//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Welcome to Koholint Island. // Story: The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Link's Awakening. // by Ganondorf8 //------------------------------// The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Link's Awakening. By Ganondorf8. October 26, 2019. Chapter 1: Welcome to Koholint Island. Without my strength, my chances of surviving in the middle of the ocean were extremely slim. As my lungs filled up with water to the point of bursting, I prayed for a miracle to occur, any miracle would do. I didn't care at this point. I then noticed a small piece of debris, from what remained of the boat I started this whole mess on, bobbing on the water's surface and I knew it was my only means of salvation. Without my strength, it was doing nothing more than taunting me. No! I had to be strong! I had faced far worse things than drowning. (Drowning was still a bad thing though) Somewhere from below, a strong current blasted me upward to the surface where I immediately grabbed on to the debris, and pulled my head and upper body out of the water. That was without a doubt a close call! As I lay on the debris breathing heavily, I looked down to see what could have saved my life. There was nothing down there--this was because it was far too deep to see anything--so I assumed that a random fissure had erupted resulting in the current. That was the scientific conclusion albeit an extremely random one. The other option involved a more obscure thought... some kind of monster that lurked below the surface. In any case, I was alive though little good that did me. I was still stuck in the middle of the ocean without a means of getting anywhere. I lacked any means to defend myself so if it was a monster that caused the current, I would be nothing more than its next meal, small as I was. At least it wasn't raining anymore as the storm had since died down. Huh... one positive amongst so many negatives. You'd think this was something I'd have gotten used to by now. Looking around and seeing nothing for what felt like an eternity, I surmised that I would only last maybe three or four days at the most out there. I had no food and while the water was slightly salty, it would keep me hydrated despite the danger of it. "If I ever wind up on dry land any time soon." I said to no one. "I'm not going to be going swimming for a very long time to come." My heart having since slowed down its beating to its normal pace, my next course of action was to figure out where I could go from here. I needed some time until my strength came back and without the storm, I wasn't going to be thrown about the waves or drown. I allowed the piece of debris to take me wherever the water's flow was going as I had no other options. Again, I prayed for a miracle to occur but perhaps I had pushed my luck when it came to praying. Several hours had passed--maybe it was longer than that--and I continued drifting on the debris which had slowly become my companion. I didn't talk to it or anything but I was beginning to lose my grip on reality. I wanted to call out for help but who was going to respond out here? No one! I was alone. For the first time in what felt like forever, I was truly alone without anyone. It reminded me of my days being the bad girl at Canterlot High. Everyone were playthings to me for my own amusement. I didn't care about their feelings so long as my own desires were filled even if it meant destroying their friendships. Reflecting back on it, I really was a jerk. Things had gotten better for me since then but my current plight had brought those old memories up to the surface so to speak. I reflected on the day when I returned to Equestria and reconciled with Princess Celestia. That day was one of the scariest ones I've ever experienced. I was afraid my old teacher would banish me from Equestria in exile to the desolate wastes beyond the border, but it was with the help of Princess Twilight that we embraced and overcame a dark moment in our respective pasts. If I survive this, I will make an extra effort towards visiting Equestria more often than I do. Suddenly, the water began to turn and soon formed into a tidal wave. My problem had just gotten even worse. "My strength hasn't fully come back yet." I said to myself as I began to get pulled along. "Guess I'm riding this one out until it either calms down or I smash into something; preferably the latter in this case." The wave increased in intensity and I did everything in my power to keep from being dragged down underwater. Without much strength, my chances of survival were slim but I had to do something. Just when things had reached their zenith, I noticed something off in the distance. I was shocked to say the least. "An island!? Since when was that there!? It wasn't there when I looked that way last!" Sure enough, the wave was headed towards an island that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, yet something felt strange. Since when did an island have a large polka-dot egg resting on its highest peak? I'd seen some weird things in my life but this had taken the cake. I had no time to try and figure out the importance of the egg if it had one at all. The wave continued to increase its intensity until it eventually came crashing down onto a beach with