//------------------------------// // First encounter // Story: Royal Reformation - The Encounter // by Skrive Flip //------------------------------// “B-But my prince, this is really import-” “It can wait until AFTER Brunch!” With a clear huff, the poor maid was left behind in the hallway, as the white unicorn stallion had more important things to take care of. Specifically, his royal vitality. Prince Blueblood the 57th would not have his brunch waylaid by any sort of insignificant missive. The prince was finding himself in a cheery mood that day however, despite the interruption. His auntie’s sun was hanging perfectly in the sky, and the birds of the canterlot gardens was adding a pleasant tune to his step. He may have slept in till 11, but today was his day off! He had no official business on his callender, only a day of socializing and mingling. And no meddling maid was going to change his mind to that effect! But first things first. Brunch! The prince sauntered down the Castle hallways, only occasionally stopping to marvel at the decor. While he lived here his entire life, with all the incredible events that had happened over the last couple of years, even Canterlot castle could change. Sometimes for the better! The stained glass windows were especially eye catching. While they usually marked the aftermath of a major catastrophe in Equestria´s recent history, they did still provide that heroic tint that such murals and artistry were intended for. A few more hallways and pushing open the door with his magic, the Prince made his way into the grand dining room, which to his great surprise was not empty. At the end of the long feasting table, nursing a cup of steaming coffee, sat his auntie Luna. Her normally ethereal, starrey mane was only making a limp attempt at movement, resembling more an air inflated tube rather than a representation of raw lunar magic. She was slumped over in the chair, face pressed half against the table, other half against the cup. Blueblood still could not understand how she could handle such malignant temperatures, but Luna was surprising him day after day. So, deciding to be a good nephew, he took a seat next to her. But before addressing her, he turned to one of the guards in the corner of the room. “Tell chef Whole Loaf that His prince would like a strong breakfast. Oats, fried haybacon and eggs. And a glass of spirits.” The Guard bowed her head and disappeared off down the hall to fulfill her task. The Prince smiled brightly. It was quite pleasant to have such helpful staff. “Good morning to you too, Nephew…” Groaned either a dying whale, or Princess Luna. Blueblood turned to address the latter. “Auntie! I Am surprised to see you up.” He said, trying to not be too loud, already sensing that she was on edge. Another groan, this time resembling a dragon with a stomach ache. “We don't want to make a habit of it.” She tightened her grip on the cup. “Thankfully such occasions are rare.” She sighed, lifting her head only so she could take a tentative sip from her cup. Blueblood stared as the boiling coffee seemed to be no concern for the Princess, even through her sip. Shaking his head and simply looked back at the door, hoping his food would get here soon. “You should take better care of yourself, Auntie. You look absolutely harrowed” Blueblood chastised, letting a backhoof tap gently against the floor in impatience. With a mildly amused huff, Luna looked weakly over at her Impertinent nephew. “That is what they said!” Blueblood simply turned an unamused glance back at Luna. “Auntie, not only was that inappropriate, but also it doesn't work like that. The expression is ‘that's what she said’ or ‘that's what he said’. Making a ‘They’ just makes it too non-specific.” Now that made Luna turn sour. “W-Well… Who's to say we did not have a ‘They’? There could have been multiple!” She tried to salvage the (in her mind) well placed and humorous line. “Oh please.” Blueblood scoffed. “If you had anypony courting you, no one´d be allowed to sleep, and all of equestria would be getting inappropriate dreams all at once.” Stunned to momentary silence, Luna´s wings flared out like an angry hawk. She took care not to knock her Nephew over, but it took much of her restraint to not pull the Royal canterlot voice back from retirement. More infuriatingly, Blueblood was completely oblivious as, at the same time of her display, the door opened and a maid arrived with the prince's breakfast. The maid placed the platter in front of her prince, and only shaved around three years off of her lifespan from locking eyes with Princess Luna before she skidded out of the dining hall. The prince let out a delighted sigh after sniffing the lovely morning dish, and without a care in the world levitated the cutlery to begin his breakfast. “So, if you are done with terrible jokes, would you tell me what kept you up, Dear auntie?” Asked Blueblood, still not looking at her, and took a full piece of bacon and (like a prince) devoured