> A Student Turned Princess > by FlightfulPone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. The Not So Pleasant Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ughhh... I feel the last colors and shapes of my dream slip from my mind, leaving me in a semi-aware state enclosed in the darkness of my own closed eyes. That was... one of the best sleeps I've ever had...I could've sworn it took me a whole hour last night just to get comfy on this bed. I move to stretch my hands and back, but— Mmmm... agh why is my back so itchy? And... wait, these covers are a lot heavier than I remember them. Did the college come in and replace the dorms' crappy blankets? That'd be awesome, but, uh, a bit weird to do it while I'm sleeping. But, if a minute's invasion of privacy is the cost for a whole year's worth of comfy sleep, I'm all for it. Slowly, I creep open my eyes. The ceiling above me also seems much further away from me than I remember when I laid down to sleep, but it's probably just a trick caused by the lack of light. Wait, why is it so dark? Aw man, did I wake up too early? Again?! Great, just great, yep, perfect start to the year. What time is it anyway? I close my eyes and groan to myself, rolling over in bed to reach for my phone where it should be on the bedside table. Strangely, it seems to take an awfully long amount of rolling for my arm to brush against the edge of the mattress, but once it does, I flail around a bit, searching for the hard, wooden surface of the table. Again, it seems a bit further than it should be. Ugh, did my roommate move my table? It should be right up against the bed! I swear if he took my phone too, I'm gonna— ah! Finally, my hand smacks against the top of the table, only the sensation is... wrong. It's like all my fingers are completely numb. I try to open and close my fist, but I don't feel anything change. Annnnd I slept on my hand too, didn't I? Yeah, of course I did. Ughhhh. I roll one more time to swing my legs over to the side of the bed to stand and— "Ow!" —instantly lurch forward and fall flat on my face. Groaning in pain, I reach up to massage my forehead, but wince further as my hand collides with my head much harder than I expected. "Wha— what the heck? Wait." My eyes shoot open as my own spoken words reach my ears and register in my brain. "This isn't my voice. Why... why do I sound like a woman??" An older one too. Gah, I really need water. I turn to face my bedside table, but quickly realize I've never seen it before in my life. What I had initially felt was wood actually appears to be some polished white marble, trailing with thin, gold veins and engraved with ornate curves and markings that scream of everything I know damn well I could never afford. I try to scramble to my feet, but I keep failing to find my balance. My legs feel way longer than they should be... and so do my arms for that matter. After a long struggle, I succeed in orienting myself and planting my hand on the surface of the marble table, quickly pulling my head up just enough to scan my eyes across its surface. "Come on, stupid phone, where are you? Why do you always disappear when I need it?" I glance all around the floor in search of the device and quickly notice the floor too is unfamiliar. I hadn't really noticed before out of my own grogginess, but where there should have been soft, messy carpet, now laid a similar polished marble as the table all across the floor. This... this isn't my floor. This isn't my room. Am... did someone kidnap me? Noooo no no no, this is not how my college year was supposed to start! Just for confirmation, I turn my gaze back to the bedside table in hopes that I may have missed my phone out of lack of sleep. Eventually, my eyes settle on my hand. Or... where my hand should be. "WHERE ARE MY HANDS?!" My fingers weren't just numb, they were completely gone. In fact, my entire arm is gone! Replaced with a long, white and furry limb ending in a hard stump. Hoof. My mind goes into overdrive as I try to rapidly process this influx of information. This is a hoof. This is my hoof. Where my hand should be. I shift around until I can place my left arm onto the table, but doing so sends my face tumbling to the floor once again. With a shriek that is definitely not my voice, I shield my face with my newly discovered hooves as I crash down once more. This time, with adrenaline now pumping through my veins, I quickly pull my head up and glance between my arms on the floor, both replaced with the same, long white hooves. No... not just hooves, uh, these are my front legs, aren't they? Which would mean... I glance down my body lying on the ground, seeing every inch covered in soft, white fur. Where my legs once were are now a pair of long, white, horse legs. Just to be sure, I kick them out a bit, and watch as they move in tandem with my mental commands. Yep, those are mine too. My eyes widen even further as I realize I'm not wearing any clothes, causing my gaze to shift straight towards a very delicate and importany region. "Wha—, uh, where my dick at? I, uh..." I pat myself with my forelimbs all over every square inch of my body, registering a very vivid sense of physical contact and feeling every single time. "This has gotta be a dream." I mutter to myself. "This has got to be a dream." My breathing begins to quicken and I feel my heart threatening to burst through my chest. The edges of my vision go dark as I rapidly glance back and forth around the room, realizing there isn't a single thing about it that I recognize. After about ten seconds, I realize what's going on and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and holding it. Come on, Sam, let's not do that, alright? One... Two... Three... Four... ...and five. I slowly open my eyes again, my breathing calmed but my heart still pounding in my ears. To my dismay, the room and my physical... situation remain the same. I try to get to my feet, or hooves now, slowly steadying myself as I raise my body on my hind legs. Once I find my balance, I shakily push off the ground with my front legs, but instead of standing upright, I once again face plant on the hard. marble floor. Damn it. Wait, horses walk with all four legs, don't they? Something clicks in my mind as I try again to stand up. This time, there's a feeling both at the back of my mind and my legs that guide my hind legs up to plant firmly on the ground once more, telling me a more... intended way to stand, as if an old muscle memory was awakened. I firmly anchor my front legs in front of me and very carefully raise my neck up while keeping all four legs on the ground. Surprisingly, this new position feels more sturdy and natural, as if this was always how my body was supposed to stand. Alright, Sam, you got four legs now. This means walking is going to be a bit different. I scan the room, finding all sorts of unfamiliar furniture, instruments, bookshelves, some large double doors, and eventually settle on an ornate mirror held up by some sort of crystal frame as my destination. I will my left hind leg to take a step like normal, and as soon as it does, I feel my center of balance shift forward worryingly. On instinct, I take a step forward with my right front leg and pause, realizing I'm balanced once again. Hmm, that doesn't feel right, though. As slowly as I can, I fidget and shift my other two limbs until I'm back to a normal standing position. This time, I take a cautious step with my left front leg first. As it moves, I feel a natural reflex to follow it with my opposite hind leg. After steadying myself once more, I repeat this, but now with my right front leg, followed with my left hind leg. This time, the feeling is... normal. Part of my brain is screaming that I shouldn't be walking with my arms on the ground, but the rest feels content. Again, I shift my other limbs until I'm back with my hooves beside each other. So it's, uh, front leg, followed by opposite hind leg, then the other front leg, then the, uhm, other back leg? And then just repeat? I look down, focusing on my foreign limbs. Front leg first, I guess... I take a step with my right front leg, and quickly begin stepping with my left hind leg as soon as my balance shifts. As I'm about place that leg down, I step forward with my left front leg, but this time overstepping a little, followed by my right hind leg. I slowly repeat the motion across all four limbs, my eyes darting back and forth between each one as they move. After a few more cycles, the movement is beginning to feel a lot more natural, so I close my eyes and just will myself to continue forward. To my surprise, I continue walking along with no apparent issue, the motion of my legs having been relegated to automatic behavior, as if it were breathing. Yes! I pump an imaginary fist in my mind, then promptly smash my head against the wall mirror. "Ow!" I shake my head, stumbling