//------------------------------// // Little Big Bison Part 1. // Story: Comet The Colt of Steel // by Stallion of Steel //------------------------------// Do you want to hear the story of one of the strangest weekends I had that didn't involve the world almost ending? If so buckle up because it's going to get crazy. In hindsight, I probably should've seen the writing on the wall when I saw the receipt Applejack brought back from the train station. "Hey, Applejack?" I asked. "Yeah?" She asked looking back from the kitchen doorway. "I think the ticket office made an error. It says here you rented a private first-class car for Bloomberg?" The Bloomberg in question was an apple tree. Just bear with me here. "Ain't no error there little brother," She assured me. I stared at her eyes wide open. "Are you sure?" I persisted. "It says here it comes complete with a king-sized four-poster bed." "Sure as sugar," she replied confidently. "And that the total comes up to around 5,000 bits?" "That was the price we agreed on." She confirmed. "Applejack? Are you feeling alright?" I took a quick x-ray of my sister's head to make sure she hadn't suffered any blunt force trauma or was under the effect of some mind-altering spell. Alas, there were no signs of recent injuries or abnormal brain activity. "Fit as a fiddle Sugarcube. Now if y'all will excuse me, A'h gotta finish making sure Bloomberg has got everything he needs for his big trip." With that, she closed the door behind her. Leaving me alone to stare eyes twitching at the receipt. At that moment Apple Bloom came down the stairs and trotted into the kitchen. "Yeah that's pretty much how I reacted to it," She said when she saw the expression of disbelief on my face. The next afternoon, I was on a train packed into a tight sleeping car with the Element Bearers and Spike. Meanwhile, Applejack was in the private car reading a bedtime story to Bloomberg. I was seriously worried about the state of her mental health. "And that is when the yellow birdie thought to himself. Hmm. My favorite little tree isn't such a little tree anymore." Rarity decided she had enough. She stood up and trotted back toward the door. "Applejack, were you reading a bedtime story to an apple tree?" Yes, she was Rarity, yes she was. "Heh...uh...yeah...well you know being planted in a whole new place is very upsetting for a tree," She said trying to rationalize her actions. "And Bloomberg here is one of my favorites." At least when I talked to Kerax, he talked back. As Rarity and Applejack continued to argue, I lay back in my bunk and looked out my window. Until Applejack said something that made me cringe. "Who you calling a baby?! Bloomberg's no baby! Don't let widdle Rarity make you all saddy-waddy. Bloomberg's a big and strong apple tree. Yes, he is. A-coochie-coochie-coo-coo-coo! "It's widdle Rarity who's all saddy-waddy! Urgh," Rarity groaned in frustration. 'At least you're not all scaredy-waredy like I am,' I thought as the fashionista turned and trotted back to the sleeping car. Meanwhile, Applejack nuzzled closer to Bloomberg. Things did not improve after sunset as Applejack's friends stayed up chatting. "Oh, man we're going so fast!" Rainbow Dash said. "This is so exciting, I can't even wait." "Ooh, my goodness..." Twilight said. "For crying out loud in the morning," Rarity groaned as she covered her face with her pillow. "Do you guys mind?" Spike groaned irritably. "I was up early roasting those snacks you're all eating and I'm pooped." "Uh, speaking of," Rainbow Dash mentioned. "Some of these popcorn kernels didn't get popped." Spike looked up and glared at her. "Okay, fine," He grumbled before spitting a burst of green flame that illuminated the car and roasted Rainbow's popcorn to cinders. "Good night." "Uhh...maybe it's time we all got a little shut-eye," Twilight said nervously. "We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow." The rest of the girls let out a collective "Awwww" of disappointment. Mercifully darkness soon filled the car. The only light was the flicker of a lone candle. I lay half-asleep on my side, letting the clickity-clack of the train's wheels soothe me to sleep. "Psst Pinkie Pie, you asleep yet?" "No are you asleep yet?" "If I was sleeping how could I have asked you if you were asleep?" "Oh, hee-hee," My hoof clenched tightly against my pillow as I wrapped it around my head in a futile attempt to keep the noise out. "When we get to Appleloosa, you think we'll have to carry that heavy tree all the way from the train to the orchard?" "What tree? You mean Bloomberg?" "...No Fluttershy," "Fluttershy's not a tree silly," By this point, my eyes were glowing red under my eyelids. "What's going on?" Twilight asked. "Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree." "I do not think she's a tree! I