> Redemption's Shadow > by Whooves235 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Shadow King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot Castle The sounds coming from the distressed stallion were confusing to those around him. It was clear that he had lost all connection with reality. He made growls and shrieks as he struggled against the restraints, resembling a wild animal as he bit and kicked at them. Every once in a while, he would hurl his body against the unyielding stone wall, hoping to break free but only causing more harm to himself. Sombra's mind seemed shattered, with the stallion desperately clinging onto bits of sanity within his own thoughts. He would occasionally mutter or ramble about crystals or princesses, showing how far gone he truly was. "How can this be possible? The Elements of Harmony completely obliterated him!" Celestia said, struggling to believe that Sombra had survived the explosion. Her eyes widened as she witnessed him crashing into the wall with great force. "I'm starting to suspect that he possesses some form of extraordinary regenerative abilities, ones that defy natural limits," Luna chimed in. Despite her desperate attempts to calm him with her magic, each use only seemed to anger him more. She could feel his thoughts pulsing with dark energy, resisting her every effort to pacify them. “He also seems to have gone feral again” Cadence said "I think I might be able to undo these changes using my magic, as it draws its healing powers from the Crystal Heart...but it may require some time. However, I cannot guarantee anything." "Take all the time you need, Princess Cadence," Luna said gently. "We will address the situation with him once we are able to communicate with him." Twilight, the one who had discovered Sombra, nodded in agreement as she watched the stallion forcibly collide against the wall once more. The sound of metal scraping and a low growl erupted from Sombra's throat as he strained against his restraints. He was securely bound, a sturdy metal collar encircling his neck and fastened to the floor, with smaller manacles on his front legs that limited his movement. But the most important restraint was the metal mask that covered his face, its intricate design obscuring his eyes and tightly restricting his ability to open his mouth. “Can we continue this somewhere else? Please? I can’t bear to watch this.” Twilight expressed, as Celestia approached her and softly nudged her towards the exit. “Yes, I suppose it would be for the better, wouldn’t it?” Celestia inquired, proceeding forward while Twilight followed closely behind. Luna remained stationary, cautiously observing the partially conscious Sombra. Celestia led Twilight out of the dungeon in silence, the journey to the throne room where they were expected feeling uneasy. The bright sunlight and the sight of her friends rushing to greet her failed to improve Twilight's mood. Applejack broke the silence, inquiring, "Judging by the expression on your face, I suppose everything mentioned in that letter was true, right?" “Unfortunately, yes,” Twilight sighed, “Sombra is down there, and I don’t think he’s willing to talk. I’m not even sure if he can talk.” “So, what are we supposed to do about it, blast him again?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yeah! We can show him the Magic of Friendship with twice the power!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. Twilight shook her head and firmly stated, "No, absolutely not. We have already caused enough harm." Now all her friends looked at her, all concerned in some way. “Damage?” Rarity asked, stepping toward Twilight worriedly, “I know we meant to destroy him, but if he’s still alive, whatever do you mean?” “Oh dear.” Fluttershy covered her mouth in concern. Twilight shifted her gaze away, unwilling to discuss the events she had just witnessed. Luckily, Celestia spoke on her behalf. "The magical attack you used against Sombra did not work as intended," she explained. "We're not entirely sure how, but he managed to recover from it and revert back to his physical form." Celestia continued, "However, there were consequences. He's now in a nearly primal state, similar to when he first returned from his previous exile. Luna is currently monitoring his dreams to assess his mental state, and we believe that with enough effort, we can bring him back to a stable state where he can regain control." “And what would you like us to do about all this?” Applejack asked raising an eyebrow. "For the time being, just carry on with your daily routines. Leave dealing with Sombra to Luna, Cadence, and myself. Let him have some time to recover, maybe he will improve. Return by the week's end, and we will ensure he is banished permanently." "No" Twilight spoke up. "I beg your pardon?" Celestia asked, surprised by Twilight's sudden refusal. "Princess Celestia, as the future ruler of Equestria we can just continue doing this." She said, gesturing to the stairs leading to the dungeon "For 1,000 years you had to deal with the likes of Sombra, Tirek, Discord, and goddess knows what else. I don't want to just lock up our villains over and over again, only for them to return. I want to have Sombra take part in the Reformation Program I discussed with you" Twilight said, looking at Celestia. "It could be the start of something new, something that could change Equestria for the better." "Twilight...while I admire your selflessness and want to help others, Sombra isn't like any other pony. He is an Umbrum, entirely incapable of feeling anything other than rage and fear. Redeeming him would be no small task." Celestia said. "That may be true...but I have to believe that somewhere inside Sombra, there is a pony worth redeeming. I have read his journal, I know what he went through in his youth. He is only half Umbrum...I think that with time, we could return him to that state." "So what do you suggest then?" Luna said, walking up the stairs, having finished what she needed to do and overhearing the conversation. "We have Sombra live in Ponyville, his magic will be heavily suppressed to only be able to do magic that is necessary to day-to-day living, he will be carefully watched by myself and my friends" Twilight said. Celestia arched her eyebrow "Are you desiring for Sombra to reside with you in the castle? Are you not concerned that your responsibilities as Princess and Principal at your new school will pose challenges?" Twilight stood still for a moment, thinking. It was true, she couldn't watch Sombra, nor could any of her friends. They have their own jobs and lives to do. "We could assign somepony to watch him on behalf of us, somepony trustworthy." "If that is the case might I put forth a candidate?" Luna spoke up, holding her head up high with a slight smile "My newest Night General has shown great promise, and time and time again has proven to me his worth as one of my most trusted and loyal stallions." "You wish to put a guard in charge of Sombra?" Applejack asked, speaking up. "Yeah, no offense Princess but that's like putting Soarin in charge of helping Applejack with her annual Apple Pie Bake sale. It just wouldn't end well." Rainbow said, flying above Applejack, who gave her a look after that comment. "Nonsense...General Blue Crest has shown to me that he is worthy of any task...and when it comes to Sombra I believe somepony with his stature would surface...I also believe that it would benefit us if your plan failed Twilight, as he would easily take care of Sombra if he stepped out of line." Luna said. "Sister...are you certain?" Celestia asked, with caution in her voice. "Yes Sister, I am." Twilight looked at Luna, taking in her words carefully. She made a lot of good points, a Guard who could easily take care of Sombra if he went rogue could end up being useful, and it would also allow her and her friends to continue their duties and job as well. "Very well...I agree with Luna...we can put General Blue in charge of Sombra, will he need any relocation accommodations?" Luna smiled "No, he lives in Ponyville already. This makes things a lot easier would you not say?" "It does yes..." Celestia said "Though I do believe we should make sure Sombra is not in a feral state before we do so." "I have Princess Cadence working on healing Sombra's Mind...he should be in a normal state by the end of the week." Luna said. "Very well...by this time next week, King Sombra will be placed in the care of General Blue Crest...and from there...we shall see if he truly can be redeemed or not. The halls of Canterlot Castle were surprisingly quiet and empty as Luna and Blue walked them, trailing along behind Celestia they made their way to the dungeon. A few guards were scattered about, patrolling the halls as usual and occasionally nodding in greeting as the two passed by. The week had passed, and Sombra had been successfully healed to the best of Cadence's ability, and after a long discussion with Sombra and all four Princess's he had reluctantly agreed to the deal given to him. “Slow day for the Princesses?” Blue asked Luna, the two of them walking to the castle entrance, where they were to meet Sombra. “Yes General, not many ponies visiting for the day, but I’m sure Celestia doesn’t mind the quiet.” She said, chuckling softly. Blue nodded, looking around the halls as she walked. Though this wasn’t the hall of stained glass, there were still tapestries and paintings spread about. Portraits of the princesses and their accomplishments, most numerable among them being Celestia, adorning the wall beside every window. There were a few paintings of Starswirl thrown in as well, along with a few faces Blue didn’t recognize. Other ponies from Celestia’s past perhaps? “Do you think you’re ready?” Luna asked, “I do admit, while I believe this task is up your alley, I would not blame you for requesting another pony to do it.” “I do admit...the task is quite large, and I didn't think I would be chosen for it especially...however I am ready and willing to take it on” Blue said. "You are a very brave pony Sir Blue Crest, there is a reason I made you my General...and I do not think you will fail me" She said smiling softly. "Thank you ma'am...I promise that I will try my best." He said, the stallion looking down slightly "Though I do...have my doubts in my own capabilities." Luna looked to Blue, draping a wing around him "Blue...you proved yourself worthy of your position a long time ago...your service to Equestria during the Zeebra Land Crisis was especially one of them." Blue was quiet at the mention of the Zeebra Lands, the stallion looking rather sad at the mention "I still don't believe I am worthy of the praise from that." "You did your duty Blue...a duty that not a lot of ponies would have been able to do..." She said "Please...try not to hold yourself accountable to the things that were beyond your control.." "I...will try...ma'am" He said, as the two of them came to the front of the castle. Sombra sat by the door awkwardly, hindered by the manacles on his forelegs, a faint feeling of dizziness, and horrible pain and heat through his body. His muzzle had been uncomfortably tightened, mouth clamped together to the point his fangs stabbed into his gums. Two guards stood on either side of him, each with a chain to guide him along. They muttered to each other as they waited, occasionally yanking the chains roughly. He hadn't expected anyone to take him out of his cell. He had growled and kicked at the guards a few times when they’d grabbed at him, but between pain, exhaustion, and a rough blast from a Unicorn, they’d captured him quickly. Now they were leading him to who knows where, throwing insults at him all the way. He tried to ignore them and stand tall as they lead him away, intending to hold himself high to preserve what little bit of pride he had left, but the guards weren’t having it. They’d pull his head to the ground whenever he lifted it above his shoulders, at one point managing to slam his nose to the floor. It was enough to make it bleed, and enough to get Sombra to reluctantly give in to the guards. In a rather fitting twist of fate, Sombra now knew how the Crystal Ponies felt when he was king. “Bet it doesn’t feel too good on that side of the chains, huh?” One asked, Sombra recognized the voice as the Unicorn that had blasted him. The guard yanked the chain as he spoke, but Sombra held his ground, bracing himself and letting out a grunt at the pain, only to be harshly jerked aside by the other guard. “Nah, bet this is the most excitement this lame hack's gotten in a long time,” He said. Sombra growled at his insult, only for a new agony to spread through him as the guard gave him a fierce kick to the ribs. He staggered to the side at the hit, pain surging through his chest, nostrils flaring as the air was forced out of his body. “That is enough!” A loud booming voice came from the hall, as Luna and Blue approached the two, the guards standing up straight as they stood at attention. Another yank forward, and Sombra fell hard, legs twisting and jaw slamming into the cold floor. A tinge of metal in his mouth, an even worse pain in his leg, and Sombra decided it just wasn’t worth the effort to get up again. Even when the guards dropped his chains he did nothing more than struggle to catch his breath, ready to get everything over with and face the Sisters’ wrath, even if this supposed reformation was real. However he soon found himself feeling relief as the shackles, muzzle, and all other forms of chains where removed from him. The stallion was utterly confused. “You really didn’t have to be so rough with him,” A voice said. It did not belong to Celestia or Luna. “But thank you. You can go now.” the voice said, the two ponies quickly leaving the room as Sombra looked to where the voice had come from. Next to the Princess of the Night stood a grey pegasus wearing Night Guard Armor, his vibrant Blue mane and tail sticking out of the armor. “There, that’s much better, isn’t it?” The pony in front of him asked, stepping back. Sombra stayed where he was, breathing heavily as he took in painful gulps of air. Reaching a hoof to his mouth, he felt over his sore face. "Who...are you..." "I am Blue Crest...I have been assigned as your new guardian. You and me are going to be taking a trip to Ponyville." He said, the stallion's voice was rough and demanding, yet somehow Sombra could tell he was being sincere. Sombra’s head tilted curiously, but he didn't question her further as he leaned over and gently grabbed his forearms. He stiffened at the touch, but allowed Blue to readjust his legs into a less awkward position. Sombra folded his sore hoof against his chest, instinctually hiding any pain. "...why? What is in Ponyville...a new Prison?" Sombra asked, glaring daggers at Blue. "No...you are going to be living with me in Ponyville now..." Sombra stood there for a few moments, taking in those words "You....are joking right?" "I am not." Sombra stood there again, taking in the words of this stallion, huffing softly "Very well...if that is the case may we go? I would rather not stay here any longer than I need to..." Blue nodded softly "Very well...the train station is just outside the gates to the city, we will be heading there." "Then lead the way...guard..." Sombra said, the stallion's eyes not leaving Blue's gaze for a single moment. Ponyville The pastel-hued train came to a stop with a slight lurch in the Ponyville train station. Sombra emerged from it with Blue, his ancient armor replaced, much to his chagrin, the plain clothes of a commoner that had been given to him on the train ride. The day was fair and bright, not so much as a cloud in the sky, but that was not what bothered Sombra. Seeing the grand, if a bit tacky castle in the distance was a sore sight. It simply didn’t fit right, not amongst the thatched roofs. In the Crystal Empire, the Crystal castle had been a natural continuation from the smaller crystal cottages, fitting its surroundings. This one did not. Whoever had designed it, ought to have been fired from his position. Immediately and violently so. The fact that it belonged to one Princess Twilight Sparkle did not ease his mind one bit. In fact, it may have made it worse. The dark-furred stallion scoffed and gave the pony next to him a brief glance. "Welcome to Ponyville...get comfortable because your gonna be here for a while" Blue said as he gestured for Sombra to follow him. Another scoff as the stallion followed, with his body language tight and his shoulders ready for a sprint... or a charge, as if he was expecting an assassin's blade from any direction. The king kept his senses wary, and his pace brisk. "I was under the impression that when the Princesses informed me I would lodge with a guard, that it would be in Canterlot, not in some... quaint little town." The tone of Sombra's voice betrayed his meaning; quaint for backwater town, and guard for servant. "So you where aware of the plan then? You didn't seem like it back at Canterlot..." Blue said, looking to him. "I did not know if I could trust you or not..." Sombra said "That...is still up in the air..." "The Princess wanted you to fit in with pony society. Ponyville was the first ever equestrian settlement where Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies all began to live together, unlike the major cities of Canterlot, Manehatten, and Cloudsdale" Blue said as he trotted along "She feels this place is appropriate for you due to this environment" He said passing by several ponies looking in awe, fear, confusion, and concern as the two of them walked along casually. Eventually reaching a rather large-looking house. "This is it.." he said, taking the keys from his armor and using it to unlock the door, Sombra took in the unlit corridor as bright sunlight filtered in, revealing gentle and light tones. The dark-coated umbrum sighed and pushed past Blue "This environment is threatening to melt me into a puddle with this blasted heat, so let me inside, peasant." Oh, the dark-furred stallion was clearly in a mood, alright. what a great start. Sombra wasted no time in removing the coat off his back, as the far cooler temperatures of Canterlot had necessitated, revealing a dark red waistcoat and white shirt underneath. Blue could finally see the stallion in more detail, the dark muscled torso, strong legs and a nasty scar on his left thigh, big enough to cover most of the outer thigh. Black tail furled and coiled with magic, occasionally twitching with an annoyed motion. His other, unscarred side sported no cutie mark to speak of, though what the Princesses had told Blue, it was due to his rather unique heritage. Blue would walk in after, with an eye roll at the being called a peasant. Upon walking into the home Sombra was met with honestly a nice place, It seemed Blue was an upper class so to speak, and this seemed to be one of the nicer places in Ponyville, with most of his furniture and appliances being more modern than most places in town. Blue removed his helmet, revealing his Blue mane and a now very clear right eye scar in more detail "Right...im going to go change, just...make yourself comfortable" He said as he walked to the stairs going to the second floor. "And carry my... are you daft--" the stallion started to protest, but Blue was already gone up the stairs. With a growl, the former king looked at his luggage, which, while not very numerous -mainly his armor sans crown and a few personal effects- did weigh a considerable deal."Unruly... good for nothing...guard... Celestia's staff is...abysmal..." The stallion muttered under his breath, lugging his things up the stairs with his telekinesis. If he could, he would have made the stallion's room's door to show him his worst fear, to teach him a lesson. But with an annoyed groan, he had to admit that the princesses' spell on him that kept him from using most of his so-called dark magic -umbrum magic, if he was asked-, had proven too formidable to break. At least the guard had had the sense to label his door with a simple door sign, hanging on a nail. Sombra pushed the door open with his shoulder, revealing a room that felt almost nostalgic. It was arranged in much the same way as his foalhood bedroom, the bed was in just the right place, near a window, table to the right side of it, and wardrobe across from it. Clearly, they had talked to Miss Chestnut before preparing for his arrival. Or the guard had a similar taste in furniture placement. Sombra let down his luggage with a somewhat satisfied huff, pressing a hoof on the bed. Comfortable, soft, but not too soft. The sheets were cotton rather than the silk he preferred, but he could at least rationalize that a guard wouldn't be buying Saddle-Arabian silk sheets with their salary. Sombra would walk to the window of the room, using his magic to open up the curtains to reveal a surprisingly good view of the entire town, Sombra slowly taking everything in. This truly was it...this was his new life, and weather he liked it or