What defines whether a story is rated as Teen or Mature?

Views: 7,412, Added: Jul 22nd, 2011

For the purpose of stories on Fimfic, the detail of a story's rating lies in the description and events contained therein. 'Teen' is anything more risqué or salacious than content you might see in the show-foul language, minor violence with cursory descriptions, physical affection more intense than a quick peck on the lips, blood, etc. ‘Mature' is anything that should require an aged or mature perspective to read; things like extreme violence, explicit descriptions of physical intimacy, or content intended for older audiences.

The divide between ‘Teen’ and ‘Mature’ is generally in how much is mentioned and how much is shown in the story. If a character only makes reference to having sex, that would typically be fine with a ‘Teen’ rating. If characters in the story actually have sex, that would require a ‘Mature’ rating. Just use your best discretion, and feel free to PM a mod if you have a question about the specific content of your story. At worst, you can always submit and be told that a change is required if the rating you've selected doesn't match the discretion of the story-approval team.

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