> My Little Rogue Trader > by Tyrannosaurus_Tux > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 - Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the nothingness of the void, I was jolted awake, and then I heard, "Again." I clench, fire racing up and down my limbs and fingers, from my head to my toes. Something was holding me down. The feminine voice I heard speaks, muffled. "Life signs... improving! Again!" Now, ice scurries at lightning speed across my body, feeling as though I was pulled through solid granite. The thought leaves my head as I feel the bed underneath me, fluctuating hot and cold, dry and wet. I took a painful breath of air. My eyes refused to open. A loud cheer. There's quite a few people here. The voice again, "He breathes! Agai—" but it is cut short by another voice, buzzing, and... everywhere? "Request denied. Further intervention not required. Subject stabilizing. Removal of endotracheal apparatus suggested." I focused on what little I could, to lift my right hand, which was burdened by... something. I could not tell what. I strained, reaching, reaching... something caught me. My whole arm now was being held. Held by something warm, and soft. I heard a new voice in my ear, cooing and equally soft; "Stay with us. Stay with us. This is the worst part. Just relax." Something pressed against my head from the right. I heard slow breathing. Whoever it was wasn't kidding. I felt a dull throbbing in my chest slowly retract, through my throat and even through my nose. I could do little but sputter as a long, thin medical device withdrew out of me like a rubber snake. My other hand was picked up and held, as well. I smelled... something burning. I hope it's not me. I did my best to lie still as it finally withdrew from me entirely, finally let my teeth clack together, painfully. Now, the presence at my head withdrew, and my torso was being rubbed. "Good. Good. " I swallowed, then focused again. I opened an eye to see many faces looking down upon me, each filled with... sadness? Hope? Relief? Whatever it was, I could not immediately tell, for the bright light forced me to give up my glimpse of the waking world, though I could remember many colorful eyes... and the top of my bedframe, bedazzled with some sort of iconography. A sets of wings and a compass, or something. A lot was going on with it. The eyes were so big, so bright... A new voice, to my left this time, "Just rest now. Everything will still be here." An overwhelming warmth filled my breast, beckoning me to a fitful sleep. A violent, colorful storm raged around in pitch darkness, black thunderclouds threatening all around... and yet, a great light in the distance, calling, calling.... points of lesser lights all around now... calling back... I swallowed, the sensation very dry. I can smell antiseptic, and something else. Woody surfaces, the fabrics of my bed... fur? I sniffed. There's still more to smell, but... such a thing was interrupted by a realization. I became acutely aware that I was propped up by something moving underneath me. Something soft and warm. I felt my head rise and fall as someone else slept underneath me. It was... nice. Finally, I could open my eyes and look around the room. It was a grand place, fit for a king. My bed was covered with a wooden roof with the same strange icons as before, but they weren't the only pieces of art that decorated this place. To my right, tall walls, fitted with candles and chandeliers lined the windows that lead outside, except... the view was a grand field of stars. The most calm, inviting thing imaginable. Even if looking at it... seemed to fill me with shivers, a sense of... wonder, yet also...danger. Looking away, I could see the most pristine carpets, white as snow. To my left, a wall was broken up by a simple office, a desk with a plush chair, and a round terminal of some sort. Surrounding the table were pictures... no, paintings of exotic, alien sceneries. There was one of a purple mushroom forest, another with a depiction of a mess of statues, and yet still another... was of a great, walled city, with spires that reached higher than the painting could depict. Tearing myself away from the fantastical vistas, I looked forward to see the suitably impressive drawers and dressers that I... apparently warranted. In the middle of these was a stand for what must be a hardy suit of armor. There was no other way to describe the solid plates that covered the arms, the legs, the torso... nothing to say of the decorated helmet which I could only describe as "a giant, feathered hat on a combat space helm". Beyond, to the front and left, there's a hallway from which I can hear running water, like a fountain. Only now, however, do I notice the intricate detailing of the wallpaper, with an almost mosaic quality, depicting humans and... creatures I've never seen before, the most common of which seems to be... ponies? With large, round heads, small bodies, and flexible legs. Regular ones, winged ones, horned ones, and even a few with both wings and horns. They were jumping, dancing, flying, singing, and... praying? Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or are they... moving? As I tried to think about it, I came to another realization. My eyes widened, then I slowly turned my head. Sure enough, there was a pony I was resting my head on, and not just any old pony. It was one of the ponies that had wings and a horn. Her calm, sleeping face... I should know this pony... right? Slowly, I pick up my right hand to stroke her purple and pink mane. I notice the long, thin horn on top of her head. I blink. I look up again at the iconography above my head. It was a two-headed flying thing. An eagle, alongside an alicorn, wings wide. Below them was a circling compass containing a crowned skull. I look down at my deathly pale fingers, the only bits of skin still exposed and not covered by wrappings. Even so, it was nice to pet the pony, so I did. She even tilted her head a little and coiled her mulberry limbs around to cradle more of me. A new sound. Clanking, whirring of gizmos, cloth stretching. Finally, the buzzing, synthetic voice again. "Lord Captain." I look, and freeze. What now stood before me... wore red robes with white patterning, but that wasn't what gave me pause. What gave me pause was the fact that I was looking at some sort of cyborg dragon. Pale and blue scales could be seen on his face and hands, and he stood much taller than the armor stand I had. I traced the lines of tubes and mechanical... bits that ran off his throat into the robe, as well as the mechanical feet. Big wings were folded to his side, and finally, some sort of backpack was worn, granting even more mechanical limbs that terminated in devices whose functions I could not even begin to guess. I could still see his red eyes, trying to pierce me with his very gaze. He opened his mouth again, and the buzzing continued. "The operation was... complicated, but the Lord Captain was able to be recovered, by the grace of the Omnissiah. The ambush proved... unsuccessful in terminating you. The Princess was instrumental to your defense." Ambush? Omnissiah? Princess? Lord Captain? The more he said, the less I understood. I put my hands underneath myself, and pushed myself, with some effort, into a sitting position. The pony stirred. The dragon approached, tools and eyes pointed at me. Some emitted light, while others took a close look at me. All the while, those intense red eyes looked into mine. "Assessing..." the dragon's voice announced. "Does the Lord Captain require further repair?" I swallowed, and said, slowly, "Who... who are you?" Finally, the dragon blinked. The instruments halted with a click-clacking noise. The dragon then looked down, as if reading something, then replied, "I am Magos Polarscale of the Adeptus Mechanicus. What is the first thing you remember?" His jaw never trembled, even as he held his mouth shut forcefully. "I..." I thought aloud. "Someone was shouting 'Again'. Something happened." The dragon... Polarscale grimaced. He locked his eyes to mine again, and explained, "You were feeling the effects of the Spirit/Body Rejuvenator. An extreme measure, but a necessary one to prevent the Lord Captain's death. Do you remember... your name, Lord Captain?" I licked my dry lips. I didn't. Bitterly, I finally said, "N-No, I don't." Lamely, I added, "Sorry." Polarscale nodded. "A most distressing development, Lord Captain. Please remain calm." Polarscale backed off and put a clawed hand to his head. He then ordered, "Ameliki and Amber Sight, report to the Lord Captain's Quarters." Still nothing. I heard the pony yawn behind me, and stretch her legs and wings, which reached over my head. Hesitantly, I asked, "Who are they?" "With luck and a prayer," said the dragon Polarscale. "Those who will help you to remember." Suddenly, the pony stuck her muzzle underneath my left arm and reached around to my torso. I became very aware of her horn, but she continued as she more or less repositioned that she now lay on my lap. I now notice bandages across her torso, as well. Sleepily, the pony asked in a now-familiar voice, "Remember what, Magos?" The dragon paused but for a moment, then replied, "Himself, Princess." The po—the Princess opened her violet eyes and first met mine, then looked to the dragon. "What's wrong?" She asked, as my arms subconsciously wrapped around her. Soft. Dipping his head, the cyborg reported, "Amnesia, Princess. He does not recall who I am, nor his own name." That got a reaction from the pony, who immediately broke free to first bound down from the bed, then turned around to place her front hooves on the bed to face me. Her eyes. My brain itched. There was something... there, but it was like trying to grasp smoke. Softly, the Princess leaned in and asked, quietly, "My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. Do you remember your name, Rogue Trader?" A tightness in my chest. A growing pain in my head. A faint ache everywhere else. "No," I admitted. "Rogue Trader? I woke up when you were all... saving my life. Then, I woke up with you. Then, Polarscale showed up. What... happened?" Her eyes watering, the Princess, instead of answering, climbed up and enveloped me in a full hug, her nose in my neck, hooves under and over my shoulders, and her wingspan around my back. She struggled to steady her breathing. I wrapped my arms around her torso and looked at Polarscale. He reported, natural voice blending with his synthetic, "The Mercy of the Stars, your personal voidship, came under sudden and deliberate assault by meta-physical attackers." His eyes shone hard. "You were on the bridge, and it seems... the primary target. The bridge crew and your retinue rallied for battle, even as you were the first to fall in the surprise attack. Princess Sparkle was closest, and so was able to shield you from a true killing blow as the daemons assailed your position; vulnerable to all sides by your followers." He flexed his hands. "I dispatched seven of the beasts myself." I tried to remember such a thing but wound up imagining it instead. By this point, I could hear two newcomers approach. As they rounded the corner, it occured to me that today's surprises would never end. First was a man... I think? He wore purple robes, glanced at me with inky black eyes, and wore strange jewelry on his forehead. The second was a... a griffon. Not so strange after seeing the Princess, but... the yam-colored griffon wore a simple gray cloak and hood, but it was lowered, and I could see her mechanical collar, complete with cabling that ran to the back of her head, like some kind of cyborg mullet. Her bright violet eyes met mine, and we blinked. She tilted her head. I'm fairly certain I can guess who "Ameliki" and "Amber Sight" were, but... turning his gaze away from me in the Princess's embrace, the man looked at the Magos, and he asked, serenely, "You sent for us, Polarscale?" However, I was still locking eyes with the griffon, who... who... there's a pressure in my head, now, but I kept up the impromptu staring contest. To steel myself, I hugged the pony princess tighter to my chest and rubbed her back. The man and the dragon were talking about something, but it was becoming awfully fainter. My vision became hazier. The edges of my vision began to darken. I took a deep breath, and I... I rallied. Amber blinked first. I slumped down, suddenly aware that the Princess had escaped my grasp. I blinked, then looked up at the man again, who was looking at me intensely. I expected the same, but he... fingers in my brain. I rubbed my temples. I could not keep eye contact. He's looking into me. The sun is distant, but it pierces all it sees. I can recall nothing. I looked at my hands, and they were gone. Only bloodied flesh remained. Finally, it relented, and I fell onto my back. Immediately, the pony was there to help me up again, berating the pair for... something. The words were strange, as if my ears were wrong. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and focused. The words became better... or perhaps my hearing did. "...there's nothing more we can try for now, Princess," apologetically said the man, Ameliki. "His body is healing, yes, but his mind?" The griffon, Amber, had placed a clawed hand on my leg. "I apologize, master," she meekly said, with an accent I couldn't place. "I got carried away, but I was worried that what I feared was true... that you've lost all you were before." I held up a hand, and the room quietened. I breathed for a moment. "So..." I said. "I'd like to ask a few questions... if that's okay." I turned to the Princess. She nodded. I needed to know who I even was, but first... "Can we move somewhere else? I'd like to have some water." Speaking up, Polarscale reported, "Affirmative. Lord Captain requires hydration and repositioning." Before I could think, the dragon scooped me up in his arms and walked me to the exit of the bedroom. From my position, my... Lord Captain's Cabin was absurdly huge, but the dragon took me straight from the exit towards the sound of running water, where I could see a giant bath, complete with a fountain and statues of ponies and women. To the right of that were some posh couches, one of which I was carefully placed. I did my best to banish the blush... the color from my face and sit myself up on the plush, red cushions. At one of these tasks, I failed, since I realized that aside from some white briefs and the bandaging of my arms, legs, and even head, I was essentially naked before everyone. I looked at Twilight, and I asked, hoarsely, "And some clothes?" She smiled and trotted off. Amber flew in with a canteen, a motion that my eyes tracked with great interest. I also didn't know she could smile with that beak of hers. She finally handed me the water container, which I grasped and supped from. Cool, familiar... but with something else. It tingled my tongue slightly, like an aftertaste, but... I grimaced at the water. "Is something wrong?" asked Amber earnestly. I held up the canteen, and replied, "There's an odd aftertaste. Tingly to my tongue." She smiled. "That would be the stimulants, master." I stared and gawped at her, then lowered my eyebrows. What the hell? "You put stimulants in the water?" She leaned back onto her lion rump and raised her clawed hands in a shrug. She looked to Polarscale, who had returned with a bundle of clothing. I gratefully took the bundle and started to slip on the pants and shirt, which had to be white sleeping garments. They'll do. While I was getting dressed, Polarscale reported, "Efficiency margins improve when hydration is improved. As a matter of record, it was ordered by the Lord Captain some time ago." His red eyes were steady. I picked the canteen off the floor and tried some more. In truth, it wasn't as extreme as the first time I tried this, but even so... "Well," I decided. "I don't like it anymore, I guess. I don't want to taste buzzing water." I said that even as I took another swig, drinking as much as I could. Magos Polarscale straightened out, and answered, "Affirmative. Tasteless solution requested. I will make the necessary adjustments." He then walked off, feet clanking on the floor, then on the steel deck beyond. I saw Twilight Sparkle hop onto the couch next to me, then hesitated. She asked, eyes unsure and ears pinned to her head, "Do you mind if I..." Instead of asking, I reached out and grabbed my little pony, which resulted in a squeak and a calmness entering my mind, as I heard her heartbeat against mine. Breathlessly, I thanked her, "It means a lot to me right now." She nodded, then relaxed into my embrace. I took a deep breath, then looked to see that Ameliki had excused himself, and Amber waited... for orders, I suppose. I said to her, "Amber, right?" She nodded. "Why don't you... if we have any doctors or medical records... I'd like you to see if there's anything to be done with my memory loss." Giggling, Twilight answered for Amber, "Magos Polarscale pulls double-duty as Enginseer Prime and Lord Captain's Physician. I've no doubt he was perusing our library all the while... and still is. If there's anything, he'll find it." With a bow, Amber said, "I'll leave you with the missus, Lord Captain. I'll tell everyone that you're still in recovery." Missus? I nodded, and she departed on her wings. The water rushing down the fountain was almost... melodic. Now, I had new questions... and I was... hesitant to ask. First, the other questions. I looked at a portrait of myself, surrounded by Twilight and more of those ponies with wings and horns, with proximity between me and them that suggested.... Another was the presence of a giant... gold-armored, dark-haired man, and a white alicorn with an aurora for a mane and tail. They were standing side-by-side, regally, defiantly staring into the stars. I shivered. It must be the stimulants... whatever they were. With a sigh, I ask my first question. "What's... what's my name, Twilight Sparkle?" Without opening her eyes, she replied with a hum, "Mmm, that would be 'Lord Captain Edo von Hassia, Rogue Trader of the Imperium of Man and Equus'." I chewed on that for a second. Edo, was I? That, at least, was good to know. Still, even that gave me more questions than answers. One thing at a time, though. Something I might've put off, but was more important than explaining to me what "Lord Captain" or even "Rogue Trader" means. Steeling myself, I then asked, rubbing the Princess's back again, "Amber called you 'Missus.' Does that mean..." Instead of answering, Princess Twilight Sparkle kissed me. > 2 - Ancient Pact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following the quick peck on my lips, my senses froze. I heard a giggle. "Does that answer your question?" More giggling. Like chimes. I join in with a light chuckle, like my lightheadedness. In truth, I was a little giddy. I rubbed my mouth. The women and the pony statues seemed now to mockingly look on as if they knew. I laughed again, and then said, experimentally, "Yes... dear. I believe you have made that quite clear. Any other surprises I should know about right now?" In truth, I'm not sure how much more I could handle right now. "Well," Twilight said with a little uncertainty. "The others are sweeping the ship as we speak. We want to make sure there aren't any more would-be assassins or saboteurs hiding somewhere." I blink. My cheer vanished. The butterflies that were fluttering in my stomach turned to ash. I looked down at the pony in my arms. She looks back at me. "Others?" I dared ask. There's... no. It can't be. Twilight reached up and tapped my nose with a hoof. "Your other wives, silly." The big, empty spots of her eye seemed to expand outwards, engulfing everything as I fell back onto the couch. It was very plush, as was the pony in my lap. Something in my nose causes me to sneeze, jolting me back awake. I breathed. I was still in the... giant fountain room. I should see what it was called. Twilight was putting away a feather. I rubbed my nose and coughed. Twilight grinned bashfully. "Sorry," she said. "It might all be a bit much right now." I leaned back again. Wives. Hopefully still in the single digits, if she's sincere. Speaking of surprises... "Lord Captain. Voidship," I remembered. "Bridge. Mercy of the Stars. I saw stars out of the window." I looked at Twilight, who had climbed back onto the plush, red couch. "Are we..." I wondered. "Are we in outer space?" That caused a new series of giggles. "Yes," Twilight confirmed. "This ship, this wonderful ship, our home to travel the universe..." She sighed. "Alas, our home was our fortress, and we were attacked where we thought we were safe." She hugged me, then withdrew. "I'll see to it personally that no daemon ever steps foot on this ship again, Edo. I promise." She looked down, sullen. I needed to calm myself again, so I grabbed my little wife pony and held her to myself, while I thought. Daemons? They must've hit me especially hard. "Red skin, black horns?" I asked, jokingly. Twilight snorted. "Right. I'll learn about them later." Slowly, Twilight admitted, "These ones were more blue... but that's not important right now." I nodded. I rubbed her ears, and she hummed. "These titles I seem to have... 'Lord Captain' and 'Rogue Trader'... I can figure out the first, I think," I wondered aloud. "I'm married to a Princess, and I'm the Captain of this ship." I look around at the opulence around me. "I'm a Rogue Trader, which means I'm insanely rich. I mean... look at this place. Am I a rebel, or something?" More giggles. Twilight rubs her face against mine. "Sometimes. You have a Warrant of Trade, which is like a Privateer contract. You get to go above and beyond. Your duties as Rogue Trader... well, we'll talk about that later." She leaps off of me, and that's when I notice Polarscale with a new canteen. He must be really quiet when he wants to be. He hands it to me with more of that synthetic voice, still sounding really unnatural to me, "Adjustments made. Feedback requested." I took the cap off and drank some of this new water. No aftertaste. I nodded. "Good," I encouraged. A small smile from Polarscale. With a deep breath, I added, "Have you anything to report about the condition of the ship?" Polarscale bowed, and stated, "This vessel is free of any and all intruders. The Quartermasters and the Deck Militias have completed their sweeps." After a pause, he added, "The Princesses and the Hassian Mercator Guard are standing down from combat alert. The Seneschal and the Princesses are on their way back now." Sounds important. Just... one question, though. One I'm... sure I can no longer avoid. "Polarscale," I began. "How many wives do I have?" I rubbed my head... as if that would suddenly bring the memories back. "What kind of man am I that I have more than one wife?" I wondered to myself. An idea was forming in my head, but it was not one I liked. A vision of a man, upon a throne of gold bars, draped in mares, women, and diamonds. A vision of a man who demanded physical affection, by the authority of some oversized gilded crown upon his head. A paragon of arrogance and entitlement. The image of me in my mind showed his teeth in a predatory smile, one hand on a rump, and the other on the hilt of a pearly sword. The image made me harden my eyes in a scowl. If that's the sort of man I was before, then I was glad he's dead. I tilt my head at the thought. I listened to the Magos as he gave his reply. "Five, including present company, Lord Captain. Princesses Twilight Sparkle, Silver Sword, Azure Fire, Forest Grace, and Cherry Heart." All of them Princesses? He motioned to the portrait of me and my... wives, above the bath and fountain, and I started to see which might be which. My brain itched more intensely. Twilight Sparkle, obviously, was to the top right of me, followed by another alicorn with a serious expression, gray mane, silver mane, and a scar over her left eye, which was blue, like ice. Silver Sword, I guess. Another was an pale pink-colored alicorn, with red-brown eyes, red mane, and rather round ears for a pony. Could that be Forest Grace? Still another was a mare with a red coat, golden eyes, and narrower ears. For some reason, I wanted to say that was Cherry Heart. Azure Fire, finally, had a blonde bun, pale blue fur, and green eyes. All alicorns. It was as though my head were on fire. I'm sure my current company would notice if smoke were to be coming out of my poor skull. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up into Polarscale's eyes. "Is the Lord Captain remembering?" He asked. I rubbed my forehead. "No," I admitted. "I'm just wondering what... kind of man I was... I am to command all this, be this wealthy, and have five wives. Am I an awful person, Polarscale?" This question clearly took Polarscale aback, since he lifted his hand from my shoulder, and his normally hard eyes softened, trying to find the words to my question. I looked over to see Twilight Sparkle, distraught, with her mouth open, and eyes wide. I heard a distant elevator, but this couldn't wait. "Lord Captain," Polarscale said, diplomatically. "You are a most singular person, even among the eccentric members of the Rogue Traders." So there were more. A voice in my head wondered if they were attacked, too. I grimaced but then grinned. If I had the power here... Hooves approaching. I looked into Polarscale's uncertain eyes. "Magos," I said in a louder voice, "I command you to tell me if I'm been a womanizing piece of—" A stampede of hooves, wings, and horns barreled me over, and I found myself surrounded by mares. Giggling, grinning mares. The same faces that I saw in the painting. There's mixed feelings in my heart. Disgust at myself. Comfort from the mares. Uncertainty about it all. The mares were chattering excitedly, and I couldn't keep track of what was being said. I shuddered and sighed. I did see that Twilight looked at us sadly, even if the impromptu pile of affection gave her a smile. After... allowing myself to enjoy the attention for a minute or two, I sat back up and saw a new guest in my quarters. Another dragon, talking to Polarscale, yet not a cyborg... that I could see. His purple-pink scales caused me to look between him and Twilight. I could also see light green scales on his jaw and head-fin things. He wore a navy uniform, full of medals, and looked as broad as a barn, even if Polarscale stood a little bit taller. He spoke up, authoritatively, "Ladies, I have some bad news from the Magos." This got the attention of everyone present, a feat to be sure. "It has come to my attention that the Lord Captain... while he was able to recover in a physical sense, there is still some damage. Ladies, if you please..." He waited for the pony pile to disperse respectfully. Then, he continued, "It would seem that Edo... is suffering from amnesia." All eyes turned to me, the new ones dumbfounded, but the new dragon continued, "So, respectfully, I would ask that you not... overstimulate the Lord Captain at this time." I took a deep breath and looked at the new dragon expectantly. "On that note... Edo," the dragon continued. "I am Spike Sparkle, Seneschal to the Hassian Dynasty." He smiled. "That means I'm your right-hand dragon in affairs of state and the ship." With a pause, he added, "Other than Magos Polarscale, that is." The aforementioned dragon's mouth twitched in a smirk but for a second, something I almost missed. "You've already... re-acquainted yourself with the Princesses and the Magos, as well as the Ship Navigator and the Psyker Primaris." I blink, not knowing what in the hell those are. Polarscale rolled his eyes, and Spike cleared his throat. "I realize that you... don't remember, so I should say Ameliki and Amber Sight." I nodded, then laughed breathlessly. "As to your earlier concern," addressed Polarscale. "Suffice for our purposes to note that your current marital status is owed in no small part thanks to... extraordinary circumstances." I leaned back into the cushion, rubbing my forehead. I can hardly notice the brain itch anymore, but... extraordinary circumstances? I took a deep breath and sighed, then started to laugh loudly. I lean back on my head and run my hands through my hair. I cleared my throat, then said, "Forgive me, but 'extraordinary circumstances' have been revealed to me left, right, and center for my entire time awake here. I'm in outer space, I'm some kind of space pirate with a spaceship, I have five princess pony wives, I have two burly dragon servants, a guy with a jewel on his forehead, a psychic griffon, a private army, and what else?" Looking up, and scratching at his neck, Spike nervously chuckled and said, "A great many things, Rogue Trader... and that's just on the Mercy of the Stars." My brain itched again. "Of course," I remarked. "A full briefing will probably take a bit of time. Only a few more questions for now." I looked at the portraits again. The one of the man in the golden armor and the sun Princess. That's going off her sun mark on her flank, anyway. I took a look around, and the ponies around me had marks of their own; stars, a rapier surrounded by colors... I lifted a finger to point at the portrait, and asked, "I'm getting the feeling that those two are my bosses. Am I right?" Everyone followed my gaze and more than one nodded in agreement. "That's..." Spike thought aloud. "One way to put it. That is a painting of the Emperor of Man and Princess Celestia... who is known to all as the Solarch." So are all these alicorn ponies royalty, then? More questions. My brain itched again. A new question. "The Emperor of Man... he got a name?" You asked aloud. "Uh," Spike sounded. "You told us you figured it out one time." Darn. The itch is intensifying. A new voice at my side, one of the new mares. "Are you alright?" she had asked, softly. She was at my side during the operation, with the... awful rubber snake thing. Unable to articulate properly with the sensation in my head, I could only mutter, "Brain itches. Memory ghosts." I closed my eyes to fight this sensation, but as soon as I raised my hands to rub my scalp, I heard a sound not unlike the lighting of a candle, combined with a resonant humming. I raised my head to the sensation of something new, something like... a massage? No, massaging my brain doesn't sound quite right, but the itching sensation is growing ever fainter. I opened my eyes again to see that the ponies' horns were alight, and their glowing auras matched the color of their eyes. "What is this?" I couldn't help but wonder. Twilight grinned. "Magic." She explained. "Good ol' magic. They're good students." She motioned to the others. The one I think is named Forest snuck a quick kiss. I blinked as all my wives giggled. I shivered. "Well," Spike began. "Looks like you're in good hooves. Polar and I should be going now." I held up a hand. "Spike... Seneschal Spike?" I asked. He nodded. "Could you... prepare an announcement? They need to know." He nodded and then departed with Polarscale. We watched them depart, and then I sighed. The ponies around me surrounded me, like trying to blanket me from my new reality. To be honest, it was working. The pony, Azure Fire, leaned in close and asked, "Art thou sure telling the ship of your condition a good idea?" I thought. "No," I decided. "But trying to pretend otherwise is going to be more bother than the trouble I'm already in with my lost memory." Azure sighed and hugged my arm. I patted one of her legs in return. Cherry Heart, meanwhile, rested against my back, wedging herself between me and my cushion. She said to me, "We're here for you... even if we have to start over, we're here for you." My eyes misted. I fought to keep my breathing steady as I said, "Thank you, thank you..." The rest of the ponies made it their job to get as close as they possibly could to me, sharing their warmth and their softness with me. Slowly, I realized that I could feel all five of their heartbeats. We remained like that for a while, slowly breathing. I focused on their heartbeats, and how they sounded compared to mine. Soon enough, however, there was something that would break up this little moment of ours. Namely, the need to walk to a restroom. I roused, apologizing with, "I think I might've drank too much water." Silver Sword was the first to get up and open the door to the restroom. Or, the "Refresher" as the sign above the door said. I huffed through my nose. "Help me up," I asked. Gently, I was raised to unsteady feet, and I was able to take a few weak steps toward the bathroom, after which I was able to use handholds on various surfaces to steady me. After I had finished my business there, I was able to walk out unsteadily back onto the floor of the fountain bathtub room. There, I saw the girls with what could only be my day clothes; a rather expensive-looking long coat and pants, black with gold patterning on them. As I approached, I noticed that this was the same humans, ponies, and other creatures patterning from the walls. Before I could reach for the coat, though, I was handed some sort of one-piece, form-fitting suit. I took it in my hands, and looked at Twilight Sparkle. "It's an armored undersuit," she explained. "You were wearing one just like it when the daemons attacked, and it saved your life." I breathed, then fiddled with it. I thought aloud, "Might as well wear armor over it, too." Giggling, Twilight stated, "We'll get to that. One thing at a time." I followed Twilight into the carpeted bedroom, where I took off the white sleeping garments to slip into the weird body glove. My brain itched. "It... regulates my body temperatures, right? I think I remember that," I said aloud. Twilight beamed as she nodded her head. "I think I can remember things slowly, but my brain itches when I do. Is that normal?" Twilight bit a lip. "No," she said. "At least, I don't know if it is. We'll just have to see." I zipped up the front collar to close the body glove, which fits... well, like I expected it to. Twilight reared up and placed a hoof on my torso. She looked steadily into my eyes. "You have to tell us if anything is wrong, okay?" I nodded and smiled, though... I looked around at my ponies, all holding a piece of clothing for me to put on. The dress shirt, I took from Silver Sword. I thank her with a nod. I noticed the soft fabric had some toughness to it. This wasn't a flimsy silk cloth. Then, the "pantaloons" as Forest called them. I notice a few holsters and pockets, barely discernable at a glance. Then, the coat. More pockets and holsters. A normal-looking belt goes over my coat. Socks and boots. Then, "genuine Kraken-hide gloves to go with your genuine Kraken-hide coat", as Azure said. Finally, the hat, which to my sight seemed to be excessively large and held an enormous amount of large feathers. I asked, "Why would I wear that ridiculous thing?" The ponies looked at each other and said, "It has the presence to match yours." I sighed and put it on. To my surprise, there was a hard lining inside the hat, as if it doubled as a helmet. Probably for the best if something like those "meta-physical" enemies come calling again. I swung my head to and fro to try and knock the hat loose, but it stayed on. Must be magic. "It's magic," clarified Twilight Sparkle. With that bit of uncertainty out of the way, I could notice that the other members of my... family were also dressing up in their own outfits, suitably... piratey, I suppose. Coats with... cutie marks(?) (My brain itches) on them, similarly large hats... And they even carried weapons on their persons, namely swords. I looked at my own hands, covered as they were in that alien leather. I ran my left fingers over my right palm. Speaking of which, Silver Sword waltzed up to me, bowed, and offered a scabbard with a fine sword in it, saying, with a smirk, "Perhaps your fingers would remember their old strength better..." Her eyebrows raised. "If they grasped your sword?" From my sides, I could hear a snicker from Twilight and an accusatory "Nerd," from Azure. It itched my brain. I focused. A phrase came to mind. Something that actually broke through the fog and into my waking memory. "Dark have been my dreams of late," I recounted. That phrase seemed to light up the eyes of those around me. "I remember... something, " I admitted. Then, my focus went back to the sword in the scabbard, held up by a gold aura. I reached, touching the round pommel. It was onyx black, shining, inlaid with golden images of ponies prancing with... me? No, there were other humans. The handle was next, rich-colored wood in a nice, oval shape. I grasped fully and pulled gently. The metal made a sound like a ring, somehow saying hello again. I pulled the sword free from the elaborately decorated scabbard. The double-edged blade gleamed in the artificial light as well as the starlight shining from my bedroom. It was silvery, yet it shone like steel. I could see colors inside of it, all the colors