not...he was going to have to live with it. > Chapter 2: Difficult Adjustments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville - Blue's Home A few hours would pass as Blue would walk into the living room with some more casual clothes on, showing off more of his un-armored form. Of course all the while Sombra had taken an opportunity to explore his new residence, the stallion sitting in the living room of the house attempting to entertain himself with books Blue had, with little to no success. The dark stallion looked over to Blue as he observed him. Without his armor Sombra could very much get a better look at the stallion, who was now sporting a very clear metallic wing on his side, clearly this Pegasuss was battle-hearted and had seen some things...though what things were left to Sombra's imagination. "I hope you find your room comfortable, I don't often use it unless my family is staying with me." He said, Blue looking to Sombra with a much more relaxed face than before. "It is...acceptable..." Sombra said in a low voice, putting down the book as he looked to the smaller stallion. He was tempted to ask about his more inorganic parts, but stopped, unsure how to formulate the question on these parts that to him, were admittedly fascinating marvel of technology; how did they function? With some form of magic he had never heard of, with the same power that ran the train? No, that could wait, even if Sombra itched to feel how they felt under his hooves, the thrum of magic or the absence of it... "For now...you may feel free to roam the house, it's your home so you should get used to it" he said, though he figured the stallion had already done so while he was cleaning himself up, however he still wished to give Sombra a sense of freedom. "With that being said...there are obviously some things you need to know. First of all, you and me are going to have to have weekly "Sessions" with each other, so I can assess your rehabilitation progress" He said "Second, while you're here you will have to get used to doing things a bit differently, we will learn as we go, If you at all need me or have questions don't be afraid to ask." Sombra raised a brow at Blue, his surprised expression soon disappeared underneath a calm poker face. He took in the stallion's appearance; battle-torn, but serviceable, with the strong, swift build of a pegasus stallion, perhaps slightly bigger than he remembered most pegasi to be. All in all, pleasing to the eyes."Sessions, hmm?" Sombra's voice rang out with a strange softness, as if he was mulling the thought over. With a few quick steps, the umbrum stallion had reached the pegasus, holding his gaze with his own red eyes and far closer than was comfortable. All of Blue's vision seemed to be filled with the stallion's intimidating form, his scent like that of anise and peppery spices filled his nostrils, broad chest just so close, a tuft of thick fur peeked out of the collar. "And what sort of sessions would these be, guard?" A step closer into the pegasus guard's space, to see, to test if he yielded and took a step back. However Blue did not yield or take any steps back, if anything the Umbrum would see the Pegasuss adjust his posture, pushing his chest out in a more domineering pose "Therapy sessions...checking in on how your emotions are doing as well as how your fitting into society. Our main job is to have you be ready to be independent and out in the world making your own life" He said, huffing as he glared right into those eyes, Sombra seeing that the eye which sported his scar seemed to be artificial...robotic...seemed the Wing wasn't the only thing he lost. To Sombra, this was interesting, the guard would prove at least fun to rile and play with, and while Sombra was going to try and be genuine in his trying to turn a new page, he couldn't deny the pleasant tingle of satisfaction in a challenge. The stallion held his gaze for a moment longer. "I do have a question or two myself", the stallion hummed, pushing past Blue, the stallion's organic wing brushing against his side and feeling a hefty barrel; a movement carefully calculated and teasing. "Are you aware of my... ah, dietary need?" The movements that the king would make, caused Blue to let out a soft huff, as he turned to face Sombra again as he walked past him "Yes...I have made it apparent to get weekly deliveries of Crystal straight from the Crystal Empire for you...as well as some stake as well" he said Blue knew Sombra from his studies in the academy, he was a topic of great interest to young ponies who wished to learn about the change in military power. However he was defiantly...different...from how he imagined him to be. The stallion gave a dry laugh: "Then you've been misinformed..." The stallion lunged at the guard, trapping him against the door, fangs bared and so close to his now-bare neck. Sombra could feel the guard's pulse quicken in alarm as well as a quick defensive form, that previously seen metallic wing suddenly close to Sombra's own neck. Its sharp blades were inches away from him. Sombra could taste the sweet, light notes of a sudden tinge of fear on his tongue. While the guard proved too well-trained to give him anything more than a little sampling, the umbrum was content he wasn't going to starve to death with the Princesses' spell on him. The spell in question had made him more of a pony than an umbrum, similar to the spell that had given him his fleshy form, only more potent, but it hadn't changed his very core and Sombra felt relief in that. He had pondered it the whole train ride, if he wanted to be changed so drastically in order to fit in. But now, a new obstacle formed; what if this little pegasus guard was too taken aback, demanded further changes... Slowly, Sombra retreated, giving the guard space to breathe. "The steak will work. And the crystals as well, if I can use them as a storage for cultivation." Blue would huff in annoyance as Sombra backed away from him, drawing his metal wing back to himself in a natural pose. He eyed up the stallion with a glare before clearing his throat "Fine...if that's the case then I will take my leave and go to attend to some other things around the house." He said "Please let me know if you need anything" He noted, before making his way to the stairs to trot back up them. Sombra would also let out an annoyed huff, traveling up the stairs to get himself freshened up, the guards back at Canterlot had did a poor excuse for a job at providing him with the necessary hygenic needs. As he made his way there he entered the bathroom, looking around before walking to what he presumed was the bath. Stepping into it he looked at the wall and the mirror. His frown visible from its image, annoyed as he didn't recall baths being this small, the stallion groaned with a slight ache in his limbs, and cocked his head, glaring at the shower.  Blue had then passed the bathroom, taking notice of the stallion in there before Sombra took a notice of him. "You, explain to me where the hell is your bath? Surely you're rich enough for one? This one seems to be too low to be one." "Uh...I don't have a bath I have a shower" He said, slowly walking to the bathroom, walking to the shower. Sombra seemed to have a temporary relief on his face, but it was quickly covered up by his irritation and a hoof gesture of a "go on". Then it would hit Blue as he realized showers, especially modern-day ones, were a later invention than what the stallion was used to. Blue huffed, rolling his eyes slightly as he turned the knobs to the shower on, the water coming out of the hose and hitting the floor and walls as it was fully turned on. Sombra took a moment to take in the information, before wearily waving Blue away: "That'll be all then. dinner after this..." The stallion grimaced slightly, rememberíng one of Princess' -in particular that of its second youngest member- incessant nagging: "...Please?" Blue smirked ever so slightly at the please "Yea, I can make some dinner for you." The stallion didn't answer, only slammed the door in front of Blue, taking the moment to enjoy his shower and to his surprise he found the feeling of it, like a warm rain rather pleasing. Fifteen or so minutes later, Sombra emerged to the kitchen, mane damp and loose curls pooled over his shoulders, and a few loose ones framed his forehead as the ancient creature took a few tired steps and then collapsed onto a chair with a weary sigh. An equally loose shirt hung from his body, made of soft and breathable cotton."Is that coffee I smell?" "Yea I put it on the pot, I figured you'd want some after such a long trip from Canterlot to here" he said as he walked into the living room with some coffee of his own. Sipping it as he took a seat on the couch very slowly. Huffing as he reclined backward "Did you-" The stallion groaned and silenced Blue with a raised hoof while pouring himself a mug of the black gold. For once, the stallion didn't seem to demand or want Blue to wait on his hoof and wing. Slowly Sombra levitated the mug over to him, taking the first sip with a soft "thousand years without this... a travesty."  "Uh...right.." he said "Did you find the bed comfortable? I don't know if the bed was ok enough for you so I just wanna make sure" he asked. "Hmm, it's better than the Canterlot's dungeons." Sombra was surprisingly forthcoming. "Good to know" He said, taking another sip of his coffee "Now that you are here, It's just going to be me and you" He said, stretching slightly. "The only time Id ever have to leave is to report to the Princesses about the progress we are making." "And who would be here if you did need to report?" The stallion asked, taking a sip of his coffee with his eyes closed, leaning back against his chair. "I believe the Princess's are ok with you wandering around ponyville, given the fact the Mane Six frequent the area. That and with your magic damped, it's not a serious threat." The stallion took a moment to ponder this, then nodded slowly."I suppose I should be thankful they aren't slapping me in chains." Sombra's tone of voice darkens, a low, threatening growl escaped almost involuntarily: "Or put me back into that crevice..." "They are giving you a chance... it's something that everypony deserves" He said, looking to Sombra "Dont worry, me and you have a long time to spend with each other, I'll help you." "I'm not worried over you." The stallion scoffed while stretching, a crick could be heard somewhere close to his neck. Blue then notices a collection of scars litter the stallion's body, both big and small. "Regardless...we have a long road ahead, so it will work out in the end" he said, yawning as he went to take another sip of his coffee. The stallion took the silent moment with gratefulness, sorting his thoughts carefully and precisely. Being an outlier was certainly a disappointment, but not one that he didn't know how to navigate.  Sombra took a long breath and another gulp of his slightly cooler coffee. "I had a lot to think about on the ride here, and while the situation isn't... entirely pleasing, I suppose you wouldn't be terrible to share a house with. Even if you are a bit dim-witted." He just had to throw that last barb in, just so the pegasus didn't think of him as soft. But he tried to compare it to the life he had wanted before everything went down as it did, and compared it to the stress and backstabbings and ugh, politics of the Crystal court... no, perhaps he could carve out something out of this... "Really? Well uh... I'm glad to hear that" he said smiling, the stallion looking to the larger umbrum "I think that you will be nice to live with as well" He commented, deciding to ignore the other comment but he would keep that in mind. "Hmm... flattery will get you nowhere." the stallion stated back, but Blue could see Sombra's posture change to a bit more proud form. With a deliberate care Sombra put his mug on the table. "... there is one potential problem. The Princesses forgot to mention a little detail; namely, money. Besides the currency having changed in value since when I was in power, I do not exactly have the resources of an entire empire's coffers... unfortunately. There is also the issue of transporting some of my personal things from Crystal Empire. I didn't exactly materialize from the Aether with my personal library in tow." "Oh uh...I can put in a request with Princess Twilight to have your things shipped here...though I think they will be heavily looked through to determine if it's ok for you to have them" Blue said "As for the money thing, you don't have to worry about that I have it all covered." He said, sitting up slightly himself. The umbrum leaned forward, eyes focusing on his empty mug, hooves pressed together in thought. "... It is likely I will need to find something lucrative to do with my time. Hmmm..."  Blue could see the stallion's tail wrap close to his unscarred thigh, covering the empty, cutie-markless spot. Possibly, an insecurity? "... ... I am not sure if I am... comfortable, with someone else rooting through my possessions. It was bad enough that they read my journal." Sombra's face skewed in annoyance, recalling Cadence and Twilight rooting through his study. "Besides, I am most excited to see the little Princess' face mad with envy at some of the rarer spells in my collection." Blue got a feeling that the stallion was leaving something untold. "Ok...uh...if you'd like then, I can ask that we go to the Empire and we can personally pack everything up?" Blue asked, he forgot how difficult it was to talk with Royalty at times. If anything from his experiences with Nobles taught him anything. They all have insecurities and secrets. "As for time management. You and me can always do things together, I'm sure we can come up with some fun things to do" He said smiling. "Of that, I am sure~ But for now..." the stallion stretched slightly: "We'll decide what to do with my personal things later. I am uncertain of which would be the proper approach. Arriving at the Empire in broad daylight is, understandably, not an option. Hmm..." Sombra stood up suddenly, with a brisk pace he appeared in front of Blue, examining him silently and in great detail. Sombra turned his head, taking in the stallion's features, until seemingly satisfied, the stallion took a step back. With a soft sigh, the umbrum focused his magic, hoping that this ability of his wasn't under the sealed ones, the so-called Dark magic, though he had tried to argue that most of them were to some extent natural abilities of an umbrum. The Princesses had promised some of the more harmless spells would be unsealed with good behavior, once he was deemed trustworthy enough. Blue could see the stallion's features shift, subtly at first. Slightly smaller stature, soft wings on his back, though lacking in the metallic parts, similar mane and tail to Blue's, and Sombra's horn disappeared as if it had been just a trick of the light. One thing that didn't change was the stallion's colors; dark fur and pitch black mane were still very much present, but otherwise the stallion could have been Blue's monochromatic twin. Blue blinked slowly as he looked at Sombra changing his features like a Changeling. Blue sitting up properly now as he was now in complete awe to the magic he just watched Sombra perform in front of him "You...you know Changeling Magic?" Blue asked, looking over Sombra's new form in curiosity and slight joy. He hadn't ever seen anything like this before and it was very exciting to him. "No. Though, you aren't entirely incorrect." The stallion took a deeper breath and grit his teeth, his usual features returning much faster than when he changed, "...umbrum are in some ways similar to changelings. We..." The stallion paused, and sat down, feeling the effects of the magic-dampening spell send a jolt of pain like that of a headache into his brain. "Umbrum and Changelings aren't directly related species, but have some similar qualities. We're both emotion-eaters and with some shape-shifting capabilities. While Changelings are what scholars would classify as a 'true shapeshifter' or 'greater shapeshifter', umbrum are a lesser shapeshifter." Blue got up and moved to Sombra as he saw him sit down, he figured he may have used a bit too much Magic to do that "Woh hay, you ok?" He asked, genuinely sounding worried. Sombra shook his hoof dismissively: "Just the magic dampening spell reacting to my natural magic. It takes me more as I have to overcome its effect to make the spell happen." The stallion leaned back and continued: "Umbrum are more related to Windigo, though neither are fond of the other. Territory and food scarcity are the main reasons mainly. I learned to eat meat in part due to this reason, as the frozen tundra was hardly a place booming with population outside of the Empire itself. It... doesn't really sustain me properly, but it is better than starving." Sombra took a pause, allowing the pegasus to take it all in. In all honesty, he wasn't entirely sure why he was even sharing all of this. But he had to admit it felt nice to have someone listen, and hear about what he was rather than running away or telling him to leave. It felt... nice, he concluded in his mind. Blue just listened in fascination, taking in all the information that Sombra gave, He always was curious how Sombra lived for so long before he returned. The pegasus sitting down next to him as he just watched and observed him "I see...that kinda makes sense given where the empire is located too. Windago's cause alot of snow, so Umbrums being in the cold north makes sense." He said nodding. "Hmm... I think that is merely the result of my clan's stubbornness. Umbrum are ancient... We have haunted the area for eons. Or we did, until what became the Empire trapped us underneath the ice and snow." Sombra sighed with a gentle shrug: "I wish I could tell you more about the Umbrum, but truth is... I grew up in the empire, I... know rather little about how the Umbrum society functions." There was a moment of silence as the stallion seemed to slowly come to terms with how little he actually knew of himself and his heritage: "...I... anyway, we can copy appearances but any natural abilities we cannot mimic, and as you can see, we cannot change some aspects of ourselves when shapeshifting, unlike Changelings who shift themselves far more... how is it said, in that one new book... molecular... level?" The stallion nodded "Yea I believe that sounds correct" he said "Still that is very impressive, I only have ever seen Changelings change shape so to see another creature do it is really cool" he said, giving Sombra a genuine smile. Blue had taken notice of the things Sombra was not saying though and while he did wish he could help, he knew he had to have Sombra tell him those things voluntarily, he didn't want to force them out. It was rare to see the dark umbrum blush, but Blue was certain that Sombra's cheeks reddened ever so slightly. Sombra coughed a bit and shifted, his hooves wrung against each other almost as if the stallion didn't know what to do with them. He almost looked shy for a moment. "Ah... did you have something in mind for today?" "Um...I mean we could try going out into Town today if you'd like. Otherwise we can stay here and talk." Blue said smiling. "I find your explanations about things that you know really fascinating. So I wouldn't mind hearing more, and I could also talk a bit to if you wanna know things" Blue said, giving the Umbrum full eye contact to show he was serious. It was odd, Blue had noticed the flush of course but he almost felt happy to see Sombra being so open. Perhaps it was just the fact Blue was getting to him or if it was just the situation itself, but Blue felt...good... Sombra shook his head: "I am not sure what to ask... but I would enjoy a few books to read and breathe some fresh air." The stallion stood up, and like an old cloak, the dignified, proud demeanor returned: "Do not dawdle." "Ponyville has a new library that was just recently built. We could go there" He said, getting up to follow Sombra, The stallion smiled as he followed behind him, the two ready to take to the town. > Chapter 3: Book of Lies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville The two ponies would enter the heart of Ponyville's town district, which was currently full of life. Seemed the Farmers Market was in town. Ponies of all different species and colors walk around and talk with each other, the vendors of each stand shouting out their wears and products to the ponies walking past. Honestly it was very similar to the Crystal Fair that Sombra would be more familiar with, all be it slightly smaller. Sombra was however hesitant at first but raised his head high and walked confidently. Or at least that was the expression he wanted to give, his shield against strangers.  He couldn't help but wonder if the crystal fair was as lively, having never experienced it beyond the sounds that reached his bedroom's window. A terrible feeling wrung his heart and stuck into his throat.  