The Archer of Twilight

by mattchilly

Starting two new Orders

Looking at the kneeling Princesses in front of me I dismissed my bow and sighed. (Time to scavenge this mess) For the first time since I’ve met her my voice came out as a growl. “Enough of that! There are few things I hate and a person bowing to me is one of them!”

Immediately the Princesses shot to their feet, a small embarrassed blush on their cheeks. “Sorry about that. It’s just that there hasn’t been a Champion of the Goddesses for a long time.”

I shook my head. “My job is to be a Guardian not Champion. I’m not here to lead their fallowers or spread their voice, so please keep what I’m guarding and my position a secret and treat me as you would if you didn’t know my position.” Celestia and Luna hesitated for a few moments then they nodded. “Good.” I said. “Now then let’s figure out exactly how I’m going to help you with the Demons.”

“Well…” Princess Celestia started. “While you were fighting the horde I heard one of the solders saying they wouldn’t mind learning some of your techniques.”

Princess Luna who was looking at what she could see of my face said. “How did you get that scar?”

My hand slowly rose to touch my face as I turned to look at Princess Luna who slightly shivered under my gaze. I lowered my hand as the ghost of a frown appeared on my face. Turning to Princess Celestia I said. “I wouldn’t mind teaching a little of what I know but I choose who I teach. Not everyone has the abilities to wield a bow or learn the way of using the shadows like I can.”

Princess Luna shot a quick look at her sister. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem. We’ll spread the word so…”

Interrupting Luna I said. “No. I want to see them when they don’t know what we’re planning. There will be no faking this. I will watch from the shadows and make a list of candidates for the two groups I’ll teach.”

“Do you have any ideas for what you’ll call these groups?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Not yet but give me a week or two and I’ll have a few ideas Princess.” I replied.

Celestia nodded. “Then we’ll let you get started choosing who you want to teach sir…er Sharpshot.”

I nodded and walked to the door, but before I opened it I said. “Unless the castle is under attack don’t expect to see me for a week or two, and don’t worry. I’ll find my own place to sleep.” Then the door opened and I disappeared from view as the door closed with a soft ‘click’.

“Well that was… I’m not sure I even know the words for how that went.” Luna said.

“I agree.” Celestia sighed sitting in one of the nearby chairs. “I never would have guessed that the man who saved me and slew a horde of demons by himself held such a high position.”

“And what position would that be?” Starswirl asked as he entered the room.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other. “I am sorry Starswirl.” Luna said. “But we cannot say.”

“Hummph.” Starswirl muttered crossing his arms. “You know better than to keep secrets from your teacher. Especially in times like these.”

“And yet you also taught us to keep our promises.” Celestia countered as she turned towards the map. “Now enough of this we have to try to figure out what to do next.”

—Meanwhile with Sharpshot—

The moment I left the room I Stealthed and walked away dodging and weaving around people. “That could have gone better. So what’s the plan?”

{For now get a map of the castle and while we do that, go over what we looted from the Demon Worshipers, and finally start looking for people to teach.}

“Let’s see here.” Navi hummed as she brought up a list of what I got, placing the list at off to the side so it wouldn’t get in the way. “Well thanks to the drops I was able to fully identify the Demons from the Burning Legion… You know what? Just focus on exploring. This is going to be a long list.”

{Something tells me this is going to happen a lot.}

“You never know Sharpshot. Also I’ll mark any spots that seem suspicious so you can come back to them later. Who knows there might be some secret passage ways.”

As I skimmed over the list of what the specific Demons from the Burning Legion I killed and all the loot, I eventually found two solders. One hard armor similar to the solders Celestia had with her but his armor had more gold plating with purple trim while the other’s armor was the same only obsidian black instead of gold walking in the same direction. The man in the gold armor spoke first. “Did you hear what some of the returning solders were talking about?”

“You mean about someone called ‘Sharpshot’ who not only saved Princess Celestia but also annihilated a horde of demons by himself?” The man in gold nodded. “Sounds like a bunch of bull if you ask me. Save the Princess? Maybe, from the distance they said? No way in hell, let alone kill that many Demons alone.”

“I know what you mean but I heard Lord Starswirl muttering about someone with magic from the Goddesses. Perhaps they’re one in the same?”

As we came up to a fork in the corridor the two solders went right as I went left but I did manage to hear. “If that was the case then are the Princesses hiding them?”

{And hidden is how I will stay until I am ready. Damn I got a full set of Demon Hunter armor….is that a Fist of Molten Fury and Claw of Molten Fury? Damn those Giant Infernals gave some good loot. I’ll add those to my personal gear.}

“I figured you’d say that.” Navi said but I had a feeling she’d be rolling her eyes is she had any.

{It’s only been a week and you’re getting more of a personality Navi.}

“Well one of us has to have one!”

{Where and when did you learn how to be so sassy?}

“From your memories of Link’s companions. Mostly the ones about the original Navi and Midna.”

