Wonderbolt Dream A Reality

by Big Imagination E

First published

Rainbow got accepted into Wonderbolt Academy. But is it really what she wants?

For the longest period of time Rainbow Dash has been accepted into Wonderbolt Academy! It was her dream! But was it all she wants?

This was requested by ChazMLPFIM. Give him the respect guys.

Accepted to Wonderbolt Academy

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It was a gorgeous sunny day and we see Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Spike and the others having a picnic underneath her cloud-house, waiting for the delivery of Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt Academy acceptance letter to her mailbox, which is situated on the ground close by. Since Scootaloo and Spike support Rainbow Dash's dream, they know she'll be the wonderbolt in no time.

“It certainly is a beautiful day here.” Spike commented.

“I agree Spikey.” Scootaloo said as she kissed him on the cheek.

“And I am hoping that Dashie will be accepted into the Wonderbolt Academy.” Spike hoped.

“Me too babe. Me too.” Scootaloo replied.

A few minutes later we see a messenger pony coming to them.

“Got a letter here for Rainbow Dash.” The messenger pony said.

Quickly Rainbow took the letter and opened it to read. Then she had a sad look.

“I... didn't get in.” Rainbow responded sad.

Everyone gasped and then Rainbow laughed.

“Gotcha! Ha, you guys are so gullible. Like I wasn't gonna get in!” Rainbow chuckled.

“I'm just sooooooooooo happy for you!” Pinkie shouted happy.

“Uh... thanks?” Rainbow said getting a little uncomfortable.

“Pinkie? Can you give my girlfriend some space please?” Spike asked.

“Sorry! I just wanna hug to say I’m happy!” Pinkie said.

“Pinkie Pie? I kinda need to get going.” Rainbow noted.

“Okay. I'm done!” Pinkie said releasing her.

“The sooner I get there, the sooner I get to show 'em my stuff! See you guys in a week!” Rainbow said taking off.

“Good luck!” Applejack said.

“Won't need it!” Rainbow boasted.

“DON'T FORGET TO WRITE!!!” Pinkie shouted through a megaphone. That annoyed everyone.

“Really Pinkie? Just let her get settled before she can write to us.” Spike noted.

“Sorry Spike.” Pinkie apologized.

After Rainbow arrived back home she packed all her things and headed to her dream academy. Once she arrived she saw the very place in front of her.

“Oh, yeah! This is gonna be sweet!” Rainbow beamed.

Then another pony who’s yellow and has orange hair came here. She’s Spitfire.

“Well, lookie what we got here. Bet y'all think you're Wonderbolt material, don't ya?” Spitfire asked.

“Yes, ma'am!” The pegasi shouted.

“Think you got what it takes to be an elite flyer?” Spitfire asked again.

“Yes, ma'am!” The pegasi shouted.

“Well then. Let me be the first to tell you... You don't! If you had what it took to be an elite flyer, you'd already be a Wonderbolt! Still think you're something special?” She snarked at a Pegasus named Cloudchaser.

“No, ma'am!” She quaked.

Then she went to Bulk Biceps. “Ya think you're hot stuff?” Then she went to Rainbow. “You look like you're the worst flyer in the whole academy! You'll probably quit after the first day!”

“No, ma'am! I'd never quit, ma'am!” Rainbow said back.

“Ha. What about you? Bet you couldn't fly past the first flagpole without getting winded.” Spitfire asked another Pegasus named Lightning Dust.

“Try me, ma'am.” She challenged.

“What's that?” Spitfire asked.

“Let me show you what I've got, ma'am.” Lightning answered.

“Ah. You want a chance to prove yourself, huh?” Spitfire questioned.

“Yes, ma'am!”

“Well then, now's your chance. Give me five hundred laps! All of you!” She yelled.

All the pegasi groaned hearing that but Spitfire didn’t care. She blew her whistle and they immediately got started. After a few hours they were coughing and almost finished.

“Lap four-hundred and ninety-nine!” Spitfire yelled.

“One more lap to go!” Rainbow told Lightning.

“You're on!” Lightning smirked.

Then everyone all crossed the finish line and we’re tired.

“Five hundred!” Spitfire yelled.

Then the two screeched in front of Spitfire. She smirked.

“Not bad... for a couple of newbies.” Spitfire said and left.

The two got up and introduced themselves.

“Name's Lightning Dust.”

“Rainbow Dash!”

“Wanna grab some grub in the mess hall?” Lightning offered.