me with it. Despite all odds, I had survived my ordeal and made it to land. Still, I didn't see this island before until now. I wasn't about to complain mind you as it was better than the alternative of not finding land. With what little strength I had left, I walked onto the beach, each step weighing me down before collapsing to the ground. I turned over onto my back and looked to my left and right in hopes that someone had noticed me. There was no one nearby and I was just too exhausted to keep my eyes open. As my eyes closed and I fell unconscious, I could barely make out what appeared to be two figures headed in my direction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Whew! That was some wave weren't it, Marin?" "Huh? Oh yes, it certainly was." "Who knows what ended up gettin' washed up on the shore this time!" "Yes." "Is somethin' bothering you?" "You know, I've been thinking about that, Tarin. Ever wonder if something exists beyond this island?" "That question again? I know you're curious about where certain things on this island come from, but there's no real reason to think about such things. We've been living here for as long as we can remember yet it wasn't until some weeks ago that you began being curious about what lies beyond the ocean. Marin... I honestly don't know what to tell you. I've tried everything ta explain it but you keep on thinkin' about it." "Still... You come here every week to see what washed up on Toronbo Shores but you never question where it comes from?" "Nope." "But why?" "Because there isn't a reason behind it. I'm a simple man, Marin, and I don't go out of my way to try and understand things I don't get. I admire you for wanting to understand the unknown but maybe you should stop before you become obsessed with it." "I guess you're right." "Don't up upset now." "I'll be okay." "Listen... Why don't you go to your usual spot on the beach and practice your singing? I know that always makes ya feel better. As for me, I'm going to look around and see what I can scrounge up. Who knows? I might get lucky and find something of real value. I'm getting tired of constantly finding debris even if I don't know where it comes from." "Alright, Tarin... I'll go." "Just be careful of the monsters." "Why should I?" "For some reason, they're really aggressive today. I mean, they always have been on the mean side but now they have taken it up a notch. If you're findin' yourself in a heap of trouble, just holler and I will come running to your aid. In any case, we'll go back home in about fifteen minutes so we won't be here long." The man known as Tarin turned and walked towards the water's edge where he began looking around for anything he could find. He was so concentrated on his task that he completely ignored what looked to be an spiky creature mere feet away from him. The creature didn't move or anything but in a panic, Tarin leapt back only to notice something bobbing up and up in the water's edge. Landing on his rear and quickly picking himself up and dusting off sand that had clung to his clothes, he inched around the spiky creature before walking to the object that had caught his attention. Scooping it up with his hands, he was surprised to discover that it was a shield though it had seen some slight damage most likely due to having been in the water. It wasn't anything fancy but Tarin could take pleasure knowing that he found something most unusual. Normally for him, all he ever found was the occasional fruit having fallen from a nearby tree, or pieces of wood that drifted onto the shore. While he never questioned the latter, he took pleasure in picking up the debris as it meant either keeping it or selling it to someone. Tarin didn't view himself as a merchant but more like someone who was just curious by nature. He took a closer look at the shield. "Well how about that? Someone has gone and inscribed something on this thing." He said to himself. "I'm sure that can be removed by the witch beyond the woods. Now let's have a look closer. Hmmm... 'Sunset Shimmer'? What kind of name is that? Whoever they were, they obviously lost this thing somewhere and aren't coming back to claim it any time soon. Sunset Shimmer... I don't know anyone like that on the island. Best not ta dwell on it otherwise it could give Marin another excuse ta continue wanting to know what lies beyond the ocean." Rather than throw away the shield, Tarin carefully placed it into his backpack before resuming his task of looking for anything else on the beach. The woman known as Marin meanwhile walked along the beach making sure to constantly check all around her in case any creatures decided to attack her. While they showed signs of animosity, none of them made any kind of advances so she knew not to worry about it. Still, 'Marin' chose to remain cautious as she never knew what might happen beyond the village she and Tarin came from. As she continued walking, thoughts echoed throughout her mind. Tarin was easy going and never afraid to be boisterous. As for her? She was more aloof and wanting to keep things a secret. In her heart, she always believed there was more to her life than what appearances showed. For the last few weeks, she believed that the island would receive something special. She didn't know what it was apart from one thing that