Blue would look behind him every now and then to notice Sombra's facial and body expressions. He had noticed there were traces of nervousness in there, Blue even going as far as to slow down so he could walk next to Sombra, giving him a small smile to let him know he was there for him. Blue made a promise to Luna that he would do anything in his power to help reform Sombra. He did not wish to fail the princess, nor did he wish to fail such an important task such as this, and eventually they would reach the new library. Sombra took a good look at the library. It was a, if one was being generous, a quarter of the size of Crystal Empire's library. But, for such a small town, it was it was more than big.  Polished stone with a sapling on top was a curious choice, but Sombra did not comment on it.  A feeling of nostalgia seized Sombra's mind. The hours he had spent in the library in his youth were a pleasant memory... Remembering his study was almost bittersweet in comparison. Hours upon hours were spent reading and researching ancient tomes and spells to learn more, to become something great and unrivaled... something that had set his heart ablaze for as long as he could remember. "I know it's probably not alot compared to places like The Crystal Empire, but Princess Twilight personally overlooked the building of this place and wanted to make sure it had enough space for all the books possible" Blue said, smiling as he took the Umbrum inside, showing him the vast amounts of books, all of them organized and thoughtfully placed throughout the building. categorized by name, type, and even having a section on magic itself.  The stallion took a moment to appreciate the quiet, serene atmosphere before walking to the closest section. History. He had for a while now wondered how much the world had went onwards... and history would hopefully shed some light on the matter. Though, if the 1000 years had been as busy as the history he remembered having learned, with the reign of Grogar, to Discord, to Tirek's invasion in antiquity, to the early medieval of the pillars... he was in for a small mountain of books. With slight hesitation, the stallion reached for the first book and opened it. Blue would smile softly, glad that Sombra was letting himself enjoy the library, all be it with some slight hesitation. The stallion walked over to a section himself to go look for any kind of books that he was interested in. Blue didn't make it a habit of coming to the library, but when he did he had some enjoyment, and after a good few minutes of looking he would return to the Umbrum. He found Sombra in a far-off corner focusing on what looked to be a book of magic, occasionally stopping to stare at a diagram or a scribble of some kind, but it felt like Sombra was merely trying to distract himself. Blue would walk up to Sombra, sitting down next to him as he looked at the book he was reading "Find anything good?" he kindly asked, the stallion curious about what magic Sombra was reading about. "I... yes, I did. It's fascinating. I will borrow it." Blue had a hunch that Sombra was trying to put up a front. Blue looked around, seeing that they where the only ponies currently here, as he turned to Sombra "..hay..do you want to talk?" "Why would I want to talk? I have nothing to hide...I'm simply enjoying myself reading, as you requested I try to do." Blue went quiet as he glanced around the room before noticing a book on the ground...it looked to have been picked up but quickly put down in a rather hasty regard. He picked it up before he heard Sombra let out a huff, he didn't look at Blue, instead he muttered: "... it's... about me..." he quietly said there was no pride in the stallion's voice, but a quiet upset one. Blue's eyes slightly widened as he looked over the book, as he saw the book's title: 'The Short History of Equestrian Monsters'. This could get out of hoof quickly. "Hay, there are plenty of other books in here...they're not...all about-" "How dare that author... release such slander...!" Sombra hissed, "I should make them eat their lying hearts..."  Blue could see the stallion's hooves shake slightly and a familiar purple mist attempt to pour out of the furious stallion's eyes. Then his horn drew a spark, and the stallion yelped in obvious pain.  Blue jumped slightly, the stallion trying to remain calm. He knew Sombra was upset and he knew that he needed to try and help, however even though he was unfamiliar with how to handle situations like this, Sombra wasn't exactly innocent, the things he did happened. He knew that. He just needed to find a way to make Sombra understand that things are different now "Hay look, I know you are upset but think about this...the book is very old...you were still in the Empire's Wasteland when this came out, things have changed." Sombra breathed heavily and with a wince.  "I know what I did, but this worthless piece of kindling attributes me as... as...something worse..."  Blue frowned slightly as he genuinely felt bad. He only knew Sombra for a day and he could already tell he wanted to change. He sighed softly and looked at the book himself, turning to the page that the book was left open at. While initially the book's text was fairly harmless, if somewhat exaggerated in tone, the longer Blue read, the more outlandish the claims became. While there was truth of Sombra's involvement in slavery and some rather ruthless punishments, where it got hair-raising alarming were outlandish claims of necromantic copulations with corpses, bestial sexual encounters with predatory creatures from windigo to timberwolves to even common dogs. The stallion saw a phrase, a moniker of sorts, used multiple times: the Harlot of the North. The stallion huffed as he suddenly wanted to understand what all this was. He was a history nerd himself, and this was the only book in the entire library that had claims on Sombra like this, he had read up on him before he moved in. The stallion would then put the book aside "I'm...going to go look for some more books ok?" Blue said. "Fine...just don't dwaddle" Sombra said, waving a hoof of dissremark to the stallion. Blue sighed as he got up, and then walked through the history section some more, to try and find out what "Harlot of the North" truly meant. The stallion did find more books, of varying factuality, but in many of them, the moniker repeated. And knowing that Sombra knew of the moniker himself, it probably had some basis in truth, rather than one conducted by later-era scholars. The tamest of takes he could find on Sombra focused on politics and trade deals mostly, as well as war efforts, and made only a passing mention of Sombra's royal guard and his penchant for plenty of lovers. Though Blue could only hope the claims of him killing those he grew bored of was over-exaggeration. He eventually would return to Sombra, who had just been looking out of the window to the library into the town. Blue walked up to him, sighing softly "..so..I did some research and...well alot of the stuff they say about you I... don't really believe they're all true..." He said "But...I can tell that one thing in particular is bothering you..." "Between outlandish claims of bestiality and necrophilia, you think I'm bothered? I couldn't possibly!"  The stallion growled, the sarcasm all but dripping.  "I know those things are fake beyond belief" Blue said "But...I'm just...confused about what "Harlot of the North" truly means...I've seen it pop up alot.." He said, slightly nervous to utter the phrase, as he knew how delicate the situation was. Sombra took a moment as he softly sighed. "It... political propaganda has always been part of any ruler's life, that wasn't what bothers me. You don't even know how outlandish the claims could get, provided you were far away to not face the ire, of course. And yes, having... several lovers is a prime target for such slander." The stallion closed his eyes and wearily rubbed his temples, his next words were a mere hushed whisper: "I... didn't want to be alone. But there is another fact that I learned in my time ruling. I wasn't... I was only worth as much as my station. So many of my lovers had ulterior motives. I..." The stallion leaned back, eyes still closed, as if lost in memories long past. "...some of the lovers enjoyed my status, what it gave them. Some enjoyed the power. Some enjoyed the thought of being a kingslayer, a hero of the people." The stallion's voice took a mocking tone for a moment, before returning to his serious, hushed tone: "...do you understand how tired it can make you? How... little ones understand their worthiness for love? And my enemies, hell, even some of my lovers... I was an easy, disposable... I was a whore. Except I didn't get paid in anything other than betrayal and treachery." The stallion snarled remembering something. "What good is love when all it gives you is misery? A grand gesture of empty words from ponies that have ulterior motives. I treated them right! I did right by them, because for each one, for each one, I foolishly thought it was going to be different. The only thing different was the application of the dagger." Blue just sat and listened. Nodding as Sombra talked, honestly a lot of the information hurt to take in, seeing a stallion talking about how hurt he was, how much he was hurt. Blue truly began to understand now...understand Sombra as a pony. Blue just continued to listen, making sure his body language showed Sombra that he was fully fixed on what he was talking about. After he was finished Blue would speak quietly "I'm so sorry Sombra...none of that is fair on you. You don't deserve that kind of treatment from ponies" He said, Blue looking over him as he spoke to read his body language "It's true...I don't understand what it's like to be in your shoes, I don't know what it's like to have the power you did and constantly get attacked by ponies you trusted. But...what I do understand? Is that you are not all the things these books say about you." "While I... appreciate it... You are wrong. I did not want to cause pain. I wanted the crystal ponies to suffer for my pain. It... at the time, it made me feel better. I wanted them to hurt just as much as I did, no, more, so my pain was lesser. So I could be the one lording over them. That I could be the one they knew they hurt and now got the brunt of it as payback." Sombra growled, thinking back, but slowly his voice faded to a whisper: "But it never lasted long, the feeling of triumph. In the end, I would always be... nothing. Just... I would be nothing to them. I overtook the empire because... because I thought it would force them to acknowledge I existed. That I was worthy of something, that I was capable, that I was more than a blank flank with no future that no pony wanted." Sombra paused, looking tired as his magic flared up in response to his emotions, and the spell on him sapped him more and more of strength. Blue could see the stallion's flowing, magically ethereal mane drop almost unceremoniously, form into thick dark curls that framed his face in an untamed mess. "I know what it's like to not be noticed." Blue said "When I was in the Guard Training as a private I was always teased because ponies thought I was dumb, they made fun of me, called me weak, harassed me. I never got a break from it." He said sighing "When I became General I felt the power, I could do to the ponies who treated me like trash what they did to me...and I did do that...I earned a reputation as the strictest General in the Night Guard." Sombra bit his lip, about to say something, but decided against it. "Hm... I am surprised. You do not seem the type." "Well...I take my job really seriously. In the end of it all, while I do enjoy getting back at the ponies who caused me pain...I have worked on doing that less, and focusing more on my duties." "I ended up... retreating, I suppose. I spent more and more time alone in my study or my..." The stallion paused, then continued: "It felt... safer. Painful but safer. I couldn't be hurt if I didn't... have contact. And once I mastered the mind control spells I... I felt like I could make myself feel safe. Though, only those I was in close contact with, the very few. I mastered them, but controlling more than a hoofful at the time was tiring." Sombra said, looking back outside the window, retreat in his voice as he softly spoke. Blue nodded "I can understand that...the ability to make yourself feel safe is a powerful feeling." He said "You may have done bad things Sombra...but I think that you are truly trying to change for the better, I can see it." "You might be the only one..." With a heavy sigh, the stallion stood up. "... I wish to go back to your residence now, the... trip took more out of me than I expected." "Alright, we can go. Let's go check out this book first" He said smiling, looking to the stallion with understanding eyes. Sombra nodded, slowly trailing behind the stallion. He paid no mind to the librarian, who was trying their very utmost to not stare mouth agape, and after checking out the book, Blue would give it to Sombra, then he would lead the Umbrum back home. > Chapter 4: A Uniqe Discussion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville - Blue's House Sombra took a sigh of relief when the door to Blue's home finally closed after a quiet walk back, the stallion's tense shoulders dropped and exhaustion was made apparent "You going to be ok?" Blue asked, the stallion looking to Sombra in a kind manner, to which his response would be given in a mere grunt as a response, the exhausted stallion dragged himself to the sofa and flopped down. Blue walked over to the sofa and gently sat down, looking over the stallion in detail. Taking in his features as he just thaught about Sombra for a moment, he was always under the assumption that underneath all that armor and coldness Sombra was a well-kept Stallion, given he was of royalty. However it was surprising how it was the complete opposite. The stallion's red eyes were shut, and underneath the white shirt's collar, at the nape of his neck was a bumpy, ragged scar. The bridge of his muzzle had the telltale signs of a once-broken and poorly healed wound. Along his thigh, the grotesque, fleshy scar, wide and difficult to look at. Smaller nicks and gashes here and there along the stallion's back.  "...you know your safe here right?" Blue said, the stallion trying to get his attention. "Hmm...? Did you say something?" Sombra murmured, too tired to be wary of danger that he so often expected. Sleep was slowly claiming him, and the stallion's closeness was a comfort. Even if he knew it wouldn't last, just like all of his relationships before. The umbrum murmured, pulling Blue close with a surprisingly soft touch. "I'm cold." Blue was taken by surprise as he was pulled to the umbrum. He felt himself suddenly lay on top of him, his head against his chest as he was now fully cuddling with him. Blue's face blushed deeply, as he definitely didn't expect to be this close with Sombra after not even a full day of getting to know him. "You are pleasantly warm", Sombra stated, holding onto Blue the stallion paused for a moment, yawning. Blue just quietly layed there. This was the first time he felt like this...warm...the stallion taking in how soft he felt, it was amazing how soft his fur was, especially with all the scars, he never imagined it like this. After a while of quiet, Blue would notice that Sombra had at some point, fallen asleep, his grip around Blue slightly stronger. The stallion looked to the Umbrum's face as he ever so slightly moved up close to it, He could feel Sombra's breath in slow, steady puffs, his rising and lowering chest and the warmth of the stallion's exposed limbs. The dark sideburns framed his face, contrasting high cheekbones and the red, curving horn being almost like a beacon of color amongst the dark gray and black hues. Blue would slightly move his hoof up to Sombra's cheeks, gently caressing them as he just admired him. His face was very appealing to Blue. His cheeks softly blushed as he just...stared...the stallion never really had a coltfriend before, and while he had his fair hair of crushes he didn't expect to be this close to a stallion...especially that of Sombra. Sombra huffed in response, stirring ever so slightly, but seemingly not enough to wake up. Slowly, little by little, Blue was able to take in more and more details, the short fur, almost like a velvet that gave way to his horn, how wonderfully full his eyelashes were, the soft, lazily drifting curls of his mane, coiling ever so slightly. Slightly sharper pointed ears than normal twitch occasionally. With a quiet murmur, he could see the stallion shift slightly, as if something was bothering him in his sleep....it wouldn't be far-fetched for the tyrant king to suffer from nightmares, and with a snap, the moment was gone. The former king jolted awake with a sudden jerking movement and then stared at Blue, cheeks ever so slightly red as Blue felt his balance shift to the side, fast towards the floor. "What. Were. You. Doing?" Sombra growled, his eyes narrowed at the pegasus, who was now face first into the floor, groaning in pain slightly. "I was just- uh" Blue picked himself up "I was-er..." He was flustered byond belief trying to think of an excuse "I was...admiring you?" He said nervously. For a moment the stallion glared at him with a frown and a raised eyebrow, but eventually relented: "I suppose I cannot fault you for that." "Im sorry for startling you I was not...thinking clearly" He said as he went to take a seat again, this time a bit further from Sombra. "No, no, it wasn't... well, it wasn't mostly you." "Are uh...you ok then? You looked troubled when you where asleep" He asked, tilting his head slightly. Sombra stood up curtly, his face skewed: "I am fine, and you are forgetting your place." He had already shared too much, and now the guard of the Princess of Dreams was prying into his...  