> The ultimate surprise in Equestria girls > by shadowshild612 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A cold snowy night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark storm clouds flew across the skies of canterlot high, a mid winter wind blowing through the area. Fluttershy a young yellow skin teenager with pink hair bundled herself up in her light pink fluffy coat. She shuddered at the waft of air that blew her hood off as she slowly walked down the street towards her animal sanctuary.  “Oh I hope all my little friends are ok in this chilly weather.” “Their fine Flutters they have fur.” A light blue teenage girl with Rainbow hair commented on catching up with her friend, making Fluttershy jump a bit.   “Oh rainbow dash, you startled me!” Fluttershy said, staring at her friend. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at her friend, shaking her head. “You get scared at everything still, after everything we've been through I thought you'd be less afraid of everything.”  "I didn't say I was afraid, I said I was startled, as if you surprised me!" She said blushing in embarrassment and anger at Rainbow. Rainbow dash shrugs with a smirk as they continue to walk. "Rainbow, have you noticed anything strange about that new student at school?" Fluttershy asked. She scoffs a little in a casual manner. “Well, yeah. They’re new after all.” Rainbow says, turning around and walking backward while keeping a slight lead on the other girl. “Everyone’s awkward on their first day. Well, except me of course.” She twirls back to face forward with a little jump, expending some of that energy. Fluttershy nods slowly. "I was mainly referring to that weird watch he has on his hand. I mean who wears watches on their hands?"  Rainbow just gives a shrug. “Eh, who cares? Everyone has their…’Vokca-go’, or whatever Rarity calls it.” She skips ahead again. “It's just a watch. Even if it looks pretty darn dorky.”  Fluttershy nods slowly, glancing upwards. "It looks like it might snow."  Rainbow blinks before glancing and seeing the darking clouds. “Awesome~” Clearly in a better mood her pace starts to quicken. “Think we’ll have another snowball match?” Fluttershy Chuckles. "Maybe we can get our friends to have one with us tomorrow." “Right. Hopefully not a repeat with the exchange students from last year.” Rainbow jokes while raising a palm in a gesture. “Who knew Short Girls can be so scary.” Fluttershy laughs a little, noticing the new student they had been talking about laying on a bench. Rainbow also notices. “Think he’s napping?” She says. Fluttershy shrugs, noticing the new student shivering a bit as he rolls over trying to sleep. "I think he's spending the night here… oh my you don't think he's homeless do you?"  Checking her own watch, she grimaces at the time. “...I mean, he could be?” Rainbow says, both concerned and seemingly hesitant.  The boy shivers wrapping himself up in his jacket as some snowflakes begin to fall. "Oh what should we do?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow. “Well, we can’t really just leave him…”  "Y-you think we should bring him home?" Fluttershy asked a deep blush formed on her face from the idea of bringing a boy to their house.  “Flutter’s, don’t let you mind flutter to the gutter…” Rainbow says with a raise of her eyebrow. “I guess it would work. He is definitely taking the couch though.” Fluttershy glares at her a little, but nods.  Her friend just smirks a bit at the look. “So, how are we going to move em?”  Fluttershy thinks for a moment. "We could call Applejack."  “That could work…” Rainbow says, reaching for her pocket… before finding it empty. “Thats right, left at home.” "I have mine." Fluttershy said calling Applejack. "Hello Applejack, me and Rainbow need your help. Can you come to fortieth street?" Fluttershy stayed silent for a few minutes as Applejack spoke on the phone. "Ok thank you." She said closing her flip phone. "She'll be here in a bit."  "That's good, this dude is shaking like a kicked puppy." Rainbow said with a frown as she looked at him closer, taking notice of his black pants and orange shirt. "Jeez he must have been on the streets for a while, his clothes are ragged."  "Oh no, I hope Applejack hurries up." Fluttershy said with a frown.  "Maybe we should call Rarity too, get him some new clothes." Rainbow said before she sniffed the air and covered her nose. “And a bath.” "Alright I'll call Rarity." Fluttershy said as she noticed the boy was balling himself up as tears fell from his eyes. "Oh dear, Rarity are you there? Can you come to fortieth street? Me and Rainbow found our new classmate sleeping on a bench and he's freezing and needs new clothes."  Rainbow looked away from him and to Fluttershy as she talked on the phone. Fluttershy smiled and sighed softly, nodding a little. "Ok, thank you. Applejack is on her way too… ok… ok. Thank you." She said, hanging up the phone. "She's on her way."  “That’s good, with the two of them we will be able to help this guy out.” Rainbow said before looking back at the sleeping boy. The boy shivered more as he slowly sat up with a groan. "What's going on?" “Don’t worry dude, we got some friends coming to help you out.” Rainbow told him. "Huh?" The boy asked, looking at them in confusion. "What do you mean?"  "Y-you're sleeping on a bench… y-you looked like you needed help…" Fluttershy said with a slight frown, hiding behind her hair.  “Yeah dude, like…are you homeless or something?” Rainbow asked him with a frown of her own. The boy frowned a bit as he looked away. "I appreciate the concern but I'm fine."  “Dude, you are sleeping on a bench, wearing ragged clothes, and you smell like you haven’t showered in weeks.” Rainbow said bluntly. “Rainbow!” Fluttershy admonished as she weekly slapped Rainbow’s arm. "What? It's True!" Rainbow said as the boy stood up and put his hands in his pockets.  "Yeah well, that kinda happens when you're a run away." He said, putting his hood up as snowflakes began falling.  “A run away? Geez, what would make you want to run away?” Rainbow asked him. The boy frowned a bit as Fluttershy smacked Rainbow's arm again. "Rainbow that's private!"  “Ok ok geez.” Rainbow said, holding her hands up. “Look, we already called our friends, at least let us get you some new clothes and a bath.” "Not like it'll change much." The boy said with a slight shrug as an old pickup truck pulled up.  "Howdy girls." A western voice said as a girl with Yellow hair and a straw hat stepped out along with a girl with white skin and purple hair.  “Hey AJ, Rares, this is the guy we told you about.” Rainbow said while pointing at the guy with her thumb. "You are really rude." The boy said with a frown. "You just jab a finger at me and say dude, you could have asked my name." "O-oh, we're sorry. What is your name?" Fluttershy asked him, hiding behind her hair a little. The boy glanced at her for a moment before sighing softly and looking away. "Just call me Benjamin."  “Benjamin? What a fascinating name.” The white skinned girl said as she smiled at him. “Well Benjamin, I would be more than happy to help you, if you want it that is.” Benjamin crossed his arms a bit as he frowned slightly. "What's the catch?"  “Catch?” The girl asked. “I think he wants ta know what you want in return Rarity.” The farm girl said. Rarity giggled softly. “I don’t want anything, but if you want to repay me I could use a male model for my whitmer line showcase.” She said with a smile. Benjamin frowned slightly as he looked away. "So basically you want to help me for free labor."  “Well not completely free, just a few pictures at first, and if you want to do more than that I can pay you, how does thirty dollars for the whole night sound?” Rarity asked him with a smile. Benjamin snorted a bit. "Thanks but I don't trust people anymore, everyone has an ulterior motive."  “Are ya calling mah friend a lier?” The farm girl, Applejack, asked with a frown. "Everyone lies to get what they want." Benjamin said staring at the ground as Fluttershy frowned a bit.  "Someone hurt you, didn't they?" She asked him softly, making him look away.  "I'd rather not talk about it." He mumbled.  Applejack grabbed his shoulder. “Now listen here partner, Rarity is honest when she said ya wouldn’t have ta do much, so ya can believe her.” Benjamin glared at Applejack as he forced his shoulder out of her grip. "First off, touch me again and I'll call the police for assault. Second of all, how the hell do I know I can trust any of you? I don't know you, I was asleep and the next thing I know I'm surrounded by four girls. I've been on the streets and on my own for nearly six years in total now, I can tell the signs of when someone is trying to take advantage of me. And saying that she is honest while she's trying to make me work for the clothes that she just said she didn't want anything in return for doesn't sound very honest to me." “What are you talking about?” Rarity asked with a confused face. “I told you all I want in return for the clothes are a few pictures, anything after that I would pay you for.” "Before that you said you didn't want anything and then immediately went and said I could work for them." Benjamin said with a deadpan frow “Well…perhaps I misspoke, the clothes and bath are yours for free, I just ask for a little bit of help in return, that doesn’t mean you have to help me in exchange for the clothes, you'll still get them regardless.” Rarity told him. Benjamin frowned slightly as he looked away, thinking about it as Fluttershy nudged Rarity with a frown. "Rarity, he's obviously uncomfortable. Someone hurt him and it seems like it's hard for him to trust people." Fluttershy whispered to her friend. Rarity nodded her head and whispered back. “Yes, which is why I am offering him a paying job if he wants it.” "Fine… but on three conditions." Benjamin said with a frown. "First is since I don't know what you want the pictures for, no underwear shots or anything like that. Second, my watch stays on at all times. And three you blur it out of any pictures."  “Well…” Rarity said as she looked at the watch. “I supposed that can work, and I wasn’t planning on any underwear shoots, I was thinking casual clothing and a suit.” “Yean man, do you think this prude is gonna take pictures of you in just your underwear?”  Rainbow said with a laugh. "I don't know. I don't know any of you. I only know her name because of this one." Benjamin said pointing at Rarity before jabbing a thumb at Applejack.  Applejack frowned at him and crossed her arms. “Ya are a bit rude when all we are tryin ta do is help ya.”  "Yeah? Well it is the middle of the night, and you know normally when people meet they introduce each other. I told you my name and none of you told me yours." Benjamin said with a slight shrug.  "He… has a point." Rainbow said with a slight chuckle.  “Oh dear, I am sorry.” Rarity said before introducing herself and her friends. “My name is Rarity Belle, these are my friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.” Benjamin nodded slightly. "Benjamin. But you can call me Ben I guess. So… where to?"  Applejack thumbed at her truck. “Get in, up ta ya if ya want ta sit inside or in the back.”  "I'm ok with the back, I like the cold." Ben said as he hopped into the back of the truck, leaning his head on the front of it as he looked up at the stars.  Fluttershy frowned a bit but got into the truck along with the rest of the girls, then Applejack started it up and headed off. "W-we can go to my animal shelter, he can shower and stay in the apartment above it…" Fluttershy said with a small blush.  “Are ya sure Shy? We don’t know anythin about this fella.” Applejack said as she drove. "H-he's trusting us to help him… even though he was obviously hurt." Fluttershy said with a small frown. "S-so it's only fair we trust him some."  “Alright Shy, but if he does somethin ta ya.” Applejack said before crushing a soda can she had in the truck. "U-um, I'm still living with my parents. The apartment was for me but I'm not ready for that…" Fluttershy said softly.  “Ah know Shy, I mean if he does somethin to ya that ya don't want.” Applejack said with a soft smile. Fluttershy blushed red as Benjamin spoke up. "You know I can hear you. Also firstly, I'm not like that, secondly I doubt you'd be able to do anything. I've taken karate since I was five."  “Just like ya don’t know us, we don’t you. And ah am stronger then ah look.” Applejack said to him. "Eh." Benjamin said with a shrug as they pulled up to a building with a large dog on it.  “I will stick with you guys just in case.” Rainbow said as they got out.  “I will need to get the clothes so me and Applejack will be back soon.” Rarity said. "Alright, t-thank you girls." Fluttershy said as Benjamin got out of the back, looking around a little.  "Nice place…" He mumbled almost as quietly as Fluttershy.  Fluttershy smiled softly. “Thank you, this is my animal shelter, upstairs is an apartment, if you’d like you can use it.”  "Why?" He as softly as he turned his head away.  “So you have a roof over your head.” Fluttershy said with a gentle smile. “At least take a look at it before you device.” She walked to the door and unlocked it. Benjamin stayed silent still as he followed her inside. "You're a real buzz kill, you know that?" Rainbow said to him.  Fluttershy frowned softly at Rainbow. “Please don’t bully him.”  "I'm not! It's true! He's being even more of a downer than-" Rainbow started to say as Fluttershy gave her a look. "Ok, ok fine. So Ben, what's your story?"  "Private." He said as the three made it to the apartment.  “There is a bedroom, living room, kitchen/dining room and a full bath.” Fluttershy explained as she showed him around. “Fully furnished and stocked with food. I normally use this as a place to take a break from my work.”  "Are you sure? Where will you relax when you're not working?" Ben asked her as he looked around a little.  “I can set up a chair downstairs.” Fluttershy said with a smile.  Benjamin stared at her for a moment before rubbing the back of his neck and looking away. "Thank you, but if I'm not here you can relax up here. It is your apartment after all."  “That is very kind of you, I promise I won’t go anywhere but the living room and the bathroom.” She told him, smiling and a bit glad she is earning his trust. Benjamin shrugged slightly as Rainbow looked between the two of them in confusion. "I don't really care, everything I own is on my body. So it's not like you'll find anything embarrassing."  “Still, it's about respecting your space.” Fluttershy said as Rainbow rolled her eyes and walked over to sit on the couch and turn the tv on. “Up next, it's hero time with Sten and his hero phone!” The tv said.  Benjamin raised an eyebrow at the TV, before shaking his head a little. "Is it ok if I relax in the shower a bit?"  “Sure, while you are in there I can make you something to eat, do you have any requests?” Fluttershy asked him. “Why make something when we can use that new app, Grub-something.” Rainbow said with a wave of her hand. "That's such a waste of money." Benjamin mumbled a bit, before he looked at Fluttershy. "And uh, thanks for the offer. But I can cook for myself." “Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked with a sad frown. Benjamin frowned slightly as he looked away. "Yeah, I don't want to burden you guys anymore than I already have."  “You aren't a burden.” Fluttershy said, reaching for his shoulder but stopped and pulled her hand away. “We want to help you because it is the right thing to do.”  Rainbow stared at him for a minute before asking. “Are you from Equestria?” Benjamin glanced at her for a moment before shaking his head. "No." He said, walking into the bathroom as Fluttershy stared at him for a moment.  Rainbow frowned a moment. “If he isn’t from there why did he say no instead of where?” She whispered to Fluttershy. Fluttershy shrugged slightly as she looked at the bathroom door. "He said he was running away, maybe it's painful for him to remember." Rainbow sighed and leaned her head back. “Fine, maybe Sunset can check if the portal is open.”  Fluttershy nodded a little as she pulled out her phone and texted everyone in the group chat. "Hey girls, just letting everyone else who doesn't know, know. Me, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity found the new student sleeping on a bench. And we're helping him, Sunset is the portal open? Could he be from Equestria?"  It wasn’t long before she got a reply from Sunset. “I will check it out but I don’t think so, it only opens every thirty moons.” "Alright, thanks anyway. And I'm letting you all know he's staying in the apartment above my animal shelter. So if anyone shows up, knock first." Fluttershy texted with a small sigh.  “What did she say?” Rainbow asked her. "She said the portal shouldn't be open, it only opens once every thirty moons." Fluttershy sighed as someone knocked on the door, before Rarity and Applejack walked in.  "Is everything alright?" Rarity asked the two with a smile.  “The heck does that mean? Every thirty moons.” Rainbow said with a confused face. “Things are ok, we are just letting Benjamin relax in the bath.” Fluttershy answered, Rarity's question. "Ah, I think it means every thirty months or something. Ya know, like every thirty full moons or something."  “That’s a stupid way to track time.” Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes. "Well they are ponies, so they probably don't have normal clocks and stuff." Applejack said as they heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Fluttershy smiled softly as she got up and took the new clothes from Rarity, going over to the door and knocking.  "Yeah?" Benjamin's voice asked from the other side.  “Rarity brought the new clothes, if you want i could set them in front of the door or pass them to you.” Fluttershy said softly. "It's unlocked. But either way is fine." He said softly as Fluttershy slowly opened the door into the steam filled bathroom. Her eyes widened at the sight of Benjamin, a towel wrapped around his waist as he dried his now light brown hair that hung down to his shoulders. Her eyes wandered down slightly at his svelt body and slightly muscular midsection, a large scar draped across his stomach with multiple smaller ones along his body as her face began to turn red at the sight.  “H-here a-are y-your c-clothes.” Fluttershy said shyly as she lifted the clothes to him. "Thanks…" He said softly, taking the clothes as Fluttershy quickly left the bathroom with her face beat red.  "Shy? Ya ok?" Applejack asked. "He didn't do anything obscene did he?"  Fluttershy just shook her head before sitting down and staring off into space. The three girls frowned at her reaction as they waited for Benjamin to come out of the bathroom, however after a few moments Benjamin came out wearing a fresh pair of red jeans with an orange shirt and black jacket as his hair was brushed back now revealing his hazelnut eyes to everyone. "What's with her?" He asked, gesturing to Fluttershy.  “We don’t know.” Rainbow said while looking Benjamin over. “Did you do or say anything to her?” Benjamin shook his head. "No, she gave me the new clothes and that's it. I made sure I had a towel around my waist."  Rainbow started to smirk. “Just your waist?” Applejack smacked her head. “Cut that out, Flutters knows not ta stare.”  Benjamin frowned slightly as he glanced down and away. "Um… sorry about what you saw." He said to Fluttershy.  “I…um no I am sorry for staring.” Fluttershy said shyly as she hid behind her hair. "It's not your fault." Benjamin said with a slight shrug and a frown as the other three looked confused. "Anyway, what now?"  “Well if ya are hungry one of us can make somethin for ya with what's in the kitchen.” Applejack suggested. "I do know how to cook." Benjamin said, chuckling softly for the first time. "I guess as a thanks I can cook for all of you." He said going into the kitchen as Rainbow looked at Fluttershy.  "So what did you see?" Rainbow asked with a smirk. "Is he ripped?" Fluttershy blushed more but looked down. “He…has a lot of scars.” She said softly. "Scars?" Applejack asked with a frown as the three looked over at Benjamin.  "He must have had a hard life already…" Rarity said with a frown as they smelled sausage cooking.  Fluttershy nodded slowly. “Yes, I feel so sorry for him.” Rainbow noticed Benjamin's head turn slightly back at them as Fluttershy said that, before he turned back to the food as she elbowed her friend. "I think he heard you."  Fluttershy frowned softly and looked down, worried he would be upset with her. "If you ask me I don't think the dude wants to be pitied." Rainbow said with a shrug as Benjamin came over reith bowls of spaghetti and sausage.  "Here." He said, slightly coldly before sitting at the dining room table able to eat.  “Th-thank you…a-and sorry.” Fluttershy softly as she stared at the food. Benjamin paused for a moment before he turned his head slightly. "I don't need to be pitied, I chose to run away because of what was going on at home." He said turning his head back to his food as Fluttershy hung her head more. "But you also don't need to be sorry, you don't know my story and I'm planning on keeping it that way." He said before eating.  “O-ok.” She said softly.  “Geez, want some black hair dye and nail polish mister edge lord?” Rainbow asked with a raise of her eyebrow, only to get smacked by Applejack. “Knock it off RD.” "What? It's true!" Rainbow said as Rarity sighed.  "Rainbow darling, learn some tactics." Rarity said, shaking her head as their phones went off giving them all a heavy snow advisory as snow began piling up outside.  Fluttershy gasped as she ran over to a window and looked outside. “Oh no, AJ, if you don’t get home soon you’ll be stuck here.” Everyone looked outside from different windows, shaking their heads in shock. "Whoa Nelly, it might be too late. It rained like heck yesterday. All that water must be frozen."  “Man this is nuts, why didn’t the news warn us about this storm?” Rainbow said as she looked at the clouds. "It could be a freak storm caused by the sudden drop in temperature and the combination of all the rain and moisture in the atmosphere." Benjamin said, looking outside from a window near him, however he had a worried frown on his face.  “Maybe, but still the weather station should have been able to protect this.” Rainbow said with a frown. “Girls, call your families, I don’t think we can leave in this condition,” "So… we're stuck here all night with a strange man…" Rarity said slowly as the four looked at Benjamin slowly.  "Oh calm down, you four take the bedroom. I'm sure it has a lock. I'll sleep on the couch." Benjamin said, rolling his eyes.  “Um…i-it does b-but will you be comfortable on the couch?” Fluttershy asked. Benjamin shrugged a bit. "I was sleeping on a bench, a couch will be way more comfortable."  “I guess so…” Fluttershy said softly. “You don’t mind us staying though?”  "Why would I?" Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow. "After all, this is your apartment."  Fluttershy looked down a little. “Ok, if you are sure.” Benjamin frowned slightly at her reaction as he glanced at the others before sighing. "But um… thanks for the concern."  The others get their phones out, except for Rainbow who had forgotten hers, and start calling their families. Benjamin glanced at Rainbow for a moment, before tossing her a black and orange phone. "I don't have a whole lot of data, but you can use it to call your family."  “Huh?” She caught the phone and looked at it. “Um…ok.” She started to call her family. Benjamin sat down near a window and looked out into the night sky, frowning slightly while the others finished up their phone calls. As he was looking out the window he saw a suspicious looking man walking down the street in the snow, they stopped and looked around before heading for a closed electronics store. Ben frowned a bit as he got up and started walking out the door. "I'll be right back."  “Where the heck are you going?” Rainbow asked with a confused frown. "Just checking on something." Ben said walking out the door.  Fluttershy had a worried frown on her face as he left. “You don’t think he left to run away again do you girls?” "Let's go get him!" Rainbow said, as they all rushed out of the building. They stopped as they saw him standing across the street from the electronics store, his hands in his pockets as someone walked out of the store.  "Whatever you took put it back." Benjamin said to the man casually.  The man looked at Benjamin before he screeched and dropped what he was holding. Ben sighed a bit as the group hid behind a building, while Benjamin put two fingers up to his watch as an orange circle formed over his watch. The man ran at Benjamin, ready to beat him up while screeching loudly. Benjamin smirked a bit as he pushed the watch down, a bright orange flash erupting from him revealing a blue cat-like creature with orange spikes on his shoulders and ankles. "I warned ya." It said. “What the fuck.” Rainbow said in shock before Applejack covered her mouth, In an instant the cat-like creature rushed at the man, knocking him back as the man's face seemingly came off revealing a large creature with a yellow body and purple midsection and head with a single eye.  “Ahh!” The creature said as he stood back up. “You will not interfire!” He then grabbed a light pole and ripped it out of the ground to use as a bat. "Wanna bet?" The creature asked, rushing at it again. The yellow creature yelled as it swung the light pole. “Filthy alien scum!” The cat creature suddenly dashed to the side and knocked the yellow being into a wall, knocking the pole out of its hands. "Your masters are the scum, they're invading planets and freezing them!"  The creature screeched again but then it started to swell up before hacking up a large glob of something at Benjamin. Benjamin rushed forward before sliding against the ground, avoiding the goop and jumping up and kicking the creature into the wall by odhw6 again. "That's it!" It yelled, it's chest opening up into a large bundle of tentacles that wrapped Benjamin up, and threw him into the air.  "What the heck is going on?" Rarity asked in shock.  “I..I d-don’t know but I’m s-scared.” Fluttershy said as she shook in fear. The large yellow creature uses its tentacles to slam Benjamin into the wall closest to them in one swift moment, completely different than the first transformation; the hourglass on the creature's chest glowed orange. In an instant the orange energy washed over it like a wave as the blue fur was replaced with an orange shirt, then black pants and a red jacket revealing Benjamin as he rubbed his head. "Damn DNAliens…"  “Rainbow, think we should step in and help him?” Applejack whispered as she clenched her fists. "What can we do?" Rainbow asked in shock as Benjamin slowly got up and shook his head, while the monster walked closer to him.  "The Highbreed will destroy this world, you cannot win." The creature said as Benjamin shook his head and looked at the creature. "Yeah? Well…" Benjamin said, sighing softly as he cracked his knuckles. "I can at least fix you."  “I don’t need fixing, human.” The creature said before lifting up a mailbox to crush him with. "You'd be surprised!" Benjamin said, running as t the creature before sliding underneath it as it dropped the mailbox before he quickly grabbed the creature's wrist. "Omnitrix repair corrupted DNA!" The watch on Benjamin's wrist beeped and shocked the creature with orange energy before it knocked Benjamin away.  "What did you do!?" The creature yelled as it's wrist glowed orange and spreading before it's body turned black and began flaking away. "I fixed your DNA." Benjamin said, with a smirk as he sat against a wall.  “Fix its DNA?” Applejack asked confused, then they all saw the black parts of the creature fall off to reveal a normal human, who then fell to the ground. Benjamin sighed as he slowly got up, helping the man into a bench as he heard police sirens. "Great…" he sighed as he began making his way back to the apartment.  “Come on girls, we gotta get back inside before he sees us.” Rarity said as she started running, The four of them rushed back inside the apartment and looked out the window as Benjamin walked back in. Fluttershy looked at him with worry. “Are you ok?” "Yeah I'm fine." Benjamin said, shrugging a little. "Just had to check on something."  “O-oh, ok.” Fluttershy said softly. “Ya sure ya didn't get hurt? Ah could've sworn ah heard the sound of a scuffle.” Applejack said with a raised eyebrow. Benjamin raised an eyebrow at her as she looked nervously at everything but him, before he sighed and rubbed his eyes. "You saw everything didn't you?"  “What do you mean darling?” Rarity asked with a nervous smile. Benjamin frowned a bit as he looked at them all, each one with nervous looks as he deadpanned. "You all suck at lying."  "Ok we saw everything! What the heck was all that!" Rainbow Dash yelled.  Fluttershy held up a hand. “We don’t understand what we saw but it seemed like you helped that man.” "Yea, I did. He was possessed by a Xenocite, an alien parasite that takes control of its host and overtakes them." Benjamin said, putting his new jacket on a coat rack while he sat down. "They work for an alien race called the Highbreed."  “Aliens? Do you think we are stupid?” Rainbow asked. Benjamin raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly would you call what I turned into and what I was fighting?"  “I don’t know…” Rainbow said with a frown. “Well…it and you could have come from another world through a portal.” Rarity suggested. Benjamin raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, any other questions?"  “Um…h-how did you turn into…those other things?” Fluttershy asked him. Benjamin held up his watch. "This, it's called an Omnitrix."  “Omni-what?” Rainbow asked while scratching her head. “Um…I am sorry but how does a watch change someone into…those?” Rarity asked, pointing out the window when referring to his alien transformations. Benjamin smirked a bit. "Because it was built by the smartest being in three arguably five galaxies."  The girls looked at eachother confused. “But…aliens ain’t real…at least they ain’t supposed ta be.” Applejack said with a confused frown. Benjamin blinked a bit as he sighed. "You really think the universe with how big it is only has one planet with life on it? Humanity is just… lacking in technological advances."  Applejack rubbed her head. “Well if there is another life out there why haven’t they come to us?”  "They have, you'd be surprised how much of earth's history is made thanks to aliens." Benjamin said with a shrug. "Heck, from what I've seen there's even some half human half alien hybrids." “That…is kinda hard to believe.” Rainbow said before she looked over at Fluttershy. “Have you ever met an alien?” Fluttershy shook her head slowly. "You may not have realized it." Benjamin said with a shrug. "At times until a certain point in their lives they are basically humans, and then… poof powers."  “Yeah right.” Rainbow said before shaking her head. “This has to be a prank you are pulling on us.” “Ah don’t know Rainbow, it feels like he is tellin the truth.” Applejack said to her. "Believe it if you want to, or not. Up to you." Benjamin said with a shrug.  Fluttershy walked up to Benjamin. “Have you been fighting aliens and getting hurt?” Benjamin shrugged slightly. "No one else can." Fluttershy started to tear up. “B-but why not? No one should have to do something that dangerous alone.” Benjamin shrugged slightly again. "Not that big of a deal, I'm the only one with an Omnitrix. I'm the only one that can turn into thousands of aliens to fight them."  “But…your scars…you have been doing this for a long time.” Fluttershy said softly. "Huh?" Benjamin asked in confusion, before blinking a little. "Oh, no. Those are from… before, I got the Omnitrix."  “H-huh? B-but how?” Fluttershy asked, shocked he would have scars like that from before he got the omnitrix and started fighting aliens. Benjamin looked at the floor a bit, before turning his head away. "That one is too personal for me to talk about…"  “O-oh I’m sorry.” Fluttershy as she looked away. “Um…can we help?” "It's too dangerous." Benjamin said softly, sitting on the couch.  “I can help you though, I can bandage you up.” Fluttershy told him. The other young girls looked at each other before looking at Fluttershy and Benjamin again. "Why are you so worried about me?" Benjamin asked her in confusion as he crossed his arms. "I'm a complete stranger to you."  “Why would you fight those aliens for us?” Fluttershy asked back with a soft smile. Benjamin blinked a bit as he looked away. "Because it's cool? And better than what was going on before."  “And maybe…because it is the right thing to do?” Fluttershy suggested as she reached for his hand. Benjamin suddenly pulled his hand back, surprising everyone as he looked away. "It doesn't matter if it's the right thing to do… if I don't they'll destroy not only this world but all of the worlds in the entire universe."  Fluttershy sighed a bit and looked at the ground. “We…we helped our school from someone dangerous, we can help you…if you’d let us.” Benjamin clenched his fist a bit, before sighing. "Let's just go to bed, it's late." “Um…yeah, let’s get some rest.” Rainbow said as she placed her hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder.  Benjamin looked away a little as the four girls made their way into the bedroom, Fluttershy stealing a glance at him as he laid down on the couch. Fluttershy sighed sadly and closed the door. “Girls…we need to help him, if he is fighting to keep our world safe then we should too.”  “Geez Shy, it isn’t like you to be for fighting.” Rainbow said as she sat on the bed. "I must agree darling, what is it about Benjamin that has you so… passionate about helping him?" Rarity asked.  "Yeah, ah mean. Ahm all fer helping the guy, he just stopped a monster from robbing a store. But you seem… obsessed with helping him." Applejack said, removing her boots and socks while putting on some perfume to block the smell.  “I don’t know…it's like…” Fluttershy started to say before she looked at the door. “I am supposed to help him. I feel drawn to him and want to help him, not just patch him up but…I want to see him smile.” Rarity gasped slightly as Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at each other. "Fluttershy dear, I believe you are developing a crush."  “What?!” Fluttershy looked at her friends with a blush. “N-no…I mean…we just met.” "Fluttershy, how long you've known each other doesn't change… well… physical attraction." Rarity said with a small giggle.  Fluttershy blushed more and looked down at the ground. “I don’t…I mean…he is cute…but…” "That's all it takes to begin the spark." Rarity said with a smile. "Jeez Shy, didn't think you had it in ya." Applejack said with a chuckle. She sat down and sighed. “M-maybe I do have a crush but, I think wanting to help him isn't connected.” "Then what do you think it is?" Rainbow asked, as she removed her hoody.  “I don’t know…” Fluttershy said before sighing. “But, whatever it is, it is still the right thing to do. He can fight and we can help heal and talk to the aliens…the ones that will listen anyway.” "So are we really gonna believe that all that was aliens?" Applejack asked, arching an eyebrow while setting her hat off to the side.  “Well we dealt with magical ponies from another world, why not aliens?” Rainbow said with a small shrug. "Well, we won't have any luck figuring it out tonight. We'd all better get some sleep as best as we can." Rarity said as all four girls got into the unusually large bed.  "Hey shy, why do ya have a bed this size?" Applejack asked.  "Oh, um. Whenever I spend the night here, I uh… tend to let the animals sleep up here with me so they're not alone. But I do wash them every morning." Fluttershy said softly, staring at the door to the main appointment before getting up and going to the closet.  Her friends watched in confusion as she pulled out a pair of blankets and an extra pillow, each of them smiled a little as she slowly made her way to the main apartment. "Same old Shy, always being kind."  "You really think she has a crush on that guy?" Rainbow asked softly.  “Of course she does.” Rarity said with a soft giggle. "How do we know that guy isn't one of those aliens? Remember how that big one was disguised as a normal human?" Rainbow asked. "What if he's trying to lul us into a false sense of security?"  “Well…” Applejack said before she hummed in thought. “He said that watch thing turns him into aliens so ah guess he is alien.” "Then should we even trust him?!" Rainbow asked in shock.  “Maybe.” Applejack said with a shrug. “We just don’t know him well enough.”  "What if he's manipulating Fluttershy somehow!" Rainbow said with a frown.  “Then we get her away from him, but until we have proof we don’t mess with him.” Applejack told her with a shrug. Rainbow bit her lip a little as Fluttershy came back with a frown. "Benjamin is gone!"  “What!?” All the girls shout. "I-i thought he was just in the bathroom so I laid out the pillow and blankets for him, but the bathroom door was open when I turned around!" Fluttershy said, fear and worry filling her voice. "What if he's fighting something again!?"  “Then he will be back when he is done.” Rainbow said with a small shrug. "But what if he gets hurt or killed!?" Fluttershy asked in horror.  Rainbow frowned a bit. “I don’t know…I mean we can’t exactly go looking for him.” "Rainbow is right darling, and with the weather, I'm sure he'll return soon." Rarity said with a gentle smile.  Fluttershy sat down and looked between her friends and the door. “But…what if he decided to run away from us because we saw him fighting?” Applejack frowned a bit before patting her shoulder. "Then there's nothing we can do, if he decides to leave that's his choice."  “Yeah, I say we just forget about him.” Rainbow said as she laid down. Fluttershy hung her head slightly as she looked out the window to the cold snowy night, wondering where Benjamin ran off too.  > Old acquaintance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin looked at the blanket and pillow on the couch that had been laid out for him, before his gaze turned to the still open bedroom door, his eyes falling onto Fluttershy. He frowned a bit while thinking back to his own past, hanging his head with a sigh while sitting on the couch as flashes of his ex flashed through his mind. The boy's fists clenched as he glared in the direction of the bedroom door, slowly standing up before he saw Fluttershy roll over. His heart seemed to skip a beat at the sight of her wet worried face, as she breathed slowly in her own personal slumberland. Benjamin's face softened a bit as he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, glancing down as he laid down. "Maybe not everyone has an alternator motive…" he mumbled, closing his eyes while wrapping himself in the blanket. Rainbow Dash yawned as she woke up the next morning, smacking her lips a little while getting up and stretching. The smell of freshly cooked bacon, sausage, and eggs filled her nose while she looked at the bed again noticing everyone was still asleep. A frown formed on her face as she looked back at the main apartment; just in time to see Benjamin putting his coat on and walking out the front door, with the pillow and blanket neatly folded up on the edge of the couch. "Rainbow…? Did you cook?" Fluttershy's voice called out as she slowly sat up with a yawn. Rainbow frowned a bit, she could lie but that would make Fluttershy worry more about the strange boy. “N-no I didn’t.” "Ya didn't?" Applejack asked, sitting up with a yawn. "But we're all still here…" Fluttershy gasped happily, as she smiled. "Benjamin must have come back. “Maybe, but I didn’t see him.” Rainbow said as she sat down at the table. "Whoa…" Everyone said, seeing the whole table full of eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles and pancakes. "Oh my so much…" Rarity said, looking at all the food. “Ah wonder how it will taste.” Applejack said as she looked at the food. Fluttershy slowly took a pancake and ate a small piece of it, her eyes widening in shock. "This is amazing!" Rarity smiled as she enjoyed some too. “It was quite nice of him to cook all this for us.” "Ah'll be… this is good." Applejack said, pouring some apple flavored syrup on her waffles. Rainbow grumbled a bit as she ate. “It is ok, I guess.” Fluttershy smiled a little more as she ate. "I knew he had a kind heart…" “Well I hope we get to thank him for the food.” Rarity said before she checked her phone. "So do I… do you think they closed school today because of the weather?" Fluttershy asked with a small frown. “From what I am seeing on social media, it seems school is still open.” Rarity said with a frown. “I need to get home and clean up for class.” "U-um, you all have spare clothes here from the last sleepover they're all clean if you want to clean up here." Fluttershy said with a smile. "Why thank you Fluttershy, that will save me a lot of time." Rarity said with a smile. "How can they expect us to get to school safely in this weather? There won't be many students there." Rainbow said with a frown. Applejack frowned a bit and looked out the window. “Well…the snow stopped for now at least.” "That doesn't stop the road from being a hazard, oh whatever it'll probably only be a half day anyway." Rainbow said with a soft sigh, as Rarity went into the bathroom. Fluttershy smiled a bit. “Do you girls think we will see him at school?” Applejack chuckled softly, and smirked. "Ah've never seen ya so comfortable or excited to see a complete stranger before, ya must really feel something fer this guy." Fluttershy blushed and looked down shyly. “M-maybe.” Rainbow frowned more while eating more bacon. "I don't trust him, what if changing all the time has fried his brain?" “Rainbow, we don’t know anythin about him, ya are assumin the worst.” Applejack told her with a frown and shake of her head. "Hey, after everything that happened before with Sunset I don't want to lose you guys again…" Rainbow said with a frown, while glancing at Fluttershy. Applejack sighed and patted Rainbow’s back. “Ah know ya are worried but if we stick together we will be fine.” Fluttershy nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, but I feel like we can trust Benjamin." Rarity came out in clean clothes and a smile. “The bedroom and bathroom are all yours girls.” "Thank ya Rarity, ah'll wash up next." Applejack said heading into the bathroom. Benjamin sighed softly as he made his way to canterlot high, the snow crushing under his feet while he looked around a little. "Now, where could they have hidden the weather machine?" He mumbled to himself, before a girl with hair that reminded him of bacon slipped on the ice. "Have a nice trip?" He asked, helping her up. "Anything broken?" “Very funny.” She said as she groaned and stood back up on her own. “This damn ice is everywhere.” "Yeah, the random snowstorm is a pain." Benjamin said with a shrug. "You ok?" “I am fine.” She said with a grumpy frown. “Not like you care.” Benjamin raised an eyebrow. "Jeez all I did was make a dumb joke, don't have to get all pissy." The girl looked back at him with a glare before she looked him over and it softened. “You are new to Canterlot high, aren’t you?” "Yeah?" He said with a raised eyebrow. “Sorry.” She said with a sigh. “Almost everyone at the school hates me right now.” "Oh, I've heard of you." Benjamin said with a nod. "But I'm not all that worried about it, I've heard you've learned your lesson." The girl grabbed her left arm and looked away. “Yeah… still, I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” "Eh, it's no big deal. I've dealt with worse, and I guess we're even considering that joke I made." Benjamin said with a shrug. "Anyway, are you heading to school right now? I could use a guide." “Yeah I am.” She said before offering a gloved hand. “My name is Sunset Shimmer.” He shook it a little. "Benjamin." “Come on, we should be in time for breakfast. Why they have the school open after that snowstorm, I don’t know.” She said as she started to walk. "I already ate breakfast, but thanks. And yeah, it's probably because of the last minute of it all." Benjamin said with a shrug as they made their way to the school. “Maybe.” She said and looked up at the sky. “It showed up so fast…” "Yeah, well that happens when temperatures drop suddenly." Benjamin said with a shrug. “I guess so.” She said with a hum. “Do you know what classes you have?” "Yeah." He said taking out a piece of paper from his pocket and passing it to her. She hummed a bit as she looked it over. "Wow, you have almost all the same classes as me and my friends." "Hiya sunset!" A chipper voice said as a pink girl bounced over. Sunset looked over at her. “Hi Pinkie.” "Who's the cute new guy?" Pinkie asked with a giggle, and making Benjamin raise an eyebrow. “This is Benjamin.” Sunset said while smiling a little. “I am showing him to the school. "Nice to meet you! Do you know anyone in the school yet!?" Pinkie asked, bouncing in place a few times as her chest jiggled up and down. "Yeah, four girls that helped me last night." Benjamin said, unfazed by her chest “Wait…four girls?” Sunset asked with a small frown. “Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Applejack?” "Yep." Benjamin said with a small nod. Sunset looked at him and frowned. “Celestia didn’t send you to watch over me did she?” "Who?" Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow. “N-never mind.” Sunset said with a soft blush and looked away. "So you're not from Equestria?" Pinkie asked, tilting her head slightly. "No." Benjamin said simply “Pinkie, that is a secret.” Sunset whispered to her. "But he didn't ask where it is, doesn't that mean he knows about it?" Pinkie asked confused as Benjamin shrugged. "I just thought it was somewhere exotic." He said, looking around the school. “Oh.” Pinkie said before she giggled. “Want to be friends?” Benjamin shrugged slightly. "I'm not really big on the whole, friends thing." “What?” Pinkie asked as her hair started to go flat. Benjamin sighed a bit. "It's nothing personal, just something private happened and... I'm not big on interacting with others very often." “O-oh…ok, sorry.” Pinkie said as she looked down at the ground, Sunset gently patting her back. "Come on Pinkie, it'll be ok." Sunset said, as the other four girls came into the school. “Benjamin!” Fluttershy called out with a smile. “You are ok.” She walked up to him and looked him over. Benjamin stepped away from her a little with an uncomfortable look on his face. "Y-yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" “Y-you…didn’t stay for breakfast, I…we were worried we upset you.” Fluttershy said softly. Benjamin shrugged a bit. "I'm not exactly one to eat with others, I get up really early. Plus I wanted to get to school and find my classes." “O-oh.” Fluttershy said softly. Rarity walked up to him and gave him a card. “Any time you want to do that fashion shoot just come to my shop.” "Alright." Benjamin said with a nod. "Oh yeah, thanks fer breakfast partner. It was good." Applejack said with a smile. Rainbow walked past him with a small frown. “Come on Shy, we need to get to class.” "o-oh, um. Benjamin, what's your first class?" Fluttershy asked the boy, making Rainbow pause with a frown. "Same as you two." Sunset said with a grin, giving Benjamin back his schedule. "He has almost all the same classes as us all." Rainbow frowned more. “Great.” “Really?” Fluttershy asked with a bit of happiness in her voice. Benjamin shrugged slightly. "Apparently." “Welp, we all better get ta class before mister Cranky gives us detention for bein late.” Applejack said as she walked down the hallway. "Mister Cranky?" Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow as they all began to walk, while Rainbow crossed her arms. "He sounds so fun." He said sarcastically. “Oh he is!” Pinkie said with her smile back. “He teaches history.” Benjamin blinked a few times before sighing. "Great, my least favorite subject." “Don’t worry Benny, it's an easy class.” Pinkie said with a smile. Benjamin's face turned into an angry glare at her. "Never call me that!" Pinkie flinched from the glare. “S-sorry.” "Hey man what's your deal!?" Rainbow Dash asked in shock as Fluttershy frowned. Benjamin looked away from them still with a glare as he looked at the floor. "None of your business." Applejack stepped in front of him. “Look partner, Ah get ya have some mental or emotional scars, but ah will ask ya once, don’t snap at mah friends.” Benjamin grunted as he walked past her. "Then maybe she shouldn't have used that specific nickname." “I’m sorry.” Pinkie said softly. Benjamin paused for a moment as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I… it's whatever, sorry I snapped. That nickname in particular strikes a nerve." "W-why?" Fluttershy asked softly, as Benjamin glanced back at the group before he continued walking. "It's the one my cheating ex girlfriend used." He said softly. “Ouch.” Rainbow said, as she looked at him with sympathy. Pinkie's hair deflated a lot. "I-I'm so sorry…" “Just…drop it already.” He said before heading into the classroom. "Wow, actual students." Mr. Cranky said from behind his desk. "And the new one, introduce yourself, and it'll just be free time for the day. The principal said the day will be over early because of the weather." “Benjamin, don't try to be my friend.” He said to the teacher and any other students that were gonna come in. "Well aren't you a bottle of sunshine." Cranky said, rolling his eyes. "You can sit next to miss Fluttershy, she's a good student so don't mess it up for her." Benjamin rolled his eyes and sat down without saying anything back. "Alright, principal Celestia said she'll try to end school after the first bell. So free time for everyone." Mr. Cranky said. The classroom was mostly empty aside from Rainbow Dash, Pinkie pie, Applejack, Benjamin, and Fluttershy, the latter who was glancing at Benjamin sadly as he stared out the window while more snow began falling. "His girlfriend cheated on him? No wonder he's so cautious around others…" The yellow girl was so wrapped up in her own thoughts she didn't notice her friend trying to get her attention. "Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked, shaking her friend a little. "H-huh?" Fluttershy asked, looking at her friend. "Oh sorry Rainbow, I was lost in thought." "No kidding." Rainbow grumbled a little. "But anyway, check this out." He said pointing out the window. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow as she looked out the second story window of the school and down to the courtyard, where a group of men dressed in armor like knights stood In Front of a tall porcupine-like creature. "Oh my!" Benjamin sighed in annoyance as he rubbed his eyes. "God damn it Argit…" “Ya know that…thing?” Applejack asked after hearing him. "He's an alien." Benjamin said slowly standing up. "And a con man, but those knights are bad news. If they're like the ones I know of, then they kill aliens. And it doesn't matter if they're good, bad, women, or children." “What?” Fluttershy asked with a shocked face. "I'll be right back." He said, walking out the door with a serious expression on his face. “Mister Benjamin, where are you going?” Mr. Cranky asked with a frown. "To take care of something." He said walking still. Fluttershy got up and ran after him. “Wait, maybe we can talk to them.” "Ms. Shy!" Cranky yelled in shock, as Rainbow frowned and watched from the window. Benjamin sighed softly as Fluttershy caught up to him. "Believe me, they can't be reasoned with." “Have you tried?” Fluttershy asked as she held her hands together over her chest. "Believe me, they're only goal is to purge all alien life off the planet." Benjamin said with a frown. “I still want to try.” Fluttershy said as they got to the front doors. Benjamin sighed as the two began walking out the front doors, as some knights pointed their weapons at Argit. "You're a brave girl." He said before looking at the knights. "Hey!" “Stay out of this children, this best will be taken care of!” One of the knights shouted to them. “Wait!” Fluttershy said as she got closer. “Does he really have to be hurt?” "We need to purge the planet of these vermin!" One of the nights yelled as Argit looked at the two kids. "Benji! Ya gotta help me here man, I haven't done any-" Argit started to say, before a knight hit Argit's snout with the blunt of its blaster. Fluttershy gasped and covered her mouth. “Why? Can’t we all live together?” "Live together?! If we don't exterminate these pests they will ruin our beautiful planet!" The biggest knight yelled. Benjamin frowned as he looked at Argit. "Hey, you ok?" “But don’t we do that already?” Fluttershy asked the knight. “We don’t have to kill anyone. If everyone works together, the world could be an amazing place.” She said with a soft smile, hoping she can get through to the knights. “I’m fine, Benji, but who’s the chick? And how many hits to the head has she taken to talk to those nut jobs?” Argit asked Benjamin. "She's just a kid with a kind heart." Benjamin said, glancing at Fluttershy. "Don't delude yourself with those childish notifications, if we don't show these monsters who's in charge they will invade and destroy everything!" The knight yelled, drawing his sword. "Now leave or be destroyed." Fluttershy gasped and backed up a bit. “I don’t see why you have to do this, why not work with the aliens? Keep the earth safe for everyone.” “She is dead.” Argit said as he started backing away, looking for a way to get away. Benjamin frowned slightly as he stepped in front of Fluttershy. "Sorry, I did try to tell you." He said to her as the knights stepped closer to them. "Capture them!" The biggest knight yelled. “W-wait!” Fluttershy said to the knights. “Can’t we all be friends?” “Benji!? Argit shouted. "Chill out man, I got it." Benjamin said, reaching for his Omnitrix. "Friendship is useless!" The knight yelled, swiping his sword at Benjamin who quickly pushed down his Omnitrix. In a flash he shifted from his human form into one made entirely out of a diamond-like body, with shoulder spikes as he blocked the blade. “Friendship isn’t useless, it's magic!” Fluttershy said before she fell back from trying to move away from the sword. "What the!?" The knight yelled, shocked as Benjamin punched him and sent him flying. "Benji, since when do you protect people!?" Argit asked, shocked. “I’m not defending anyone, I just don’t like these assholes.” Benjamin said as he cracked his knuckles. "What kind of freak turns into one of these monsters!" The knight yelled, as he swung at Benjamin again. Argit groaned and looked between Benjamin and Fluttershy. “Hey girly, get out of here.” "W-what? B-but…" Fluttershy said softly, looking at Benjamin. "He's right, get out of here!" Benjamin yelled, punching the knight that was attacking him and knocking him out. Argit grabbed Fluttershy and pulled her away from the fight. “I don’t know why you are so special to Benji, but I am not gonna risk my hide here any longer then I have to, and if I run away leaving you alone he’d kick my butt.” Fluttershy blushed slightly as Benjamin fired some crystals out of his arms, knocking more knights into some walls. "Crap, we weren't prepared for this!" A knight yelled. "Retreat and regroup!" He shouted as the knights began running away. "Seriously?" Benjamin asked, turning back to normal as he raised an eyebrow. "They just… ran away… man, I was hoping for a longer fight!" Argit poked his head out from around the corner. “Then why don't you chase them and fight them at their base?” "Because if I did, I wouldn't be able to beat you up." Benjamin said, walking over to him, making Argit shake. "What did you do?" “Nothing!” He held his hands up with a nervous smile. "You sold them something fake didn't you?" Benjamin asked arching an eyebrow, as Fluttershy stood off to the side with the rest of her friends as they walked up. “Well…I wouldn’t say fake.” Argit said with a small chuckle. Benjamin rolled his eyes with a sigh. "What are you even doing in this town?" “Can’t I come see my old buddy for old time sake?” Argit asked with a grin, but after Benjamin's glare he wilted. “I need help…see I kinda owe a favor to…um…someone dangerous.” "Who?" Benjamin asked, rubbing his eyes. "Also, buddy? Kinda presumptuous, we only met like… a year ago." Argit shrugged a bit. “You are the closest thing to a friend I have. As for who…um…do you know who Volcanus is, would you buddy?” He asked with a nervous smile. Benjamin's eyes widened slightly. "You pissed off Volcanus…you must really have a death wish." “I was desperate and he had what I needed.” Argit said before he sighed. “I owe him a lot Benji, like track me across the galaxy, lot!” Benjamin sighed and rubbed his face a little, pulling his lower eyelids down slightly as he moved his hands. "Alright, but what do you want me to do about it? I don't have any taydens." “Well you could…you know.” Argit moved a thumb across his throat. Benjamin raised an eyebrow as the others gasped. "You want me to kill you? Why didn't you just let the knights do it?" “What!? No, not me! Volcanus!” Argit shouted with a frown. Benjamin frowned more. "You know fully well, I don't kill anyone." Argit sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I figured you’d say that, but can’t you do anything? Kick his but and send him to the plumbers? Trap him somewhere? Anything!?” "Plumbers?" Fluttershy asked, confused. "Galactic police force." Benjamin said without looking at her, while still staring at Argit. "And you know fully well if I go to them, I'll be arrested for having a 'fake' Omnitrix." “It looks pretty real to me pal.” Argit said with a frown. "Tell that to the plumbers." Benjamin mumbled a bit. "Look, I have no way to stop him. At least not yet, but I can hide you." “Great! Where?” Argit asked while rubbing his hands together before he looked over Benjamin’s shoulder. “Uh, should they see me?” Benjamin shrugged slightly. "They already spied on me last night when I was fighting a DNalien. Plus it'll be easier to sell the lie." He said pulling out a mask from his coat pocket. “Wait…you want me to go to…school?!” Argit asked with horror in his voice. "Yup, as my cousin." Benjamin said with a grin, forcing the mask onto Argit's face as he was suddenly replaced with a young girl who had on a red velvet dress. Argit looked himself over and gasped. “Benji! What the heck!?” Benjamin started to laugh along with Rainbow dash and Pinkie pie. "Consider this payback for ditching me when the plumbers arrived last year!" “You still can't be mad about that!? How was I supposed to know they would try to arrest you!” He said before he grabbed his mask. “Now get this thing off me and change it!” "Really? I think it's the perfect disguise." Rarity said, walking up to Argit with a smile. "After all, this Volcanus person wouldn't be looking for a girl right?" Argit frowned at her. “I hate that that made sense.” "Well anyway, we should probably get introductions out of the way." Benjamin said, turning to everyone. "This is Argit, an alien con woman." Argit glared at him. “If you didn’t have that omnitrix I would kick you in the shins.” Benjamin laughed a bit. "Yeah? Well you knew full well what I was like when you came to get my help." He said before rubbing his chin a bit. "Hey Argit, wanna pull another con on Volcanus?" "What!?" Fluttershy asked in shock, staring at Benjamin in disbelief. lief. “Well…what do you have in mind?” Argit asked with a raised eyebrow. "I can drop an anon-a-miss tip to him, letting him know where you are. And when he arrives, I'll call the plumbers and we can split the reward for his arrest, and get him off the streets." Benjamin said with a grin. "We get some cash, and get a major criminal off the streets." “Hmm a bit risky but, his bounty is pretty high.” Argit said with a grin. "Exactly." Benjamin said with a smirk, noticing Fluttershy's worried look and making him frown slightly. "Plus it'll stop him from hurting anyone else." “Who cares about anyone else?” Argit asked with a scoff. Benjamin rolled his eyes. "You do know who you're talking to right? I may be an ass, but I don't want others to get hurt." “Yeah yeah, you and your golden heart.” Argit said with a bit of annoyance. Benjamin frowned and looked at him with a red eyebrow, as he crossed arms with a smirk. "If I recall without my 'golden heart's you'd be dead right now, I think you owe me." Argit groaned and rubbed his face. “Fine, fine, how much?” Benjamin smirked a bit. "How about you let me scan your DNA?" "Scan his DNA?" Sunset asked in confusion. “Oh I see how it is, you want a new alien transformation, the best one!” Argit said with a grin. "Ha, that would be alien X." Benjamin said with a slight smirk. "But with your ability to shut off your pulse, your agile nature, and those quills. It'd be a good scan." Argit crossed his arms. “Like I said, the best.” "Whatever." Benjamin said with a smirk, holding up his watch. "Omnitrix, scan target DNA." He said as the dile pad turned yellow. Argit blinked as the light passed over his face. “So where are we gonna set up this trap?” "No clue, first I gotta figure out how to contact him anonymously." Benjamin said with a shrug, looking at the group of girls. "You're all being awfully quiet." “We just are in shock dear.” Rarity said with a small frown. “Wait…so…you two are aliens?” Sunset asked. "No." Benjamin said, jabbing a finger at Argit. "He is, I'm human." “Aliens are real?” Sunset asked, still in shock. "Yup." Argit said with a grin. "And Benji here can transform into hundreds of aliens." “H-hundreds?” Sunset said with wide eyes. "Uh, yeah. Hundreds." Benjamin said, looking away. "Anyway, sorry you all got dragged into this." “Are you kidding? We can handle it.” Rainbow said before pointing at Sunset. “We stopped her from taking over the school and going on a rampage as a she demon.”She looked at the girl. “No offense.” "None taken…" Sunset said with a small frown as Fluttershy walked over to Benjamin. "Are you really going to… con someone?" She asked with a small frown. "I mean, yeah? He's a criminal and has to be locked up." Benjamin said with a small shrug. “But conning someone is wrong, no matter who they are.” Fluttershy said with a small disappointed frown. “Geez, is she for real? Look lady, conning people is how I have survived out in space.” Argit told her. Benjamin frowned slightly as well as he glanced away. "Ok… think of it as a… sting operation. Like the police do. We'll be getting him in the open and the plumbers will apprehend him…" “That is a bit better.” Applejack said as Pinkie poked Argit’s hair. "Hey!" Argit said moving away from Pinkie. "Don't do that when he's not disguised, his quills produce a very powerful sleeping agent." Benjamin said, noticing Fluttershy was smiling softly at him as he looked away. “Ooo so he can make anyone go to sleep with just a poke?” Pinkie asked with a giggle. Applejack chuckled a bit. “And here I thought he was just some fancy walkin, talkin porcupine.” "Hey!" Argit said with a frown. "Anyway, did the principal shut down school for the rest of the day?" Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow. Before any of them can answer the bell rings. “Now it is.” Rainbow said with a shrug. "Huh, alright. Argit, you got a place to stay?" Benjamin asked the transformed alien. Argit crossed his arms. “I have my ship.” "You mean the ship, that Volcanus can most likely track down?" Benjamin asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk as he started walking. "Have fun with that." “Hey don’t just leave me alone!” Argit followed him. "I thought you had your ship?" Benjamin asked him with a smirk. "But if you don't want to get caught, you can crash with me I guess… if that's ok with you." He said, the last part to Fluttershy as he turned to her. “I…I guess.” Fluttershy said softly. “Great! What kind of place are we talking about?” Argit asked while rubbing his hands together. Benjamin frowned slightly at fluttershy's reaction as he rubbed the back of his neck a bit. "Um… if you're not comfortable with it we can figure something else out. It is your apartment after all." Argit blinked a bit as he looked at Benjamin confused. “What, are you shacking up with this broad?” "Hey don't call her that!" Rainbow yelled at Argit, as Fluttershy blushed red. "She owns the apartment he's renting!" Argit shrugged dismissively. “Eh, I don’t really care either way. I just wanted to know if I need ear plugs, you humans can get loud.” Benjamin and Rainbow both glared at him angrily as Fluttershy's blush deepened. "I/she don't/doesn't live there!" The three of them yelled, before Rainbow added. "And they aren't even a thing! They just met!" “How was I supposed to know! Geez, sometimes you humans are weird.” Argit said before crossing his arms in a huff. "Argit you are being very unladylike, if you are going to pull off this disguise you should at least put in some effort." Rarity said with a small frown. He glared at her. “I will poke you.” He said with an almost feral hiss. Fluttershy frowned more as Benjamin sighed softly and slapped Argit upside the head. "Behave, don't forget you still have to sell the disguise." Argit grumbled and looked at the ground. “Yeah yeah, whatever.” "Anyway, Fluttershy. Are you absolutely sure it's ok he stays with me?" Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow as Argit looked at him confused more. "Y-yes, it's ok. You're helping a friend after all." Fluttershy said with her cheeks still a light pink. “Friend? Benji and I have been through a lot over this past year.” Argit told her with a grin. Benjamin groaned a bit and rubbed his face. "Whatever, let's just go." “I need to go home to get my phone first.” Rainbow said with a frown. "Ah gotta get back to the farm." Applejack said, crossing her arms. "And I need to get to the shop." Rarity said with a sigh. "The cakes asked me to help them at sugar cube corner, looks like only Sunset and Fluttershy get to hang out with the cool aliens!" Pinkie said with a giggle. "Actually, I have to get home too." Sunset said with a frown. "Last night a tree broke one of my windows." Fluttershy gasped and looked at Sunset. “Were you hurt?” "No, it was in my living room. But I have to put boards on it " Sunset said with a slight shrug. "Looks like it's just you that gets to spend time with these two." She said, making Rainbow frown more. Fluttershy looked down shyly. “Well…kinda, I still need to look after the animals.” "Yeah, but at least once you're done with that you can hang out with them." Pinkie said with a smile. “That’s true. If Benjamin is ok with it.” Fluttershy said softly as she hid behind her hair. "I don't care, it is your apartment." Benjamin said with a shrug. “O-ok.” Fluttershy said softly. “Wow, real shy one there.” Argit said while shaking his head, but then his eyes widened and he slowly started to grin. “Say…how would you like to buy a-” Benjamin smacked him upside the head. "No." Argit frowned at Benjamin. “I was just gonna offer her an alien pet.” "Oh. Still that's really dangerous, she wouldn't -" Benjamin started to say. "An alien pet!? What's it like!?" Fluttershy asked with a smile. Argit smirked at Benjamin before he looked at Fluttershy. “Oh there are tons of alien animals out there.” "Fluttershy, don't trust him. He's a con man!" Rainbow yelled. “Hey now, I always give what I promise.” Argit said with a salesman's smile. "Yeah, but there's always a twist. Like a Genie." Benjamin said, rolling his eyes. "The pet you get will probably end up eating all your other animals or burn the building down." “What!?” Fluttershy gasped in horror. “Well there is always the risk of animals eating other animals if they aren’t trained well or if the owner isn’t skilled.” Argit said with a shrug. "Or it could be the size of the building. For now, just don't do it." Benjamin said to Fluttershy as he, Argit, and Fluttershy started walking. Argit rolled his eyes. “Like she could afford something that big.” "Dude, you always have a twist to the things you sell. So it's probably stolen." Benjamin said, rolling his eyes. Argit opened his mouth to argue but stopped and shrugged. “Eh, you got me there.” Fluttershy frowned a bit and walked closer to Benjamin. "I don't want a stolen pet…" Argit shrugged again. “Then don't buy one, I mean every pet is stolen if you think about it.” "W-what do you mean?" Fluttershy asked in horror. “Every pet is stolen from its mother at some point right?” Argut said with a small smirk. Fluttershy whimpered and teared up as Benjamin smacked Argit again. "Quit it!" "Gah, dude! Why are you so worried about this girl!?" Argit asked with a frown. "I'm not…" Benjamin said, looking away slightly. “Sure seems like it.” Argit said as he crossed his arms. “You almost never hit me.” "How about because you're being an ass?" Benjamin asked, as the three reached Fluttershy's animal sanctuary. Argit shrugged again. “I am always like this.” "Yeah but now it seems more… targeted." Benjamin said with a frown, while Fluttershy opened the door. Argit smirked a little. “Maybe, I mean if I can’t make some money off of her I may as well get some laughs.” Benjamin rolled his eyes a little, as they walked inside. "Ignore him, it's what I do." He told Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded a bit. “I need to take care of my animals.” Benjamin nodded a little, looking around at all the animals. Birds, fish, hamsters, dogs, cats, and so on, cages and feeders littered all over the building. "Jeez, you take care of all of these by yourself?" “Oh um…sometimes, most of the time.” Fluttershy said before she smiled a bit. “Some nice girls sometimes come to help.” Benjamin nodded slowly as a small bird landed on his shoulder, and began nuzzling his cheek. Benjamin blinked a bit at the bird, before gently rubbing its head. "You remind me of my old pet…" “That is the first time I have seen anything get close to you man.” Argit said before shaking his head a bit. “Where are we going?” "Up the stairs." Benjamin said, pointing up the staircase. "You're sleeping on the couch." Argit nodded and headed for the stairs. “I’ll make us something to eat.” Benjamin blinked a bit as he looked at Fluttershy, not knowing Argit was watching from the top of the stairs. "I may end up having food poisoning." Benjamin said, causing Fluttershy to giggle softly and making him smile a little. “I don’t think your friend would do that to you.” Fluttershy said softly. "Oh, I know he wouldn't do it on purpose." Benjamin said, making a face that caused her to giggle more. "But that doesn't mean it won't happen." “I will make sure to have the first aid kit ready then.” She said while still giggling. Benjamin smiled a little more as he looked around. "You want any help?" “Only if you want to.” Fluttershy said with a bright smile. Benjamin coughed a little. "I-i mean, you are letting me stay upstairs and now with an extra person so…" “It's ok, I mean you are just helping a friend out, I would be cruel to turn him away.” Fluttershy said softly. Benjamin nodded a little as the bird pooped on his jacket. "Nice…" Fluttershy gasped softly before giggling a little. “I hear that is good luck in some places.” Benjamin sighed a bit as he rubbed his eyes. "I guess so, but I'm gonna need another shirt now." “There is a washing machine in the back.” Fluttershy said softly with a smile. Benjamin nodded a little as he removed his shirt. Fluttershy blushed and looked away shyly, as Benjamin walked into the back of the sanctuary putting his shirt into the washer with some other laundry that was back there. "What should I do first?" He asked, coming back. “Oh um…could you feed the birds?” She asked softly. Benjamin nodded a little, as he got the bird seed. "Ok." Argit shook his head and headed upstairs fully, not noticing a small drone that had been following him around. Meanwhile Rainbow frowned more as she walked with Pinkie down the road to Sugar Cube Corner, kicking a rock slightly. "You ok Dashy?" “I am fine.” She said with a grumpy frown. "You don't seem fine, what can I do to turn that frown upside down?" Pinkie asked, bouncing backwards in front of Rainbow as her chest jiggled a lot. Rainbow sighed and closed her eyes. “I am just…something about that guy makes me mad.” Pinkie tilted her head a bit. "Is it because he's able to fight really cool aliens and that makes him look cooler than you?" Rainbow frowned a bit more. “Maybe.” She grumbled. Pinkie giggled a little bit. "Awe come on Dashy, you know you're the coolest girl in our school. Everyone loves you!" Rainbow sighed and looked at the ground. “Not everyone.” Pinkie tilted her head. "Huh?" “Nothing.” Rainbow said with a groan. “Can we just move on.” Pinkie frowned a little as she looked down. "D-do you um… wanna come with me to Sugar cube corner? I know you said you were busy earlier but…" “Sure, I need ro get my mind off of…stuff.” Rainbow said as she stuffed her hands into her pockets. Pinkie frowned slightly as she looked down a little. "Y-you like Fluttershy don't you?" “What!?” Rainbow shouted in surprise with a bright red blush. Pinkie smiled softly and sadly at her, fiddling with her dress a little. "I can tell, the person I'm in love with likes someone else as well…" Rainbow looked at her. “Who is he?” Pinkie blushed a bit as her cheeks turned slightly lighter. "S-she's… not interested…" “O-oh.” Rainbow said softly. “I didn’t know you swung that way, Pinks.” Pinkie played with her fingers a bit. "I-i didn't either until I started hanging out with her more… but anyway…" she said, looking away. "I'm sorry about Fluttershy…" Rainbow sighed and looked away. “I…guess she isn’t into girls like I thought.” She chuckled weakly. “I guess my gaydar needs work.” Pinkie smiled a little. "M-maybe she's BI?" “Maybe.” Rainbow said before she looked at Pinkie. “Thanks but I want to get my mind off of Fluttershy and…ugh Benjamin.” Pinkie nodded softly as she grabbed Rainbow's arm. "Come on, I'll treat you to a milkshake!" Rainbow smiled a bit. “Alright.” Pinkie giggled a little as they made their way to Sugar cube corner. “Alright, take a seat and I’ll get your favorite.” Pinkie said before she skipped over to the counter and jumped over. “Pinkie, how many times have I told you, don’t skip like that? It isn’t Decent to do in public.” Mrs. Cake told her from the cash register. "Sorry Ms.Cake, just trying to cheer up my friend as soon as possible!" Pinkie said, bringing out Dash’s favorite milkshake and cookies. Mrs. Cake shook her head with a sigh. “Oh Pinkie.” Rainbow smiled a little as Pinkie set the food on the table. "Thanks Pinks, you're a good friend." Pinkie smiled as she sat down, though Rainbow thought Pinkie’s hair just got a little straighter for a second but then shook her head. “So after we eat, what do you want to help with first?” Pinkie asked her with a soft smile. "We can do whatever you want." Rainbow said with a smile. “Ok, then how about cupcakes first.” Pinkie said as her smile became just a little brighter. "Ok." Rainbow said with a smile as they went into the back. A large fist smashed a monitor as a deep voice shouted in a ship above the planet. "Where is that little shit!?" A small creature walked over while holding a tablet and held it up while speaking in an alien language. On the tablet was a live feed of a human girl through a window, trying to cook in the kitchen of an upstairs apartment. "What is this? You're saying this is Argit?" The large alien asked. The small creature nodded and spoke again before pushing a few buttons to show the girl had alien DNA and had the signal of an id mask. "Argit isn't smart enough to come up with a disguise like this, he must be getting help…" The alien said rubbing his chin as a notification popped up and his eyes widened. "Well then, I just got a tip that is indeed Argit… descend at once!" The small creature nodded and yelled at other smaller creatures that looked just like it as they worked the controls of the ship. The alien chuckled darkly as the ship began it's descent. "Time to pay Argit!" Chapter end. > New life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin and Fluttershy fed all the animals as Argit was upstairs, taking a few hours before three young girls walked in. "Hi Fluttershy! We're here to help with the animals!"  “Oh! Hello girls, I forgot you were coming over today.” Fluttershy said with some worry. Benjamin looked over at them as they looked at him, two of them smirking a little. "Oh ah bet ya did." The country sounding one with a pair of blue overalls, a yellow hair color and a pink bow said.  “Yeah, we can come back later if you want some alone time with your boyfriend.” The other girl, in a fancy looking dress and two tone colored hair said. Fluttershy's face turned bright red. "H-he's not my boyfriend!"  "She's letting me crash upstairs." Benjamin said. "And a bird pooped on my shirt."  The tomboy of the group laughed. “That sucks!” Benjamin smirked a bit at the girl with orange clothes and purple hair, as he was reminded of a chicken. "Yeah it does, luckily it should be dry soon. Are you the ones she told me that helps her out?"  “Yeah we help Fluttershy out with her animals all the time.” The country sounding one said before adding. “Mah name is Applebloom and these are my friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.” "I'm Benjamin, my cousin Argit is upstairs." Benjamin said with a grin. "Sorry to say we kinda already did most of the stuff."  “Aww.” Two of the girls said. “Can we still pet the animals?” Scootaloo asked. "Oh of course, actually if you'd like you can give the dogs a bath." Fluttershy said with a small smile, her face still pink.  “Yay!” The girls ran over to the dog cages. Benjamin chuckled a bit as he put down a bag of bird food, as his phone went off and he checked it. "I should go take a shower before dinner, and you four should be careful. According to this there's a massive snowstorm on the way."  “Oh dear…um girls you should go home before you get stuck here.” Fluttershy told the three girls. "Aww, but what about the dogs?" The three asked with sad frowns, as Benjamin noticed Scootaloo looked a little worried.  “I can handle them, the guest room is already taken so there isn't enough space for you three to stay the night.” Fluttershy told them gently. "Yes, Miss Fluttershy." They said sadly, as Benjamin saw Scootaloo's worried face grow.  "Unless." He said suddenly, catching everyone's attention. "You'd all like to have a sort of movie night? I can order pizza and we can have hot chocolate." He said, blushing a little as they all stared at him. "What? The weather said it should hit within an hour, so unless they live less than that away they'd get caught in it. Besides I'm sure their families trust you Fluttershy, and me and my cousin can take the couch and floor."  “Really mister?” Scootaloo asked him, her eyes lighting up a bit. Benjamin looked at her and blushed a bit embarrassed as he looked away with a grumble. "Y-yeah, I'm not exactly gonna let a bunch of kids go into a storm." He said, pointing outside as they saw it was already starting to snow.  The three girls ran over to him and hugged him. “Thank you mister Benjamin!” Benjamin blushed redder as Fluttershy giggled a little bit. "Ok, ok. Enough with the sappy." Benjamin said, grabbing his shirt out of the dryer and going upstairs. "Come on, I'll get the water boiling for the hot coco, unless you'd prefer milk."  “Milk please.” Sweetie Belle said. “Water is fine.” Applebloom said. “I am ok with either.” Scootaloo said. "O-oh um, milk please." Fluttershy said as Applebloom's phone rang.  Applebloom answered it. “Hello?” "Bloom, where are ya? This storm is getting bad." A familiar voice said over the speaker.  “Ah am over at Fluttershy’s animal shelter with mah friends.” She said into her phone. "Hello Miss Applejack!" The other two said, as Fluttershy smiled a little.  "Hello Applejack."  “Shy? Can ya watch over the girls?” Applejack asked. "Oh, of course. Benjamin offered to get pizza and make hot cocoa for us all." Fluttershy said with a small smile.  “That is awful nice of him.”  Benjamin blushed a bit and sighed as they went into the apartment. "Argit, we have company for the night. I'm gonna order pizza, we can have what you're cooking with it."  “Are ya sure?” Argit called from the kitchen before black smoke and coughing could be seen and heard. "Yes." Benjamin said with a sigh, shaking his head as the girls giggled.  "Ah'll let Rarity know where y'all are, Scootaloo. Do ya want me to tell yer parents?" Applejack asked over the phone.  “Oh um… I can text them.” She said, a bit nervously. "If ya sure, y'all behave now. And make sure ya thank Mr Benjamin fer his hospitality." Applejack said.  “Yes Applejack.” The three girls siad together. "Alright, ah'll see y'all tomorrow if the snow ain't too deep. Sleep tight." She said hanging up as Benjamin came back with soot all over his face.  "Don't try what she made." He whispered to them all, as Argit came out with a pot full of black colored food.  The girls smiled nervously but Sweetie Belle looked at it. “It isn’t as bad as my cooking.” "Really?" Benjamin asked, whipping off his face.  “Yeah…I don’t know how but I even burn orange juice.” She said with a shy shrug. "Ha that's nothing, Argit here somehow burned an egg from the inside out." Benjamin said as Argit frowned.  "That was one time!" The alien disguised as a girl yelled.  The girls giggled a bit. “Its ok Ms. I burn my food all the time.” Sweetie Belle said to Argit. Argit sighed a bit. "Anyway, while Benji and I are cousins, we've lived apart for years. This is a recipe from another planet I visited."  “Another planet?” Scootaloo asked with a raised eyebrow. "I-i uh, meant it tastes otherworldly." Argit said with a nervous smile.  “Oh, so it is some fancy place?” Sweetie Belle asked as she looked back at the food. "Y-yeah, but just because she likes it doesn't mean we will." Benjamin said with a nervous smile, as he got the phone. "What kind of Pizza do you all want?"  “Pepperoni!” “Supreme!” “Hawaiian!” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle look at Scootaloo in surprise, as Fluttershy giggled a little. "I'm ok with supreme."  "Coming right up." He said, calling the pizza place. "You guys get comfortable."  “Ok.” Applebloom said. “Hey look tv!” Scootaloo said as she ran over and grabbed the remote. "You act like you've never seen one before." Sweetie Belle said with a soft giggle, as they all sat down.  “I…don't get to watch often.” She said before flipping through the channels. "What should we watch?" Sweetie Belle asked.  “I don’t know.” Scootaloo said with a shrug, still channel surfing. Benjamin glanced at the chicken-like girl as he sat down next to them. "Since it's winter, how about a Christmas movie?"  “That sounds nice.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile. "Um… which one?" Scootaloo asked, looking at the TV still.  "How about the Grinch?" Benjamin asked with a small smile.  “Sounds good ta me.” Applebloom said with a smile. Benjamin smiled a little as Scootaloo put on the Grinch (2018 because kids), as Benjamin smiled a little as Argit glanced at him in confusion. "How long until the pizza gets here?" Scootaloo asked.  "It should be here soon." Benjamin said.  Argit crossed his arms. “So Benji, what flavor did you get?” "Oh, I'm ok with Hawaiian." Benjamin said, surprising the others. "But I got you pepperoni and sausage."  “Good, you know I hate that gross fruit.” He gagged. Scootaloo looked at Benjamin for a moment. "Y-you like Hawaiian too?"  "Yeah? Ham and pineapple is a great combo." Benjamin said with a smile.  “Not on pizza.” Applebloom said while sticking her tongue out. "You just don't have good taste." Benjamin said as Scootaloo nodded.  "Yeah!" She said.  “Or maybe you two have broken tongues.” Sweetie Belle said with a giggle. Benjamin rolled his eyes. "It's sweet and salty, it's a good combo."  “I like it too.” Fluttershy shyly said. "Alright let's just watch the movie." Sweetie Belle said as someone rang the bell downstairs.  "I'll get it." Benjamin said, walking downstairs Benjamin opened the door as he pulled out his wallet, and looked down at his last bits of money. “Hey beautiful did ya miss…wait you’re not Fluttershy!” A man said with a frown and narrowed eyes. Benjamin raised an eyebrow. "No kidding, how much do I owe you?"  “Where is Fluttershy?” He asked, not answering Benjamin. Benjamin frowned a bit as he took the pizza and set it inside. "First off, the pizza is getting cold. Secondly, She's upstairs, but what's it to you?"  The man frowned at Benjamin. “Listen here little man, she's my girl! So you stay away from her.” He told him while poking Benjamin’s chest. Benjamin raised an eyebrow at him as he frowned more. "First off, don't touch me. Secondly, that's not up to you. It's up to her."  The man growled and grabbed Benjamin by the shirt. “I am gonna-” The man’s phone went off, making him growl more. “Just give me thirty bucks, I gotta go.” "How about no, you just grabbed my shirt and threatened me. I'm calling your boss." Benjamin said, pulling the man's hand off his shirt.  “You do that and I will make you regret it.” The man said with a frown, pulling his arm away from Benjamin. "Try it." Benjamin said glaring at the man, before slamming the door in his face.  “You mother fucker!” The man yelled through the door before leaving. Benjamin frowned slightly as he turned to see Fluttershy shaking on the stairs. "He's gone, it's ok."  “I…I am sorry…I was h-hoping he wasn’t delivoring today.” She said while trying not to cry. Benjamin walked over to her and gently set his hands on her shoulders. "What did he do?"  She looked away shyly and flinched when he touched her. “He…n-nothing he didn’t do anything.” Benjamin frowned a bit, gently rubbing her back as he pulled her into a soft hug. "It's ok, he's not here."  She sniffled and shook horribly. “I…I know it's wrong to say but…I don’t like him.” Benjamin nodded, as he noticed the man glaring murderously from the window before he walked away. "It's ok, I'm here."  She looked up at Benjamin as they walked before she sobbed. “He would t-touch me if I don't tip him enough.” Benjamin paused and frowned, gently having her sit down. "Wait here, I'll be right back." He said, taking the pizza upstairs before coming back a few minutes later and sitting with her. "Did he… force himself onto you?"  She shook her head while looking down and hugging herself. “He…he only ever touched my…chest and butt.” Benjamin growled softly as he glared out the window, glancing at Fluttershy with a small frown before sighing. "Well, you don't have to worry about that now. I'll deal with him." “N-no, you can't! If you do, he will post pictures of me online.” She said with a bright red face. Benjamin looked at her with a sad frown before sighing. "Alright, but don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't come near you again."  She nodded weakly as she leaned on him. “I’m sorry for causing you trouble.” Benjamin blushed a bit as he looked away, but gently wrapped an arm around her to comfort her a little. "I don't mind, if I can help someone I usually do."  “That’s nice of you.” She said softly. “C-can we stay like this for a minute? I…I need to calm down before the girls see me.” Benjamin nodded as he gently rubbed her arm. "Of course."  After a few minutes Fluttershy got up and wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry for crying on you.” Benjamin looked at her with a frown. "It's alright, I'll be here anytime you need it."  She nodded with a small smile. “Thank you, but I don’t want to bother you or worry the girls.” "It's no bother to me." Benjamin said with a gentle smile, as he got up as well. "Let's get some food, I bet it'll make you feel better."  She nodded and headed up stairs but gasped when she ran into Argit at the stairs. Benjamin looked at Argit and frowned a little, before the disguised alien smirked at them. "Well aren't you two a cute couple?"  Fluttershy blushed and looked down, mumbling something. Benjamin frowned at Argit with a glare as Argit held up her hands. "Calm down, I won't say anything about what you two were just talking about."  “You better not, now please tell me you didn't leave three hyperactive little girls alone in the apartment?” Benjamin asked him with a frown. Agrit sweat dropped a little. "Come on what's the worst they could do?"  “You did not seriously just ask that question.” Benjamin said before they heard thumping and a crash. The three rush up the stairs, and notice Scootaloo still watching TV while Applebloom and Sweetie Belle stood in the middle of a mess.  “What happened?” Fluttershy asked, worried for the girls. "We um… well…" Sweetie Belle started to say.  "They started fighting over the last piece of pepperoni pizza and tripped." Scootaloo said.  “Last slice? But you just got the pizza! What are you three, Gourmands?!” Argit shouted in shock. "Gour what?" They asked as Benjamin sighed a bit.  "Argit, they're kids. Of course they went all out on pizza." Benjamin said, as he noticed the Hawaiian was untouched. "You didn't eat Scootaloo?"  “Huh?” Scootaloo said without looking away from the tv. Benjamin smiled softly as he got three slices of Hawaiian pizza and put it in front of her face with a little bit of what Argit made. "Oh, thank you." Scootaloo said, taking it.  Argit raised an eyebrow before he walked back into the kitchen. Benjamin followed him before leaning on a counter. "What's with you?"  “I could ask you the same, I get you have a thing for kids but normally the smallest thing annoys the heck out of you.” Argit said to him. Benjamin shrugged slightly. "It still does, but I also still know that accidents happen and people need help sometimes."  Argit shook his head. “You have been acting weird all day. You sure that Flutter-chick isn’t brainwashing you?” Benjamin arched an eyebrow at him. "Dude… you know my past. You honestly think I'm gonna…"  “Right…sorry, I guess I am feeling a bit jealous that you treat her so well.” Argit said while acraching his cheek. Benjamin smirked a bit. "You? Jealous? What are you in love with me?"  “What?! Of course not! But you are the only human friend I have.” He said while crossing his arms and frowning. Benjamin smiled a little. "Hey man, you know I mess with you out of friendship."  He sighed and nodded. “Yeah yeah, and I was also looking out for you.”  "I know dude, I appreciate it." Benjamin said with a smile.  “Also let me know if those three get too hyper, one poke and they will be out.” Argit siad with a smirk. Benjamin rolled his eyes, before glancing back at the four girls watching TV. "I think they'll be fine, but I'll keep that in mind."  “Good, and I am guessing they don’t know about…your watch.” He said while also peeking out at them. "The kids don't, but remember Fluttershy and her friends saw me fighting the forever knights." Benjamin said.  “Yeah yeah, I was talking about the shorties.” Argit said before he scratched his chin. “For some reason I like that one with purple hair.” Benjamin smiled a little as he glanced back at Scootaloo. "Yeah… but I feel like she's hiding something."  “Yeah me too.” He hummed a bit. “Distract them, I will look through their backpacks.” Benjamin looked back at the group again. "I don't think you'll have to worry, Scootaloo seems pretty invested in that movie."  “What about the others?” Argit asked with a frown. "They look like they're about to pass out." Benjamin said with a shrug.  “Alright.” Argit nodded before he scratched himself. Benjamin glanced back at the four girls, before sighing. "Just be careful about it ok?"  “Yeah yeah.” Argit nodded before walking over to the backpacks. Benjamin rolled his eyes as he got some pizza and went to the couch. "How's the movie?" He asked the girls.  “It is pretty funny.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile. "Yeah, the Grinch is weird." Scootaloo said with a small smile as her eyes didn't leave the TV.  “Ah don’t understand why he don’t just celebrate with the whoos.” Applebloom said. "It will explain soon." Benjamin said with a smile.  “Ok.” Applebloom said as she continued to watch. Benjamin smiled a little as Sweetie Belle had fallen asleep, with Applebloom yawning. "If you're tired you can go to bed."  “Ah am fine.” Applebloom said as she tried to stay awake. Benjamin smiled a little more as he gently picked up Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, taking them to Fluttershy's bedroom as said girl watched him with a gentle smile. "He is a kind soul…"  "C-can I stay up a little longer?" Scootaloo asked Fluttershy with a slight frown.  “Well…I don’t know…” Fluttershy said as she looked at the girl. Scootaloo looked back at the TV. "I… I just want to finish the movie…"  "I don't see a problem with it." Benjamin said with a small smile. "After all, with how bad that storm is, I highly doubt there will be school tomorrow."  “Ok, I will set up my sleeping area then.” Fluttershy said as she went to get some blankets. "Sleeping area? I figured you'd be sleeping on the couch." Benjamin said, standing up. "Me and Argit can sleep on the floor, it wouldn't be the first time."  “Oh no, I couldn’t ask you two to do that.” Fluttershy said while shaking her head. Benjamin chuckled softly. "Well the couch isn't exactly big enough for two people, and there's not a whole lot of space on the floor either. So unless you feel like cuddling up to me or my cousin during the night. It's the best solution."  Fluttershy blushed and shook her head. “N-no thank you.” Benjamin chuckled a bit more. "As I said, you take the couch."  “O-ok.” She said shyly. Benjamin smiled a little as he got the blankets and pillows for himself and Argit. “Ok, I checked her bag, the kid is either on the run or homeless.” Argit whispered to Benjamin. Benjamin looked at Argit in surprise, before looking over at Scootaloo. "What?" He asked in a whisper.  “Her backpack is full of supplies you’d need to survive on the streets.” Argit whispered to him. Benjamin frowned even more as he looked at Scootaloo. "Oh…"  “I knew I liked her for some reason. She is just like me.” He said with a smirk. Benjamin stared at Scootaloo for a while before sighing. "Yeah but you should know how hard it is." “Yeah, but a few weeks in space with me will harden her up and she will be ready for anything.” Argit said with a smirk. Benjamin sighed a bit more. "Maybe…"  “Great then it is settled, As soon as Volcanics is taken care of I'll take her into space.” Argit said with a grin. Benjamin frowned more. "No, she's a child. For now she should be here."  “Aw come on, you just said some time with me would help her.” Argit said before scratching his chin. “I can think of a few worlds that could help her out.” "Maybe one day pal, but you are a bit of a danger magnet." Benjamin said with a small grin.  “So? It would toughen her up.” He said with a shrug. "Does it seem like she needs toughening up?" Benjamin asked, looking at Scootaloo again. "To me she seems tougher than you."  Argit crossed his arms. “I get by just fine.” "I know man." Benjamin said bringing the pillows and blankets over to the couch.  Scootaloo yawned and leaned onto the arm of the couch. "Scootaloo you should get some sleep." Fluttershy said with a small smile.  “I’m ok…I just want to finish…” She yawned. “The movie.” Benjamin smiled a little as he wrapped a blanket around Scootaloo, before sitting and watching the movie as well. Scootaloo slowly fell asleep watching the movie. Fluttershy giggled a little as Benjamin picked up Scootaloo and carried her to the bedroom. "Daddy… don't go…" she whispered in her sleep, cuddling up to Benjamin. Benjamin stopped and froze, eyes wide in horror as Scootaloo shook a little in his arms. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."  Benjamin frowned a bit as he gently held her, whispering in her ear. "It's ok, Scootaloo. It'll be ok."  Fluttershy smiled softly at him as she watched him take her to bed. “He is so sweet.” Argit smirked a bit. "Yeah he's a nice dude, too bad what happened with his family."  “What happened to his family?” She asked him curiously. Argit sweat dropped a little. "Um, that's something he'll have to tell you himself."  “Oh.” She looked down sadly. “It must be sad then.” "Yeah…" Argit said with a frown.  “Poor Benjamin.” She said softly. "Save that for when ya hear what happened." Argit said, as Benjamin came out of the room with a frown.  “I still feel sorry for him.” She said softly. "For who?" Benjamin asked.  She eeped and looked at him with a blush. Argit chuckled a bit. "We should get some sleep."  “Yeah, let’s get to bed.” Benjamin said as he laid down on the floor. Fluttershy blushed more as she laid down on the couch. "G-goodnight "  “Goodnight you two love birds.” Argit said with a teasing laugh. "What!?" The two yelled in shock with blushes.  Argit laughed harder. “Oh wow, you are both a kick to tease.” The two blushed more, as they collapsed on their respective makeshift beds. "Stop." Benjamin said with a groan.  Argit snickered and rolled over. “I will for now.” "Yeah for now, I'm gonna get you back." Benjamin said with a grin, rolling over and facing Fluttershy.  Fluttershy bushed shyly and covered herself with the blanket. Benjamin smiled softly, before closing his eyes as he fell asleep. In the morning they are all woken up by loud banking on the front door. Argit groggily got up and went down to the front door. "What!?"  “Police, open up!” A woman’s voice shouted through the door. Argit raised an eyebrow as he opened the door, still disguised as a girl. "What do you want? We haven't done anything!"  “We got a call that screaming was heard.” A woman cop said while frowning at Argit. "Screaming? We've been asleep all night after watching the sinch or something. A holiday movie." Argit said, yawning.  “We have to come inside and investigate.” She said while still frowning. Argit shrugged a bit and waved them inside. The cops walked inside and looked around. “Who else is here?” The male cop asked. "It's me, my cousin, our landlady, and three kids." Argit said with a yawn. "The last four got snowed in here."  “We will need to speak to everyone.” The woman said. "Alright, come on." Argit said, heading upstairs as they saw Benjamin putting away his blankets while Fluttershy wasn't anywhere to be seen.  Benjamin looked up at the cop and groaned. “What did you do?” "Nothing, they said someone heard screaming." Argit said as Benjamin looked confused.  "Screaming?" He asked, looking befuddled.  “Sir, was there a fight last night or this morning?” The man asked Benjamin. "A fight?" Benjamin asked, scratching his head. "Um, no. I guess I got into an argument with the pizza guy."  The cops looked at each other for a moment. “So no women were attacked?” "What? No!" Benjamin said with a deep frown. "The only thing that happened was me arguing with this shitty pizza guy who got mad at me for just being here. Saying the girl that owns this apartment is his girlfriend or something. But she says that's not true."  “We see.” The woman cop said as she wrote something down. “And where is the owner?” "Taking a shower, you woke us up." Benjamin said, pointing at a door.  “We will need to speak with her.” The woman said. Benjamin opened his mouth to talk as they heard the shower shut off. "Alright, warning you she's shy."  “Sir, calm down or we will have to handcuff you.” The man said as he moved his hand to his weapon. Benjamin raised an eyebrow at the male police officer. "Dude, don't get trigger happy. All I said was that she's shy… it's literally in her name. Fluttershy." “Don’t give me orders.” The man said with a frown. “Sir, please sit down while we talk with her.” The woman said. Benjamin rolled his eyes as he sat down, shaking his head at the two cops as the three kids came out of the bedroom. "What's for breakfast?" Scootaloo asked sleepily as Benjamin got up.  "I have some bacon and eggs." He said with a smile, going into the kitchen. “We said sit down!” The man said as he drew his gun. "And they asked what was for breakfast." Benjamin said, not affected by the weapon as the three girls shook in fear.  "Stand down." The female cop said to her partner, as Fluttershy came out of the shower fully dressed.  "W-what's happening!?" She asked in horror, shaking in fear at the weapon.  “Ma’am we need to speak to you.” The woman cop said as she walked over to her. Fluttershy backed away a little. "W-why are you here?" The woman kept walking towards her. “We got a call about screaming and are worried you are a victim of abuse.” "What!?" Fluttershy asked in shock and horror, turning to Benjamin. "You said you wouldn't tell anyone about that man touching me!"  "I didn't, something tells me that man is the one that called them when he saw me at the door last night." Benjamin said, putting three plates of bacon and eggs on the table for the girls as they slowly sat down.  “Touching?” The woman asked with a frown as the man moved closer to Benjamin. Fluttershy blushed and whimpered as Benjamin gave the kids glasses of orange juice. "You're going to have to tell them, otherwise this will just escalate."  “Hands on your head and move away from any weapons!” The man said to Benjamin. "Oh stuff it." Benjamin said, shoving a roll into the cops mouth.  "Leave him alone!" Fluttershy said, starting to run over to Benjamin. "He didn't do anything wrong!"  “Ma’am move away from the suspect, he is acting aggressive and needs to be detained for our safety!” The man said after spitting out the roll. Fluttershy stood In front of Benjamin as she glared at the cop. "You're the one that showed up here and started waving your weapon around, you should be detained!"  “You little-!” He started to say before the woman grabbed the guy.  “Stand down now!” Fluttershy teared up and started to cry as Benjamin set a hand on her shoulder. "Girls go back to the bedroom while we talk." He said to the three young girls, who nodded and went into the bedroom and closed the door.  “Good to know cops are just as crooked here.” Argit said as he sat down on the couch. The female cop frowned at Argit as Benjamin rubbed Fluttershy's back gently as she sobbed. "We need an explanation." The female cop said with a deep frown.  "Obviously this guy has brainwashed her into-" the male cop started to say.  “Stand down this instant, you are just making the situation more tense. Go stand by the door and don't say another word!” The woman cop ordered. The male cop grumbled as he went over to the door and crossed his arms, as Fluttershy buried her face in Benjamin's shirt making him blush and awkwardly pat her back a little. "She's been getting assaulted by the pizza delivery man." Argit said, not caring about the delicate situation. "Sexually."  “That is a serious accusation, we're going to need details to look into it.” The woman said with a frown as she wrote down what Argit said. Fluttershy sobbed harder as Benjamin glared at Argit. "You don't know how to be tactful do you?"  "Nope, and she said that guy has pictures of her on his phone." Argit said with a shrug.  “Who is this pizza delivery guy?” The woman asked. "H-he's never told me his name… all I know is he works for Papa's Pizzeria…" Fluttershy said sobbing more.  The woman sighed and tapped her notepad. “Do you have any cameras that have him in them?” "Y-yes but… he said he'd post those pictures online if I said anything…" Fluttershy said with a sob.  “Well he can’t do that if we arrest him.” The woman said as she wrote something down. Fluttershy sobbed more as she covered her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother anyone with this!"  "Fluttershy, it's not a bother." Benjamin said with a frown, setting a hand on her shoulder.  "Ya know, I do still have that null void projector." Argit spoke up. "We could make it to where he's never seen again."  “Null what?” The man asked with a frown. “Are you conspiring murder?” "No, the null void is a place for the lowest of the low. How do you have a projector?" The woman asked Argit, crossing her arms.  "We're plumbers." Benjamin lied, crossing his own arms. "How do you even know what the null void is?"  “Plumbers?” The man asked, confused. “Trigger, go back to the car for a minute.” The woman said seriously.  Trigger grumbled a little as he walked outside and to the car, while Benjamin looked at the woman. "You're an alien aren't you?"  “I am.” She said before she grabbed her face and pulled off a mask that revealed she was under a holographic disguise like Argit. Her real form was similar to a blue cat woman. “ I have to see your badges.” "Whoa, a revonogander." Benjamin said before holding up his Omnitrix. "This is my proof."  “I do not recognize that device.” She said with a frown. "You don't recognize the Omnitrix?" Argit asked in disbelief. "The most powerful level 20 tech in the universe capable of transforming its user into hundreds of different species!?"  “I have been on this planet for years.” She said simply.  "Alright, well we don't have actual badges. My Omnitrix usually is proof enough." Benjamin said with a sigh, as he continued rubbing Fluttershy back.  “So are all of you not from this world?” She asked, looking at the three of them. "Fluttershy here is, Argit and I aren't." Benjamin said as Argit removed his mask.  “Hey.” Argit said with a lazy wave. "I see." The girl said, before putting her mask back on. "I'm afraid I can't let you send-"  "That man to the null void?" Benjamin asked with a slight frown. "Too bad, it's where a pedophile like him belongs."  “Pedophile? I thought he was a pizza delivery boy.” The woman said. "No,we said, delivery guy. The man was fucking balding." Benjamin said as Fluttershy sobbed again.  “I see…” She said with a frown. “Well I am not a plumber and I can not justify sending a human to the null void.”  Benjamin sighed a bit and rubbed his eyes. "Fine, but once you find him i'm breaking his nose at least."  She sighed and rubbed her face. “I am a police officer, I can not allow that.” Benjamin sighed a bit. "Fine."  “Spoil sport.” Argit said with a roll of his eyes as he put the mask back on. "So what now?" Benjamin asked as Fluttershy kept sobbing into his shirt.  “Now I get my partner to leave you guys alone.” She said before placing her mask back on.  "Thank you, he seems way too trigger happy." Benjamin said, rolling his eyes. "I mean seriously, I get you wanting me to sit down. But I was trying to get the kids some food."  “He is fresh out of the academy.” She told him with a groan. "Ouch." Benjamin said, shaking his head. "Good luck."  “Yeah, thank you sir.” She said with a nod. “Now can you describe the man so I can finish my report.” "Um, he was roughly six foot three, balding with red hair, a little bit of a belly and he was wearing a red papa's pizzeria delivery shirt." Benjamin said with a small frown. "And he had a single earring on his left ear, I remember because he grabbed my shirt and got in my face."  “I see.” She wrote down everything. “The cops will look into him.” "If he comes by before they can arrest him, I will defend Fluttershy." Benjamin said with a frown. "And the three girls in the other room, by any means necessary… including the null void."  “Very well.” She nodded before writing something down. “We will be in contact with Miss Shy.” Fluttershy whimpered more as she clung to Benjamin, making him blush more. "U-um ok."  The woman nodded and turned to leave before looking back. “Be sure to visit undertown, there is a small plumber base down there.” "There's an undertown here?" Benjamin asked in surprise.  “Yeah, I found out about it last month.” Argit said as the woman left. "Alright then.." He said, looking at Fluttershy who was still sobbing. "Argit get her phone and call her friends will you?"  “Ugh fine, but if things get too girly I am gonna hide downstairs.” He said as he got up and walked over to her bag. Benjamin rubbed Fluttershy's back more as the girls came out. "Fluttershy? Are you ok?" They asked worriedly.  Fluttershy sniffled and turned away from them as she tried to fix her face. “I am ok girls, eat your breakfast please.” "Are you sure?" Sweetie Belle asked with a frown.  “Y-yes.” Fluttershy said as she turned to smile at them.  The three girls nodded as they sat down and started eating, while Benjamin glanced at Fluttershy. "I have to take care of something, will you be ok with the others until I get back?"  “Oh, yes. I don’t mind watching them.” She said while keeping her forced smile up. Benjamin frowned a little more at her forced smile, before sighing and gently rubbing her back. "I'll wait, you don't have to force yourself to smile." She shook her head. “N-no it’s ok. I can watch the girls.”  "I know, but you shouldn't be alone right now to deal with this. And Argit isn't the most tactful person." Benjamin said with a gentle smile.  Fluttershy smiled more genuinely. “Thank you, but the girls will be here in a while, so it's ok.” "I know, but what I have to do can wait until you have more support." Benjamin said with a smile, as Argit walked over to them.  "Your friends are all on their way." He said.  “Thank you Argit.” Fluttershy said to him then she looked at Benjamin. “And thank you Benjamin.” Benjamin smiled a little as Agrit grinned at him. "Of course, no one should go through that." Benjamin said. She nodded slowly and looked down in shame, as Benjamin gently rubbed her back more. "It's not your fault, you were afraid."  “I should have said no more…” She said softly. Argit and Benjamin frowned a bit more. "Toots, he wouldn't have taken no for an answer."  “But…I could have said no more forcefully…” She said softly as she started to hug herself. Benjamin frowned a little more as he sighed, gently wrapping a blanket around Fluttershy. "He shouldn't have done it in the first place, you have nothing to be sorry about."  “Sorry,” She said softly again, looking at the ground. Benjamin sighed softly again and smiled a little, gently pulling her into a hug as someone banged on the door causing Fluttershy to go over and open it. “Hell-” Fluttershy started before she screamed. "Hello beautiful, now that that other ass hole is gone. How about we have some real fun?" The man from the previous night said with a smile, as he forced his way inside. "Get the fuck away from her!" Benjamin said, getting the man's attention.  “What the fuck!? The cops should have taken your ass to jail!” The man said before reaching behind his back and pulling out a gun. "You think I'm afraid of a gun?" Benjamin asked with a cold tone, stepping closer to the man.  “Stay back punk!” He aimed his gun at Benjamin’s head. “Take another step and one goes between your eyes, after all I have to defend this lovely lady from a rapist like you.” Benjamin stared at the man not moving as he turned his head slightly. "Fluttershy, get the girls and hide in your bedroom. I'll deal with this worthless piece of shit."  “Don’t you fucking move!” He turned the gun to aim at Fluttershy. Fluttershy screamed in fear and shook violently before the man was suddenly hit in the stomach. Benjamin grabbed the gun and twisted it so the man would drop it, just before using the palm of his right hand to slam the man's chin up backwards and sending him into a wall. "I said, leave her alone." Benjamin said glaring at the man. “Gah!” The man rubbed his chin as he glared at Benjamin. “You son of a bitch, I am gonna kill you!”  "Try it, loser." Benjamin said, as Fluttershy and the crusaders ran into Fluttershy's room.  The man pulled out a knife and ran at Benjamin, however he only got a few feet before a black needle hit his neck. Benjamin smirked as the man fell to the ground unconscious, before he looked at Argit. "Thanks man."  “Hey, if you are busy dealing with him you aren’t protecting me.” Argit said with a small smirk. Benjamin rolled his eyes and tied up the man. "Call the cops."  “Ugh but they just left!” Argit complained as he walked to the phone. "I know." Benjamin said, waiting until Argit's back was turned before grabbing the null void gun out of Argit's bag and pointing it at the guy. "Enjoy your damnation." He whispered before blasting the guy with the gun.  “Whoa…welp good riddance.” Argit said with a shrug. Benjamin turned around in surprise. "I was trying to make it so you weren't an accomplice."  “An accomplice in what?” Argit asked with a smirk. Benjamin rolled his eyes with a grin, before going over to the bedroom door and knocking. "You can all come out now, he's gone."  Arigit leaned back and turned the tv on as the door opened slowly. “He is?” "Yeah." Benjamin nodded as someone else banged on the door roughly.  "Fluttershy are you ok!?" Rainbow's voice yelled.  “Ugh, great more company already.” Argit said before getting up and going to open the door. "Where is she!?" Rainbow asked worriedly as the rest of Fluttershy's friends came in.  "I'm over here…" Fluttershy said softly.  “She is over there.” Argit said with a frown. “And can you not yell?” Fluttershy's friends rushed over to her. "Fluttershy are you ok?". Rarity asked with a frown.  She hugged herself and looked down. “Y-yes, Benjamin kept me safe.” "Thanks fer protecting her partner." Applejack said with a smile to Benjamin who shrugged.  "I don't like pedophiles, especially those that try to hurt innocent people." Benjamin said.  “Still, thank you for protecting Fluttershy.” Rarity said. "Show me where he is, I'm gonna beat the shit out of him!" Rainbow said angrily, punching the palm of her open hand.  Argit laughed a bit. “You aren’t gonna see him again.”  "What do you mean?" Rarity asked.  "I made sure he won't be coming back." Benjamin said with a calm frown.  “Yeah, and that’s all you girls need to know.” Argit said with a frown of his own. “None of you look like you can lie to the cops.” He pointed at Applejack. “Especially her.” They all looked at each other before looking at Benjamin with worry. "I didn't kill him, I just sent him somewhere. Somewhere he will never be able to escape."  “That…doesn’t sound quite legal.” Rarity said with a bit of worry. "You'd be surprised. I put him somewhere only the worst of the worst go." Benjamin said with a slight shrug. "I did tell the police I'd send him there if he showed up again, this time he tried shooting and stabbing me."  The girls gasped and covered their mouths. “Geez, this guy is the worst.” Benjamin nodded. "Anyway, now that you're all here your sisters can finish eating."  “Yeah, no other creeps are gonna bother us when we are together.” Rainbow said with a smirk. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo came out of Fluttershy's bedroom slowly, each one running over to their respective sister.  The girls hugged them and reassured them they were safe. Benjamin smiled softly as he turned and walked away, walking outside. Fluttershy followed behind him quietly. Benjamin sighed softly with a smile as he stared up at the clouds, as Fluttershy slowly walked over to him. "U-um Benjamin?"  “Yes Fluttershy?” He said without looking away from the clouds. "T-thank you…" she said softly, before kissing his cheek.  Benjamin blushed softly but didn’t move. “It was nothing.” "It was more than you think." She said softly with a gentle smile. "So thank you again."  Benjamin sighed softly and looked at her. “I just did what was right, please don’t make it a big deal.” Fluttershy smiled a little. "Maybe but you're still the kindest guy I've met."  He smiled before smirking. “Then tell me why I ate Argit’s apple?” He said before lifting up an apple. Fluttershy giggled a little. "Everyone has a… darker side. But… you're still the nicest I've met. Most guys are just interested in talking to me because of my body, but I can tell you're not."  He smiled a bit and looked back up at the clouds, took a bite of the apple and after swallowing said. “I just don’t want innocent people to be hurt.” Fluttershy smiled again and nodded, looking up at the clouds as well. "That's another reason why I trust you, thank you for being a good person…"  He was quiet for a bit. “I am not a good person.” "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked with a small frown.  “I am not a good person, thats all.” He said with a sigh. Fluttershy frowned slightly but smiled still. "To me you are, so thank you." She said, turning away to walk back inside.  Benjamin swallowed and watched the sky for a little while longer. “I will probably never find real happiness, not like I deserve it.” He muttered to himself. "Are you still on that?" Argit asked, walking up to him.  Benjamin flinched and looked over. “When did you get out here?” "I followed that Fluttershy chick, I couldn't stand listening to those girls." Argit said, looking at him. "You ok man?"  Benjamin sighed softly. “Just remembering my old life.” He said softly. Argit sighed softly as he walked over and stood next to him. "Maybe you should tell that Fluttershy chick about it, you know I'm not the emotional type. But she may be able to help you." “I don’t want her to feel sorry for me.” He said softly. Argit sighed a bit. "Alright man, just remember that you have more options now of letting off steam."  “I guess…” He said before looking back at the sky. “Do you have any guesses of when that numskull will come after you?” "Volcanus? No clue, that idiot probably still thinks I'm on another planet." Argit said with a shrug.  Benjamin sighed and nodded. “Probably.” He turned to head inside before something fell in front of his face. Benjamin and Argit looked down at the item, before Benjamin picked it up. “I am but a simple builder, if you wish for my aid use this enchanted Flint and steel to start a fire.” "Huh." Benjamin mumbled a bit.  “What is it and why is it glowing?” Argit asked as he leaned closer. "No clue, but I heard someone say something." Benjamin said with a slight shrug.  “What, like a psychic message or something? Because I didn’t hear nothing.” Argit said while crossing his arms. "I guess?" Benjamin said with a shrug, clicking the tool. A large fire starts on the concrete in front of him. The fire was blue and soon a portal opened above the flames that seemed like it led to space, before too long a human with a backpack, wearing a blue shirt and brown pants fell through and hit the ground. “Oof! Ow…” The portal closed and the fire went out. "What the?" Benjamin said in complete bewilderment.  The human sat up and rubbed his red face. “That sucked.”  Just after he spoke Benjamin’s omnitrix beeped. “Uncatalog DNA detected.” Benjamin looked at his Omnitrix in confusion, before looking at the man. "You ok?"  “Yeah…just didn’t expect to fall face first onto concrete.” The man said as he rubbed his face. "So who are you?" Argit asked the man, crossing his arms.  “My name is Stanley.” He said before holding out a hand before a few pixely items appeared and changed before stopping on an apple, then he took a few bites. “So I am guessing from that fancy watch you are a Ben 10 displaced.” "Displaced?" Benjamin asked, raising an eyebrow.  Stanley finished the apple before saying. “Yeah, someone from earth changed or was given something not normal and dropped into another world.” He looked around and raised an eyebrow. “Looks like earth.” Benjamin raised an eyebrow. "Huh, I remember something like that when I got my Omnitrix."  Stanley nodded a bit as he scratched his head. “I am still new to this whole displaced thing myself but I can tell you what I know, but can we go inside? I don’t like the cold.” "Yeah sure, just be… cautious." Benjamin said. "Fluttershy just got done dealing with some… crap."  “Ok, at least I don’t have to fight a Nether invasion here.” Stanley said with a sigh. "Nether invasion? Are you a minecrafter?" Benjamin asked, as they started going inside.  “Pretty much.” Stanley said with a shrug. “Minecraft physics works for and around me, I also have an inventory in my pocket, and my backpack acts like the ‘spawn anything you want’ part of creative mode.”  "Whoa, cool." Benjamin said as Argit rolled his eyes while they entered the apartment.  “Yeah it's kinda useful.” Stanley said as he stretched. "Um, who's this?" Applejack asked with a frown as Fluttershy slightly hid behind Rainbow Dash.  “Some guy that fell out of a hole in space.” Argit said with a shrug. Stanley looked around and hummed. “Humans, interesting Equestria you have here.” "Equestria!?" All the girls yell in shock, as Benjamin facepalmed.  "Here we go…" He mumbled.  “Yeah?” Stanley said with a raised eyebrow. “Isn’t that what this place is called?” "No, Equestria is where Twilight is from." Sunset said with a frown.  "This is the equestria girls' world, it's connected to Equestria through a portal." Benjamin whispered to Stanley.  “The what world?” Stanley asked with a raised eyebrow.  "Nevermind." Benjamin said with a sigh.  