Comet The Colt of Steel

by Stallion of Steel

The Apple Family Way Part 3 Strength and Speed.

The walk through the orchard was tranquil, Princess Celestia's sun basked the afternoon sky in warmth. The sounds of birds singing soothed my nerves after the hectic day I'd had.

"What do y'all suppose Granny and Applejack are up to?" Apple Bloom asked me as soon as we were out the door. After laughing herself silly for about two minutes straight, she'd finally managed to pull herself together.

"I think I already know," I answered. "It's got to be like the chores Granny had me doing this morning."

"Why's Granny so interested in Y'all doing chores all of a sudden? All she ever asks me to do is clean up my room and make mah bed."

"She told me It was part of learning the Apple Family Way," I said shrugging my shoulders. "Next thing I know I'm bucking trees into the sky and turning hills into dirt piles." I was in no rush to find out, I felt content to close my eyes and let my uncertainties wash away.

"Ah'm still not sure about this Granny." I heard Applejack say. "A'h know he ain't exactly like other colts his age, but is all this really necessary? Ah mean Ah didn't start learning how to buck trees until I was eight."

Wait a minute?" I thought as I opened my eyes and looked around, Sure enough, there was no sign of Applejack around, I closed my eyes again and listened.

"Well Applejack you also weren't running faster than a speeding arrow or breaking cider barrels with yer bare hooves at his age either," Granny replied. "Your little brother may not look it, but we both know he's made of strong stuff."

"What is it?" Apple Bloom asked. I quickly shushed her. Realization spread across her face.

"Well....A'h guess Y'all have a point there." Applejack conceded. "It's just A'h can't help but wonder if this training is really gonna work for him."

"Y'all are hearing something aren't cha? Is it AJ and Granny?"

"Yeah," I said preparing to break into a run. "Come on let's go find them."

Using my super hearing like a bat in the darkness, It didn't take long for us to find Granny Smith and Applejack. We found them setting up the athletic field where the town often held athletic events. Apple Jack was placing poles and tying wind chimes to them for some reason, while Granny was busy rolling barrels into a zig-zag formation. Since Ponyville regularly scheduled these events weeks in advance I knew there wasn't any coming up soon.

"And that's the last one," Applejack said as she set the last hurdle on the ground.

"Hey, Sis!" Apple Bloom called out as we stepped into the clearing. "What are Y'all doing?"

"Oh howdy, Apple Bloom. AJ said as she walked over to us. "We're just setting the obstacle course up."

"I'm guessing it's for me right?" I said.

Applejack smiled and rolled her eyes. "Shoot Lil brother, Y'all must be a mind reader on top of everything else."

That got a laugh out of me. "I don't know if I can do that yet," I answered. "But my hearing is pretty good."

"Granny! He's here and so's Apple Bloom!" Applejack hollered out. Granny set aside the barrel she was setting up and turned to acknowledge us.

"So are Y'all ready for yer next task?" She asked as walked up to me.

"I guess," I answered. Granny nodded then turned her attention to Applejack.

"Applejack Ah'm gonna need ya to stick around a while for when something breaks."

"Y'all mean "if" something breaks right?" Applejack asked confused.

"Not if, when." Granny corrected her. "Y'all need to pay more attention to what Ah'm telling ya."

"Alright, Apple Comet for yer first task A'h want to see how well ya control yer kicking," Granny said leading us up to the test of strength. "I want cha to aim for right here." She pointed to the line at the bottom that said Baby Hooves.

"But Granny, Isn't the goal of the game to try to hit the bell?" I asked. My question got a hearty helping of stink-eye from Granny.

"I said yer goal is to get it up to Baby Hooves." Her stink eye bored into my own eyes. "Once Y'all can do that 'we'll talk about going a little higher. Now go one and remember Baby Hooves."

*sigh* "Baby Hooves." I muttered as I stepped up to the target "Baby Hooves, Baby Hooves, Baby Hooves." I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes, and gently tapped the button as softly as possible.



"Did I get it?" I opened my eyes to find Granny shaking her head in disappointment, while Applejack and Apple Bloom looked up in astonishment.

"I'm afraid not," Granny said. I looked up to see that the puck had not only hit the bell but had struck with enough force to lodge it in the dent it made. "This test was about controlling that strength of yer's, not using it. We'll have to work on that later. Applejack, find the ladder and the toolbox and get that bell fixed would ya?"

"Sure no problem." Applejack nodded.

"As for you two come with me."

So I didn't pass the first test, At least I didn't kick the bell into Canterlot this time.

