Set Sun, Broken Heart

by Eltirions

Arrival down under

The ERNS Pegasopolis dominated the formation as it sailed into the port of Sunset. It was not the grandest fleet the aircraft carrier had ever sailed in, but still it was surrounded by twenty smaller ships, so it made quite the impression on the ponies of Sunset.

Of course, the reasons for its arrival were not joyous, so there was little celebration to be found in the streets and on the docks. Crowds watched silently as the remnants of the proud Celestial Sea Fleet prepared to dock.

It was, Celestia reflected glumly, the newest addition to a long list of sobering sights. Not a year ago, the sight of these ships arriving would have had the entire city in a frenzy, especially if she was arriving along with them.

But even here, the Equestrian Civil War had had its effects. Thankfully no war had broken out, but New Marelander troops were occupying the Spa Islands still, ensuring a small piece of Equestria yet remained free, and many more mares and stallions - and griffons too - had been called up for mobilisation. The chance an invasion of New Mareland would be attempted by the Lunar Empire was not unrealistic, and many feared it; for good reason, Celestia would not deny that.

And there were other consequences. Thestrals had started rioting all over the country, and had been rewarded by harsh measures from the police and even the Royal Guard. Celestia was not at all happy with that, but there was little she could do about it for now. She would have to act swiftly to ensure it did not get out of hoof, of course, but first she needed to speak to the New Marelander government about more pressing matters.

Like what is going to happen to all these ponies, and the ships that bore them here.

Her mind, then, brought up a memory from a few days ago, when the fleet had come in sight of Cross Island, and it was declared they had survived the crossing of the Celestial Sea.


‘’Good evening, Admiral,’’ Celestia greeted as she stepped onto the bridge. ‘’How are we doing?’’

Madoor Stronghammer, the Admiral of the Celestial Fleet, turned around and saluted swiftly. ‘’Evening, your Majesty. The ERNS Whirlwind has spotted Cross Island, and soon it’ll come into our view as well.’’

Celestia couldn’t help it: she exhaled audibly in relief. ‘’Thank the Sun,’’ she muttered under her breath.

It seemed Stronghammer caught her exclamation, because his lips twitched. ‘’Indeed, ma’am. We’ve had the Sea’s luck, as my dad would put it. New Mareland’s fleet is waiting for us at Starfall; at least, the ones that aren’t out at sea, of course.’’

‘’Very good, Admiral.’’ And it was very good indeed. They’d made it. They were safe.

For now, at least.

‘’Admiral,’’ Celestia began after a moment of silence, ‘’I wish to congratulate the crew of this ship- of all the fleet. Is there a good way to do this?’’

Stronghammer’s face scrunched up in thought. ‘’Hmmm… you wish to do this live, ma’am?’’

‘’If possible, yes.’’

‘’Well, we can broadcast it on the radio,’’ Stronghammer said. ‘’That way the bridge of each ship will hear it. However, I do not think it is feasible for all the sailors to hear your speech, I’m afraid.’’

Well, that was disappointing. ‘’Very well,’’ Celestia resignedly agreed. ‘’Better something than nothing, as they say.’’

‘’Our equipment is available for your usage,’’ Stronghammer said. ‘’Just inform me when you wish to speak, and I shall alert the crew you will do so.’’

‘’Thank you, Admiral,’’ Celestia said with a nod.

Just then, something slammed into her left hind leg. ‘’Auntie!’’


Celestia turned her head around to see Flurry clinging to her leg. ‘’Flurry,’’ she scolded, ‘’you’re not supposed to go wandering through the ship! In fact, you should be in bed!’’

I just tucked you in!

‘’I can’t sleep, auntie!’’ Flurry argued back. ‘’And you were gone for so long!’’

Celestia looked around and found a clock, and alright, it had been longer than she’d said. But not that much!

‘’I’m sorry, Flurry,’’ she said in a gentle tone, turning around so she could face the filly properly. ‘’I guess I forgot the time.’’ She lowered her neck to meet Flurry face-to-face. ‘’I’m sorry.’’

Flurry rushed forward into the nuzzle. Poor filly.

After nuzzling her niece for almost a minute, Celestia raised her head again. ‘’I just have to speak to the crew of the ships, and then I’ll come back to our room, okay?’’ She glanced at one of the two guards that now constantly followed her. ‘’One of these gentlecolts will bring you back to our room.’’