No, the stallion may have lowered his guard, but Sombra was far from a gullible little pony. The stallion's stern expression returned and he walked away, towards the upstairs, his tail twitching like an angry cat's. Though, clearly Sombra was a moody character, switching his behavior quickly, and was quick to raise a block between his genuine self and an angry sorcerer. And it almost felt like the stallion didn't know which one he needed to be. Blue sat in thought. From his experience with duties and his special talent, he knew Sombra's emotions were a complex mix of things. He knew Sombra liked to be himself, but he was also very prideful and wanted to seem dominant. Blue needed a way in that Sombra would be comfortable with, he just needed to find it and a few minutes later, the stallion would work up the courage and go to find the Umbrum. He walked upstairs and went to the stallion's room. Knocking on the door. Sombra opened the door with a curious, somewhat confused look, an opened library book left open on his bed. "Yes? If you're here to offer coffee, I would enjoy some while I read." "Uh...I can get you coffee if that's what you'd like...I was...more hoping I could join you? I wanna talk" Blue said, smiling softly. "Talk?" The stallion cocked his head to the side, looking more confused: "What is there to talk about?" With a slight scoff, the large umbrum steps aside, letting Blue into the room. The stallion went back to his bed and shut the book with a slip of paper to mark the spot he was at, then set it on a dresser. Sombra looked at Blue with a confused expression. "Well it's just-" Blue said, thinking about his words "When you were sleeping you...looked like you were having a nightmare. Does...that happen often?" It took a moment for Sombra to answer, his expression changing from confused to suspecting: "Sometimes, why?" Sombra frowned and turned away from the stallion, observing his reflection idly from the gleam of his gorget, carefully laid on an armor rest. "Well I just...was worried when I saw you having the Nightmare and It made me wonder if I needed to worry about you having like...night terrors or something" he said "I don't really know if you having Nightmares is...different." "... I'm at a turning point in my life, one that feels... shaky at best. Of course there is going to be nightmares. As for night terrors, I've had none for... a while." The stallion tried to deflect, but Blue could feel that the answer was far from honest. "Right" Blue said, huffing as he contemplated something "Can I show you something?" He asked. "I... suppose so?" Sombra took a few unsure steps towards Blue, following him as the stallion took a couple of steps back, huffing as he quickly undid his belt and pulled his pants down slightly to show his flank to the Unicorn, unfurling his wings. "Do you see my Cutie Mark?" he asked, his Cutie Mark was shown to be a blue and cyan brain with a circle around it and a thin line resembling a scan. The stallion blushed slightly at the surprisingly intimate action, but nodded. "Yes, I do. Not the sort of cutie mark I would expect of a guard. A healer, more likely." Blue hadn't noticed the blush the King was now sporting "Well...I got my Cutie Mark when I was a kid...it stands for my special talent in Neuropsychology and understanding the mind" Blue said "The reason It actually helps me in the guard is because I can tell when ponies have special traits about themselves, ticks they might have when they are lying or hiding something." He said "I in a sense can read ponies like a book...to an extent." At first the stallion said nothing, before giving a low chuckle: "if only I had you as my spymaster eons ago..." The stallion shook his head slowly: "You're going to tell me how I'm lying through my teeth, is that it?" "No no" Blue said, waving his hoofs in the air slightly "I am telling you this because I want you to know, that if you want to talk to me about things...I can help you understand them...if you have a hard time doing so" He said, walking slightly close to him. "And what guarantee would I have that everything I tell you isn't carried to your precious princesses as a potential weapon against me if my progress isn't good enough?" He retorted back, eyes flicked downwards for a brief moment, before returning to look at the stallion in the face. Then he smirked, but it was a hollow, deflecting smirk; "Was today just that, for you to analyze the big bad umbrum~?" Sombra turned around and let his thick tail travel along Blue's chest and under his chin, before whapping him in the face with it lightly."I can see it already... I'm sure the purple eyesore would find my inner workings fascinating..." the stallion let his uncovered hoof travel along the long red cape of his armor. Blue flushed as he felt his thick tail travel along his chest and under his chin, slightly recoiling at the whip to his face. Huffnig softly "I can...see how you would feel that way which is why I can only say this; You can trust me. Everything you and I say to each other stays between us." Blue said with a serious tone "And, whatever I need to do to prove that to you...I will do it." The stallion continued to stroke the rich velvet. "I am not in habit of taking ponies at their word." Sombra paused when Blue declared his willingness to prove his trustworthiness. He thought of making Blue kneel, like everypony of his sworn guard, pledge eternal servitude in body, mind and soul. The thought was admittedly delicious, enough to send a familiar shiver down his back. He remembered his honor guard, a collection of mares and stallions that swore an oath to him, served him as bodyguards and occasional lovers warming his bed. He missed those times. "I know...and I understand why. Truly I do" he said, the stallion moving next to Sombra "But im serious...I want you to know you can trust me, and whatever I need to do to show you that, I will try my best to do it." "... in olden times, I would have had you accomplish some grand feat, defeat a foe on my behalf, stain your hooves for me, swear to me your undying loyalty. But now such a thing would be unfitting." "Right...well...like I said I will try my best to do what you'd like me to do to prove my trustworthiness" Blue said. The stallion nodded slowly, thinking. But he had no answer for Blue."We will... well, if it is granted to us, perhaps one day I will trust you. But not yet." Blue sighed softly "I understand...just please know I'm here for you if you wanna talk ok? You may not trust me fully now, but I'd like to at the very least make sure you're ok" He said. "I... appreciate it. I really do."  Sombra nodded, slow, gliding gait with barely any sound on the wooden floor towards Blue. "Now, little Guard... Are you always in a habit of showing off to your guests, or am I the exception?" There was a slight amusement in the stallion's voice, making the pegasus jolt when he realized what Sombra meant. "I knew pegasi were proud and prone to showing off their 'talents' but I didn't quite expect such..." Sombra licked his lips, wishing to put aside the uncomfortable topic for one much, much more enjoyable. Blue flushed deeply as he quickly squirmed at his pants, pulling them up as fast as he could. "O-oh im- Oh my I didn't mean to. I mean I-" He said, panicked and trying to get himself calm "I didn't even notice that I-" He stammered more. Sombra laughed, a low chuckle, and let his head fall, to push under Blue's chin, slowly and teasingly nuzzling the pegasus. Determined gait forced Blue to back up all the way to the edge of the bed: "Completely understandable reaction, after all... You are in the presence of me. I can hardly blame you for a reaction when I've had ponies far holier than thou blush like a schoolfilly~." Blue huffed as he was nuzzled by the stallion, feeling himself getting backed into more and more until he hit the edge of the bed. Just as the king was planning. "N-no no I just, I mean I did take my pants off to show you my cutie mark" "I'm hardly offended of a guard I could have included into my honor guard..." The stallion purred, this delectable little morsel was positively adorable when flustered, and even if it didn't exactly feed him like fear could, it still caused some corner of his shriveled black heart to stir. Blue flushed as he looked at Sombra, the stallion huffing as his cock, slightly twitched below him "I-I..." He huffed softly, his face flustered "Im...j-just nervous" he said, the stallion's face warm with heat"I-I will admit...y-you are very...very...attractive..." The umbrum sighed and stood up, a surprisingly gentle look on his face: "Perhaps it ought to be good for you to not push it for now. You are free to cuddle me if you want to, but we don't have to go further." Sombra sat down on the bed and laid down, patting the empty spot on his mattress. He knew what such nervousness felt like, even if it had been eons since he had last felt it. But he was not a poor lover, and took great pride in the fact. Blue blushed as he looked to Sombra for a few seconds, that gentle look on his face caused Blue's heart to slightly skip a beat. Was the stallion seriously...crushing...on him? on Sombra? "R-right" He said, the stallion softly moving to the bed and moving to the empty side of the mattress, laying down on it next to Sombra. Blue could smell the umbrum's delicious, spicy scent of peppers and anise, he felt the stallion's heft against him shift ever so slightly and could swear the stallion was giving him a look-over. "... if you forgive my curiosity, what happened here?" The stallion very lightly touched Blue's metallic wing. Blue huffed as he tried to settle his hormones down. The stallion just trying to concentrate on something. Luckily that question helped "I uh...well I lost it when I was in the Zeebra Lands..." He said softly, feeling...honestly rather safe "It was...cut off for torture purposes...to get me to talk." Sombra looked surprised. He had expected an accident, not torture. "...well? Did you?" "...I didn't talk no...I refused too" He said, the stallion just sighing softly. The stallion was now very focused on Blue, his eyes traveling down the metal wing slowly. Then he moved his hoof up to the stallion's cheek, near his mechanical eye: "And this?" Blue flushed as he felt Spmbras hoof on his cheek, ever so slightly leaning into it "I uh...lost my eye in the torture too..." he said huffing softly. Sombra nodded slowly, shifting a bit. Blue could see Sombra's various scars. "Hmm... I commend you for your resilience." "Thank you...but...I honestly don't deserve it..." He said "I...have made alot of mistakes...including the one's that happened while in the Zeebra Lands." "You do realize who you are talking to?" The stallion gave him a pointed look, one eyebrow arched with a questioning, unimpressed look. "Yes I'm aware" Blue said, sighing softly as he shuffled a bit. Getting his body closer to Sombra as he heard Sombra's breath hitch in surprise for a moment, before the stallion relaxed again, hooves and magic -a warm, slight tingle to it- guided the pegasus to a better position that impeded neither. Sombra huffed slightly, enjoying the pegasus' warmth. "Hmm... you will be most enjoyable during cold months... but do go on. I am rather interested if my mistakes could topple yours in severity." Clearly, the stallion was competitive. "I..." He huffed softly "I doubt my mistakes could topple yours...but...I think that it's just worth mentioning that we are not all perfect you know?" He said, softly sighing as he felt his head rest against Sombra's chest slightly. Sombra hummed slightly, his tongue rolling over his teeth in thought. For a while, he was silent, thinking back to his old scars: "How exactly do these work?" Another fascinated look at his mechanical wing: "...is it magic? Or something similar as that train we took? I can't see any markings that would indicate a charm..." The stallion shifted, his curiosity got the better of him. Blue saw mostly the stallion's chest and stomach as Sombra basically loomed over him, pressed somewhat against him, eyes carefully going over his metal wing, gently turning and operating it with his magic. "Can you feel anything when it is touched?" "I-it uh...mostly mechanical science...with some magic added" Blue huffed softly as he just relaxed in the semi-grasp of Sombra's body, Blue slightly letting his head rest on Sombra's stomach. Blushing furiously "The wing is connected to my nervous system...and it allows me to control it like a normal wing. T-the..magic in the wing is mainly for me using the special features in it." "Interesting...!" Blue saw a shift he had never imagined Sombra could make; he was genuinely excited. "So fascinating...! We at best-had charms and runic carvings for tethering magic into minerals, but never anything this sophisticated..." The stallion stared at the wing in awe, before seemingly remembering Blue's eye."And your eye? How does it... do you need to take it out, can you see from it? I thought it was similar to a glass eye, but with maybe some magic to orient you.." Blue blushed slightly at the excitement. The stallion feeling flustered from Sombra genuinely taking an interest in him "U-um.. it is actually quite similar! The eye is connected through some magic and nerves however I can actually remove it at free will" He said, before he actually did so, removing the eye from his socket to show Sombra "Its...magic magically enchanted with a sophisticated spell which allows me to use it like a computer in a way. I can zoom in on things, use it to target specific body parts to injure, and it also can change its color too...I can change my iris color to be whatever I want." He said smiling as he looked up to Sombra. "Com... what now?" The stallion looked confused. Right, 1000 years, most of which spent in isolation and/or in the Aether. "It's like a... spyglass or a scope of some kind? And it can calculate..." The stallion fell silent for a bit, his mind taking all of it in. If he was impressed before, it was nothing compared to this. "...this makes my armor feel almost foolish in comparison." Sombra huffed, thinking back to his defeat, and let out a small whinny of annoyance: "With something like this against me, I could have accepted my defeat with grace. Not the mere happenstance and sheer luck..." "Hay, you have some pretty cool stuff too!" He said "I mean, your Sombra... whether the princess likes to admit it or not, you are one of the top three most powerful Unicorns to ever exist" Blue said "You created magic that ponies still use today, you are a scholer in your own amazing way! I'm just a Pegauss...I have no magic...unlike you.." Blue could see the umbrum king's chest puff out like a particularly proud pigeon's, clearly pleased with the adoring words. "Well, it's true I did do some rather capable feats of magic! I even re-engineered Grogar's spell for immortality." The stallion shifted to pull Blue closer, now what could be said to resemble a rather tight embrace: "But top three? Really? I can only imagine Star Swirl to be one of the other two, but who would be... oh! Of course, Clover the Clever the second. That makes sense." Sombra had all but forgotten the stallion was even there, oblivious to how much his body pressed against Blue's own. "Y-yea...you are a really amazing Unicorn Sombra...your magic is impressive" He said, blushing as he ever so slightly nuzzled into Sombra's stomach. The stallion huffed softly enjoying how comfortable this felt to him "You may have made mistakes but you also did alot of wonderful things.." Another hitched breath, as the stallion fell silent from his self-grandeur. "What... what did you say?" "You are an amazing unicorn...and you may have made some mistakes but you have done alot of wonderful things Sombra...you re-defined magic with your spells and skill" He said looking at him. "I..." Sombra stammered. "I... I need a moment." The stallion didn't care that it hurt him, turning into a mist was the only way he could slip out quickly. He felt like his heart had thundered right out of his chest and ran.  Blue saw the stallion vanish and flee downstairs so quickly that he could barely comprehend what was happening. Sombra hid in a small dark corner to take it all in. He had done something... he had done something that had been worthwhile? That had been remembered, that was useful... The stallion felt a wetness in his face but quickly wiped it away, but the smile was not as easy to dispel. He couldn't stop smiling. It felt like all the years of his life spent studying, spent drudging after others, being a blank flank had been worth it after all. And then the pragmatic, cruel voice that so often plagued him, robbed him of mirth with the suggestion that it was a little too good to be true. They'd say anything to put a yoke on him, to bridle him to the Princesses will. Blue was now worried. Had he done something wrong? Blue was being careful with his words when he spoke. The stallion huffed as he got up and went downstairs to find Sombra, he was confused and worried. If he did hurt him he didn't mean to "Sombra? I didn't mean any offense if I hurt you..." he said, his voice sounding of genuine concern "Where are you??" Sombra shook his head, trying to rid himself of the inner voice made of every bad experience he had had. "...No, no... you didn't. Quite the opposite..." Shyly the stallion emerged from the shadows of Blue's staircase, his brow dripping with sweat and a rogue tear."... it... Hhah... how do I put it? It made me... happy." The stallion sat down and blushed, hiding his face with his hooves: "It made me happier than any victory I've ever had, than any completed spell has ever made me." Blue walked over to the stallion, gently sitting down in front of him as he looked at him, the pegasus observing his face and blush, as well as his tears. "I...well I'm...happy that you are happy" He said, softly smiling at him "I meant every word you know...you really are amazing.." "Y...you're making it worse... stop it...!" The stallion blushed even more, hiding more of his face, but from the gaps here and there, Blue could see him smile; not the cruel, vindicative grins, or the smug sneers, but a genuinely happy smile. So happy in fact, that the stallion had been thrown for a loop and into a state of near-panic."... I... I never... I never thought anyone would find anything I ever did worthwhile... I...I can't stop smiling, what is this??" "Its joy Sombra" He said, gently taking one of Sombra's hoofs to hold for comfort "You are feeling happiness and pride..." He said, Blue gently smiling just looking at him "This is normal...don't worry nothing wrong with you." The stallion swallowed slowly, the heat that radiated off his cheeks felt so strange after so many bitter years spent in anger and hatred."It... it is such an insignificant thing, it shouldn't... it's hardly proper for me to react like this!" he stallion muttered, but slowly lowered his other hoof too. He felt a terrible need to sink into the shadows, but resisted, just barely."... It's so strange... happiness is such a foreign feeling for me. Genuine, actual, real happiness, I know I felt it eons ago, I know I felt it when I was a foal but... after that, it has all been so bleak." The stallion whispered, almost as if anything louder would lead to some terrible calamity. "I know it's probably hard for you, but this is a good thing. It's a huge step into the direction you want for yourself" Blue said "This is really healthy for you...even if it doesn't seem like it" "I... I want to calm down." The stallion groaned, blushing a bit. "... I... I never was very good with regulating my emotions..." The stallion laid down and leaned closer to Blue, holding onto him tightly, his cheek pressed tight onto Blue's chest. Listening to the steady rhythm of the pegasus' heartbeat slowly calmed him down. With a soft sigh, Sombra closed his eyes and focused. Blue flushed slightly as the large Umbrun leaned into him. His heartbeat accelerated slightly as he held onto the stallion. Blue's body heat resonated with Sombra. "You are gonna be ok...I promise" He said, speaking softly as he ever so slightly leaned into Sombra as well. The stallion's body was very warm, still reacting to his emotions. But the stallion looked exhausted by such an extreme length. "... if you do not mind... I need sleep. It has been a while." "Alright..." Blue said, softly letting him go. "You can come to find me if you need anything ok?" Sombra nodded as he took another breath, before slowly walking back up the stairs to his own chambers, the stallion lay down on his bed as he stared to the ceiling, he could still feel his heart thumping, and his cheeks hot from blush. What was this other feeling he was having? He didn't recognize it...no...he did recognize it...but he didn't think it would be possible for it to happen again. Whatever the case, the stallion would soon close his eyes and return to slumber, finally getting some rest. > Chapter 5: Moral or Duty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville - Blue's House Blue stirred slowly as he felt his eyes softly blinking awake, groaning softly as he turned his head to look at the clock; 3:00 am. He groaned as he stretched out his wings and yawned softly, getting out of the bed he stretched all his joints he would walked over to his armor stand, removed the pieces of his armor and softly strapped them on, getting slightly jolted awake with the cold feel of metal on fur. The stallion going to the mirror as he quickly did his mane correctly so the helmet could fit on, as well as get some personal hygiene out of the way. Quietly opening the door, he walked past the guest bedroom, he used caution as he peeked through the crack of the door, looking to Sombra who was currently passed out cold. The stallion sighed softly as he was thankful he was quiet enough to not wake him. As Blue walked down the stairs he would think to himself for a bit. It had now been three weeks since Sombra began to stay with him, the first day still quite vivid in Blue's head. It was strange, he wasn't expecting things to be this calm or even like the way things have gone. He would quickly go to the fridge and then grab a small snack, as he tossed together a quick sandwich and put it in his mouth as he left the door. Walking through the dead of the night in Ponyville, he would get a good rhythm going with his wings as he took off into the sky. While taking the train to Canterlot was quite a normal thing, Blue was the type of pony who enjoyed taking a long relaxing flight. Even then, he knew it would take a good thirty minutes of flying. So he prepared himself for the semi-long journey to the castle. Canterlot - Castle Blue slowly opened the gates to the castle hallway, he recognized it as being one in the west wing of the palace. his station for the night. It was always quite strange being a guard, sometimes you would just stand in the middle of the hallway like some tourist, rather than pacing back and forth, otherwise, it was the opposite. Still he knew he had a job to do, so he had to find a superior in order to report to. And seeing as he was the General he knew that he wasn't about to find one just standing around here. So without further hesitation on the matter he turned in the direction that would take him to the throne room. Knowing that he needed to report to Princess Luna, however what he didn't expect was for her to find him first. Stopping forward travel in time to avoid colliding with her wasn't a possibility at his speed; even if he face-planted into the ground, he still would've ended up slamming into her at full force. So instead he did the one thing that he could do in the available moment and tucked his right legs in to unbalance and tip himself while pushing with his left legs to send himself toppling to the side to avoid her, before tucking into the roll to quickly get back onto his hooves in order to throw her a salute. "Apologies, Your Highness!" Luna returned the salute. "Apology accepted, General, but please be at ease." He nodded and slowly lowered his hoof to the ground again, but continued to remain standing at attention regardless. "I suppose that is better," she sighed, "but that is not important at the moment. Right now I am simply relieved to be seeing you right now. I was getting quite worried." "I don't understand, Your Highness," he admitted. "I suppose that is to be expected. But rest assured I will do my best to explain the situation before us, General" Luna assured him. "It has just been quite a while since we have heard from you. We were beginning to get worried." "I apologize, Your-" Blue's attempt at an apology was silence as Luna gently pressed her right forehoof against his lips and shook her head. "You have no need to apologize for something that is far outside of your control, after all being the guardian for a pony like Sombra is no easy task." She said, smiling softly "However we are happy to see you." Blue would nod softly "Yes ma'am...Sombra has been a lot of work, however I am happy to say that it has been good progress." "We are happy to hear this, Sombra’s not giving you too much trouble I hope.” Luna said, as she began to walk down the hall. Blue shook his head, “Oh no, just a bit stubborn is all." "This is to be expected..." Luna said "He always was stubborn." "Did you know Sombra?...before his turn I mean" Blue asked softly, the stallion now walking beside the Alicorn. Luna looked to the ceiling slightly at the question. The mare takes in the question and thinks carefully of a response. "We did not know Sombra in person no...however we frequented his dreams quite often" Luna said "He has such a fascination with the night, and it was truly a type that I had never seen in a pony before. We spoke in dreams often, and would frequently speak about our interests and lives." "So...you two were friends then?"  "In a way I suppose yes..." Luna said "However even back then we saw glimpses into Sombra's umbrum side...we knew he could be quite stubborn, as when he was making a point he went to quite the lengthy degree to prove it correctly. However...we also saw that he was a pony who truly just wanted ponies to talk to...to keep company..." "Yea...I picked up on the same thing..." Blue said softly. "Tell me...what have you found out about Sombra?" Luna asked. "...with...all due respect Princess, I feel that I shouldn't tell you right now." Blue said. Luna was silent as she observed Blue "And why is that?" "...If I am to have Sombra trust me, I need him to know I won't tell things he tells me to others."  "I see...and prey tell then, how are we to know if everything is going ok then?" Luna asked. "I promise you that if Sombra were to say anything concerning the well-being of the country or my own health, I would find a way to let you know" Blue said. "My job is still to protect the crown and country." "Yes...however I sense there is more" Luna said. "More?" Blue asked, as the two of them reached Luna's room. Luna smiled softly "One of the many reasons I made you my General...is because you have a strong sense of both Morality and Duty...and you are one of the very few who I know can differentiate between when it is the time for one or the other." Luna said, as she gave Blue a soft nod. "Return to Ponyville...I have a feeling your duties will have to continue soon...we will speak again"  "Yes ma'am" Blue said, bowing to her before he began the trek back home, meanwhile Luna looked out the windows to her balcony, she looked into the darkness of the night in thought, watching Blue in the sky as he flew back home.  "Good luck Blue Crest...may the night sky bless you in your quest..." Ponyville - Blue's House Sombra woke up with a tired, dry yawn, groaning in annoyance as he looked to himself in the mirror. He could have almost sworn the mirror cracked, huffing in a foul manner he left his room and went down the stairs to see Blue in the process of making breakfast. "I hope to godess you cooked a good morning meal..." "Good morning to you too..." Blue said, rolling his eyes "I'll get to work on your food soon, I'm just finishing up my own. Unless you'd rather have me put a crystal on the grill." The stallion laughed: "No, why would you heat up crystals? Meat is fine, a steak will work fine. But umbrum aren't dragons.", the stallion rose up slowly and cantered next to the pegasus: "Crystals are more... they're not food per say. They're more like a... container. A box to store your food in. Minerals in the far north have always possessed strong magical qualities of various sorts, depending on the crystal's mineral structure..." Sombra paused as he sat on the soft, lush pillow of Blue's kitchen table, then continued: "Most crystals are capable of housing emotions in them, similar to a bottle holding liquid. Umbrums mainly eat emotions, similar to changelings, though in a different method. Usually we either bottle the emotion from the atmosphere or straight up siphon it from the air, unlike changelings who need to be close to their target and more... sucking-sort of effect? And the emotions we eat are different too." "I see...so in a sense you could have an entire cabinet of crystals which store different emotions" He said, the stallion rubbing his chin as he got the stake out and began to prepare it "That's a very unique magical technique, I don't think I have ever seen it before." "Hmm... sort of. Fear is our preferred emotion to feast on." Sombra leaned to his hoof, and sort of blushed: "... you'd be surprised how long this took me to figure out. I would be lying if I said I don't know what starving feels like. And with no other umbrum to guide me until recently... there's so much I don't know." The stallion continued: "I think crystals were used as food storage for months where there was either long travel and shortage of food, or in preparation to bad months, in a similar way ponies would prepare hay and such for winter." "Well...maybe I could help you with the Crystal Thing. I'm sure I could ask around and try to get some things for you" Blue said smiling as he began to cook the stake "Honestly the more I hear you talk the more fascinated I am with your culture and magic" He said "I wanna know everything I can at this point." Sombra hid a smile behind his hoof and nodded: "...well, this is a welcome change, at least. Anything you'd want to know?" "Actually there is one" He asked "You can turn into a shadow...how does that work? What's it like? Can you still feel things? Like...is your body just gone??" "It's not gone, the shadow is my body. It's actually... well, my actual self. This that you see is a result of a spell that binds my form into that of a... fleshier creature. A modification of that spell I showed you earlier, the lesser shapeshifting. It's, to be honest, not actually a spell, more like a natural ability. It's our food-securing method, shapeshifting, I mean. This, this that I... am, is a modification to fool the spell that imprisons the umbrum in the shadow prison." "So uh...when you had turned into like...a version of me...what was that?" Blue asked, curious as he continued to work on the stake. "Our feeding method, though used in a way it isn't meant to be used." The stallion stood up slowly: "Umbrum are crepuscular, meaning we are most active during dusk and early morning, where there is little light. To cultivate fear, we'd scare ponies with a form they'd find scary, and as ponies don't see color in the dark very well... well, color isn't a terribly important thing. So we remain sort of easy to tell apart from the real deal. Say you were afraid of... dogs." The stallion paused and let his form shift into a large, growling and aggressive dog, still in his usual colors with red eyes and dark fur. The stallion shifted back quickly: "... hhhah... the color doesn't change because it isn't a necessary component." "That's actually really cool" He said "Godess if I had the ability to shape-shift I don't know what I'd do with myself." The stallion blushed a bit and smiled for a moment, then sighed: "... It is somewhat bothersome, I won't lie, that the princess' spell limits even that." Sombra scoffed with slight annoyance. "It is, for comparison... Imagine if your wings were partially bound. You could fly, sort of, but not well enough to make it really useful. With me it has the extra malus of limiting what I can eat." He rubbed his temple with an annoyed sigh, he really shouldn't have complained. What if the Princesses thought this a sinister plot? Or just think him ungrateful? The thought of being sentenced to another 1000 years of icy, soul-tearing and mind-shattering isolation gave a strong shiver down his back."It, it isn't that I'm not happy about this chance! I mean it, it is just... No, no, I should probably just... accept this and..." The stallion seemed to withdraw. "Hay...if you wanna speak your mind you can, I won't judge you Sombra" He said smiling softly as he looked to the Umbrum with reassurance, wanting him to see that he was in a judge-free zone. "It's just... I don't want to be a pony any more than I imagine you wouldn't want to be a... I do not know, a bird? It feels... wrong. Strange. Yes, it would fix so many problems but...", the stallion paused, looking for words."I wouldn't feel like I am... myself? Like I am trapped in a cage. And I can only imagine how much worse it would be if I was more used to my umbrum form over the fleshy form I grew up with." Sombra took a plate from Blue, momentarily observing the steak: "Do you know why I eat meat?" Blue nodded softly, the stallion paying attention to everything being said by the Umbrum and taking in the info "...I uh... I'm not sure to be honest...I didn't want to ask in case it was a sensitive topic" Blue said. "It isn't so much that it is a necessary dietary need in fact, it is practically unnecessary in normal circumstances. I learned it to avoid starvation. Happy, positive, loving Empire in my youth was rather... averse to the dietary needs of something like me, and with nopony -me included- knowing I needed something special to sate me, I ate what I found to work for me, somewhat. Death is a rather harrowing, fearful experience, so the meat still carries traces of the emotion I needed." The stallion paused, remembering moments: "Hay, apples, I could eat a bushel and not feel like I got my fill. I... was used to the feeling of hunger in my youth, despite our caretaker's best efforts. At some point I just... started to hunt, thinking I was somehow even more off than before." Blue nodded softly, he was slowly starting to realize more about Sombra in the ways that would help. He truly was a survivor, not by choice. The stallion huffed as he finished his stake and took it to Sombra and put it on his plate "I understand...but I want you to know now that you are living with me you can ask for whatever you'd like to eat." "... Well, there is a problem with that. Fear is... well, it would require scaring ponies. and I am not sure how to do it without ending up in front of the princesses." Sombra shook his head, worried "Maybe I just need to abandon the thought, Umbrum feed off of negative emotions...I do not know how substituting would make it any better. Positive emotions taste bitter and unpleasant." Sombra took a bite out of his steak, lost in thought. "Right...well still, I will try my best to find something to be good for you" he said "In the meantime we can stick to the stake." Sombra didn't answer, deep in thought as he silently chewed. "... this wasn't hunted." "The meat? Uh...no I believe it's locally sourced from Griffonstone" he said "Equestria doesn't make meat so most of it is from out of the country" Blue said. "It was slaughtered, and I can feel the fear of that... but it wasn't a chase. There's a rather small amount of fear..." "I wasn't aware meat contained fear" Blue said slightly surprised, raising an eyebrow. "It lingers in flesh. Not much, but some amount." "Huh...the more you know..." Blue said, walking over to the fridge to pull out some salad "I'm telling you Sombra, the more you introduce me to this stuff the more fascinated I am with them and you." Sombra chewed, blushing a bit: "I... hm... I am happy you think so. I thought it would be too... strange." "I like Strange" Blue said smiling "I've always loved learning about different things. I get that from one of my guard friends. We grew up as kids together" He said remembering fondly "Ever since I've just always had a fascination with strange and mysterious things" He said looking to Sombra "So far I've loved spending time with you and learning about you." Sombra smiled, surprised: "You remind me of my... a pony I knew. She loved all things weird and strange, saw faeries and thought the shadows spoke to her." Sombra took a moment to remember: "I remember those days so fondly." "She sounds nice" Blue said smiling "I'm happy that you are able to remember those days fondly, having happy memories is always nice." He said, before he heard a knock at the door, tilting his head he walked to the front door and as he opened it the stallion was practically attacked by a rather eager journalist, who spoke a mile a minute.  "Any words you'd want to tell about reforming one of the worst tyrants in history??" The reporter quickly said, Blue stood there for a second looking at the pony dead in the eye....before slamming the door shut. "Fucking great...they tracked me down..." Blue mumbled softly he heard heavy hoofsteps from behind him, and saw Sombra's form, his mane at the same time ethereally moving but also a tangled mess. "So...what exactly is our plan for today?" Sombra said, the stallion would have commented on who was at the door, but Blue looked annoyed and he thought it best to leave that alone. "Well...we could go out to eat at a restaurant if you'd like? I know a few good places in town." "... you mean a tavern? We could..." Sombra's voice faded away for a moment, then continued with a whisper: "...do you think it wise? I do not know if I should really be out and about... might not look good." "You have been living here for three weeks now, and we have gone into town a few times. I'm sure it won't be a big deal" Blue said "I'm your guardian and most ponies here know me, most of the Royal Guards who live in Ponyville are relatively known well across the town. Besides I'm sure it will be good for you to get out of the house." "I could use some fresh air..." The stallion nodded, but also looked a bit worried: "Though... ah, nothing, forget about it." Sombra didn't make a point to remind the pegasus that a pony restaurant would likely be geared towards vegetarian meals, one sorely lacking in fear. Well, maybe his presence would at least give him enough of a reaction to give him something to nibble. Besides, he could just enjoy the company of Blue, and hopefully, at least some wine with it. "Hay.." Blue would reach to Sombras hoof, gently holding it "Don't worry...I won't leave your side..." He said, smiling at him softly. His kind smile, dark cyan eyes looked to him with reassurance. "I'm not very... social, even in the best of days. But, I suppose we can try.", Sombra relented, his shoulders sagged a bit. "Oh... you are paying, right?" "Yea I'll pay don't worry." "Good colt~ I'll see you soon, need to freshen up...feels rather prudent." The stallion smirked, and sauntered off. Leaving Blue to himself. > Chapter 6: Dinner with a King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville - Blue's House Sombra would take a few steps out of the shower, to dry himself off, absentmindedly brushing his mane from the mess they'd become. He was still new to the technology of the time, and these new automated showers were something that still confused him. He would notice Blue standing close to the door, and chime up "Do you... think I should do something with my mane?" Blue smiled softly as he looked to the stallion "Hm...maybe...it depends on what you would wanna do with it." "I... I don't know, but I suppose such a long mane isn't exactly fashion forward..." Sombra turned his head a bit, looking somewhat bothered by something. If Blue had to guess, he was feeling his age. "Hm..." Blue hummed softly as he walked up to the stallion, brushing a bit of his wet mane to the side as he looked to him "I personally think...you look very handsome with a long mane" He said "But...if you wanna change it...I can help you choose some styles." For a moment, Sombra said nothing, he wasn't used to the complements, especially one about him being handsome "I am not sure. The thought just crept on me after the walk back from the library. Maybe I just need a moment to think about it." Sombra smiled a bit, looking at the pegasus, laughing quietly. "You look like a baby bird." Blue chuckled quietly as he blushed from the comment, acting quite bashful as he looked to the side "I-..I do?" "Well, right now at least. Very fluffy."  "Our floof gets softer when the Winter season comes around...so it's extra soft this time around" He said smiling as he looked to Sombra, happy to see the stallion in a good mood. "I shall go and put some clothes on, then we can depart" The stallion disappeared into his room, trimming his sideburns into a more neat form and wearing clothing a little less... attention gathering than his usual armor. He had been somewhat insistent on wool, remembering fondly the woolen, warm garments of his foalhood. A knit dark red sweater and a long black coat make him feel secure. And he had to admit, he quite enjoyed the look. Blue on the otherhoof would be downstairs, in a rather casual outfit. A nice brown sweater with a Tanish scarf. Wearing some dark pants. He looked to Sombra smiling "You look really nice." Sombra smiled a bit. "You as well. Lead the way then." The stallion nodded as he walked out leading Sombra around town. It was lively to say the least, most ponies still doing their usual business. Blue smiled as he walked alongside Sombra. Eventually they made their way to the restaurant part of town, and Blue led Sombra to a building that slightly resembled Crystal Empire architecture. Sombra stopped for a moment, taking in the architecture: "... well built. Solid. Is it new?" Blue nodded "Ever since the Empire came back, Equestria and The Empire have been wanting to trade some culture...so some businesses were opened in Equestria. This is a restaurant that sells Crystal Empire delicacies." "Is it... is it ran by a Crystal Pony?" Sombra looked worried. "I don't think so, I think the Crystal ponies just helped to build it and organize it. The pony who runs it would be local." "I see..." Sombra tapped his hoof to his chin: "...shame, the royal chef made some gorgeous dinners... if you discount the occasional poisoning." Sombra still looked nervous, and it was just barely visible in his eyes: he worried how the others would look at him, dining in a place that so clearly mirrored the empire he had usurped. "Have you visited it before?" "Mhm, they had some good food" He said smiling, the stallion looking happy "I figured this would be a nice place to go too, and it might make you feel a bit nice to be surrounded by familiar things." "It would, yes. It's been so long since I tasted Crystal Empire food." Sombra followed him inside, and tried to calm his paranoid self. "Do you need a reservation?" "Only on a busy day, we should be fine for now" Blue said as he walked up to the host and smiled "Table for two please." Sombra pretended not to notice the momentary pause in the restaurant's host gaze, but all in all, she was the very model of professionalism. They were led to a table a bit away from prying eyes and ears, which Sombra was relieved for. Blue sat down and smiled as he quickly ordered some drinks "So uh...this place looks nice to you yea?" He asked. Sombra nodded: "The colors are more modern, no way we could have achieved such brilliant colors with natural dyes, but... yes. It is familiar. Makes me wonder..." Sombra let his voice die down as his drink, an unsweetened tea was placed in front of him. "They've done their research well, though." Sombra took a sip of his drink, smiling a little. "I'm... a little surprised they had dandelion and grass tea." Blue chuckled "Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself" He said "So...if I could poke your mind a bit...what was the Empire like 1000 years ago? I've only ever read about it in history books." "Well... depends on the angle you're looking at, I suppose." Another sip, "All in all, one could say that the empire was prosperous. The most recent war had been over for almost 100 years, and while food was still imported, especially grain, mostly... life was decent for most, even if there were still poor around and poor districts here and there." Sombra paused to pour a drink of the tea to Blue's cup: "... Dandelion and grass was considered a peasant... no, rather, a poor pony's drink." Really?" He said, taking his cup and sipping from it "This tastes quite nice...what were the other options then?" "Grass and dandelions were... well, all over, remarkably good at surviving, so it was easy to use even if you could barely afford anything else." Sombra took a sip: "...takes me back to my foalhood." There was a pause as the umbrum thought back: "For ponies who could afford it, spring spruce was fairly common, though even that was a peasant dish. And it was mostly available only during spring. Then, actual tea and coffee were popular with the gentry. I took a liking to coffee, I won't lie. If you were very rich, maybe with apple included, sometimes even just the apple flowers. Which is, honestly, a waste." "Huh...coffee is a rather affordable drink now, and Ponyville is the home of the Apple Family so you can get free Apples almost all the time" He said smiling as he took a sip "If you're lucky enough you can even get some Zap Apples too." "The empire didn't have enough warm climate to accumulate apple farming, so ours were imported into the city." Sombra chuckled to him: "...Miss Chestnut always made us peel our apples, the rare few when we got them. Magic or wax to preserve wasn't good for growing foals, she said." Blue smiled softly as he listened to him speak "She sounds like a nice mare." "She was." Sombra didn't continue for a while, focusing on his drink: "There were... certain injustices present, of course, but I suppose for an average crystal pony, life was good. Starving was rare." Blue nodded softly "You know uh...when I went and studied to become a general I read a book about you." Sombra's ears swiveled to attention, "You did? I thought Celestia had me removed from most history books. Though, I suppose military would be held to a different standard." Blue chuckled "Oh she did...you just needed to know where to look" He said winking slightly. "Hmm, what, did you seduce some lonely librarian?" Sombra teased back with a dry smile: "... what did it say?" "Well...it was actually an interesting book tackling the Empires corrupt ideology at the time...it went over your take over but it didn't focus on your...injustices but rather the small improvements you attempted to make as well as your ideology going into it." Sombra blushed a bit: "... I wish I could say it was because of some temporary altruism, but the truth is most of the improvements were for practicality." "Even so...those things did actually help in the end...some ponies liked some of the things you did to help improve things, and they went on to improve upon them and put them into current society" Blue said taking a sip of his tea "For example, your studies on alchemical magic helped Unicorns produce food for the poor as well as make more materials for ponies who needed them." Sombra blushed more, focusing intently on pouring himself another cup: "I was simply curious... And food production had to made more efficient for my goals."  