"Alright, this next challenge is going to test yer running abilities. 3 laps around the track as fast as ya can. Jump the hurdles, weave through the barrels without knocking them over, leap across the baskets of grapes without breaking a single one, weave through the poles without ringing the chimes, leap through the hoops without falling into the mud, and cross the finish line. Granny said putting extra emphasis on the specifics of each task. This test is about controlling ye'r speed, not seeing how fast you can run, so take your time and remember if mess up a task It'll cost ya a three-second time penalty. Ya got all that?"

"I think so," I answered enthusiastically but a little confused. I admit at the time I didn't fully grasp what this had to do with learning the Apple Family Way, But a chance to let out some excess energy without worrying about ponies seeing me did sound like fun.

"Can I run too?" Apple Bloom asked Granny Smith.

"Ah'm afraid a course like this is a little out of your league, Apple Bloom. Heck, most grown stallions would have trouble completing it.” Apple Bloom’s eyes sank.

“Ah Understand Granny.” She whimpered softly as she turned and began to walk away.”

“Tell ya what, Whenever yer brother isn’t practicing, I’ll let you and Applejack come out and run together. How’s that sound?” Apple Bloom turned around, her eyes full of excitement, and leaped onto Granny wrapping her little hooves around her neck

“Oh thank you, thank you so much, Granny!” She cheered.

Granny smiled and wrapped her forelegs around Apple Bloom’s barrel before setting her down.

“Easy there, Ah’m not as young and spry as ah used to be.” She chuckled. "Come on let's go so yer brother can get started.

“On Ye’r Mark...Get Set...GO!!!!”

In an instant, I was off like a rocket, the wind whipping through my mane. Time seemed to slow down as I reached the first hurdle. My leg muscles coiled tightly like steel springs. With a single leap, I cleared the hurdle by at least a couple hundred height and distance.


“What in Tarnation!!!!” Applejack exclaimed as she watched me take to the sky like a hay bale in a tornado. Apple Bloom just stared up with her jaw dropped in awe.

“GRANNY!” I shouted up into the air. “I THINK I JUMPED TOOOOO FAAAARRRRR!!!!”



I wound up landing in a briar patch. All in all, not a good first run. Fortunately, after half an hour of getting briars pulled out of my coat, Granny let me try again without the hurdles. Which went about as well as my first run. Which is to say not well at all.

I started pretty well, Without the hurdles to jump, I was able to stay on the track. Unfortunately, I messed up at the barrel weave. I cleared the course without touching a single barrel. Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same for the wind I was whipping up behind me. One by one the barrels blew over spilling dirt and flowers onto the track.

The next obstacle was where things got sticky for me. I had to jump on and off of several baskets of grapes without breaking a single one. I didn't want a repeat of last time so instead of jumping mid-run I came to a halt in front of the first basket, hopped onto the grapes, and hopped off the instant I felt them under my foot. Unfortunately, I was still having problems with height and sticking the landing. I ended up leaping over 100 feet into the air and ended up face-first in the very last basket. To add insult to nonexisting injury the impact of my fall knocked over the other baskets.

"Apple Comet are Y'all okay?" Apple Bloom cried from the sidelines. I stood up and brushed the smeared grapes off of my face.

"Ugh gross." My view was obscured by a wall of sticky mane that clung to my face like glue but I could feel it sinking into every fiber of my coat. Great, I was probably gonna need three more baths after this. But that could wait until later. I still had two more obstacles to pass and I wasn't going to let a little grape juice stop me.

"Look at that, He's still going for it!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Course he is." I heard Granny say. "He's an Apple through and through."

With my X-Ray vision guiding me along the way I was soon back in the race. My coat was covered in grape juice and dirt but I didn't care. One way or another I was going to finish this race. Up ahead I could see the poles with their chimes dancing from the wind I'd whipped up earlier. Remembering my lesson from the barrels I slowed down just enough to hopefully avoid knocking them over. Left, right, right left right, left left left right, right, I dashed from pole to pole like a streak of light. just one more to go and I would be done.


For the second time, that day Apple Bloom's cheer caught me off guard. Instinctively I turn my head for a split second in her direction and "WHAM!" I had x-ray vision, telescopic vision, super hearing, and reflexes...and still, I managed to crash headfirst into the last pole like an idiot. The impact of my skull not only uprooted the pole but also sent it flying into the distance. And of all the places for it to land, It would end up being the worst possible place.


(Third Pony POV)

”97, 98, 99, 100 Rarity said as she finished combing her mane. “Oh, it looks simply ravishing .” Setting her comb down on her vanity, she proceeded to admire her new do from every angle.