‘’No, I wanna stay with you,’’ Flurry stubbornly protested. ‘’I don’t wanna go to bed.’’

They’d already had this discussion today, and most days before it. ‘’Flurry, you can’t come with me. You’re too young.’’


‘’Your Majesties,’’ Stronghammer smoothly cut in, ‘’perhaps it is for the best if the Princess listens to this broadcast. She is as much a member of the crew as any of my stallions and mares.’’

‘’See?’’ Flurry said. ‘’The Admiral says I can stay!’’

Celestia met Stronghammer’s gaze and raised an eyebrow. Stronghammer tipped his hat slightly with a miniscule movement of his head. ‘’It is, of course, your decision, ma’am.’’

Celestia relented after a moment. ‘’Very well. Flurry, you can stay while I speak to the crew, but then we’re both going to bed.’’

‘’Yay!’’ Flurry cheered. ‘’Thank you so much auntie!’’ She wrapped her forelegs around Celestia’s left foreleg tightly.

Of course, that made walking rather hard, so after a few seconds Celestia gently separated Flurry from herself with her magic, then placed the filly on her back, close to her neck. As usual, Flurry immediately crawled forward and snuggled into Celestia’s mane.

‘’Lead the way, Admiral.’’

The radio, of course, was not far from the bridge of the ship, and its operator quickly explained the how’s and what’s of the thing. Then, Admiral Stronghammer used it.

‘’Attention, all ships. This is Admiral Stronghammer. The Princess will now give a speech dedicated to all the crew of this fleet. Please ensure what she says is written down at least once by every ship and conveyed to the crew as soon as the broadcast has concluded. Over.’’

Stronghammer leaned away from the microphone to take a breath, then continued, ‘’The Princess’ address will begin shortly. Ensure you have a pen and paper ready. Over.’’

Then he stepped away, and it was Celestia’s turn.

She had no paper to glean her text from; luckily she had everything in her head. ‘’My dear little ponies,’’ she spoke loud and clearly into the microphone, ‘’this is your Princess speaking. The Admiral has informed me our forward vessels have caught sight of Cross Island, and it shall be within our view within the hour. In other words, we have made it.

I wish to thank and congratulate every single one of you who have worked on these ships in the past weeks. The last few months have been the most chaotic period in Equestria’s history since time immemorial, but we have persevered in the face of great trials and adversity. Now we come upon the shores of New Mareland, where safe harbour and rest await all of us.

Of course, we cannot forget the contributions of others. Even now a group of our ships remains in the Spa Islands, aided by a garrison of troops from New Mareland. They will join us soon, but are remaining to buy us the time we need to finish our journey.

Elsewhere in Equestria, loyal ponies still fight against our enemy. The nights grow dark, but the fire of Harmony is not yet extinguished from Equestria! And from New Mareland, we shall endeavour to one day return to those shores as liberators, and cast back the shadow that has blanketed them!

But for now, we sail. Our journey shall soon be at an end, and though the struggle is just beginning, I bid you all get your rest once we are on land again. However, tonight I bid you celebrate! We have made it. We have made it, and we shall do it again. Thank you.’’

Celestia stepped away from the microphone and the operator shut down the radio, before the entire room burst in spontaneous applause.


‘’Auntie?’’ Flurry’s voice, though muffled due to the fact her face was once again buried in Celestia’s mane, cut through Celestia’s reminiscing.

‘’Yes, sunshine?’’ she asked as she turned her head slightly.

‘’Can we go get ice cream?’’

‘’When we are at shore?’’ Celestia asked for clarification.

‘’Yeah,’’ Flurry confirmed, with a slight tone that made it sound like Celestia should have known that already. ‘’I want chocolate.’’

Celestia chuckled. ‘’Of course, sunshine. We’ll get ice cream after dinner, alright?’’

‘’I want it now!’’ Flurry protested.

‘’We’re not on land yet,’’ Celestia explained, ‘’and then I have to go talk to a lot of ponies.’’

‘’But I want ice cream!’’ Flurry stressed.

‘’I know, sunshine,’’ Celestia consoled, ‘’but we can’t have it just yet. But I promise, we’ll go and have ice cream after dinner.’’

‘’Awww…’’ Flurry - probably - pouted. ‘’When’s dinner?’’ she asked a few seconds later.

Celestia glanced up at the sun. ‘’It’ll be the last thing I do before lowering the sun,’’ she answered. ‘’But we’ll have ice cream before I lower it.’’