a bit on my hooves. Ugh, okay, maybe walking with my eyes closed isn't the best idea. I look up and, for the first time, see my whole body properly. In place of my dark, brown eyes, a comically large pair of magenta eyes stare back at me, above a muzzle that looks a bit similar to a horse's, and yet the face overall seems... vaguely human in a way. I tilt my head, noticing the pair of fluffy ears atop my head, flicking every so often. My hair, or mane now I guess, seems to float through some invisible fluid, constantly flowing with its hues of green, blue, and pink. Faint twinkles of light burst occasionally throughout it. Hope that isn't radioactive. I open my mouth, and the white horse in the mirror copies my movement. I carefully lift up a hoof, the white horse copies it. I shake my head, bob it up and down, stick my tongue out. Each motion, perfectly mimicked by the white horse in the mirror. I again lift a hoof up, but this time, I reach up and gently trail it down my cheek. The white horse in the mirror does the same, and I shiver from the feeling of contact along my own cheek. This... is me. This is my body. I'm a horse. A... female one apparently. That can talk. My eyes shift to the long, white horn on the top of my forehead. Or, wait, no. I'm a unicorn? I fidget around a bit until I've rotated myself enough to view more of my body. To my surprise, there's a large, fluffy pair of white wings on my sides. Wings too? What's a winged horse called again? A pegasus, right? Wait, but I also have a horn, so what does that make me? My thoughts let my eyes drift around the room absentmindedly before settling at a desk in the far corner. Making sure to keep my mind off the intricacies of my legs, I slowly walk over and peer upon the surface. A pot of ink sits with a quill resting within, its tip barely piercing the shallow black pool. Next to it rests a sheet of paper that appears to be a finished letter. I skim it quickly for any useful information and find it's addressed to a "faithful student, Twilight Sparkle". What kind of name is that? My eyes drift to the bottom of the page. Yours truly, Princess Celestia "Princess Celestia?" I gently whisper the name as I read it. "Who are you? Are you the one who brought me here? Is this your room?" I look around the room again, spotting an identical marble table on the other side of the bed with a golden tiara resting upon it. On the foot of the bed on that side rests four golden cups. I glance down to my hooves and realize they're meant to be shoes. "Princess?!" My eyes widen and I quickly turn around, almost tumbling over myself, just as the double doors slam open and a slightly shorter horse barges in. He dons a full set of golden armor with a crystalline blue star on the front. His helmet looks almost like one of those Roman helmets I've seen in museums or pictures, with the little fuzz on the top. His eyes widen as we lock eyes, freezing in place for what seemed like an eternity before he broke into a low bow. "Sorry for the intrusion, your Highness, but your sister sent me to check on you as to why you haven't raised the sun yet." "Raise the sun?" I scoff just thinking about that. "And what do you... mean..." My words trail away as I realize he'd been addressing me, and what it implied. He called me 'your highness'... and this seems to be the room of a Princess Celestia... and there's a crown here too... no... "Princess? Are you alright?" I start to back away slowly, feeling myself begin to hyperventilate. My eyes dart to the paper on the desk, to the crown on the table, to my reflection in the mirror. I'm Princess Celestia. > 2. Some Self Reflection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My legs begin to tremble as I unsteadily stumble backwards and away from the armored horse, who continues to observe me with concern. I'm this Princess Celestia? But... but that would mean... With my concentration all but shattered, the coordination between the four limbs keeping me upright falters, and I collapse to the ground with an unceremonious cry. "Princess Celestia!" The armored horse quickly rushes towards me. In a blind panic, I frantically backpedal as much as I can with what little purchase my hooves can grab on the smooth, marble floor. "Ge—, get back!" I shout shakily with my new and unfamiliar voice. The armored horse's eyes widen and he screeches to a halt, freezing in place. He stares down at my fallen form in surprise before quickly throwing himself down into a low bow. "I— my apologies, your Highness, I didn't mean to startle you!" I blink slowly, making sure to keep my eyes trained on him. I tilt my head and notice his gaze locked furiously to the floor, occasionally flickering up to me, then back down. Is he waiting for me to speak? After a few seconds of painfully awkward silence, I carefully reorient my legs underneath me and push myself back to a standing position. My right back leg slips slightly on the smooth surface below, and as if on natural reflex, I feel both of the wings on my sides shoot out slightly to right my balance before quickly folding back up. Wait a minute, hold on, those are... I close my eyes and imagine that sensation again. I focus on the regions on the far left and right sides of my back and mentally flex slightly, feeling my wings slowly unfurl, inch by inch, until they've reached the furthest they can go. I peek open my eyes and look behind me. My jaw falls open and a gasp of wonder slips out my mouth. These are wings. MY wings. And they're HUGE! As a kid, I was always fascinated with how wide the wingspans were on eagles and hawks, but these wings easily put those to shame. From a glance, I estimate each wing to be somewhere between five to six feet long, almost as wide as I am tall. Or at least, how tall I'm supposed to be as a human. I experiment a little, lowering them slightly, then raising them up, completely transfixed to how smoothly they respond to my commands. The sensation of new and usually natural nerves, bones, and muscles, sends a shiver down my spine. It's as if I've always had wings, as if I always had these extra limbs on my back that I could control just the same as I would an arm or leg. "Pri— Princess?" I jump slightly, my wings collapsing limply to my sides and draping onto the floor. Shit, I forgot about him! I turn to face him again. "Yes, uh, talking horse?" I wince immediately, still not accustomed to the sound of a woman's voice coming from my throat. He raises his head to look at me, utterly bewildered. Aaaaaand he has a name too, doesn't he? "What do you—" He shakes his head before quickly resuming his original stoic expression. "As I said earlier, your sister has sent me to inquire as to why the sun is not up yet. The latest time you have usually raised it passed approximately forty minutes ago." My sister? I stare at him blankly, thoughts running through my mind. And again with that 'raise the sun' thing. What, am I a god here? I cast a sideways glance to my reflection on the wall mirror, once taking in my current body. For that matter, what am I anyway? And who is this Princess Celestia that I apparently look exactly like now? "Your High—" "Sorry!" I shout, realizing how long I've been putting this horse's question off. "I, uhm—" I start to speak, then freeze, realizing I have no damn clue how the hell to even begin to answer a question like that. Come on, come on, just think! I need more time to figure out what's going on, but the longer this guy's in the room with me, the more suspicious I'm gonna look! I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. Alright, I'm a princess, right? Just be... regal. I slowly open my eyes and, calling upon skills learned after years of anxiety-inducing school project presentations, muster up the kindest, most gentle smile I can possibly imagine. "I am so very sorry, hor— sir, it seems I have greatly overslept. Leave me so I may tend to myself, and I will raise the sun once my strength has been fully recovered." I carefully lower my neck in what feels like a bow for a horse. I quickly flicker my gaze to the armored horse, who seems to be eying me a bit funny. Shit, shit, shit, he knows, he totally knows, oh I'm so fucking dead. Maybe if I rush him, I can— "Understood, your majesty." I blink, not daring to move. Wait, that worked? I raise my head back up to see the armored horse once again wearing a stoic expression. "Especially with everything that had happened yesterday. I shall inform Princess Luna of your current condition. Oh, and good morning." He puts a hoof up in a gesture that I can only imagine is a hoof-salute, then turns around and trots back out the double doors. I notice right outside the doors, another similarly armored horse standing and facing away, as if on guard. As soon as he leaves, both doors begin glowing in some blue, sparkling aura before slowly closing by themselves. Huh. Freaky. I stand still for what feels like an eternity, my eyes glued to the doors. He seemed... strangely okay with my excuse. What was it he said? 