“Rarity you’ve outdone yourself again. Why I don’t see how any colt could keep his eyes off you.”

Little did she know at that moment that her vanity was about to be shattered both figuratively and literally, For at that very moment Rarity saw in her reflection a high-speed projectile heading toward her window.

“AAAAIIIIEEEEHHHH!!!!” She shrieked, diving from her vanity just as the pole smashed through the window and into her vanity mirror with such force that it not only shattered the mirror but penetrated on through the wall behind it. The force of the impact sent makeup and beauty supplies airborne. Compacts and curlers crashed to the floor. Cream jars and lotion bottles spilled their contents into the carpet. Rarity ducked for cover under her bed as the chorus of shattered glass and scattered makeup filled the room.

“My Vanity.” She whispered in shock as she slowly emerged from the safety of her bed frame. The room fell silent. Rarity stared at the empty frame of her mirror listening to the ringing of the chimes hanging from the pole. Her shock was instantly replaced by burning rage. Split ends popped out of her mane one after another as pulsating veins appeared on her forehead. Her left eye began to twitch until finally, the rage burst forth.

“MY VANIIIIITTTTTY!!!!!!!” The mirror exploded in a shower of glass at the volume of Rarity’s voice before falling on top of her dresser with a crash scattering cosmetics and fragrances across the floor. With the wrath of a teenage mare scorned Rarity stomped over to the window, the floor shaking with every step. Slamming the window open, She shouted to the heavens.


Thankfully for Apple Comet, Rarity's rage was distracted by the timely arrival of her Mother.

"Rarity what's going on in here? Cookie Crumbles asked opening the door. "I heard screaming and thought.....Oh, my!"

"Mother!" Rarity exclaimed suddenly. "I-I didn't hear you come in."

Cookie Crumbles surveyed the devastation of her daughter's room. "Rarity I know you like to think of yourself as an artist but I think you might be going a little too far with this organized chaos of yours. That Vanity cost your father and me quite a bit. Although I must admit those wind chimes do add a sense of tranquility to the room."

"I-I can explain, it's actually a very funny story." Rarity mumbled nervously. "You see I was in here seated at my vanity doing my usual afternoon beauty treatment. Not that I'm not beautiful all day, I get that from you after all. When all of a sudden out of nowhere this pole comes flying through my window and Crash!" She exclaimed pounding her hooves together. "Right into my vanity. After that, I sort of almost lost my composure for just a second. Rarity smiled embarrassingly.

"You're not hurt are you dear?" Cookie Crumbles asked noticing all of the shards of glass scattered over the floor.

"No, I'm fine Mother, Just a little shaken is all. Think I'll go lie down for a while." Rarity answered raising her hoof to her forehead in her usual dramatic way.

"Well as long as you're okay." Cookie Crumbles sighed as she began to levitate the broken glass into a dustbin. "I would like to know how it got there. Poles just don't fall out of the sky for no reason."

( Apple Comet's POV)

The shrill screech of Granny's whistle echoed through my ears as I picked myself up off the ground.

"Alright, that's enough!" Granny cried. "Obviously, there's a lot of improvement that needs doing."

"I'm really sorry Granny," I said my head hung low. "I tried my best." She placed a hoof on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

"Ah know ya did." She said softly. "Nopony gets it on the first try. Course Nopony never jumps that high either."

"Well, at least nopony got hurt," I said attempting to lift my spirits. My confidence was instantly shattered by the distant sound of breaking glass and a shriek of terror. I froze in horror as I realized what was probably responsible. My super-hearing soon confirmed my worst fears as I picked up the voice of a very upset, very angry, and very vengeful mare.


I was faster than a speeding arrow, more powerful than a Timberwolf King, virtually indestructible, and yet in that moment that instant I tasted true terror. And though I didn't know it at the time, Its name was Rarity.

"Ugh, Apple Comet are Y'all feeling alright?" Applejack asked me. I didn't respond, I just stood there like a statue with an expression of fear spread across my face. "Okay, seriously Y'all are starting to scare me."

"Applejack please allow me." Granny gently nudged her aside and pulled out her trusty triangle.


Instantly I snapped out of my trance. "Huh, where is she? Don't let her find me!"

"Whoa calm down their little brother, Don't let who find ya? Granny do have any idea what he's talking about?"

Granny just shrugged her shoulders.

"Easy there just take a couple of deep breaths and calm down." Applejack's voice seemed to soothe my anxiety. I took in a deep breath and exhaled. "That's it just keep breathing." I took a few more deep breaths for good measure then looked up at my sister's face.