of the rainbow as if it were crystalline. There were words inlaid upon the length, but I could not read them. Azure Fire took the scabbard and placed it upon my belt. She recited, "My name is Pagtum, for I was made in remembrance of the eternal alliance between the races of Equestria and Men." That itched something fierce. I could recall... a room, Twilight, golden light, words of promise... a kiss... "An eternal alliance," I mumbled as I carefully sheathed my sword, Pagtum. I looked to see Twilight and the others looked at me, expectantly. "To the bridge, Lord Captain?" She asked. I nodded, and took a few more steps, more confidently on less shaky legs. > 3 - Lord Captain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After taking the short walk through my Quarters which seemed entirely too huge even if it was only a bedroom and giant fountain room... which it wasn't. There were two other huge rooms there, equally full of opulence, but I'll take a closer look later. For now, the ship needed me. After a short ride on an elevator, the doors opened, and I could see the bridge of my ship, The Mercy of the Stars, for the first time... in a manner of speaking. If I thought my Captain's room was gigantic, I hadn't seen anything yet. The bridge was a massive hall, topped with murals, which led to pillars crowned by that same iconography I saw at the top of my bed, accompanied by what I could only guess was my very own heraldic shield, complete with a stylized "H". I looked around the bridge, taking it all in. I had arrived from near the exit, which was a tall set of double doors to my left. To the front and right of me stood the bridge proper, and it was massive. It seems there were two levels of stations and seats, forming a double U, and in the middle? My own Captain's chair... or should I say... my Lord Captain's Throne. It was the biggest chair around, crowned with the very iconography that guards the top of my bed. The throne itself was raised above all else, with steps that led to it. Computers with screens giving off green light were everywhere, manned by humans, ponies, those with no horns, no wings, or both. griffons, a dragon or two, and even a few races I did not immediately recognize. I saw Seneschal Spike, surrounded by what clearly were other Naval officers. I saw Magos Polarscale, surrounded by his equally-augmented colleagues. I saw Amber, previously chatting with her own colleagues, all psykers. That word made my brain itch. Was I remembering already? I even saw Ameliki, standing with two others of his own associates, all carrying themselves as if they were royalty. Perhaps they were. I even saw a huge hologram of a series of globes sitting above a table-like computer just before the stairs to my throne. Finally, the walls to the room were in fact giant, gilded windows that gave a fantastic view of the sea of stars outside. I tried not to notice the scorch marks and the bullet holes. But even those who I already knew, upon sighting me, bowed to me. All of them did, even to their knees, or equivalent. I hesitated, even as the ponies on my lift walked out, save for Twilight, who extended a wing and bumped me on the back to encourage me to walk. So I did, but not before I addressed my crew. "You may rise." They did, but all kept their eyes on me as I walked, first to the table, and then towards the fifteen steps of stairs that it took to get to my stinkin' throne. This place is too big. Who made this place? Twilight noticed my grimace at the stairs and said, quietly, "You okay? Need help with the stairs?" This only deepened my scowl. No stairs were gonna get the best of me. I placed one foot in front of the other, in intense concentration. I climbed the stairs, no matter how shaky my legs got. Five... six... seven... legs wobbled. Nine! Too far. I slipped but was steadied by Twilight and Silver, casting their magic to get a grip on my arms and steady my step. "Damn stairs!" I shouted, much too loud for my intention. I saw Silver and Twilight's ears fold back, but I needed to keep... going. Ten... eleven... twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. At this point, I was glad for the stupid throne. I pivoted and sat down unceremoniously, glad that it, at least, was still very plush. Even if I had to spread my arms out to reach the armrests. Twilight Sparkle and Silver Sword climbed up onto the throne, laid down underneath my now raised arms, followed by the rest of my pony... harem. Nope. Not using that word again. This makes a lot more sense for the throne to be this big, honestly. I leaned back, still able to look... down upon my bridge and my crew. Everyone was expecting me to make a grand speech of some sort, but I was honestly out of breath, still trying to keep my legs from shaking. I nodded towards Spike, expectantly waiting for me. "Tell them," I said, almost hoarse. He nodded and turned to the bridge, and gave his best officer voice. "The Lord-Captain survives!" The bridge erupted in a cheer. To my surprise, even Polarscale allowed himself some revelry, puffing out his chest in pride, allowing me to see some more augments, along with a cog/dragon skull insignia. "Edo von Hassia is still recovering from his injuries, as you can see, but will be able to resume his regular duties shortly. As soon as we conduct final ship and shield checks, we shall get underway again." He was trying to conceal my condition from the crew. Why? I raised my eyebrows, then leaned forward on my throne. "Spike," I said, louder. He whipped back around, clutching a tablet with a grip that was too tight. "Tell them," I ordered. His jaw hung open for a second, grimaced, and then set his jaw closed again. He turned around and addressed the crew again. "It is... to my immense regret," he stated. "That I must report that the Lord-Captain, along with his other extensive injuries, is suffering from a form of amnesia. He has... lost all of his memories." It was a hard thing to see the bridge react to this news, but I really couldn't help it. I also logged a note of Spike's little act of defiance. They looked towards each other, their hearts broken, eyes uncertain. Had I done the right thing? I had to say something, stand up for myself. Placing my hands on the Throne, I stood back up again and cleared my throat. "Yes," I said, in as authoritative voice as I could muster. "It is true that I no longer remember who I was before, nor do I remember who everyone around me is. Nor do I remember what our current mission is, nor where to go from here." I thought about everybody who's counting on me right now. My Princesses. My bridge crew. My ship. My voice became more confident, more bold. "But that is not important right now," I declared. "What is important is what I do now, to repay the loyalty and kindness that you all have shown to me. If I repay even half the patience and understanding that you all have shown me, then I know that we'll be just fine." The bridge crew stood silent. Not the sort of thing I would've liked from a rousing speech. Perhaps it wasn't. I continued, "I hope I will remember all who I was, but until that time, I ask you for your further patience and cooperation. We'll hope for the best, but I still plan to act as if this... is a whole new beginning for me and you all." I smirked and hummed. "Hello. My name, as it's been told to me, is Edo Von Hassia. It is my hope that I'll be as good a Lord Captain as I was before, if not better." The bridge crew exchanged unsure glances. I bowed, a difficult motion to carry out, then sat back down. Twilight pressed a switch on the throne, and it started to turn, a motion accompanied by mechanical whirs and clicks. As the throne swung around, I could see a command console approach, accompanied by no less than four screens and keyboards, and in the middle? A genuine ship's wheel, grand and imposing, inlaid with gold and studded with exotic jewels. Was I expected to fly this thing? No, surely not. There were way too many people on this bridge for that. I even see more levels to it, below my perch. Just how big is this place? How big is this ship? From the huge round windows of the front of the bridge, I could see two rows of spires along the spine of the ship, as if my Captain's quarters were not the only ultra-deluxe apartment in this place. Below those, I could see a battery of turrets on both sides of the ship, massive weapons which I could only guess would make for an awesome light show. Below the—brain itching—additional gothic architecture, I could not see, but I could only assume that more weapon batteries would lie below the lance batteries. In front of the spires, and behind my bridge, I could only guess what form the ship took, but I had no doubt that it would also be ostentatious, just like everything else around here. I felt a nose in my neck, and heard Twilight Sparkle's soft voice, saying, "You did good. We just have to hope you recover from this." The mood amongst my little Princesses was one of hope, so I shared in it. I rubbed Twilight's neck. I became the center of a group hug, and it was one that I welcomed wholeheartedly. No matter what, it would now seem with greater certainty, that at least my little Princesses would be here for me. With a hum, I grabbed hold of my hat and set it down on the console, and I felt one of the Princesses rest her head atop mine. A new voice, one that made my brain itch. "Rogue Trader." It came from behind, at the bottom of the stairs to my throne. Male, with a twinge of... upper-crust-ness. Twilight flicked the switch that controlled the chair... throne, and the panel retreated, leaving the throne to swivel back around, with the same whirring and clicking that would probably sound more natural in a factory than a starship bridge, but who was I to know that, huh? As the throne reached the stairs, I could see the pony who had wanted my attention. I leaned forward. It was a pony, alright, but as I watched him bow before me, I saw him extend leathery wings to add to his display, one curled around his front, the other extended behind himself. His light gray fur, dark cyan mane, and emerald green eyes made my brain itch, as did the black collared uniform he wore, embroidered with a pair of capital "I"s. The uniform was decorated with what I can only describe as spy movie gadgets. From the brace of knives on his fore left ankle, the wire leading to a batty ear, and the utility belt he wore, I was sure he was all ready to go sneaking past a few guards, hack into some mainframe, and steal goodies and secrets from some vault. He introduced himself as he rose, saying, "Sir Agent Reginald VIII, Imperium Intelligence." I put my hand on a knee and waited. Clearing his throat, Reginald said, "We need to talk." With a raised eyebrow, I told the little spy bat pony, "So talk." Grimacing, Reginald almost hissed, "Not here. Not with so many eyes and ears around." I rubbed my knee, and said, with growing anger, "I just about fell down getting up here. You walk up here and talk to me." Reginald, clearly swallowing his pride, bowed and said, "Yes, Lord Captain." As Reginald ascended the step, I leaned in towards Twilight and whispered, "I'll be fine." Nodding, she and the other Princesses took off from the Throne, circling the roomy bridge on feathery wings. They ultimately disappeared from my sight, though I suspect that I did not disappear from their sight. Now alone, Reginald walked up to me, and said, "Before I tell you our original course and mission, I have to ask; are you sure it a good idea to reveal to the crew that you have amnesia, master?" To be honest, I wasn't sure. "Yes," I decided. "More trouble keeping this a secret than just dealing with the aftermath." Reginald looked at me steadily, clearly making some mental calculations, and sighed. "It seems you would be correct, master. My apologies." I nodded, and he continued, "As to the nature of our current mission out here..." he sighed. "Search and rescue." I blinked. "What?" I asked. With a practiced voice, Reginald continued, "The Emperor, acting on recent reports from this new sector of space, has sent a ship from the Word Bearers Legion to investigate an alien artifact. They made first contact with it, but we lost communications with their ship. The one he sent ahead of us, the explorers and the experts of alien technology." I blinked. A wild itch on my brain. I asked, "Are they unqualified for this recon mission?" This caused Reginald to chuckle, darkly. "Rogue Trader, it was always you who said that Space Marines were better at conquering and destroying planets than exploring them and taking advantage of them. At least, not within earshot of any." My brain itched just a bit more. I could no longer resist the urge to scratch my scalp, to no avail. I groaned. "Rogue Trader?" I heard Reginald ask with genuine concern. I rubbed my temples and answered Reginald, saying, "I can remember... some things. Whenever I see or hear something familiar, my brain itches." Reginald sighed with relief. "It is good to hear you are recovering already, master." I cut Reginald off with a finger to the snout, and I looked up at him from my hunched posture, commanding, "Don't call me that." Reginald took a moment, then nodded and affirmed, "Yes, Lord Captain." I thought for a moment and shrugged. That'll do. Then, I straightened up and asked him, "Will that be all, Agent?" He nodded. With a slight smile, I said, "Dismissed." Reginald bowed, then departed from my Throne. I looked up and froze. My Princesses had been staring at us from their perches on the columns of the room, atop the iconography of the Aquila and the Alicorn. I couldn't help but wonder if they overheard our little conversation. I chuckled, thinking of the almost predatory way they were staring at me and Reginald. Their wings draped over the wings of the Aquila as if they were trying to blend in, their colorful coats clashing with the golden reliefs. With those ears that twitched, they must've heard. I waved my hand to them, beckoning them back to my Throne. All five of them dove off their perches and spread their wings. To be honest, it was a rather magnificent display. I couldn't help but smile as my Princesses descended upon me. They shared my enthusiasm, rubbing my face with theirs and stealing a few kisses for good measure. Maybe... maybe everything was going to be just fine after all. I took another breath of air on this ship... missing... something. "What's wrong?" I heard Forest say. I smiled, sadly. "I'd just like some fresh air. Probably can't get any aboard this ship," I said. I looked into Forest's brown eyes as she gave a sly smile. "As a matter of fact..." she retorted. "We have an indoor park." Of all the places on board the Mercy of the Stars to receive the "over-the-top" treatment, I am... glad it happened to be the Temple of Nature... or, as Princess Forest Grace called it, the "indoor park". It seemed to be an entire section of the ship, in the rough middle, dedicated to a terrarium, filled with trees, grass, gardens.... if it wasn't for the glowing stained glass ceiling that curved down into the walls, also made of stained glass, I'd swear that we'd step foot onto a planet, not another room aboard this ship. Although, for me, "step" isn't exactly the right word for it. If I struggled to even march up 15 steps towards my Rogue Trader's Throne aboard the ship, there was no way I would survive the elevator ride and walk to the Temple with my dignity intact... so I didn't. I tried to look as lofty as I could from my new perch aboard my vehicle of choice... a wheelchair, of all things. My little ponies took turns pushing me around, a central path offering the least resistance to the wheels of my new chariot. It was Twilight's turn, so my other Princesses took this chance to spread their wings some more, laughing and hollering. It caught the attention of the ponies and humans here, including what must be some very young kids and... my brain itched... foals. The leader of these kids was... something else, entirely, though an adult. I could see a sea-green shell on her back, her pale mane was bushier, reaching around her throat, her dark horn branched a little, and her tail was long but only had a tuft of hair at the end. I tilted my head at this new creature, this new world still offering me new surprises. The kids and foals circled around us, chanting, "Lord Captain, Lord Captain!" One cried, "See! I told you he was too tough to kill!" Another shouted, teasing, "I saw how scared you were, just like the rest of us!" Finally, the... itch, earthen-colored kirin approached, bowing before us, and greeted us, saying, "It is good to see you survived, Lord Captain. We feared the worst when General Quarters was sounded." Clearing my throat, I admitted to the kirin, "My apologies, but my memory is not what it was. Could you give your name?" The little ones stood stock still at the sound of my voice as if I were a superhero coming to visit. Perhaps I was... just not right now. Nodding, the kirin said, somewhat sadly, "I heard the announcement, as did the rest of your ship. Terrible. Just terrible. My name is Meadow Char." Well, at least I wouldn't have to explain myself to the crew anymore. " Thank you. I remember just now that you are called a kirin if that helps," I said. At this, Meadow beams and nods her head. She tells me, "That does make me feel a lot better, Lord Captain. Making steps like that tells me that you're on a swift road to recovery!" Her smile is contagious, and I take a deep breath of the air. It does smell really good, with all the trees and the grass. Twilight Sparkle leaned over the back of the chair and rubbed her nose on the back of my neck. I look at the gardens, with the small plots containing vines, colorful fruits... the beautiful arrangement of the stained glass seeming like a glass sky with glass clouds... I could almost fall asleep hete. It was just so peaceful here. My eyes closed... A storm of hooves and feet thundered from behind me, shocking the little ones and scaring Meadow. Before I could turn around to see what the commotion was, I was surrounded by armed men and ponies, carrying a ragtag assortment of weapons, including knives, swords, guns, and who-knows-what else. They also wore plain civilian clothes, made somewhat unified by a common set of gray armored vests and helmets. I heard a thwack, and I saw Twilight Sparkle fall down at the side of my wheelchair, hooves cradling her bleeding head. My heart stops. Finally, who I assume is the ringleader makes herself known as she rounds the back of me to my front. A unicorn, pale-furred and steel-haired. She wore a gray beret with an "HDM" on it. Her fiery orange eyes burrowed into mine, looking over every inch of me as if assessing the damage I had taken. Upon seeing me, she sighs. "Thank Celestia you are okay, Rogue Trader! The attempt on your life has left you scarred, I see. No matter. My name is Quartermaster Steel Mane of the 3rd Deck Militia, and you're safe with us!" My brain buzzed. A name I should know? Not important right now. "What is the meaning of this?!" I demanded, teeth bared. This display scared Steel and she bowed, apologizing by saying, "My apologies, Lord Captain, but after the senior staff didn't do enough to prevent this newest attack on your person! So me and the other Quartermasters got to talking, and we've decided to do something about it! I'll help you retake this ship from those meddling nobles and sycophants at the top, and we'll make sure no evil bastard harms you ever again!" A cheer from the Militia crowd. I stood stock still. Shocked. Did I really inspire this kind of fanaticism in my followers? Should I... go along with her plan? Was the senior staff really to blame for what happened? As I thought, I could see the other Princesses, unnoticed by the militia, move into position around the bunch, ready to... oh, no. Should I call out to them, and have these Militiamen and ponies... executed? My brain itched. It was well within my power, after all. Should I try talking my way out? What the hell should I do? > 4 - Deck Militia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Think, Edo. Think. What would you, the Rogue Trader, do? But that's the problem, isn't it? I don't know what I should do. What you would do... Old Edo? I needed more time. I looked at Steel Mane, the unicorn, and asked, earnestly, "Are the other Quartermasters a part of your plan?" Grinning sheepishly, Steel admitted, "N-No, not yet, but with your backing, they'll come flocking to us in no time!" I rubbed my face. Silly mare. Silly, silly mare. I looked to Twilight Sparkle, who stayed still, hooves still covering her head, eyes locked onto mine. She's waiting for the word to attack, even as blood drips down her face. She wasn't out of the fight at all. I took a couple of deep breaths. They're all loyal to me. I can still get a handle on the situation. I asked, eyes burrowing into Steel. "Did you hit Twilight Sparkle?" With a quivering jaw, Steel nodded, saying, "It's... it's necessary to make sure anyone who can hurt you are punished for their... their complicity!" I look her over. She used her magic to adjust her beret. I can see her... rifle? Her weapon at her side, ready for... use. My heart beat all the faster. Whatever I need to do has to happen quickly, or else more people will come and make this situation even more complicated. Think, Old Edo. Tell me what I should do, Old Edo. Please. "Lord Captain," Steel pleaded. "Please." I look her over again. Her eyes are tearing up. She's stood right in front of my wheelchair. A thought comes to my head, unbidden. Her uniform is probably just as soft as she is. That... that might work. That'll do. I placed my hands on my wheels and pushed. Before anyone, even Twilight could react, I grabbed Steel and pinned her to me in a bear hug. I had one hand on her back, and the other on her weapon... my brain itched. A Hassia-pattern lasgun. A laser gun? I'm thankful Steel didn't try shooting Twilight with it. I don't know what I would've done, then. My thoughts were interrupted by a new sound. Steel was sobbing. She wrapped her hooves around me with a death grip and buried her face in my shoulder. A man approached, also wearing a beret, and with mist in his eyes. He had gray eyes and gray hair, with his mutton mustache streaked with white. I lifted the lasgun up and said, softly, "Take this." He nodded and undid the strap at one end of the weapon, slowly pulling it from between Steel and me. She barely noticed, still distraught. I looked towards Twilight Sparkle, who had stood up, but looked at Steel Mane as if she could burn a hole into her skull with her eyesight alone, still holding a hoof to her head. Hell, maybe she could. Old Edo would know, but I'm not him, am I? I turned back to the old man, and asked, "Quartermaster...?" He nodded, as he passed the lasgun to a... brain itch. Diamond dog and her wide paws. He said, with a weariness beyond even his years, "Quartermaster Lart, Rogue Trader. Our family has served you for a long time." I blinked. I didn't need even more surprises right now. "Quartermaster," I said aloud. "You're all dismissed." He nodded and rallied the fighters under his command with a hand wave. They departed the Temple to Nature in a quiet, orderly fashion. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I ran my hand through Steel Mane's silky smooth hair. Guess she wasn't exaggerating. I allowed myself a chuckle through the nose. I looked up to see that the other Princesses had descended upon Twilight Sparkle, with cloths and bandaging. Guess part of their uniform included first aid kits or something. Steel Mane, meanwhile, was still inconsolable. She had even begun to repeat, "I'm sorry", miserably. I could do little but rub a hand through her mane. I breathed in through my nose, and out through my mouth. I leaned back in my wheelchair, allowing myself some time to get my poor little heart to calm down. The fresh...fresh-ish air helped. Suddenly, the mare in my arms stiffens up, and begs, "What was I thinking? Please don't hurt my family... please..." Her voice could barely speak, even as she pleaded. I... could do that? Was she thinking I was gonna kill her? Her loved ones? I looked to the Princesses, with only Twilight reacting with any sort of anger. Though even this, with my meeting her eyes, seemed to fade. She closed her eyes and nodded. She trusted me. I... I felt my cheeks getting wet. I took a deep breath, then cleared my throat. "Quartermaster Steel Mane," I said. "I'm not going to hurt your family." Sniffing, the mare finally left my shoulder, eyes red and nose runny. She looked at me with defeated eyes. "I'm going..." I said, uncertain, "To ask that you be confined... to the brig for a month." I looked at Princess Twilight, who was curious as to what my decision would be. "And then, I will ask you to be Twilight's attendant for three months. Does that sound fair?" Steel Mane nodded. "Good," I said. "Dismissed." with shaky legs, she leaped off of me and departed the Terrarium. Princess Silver Sword trotted up to me with a handkerchief suspended in magic and started to rub it against my messy shoulder. I was almost numb to the feeling, even as the feeling of adrenaline slowly left my body. I waited until I heard the sound of a closing door, and then I let out a hollering whoop. I rubbed my nose and allowed a grin to creep across my face. Of course, everyone around, even the young ones was taken aback by my sudden outburst. I laughed, looking at the Princesses, "Not bad a job so far, huh?" I laughed. That could've gone so poorly. Twilight Sparkle shook her head, a smile likewise creeping onto her face, no longer bleeding. "You know," she teased. "You're not going to be able to hug away all your problems." I raised a finger. She had a point. "Probably," I admitted while lowering my hand. "But this one?" I pointed my finger upwards again. I laughed some more, slapping my knees, and leaning to the side. I looked up towards the distant stained glass ceilings. The kids raced around my wheelchair, chattering and hollering and laughing about the Rogue Trader and his bravery and mercy. A bit much, but I can take what I can get at this point. Cherry Heart walked up to my left side and nuzzled my face. She said, fondly, "As quick on your... hm, feet as you ever were, Edo." I leaned over and... gave Cherry a quick kiss. "Hope you don't mind," I said. She giggled. "If you can solve problems with hugs, I won't say 'no', Lord Captain." Meadow Char, the kirin walked up to me. She bowed, and said, "Blessed be the peacekeeper, Rogue Trader." I nodded, then slapped the armrests of the wheelchair. "Why don't you give me a proper tour of this place, Meadow? I'd like to see all I can." Smiling, the kirin responded, "I would love nothing more." I sat in the wheelchair, still. It was... a little less humiliating now. I was back in the Captain's Quarters, in one of the rooms I hadn't yet... refamiliarized myself with. I held a green leaf from one of the trees in my right hand. A real leaf. I felt its texture between my fingers. Real trees in a starship. Everyone else around me had more or less taken this for granted, but I was given... unique perspective now. I might even order more plants around the ship. Sure, it would likely require more resources than I should commit... maybe, but greenery? Might be worth it. I lean back. Perhaps there already was, around the halls. I just haven't seen anything beyond the bridge and the Temple to Nature. I look around again, appreciating this personal space of mine. It was a living room, to be sure. On one end, I could see a fireplace, unlit, but crowned with a grand piece of artwork of myself, looking at me with a grand, superior smirk. As if he knew. I look around to the tall library that lines both sides of the room, and the grand chandelier that hangs over the center of the room. Most interestingly, though, are the colorful hammocks that hang from the ceiling. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who those are for, especially not with a few already containing napping Princesses. I chuckle. I look behind myself, at yet another computer terminal desk, with a giant chair for myself, and many more around the desk, with another window to space behind that. I saw several flags around the desk, but I didn't recognize them... for now. Instead, I looked towards the bookshelf closest to me and rolled up to it. Naturally, I didn't recognize the titles of many of the books, a lot of which seemed to have to do with my comings, goings, and doings as a Rogue Trader. That'll be handy, I think. I picked one at random, one called, "Rogue Trader von Hassia Comes to Moon Rock". I looked at the cover, at the artwork on the book. It was of a crowd of griffons and humans, marveling and pointing towards a round mountain, pockmarked by craters like a... well, moon. Above that mountain, suspended mid-air, was my voidship. Like a flying cathedral with a prow, engines, and guns. Looks about right, from what I've seen so far. I opened the book and looked at the many illustrations. I was so engrossed with what the story detailed through drawings that I did not immediately realize that this is... essentially a children's book but in a very stylized, fancy format. Even the opening lines should have been a clue, "Once upon a time, on the world of Moon Rock... the races of men and griffons lived together, but not in harmony. Then, one day, the Auric Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia visited Moon Rock on his magical ship." Auric? Another term I could ask about. My brain itched, but nothing was forthcoming. More or less satisfied with what I saw, I closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. Immediately after, however, another book caught my attention. "What it's Like to Be a Pony," it read. I looked up to the sleeping forms of Cherry, Silver, Azure, and Forest, and I looked back to the book. I picked it up, somewhat heftier than the last, I noticed. However, when I got it onto my lap and opened it up, I realized that it was not a real book or tome at all, but a container. Inside the hollow space where the pages would ordinarily go, there sat, in a cotton sleeve, a golden medallion with a golden chain. I pulled out the medallion, chain links clinking and saw the decorative stones and carvings set into it. Most prominently was the carving of half a man's outline, alongside that with the outline of half a pony. "What it's Like to Be a Pony", I said, in a whisper. Surely, this wasn't... no way. But what if it was...? I flipped over the medallion to see the other side. There, written in black marker, were the words, "Do not wear for more than 2 weeks. ~TS". I then turned it around to look at the engravings again. Well, nothing for it. I took a deep breath, took the chain in both my hands, and raised it over my head. Letting the chain go, I picked up the medallion in my hoof and looked at the engravings again while I waited for my hypothesis to come true or not. Wait, hoof? I dropped the medallion, where it bounced against the barrel of my sage green-furred torso. I was... naked. Naked and a pony. I froze, placing my front hooves on the seat of my wheelchair. Something on my back itched, so I leaned forward and stretched my back. I definitely stretched something else, too, because I felt something unfurl. I looked, and my wings... my wings were in tatters. Broken feathers, sprained limbs. I raised my eyebrows, finally noticing that my wounds seemed to have carried over, if not my clothing. I tried to control my breathing. Tried to relax. I accidentally made a horse sound, but a glance at my little Princesses revealed that they were, indeed, in a deep sleep. I noticed, finally, that the the book itself held a mirror, as if it knew what I would want to see next. Blue eyes stared back at me, framed by a blonde mane and a... a dang spiraling horn. I looked up, and there enough, sat a pointy, bony extrusion. Does this mean I could do magic? I flexed, experimentally trying to find the right muscles before my wings folded to my side again. I bit my tongue, focusing. Maybe if I tried to reach an object through my horn, like grasping with a ghostly hand... a blue aura surrounded the book, startling me. It... it did move! It's just like riding a bicycle! You never really forget! I couldn't help but grin. I looked over myself, again. I thought came to my head, and I looked at my flank. Sure enough, I had a... a cutie mark! But... it was just the Hassian crest. I looked to my other side, and there it sat, on the other flank. I didn't know what I was expecting... hell of a first day for me. I lost my memory, woke up on a spaceship, got re-introduced to my p-p-pony wives, stopped a mutiny before it could get out of hoof... hand, and now I'm sitting here, changed into a pony. If this is my life was like before, maybe all the excitement short-circuited my poor brain. I stood up on all fours, puffed out my tuft, and looked as majestic as I could. My wings itched. Maybe I should try flying now. All the worst-case scenarios popped into my head... but flying now! I flapped my wings as hard as I dared, not expecting much, but I leaped six feet into the air! My breath seized in my throat, legs and back curled up, but I focused. I flapped again, and again. My wings hurt, so I settled for a slow descent instead of a hover. As soon as my hooves could reach the wheelchair again, I stuck a landing. The wheelchair objected louder than I would've liked. I looked to see Silver stir a bit, then return to sleep. I sat back down, pretending to be regal. I extended a hoof. "You may kiss the royal hoof," I said to myself, exaggerating the rolled "r"s. I giggled. I heard the door open on the lift. I sat back on the chair. Maybe they wouldn't notice. Instead of hoof steps, like I thought, I heard the marching of dragon feet. I saw Seneschal Spike stomp around the corner, and lock his intense green eyes with mine. I also saw Polarscale, right on his heels. Spike momentarily paused whatever it was he was about to say just to remark at me. I took this opportunity and grinned, saying, with a sing-song voice and a waving hoof, "Hi! I'm sure the Lord Captain is around here, somewhere!" For effect, I exaggeratedly looked around the room. Spike glanced at Polarscale, who rubbed his forehead with a clawed hand. "He found the amulet," noted Polarscale. Sighing, Spike confirmed, "He found the amulet." He turned back me, and approached, saying, "Lord Captain, I should've been informed about the attempted mutiny before you went back to your quarters!" "Oh, that?" I asked, inspecting a hoof, and marveling at all the ways I can twist and turn it. I looked back to Spike and said, "I took care of it." Stammering, Spike retorted, waving his arms, "There are rules! Procedures! I didn't spend all that time at the Terran Naval Academy to have all this be blown off by—" "I'm sorry," I interrupted with a sigh. "I did what I thought was best." I looked down, only for Spike to place a hand on my shoulder. Softly, Spike said, "You could've been hurt. Twilight was hurt. I nearly..." He sighed. "Quartermaster Steelmane reported to the brig, locked herself into one of the empty cells, and cried herself to sleep. I had to find out just what happened from the other Quartermasters, and only one of them knew what happened." I breathed. "Sorry, Spike," I apologized again. Then, I smiled. "Hm," I thought. "Next time there's a surprise mutiny, I'll be sure to bring you along." Spike, trying to remain serious, scolded me with a finger, saying, "Oh, no. You don't get to joke your way out of this, Lord Captain." I sat up straight, pointed to Spike with a hoof, and declared, with a straight face, "You cannot be mad at me, Seneschal Spike. I am a cute pony now, and you cannot be mad at cute ponies." I saw Polarscale cover his mouth with a hand. I heard, faintly, "Machine God, grant me strength-h-h." He had laughed. I won. Spike just snorted and took my precious medallion and my book. I tried to snatch it back with my fingers, but Spike had already placed the medallion back inside of its cover and placed the tome on one of the higher shelves. You dare use your vertical advantage over me, Seneschal? Perhaps that was the real mutiny all along. I folded my arms. Spike ignored my pout and said, professionally, "We'll be commencing warp translation soon, Lord Captain. We translated out during the attack, but we need to translate back in if we're going to get to our destination. Enginseer Prime?" Nodding, Polarscale withdrew a device from his robe and handed it to me. the face of it was a metallic rendering of the Hassian crest, and on the back were gizmos and doodads that I couldn't make heads or cogs of. "Lord Captain," said Polarscale. "This is a refractor shield. You may turn it on at any time. It will protect you while we are commencing warp translation. We've temporarily increased