Cosmic Rifts

by Silvak

Chapter X: Aid

"I say if that doesn't convince them to give up, then nothing will."

"Then I hope you're wrong, cause what you did is only going to perk up more interest in our species... as well as piss off the guy that owns that fleet."

"What... are you kidding me? I just turned all those ships and that dock into a giant metal ball!" Discord exclaimed, looking surprised after showing me a magical recording of the Xartik receiving his gift. We were in the command quarters of the Solar Glory, where Discord and I were watching the results of the battle as Luna continued to lead our forces on the ground. After getting proper treatment for the hole in my chest, I was back in my armor despite the protests of my subordinates, though I quelled their yelling by saying that it was in case the enemy found the means to board their ship. Everypony should know that I'd rather not be sitting around defense when a battle is happening right next to me.

"Yeah, but that is only costing probably one organic member of their species, up to at most three of them. Equus is still small fries compared to the interdimensional empires out there. If anything, it could even make them want to get their hands on us even more. The Xartik won’t stop until they foresee the costs of this war to be far greater than their potential gains. That little stunt of yours could be seen as a superweapon of sorts that they would employ on their enemy; hence we might have become an even higher value target if they see this as the means to conquer their rivals," I said with a roll of my eyes as I saw something blow up in the distance. "Luna must be having the time of her life there."

"You and your inclination towards violence,” Discord replied with a shake of his head before snapping his fingers, causing a notepad and a pen to appear in his claws. “So I take it that you want me to use less destructive means to deter these Xartiks?”

“Oh no, I don’t disapprove your methods, not the slightest bit,” I answered as I turned my attention towards him, where I saw him cocking an eyebrow at me. “I’m just telling you that your methods won’t get us immediate results. But if you can do as much damage to them without them capturing you by some means, then eventually they may consider what they would view as a venture to be too costly to continue investing in.”

Throwing the notepad and pen behind him where they exploded into confetti, Discord cracked his claws as he said, “Then I’ll just show these Xartik what true chaos looks like. Any suggestions you would like to pitch in? I know you would love to satisfy your vicious streak,” before he curled around me with his face right before my own.

Rolling my eyes at him, I placed a hoof on Discord’s face to push it back for some breathing room as I replied, “I’m fairly certain that unless it involves chain explosions that causes utter hysteria among the enemy, my ideas would be rather bland compared to your own. I do have a warning to give you.” As Discord opened his mouth to protest, I stuck my hoof into it as I continued, “I know what you’re going to say, but remember my warning long ago about there because of things that can kill you out there in the cosmos. The Xartik have encountered many things in their pursuit of profit, and that includes beings with immense power. So they might be able to figure a way to capture you or at least hurt you, so don’t be reckless with our enemy. I know it isn’t something you would do, but please approach this with some level of caution.”

Frowning at me, Discord replied, “Normally I would dismiss such advice, but you haven’t given me any advice besides that one time. So I will heed your warning, any other orders you want to give me?” before Discord snapped his fingers.

Rolling my eyes at his appearance as some kind of waitress, complete with a wig, makeup, and skates for some reason, I answered, “Beyond what I just said, just do what you do best.”

Flashing again as he appeared in the uniform of my troops, albeit with badges that looked like the kind of stuff you give to a five-year-old. Giving me a mock salute, Discord stated, “As you command, Captain Aura. Or should I call you General Aura since you’re the captain of the Aegis Guard and not just a regular captain?”

Staring at Discord as he smirked at me, I started to rub the sides of my head with my hooves as I said, “I’m so going to talk to the princesses about this.” In response, Discord just laughed at me before disappearing with a snap of his fingers. Shaking my head, I return my attention to the battlefield until I heard the doors to the room slid open.

Turning around, I saw Agate with the rest of my squad behind him, with the exception for Windbag, they were saluting me as Agate said, “Captain, Celestia requests your presence at the gateway!”

Cocking an eyebrow, I asked, “And just why does she want me there of all places?”

“Ma’am, it turns out that she wants you to meet the leaders of the dragon and griffon kingdoms in regards to how they will contribute to the war effort!” Agate answered, still saluting me despite being the only one doing it.

“Well, that certainly is a good reason to draw me from the front lines,” I replied as I started to make my way to the door before stopping right in front of Agate. “You do know. that you only have to salute me for a second, right?”

Finally lowering a hoof, Agate stated, “Just giving you the respect you deserve, Captain. The princess' had chosen wisely when they selected you. To see you charging into the front lines and even shrugging off a bullet, you’re an inspiration to us all, ma’am.”

Staring at Agate for a moment while Windbag was keeping his laughter back by stuffing a hoof into his mouth, I merely responded, “Right... how about we just go onto whatever transport copter they have ready for me.”