it. Luna was about to let her frustration with her nephew be known, but her breath died in her throat as she reran what he had just said through her head. Her wings lowered slowly and she tilted her head in confusion. “You… Don't know what happened yesterday?” She asked in utter disbelief. Blueblood, quite taken with his brunch, did not catch the sheer amount of confusion in Luna´s tone of voice. “Oh I was out on a date with Duke Aldermann´s daughter yesterday. And it was so delightful that I went straight to bed afterwards, so I have not caught up upon yesterday's affairs.” He finally turned to gaze upon Luna, seeing how confused she looked. “Oh dear. Did something bad happen?” He asked in a mildly concerned tone. The princess paused. He didn't know. He had no idea what was going on. Absolutely no idea. And the more that fact sank in, the more did her smile return to her lips. Even if its friendliness was a complete facade, meant to mask up the malicious giddiness that was bubbling up inside of her, it looked patient and afterwards even shifted into a mildly coy smile. “Oh my dear Nephew. I… I embarrassed myself quite dramatically at Night Court yesterday” She strung together her lie in a web of half truths and wrapped it up in her smile. “I shouted viciously at many who didn't deserve it, and I acted quite childishly! Oh I was so embarrassed that I could hardly do my duties as keeper of the night! And I have not gotten a wink of sleep. It’s positively dreadful!” She lamented. While by obligation unhappy to hear his aunt in such distress, Blueblood smiled softly and lifted a hoof to aid in his admonishing. “You should learn to control your temper more, Auntie Luna. Why perhaps you could take a few more cues from myself and my legendary composure?” Her smile strained for a second, but Luna managed to squash down the belly laugh which wanted to announce itself into the room. Barely. “Maybe, I will consider it.” Luna eyed a clock on the wall as she spoke, pretending to only now realize the time. It was 11:55, Perfect. “Dear me. I will need to head out. Celestia and I have many things to discuss in the Gardens today at Noon, you'll have to excuse me, Dear nephew!” She picked up her coffee in her magic and slowly rose back to her hooves again. Then with an overly dramatic sigh, she spoke aloud, as if lamenting to herself: “And I had so been hoping for a pop in the great spa this morning. Oh well. I guess it will just be left to disuse.” “Oh do not say that Auntie!” Blueblood called after her as she began to make her way towards the door. “I was planning on going there already, but I will be certain to tell the servants to expect you!” Pausing at the door to look back at her nephew again, Luna smiled softly and nodded. “I appreciate that, Blueblood. Excuse me, and have a lovely day.” Thus the princess disappeared from view and Blueblood could return to his belated breakfast. He was already quite a ways through his meal, but Luna reminding him of the Great Spa was enough to urge him to scarf down the last bits of his plate with as much princely dignity as possible. He dabbed the sides of his mouth with a provided handkerchief and sighed contently. “Could be better, but I am satisfied.” He thought aloud before walking away from the table to the hall, leaving his cutlery behind. With a full belly and a jolly jaunter, Blueblood was looking forward to that extra bit of morning pampering. He had prepared his own hair and dress, because he was not some lost lamb, no matter what those foul presses said about him. But whoever claimed that a spa could be enjoyed without some staff helping out, was just factually wrong according to the Prince. After a couple of minutes of walking through the labyrinthine Canterlot Castle halls, he finally made it to the eastern spa. The Prince seemed to remember it was added a long time ago for… some reason… If he could be bothered, he'd have to research that. Caught up in that chain of thought, he paid little mind to the guard that was posted next to the door. Only giving a small nod as the soldier lifted a wing to salute him, the Prince paid little mind further and simply pushed his way inside. The spa was not huge, as it was not supposed to house more than at most a dozen ponies at a time. Or fewer larger guests such as dragons, minotaurs or Saddle Arabians. And the Princesses of course. There was; however, no staff permanently stationed in it, as his Auntie much rather prefered private baths. The steam was surprisingly thick, and the heated air almost trying to force its way under his coat. But then again, that's what he liked about the spa baths. The thought struck Blueblood, just a she was in the process of undoing his suittie, that it was odd that there was a guard posted, if there was no staff in here. And he didn't try to keep him out so nopony would be in the process of cleaning. And on that note, why was there no staff in here? He wanted his pampering, damnit! His reverie was