{And when did you gain the ability to look into my memories?}

“I didn’t you were thinking them at me two hours before we got here.”

I blinked. {Huh didn’t even realize I was doing that…} Then I noticed someone out of the corner of my HUD. A woman was waiting for a line of solders to pass. she had pale long red hair with some curling down around a horn to cover her left eye which is a dark brown. She’s wearing a soft pink dress, with a pure white dove on her shoulder, and in her arms is a potted red rose.

“Something up Sharpshot?”

{I’m getting a feeling that I just found my first recruit}

—One week later. Throne room—

As Celestia and Luna looked over the room full of high ranking solders and advisers long with a few specific servants and commoners, while Starswirl stood off to the side a slightly smug smirk on his face. “I guess the Goddesses chose poorly if their ‘Champion’ won’t even show himself.”

Ten seconds after he said that I appeared with my back to the crowd getting a gasp from the crowd as the solders drew their weapons and Starswirl growled. “First you leave a note asking for us to call this meeting then you don’t appear. We were getting a little worried Sharpshot.” Celestia said armored hands resting on the arms of her throne.

“Just making sure I had everything ready your majesties.” I said giving a short of my head before turning around.

“Well get on with it Sharpshot. I must admit I’m curious what you’re planning.” Luna said with a small hand gesture as if asking me to get started..

“Before I get to the main reason why I asked for this meeting there’s something that must be done first. If I call your name please step forwards and stand before me.” I said as Navi brought up the list we’d created over the past week. To make sure everyone could hear my Navi activated the megaphone built into my HUD. “Lily Flower, Fletcher’s Shadow, Swift Strike, Trick Shot, and Chillwind, please stand to my right. Fancy Armament, Flowering Technique, Whispered Word, Summer Star and Pocket Dagger, please come to my left.” At first everything was fine but when I said the last name a few people looked confused, but a man just out of his teen age years in worn looking clothes walked forwards and away from the guard who had been standing next to him.

“What would you want with this rag tag group? Only two are proper solders, the rest are a small time merchant, a gardener, a librarian, an accountant for the royal treasury, a farmer, a fletcher, a weak battle mage, and the last one you called is a criminal.” Starswirl asked.

“I’m only a ‘criminal’ because none of you ‘High and Mighty’ noblemen would even help someone who was orphaned by bandits fifteen years ago!” Dagger spat at Starswirl. “I’m not proud what I had to do but I did what I had to too survive.”

Before things could get out of hand I sent a Celestial Firework towards the ceiling which exploded into the word “QUIET” in bright red letters. Immediately the room went quiet and all eyes focused on me with a mixture of shock, awe, and a couple people dropped to their knees in reverence. Struggling to ignore the bows I continued my speech. “The reason why I’ve asked for the ten of you is because like the men and women who taught me I’ve seen something in you. A certain flame that only needs the right spark to light the inferno of your hidden skills. If you accept I will teach you how to use these hidden skills to fight back against the Demons, to fight for your home, and any who cannot fight for themselves. Take a few moments to decide for your answer with change your life no matter what you chose.”

“You should see Starswirl ‘s face!” Navi chuckled. “He’s so pissed that you not only ignored him but also showed off one of the abilities granted to you by Lady Palutena.”

I could tell that everyone was using this chance to examine the ten chose. Lily Flower has bright flowing pink hair with bright blue eyes with a simple but practical blue outfit. Fletcher’s Shadow had a red and brown long sleeved shirt with brown pants and short black hair with purple eyes. You couldn’t see Swift Strike’s hair because wore the normal solder’s uniform but you could see his golden eyes and the two short swords strapped to his belt. Next to Swift stood his friend Trick Shot and her silver eyes shone with curiosity and ingenuity only she had a long bow and quiver strapped to her back and a single short sword. And last in line is Chillwind had long snow white hair, teal eyes and wore the standard robes signally she was a battle mage only hers were light green and icy blue showing her connection to wind and ice magic.

On the other side Fancy Armament had short slicked back blond hair, a red linin shirt and brown work pants. Flowering Technique looked the same as when I last saw her with the exception that her dove was perched on a windowsill and no potted rose. Whispered Word had soft red, light blue hair with shades of a darker blue streaking through the center. Summer Star has slicked back pale bronze hair that went down to his shoulders, piercing yellow eyes and wore a white linin shirt with smooth black pants. Pocket Dagger has an old sleeveless white shirt with dark red pants, unkempt silver hair and yellow eyes.

Dagger was the first to step forwards. “If it means I don’t have to steal anymore then I’m in.”

“Poor guy has no idea what you’re planning.” Navi snickered.

“Anyone else?” Soon all but Chillwind and Flowering Technique had decided and came forward to accept my offer. The look on Chillwind’s face showed me she was conflicted while Flower looked frozen and her dove kept trying to push her forwards. “Why are you conflicted Chillwind?”