Flurry remained silent for a couple of seconds. ‘’Okay,’’ she said finally, and that was that.

Celestia, with a smile, went back to looking at Sunset.

Despite the less-than-fortunate naming - its name had nothing to do with her former student, but still the reminder stung - Celestia couldn’t deny Sunset was a beautiful city. Built at a natural deepwater port by Pukwudgie Island and embedded along windswept cliffs was a city of rare beauty for being as young as it was. 

It was reminiscent of Canterlot, though with a distinctly griffon flair that was more like Aquila or Karthin than any Equestrian city. The Harbour Bridge that ran from Pukwudgie Island to the coast was an immediate eye catcher, as was the Opera House and Pukwudgie’s extensive harbour and docks, most of which had evidently been cleared so the arriving vessels had enough space.

From their viewing point on the edge of the flight deck, just in front of the bridge, Celestia (and Flurry, if she bothered to) had a great view of the entire city, including its less-than-stellar aspects. Alicorn eyesight was always handy in a pinch.

The suburbs were not the worst Celestia had ever seen, but it definitely didn’t look good. If she was to make Sunset her new home, that was an issue that would inevitably come upon her desk, by her own hoof if needed. No nation should leave poverty untended like this, especially not a nation like New Mareland and technically, Equestria, at war.

The docks reserved for the Celestial Sea Fleet - or really, what was left of Equestria’s navy - were on the southwest side of Pukwudgie Island, and from the looks of it they were the only docks large enough to service ships of this size. Perhaps they were used for cruise ships in peacetime, Celestia had no idea.

Or perhaps they had been designed for military ships, and were simply never filled to full capacity. If she recalled properly the New Mareland Royal Navy fielded some twenty-five ships, which could easily fit in these docks. From the looks of it they might be able to store forty vessels, depending on their size of course.

‘’I think,’’ she thought aloud, ‘’we should make our way to our cabin.’’

So said, so done, and without complaint from Flurry Celestia made her way back to the cabin the two of them had used; it used to be Admiral Stronghammer’s cabin, but he had graciously donated it to her. Celestia might not have accepted if she was alone, but with Flurry she could only appreciate the extra space and comfort.

They remained inside there for a long time, simply waiting in silence for the signal to disembark.

Eventually, it arrived in the form of a sailor, politely requesting they come up to the deck so they could disembark. Celestia had packed what few possessions she and Flurry had in the morning, so to avoid any struggles with it later on in the day, and so they set off, with Celestia carrying her own pair of saddlebags and Flurry walking next to her, also carrying a pair of saddlebags.

They arrived at the flight deck without issue, where Admiral Stronghammer and the other officers of the Pegasopolis awaited them.

‘’Your Majesties,’’ Stronghammer greeted, ‘’it has been the highest of honours to serve you in these past months.’’

‘’The honour is all mine, Admiral,’’ Celestia returned. ‘’You and your sailors have displayed their quality through the most difficult of circumstances, and I cannot thank you enough for safely bringing us to New Mareland.’’

‘’Your words are too much, ma’am.’’ Was Stronghammer blushing? It was hard to see with his red coat, but that’d be a sight for the ages. ‘’We only did our job.’’

‘’Regardless, I am grateful,’’ Celestia said, ‘’and disheartened we shall have to leave the Pegasopolis behind.’’

‘’I think I speak for everyone on the ship when I say it was an absolute pleasure to have you aboard,’’ Stronghammer stated, ‘’and that we will miss your presence.’’

‘’I will see,’’ Celestia said, ‘’if a visit is possible later. For now, I think it is time we leave.’’

‘’Yes, ma’am.’’ Stronghammer brought up his hoof in a salute, a gesture that was followed by the other officers.

Celestia bowed her head in acknowledgement, while Flurry mirrored the gesture, cracking a few smiles from the no doubt usually-stern officers.

With that done, Celestia and Flurry made their way to the gangplank on the lower deck and were the first to disembark from the ship.

Jet Set, along with a host of other ponies, waited at the other end of the gangplank, in front of two flag stands, one of which hoisted the New Marelander flag while the other hoisted the Equestrian one. Behind these stands was a corridor of space maintained by military police, and then a crowd of ponies and a few other assorted species.

Celestia looked down at Flurry. ‘’Ready?’’

Flurry gave a bright smile back. ‘’Yes, auntie.’’

And they stepped onto the gangplank.