'Especially with everything that had happened yesterday'? Maybe it has something to do with why I'm even here. I shift my eyes back to the room around me and spot the letter from earlier on the writing desk. I trot over to it and read it over again, but this time paying more attention to the details themselves. It seems to be some sort of repeat of personal congratulations from Princess Celestia to Twilight, her personal student. Apparently something big happened yesterday with a 'Discord, the Lord of Chaos', in which Twilight and her friends defeated him and saved Equestria. Lord of Chaos, what the heck name even is that? And 'defeat'? Is he some sort of supervillain or something? A realization strikes me and I look back to the paper. Equestria? Is that... is that the planet I'm on now? Because this certainly ain't Earth. With my mind properly awake and my eyes more adjusted to the dark, I do another scan of the room for anything else that might help me. Help me with what exactly is something I don't even want to think about. My eyes land on anything that isn't just the floor, ceiling, or walls, noticing a lot more that I'd missed during my last look over of the room. On one end of the room, there's what looks like a walk-in closet whose door I had missed due to how seamlessly it blended in with the walls. Upon walking over and carefully pushing the door in with a hoof, nothing but a single body-height mirror and several elegant dresses of varying colors and designs hang from the sides. Some more golden horse shoes sit on the floor, but they look mighty uncomfortable so I give them a pass. I take a final, silent look at my unfamiliar body in the hanging mirror before backing out. Beside the writing desk is a short, crystalline cabinet with just two drawers. By my own natural curiosity, I trot over and attempt to open them, only to realize in dismay that they lack any sort of handles. Part of the edges poke out just a little though, and I begin to reach for it with a hoof before I remember. No fingers. Right. Who designed these? A thought hits me. Wait, is everyone in this world a talking horse? With hooves? How the hell are you supposed to hold anything properly without opposable thumbs? Or... fingers for that matter. I resume my careful search across the room before landing on a some curtains covering a massive window to the far left of the bed. My eyes widen and I practically fall on my face scrambling towards it. There's a thick pair of purple blackout curtains that have already been pushed to the sides, leaving just a thin, white, see-through curtain covering the window. Even with it, though, I quickly realize from the darkness beyond that it must be the middle of the night, hence why the room is still so dark. But that armored horse said good morning to me just earlier, right? There should be at least a little bit of sunlight by now. I approach the window and attempt to gently slide the sheer curtains aside with my hoof. Smoothly sliding a curtain along the top rod had always a bit of a nuisance to me, and that was when I had fingers. I stumble a few times, trying to make sure I don't get my hoof entangled with the sheets while placing it back down, but eventually I succeed. Upon closer inspection, I realize the windows are actually large double doors leading to a small balcony outside. Although they also have handles, to my relief they are the long sort of handle, extending to the left and right in elegant swirls. After a painful, long minute of fidgeting, I manage to press down on the long end of the handle with a hoof while awkwardly pressing my cheek against the glass to push the door window open. I stumble forward and quickly scan the world in front of me. I gasp, my breath catching in my throat. What first draws my attention is the landscape itself. Fields and forests and mountains, stretching far beyond what my eyes can see. Judging by how high up I am and much I'm able to see, this place is probably built into a mountain or something. Even in the dark of night, with the faint glow from the stars above, I can tell what lies before me is probably the lushest green I had ever seen. I lower my gaze a little and spot a faint array of lights, seemingly from some distant village. A little closer lies even more lights climbing up the base of the mountain. I squint my eyes and realize it's actually a completely separate city, with far more buildings and roads. Distant shapes move through the streets, lit by the many lampposts that line the sides. Are those people? Or... more talking horses? I lower my sights further, my eyes running along the tall, rocky cliff directly below this building, which is looking more and more like some sort of castle. My brain catches up my eyes to remind me of my immense fear of heights, and I gasp in shock as I realize just how high up I'm standing. With a shocked gasp, I stumble back from the balcony railing, collapsing to my side and crying out in slight pain. With the view of the city and earth obscured, my eyes are dragged upwards to the sky, and I freeze. I had always loved to stargaze, and would spend many a night staring into the night sky, seeking out and marveling at the many constellations that were present amongst the stars. For fun one time, I even memorized almost every recognizable constellation there was, so no matter where I was on Earth, I'd be able to pinpoint at least one of them. These aren't my constellations... I scan the sky further, looking for a single familiar pattern, yet coming up short. These aren't my stars. I slowly let my neck and head join the rest of my body as it lay there, motionless, on the cold, marble floor. I'm not on Earth anymore, am I? My breaths come in shallow, yet slow, bursts. I mean... I already figured from the start, but... this just confirms it. I glance at the stars again. Even if I were on some other planet or moon in the solar system, of which there shouldn't be any we know of that support life this easily anyway, the stars should still be roughly the same. And yet... they're not. I'm probably not even anywhere near our solar system. Fuck, where the hell am I, really? A different galaxy? Maybe a different universe? Maybe I'm dead and this is apparently what heaven looks like... a world of talking horses. Or maybe I really am just dreaming. I spent a good four years of high school preparing for college, not for... any of this bullshit. I lay there, completely still and losing all track of time, my thoughts threatening to overrun my mind. The cool, night breeze, of a world I do not know, brushes against my fur, of a body I do not recognize. In the far distance, I can barely make out the clambering of voices, seemingly in distress. I pay it no attention, but eventually, even my panicked mind can no longer hold them off. Alright, what the actual heck is going on down there? I slowly climb to my feet, or hooves, and make my way back to the balcony, mustering all the willpower I have to keep my legs from going weak. I look a bit to the left and squint my eyes at what looks like the faraway entrance to the castle, with more of those armored horses standing guard and holding spears in their hooves How are they even holding those? In front of them, a crowd of more small, talking horses has gathered, though wearing what seem like an assortment of fancy clothes, suits, and dresses. A protest of some kind? I blink tiredly. I don't think staying here is gonna do me any more good. I need information, anything that can tell me... well, anything. This place looks like some huge palace, so maybe it also has a library of sorts. I turn around and make for the door, but halt right before reaching it, my eyes widening. Wait, there's a guard horse right outside, crap. How am I even supposed to get out of here? I look around the room for any small, loose objects. Maybe I can toss something outside to distract him before making a run for it? I spot the inkwell sitting on the writing desk and I consider using that when a thought occurs to me. Hold on, I'm the princess. Can't I just... I take a deep breath in, calming my racing heart. Alright, think, focus. You're supposed to be the ruler of this place. That other horse was all intimidated just thinking he startled me and followed my one order without questioning, so I just gotta treat that as normal. I have absolutely no clue where anything is here, but if he's a guard, hopefully he does. But I can't just ask him normally, that's stuff I should probably already know, so that'd raise suspicion. I gotta be subtle. I walk over to the side of the bed, my eyes resting on the tiara sitting on the bedside table. It looks like solid gold, with a single, flawlessly cut, purple gemstone in the center. Its design is