was just..." "Did you say she was a tree?" "No. Well yes. But not exactly." "Ya know she's not a tree right?" "She's not a tree Dashie." "I'd like to be a tree," Fluttershy said. "Enough!" I shouted ripping my pillow in half. Everypony in the car stopped and stared at me. Fluttershy shrunk back whimpering. I threw both halves of my pillow down on the bed and stood up. " Honestly. you four are worse than Apple Bloom and her friends. I'm going to sleep with Bloomberg, at least he's able to keep quiet." Grumbling to myself, I blew out the candle and trotted back to the private car. "Yawn! Hold the door, man," Spike yawned following after me. "Where did that come from?" Twilight asked as soon as I closed the door. "I paid them no further mind as I opened the door to the private car. Silence and shadows greeted us as Spike and I walked in. "Hey Bloomberg, scooch over," I said closing the door behind me. Despite the occasional apple or branch brushing against my coat and Spike's snoring, I slept through the rest of the night like a foal. The next morning, however, I was awoken by a deep rumbling under the train. Careful to avoid Bloomberg, I climbed out of bed and. stretched my legs out. Letting out a deep yawn of satisfaction. Wiping the sleep from my eyes I looked through the wall. Only to discover... "Buffalo?" It was a herd of buffalo. At least a hundred of them surrounded the train. Their stampeding shook the ground under the tracks causing the train to shake rattle and roll. Despite the deafening thunder of their hooves, Spike remained obliviously asleep. My eyes quickly searched for my saddlebag. "Where's my saddlebag?" Suddenly, I remembered. "That's right, I left it in the other car. The indistinct shouting from the next car told me Applejack and the others were awake. My saddlebag was hanging in the coat closet with the others. Suddenly several cars ahead, one of the buffalo leaped on the back of the one in front of him. Then, a young calf leaped from the herd onto his back. The calf leaped onto the roof of the car and ran along the roofs toward the back of the train. There wasn't time to change, I'd have to tackle this situation without my suit. Third Pony POV. Little Strongheart dashed across the roofs of the train cars. Her sight fixed on the last car of the train. That was where the tree was stored. When suddenly a cyan-colored pegasus mare with a multi-hued mane and tail flew up from between the cars and landed in front of her. "Where ya headed in such a hurry?" She asked Little Strongheart. Suddenly behind her, the buffalo cow saw a flaming red star streaking towards them. "Behind you!" She shouted attempting to warn her. "Nice try, the pegasus scoffed. "You gotta get up pretty early in the...oof!" Before she could finish Little Strongheart headbutted her in the chest and pushed her down and out of the way. She suddenly felt lighter than air as the fireball collided with her. "Little Strongheart!" She heard her father call out her name. The entire herd stopped in their tracks and gasped in awe as the flaming star carried her off the train up into the clouds. "Father!" She called out to him. Her voice was snatched away by the rushing wind as she noticed the train and the herd seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. In moments it was just a speck on the horizon. Little Strongheart as the flaming star carried her high into the clouds. Back on the ground, the herd could only stand still in shock as the train continued onward to Appleloosa. "What was that Chief?" One of the bulls asked. Chief Thunderhooves tried to speak but found himself at a loss for words. He had just seen his daughter, his only calf carried away by a ball of fire, taken to spirits only knew where. "I...I...I...I don't know," Back on the train, Rainbow Dash stood up and dusted herself off. "Well, I can't say I saw that coming." She admitted as she shook off her wings. She searched the skies but the comet was long gone. "Dashie! Semaphore!" Pinkie Pie shouted from the window below her. "Sema what?" Rainbow Dash looked up just in time to see a signal post dead ahead. "Whoa!" She ducked down her head missing its arm by just inches. "I should probably get down from here." Comet's POV. I'll be the first to admit, I may have acted a little hasty back there grabbing one of the buffalo. After all, it wasn't like I could just talk to her without revealing who I was. So now here I was, thousands of feet up with a less-than-cooperative passenger. "Hey, can you understand me? I demand to know where you are taking me!" Little Strongheart, I assumed that was her name because I heard one of the buffalo call out to her by it. Little Strongheart, kicked and thrashed her legs futilely. Though I don't know where she thought she was going up here. Come to think of it, neither