constantly appeared in her dreams. One day, a visitor would come to the island, a visitor from beyond what you can see. This visitor would change the course of fate. Marin strongly believed her dream even if Tarin constantly dismissed her. "Maybe today is going to be the day." Marin said to herself. "My dream of the visitor to this island... maybe they will finally come and deliver unto us the message and change our fate for the better." She looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. She sighed. "Nothing... there is no one here apart from the local creatures. Maybe Tarin was right all along and that I'm just being delusional." She shook her head. "No! I have to believe that my dream will come true. If it does then perhaps my other dream will become a reality." She looked up at the sky to see some seagulls flying about. "I must believe." Suddenly, she noticed something in the sand that immediately caught her attention. "Huh? Is... is that a girl lying on the beach?" She quickly ran over towards what she saw and her heart began beating erratically. "It is a girl!" Marin couldn't contain the excitement of finding someone. "I've never seen her before in my life. Gasp! Is it possible? Is this girl the one that we have been waiting for?" She looked closely at the girl and noticed that she was unconscious. "I must get her back to Mabe Village quickly. Oh my gosh! I need to calm down! But, this is just so exciting! Tarin! Tarin!" Tarin responded from far away. "What is it?" "You need to come here quickly!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in the human world, my friends had confronted Ganondorf, and were demanding he tell them what happened to me. Though he had told them the truth, or what constituted as truth, they refused to believe him, thinking that his words were false. If only they had remembered the adventures in both Hyrule and Termina. Had they, they wouldn't be saying that he was lying and not digging an even deeper hole than they had already dug. The Demon King was more powerful than all five alicorns, the Six Pillars of Old Equestria, and the strongest of unicorns combined. To test his patience was asking for death. "Where is Sunset Shimmer?" Applejack asked. Ganondorf laughed. "You already know the answer to your question, honest one, yet you refuse to believe my words." "There's no way she can be trapped in that there video game!" "Then you are ignorant of the truth before your eyes." Ganondorf said, his eyes partially glowing an eerie red that made Fluttershy hide behind a couch. "The child has been sent into that world by me, the world you had barely witnessed. It was fate that she was intended to go there." "Fate deciding one's outcome is pure nonsense." Twilight Sparkle said. "I've done a few studies on it and have come to the logical conclusion that fate has no effect on what someone chooses to do with their life." She then walked over to a nearby table that was stacked with several folders, picked one up, and began to flip through it until she came to a stop. "As you can see, I have the charts and diagrams to prove it." My friends sighed knowing Twilight had once again taken things a tad too seriously what with her penchant for wanting logical reasoning to prevail over anything fantastical. "So your notions of fate are baseless." That immediately caused Ganondorf to laugh. "No wonder that you are the inferior version of the alicorn." He looked at Twilight directly, his gaze piercing her soul causing her to drop her folder where its pages scattered about the floor. "What?" "You feel inferior to your other self." Ganondorf answered. "She has everything while you have nothing. Is that what you expect me to say? Heh! Then you clearly have much to learn about the powers that have been bestowed upon you." Twilight had no response to his words so Rarity substituted for her. "You horrible beast! How dare you insult her insecurity like that!? I'll have you know that Twilight is content with not being the same as Princess Twilight. In fact, they are both successful individuals who have forged their own paths in life!" She then closed her eyes before coughing knowing she was getting carried away. "Ahem! Don't listen to this... what was his name again?" Rainbow Dash moaned as she slapped her forehead. "Ganondorf! His name is Ganondorf! Seriously!? You didn't hear me mention it earlier?" "I was fixated on the jewel on his forehead, darling!" "Seriously!?" "Quite!" Ganondorf laughed once again. "The child was right about all of you as I already knew. Despite your ignorance, you possess great power, and your strong bonds make you a force that all have fallen to. Ignorance... It is most unfortunate that you never could help the child in her times of despair." "What are y'all talkin' 'bout?" Applejack asked. "Again, you refused to believe her story, what she experienced." "It's not like it's true." "Do not deceive yourself, honest one!" Ganondorf said as he raised his right hand to the side of his face. He clenched it into a fist before a golden mark appeared on the back of his hand, a mark that my friends began shaking their heads repeatedly. "Do not deny the truth, children. You know it to be true. The child, Sunset Shimmer, possesses this very mark, but had tried to hide it in the hopes that it was merely a dream. She has