"Thank you," I said softly.

"T'wern't nothing." She replied. "Now Y'all mind telling us what Y'all were going on about?"

"It sounded like I broke somepony's window when I hit my head on that pole. The mare that owned it sounded very upset." To my surprise, none of them seemed shocked at what I said.

"So ya heard that huh?" Granny said. I nodded my head.

"She said she was gonna find me and that vengeance would be hers. I said, "I don't know what that means but it sounds really, really, scary." Granny reached down and lifted my head.

"It's okay." She whispered. "Y'all didn't mean to do it, It was just an accident. Nopony's gonna hurt you." Not like anypony really could but I didn't want to have a repeat of Teddy twice on the same day.

"It's mah fault." Apple Bloom spoke up. "If A'h hadn't distracted cha when A'h did you wouldn't've hit the pole." Her ears drooped down as looked me in the eyes. I couldn't stay mad at that face.

"I forgive you, Bloom, I said pulling her into a hug.

"Ow!" She suddenly yelped. "Watch it will ya?" I immediately released her.

"Sorry, guess I forgot my own strength for a second." Just to be safe I took a quick look over my x-ray vision. To my relief, she didn't show any broken bones or injuries.

"Did ya recognize the voice?" Applejack asked me.

"No, I didn't," I answered. "But I know what direction it came from. I pointed over in the direction of Ponyville."

Granny and Applejack looked at each other. "As an honest mare, A'h don't know how we're gonna explain this to whoever owns that window," Applejack said.

"E'yup," Granny replied. "Looks like we got ourselves a bale of explaining to do."

"Am I in trouble?" I asked nervously.

"No yer not in trouble," Granny said. "Y'all just don't know yer own strength is all. Now come let's go getcha cleaned up for dinner.

The walk back to the house was awkward, to say the least. Not for the grape juice and dirt sticking to me but for everything I'd done today. I felt like a cross-eyed one-pony wrecking crew with four left hooves living in a world made of cardboard out there.

"That was pretty amazing what Y'all did back there." Apple Bloom said as we reached the top of a hill. Ah never seen anypony run as fast or jump as high as you."

"Thanks," I replied a small smile spread gently across my muzzle. "Need to work on my landings though." Apple Bloom giggled at that comment.

"Heck with jumps like that, we oughta send ya to Cloudsdale for the Best Young Fliers Competition." Applejack chuckled.

Apple Bloom and Granny Smith burst into a fit of laughter, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. But I joined in too. After everything that happened today, I needed a good laugh. Still a flying Earth Pony? Whoever heard of that?

"Hey, Apple Comet?" Apple Bloom tapped a hoof on my shoulder. "Ah been wondering what it would be like to have powers like you do?"

"To be honest Ah've been thinking about that myself," Applejack said. "Just imagine how many apple trees A'h could buck if ah was as fast and strong as you are." In my head imagined one apple tree after another crashing into the ground while a bright yellow blur crashed through anything in its path.

"Trust me it's not as'd....think," I said as I came to a sudden stop towards the farm. "Umm, Granny?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Were we expecting a delivery today?"

"No not today, Closest A'h can think of is this Thursday. Why do ya ask?"

"Because I see an apple tree sitting outside the front gate with a note attached to it." I chose not to mention the two small hoof prints embedded deep into the splintered trunk just yet.

"Where do Y'all suppose it came from?" Apple Bloom asked

I felt something drop inside me as Applejack moved in to take a closer look at the hoof prints I'd made earlier that day.

"A'h'd say whoever did this gave it a pretty good bucking for such small hooves. Hold up there's familiar about these prints."

"There ya are." Applejack's amateur gumshoeing was by a deep voice behind us, that nearly scared me into the air again. I turned around to discover Big Macintosh was the culprit.

"Mac, didn't A'h talk to ya bout sneaking up on us like that?" Applejack scolded. "Y'all nearly scared us half to death."

"Sorry," Mac said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Mac, did ya see who dropped it off?" Granny asked.


"Well don't keep us in suspense, who was it?"

"He said he was a royal messenger from Canterlot," Mac said pointing the parchment tied to the tree's trunk.

Granny Smith adjusted her glasses as she examined the seal holding up the parchment.

"It's the royal seal alright. She said carefully removing it, The scroll unfurled revealing a lengthy letter written in exquisite penmanship.

Dear Apple Family.

This morning I awoke to find this embedded in the roof of my castle.

Based on the angle and estimated trajectory, I believe it belongs to you.