“I’m… not that strong a mage. Apart from the basics I’m restricted to Ice and Wind magic and even then I can’t really use the more advanced spells.” Chillwind said fighting a little. “I’m just not sure why you’d pick me out of everyone else.”

Shadow gave a quick snort. “And I’ve been under the shadow of my father my entire life due to his skills as a fletcher!” Then he walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Just look around you. None of us are that special all things considered, but he still chose us out of everyone in the castle. Shouldn’t that mean something?”

Chillwind nodded and stepped forwards while Lily gently put a hand on Flower’s shoulder. Flower jumped a little and turned to see Lily giving a comforting smile. Now with all ten members standing in front of me in their respective lines I nodded. “Then let me welcome you to the two orders I’m creating to fight back against the Demons. Welcome to the Archers of Dawn and the Rogues of Dusk.” Two large tapestries on either side of the thrones unfurled. The one next to Celestia was a soft orange with a black bow in front of a golden sun. Luna’s was a dark blue with a silver moon with the golden silhouette of a dagger.

“Like you have the necessary funds to run even one of those organizations.” Starswirl said. “Or are you expecting them to be funded by the crown?”

“I have the necessary funds for this many members and I have no doubt that they’ll live up to my expectations.” I said not bothering to look at Starswirl. “Now then the symbol in front of you show’s which order you are in. Each one has a different focus with will be explained in private.”

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?” Dagger yelled in frustration. “I thought I was done with stealing shit!”

“Being a Rogue is far more than just stealing just as there’s more to being an Archer than knowing how to shoot an arrow, but you’re learn that soon enough.” I said.

“NOW WAIT JUST ONE MOMENT!” Looking at where the voice came from I saw the solder in gold armor with purple trim as he pushed his way to the front of the crowd. “Who gave you the right to steal two of my solders and one of the Battle Mages?!”

“Captain Axe.” Celestia said making the solder snap to attention. “As I’m sure you’ve been told Sharpshot here not only saved my life a week ago but also single handedly killed a horde of demons.”

“Then where has he been the past week?” Captain Axe asked.

“Looking around the castle while hiding my presence so I could get to know the castle, and to find the right people to join these Orders. I didn’t want to see your solders try to fake having the skills to get in.” I said.

“There’s no way my solders would do that!” Captain Axe countered. “I’ve trained them so they don’t need to fake their skills.”

“Then how come Strike and Tricky are the only of OUR solders to get in?” The solder I’d seen with Captain Axe asked moving to stand next to his comrade. He gave the princesses a salute before looking at me. “Nightshade Captain of Princess Luna’s Lunar Guard and this is Polished Axe the Captain of the Solar Guard.” Then he moved over to stand by Swift and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I told you that others would see your hidden skills and show you the way to use them.”

Swift nodded. “Thanks for believing in me…dad.”

“Now you train hard ya hear me?” Nightshade asked.

“Sir yes sir!” Strike said grinning.

“If you’re done I’d like to continue.” I said.

Nightshade nodded and pulled Axe away. “Now I’ve created five sets of armor for you using ore from some very well hidden ore veins around the castle.” Bringing my hands up a brown parcel appeared and I handed them out five with the Archers symbol the others with the Rogues symbol. “These were made with techniques from Azeroth so just focus on the parcels for a second and you’ll change into your new uniforms.”

They nodded and moments later the members of the Archers of Dawn were in dressed in gold and blue scale mail with a yellow undershirt, while the Rogues of Dusk had dark grey and purple leather armor, a black head band and a dark purple cape that ended shortly after their tails started.

“Where did our old outfits go?” Fancy asked as he examined his armor.

“That I will explain later.” I said giving a small nod of approval seeing them in their uniforms. “And after I tell you more about your duties we will start your training. Now do you have any question?”

“I have one.” Starswirl said steeping forward a small sneer on his face. “How do you expect simple archers and… rogues to do anything to the Demons?”

“Be careful Sharpshot. I think he’s trying to pick a fight.” Navi said.

(Its times like this I’m glad it’s not easy for me to feel emotions.) I thought before staring directly into Starswirl’s face. “Didn’t I already say that there is more to being an archer or rogue then just the obvious? I will teach them many things that I’ve learned over the years, but what I’m going to teach them is none of your business.”

Starswirl growled and turned to the Princesses. “Surely you’re not going to allow him to do this? He’s basically starting his own privet armies!”

Luna looked at Celestia and the Solar Monarch nodded. “Sharpshot has shown that his abilities are more than capable of killing the Demons. As such the Archers of Dawn and Rogues of Dusk have our full support.”

“And due to his position as the leader of both and as thanks for saving my life I hereby dub Sharpshot the title of Grandmaster of Twilight.” Celestia said.

Sending Celestia a small nod I turned back to my new recruits. “Now fallow me and we’ll get to work.”