interrupted by the sound of shifting water. “Uhm, Excuse me?” Blueblood questioned into the steam clouded room, looking in the vague direction of where the tub was supposed to be. There was a low, deep groan in return. More mild water splashes. Blueblood edged himself slightly closer, narrowing his eyes to try and ascertain the source of the noise. A small niggling of annoyance building in his stomach at the idea of having to share the spa with anypony else. There wasn't supposed to be any guests in here, was there? An outline of what appeared to be a darkly coloured pony was obscured by the steam. They were coming his way. As their visage became clearer, Blueblood raised a confused eyebrow. It was a gray fur coloured stallion, looking like he had quite the muscle behind him and yet, had not had a good meal in a while. His shoulder length mane was a deep coal black which clung to the sides of his face, and around his strangely smooth red horn. That was when Blueblood noticed there was a small iron ring around the base of that discoloured horn. He felt a mild chill go up his spine. That felt like a warning bell he should be listening to. It looked all to similar to a magic suppressor ring to ignore. “What are you staring at?” The dark stallion grumbled in a deep bassey voice, which almost echoed in the steamy room. The prince wanted to snap back at whoever this commoner and reprobate considering he was wearing a magic suppressor, but he froze up and felt his throat tighten as he locked eyes with the strange Pony. His eyes were a peculiar ruby red colour, with the irises a more muted red rather than the normal black. Now was the time to save his pride. And the rest of himself. “Ah- Ahem.” Blueblood cleared his throat and did his best to redo his suit tie. “M-My apologies. I did not realize anypony was in here.” He said through gritted teeth as he slowly backed away from the strange unicorn, letting his visage fade back into the steam of the room. When back outside, parts of his mane was already sticking to his skalp from the damp air and he felt far dirtier than he had been when he walked inside. His nerves calmed back down, and royal indignation began setting in. “Something wrong, my Prince?” The voice of the guard next to the door snapped Blueblood back. He turned with a mild scowl towards him. “Why is there a pony with a suppressor ring in the Royal Spa?” The guard seemed to blink in confusion. He paused, turning his eyes aside as if to look for some superior officer or someone pulling his leg. Then he turned back to his prince. “Because he is scheduled to be given access to the spa, sir.” Blueblood felt his jaw slack for a moment in confusion, but he snapped back quickly. “What do you mean he is scheduled? Who scheduled some… ruffian, to have access to the royal spa!?” He asked indignantly. The Guard, now turning his head fully towards his prince rather than the regular stoic forwards, looked upon him in confusion. “Princess Celestia of course, my lord. As agreed upon the meeting yesterday, Sombra Krystalsmith is to be contained within-” “Hold on!” Blueblood cut in, “Sombra… As in King Sombra?” “Yes sir.” “As in, Despot Sombra?” The Prince continued. “Deposed despot, Sombra yes Sir.” The guard answered raptly. “As in ‘Almost Usurper of the Crystal Empire’, Sombra?” Blueblood asked again. “Exactly Sir.” Answered the guard with firm nod. “As in, ‘Enslaver of thousands’, Sombra?” The Prince´s voice became ever slightly louder in disbelief. “Yes sir.” There was a pause. A time when nothing was exchanged between the two. The guard hoped he had properly responded to his lordship's questions. Finally, Blueblood´s horn lit up, he adjusted his suittie slightly and made sure his mane was back into its pristine form. “Soldier.” He addressed the guard, who stood at attention as he was addressed. “Take me to Celestia. Immediately.” Whatever minor protests the guard wanted to put up he could sense would be fruitless. His Prince looked positively frazzled and would not take No for an answer. So with as much speed as was permitted by his highness (walking), he lead the prince down the west wing of the castle, leading to the outside tea garden. So called because the Princess enjoyed having her tea there year round. It had a great view of the royal gardens and had a retractable gazebo style roofing, hanging over luxurious mahogany wooden floorboards. Celestia was in the process of sipping from a cup of ‘Eternal Life’ tea as her nephew came almost barreling through the doors, with one of her guards in tow. Next to her sat Luna on an ornate silken pillow, looking far more energetic than thirty minutes ago. “Auntie!” Blueblood almost shrieked. “What in all of Equestria is going on!?” Celestia raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Then floated her tea cup a little higher for emphasis. “Tea, dear nephew?” “No I would not like any tea! And that's not what I meant!” The prince slammed a hoof on the small table in between