a lot simpler than all the pictures of crowns I've ever seen, lacking all the intricate little holes and curls I remember them having. If anything, that probably makes it worth even more cause there's more gold in it. This thing would probably pay for like a hundred of my full college tuition. A ton of houses, too. And it's just... mine. I sit down on my haunches beside it and raise my front legs to grip the tiara between my hooves. I fumble to raise it to my head, dropping it several times on the floor with a loud clang, and each time ripping away a piece of my soul. Finally, I manage to rest it gently atop my head, the sides nestling under the bases of my ears. It threatens to slide forward, but the long horn on my forehead keeps it in place. Keeping my head level, I carefully stand back up on all fours and make my way to the doors, stopping briefly at the hanging mirror to look myself over. I am Princess Celestia. I exhale slowly and lift a hoof to the door, shaking with uncertainty, then tap it against the door three times and wait. Not a second later, the doors open, surrounded in the same blue glow from earlier. The armored unicorn from right outside pokes his head in, his eyes quickly finding mine. I notice a horn on his forehead not unlike mine, just much smaller, surrounded in a similar blue aura. So he's a unicorn then. Is he... using his horn to open the door? Wait, can I do that too?! "Did you... need something, Princess?" I'm shaken out of my thoughts, realizing I'd been just staring down at his horn. I meet his eyes, blinking slowly. "Yes, in fact, I do. There is something I wish to check on in the castle library. Could you accompany me?" I do my best to keep my voice as gentle and collected as possible. To my relief, he simply nods. "The Canterlot Archives? Of course, your Highness." Oh good, so there is a library. Canterlot must be the name of the castle then. The door opens wider, and he stands aside to make room for me. The hallway in front of my room stretches quite long, lined with various paintings, ornate wall fixtures, and fancy torches that look like some maid might pop out of nowhere to beat me up if I so much as brushed one of them. There's a sort of medieval look to everything, but at the same time, looks much cleaner and more colorful than any picture of medieval castle interiors I'd ever seen. Massive castle with talking horses that have magical powers. I swear, this whole thing reads like some sort of fairy tale. As soon as I'm through, the door closes behind me, the glow around it fading away. His horn stops glowing at the same time. Yep, that's something unicorns can just do apparently. He looks up at me expectantly. Alright, here goes nothing. "Thank you. You may lead the way." He blinks, taken a bit by surprise but quickly regains his composure, returning a quick bow. "Ye—, yes, your Highness." He spins around and begins a slow walk down the hallway. On the inside, I pump an imaginary fist. Holy shiiiiit, that worked too?! Let's fucking gooo! Trying to keep my excitement contained the best I can, I take off after him, finally ready to see a bit more of this so-called Canterlot Castle, and hopefully get some answers. > 3. Stroll Through The Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damn, another hallway? How big is this castle supposed to be? I follow silently behind the unicorn guard as we take a left at probably the third intersection so far, my eyes darting everywhere to try to take in as much of my new and constantly changing surroundings as they can. At least, 'changing' as in from hallway A to hallway B, because so far, most of them have been pretty identical to each other, minus the paintings on the walls changing. Being the most useful source of information in the hallways, I pay attention to every single painting I pass, hoping I could figure a little more about this place. Most of them depict wide, realistic views with an emphasis on nature, filled with trees and rivers and fields. However, once or twice, I spot what's clearly a portrait of Princess Celestia herself, staring down at me with the same gentle, purple eyes that looked back at me in the mirror earlier. Each time though, a shiver runs up my spine and I have to resist the urge to immediately look away. Princess Celestia... who really are you? Did you have something to do with why I'm here, in this 'Equestria', in your body or some clone of it? Even though they're nothing but paint on a canvas, I can feel a strange sense of warmth and comfort radiating from behind those eyes, like something I can't recall feeling since I was a kid. Is this what everyone else is feeling when they look at me? Or at least, this body I'm in? I shake my head and look away from the third royal portrait I've come across. The guard in front of me doesn't seem to take notice of my constant distractions, though if he has, he makes no sign of it and continues forward. We reach yet another T intersection, though it seems we're entering from the right side. He takes a swift left, and I follow close behind. This new hallway appears a little more... cozy. A fuzzy, yellow carpet rests along the length of the hallway, and several pink and purple tapestries with intricate, silver curves adorn the walls. Several wooden doors line the sides, each with their own pair of gold, ornate handles. What's the point of these handles when no one here apparently has hands? My attention is caught by yet more armored horses, a pair of them to be exact, on either side of the hallway, both facing down the length of it. The one to my left has light gray fur, while the other has white fur, but unlike the one walking ahead of me, both don a pair of wings folded neatly to their sides. Alright, so, uh, pegasuses then? Or wait, would that be 'pegasi'? I look one of them up and down curiously. He looks... bulky. I guess you gotta be if you're supposed to be a guard here. I don't know if this part of the castle is available to the public, but I'm guessing they're here to stop anyone from going up the hallways where my room was just at. After a while, he notices my gaze and starts awkwardly redirecting his gaze all over the place. I just barely resist the urge to let out a laugh, turning back to my 'guide'. To my surprise, he's already stopped in front of one of the doors, one consisting of heavy metal bars and a thick padlock built in. This is the castle's library? Eeesh, tight security much? Why does this look like the door to some medieval prison? Though... this is pretty deep into the castle for what I thought was just some public library. Maybe this is a bit more than that. The same blue energy surrounds the unicorn's horn, and an identical aura surrounds the padlock. Mmmm okay so that's probably how they use doors without hands. But then... what about the ones with just the wings? And I think I saw a few outside that don't even have either wings or horn, what are they supposed to do? After a few seconds, it clicks quietly. The unicorn guard's 'horn aura' surrounds the door, which slowly swings open outwards with a painful metallic groan. He stands off to the side A gentle, cool breeze flows from within the room, wafting over me, sending a chill throughout my body, eliciting a shudder from me. Gah, I really felt that. I freeze. Wait, I felt that breeze everywhere. Like, all over me, way more than I should be able to. Do I not... have... My eyes slowly trail downwards towards the soft white fur covering my entire body, fully exposed to the open air. My breath catches in my throat and my eyes widen. Ohhhh shit, am I naked?! Have I been walking around naked the whole time? How am I just noticing this?? I glance towards the guards in the hallway, both of which are wearing some very visible armor over their body. My gaze darts back and forth between them, looking for any sign of disturbance in their eyes, but they don't seem to be making any sort of fuss about it. None of the guards are naked, and those other horses I saw outside earlier also seemed to be wearing clothes. Is it... just the royalty that can walk around naked? Or... maybe this isn't normal at all, and the guards just aren't allowed to point it out or something. "Is something wrong, Princess Celestia?" "Huh?!" My thoughts are broken and I look down at the unicorn guard staring at me in confusion, having moved in front of me. I shake my head to regain my thoughts, shakily breaking out a calming smile. "Uhm, no sorry. Everything's all fine." Nothing is fucking fine right now, I need to find a way to fix this! The unicorn guard stares at me for a few seconds, and it takes all the willpower I have to just hold his gaze with a smile. Does he know? Ugh, I don't think I'm doing a really good job as this 'Princess Celestia'. Eventually, he steps aside. "Alright then, your Highness. I'll be waiting outside if you need anything." Yes, I'm in the clear! "Uh, thank