since accepted it for what it is and tried explaining things but you cast her aside, doubted her words, and left her alone to suffer what fate has bestowed upon her." Twilight picked up her folder. "Fate doesn't decide your life! I... I have research to back me up!" Fluttershy then chimed in. "Oh dear! Did we truly not see Sunset was experiencing something terrible? How could we be such terrible friends!?" She tried to prevent herself from crying but tears began to trickle down her cheeks. "This is becoming a nightmare!" "And not the fun kind." Pinkie Pie added. "The child isn't the only one who possesses this divine mark." Ganondorf said. With a snap of his finger, an image of what looked to be Princess Twilight appeared briefly in front of my friends before disappearing. Their expressed looks of shock were all the Demon King needed to see before laughing once more. "The alicorn also possesses the divine mark and she too has been cast aside by those she believed would help her. No one from her world can fathom the divine power she wields thus she has been forced to endure her pain alone. At least the alicorn can be with the one person who has the same curse as she does." "You mean Sunset Shimmer?" Fluttershy asked. Ganondorf nodded prompting her to gulp and turn a ghostly white. "Oh dear." "Then we need to get in there and get them both out!" Pinkie Pie shouted. She dashed out of the room only to come back seconds later with a puzzled look on her face. "Um... How do we get in there? I don't think we have any magic that can transcend the space-time continuum on a dimensional plane." Everyone else looked at her with surprise. "What!? We really don't have any." "Your magic is limited to the confines of your world." Ganondorf said. "And what does that mean?" Applejack asked. "It means that our magic is from Equestria." Twilight answered. "But because it was brought to this world by Sunset when she stole the other me's crown, what we have is a condensed version. In other words, weaker. Even if we were to combine our magic together, without Sunset, we wouldn't be able to do what Pinkie said. Even if she were here, our chances would still be extremely slim. We'd have to boost our magic a hundred fold." "So we can't do anything for Sunset or Princess Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked. Twilight nodded her head slowly. "Nothing." "I can't even begin to imagine what Sunset and Princess Twilight must be going through." Fluttershy said. "Those two are the least of your concerns." Ganondorf said. Before my friends could do anything, the door to the room suddenly burst into flames followed by the windows. It looked like they were about to choke to death on smoke only for them to discover that this was no ordinary fire. "These dark flames have ensnared you in this room, and you will not leave until I have finished with my task here." "What task?" Rainbow Dash asked. "All will become clear in time." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you make of her, Tarin?" "I've never seen anyone like her before on the island." "Just looking at her makes me feel like she's fated to change our lives." "Really, Marin? That's what you see in her?" "And what's wrong with that?" "Nothin' at all!" "Then why say it like that?" "Just because you found her washed up on ta shore doesn't mean she's anythin' special. Then again, I've never seen her on the island before so maybe you have a point. In any case, we should let her explain herself when she wakes up." "Who knows how long that will be." "At least we know she's alive." "I'm thankful for that. I mean, when I first found her on the shore, there was nothing apart from her. Could she... could she have come from beyond what we can see? If so then that reaffirms my belief that she will change our lives." "I ain't going to question you, Marin." "And why not?" "I know better not to... Hey! Well would you look at that? She's wakin' up!" "Uhhhh... my aching head." I said as I finally opened my eyes after what felt like forever. As soon as my body figured out I was sleeping in a bed, I sat up and began to check out my surroundings. The bed itself was really comfy, the kind that you'd want to sleep in for days at a time if not weeks. I found myself inside of what appeared to be a small house and judging from the décor, it was simplistic in design. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary though I had to be cautious. This wasn't my world so there was telling what could happen. Rubbing my head, I began contemplating my next move when I was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice. "I thought you'd never wake up! You were tossing and turning for a while before you settled back down again." "Huh? Starlight Glimmer?" I asked upon seeing who it was. Sure enough, it was indeed Starlight, Princess Twilight's former pupil, and someone who once came back with me to the world I called home because she was curious. If not for her, Juniper Montage would never have changed her ways and me and my friends would've perished in that mirror Juniper had which used Equestrian Magic from the portal. "Why are you wearing that strange get-up?" Starlight was wearing a blue dress with a red strap wrapped around her torso, had a flower in her hair, a beautiful pendant around her neck, and was wearing