The stallion felt nice knowing some of the things he did had been useful, had been... made possible by him. "Do you know why the empire has the star-like pattern in its street design?" He shook his head "Not really no, I always just thought it was like that." Sombra seemed to perk up now even more: "Oh, no, no, initially the empire was a hodgepodge of houses in narrow streets and snaking roads. Besides being somewhat difficult to traverse with a cart and... well... occasional mugging here and there, I did make the street design more geometrical. After all, the ground had already been torn up to find the Umbrum prison, might as well, right? But I did something a little more. The entire city's main streets, Emerald Street in the north, Ruby in west, Sapphire in south and Diamond in east, was laid carefully over a natural magical leyline."  The stallion paused, accepting their entrees: "Mmh, this is tasty... Anyway, with that and a couple runes in right places, the entire city became a magical siphon, with the trapped Crystal Heart in the highest tower acting as a focus point allowing me to cast that curse that made the empire disappear. Technically, I -or anyone else gifted in magic- could do it again." "Wait so the reason it's called the 'Crystal' Empire is because of you? I always thought the Princess had made it look how it did now" He said as he began to eat as well, humming at how good the food was "That's really impressive...you have a really good taste in architecture." "Oh, no, you misunderstand. Crystal has always been a construction material, it just never had much...zoning laws. The Empire got its start as an Earth pony kingdom somewhere around Grogar's time, at least that is what the prevalent theory was back then. Aside from the poorest districts, houses were made from crystal." "Oh I see...but it sounds like you helped to greatly improve how it looked" He said. Sombra blushed and smirked: "That 'I cast the largest spell in history' boast went completely past you, didn't it?" Sombra took a moment to focus on his food, and he had to say, aside from a few more modern techniques, the flavors were familiar and comforting. Blue laughed softly "You don't have to try too hard to impress me you know Sombra... I'm already impressed of you as it is...honestly I love hearing you talk about all of your knowledge and experiences." Sombra blushed a bit, and took another forkful of dinner: "It's... so strange being complimented like that. It's... not something I'm used to." "Well...like my good friend Orion once told me. Have the courage to be kind, even to those who may seem like they don't want it" He said smiling "And...I think you deserve to have kindness given to you." "...You would have been so strange in my time." the stallion muttered, smiling slightly. "...what else would you want to hear about the empire?" "What was the culture like? Surely it would be different than it is now yes?" Sombra paused as he struggled to explain the differences in something he remembered as being natural, no-need-to-explain things: "Well... We discussed food culture already. You probably know about Crystal Faire...Hmm...Oh, there is one thing that is vastly different. Culture around cutie marks." "Oh really? I always assumed it was the same. How is it different?" He asked. "Well, getting a cutie mark wasn't as widely celebrated in the Empire as it was in Equestria at the time, or now. It was... a proof of becoming an adult, in a way. While foals with cutie marks were still considered well, foals, could however, start to gain experience in their field of expertise as an apprentice. Magic schools at the time didn't even accept students with too far-off cutie marks, not to even speak of blank flanks."  The stallion took a pause, his ears swiveling just a bit: "... I... have experience with that, unfortunately." Blank flanks -like I was thought to be-, were considered good for nothing. And I mean that literally. Blank flanks were good with nothing. If you had a family who could support you, you could find some manual labor work in a family farm or business, but if you lacked those safety nets..."  Another pause, as Sombra took a mouthful and swallowed: "I believe the Apple family's youngest was a blank flank for a long time? In her case, back in the Empire's hayday, she would have had her family support her by giving her some work to do in a farm. It wouldn't be important work, but it would be work to gain a small amount of bridles, maybe even bits to her name. But she likely wouldn't inherit much aside from a calculated allowance. An orphan however would have a lot tougher time. Not many places would want someone who would never amount to something as good as one with a cutie mark, especially educated fields. Some... some had to turn to ah... questionable means of procuring a living. Crime, usually." "That...sounds rough..." Blue said, frowning as he thought it over, all those fillies and colts who grew up living like that "Why...would the Empire support that kind of behavior? It doesn't seem beneficial at all to the prosperity of the civilization." "It... it is hard to change tradition, especially in one fell swoop. It just... was as it was." Sombra shook his head: "Either way, I am positively elated to hear that is hardly what happens today." "Oh heavens no, if it did you would be shunned for even trying to act like it" He said "Thankfully I have yet to see anything like that happen." "Mmh.Hmm... what else... Oh, there's some changes in magic usage and learning. I heard sorcerers are no longer a separate class." "Oh yea, everypony can be whatever kind of sorcerer they wanna be" Blue said smiling softly. "Ah, in the past sorcerer was the title of a magic practitioner with no formal education. An educated, learned mage was a wizard, while sorcerers usually were either self-studied -like myself- or under the tutelage of some other sorcerer." Sombra smiled a little: "Usually the distinction could be seen in how the magic was cast." "So... theoretically what kind of sorcerer could you be classed as?" Blue asked curiously. "Self-learned sorcerer, though I suppose if I were to classify my spell repertoire..." Sombra thought, curious: "Illusionist would be the closest call, I think, with some dabbling in ah... more forbidden spells, like Grogarian necromancy... Sorcerers were known for being less focused on specific schools of magic, and more whatever they happened to learn, if I were to put it simply. While somepony like say, Star Swirl has very clear repertoire of evocation and transfiguration."I don't know if it makes sense..." "That makes alot of sense to me" He said "Given what I have read and also seen for myself, I can absolutely see why you'd be an illusionist." "Even if I may have ah... met Star Swirl some weeks ago and almost decked him in the face." Sombra scoffed, annoyed. "I used to idolize him when I was young, I wanted to be just like him... didn't turn out that way, and the old codger is still alive, because of course he is! "Oh, illusions are just parlor tricks my ass.' I should have parlor tricked my hoof so far up his-" Sombra fumed, then remembered where they were. "Dinner's good. Very good. Moving on." Blue smirked softly "Hay...its ok" Blue said holding his hoof "Star Swirl is an absolute cunt" He chuckled "You should have seen what he was like to Twilight after she saved his ass from the void." "Mmhm, I can only imagine..." The stallion laughed a bit: "Let us not talk of old codgers any longer. Besides souring my appetite, I dread it might summon a fletchling princess..." "Of course" Blue said nodding softly. "...this dinner really is good." Sombra said smiling. "Mhm! They have really good food here" He said, smiling as he ate some more of his food "They are rich with flavor. By the way...I don't think I ever got to ask. What kind of hobbies do you enjoy doing? I rarely see you doing anything at home other than sleeping." "... The magic blocking spell leaves me somewhat exhausted, admittedly, more so than usual." Sombra nodded: "Hobbies? I... don't... Hm."  The stallion paused for a while, then continued: "I don't suppose I have a 'hobby' per say. I enjoy reading and magic theory, spellcraft. But if you are asking if I knit scarves for 'fun', no, no I do not. I try to keep myself in shape, but that is hardly an enjoyable task." "I see...I believe that I've seen you come back from the gym every now and then..." Blue said, tapping a hoof to his chin "Are you interested in any hobbies? Maybe you could pick one up! I know there are tons of things you could try" he said smiling. Hm... well, fortune favors the bold, I suppose. What would you suggest?" "Well...I know this is kinda a stereotype, but it's also kinda fun. I know there's a very popular culture in Crystal Collecting. Ponies who collect different crystals, observe them, label them, and then keep them on a shelf for others to see. I've been told it's quite soothing for somepony who likes to have control over stuff or wants to own something." Blue said "There's also drawing, book clubs, magic clubs, and I know that the town hall hosts different activities daily for ponies to try!" "You are telling one of the best sorcerers in history that he should join a magic club?" The stallion leaned forward, waiting for the pegasus' reaction. Sombra allowed Blue's thought to catch up and then continued: "Perhaps something yes, eventually, but I am not entirely sold on crystal collecting. I did that for years, except they had four legs and half a brain." Blue chuckled at the crystal remark, Blue wasn't 100% afraid to laugh at dark humor. The stallion looking to Sombra "Well...if those things don't work then maybe you could try more physical hobbies? I partake in fencing and boxing myself" he said smiling "I like to keep myself fit." "I noticed~ And it looks good on you, all that lean muscle..." Sombra smiled with a surprisingly warm glint in his eyes. "maybe we can come up with something, but I have never been a craftspony." "I'm always willing to help" He said, blushing at the compliments to his body that Sombra was making. The stallion took a sip of his drink, a dry white mulberry wine. "Hmm... there is something I used to do as a foal, that, if it isn't too foalish, I might be interested in resuming."  "Oh? What would that be?" He asked, curious as he tilted his head. "Small gardens of common crops were popular at the time and when my... health permitted it, I enjoyed spending time there. Reading, or taking care of the garden. I admit, I wasn't terribly good at it, but it... was nice." Sombra smiled to himself, reminiscing: "Even if the orphanage's matron made me upend my pockets of little critters before heading back inside." Blue actually felt a warmth in his heart after hearing this, smiling genuinely as he looked to him "That...really sweet..." He said "You know...I think Ponyville has a public garden that ponies can go too, I think Applejack is in charge of it" He said "And...if you'd like I can make room in my yard for a small garden as well." Sombra's smile faltered a little at the mention of the element of honesty. "Maybe I will, and maybe we can do that later in the yard. I am...rusty in all manner of agriculture, and I imagine the field has progressed somewhat in the thousand years. But...would..." Sombra bit his lip, blushing slightly: "Would you come with me? At least for the first time?" Blue nodded "Of course I will" he said smiling "Id be happy to come with, delighted even" he said, the stallion looking to the blushing Sombra, it was actually really adorable, Blue really did find this umbrum a handsome and cute pony. Not that he'd admit it just yet. "It... might keep me in check, and ponies might not feel so alarmed when you're present." Sombra huffed, "Now, I do not know about you, but I still have the stomach for dessert." "Oh 100% yes. Dessert sounds amazing" He said "I'm actually curious as to what delicacies the Crystal Empire have" He said. "Back then... aside from nobility, sugar was hard to come by so I would expect a lot of fresh fruit and berries instead. Cream and maybe butter." "..have you not had any of the current-day desserts?" He asked, tilting his head. Sombra shook his head: "I partake in sweets rarely. And the modern ones are just too sweet for my tongue." "Are you...aware of what the current day desserts are?" He asked. Sombra tilted his head with a questioning look but said nothing, motioning him to continue. Blue would smile softly "I think you're going to enjoy what's coming" he said, before the waiter came back with two cups of Vinnila Ice Cream with Chocolate Syrup, a tray of brownies, and some rather tasty-looking chocolate strawberries. Sombra looked surprised: "Hmm... They look good. Indulgent, even. And I admit.. I love to indulge on occasion~"  The stallion smiled, picking up a strawberry. "Hmh...!" "Oh trust me, you're going to absolutely melt in your seat once you try this stuff" he said, smiling as he was already eating up his ice cream. Sombra took a bite out of the ice cream and Blue could see his expression shift: "Mmfh... it's cold? Wh...wh..." "Mhm! It's called Ice Cream" he said smiling. "The taste is good, but it's strange eating something this cold..." Sombra said. "You get used to it, it's why some come with hot fudge, it's somewhat buried at the bottom of the cup" Blue said. "I see... Well, it is decent, the brownie though. While I mean no offense to the chef, it is far too sweet for my palate." "That's fair... it's pure chocolate after all" Blue chuckled. "Mmhmm... overall a successful dessert." "Indeed so" He said, licking his lips "You wanna take the long way back home? I know a trip through the park at night time is very calming" he said smiling. Sombra nodded, eyes focusing for a moment on Blue's lips, but averted their gaze when the server approached. The server would give the two their bill, to which Blue would put down some bits, and smile as he got up from his seat "Shall we?" Blue said, offering a hoof to Sombra. Sombra didn't say anything, momentarily pausing with a slightly lopsided, dry smirk: "I am not so old to not be able to stand on my own." Blue chuckled "It's just a form of being a gentlestallion goofball" He said, the stallion rolling his eyes playfully. Sombra chuckled as he grabbed Blue's hoof, softly getting up as the two of them left the door to enter the night. > Chapter 7: A Single Shot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville Park The air was cool on their faces as they stepped outside, and the rhythmic clacking of their hooves on the cobblestone echoed around them. The night was warm and quiet with the lights from the streetlamps illuminating the way in front of the two ponies. "You know, im up almost all the time at night due to work...but there is something nice about taking a night to yourself to just enjoy its beauty..." Blue said, looking around as he admired the surroundings. "I enjoy the quiet of the evening. The hustle of a city dies down, everything is still. It's easier to breathe and not needing to..." Sombra grew quiet, thinking to himself softly as he stopped himself from speaking. "Hm?" Blue asked, tilting his head slightly. "... And not needing to walk the night to find sources of bits, was what I was going to say." "Oh.." He said, looking to him "...I still am sorry you had to deal with that...its...no way for a child to grow up." "...My childhood was relatively nice my... young adult years less so, and there is no need to apologize as it is long gone. It is old history." Sombra shook his head and moved forward, walking into the park with the stallion: "I assume this is where you either mug me or murder me." The stallion's dark humor was back in full force. Blue laughed "Nah I wouldn't be that obvious...first I'd gain your trust and then I'd do it, bit before then I'd make sure to seduce you~" He said, joining in on the dark humor. "Hm, a stallion after my own cold, dead heart." Sombra quipped back with a dark smile. "Not that you could, ponies stronger than you have tried and failed. Princesses tried, and the only thing I got out of it was a kink in the neck and occasional headache." Blue chuckled "You'd be impressed on what I can do if I'm all armored up and with my sword" He said "Then again...you are a powerful Unicorn and Umbrum who could very easily overpower me or banish me to wherever you deem fit." "It's true, I could overpower you... have you at my mercy... Here with not a soul in sight~ Or perhaps you would prefer to do your civic duty and strike down such a terrible villain?" Sombra held his head high, cantering past Blue. Blue sighed softly "You really are not that bad of a villain Sombra...you have shown me that your trying to change." "Yes...well most ponies wouldn't give me the opportunity to show them that" He said "There is something however I do want to give to you though...as a thank you for dinner." "Hm?" He asked, tilting his head curiously "What is it?" Sombra turned around and trotted back to Blue. "This." Blue felt the stallion's lips on his own, soft, warm, inviting and demanding, Blue's wings pomfed up in surprise. The stallion felt the warmth of Sombra's lips, his face flustered and hot as he stood there, eyes slightly lidding as he felt Sombra's touch. The stallion took their time, not feeling the need to rush things. Sombra pushed forward just a little, hoof behind Blue's neck, tongue licking the pegasus' lips. Blue closed his eyes fully as he embraced the stallion's kiss, huffing softly as he felt his tongue against his lips, slightly opening them to invite him in. It is here that Sombra's touch got a bit firmer, pulling the stallion closer and his tongue slipping in with ease, dancing against Blue's own. Blue let Sombra hold him, the stallion taking comfort in how firm his hold on him was, for some...odd reason he felt safe...as if he knew he wasn't in danger, and just as fast as the kiss happened, it was separated. "Hhaah..." Slowly Sombra withdrew, with a teasing pat on the cheek: "Good pony~" Sombra continued onward: "Your reward for taking me out to eat." Blue huffed deeply, slightly speechless save for a breath out "That was...one hell of a reward..." Sombra smiled to himself and gave the stallion a wry