you. I will keep that in mind." I return a brief nod and briskly trot inside. I hear the hard, metallic clang as the guard closes the door behind me. Towering around me are lines upon lines of bookshelves, filled with various rolled up scrolls and thick tomes, and positioned like spikes on a wheel around a clearing in the center. A massive hourglass sits in the middle, under a domed skylight, emitting a mysterious silver glow as if it were enhancing the light from the stars themselves. Thin filaments of cobweb stretch every which way between the shelves. A flickering, orange light pulses across the walls, Briefly sparing a glance behind me to my accompanying unicorn guard, who seemed to be striking up a conversation with one of the other guards, I slowly trot towards the clearing, and then through it towards the opposite side. I make a turn around one of the many bookshelves, making sure I'm completely out of sight from the entrance. The last remnants of my strength finally give out as I collapse onto the cold, stone floor, my heart threatening to pound its way through my chest, though I sharply suck in my breath so to not alert any of the guards outside. I scramble backwards until my back presses up against the nearest bookshelf, wincing in discomfort as I feel a few protruding scrolls poke into my sides. Ugh, I'm not supposed to be here. Why am I even here. How am I a fucking horse, let alone one that's the ruler of a whole damn country of OTHER talking horses on some planet who knows how far from Earth?! And some of them have magic POWERS?! Is any of this is even happening? This has to be a dream, there's literally no other explanation that even makes sense. I squeeze my eyes shut and pull my limbs close to me. I still my movements, feeling the burst of blood throughout my body with every beat of this foreign heart, in the end of my hooves, the back of my ears, at the bases of my wings. But everything is so... vivid and... real. I was just barely able to hold a conversation with someone during orientation, I'm practically at my limit already acting like I'm some sort of 'princess', I don't know how much longer I can keep this ruse up, I don't even know the first thing about this place. I slowly release the air I didn't realize I was holding in and let my eyes wander once more around this 'library', back to the wealth of books and papers lining the bookshelves to my left and right. Come on, Sam, just pull yourself together. Freaking out like this isn't going to help anyone, especially you. You made it to the castle library, woohoo. And you made it away from any more of those... horse guards. I just gotta avoid talking to anyone as much as possible or else I'm probably gonna slip up somehow and have my cover blown even quicker. I look down at my body and once more note my fully exposed body, covered in pretty much everywhere in a soft, white fur. No clothes. Right. Um. How did I take this long to realize I'm not wearing anything? I feel like it should be way more obvious to me when I'm completely naked and walking about. Like... I should be feeling that a whole lot more. I reach one of my hooves up awkwardly and press it against my chest. Despite the lack of clothes, the contact feels a little muted. Is it... Is it the fur? Is this what it's supposed to feel like fur? It's almost like I got a shirt on, but I can feel through it way easier." I pat various parts of my body with both my hooves, tracing all over my stomach, sides, thighs. No matter where I touch, the sensation is the same. I can feel my muted touch under the short layer of fur, and yet it feels oddly natural, the same way it feels when I'm fully clothed. Huh. Whatever, it's fine. I've got more pressing things to worry about anyways. Taking one final moment to breathe, I shakily climb back up on all four legs. I narrow my eyes at the shelf in front of me, scanning the titles of some of the books. Wow, I hadn't thought about it before, but thank fucking god wherever this planet is or whatever, they all speak and write in English. This whole disaster would've been a whole lot worse if I couldn't read or write or speak the same language. I pause for a moment. Or maybe everything really is in some alien language, and this body's brain is just... automatically translating it for me? I cough and clear my throat. "Raspberry, strawberry, banana, table tennis, sandwich, antidisestablishmentarianism." I blink. Well it sure as hell sounds like English. And damn, Sam, really letting your stomach speak its mind there. I turn back to the books, looking for any titles that might be useful and muttering them as I go. If this is going to be my voice for a while, I might as well get more used to it. "Principia Magica, First Edition, by Starswirl the Bearded. Compilation of Research Notes on the Fire of Friendship, by Clover the Clever. Anatomy of a Pony, by Heart Script. Study on Pony Leylines, by Aurora Star." Wait a minute, are those actual names? I skim a few more titles and their authors' names, quickly confirming my suspicion. A lot of these names have like... words in them. Is that just how names are here? And... hold on. My backpedal through the titles for a word in particular that stands out to me. "Study on Pony Leylines?" There's a good few of these books here that use the word 'pony'... and not 'horse'... I briefly recall how all those guards appeared. They had a muzzle, long ears, and hooves that were signature for a horse, and yet were a lot shorter, I surmise even a bit shorter than if I were standing there as a human. Ponies. They're ponies, not horses. Talking ponies to be exact, that have wings and horns. I process the thought, and promptly spit out in laughter before quickly stuffing a hoof over my mouth to silence myself.. I'M IN A LAND OF MAGICAL, TALKING PONIES! What, did I land in some little kids' cartoon show? Even the architecture is like all bright and pastel-colored! I shake my head to reorient my thought. Alright, well, at least I now what everyone is supposed to be called now. Magical. Talking. God damn. Ponies. Cool. Very cool. Yes. Why. I roll my eyes. Ugh, at least I'm not gonna be misidentifying these ponies as horses anymore. No wonder that one guard looked all weirded out when I called him a talking horse. I snicker briefly. Alright actually, that's pretty funny now in hind sight. I trot back a bit to where I started reading and reach up with a hoof, grabbing and pulling out the book on pony anatomy. Okay, I'll probably need to look into this one so I know a bit more about this body, in case there's some random, super important detail like 'don't pour water on this part of your wing or your whole body will explode. I attempt to bend my hoof around the book to grip it better, but end up dropping it on the floor several times. Eventually I settle with holding it against my chest with my hoof. I continue walking along the shelf, looking for any book titles that catch my eye. There's a lot of magic-related books here. I did see some unicorns back there doing some sort of magic thing with their horn. And I guess I have a horn too. Are we wizards or something? Can we cast spells and shit? That sounds so damn useful. I'm about to reach up with my other front leg to grab a Advanced Combative Spells, Volume Two by that same 'Starswirl the Bearded' pony, but quickly freeze, realizing that would send me painfully crashing to the floor. I then realize I had been walking around on just three of my legs. Woah, that's pretty cool. I guess this body has a sort of muscle memory when it comes to walking with— I then realize what I had just done earlier with my fourth leg. Wait, did I just... I crane my neck down and stare at the book currently pressed against my chest. How was I picking this up? How did I even pull it off the shelf? I release my hoof from it, letting it tumble to the stone floor, where it kicked up a small cloud of dust. I reach down and lightly poke my hoof against its cover from different angles, confirming a lack of any sort of large grooves that I could have pulled on or latched my hoof on to. I blink, then reach down again, this time trailing my eyes to one of the shelves and just 'grabbing' at the book with my hoof like I normally would with a hand and fingers. To my surprise, I feel the book stick against my hoof as I lift it up, though as soon as I turn my conscious thoughts towards the sensation, trying to focus on what's holding the book up without my fingers, it collapses back to the ground. So ponies can actually grab things with their hooves? But... without fingers? I guess that answers my earlier confusion about the door handles, if all the ponies can do this with their hoof. Still seems a bit unnecessary though. Ugh, none of this makes any sense. I look back to the book lying on the floor, its cover aptly reading 'Pony Anatomy'. Hmmm, perfect. Maybe this book can