sandals. "Starlight Glimmer?" Starlight responded with a puzzled look on her face. "What a strange name. My name is Marin." She performed a curtsy that showed off her beauty. " You must still be feeling a little woozy. You are on Koholint Island!" "I'm where!?" I exclaimed upon her saying that. "Um... Koholint Island." "Where is that?" Starlight shrugged. "No one on this island knows exactly where it is, but it's here and we live on it." "That's not exactly what I asked but... I guess I can live with that." "Anyway, when I found you on the beach a few hours ago, Tarin and I brought you back here to our house for you to recuperate." Starlight said as she pointed to both Tarin and the house in its entirety. "This is Mabe Village, one of two settlements here on Koholint Island." I then looked over at Tarin again and was surprised as to who it was. "You... Aren't you Sunburst?" Though I've never met him in person, I knew who he was thanks to the descriptions of him courtesy of both Princess Twilight and Starlight. Unlike Starlight, he was dressed in an orange shirt, green pants, brown shoes, and had a yellow neckerchief around his neck with a blue pin at the front. He also had a backpack on his back that was filled with mushrooms. I had no idea why he had them but I wasn't about to ask. From what I know, mushrooms could be deadly as some strains were poisonous while others weren't. "Sunburst?" He asked with a puzzled look. "No, I don't know who that is. The name's Tarin!" "Tarin here is my father." Starlight said. My jaw dropped and my eyes bugged out. "You're his daughter!? But you..." I quickly stopped myself before I could say something stupid. Both Starlight and Sunburst looked the exact same age so doubting their claim would no doubt land me in trouble and I was already in plenty. "Never mind. Forget about it." I then changed the subject. "Koholint Island? What about the strange egg at the highest point of the island?" "You mean the Wind Fish Egg?" Sunburst asked. I nodded which caused him to get excited. "Everyone around here knows about the Wind Fish Egg. I'm surprised that you don't know anythin' about it. No one knows where it came from but it's been up there on Mt. Tamarach since the very beginning. No one ever goes up there due to how difficult the terrain is unless they were crazy or curious." "I think I might want to take a look at it." "Nothin' wrong with that." "By the way, what is your name?" Starlight asked. "I'm Sunset Shimmer." Both Starlight and Sunburst looked at each other for a few moments before the former answered. "That is a very interesting name. It definitely is unique. By the way, since you look as though you're a lot better, why not take the time to look around our village? I'm sure you'll find it most comforting but do beware of Bow-Wow. He won't bite or anything but he can surprised anyone without warning." Getting up from the bed and making sure to put it back the way it was, I was about to leave when Sunburst stopped me. "Before you leave and explore the village, why don't you listen to what I have to say. I actually knew your name was Sunset Shimmer before you went ahead and said it." "That's surprising." I said. "You think it's weird or something?" Sunburst asked. I then noticed he had something behind his back and was trying real hard to present it to me. "It's not that weird at all. You see, I saw it on the back of this shield which I found down by the beach earlier. I planned on either selling at the shop or keeping it for myself. Good thing I didn't make a decision yet otherwise you'd probably be wonderin' what happened to your stuff." I couldn't believe it! The shield that I started this journey with had survived the storm from earlier. It had taken some damage (It never was a good shield) but it should still be useful. Taking it off of his hands, I slung it onto my arm where it hanged a little loosely. At least now I had the means to defend myself form anything that would get in my way. Despite how pleasant this village was according to both Starlight and Sunburst, the areas beyond its borders were likely teaming with monsters bent on killing me. It was obvious considering that this was what happened in my previous two adventures. Danger lurks beyond a safe haven and only those with the proper gear could make it through. Unfortunately, I didn't have the sword I had with me on the boat so I had no means of fighting. "Thank you." "If you decide to leave the village, you should head south to Toronbo Shores." Starlight said. "And why is that?" "That was where I found you when you washed up on the shore earlier." Starlight answered. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she clenched her left hand into a fist but quickly hid her hand behind her back upon seeing that I was watching her. "If you head south, please be careful. Monsters live there but ever since you showed up on the shore, they have increased in both number and aggression." "Not sure why they have become nasty." Sunburst added. "But, it is what it is so you'd best be careful. By the way, Sunset Shimmer! Some other stuff like your shield may have washed up on the beach. I can't say for certain since I didn't have enough time to look what with Marin finding you unconscious there. Like she said, watch out for monsters. Ever since you showed up, I've seen 'em all over the place!" What both of them said about the monsters didn't make much sense. Why would their numbers increase all of a sudden and become more aggressive all because I showed up on this island? It's not like I was special or anything. Then again, if my previous adventures had taught me anything, it was that I had a much bigger role than anyone thought. At least now I knew where to go first though to be honest, I wish it didn't have to be where I washed up. It felt like having to go through the experience again only without the raging waters of the ocean having almost killed me. Leaving Starlight and Sunburst's house, I was surprised at how tranquil Mabe Village was. In terms of space, it was actually quite roomy as various buildings were scattered about all over the place rather than being clumped together in close quarters. Several people were out and about so at least I wouldn't be out here on my own. Turning to the north, I gazed up at the very sight that stood out above all others, the Wind Fish Egg. Seeing it a little bit closer than before, it truly was a sight to behold. Never had I seen an egg so huge in my entire life. Not even the Rocs from Equestria had eggs that big. It then dawned on me that I was going to be on my own for this adventure. The first time, I had Spike for a partner, though he never understood the true nature of what was going on no thanks to Ganondorf. The second time, Princess Twilight herself came along, and while she did start off not understanding, she quickly regained her memories and together the two of us overcame incredible odds in order to save one world and restore two. Princess Twilight... I wonder what she was doing in Equestria right now. Probably preparing for her coronation and freaking out over it. How I wish I could see her again. Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed around me. "Sunset! Sunset Shimmer!" "Huh?" I said as I looked around to see who it was. I couldn't see anyone so perhaps it was just my imagination. "Sunset!" SMACK! "What the!?" "Ouch! Well, that didn't quite go as expected." Looking down at the ground, I saw a small fairy wearing a purple robe, but it was the star shaped cutie mark and the alicorn wings that made me recognize who it was. I didn't care how she got here. She was here with me once again. "Princess Twilight..." I said, tears streaming down my face. "You're here in this world too." Cupping my hands together and getting down onto my knees, I picked Her Highness up (More like Her Majesty since she would become the next ruler of Equestria) and she looked up at me. "I didn't think I would ever find you." Princess Twilight said as she brushed herself off. "What do you mean?" "I was in Equestria looking over plans for the reconstruction of Canterlot Castle on account it was destroyed by Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, when all of a sudden there was this bright flash of light and I found myself on this strange island and as a fairy again." Princess Twilight answered. The look on her face was one I was all too familiar with. She often had such a look whenever she was 'Twilighting', a verb her friends in Equestria had created because of her tendency to freak out over the smallest of details. "But I don't need to remind you since you asked about it some time ago." "I had the same thing happen. You know, the bright flash of light." I then explained how I got here to Princess Twilight and she was in complete shock. "You almost drowned in a storm!? I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help you, Sunset, but I'm here now and it looks like we're both in this adventure for the long run." "How long were you looking for me?" "For several hours at least." "Wow..." "When I first came to this island, I was at this giant tower in the northeast corner." Princess Twilight said as she pointed in that particular direction. She dropped her head in embarrassment upon realizing that I couldn't see what she was talking about from where we currently were. "Ahem! You'll just need to believe me here. Anyway, this tower appeared to be dedicated to an eagle but it was locked and being the curious pony I am, I wanted to see what was in there." I rolled my eyes. It was just like her to want to see something for research and curiosity purposes. "So I flew across the island until I came to this village..." "And discovered that I was here." Princess Twilight nodded. "Yes. I'm so glad that I found you, Sunset. So... where do we go first?" "According to Starlight and Sunburst, we need to go to the beach where Starlight found me unconscious..." That was when Her Highness cut me off. "Wait! Starlight and Sunburst are here!?" I nodded and her jaw dropped. "I don't believe it! They ended up coming to this world as well but I don't think they have the memories you and I have. Which means they are portraying two characters who are native to this world." I nodded. "Starlight is called Marin while Sunburst is called Tarin." I made sure not to mention the father-daughter thing to Her Highness. I don't think she could handle it. "Since we don't have anywhere else to go, we might as well check out the beach properly this time." Princess Twilight nodded, signalling that she would follow me everywhere and once again serve as my fairy companion. I