Gellar protection, but vigilance is always superior to tragedy." I saw a loop where it would fit on my belt that I wear over my coat and a switch. As I turned it on, I saw and felt a momentary shimmer around me. I heard the elevator doors open again, and I saw more guards come in, brandishing bigger guns this time. They all wore similar uniforms and more substantial-looking armor pieces. A name emerges in my head. Is this my Mercator Guard? My Princesses were rousing, and they all took their own positions around me. What's warp translation, and why is everybody so terrified? > 5 - Warp Translation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat on the Lord Captain's throne on the bridge, surrounded by ponies, men, and guns. I was no exception, with a short-barreled bolt-action rifle... pistol thing that itched my brain sitting on my lap. It was made with wooden furniture, but it clearly teemed with magic. For one, many components on it glowed pink, and there were a great many engravings on it, with runes and even a pentagram or two. This even included the bayonet on a lug at the end of the rifle. This was clearly a weapon for a Rogue Trader. I would've liked to at least re-acquainted myself with it before we set off, however. Too late for that, though. If daemons did attack again, I probably could pull the trigger at least once at some dumb creature before using the long blade of the bayonet. Or maybe I should just drop this weird stubby gun and use my sword. I wore my helmet/hat and stared into the void. The stars themselves seemed to invite, but also to threaten. "Lord Captain," reminded Princess Twilight. "You need to give the order." I took a deep breath, ready for whatever plunge was to come. "Commence warp translation," I commanded. Immediately after, klaxons sounded, and red lights twirled. I saw heavy metal shutters begin to close on all the windows, as a hole in space suddenly ruptured in front of the vessel. Hellish purple energies surrounded this hole in space, and then I could see inside. I closed my eyes, cutting off the sensation of tendrils reaching through my eyes and into my brain. Tendrils... were everywhere, here in the Warp. Fingers tried to grasp our ship, our Mercy of the Stars. An endless storm of colors and thoughts. All of them hated me. No. Away with you all. When I opened my eyes again, the shutters had thankfully cut off the sight, entirely blocking off the view to the outside. I felt and heard the ship's engines light, giving a slight feeling of acceleration. I counted the moments, then realized I didn't need to. One of the displays counted for me. Translation in 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1. I set my stubby rifle aside and put my sword on my lap. I shivered at a new sensation, one that came with its whispers and the occasional flash of light over my senses. You dare yet live, Anathema-Kin? I shook my head. I looked around, everyone expecting... something. I don't think anyone said that, but I dare not ask. I swallowed. The bridge was abuzz with activity. Finally, a voice from the throne. It was Ameliki. "Translation successful, Lord Captain. I see our path." I nodded, and said, "Thank you, Ameliki." I turned to Spike and Polarscale to my right. "How is the Gellar field?" I asked. Spike turned to Polarscale, who reported, without glancing in my direction, "The immaterial world is... attempting to breach, but the generators hold. The Omnissiah blesses our journey." I nodded. "Do we stay like this until we get out again?" I wondered aloud, afraid that I'd have to stand at basically combat readiness forever. A pause. "No," Twilight Sparkle said, nuzzling my neck. "The worst of it is already over." I should probably tell her. "I... heard something," I admitted. Twilight nodded. "We usually do. Utter nonsense, though." "No... there was something I heard," I insisted. I looked to see Twilight's eyes. "I heard..." I tried to sound as rough and gravelly as I could, "...' You dare yet live, Anathema-Kin?'" I sighed. "Any idea what 'Anathema-Kin' is?" Twilight grimaced. Suddenly, a bubble of pink surrounded just the two of us. I stiffened, then relaxed as I understood that it was Twilight who cast this new shield, yet another layer of protection. I heard her whisper. I leaned in. "You won't get him. You won't." I set all my weapons to the side and hugged my little princess. "Twilight?" I asked. I felt eyes on us. I'm not sure if they're from the people around us. "Just a nickname," Twilight explained. She rolled her eyes. "They love their nicknames." The alarms stopped. Normal lights flicked back on. The pink shield dissipated. Twilight and I sighed. "Alright," she said. "Let's get you to the Captain's Quarters." I nod, still staring into the plating covering the windows. It had been some days since we entered the Warp. I had spent them rehabilitating. I still did not know the extent of the damage I sustained... something that would likely horrify me to know. But for my friends... for them to have gone out of their way to help me, to save me, to keep me safe... I can't let them down. I did one more push-up. My arms finally gave out, too weak. But I had done 50 burpees today. Let's say it was 50. I lost track. Breathing, I pushed myself off the floor. I was in the third room of the Quarters. The... trophy room, I guess. There was quite a collection of knickknacks, alien weapons, and even a few trophy mounts of things I... think I've killed. It itched my brain to look at every single one of them, but nothing really revealed itself, so I didn't remain. Instead, I walked back to the living/table room. There, I met Twilight Sparkle, holding some of my gear aloft in her telekinesis. "Restless, huh?" She quizzed. I nodded. I flexed, feeling... something. I wasn't sure what, yet. I twisted my head, feeling my neck pop. "I need to be ready," I reasoned. "Whatever this life has to offer, I want to be more than ready." Smiling, Twilight replied, "Good. Good, Edo. I think today you should try some combat training." I looked at Twilight as I placed my sword on my hip and the strap of my stubby rifle over my shoulder. Twilight had also fetched a holster and a sidearm resting in it. I put that on, as well. I hope she didn't have anything else for me to put on. Right, the refractor field. I flicked it on. "Now you're getting it," said Twilight, encouragingly. I held a hand to the elevator. "Shall we?" I invited. Nodding, Twilight led the way. When I entered the... Psykhanium, I really didn't know what I was expecting. When Twilight told me that I would be subjected to psychic training, I had thought, imagined, that perhaps that meant I would be going into a dojo where the psykers would throw things at me, or something. Instead, it looked like a massive amphitheater crossed with a lounge. Many circular levels surrounded a lowered platform, accessed through gradual ramps and stairs. Instead of regular chairs, however, the platform was surrounded by a series of reclining seats, almost beds. Each was accompanied by machinery... cogitators, as well as a clear crystal bowl suspended by an articulated arm that looked to lower over the faces of whoever lay on the seats. They look plush enough, but what really caught my attention was what occupied the platform in the middle. There, in the middle, sat a recliner, and the... brain itch. Female deer, with fur like snow, that sat upon it was... I shut my eyes to a whole new sensation now. Cloven hooves, massaging my squishy, squishy brain. It feels... nice? All sorts of wrong, but... nice? The deer was also hooked up by her head to a series of cables and wires to a great machine suspended above, fixed to the tall ceiling. I saw murals of weapons, diagrams of fencing techniques, and even a few chessboard pieces as decoration. I put my hands on my head, but all that felt like was placing my hands on the hooves that were currently giving my brain a once-over. This, however, seemed to pause the sensation. Lord Captain, it is good to see you again. A soft voice in my head, like the falling of snow. I looked at the deer, at Snow Fall, who didn't move even as her voice sounded in my head. My, my, you are a damaged one. You have a lot of catching up to do, don't you? I shook my head, and Snow finally got the hint, the sensation finally dissipating, something Twilight finally noticed, and stared lasers at Snow, who only stuck her tongue out at her. Twilight sighed, then said, "C'mon." I walked up to the closest chair, and sat myself down, minding my hat and weapons. I took off the stupid hat/helmet with a sigh and set it down on a piece of machinery. I leaned back against the chair, and Twilight, fiddling with something, said, reassuringly, "Relax. This won't hurt a bit." But it did hurt. I grit my teeth as I saw the crystal bowl descend, and I blacked out. When I came to again, my eyes stopped hurting. I was standing in a field. A grassy meadow, surrounded by snow-capped pine trees and mountains beyond. The blue sky was full of white clouds. I picked this for you, Rogue Trader. You don't remember this place, but you will. Twilight Sparkle will remind you, just as soon as she emerges into my world. I heard nothing, but the words sounded in my mind all the same as if they were my own, but they weren't. Nothing like the deep end to get you started, hmm? I drew my sword as a green-skinned brutish bipedal thing charged at me, screaming and waving a large axe. Yellow teeth flashed and black eyes bore down on me, but I had already committed to a stab. The tip of my sword, Pagtum, sank deep into the beast's armpit. It now screamed in pain, which sounded an awful lot like it was screaming before, but I digress. Letting go of the sword with my left hand, I grabbed the sidearm and steadied myself. My brain itched, and the ork kept swinging its tree trunk arms, cursing in some alien tongue. I placed the muzzle of my weapon against its torso and pulled the trigger three times. The sound of the gunshots made me wince, echoing off of distant trees. The ork fell, almost taking my sword with it. I leaned back and let Pagtum slide out with a metallic musical note, now shining with blood. I didn't get the chance to marvel at my blade's odd properties when another scream sounded. Another ork. It was wearing a stupid sleeveless shirt, as well. It raised an axe high, ready to cleave me in two. I intercepted the attack with a precise defensive blow; that is to say, I parried at the elbow. It fell to its knees and clutched at what remained of its arm until I shot it in the head. Another ork charged, spinning its weapon in a circle. I shot it in the head. Another one. I pointed and pulled the trigger. Click. I holstered the five-shooter and focused. My blade is in both my hands, angled not to catch the ork's axe, but to deflect. As it came down, I ducked, catching the force of the blow but a little, but allowing me within the brute's guard. With a swing, I lopped off a leg. Just as the beast hit the ground, I plunged Pagtum into the ork. Another scream. I looked to see the next attacker. Time to give the stubby rifle a try. Sheathing Pagtum, I grasped my sawn-off rifle in both my hands and lined up the bayonet with the guts of the incoming creature. Close enough. I fired, a beam of prismatic light striking the ork in the belly, resulting in an explosion of red steam that bisected the thing. I was stupefied until I realized it was still crawling towards me, so I stabbed it in the head with the bayonet. Maybe 'Lil Stubby was a good weapon after all. I racked the bolt, keeping my hand away from the crystal that stuck out the back of the bolt. I noted the crystal that stuck out the barrel. Another scream. I turned and fired into the upper torso of another ork. I hollered as I cycled the bolt again. The orc had toppled over, mostly a pile of steaming limbs now. "Pew, pew, barbarian!" Not bad, Rogue Trader. Amnesia hasn't slowed you down one bit. Thanks, I guess? It was then I noticed Twilight lounging atop one of the trees, bending the top of the tree under her weight. She beamed at me and waved with a hoof. I bowed cordially, and ducked under another axe, firing into the ork's abdomen. The light projectile caused its head to explode. I grinned wickedly. I dropped 'Lil Stubby, letting it rest against my belly on its strap, and drew Pagtum again. I charged the next ork, and leaped. I saw a golden light. Twilight, what's happening? I... don't know. I cleaved the ork in twain with but a shout and a swing. Even its primitive axe was cleaved. Feeling great. Feeling... even better than great! I roared. The sky turned golden. A bigger ork, covered in metal, approached. I would need more power. I set my blade alight. "I'm ending this." I choked awake, shoving the bowl away from my face, muscles on fire. I needed to fight more. To work more. To become stronger. Voices sounded in my head, and all around. They're chanting my name. Praying. Urging me onward. One, however, won out. "Edo?" Asked an increasingly nervous Twilight. Her posture was low. Shouldn't she be proud of me, though? I had done so much in a couple of days! Who knows what else I can do? I was no longer a wheelchair-bound corpse! I growled, "I feel really good, Princess. Like I could leap over a mountain!" I then laughed. "Or slay an entire army!" Twilight explained, slowly, "We don't exactly have a mountain in here. The only army here is yours, Edo. Just breathe. Do you know what's happened?" I breathed. The air tasted electric. That... was a good question. "I... was in the Psykhanium," I recalled. "I was slaying orks. But then I... found something. Deep inside me." Twilight asked, as if she already knew the answer, "What is it? What did you find?" I closed my eyes and looked inward. "Light," I commented. "A great light within me, almost as great as... the light." Twilight stood still. I felt the light gradually leave me. Weariness and weakness filled my limbs, almost as bad as when I first awakened, but I ignored it. I stood. "When I first awoke, Twilight," I confessed, "I felt confused. Scared. I was on the verge of death." Twilight walked around the edge of the bed-seat thing and looked me in the eyes. "When I slept after, I saw... clouds in the darkness, but also... lights. There were a bunch of lights, but there was a greater light in the distance." I saw Twilight's eyes slightly twitch as her mind digested what I had to say. She nodded. "I have... a few ideas about what that might be, but you must rest now. You gave people aboard a scare when you experienced your... light." "Why?" I asked, wiping sweat from my brow. "All I was doing was..." I saw the back of my hand, smeared with blood. I breathed, noticing that I was sweaty all over and liquid coming out of my nose onto my mouth. "Oh," I realized as I fell back, losing consciousness. "Ugh," I groaned awake. "I've got to stop doing that." It had been a dreamless sleep. No clouds or lights this time. It did really feel like I had leapt over a mountain or fought an entire army. I looked at my hands. No blood. Good enough. I threw off the covers and walked, painfully, to the living room, where I saw not Princess Twilight, but Princess Silver, who was fretting with something on a cart. She saw me, and trotted up, saying nothing but using her wings to hug me around my neck. I returned the gesture, holding my little Princess as I smelled what was on the cart, under the dish. A pot of... something that smelled like spices, potatoes, spinach, and sausage. My brain itched, and so the soup smelled... nostalgic. I looked down at the Princess in my arms, and I sighed. I could see her cutie mark, a rapier surrounded by points of color superimposed over a snowflake. There was a story here. I let Silver down, who said, "Twilight and the others are in a meeting. They want to discuss what just happened in the Psykhanium. I wanted to stay behind and make sure you were doing okay. I never was that much better at magic stuff than the next pony." I smiled and ran a hand through her hair. She hummed and waved me to the couches next to the fireplace. She poured a bowl for me and hovered it over. I took a spoonful. It was hot, and soft. I breathed, allowing the spices to heat my mouth up. Another spoonful. I cleared my throat. "Thank you for the soup. It's very good," I told Silver, who had gotten some soup for herself. She nodded. "It is your favorite, after all," she commented. My eyes twitched, and my brain itched. I ate another spoonful. I asked, "Is it?" It did taste really good. "My... compliments to the chef, then," I offered. The bowl warmed my cold hands. Silver giggled, and blushed. "Why, thank you, Lord Captain," she said, with a swish of her tail. I watched as she ate another spoonful, one with sausages on it. I narrowed my eyes. Silver noticed, and explained, "Ponies can be omnivorous, too." Food for thought, I mused while eating another spoonful. I coughed. My eyes misted up. Another spoonful, a bit of spinach hanging off the spoon. I scratched an eyebrow. I sighed. "Princess Silver Sword?" I asked. She looked at me, spoon in mouth. She took it out, and asked, "Yeah?" I worked up the thought. How do I put this? "Tell me a story," I decided to say. "I'd like to hear about how you and I first met, Princess." She smiled. "That happens to be one of my favorite stories," she remarked. She looked over to the bookshelves. A tome dutifully floated out on blue magic. It was carried by invisible currents over to Silver, who set aside her bowl and showed me the book. "Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia and the Silver Princess", it read. I ate another spoonful, growing more regretful that I didn't take my time with my bowl. This time, my face and hers took up most of the artwork, but it did showcase my ship, as well as a moon that seemed to be shattered, like a broken orb of glass. With a bashful smile, Silver admitted, "It's a bit of a copout, but this book does a much better job of telling the story than anything I can come up with on the spot." I nodded and set my bowl down, graciously accepting a canteen from Silver. I sipped and widened my eyes. Sparkling water? It tastes... like cherries. Silver smiled. She opened the book, and read from the beginning. "Once upon a time, on the shattered world of Residuum..." > 6 - Princess Silver Sword > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tribes of Ponies lived in desperation and fear. A great evil had arisen long ago on Residuum, shattering the world and its moon. The ponies that lived there were divided, for the emergence of faunis ponies had shaken the unity of ponykind. But that was not all. Ancient malice dwelled on Residuum, threatening the lives of every pony there, wanting to destroy all that ponies had wrought, seeking to destroy every last living soul on Residuum. But hope remained. By blade, by spell, by gun, or by the newly discovered elemental propellant called Dust, the ponies of Residuum rallied beyond their differences and sought to banish the evil from whence it came forever. But the ponies there were betrayed. An evil sorcerer named Final Peace, tragically cursed by the darkness, had decided to ally herself against ponykind and with the ancient evil. The hated alicorn of darkness even found followers to turn against their fellow ponies. Even as new champions for pony kind emerged, in the alicorns of Rose Scythe, Silver Sword, Sunny Heart, and Fair Shade, all seemed lost as the ancient evil awoke ever greater horrors to beset the ponies of Residuum. But the Spirit of Hope would not allow the ponies there to perish. The ponies there had found companionship in each other and harnessed the strength and power of the Dust. The ponies of Residuum were in dire straights, but the Spirit of Hope had one final champion to call upon. In Residuum's darkest hour, the Spirit of Hope sent the Rogue Trader, may the Light of Hope shine upon him forever. Edo von Hassia was his name, and on wings of fire, he descended upon the ancient evil. For he was a human, duty-bound to fight the ancient evil on all worlds, not just on Residuum. He joined forces with the alicorn champions, defeated the evil sorcerer, and banished the darkness from Residuum forever. After that glorious victory was won, the ponies of Residuum celebrated joyously. They laughed, they sang, they cheered, and they danced. But that joy soon faded, for duty bade the Rogue Trader to seek evil on other worlds. He could not enjoy the fruits of peace so hard-fought for the ponies of Residuum. Thus it was that one alicorn, Silver Sword, having fought against the enemies of hope with the Rogue Trader, did not wish for their alliance to end. Thus it came to pass that Silver Sword joined the Rogue Trader on his sacred mission. May the Light of Hope shine forever upon their holy quest. ~The End Light of Hope... that does sound rather nice. As I listened to Princess Silver Sword, my head began itching with memories. Half-buried, half-imagined, flashes of my time in this place, Residuum. At least, I hope I'm remembering. I'd hate to imagine something when I could just... remember it. And yet... I saw it when I closed my eyes. The shattered moon from my bridge's window. A world more crater than land or sea. An entire world of warriors and survivors, ponies who just wanted to survive. I even remember the champions that were sent to meet me as I landed. The red one, the black one, the blonde one, and... no, it was Rose Scythe, Fair Shade, Sunny Heart, and... Silver Sword. Color and heat rushed to my face. The secret rendezvous... the knowing glance... Princess Twilight smirking... I rubbed my head. Princess Silver Sword leaned forward, asking, softly, "Are you remembering?" I took another sip from my canteen. "Bits and pieces," I admitted. Silver showed me a knowing smile. "From the look on your face," she commented, "The better bits and pieces." I nodded. I reached for the tome and thumbed through the illustrations. I saw the ponies and their plight, the wicked alicorn, and... my brain itched. A deep sense of regret filled me. I whined, "No..." Having picked up the dishes, Silver Sword turned back to me. "What's wrong?" She asked. I put a hand on my face. "I remember..." I thought aloud. "I remember the one regret I have about my time on Residuum. I didn't capture the Alicorn of Darkness and her first lieutenant instead of..." A sword swing was all it took, after what felt like forever of fighting. Princess Silver Sword blinked. "What?" She said, baffled. "You've never mentioned this to me." Before I realized what I had said, I had spoken out, saying, "They were really cute." I put my face in my palms. "No," I groaned quietly. I should not have said that. I looked to Silver Sword, whose eyes were wide, and mouth agape. Silver Sword was on the edge of... something. I leaned back, ice gripping my heart. Then, I saw her mouth twitch. Then twitch again. She made a coughing noise. Her eyes were wild, looking at the floor. She breathed more heavily. Then, she threw her head back, committing to a full belly laugh. Ice still gripped my heart. She choked, falling on the floor. Giggling as she curled up. "Rose! Rose, you were right, damn it!" wailed Silver Sword. More laughing. "He was too proud to admit it, but you were right!" I bit my lip. "Admit... what?" I dared ask. Silver Sword stood back up and pointed a hoof at me, saying, accusing, "That you thought the bad girls here weren't just cute, they were bad." Fighting the chuckles in my chest, I protested, saying, "W-Well, they must not have been that hot if I was still able to—" "Hot!" Shouted Silver. She stamped and marched around my seat, singing, "Rogue Trader and Final Peace, fighting on a field, K-I-L-L-I-N-G! First comes knife, then comes gun, then comes a little huntspony to slay with them!" She giggled, then was taken aback by my horrified expression. "Sorry," she explained. "Traditional Residuum tease." I said, with no small amount of incredulity, "That doesn't seem..." I rubbed my hands together. "... Appropriate." "Why?" Silver asked as she rounded my seat again. "Is it because we're mare and man? Or man and mare, if you prefer?" New doubts. New worries. "Well," I mused aloud. "How did that even happen? Were you my... first?" I dared to ask. More laughter, like hot chocolate on a cold morning. I tried to shake that weird thought away. Instead, it was shaken away by Silver, who grabbed me from behind and held me over the back of the couch I sat on. Softly, in my ear, Silver said to me, "If I said yes, that would be fun... but Princess Twilight might actually murder me for that." She let me go and then rounded around to sit down on her haunches in front of me. I licked my lips and thought. "But the book," I remembered. "It doesn't mention Princess Twilight." Nodding, Silver said, "One of... many omissions, for the sake of the foal's tale. Something they did fix in the... second edition." I looked at the tome in my hands and at one of the illustrations of Silver Sword. "You do look cute in the combat skirt," I commented. Now it was Silver's turn to sport some color on her face. "Oh, you," tittered Silver. She flicked her tail in my face. I smiled. "So, how did it happen?" I asked. Silver looked thoughtful, then settled down on the couch next to me. "Truthfully?" She began. "It began on the first day that you landed on Residuum. You had parked your ship over Deacon Academy, and all of us were raring for a fight. A massive alien machine from the stars appears one day, and you keep your head?" She scrunched her nose. "Not terribly likely." There was greenery on the field that day. I had decided to land in front of an impressive building for a grand entrance. A new world, just for me. I forced myself to take a deep breath through the itchiness and listen to Silver's story. "Everyone was preparing for some First Contact scenario, like in Sunny's comic books. All of us readied our weapons when we saw a shuttle leave the ship, and land on the lawn. Hm," she hummed. "I still remember the smell of burning grass." Ouch. That might not have been the best way to make a first impression if I was being honest. Although, to be fair, not every world I visit would have a nice concrete landing pad on it. "So it came as something of a shock to all of us when a purple princess walked down the ramp of that ship. She greeted us as if it was the most normal thing in the world." She mimed a different voice, " 'Hi! My name is Princess Twilight Sparke,' as if she hadn't just come out of a mother-lovin' spaceship." I remember now. If it's a human planet, send the human out first. If it's a pony planet, send the pony out first. "She shook our hooves and made us tell her our names," Silver recalled. "It was so... surreal. Everything was going to change forever for us, but the first order of business was to do a friendly meet and greet. Then, she announced you." She hopped off the couch, flared her wings, struck a pose with a lifted hoof, and said, quoting, "It is my supreme honor and pleasure to welcome you all to Rogue Trader Edo Von Hassia, Lord Captain of the Mercy of the Stars and my lovely husband!" Silver Sword hopped back on the couch, and, after a moment, scooched closer to me. I took the hint and scratched her scalp. Silver sighed, then said, "We weren't sure what to expect, least of all a human with a really big hat." I laughed and rubbed my nose. "Hey, it does help to make a grand first impression," Silver affirmed as she hugged me. She shook her head, "Anyway, the first thing you did after watching everyone gawp at you was walk right up to me, introduced yourself, and kissed my hoof. I fainted straight away." She rubbed her face with her hooves, trying to banish the embarrassment of that day. "I woke up right after and was just about conscripted into your personal army. You chose me, Rogue Trader. I'll never forget that." She looked fondly at the floor, remembering with a smile. She hummed, and said, "The rest of the story, however, is the truth... more or less. No Grimm... sorry, daemons could stand up to the Rogue Trader and the ponies of Residuum. Especially not when the Rogue Trader brings his ship along, a flying mountain of guns." Silver looked back at me with a smirk, saying, "One of the things that the wicked tyrant Final Peace was known for saying was that 'Strength will not save you.' She very much had not met a Rogue Trader before, nor had she a real answer to the obliteration of her source of power. A pit of darkness doesn't stand up to being nuked from orbit." Silver then relaxed, with a dreamy look in her eyes. "I still remember the look on her face when it came to the final showdown. I had asked why you didn't just hit her from orbit like you did her source of power, and you know what you said to me, Rogue Trader?" I looked to Silver, a smile on her face. I waited until she finally explained, "You said, 'Too many bad guys somehow escape orbital bombardment, but none survive encounters with me.' Knowing what I know now, it doesn't seem as strange to me anymore." I scritch-scratched between the wings of Princess Silver Sword, causing her to sigh contentedly. I then asked, "And that's when we kicked some bad guy's butt, right?" I showed her a knowing smile. She nodded. I sighed, "Somehow, that does sound like me." Silver Sword blinked. "What do you mean by that, Edo?" She asked. Time for a new plunge. "Listen, Princess," I said, softly but seriously. "When I woke up, not even remembering my own name, that tends to make me afraid of a few things." She nodded, and I continued. "So when Twilight told me that we were married, I was ecstatic. This kind, caring pony was married to me? When she told me about you, Forest, Cherry, and Azure, I became... suspicious of myself. I mean... what kind of man would I have to be to have more than one wife, right? Am I a disgusting rich and powerful weirdo, or..." A wing slapped across my face. I recovered, then saw that Silver stared at me with a hard face. Her features softened. She sighed with her eyes closed, and then drew me in for a hug. While rubbing her face against mine, the Princess said, "You've always been gentlemanly with me, you big dumb idiot." She hummed. "That's what convinced me to join you on the ship. If there were more evils like Peace out there, and you were going out there to fight them, who was I to stay behind? I nearly told the other girls to come with me, too." She sighed. "Maybe I should've." She held me just a bit tighter. "But Residuum needed their champions, and I needed mine." I rubbed my little princess's back. "Speaking of Residuum," I wondered aloud. "How has that place been doing these days?" "It's been a while," Silver admitted. She then grinned. "Do you remember that the ponies there swore allegiance to you? It's a core world of your Protectorate, now." I raised my eyebrows. "Did they, now?" I pondered, even as my brain itched away at the fog. I blinked hard. Silver just nodded, and continued, doing her best to bury her muzzle in my neck, "After the victory, and before we left, the news got out that we could join a greater Imperium, one that honors eternal alliances between men and ponies. I was, of course, the first and biggest advocate of the union, even if..." I let Silver go, looking her in the eyes. "Even if what, Princess?" I asked. Silver rolled her neck, popping a few times. "Even if there was a nightmare of paperwork to go through!" She groaned throatily. "We had to conduct a worldwide census, a worldwide survey, and then the House Hassia Mechanicus guys came and did it again themselves anyway! So stupid," Silver lamented. "But... it was worth it. After we saw what we could do for you after all you did for us, we joined the Imperium of Man and Equus as a member-world of the Hassian Protectorate." More itching. More images from the fog. The planet of Residuum becoming greener. The gold of cities spreading across the land and even reclaiming the craters. "After a referendum, it was decided that Residuum would become a fortress world. We were safe, and we were going to stay safe, Hope's Light as my witness," swore Princess Silver. "The four of us became the Residuum Tetrarchy, and I stayed aboard your ship. My friends... appointed chancellors, and got to work fortifying our world against any and all threats." She nodded, and continued, "In that, I am glad for the Hassian House Mechanicus branch." I tried to preempt Silver by asking, "That'd be Magos Polarscale and his servants, right?" Silver nodded, and, after a moment, boasted, with a hoof to her chest, "I think we even give your nephews a run for their money with what we've built!" Nephews? "Nephews?" I asked, terror gripping my heart. Seeing my new state, Silver flapped her wings and stammered, "Uh, uh, anyway! Residuum now ranks as the highest-rated military center for the Hassian Protectorate! Our regiments are the finest in the Mercator Guard! And... and even those Imperium Intelligence guys train with us!" I raised an eyebrow. I quizzed, "That'd be guys like Reginald, right?" She nodded. "That's right," she affirmed. "Part spy agency, part monster hunting guild... in my opinion. I mean, why else would they train with us? We're sorta at the forefront of experience fighting big and nasty things. Some call them 'Inquisitors', but I don't really see it." My brain itched again. I scratched my head, knowing damn well it wouldn't help anything. I was feeling plenty warm now. Even so, what had happened had drained me again, making me feel like I wasn't really getting anywhere with my physical therapy. I stretched, groaning. "I feel better, but still terrible." "Well," Silver Sword said. "That's what happens when you bleed from every pore. Your implants are all gone, too. Slagged when you..." She noticed the look of horror on my face. "Sorry. I forgot you forgot that you're used to this." Instead of asking about... being used to horrifically injuries, I instead asked, "I-...Implants?" Silver raised an eyebrow. "Honey," she told me. "I'm your wife, not your doctor." "Right," I noted. "That would be Polarscale. Speaking of which, I'm still not sure how the... wife thing even happened." From behind me, I could hear Twilight saying, "It was my idea." I whipped around as fast as I could, and asked, frightened, "You?!" Taken aback, Twilight simply nodded. "Yes," she began, as she rounded the couch. "Our own union was very complicated. It... became a union of two peoples as much as it was a personal marriage between two individuals who loved each other very much. After Princess Silver Sword started to get really close to you... I really couldn't say no, could I?" "Oh, Twilight," I said, drawing her into a hug. "I'm so sorry." I buried my face in her neck. "What are you sorry for, silly?" Twilight said, softly. "It wasn't always politics. It was just..." "Extraordinary circumstances," I finished for her. I almost growled, "I will make it work, Twilight. I promise." Twilight shivered in my arms, but said, "I have no doubt that you will... hm. Rogue Trader." She withdrew from the hug and made a new report, saying, "There was an emergency meeting. We needed to talk about what happened, but we needed to be careful." I looked behind me, and I saw Polarscale again, who regarded me with a bow. "This hasn't happened before," I hazard a guess. "Has it?" "No, and..." Twilight shivered. "It scares me, Edo." Polarscale stepped forward and announced, "I am sorry, Princesses, Rogue Trader. With your permission... I must operate immediately." I grimaced, and asked, "I won't like this, will I?" Polarscale shook his head. He said, confidently, "I am your Doctor, Rogue Trader, and your Engineer. You will be fine." "Fine," I resigned myself as I rose. "Let's get it over with." > 7 - Reassembly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Surgery complete. Bionic system network repaired. Lord Captain reassembled. Rousing..." A claw poked my forehead. I twitched, much too tired to actually get up, but Polarscale was having none of it. He poked me again. "I bid you to rise, Rogue Trader," He poked me once more. I groaned. This time, I did make an honest attempt to rise. It wasn't fast enough, apparently, so Polarscale placed a hand on my upper back and grabbed my arm, and growled, "Get up, Edo." My eyes snapped open as pain shot through my head. It was like the itching from before, but more intense. An image appeared in my mind. Polarscale's young face. It was covered in blood. He was showing his teeth and pained red eyes, and he had no augments on his body whatsoever. I blinked, and the image gave way to Magos Polarscale, Prime Enginseer, and Personal Physician. I grabbed Polarscale's arms, covered as they were by the robes he was wearing. I panted. I gasped as Polarscale looked me over. "Apologies," he said. "I don't know what came over me." "You..." I breathed. "You were covered in blood. Smaller. You didn't have any machine... parts," I recalled, the image still fresh in my mind, if not my eyes. "A memory," I realized aloud as Polarscale nodded. "The day we met, Edo," the dragon explained. "And the day you saved my life." More pain. Another image. "Oh, days," I moaned. "Your legs are gone." I shook in a violent shiver. I looked at my hands, covered in blood. Polarscale's blood. I was desperately tying tight knots and using whatever bandages I had. I looked at Polar's mechanical legs. They were much better than the prosthetics I helped him learn to walk on... back... back in Equestria. I gripped my head. My legs and my back ached from carrying Polarscale. But that was so long ago... or was it happening right now? I choked. "Ponyville," I gasped, out of breath. "I have to get you back to Ponyville." Looking around, Polarscale grabbed my arms. He told me, reassuringly, "You did, Edo. You did." I looked down, seeing my torso. I was lousy with scars. They ached. A new surgical bandage covered my sternum. "Where am I?" I hoarsely asked. "You, Lord Captain, are in Chirurgeon Unit 1 of the First Medicae Station aboard," reminded the Magos. He sighed, then added, "Surgery room in one of the ship's hospitals. Your ship." I remember... a mess of hair and teeth. I wondered. "What... what even took your legs, anyway?" Polarscale lifted my head up to meet his eyes. He thought for a moment, then remarked, "I... never found out. One of those beasts of Equestria that never got named." I nodded, remembering more of that weird thing. Another flash of pain, and I remember the knife I used. "It was like..." I recalled aloud, "A really hairy squig, I think." "If..." Polarscale said, uncertainty in his voice. "If you say so." "That is," I recalled, holding my hand up, in a grip. "That is... before I used my knife to re-enact...." Another flash of pain, and I couldn't even finish my joke, let alone remember what I was going to say. "Re-enact..." I coughed and sagged forward. Polarscale looked around the room, and I followed his gaze. It was empty, save for sterile medical machines and the white bulkheads and decking. He shuddered and sighed, then pulled me in for a hug. I was just about smothered by robe and dragon, and I returned the gesture as best I could as the fog of memory cleared from my mind. My breathing steadied. We remained like that for a little while, before I had the thought to say, "Thank you, Polarscale." He nodded, and said, recalling, "You held me just like this at Ponyville General. I... was damaged beyond repair... beyond the abilities of the ponies. My life was over. That was it for me. You..." I remembered. I mentioned, "I helped you back to life. You still had your arms, your wings." He nodded. He sighed next to my ear. He pulled me tighter against the metal and scales of his chest. "You are my best friend," he emphasized. "I... wouldn't trade that time with you for anything, not even my old legs back." I grinned. I teased, "Doesn't hurt to have some new ones, does it?" Polarscale chuckled. "Oh, that came later," he reminded me, threatening to pierce the fog again. He released me, and I was able to stand up from the operating table. I looked at the scars on my chest. "You saved my life," I recalled. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Guess that makes us even, huh?" "No," denied Polarscale. I looked up to meet his eyes. "It means we are indebted to each other forever, Dragon Lord and Omnissiah as my witness." I smiled. "Guess I can live with that," I concluded. "Come," Polarscale said. "Other matters demand your attention." I wasn't really sure what I was expecting when I entered the ship's Astro-Comms center. Perhaps a giant room full of radios, or... devices that looked like radios. But when I entered, I saw stars. The room was a sphere, a map, but not a map. Stars twinkled and shone, as though they were from a real night sky, not a display. The entrance gave way to a walkway, an arching bridge. In the center of the room sat a platform, and a throne. The platform was held up by yet another machine, busy with cables and blinking lights. I took a tentative step, looking at the back of the throne. I knew there was somebody in there, but I also... sensed it. Not with eyes. Not with smell. Not with sound. I looked at the false night sky, not knowing if it really was a false night sky. We were suspended not in the bowels of a ship, but suspended in infinity. I took a few more steps, a growing confidence clanging my boots against the steel walkway. Slowly, the chair rotated and its occupant greeted me. A man, a pale, bald, gaunt-looking guy. He wore pale robes, as well as the usual psyker accouterments. He lifted up his head, gray eyes meeting mine. "Lord Captain," said the impossibly ancient seer. "You have one new message." I blinked. "What?" I asked, dumbfounded. The stars did not know, for they were only stars. The Astropath, whose name I was told was Harc von Scor, ignored my question and continued, "Message one..." He dipped his head, shook violently, then raised his head again. He said, in a voice no longer his own, "Rogue Trader Edo, if you are receiving this, return to Hassia at once. I am en route with Rogue Traders Ricarda and Cota. We have much to discuss." The voice had been... eerily calm and casual for having possessed this guy. The Astropath's head fell limp before Harc could regain control of himself. He smacked his lips. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you okay?" I asked, sincerely. That did not look like fun. He was somehow even paler than before, but he waved me off. I could smell ozone, even as Harc reported, "That always happens when one of your nephews is calling." Huh? "Lord Captain," Astropath Harc interrupted my thoughts. "What is your reply?" I rolled my neck. He and I spoke, in perfect unison, "I still have to rescue those space marines. I'll come to Hassia after I... what are you doing? ...Over and out." The Astropath shook in his chair. "Alright," I decided to say. I looked at poor Harc, before I told him, "Take care of yourself, now. Get some color on your skin." He raised an eyebrow. I insisted, "You're as pale as a ghost, man. Get some help." For good measure, I even commanded, "And that's an order from your Lord Captain." After a pause, he nodded, and I paused. Looking at the stars. "They are very pretty today," I really did thought they were. Unsure of what to say to that, Harc simply agreed, "Yes, Lord Captain. They are." I turned around on the catwalk and departed. Today was gonna be like any other; more questions than answers. Back in my Captain's Quarters. On the big chair, my throne away from my throne. The Bridge was full of activity, as usual, but I... didn't need to be there. Briefly, I tried to imagine the distance that we would be traveling for this mission. However, I got stuck on the part where I imagined the Milky Way because I had no idea where we started and where we were going. I popped another treat into my mouth. Dry, puffy, and cheesy. I looked at the crinkling bag. "Caseus-Pattern Imperi-Os". That... sounds about right. Mass-produced food-stuffs. Needs must, I suppose. I chewed and swallowed. I could do without my grinning face on the bag, though. I'll have to tell someone to change that. Someone like Azure, who was also munching on some Imperi-Os. We sat there a while, not saying anything, just enjoying our mutual snacks. The fireplace was on, a simulated fire. I sighed. "I did a little bit of reading," I said to Azure. "I liked the story of your kingdom." She nodded. "Verily," she agreed. "It is a most rousing tale." I looked into her green eyes. More silence. I popped another of the "Imperi-Os" into my mouth. It didn't get any better. I recalled the tale as I read it, "The feudal world of Pretant was in civil war. I intervened... and chose your side over your... daughter's. Now, the most elite knights of Pretant serve Hassia as House Hassia." She nodded. "Verily," said Azure, with a sigh. "It is so. We became House Hassia to better represent you and the Protectorate." I worked my mouth, breathing. "I am glad I was able to end it... peaceably," I remarked. "Since it seems your knights ride big robots." Azure smiled. "Verily," repeated Azure, annoyingly. "You are a masterful negotiator." She ate another Imperi-O... cheese puff. I then repeated what I now knew about the end of the tale. "To further our alliance, you and a... detachment of knights joined me on the Mercy of the Stars and formed a new Knight House in my name." "Verily." My eyebrow twitched. I fought to keep myself calm. "So our marriage," I said, unsure. "Was nothing but a political move? There's no romance in it at all?" I had not meant to be this accusatory. Azure tilted her head, thinking about my question. Then, she smiled. "There can be," she told me. "Truthfully, that was how I saw it at first. Just another deal with another noblepony—who's not a pony—to stop a war and secure my position as Princess of Pretant. I saw an opportunity to keep on questing, and you could take me from my insane daughter, Sober Shield. See how she actually likes running among those needy nobles." A flash of light, and I found Azure in my lap. She kissed me. She smelled of crusty cheese. She stretched, popping a few vertebrae, and said, "Fret not... my Rogue Trader," she said softly. "You won my heart fair and square. Thou canst be quite the courtier when you desirest." Instead of saying anything else, I stole a puff from Azure's bag with a cheeky smirk. In spiteful revenge, she took one from my bag. I pressed a finger against her snout. I declared, "You are my adorable little knight pony." She escalated, with half-lidded eyes, "We hath sired many sons and daughters, Edo Von Hassia." Much to my growing horror, she continued, with a nasty grin, "The Von Hassia dynasty spreads like a tree to cover the whole of your protectorate." My eyes bugged out. My heart seized. My gut wrenched. My limbs froze, icy fire crawling up my fingers and toes. With teeth showing, Azure hit me with a final blow, "Your other wives... were just as fertile." I... I—the amulet! I... choked and fainted. A splash of water on my face. It smelled and tasted of cherry. Azure closed the canteen, smirking. She hoofed me a napkin. I sighed. I glared at Azure, and then she grinned, sheepishly. "I'm sorry," she said, slightly ashamed. "I know it's been a rough few days for you." I got up, forcing Azure to take flight. I moaned. "Surprises... when it rains, it pours. How many?" I asked. "I..." Azure thought aloud as she landed. "I'm not telling you that right now... even if I knew." Ice gripped my chest. An echo of laughter pealed in my ears as my brain hurt. "That many, huh?" I gasped. Diplomatically, Azure said, "Why don't we..." She thought for a moment. "Let us sally forth and tarry a while in the Memorial hall. It's a place I like to visit often." A memorial hall. Sounds humble. "Yes," I replied, as she led the way. "Let's." The first thing I remarked on, other than the fact that wherever I visit, the ship seems emptied, was that the memorial hall was not humble in the slightest. The same gold embellishing decorations were everywhere, along with a thousand different trophies, memorial plaques, murals, and portraits. My endless victories. My noble triumphs. It made me feel like I was Mythology. Perhaps I was. Whatever doubts I had, whatever secret conspiracies might've taken root in my mind, nothing could have prepared me for the overwhelming amount of mythos that I was now confronted with. Was I being manipulated by those around me? Was I a pawn of fate? Was I even my own master, or did something else control me, something I couldn't see? I looked at the engraved images of myself. Larger than life. Larger than me. Larger than sense. I possessed uncountable riches. I commanded legions unnumbered. I ruled over a hundred worlds. I loved many with a bottomless heart. My titles and deeds were uncountable. The very look on the face of the images around me seemed to mock me. Especially... her. That portrait. It was of a woman. Human. Her blonde hair was done up, a monolith of arrogance kept in place with golden pins and chains, capped by a tiny tricorn hat. Her face... my brain hurt. She was Ricarda Cremont Lomathier, an Auric Rogue Trader. My peer. My equal. My neighbor and my nemesis. Her face and expression promised many womanly things, good and bad. That smile and those knowing purple eyes that promised, "I'll greet you or I'll tease you, and you'll never know which." She wore a noblewoman's red, gold, black dress, from the collar that cupped her massive hairdo above her head, to the corset which cupped her... large assets, which she flaunted with white frills. She held in her arms and on her shoulder a pole hammer, with gold-leaf engravings up and down the dark pole. The hammer portion glowed with runes and invisible energies, the accompanying vertical spike and rear-facing beak a very threatening combination. A wicked weapon for the best-wicked woman I ever knew. It wasn't even a question. "You remember her, Rogue Trader," noted Azure. "She may be your peer, but she is not your equal. Remember that." I nodded, shocked by Azure's words, and moved on with a shiver. If what I was feeling now was any indication, that part of my history could stay buried for a little while longer, I felt. For now... time to deal with the elephant in the room. Rather, the many renditions of me in the room. "I don't know if that's me," I wondered aloud, as we walked down the large corridor. "Like I'm a ghost pretending to be him, or something. I hope I'm still worthy of it all." Azure stopped. She looked at all the trophies, the portraits, the murals, the mythology of it all. "I... had no idea you felt that way," she said. "I think... we are not our reputations." I paused. I looked at all the gold, the imagery, the... idols. I looked at my hands. I recalled the golden light that hospitalized me not that long ago. It seems... "It seems mighty close to deification," I remarked. Azure turned around, eyes widening. "What did they tell you of my newest injury?" I asked, earnestly. "That..." Azure recalled with a twitch in her eyes before looking back at mine. "Thou... you pushed yourself too hard in the Psykhanium." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I turned my gaze inward, and... there it was again. A light, like the radiance and warmth of a star. A fire, unquenchable. A sun, unconquered. Was this always there? "In a sense," I slowly said. "Yes. Though, it depends..." I closed my mind's hand around the light. I dared, "On if I was able to do this before." I brought the light to the waking world, turning everything golden. Radiance beyond light. Hope beyond the end of all things. It took all my might to bring it to bear, and... like a muscle I never used before, ultimately lost invisible footing and the light dissipated. I fell to the deck plating, panting. I tasted ashes. I wiped my brow. No blood. At least that was a good sign. Azure, shaking herself out of her stupor, rushed to my side at once. "By the House! What in all of Pretant was that?!" She screamed in an accent I'd never heard before. The sound of it caused me to wonder aloud, "Huh?" She shook her head, and asked, insistently, "Are you okay, Edo?" I looked into her green eyes. She was afraid for me. "I'm guessing that's a no, then," I surmised, unsurprised. "You..." Azure thought aloud, her emerald eyes searching me for an answer. "I don't care what this means, or how we'll deal with this... I just need to know that it'll all be fine." "...I promise," I lied, after a moment. "It'll all be fine." I knew full well I couldn't promise anything, but... maybe I could keep it after all. After all, I am a Rogue Trader, and I can do anything. Right? Nodding, Azure cleared her throat. She then advised, "I'd... try not to do that any time soon, though. The Navigators seemed really annoyed. Like they were... hit with a stumm grenade." A what? She shook her head. "A stun grenade," she said, more precisely. "Of a minor manufactory." An off-brand stun grenade? Somehow, the thought makes me laugh. To answer her question more substantively, I rose to my feet, unsteady, and then said, "I... feel tired, like I've used something new, like..." Azure shushed me with a hoof to the leg, and suggested, "Let's... just rally back, okay? You can tell me and the others all about it later." I nodded, and we had a nice walk back. > 8 - Skirmish in the Void > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Azure and I were headed back to the Captain's Quarters. The hallways and elevators that lies between us and our destinations were often crowded with people, people who always stopped to bow at the sight of us. That's a royal privilege for you. Humans, ponies, and more. All looking to me with reverence... and with sadness. They knew I was lost. Did they think I could not lead? Before I doubted myself even more, alarms sounded. Without waiting for orders, my crewmen (and ponies) sprung into action. Before I could even ask what this newest crisis was, I was spirited away to the Bridge, a magical trick of Princess Azure Fire. I coughed, mind and body still reeling from the impossible compression and decompression of magical teleportation. Hooves helped me to sit down on my Lord Captain's Throne. More flashes of light at my side indicated the presence of my little Princesses. I wait for the feeling of snakes in my gut to subside. "Report," I command. "We are ready for transition back into real space," said a voice from the Throne. It was Ameliki. "And, Lord Captain... please refrain from... experimenting when we're in the warp. Navigators have difficulty guiding a ship if blinded by... the Rogue Trader's presence." I grimaced and rubbed my mouth. "Understood. Sorry," I said, shrinking from his tone of voice. It carried the same long-suffering impatience that a parent would have if a child turned on a bright light inside their car. I blinked at the thought, even as it retreated back into the fog of my mind. "Are we ready, then?" I asked, flexing my hands. From the chair's vox system came the answer, "We are, Lord Captain." I breathed deeply. "Get us out of here." At once, I felt rather than saw a rift in the warp ahead of our ship. It was as though a break in the tendril clouds had been forcibly parted, and we escaped through it. As soon as the ship left the warp, a pressure on my skull lifted, one that I forgot was even there. Even with our protection, the warp's malice was felt. I was not looking forward to going back in again. I saw the stars again as the window plates lifted. I smile and shiver. "Thank you, Navigator," I said, absentmindedly. I sat up when I what was an unmistakable sight; a planet, a white pearl suspended in the void. At my side, I saw Princess Twilight Sparkle hum, and then announce, "Rogue Trader, welcome to PS-25222-2." I whistled. "Must not have named it yet. Lucky us. We'll name it..." I stared at it. "Pearly White, or something." Giggling, Twilight Sparkle remarked, "Perhaps we will, Rogue Trader. For now, we have our mission. Helmsman, take us in." So there was a Helmsman aboard this ship! I saw him, a very pale, augmented old man bow to Twilight Sparkle. I didn't need to do the job of steering this mountain of a ship! I allowed myself a smile. Little victories... Twilight saw my smile and asked, softly, with a laugh, "What? Did you think you had to steer?" I gestured towards the wheel in front of us as I nodded. "Well..." she considered. "Fair enough. I think you can do combat maneuvers with that." She looked at me seriously. "I wouldn't recommend it right now, though." I nodded. "So where is this artifact? Reginald!" I waited until the batpony walked up to my throne, and then I heard his report. His voice was professional and level. "The alien object that the Word Bearers were meant to scout out was in orbit of this word, PS-25... Pearly White." I smirked. Reginald rolled his eyes and departed from the Throne. I glanced around the bridge, at all the expectant eyes. "Let's take a look, then. Have we got eyes on anything yet?" Somebody shouted, "Auspex sweep still in progress!" I watched the pearl of a world slowly grow larger in the frontal window. I held up a hand and tried to clutch it. I rubbed it between my fingers and idly thought about how much this planet would be worth to me. That's what a Rogue Trader does, right? He finds a planet and makes a judgment on its value? From here, it didn't resemble a massive celestial object as much as it did a marble I could pluck out of the air and put around my neck, like a trophy. I saw a few metal necklaces laced with marbles back in my Captain's Quarters. It must be a physical collection of worlds that I owned. A physical representation of what I was responsible for. As the planet, dubbed "Pearly" grew larger and larger in the view, it looked less and less like something I could put on a necklace and more like an infinite round canvas, broken up by mountain ranges, valleys... and scars. I was fairly certain what I was seeing might more be described as ravines, but the feeling I got from them was... sad. I couldn't put my finger on why, other than the fact that a planet having scars implies... very not good things. Finally, the silence of the bridge manning their stations and everyone not working trying to pierce Pearly with their eyes was broken up by the Auspex guy announcing, "We've got something! Low orbit, but we've got something!" "Take us over," I called out. "Let's see what brought our Space Marines out here." Now, Pearly White dominated the view of the windows, with the bridge crew shivering to imagine the cold that would await them down on the planet. The ship itself was pointed towards... something. I must have seen it first. A giant structure in space. It was a giant, bone-white, crescent-shaped... thing. It itched my brain to look at it, but I heard Twilight Sparkle gasp loudly. I traced my eyes on some diamond shapes that were built onto the lowest point of the crescent, the function of which I could not even begin to guess. Softly, she said aloud, "It's an Aeldari warp gate." I turned to my Princess. "Twilight?" She shook her head and met my eyes with hers. "It's... an alien gateway, used to access an entirely different dimension of space." Azure nodded, and added, "The Webway." Silver Sword scoffed. With no small amount of mockery, she said, "From how dangerous it sounds, it might as well call it 'the white warp', like how we just left 'the purple warp'." My brain hurts now. The Emperor was interested in this stuff... that, I remember. "So," I mused. "There's an alien techy thing. Where are the Marines?" "Auspex reads negative for Legion Astartes ships, Rogue Trader!" A mystery, but one whose answers were starting to form in my mind. Aliens, probably. An alarm from one of the terminals. A voice cried out, "Sensor contacts! Hostiles! Closing!" Damnit all. I wasted no time barking out, "Battle stations!" Red lights blared on, and an alarm horn sounded, strangely familiar. "How many?" I demanded. "Three escorts!" "Seneschal!" I shouted and turned to Spike. "Break their ranks!" He bowed, and then shouted out more orders with waves of a hand as he reared back up, the other holding a data slate. "Acquire the targets! Flank speed ahead!" The ship's view wheeled around as we re-oriented to face the closing ships. I couldn't see them yet, but that doesn't change the situation on the bridge. "What sort of aliens are we fighting today?" I asked aloud. "From the auspex readings... Drukhari!" Shouted Mister Auspex Guy. I leaned over to Twilight, and asked, quietly, "Is that like... 'eldari'?" She nodded, a grim frown forming on her face. "Very wicked aliens. Resistant to things like kindness or empathy." Princess Silver Sword concurred, "It's always a mercy kill fighting those things." Azure couldn't help but chuckle. "It'll never cease to amaze to me that the most effective way to interrogate one is to hold it in a plush room full of nice ponies. Their poor minds can't process it." Finally, Forest Grace chipped in, saying, "They're cursed by the very entity they're trying to desperately to get away from." My brain itched. Not now. Whatever these "druccary" are, they're about to get a taste of fury. "Fire as she bears, Spike," I said with growing irritation. "I'm in no mood for a prolonged engagement." With Naval professionalism, Spike straightens out and orders the first weapons to be fired. "Torpedoes away!" I saw points of light eject from our bow, six missiles... torpedoes arcing away and toward the points of light. At once, I finally saw where the enemy ships had to be since their wicked-looking laser guns immediately fired at our volley. More than that, the previously hidden ships now revealed themselves from the darkness, shedding whatever protection from sight must have been used earlier. Spike grinned, as a hunter grins at a prey who just fouled up. "Fire lance batteries!" The ship swings and a supermassive laser cannon beneath the ship fires first, a burst of golden light cutting its way through space to strike at the left-most ship of the formation. It breaks apart in an orange-purple fireball, much to my wide-eyed expression of wonder. The bridge crew cheered, a jubilous sound that cut through the haze of fear that built over me. The two other alien ships broke off, re-engaging whatever it was that shielded them from my sight. The torpedoes tracked targets only they could see, and exploded. It was too much to hope that we'd finish them all off at once, I supposed. Before anything else, I thought to shout, "Good hit, crew! Let's have another!" Another cheer. Maybe this "void combat" thing was a breeze. "They're on our sides!" I really should stop tempting fate. The bridge shook as the shields took a battering from the port and the starboard, the hateful energies threatening to pierce the shields and hulls to hurt the ship. My ship. My crew. My breath came in ragged gasps. I saw the two vessels out the windows now, which at this distance looked more like flying gray daggers than anything else. "Fire broadside lasers!" I shrieked. "Kill them!" The turrets on both sides of the ship fired, the same golden light piercing and bracketing the attackers. They didn't quite explode, but they didn't escape unscathed, either. I even saw bits of pieces fly off and bounce off the ship... they didn't bounce. "All hands, we're boarded!" Shouted Spike. "Fire the plasma macros as they bear!" The enemy ships had crisscrossed above the ship's beam, only to find themselves engulfed in blue fire from below the laser guns I could see. They exploded, much to the delight of the bridge crew. The sound reverberated across my bones and unsettled my stomach. How many aliens did we just kill? How many are attacking us on our own ship? "Status?" I asked. Spike set his slate into a pocket and placed a clawed hand to his ear. After a moment of listening, he reported, "We're seeing fighting on multiple decks. The Militia and the Guard wants blood today. Orders?" I could imagine, no, hear the sound of distant fighting. Gunshots, screaming... "Prisoners are always valuable, Spike," said Princess Twilight Sparkle. "See to it." I stood up, hand on sword. "Stop the attack," I added. "Any alien that falls into our hands..." I paused. "Will have a most interesting conversation with our Agent." Princess Silver Sword rolled her eyes. "Throw them to the wolves, why don't you?" "Enough," I said. "We rally to the breach points." Everybody stared at me. "What?" In answer, I heard Polarscale's voice, calm and even, "Breaching vectors quarantined. Bulkheads sealed. Enemy isolated. Sector autogun turrets online. Gas dispensed at breach points. Sector combat teams deploying..." I sat down and rubbed one of my wrists. "Oh," was all I had to offer. Princess Twilight giggled. "We're very practiced at this, Lord Captain," she reassured me. I could still hear the fighting, the dying. Everyone on the bridge was acting so casually. "Don't you hear that?" I asked. Twilight's ears twitched. She looked around, and asked, "Hear what?" "The fighting below," I insisted with a gesture of my hand. Azure looked around, and said, worried, "Edo, they're half a kilometer of metal ahead and several decks below us." My brain buzzed. A grenade went off below with a rattling bang, but nobody on the bridge noticed. I gripped the seat's armchairs. Was I really so far away that I shouldn't hear it? I gulped. A pair of hooves wrapped around me. It was Forest Grace. "Whatever's wrong," she cooed. "We'll take care of it." I sure hope so. I saw Spike, who looked at me with studious eyes. I sighed, trying to block the noise of the battle out with my voice. "What's the normal MO for after a space battle, Seneschal?" At this, Spike allowed himself a small laugh. "We loot, Rogue Trader. We can send out shuttles to take trophies and valuables from the wrecks of their ships. We can send out the shuttles while we scan the planet for signs of the Word Bearer Space Marines." The fighting had begun to dim. Only a few were left. I nodded. "Make it so," I commanded as I stood, staring at the now-distant gate... thing. I held my hands behind my back. "Perhaps these intruders will hold some clue." "We can only hope, Rogue Trader," the Seneschal said as he bowed and departed. I continued to stare. My head itches. I closed my eyes. I steadied my breathing. The ship had finally gone still, aside from the pulse of the engines, the chattering of the bridge crew, the whir of machinery, and... hoof steps moving towards me. I turned to see Twilight Sparkle, who first regarded the gate, then me. She cleared her throat, then suggested, "We ought to deploy a minefield around the gate. Keep any more bad guys from jumping on us." I nodded, and she departed, presumably to give more orders. I stood on the bridge for a while, the din of battle and the feeling of adrenaline finally leaving my system, leaving me as tired as I ever was since I woke up that fateful day. However, I can sleep when I've found those marines and gotten the ship on its... her way home. I finally thought back to what I knew. A ship, of the Space Marines, came through here, on the orders of the Emperor. Those orders had to do with the gate that I'm now staring at. Was it to confirm its location? Destroy it? ...Use it? I shook my head. So, if these wicked aliens attacked the Space Marines, and they were outmatched. What next? Did the Space Marines perish? Get captured? That option made my brain itch with ice. I thought briefly about if the Space Marines even needed help, but the fact that we were on a rescue mission put an end to that thought. That just left the system and its lone ice planet. There was a majestic beauty to it, one that promised a long, cold stay. Little wonder, then, that it looked remarkably uninhabited. I thought back to my marble collection... only a few were as white as this world was. Old Edo... would you have taken this planet for everything it's worth? I thought for a moment and turned my closed eye inward. Only if there was more to this world than ice and rock. I breathed, and Auspex Guy shouted again. "Lord Captain! We have a sensor contact with a crash site!" Bingo. That'll be the ship, I reckon. "Send out scouting parties," I said without hesitation. "We've got to find those Marines." After another few moments, officers shouting over each other, I hardened my eyes. I rolled my shoulders and started the walk over to and then down the steps to my Throne. I found Twilight conversing with a few men, heavily armed. As she saw me, she walked over and reported, "Minimal casualties, Lord Captain! We've even secured a few prisoners, too." I nodded, and said, "Good. Reginald will have some fun, I think. Come." I continued walking, my little Princesses on my heels. "Let us go down together," I commanded. Twilight walked in front of me and asked, with fearful eyes, "Are you sure it's a good idea, Rogue Trader? You're still recovering from..." I held up a hand. After a moment, I knelt down and cupped Twilight's face with a hand. She leaned into it with closed eyes and sighed. I smirked. "I have to make myself useful sometime, my little Princess," I teased. Polarscale walked over to me and looked me up and down. "Affirmative," he said. "The Rogue Trader's presence is not required... but exploring new worlds, especially to carry out his missions, is his prerogative." That's the best friend spirit I'm talking about. I grin. "Prior to deployment, the Lord Captain will undergo re-armaments and will equip heavy armor. Is this acceptable?" I shrug, then nod. "Good," Polarscale said as we walked to the elevator. The shuttle I rode in on was... unusually roomy. I suppose I should be used to the spaces around me being all too roomy. The wide-winged craft held me, Polarscale, and the Princesses. It lightly rocked from the flight. I could hear buzzing in Polarscale's ear. The heavy plates I first saw in my bedroom now fit me like a glove, the armored coat making me feel... quite safe... even if the armor itself is almost easy enough to forget about. It had an unnaturally light quality to it, making me wonder if it was even supposed to be considered "heavy" armor at all. But... I could trust Polarscale. I could trust the Princesses. That much... I needed to be able to hold onto, even if I wasn't sure if I should. A voice from the cockpit, transmitted over an electronic speaker, "Preparing for final approach. Landing zone is clear. First search parties are searching the wreck as we speak. Not much so far, though. Just corpses." I nodded. "What happens if we don't find any marines at the ship?" I wondered aloud. Polarscale looked at me as he pondered the question, then answered, "Statistically unlikely. Astartes are assembled to withstand extreme conditions and extreme hostility." Assembled? "As... a matter of fact... supplements, promoting body repair..." mused Polarscale as he rummaged through something. I looked over to ask him, "What..." I paused when Polarscale placed a hand on my head to tilt it. I saw his other hand lower an injector. I grimaced at the pinch, then shivered as the injector's contents immediately hit my brain. "So what's this? Medicine, or something?" My head felt funny. "Stimulants," replied Polarscale with a soft smile which turned into a frown as I swayed in my seat. I whited out. > 9 - Snow World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I smelled... fresh air? I seized the belts which held me to the shuttle seat. I looked around and heard the wind across the exit of the craft. I sat for a second, noting the stillness of my surroundings. I breathed, feeling the bitingly cold air enter my mouth and nose. I shivered, filled with... whatever it was in the stimm that Polarscale injected me with. Speaking of which... I saw the dragon just outside, standing sentry with a few others, the human Pilot Kingsley, and a Guard, who stood with a laser weapon with a backpack, and a helmet which concealed his face. I reached down and unclicked the seatbelt, a sound that caused all three to turn towards me. I finally notice Polarscale's own weapons. One was some sort of energy weapon with blue coils, mounted on a mechanical arm, and a cog-axe with a long pole with that icon of his. A dragon skull, half of it cybernetic. The three of them bowed. I stepped out of the shuttle unsteadily and onto the snow. I ignored the three of them and just took a moment to look out at the vistas. Dunes of white spread in every direction, as far as the eye can see. Dark, jagged, thorn-like rocks sprouted from the tops of some snow hills. The wind picked up white particles and carried them over the surface in currents and flurries. Makes me wish I brought a scarf. I rested a hand on the hilt of my sword and the other on my hip. My legs twitched... I needed to run. I looked down to see my left foot twitch, tapping the snow underfoot. First things first. I turned to Polarscale, still standing over me, with a scanner next to my head. "Apologies, Lord Captain," he said. "This dragon unit might've gone... overboard." I hopped from foot to foot, shaking my hands. "Too much energy," I said with a jittering voice. I turned around, and saw the shipwreck. "Need to run." So I did. The frigid air pumped through my nose and mouth. My legs almost seemed to thank me, as a big grin spread across my face. I got a better look at the crash site as I rounded the shuttle and got an unobstructed view. It was as though I was looking at a fallen god. A mountain of a machine, once regal and proud, lies broken in the icy valley. The spires that still gleam now do so at an awkward angle, obviously straining the structure. Huge turrets, still menacing, now lie scattered. I had an urge to look further at the red-painted hull of the Word Bearer Astartes ship, but I just kept running. It felt too good not to. Soon, however, I saw someone at my side. Polarscale had taken flight, using his powerful wings to easily keep pace with