answer that. I try to pick up the book once more with my hoof, but my thoughts are unable to shift away from the sensation. It's like trying to sleep while constantly thinking about sleep, which is that it never happens. Eventually, I scoff in annoyance and reach my hoof to the side of it, ready to flick it upwards to turn the cover. Oh well, if I really need to, I can just blow on the pages. My heart stops as a loud, metallic clang resounds from the entrance on the opposite side of the room, followed by a metallic groan as the door swings open on its hinges. Shit! Is the guard checking in on me? It hasn't even been a few minutes! Did he suspect me all along? Instinctively, I scramble towards the wall, abandoning my book on the floor in favor of my own safety. I hold my breath and stay as still as possible as the gentle clopping of hooves on stone echoes throughout the room, steadily approaching the center. My eyes remain wide open, gaze locked on as the glowing hourglass casts a blurry, slow moving shadow of my surprise company across the walls. After what feels like hours, it stops, and a gentler, more feminine voice calls out. "Tia?" > 4. The Other Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Tia?" I blink, taken aback by the gentler nature of this new voice. Whoever this is doesn't exactly sound like one of those guards from outside. While the few of them before had spoken to me with a sort of stiff and obedient tone, this one comes off much more... informal, and relaxed, though there is still a trace of apprehension lining it. "Tia?" The voice repeats, a little more shakily this time. "This... this is no time for games, my sister!" I gasp quietly. Sister? That guard from my room earlier said something about 'my sister' sending him to check on me. Another princess too. Princess, uh, uhm, Luna? Lunaria? Gah, I know it starts with an 'L' at least. How am I even supposed to remember that, it was brought up once and I was completely out of it at the time! That's two princesses so far in this castle. What is this, a Disney convention? And where the hell are the king and queen? Ugh, well, unless there's any more princesses hanging around here, then it should be safe to assume this is Princess Luna, which is even assuming I got the name right anyway. Fifty-fifty. The hoof steps resume, tracing a circle around the clearing in the middle of the room. "It has been over an hour since you normally raise the sun, and rumors have are already begun to spread all across Canterlot and even between our own castle staff. Some of the royal guard are afraid Discord might have returned once more." The voice scoffs and takes on a slightly more defensive edge. "We even overheard a few of them thinking that I had something to do with it! As if I would even dare to do that ever again!" Do what again? My curiosity finally getting the better of me, I slowly edge myself closer to the side of the bookcase I've been pressing my back to this whole time, which is a hard thing to do when staying careful to keep my hooves from smacking the ground. These things aren't exactly as stealthy as hands and feet unfortunately. After struggling for a moment to keep my balance even this close to the ground, I decide to take inspiration from the many times I've seen dogs and cats sitting and position myself on my haunches so I can use my front legs freely without falling flat on my face. I can imagine this position would be a pain to maintain normally, but with this body, it's surprisingly comfortable. Finally, I give a cautious peek around the bookcase towards the middle of the library, where this 'Princess Luna' appears to be anxiously trotting in a circle, almost as if she were pacing. My first thought is that she looks exactly like me, but it's immediately dispelled once my mind registers colors. Indeed though, if it weren't for the colors, I'd say she's the closest thing resembling the body I first saw in the mirror after waking up. She stands considerably taller than the guards, with a hint of regality in her stance. She dons a long horn on her forehead, as well as a fluffy pair of wings folded tightly to her side that bristle occasionally, much like my own wings and horn. Her muzzle also protrudes forward a little more than those of the guards too. Atop her head rests a shimmering black crown, one that follows a similar shape as the one on my own head, but noticeably smaller. Her mane and tail also seem to flow behind her by some unknown means. However, wherever on my body there is white, on her body there is dark blue, from her fur to her feathers to her horn. Some black, metallic breast plate of sorts rests on her front, with a white, crescent moon plastered in the middle. While her mane and tail flow much like my body's, instead of trails of pink, green, and blue, there is some dark blue mass filled with glittering specks of white. It is as if her mane and tail are literally made of the night sky itself. If the situation of our encounter was much less tense, I'd probably easily get caught just staring at it for a whole minute. I note her piercing, cyan eyes flickering across the room, and I subconsciously edge backwards to keep myself in the shadow, away from the enchanted glow of the hourglass. I hear what sounds like sigh, followed by a low, frustrated growl, and then— "Celestia!" I jump, startled as Princess Luna's voice suddenly booms with unexpectedly, immense power, sending a shock wave across the room and reverberating between the circular walls of the library. I swear I could even see the top layer of dust on all the books and shelves lift into the air. I slink backwards a little further into the shadows, trembling in fear and silently praying my reaction went unnoticed. My mysterious flowing mane shifts in front of me, and I make a desperate grab at it with my front legs to keep it from alerting "I know you're in here! The hallway guards outside, and the one who is supposed to be stationed outside your room, have all attested to your presence in the archives! I don't know if this is some kind of prank you're trying to pull, but please, you know this is the wrong time for it! Our subjects have barely made it through a whole day of Discord's utter tomfoolery with their sanity intact, the last thing they need right now is to start the following day with the morning sun missing without explanation!" She huffs and stomps a hoof to the ground hard, shaking the whole room and sending a chill up my spine. "Now please, for the love of Harmony itself, quit your hiding, get back out here, and fix this!" The final two words come with yet another powerful blast of energy, and a few of the looser books and scrolls across the library tumble from the shelves to the floor. I feel my ears reflexively twitch, and I shake my head from the weird, unfamiliar sensation. I tense up at the ultimatum, slowly realizing the dilemma I'm in. Shit, shit, shit! What am I supposed to do? What the hell can I even do?! Is raising the sun a real thing that this Princess Celestia does? And on a daily basis? That doesn't even make any damn sense, stars and planets don't work that way! Maybe it's just a phrase and I'm actually supposed to just rotate the planet so the sun looks like it's rising, when actually it's just— wait, what the heck am I thinking, that doesn't make it any better! "Or I swear I'll... I'll...!" Her voice returns, then freezes for a moment, followed by a tired sigh. "I'll throw out the castle's entire cake supply!" I... I... huh? My eyes dart around my side of the library, desperately seeking out some alternative means of escape. There's a single window several bookshelves away, but there doesn't seem to be a way for me to get there without crossing into Princess Luna's rapidly moving line of sight. The only other exit that I can recall is the door that I came in through, but that's on the other side of the library, on the other side of the princess. Maybe if I make a run for it, I could catch her by surprise, but that would just make me look way more suspicious, if not completely expose me right then and there! That's assuming I can even outrun her at all, which seems totally impossible with how recent I just got used to walking with these new legs. Part of me actually considers just walking out into view and try to help fix whatever is going on, however I can. But how the hell could I even hope to understand where to begin? This 'Princess Celestia' I look like has gotta be some experienced leader at this point. I'm just some eighteen-year-old dude who was supposed to be starting his first day in college. Well, eighteen and a half... but that doesn't help jack shit in my situation, I couldn't lead to save my life in all those group projects in high school! I feel my heart starting to race in my chest again, thoughts swirling in my head like a whirlpool threatening to pull me under. I don't know