Comet The Colt of Steel

by Stallion of Steel

Comet's sentence (Deleted scene)

By the time we got back to the farmhouse, the inevitable was upon us. Princess Celestia's Chariot sat parked outside the front gate. This was the first time I'd seen her up close and personal since The Summer Sun Celebration occurred past my bedtime. But I'd seen pictures of her in school books and newspapers. Pictures that did not properly do her justice. She was a tall slender pony with legs longer than any I'd ever seen and a horn as long as a regular pony's foreleg. Her mane and tail shimmered in an aurora of colors. Her wings and slender neck gave off the grace of a beautiful swan. She wore elegant golden shoes on her feet, a large golden necklace with a large purple stone set in the center, and a magnificent golden tiara with a matching stone.

My Predicament momentarily forgotten, I gazed in wonder at the enchanting mare in front of me. I felt....warm in a good kind of way. Not just warm but....energized? It was like every fiber of my being was being bathed in raw power. I could feel it flowing through my skin down to my bones.

"Here they are Princess." One of her Royal Guards said as He pointed us out to her. She smiled warmly as she turned to face us.

"Greetings My Little Ponies." She spoke softly with the voice of an angel. At once we all knelt before her. "Arise." Everypony sprang to their hooves like jackrabbits.

"Yer' Highness this is so unexpected." Granny Smith began. "May I ask what brings Y'all to our humble orchard?"

Celestia smiled softly as her horn lit up bringing forward the tall oak projectile of discussion.

" Well, it seems this apple tree crashed through the roof of my castle this morning."

"THAT APPLE TREE CRASHED INTO THE CASTLE!!!" I screamed internally as my blood ran cold, this was way-way way-way way-way-way-way beyond bad. It was a level so far beyond bad, worse, horrible, terribly awful, or the worst possible thing! It was breaking your neighbor's window with buckball on a monumental scale! I had vandalized Princess Celestia's Castle. My pulse began to rise, sweat began to drip down my forehead.

In my mind, I saw a horrifying vision. We were being herded through a crowd in the town square. Our legs and neck were bound in shackles. Ponies jeered and hurled insults and rotten fruit at us as we walked past them.




I looked up to the podium to see Princess Celestia standing before us in all her glory. My stomach sank as I saw her face was scowled in anger and disgust. Her eyes pierced through me like two daggers.

"Bring forth the defendants!" Her tone was emotionless and authoritative. The guards nudged us with their spears.

"Kneel!" One of them commanded. None of us resisted, From this position Princess Celestia seemed to tower even higher before us!

"You four stand accused of harboring a dangerous alien being." She stood at her full height and glared down at me. "And you, You have harmed many of my little ponies with your reckless and destructive behavior!"

"Y-Y-Your Highness!" I pleaded "I-I-I...."


"Y-Y-Yes your R-Royal Highness Princess Celestia." I groveled meekly. My dignity meant nothing to me, My life meant nothing to me. All that mattered was my family's safety.

"Very well how do you plead? She asked me seemingly satisfied with my pleading.

"Y-Your Royal Highness Princess Celestia, I never meant to hurt anypony. I was sent here by my birth parents to save my life. I'm the last of my kind. My power draws from your magnificent sun! I can't control how strong I am, But if spare my family's lives I shall devote my life to serving you." I looked up to see Celestia scratching her chin with her hoof pondering my decision. Every second I was in her presence I could feel my power building up inside me. It felt like I was being force-fed a bucket of raw power.

"Very well then." She coldly said. "I will spare the Apple Family the torment of rotting away in a dungeon. I felt my hopes rise deep inside of me. "On the condition that they banished from Equestria never to return." Only to feel it plummet into the pit of my stomach and shatter. I looked behind me, Applejack and Big Mac's faces were frozen in horror, while Apple Bloom proceeded to break down in tears. But the worst of all of them was Granny Smith. Sweat was pouring down her forehead as she suddenly fell short of breath and collapsed to the ground clutching her chest with her right hoof.

"Granny!" I heard Applejack shout as she and Big Mac rushed to her side. One glance of my x-ray confirmed it she was having a heart attack.

Turning to face Celestia I entreated"Princess you've got to help her! She's having a heart attack!"

Princess Celestia turned her head and scoffed. "I don't need to help that traitor!" Her voice was a tone of disgust.

"But she'll die without help." Her heart rate was falling fast, Time was running out. A flash of pain flooded my head as I felt of rush of energy flood through my body.

"ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!" I screamed as the power surged through every cell in my body.

Snap! Effortlessly I snapped my chains as though they were made of paper.

"Look out he's loose!" a stallion screamed, The crowds erupted into a full-blown panic. Ponies were galloping every which way frantically desperate to escape. But that didn't matter to me, all that mattered was getting Granny Smith's side.

Guards seize him! Princess Celestia boomed.

"Granny! I cried as I rushed to her side. Her face was contorted with agonizing pain and her heart rate was dropping rapidly.

"Apple...Comet." She winced as she looked up at me. "Don''rself." her hoof brushed against my cheek before her eyes closed.

"Put your hooves up!" I was suddenly picked up and hurled into the air, landing on the ground with a thud. I looked up to see one of the guards standing over me his spear at my throat. "Don't Move!" He barked at me.

"Alien that attempt to escape will cost your family dearly." Celestia spat venomously. "Guards! Take the Apple Family to the dungeons and lock them up for life! As for you Alien Menace I believe I will have to destroy you myself!

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" All of a sudden the energy building up inside me exploded outward. My entire body erupted into a white-hot ball of flame so bright it blinded me. In an instant, my hearing was filled with the sounds of ponies crying out in terror before they were silenced forever.