Flying To The Moon

by Big Imagination E

First published

Twilight and Starlight made a big adjustment on the jetpacks. Time to head to the moon!!

After demonstrating the jetpacks the girls made an adjustment on them and now they wanna take everyone to the moon!

This was requested by Keyblade of Light.

Outer Space and the Moon

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It was a lovely day in Equestria and we see Twilight and Starlight making an adjustment on the jetpacks they presented not to long ago. And since last time the jetpacks stayed on them permanently. They cannot take them off. They were very busy til after an hour or two they completed their adjustment on the jetpack. They Twilight sent a message to everyone to meet here at the Castle of Friendship. After a while they were gathered and Celestia was interested in the adjustment.

"So Twilight you made an adjustment to these jetpacks you and Starlight invented a while back?" Celestia asked.

"Yes we did. And today we are taking the jetpacks to a new level. We already know that it made flying a little easier for some but what if we told you that we can go see things that no pony could. Like the moon?" Twilight answered.

"The moon? That's never been done Twily." Shining said.

"Until now. Friends grab a jetpack and allow me and Starlight to demonstrate." Twilight replied.

So everyone did what they were told and each got ready. But the straps on them were still too attached to them on everyone. Sure it was a little painful but it was worth it. Once they finished getting ready on everyone another special chip was actived on each of the jetpacks. Then something else happened. A oxygen tank appeared and a glass helmet formed on each of their heads and were ready.

"The adjustment we made was added an oxygen tank and these helmets. In order to breathe on the moon we will need oxygen cause in space there's none. So we made these for this occasion." Twilight told everyone.

"Twilight. I was only curious that if you made this adjustment to take us into space then shouldn't you test them to see if they still work?" Cadence asked.

"How right you are. It has been a while since we last used them. So if everyone heads outside we can begin and prepare for an out of this world adventure." Twilight smiled.

So they all headed outside and pressed the blue button on their jetpacks and the engines started. Then after it was all warmed up flames came out the bottom and once it reached full power it carried everyone in the air and they all looked seeing that they were all still flying and they were in tact! Then Starlight instructed them to activate the star button and once they did the boosters got actived and everyone hit maximum speed and flew straight out of the atmosphere! They all went extremely fast til everyone left the planet and saw all the stars, planets and galaxies in the night sky. Rarity couldn't believe the beauty of being in outer space.

"Oh my word!! Were in outer space!!" Rarity beamed.

"Yes we are Rarity. See no pony could ever have flew this high and left the atmosphere to experience the wonders of outer space. But since we were able to make this jetpacks that theory has proven to be otherwise. And now for the main event. Let's all head to the moon. And please feel free to explore." Starlight stated.

Everyone nodded and soon they all followed them straight to the moon. While doing that they all took the time to see and explore what planets and galaxies their were to see. Rainbow took a liking to a bright a spotty one known as the Fireworks Galaxy. Fluttershy enjoyed seeing the comets zoom by and the stars twinkling. Especially when she saw the Mice Galaxies. The princesses were all very impressed with the adjustment the girls made and loved seeing this galaxy known as Hoag's Object. Pinkie who was giddy was zooming between planets. Spike was interested in seeing a galaxy known as the Pinwheel Galaxy.

After a few hours of exploring everyone regrouped and continued onwards. Then they finally seen a huge round silver sphere coming at them. That was the moon! Twilight smiled and instructed everyone to be ready as they entered the moon's atmosphere. Once they did they all landed and looked at their new surroundings.

"My friends welcome to the moon. Where no pony could ever gone to in many years. Since on Earth where the humans live only few of they made that discovery years ago. But now that were here we can said that ponies made the discovery too. This will be going in the history books for generations to come." Twilight smiled.

"I have to say Twilight this is certainly impressive. And we witnessed all sorts of galaxies and other things in space. But there's one thing missing." Luna noted.

"Now that you mentioned it yeah something is missing. But what?" Twilight asked.

"I can name of a few things. Your family, your home and your friends. If we stay here then we might miss them and they will feel the same." Celestia said.

"Your right Celestia. It is fun to see the stars and galaxies but it's more fun to be back home. Everyone active your jetpacks and let's head home!" Twilight declared.

So everyone pressed the blue button and once again the jetpacks were actived and they headed straight back home to their planet. It definitely took a while to arrive but they finally made it and entered the atmosphere and saw the land of their homes once more. And when they reached the ground they all landed gently and took off the jetpacks and breathed in relief.

"Twilight. Thank you for taking us to see the stars and galaxies. In my opinion that is truly a discovery to write down in my book for generations to come. So thanks and keep up the good work." Celestia smiled.

"Anytime princess." Twilight smiled.

Soon everyone went their separate ways heading to their homes and also telling their families everything that happened today and boy they were interested in hearing the story. And that is how Twilight and Starlight showed everyone the wonders of outer space.

The End.