the two Princesses. Cups and cutlery moved violently back and forth but was deftly caught by the magic of the night princess who carefully positioned it back on the table. “Why is there a VILLAIN in the castle!? And the castle baths of all places!?! Have you gone completely mad!?” There was a short pause, as Celestia turned her gaze back and forth between Luna, her nephew and a couple of the guards. “I assure you, Blueblood, I am quite sane-” “Then why is King Sombra here and not in the dungeons!?!?” Blueblood leaned further forwards, almost making the table buckle under his weight. Celestia suppressed a frown at the sudden display of anger from her nephew. She floated her teacup back in front of her face and took a dainty sip before responding. “Blueblood. That was decided yesterday evening. Did you not see the debrief?” She asked, her tone even to mask her mild annoyance. “Debrief!? What debrief!?” Blueblood asked in frustration. “Why the debrief which was brought to your room in the morning?” The Prince paused. His mind rewinding in an attempt to figure out when and where said debrief would be. He remembered waking up, grooming himself, heading off to breakfast after some maid had attempted to pester him about some stupid rapport before his breakfa- Oh! oh… “N-No! S… Somepony must have misplaced it!” Celestia eyed Blueblood critically. “I was quite certain it was hoofed directly to your chambers first thing in the morning.” “I-In any case!” Blueblood quickly deflected. “I still am shocked at you Auntie! What possible reason could you have to bring King Sombra here of all places!?” Sensing that this was not going to end just with a quick dismissal, Celestia eyed the small clock provided for her to ensure she was on schedule. There was still a bit of time. She mentally sighed, not relishing in having to give up her tea time for this. But, it had to be done. “Please, take a seat Blueblood. Luna would you help with the visual aid-” “Already got it!” Luna said cheerily, lighting her horn and showing a sort of magical monitor in front of the table. That actually caused an eyebrow to be raised inquisitively at Luna. Why was she so chipper all of a sudden? The same suspicion was not shared by their nephew however as he he seemed far more intent on grilling Celesta. “So?” He asked impatiently. Clearing her throat, Celestia gestured towards the screen which showed a stylized map around the Crystal empire. “Well you see, my dear nephew, About a week ago a strange flash of energy was traced to the edges of the region of Frostfelt, even further north than the Crystal Empire. Luckily, a detachment of Equestrian troopers were up there for military exercises and environmental acclimation training.” A couple of stick pony soldiers were hopping back and forth in an area. “After a bit of searching, the source of the flash turned out to be Sombra Krystalsmith. Or at least, what was left of him.” Blueblood felt a strange nausea setting over him. He was preparing for some morbid reality to set in as he asked: “What was left of him?” Celestia noticed this and smiled softly, shaking her head reassuringly. “Nothing quite as morbid as you are imagining, I assure you. It appears that he had been living in a cave under the mountain for several months now, subsisting on berries and other means he could get his hooves on. However, as the soldiers arrived, it appeared that he had taken up a fight with a rather large pack of frost direwolves. And was loosing.” The screen now showed a crude drawing of the crystal despot and a rather cute direwolf smacking against each other, until the unicorn fell over, and the wolf began hopping up and down on top of him. “The division rescued him, and took him into custody.” Explained the sun princess, taking a final sip of her teacup as it sadly was emptied. “When the report came to me, I immediately ordered him to be covertly brought to Canterlot.” “But whyyyy?!?” Asked Blueblood as if Celestia had just grown a second head. “Why not send him off to the Crystal Empire, let them put him on trial and be done with it?” “The crystal ponies deserve their justice, yes, but their magic is strongly tied to their emotions. If they were to realize that Sombra was back for a third time, we worry for the ramifications it may have to both them, and Equestria at large.” Celestia explained calmly. Blueblood chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment to prevent another outburst, knowing that Auntie had already settled on this weird decision. “Then why heeere?? And why as a guest of all things!?” Luna peeked her head just sliightly to the side to get a better view of Blueblood´s face, silently mouthing: ‘here it comes’. Celestia smiled softly. “Why so that he can be reformed of course!” Aaaand the record broke for Blueblood, as his face dropped. Straight down onto the table to the rattling sound of tableware. “Of course… Of course so that he can be reformed…” Blueblood groaned to himself quite frustratedly. He