did I. "I'm warning you, my father is the chief of our tribe!" She continued. "You won't get away with this!" Despite her brave face, I could tell by her heartrate that being this high up was terrifying to her. Below us, the buffalo herd had come to a halt and was staring up at us, while the train continued onward to Appleloosa. "L-Look I-I promise I'll tell him to forget about all this if you just put me back...Daaaaaaaaaaaah!" Her rant was cut off as I banked into a 180-degree turn followed by a 70-degree dive. Little Strongheart screamed as we plummeted like a car on a roller coaster. At around fifty feet, I leveled off and began to gradually descend. Little Strongheart lifted her hooves away from her face and opened her eyes. Ahead of us, the buffalo tribe stood looking up in mute astonishment. All of them except for the chief had their mouths open agape. "Daughter!" He called out to her. "Father!" She called back, then looked up at me. At around four feet I released her. Her legs sprawled out as soon as her hooves touched the ground. She was shaken but physically unharmed. Once he saw his daughter was safely on the ground, the Chief pointed at me and shouted: "Seize it!" As soon as I saw the wall of horns and hooves charging at me, I ascended into a vertical climb. Once I was above the clouds, I exhaled and gathered my thoughts together. "Okay, not how I was expecting to wake up this morning," I said as I surveyed the breadth of the land below me. "I need to get back aboard the train before Applejack's friends notice I'm gone." With that thought in mind, I took off following the tracks. I caught up with the Friendship Express just as it was approaching the outskirts of Appleloosa. Time was running short, I needed to be on that train before it pulled into the station. The only problem was getting on board without any witnesses. A bright red comet flying into a train was going to draw a search party. A quick pan of the train with my X-ray vision showed the private car was occupied by Applejack and her friends. "Spike, wake up, wake up!" Twilight shook the still-sleepy dragon. Meanwhile, Applejack comforted Bloomberg by tenderly holding one of his branches and speaking baby talk to him. Luckily while that car was out of the question, the sleeping car in which they slept was empty. I lined myself up perpendicular to the train, then dived straight down. Just like when I was carrying Little Strongheart, I leveled myself off and let myself gently float down until I was about three feet above the roof. Once I was low enough to be concealed, I floated my way over to the front platform of the sleeper car and dropped down. "Do you think the buffalo took him?" I heard Fluttershy say with worry from the next car as I opened the door. "Now why in tarnation would they do a thing like that?" Was the question that Applejack posed. "They seemed pretty interested in getting to this car," Rainbow Dash pointed out. "Well, we aren't going to find standing around like this," Twilight stated the obvious. "Let's split up and search the train. Apple Comet has to be around here somewhere." I ruffled up my mane to make it look like I had bedhead. Then slowly, I opened the door. "What was all that noise?" I said letting out a yawn for dramatic effect. "Apple Comet!" Immediately Pinkie Pie ran up and grabbed me. "You had us all worried you silly Billy," "I just went to the bathroom," I winced pretending that the pressure she was putting around my barrel was hurting me. Getting the message, Pinkie released me. "You didn't see the buffalo?" Twilight looked at me curiously. "Buffalo?" I let out another yawn. "Applejack what's going on here?" My sister shrugged her withers and said: "Your guess is as good as mine Sugarcube." The moment we stepped off the train onto the platform, my cousin Braeburn was there to greet us. "Hey there, welcome ta A-Appleloosa!" As I looked into his beaming eyes and excited grin, I couldn't help but feel a little scared. And judging from the way the others were flinching back, I wasn't alone. "Um...are you feeling alright? Cousin Braeburn?" I asked hesitantly. To which he answered by leaning his face in close to mine and smiling. "Why of course, Cousin Apple Comet, Why a'h feel as fit as a fiddle in a square dance." At this point, I wondered if it was too late to get back on the train. That is until he wrapped his foreleg around my neck and pulled me in close. "Come and let me show you all the wonders of A-A-Appleloosa!" He held his other foreleg out before the bustling main street of the town. For the next few minutes, Braeburn took us by the reins and showed us around the town. "Boggles the mind, we settler ponies built all this in just the past year don't it?! And as you can see, we have all the finest comforts. Like horse-drawn carriages." He