look: "I know." Blue just stood there, not sure of what to make of what had happened. Did Sombra like him? Surely this was just a gesture of Sombra being a bit lewd...Blue was used to this but...nothing in this regard...Sombra remained silent for a long time, letting the silence comfort them. In his mind, he was content, but not sated. The dinner had done little to quell his hunger. He considered telling this to Blue, but decided against it. "Thank you. It's... refreshing for somepony to treat me like just... a pony." Blue broke out of his trance, clearing his throat "Hay...everypony deserves a bit of kindness and respect...even if you don't think you yourself deserve it" He smiled "And you know what? Screw what others say...to me? you are a pony..." The stallion turned his head towards Blue, then quickly turned his head away: "You are being sappy, stop it." Blue could tell from the way Sombra's ears flattened that he was probably a little embarrassed. Blue could feel the way the umbrum sucked in air, almost fluffing up as their emotions seemed to get the better of them, something that seemed to happen often as of recently "You seem to bring out more emotions in me in mere days than I have felt in thousand years. I am... unaccustomed to it." Blue stayed quiet, not sure how to respond to that, instead he just offered the king a comforting and knowing look that he could continue talking if he wished and that he would listen. "I am... unfamiliar with these feelings...I had them once long ago...but...it never ended up working in my favor..." Sombra said. It was strange, how such a simple thing could unearth so many memories. It was also incredibly annoying, he huffed softly, and looked to Blue. "What is on agenda tomorrow, Blue? Somepony to visit, I recall?" "Oh uh...Celestia and Luna are sending one of the Elements to check up on us...im not sure which one though..." he said "Its been an entire month since we have been living together so." "Hmm... I hope it is not the rainbow one. She is very disagreeable." Sombra took a long sigh, "reminds me of one of my generals. Capable on the battlefield and as a guard, but set off at the drop of a pin. Now, I know I am known for ah, having a temper, but... that mare was a contrarian through and through." In his mind, Sombra was happy to see their house draw near. "Eh...if Rainbow shows up I'm sure Applejack will as well...im like 90% sure they are an item" he said, shrugging as they approached the house. "An... item? Ah. Lovers." Sombra smiled a little. "... I... am somewhat intrigued by Applejack. But that could just be my preferences in mares showing." "Oh yea, those two are lovers, they flirt all the time...then again sometimes ponies confuse there flirting to there constant competitions with one another" He said, the stallion remembering some times he saw the two of them in Ponyville. Upon hearing Sombra mention a preference in mares however, there was...a slight sliver of sadness that came upon Blue's face...which not even he himself realized was showing. Sombra's eyes flicker to Blue, the Umbrum almost immediately picking up on that sliver of emotion that showed: "... you misunderstand me. I have certain preferences when it comes feminine form. But I am equally attracted to stallions. More, even, occasionally." Sombra let his magic push the door open, entering the dark foyer. "I don't mean preferences as in for mares or stallions. I enjoy both. But I cannot deny that a strong mare does feel ever so slightly... more titillating than a lithe one." Blue tilted his head "What do you mean misunderstand?" He asked, confused. Sombra looked to Blue, realizing that the stallion hadn't even been aware of his own emotions showing "Oh...its nothing I just...needed to clarify myself" He said, this would have to be something he needed to test again sometime...was Blue always showing emotions without knowing? "I could regale you with stories of my past paramours... Some historical figures in there as well." He said, smirking slightly. Blue chuckled "I wouldn't mind hearing about them sometime" He said smiling as he looked to him. "Mmmh... perhaps tomorrow. It is late and we have a busy day tomorrow. Sacred laws of hospitality dictate a full table, does it not?" "It does dictate a full table yes, I assume you have something in mind?" Blue asked, the stallion grabbing his keys from his pocket and unlocking the front door, turning on the lights as the two of them made there way inside. "Mmhm. I admit I will need your help with some of it, but yes." "So what do you have in mind?" "Well, they're arriving at... one, right? So brunch..." Sombra tapped his hoof to his chin, explaining the recipes to the stallion in length. "...but I only need you to help with the busy work, mainly setting the table. We will need to wake early, some of it takes time." "Right uh...I can get to work on the table stuff now" he said, walking over to the dining room table. "Tomorrow, Blue, tomorrow. You really are tired..." Sombra sighed and smiled a little: "Go take a rest." Blue yawned, nodding his head "Alright alright...I'll go rest..." he said as he began his descent upstairs "Oh by the way, there is a recipe book in there from Colton Ramsay, he's this famous chef who runs his own T.V show called Kitchen of Tartarus," He said "You can grab some recipes there." "Duly noted. Sleep well. I'll read that for a while, then head to bed myself." Sombra smiles and watched the stallion ascend to his bedroom. He'd go onto grab the cookbook and skim it for a moment, but when he was certain the stallion was asleep, Sombra took to his shadowy form and slipped out of a cracked window. The long, fleeting shadows traveling down cobblestone streets, through cracked windows and open doors, through gaps and cracks. Cries and fearful whimpers followed where he went and each one brought the stallion satiety. It brought Sombra very little joy, but he had promised himself he would never starve again. But unlike the cruel king he had been, intoxicated by the realization of how much fear sustained him, now he tried to hold himself back, sampling here and there. A sudden jolt, a momentary awakening from vivid dream, or the sudden chill in a room, eyes that you felt but didn't see. With a satisfied sigh, the stallion slipped in to his room. Blue would be sleeping soundly at this point when Sombra returned from his night excurses. The stallion smiling slightly in his sleep as he was resting. His gentle breathing quiet and peacefully. Sombra smiled as he passed through, letting his still shadowy hoof gently grace the stallion's cheek. He considered crawling next to the stallion, but settled into his own room instead for tonight. Sharing a bed so early... well, he just didn't want to seem too forceful, now did he? Still...the way this stallion made him feel, it was...unlike anything he had felt in so long...memories fleeing back to Radiant Hope and the way she made him feel all those years ago. Sombra turned in his bed, facing the wall. He thought about how things have changed...1,000 Years of his life gone, all the ponies he knew dead, and what little ponies who truly loved him where as well...was it so wrong to wish for this happiness again? He wanted to feel it but...it felt wrong for him...as if he didn't deserve it. Why should he? After all...who could love a monster? Somewhere in Ponyville Paper Quill stared into the teacup clasped firmly in his hooves, his eyes focused on his reflection in the amber liquid. The warmth had long since left the ceramic vessel, dissipating in the gentle breeze. He couldn’t recall the precise time when he had gotten back from the park. With a sigh, the dejected Pegasus set the cup down on the table, his thirst long forgotten. Sitting to the left of his drink was his favorite camera, the one that he had used to take countless photos with for the Ponyville Times. Sure it wasn't a huge news company like Canterlot Times or Manehatten Press, but it still paied well enough. A small frown pulled at the corners of Quill’s mouth. He reached out with his left hoof to stroke the cool metal body. The camera was quintessential to some of his earliest and most Importent news stories. He remembered his first big break, when he was assigned him to cover the wedding of Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armor in Canterlot. It had been the opportunity of a lifetime for him, and a chance to get his work seen by ponies in high society. He had been ecstatic about the offer and accepted the assignment in a minute. Then the inevitable wedding day had arrived. With the exception of the event’s official photographer, the press had been barred from covering the actual ceremony. The gallery he had been waiting in since the early morning was situated just outside where the newlywed would present themselves to the citizens of Canterlot. That was when everything had gone wrong. The Invasion, the panic, all of the injuries. That day stuck in Quill's mind for a long time...did it give him his big break? Yes absolutely. Now everypony had heard of Ponyville Times, and knew of him as a reporter. But was it worth it in the end? Taking photos of all those ponies injured and hurt? That was when he had run into him outside of Canterlot General Hospital, and the moment he had been offered a chance to work again. Still, after all that, his new boss had kept true to his word. When Quill had delivered the pictures, he was paid a very handsome sum and even got him in touch with a studio he could work for. Even with a more-or-less reliable income, Quill couldn’t remember feeling more needed in his life. His gaze shifted to the innocuous paper slip that led him to the park tonight... Quill frowned, wanting nothing more than to crush the paper underhoof, throw it away, and go back home without a second thought. But if he did that, what would his boss do? Would he really make good on his threat of exposing Quill’s identity? If that happened, would Quill be fired from his job? Arrested? At the very least, he’d gain the mistrust of every pony in Equestria. He looked to his camera, picking it up and looking at the current photo loaded up. It would be the biggest scoop in his entire career, it would probably get him even higher in the food chain of the news industry. He shook his head softly, huffing. No he had to do this, not just for his own sake, but for Equestria's as well. This was King Sombra...one of the most evil unicorns in history. Ponies had to know what he was up to, and once they knew he had seduced a guard, a general no less. They would have the entire truth. The young stallion would raise up from his table, grabbing his camera and swinging it around his neck, and grabbing the piece of paper. He would then look to his watch, it was close to midnight. Right on time. He trotted over to the back of the cafe he was sitting at, and approached the old dumpster. Before hearing a voice. "You got it?" Quill nodded softly "I have it yes. Just as you said, King Sombra has indeed seduced his guard watcher." "Excellent...once this prints tomorrow morning, I will have everything I need." "Sir...are you sure that this is wise? Your already dealing with what's going on in Cloudsdale. Do you really need to have this on-top of that as well?" Quill asked. "Don't question me Quill. I know what I am doing, and something like this is exactly what I need to happen. It will take the focus of the entire country away from what's going on in Cloudsdale, and allow me to continue my plans" "If you insist sir..." Quill said "I just hope you know what your doing" "Trust me...I always know what I'm doing" > Chapter 8: Loyalty and Honesty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville - Blue's House As the morning came, Blue would wake up early as Sombra had suggested. The stallion got into the shower and cleaned himself off, making sure he was presentable. Blue himself wondered what Sombra was going to make for food. But he figured he knew what was the best food for the moment. Sombra was already up. The scent of coffee and burning wood tickled Blue's nose when he arrived to the kitchen. Sombra looked surprisingly... well, cheerful was the wrong word, as the stallion probably would have died before looking 'cheerful' but there was an absence of irritability in the stallion that Blue couldn't quite place. "Coffee's brewed, help yourself to it, then chop me some fresh herbs. I have a bread proofing. You don't have a levain, so I had to change some things, but there is brewers' yeast -modern era is so convenient, we used to have to walk to the brewery to get ours or make beer ourselves- so that works. I didn't think being in a kitchen would be this pleasing after such a long time, but then again, I don't have to feed 15-odd foals." "Thank you Sombra" He said as he went to grab the coffee, and then also went into his cabinets to grab the herbs, he would then use his metallic wing to begin chopping them, it was surprising actually, his wing seemed sharper than most knives and the way he was cutting them was truly methodical. The stallion just sipping on his coffee as he did so. "... Blue, I never asked you this... but when did you start to live on your own? At what age, I mean?" Sombra was focusing on tending to the fire, stoking it with precision, even if he admitted that it felt decidedly odd to throw wood into the oven rather than coal that the Empire was accustomed to. Wood was simply too scarce to use in such a way... Sombra clicked his tongue. "Oh uh...hmm" Blue tapped his chin a bit "Well...I joined the guard when I was 19...and by the time I became a 2nd LT I was around...24? Shortly after that I was finally able to live on my own without having to live in Canterlot so Id say...I was 25 years old when I first bought the house" he said. Sombra didn't respond immediately, taking a sip of his coffee and washing his hooves from the wood ash. "... You were older than I was when I usurped the crown, though only by a year... Strange to think that." "Really? Huh..." Blue said, the stallion then finishing with the cut herbs as he put them to the side "Right, Herbs are done, whats next?" "Hmm... grind these." Sombra's magic passed him the next item. "...It's strange to cook again. It brings memories. I... am weighted down by them." "How so? You seem to enjoy cooking" he said as he began to grind the things Sombra passed to him. "I do. But the memories are... happy. Sometimes a little chaotic, sometimes a little shall we say, anger inducing, nothing like working over a stove for hours to find the littlest one throwing the dish to a wall." Sombra took a while to focus on what he was doing, not looking at Blue: "... and that is the problem. The memories are happy. I don't deserve such a nice memory. And as I remember those nice memories, it is like my throat closes up and a vice squeezes my chest." Blue hummed softly "I think...what your experiencing is a sense of self-unworthiness..." he said "Some ponies...when they do bad things...believe they should only be judged by said bad things, to the point where they will even make themselves believe that feeling happy is wrong..." He said, as he continued to grind "Some guards even get these feelings...when they fail to save somepony or somepony dies on their watch, they tend to try and focus on bad memories to make themselves feel bad." Sombra didn't answer, but quickly grabbed the mortar and pestle from him, not with anger, but adding the ground ingredients into a stew: "... It's difficult to remember sometimes, especially when you remember ponies who you wronged. And who wronged you in return." The stallion's voice was bitter, but focused as he stirred, placing the bread in an oven: "...let's talk about something else." Blue nodded "Alright...Did you sleep good?" he asked. "Yes, even if getting up was rather difficult. I got used to it, but honestly... to sleep until noon, wouldn't that be grand?" Blue chuckled "My personal best record is sleeping until 5pm" Blue said. Sombra chuckled "Had you been in the orphanage, Miss Chestnut would have hauled you from bed by eight by your ears, or with the gentle rapping of a switch on your bedpost. I am aware that might make her seen unkindly, but she wasn't. Merely upheld a routine." Blue laughed "Oh my goddess my mother did the same thing, she'd yell at me to get up by 10am and if I didn't my entire room would be actually trashed" He said. Sombra laughed a bit, smiling: "I admit I may have been something of a special case, I was sick often, so she was more lenient with me. Maybe that is why I turned out the way I did." Sombra frowned temporarily. Blue was quiet for a moment "So uh...what is your favorite dish to cook?" "Hmm... hard to say. Soups, perhaps. I never really had a favorite. It's always been enjoyable, never a passion for me. Food is just... food. I admit, to my shame, that a gourmand I am not." Sombra took a sip from his now cold coffee and grimaced, but continued drinking it. "...though I admit that I do enjoy luxuries terribly. A plush sofa, a good book..." "I think I should show you an episode of Kitchen of Tartarus...you would get a kick out of it" Blue said smirking. "Hah, maybe I will. Well... until they arrive, everything should be set for now." Sombra sighed, and sat down on the kitchen chair: "... I procured some fresh fruit and less fresh wine from the market. Quaint little place. Half the size of Empire's own marketplace..." "Oh yea, Ponyville's market is always a nice place to go to" he said smiling as he walked over to the living area "Did you get any apples? Im pretty sure Applejack would appreciate that." "I did. As well as carrots, the herbs you chopped, strawberries..." Sombra smiled a little: "It was strange how...easily everything was available." Blue hummed softly as he thought to himself "I really hope those stories about Applejack hating all other fruits are just stories..." He said to himself...huffing as he smiled again, grabbing the remote to turn on the TV as Sombra smiled and grabbed himself a book to read. Sombra had barely managed to turn a page however when Blue's front door opened with a tremendous bang and a rainbow-colored blur skidded to a halt at the coffee table: "WHAT IN THE HAY IS THIS???" Sombra peered at the item with annoyance: "To me, that would be a tabloid. I didn't know you could re---" He stopped speaking when he saw Blue's expression. Blue was pale in the face, the stallion clearly shook. He felt as if his entire world was collapsing in front of him. As if he was going to vomit out his entire insides, organs included. Sombra followed Blue's gaze, eyes squinted as he read the article: "... WHAT!?" There in the article was a photo of Blue and Sombra kissing each other from last night, as well as a photo of them at dinner. The caption reading 'King of Darkness finds new love?' the entire article was worded either as slander to Sombra or concern over his return. Some of it even going into detail about Blue and him being seduced or mind-controlled. "Sorry ya'll, ah tried to stop her from rushing in like a sheepdog inna tizzy." Applejack said as she came into the room Sombra took an annoyed breath through their teeth and growled. "And this is why I outlawed free press..." Sombra muttered in anger. "U-um..." Blue was still pale, with a slight flush on his face as well now "I assume the princesses are not pleased with this?" Blue asked the two mares, the stallion doing his best to keep his composure. "Well, ah figure the surrounding towns to Canterlot might still hear Twahlight's scream echoing." AJ said, shaking her head with a grimace. Rainbow on the other hand punctuated it with a jab to Blue's chest with a hoof: "So what the hay is this? You dating this creep now?" Sombra growled loudly in response, but said nothing, taking instead the slightly calming option of walking to the kitchen to check on the food, fuming. "He's not a creep!" Blue almost immediately said, the stallion looking to Rainbow with a look of protection and defense "He-..we...went to dinner yesterday and he just thanked me in his own way..." He said, blushing "Even if I was dating him, it shouldn't be that big of a deal." AJ looked after Sombra, then back to Rainbow and Blue. "... looked to be like one Tartarus of a way to me, but ah ain't judgin'. Maybe some actual howd'ya say it, social life could do some good. Just... be careful alright?" "We have been careful...I have no idea how this happened, I could have sworn we were alone at the park" He said, reading through the paper "It just doesn't make sense..." "Um... maybe ah'll go check on yer formerly terrifyin' coltfriend then. Ah don't trust Rainbow to come outta it with all her feathers attached. Rainbow, why don'cha tell 'im about yer new stunt?" AJ took a few worried steps towards the kitchen, peeking in carefully. "He's not my colt-...ugh..." Blue said, huffing with frustration as he continued to read through the article, then noticing the publisher...Canterlot Times...this got Blue slightly perplexed. What would the Canterlot