raised his head from the flat tabletop to meet the slightly concerned look of his auntie. “Why don’t you just send him to Sparkle´s school of friendship or something? This should be a job for the elements, not Canterlot royalty!” Now Celestia's face turned just mildly sour, as she stared down at her nephew. “Blueblood, Twilight is Canterlot royalty now as well. And you know just as well as I that the elements are no more in their old form.” “Yes, yes, whatever.” Blueblood waved a hoof dismissively. “Whatever the case, She is the one who does all the reforming nonsense, so why is he here??” Luna was doing her best to suppress her giggling, turning off the magical screen in favor for hiding her face behind her coffee cup. Celestia meanwhile breathed deeply. “Sombra is… a sensitive subject. Both for myself and for the Crystal Empire. We are planning on taking extensive care not to make rash decisions in this case. So it was decided on a meeting yesterday evening… Where were you by the way?” “On a Date with Minty Aldermann, what was decided??” Blueblood urged on. “Oh, yes. It was decided that we will house Sombra here, as so that we can ensure that he will not do anything to the students of friendship academy, as well as control the message of his survival to the Crystal Empire.” There was a pause as Celestia waited for Blueblood to react. The prince seemed to just be processing what he was hearing. She waited patiently. And then he burst. “This has got to be the most horrendous idea you have had in millenia, Auntie!!” Blueblood let out in an indignant shriek. “Keep a despot here for reformation?!? I can think of nothing more time consuming, poorly thought out and futile!” “Now now Blueblood, no need to be cynic-” “No Auntie!” The prince cut off the princess of the sun. “This is exactly the time to be cynical! I have absolutely no idea what it is with you and attempting to reform villains, but I swear to you Celestia, this has ruin written all over it!” Celestia´s nose scrunched for but a moment, preventing her from a sudden outburst and let her Nephew continue his ranting. “I do not know what it is with Sombra, but this is far riskier than anything you've ever done before, Auntie! And I cannot abide by it! If you will wish to have a go at instilling feelings into a psychopath, then be my guest!” “I assure you, Sombra is no Psycopa-” “Misunderstood then, whatever!” Blueblood raised his nose dismissively. “Whatever the case, I will not trust some slaver to be on their best behavior!” “Now Blueblood, please-” Celestia tried to interject but her nephew seemed too taken on his own monologue. The rant sort of faded into the background as the Princess could almost feel her eyes roll into the back of her skull. She turned to her sister for advice, but was only met with what appeared to be a strained smile. Celestia blinked in mild confusion. Was Luna… Laughing silently? Her eyes darted back to their nephew. Curious about both what was with Luna and if perhaps she could convince her nephew to calm down, she took a deep breath. “Dear nehpew-” “Excuse me, Princess.” While Blueblood was still going on and on, Celestia turned to see a cream coloured unicorn w a brown mane done up in a bun. Mrs Raven Inkwell, her secretary. “You are due a meeting with the representative of the Northern Council within ten minutes. If you want to be there in time, we must move post haste.” She urged her monarch in a calm but concerned tone. Frustrated, but understanding, Celestia restrained the urge to sigh and simply turned to her nephew with a polite smile but spoke in a firm tone. “Blueblood, I am very sorry that you do not agree, but the decision is final. He will be our guest here, and I would ask you to please be on your best behavior. Now if you'll excuse me.” Blueblood, interrupted halfway through some brilliant metaphor which would no doubt convince her auntie of the error of her ways, was stunned to silence. His mouth opened in an attempt to retort as he just stared at the Princess of the Sun simply walk away, on with her duties and not take care of the obvious security threat she had invited into the very heart of Equestria! As the door gently announced Celestia´s leave from the room, Blueblood let out a loud frustrated groan, unable to suppress his displeasure any further. “I can't believe it.” Lamented Blueblood. “I mean, Reforming villains is all well and good, but there have got to be some kind of line. Auntie Celestia is now just being irresponsible!” Oblivious as ever of the boundary he so casually overstepped, he did not notice the angered eye twitch of his other Auntie. He simply stamped a hoof on the floor with a loud clop and a huff. “Well, if she will be renting out the castle for former villains for the future, I will be rescheduling my work. I'll be taking a couple of months off for vacation in Prance. The Royal Chateau have not been graced with my glorious self in such a long time.” Blueblood gave an almost dreamily