what to do. I just want to wake up already, please. Just let me just open my eyes, back in my dorm room, all sweaty and half an hour late for class. Actually no, I'd rather just be back home in my own bed. I can't do this. I can't. The library around me begins to fade as the edges of my vision darken. "Celestia! Quit your playing around and— huh?" The sudden shift from anger to confusion in Princess Luna's tone snaps me out of my thoughts, dragging my mind back up from the depths and into the light. I shake my head to fix my eyesight and slowly peek back from behind the bookshelf. Princess Luna has stopped trotting around, frozen in place as she stares upwards at skylight. At first, I think she's just noticing something in the night sky, but upon squinting my eyes, I notice a small trail of what appears to be sparkling smoke phasing down through the skylight. Small wisps of green fire burst from within as it floats fully into the room, coalescing into a small cloud of glistening and glowing smoke that Princess Luna slowly approaches with a curious look. She cautiously reaches one of her hooves up to touch it when, suddenly, it makes a beeline straight for my head. "Gah!" I yelp in shock and reflexively raise my hooves to shield my face, squeezing my eyes shut. I brace myself for the inevitable impact, but when the inevitable doesn't come, I lower my hooves and peek my eyes open. The trail of sparkly smoke has coalesced into a small ball hovering right in front of my face. I stare at it for a second, mesmerized by its mystical appearance, and then it quickly begins spinning and compressing. Not a moment later, it lets out a pop and a bright flash of yellow light before disappearing. In its place, a small paper scroll floats in the air briefly before falling to the ground. I blink, confused by what I just witnessed, and turn my gaze down at the scroll. It's wrapped in a thick, red ribbon, held together by some sort of gold medallion with an imprint of a horseshoe embedded in the center. I give it a careful poke with a hoof, but nothing out of the ordinary happens further. Huh. Did this... come from someone? Is this how mail is sent in this world or something? I glance back up towards the center of the library and spot Princess Luna, wide-eyed, staring straight at me. Relief briefly washes over her face, before swiftly being replaced with anger. Oh fuck. "Celestia! There you are!" She begins to stomp agressively towards me, wearing one of the most intimidating, pissed-off expressions I had ever seen in my life. I'm not ready for this yet! I scramble backwards in fear until my back slams against the library's circular walls, again raising my hooves protectively. "What is the matter with you?! You and your magic were perfectly fine when you went to rest last night! So you better explain to me what is going on or you... you... wha— what are you—?" Her voice quickly trails off, losing virtually all of its strength like a mighty castle wall crumbling to dust before me. I carefully creep my eyes open. Princess Luna stands right in front and above me, looking down at my quivering form. Her jaw hangs open and her ears are splayed back against the sides of her face. I look into her eyes and am immediately hit with a wave of déjà vu with the guard in my room from earlier. But while his expression had just been one of shock and confusion, Princess Luna's holds a trace of... hurt. But not just any hurt. the deep, stinging hurt that usually sits atop a mountain of personal history. Realizing I'd been staring for a bit, I clumsily scramble back up on all four legs, realizing I actually stand just a tad taller than her. She backs up a little to give me space, her eyes still frozen onto mine with that same expression. As scared as I am myself, that look in her eyes triggers my own natural worry. Plus, this might be a good way to confirm her name. If I'm wrong, I'll just brush it off as messing it up due to still being sleepy... people do that too, right? "Uhm... I'm really sorry about that, Princess Luna... uh... are you alright?" I mentally smack my forehead. Wow, real smooth there, Sam. Great job. Princess Luna's eyes widen. "Huh?" She quickly averts her own gaze to the floor. "I am sorry, I just... have not seen you that frightened in a... very long time." Alright, so it's Princess Luna, got it the first time! Damn, there must be some sort of history between these two. I mean, they're sisters, so that goes without saying. "Ah, I just had a... really awful nightmare last night, so I'm a little jumpier than usual." "What?" She pauses and turns back to me, her face screwed in confusion. "Bu— but your dreams were pleasant last night! I would have felt if you were having a nightmare!" How the fuck would you have—? I clear my throat just in time to stop my thoughts from blurting themselves out. "I... guess you just missed them this time?" Luna blinks and opens her mouth to speak, then freezes for a moment. She shifts her eyes to the ground, her expression becoming suddenly downtrodden. "Oh... I see." What's that supposed to be about? We stand there awkwardly, avoiding eye contact, for what feels like forever. Soon though, her ears perk up and she turns her gaze back to me, head tilted. "Wait a minute, did you just use my title?" Oh crap, right, they're sisters, they might not use their titles with each other, that'd probably get a bit weird. I don't think I heard her using 'Princess Celestia' the whole time, it might be the same the other way around, at least when it's just the two of us, I'd imagine. "Oh, did I? I, uh, guess I'm a lot more tired than I thought." I close my eyes and feign a long yawn. Luna raises an eyebrow and looks me up and down. "You seem much more than just tired, Tia." Okay, so 'Tia' is apparently a nickname for Celestia. Hmm. I guess I can see that. "Where are your shoes? Have you been walking around the castle bare-hooved this whole time?" I take a glance down at my front hooves, bare indeed. My eyes flicker over to her hooves and notice them covered in some silvery blue glass. Are those... glass slippers for horses? Looks painfully uncomfortable, I honestly think I'll pass. The ones in my room seemed like they were made of gold anyway, isn't that, like, super malleable? "And why are you not wearing your regalia?" I blink. "My what?" "What do you mean, your 'what'?" Luna raises a hoof and pokes it against my chest. "You know, your—" She pauses for a moment. She growls and shakes her head before turning back to me, her eyes locked onto mine with the same steely glare from earlier. "Ugh, why am I even talking about this? This is supposed to be about you, not me." She pokes my chest with her hoof again, this time more forcibly. Her voice takes on a harsher, more commanding tone. "Barely twenty minutes ago, Lieutenant Steel Spear reported to me that the delayed sunrise was a result of a lapse in your strength after yesterday, but you and I both know it can't be as simple as that. You already had the mental and physical energy to spend over an hour yesterday evening discussing to a standstill with me what we are to do with Discord. And right after that, your lowered the sun for the day as easily as you do every day, so your magic had to have mostly recovered from shielding much of Canterlot from Discord's influence. And I would know, I helped you with that, and my magic was already fully restored a mere hour after his defeat!" Her eyes widen, and she lowers her voice to a whisper. "Did... did the Elements fail? Has Discord already broken free of his statue, so soon too?" She looks away nervously. "After almost losing dear Twilight and her friends to him yesterday, when I noticed the sun remaining below the horizon long past its due, I... I truly feared the worst for just a moment." She turns back to me, a sort of pleading look in her eyes. "Tia, what is it? Is something wrong? Please, you haven't been acting like... yourself..." Her voice slowly trails off, her eyes narrowing as her expression shifts from one of worry to one of deep suspicion. Shit. I try my best to feign confusion. "Wha— Luna, what do you mean?" "No!" She jumps back a distance from me and crouches down in a predatory stance. "You've been acting off ever since I walked in here— nay, since the moment you woke up! Now answer me, what is the matter with you?!" My eyes widen as I realize the rising danger of the situation. "I— I don't know what you're talking about!" I barely manage to sputter out. I quickly flicker my eyes around to gauge my surroundings, or more specifically, gauge an escape route. I'm boxed in to my left and right by bookshelves, so sideways movements are off the table. Way in front of me is the clearing in the middle of the room, followed by the exit on the far opposite end, but Luna blocks my path. There's easily room to dash around her, but with her focus so harshly locked onto