Newspaper be doing in Ponyville, and why so far away as well...then he noticed the photo's publisher....Paper Quill. He was from the Ponyville Times. Now this was interesting. Rainbow scratched her other hoof with an uncertain look. "Hey, it's just gossip, You should see how often Wonderbolts are in and out. If Spitfire switched out to kale instead of spinach, you bet there'd be an article in less than a week about how she hates the spinach industry." "Yea I know...The Wonderbolts have been on heavy criticism as of lately, I know you're probably used to it" Blue said, the stallion relaxing slightly. "And you're sure you aren't under a spell or something? Some mind control thing?" Rainbow said, squinting Blue would sigh softly and show a small pendent on his neck "Princess Celestia gave this to me, resistant to Mind Control Magic. She said I can remove it whenever I want" He said "So long as I have had this on, I know he hasn't done anything." Rainbow shrugged, sitting down: "...so... how is he then? Overall?" "Things have been fine I guess? Sombra's definitely made it so that life isn't dull that's for sure." "Well, that's good." Rainbow looked relieved, and sniffed the air: "Smells great, what are you cooking?" "Oh we made you and AJ some food, we figured it was worth being polite...that and Sombra apparently really enjoys cooking" He said. Rainbow looked surprised, wings spread: "What?? He, with all of... the evil emperor vibe enjoys cooking? I figured he'd enjoy something like... I don't know, staking enemies on long poles?" If Rainbow was about to continue, she was cut off by Sombra's low, nonplussed voice: "Wrong tyrant, you're thinking of Vlaamperd Welara, the batpony ruler. I met him a few times, serious, piercing eyes." "You met him too?!" Blue asked shocked, surprised, and smiling slightly "Oh you have to tell me about that" He said, eyes beaming with joy. Sombra smiled a little, lowering a large stone dish to a dinner table. The scent was wonderful and Sombra looked rather proud, especially with Rainbow around which the stallion seemed to take as a challenge or a threat."I did, he owes me 5 bits. Of course, he's long dead now, so I cannot collect..." "That's actually hilarious to know" Blue said, the stallion licking his lips at the food as it was placed down, hopping off from his comfortable couch and walking over to the table. AJ followed soon after, carrying a basket of apples and other fruit. "Well, soup's up everypony." Blue would approach the table, and sit down right next to Sombra, giving him a reassuring smile, Sombra smiled a bit, feeling a moment of fondness for the pegasus. Blue just smiled to Sombra softly. The stallion clearly enjoying himself as he began to eat, the stallion verbally showing how much he enjoyed the food with some hums "This is so good..." "It really is! Ah didn't know you could cook." Applejack said, smiling as she too began to eat. Sombra looked a little proud of the fact, but the ever-so-slight blush showed that he appreciated the comment. Sombra smiled a bit: "The recipes are old, the few I remember from foalhood." Noticing Rainbow's suspicious glare, though steadily softening one: "No poison, not my ah... 'style'. Also, not a very good look poisoning your guest when you and your guard are the only ones present." Sombra looked surprisingly relaxed now, and wondered if time with Blue had made it happen. The four prattled on slowly getting more comfortable, even if Sombra's dark sense of humor was decidedly going over the pair's heads. Eventually the table would begin to talk about some other topics, Applejack telling stories from the farm, Rainbow talking about Wonderbolt Gossip, and Blue divulging in some stories from the guard. "So then, I was locked in the room with the guy for an entire 2 hours, and all we had to entertain ourselves was a ball of yarn and some old forks, next thing you know half the room has been turned into a diorama of Canterlot Castle" Blue laughed as he took a sip from his drink, as well as finishing up some food "I'm telling you, that's the last time I ever go on shift while hungover" Sombra smiled, eyes kept on Blue, his head leaning to his hoof. He had been quiet for a while now, simply taking in all that Blue was saying. It was a strange feeling, so warm and fuzzy. But it felt good and he was content."The first time I got drunk was at a wedding that Ho... a friend and I sneaked into. We danced all night, and ran out with a bottle of wine when our orphanage's matron spotted us. Finished the bottle elsewhere, and she pulled me to dance even if there was no music to be heard. We crawled back home in the wee hours of the morning drunk off our asses and suffered the consequences the next afternoon." Sombra smiled, lost in sweet memories. "I heard Rainbow's a lightweight, too." Blue said, chuckling softly, which caused the earth pony to nudge the pegasus next to her, and saw Rainbow blush red. "No I'm not, I bet I can drink more than you!" "Yeah, cider maybe. How about something harder like... I don't know, calvados?" Sombra broke from his trip to memory lane: "Oh, it has been eons since I had a calvados... There really is nothing better than a Tres Vielle Reserve as an aperitif... Crystal Empire's castle wine cellar should still have a few bottles of 12 ATS vintage..." "Really? You know I've never been that mutch of a drinker...other then special occasions I more or less just drink one or two glasses...then again I do go overboard at bars occasionally" He chuckled "Still the fact the Empire has drinks like that is impressive." "The empire had a long history of trade with surrounding principalities and countries. And I wouldn't be too surprised if Applejack's ancestors took to the city with a cartload of apples and their byproducts. Though, 12 ATS would have been pricey... likely available to nobility alone." Applejack leaned back: "It would be fun to create a new cultivar for the Crystal empire, like a crystal apple?" Sombra leaned forward with a wicked grin: "Ah, then every worm that bores in is symbolic..." Applejack laughed: "Yeah, that would be you. Eating it from inside out." Blue chuckled "Would a crystal apple make you look all shiny and stuff? I know eating Zap Apples can sometimes make pegasi fly faster in rare occasions" Blue said "Then again I never understood the whole crystal look..." "Heck, we don't fully know how Zap Apples work, and we cultivate them! So... maybe? Ahm not sure how to get such an effect on an apple, maybe crossbreeding with zap apple...? But that would make it finicky and difficult to predict how it would grow and this is actually really exciting!" "Ughhh, that's all she's going to think about today, thanks a lot..." Rainbow groaned, laughing a little. Blue would smile softly, looking around the table to the three ponies. It was nice, knowing that after everything that these three ponies had been through, at the end of the day a dinner and some small talk could ease up the long tension. Blue was honestly happy, he couldn't remember the last time he had this much fun with a group of ponies outside his own small friend group. He looked to Applejack and Rainbow, seeing that there two tails had sense wrapped around each other. He then looked to Sombra, who for the first time in a long while, was beaming with joy. It was clear the stallion enjoyed being social, and Blue was happy. Happy that he could give Sombra a chance to be his true self. > Chapter 9: After The Meal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville - Blue's House As the day went on, eventually Rainbow and Applejack left the house, leaving the two stallions to clean up afterward. Soon Sombra collapsed to the sofa "Ah, peace and quiet..." Blue yawned slightly "Yeah...but it was fun. I always enjoy talking with other ponies" He said smiling as he sat next to the collapsed stallion, his eyes then darted back to the newspaper "Though...I'm still rather pissed about that fucking thing..." Sombra pulled the stallion closer, resting his head on the stallion's lap: "Mmh... it bothers you? I admit, I do not enjoy the thought to some rat with a camera being able to go unnoticed by a royal guard and well, me. Though, the Princesses' spell has dulled my senses, but...I do have to ask." Sombra moved a bit, his hoof directing Blue's gaze to his eyes: "Does it bother you because you wish it stayed a secret? Do you... want me to be a secret?" Sombra kept his voice even, but he felt a terrifying cold in the pit of his stomach. He was used to being unwanted, even a secret, but for some reason it hurt so much more now, the off chance that Blue was ashamed. Blue looked to him "No...It bothers me because I was having a very nice moment with you..." He said "And the fact I have to worry about ponies spying on us now pisses me off" He said "I don't want you to be a secret no...I just would have preferred I tell The Princess something like that myself." "Ah." The stallion's voice is nonplussed, but his expression betrays his emotions, the deep red blush visible. "I... thank you, I suppose I admit, I am... tired. I'm not much for long periods of social interaction, and the two certainly filled whatever need for interaction I had. Do you mind if I close my eyes just for a moment? You are warm and I enjoy being close to you." "Of course...I don't mind what so ever" He said, smiling softly as he continued playing with the stallion's mane, softly looking at him with relaxed eyes. The stallion quickly drifted to sleep, his breath steady as his mane curled slightly around Blue's hoof, the stallion just stared at Sombra, smiling softly the entire time as he did...he had no idea why but...he felt happy...truly he did feel happy around this stallion. It was a feeling Blue hadn't felt in quite some time. He enjoyed how soft and warm the stallion felt on him. With Sombra however things felt different, he knew his reformation was going to be a controversy, but not in this angle. Surely there were many who disagreed, that was certain, but he imagined it would have come from the fearful masses. The Princesses had set in place every conceivable precaution they could think of, so unless they doubted their own system, deploying reporters made little sense. Discord wasn't in the habit of enjoying gossip columns, or giving heed to something so easy, the very creature loved a challenge. Canterlot - Royal Castle It was four o'clock in the afternoon, Princess Luna realized she should be asleep, but she figured she should stay up to see the end of both shifts, as there had been a lot of reports coming in between the shift changes of Day and Nightguards. Luna wanted to personally see to it that things were going accordingly. As she walked down the halls of the castle, she would see many of the guards from her sister's battalion, keeping an eye on the capitol building and doing their rounds as per usual, as she continued on her way she'd stop at her sister's office, opening it. There Celestia sat at her desk, trying to focus on the paperwork currently before her, and not feel a sense of being overwhelmed by the height of the stack that sat on her desk in the inbox. However what seemed to be annoying the sun princess was how it managed to sit on her desk while simultaneously conveying an utterly dull sense of superiority over her, almost as if it were mocking her with its presence. Luna smirked softly as she entered the room "Enjoying the day's reports dear sister?" She glared at the stack of documents in annoyance, and then in a moment of immortal immaturity, stuck her tongue out at the pile before addressing Luna "Oh yes I am...oh so enjoying them" she said, sighing softly "Is there something I can help you with dear sister?" "Yes, I wanted to give you the most recent report from General Blue" Celestia paused as she pulled open the top drawer on the right side of her desk, before pulling out a manila file folder and setting it down on the top of the desk. "Ah excellent, Twilight will be happy to have an update to the file, please to tell me." "Well, from what I have been told by the General, it seems that Sombra has begun to show a lot of positive changes in his behavior and personality, it especially seems that Sombra has become quite a different pony altogether, but only around the General." Luna said "Though, that's not without issues. Sombra still has a tendency to show and speak negative actions, such as wanting to curse ponies or wish them harm. However I have been assured by the General that Sombra has never once acted upon such threats." Celestia was about to ask what she meant when it came to Sombra's negative actions, but stopped herself just before the words could get out. She knew that Blue was quite the honest stallion, however she also knew from Luna that he had done some questionable things during the Zeebra Crisis. "Honestly Tia, though I don't trust Sombra completely, I do trust my General...and if what he is telling me is true, then perhaps your pupil's new reformation program is worth something after all." "Perhaps so yes...Twilight was always one step ahead of us on all of these issues." Celestia said, using her magic to write down notes and what she was told. "However I still worry about Sombra's Umbrum half...we may have cast a spell to prevent him from using his dark magic, but we can't be so sure that he won't break free of the spell." And then Celesta heard a familiar throat-clear behind Luna, and immediately leaned over to see a guard standing behind her. All negative thoughts suddenly vanished as a sense of professionalism. "Yes Private Ranks? How can I help you?" "E-er...hello ma'am...I'm sorry if I interrupted something" He said, speaking with a slight stutter. "No no, you are perfectly fine Ranks...please tell me, what seems to be the issue." She asked, smiling softly. Ranks would huff slightly, as he took out a folded newspaper from his bag, handing it over to Princess Luna, who was close to him. "Erm...I figured you two would wanna take a look at this..." Using her magic to levitate the newspaper over to her, she would unfold it and look upon the front cover, her face immediately going sour upon seeing it. "Luna? What's the prob-" She spoke, getting up and walking over to the newspaper herself. As she looked at the sight before her. There in the article was a photo of Blue and Sombra kissing each other, as well as a photo of them at dinner. The caption reading 'King of Darkness finds new love?' the entire article was worded either as slander to Sombra or concern over his return. Some of it even goes into detail about Blue and him being seduced or mind-controlled. "Luna...I believe we now know why Sombra seemed to have calmed his demeanor while with Blue..." Celestia said. "Yes...I do believe that seems to be the case" Luna said, sighing softly as she put the newspaper down on Celestia's desk "Knowing General Blue, I assume he will come to me shortly about this. We will have to talk about this with him and Sombra when they come." "Are you so certain Sombra will come?" Celestia asked. "Yes...I have faith in my general...even if his decisions can sometimes become...questionable..." Luna said, sighing softly before she looked to Ranks "Thank you for bringing this to our attention Sir Ranks, you are dismissed" Ranks would solute, walking out of the door and going back to his duties in the castle, Celestia and Luna then looking to each other in acknowledgment as they left each other to their duties. Ponyville - Blue's House Sombra woke softly, blinking his eyes as he woke to the sound of the oven being opened. The smell of fresh food made his ears perk up and his nose sniffing the delicious smell, he looked over and saw Blue smiling and cleaning up the kitchen, as he stretched himself out, walking over to the kitchen. "You cleaning all by yourself? why don't you let me help?" "Nah its fine, its a good distraction for me." Blue said smiling he then huffed softly "Sombra...there is something we should discuss" he said quietly, he felt bad about ruining the moment, but he didn't want to forget. "What is it..?" The stallion asked. "The Article from this morning...pony who wrote it...he was from Canterlot" Blue softly explained "I don't necessarily think it was a coincidence somepony from Canterlot just happened to be here in Ponyville around the time we were out at dinner...Canterlot and Ponyville are very far away from each other..." "Half a day in train and a week with steady march. I knew my redeeming would be a hot topic but... you think somepony's been following us for longer?" Sombra pulled away and sat up, serious. "It could also be a case of nosey neighbors." "I know my neighbors, they don't snoop. I don't know why but I get the feeling somepony wants something to do with you" Blue said. Sombra paused for a moment: "That's a long list. Half of Canterlot Nobles are probably threatened by me redeeming, other half by if I do not. Crystal Empire... well, better I stay away from there. Then there's those that doubt my sincerity in redeeming -not helped by Discord's little puppet of me showing off how dangerous I can be- and I know Princesses have their doubts." Sombra took a moment to breathe: "...and I doubt myself. I...I was a weapon all my life, I thought I was going to be the wicked witch to... to my friend's brave Princess. What if.. if this is just a calm before the storm and I fail my redeeming? What if I do not redeem fast enough?" "Hay...look at me" Blue said, using his hoof to gently guide his gaze to him "I won't let you go down that path...I'm here to help you, I will make sure you show all those ponies you're capable of change." He said "And I most certainly won't let some snobby nobles say otherwise...I work with them on a daily basis and if I could? Half their muzzles would be broken by now." Sombra smiled a little: "That does make me feel better." He snuggled the stallion gently, his head nuzzling Blue's cheek causing the stallion to blush softly. "I promise you, I won't let anything bad happen. Not while I'm your guardian" He said smiling softly "However...this does mean we need to start looking into this probably." Sombra frowned, and thought: "I think we need to travel to Canterlot." "If we do, we run the risk of the reporter following us...how good is your telleportation skills?" He asked. "...with the Princesses' spell...I would be lucky if I can teleport out of town limits." Without it, I suppose I could reach close to Canterlot. Having never been there, teleporting is...difficult and dangerous." The stallion blushed a little, his ears laid flat against his head, and the scowl on his face betrayed how much this fact angered him. He felt handicapped. "If that's the case...we can take the risk of going by train" He said. "What, a week-long march isn't your speed?" Sombra hissed, then shook his head. "No, that...Came out wrong. The train is good." "Hay... don't worry you're frustrated I get it.." He said "Just take some breaths and calm your mind..." Sombra frowned: "...a bit, yes. We need to get the train tickets, but...well, storming the news headquarters shouldn't be too difficult...Should be able to intimidate a paltry reporter..." "I was suggesting we talk to the Princess first actually...knowing them they have seen the report, and while we may have talked to some of the Mane 6 about it, I think telling them in person would better defend ourselves" Sombra held back expressing his displeasure. He loathed the idea of interacting with the Princesses, and the only thing worse was to ask for their help. But Blue had a point. They didn't fully know how much the princesses knew, and at least by explaining the situation...perhaps some of the more drastic actions towards them could be avoided. Sombra grit his teeth; the thought that Blue might be reassigned, replaced by somepony less... enthusiastic to their task would mean what Sombra equaled to a house arrest. He did not enjoy the thought. "...your words carry merit. You would have made good council back in the day." Blue smiled "Don't worry, I will do most of the talking. I have a feeling that Celestia and Luna will be reasonable with me, Twilight is rarely at Canterlot and Cadence is always in the Empire so we wont have to deal with all four of them" He said "And if Cadence were there and she said something, she wouldn't hear the end of it from me." Sombra gave a dry laugh: "Hmm... my knight in shining armor." Blue chuckled "In any case, let's get some sleep...we have a long day prepared for tomorrow as well as a long trip" Blue said smiling softly as he walked away from Sombra to head up the stairs. "Sleep well Sombra, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Even if Sombra tried to convince Blue of being relieved, inward he still felt worry and annoyance. Because of the articles, he had to lay low and make no suspicious movements. Which meant a night spent with an empty stomach, as he couldn't slip out to feed. With reluctance, he closed his eyes, thinking that before they left tomorrow, he'd need something meaty to eat.