The Cutie Mark Mares

by deadpansnarker

Chapter 3: Apples To The Core

Applejack’s straightforwardness and no-nonsense attitude were legendary. She could cut through the chaff of any given situation and immediately get to the heart of the issue: in other words, no beating around the fruit tree for this living testament to practicality.

Unfortunately, in response to her oh-so-accurate speculation regarding the identity of the new Ponyville arrivals, Princess Twilight’s jumbled thoughts weren't quite at a level where she was prepared to provide a coherent answer.

“E-E-Er…” The alicorn pondered nervously for a couple of seconds, which when faced with the fate of your nearest and dearest sister is at least a few moments too long.

Land’s sake…” Applejack could be seen to shake her head slightly at the non-reply from a visibly sweating Twilight, so the farm mare made her own move by trotting over to the filly-turned-adult Apple Bloom herself.

“Okay, you. I’ve got some questions… so listen up, and listen good ‘cos I’m only gonna ask you them once.”

“W-Well, okay.”

“What are the names of our parents?”

“B-Bright Mac and P-Pear Butter.”

“Right. But somepony else might’ve told you that. How many apples did I buck last week?”

“Hmm. Two thousand exactly I think, ‘cos you made me count them twice.”

“Is that your final answer, sugarcube?”

“W-Wait. It was two thousand and one in the end on account of a missing apple rollin’ under the barrow after we were all done.”

“Right again. Either you are who I think you are, or you’re a pretty good spy all things considered. Now, if you’re ready for my last question…”

Gulp. “Y-Yes.”

“What do you keep hidden under your bed, which you think nopony else knows about but I do?” Applejack’s last query left her lips, and she stared blankly at her ‘little’ sister for the correct response.

W-Wha, but that’s not possible! It was supposed to be a secret!” Despite the gravity of her predicament, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but have a mini-meltdown at the revelation that her ‘elder’ sibling knew about her special project. 

“Ain’t no secrets between us Apples, sugarcube.” Applejack answered plainly, before gazing unerringly at her sister again. “Now, you gonna tell me, or what?”

“Oh, alright then. Not that it really matters now.” Apple Bloom moaned, before announcing what ‘it’ was to the perplexed gathering around her. “I’d been stitchin’ matchin’ fedoras for us to wear at the Sisterhooves Social next week, and Granny’s been helpin’ me. Who cares anyway ‘cos mine won’t fit me now and I’m too big to enter as your ‘lil’ sis, but… hey!” 

Without needing to hear a syllable more, Applejack had swept over to her side to give the newly grown-up mare a firm hug, who despite now being a similar size to the orange mare felt just as crushed as ever...

Not to mention loved and reassured.

Despite their initial shock, Granny Smith and Winona soon joined the embrace, although the canine needed a good sniff before being convinced this yellow behemoth was actually the filly who fed her scraps under the table every night.

(Big Mac was itching to join the scrum, but even in the midst of such an emotional event, he didn’t want to spread his germs. Very wise, that stallion.)

Then came the tears, the explanations, the apologies… until it felt like Twilight and the others were intruding on a very personal encounter between close-knit family members. Probably because, they were.

But just before Twilight was about to awkwardly suggest that maybe she take off and accompany the other two ‘youngsters’ home, Applejack broke free of her kin to let the alicorn know she wasn’t about to slip the hook that easily.

“Hold on there, Twi. If you’re gonna go and tell Scoot and Sweetie’s parents about what happened today to their children, then I’d like to be a part of it. Celestia knows, we should all be pulling together at times like this: if I’m still havin’ trouble wrappin’ my head around everythin’, then who can guess what the other adults will say. Big Mac, you take Granny and Winona home. I have a feelin’ I’m gonna be here for a while…”

Well, who could say no to an offer like that? Certainly not Twilight, who soberly nodded agreement as she waited for Apple Bloom’s other relations to bid her farewell before proceeding with their mission.

“When ya get back, don’t ya be worryin’ ‘bout a thing. Ya maybe big now, but inside we know ya still the adorable little filly I made apple turnover for jus' this mornin’.” Granny Smith affectionately pinched the cheek of a blushing Apple Bloom. “Of course you’ll be needin’ bigger portions now… and a larger seat at the table… and what will that nice Miss Cheerilee have to say ‘bout all this chicanery?”

“Yep.” Big Mac seemed to concur (in his own monosyllabically-challenged way) that explaining the situation to his old flame would be a challenge indeed.

“Yip.” Winona barked, having nothing further to add apart from the odd lick to her mistress’s hooves.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo watched this whole carry-on with widened eyes, both with very different views of what they’d seen.

“Isn’t it nice that Apple Bloom’s family are so accepting of everything?” Sweetie remarked with admiration. “If I were to guess right now, my parents are going to flip when they find out and Rarity… well, let’s just say that fainting couch of her’s better be close by.”

“It all seems a bit sappy to me. I hope my Mom, Dad and aunts are a bit less… huggy.” Scootaloo grumbled, in contrast to her unicorn companion. “It doesn’t matter anyway, because when I tell Rainbow Dash she won’t rest 'til she finds a way to change us back. And seeing as how she’s never failed at anything before…”

“We’ll all help, whenever you need any of us.” Fluttershy had been quiet for quite a while (not a surprise from her) but popped up between the conversing Crusaders to offer her support. “Don’t ever think that you have to handle this problem alone, because you won’t. That’s a promise whatever happens next.” 

“Exactly. I couldn’t have put it better myself.” If Twilight was at all put out that other ponies were delivering the comforting speeches she was best known for, she didn’t show it. “Anyway, shall we go? Our next port of call will be the Carousel Boutique. Sweetie Belle, you better walk alongside me. I have a feeling this might be a tricky one.”

The Crusaders exchanged a nervous glance which roughly translated as uh oh before venturing on, with Applejack and Apple Bloom in the middle and Fluttershy and Scootaloo at the rear…

...Each one failing to spot a very thin-looking colt hiding around just the corner. Featherweight never did quite figure out what hitherto unknown reporter’s instinct convinced him to venture down the train station that humid evening, but considering everything he’d just heard he was very glad he did.

What a scoop! The editor of the Foal Free Press thought, licking his buck teeth in pleasure at the upcoming feature-length spread he intended to publish. This could even go national!