me, I doubt she'd let me make it even an inch past her. There is that ring of space along the walls, like a circular hallway surrounding the entire room. Still, I don't think I'd be able to sprint, or gallop now, along the edge without either tripping on myself or Luna catching up to me. "I told you, I'm just... still a bit tired to think clearly and—" "Cease your lies!" Luna interrupts with a powerful burst of force, her voice shaking everything in sight. Her glare hardens, and a light blue aura of energy surrounds the horn on her forehead, only this time it's a whole lot brighter than the one the earlier guard had. While his had been about as faint as a glow-in-the-dark necklace at full brightness, Luna's shone with a steady, brilliant glow that temporarily blinds my darkness-adjusted eyes. "My frustration and worry blinded me earlier, but it's clear as day to me now. Your manner of articulation and inflection is all wrong, and I've known my sister's speech far longer than anypony who has ever walked this planet." Shit, she can recognize Celestia's way of talking?? I stumble back a few steps, but put on a sheepish smile, trying desperately to turn this situation around. "Ple— please, just calm down, I'm sure this is just, uhm, some big misunderstanding." Luna raises an eyebrow, narrowing her eyes further. "A misunderstanding, you say? Then, pray tell, where did you decide on the temporary placement of Discord's statue last night?" Shit, what? "Uh— uhm..." I stutter out nervously. A statue dedicated to someone who's apparently caused a ton of what I assume to be national security problems? That's a... first. Ugh, I thought I saw some statues just below the castle when I glanced outside my window, but it was really dark. I'm not sure if those were really statues or just ponies walking around. Still, seems like the sort of place a statue would be on display. "The... castle gardens, right?" I grin innocently. Not innocently enough, apparently. "Hah!" Luna lets out a dry laugh and takes a threatening step closer, forcing me to take one backwards. "Discord's statue being in the Canterlot Sculpture Gardens has been public information for centuries!" Centuries?! The fu— "But only Celestia and I know she relocated him to the castle vault after his second defeat. You're a pretender!" Her mouth twists into a furious snarl. Small, white sparks begin to burst from the tip of her horn and fall towards the ground, and a somewhat high-pitched hum fills the air, getting louder by the second. Crap, crap, crap!I rapidly shake my head, feeling beads of sweat drip from by brow. I glance around nervously for something, anything I can use. There's some loose books on the shelf beside me that I could probably use for a distraction, but with where I'm standing and how she's pointing that sparking horn at me, it feels like I'm being held at gunpoint. I'd probably set her off with any sudden movements. Cat's completely out of the bag now then, huh? "Look, I— I don't even know how I got here, I'm just trying to get home and—" "Silence, deceiver!" Luna stamps a hoof to the ground. "Now, remove your disguise!" She lowers her head, then suddenly whips it up, pointing her horn upwards. A dome of blinding, cyan light expands rapidly from her horn, reaching me within seconds. I shout in surprise and stumble backwards, lifting a foreleg to shield my face from whatever energy is washing over me. A tingling sensation spreads throughout my body as the light passes over me, and I squeeze my eyes shut. Eventually, the feeling vanishes, and I cautiously peek my eyes open. The dome has completely disappeared, leaving behind small, cyan specks of light in its wake that gradually dissipate into nothing. I quickly scan over myself in anticipation but find, much to my surprising disappointment, that nothing has changed. I look back up to Luna and see her standing there, staring at me completely dumbfounded, her face contorted in utter confusion. "Bu— but, no illusion could possibly survive that spell! How..." She's distracted. Now's my chance! Keeping my eyes locked on Luna, I swiftly raise a hoof to the shelf beside me and feel the edges of a few loose books. With all the strength I can muster, I swipe hard towards her, sending a flurry of leather and paper flying into her face. "Wha— ow!" Registering an successful impact, I desperately barrel past her, not daring to make the mistake of looking back to my would-be pursuer. I hear her grunt in pain as she stumbles into a bookshelf while avoiding a collision. I reach the middle of the room, sparing a second to scan around the ring of bookshelves surrounding the clearing for the entrance. Finally I spot a corridor with a hint of golden light, likely pouring in from the outside hallway, and make a mad dash down it. There's the entrance! And the door is open too! I could've sworn that guard closed it behind me, but I guess Luna left it open for some reason. I'm just about my body's length away from the exit when a cyan light surrounds the metal door, which suddenly slams shut in my face. Shit! I crash head first into it with a cry and collapse to the ground, a blinding pain emanating from my forehead. The room spins around me as my head throbs painfully, and I reach up to rub to massage the point of impact, finding it to be the base of the horn on my forehead. A few golden sparks flitter down my line of sight. I weakly turn my gaze back around, vision blurry, and spot Luna in the middle of the room, hovering high in the air as her wings flap slowly. The light around her horn grows brighter and brighter. Wait... is she flying? But those wings are way too small! There's no way those can— oh shit! Not even bothering to try standing, I instinctively throw myself to the side just before a bright beam of cyan energy lances from the tip of Luna's horn and splashes against the ground where I had just been laying. I glance behind myself and see a small crater at the spot of impact, a weak trail of smoke rising from the center.What— I whip my head back towards Luna, my eyes wide in shock. "—the fuck was that?!" "I'm not going to pretend to know what you just said." Luna's voice rumbles deep. I feel a wind begin to pick up around me. "Nor will I pretend to know how you managed to acquire a body physically identical to Celestia's. But I will give you one final chance to speak!" Her eyes shine with an angry, white light as her words carry a powerful rage. "What have you done with my sister?!" For what seems like the millionth time this last hour, I scramble backwards to get as far away as possible and wince as my back hits the wall not even a second later. I put my front hooves up and wave them madly to try to get Luna's attention. "I— I have no idea!" I try to shout over the now full on gale wind whipping around the room. "I'm not even supposed to be here, I just—" "If you wish to keep this information to yourself, then so be it!" Luna floats even higher, the glow in her horn tripling in intensity. I'm so fucking dead. "I'll just pry it out of your mind myself!" Another powerful beam of cyan light streaks directly towards me, and I narrowly duck out of the way with a yelp. I scramble behind the nearest bookshelf for cover, failing miserably to catch my breath. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. Am I... actually going to die here? "You think you can hide?" The bookshelf suddenly glows with the same cyan light now illuminating the entire room, before being easily tossed aside as if it were mere cardboard. It slams into some nearby bookshelves, sending them all toppling to the ground. Luna slowly descends closer to me, fixating me with a glare that could freeze oceans. "Where is she?! Where is Celestia?!" I desperately scoop up a nearby book in my front hooves and chuck it at her face, hoping to catch her off guard again. It doesn't even manage to scrape the bottom of her hooves, and a part of me dies despite the severity of the situation. "I don't know what scheme you hoped to accomplish by taking my sister's place." Luna lowers her horn towards me, the glow surrounding it once again growing. "But I won't let you continue any further!" My eyes quickly dart around my immediate surroundings. All the bookshelves around me lie flat on the ground, with their contents scattered across the room. I don't have any cover. I'm completely in the open now. I grab a nearby book and hug it close to my chest. Anywhere but here. Anywhere but here! Let me wake up anywhere but here, please! A giant blast of cyan light rockets towards me, but I'm too frozen by fear to move out of the way, my eyes and mouth wide open in terror. I raise a hoof in front of me in a desperate, but futile attempt to shield my face. I'm not ready to go! Someone, anyone, get me out of here! Something clicks within me, like a spark, and my world is filled a blinding, golden light, before all goes black.