then began to head westward or what I assumed to be that direction until I was startled by what looked like a bowling ball with fangs attached to a spike stuck in the ground via a chain. Such a creature was one I had never seen before. Not even the most dangerous monsters in Equestria were this bizarre looking. Despite this creature barking at me, it didn't try to attack or anything so I knew not to be afraid. Walking past the creature, I reached a crossroads that presented two directions. One headed what I assumed was north towards a large, looming forest, while the other one headed towards the ocean, the direction I needed to go. There was also a building that featured a stone book on top of it. Such a thing usually meant library and I knew Princess Twilight would want to check it out at some point. Turning left and walking south, I saw a couple of kids playing around with a ball though they looked awfully familiar. Walking past them--I had every intention of speaking to them when I got back--I continued on but not before looking inside of the building that had the book motif on top. As expected, it was a library, but not the kind that existed in say Canterlot or the Crystal Empire. This library was small and only had shelves that went around the interior, but then there were eight books places onto eight different tables, and one additional book had been placed on the furthest shelf in a precarious manner. It was as though someone wanted to make sure it was noticeable by having it placed so awkwardly. It was too high for me to jump so that idea was already out. As for the other eight books, one looked barely touched while the others had considerable wear on them. Libraries were places of knowledge yet this one had me suspicious. Princess Twilight, as I knew she would, wanted to explore, but she knew that we needed to explore the beach first. I told her that we would come back to the library when were done with our errand so she didn't have to wait long. Leaving the library and walking south, I came upon a sign that was pointing in two directions. The first direction pointed south towards the beach, the way we were going, but the other pointed eastwards towards a place called Tail Cave. Why give a cave such a distinction via a sign? Already, Koholint Island was proving itself ever mysterious and I doubted it was going to be the last occurrence. "Do you see those small ledges, Sunset?" Princess Twilight asked as she floated over to the edge of a ledge with the ground carrying on below. "What about them?" "You can hop down from up here to down there though you will have to walk back up the long way round." Her Highness then pointed to an octopus like creature that was scuttling about on the lower ground. Every now and then, it would spit out a rock that sailed across a large distance until it disappeared. "That is an Octorok. I believe we've seen them during our adventure in that world with the falling moon. Anyway, you can use your shield to protect yourself from the rocks they spit. You can't bounce them back and without a sword, you'll need to avoid them at all costs." Fortunately, the Octorok wasn't that fast so I could easily outrun it. Unfortunately, there were several moving about so I needed to watch where I walked. Raising my shield and stealing myself, I jumped down to the lower ground where the Octorok began firing rapid shot rocks at me. Despite my shield's condition, it managed to protect me from the rocks. I kept on moving south when another Octorok began shooting rocks. Luckily, I had moved out of its range and kept walking. I then jumped down one more ledge where my feet landed on some sand, indicating that I had reached Toronbo Shores. Now that I was awake and not on the verge of death, I could get a better appreciation for what the beach was about. There was nothing out of the ordinary aside from some spiky creatures blocking the way forward. Additional Octoroks were also scuttling about so I kept my shield raised knowing they would shoot rocks at me. A nearby sign revealed that I kept going forward, I would reach a place called 'Sales' House of Bananas'. Looking at Princess Twilight, she shrugged and I couldn't blame her. I mean, I've seen shops back home selling specific items but not necessarily bananas. Usually, that would involved going to the local marketplace. "What of those spiky creatures?" "They are Sea Urchins." Princess Twilight answered. "Best not to touch them unless you want to have spikes embedded into you. Surprisingly, they are very light in terms of weight and can be pushed about using your shield. Oh, and they won't actually do anything effectively making them harmless." "Makes me wish I had a sword." "You did what you had to in order to survive in the storm." I sighed. "Maybe I was being too cautious." "I'd have done the same thing, Sunset." I smiled. "Thanks, Twilight." Raising my shield, I walked up to a Sea Urchin that was next to the sign, and pushed it forward with rousing success. Princess Twilight was right about them lacking weight, and I guess I should be thankful Sunburst found my shield when he and Starlight found me earlier. Still, without a sword, I doubted I could keep on using a shield for everything. The Sea Urchin had no reaction to my pushing it and so I moved forward only to be stopped by