!" Everyone watched as Springer's frozen body suddenly began to glow, the ice shaking as Roglacieir got close. But as the first punch came, a mighty howl rang out.

"RIOLU!" The ice and aura exploded off him, a shockwave coming next as it slammed into Roglacier.

"Aura Sphere!" Flash yelled, Springer vanishing before reappearing in front of Roglacier. Within a split second, he thrust the attack into the Ice Fighting-type's chest.

"GLAY!" He screamed as the orb grinded into his stomach before exploding, "GLACIER!" He was thrown back, slamming into one of the rocks, causing the ice covering it to crack and break apart. "Row!" Were his last words before he fell to the ground, the hunks of ice falling onto him.

Everyone gasped as they saw the ice bury him, only for Roglacier's head to pop out. He slowly got up, moaning as he pushed the ice off him...only to fall flat on his face. Spirals appeared on his eyes as the Rotom Drone flew down. "Roglacier is unable to battle. Riolu is the winner."

Mic: "And Roglacier is down, once again giving Flash the lead!"

"Nice one Springer!" Applejack cheered, the audience now cheering even louder, "That hail didn't slow yah down one bit!" The others nodded as Lightning returned Roglacier. "Now there's only two Pokémon left."

"Maybe," Twilight gulped, "But it's which two that I'm worried about."

"Venomega and Gorillamp," Doc added, "Possibly Lightning's best Pokémon. And Gorillamp's still completely undamaged. Look at Springer." Everyone now saw that the Fighting-type was heavily panting, barely standing as he let out a long breath.

"Be careful Flash..." Kaida commented.

"Come back and take a break bud." Springer nodded and ran back to him, everyone turning to Lightning. His expression was the same as ever when he lost a Pokémon in the battle. There was no panic, no fear. Just a blank, bored face.

Mic: "And as Flash recalls Riolu, everyone is anxious to see what Lightning will be using next."

"Venomega," Lightning threw his Pokeball, "Battle Ready!" In a flash, the large venomous lizard appeared back on the field. He let out a mighty roar as he saw the new battlefield, everyone grimacing as Flash took out his Pokeball.

"Hopper!" He threw the ball, "I choose you!" Hopper appeared and quickly spread his wings, taking to the air and soaring high above the battlefield. Ryu and Kaida smiled, only to see Hopper land as his wings flinched from flight.

Mic: "Skeidran's looking a little unsteady. Clearly, his last match against Pitchawk did some serious damage."

Flash ignored the comment, only to see Lightning smirk again. The sight made him want to growl, 'This isn't good. Lightning knows he has the advantage...but I know how Venomega fights. The only one who even has a chance of beating it is Hopper.'

But before he could give Hopper an order, Lightning called out to Venomega, "Cross Poison!" Venomega swung his blades, unleashing the toxic X.

"Quick Hopper, up!" Hopper leapt straight up and spread his wings, the Cross Poison sailing under him.

Mic: "Skeidran's airborne and the Cross Poison misses its mark."

Applejack bit her lip at this, "Hopper can dodge Cross Poisons all day till the Miltank comes home, but if he get in close for an Aerial Ace or Extreme Speed attack, he'll get caught in Venomega's grip."

"Wyvern Wing!" Flash yelled, Hopper's body now surrounded by dragonic energy that exploded off him.

"Venoshock!" Lightning ordered, Venomega forming the sphere and firing it straight into the Wyvern Wing's trajectory. The two attacks collided, causing an explosion that pushed Hopper back.

Celestia: "Both attacks appear about even. This could be trouble for Flash if he has to rely on Hopper's physical attacks."

Flash pointed ahead, knowing he had to face the fear of Poison Point, "Let's go Hopper! Extreme Speed!" Hopper let out a roar as he shot into the smoke, which masked the glow now coming off his body.

Venomega stared up at the cloud, only to see Hopper explode out of the side of the cloud and shot around until he was right next to Venomega. "Sky!" He roared as he slammed his entire body into the lizard, knocking it staggering back. But before Venomega could react, Hopper disappeared and reappeared on Venomega's other side. "Dran!" He swung his wing into the lizard, knocking it away.

"Iron Tail!" Not losing any speed, Hopper's tail glowed as he began to spin into the lizard.

"Block it!" Venomega braced crossed his arms at this, just in time as Hopper slammed the tail down.

"SKY/VEN!" Both cried as Hopper's tail smashed into the lizard, pushing Venomega back.

"Yes!" Flash cheered as Hopper then took to the air, only for his body to be zapped by purple lightning, making him cry out before crashing into the lake. "Hopper!"