Thankfully the damage was minimal and I'm happy to report that nopony was hurt.

However, the cause of this phenomenon is still unknown.

If any of you know anything about what happened, I ask that you share that information with me as soon as you possibly can.

Signed Princess Celestia.

The orchard fell deathly silent. Applejack and Big Mac stood frozen in shock. With a sigh, Granny Smith rolled the scroll back up.

"Not a word of this gets out, Ya understand?" She said with a look of determination on her face.

Applejack protested. "But Granny this is Princess Celestia we're talking about! We can't lie to her?"

"Yes, Applejack A'h understand that."Granny Smith replied, making it clear that her mind was made up. But right now A'h needs you to understand that Ah'm doing this for our good."

"How is lying to the Princess for our good?!" Applejack's hissed through her clenched teeth.

"Because it ain't lying if you don't say anything !" Granny shouted. "If ponies find out about yer brother, they're gonna start asking questions we aren't prepared to answer!

"What does where he came from have to do with this? " Applejack said getting in close with Granny's face.

"It has everything to do with it!" Granny rebutted pressing her muzzle to Applejack's. "If word gets out about him, Somepony might come and try to take him from us!"

"Are you saying Princess Celestia might try to kidnap him?" Applejack said accusingly.

"A'h was talking bout somepony much much worse," Granny said, her voice becoming lower. Applejack loosened her stance, it seemed she had conceded to Granny on that point. Still, her face said she wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet.

I stood transfixed at the argument unfolding in front of me. An argument I was the subject of. I felt feelings of disgust rise inside of me, Why did they have to fight over me? Was I just some terrible secret that needed to be kept from the rest of the world? Applejack and Granny continued to argue with Applejack emphasizing not comprising your moral character. Granny hit back with the importance of making sacrifices when it came to family.

Big Mac had seen enough, With a stomp of his hoof he shouted out, "THAT'S ENOUGH!"

Applejack and Granny Smith fell silent as they both looked at Big Macintosh. The Teenage Colt's brow was furrowed with frustration, Despite this, he still managed to hold on to his calm temperament.

"Look at ya both!" He said. "Yer both acting like stubborn mules!"

"Well, I never!" came a voice of outrage from across the fence. The entire family turned around to see a mule mare standing in front of the fence with a look of disgust and outrage etched across her face. "Young Colt come here." She instructed pointing down to the ground in front of her. Hesitantly Big Mac did as instructed.

"A-A'h didn't mean to...Slap! Big Mac was cut off by a stinging slap across his muzzle. Big Mac winced bringing his hoof up to his jaw.

"We Mules might seem stubborn to you, but we have feelings too you know." With a sneer of disgust, she turned and walked off with her head held up straight.

"W-Wait A'h-A'h didn't mean it like that, A'h just...Aw, shoot." Big Mac said stomping the dirt in frustration. "Sigh, anyway as A'h was saying, the two of you are being so stubborn with your own views that you haven't stopped to think about how Apple Comet feels about this.

Applejack and Granny Smith both turned and looked at me. With a sigh, Applejack reached around to rub her neck.

"Aw shucks, Mac's right. Apple Comet Ahm sorry, A'h guess we got so caught up in what we thought was right that we didn't stop to consider what you wanted. "A'h still don't think it's right keeping secrets from the Princess. But A'h forgot it's not mah secret to tell."

"It's okay Applejack, I forgive you. I don't think I'm ready to share who I am with anypony else right now.

Applejack smiled and said. "A'h understand it's yer secret and Y'all don't have to tell anypony you don't want to."

"A'h suppose A'h owe ya an apology too." Granny Smith said rubbing her hoof against her wrist. "A'h guess It's still a little early for ya to be learning the family way. But if ya still feeling like getting out there and practicing sometimes, Ah'll be more than happy to coach ya!"

"Thanks, Granny, I'll remember that the next time I feel like practicing controlling my powers. Now we please go inside? I think this grape juice is starting to dry."

"Oh no you don't, I just scrubbed the floor two days ago." In an instant, her tone shifted from apologetic to stern as she pointed to the barn.

"Sigh, Yes Granny right away." With my head hung low, I marched off to my second bath of the day. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only pony in Equestria with this kind of luck. Aw who am I kidding, Who else in Equestria could cause as many freak accidents in one day as I can?

Third Pony POV.


Twilight Sparkle turned and sneezed at just the right second to avoid getting any on the book she was reading. Reaching over with her magic the young mare pulled a tissue out and proceeded to wipe her nose. Satisfied she tossed it into a nearby basket. "Huh weird." She said before returning to her book.