“Definitely.” Rainbow replied.

Then the two entered the mess hall and got themselves a bite to eat. After a few minutes Rainbow went to rest in her room and unpacked everything. Now she was happy to accomplish her dream but deep down she missed her boyfriend and her friends.

Remembered Her Loyalty.

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Three days went by and Pinkie was getting worried about Rainbow cause she hasn’t sent a letter back. Spike on the other hand was enjoying Scootaloo’s company. But she noticed that Spike was a little sad.

“Are you okay sweetie?” Scootaloo asked.

“I miss Rainbow. It’s been a few weeks since we heard from her.” Spike answered.

“It’s okay babe. I miss her too. Hey why don’t we go check on the girls and see how they’re doing?” Scootaloo offered.

“Good idea sweetie.” Spike replied.

So the two got up and headed to see the girls. They were at the mailbox and Pinkie was still there.

“What’s going on here?” Spike asked.

“She's still at it.” Rarity answered.

“I just wish we could help her.” Fluttershy wished.

“Help me? The only thing that could possibly help me right now is a letter from Rainbow Dash! It's been three days already. By now, she probably doesn't even know our names anymore! She probably can't remember our faces! "Pinkie Pie? I never heard of a Pinkie Pie! Who is Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie spoke quickly.

“Well, if you're so worried, then why don't you send her a letter first?” Twilight suggested.

“Yeah. Do that and she’ll respond.” Spike said.

“Of course! That's a great idea!” Pinkie smiled.

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack: [sigh of relief]

“Oh wait! I got an even better idea! How about we send Rainbow Dash a care package? You know, before she forgets all about us? Although, come on, let's face it. It's probably too late for that. But, uh, maybe it'll jog her memory somehow.” Pinkie said.

“Pinkie Pie, I'm sure Rainbow Dash still remembers our faces and who we are. But I think sending her a care package is a great idea.” Twilight reminded her.

“A care package it is! We'll send it through the mail! WAIT! Ah! That won't work at all!” Pinkie shouted.

“Why not?” Applejack asked.

“Because what if the package gets lost in the mail? What if somepony else gets the package by accident and then she remembers us instead of Rainbow Dash and then she becomes our new friend? And then the real Rainbow Dash won't ever know that she used to have friends and she forgot them!” Pinkie responded.

“Is anypony else followin' this?” Applejack replied.

They all nodded in confusion and didn’t understand a word she said.

“I've got it! We'll deliver the care package to Rainbow Dash in person!” Pinkie suggested.

“I wouldn't mind a little trip.” Rarity said.

“I'll go!” Twilight said.

“Count me in!” Applejack said.

“Me too.” Fluttershy said.

“So do me and Scootaloo.” Spike said.

“Me five! But don't be upset if she doesn't recognize you at first. It may take a while for her to get her memory back.” Pinkie told them.

They all sighed at Pinkie's craziness and decided to climb in a balloon to deliver the care package to Rainbow.

Meanwhile back at the Academy Rainbow was starting to have second doubts about being here. At first she was okay about being the best she can be but when Lightning Dust is starting to let her ego get in her head she worried that the same thing can happen to her. Right now she was in her room resting til me heard a knock on the door relieving to be Soarin. He was another Pegasus she befriended.

"Hey Rainbow. You okay? You're usually always ready to be the Wonderbolt." Soarin asked.

"No Soarin. Lightning keeps bragging about being the best. I know I do that sometimes but I usually control that. That and I miss my boyfriend Spike. Maybe I shouldn't have come here." Rainbow said in regret.

"Don't say that. Spitfire looked through your records and you are the best one she recruited. So stay and try again. And maybe we can hang out after training?" Soarin offered.

"I appreciate that Soarin. But I don't want to crush Spike's heart. Maybe you can ask him if it's okay to be part of the harem?" Rainbow suggested.

"When I meet him I will definitely ask him." Soarin answered.

So Soarin and Rainbow walked out of the academy and heading to the training ground to begin their tasks. Then suddenly during the obstacle course when she made a tornado it accidentally hit her friends and they fell. Rainbow saw that and when she saw her boyfriend falling and hugging Scootaloo while screaming she needed to save them. Then Soarin saw that too and joined her to the rescue. He told the others and together they worked as a team to save them. After that they gently placed them on the ground.

"Pinkie! You alright?" Rainbow asked.

"You... remember me!" Pinkie cried happy.