"HA!" Lightning laughed, "You fell for it again!" The teen shined the biggest grin as he saw Flash go wide-eyed at his Pokemon now poisoned, "You just make it too easy!"

Hopper moaned as he pulled himself through the water, dragging onto shore as Venomega ran up to him. Both glared at each other, only for Venomega to shine a giant smile. "Let's finish this already. Venoshock, multiple blasts!" Venomega started firing one purple sphere after another, Hopper quickly flaring his wings before taking to the sky. Orb after orb flew after him, the dragon now dodging each one before the poison surged again.

"Sky!" He flinched, only to spin just as a Venoshock flew past him.

"Come on Hopper!" Kaida screamed, "Do this for Princess and everyone else back home who's watching!"

Hopper heard this, going wide-eyed before flaring his wings and letting out a roar, "SKEIDRAN!"

"That's the way!" Flash cheered, "Use Aerial Ace!" Hopper spun around and dived bombed for Venomega, Lightning then ordering to use Venoshock again. The lizard fired off multiple spheres, but Hopper slipped past each one with ease.

"Skeidran!" He exclaimed as he landed and swung his foot into Venomega's jaw.

"VEN!" He hissed as he was knocked back, only to thrust his tail and grab Hopper's foot.


"Brutal Swing!" Venomega yanked Hopper back, only to lift him over and spun him around before letting him go.

"SKY!" he screamed as he was flung into a rock pile. And as the rubble buried him, the poison surged again, "SKEIDRAN!"

Celestia: "This looks bad. If Flash doesn't do something, Hopper might end up going down."

"Come on Hopper!" Ryu yelled, "You can do this!" The rest of Hopper's friends all cheered, along with those in the Dragon Kingdom. "We believe in you!"

And as those words hit Lightning's ears, he rolled his eyes, "Finish this with Venoshock!" Venomega began to form the orb in his mouth, making it grow bigger and bigger by the second.

"Hopper!" Flash screamed, Springer howling at him to get out of there. Venomega then fired the attack, the orb now hurtling for the rock pile, "HOPPER!" As that scream hit the Skeidran's ears, the attack struck and exploded.

The crowd gasped at this, Lightning and Venomega just smirking, only for something to fly right out of the smoke. "YES!" Flash cheered along with the crowd, Hopper reappearing in the air, "Get him! Use Extreme Speed!" Hopper accelerated down at this, preparing to slam into Venomega.

"Crunch!" The lizard thrust his head forward at this, but the Skeidran suddenly vanished in a blur of motion. The next thing Venomega knew, he was getting tackled in the back, the King of Dragons then smacking him with his foot as Lightning yelled, "Venoshock!"

"OMEGA!" Venomega spun around and fired the orb, but Hopper vanished again.

"Iron Tail!" Hopper reappeared to the Poison Dark-type's side, Venomega then feeling a massive tail slam into his face.

And as he staggered back, Lightning let out another command, "Cross Poison!" Venomega quickly slashed the air, an X-shape flying out and hitting Hopper. The dragon stumbled back at this, only to feel the poison surge again.

"Shake it off and use Wyvern Wing!" Hopper shook his body before the energy appeared on his body, soon firing it out of his wings.

"Venoshock!" He fired the orb, both attack striking and exploding. And as a smoke cloud formed, Hopper quickly flew into it.

"Aerial Ace!" Hopper shot out of the cloud, uppercutting his claw into Venomega before slamming him in the stomach with his tail. But as he did this, the poison kicked in again.

"Enough of this!" Lightning yelled, "Stop getting hit! Just grab it and use Brutal Swing!" Venomega hissed as he thrust his tail, Hopper trying to take to the air as he still felt the poison hurt him.

"Push him back with Wyvern Wing!" Hopper roared as the energy formed and shot off of him.

"Venoshock!" For the third time, Venomega fired the orb and struck the attack. Another explosion filled the air and once again, Hopper flew into the cloud.

"Now, another Wyvern Wing at max power!" Hopper exploded out of the cloud, covered in the dragonic energy. But instead of it flying off of him, he continued to wear it as he charged at Venomega.

Lightning knew this attack couldn't be countered with Brutal Swing and pointed ahead, "Cross Poison!" Venomega charged, crossing his arms as his blades glowed. And as he and Hopper got within striking distance, he swung them apart and created the X-shaped toxic blast.

"MEGA/SKY!" They roared as their attacks collided with such force that the explosion rocked the entire battlefield, filling the air with smoke. Everyone closed their eyes for a second as the felt the shockwave, only to glance back as the smoke cloud began to consume everything. And as the smoke began to fade, two trainers stared into cloud, ready for what came next.

To be continued...