me. His look was one of wide-eyed surprise as he saw my grinning face. I picked up the pace, lengthening my stride... almost bounding over the snow now. Something about this place made me feel as if I could fly. I could move much more easily here than back on the ship, as if... I didn't weigh as much. Of course! I didn't weigh as much because there's less gravity here than on the ship! I laughed, then tested my theory with a leap. I covered ten meters! Snow went flying as my boots dug in at the landing. I hollered. As I did, a new question came into my head. Where were the Princesses? I looked to see Polarscale land next to me, his axe coming to a rest in the snow with a soft crunch. He bowed and reported, "We are beginning the search, Lord Captain. Only time will tell if we find anything but corpses and... stains." I looked at the fallen, stricken ship. The scattered steel and blackened ground surrounding the ship were more akin to gore than I would've liked to admit. Thick black smoke still rose from the ship. How long had it been here? As I looked, I did see small shapes flying to and fro between the spires and the debris. I had a pretty good idea, now. My little Princesses were helping the search, using their talents as alicorns to the fullest. And here I was, watching from the sidelines. I turned to Polarscale, and asked, "What can I do to help?" He tilted his head inside his hood. He had no answers for me, so I turned back to the ship. It would be a nightmare to search through... but something tells me that enough eyes were being sent here that it would only be a matter of days. Another thing that I might have to consider is... all the stuff that has to still lie on the ship. Foodstuffs, fuel, machine parts, weapons, and ammunition... so much has been invested into this ship, and not just in terms of lives or the alloys of the hull. Losing it would just be a shame, really. I smirked as I realized that reclaiming whatever was leftover from this wreck was an act of greed as much as it was an act of reclamation. Even so, I hoped primarily to rescue... whoever was left. They would be hiding in the lower levels, barricading any entrances, hoarding whatever supplies they had, and working to make their shelters survivable. I sighed and thought with my eyes closed. The sound of the wind carried with it the promise of a slow end by freezing. The sound carried much faster than the wind itself. I opened my eyes with a realization. Sound. That's it! I turned to my Magos and asked, "Can we use the ship's comms system?" He looked towards the wreckage, not really sure himself. Then, he looked at me, and said, "Let's find out." Before I could say or do anything else, Polarscale had handed his axe to a waiting bionic tentacle... mechadendrite and took to flight with me in his arms. I froze, not wanting him to drop me as I got a better view of the wreck. A dragon's eye view, one might even say. I was fully appreciative of the level of destruction from the ground but from the air? It took my breath away. Or maybe it was the fact that Polarscale had decided to take me flying. His arms held me close, and my arms were over his... with my hat, of course. Even with magic, it would not have stayed fixed on my head this time. we flew to the peak of the ship, near the rear. It had to have been the bridge. The windows were smashed, just like everything else seemed to be on this ship. I grit my teeth to see how eerily similar the bridge of this ship, "The Lamb's Embrace", was to my own. It seemed to me that it could've just as easily been my own ship that lay here, not the Lamb's Embrace. I shivered, but not from the cold. We flew in through the front window, and over the Captain's Throne. The throne was capped by an icon of an Aquila and a book containing a flame. It was scarred from a wickedly sharp blade... like the one left behind, embedded into the backrest. We set down, and Polarscale let go of me, leaving me to look around. I walked back up the blood-stained steps to the throne. Only when I rounded it did I see the alien weapon in all its... glory. Even looking at it seemed to stab me. The handle was elegant onyx, but that seemed about the safest part of the blade. It had a similarly dark body, with green decorations that did who knows what running down the length. It even integrates into the bladed handguard, which terminated in a spike. It itched my brain to look at, as if I'd spent my fair share of time trying not to get stabbed by its kind. I grasped the handle and pulled. Slowly, it retracted, until I got the hooked end entirely out. My hand started to hurt and I dropped the sword. I pulled my glove off only to see that my right hand was turning bright red. Before I could inspect the sword any further, Polarscale grabbed it and placed it in a bag. He then grabbed my wrist and sprayed disinfectant on my stinging, beet-red hand... I hissed. "Drukhari equipment is designed to inflict pain," Polarscale stated as he rubbed the hand I foolishly touched the alien weapon with. "Especially to those who aren't of their kind." I looked from what Polarscale was doing to look over the bridge, to see if there was anything else of note. There were the corpses, of course... though there were a few strange ones. Armored giants. My brain itched intensely. Armored giants with large pauldrons. Those had to be space marines. After Polarscale treated my hand, I put my glove back on and walked up to one. I knelt down beside him to take a better look. His armor was gray with gold highlights, bearing the letters "IX" on one pauldron, and the symbol of his legion on the other. A book, containing a fire. His knightly beaked helmet bore a gold laurel wreath. I also noticed the dark crimson robes that partially covered his power armor. A great silver sword lay at his side, as well as a giant pistol with a large bore. My brain itched. It was a bolter pistol. There was something else to the shape of this square-ish pistol that caused my brain to itch, but nothing was forthcoming. The armor looked remarkably intact, so I didn't immediately see any wounds or breaches in the armor that could've caused this giant to die. I stared into the eyes of the knightly helm, almost expecting to see eyes staring back. I stood up and watched as Polarscale tinkered with a console on the bridge, restoring its power with whispers to its... spirit. The green screen of the console scrolled with numbers and letters, words and phrases too fast for me to really track with my eyes. I looked to see more corpses, more fallen giants as well as humans... and ponies. For some reason, that disturbed me the most. I walked over to one, again in the same fashion of robes that the first giant was wearing. Her deep peach fur was stained with dark blood, and her closed eyes were almost peaceful in her fallen state. I knelt down, and placed a hand on her head, sighing. I heard a sound behind me. I turned around and froze. The giant had stood up, weapons in his hands. Thankfully, Polarscale had noticed too, though he seemed merely surprised, not tensing up for a fight. The Space Marine looked between me and Polarscale, then sheathed his gargantuan sword, holstered his pistol, and lowered into a kneeling position, the weight borne by the deck plating. He placed his hands on his torso, his hands displayed in what I recognized as the sign of the Aquila. I heard him speak, voice amplified through a synthetic speaker in the helmet. "Thank the Master. I prayed... but did not dare hope. The Emperor sends us deliverance in the form of the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia, Tuteor of Aurelian." What? A low, intense itch like a buzz started in my head. It was almost as if someone was screaming something important to me, but it was utterly incomprehensible. I rose to my feet. Without knowing what proper protocol to follow, I settled on a simple bow. I cleared my throat, and spoke, in as confident a voice as I could muster. "Rise, and report. Start with your name." "Yes, Rogue Trader," said the giant as he rose to his feet, causing my neck no small amount of pain. "I am Captain Shem of the Word Bearers Legion, Ninth Company. I... was the Shipmaster of this vessel, but a xenos ambush drove us to crash here." I nodded. "We took care of that," I said. "Who else has survived?" Bitterly, Shem reported, "We're still getting a headcount, but the losses were high. No doubt, many of my family are already in the Dark City." That caused the itching to become worse, but now was not the time to crawl into a ball and cry. I turned to the other living occupant in the room. "Polarscale," I called out. "How's the vox network looking?" The dragon turned back to the console, and hissed, saying, "The Machine Spirit objects, but obeys. What is your will?" He already knew, but... thanks for asking. I turned back to the Captain, and instructed, "Let the ship hear your voice, Captain. Inform your crew that the Rogue Trader will welcome them aboard his ship." Shem bowed and walked over to the console. He tapped a few keys and leaned over. "This is Captain Shem," he announced. I could hear the sound carried in the lower corridors. "The Rogue Trader Edo Von Hassia has found us. If you can hear this, proceed outside the Lamb's Embrace. Shuttles will be waiting outside to take us to his ship." After a moment, he added, "The Emperor Protects." I rub my hand, still itching from the treatment. I walk up to the vox. I probably should offer a few words, as well. "This is Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia. The aliens who shot down your ship are dead. If you feel like trying to settle down on this snowball of a planet beneath the xenos gateway, then be my guest. If you want to leave, here's your chance. I hereby invite you all to my ship, where we'll depart for Imperial space." Softly, I asked Polarscale, "How's that?" Trying not to make a face, Polarscale simply said, "Adequate. We'll still sweep the ship as best we can. Let us return." I nodded as I saw the Princesses fly into the bridge through the windows. It had been some days since we finally arrived at the snowball planet. I hadn't been down again since I visited the wreck of the Lamb's Embrace. We were still in the system, carrying out mining of the warp gate, as well as salvaging what we could of the Lamb's Embrace and the Drukhari ships we obliterated. Hopefully, now that all the excitement is over, I can finally slow down again and make sense of everything. Heaven knows I need to still reorient myself in this new reality. I sat on my Captain's Throne, idly stroking my hand on Twilight's back. She laid on my lap, all tuckered out from another expedition to the Lamb's Embrace. The last, she had said, before promptly collapsing on my lap, expecting pampering. She's lucky I'm such a nice guy. Although... I thought as I scratched her neck. I was on a big chair, petting a pony in my lap. It did make me feel somewhat like a villain. Perhaps I was... for unlucky suckers. With my other hand, I made a finger gun at the point in space where I saw the last of the returning shuttles. I made a soft noise and recoiled my hand. I giggled to myself. Silly aliens, don't they know that they oppose Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia? I heard a voice behind me. It was Shem. "Rogue Trader." I reached for the throne console and flicked a switch. It rattled around, coming to a halt where I could see the space marine Captain and many of his subordinates, also clad in giant armor. I blinked as I saw Shem's chiseled bronze features for the first time. His helmet was in his hands, as were the helmets of the Astartes that assembled on the bridge. I could see war veterans, hair grayed by age. All of them had eyes that burned through me as though I were a memory of all the foes they defeated. Their burning gaze was full of reverence, however. Shem took the initiative and knelt before me, followed by the other giants. "We thank thee for our deliverance from the hands of the enemy. Providence provided for us when we are fallen into doubt and darkness," said Captain Shem, almost as if in prayer. Twilight's ears twitched. He held up a little red book. I could barely see the golden words printed on it, though I could make out three. Pain shot through my skull, threatening to make me double over in my seat. "We keep the faith you showed to our Gene-Father. The faith that you defied even the Emperor to keep." I focused. I had to ask a few things before memory can have me. I spoke over the Captain, asking, "What was your mission here?" Having been sufficiently interrupted, Shem and his marines rose. He said aloud, "The Emperor tasked us with scouting this alien artifact, to be sure of its location, and if possible, secure it and hold it." I nodded. "I have ordered a minefield set around the alien gate. It may not stop any who happen upon it, but it will stop any who attempt to enter this space through it." Shem nodded. "It is well. Our mission is done, but we remain, defeated. Will you take us into your ship, your family, your army?" I blinked. I can do that? I leaned back on the throne. My privileges as a Rogue Trader do seem to be many. As I thought about it, it does seem rather silly that I wouldn't have considered taking on a few loyal giants into my service. Perhaps Old Edo did not like Astartes, for whatever reason. Until I can remember why that might be, it... probably can't hurt to have giant men with giant guns between me, my princesses, and whatever terrors lurk out there. "We'll see," I decided. "I don't know what designs the Emperor or your... Gene-Father had for you after this mission. Dismissed." An acceptable answer for Shem, as he nodded. He turned around and left with his marines, and even a few ponies that I saw that wore the legion's garb. I let out a sigh as the thundering march of the marines finally left my bridge, and I was left to rotate the throne back around. I allowed myself to surrender to the cushions as I rubbed my temples with a thumb. The bridge began its normal functions, the crew exchanging reports and orders, far beneath my pay grade. If I was being honest, even if I did try to take an interest in what my junior officers and general staff were doing, talking about fuel plumbing can get... numbing. I roused Twilight with a few rubs of her shoulder. She looked at me sleepily, a little smile on her face. That expression turned to narrow-eyed, agape shock when I asked her, "Twilight... what's the Book of Mormon?" > 10 - Watered Memory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, I wanted to give my poor head a break. That was why I was lounging around in the huge warm bath instead of being on the bridge, or acquainting myself with the last two of my Princesses, Forest Grace and Cherry Heart. Was it irresponsible? Perhaps. Did my head need a break from the itching and the pain of remembering? Also yes. Even thinking about remembering causes a sensation to wash over me. No, wait... I opened my eyes, only to see bubbles everywhere on the surface of the water. They smelled of bubblegum strawberries. I suddenly felt a presence in the tub... the pool with me. It's a pool room, now. A pool room with statues of women and ponies. And a fountain. I should really ask what the name of this room is. I saw ears breach the surface, as though I were being stalked by cute sharks. Red narrow ears and brown round ears. They slowly approached, leaving wakes in the bubbles. Well, speak of the devil. However, I struck first and struck decisively. By that, I mean that I leaned forward and swung my hands forward. I saw the tips of horns breach the water as I felt their faces in my hands. Finally, I saw the eyes of Forest Grace and Cherry Heart rise from the bubble bath... pool. Bubbles clung to their heads and my arms. "Lookie what I caught," I teased. "Two cuties." I laughed. "Whatever shall I do with such a fine catch?" They grinned evilly and lit their horns. They were not the catch. I was. My smile dropped. With a flash of light and sound, I was suddenly outside the bath, dried, and dressed. My head spun, but I stayed on my feet as I stared at my water-shriveled hands. I was looking less pale recently. I was wearing the white sleepwear again. I was even wearing socks and slippers. I thought about the kind of power and control my Princesses must have. I then tried not to think about the power and control my Princesses must have. I heard the hum of the ship and the rushing of water. I still smelled of bubblegum strawberry. I blinked. "Don't think I'll ever get used to that," I mused. I hear giggling behind me as Cherry Heart and Forest Grace trotted past me, also dry. That magic is some serious stuff. How was I ever attacked aboard? I shivered, and not just from the quick change. I walked into the living room and was hit with a new smell. Blueberry muffins? As if in a trance, I followed the smell, where a tin of fresh, steaming treats sat on the table in front of the fireplace. I sat down on the couch and took one. I sniffed. This is definitely the culprit. I bit down, expecting nothing. I tasted... whole grains, oats, cane sugars, molasses... and blueberries. I smiled. I chewed and swallowed, then smiled and said, "Nothing but the finest for the Lord Captain, huh?" I sighed. I picked up the lid of the large, round tin, and found a gray-furred, blonde, golden-eyed alicorn on it. The artwork was very... nostalgic, for some reason. The alicorn was delivering treats of all kinds to little boys and girls of all races on a frosty, enchanted vista, complete with a log cabin. I set the aluminum tin top back down and listened to the soft music for a while. I munched idly whilst listening to the violins and the crackling of the fire. I felt but didn't really need to see my little Princesses Forest and Cherry cozy up to me. I relaxed as best I could. I felt their heartbeats next to mine. We smelled strongly of strawberries. I chuckled. The music started to get more intense. Horns, drums, a full orchestra. It itched my brain to hear. Not as much as the story that these two were about to tell me, I'm sure. "Once upon a time, " Cherry began, cheerily. "On a world far from here, there lived ponies and griffons..." "Ponies and griffons who lived in chains," continued Forest, somberly. "An alien race had taken up the ownership of the world and everything upon it. That included us." Hatefully, Forest named the bunch, "The savage Swincynne." An image appeared in my mind of a hunched-over, hairy boar-faced bipedal thing. It was holding rope and hooks in cruel hands. It wore crude leather coveralls and a tall, pointed hat. My brain itched. They were slavers. "They were especially cruel to us, those they called abponies. I like the term they use on Residuum better, 'faunis ponies.' Makes us a little less..." Shivered Forest. "Freakish." I hugged my ponies closer. A name revealed itself from the fog. Woderth. A water world... so the catalog said. 70% water, but the landmasses were so scattered that none formed true continents, resulting in a global series of archipelagos. "I was the one to make first contact," I mused, more memories emerging from the fog, like floppy creatures breaching the surface of water. "I didn't even see one of those swine creatures until I was taken to the pits. They had a real facade going on upstairs. I did think that I had run into a charming tropical paradise run by more creatures of Equus, the griffons, and ponies." The villa had been modest by Imperial standards, but it was still rather splendid. The servants were all polite, and well-dressed. The venue was immaculate, and the fresh fruit and seafood were excellent. The decorations were all top-notch, mostly paintings of the beauty of their world. The outdoor gardens almost seamlessly transitioned into the feasting hall and throne room. The griffish monarch himself had been wearing spectacular dressing and a crown that sat upon his head. If only I knew that all that was covering hideous scars... even the phony king. My eyes hardened. "He's starting to remember," noted Cherry. I looked at her, remembering... she was wearing a black sneaking suit. Rubbed black oil into her face. She was smaller then, but not as small as Forest was. We were underground. Beneath the Governor's Villa. I was invited to receive a gift from the King, Beaklam. I had seen that pig thing and had a heart attack, but the swincynne had reassured me he was but a humble advisor to the King. It said its name was Monald. It had only stood up to my chest and was wearing robes over what was obviously armor. I remember that I wanted to be diplomatic, trying to ignore a growing doubt. I rubbed my eyes. "I was there, Edo," Cherry said to help me recall. "I had snuck in, posing as a maid. I had gotten past the checkpoints. I had ditched the disguise." There was a filly. Her name was... "I was to be your gift, Rogue Trader," bitterly recalled Princess Forest Grace. "The 'finest slave for the great Rogue Trader'." The room was dark. It was a basement bedroom. Fitted with a lone window that shone light into the room. It was also luxuriously decorated, with some furniture, the most expensive of which was a bed. There was a little, scared, brown filly cuffed to it. Her ears reminded me of a Racoon's. Her poor wings were bound, and I could see a staple through her short horn. I looked at that pig, Monald, and I saw red. My hands grabbed for my weapons, but all I felt were the hooves of my Princesses. I looked at each of them. They were all grown up. "Sorry," I said. "It's very vivid." I looked at Cherry Heart. "You were hiding under the bed." She nodded. "I... almost had the lock." I panted. Their heartbeats were steady, though mine was afire with... something. It was almost painful. Cherry Heart was hiding under the bed. She had to take the risk and rescue Forest Grace, lest she be sold to some alien from outer space! Sure, there were plenty of slaves that could've been saved at the estate, but none were an alicorn, like Forest. With their powers, they could've... could've... fought more. But what followed the steps after that cruel overseer was no Drukhari, no simple noble with a taste for very young girls. The first Cherry had seen was my boots, frozen at the bottom of the stairs, even as Monald walked over to the bed, dangerously close to Cherry. "As you can see, Rogue Trader, we spare no expense for our finest guests," the swincynne had said in their signature, gurgling, deep voice. "What..." I gasped. "What is this?" Monald had missed the tone beneath my question, but Cherry hadn't. The pig chuckled darkly. "Why," he had said. "It is your gift. One abpony alicorn filly. Although a mutant, she is still very valuable to someone of your discernment." Cherry could see my feet step closer. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I had asked, voice darkening. Monald ignored my tone of voice again, and replied, "I've seen the other alicorns in your retinue upstairs. Don't pretend you don't like them. Go ahead." Cherry's thin, red-scaled ears twitched. Others? There were other alicorns... here? Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Were they also slaves? My boots had reached the foot of the bed. Cherry heard me softly ask, "What... what is your name?" In a scared voice, Cherry heard the young filly speak. "F-Forest Grace... Master." Cherry's heart turned to ice. Had Forest already accepted her fate? Humming, I had asked the pig alien, "Are there others... like her?" Monald laughed. "Ha! There is one, but she eludes capture. Keeps fighting her rightful masters." "I see. Thank you," I said. Cherry saw me pivot an ankle, heard me pull something, and froze as she heard a sickening puncture. The pig resisted, but I had already struck true. Forest screamed, desperately pulling at the chained metal restraints bound to her forehooves. I dropped the bloodied knife onto the carpeted floor. "You..." the pig gasped before falling gracelessly to the floor. It had a wide-eyed expression on its blood-stained face as it saw Cherry, almost as wide as the ones on her own face. She bared her small fangs at it. But before Monald could do anything else, a hand reached down and pulled it up by the collar. Cherry heard me hiss as I stood over it, "Stapled horns? Bound wings? Servant collars? Oh, no, no no. I won't stand for it. Slavery on Woderth dies today. You understand?" My voice growled and shook with fury. "It dies choking on blood." Monald could do nothing but gag. "Kinda like that. The Emperor Protects," I had said with enough venom to kill a star. Cherry heard something crunch, and then I had let go of the boar-faced abomination, letting its head bounce off the carpet, light draining from yellow eyes. Its throat was concaved, its neck bent unnaturally. Forest sobbed uncontrollably. She had just witnessed a murder, Cherry realized with a start. The sound had apparently caused me to flip my mood because I had stepped over the dying body of Overseer Monald and started to make hushing sounds as I walked around the bed to sit down. "No," I pleaded. "Please don't cry. I'm sorry I made you see that." "You... you..." whimpered Forest. I hissed at myself. "I know, I know..." I had said. "Please, let me help you." Instead, Cherry heard the rattling of chains, and one final, desperate outcry. "Cherry!" Forest wailed. "Help me!" Cherry could hold still no longer. She burst out from underneath the bed, sending Monald crashing into the mirror closet doors. They cracked with a loud sound. Cherry stood her ground, lowered her posture, lit her horn, and showed me her narrowed pupils. A trick she could do to scare ponies with snake eyes on command. It even works on humans, Cherry learned, as I stood up from the bed, hands forward and raised. My eyes were still scary, but Cherry could see no other weapons. I was dressed more for a party than a fight. Cherry and I had stared each other down. Finally, I mused, "You must be the other alicorn." Slowly, Cherry nodded. She looked over at Forest, then leaped to place herself between the Rogue Trader and Forest, who gladly scooched herself under Cherry. Cherry's wings were wide, but I saw that she was still very much an adolescent. She said to the Rogue Trader, in a challenge, "You will not harm this filly." My eyes had hardened, and my mouth turned into a sneer. I swore, "I'd sooner cut my own throat than hurt that filly, mare." A pause. "What's your name?" I asked. Breathing became easier as Cherry revealed, "I am Cherry Heart. Are you the... Rogue Trader?" I nodded. "I am," I had said. "My name is Edo. See if you can get Forest out of that. I need to... make a call." I pulled a small oval device from my belt. I thought for a second. I then pressed the transmit button with a thumb, and said, "Princess Twilight, come in." A jovial voice responded, "This is Twilight, I read you!" The sounds of the party were still audible from upstairs and the vox comm. Ponies, griffons, humans, and even a certain dragon enjoying themselves. With a serious tone, I said, "We have a situation. The King's gift... I have some questions about it. Could you bring him downstairs, please?" A cheer from upstairs. Twilight laughed at something from on the other side of the comm, but said, "Alright! Don't keep me in suspense! Over!" I stepped over to the closet, swung it open, and unceremoniously threw Monald into it, ruining an entire wardrobe in one fell swoop. I closed the doors and sneered at the blood-stained carpet. I pulled out the comm unit again, switching channels. "Edo to Mercy." Polarscale's voice sounded from the small device. "Go ahead, Rogue Trader." "I need a report on the shore leave parties," I demanded. After a pause, Polarscale reported, "The first of the parties are about to board their shuttles." I took a deep breath. A plan formed in my mind. "Rouse the Guard," I ordered. "We have a situation." Sighing, Polarscale asked, "What's happened?" I reported, "I found an alicorn filly bound and stapled, Polarscale. Alien boar slavers are operating on this planet. We're going to war." "...Omnissiah bless us," cursed Polarscale. Cherry heard him announce, "Sound general quarters! All hands, man your battle stations! This is not a drill! The Rogue Trader calls us to battle against xenos slavers!" I had further orders. "Send out the first shuttles as planned, but substitute the crew with Mercator assault teams. We'll open up on the planetary defenses when they land." "Understood, Lord Captain," reported Polarscale. "The Emperor Protects." "The Solarch Preserves," I replied. "Stand by for further information." "Roger," affirmed Polarscale, as I heard the door open from upstairs. The King, Beaklam, walked down first, who first saw my face before I grabbed him. I held his beak shut and he resisted, but only for a moment until he saw the blood stain. "Twilight," I said as she walked down the stairs, quite alarmed. "Check on the filly." She gasped as she flew over to the bed. "Oh, my gosh," she gasped as she looked over Forest Grace, hooves chafed from the lock, wings limp and frayed from the binding, and horn still shining with the metal piercing it. "You poor thing, you poor thing," she lamented. Cherry froze, not ever having seen an off-world alicorn before. "What do you have to say about this, O King of the Slavers?" I asked, acidity seeming to drip onto the griffon's shoulder. In reply, he remained silent, only ripping apart his shirt with his hands. We could now all see horrific scar patterning between patches of fur. He was... another victim. I dropped Beakwald. "I..." Not bothering to pick up the crown that had fallen off his head, Beaklam said, "There's a garrison... outside. Ready to slaughter us all if the alarm is raised." He asked, frightened for his life, "Where is Master Monald?" I ignored the question, and asked Twilight, "How is Forest Grace? Will she recover?" Twilight, frantically searching her head, said, noting, "I've never actually seen anything like this, but the literature...?" She stretched a hoof and breathed. "Yes. As long as we can get her back to the ship." I nodded, thanking God in my heart of hearts. Small mercies. I sighed. Forest Grace and Cherry were listening intensely, looking at us as if we weren't even real. As if blinking would cause us to vanish, leaving them with only their nightmares. Not so, I thought to myself. Finally, I said, "I've already informed the ship, Twilight. Can you secure this room? I need to go crash a party." Twilight nodded, looking away only long enough to see me walk back up to the party. The decorations were immaculate. The party was perfect. I saw my Seneschal. He was holding a glass of punch in a large hand. I walked straight up to him, ignoring both my own higher-ups as well as the local sycophants. He looked at me first with curiosity, then with concern as I drew my hidden sidearm. Everybody in the room looked at me as I announced, "The situation has changed! We need to establish a perimeter at once!" The first of the ship's plasma volleys hit just outside as I had said that. The impact shattered windows and shook furniture. Screams began as gunshots rang out. The first wave had arrived. I was shaken away from my recollections by the sound of cannons. I looked around in a slight panic, my heart still threatening to beat out of my chest. The classical music had been building up, and now was accompanied by a new sound; the thunder of field guns. What kind of classical music was this? I was back on the ship. Back in the present, with my Princesses Forest Grace and Cherry Heart. I looked at Forest's lengthened horn. I couldn't even see where the staple had been. Before I realized what I was doing, I had ran a finger down the length of the spiralling horn, as if I could feel where the staple had been. I could not. It was then that other pieces fell into place in my mind. I did my uttermost to blitz the bad guys, even securing the estate against the first wave of attackers. Polarscale even had the foresight to send our own equipment, as well as many lasguns to arm the slaves. We had no idea just how many we would ultimately have to fight... and that was before the swine used their captives as fodder and living shields. Beautiful Cherry Heart... she gave quite the speech when we hacked enemy comms for damn near the entire planet to hear. "Thank you, Polarscale," I murmured. The War for Woderth had turned from a lightning war into a brutal slog. Just the way our opponents liked it, I supposed with irritation. Even the Deck Militia was being deployed to hold the beachhead, while the Mercator Guard was deployed on constant raids to disrupt the enemy. Free slaves. Start more uprisings. I was personally smuggling more and more guns to the captives on the planet. It really helped that I had giant robots to bear. Thank you, Princess Azure Fire. It tasted unpleasant, but arming the mob was my only option. I could count atrocities later. In my mind's eye, Woderth's ocean just about ran red with blood. At the climax of the war, when more and more islands were falling to Guard raids and uprisings when Cherry made her speech, the boar-kind must've... panicked. Thought a global uprising was imminent. They turned their guns on their own slave soldiers. Their... most loyal of peons. Even they had to choose between resistance and death. Their fears became real, and mass desertions and surrenders became commonplace... as did mass executions of slavers and their families. I had no control. Even my Guard, sworn to follow my command, and follow my rules of engagement, participated. I had lost control... but so had the swincynne. Most were either dead or captured. The living awaited execution. Cherry awaited the command. My blood boiled to give the order. "But I couldn't," I said aloud. Cherry tilted her head. "What?" She asked as she held my left hand in her hooves. I panted, "The last of them. I couldn't even give the order..." "But they lived, Edo," mentioned Forest, softly. "They now call themselves 'Sworn Boars'. You saw a few among the Militia in the Temple. Fanatical." I... I did! They kept to themselves, but I saw them! But... Woderth. The planet was free, but I had already accepted that the slaves might seek to retain their new independence. Their new freedom. I had thought that I would have to leave Cherry Heart and Forest Grace behind. Let them heal their world. Sign a trading contract, it's what I do. But when the Alicorns of Woderth swore their allegiance to me during the victory celebration... that all changed. One thing led to another... I had two new fully-gown Princesses. It took a long time for me to accept... but now I'm glad I did. As for Woderth itself... I had opted to designate it as my first Navis Privateer world. "Woderth," I recalled, as I held my little Princesses that much closer. "It's Hassia Pirate HQ." I laughed aloud. A brown hoof tapped my nose. In revenge, I tapped Forest's pale bark nose. She stuck a tongue out at me. "Your Navy, your Letters of Marque, oh Pirate Lord," teased Forest. "Captains and their crews lined up to volunteer for the Rogue Trader's personal fleet of warships... and their own profit." Of course. What motivates more, duty or dollars? My brain itched. Dollars? Why do I remember... "Ah!" I shouted. "I remember now!" Cherry Heart and Forest Grace leaned over in front of my face, golden and brown eyes peering into mine. "What?" Cherry asked. "What do you remember?" I pointed behind me. I recounted with pride, still smelling of strawberries and now blueberries, "That room back there is called the Captain's Natatorium!" My Princesses laughed. "What? It was bugging me since I woke up that day!" > 11 - Warrant of Trade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I gasped. Choked. Arms and legs reaching. I smelled copper. I sucked air in through my mouth. I looked around. The clicking of computers and the lights of the bridge sounded all around me, lit by bright lumens and cogitator screens. The windows were closed. I was still in the warp. I... I couldn't see anyone on the bridge. When I tried to move, all that was accomplished was a pull on my skin. I was stuck to the throne. Even my head seemed magnetized to the cushion. I tried to cry out, but nothing escaped. I tugged on my arms, and I tried to lean forward. I felt my skin pull on my skull, but nothing else. I instead opted to try and relax. This... was a dream, right? Nothing can harm me here. It's just a dream... it's just a dream. The bridge windows opened with a clattering sound, and I saw—! I woke up, but not on my bed. It was a featureless surface, in some sort of void. It was cold. I could see nothing, nobody. I stood up. I was in my captain's outfit. I peered into the darkness, blinking as I could see faint lights appear. Stars. Constellations. Auroras of blues, pinks, purples, greens. Softly swirling, softly drifting. I looked around, trying to see, hear... anything. I rubbed my mouth and nose. I could hear distant chimes... bells? Faint rushing water... and wind. I looked around but could see nothing in the empty horizons. I thought that if this was a dream, then I might as well content myself with the sights. When I thought that, however, streaks of red, like cut skin, streaked across the sky. black, violet, red, and orange poured forth from the wound, flooding a good part of the sky. The aurora remained... but damaged. The thought comes... unbidden. 