pointed to a stagecoach where the driver and passenger were arguing over which turn it was to pull next. "And those there are horse-drawn, horse-drawn carriages." He pointed to a trio of ponies who were drawing with paper and pencils. "And here's our local watering hole, the Salt Block." The saloon doors swung open as the barkeep tossed a stallion out of the establishment. "That's enough salt for you!" He said firmly. "Can't I at least...get a glass of water?" The customer asked painfully. "Over there is the office of Sheriff Silverstar," Braeburn continued. "And here's where we have our wild west dances. And here's where we have our mild west dances." Okay, forget Braeburn, this whole town had clearly lost its marbles from living out here for so long. "And here's the wonderful sight in all of...A-A-A-ppleloosa! Our Apple Orchard. First harvest should be any day now. Good thing too because we need that grub to live on. Why don't y'all plant Bloomberg and then we can catch up on old times?" "Cousin Braeburn?" I nervously raised my hoof. "Yes, cousin Apple Comet?" He asked me casually. "How long have you been out in the sun today?" Braeburn's right pupil dilated while his left was constricted. Clearly, the answer was too long. "Ahem," Applejack cleared her throat indicating it was time to change the subject. "Y'all wouldn't know anything about a herd of buffalo would ya?" Braeburn's face sank "Why do you ask?" He said sounding like he was dreading the answer. "Some Buffalo tried to board the train on our way here," Twilight explained. Braeburn shook his head. "Them Buffalo, they want us settler ponies to take every tree you see here off this land. They sure as hay sure don't want any new ones put in." Well, that explained why Little Strongheart was interested in the car Bloomberg was in. When Fluttershy asked why Braeburn looked solemnly at the orchard and said "Beats me. We put a lot of hard work into this land, so we can feed our town, our families, our foals!" His tone grew steadily angrier as he went on. "And now they're saying all these trees have to go? T'ain't fair!" Third Pony Pov. Later that afternoon, in a small encampment outside of town. The Buffalo had gathered to discuss what had happened on the train. Chief Thunderhooves stood before the rest of the herd. His daughter Little Strongheart by his side. "My fellow Buffalo, like you I am troubled by what happened on the train this morning." His deep gruff voice rippled over the herd. "The appearance of this flaming star is something none of us anticipated." "What do we do Chief?" One of the buffalo asked. "What if this star is a sign or some kind of omen." A chorus of worried murmurs spread throughout the herd. Chief Thunderhooves closed his eyes and took in a gentle deep breath. "Alright everyone, settle down," He said holding his front hooves up. "Panicking won't get us anywhere. I will consult with the Medicine Cow and see what she has to say." "Enter." Chief Thunderhooves did as instructed. The smell of herbs and spices filled the Chief's nostrils as he stepped through the opening. His large frame brushed against the tapestry. Little Strongheart followed behind him, the tipi's flaps swinging against her sides. Seated in front of them was an old Bison Cow dressed in many necklaces of shells, beads, and turquoise. Her face was weathered with many wrinkles as was her body leaving her skin looking like it was clinging to her skeleton. Her gray hair was tied into two long braids that hung down to the floor. "You requested to see me?" She asked him. "I have," Chief Thunderhooves said plainly. A thin smile stretched across her aged face. "Tell me, what troubles you?" "This morning, while we were trying to get the tree, a flaming star appeared out of nowhere and snatched up Little Strongheart." The Medicine Cow scratched a hoof under her chin. "Hmm, a flaming star? That's strange because unless my old eyes deceive me, she is standing right next to you. "Well, it didn't exactly abduct me," Little Strongheart explained. "It just sort of carried me off the train and flew me around for a little bit, before bringing me back down. She shuddered as she remembered the traumatic experience. "Oh, well, I'm glad to see you alive and unhurt." The Medicine Cow said as she slowly stood up. "That's it?" Chief Thunderhooves asked in astonishment. "What else were you expecting?" The Medicine Cow said as she carefully stretched her legs. "I don't know, A sign? An omen? A prophecy? Something that would explain what it is we're dealing with?" "Well, I don't know any of those that involve a flaming star. But this does remind me of a story my grandmother told me when I was just a calf." She walked over to a parfleche sitting in the corner and opened it. Inside was an old rolled-up ledger. "We don't have time for old