• Published 26th Apr 2024
  • 172 Views, 5 Comments

Just one Lonely little Changeling: Not Alone - Kentavritsa

Zhiizoo had enjoyed the new suit she had been given, even after she had realized it had been a Changeling in disguise all along. Since the suit is so comfortable, she loves it to bits.

  • ...

A New Day: 2


This feeling, is enjoyable enough to go up early for!” I ponder.

“Thank you!” she responds; “It warms my heart, to hear you say that!” she puts forth.

I continue to walk towards the Girls’ Room. It is just a few more steps, and I reach the door; extending my right hand, pulling the door right up before me. I step in, closing the door behind myself.

A Girl has to prepare herself, for the new day!” I ponder.

“Ah..” she responds; “but of course!” she is acknowledging.

As I had closed the door; I focus on the mirror before me, critically examining my face.

“Looks good..” she puts forth; “But, what do you intend?” she inquires.

“Thanks!” I put forth.

“Glossy lips would be just right?” she suggests.

I just nod, watching my lips grow glossier and glossier.

Of course; she had already applied the foundation and the base colour to my face, making it look perfectly natural for me.

“Eyelashes are black, glossy and curled up!” she states, as she is adjusting my eyelashes to comply.

“Maybe just a hint of blush?” she inquires.

As I nod, I can see and feel the blush coming on. Not much, just a hint. Yet, I feel it, as if I had a natural blush and not put on make up.

“Okay..” I respond; “that feels weird!” I continue; “But, I guess I could get used to this!” I conclude.

“Just a bit of Eye Shadow..” she puts forth; “and you can go out and face the day!” she proclaims.

I notice how my eye-lids starts to become glossy, glitter added and finally the actual shadow.

“Guess I am ready, to face the day!” I concede, as she had finished applying my make-up.

“If you like it, I could apply these every morning!” she suggests.

“Yes, please!” I respond, vigorously nodding my approval.

I turn away from the mirror, open the door and step out of the cramped space; before I close the door behind myself.

Since I have finished putting on my make-up, even if she put it on for me; I walk to the stairs, stepping down the entire flight of stairs to the first floor.

“Is that you, Zhiizoo?” Mum inquires.

“Yes, Mum!” I respond.

“Good morning, Dear; I hope you are hungry, because I just cooked up a steady breakfast!” she points out.

“Good morning!” I echo, on my way over to the kitchen table.

Egg, Bacon and fried Potatoes, on the side of rice and assorted Vegetables.

“Yummy!” I exclaim, as I step up to the table.

I claim my seat and pull the seat in under the table, before I start eating.

“It is a joy to prepare your meals, when I can see you enjoying what I have prepared for you!” she puts forth.

“The Love you put into the process of preparing my food, only makes it more enjoyable to eat what you prepared for me!” I put forth, smiling at her; “If only she realized, what I mean with these words…” I ponder. (Of course; she would never understand, would she?)

“Thank you, Zhiizoo..” she responds; “It warms my heart, to hear you say that!” she concludes with a hint of blush coming on.

“The best way, to make sure my next meal will be as delicious as the one I am currently enjoying!” I put forth, continuing to consume my meal.

Knowing she wants to serve me tasty food, could there ever be anything better?

I take my time, enjoying everything she had prepared for me. I could do nothing less, after all. It would be disrespectful; to wolf it down or leave it on the plate, after all the effort she had put into preparing it for me. At least, to me it feels like it.

This is clearly worth the time, enjoying the meal, all the food before me.

I do not leave the table, before the plate is cleared.

“Thank you, Mum; for the yummy food, and all the effort you put into preparing it for me!” I offer, before I push my chair back; raising to my feet, pushing the chair back in under the table.

She is clearing the table, as I am walking out of the kitchen.

I am satisfied with the meal, she had prepared for me, and she is happy to see me leaving the table after I had been enjoying my breakfast.

This had just proved to be a promising start, for the new day before me.

The light pitter-patter of my soft feet are heard, as I walk up the entire flight of stairs. I continue to the door to my room, opening the door; step into my room, before I close the door behind myself.

I lie down onto my bed, resting for a few minutes; taking the time to enjoy myself, collecting my thoughts into the plan of what to do next.

Since I had enjoyed myself and the beginning of the Day; I intend to enjoy the rest of the day, as well. Well, why not? If the day starts out right, it is just time to cease the day.

“I think I need some fresh air!” I put forth.

“A brisk walk, would do you some good!” she agrees; “Particularly, after the yummy food we just enjoyed!” she conclude.

“Oh, yeah..” I respond; “I guess we could use the exercise after breakfast!” I conclude.

With that, I slide my feet off of my bed; soon finding myself sitting comfortably on my bed, before I swiftly raise to my feet and walk over to the door. From there, I open the door and exit my room; only to turn the lights of and close the door behind myself, before I turn towards the stairs down.

The pitter-patter of my soft feet are heard, as I walk all the way down the flight of stairs.

“I’m going out, for a walk!” I put forth, explaining where I am going.

“I expect to be back, in time for lunch!” I then point out, before I walk over to the door to the cloaking room.

“Okay!” I hear her response.

I quietly open the door to the cloaking room, step into the room; before I close the door behind myself, considering which shoes to wear.

“If you are interested, I have an idea for which shoes to choose; just hide a pair, and we can be going!” she suggests.

I pick up my comfortable walking shoes; “These should be a good enough cover!” I propose.

“Those would be perfect..” she responds.

“Now you made me feeling all frisky!” I tease.

“Lacquered, metallic bloody red high heels would be the ideal..” she suggests, only for me to see and feel how my posture is adjusting to fit with the changes; “or, rather; let’s try something more Daring, Equine would be just right for the day!” she elaborates.

Before I know it, I am standing on a pair of Equine hooves, still in the colour she made my heels into. (Just Pi Inches, but it does feel perfectly me.)

“Oh…” I gasp, in response to the sudden change she had just imposed upon me.

While these are not the Hooves of a Horse of Earth, but it is the Hooves of an Equine, more akin to the ponies of her Equestria.

She had opted to afford me Silicone white Socks; leaving the rest of my legs a deep black and glistering beautifully. Well, why not? I guess I could get used to it. (Gives me a delightful figure and silhouette, or so I imagine.)

The question is; how the people would react on my new looks, when they finally stop to see me. You never know. Most people don’t really look that close, in the first place.

If they expect me to be wearing high heels, that is what they see. I guess the brain is good at filling in the blanks, letting you see what you believe you see. I should not complain. Should I?

At least, not now. It permits me to walk out as I am, without as much as a second glance.

I open the door and step out, closing the door behind me; Clip clop, clip clop..” is heard, as I am walking out.

“Wait..” I mumble; “why do I feel the hard stone tiles?” I inquire.

“Because your hooves are sensitive!” she explains; “Even if the front is hard and durable!” she continues.

“Oh, okay!” I respond, as I continue walking.

“Something to consider..” she prompts; “and something to be mindful of, at all times!” she puts forth; “Though I imagine you will grow used to this, over time!” she suggests.

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