'Like me.' Finally, a voice. It was my own, and it echoed. I heard the marching of many feet. "It's about time." It was impatient. Arrogant. Commanding. Everything a Rogue Trader should be. Boots clapped on concrete. I turned around and saw... me. I wore the same outfit, but... my hair, my face, my hands... they were slick, dripping with blood. More cuts and gouges covered my body than I cared to count. My eyes! They shone with golden light... the same light I saw whenever I closed my own eyes, even under covers. I could not see anything beneath that light. A crowd cheered, even as a rope pulled taught. I... looked about as awful as I felt. I tried to speak up, to ask something, but I couldn't. It was as though my jaw was wired shut. I heard the click of a landmine. "No," the other me said. I heard the distant thunder of artillery guns. They cratered some distant battlefield. Machine guns fired. "No, you need to listen." I was out of breath. I fell on my rear. My hands caught my fall. They hurt as if I had been punching burning ash. I smelled scorched carbon, too. The other me squatted down, trying to remain steady on his... my feet. I could hear distant laughter, both angelic and demonic. "Whatever," I finally managed to speak aloud, with much difficulty. "Weird dream." The other me blinked my golden eyes and shook my head. "Fine. I'm dreaming, whatever," I spat. I pointed a bleeding finger at me. "I could waste my time trying to convince myself that I'm not a dream construct or even a daemon of the warp." A far-off siren, one that I somehow knew beckoned everyone who heard to shelter. I leaned forward into a cross-legged position. The other me did likewise sit into a cross-legged sitting position, a giant weight sloughing off my shoulders. There was a lot of red-black ichor pooling on the ground. I heard screams. No... battle cries. Fixing of bayonets. I looked around to see what could be making that sound, but... there was nothing. Nothing but me and myself. I looked back to the blood-soaked me as I said, "Or I could give you the important stuff. I'll even make sure it's burned into your waking memory." I paused, wiping my finger and my thumb over my golden eyes. "My waking memory. You... I... you know what I mean," I said with a wave of a hand, flinging droplet particles behind me. I heard a hollow metal object hit the floor. I smelled something awful, and I choked. Gagged. I need to focus, I reminded myself. Or was it the other me who said that? "I remember some of the basics, of course," I said, pausing to pull a knife out of my own hand. "My name is Edo Von Hassia, Rogue Trader of the Imperium of Man and Equus. My personal voidship is the super-heavy Enterprising Frigate-class 'Mercy of the Stars'. My Princesses are Twilight Sparkle, Silver Sword, Azure Fire, Cherry Heart, and Forest Grace. Their idea, not... ours." I thought for a minute, then said, "Our children... many. Not important right now." I heard the rushing sound of aircraft engines. Heat flashed to my face, and the light appeared in my own eyes. I punched myself in the face, causing me to fall over. I held a hand up as I stood up to beat myself again. I saw only emptiness in the other me... Old Edo's eye sockets. "Not... important?" I interrogated. "Not important!?" The light returned to his eyes, and I just about doubled over. My jaw hurt. Don't hit yourself, I guess. I heard a beast somewhere. Stomping. The other me sat back up. Something was sobbing. Was it me? Now, it was Old Edo's turn to stand over me. "Our Dynasty, Edo," I... he... I growled. "I was attacked by daemons, and they broke me in half... just about. That's why I'm here, and you're... I..." He sighed. I sighed. A world took its last breath beneath fire. "We're both here. I've been doing my best to come back, but something's... changed." Old Edo gestured to his eyes. "I'm sure you noticed the light. The power. Even if you did remember before, you'd only remember that... this is... quite unprecedented." There was only one place, one person, in fact, that I could vaguely recall. One whose light was like that of the gods. The sky's blood started to drip down. "The Emperor." Flashes of light lit up the sky. The blood diminished... but only for a moment. Then, it poured down everywhere. Me and myself were confronted with a flash flood. I tried getting up, but Old Edo fell on top of me. Our faces were close together. I stared myself in the eyes. He... I... pressed a pointer finger into my sternum. Ichor freely poured from Old Edo's nose. Old Edo grimaced with black teeth, and he started to say something. His voice was accompanied by many, many others. Remember your oath, Rogue Trader. Remember who you are. Remember your ambition. Si Dieu n’existait pas, il faudrait l’inventer. The crimson flood washed away all. "Edo? Edo!" I was drenched. A quick look revealed that it was a mundane sort that chilled me... only sweat. I sat up. I was surrounded by my Princesses, plus Amber. I was in the living room. I... passed out? I heard a griffish cough, and I looked over to see bright violet eyes look into mine. Suddenly, I felt claws comb over my brain, looking for damage. Like looking through a file cabinet, checking for burned contents. I hummed, finding the sensation not altogether unpleasant. Logically, it was still weird, but after what I just witnessed, I think I should take anything I can get. I opened my eyes and noticed the pink shield around us. That's my Princess. Keeping nasties out. I look to Twilight, whose hard eyes softened when she saw my tired smile. "You good?" She asked. I nodded, slowly. "I saw..." I recalled aloud. "Another... me. I... he..." I was more out of it than I knew. Twilight shushed me with a hoof. "Let's... get you somewhere safer." She pressed on my torso, causing me to lay back down on the gurney. Gurney? I was lifted up as the shield collapsed. I could do nothing but breathe as I was carried aloft. First, to the elevator, then inside the elevator. "Wh-Where are we going?" I wheezed. From my side, I could hear Twilight's voice, saying, "We've decided that it would be safest to have you next to one of the actual Gellar shield generators. You've been attracting way more attention than usual." After a moment, Twilight said, "I'll also be placing my own wards and spells of protection on the room. It's unused, so I'll have plenty of space to work with. I meant what I said, my little Rogue Trader. Just... take it easy." I was weak. Pathetic. No. No, this will not be so. I focused. I must remember. I must become stronger. To do that... I would need my power. Yes. With power, I can bind my wounds. With power, I can rise above my... mortality itself. New possibilities began to manifest in my brain. I would not be the weak center of my family. As I thought about what to do, the elevator doors opened once again. I was jostled as our little group moved again, covered by the pink bubble. I closed my eyes. There it was again. That light. My light. It was like that of the Emperor. I remember quite the light shows he would put on when a display of power was needed. He especially liked to use it during... shouting matches. But it was mine. My light. My power. I brought a little of it forth. Feeling returned to my limbs. Heat, too. A soft light radiated from my bosom. I breathed more deeply than I could before. The gurney stopped midair. "I can walk," I said calmly. I let go of the light, letting it dissipate. I saw myself lower down. I put my feet over the sides, then stood up. I was in one of the hallways of the ship, surrounded by my Princesses and Amber. I took a good look around. Even here, I saw some of the opulence of my flagship. Much of the space on the wooden walls was reserved for artistry, scenes of alien planets, and great battles. I straightened up, feeling my back pop a little. I looked around to many faces, expecting... something. Remember your oath, Rogue Trader. I shivered. "I..." I swallowed. "I saw something while I was unconscious," I said. Twilight opened her mouth, but I quickly added, "Not a daemon. A vision of... myself. He told me... things." Twilight raised an eyebrow, but I continued, "I must... remember my oath. As... a Rogue Trader." Twilight's eyes twitched. She sought an answer between the lines. "What..." she said, slowly. "What did it... he tell you?" "That..." I recalled. "That he split from me as a result of the attack, and the light somehow manifested itself, as well. The same light I just used to regain my strength." Twilight shook violently. "To think... that..." She took a deep breath. "It's a theory. Your... awakening has many on edge. The best place to go to remember your oath, Edo... would be the Warrant Chamber Room." I nodded. I held a hand aloft, inviting Twilight to lead the way. She took the lead, re-establishing her shield all the while. I did not need it pointed to me when we reached the Warrant Chamber Room. Or rather, the Warrant Chamber Room entrance. It was a stately room, filled with stained glass windows. Of me, of my Princesses, of the Emperor, and the Solarch... it was strange to see a pony in power armor. Those two larger-than-life (I hope) statues of the Emperor and the Solarch flanked the doors to what obviously was my Warrant Chamber Room. All this for a piece of paper? ...Was it just a piece of paper? There was more to the grand murals and... altars. There were altars in the room... and those who knelt before the altars. I stopped in my tracks to look at the small crowd. They all wore their red Word Bearer cloaks, but... they wore power armor, like the Space Marines. As I looked, however, another realization lit up my eyes. Only a few of those who were here were actually Astartes. The rest? Many humans, but even a few Equus creatures were seen in the mix. One of which who must have heard me enter, because I saw gold eyes go wide at the sight of me. The pony gasped. "It's the Rogue Trader!" More and more individuals who had been praying turned their eyes to me. I realize that these are survivors of the Lamb's Embrace. They're... paying their respects to me. Instead of bowing before the image of my dynasty... they're now just... bowing to me. I sighed. I am a Lord Captain. This is fine. This is typical... I hope. I'll have to ask Twilight or somebody later. I closed my eyes... and noticed the light again, growing... it caused me to snap my eyes back open. I saw my audience. Their reverence. What was going on? Remember your oath, Rogue Trader. I turned my eyes towards the door and swallowed. The mighty adamantine door was covered in too many decorations to really describe, but the most obvious one was a massive skull that stared back down at me, above a box of text. "This is it." It read, I, Edo Von Hassia, do solemnly swear... To walk bravely first into darkness, To unite and reclaim what was lost, To triumph over nightmares untold, To hold boldly the reins of fate, To walk steadily the road of thorns, Through pain to greatness. From the center of my head, I felt a new supernova of pain. That day... it was the culmination of a lifetime of work, of fighting. The first lifetime of many... God, how old am I? I blinked... and found myself somewhere else entirely. I was no longer in the bowels of my ship, the Mercy of the Stars. I was no longer even in space. I held up a hand to shield my eyes from the first sunrise I ever saw in the world of Equus. "First, there was One... then there were Six. The Five were not like the One, and the One did not desire the Five... but they needed to bond together if they were to save their world. Then, there was a new One, followed by Five." My own words were being spoken to me. Was it Old Edo... or my own recollection? Who were the Five and One? My brain... I said aloud, clutching my head, "It hurts to remember..." I was back in the Mercy. I opened my eyes to look to see into the eyes of the One. Twilight Sparkle. Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria...—I shook my head. Another story tried to begin in my memory. In a time now past, in the Imperial Palace of Earth... no other details were forthcoming. Wait... a final story, one that ties the both of them together, somehow. One day, I woke up in the magical land of Equestria. An event, others like it, orchestrated by a traitor. "How close are we?" I asked. Twilight thought a moment, then said, "We're bypassing all the Protectorate to reach Hassia quickly, but not too much further now." I looked around, noting that we were now alone in the room. The Word Bearers and their Chapter-kin had left. "Oh," I noted. "I... well, it'd be nice to see the planets I've been learning about." After a moment, Twilight huffed with a smile, and said, "Maybe later, Edo." By that point, I noticed that the adamantine doors of my warrant chamber were swinging wide open with a metallic creak. I hurried inside, past my Princesses. Inside, I saw... a grand room. Part shrine, part safehouse, part archive. I saw a few bookshelves, filled with books, movies, and... games? My brain itched. There was... something really weird about them. I looked around some more. I had managed to stuff a couch and TV in here, too. Was this a Warrant Chamber room or a "get away from it all" room? I looked to see the Warrant itself. I should have known it would've been a truck-sized roll of giant parchment suspended at the back of the room, behind an altar with a terminal and a smaller copy of the Warrant, which was sealed behind glass. A stylized version of my Dynasty crest was engraved on the floor with golden brass and paints. Warm light flooded the room from many, sweet-smelling candles. I blinked at the odd sight; these were candles, yet I just stepped into a sealed room. Who's been managing these candles? Any and all questions that were rising in my mind as to the nature of this room and what it was I was supposed to be doing here were interrupted by a very strange sight. In front of the Warrant of Trade... my Warrant of Trade, stood me. The one from my dream.... vision? Old Edo's coat was slick with my... his blood, his back turned towards me. He... I was looking at the Warrant. He stood stock still, and I suspect by the lack of audible movements that my Princesses had noticed as well. I could only hear the faint movements, creaks, and whirring of the ship. Then, the other me reached out a hand, and my refractor field device flew from my belt into his hand. A shimmering light covered him just as blasts of energy slammed into the shield, from a purple bolt of lightning to balls of fire and even a frosty beam of ice. Old Edo sighed. "That was close," he said in my tired voice. Finally, I... he turned around, and looked at all of us with empty eye sockets. Old Edo then added, "I don't particularly enjoy being on the receiving end of a Blue-on-Blue." Amber Sight was the first to advance, even as Princess Twilight raised a shield. "In truth, I'd hoped to be gone by now," admitted Old Edo. "That the Rogue Trader would... remember all he needed to know. But as I recalled what I know..." he looked over his hand, dripping onto the metal floor. Old Edo looked directly at me. "I realized that it would be too much to process all or even most at once. So I'm recalling a little, day by day until I'm fully... absorbed again." Twilight, walking up to the edge of her shield, simply said, "I don't care, daemon. Hassian Refractor, commence shut down. Override code: TwiPin-Theta-328." Old Edo and I asked, "What?" Before the shimmering shield unceremoniously shut down. Then, a torrent of magic and psychic pain overwhelmed Old Edo. Something I was barely able to witness, as the torrent of pain somehow overwhelmed my own senses, causing me to double over. My skin split, and I saw a torrent of blood fall from my face as I fell over. No... no, no! I looked up to see Old Edo disintegrate into golden light, which hovered for a moment before reaching through Twilight's shield to slam into me. I saw—!? > 12 - One Day in Equus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Cap'n?" I jolted to. I smelled strong drink, foliage, gold, and... the sea. I stretched my arms and looked around. I was on my throne, a custom chair for my human frame. The chair sat on a porch of my estate. My pirate estate. I saw the small cove of misfits and outcasts as they woke up from another night of partying. I saw the rays of the morning sun creep over the horizon. I smiled as I remembered where I was. Harmony Den. The Panthalassa Sea. Well away from Equestria, but still in International Waters... well, locals called it "Wild Waters". My tropical playground. It took quite a bit of doing, but I established myself well here. One day, I was one man among millions. Then, I was alone in a world of ponies, dragons, griffons, and who-knows-what-else. Now? I was king of my own island. My own band of thieves. One among many, sure, but none were as good as I was. I loudly belched, then reached down to search for my jug. Finding none, I settled for leaning my head back and looking at the person who wanted my attention. My dragon, Polarscale, stood on wooden prosthetic legs and held a clawed hand on the hilt of his long-cutlass sword. Suitably, he wore a simple yellow blouse and do-rag. It seemed like yesterday we stole away aboard a brig, the very one that sat out on the bay. Took no time at all to declare a mutiny, which was something... not even the Captain was prepared for. We sent him back to Equestria on a rowboat, which wasn't that bad since the port was still in sight. What can I say? I really didn't waste any time. I cleared my throat, and asked, "What's on our to-do list today, Quartermaster?" I saw a few morning ruckuses on the beach, mostly to do with who stole who's drink. Griffons and ponies shoved each other around. All in good fun, until a tent or a crate gets knocked over. I allowed them their ruckus at the beach bonfire. Polarscale pointed at the large, purple, and gold hot-air balloon that I somehow missed, coming from the distance. It was fitted with a small propeller. It could have been only one person in the whole wide world who would visit little ol' me. I stood up. "I need to freshen up," I scolded myself. A quick trip to the restroom and some liberal application of water, soap, and shampoo later, I was out the door just in time for the lazily approaching balloon to gently set down on the grass of my estate. I froze because I needed to brush my teeth, of all things. I scraped my teeth with a finger. Too late now, I guess. Twilight Sparkle was here. Oh, and Spike was, too, that cute little dragon. They both hopped out of the balloon to touch down on the grass, and I noticed that both were... changed. Grown up a little, I guess. Their gaze, then mine, was drawn to a tropical bird flying past. A toucan, I think. Twilight and Spike flexed their wings around their packs. Wait... wings? They didn't have those, last I remembered. I looked at Polarscale, who was just as surprised as I was. No time for those mysteries right now. I must be... cordial. And piratical. Piratically cordial. I bowed low in a grand, sweeping motion, looking over to make sure Polarscale was doing it, too. That's a good lad. I cleared my throat, and greeted Twilight, saying, "I welcome you to Harmony Den, Twilight Sparkle." Twilight and Sparkle, likewise, bowed deeply. Twilight then greeted me back with, "And I... feel welcome, Edo." She giggled, and with a grin, teased, "Or should that be 'Captain Edo'?" I laughed heartily. "Oh, the day is young, Twilight Sparkle," I said. "I'll make Commodore yet." We shared a laugh, and I awkwardly added, after a pause, "You two... seem to have found yourself some new limbs." Twilight looked over her wings and nodded. "It's... a long story," she said. Thoughtfully, she looked back at me, and said, "As long a story as how you came to be out here, I'm guessing." She sighed. "Finding you wasn't easy." I turned, and extended a hand, inviting Twilight Sparkle into my home. I turned to Polarscale, and asked, "Hey, why don't you catch up with Spike? Maybe show him around?" Respectfully, Polarscale shot me an evil eye, then sighed. "C'mon, little guy," he said, consigned. Spike cheered, then followed the pirate dragon down the stone steps to Harmony Den's little shacks and other buildings. Having watched the two dragons walk off, Twilight finally walked into one of the open doors of my manor. Once inside, I smiled with some smugness as Twilight looked at my dining hall, some measure of opulence on display. Of course, I won't mention that almost all of the treasures, paintings, sculptures, relics, etcetera, were ill-gotten gains, as was the Manor himself from some fat, wicked, pig-faced loon of an amphibian now sleeping... well, I'm sure anyone knows the rest. To the left of the dining room was a great stateroom, filled with open treasure chests, crates of goods, bundles of cloth, canvas bags filled with this and that, rigging and netting ropes, and anything else I could reasonably store here. The room was ringed by arched windows. At the end of the room was my desk as well as another custom chair. the far wall was mostly windows, so I could see the bay and the rocks that surrounded it clear as day. Trees dotted the rocks that cradled Harmony Den. A door leads downstairs, to yet more storage spaces below, as well as a handy escape tunnel. You never know when you'll need an escape tunnel. To the right of the dining hall were two doors, one that led to a large living room, and the other to my bedroom and bathroom. However, I led Twilight through to the grand stateroom, watching proudly as her eyes lit up from witnessing the plunder of a hundred raids and battles. One tentative hoof step after the other, and Twilight picked up one of the books I pilfered, some ancient-looking thing with a dusty cover and dusty pages. It was suitably ancient, a regular dust bomb, waiting to be triggered upon opening. Twilight sprang the trap, and had to wave a hoof around to try to disperse the particles that were unleashed by the tome. "I have a few like that," I said, shaking Twilight out of her curious state. "You can have them. I can't really read it anyway." "I..." Twilight thought aloud before shaking her head, and setting the book back down. "Thank you, Captain," she said, genuinely, but with a pause. "I would need the Canterlot archives to even tell me what this script is... but I... thank you." Twilight was acting weird, as if seeing all that I had now possessed caused her some discomfort, somehow. I asked, softly, "Twilight? Do you need a drink? Here, let me get you seated." I picked up a discarded hammock, walked up to the desk, and threw the ropes up to the hook screws installed in the ceiling. My aim was true, and before long, the hammock was ready before the desk. Twilight walked up only to be bodily picked up by me and deposited in the hammock, where she shifted and stretched. I also took the time to lift the bags up and off of Twilight, so she could relax a bit better. Finally, my critical strike—! I moved to present Twilight with something that she would never have expected; a bottle of Apple Cider from her home. "H-How?" She wondered softly. I rounded my desk, whose drawers were full of maps and topped with treasures and knickknacks. I sat down on my chair, placing my feet on the desk, like the rogue I am. To answer her question, I stated, "The wealth of nations flows through the Wild Seas, and that includes Equestrian goods, ill-gained and otherwise." I held out a hand. "All I have to do is reach out..." I closed my hand into a fist. "...and take it. I've made something of myself out here," I reported, grabbing an ancient polished gold statuette of a pony with a skull for a head. I inspected it for a second idly while I let Twilight collect herself. As she drank some of the... unfortunately warm cider, I did the same. I should really steal an icebox or something. As I thought, I saw Twilight cast a spell that shimmered an icy white and blue over the bottle. ...Of course. I set my own bottle down, gently chuckling to myself, then groaned. Waking up in that chair did no favors for my back. I stretched, then waited. "Thank you... Captain," Twilight said. She smiled. I furrowed my brow. She was not just here to see little ol' me, it seems. Circumstances, as ever, was calling. "Twilight?" I gently cooed. "You're not a part of my crew. You can just call me Edo." Her eyes met mine. She smiled, then closed her eyes. A glow on her horn and a signature ringing build-up sounded. I knew what this meant, so I closed my eyes and leaned back. A moment later, I heard the telltale sign of a poof of magic, followed by a new weight on my lap, and a new weight upon my desk. I opened my eyes to see that my dear Twilight, as ever, curled up on my lap like a cat. Her bags now rested on the desk as well. Who was I, then, to deny her this ritual? I raised my hands and got to petting. "Oh, I've missed this," Twilight moaned. I chuckled. "Yeah, I bet you did," I teased, as my hands worked over her ears, her face, her neck... and her back. I paused but then committed to the routine. Luckily, I had plenty of practice with wings, having ministered to Twilight's friends in the same manner when I still lived in Equestria. Still, Twilight's wings were... new to me. I rubbed the spot between the wings, between the wing roots, which worked like a charm. Twilight shivered, and I rand a hand under a wing, feeling it twitch to the touch. This limb, which should have been fragile, was paradoxically robust, like all the other wings I've seen on pegasi. They resembled bird wings to an uncanny degree, with primary and secondary feathers. I ran a hand under the limb, scratching softly as I went. Even the hand and fingers of the wing were like a bird's. Remarkable. However, massaging a pegasus's wing was not just holding the feathered limb and the hand thereof. I placed my hands at Twilight's sides, and sure enough, I found the new muscles that granted Twilight flight. Whatever granted her these wings made sure to include the whole package, it seemed. No magical, temporary wings here. This was the real deal, something that would last. I set my feet down off my desk, and began my interrogation. "Those weren't there before, my little pony. How'd that happen?" Twilight, who was becoming drowsy under my ministrations, lifted her head to meet my gaze. She recalled, "Well, one day, Princess Celestia came to me with a magical problem. An incomplete spell. One of Starswirl the Bearded's. She gave me the notes that she had." Twilight shifted on my lap, rotating to show me her belly. I obliged, fingers gently scratching and rubbing. Twilight sighed and continued. "As I worked to complete the spell, I noticed something... strange. The spellwork... it had been... modified. Changed. I recognized Celestia's own writing, her own way of casting spells. The spell had been difficult before, demanding much... but now? It seemed utterly impossible, much too complicated even for me, the Element of Magic, and the personal student of Princess Celestia. I wondered however I could handle this... but I then noticed that there was a third series of notes, written by... someone else." I blinked. "Someone... else?" I asked, wary of the tone Twilight had taken. She was always eager to push the bounds of magic, to speak of her mentor and role model with reverence. As she mentioned a new author, her voice had... faltered. She was unsure, even... afraid. I paused my pampering and drew Twilight into a big hug. She eagerly wrapped her own hooves around my neck. I heard her breathe, the quiet words carried the close distance from her mouth to my ear. "Thank you. So much has changed... I just don't know who else I can turn to." ....Me? Not her friends? Not her mentor? Not even her dragon baby brother? This is serious. She let go of me and got back to reclining in my lap. I settled for setting my hand down on her, feeling my hand rise and fall with her breathing. "The new notes were... strange, too. It would say things like 'psychic energy' instead of magic, and a thousand other... jargon-y words I didn't immediately understand. But... they were a huge help in making the spell more feasible, more... possible. I tested some of the advice the notes had, and they were... good. Really good." She shivered. "I invited all the Elements when the spell was ready. Their presence helped, too. The Princess... asked for them specifically to help with the spell, so they did. But..." "But...?" I prodded. "...but that spell changed... everything," explained Twilight at last. "Is that how you got your wings, Twilight? A fancy spell?" I asked, the pieces having already slid into place in my mind. Twilight raised her head and then looked at the bags she placed on my desk. Her horn lit up, and she withdrew a roll of newspaper from her bag, offering it to me on ethereal winds. I reached forward and took it, unraveling it in my hands. The special edition color image that sprawled across the front caused my mouth to drop, my eyes to widen, and my eyebrows to raise. There, in front of the Canterlot Royal Castle, stood Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity. They all wore majestic gowns and crowns, to go with their.... wings and horns. What was happening? The big text caught my eye next "ROYAL CORONATION" ... A.... sextuple of new pony Princesses? My head swam, and my vision threatened to spin. I breathed, even as I noticed a few more figures in the picture. There were the usual suspects, Princesses Cadence, Luna, and Celestia, all looking appropriately royal for the occasion. Then I saw the man. I twitched to see another human, strange as he was. He was a good head taller than even Celestia. His straight, black hair draped around his shoulders. He had a chiseled, tan jaw. His gold-white uniform was enough to cover the man's wide, undoubtedly herculean frame. He bore a proud smile, suggesting to my mind that he was an... architect of this event, somehow. The strange notes. "Psychic energy". Tall and large. I knew who this man appeared to be... but that was impossible. It just could not be. I looked to the caption on the image, surely... there. "...and the newest member of Celestia's court, a human man known only as 'Companion', who has been seen very often with the Solar Princess..." No. He was using a pseudonym. I knew what this... thing, this creature was. My throat seized. My breath and heart quickened. "I know who that is," I hoarsely hissed with heightening horror. Twilight's ears flicked, her eyes glinting with curiosity even as she recoiled from my state of distress. "Y-You do?" She asked, sounding uncertain if she actually wanted the answer. "He's... he can't be. If he was..." I voiced my inner turmoil. I took a deep breath. I noticed that the golden pony idol had fallen onto the floor. I ignored it. Another... revelation came into my mind. "So there's another human on this world, now. That makes two," I remarked, thinking about the implication. "...No," Twilight... Princess Twilight corrected. "No?" I asked, already imagining a whole crowd of humans like me. "Not... in Equestria," explained Twilight. "We're tracking... more, all around the world. All got busy like you did." Twilight floated dossiers out of the bag, letting me thumb through them. I saw testimonies, pictures.... pictures of humans, just like me. They were here, too. Having their own adventures. Forging their own legends. Becoming known far and wide. Just like me. I laughed. I beamed. I hugged my little Princess tight. But... there was more to it... wasn't there? "Were they...?" I struggled to find the words. "Stranded like me?" She nodded. "Like the Em—" I strangled the thought before it left my lips with a hard swallow. "Like Companion?" Another nod. Twilight took a deep breath. "And now we know why," she revealed, sounding none-too-happy about it. A pit grew in my gut. A bad answer to a mystery might be worse than no answer at all. "Discord admitted to it." What? The Spirit of... Chaos...?! "Oh, sh—" I bit my lip and bit back the curse. Twilight looked at me. "Continue," I said, fighting off hypotheses in my mind like trying to swat at wasps with my hands. Twilight tried to find something interesting in the ceiling, and said, shivering, "He... he said...." I got to petting Twilight again. I let her collect her thoughts. Whatever the... reformed draconequus of disharmony had said, it clearly unsettled Twilight, enough that she needed to confide in me, a world and an ocean away. "He said that a war was coming. A terrible, terrible war." I held Twilight closer, more for myself than for her sake this time. I... war? I fought with other pirates, but it was not quite a war. Not like how... I know war could actually be. It may just be my imagination, but I could hear the slow marching clap of boots. Now it was me struggling to stay calm. "What..." I debated with myself, before deciding to finally ask, "What... kind of war?" Shivering in my arms, the tyro Princess recalled, with barely a voice above a whimper, "His... exact... words. 