calf's tales." Chief Thunderhooves said with irritation. "Father please don't be rude," Little Strongheart scolded him. "Thank you, dearie," The Medicine Cow said as she lay it on the floor and unfurled it revealing an elaborate series of painted illustrations. "Long ago, when this land was young, the buffalo lived a strong and plentiful existence. They ate grass from the fertile plains and drank from the flowing river. They gave their thanks to the spirits of the earth, water, and sky, and in return, they lived free of illness, old age, and predators. However, over time their hearts grew selfish and wicked. They forsook the spirits by eating and drinking to their heart's content until the plains were stripped bare and the riverbed dried up. They chased away the other creatures by stampeding and flattened the forests so that they had more room to stampede. The other creatures were very upset by this and told the Great Spirit of the buffalo's selfishness and greed. And so to punish them, The Great Spirit, stripped the buffalo of their good health and sent wolves, coyotes, cougars, and bears to hunt them. Over the next several moons, the buffalo either starved became ill, or were hunted down by the predators. With their species facing possible extinction, all of the buffalo prayed to the Great Spirit for deliverance save for one. Tatanka, a young calf whose mother had succumbed to illness and whose father had been felled by a bear. Tatanka prayed to the Great Spirit to forgive the buffalo for their hubris. That night as the buffalo slept, a star fell from the sky and took Tatanka as he slept. It carried him up to the clouds where he was awoken by a White Buffalo Cow. At first, the young calf was frightened, until the White Cow told him she meant him no harm. She told him the Great Spirit had heard his prayer and sensed that he was pure of heart and brave of spirit. She offered him a pair of sacred bracers that would help him when he got back to earth. In return, she gave him a list of seven sacred tenants for the buffalo to follow from that day forth. First, they would respect the earth and never again take its gifts for granted. Second, they would only take from the earth and water what they needed and nothing more. Third, everything they took would be used. Nothing would be wasted. Fourth, they would respect the rights of the other creatures who shared the world. Fifth, they would honor the spirits of the sky for their rain and the spirits of the earth for their harvest. Sixth, these honors would be given through ceremonies and festivals. One in the Spring and the other in the Fall. And Seventh, as penance for their wickedness, the buffalo would no longer be protected from illness and old age. However, if the buffalo followed these tenets and lived a virtuous life, upon death they would be granted a home in the sky with the Great Spirit. Tatanka gladly accepted and she sent him back to Earth on the falling star. As soon as he got back, Tatanka put the bracers on his hooves and immediately felt their power. His coat changed from brown to snow white. He grew from a small calf to a full-grown bull and kept on growing larger and larger until the tallest trees reached his withers and his horns brushed the clouds. With his newfound size and strength, Tatanka drove the predators from the land with ease. When he was done, he returned to his village and delivered the seven tenents to his tribe. "The buffalo agreed to follow the tenants and continue to do so to this day." The Medicine Cow finished her story. "Well, that was certainly riveting." Chief Thunderhooves said with a deadpan tone. "However it doesn't answer the question of why the flaming star has reappeared." "Eh, who can tell," The Medicine Cow shrugged her withers and began rolling up the ledger. "Maybe it's a sign the Great Spirit has chosen a new champion for the buffalo. Someone pure of heart and brave of spirit like Tatanka was." She placed the ledger back in the parfleche. "You mean me?" Little Strongheart asked curiously. "Could be dearie, could be hoo hoo hoo," The Medicine Cow chuckled. "Then again it all could just be a coincidence of no meaning whatsoever. Who can tell?" "Sigh, I think I've heard enough," Chief Thunderhooves turned and walked out. "Father," She called out to him. But he ignored her. "I'm so sorry about him. He's been acting like this all day." "He's just a little overprotective, all father's all," The Medicine Cow assured her. "I'm certain everything will work out for the best." A sly grin spread across her wrinkled face. Comet's POV. I stared out the window of Braeburn's guest bedroom. My eyes and ears watching and listening to the goings-on in town. After we planted Bloomberg in the orchard. Twilight had suggested everyone split up and ask around town to see if any of the townsponies knew anything about the buffalo. Applejack and I went with Braeburn to his house to unpack while the rest of the group went to the hotel. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was a quarter past two. They'd been out for two and a half hours. So far without any luck. Everypony they asked gave the same answers. "Buffalo? Why they ain't nothing but uncivilized brutes who are trying to run us off this here land." "Ugh, As if Ah'd know anything about those hairy beasts." "They think just cause they're bigger than us they can drive us away from here. They can take a short run off a high cliff for all A'h care." "If ya ask me, A'h think it's time Sheriff Silverstar did something about it ." "Buffalo smell like hairy butt!" That last one admittedly got a chuckle out of me. It was a school-age colt who said it to Spike. It wasn't what he said, it was how he said it. I just want to state for the record that I do not think buffalo smell like quote 'hairy butt'. I could see that this search was going nowhere fast. If our group wanted some answers, we'd have to get them from the buffalo. The only problem was we didn't know where to find them. But I knew a way to fix that. I checked my saddlebag to make sure I had everything I needed. Mainly my suit matrix. But also a water bottle, a few apple strudel bars, a compass, a map, and my wallet. Most of it was unnecessary in practice but it was important to keep up appearances in case I ran into somepony out there. With everything accounted for, I strapped on my saddlebag and headed out the bedroom door. There was just one obstacle to overcome. "Don't worry Braeburn, Ah'm sure Twilight will figure something out," Applejack said as I looked through the staircase. She was sitting next to him on the sofa. "She's got a knack for solving these kinds of problems." Ever since the incident with the diamond dogs, Applejack had become much more apprehensive about me going out on my own. Thinking quickly, I looked out the wall toward the orchard behind the house. Perfect. "Applejack, I'm heading out to the orchard to visit Bloomberg." "Just a moment young colt!" She called out as I cantered for the door. She stood up and trotted up to me with one eye glaring suspiciously. "Could you take him his security blanket when you go up there?" She held the mint green apple-covered garment up. "He seemed mighty nervous when we planted him this morning. What with all the new trees around him and all." "Uhh...sure." I took the blanket and walked out that door without saying another word. Finding Bloomberg in the orchard was easy. Since he was one of my sister's favorites, he'd absorbed enough of her residual magic to give off a visible aura. The hard part was figuring out what to say when I found him. Maybe Applejack did have some kind of magic that allowed her to talk to trees? Or maybe she was just going crazy. "H-Hi Bloomberg, it's me Apple Comet." I smiled awkwardly as I approached the tree. "I'm not sure if you can understand me. But I brought you your blanket, even though I have no idea how to put it on you." Bloomberg stood there silently as I looked down at the blanket in my hoof. I finally decided to wrap it around the bottom of his trunk. "It's been a crazy two days, hasn't it? What with everything that's happened. Hopefully, things will calm down soon." What was I doing? Was I so desperate for someone to confide in that I was talking to an apple tree? "Anyway, I need to get going, before this mess gets any crazier." After a quick survey to make sure nopony was nearby, I took off galloping out the back of the orchard. Once I was out in the desert I took off running, my legs carrying me like the wind as I searched for any signs of the buffalo. "The buffalo intercepted the train along the distant outskirts of town. That area should be covered in tracks." Sure enough, when I arrived at the spot, the ground was practically nothing but hoofprints. "This is the spot alright, the tracks go all over the place. Speaking of which," I reached into my saddlebag and pulled out my clothing matrix. "It's probably best that I don't leave any of mine to follow." Placing it against my chest, I took to the air to get a better look. "That's better," From up here I could see which direction they came from, and which way they went. "Now let's see if they lead me to where the buffalo roam. Third Pony POV. "Ugh!" Little Strongheart groaned rolling over on her bedroll in frustration. After the visit to the Medicine Cow didn't go as planned, her father had gone to consult with the village elders. But not before forbidding her from leaving the village. She'd thought about sneaking out, but her father had posted guards to keep an eye on her. The only place she could get any privacy was their tipi or the outhouse. And she knew