“So, just what kind of being is this King Gregory? You think he’ll lend us some military forces or does he expect us to do all the dirty work for him?” I asked as I was in my standard uniform to allow for some repeats to my armor.

“I highly doubt that he wouldn’t aid us since this war is for the defense of Equus, and with the fact that we allowed his people the chance for expansion into a new world. I think he would love for a chance to repay us, or else risk losing favor with his colonies,” Celestia states, who was still in her armor except for her helmet. The two of us were waiting in the command room of Alpha Central, the primary portal sight on the planet, due to the room’s ability to not only display a global map of the world from a table in the center of the room, but access the visual reports from any of the warships we have on the field. “You should have more faith in our allies, Aether,” Celestia stated as she was watching her sister surveying the fallen Xartik warships for any remaining troops, leading to the rare sight of part of the ship blowing up.

“I only have faith in the fact that the Xartik is going to make this war rough for us,” I countered with a roll of my eyes while I was seated next to the monitor table. “Also I would request a bit of a title change in regards to the Captain of the Guard."

Cocking an eyebrow, Celestia replied, "Normally, I would humor such a request. But since this is you, I think you actually have a valid reason for this. Explain."

"Basically, since we also have the rank of captain, it would be rather troublesome for some soldiers when they hear me simply called 'Captain' on the field. I would hope that you would have a solution to that title issue we have," I explained while spinning a hoof around in the air.

Nodding, Celestia replied, "Ah, I understand. I believe we can use a term that was used a few times in the past of Equus. While we will keep the title of Captain of the Guard, during wartime, it can just be called Captain-General, with the full title being used when another general is on the field. Otherwise, you can be referred to as general just for saving time."

Shrugging, I responded, "Very well, that's better than nothing, even if it means I might hear Agate calling me Captain General all the time now," before I heard the doors to the room opening. Looking to the side, I saw who I assumed to be King Gregory, considering that it was an eagle-headed griffon that had a rather flashy crown with a red cape on, flanked by two griffons that were wearing the now-defunct plate armor.

"Ah, so this is the pony known as Aether Aura, it is a pleasure to meet you," Gregory stated as he stepped before with a smile on his face. "It is rather nice to meet a pony that has an aggressive view on the matters of warfare, or so I heard.”

Frowning, I said, “I won’t say that I have such a stance on things, but I will say that I would like as many ponies to come out of this alive. But knowing the nature of the Xartik, we will have to bleed them if we wish to win.”

“And that is something I don’t expect a pony to say. Forgive me Princess Celestia, but on the norm, your ponies are far too peace-loving and too meek in regards to the idea of war. If what this Captain Aura has shown me is the indication of the kind of mare she is, then the griffons that join her guard are in good talons, or hooves in your case,” Gregory stated as he approached the monitor table. Looking at the sight of a smoking shop, Gregory commented, “So this is one of our enemy’s ships? It seems like your forces made quick work of it.”

“Not really, it just was befouled by Discord’s magic, but the ships after the first one quickly observed it and made an effort to drop as many troops as possible before they were torn apart as well. It’s a typical sign of what they normally do when invading newly discovered worlds. We’re just dealing with a probing force, the real army won’t come in until they developed a solid plan of attack,” I stated with a wave of my hoof at the projection.

“I see... do you think you’ll need my kingdom’s army to help you in this war against these machines? I’m rather leery of leaving my lands unprotected for others to take advantage of if I were to lend some aid to you,” Gregory stated while stepping the bottom of his beak in thought.

“I doubt that any nation would seek to take advantage of such a situation when our very way of life is being threatened, King Gregory. Already Queen Chrysalis, who if you remember did attempt to take over Canterlot a few decades ago, is mobilizing her forces to join us here on Selene. Furthermore, I doubt that the other nations would tolerate one nation going rogue to take advantage of our forces protecting them from external threats," Celestia replied. "We even may have aid from the dragon kingdom as well, so with three nations uniting to support the Aegis Guard, others might decide to join as well, or at least provide some support."

"Though, I'll be surprised that the Dragon Lord would leave us high and dry in this war," I stated with a shrug, drawing Gregory's attention towards me.

"Oh? And how can you be so confident about that?" Gregory asked in a skeptical tone.

"Well, since dragons have been friends with ponykind for a couple decades now, some of them have some pent up aggression that would normally be placed on us, but now has no place to go. That and the Dragon Lord is good friends with the dragon assistant to the Princess of Friendship, so that has to count for something as well," I stated with a shrug of my shoulders, before giving Gregory a smirk. "Besides, do you really think that dragons would hide behind ponies in a war that threatens even them?"