"Well... yeah, of course I remember you. But... what are you all doing here?" Rainbow wondered.

"We wanted to bring you a care package. Didn't realize you'd be in the middle of some crazy tornado drill." Applejack answered.

"It's okay. It happens. And Spike? I was wondering if I could speak to you once we get this situation fixed." Soarin asked.

"Sure man." Spike said.

Then Lightning Dust came down.

"That... was... awesome" She shouted.

"Awesome? My friends could have been smashed to pieces! Not to mention that my boyfriend was almost killed!" Rainbow retorted.

"Yeah, but they weren't, right? Can't say the same for the clouds. We totally wiped them out with that tornado. The other cadets will have to be up there for days to bust as many as we did." Lightning said ignoring the warning.

"A hoof bump? Seriously? You made me clip my wing. You sent half of our class into serious tailspins on the obstacle course. You unleashed a tornado that nearly demolished my friends!" Rainbow frowned.

"Yeah, and?" Lightning asked.

"And I get that you want to be the best. So do I! But you're going about it in the wrong way." Rainbow reminded her.

"She's right. And that is not cool. Spike. Come on were taking OUR conversation somewhere else." Soarin said taking him inside.

The two headed in but Lightning was still boasting about her ego.

"The Wonderbolts don't seem to think so. After all, Spitfire did make me the leader and you the wingpony." Lightning told her.

She sighed. "You're right. She did."

Rainbow opened the open and sat down with Spitfire. Rainbow knew that she had to do what's right.

"This better be important. You're supposed to be up there busting clouds with your partner." Spitfire said

"We're done with that, ma'am." Rainbow told her.

"Already? That's an academy record! Explain your methods." Spitfire said surprised.

"That's why I'm here, ma'am. Lightning Dust decided to use a tornado." Rainbow answered.

"A bit excessive for cloud-busting. But judging from your time, it was obviously an effective tactic." Spitfire said impressed.

"Yeah, well that "effective tactic" nearly took out my friends! No disrespect, ma'am, but there's a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can and just being reckless. And if being reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that's what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I don't want any part of it." Rainbow said with honest.

"What are you saying, newbie?" Spitfire asked.

Rainbow Dash took off her badge and told her the answer. "I quit."

She left her office and packed all her things. Little did she realize that Spike and Soarin watched from the window and made Soarin think that she's right. Once outside she told her friends everything that happened.

"You did what?!" Applejack said.

"Being a Wonderbolt was your dream!" Rarity reminded her.

"Not anymore." Rainbow said.

"I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I know how much this meant to you." Twilight said disappointed.

Everyone hugged her and not before long Spike and Soarin came to her.

"Hey Rainbow. I heard what happened through the window. Listen. I talked to Spike and he and I were getting along fine. And when we heard you were quitting guess what?" Soarin said taking off his badge. "I'm quitting too."

"What? But I thought you liked being a Wonderbolt." Rainbow asked.

"I did. But after what Spike told me about you being together with him I realized that there's more important things than being a Wonderbolt. And your right. It's not okay to keep pushing yourself to be the best. So I'm done. And Spike? Is it okay that I join your harem?" Soarin asked.

"Considering you saved me from the tornado I say yes. Welcome to the harem buddy." Spike replied.

Soarin hugged him and he returned it. Then he went to Rainbow and shared one kiss. But as soon everyone was about to leave....

"Rainbow Dash! How dare you storm out of my office without giving me a chance to respond! The Wonderbolts are looking for the best flyers in Equestria, but you were right. Being the best should never come at the expense of our fellow ponies. It's not just about pushing ourselves. It's about pushing ourselves in the right direction. You've shown that you're capable of doing just that. You're no wingpony, Rainbow Dash. You're a leader." Spitfire said realizing her mistake.

"OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!" Rainbow smiled.

"Now get out there and give me twenty!" Spitfire ordered.

"Yes, ma'am!" Rainbow obeyed.

Rainbow jumped to the sky and saw all the Wonderbolts ready to obey their new leader and headed off to do their duties. Everyone watched as Rainbow remembered her loyalty to do things right.

"That Rainbow. So loyal to anyone. I like that." Soarin said.

"That why I'm dating her Soarin. But your part of the harem now. So that makes her ours." Spike replied.

Soarin chuckled and wrapped his arm around him. He knew they were gonna get along just fine.

"Wait! You didn't even get to open your care package!" Pinkie shouted.

Maybe next time leave her package in front of her room!

The End.