'The galaxy will burn.' He's... he admitted it. He's why you, Companion, and all the other humans are here. To prepare." She took a breath. "To prepare... us." I scratched Twilight's neck. She nuzzled my face as if I was the last warm thing on this island. The trees swayed gently in the breeze, as they always had. The sun shone off the pale rocks. I took a deep breath. "I'm... here for you... Princess Twilight," I promised. "I took off on you for a bit, but I'm here for you now." "Thank you," Twilight breathed, as she leaned into me. "Thank you." I took a few moments to think. I had always... suspected a purpose behind my being here. Why I... woke up in Equestria one day. Why I made friends with ponies. Why I went adventuring. Why I found and saved Polarscale. Why I woke up one morning with an impossibly strong urge to... to go off and be a pirate. One I... ultimately could not resist. Was this my dream, or something Discord did to me? I shivered and tried not to think about that, so I took account of myself. I'm now self-employed, reasonably wealthy, and with property and even a ship to my name. That's leagues better than being an honored friend of the heroes of Equestria. Now that everything's about to change... I might as well. "Twilight?" I asked, and she raised her head, her beautiful eyes looking into mine. I kissed her. > 13 - Stuck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The memory sensation of my first-ever kiss with Twilight was still on my lips as the fog of the dream rolled away. I opened my eyes to see... darkness. I tilted my head to see... anything, but my head wouldn't budge. I tried my hands. Nothing. My feet too. I curled my torso and tried to lean forward, or back... useless. I was stuck, wherever I was. I could still breathe, and still move my jaw, but that was about it. As I began to calm down, I became aware of... needles jabbed into my back. Oh, I hate that. I breathed. Finally, I rolled my eyes. Nothing else for it. "Hello?" I called out, my voice sounding all the louder in my ears, as if I'd stuck my head into a bucket and screamed. I winced. Nothing... at first. I waited for several long seconds. I couldn't even relax. I've been bound down by something I can't see in a box. Time to think. What was happening? There was... Old Edo, standing there. Then, he burst as a lot of multicolor pain hit him... me, at once. Then he disintegrated into a golden mist mid-air and slammed into me. I lost consciousness and then had a good dream, all things considered. I closed my eyes. Maybe if I fell asleep again, I would remember more of that day. Then, a light. It was a screen, right in front of my face. It displayed... outside of my... cell. They think I'm possessed by a daemon. ...Maybe I am. How do I tell? I should ask. "How do I know... I'm not possessed by a daemon?" I asked, quietly. I looked around on the screen. It was the room Twilight had set aside for my protection. I saw an excessive amount of decoration and gold anywhere. I could not see anyone else here, though... I could see more that was piled on top. Strips of parchment, glued to the walls by red, stamped wax. Images of skulls, ponies, humans... I saw a symbol. I remembered... something, but my brain didn't itch this time. It consisted of a letter P over a letter X. It was... a Chi Rho. A Christogram. I remember now. I saw some on the Word Bearers and their... non-Astartes soldiery. I should ask about that, too. No, wait... Church Warbands. Brothers and Sisters of Battle. Quorums of Commandos, carrying scriptures and explosives. Some felt that our Imperium did not have enough armies of Astartes, Men, and Imperium-kin under arms, so some congregations started to... arm themselves. I shivered at the thought. Tithes can pull in enough money for an army and then some. Finally, I saw somebody else in the room. It was... not Polarscale. It was a dragon techpriest, but not as large. A descendant? She... she had pink scales. The same kind of robes. She was walking around, swinging an incense burner as she went. I listened. I... couldn't hear anything in here. I had to make myself heard. "Hey!" The dragoness stopped and looked at my prison. I shouted again, as hard as I could. I deafened myself with the sound. "Hey!" This time, the dragoness responded but did not address me. Instead, she said, coldly, "Subject is awake. Beginning scan." A white light flooded my prison, blinding me. When it faded, I could see this new dragon stare off into space. She was... reading my vitals. Good... I think. "Can you hear me?" She nodded. She noted, "Subject is attempting communication. Logging..." I sighed. How clinical. Although... "Report, techpriestess," I commanded. I actually heard how my voice was transmitted outside. She nodded, before shaking her head. "Negative. I answer to Magos Polarscale and the Rogue Trader Edo Von Hassia, not to metaphysical squatters." I laughed, bitterly. "You mean the potential daemon stuck in my head," I clarified. She nodded. "How..." I thought, trying my best to diplomatically assess the situation. "How would I know? What can I even... do?" The dragon blinked. I heard a slight buzzing from her skull. She paced, swinging the incense-burning golden orb back and forth. I listened. She was... praying. Praying... for me. I listened, hands flexing uselessly. Her words were reverent, but her voice... almost fearful. Desperate. "From the predation of the foe, our Emperor deliver us. From the darkness between stars, our Solarch show the path. From the ignorance of old night, our Omnissiah teach us. From the ashes of war, our Primarchs unite us." She looked pointedly at my prison, shivering. Her mechadendrites flexed around her waist. I closed my eyes, feeling the light try to bleed through my eyelids as the words settled into my mind like flakes of blackened soot. "From the thorny path, our Rogue Traders prosper us." I heard a mechanical door opening, but it didn't stop the dragon from continuing to pray. I'll call her Raspberry. I heard many beings step into the room. Definitely hooves. Definitely steel-clawed toes. Definitely ceramite-armored boots. A crowd began to gather around me. I could... feel it. I opened my eyes, barely able to see even a portion of the crowd. In the corner of my eye, I could see a red speaker symbol. None could hear me in here. I gasped. Twilight was there, in the back of the crowd. I looked closer, then around the limited field of vision. Silver Sword, Cherry Heart, Azure Fire, and Forest Grace. I saw them all. They stared at my tin-can coffin. No, not a coffin. I won't stay in here. I flexed again. I strained. I saw my crew, my Princesses, the Word Bearers, and the Church Militia. They all knelt... to pray. Their voices droned as one. It was a prayer practiced in unison, with many voices speaking as one. "From the predation of the foe, our Emperor deliver us. From the darkness between stars, our Solarch show the path. From the ignorance of old night, our Omnissiah teach us. From the ashes of war, our Primarchs unite us. From the thorny path, our Rogue Traders prosper us." I felt... the sensation of warmth course through my veins. Here, at last, I could feel my extremities. My Light Within! I could see it reflected in their closed eyes! What was happening?! I looked, and even my Princesses were praying! They were chanting, pleading! I felt... glorious, ruinous light! The only time I felt like this was... the Psykhanium! I overexerted myself then, but I could hear the prayers of my followers! "Father in Heaven, deliver the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia from darkness. Lamb of God, redeem us and the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia. Spirit of Heaven, whisper to us the way forward for us and the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia. Emperor of Mankind, shield the Rogue Trader from the predators of unreality. Solarch of Ponykind, guide the Light of Hope upon us and the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia. Omnissiah of Mars, shield us and the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia from ignorance. Edo von Hassia of Earth... prosper us. Walk the path of thorns with us towards a bright home." I twitched violently, unable to control these impulses I now feel. What was happening?! Belief... the warp! It makes belief real! Old Edo! What was your plan!? Why did you teach your faith to the space marines!? Why did you accept the title of Rogue Trader?! Light and electricity raced up and down my veins. I screamed, but nobody outside heard! "From the predation of the foe, our Emperor deliver us. From the darkness between stars, our Solarch show the path. From the ignorance of old night, our Omnissiah teach us. From the ashes of war, our Primarchs unite us. From the thorny path, our Rogue Traders prosper us." I screamed out loud, spitting blood spattering the screen in front of me. "Help! Help me!" But nobody heard. They continued their prayer. "Father in Heaven, deliver the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia from darkness. Lamb of God, redeem us and the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia. Spirit of Heaven, whisper to us the way forward for us and the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia. Emperor of Mankind, shield the Rogue Trader from the predators of unreality. Solarch of Ponykind, guide the Light of Hope upon us and the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia. Omnissiah of Mars, shield us and the Rogue Trader Edo von Hassia from ignorance. Edo von Hassia of Earth... prosper us. Walk the path of thorns with us towards a bright home." I shook uncontrollably. "Stop! Stop it!" I screamed, my voice becoming hoarse! Remember your ambition, Rogue Trader! "And what even is that?!" I hollered, feeling moisture coat my face. "To get rich?! To marry a lot of ponies with horns and wings!? To conquer a hundred planets!? Tell me! Tell me, you damn ghost!" The crowd continued to pray. Heaven was denied to us, Edo! All our faith, all our work, for nothing! There is nothing after death! No heaven, no eternal life, no reunion with our families and our ancestors! Nothing but hell, but the warp! "I... have a family!" I strained. You have a new family now, yes! What of your father!? Your mother!? Your brother, and your sisters!? Do you even remember them?! I wept bitterly. I saw their faces? That damned serpent, that traitor took all that from us! Made us his pissant pawn! A weapon to wield against dark gods! "What... What do you want from me?!" I screamed. To play your part! Help the Imperium cast down the idols of the immaterium! After we raze hell, we'll make our new garden! Our new Eden! We'll build the correct afterlife from the corpses of the gods! My skull rang from strange, blasphemous words. Let the Warp burn!! "Alright, alright, alright! Stop screaming!" I shouted, losing my voice. "Out! Out, stupid ghost!" I had no choice. I drew on the Light. "Out!" The overpowering sound reached outside, silencing the crowd. Silencing Old Edo. Finally, it was quiet inside. I breathed heavily. My outburst broke the screen. I was bathed in darkness. I closed my eyes. Moisture irritated my eyes anyway. I tried not to think about what the moisture even was. I breathed. In... out. In... out. I remembered the words of the prayer. From the predation of the foe, our Emperor deliver us. From the darkness between stars, our Solarch show the path. From the ignorance of old night, our Omnissiah teach us. From the ashes of war, our Primarchs unite us. From the thorny path, our Rogue Traders prosper us. Amen. A voice, from outside. "...Edo?" It was Twilight. She spoke softly as if she wasn't sure I was even in here. I straightened out the best I could. I swallowed, and let my voice be heard. "Get me the hell out of this thing!" I tried not to think about it. I tried not to think about it. I tried not to think about it. I failed. Sighing, I took another bite. Green leaves crunched beneath my teeth, along with a cheesy, saucy taste. I swallowed. I took a moment to steady my hands. I was back in my Captain's quarters. Eating salad. The most mundane of things, but mundane was all I could hope for. The chandelier of the room was replaced by a hanging Gellar Field Generator, a soft humming affirming the reality around me. Daemons cannot touch me here. They cannot hurt me here. I took a moment to steady my hands. I hope that includes the ghost of my past. "Rogue Trader to the bridge," called out the intercom. I recognized Polarscale's tired voice. I stood up, preparing to depart. I looked at my half-eaten meal, then took the carton. Nobody would defy my decision to eat on the bridge. No one. The door opened to the bridge, and everyone stood to attention. "At ease," I commanded, through a mouthful of salad. "Commence warp translation." Polarscale rushed to my side, helping me up the steps to my Throne. "Thank you, my friend," I said softly. He nodded. "Very professional, Lord Captain," he chided. I shrugged. He sighed. "But you've... been having a rough time of it. I won't hold it against you." I had a giggle fit. "How gracious, Magos," I teased. I shoveled the last of my salad into my gullet as I felt the ship leave the warp. I held onto the box, but Steelmane had other ideas as my box lifted out of view. To be honest, I was... rather distracted with the new view. Home. Hassia. A blue orb with continents I instantly recognized. We arrived on the night side of the planet, and I could see the glow of my hive cities, the biggest being... Hassia Prime. A series of spires and towers that touched the sky. Naturally, the ship was headed towards the tallest one. The planet itself was covered in a veritable cloud of starships. Defense screens, merchant convoys, Imperial Navy cruisers, and even a few Legion Astartes ships were present. I commented, "These are much better digs than our manor in Harmony Den, Quartermaster." Polarscale glanced at me, eyes widening. "You remember," he remarked. "I dreamed it before I came to in the daemon pod... thing," I explained. Speaking of explaining... "Where are the Princesses right now?" Polarscale paused, then said, "They're making preparations for our arrival. Come," he beckoned. Time to face my nephew... whoever that was. And the other Rogue Traders, as well. I breathed in. Their names were... Ricarda Cremont Lomathier, and... Cota Braidi Vlucht. The first was somebody that nobody aboard liked. The Lomathier Dynasty carried with it the old Aquiliean trappings. A carry-over from Ricarda's time in the land of the griffons. She had a... reputation. I wasn't sure I could believe any of the nasty things being said about her. My family insisted that I should believe it, though. The Vlucht Dynasty, however... I was glad to hear that we were good friends. I saw what I was told was a very Zebrican style to his portrait. He was a redhead, wearing his red mullet long, and his mustache was opulent and imperial. He wore aviator shades, a flight jacket, and carried a pilot's helm. I'm told he is very fond of flying. Both of the portraits I had seen spoke to their arrogance. Something that might've impressed upon me magnificently had I not seen my own arrogant portrait next to theirs. Three continents of Equus, three Auric Rogue Traders. I was told there were more, but not how many more. I saw more portraits, but could not recall their features. "Edo," Polarscale urged. "Your shuttle waits." I rose from my throne. When I stepped out of the shuttle, I was not expecting a memorial garden. There were many statues, many trees, many well-kept paths, flowering bushes, and lawns. I was... dumbfounded. The shuttle had not gone to the tallest spire, after all, and had set down well away from any civilization. It seems I was on my own personal island mansion. Still, I was able to see a great many things in the far distance to the east... The Hive City of Hassia Prime. I gasped. It called to mind the painting of the great city I had in my room. It was... magnificent. A pyramid of spires, all in pale colors. A living city, housing, feeding, and employing billions of people. It was one of the greatest achievements of man... and even this shining city in the distance was bent towards the purpose of war. Its academies, factories, foundries, and arsenals all labored for one purpose; the destruction of the enemies of man. I shook away the thought and walked my grounds. "I'll be fine," I had said before taking some "me" time. Truthfully, it would've been nice to have at least my Princesses to accompany me, or even the Magos. No, I just needed to be alone for a while, away from the warp. Away from... it all. I saw a six-winged butterfly zip on past. I smiled. A pleasant surprise. One among many nasty ones. I looked at the healthy gardens. I saw a stone bench and sat down on it. Despite being made of stone, it wasn't all that cold to the touch. I leaned back against the carved back-rest, and just... watched. Listened. My Princesses were off hanging out by themselves, as well. Polarscale was nowhere else to be found. Must be taking care of something. Seneschal Spike, too. Steelmane was still serving her sentence. I should order some downtime for the crew. They've earned it. I should... I sighed. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I can worry about all my "I should"s later. I took a deep breath. I smelled the woods, the grass, and the flowers. The fresh air was... intoxicating. The air inside the Mercy's Nature Temple was amazing, but this...? It was almost... no, it was worth all the torture. I shivered. I have to believe. I must have faith. It all means something. It has to. I noticed my shaking hands. I breathed to steady myself. I looked around again. Perhaps I will see another one of those Hassian butterflies. However, a purring, rumbling noise to my left caused me to look. I stood up because it was clearly an engine of some kind. My eyes widened. Not just an engine. An aircraft. It buzzed overhead suddenly, a mundane sort of thrill overtaking my senses as the buzzing wings carried this dragonfly-like flying machine away, banking to the left. An insect-like flying machine with buzzing wings? An... ornithopter? After seeing all that I had since I woke up, this didn't seem so strange. It was after the buzzing had gone that I heard a cheery laughter from behind me. The sort of laughter that one hears after hooking a large fish. I did not turn around yet, instead intently searching for where the almost alien craft had gone. "Did the latest toys from Vlucht Aerospace spook you, Uncle?" The somewhat mocking voice called me... uncle? He called me uncle. I froze. That could mean... only one thing. One of my nephews was here. I was about to find out why my entire crew seemed to conspire against me knowing just who or even what they were. I turned around. On the path, walking towards me... was a red-skinned giant. He stood well twice my height, somehow even taller than the Astartes I met before. He wore simple white robes and some jewelry, but... an image of golden armor sprang to mind. That and... astounding powers. Powers that rivaled even the Emperor. His crimson red hair was long, cupped by a golden hairpiece. He only showed me one of his eyes... the other was closed. As he approached me, this... crimson king, this... arch-human, this... Primarch oppressed me without his even intending to. As he approached, I could see him give me a soft smile, clearly unaware of the stress I was under. The stress that manifested in me saying aloud the first thing that came to mind. "Dang, nephew. You've grown. What the hell have I been feeding you?" > 14 - A Meeting on the Mount > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The red giant froze. He was standing about three meters away. He fiddled with a ring on his finger. I broke eye contact. I put a hand to my head as the memory of everything before threatened to overwhelm me. A name broke through to my conscious thought. Magnus. Magnus smiled again. "You always were a rascal, Edo," he said. I huffed. I sat back down on the stone bench, unable to stand further. I tried to steady my shaking hands. Magnus noticed. "Everything alright, uncle?" He asked as he approached the bench. "Did you have a rough voyage?" Before I could stop myself, I had retorted, harsher than I wanted, "You... have... no... idea." I cleared my throat as Magnus sat down next to me, and watched the park. "So, what's the latest?" I asked, trying to deflect attention away from me. I saw Magnus look away, considering my question. "Well," he thought aloud, "I hear that the Auric Rogue Trader Chever van Ryjack has made First Contact with a friendly alien empire to the far east of the Imperium. It was none other than Guilliman that the Emperor assigned to formalize relations. We'll see if we can't include them as new Imperium-kin." Good, Old Edo sounded in my head, causing me to twitch. We need all the guns we can take. If you know something, Old Edo, now's the time to tell me. ... Naturally, Old Edo seems to be unhelpful. I scoffed, something Magnus noticed. "What?" He asked, with a smirk. "You don't believe in your dear nephew?" The question makes me blink. "No," I said, slowly. "Just my cynical mind." "I... see," thought Magnus, before I saw him stand up, and place a large hand on my shoulder. I saw him gaze into me. No... not this again. His singular eye glowed white as he peered into my past few months. I was helpless to resist. I... he saw the limits of my new life. The pain I suffered as a result of the assassination attempt. My meeting with the Word Bearers. My internment and prayer. My calling on the Light... that's it! I took a deep breath, then brought it forth. Magnus widened his eyes as I repulsed his incursion into my mind. A slight pressure burst, and I heard a sound not unlike the rushing of wind as the Red One fell backward. He barely kept from falling onto his behind. I kept the light in my waking mind, feeling it restore strength to my limbs, enabling me to stand. I breathed, then let it go again. I did not immediately tire after. "Remarkable," Magnus breathed. "You've awoken." I met his eyes, feeling more like his equal than before. "What do you mean by that?" I asked with a slight growl. "I nearly died, and all it did was awaken this... power?" The trees swayed in the soft wind. They had no opinion. "No," denied Magnus. "That's not all it did." He thought for a moment. "I need... to check on some things. Speak with my people. You need to talk to your peers, Cota and... Ricarda." With that, he walked off in a rush. If it wasn't for the visible palace in the distance, I would've been... a little lost. It was then that I looked at my palace more critically. It was... nostalgic. I couldn't really say why, at first. It was made of several layers, and my eyes widened as I realized that it was an entire walled city, with a few layers to it. Bright stone walls, covered in carvings, the wall surrounding old-fashioned stone buildings with tiled roofs. The wall itself was guarded by many golden statues... of me, of my Princesses, of the Emperor, of the Solarch, and the Primarchs. There were many more... but I could not name them. Heroes? Friends? Martyrs? ...The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. I shook that thought away, and looked to the palace building itself, at the top of the city. It was... splendid, yet... strange. It was ringed by many pillars, of an architectural style that I knew was wholly different from the spires of Hassia Prime. Different even to my own ship. Many shining marble domes rose above the curtain of pillars. I could also see massive alien trees transplanted onto my estate. As strange as they were beautiful. You must seek out the other Rogue Traders, and re-establish your superiority over them. You must be the master of your own home. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Shut up, daemon," I moaned. Excuse me? Excuse me!? I had looked up some literature on my terminal and was prepared for this. I hissed, "You're... an amalgamation of thoughts and feelings given... a form of psychic energy. Whatever. You're a daemon. I had hoped that prayer had cast you out." I'm you, idiot. "Shut up!" I screamed. "Be useful, or be gone!" Finally, blessed silence. I sighed. I marched towards my palace, nose filling with all sorts of natural aromas. Grasses, trees, flowers... it was all here. I heard... the rustling of leaves, a soft wind carrying cold, salty air from the ocean. I took a deep breath. Maybe everything was going to be fine after all. I had finally made it over to the wall when I noticed something rather strange. It was covered in... something, but I couldn't tell what at first. Strings of... silver? No. Engravings. I walked closer to the wall and ran a hand over the marble. I read aloud, " ... Jade Lance... Pose Omadax of Mars... Cloist von Hassia..." They were names. I didn't need any other clues to know what their names being here meant. They reached from the wall's foot, near my ankles, to the top. My vision blurred, and I could not read any other names. The Von Hassia Dynasty... I remember. Many of my sons and daughters... they gave everything. For my cause. For the Rogue Trader. For the Emperor and the Solarch. For the Imperium. It became hard to breathe. I don't even remember falling to my knees, hands clasping at the names on the wall, as if I could touch the memory of them... as if I would ever have even met these people. I heaved. I fell to my hands and knees. I scratched my brain for any sign that I remembered... any of these names, but nothing came to mind. I wanted to curl up and cry. Instead, I felt myself being hoisted up by a pair that I hadn't noticed. When I blinked and rubbed away the moisture from my eyes, I looked around to see who had gotten me to my feet. I looked to my left, then my right, and then I spun around. There was nobody around. I spun around again and even looked up. Nothing. Nobody there. I crossed my arms and rubbed them. I shivered. You need to keep going. I blinked at the thought, but... I did not resist. I shivered and then turned to see the names, all of them who... who still need me. Did you see that? Old Edo asked. I shrugged, because whatever it was that helped me up was unhelpfully nowhere to be seen. I need to think. I furrowed my brow but continued to the gate of the city. I neared the archway when I heard a loud buzzing again. I turned my head to see that strange aircraft again. It swooped over my head, on its way to my palace. It then quietened, as if it had landed. Finally, I could see a few Guards at the gate, along with Princess Azure Fire, sitting in the driver's seat of a small, boxy car. The olive green car (...jeep?) had four seats, four tires, and had the Hassian shield painted on the front doors. She waved me over, and I made myself comfortable in the passenger's fabric-lined seat. "Everybody's waiting at the palace proper, Lord. Did you enjoy your walk?" Sweetly asked Azure. I nodded. "I ran into Magnus," I reported, as I absentmindedly buckled my seatbelts. I looked down and noticed what I was doing. Some habits never change, I supposed. Twisting the keys with a click, the Machine Spirit awoke with a soft whir. The vehicle's frame came to life with Motive Force, power drawn to electric motors under the car's hood. Movement made possible thanks to the Charge Vault also hidden within the metallic hood. I blinked at the strange thoughts but realized it had something to do with Polarscale. I looked at Azure, who said nothing as she focused on driving down the perfect cobblestone streets of my palace city. I blinked, remarking at how smooth of a ride it had been so far, the electric engine humming as we passed over a smoothed cobblestone street. We made our way uphill, a winding road that wound around and around to the palace itself. I blinked away the hallucination of the street being made up of skulls. I rubbed my eyes. "Doth... your nephew know?" Asked Azure. "He does..." I answered with a wince. "I could not resist his looking into my mind." Any bystanders stopped their daily business to bow before my coming and going. No matter if it was a plain-dressed worker or a pompous noble, nobody was above the Rogue Trader here. It made me... uncomfortable. No, scolded Old Edo. You earned this. Their respect. Their loyalty. Without us, none of this would be here. These subjects would never exist. This world would not even have a name. I... I rubbed my neck. I remember... before it was Hassia Prime. Nothing but rocks. Same with this hilly island. It's now a glorious palace, a place of wonder and authority... but I remembered the Imperial Palace back on Earth. I wasn't exactly going to foot the bill for a continent-sized house... not that I needed it. Or wanted it. Right. As we drove onward, I noticed a new crowd. No... it wasn't a crowd. It was a parade formation. My Mercator Guard sent a column to greet us. "The Lord Captain comes!" Announced the man in front. He wore a big, feathered red beret hat, the width of which easily covered his shoulders. He drew his officer's sword in a salute. The pommel and his shoulders were covered in gold tassels. His white mustache and beard were sculpted perfectly. He wore a shining breastplate covered in medals; a testament to a lifetime of fighting. Behind him stood a banner bearer, holding aloft the company colors. "Hassian Mercator Guard" was printed on it, surrounding an elaborate design, of a becrowned skull flanked by lasguns and halberds. The Honor Guard were indeed carrying halberds, as well as enhanced hellpistols with connected power packs on their belts. I blinked, but I did not say anything as we passed the line of immaculately ordered ranks of parade-dress men, who fell into line behind the vehicle behind Azure and I. She was driving fairly slowly, so they did not have to march at too quick a pace. We proceeded in relative silence up the road, winding up and to the left as we gradually increased in elevation. It was then that I saw yet another honor guard, this time in parade dress whites, golds, and blues. I blinked, my memory serving well here, thankfully. I could tell from their white kepi hats that they were of the Lomathier Dynastic Legion. Many of the worlds that Ricarda had visited and... acquired had abhuman populations, represented in her personal army of human mutants. It was a veritable roster that stretched from the humble, diminutive Ratlings—uh, the ponies prefer to say... oh, I can't remember. "Hobblits", or something. They proudly carried scoped long rifles on their shoulders, and ratty hair on their faces. The next tallest of these had beards almost as tall as they were, but just as wide. These squat... Squats carried a special kind of weapon, a high-caliber rifle with an attached shotgun. It made for a boxy weapon, somehow matching their broad builds perfectly. But the Ratlings and the Squats were dwarfed by their larger brethren, hulking Ogryns with their big guns and broad metal shields. Good Heavens, these brutes were even taller than Space Marines! One of them carried the Lomathier banner, an overly decorated thing with a lot of fleur-de-lyse flowers on it, bearing the name of their Dynasty aloft. As we drove past them, I also saw some other abhumans in the mix. Some beast-faced, cloven-hoofed soldiers, as well as cat-eared.... cat-looking freaks. I try not to judge, but those felenids have those weird, furry faces. The abhuman honor guard fell into line, their movements a little bit more relaxed than the Hassian Mercator Guard. There were even a few griffons amongst the guard, officers with medals and honors. Quietly, Azure spoke up to me, saying just above a whisper, "A diverse bunch. If I hadn't seen them in action, I'd have thought this assortment too..." She licked her lips, thinking. "Dysfunctional." After a moment, she added. "It's too bad that they have to work for her." We proceeded up the road, climbing ever higher, passing right around the city that was my palace. As we went higher, the villas and residences that we passed became even more elaborate, ever more high-class... especially for the settlement around my own palace, something that easily outshone them all. Was it that I was the wealthiest resident (which was true), or was it that none dare be more outwardly opulent? A word emerged from my mind; Insulae. As the island rises from the sea and my palace rises from the rest of the city, so do these high-rise dwellings rise from the city streets. I knew to expect one final honor guard on the street, so it came as only a minor shock when I saw the cream-colored armor. Head to toe. Some differences, some different stripes of color, but they were all the same. Same build. Same height. Nearly the same armor, too, save for the officer and the flag carrier. A bundle of cloth around the shoulders, down the back, or the waist, but they were all the same. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine as I realized that these soldiers were vat-grown replicae, the House Vlucht Genome Army. Even though I saw something like 20 soldiers in that honor guard, it felt like I was being looked at by one man with the same faces. The same eyes that stared from more than a dozen visored helmets. They marched in lockstep behind my vehicle. Their movements were unnaturally precise, exact in sync with one another. I saw the winged roundel of Cota's banner. "They're good, I'll give these sons of vats that," Azure commented. "Their existence... Lord Captain, is an abomination. I... can't argue against their effectiveness, just... their nature." We proceeded in relative silence. I heard the clap of feet on stone, and the turning of the tires. Finally, we neared the palace gates. Brass horns sounded, and I got a good view of the palace grounds. More greenery, but what really caught my eye was the strange arch. It was white as bone, almost as if... my eyes widened. We were passing directly under a webway gate, the one intended to connect to the Imperium's own extradimensional network. It was absolutely surrounded by big, multibarreled sentry guns, ones that also ringed my palace proper. I looked behind the vehicle, only to see the honor guard take up a parade position as they waited for me to enter the palace, proper. I remember my throne room was underneath the large dome, like an old basilica. To my surprise, Azure kept driving up the slope inside. It would seem that my throne room could be accessed even from the road. I rubbed my head, thinking of reasons as to why. Before I could dwell on it, however, I was inside my very own Throne Room. It was a marble wonderland, full of gold and colorful splendor. Many priceless spheres hung from the ceiling by silver chains, their likeness carefully crafted into the likenesses of my worlds. The white light from outside was filtered by stained glass windows, depicting a heavenly host of me and mine in fertile, green fields. My throne itself was made from carved white stone, capped with onyx and golden decorations. The sign of the alicorn-aquila stretched over the top. It was padded with red cushions. It was the most expensive-looking chair I had ever seen. No, Edo. There is another. There, in front of my throne, surrounded by more immaculate nobles and stoic guards... stood Cota Braidi Vlucht, and Ricarda Cremont Lomathier. Cota was wearing a pilot's G-suit. A helmet sat in one of his hands. He was flying the ornithopter I saw overhead. His red mustache was trimmed, and his hair was cut very close to his head. Meanwhile, Ricarda wore her short, blonde hair down, and was wearing a simple black dress, her arms covered by dark, smooth sleeves. Gold rings with amethyst studs shone from her hands, one hand covering another. The whole of the room bowed to me as I exited the electric runabout, standing on a giant gold mosaic of my dynastic shield. And then the other Rogue Traders greeted me. They started by bowing deeply, a motion that I repeated without thought. "Welcome home, Lord Edo," said Cota, cordially. The very image and sound of a southern coastal gentleman. Refined. Proper. There was something in his blue eyes that gave me pause, something present in Ricarda's eyes as well. Now, it was Ricarda's turn to add, fidgeting with her hands, "I, for one, am glad to see your safe and profitable return to the Imperium. Let us have tea, ey?" A stab to the brain, revealing nothing. Where was the imperious she-devil of the painting? The all-assured commander of planets and squadrons? The lessons of last week on courtly behavior were completely lost on me as I said, gesturing with a hand, "Yes, my... fellows. Let's." This has to be the most expensive hot leaf-water I've ever tasted. Of course, my memory is somewhat... absent as to the kinds of tea I had before, but this definitely had the... qualities of expensive hot leaf water. The three... the two of us sat in the study, an oversized library and indoor garden, complete with fireplace seating and paintings. Of course, today, the paintings above the fireplace were that of Cota, Ricarda, and I, looking very pleased with ourselves. I felt like an imposter beneath their gaze. Cota had just excused himself following a call from a servant. It apparently could not wait. That just left Ricarda and I to tend our dainty, gilded teacups. My blue eyes met her violet eyes, and we suddenly had very little to talk about beyond empty pleasantries. We had compared realm sizes, relative wealth, the strength of our armies, and even which of the Emperor's sons we were close friends with. Old Edo was pleased with my performance, but I got a sense of something... unspoken. Each of us carried all-too-recent wounds. All of us sometimes betrayed a sense of sadness, of loss through our eyes. Ever since I came back, I was somewhat... blinded by light every time I closed my eyes. The proximity of massed humanity, of allied kind... it was enough to drown put my own glowing inner sun. And yet... there was something more still here. Ricarda, finally tired by it all, put her face in her hands, rubbed at her eyes with her fingers. She sighed a shuddering sigh. "Real talk?" She asked, her voice much quieter. "...Sure," I replied, my own bravado absent from my speech. Ricarda set her teacup down on a carved wood side table and stood up, stretching her back, legs, and arms. I blinked as I realized that she was wearing an armored undersuit, too. Cota, too. Even in the heart of power, in the lap of safety, surrounded by more guns than trees in a forest... "Something bad's happened, hasn't it?" I wondered aloud. Ricarda froze. She nodded. I supped the last of my own drink and set the cup down. I shook as the ingredients worked their magic. "Neuro-stimulants." Very fast acting, borderline military. It made me shake a few times. "It's... nothing, eh," she dismissively said with a wave of her hand as she paced around our circle of leather seats and tables. "Nothing my... best and brightest couldn't deal with. Nothing my bodyguards couldn't dispatch. Nothing..." Her voice shuddered as she rounded around back to me. She looked at her worn, thin hands. "Nothing that my doctors can't put back together." She suddenly sat down, wedging herself between me and the chair. My hair stood straight up as she reached around to hug me on the shoulder, pulling me closer. My hand, instinctively, found her shoulder as Old Edo screamed something in my head. A sound I could not hear past the rushing of blood and the pounding of my heartbeat. "My memory", Ricarda admitted, "is not what it once was." Even Old Edo shut up about that one, as even the sounds outside seemed to die. Could this mean...? What did she even know about herself? About me? She pulled me into a full hug as she finally asked, sincerely, "Edo... are you my son?" > 15 - Unlimited Defense Spending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...What?" A violent shiver shook me from head to toe. I looked into Ricarda's eyes. They were wide, scared. Her face was frozen still. Old Edo screamed in my ears, wordlessly. Unhelpfully. I think he was offended by the very question. But as I looked, I saw... something else. Behind her fear. Behind her uncertainty. A glint of light, something that seemed... mischievous, somehow. Before I could say or do anything else, Ricarda vanished in a flash of light. A teleport? I blinked and shifted in my chair. I looked around. The room was as calm and as empty as ever. As the question of Ricarda's relation to me bounced around in my skull, I felt a familiar presence make itself known as she settled into my lap. I smiled as I rested a still-pale hand on the shoulder of my first Princess. Twilight can be... rather cat-like, whether she tries to be or not. She sighed a groaning sigh, and she let me know her annoyance with her every breath. "I don't know how she found out, or who told her or her people, but I can't believe she would pull a dirty trick like that!" I blinked. I had only seen her this irate when it seemed like the Warp was after me. It probably still is. Old Edo had calmed down, but I couldn't hear him saying anything... legible. I swallowed, then asked, with a chuckle, "That bad, huh?" Twilight shifted so she could face me, her belly pressing against mine. She looked me in the eyes, and said, "Do you remember the day we first met?" I looked away, hand scratching at my chin as my mind scratched at the veil of memory. After a few minutes, I was indeed granted with a vision of the past. Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria... four Princesses ruled well, and with grace. Every challenge of evil, every encroachment of darkness, every challenge to harmony and friendship had been overcome. The Sun ruled the day, and the Moon ruled at night. Song ruled the Crystal ponies to the north, and the One ruled as Princess of Friendship. However, even as they reigned, new friends and old enemies loomed on the horizon. The spirit of Chaos, Discord, once a villain of Equestria, was keenly aware of the danger that would one day befall the land. So he used his draconequus powers to pluck unlikely souls out of the heavens and into the world Equestria was a part of. One day, the Princess of Friendship found a man in the Ponyville fountain. I shivered at the memory, the ghost sensation of cold water chilling my bones even next to a fire and with the Princess in my lap. The re-emergence of the memory certainly was... potent. "You found me in a fountain," I recalled. I smelled the wood smoke, as earthy a scent as Ponyville that day. Twilight stared, then pushed me into the seat with a hoof. "Not that," she clarified. "When we met... her. Ricarda." I sat back, Old Edo screaming in my ear. I rubbed my head, screaming at him back with all the profanities I knew. Anything to make him... it shut up. It was this effort that made me fail to remember what it was that happened on that day, long ago. Thankfully, Twilight was there to reminisce. "We had come as a sort of envoy to a war-torn land. The griffons of the continent to our east had always been a divided race, split up into kingdoms, republics, and empires. One day, however, a new face appeared in the court of one King Moriset Discret." She made a face. An image of a smug, mustached king bird appeared in my mind. "News was slow to reach us, so we had no idea that you weren't the only human in this world, so it was little more than a ... local curiosity that a human woman would be a guest of the Aquileian king." I petted Twilight's belly slowly as she recounted the story. "Soon, however, she schemed. There had been a long division in the country between those who supported the Crown, and the revolutionaries who wanted it gone. So she..." Twilight yawned. Seems my ministrations were too effective. I smirked. "She played both sides. Curried favors with the King and his heir. Contacted and cultivated revolutionary elements. When the time came..." Twilight rolled her neck. "It was a... relatively bloodless coup. Only the King and those who opposed Ricarda among the nobility and the revolution died. The poor griffon heiress... she knew she was a catspaw..." I rolled my eyes at the pun. "...But we were there, Edo. You and I stood in the throne room. The daughter of the king sat on the throne, but it was the woman at her side who was making all the decisions. You saw how she was looking at you." A predator's eyes. Sizing me up for reasons... I would very much like to never know. It was the same eyes that... graced the portrait I saw of Ricarda, at the peak of her power. I made it a point, one which everyone around me agreed, to avoid Ricarda as much as possible. But that scared woman... was that really Ricarda? I needed to think. Gently, I set Twilight down on the floor, hooves first. I stretched and then groaned. "I need to think," I said. "I'm not sure that was even Ricarda." Twilight's ears twitched. She said, annoyed, "How do you mean?" "The eyes." "The eyes?" I rubbed my chin. "She... always had a... look in her eye. It wasn't there then. She looked more like a... a scared kid." I rolled my neck and sighed, not really heeding how Twilight took my observation. "Let's go for a walk." That Twilight nodded to. Thus, we took leave of that empty room and walked the hallways of the palace. Halls decorated with gold leafing and fine paintings of distant worlds and ancient wonders. Or we would have... if our trek wasn't immediately interrupted by something falling onto the marble floor from the ceiling with a loud clacking sound. It took a second for me to realize what it was that the small object was. It was a hard candy, wrapped in white paper. Twilight and I looked up to see what it was that dropped the hard candy, and we froze. Princess Pinkie Pie was on the high ceiling. She spread pink wings and swung a pink horn from her head. Her ringmaster's black jacket and leggings hanged a little. She beamed a bright, almost manic grin. Soundlessly, Pinkie dropped from the ceiling and gave the both of us a big tackling hug. We yelped. Pinkie giggled. Twilight gasped, "Pinkie! It's..." She reached around and pulled the Princess of Parties closer, away from me. I saw tears in my Princess's eyes. "It's so good to see you!" They talked about... something. I couldn't hear what. I was lost at that moment when my past revealed itself to me, there sitting on the ground. "It'll be fine, Edo! It's easy to make friends in Ponyville!" "I... I don't know... Twilight? Everything is still spinning..." "Look, here comes Pinkie Pie! Hey, come say hello!" A leap, a dramatic gasp, and a pink creature swiftly departing. "Uh..." It was the smell. Pinkie still smells of sugar and taffee. That was what triggered the memory. I grinned like an idiot. At least a few surprises were good in my life... even if there was something about that costume that gave me pause, especially what looked to be an armored, alien undersuit beneath. A detail that sent Old Edo screaming something about "the goddamn clowns again". "Clowns?" I gasped aloud. "Kinda!" chirped Pinkie. "On that note..." She leaped off Twilight and onto her hind hooves. She looked around, at the empty hallway. That caused Twilight and I to do the same. Where are the guards? Before I could imagine whatever it was that the Alicorn of Laughter could've done, the pony in question unceremoniously toppled over again, right on top of me. Of course. Her weight drove some breath from my lungs, even as I felt her breath on my right ear. Softly, Princess Pinkie said, barely above a whisper, "In the grand theatre of cosmic conflict, where shadows dance with the light, the nefarious adversary, borne of eldritch nightmares and infernal whispers, endeavored to execute a decollation gambit, a vile attempt to sever the heads from the noble body of the Imperium. Alas, their stratagem crumbled into oblivion, a mere specter of failure in the face of indomitable spirit. Now, as the pendulum swings towards the hour of reckoning, a tempest of malice gathers at the threshold of reality, heralding an incursion of apocalyptic proportions upon the sanctified realms of our home, where the clarion call of destiny resounds with an urgency that quivers the very stars." A pause. I heard polite clapping, but could not immediately see anyone. The shadows of the hallways danced and weaved. My hand ached. I looked down beyond Pinkie only to see Pagtum, my sword, in my hand. How...? I could only gasp as Twilight interrogated Pinkie with a single "What...?" I looked around. I expected to see masked figures, colors... anything. I felt the weight depart from my chest, and I looked to see... nothing. Pinkie was gone. Vanished into the very shadows which withdrew up the walls. I sat up, then stood. The sense of dread... an impending doom that hung overhead for the past few months... ever since I woke up, it seemed that I was ever stood at the gates of oblivion, waiting for doors of damnation to open wide. It really wasn't just me. I winced, for the danger was all the more real in my thoughts and in the deepest spots of my heart. It was worse than thinking about mortality... at least death would offer an escape. This doom... death would be but the start of a never-ending nightmare. The hallway grew very cold, causing me to shiver. Even Old Edo seemed silenced. Torturous moments stretched. How long had I stood there? Needles pricked the entirety of my skin. Daemons wrestled in my guts, squeezing at my lungs like chew toys. Oh, my skull! Like unto a pressing machine, trying to juice my brain for all the pain that it's worth! Then... it faded. The tide went out. I could not truly say how long the moment had felt... seconds? Minutes? I collapsed and panted through my dry mouth. Pagtum's brilliant colors shone brightly in my hand, casting little lights on the marbled floor. Light... I closed my eyes. I saw the golden light all around me. An echo of the life around me. An echo... of power. I breathed in, feeling the life pool through my limbs. As I stared into the light behind my eyelids... I... started to see shapes in the ocean of gold. Faces...? I was shaken from my impromptu meditation by my Princess, who enveloped me in another hug. I held Twilight, and we proceeded down the hallway in silence. My Throne Room. Mine. It was transcendentally majestic. Marble pillars stood everywhere, inlaid with gold patterning, and draped in exotic fabrics. The same spheres above shone many lights on the room, miniature suns that carried little marbles on gold wiring. Miniature models of the systems that belonged to the Hassian Domain. To me. To the Imperium. Above them were roof windows... or lights that perfectly replicated the sun that shone on Hassia Prime. The throne itself... was spectacular. Clearly, I spared no expense on this symbol of power to be both impressive and comfy. Old Edo preened with a hum. My Princesses were here, on the throne with me. My left-hand dragons, Spike and Polarscale, flanked the throne. All the others had to look up towards me. The noblemen and women of House Hassia. Guards lined the room. The soldiers of three dynasties. The Rogue Traders Cota and Ricarda, which were still royal guests. Even Captain Shem of the Word Bearers stood in my throne room. Here to speak with me, no doubt. "Court is now in session. Brief me," I announced in my most authoritative voice. The first one in line, a woman with lines of age and battle crossing her face, dressed in military parade reds, stepped forward. "Grandfather," she stated. I blinked. This was Veiss von Hassia, Governor and Militant of Hassia Prime. Veiss's silvery hair was cut military short. Her time in the wars hardened her icy blue eyes, a spitting likeness of Silver Sword, who looked down at Veiss with a soft smile. This caused me to lighten my features as well, even if questions of... logistics entered my mind. Veiss spoke, her voice laced with the smoke of a thousand battlefields. "The Hassian Realm remains secure. We have performed sweeps of realspace and the immaterium. All reports are clear. We're still sweeping the Hives..." she trailed off at my disbelief. I rubbed my head. "How..." I thought over the question in my head. I asked, "How is our war readiness?" Spike handed me a tablet, on which was displayed facts and figures that took a minute of staring to figure out. While I did so, Veiss continued. "While an exact head-count of our forces and the extent of our material is... time-consuming to determine, our readiness to wage planetary and void campaigns is extremely high, grandfather." Dozens of elite Mercator Guard Regiments, a hundred worlds with a hundred Planetary Defense Forces, an overstrength Knight House, and even a few House Hassia Mechanicus Fabricator Fleets. Not to mention a thousand Warbands from the various cultures of the Realm, from whom I can call on warriors, zealots, soldiers of fortune, adventurers, and even pirates... my eyes widened at my naval assets as well. The Imperial Navy's presence was Signiant, with Battlefleet Hassia maintaining a sizable force here, along with spaceports and dockyards. My Privateer Armada was nothing to scoff at, either, even if some of the names were... strange. Who calls themselves "Kaptin Dakkabeard"? It is not enough, Old Edo growled in my head. Will it ever be enough? I wondered back, but I assented. I can always have more. I handed back the tablet to my Seneschal and said to Veiss, "It is... a good start. Begin escalating our preparations, Veiss." Veiss twitched. "Lord?" She squeaked. I gripped the arms of my chair. "We must assume that an attack is imminent. Run all necessary precautions. Run warp-storm drills. Prepare wargames. Do whatever is necessary to prepare an all-out war." My voice had grown harsh. I saw Cota and Ricarda. Their eyes are as hard as mine. They knew. Maybe they had been attacked, too. "Lord Captains Ricarda and Cota, I thank you for joining me here. I would ask that we combine our strength for the bitter fight ahead." Cota beamed, and thumped his chest. He announced, "It would be my honor, brother. The Airborne Regiments of my Genome Army stands ready to deliver death from above." A familiar glint shone in the eyes of Ricarda. Her uncertain voice was gone, and an all-too-familiar honeyed voice said, "My Dynastic Legion would be proud to join this budding crusade." A Crusade? ...Yes. That's what it was becoming, wasn't it? A crusade to kill the false gods. Ideally, I'd get the entire Imperium to join. Even the Emperor's own should join in. My eyes then met the visored helm of Captain Shem. He tilted his head, his arms unfolding. It was then that the doors opened again, admitting entrance to more giants. Magnus the Red had arrived, along with a conga line of Astartes... not all of them from his Thousand Sons. Some pale-blue marines carried large axes. I could even see a few Word Bearer Survivors. Most striking, of course, were the Astartes psykers that walked by Magnus's side, looking every bit the walking red refrigerator wizards. I licked my lips, and announced "All are dismissed." The crowd of nobles and soldiers exited in shuffling form, my announcements ringing in their ears. They were quiet, though, seemingly opting to voice their thoughts to each other out of earshot... and away from the giant men who can read minds. Magnus and I met with our eyes as he and his entourage walked up to my throne, past the noble throng. "Uncle!" The Primarch called out. "Before we talk about what's happening, I'd... like to talk about that arrangement again." Arrangement? ...What arrangement? A quick glance at my Princesses didn't tell me anything. I rubbed my eyes as the congregation marched closer. "Y'know..." I said with a sigh, meeting Magnus and his singular eye again. "My memory isn't what it used to be. Could you remind me?" Magnus nodded, scratching his giant red chin with his giant red hand. They all finally came to a still, the clap of the ceramite boots finally ceasing their drumbeat through the room. "We... we have too many space marines," admitted Magnus sheepily while rubbing his hands. He avoided my gaze, even for a moment. I blinked. "What?" I dumbly asked, shifting in my seat. "The Imperium... has too many space marines," Magnus reiterated, as if simple repetition would suddenly illuminate the point. He locked eye with me again. "Way too many. The Legions swell with fresh recruits, and many Space Marines now find themselves... idling, even on the frontiers. They're aching for a fight, Edo. Many have taken Guilliman's suggestion into action, and are splintering off into Chapters, often going beyond even the reach of the Astronomicon. All that's left is... well, to ask you to host some Astartes within the Hassian Realm. I've already talked with—" Don't you dare! Old Edo screamed. We can't trust them! What? Why? Are they not effective warriors of the Imperium? Are they not... loyal? Old Edo screamed some more in my ears, but I could not hear. More talk about demons. Damnation. Fully half of them were lost. Lost before I intervened. Images flashed across my eyes. Faces, first noble, then twisted into laughing monsters. My skull was afire. I took a deep breath, and the sensation subsided. We need every gun, do we? I questioned Old Edo. Then we really do mean every gun. I focused enough to raise a hand and say, "Let's do it," cutting off Magnus. He blinked. I waved my hand in a gesture, adding, "Introduce us, dear nephew." "I..." Magnus stammered, before regaining his composure. He reached behind and gestured forward a Marine, one of the silvery-blue ones with the axes. And wolf motifs on their armor. Space... Wolves? I really need to reacquaint myself better with the galaxy I find myself in. While I was quietly bemoaning my relative ignorance, the head of these wolfish warriors took off his helmet, showing off his healthy head and chin of red hair. He flashed his white fanged teeth in a maniac grin. Bright blue eyes bored down on me. Loudly, and with an impossible growl in his voice, the warrior greeted me, saying, "Fenrys hjolda, mighty Jarl. I am Ulfar Redmane of the Vlka Fenryka." > 16 - Wolves at the Door > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I understood... some of that. He used an honorific, but it is clearly of a different... culture. I should really not be surprised, really... if the Imperium covers a million worlds, then of course different cultures would be present. I nodded, and said, "Welcome, Ulfar. What brings you and your axebearers to Hassia?" Grinning, the space marine replied, "Fenris is... full." I cocked an eyebrow. "Full?" Ulfar nodded. "Full." I briefly tried to recall where Fenris is in comparison to Hassia Prime, but nothing really came to mind. Was there even such a thing as galactic north in the Milky Way? Instead of pondering about that further, my thoughts were interrupted by Twilight, who leaned in and said, "You still with us?" I nodded, even if the echo of Old Edo screaming seemed to drown out all other sounds. Even my quiet heartbeat seemed to be absent. I sighed and rubbed my head. I apologized by saying, "You'll have to excuse me. A noisome thing has entered into my head, and it will not leave. Even the exorcism..." Twilight nodded. She turned to Magnus, and called out, "Are you ready?" It was Magnus' turn to nod, as he said, "Yes, Auntie. I've gathered my finest for this task." Ulfar and the other marines shared a look.... yeah, "Auntie" is a bit weird. I think. Magnus called out to me, saying, "Come forward, please. It's time." That shut up Old Edo. Even if I lose my memories before the awakening, that'll be a fair price, I think. I got up and walked down the stairs. You wouldn't, he pleaded in my head. You need me. Where will you be without my knowledge? My anger? You should've thought of that before becoming a demon and attacking me... me. Is it really our fault that I'm the piece the daemons broke off? Look at the other Rogue Traders. Even if I had dismissed everybody else, something was keeping Ricarda and Cota here. They stood, each with their most trusted at their side. At Ricarda's side, I could see an elderly griffon nobleman... noblegriffon? He wore a psychic hood, stared at me with purple-white eyes, and a stiff, scarred, beaked face. He wore dark robes, and held himself in an upright position with a psychic staff, headed by a silver Aquila. That's Ricarda's Master of Mysteries, her spymaster and head psyker, like Amber Sight. For the title, they traditionally give up their names, though. Also next to Ricarda was one of the felenids, a dangerous-looking fellow. He looked at me with cat-like eyes from his cat-like face. It was an effect more... uncomfortable than cute if I'm being honest. He wore slim armor with petite pauldrons. He also carried a... melta gun at his side. From his demeanor, it was an old friend to him. She calls her personal bodyguard and Arch-Militant "Coffee Maker". I don't... I don't get it. Next to Cota was a pair of genome soldiers and an... alien? No, a human. He just... stared. Impassively. Like looking at a petri dish. A Gene-Crafter of Krieg. A paradise that houses insane soldiers and even crazier vat-keepers. To weave genetic material like fabric... it is a great power, but a terrible one. I looked at the genome soldiers again. They may as well have been... machines. Their appearance and stance were exact. From their posture, they took pride in being the same. A wall between House Vluct and the enemies of the Imperium. Do you think you were the only one? Or that you should show weakness before them? I ignored Old Edo and turned back to Magnus, to his Sorcerers. To Ulfar, and his Wolves. To Shem, and his Believers. I walked upon them all, upon the Emperor's own sons. "This will hurt," warned Magnus. I took a deep breath. To steel myself, I said, "Ever since that day, when I first awoke in this strange new life, when I was beset by demons who took my memories and wore my face..." I turned back to my Princesses, who had followed me down the stairs and towards the gathering crowd. Now, a circle is forming around me, full of friends and allies. And yet, safety is an illusion, Old Edo hissed in my ears. This is a waste of time. We should prepare for the storm of Chaos... and the storm after that. My hands shook. This is the 41st Millennium. There will always be another enemy that threatens us all. Yes. That may very well be. But I think... we can do better without you, Old Edo. Don't be absurd. I am the keystone of the entire Protectorate. Without me, who are you? I shook my head. ...I am Edo von Hassia, Auric Rogue Trader of the Imperium of Man and Equus. I looked back, more steadily towards Magnus. "I know that I must walk the path of thorns." Magnus nodded. Ulfar rubbed his chin. Shem made the sign of the Aquila. You remembered. The Sorcerer Space Marines formed another perimeter around me as I stood in the middle of the throne room. Soon, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as a psychic energy heightened in the room. I saw purple runes, previously hidden, alight in the walls of the throne room. Twilight's work. My Princesses also formed a perimeter. I am safe. I am in my home. With practiced poise, Magnus said, "Edo, I will need to draw out the entity and bind it. It may try to take control. A quick tip..." Magnus took a few steps towards me and then took a knee. I crossed my arms as he leaned over to whisper something in my ear. "Let it." I swallowed hard and had only one thing to ask. Stammering, I blinked incredulously and asked, "Uh, h-how?" With a hum, Magnus told me, "We provoke it." "Well, it believes it's me," I pointed out. With a nod, Magnus sighed, then said, "Then I'm sorry for what we have to do now, Uncle." Standing up and stepping away, Magnus announced, "The daemon that lives inside of Edo von Hassia's mind is convinced that it is Edo von Hassia. That is why we must haze him." I cocked my head. "Rile him up! Make him mad!" Oh, no. Seriously? Old Edo taunted. From the look on his face, Magnus could read that thought. His grin could not be wider. "Oh, yes, Uncle! We've got to get you riled up!" I raised an eyebrow and scratched my face. "Doesn't..." I wondered aloud. "Telling me about this part of the plan makes it harder?" Magnus laughed. "Maybe!" He admitted. At that moment, I just about jumped out of my skin at a stinging, electric sensation that struck the base of my back. I turned around to see a sheepily grinning Twilight, her horn having discharged some sort of static shock spell. I wheezily laughed. "Such a betrayal!" I taunted. I rolled my neck. I suppose I have to play my part in this plan. "Hey!" I called out aloud, to the spirit within my head. "Daemon! Your joyride's over!" I'm still you. "If you're me, then what am I, huh? Chopped liver?" From what I remember... we're both shards. Incomplete. You can feel it, can't you? I turned to Magnus. "How do I know if I'm not dealing with... a shard of my soul?" I asked. Magnus, for his part, rubbed his eyes as he read a tome. "It's... possible. A human soul doesn't usually... survive being split and put back together. If it was, you'd have assimilated it by now. Don't worry, Rogue Trader. It's a daemon." I am looking out for your best interest, Edo. Our best interests. Even if I am... I'm loyal. I have to be... You sound... unsure, Old Edo. Don't call me that. "Old Edo!" I chirped aloud. "Not much of a demon name, but it'll do!" I turned to one of my Princesses. The first I saw was Cherry Heart. "Quick!" I called out. "What's something super embarrassing for me?" While I gave my Princesses something to think about, I turned to Ulfar. I called out, saying, "This guy has my memories, and he really doesn't like Space Marines. Can you brag?" Ulfar laughed a howling laugh. "Can I brag? Does Fenris not howl with ice and fury?" I blinked. That doesn't tell me anything. Ulfar noticed my lack of reaction and cleared his throat. Not this again, Old Edo moaned between my ears. Ulfar flicked his fur cloak, and traced some of the runes inscribed in his armor with an iron-clad finger, and began what I can only describe as a... saga. "Hear you well, sons and daughters of the All-Father. Hear the tales of our band of Wolf Brothers. Hear how our foes reek of cowardice, Those whose hearts are full of malice, Whose bones turn to ice at the sight of our steel, And their doom comes from our zeal! The Great Wolf calls us forth from our home of snow—" Azure Fire, cutting in, shouted, impatiently, "This is taking too long!" And she zapped me. New jolts of painful energies raced from my hands through my head. Moving to intervene, Cherry Heart said, "Wait—!" Before being interrupted herself by one of the Marines. "Have faith," was all he said. I wheeled around to face my Princess. My Paladin Matriarch. No, mine, stupid spirit. The sacrifices were ours! We need to make more preparations for the Crusade of Ending! I clutched my head, even as more jolts and verbal jabs hit me. My responsibilities, not yours, Old Edo. You are a forgetful fool. Once we weather this, we need to send all our guests, and the Marines, home. They will be hit, too! I blinked, but my train of thought was interrupted by the sight of Rogue Trader Ricarda Cremont Lomathier. She stood before me, a figure paradoxically uncertain and set. A malevolence shone behind her eyes. She leaned close and whispered in my ears, "Star Rum Baby." I had no idea what she was talking about... but it seems that Old Edo did, because he roared, through my lips, with an unnatural reverb, "That happened one time!" A wicked smile graced Ricarda's own lips as she triumphantly said, "Yes. I loved that child we made, eh!" Her maddened voice was not her own. Ricarda... no, Old Ricarda grabbed my face and pulled me in for a deep, breathy kiss. Old Edo replied with a fist to her jaw. My head swam, though I'm not sure if it's because Old Edo had taken control, or that Ricarda was so... forceful. I was still too close, as we were both zapped by the Princesses. "Get away from him!" Twilight screamed. "You bitch!" Cherry Heart added. Azure Fire howled with rage. Silver Sword howled with laughter. Forest Grace sighed with a long-suffering look on her face. Each was restrained by Wolves or Shem's Marines. From the way they moved, even these superhumans struggled with my Princesses. Ricarda and I, however, were seized by clouds of pink Warp energy, and from the glowing hands of Magnus and his sorcerors, it seems that it finally happened... with some complications. "Woah, there!" Magnus jeered as he pulled and weaved ethereal energies. "Two for one!" He laughed. Old Edo locked my eyes with Ricarda. "Why!?" He screamed in my voice. "Why expose yourself?! You'll die, too, asshole!" Ricarda issued forth a crone's haunting laughter. Then, she said, even as she was also held in the trap, "I figured my time was up, eh! Might as well go out messing with you one last time!" "Go to hell, woman! You're compromising the safety of both our Protectorates!" We started to float into the air, but neither of... us? Seemed to notice. "I have faith in myself!" Ricarda taunted. "Do you?!" That shut Old Edo up just long enough for the ritual to complete. There was a flash of light... I... I blacked out. "... E... Edo? Edo!" I was on the floor of my Throne Room, surrounded by my Princesses. I rose up and rested on my hands and rump. I was promptly surrounded by a pile of ponies. I felt my eyes grow wet, though my poor voice was in no position to say much of anything. I blinked, and looked past Silver Sword's head to see Ricarda, who had pulled her psyker and her... coffee maker into a hug, as well. That just left... Cota Vlucht, who was receiving a lot of stares from the Marines. He sighed, and said, "I thought maybe I was the only one to lose my memories. My medical staff noticed the daemon right away." Nodding, the Gene-Crafter standing next to Cota stated, matter-of-factly, "Vlucht Medicine is the finest in the galaxy." I bitterly chuckled. Of course one of us would be able to skip the stages of pain and dreams. Although... I swallowed and tried to speak up. "H-How many?" I hoarsely asked. "What's what?" Magnus asked. I noticed two new trinkets dangling from his hands, glowing gold glass orbs reinforced with metal. I almost felt bad. "How many of us were attacked... like this?" I asked, breathlessly. "I... don't know," Magnus admitted. I felt the heartbeats of my Princesses. I closed my eyes and saw the light again. I'll... wait to draw on its power again. For now, I was content to breathe... and to be. "You are all dismissed," I announced. "I want to take the rest of today off... if you all don't mind." I felt and heard the marines, Magnus, the Rogue Traders, and their retinue leave the room. I opened my eyes to see that Ulfar had not yet left the room. We locked eyes. "You are fortunate we did not have to use the Wulfen restraining technique," mused Ulfar. "The usual plan for that is 'we all tackle you'." Upon seeing my face, he heartily laughed and departed, his thunderous step matching the rest of him. I hugged my Princesses tighter, even as the last of my waking world left me. I awoke in a bitter, cold sweat. Though Old Edo's presence was gone, the dread hanging over me had not. Everybody had gone home, but the Marines had stayed. Ulfar and Captain Shem had more or less moved into my Palace whilst a Fortress Monastery was being prepared by the House Hassia Mechanicum. Magos Polarscale just smirked when I said "Spare no expense." Several locations on Hassia were being discussed, including the options of constructing something in orbit of this world, a new addition to the Hive City, or even being built as an extension of my own Palace. When I asked about how that would work, logistically, Polarscale informed me that we could always simply "just make the island bigger". Nothing to say of potentially requiring the demolition of surrounding Insulae, even if it would hardly render any nobleman... or noble pony homeless. They may exist in my shadow, but their own individual wealth was not insignificant. All this, of course, in service to the founding of a new chapter of Space Marines, one undoubtedly founded by Wolves, Zealots, a few Sorcerors that Magnus left behind, as well as a few others I was told were coming from a few other Nephews. To draw my favor, or offload surplus Astartes? For now, I would have to consider just how to form this new chapter and how best to deploy it in the coming struggle. We settled on "Varangians of Hassia". They would harmonize under a new coat of arms, new paint schemes, and armor trims. I had no doubt, though, that the martial culture of the Varangians would take time to form, mutually assimilating quirks and practices from different Legions. More busy work, but such a thing was an admittedly welcome distraction. I opened my eyes and looked out the round window towards the hive city of Hassia Prime. The Crown Jewel of the Hassian Protectorate. It shone with golden light coming from its many towering spires. The very image of a shining, perfect megapolis. However, as I got up and walked over to the window, phantom memories emerged from my mind of my time in its dark, dreary depths, in this, the dark hours of the morning. More than once, my personal intervention was required when the Arbites failed to take down a particularly dangerous criminal gang. To my eternal shame, more than one shared my blood. The shadow I cast is long, and those who are born in it can often be... bitter. I shivered, shaking my head to clear it of thoughts of traitors and betrayals. For now, I would need all the blood and fire I could muster. I had my trusty sword, Pagtum. It waited in its scabbard, which hung on the marble wall. It thirsted for daemonic flesh. I should probably be more concerned that I could sense what my crystalline-steel sword wants and desires... but it, too, is an old friend. Next to it was Lil' Stubby, my short-barreled, bayoneted rifle. But another weapon caught my eye. It was a crystalline firearm, like 'Lil Stubby. A fusion of Terran technologies and Equestrian magics. A sawn-down pump shotgun, fitted with a chainsaw grip and a crystal muzzle. Runes of destruction were carved onto every available metal and even wooden surface. Lil' Shotty. I smiled. What was with me and firearms that were sawn down to smaller size? Though by the shape, number, and quality of weapons on my walls, I was not exactly wanting for standard, even larger weapons, either... not that I'd try carrying a great many into battle. I looked into the glowing spires of Hassia Prime. I could almost hear the weapon shops, the hammering ring on plasteel, the roar of furnaces, the boiling energies powering it all... But I also could see the banners. The marching of many feet, paws, and hooves. Ordinary people doing ordinary things. Living ordinary lives, working ordinary jobs. They would see smiles, bright murals, and grim, but cheery propaganda on the metal walls. They would eat good, hot food with many friends and family. As it turns out, a good quality of life is one of the best defenses against heresy. ..."Heresy". A strange word, but I suppose... fitting. The worship of dark powers is an affront to life and liberty. I made a mental checklist of every threat that was likely to be out here, including the false gods. I remember the Imperial names given, the ones to obscure their true names. The one called He-Who-Rots, promising an end to pain, the satisfaction of the cycle of life... a lie, since an eternity of swamp rot is nothing to a real garden. The Collector-of-Skulls... an appeal to violence. An ocean of blood... which turns into a very shallow puddle when one compares the complexity of human war to the screaming and flailing of children. The That-Which-Plans... plans within plans, enigmas within enigmas... until the time comes for the "full plan". It usually just involves a lot of violence and fire. Finally, She-Who-Thirsts. Enough said. I sighed, my gaze still facing out the window. There are enough foes around the galaxy even before you consider the immortal ones. The Greenskins. The Genestealers and the coming Tide. The fractured Eldar, whose Webway we compete over, even if the Solarch continues her attempts at diplomacy with the Craftworlders. The Drukhari, whose Dark City we will either conquer... or destroy. The Brain-snatchers, or whatever they were called. The Necrons... Those were going to be trouble. Terrible still, could there be a legion of traitors just behind our sight, looking to re-establish their master's whims across the Imperium? Imperium Intelligence will need more contributions. Agent Reginald should be very happy with that. Endless spending, endless sacrifices, endless war. A thought comes to my mind, as I stare at the glow of the distant city. Perhaps it is a leftover from Old Edo. In the Grim Darkness of the Far Future, there can Be No Victor. Well... we'll see about that. It is the 41st Millennium. For more than 100 centuries, the Milky Way Galaxy has burned in the crucible of war. The Emperor and the Solarch are the Masters of Mankind and Equus-kind by the will of the gods. They are the Master of a Million Worlds by the will of their Immortal Servants and the might of their Inexhaustible Armies. Hold fast to the Promise of Progress and Understanding, for in the Grim Dark Future, There is Only War. There is no Peace Amongst the Stars, only an Eternity of Carnage and Slaughter, and the Laughter of Thirsting Gods... for now.