two more that were blocking the path. Since there was no other way around, I pushed one forward enough for me to slip past the other only for another Octorok to pelt me with a rock--it shattered upon hitting my shield. Since I couldn't go in the water (I could but it was likely too deep for me), I turned left and pushed another Sea Urchin forward to get past it and the other one that was blocking the way and entered a clearing. There was more of the beach further ahead but my focus was on something that was barely in the water at the beach's edge. Upon a closer inspection, my heart leapt at finding the sword I dropped earlier during my harrowing experience in the storm. It had to have been a divine miracle that it ended up here instead of being forever lost in the ocean's depths. Reaching out for the sword, I was about to draw it from being embedded in the sand when the sound of a large bird echoed all around. Suddenly, a giant owl appeared from the west before landing on a high-up platform and settling down. Someone was riding on it and jumped down and I immediately recognized them as Flash Sentry. Once again, he was portraying a character who was most likely the owl on its own but being an extension rather than a separate entity. He was wearing armour this time instead of being bare-chested or wearing a tunic like he was the previous times. I then turned to Princess Twilight in order to gauge her reaction. Even though she hasn't seen him in what could be described as years, I wondered if she still had any kind of attraction towards him seeing as she was once smitten by him. She didn't do anything unusual indicating she had gotten over him. Me? I'll admit that back in the day, I used him to become popular for my own selfish reasons, but we did become good friends afterwards. But, I suppose over time, those feelings I thought were stupid may have actually been real and that I do have some kind of affection towards him. "So you are the lass who owns that sword?" Flash Sentry asked as he petted his owl companion who hooted in return. I nodded. "Yes, this sword is mine. I thought I had lost it but that isn't the case." I made sure not to mention about me being trapped in the storm and throwing my sword away. I wasn't doubting him or anything but the fact that this island felt strange made me want to keep that a secret. "Now I understand why the monsters are starting to act so violently." "You mean they haven't always acted like that?" Princess Twilight asked. Flash Sentry nodded. "For a long time, they have been peaceful though on occasion they have caused trouble for the locals. But now, things have changed and it is because of the presence of you, lass. A courageous lass has come to wake the Wind Fish... that being you." "That egg has a fish in it!?" I exclaimed. My mind felt like exploding upon hearing that. "So it is said." "That makes no sense." "It is also said that you cannot leave this island unless you wake the Wind Fish." Him saying that made my jaw drop and my heart come to a complete stop. Did he just say that Princess Twilight and I were trapped on this island!? How can an island keep anyone from leaving to go somewhere else? I thought of trying to prove him wrong by jumping into the ocean and swimming away but my chances would have been extremely slim. I guessed I had to take his word for it. One thing did bother me however. How did he expect me to make my way up to where the giant egg was resting!? It's not like I was skilled at mountain climbing and it probably was protected by powerful monsters. Princess Twilight then spoke up. "Why can't Sunset leave the island?" "That is a question I cannot answer yet." "Ah, but you can at a later date?" "Correct." "Now we're getting somewhere." The owl next to Flash Sentry hooted prompting him to climb onto its back. "You should now go north, to the Mysterious Forest, located beyond the village. Before that, I suggest you speak to those who live in the village. You may find help from them that will prove beneficial for the future. Once you have finished with your preparations, I shall wait for you at the forest's entrance." With that, he took to the sky, and fly north towards Mabe Village leaving me and Princess Twilight to ponder our next move. Our next destination was set though why couldn't he have told us now rather than have us wait until we got to the forest he mentioned. I sighed knowing that it wasn't really that big of a deal since it wouldn't take long to get back there. Then I remembered my sword being stuck in the sand. I now had a means of fighting off any monsters. Huh... Well what do you know? My sword has my name engraved on it. It was a nice little touch that I appreciated. Grabbing the sword by the hilt, I pulled it out of the sand and lifted it above my head in triumph. I then swung it around a few times just to get in some practice before I started to use it properly. Despite not having been on an adventure for some time, swinging the sword around felt natural, as though I hadn't forgotten my skills. At least I wasn't accidentally throwing the thing around like I did a long time ago. Now that I had my sword, I could follow Flash's advice and go back to Mabe Village, but then the rest of Toronbo Shores remained unexplored and checking it out could prove useful. To Be Continued.