smile, recalling the grand operatic halls of the Chateau De Equestria. Yes, that would certainly be a place for royalty such as him while his auntie had her ridiculous flights of fancy crash and burn. “Auntie Luna.” He didn't even looking at her, “Would you please follow up and tell Mrs Inkwell that I cancel all my upcoming events and will be moving them to Chateau de Equestria?” Said Blueblood, already taking the first steps to make his way back to his chambers so he could decide what to pack. While Luna for a moment imagined the absolute terror on the royal secretary's face should said task be thrust upon her, she quickly melted into a well practiced smile and a honeyed tone. “Why of course, dear nephew of ours. We will make sure to mention it to her.” She said, making an exaggerated motion as if she was about to leave, only to then pause. “Such a shame though, You'd make a good Governor.” Like a record flying off of a vinyl player, Blueblood spun immediately on the spot. “G-Governor?!? T-There is a new Gouvernerrial position available?!?” Asked Blueblood in a mixture of childish glee and amazed disbelief. Luna turned her face away to mask her cheshire like grin. ‘Hook… now for line.’ She turned her head back and said nonchalantly. “Oh yes, our dear sister is planning on examining potential candidates for the Govanorial post of Northern Frostfelt. See the population has become so numerous, and so mixed between both crystal ponies and regular equestrians, that Celestia thought it would be prudent to send someone from the capitol to administer it. A sort of, sign of good faith.” Luna explained, lifting a hoof and casually looking her regalia over to feign disinterest. “The vetting program will begin in a three months time.” Blueblood was vibrating in excitement like a foal before hearth's warming. “D-D-Do you think that position would come with an estate? Like a proper governor's estate?” “Oh yes!” Luna assured. “An entirely new, fully modernized estate would be built, on the behest and payment of the crown! It would be quite the marvel to be the one living in it.” Blueblood wanted that. Oh how he wanted that!! His very own estate, where he could hold his own social gathering, on his own terms and invite whoever he wanted! He'd have his own staff, he´d be his own master! This was the perfect opportunity. Ideas were racing wild in Blueblood’s head. He needed to impress Celestia somehow!! But what to do?!? He´d not begin to do charity drives, gods no. Those were usually so boring and often filled with all sorts of manual labour he chafed under. A ball then? No no, auntie would not find that impressive, she'd be deviously trying to sideline it for her own entertainment. No he needed something solid, something impressive, something that could really edge in his name in her mind when the words ‘Governor Candidate’ came up in her mind. The moon princess sighed with extra effort. “It is sad that you decide to leave now, dear nephew. Of course, we understand that you’d not want to be around as Celestia attempt to figure out some way to reform Sombra. It is after all such a grueling task. Though anyone who could help with that would after all show off their bravery,” Lamented Luna as she eyed her nephew for reactions. Blueblood’s head lifted. “Their valor,” An ear twitched wildly. “Their desire to please the Kingdom,” Light bulb slooowly rising. Just gotta turn it on. “And their incredible charisma and leadership capabilities!” Aaand the light was on, and the hook had thoroughly sunk into the eager flesh of the Prince. “ON SECOND THOUGHT!” Near shouted Blueblood, barely able to keep back his excitement. “I believe i shall stay in the castle. I mean, after all, what would Canterlot be, without my blessed self?” Luna smiled brightly. “Oh? That's wonderful dear nephew.” “In fact!” Added Blueblood with newfound enthusiasm. “I should go and share the presence of my blessed self with our newest guest! Uhm, Where did you say that he was situated?” The moon princess struggled to not burst out grinning, seeing her Nephew so easily manipulated. “Oh he is lodged in room four in the Costella wing of the castle, but I believe he is probably somewhere else now. Possibly in one of the lounges in the east wing?” Luna pretended to guess, not divulging that she knew exactly where his scheduled boundaries were supposed to be. “Well then I shall see my way to him then! Thank you Auntie, you are ever so helpful!” Blueblood quipped before almost dashing out of view, down the hallways, fueled by an incredible enthusiasm for a potential reward. ‘Like stealing leaves from a sloth’ Luna grinned and rubbed her hooves together in sadistic glee. This could only go one way, and it was going to be hilarious. While perhaps it was not nice, if anyone deserved a bit of a comeuppance, it would be her dearest nephew. Now unable to suppress her schadenfreude giggling, Luna allowed herself to have it all. This was the most evil laugh she had allowed herself in ages.