she couldn't stay in there all day. "I'm so bored!" She said as she threw up her hooves in aggravation. She peered through the opening to one of the guards standing outside her tipi. If she went out, he'd ask where she was going and then they'd follow her around the village. "Stupid flaming star!" She muttered into her pillow. "Everything was just fine until you showed up. Now, Dad is acting even more bull-headed than usual. If there was just some way to get him to see reason." "Look, up in the sky!" She heard someone gasp in amazement. "It's the flaming star!" Immediately Little Strongheart leaped to her hooves and peered out the opening. She looked up in time to see the flaming star pass overhead. Instantly the entire village's gaze was frozen toward the sky. Some in fear, others in awe. Even the guard outside her tipi had forgotten what had been doing as he stared breathlessly up at the sky. Realizing this was her chance, Little Strongheart slipped out the opening and made her through the dumbstruck herd. This was her chance to get some answers. As soon as she was out of the village, she took off in a full gallop She didn't care how fast she had to run or how far. One way or another, she was going to get some answers. Comet's POV The trail of hoofprints led into a dry hilly valley. Towering buttes surrounded it creating a rocky curtain that concealed it from the outside. On a sprawling piece of flatland, around a dozen tipis had been erected in a circle. "This looks like the place," I said as my sight zoomed in for a closer look. Below the buffalo carried on with their everyday lives. Tending to chores, running errands, or just talking to friends and neighbors. "Not exactly the sort of creatures you'd expect to ambush a train." One tipi, in particular, stood out more than the others. It was larger and painted in colorful intricate patterns. A single buffalo silently stood guard in front of the entrance. "That must be the Chief's." My x-ray vision showed he wasn't home, but that it was still occupied. "Ughhh! I'm so bored!" "There's Little Strongheart. The young bison tossed and turned on what looked like a bed mat. "Stupid flaming star! "Everything was just fine until you showed up." "Well, that's not very nice." As if they'd heard me, one of the buffalo pointed up at the sky and gasped. "Look, up in the sky!" "It's the flaming star!" Another cried out. Every buffalo in the village stopped what they were doing and looked up. It was at this time that I noticed the lack of cloud cover in the area. "Me and my bright coma," I said before noping the heck out of there. "Well so much for heading back to Appleloosa. I needed to find a place to land out of sight." Fortunately, luck was on my side as I spotted a hollowed-out depression jutting into the side of a distant mesa. "What's that?" Curiosity getting the better of me, I flew over to investigate. "Well, this certainly wasn't what I was expecting," I said as my hooves touched down on a brown stone-cut floor. Before stood an impressive stone portal framed by two intricately decorated columns. Above the doorway was an impressive image of a white buffalo standing proud and tall. It was clear to me that Buffalo had built this place. But for what purpose? There weren't any traps set up which meant there probably wasn't anything they'd consider a treasure hidden here. Was it the entrance to a temple or a shrine? It certainly gave the appearance of being sacred ground. Was I defiling it just by standing on it with uncloven hooves? My thoughts were interrupted by the distant sounds of charging hooves. Turning around, I looked into the distance to see where it was coming from. "Little Strongheart? What's she heading this way for?" Then the answer hit me like a horseshoe to the face. "Of course, she followed you here you idiot! Well, so much sneaking my way out of here." Pressing onto my emblem, I changed out of my costume and picked it up in my mouth. There wasn't any time to run away without being seen. I'd need to hide and make my break for it when the time was right. Gathering up the last of my skepticism, I galloped up the short flight of steps that led into the temple. Third Pony POV Little Strongheart's legs burned from fatigue as she pursued the flaming star. Her coat damp with sweat clung to her skin as she stampeded across the desert. Yet despite this, her eyes never wavered from the sight of its red tail. To her surprise, it suddenly changed course and headed for White Horn Butte. No buffalo ever set hoof there, it was considered sacred. The domain of the spirits of their ancestors. For a moment Little Strongheart pondered the words of the Medicine Cow. Was this flaming star an emissary from the Great Spirit? Had it come to help the Buffalo in their time of need? There was only one way to find out.