Stanley shrugged and slipped a hand into his pocket. “So, why did you summon me?” Benjamin shrugged a bit. "I was just messing with the flint and steel, I didn't expect to summon anyone." “Oh, alright, well I could use a bit of a break from the ponies.” Stanley said with a sigh, then he pulled his hand out and in it were a few gold blocks. “Want some gold?” Everyone's eyes widened as Benjamin took the blocks of gold, before suddenly falling to the ground as he tried to hold them. "Holy crap! How did you pick these up so easily!"  Stanley shrugged before placing one of the cubes on the ground and it grew to be a full cubic meter on all sides. “It's just how it's been for me, I can pick things up like this and when I place them they work on minecraft logic.”  "Lucky!" Benjamin said, trying to pick up the block.  "What's Minecraft?" Rainbow asked, as Applejack tried to help Benjamin pick up the blocks.  “A video game from where I'm from. Basic concept is the world is all blocky and you need to build things in order to survive, but in order to build things you have to mine so you can get the resources.” Stanley said before he sighed. “Unfortunately it's not that easy as there are hostile entities called mobs that will attack you and doubly unfortunate for me they also exist in my world and there was even an invasion from the nether.” "You're from a video game?" Pinkie asked as Applejack and Benjamin slowly began picking up the blocks.  "Can you please turn these into ingots!" Benjamin asked.  Stanley shrugged and placed a wooden table block with a three by three grid on the top. “Sure.” A pickax appeared in his hand before he mined the blocks of good then he used the wooden table to turn them into good ingots. “Done. And no, I am not from a video game. I was just given the powers of a video game character.” Benjamin sighed softly and took the ingots. "I don't suppose you have blocks of diamonds as well you could spare?"  "Diamonds?" Rarity asked in awe. "And what do you mean given the powers of a video game character?"  Stanley shrugged. “Sure, I can spare them, my backpack lets me make anything from the game.” he reached into his backpack before looking at Rarity. “I mean I used to be a normal human, but now I am stronger, faster, and work on video games logic.” He pulled out a stack of diamond blocks. “Want me to set them down? Or give you a chest to hold them?” "A chest please." Benjamin said with a soft sigh, before rubbing his chin. "Huh, that sounds like what happened to me. I went to a convention and got my Omnitrix. When I woke up I was here, I just thought someone drugged me and brought me somewhere new." “Nope, we got displaced.” Stanley said before placing two chests next to a wall that fused together into a longer chest. “In short, we are taken from earth, changed and dropped in another world.”  "Huh…" Benjamin said, sitting down on the couch. "So… this is a completely different dimension?"  “That's what my friends said.” Stanley said with a small shrug. “I don’t know if we can even get home.” Benjamin looked down at the ground for a moment. "Good."  Stanley frowned a bit but looked over at Rarity. “I also have iron, copper, emeralds, lapis, and some red dust that may be ground up rubies.”  Rarity's eyes widened as they sparkled. "Oh my, the things I could do with those…" Stanley held up a pixely diamond and emerald. “These are what they look like, now sure if they can be changed to normal gems.” "That's… interesting." Rarity said.  Stanley shrugged a bit. “Yeah, but I am used to them as I played a lot of minecraft.” "Same, the last game I played I had full diamond prot four armor and tools fully enchanted before even going to the nether." Benjamin said with a chuckle.  “Nice.” Stanley nodded with a smile. “So while I am here, do you want me to give you anything else or tell you how to make a token?” "Token?" Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow, as the girls just watched in confusion.  “Yeah, like the flint and steel you used to summon me, it's an artifact that allows other displaced to summon each other whenever we need help or just someone to talk to.” Stanley said before pointing at the glowing item that Argit was now holding. "Oh… uh." Benjamin said, raising an eyebrow. "Like what?"  “From what my friends told me it can be anything, as long as it represents you and once you have it you hold onto it and speak a creed or message that you want others to hear when they pick it up then you just drop it or toss or whatever and it’ll disappear.” Stanley explained while spinning the diamond around his hand like a coin. Benjamin rubbed his chin a bit as he looked at the null void gun. "How about this?"  “Sure, but if you want it to be useful for others maybe add something in the message to let them summon you without having to use the gun.” Stanley said with a small shrug. Benjamin rubbed his chin in thought as he looked at the null void gun. "My name is Benjamin, if you need some help call my name."  The null void gun began to have a soft glow. “Alright, now toss it.” Stanley said with a smile then tossed the diamond to Argit. Argit caught the diamond as Benjamin tossed the null void gun into the air, causing it to go off and open a portal by itself before going through and closing. “Hey wait, we needed that!” Argit yelled before a portal opened behind him and it came flying back, smacking him in the head. Benjamin started laughing as Argit rubbed the back of his head. Another null void gun fell from the air and landed at Stanley’s feet. “Yeah, you normally keep the item you used.” He picked up the token and seemingly crushed it but in reality it shrunk as he closed his hand around it, then he placed it in his pocket. "Hey, since I scanned you ya think I can do the stuff you can?" Benjamin asked arching an eyebrow.  “I don’t see why not.” Stanley said before he smirked. “Except you won’t have a backpack with everything from the game.” "I could probably use Greymatter to build something similar." Benjamin said with a smirk. "Wait. Hold on a second." Rainbow said, waving her hands. "Let me get this straight, you two are from another dimension?"  “Graymatter can make something out of nothing?” Stanley asked before he looked at Rainbow. “Probably, I know I am as humans aren’t supposed to have, blue, yellow, pink, or purple skin where I am from.” "Same." Benjamin said before looking at Stanley. "And he can probably build something that can, after all the technology is in the Omnitrix which can create and destroy matter."  “Huh…I guess that’s true, but if you want I can set up some monster spawners in an underground base as well as a farming machine to collect all the resources from them.” Stanley said before his stomach growled loudly. “For a price.” He added with a sheepish grin. "There's pizza in the fridge." Benjamin said, pointing to the fridge.  “Sweet…does it have meat?” He asked as he walked over to the fridge. "It has ham." Benjamin said with a small smirk. "And pineapple."  Stanley stopped and glared at Benjamin. “You monster…but I need meat.” He sighed and got a few slices out. "There's regular pepperoni left as well." Sweetie Belle said with a small smile. "But it's only one slice."  “It's fine.” Stanley said with a shrug as he tossed the plate into a microwave while taking a bite out of a cold slice. "So with tokens Benji can call other displaced or whatever?" Argit asked.  “Yep, though he will have to either find them or wait for them to appear.” Stanley said with a mouth full of pizza, then he pointed at Benjamin. “You aren’t evil are ya?” Benjamin shrugged. "Guess that depends on your definition of evil." Stanley raised an eyebrow. “Do you plan on taking over the planet like mad Ben?” He asked before pointing at Benjamin’s orange omnitrix. Benjamin looked at his watch and chuckled a bit. "Oh, nah. I just like the color orange."  “Alright then here.” Stanley tossed a gold idol over to him. “A totem of undying.” Benjamin's eyes widened as he stared at it and then the Omnitrix. "Holy crap… I'm basically immortal now." Stanley laughed and shook his head. “Nope, that just saves you once then it breaks.”  Benjamin grinned at him. "Are you kidding? Greymatter man! I can replicate this thing!" "W-what does it do?" Fluttershy asked, nervously.  “Basically if you take a lethal head it will break and heal you partially.” Stanley told her with a shrug. “But I don’t know how to make them, just get them from my backpack.” He looked over at Argit and hummed. “If someone had some advanced tech to trade I may be willing to give them one.” "How about an ID mask?" Argit asked with a grin, removing his ID mask.  “That could be useful, how do I program it?” Stanley asked as he pulled out another totem.  "It's simple, just program the way you wanna look into the back. Skin color, hair color, and so on." Argit said, showing Stanley the back of the mask.  He nodded a bit with a smile. “Alright, sounds simple enough, can it do anthro ponies?”  "Anthro world huh?" Benjamin asked with a grin. "Sounds neat."  "It should be able to." Argit said, rubbing his chin. "But I'm not sure."  “Neat? I was locked up, framed for a crime I didn’t commit, and after I was proven innocent and helped stop an invasion I was blamed for the invasion!” Stanley shouted before he sighed. “I just want to have a way to hide.” He held the totem out to Argit. "Jeez man, you really do need a break huh?" Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow as the girls continued to listen.  “Yeah.” He sighed and sat down. “All that is just from my first few days.” "How long have you been displaced?" Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow. "Also, think I could get some golden Apples?"  "Golden apples?" Applejack asked, arching an eyebrow. “Well…” Stanley tapped his chin. “I appeared in a cave, found my way out, got thrown in jail after finding a town, saved a princess only for her to be turned to stone, fought the guy that did it, ran away from who I thought were his daughters, got found later that day and turned to stone for a thousand years. Woke up and ran from the guards before meeting my friends again, and they explained things to me before we talked to princess Celestia and Luna. After that some illagers made a massive nether portal, we fight our way to it before I could close it, and now some of the, think I made the portal.” He said before tossing Benjamin a few golden apples and carrots. "Damn man." Benjamin said, taking the Apple's and carrots before humming a little and smirking mischievously. "By the way, wanna help me break this world's economy and basically make it so I'm never gonna be short on cash?"  “What are you thinking?” Stanley asked as he pulled the pizza plate out of the microwave. "An inventory full of shocker boxes that are each full of sholkerboxes, each one filled with nothing but diamonds and gold, plus food that hopefully won't spoil."  Stanley raised an eyebrow. “I guess I could do that but why not just make an infinite chest?” He slid a hand into his pocket. “I have a command block and can make anything I want.” "A command block? Will that work outside of your Minecraft based equestria?" Benjamin asked. "What's a command block?" Sunset asked, her interest peaked.  "Basically a block from the game Minecraft that can create anything." Benjamin said with a shrug.  “Same thing with mine, and it should.” He placed the block on the ground making a holographic window appear above it. “Yep, seems to be working.” He started typing on the holographic keyboard.  “Um…that all looks like gibberish.” Rarity said with a confused frown. Benjamin looked over Stanley's shoulder with a confused frown. "Maybe only Minecraft people can understand it… actually." He said, touching his Omnitrix and suddenly turning into a blocky Verizon of himself. "What the?" Stanley raised an eyebrow. “Huh, you look like Steve.” He then  looked back at the keyboard and hummed. “Ok, I am almost done with the golden chest. The way it will work is there is a slot on the outside, put whatever you want copied in it then the inside of the chest will be filled with stacks of that item.”  "Huh ok then, but why gold chest why not diamond or netherite?" Benjamin asked, looking at the screen.  Stanley looked up and stared at the wall. “Ha! He didn’t think of that!” Argit said with a laugh. Benjamin couldn't help but smirk a little before laughing as well. "I just figured it would be good to make it out of the best materials in the game."  Stanley sighed and swiped the screen before starting over. “Give me a minute then.” "Hey man no rush, when you're done we can hang for a while. Give you that break you said you've been wanting." Benjamin said, as he and Argit whipped their eyes.  “Thanks.” Stanley said with a small sigh as he typed. “I will give you all the tools you’ll need too.” "Thanks, want me to try mixing your DNA with any of the Ben 10 aliens?" Benjamin asked with a small smile.  “Got anything that can let me fly or use magic?” Stanley asked as he typed away. "I have Stinkfly, Jetray, big chill, Amphibian, Astrodactile… and a few others." Benjamin said with a slight shrug.  “Hmm, I need something that can't be affected in extreme heat either.” Stanley added as he rubbed his chin. "So Big Chill." Benjamin said. "He has ice powers and his species lives on a half frozen half burning planet that doesn't rotate." “If you are sure. I will probably have to go into the nether eventually and you know what that place is like.” He said before pushing a button and the code on the hologram fused together to form a chest made of diamond. "Whoa cool." Benjamin said, smiling at the chest, before holding his Omnitrix up to me. "Splice target with necrofriggian DNA." The beam hit Stanley and he shivered a bit. “Was anything supposed to-” He started to ask before he grew wings out of his back. “The heck!?” "Huh, I wasn't expecting that." Benjamin said, looking surprised at the wings.  Stanley flapped them a few times and lifted himself off the ground. “Huh, well they are better than gliding with elytra.” He landed and looked at Benjamin. “I wonder if my command block can make an omnitrix.” "Who knows, but be careful. You don't wanna accidentally make some alien mob hybrids. Can you imagine a Way Big creeper?" Benjamin said, shaking his head.  “Oh geez, it would blow up half a city.” Stanley said before he scratched his head. “So, now you need the items to copy right?”  "I have the gold and diamond blocks, and Golden apples and carrots along with the totem of undying… I should be able to make everything as a minecraftian, all I’d need is wood and other uncraftable items." Benjamin said with a shrug.  Stanley smirked and reached into his backpack. “Smart, but I still suggest making a killing farm, I can even give you an infinite end chest.” "Uh, I'm not sure if that's a good idea here." Benjamin said with a frown. "I mean, what if mobs get out that could get bad."  “Maybe.” Stanley shrugged a bit. “But you have the omnitrix, nothing can kill you.” He said as he started pulling out item after item from his backpack. "Yeah but that doesn't mean innocent people won't die." Benjamin said with a frown, not seeing Fluttershy smiling softly at him.  Stanley shrugged a bit. “Maybe, but I would just use the totems on them or something.”  "I don't think I'd have enough for that." Benjamin said with a small shrug.  “I guess so.” Stanley said as he finished pulling out everything. “I think that is one of everything.”  Benjamin nodded a little as he looked at the group of girls still staring dumbfounded at them. "You lot have been quiet."  “Did that guy say killing farm?” Rainbow asked with a frown. "Yeah, mostly stuff like, Zombies, skeletons, green things called creepers that explode, monsters." Benjamin said with a slight shrug.  Stanley nodded with a smirk. “Yeah, I mean they are just code.”  Benjamin frowned a bit at that. "Uh you sure?"  “Yeah, I mean I can spawn them using spawn eggs or mob spawners.” Stanley said with another shrug. "Maybe, but what if they became real?" Benjamin asked.  “What do you mean?” Stanley asked with a raised eyebrow. "Like our powers and such became real, what if the mobs did." Benjamin said.  Stanley shrugged a bit. “Even if they did, they are zombies, walking skeletons, giant spiders, mouse monsters that explode, and many other creatures that just want to kill you so it doesn't really matter.” Benjamin shrugged a little. "Well ok."  He leaned back and sighed. “So what do you want to do now?” "I'm not sure, everything is closed because of the snow storm." Benjamin said with a sigh.  Stanley looked out a window and hummed. “I could make some snow golems for you.” “Snow golems?” Sunset asked. "Yeah, in Minecraft you can make basically living snowmen that throw harmless snowballs… Hey, who's up for a snowball fight?" Benjamin asked with a smile.  Stanley smirked as he reached into his backpack. “I’d be ok with it.” "Snowball fight!" The three young girls said happily.  “Are you sure that is a good idea?” Sunset asked with a small frown. "The snow golems don't hurt anyone." Benjamin said with a smile. "All they are is a snowman with a jackolantern on their heads, and if you remove them they have goofy faces."  “Yeah, the worst that will happen is you get hit in the face.” Stanley said with a laugh as he pulled out a netherite shovel. "Yay, this should be fun!" Pinkie said clapping.  Stanley smirked a bit as he pulled out a stack of jackolanterns. “Yeah, let’s do this.” Chapter end  > Snowballs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin smiled softly as the group left the apartment, frowning a little as he saw Scootaloo shivering slightly. “Hey you ok kid?” “Huh? Oh uh yeah, I'm fine.” She said with a smile.  “You sure kid? How about I set up a camp fire outside for you to stay warm next to.” Stanley offered as he pulled out a small floating stack of wood in his hand. “I don't think you can just build a fire in the street.” Scootaloo said with a frown. “Besides I'm fine.”  “If the squirt says she's fine then she's fine.” Rainbow said, rubbing Scootaloo’s head.  “Who cares, I can get rid of any evidence if the cops show up.” Stanley said before he smirked and looked at Benjamin. “Unless space cop here is gonna take me in.” “Don't tempt me.” Benjamin said with a slight grin, frowning again as Scootaloo shivered and tried to wrap her coat around her more. “Here.” Benjamin said, tossing his coat over her head.  “Hey!” She took it off her head as Stanley placed the campfire on the side of the road and lit it with flint and steel. “Just put it on and get warmed up. None of us wanna see you get frostbite.” Benjamin said with a slight grin to her.  “Yeah, no reason to get sick when you have warm clothes available.” Stanley said before he started placing white blocks in the middle of the road. Scootaloo grumbled a little as she put on the coat, blinking in surprise at how warm it was. “What about you?” She asked Benjamin.  “Ah don't worry about me, before I came here me and my… family.” He paused at the last word with a frown. “Used to live in a place called Alaska, there's usually always snow on the ground and it's always cold. This weather is nothing compared to that.”  “Alaska? Geez, I hate the cold, I could never live there.” Stanley said as he made two walls of white blocks on two sides of the road. “Both walls have been made, you're all on your own for snowballs.”  Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle smiled as they looked at their sister's, before frowning as they saw them behind the other wall with their friends. “You guys vs us!” Rainbow said with a smirk.  Stanley smirked and started stacking the white blocks in stacks of two. “I will be fine on my own.” “Come on you three, let's show them what we've got.” Benjamin said with a grin, noticing the three glancing sadly at their sister's. “Hey, everything ok?”  “We wanted ta play with our sisters.” Applebloom said while Stanley kept building two block towers all over the street. Benjamin hummed a bit as he looked over at the older girls who were making snowballs. “How about we show them our skills and we can swap teams after?”  “Can we beat them?” Sweetie asked as Stanley smirked and held a pumpkin in his hands. “Hey Benjamin, tell them what happens when you put a Jack-o'-lantern on top of two blocks of snow.” Benjamin looked around and saw there were around fifty stacks of snow blocks. “Run.” Benjamin mumbled, ducking behind the snow wall.  “What?” Scootaloo asked before she was hit with a snowball. When she turned to look, she saw a snowman with a pumpkin head was moving and throwing snowballs at anything that moved and more snowmen were being brought to life as Stanley made more and more. “Are those the snow golem, things?” Sweetie Belle asked, before she, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were pulled behind the snow wall as their sister's were bombarded with snowballs.  “Yep!” Benjamin said laughing a little as the older girls were screaming at being pelted with snowballs.  Stanley laughed like a mad man as he finished making his army of snow golems. “Go my minions! Pelt them with your snowballs!” “How are we supposed to beat these things!?” Rainbow yelled, as Benjamin smirked a bit, throwing a snowball at her.  “What can't handle some snow golems!?” He asked with a laugh.  “Maybe a few of them but there are a ton here!” Rainbow said after ducking from the snowballs. Benjamin rubbed his chin and smirked a bit, grabbing a rock and throwing it at a snow golem hard enough to go through the pumpkin and its head.  The golem froze before flashing red and disappearing. “Hey!” Stanley shouted before more snowballs were thrown at Benjamin. “No rocks cheater!” “Says the one man army!” Benjamin yelled, picking up a snowball and packing it tightly. “But fine, since it's a snowball fight, how about this!” He shouted as the others saw him throw the snowball past the golems and hit Stanley in the face.  Stanley was knocked onto his ass. “Gah! Right in the face!” All the golems turned and started targeting Benjamin only. “Good thing Minecraft snowballs do no damage, also. If you're gonna use your abilities.” Benjamin smirked as the snowballs hit him, as he popped up his Omnitrix.  “Oh that is how you want to play it?” Stanley said as he pulled out two shovels. Benjamin smirked a bit more, before suddenly throwing a snowball at Stanley's face again before running behind him when he was blinded.  “Oh no you don’t.” Stanley jumped around to avoid the snowballs before he used the shovels to turn the snow on the ground into more snowballs. Benjamin chuckled a bit before glancing at the others who were just staring in shock before Scootaloo grinned and threw a snowball at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow was surprised before she smirked at her. “Oh you wanna sneak attack huh?” She threw a snowball at the girl. Scootaloo laughed as she avoided it, making it hit Sweetie Belle. “Hey don't hit my sister!’ Rarity said, putting some snow into Rainbow's coat.  “Aaaahh, cold!” Rainbow jumped before she turned at Rarity. “Hey! We are on the same team!”  “All's fair In love and war Rainbow dash.” Rarity said with a laugh before Rainbow put snow down her shirt. “Ahh!”  Pinkie Pie laughed before she was hit by many snowballs from the golems.  “Everyone for themselves!” Applebloom yelled, before throwing a snowball at Applejack and accidentally knocking her hat off.  “Mah hat! Oh you are gonna get it!” Everyone started throwing snowballs in every direction, many got hit, and Stanley even used shields to block the snow from hitting him.  However as he was laughing he noticed all his golems starting to move towards an alleyway. “Huh? Why are they going there?” Benjamin paused and looked over as well, frowning slightly. “Everyone go inside.” “Aww but we are having fun.” Scootaloo said before Rainbow nailed her with a snowball. “Ha got ya!” Rainbow said with a laugh, before they all heard a noise coming from the alley.  “What the heck are those snowmen doing?” Argit asked, arching an eyebrow.  The snow golems started throwing snowballs into the alley and out of some trash cans climbed out some red alien with a large pickaxe, blocking the snow with a trash can lid. “The heck…” Stanley said. “Pickaxers!” Benjamin and Argit said.  “Volcanus found me!” Argit yelled, grabbing his head.  “Who?” Stanley asked as he pulled out a sword. “Trouble?” “Yeah, he's after Argit.” Benjamin said, pressing his Omnitrix.  Stanley frowned and shook his head. “Great, finish one fight and start another.”  “Don't worry, I got this.” Benjamin said, touching his Omnitrix. “You do?” Stanley asked, watching him. “Yeah, Pickaxers are small fry.” Benjamin said, turning into a Gravattack, his hand glowing before the small aliens were pulled into the air.  “Whoa, your aliens look a lot more freaky in person.” Stanley said as he put away his weapons. “Cooool!” Scootaloo said with stars on her eyes as she looked at Benjamin.  Benjamin chuckled a bit as he slammed the Pickaxers together. Stanley looked around and frowned. “If these guys are here does that mean their boss is too?” “It's more probable that they're scouts.” Benjamin said with a deep frown as he returned to normal. The snow golems moved closer to the aliens and pummeled them with snowballs. “Do you need my help?” Stanley asked Benjamin. “If you want to, but I figured you'd rather relax a bit.” Benjamin said.  “I would.” Stankey admitted with a nod. “Then go ahead and relax.” Benjamin said with a slight grin. “Let's just say I have a plan.”  “Alright.” Stanley nodded a bit. “How about I take everyone back inside, I was starting to get cold anyways.” “Go for it. I'm gonna wait here for the plumbers.” Benjamin said with a grin.  “Wait, you're doing your sting operation already?” Applejack asked.  “A sting operation!? Cool!” Scootaloo said, excitedly.  “Plumbers? Neat, try to get me some neat tech.” Stanley said as he put out the campfire. “Sure, and you're easily impressed aren't you?” Benjamin asked Scootaloo with a soft chuckle.  “No I’m not.” She said before Rainbow started to guide her back inside. “It was just a joke. But make sure not to come outside no matter what.” Benjamin said to the small girl and her friends.  Stanley looked at Benjamin. “You sure you don’t want my help?”  “You want to help?” He asked back.  Stanley rubbed his head. “I mean if you want the guy dead I can help…unless I set traps like using honey blocks or something.” “Nah, I don't kill.” Benjamin said with a small shrug. “And if you want to just relax, go for it.” “Alright, good luck.” Stanley said before he headed inside. “Will he be ok?” Fluttershy asked worriedly, as the rest of the group followed them inside.  “Oh yeah, the guy has an omnitrix, he can survive anything.” Stanley said before he chuckled. “He can even survive both an anihilaarg and a big bang.”  “Anihilaarg? Big bang?” Sunset asked, confused.  “A universe destroying device and the beginning of a new universe.” Stanley said before he pointed at Argit. “And yes, alien X is real and it can survive both.” Argit's eyes widened in shock along with Sunset. “H-he can survive… the creation of an entire universe!?”  “Yep. well assuming his omnitrix has all the DNA as the original one Ben has.” Stanley said before he shrugged. “I mean he should.” Sunset sits on the couch in shock as Rainbow raises an eyebrow. “So what? He can survive an explosion, it's not that big of a deal.”  “Not that big of a deal!?” Sunset asked Rainbow in shock. “Rainbow the big bang literally is what created the universe! It's no ordinary explosion!”  “Yeah, I mean I could be wrong but I think the power of the explosion is close to infinite, as according to the theory of my world, a pin prick of infinite mass suddenly explodes outward and creates all the elements of the universe.” Stanley said before he sat down and set down his command block. “Though if this world is made the same as the Ben prime universe then it was made with a…what was the full name again…oh yeah, Annihilarrgenesistoriathimiorgost.”  “Wait, he's strong enough to survive an infinite explosion? How is that possible?” Rainbow asked.  “Well…one of his aliens can absorb energy.” Stanley said before shrugging. “The omnitrix is filled with crazy powerful aliens.” “Jeez.” Rainbow said with a frown, as the whole building began shaking.  “Whoa a spaceship!” Sweetie Belle said, looking out the window.  “You all may want to stay away from the windows.” Stanley advised as he typed away on his command block. “Girls he's right, get away from there.” Fluttershy said to the three crusaders.  “Yeah, if you are spotted you may be used as hostages.” Argit said as he hid under a table. “Wow, real brave hiding spot.” Stanley said while shaking his head. “Volcanus is trying to kill me and my quills don't affect him because of his suit! What do you expect me to do!?” Argit asked, shaking.  “Aim for his face? I mean unless he wears a helmet that covers his face you could still shoot his face with your quills.” Stanley said before he made a stack of books. “I tried that! In that suit he's too fast to hit!” Argit said.  “Jeez you're really afraid of this guy.” Rainbow said, crossing her arms.  “Huh, to think a version of you was able to take down a way bad.” Stanley said as he placed the books on the table and picked up his command block, slipping it into his pocket. “Benji told me about that, that's different!” Argit yelled. “Those things don't have metallic armor all over their body, and they're massive targets!”  “Probably.” Stanley said before he tossed a cookie over to Argit. “Will you calm down? Even if this Volcanus guy gets past Benjamin, I am here and can fight him.” “With what? A sword?” Argit asked with a frown, eating the cookie and shaking still.  “I got other things…” Stanley said and looked away. “If it would make you feel better I can give you a full set of the toughest armor I have.” “I-i don't know.” Argit said with a sigh.  “With it on you can take a blast of TNT and keep going.” Stanley said as he started dropping dark purple armor onto the ground. “Whoa really?” Argit asked in surprise, before a large shockwave shook the entire building.  Stanley got up and walked over to a window and looked outside. “Yep, that armor has saved my life a few times.” Everyone looked outside, a large ship having destroyed the surrounding city blocks as a large robotic alien with an orange head stood against Benjamin across the street. “T-the city….” Fluttershy said softly, covering her mouth.  “Damn, the cartoon never showed this much damage…well, once the fight is over I can try to make a new villager job to fix the city, or Benjamine can, using one of his aliens.” Stanley said before he walked over to the duplication chest he made earlier. “Everyone grab a ton of these totems.” He said as he placed one in the open slot and the chest was filled with copies.  “We will hand them out after the fight if anyone is dead or hurt.” He said opening the chest. “O-oh man this is crazy.” Applejack said, shaking in fear as they watched Benjamin turn into a large dinosaur-like alien and punch the alien far down the street.  “That's so cool!” Scootaloo said with a wide smile.  “What’s happening?” Argit asked as he out the armor on. “Benjamin just punched that big bully down the street!” Applebloom said with a wide smile. Stanley started equipping the armor onto himself as he walked to the window. “Out of the way ladies, I am gonna go help him.” “Ah thought ya wanted a break.” Applebloom said.  “I do but the fight is destroying the town.” He said as he opened the window and threw a green orb at Volcanus’ head. “Close the window.” He said before lifting his arms, ready for a double fist slam before he disappeared. He reappeared behind Volcanus and slammed his fists on Volcanus’ head. “Stop destroying the town asshole!” “Gah! What the hell!?” Volcanus yelled, before grabbing Stanley and throwing him at Benjamin.  Stanley spun through the air before being caught by Benjamin. “Hey, sorry to interrupt, but you really need some backup if the city is being trashed.”  “That happened when he landed.” Benjamin said glaring at Volcanus.  “Where is Argit! Give that backstabber to me and I'll leave!” Volcanus yelled.  “Short guy? Spiky hair? Bad attitude?” Stanley asked as he was set down. “I think I saw him run out the back door and said something about another safehouse.” “Don't lie to me, I'm tracking his DNA signature!” Volcanus yelled angrily. “Guess he's smarter than the original Volcanus.” Benjamin mumbled, rushing at Volcanus.  Stanley shrugged a bit as the blocks in his hands changed to an orange colored kind. “Hey, can’t blame a guy for trying.” He then started running around Volcanus and placed sticky orange blocks as he ran. Volcanus growled as Benjamin and he punched each other, sending them both flying backwards a little. Volcanus landed on some of the blocks Stanley placed and got stuck to them. “What the?”  “Honey blocks.” Stanley said with a smirk as he aimed a crossbow at Volcanus. “And this arrow has a curse on it.” “Curses, blocks of honey?” Volcanus asked in confusion, ripping free of the blocks with a little force before snapping his fingers as hundreds of Pickaxers rush the two.  Stanley fired the arrow at Volcanus, and as soon as it hit him gray swirls started appearing and floating around him. “Take that!” Stanley said before using a shield to block a Pickaxer. Volcanus grunted as he stumbled back a little, before Benjamin rushed at Volcanus again punching him in the face. Stanley used his shield to push back some of the minions and a sword to attack them.  “Bamn you, give me Argit!” Volcanus roared, punching Benjamin and sending him flying into a wall that was still standing before he returned to normal.  Stanley frowned and kicked one of the minions away before tossing a golden apple to Benjamin. “Hey Ben knockoff, eat an apple!” Benjamin coughed as he stood up, taking a quick bite out of a golden apple. “Now where is Argit!” Volcanus roared, rushing at Stanley.  “The hell if I know.” Stanley said before blocking the weakened punch with his shield before using his sword on Volcanus’ arm. Volcanus pulled his arm back quickly as the sword passed by him, before he was forced away by a torrent of flames as Benjamin in his Swampfire form rushed over. “Thanks for the covering fire.” Stanley said before he placed a slime block and jumped onto it, bouncing up into the air. “Take this!” He threw his sword at Volcanus. Volcanus stumbled back as the sword hit him, before Benjamin ran up and punched him in the face multiple times. “Gah!”  Stanley landed and used another sword and stabbed the closest minion. “Why are you after him anyway!?” “He cheated me out of ten billion Tatentite!” Volcanus roared, punching Benjamin back a few feet.  “That's what this is about!? Fucking money!?” Stanley shouted before he glared at Volcanus. “Stop fucking fighting and I can give you as much gold as you want!” “Hold is worthless in the greater galaxy.” Benjamin said, whipping off some blood. “And ten billion Tatentite, is the equivalent of at least ten billion dollars, maybe more. I'm not surprised he's pissed.”  Stanley groaned and rubbed his face. “Then fucking sue him for the money! You don't have to fight and kill him!”  “I am a convicted felon, the plumbers wouldn't help me!” Volcanus yelled, rushing at them again.  “Ugh, why are criminals such greedy assholes!” Stnaley said as he used his shield to block the punch, but his shield broke and he was launched back. “Shit!”  Benjamin rushed over to Stanley and turned into goop, catching him before he slammed into a wall. “Thanks…damn, even with the weakness arrow affecting him he is so strong.” Stanley said as he pulled out some TNT. “It's that suit.” Benjamin said, glaring at Volcanus.  “Let’s see how his suit handles some TNT then.” Stanley said with a smirk. “alright, let's go!” Benjamin said , flying at Vulcanus and splatting in his face blinding him.  “Damn you!” Volcanus yelled.  Stanley ran after and placed a TNT block at Volcanus’ feet before lighting it with a flint and steel. “Now!” He ran back. Benjamin wrapped himself around Volcanus’ head, before appearing to rip it clean off and flying out of the blast zone. The suit exploded once the TNT went off, sending scrap and debris everywhere.  “Yes we got him!” Stanley said with a grin. “You killed him!?” Fluttershy shrieked horrified from the front door of her animal sanctuary as three white and blue ships flew around them.  “So? He was attacking and destroying the place.” Stanley said with a shrug. “Plus in one universe he tried to turn earth into a volcanic planet which would kill everything.” “While that's true he isn't dead.” Benjamin said, floating over his orange blob body having a darker orange spot in it. “He's here.” He said, spitting out a small orange creature in a diaper.  “A baby?” Scootaloo asked, arching an eyebrow.  “I am not a baby!” The creature yelled, standing up on its stubby feet and shocking everyone.  Stanley started laughing. “Oh yeah, I forgot he wears that suit because he is a shrimp!”  “I am not a-!” Volcanus started to tell before a familiar cat-like alien walked up.  “Hello again, thank you for capturing Volcanus.” She said with a smile. Stanley looked over at her. “As you can see it wasn’t easy, got anything that can help fix the town before people notice?”  “I think it's too late for that.” Benjamin said, looking back at the people that had gathered.  “Huh, didn’t notice them.” Stanley said before he scratched his chin. “Got any of those men in black memory erasing things?” “Uh, no.” Benjamin said before shrugging. “Not that I really care.”  “Huh, so not going for the whole secret identity thing?” Stanley asked as he started breaking the blocks he left around the battlefield. “Nah, I'm not that concerned about it.” Benjamin said as the cat-like alien took Volcanus into custody.  Stanley shrugged a bit. “Alright, just making sure.” He said as he finished breaking the blocks.  Benjamin looked around at all the destruction. “Well… even if they're small two good things came out of this.”  “And what's that? Half of this block is wrecked!” Rainbow yelled as a plumber handed Benjamin a sack.  “Well one I was just awarded ten thousand Tatentite, and two, I got a new scan.” He said with a grin.   Stanley raised an eyebrow. “Why not go to an alien blood bank to get a ton of scans?” “I don't think that's a thing.” Benjamin said.  “Oh, too bad.” Stanley said before he looked at the cat-like alien. “So are you just gotta take him and leave or help fix the damage he did?” “We have a few Kinecelerans that will aid in the rebuilding, along with a couple of Planchaküle.” The woman said, confusing everyone. “Uh what?” Rainbow asked. “Aliens, the Kinecelerans are super fast. And the Planchakule are fast and smart. The buildings will be fixed in no time.” Benjamin said, crossing his arms.  “Neat.” Stanley said before he hummed and held a hand out. “Mind letting me see one of those crystals?”  “Tatentite? Sure.” Benjamin said, tossing him a piece of Tatentite.  Stanley looked it over and hummed before placing his command block on the ground, he typed on the keyboard a bit before he smiled and placed the tatentite in the hologram. “It worked.” He grinned and started typing more as the command block shocked the tatentite. “What are you doing?” Benjamin asked, confused. “I am scanning the crystal to see if I can make a minecraft version.” Stanley said with a chuckle. “Huh… that… actually sounds really cool.” Benjamin said with a grin.  “Yeah, can you imagine how strong the tools I can make with it would be?” Stanley said with a laugh. “Considering I'm pretty sure it's stronger than diamond. Yeah, it'll be like playing modded Minecraft.” Benjamin said with a laugh.  “Yeah, can you imagine how strong you would be with enchantments?” Stanley said before the command block spat out a blocky gem the same shade as the tatentite. “Neat.” Benjamin said with a chuckle, before looking around again. “Sorry this ‘break’ didn't end up being much of a break.”  “Hey you couldn’t control it.” Stanley said as he picked up his block and put everything away. “Yeah I suppose. Also I don't remember if I asked this but want me to mix your DNA with anything from the Ben 10 franchise?” Benjamin asked.  “You didn’t ask, but…” Stanley rubbed his chin. “Maybe…something with magic?”  “I don't think Ben ever had magical aliens, and I haven't met any magic users other than these girls, and they're human.” Benjamin hummed a bit, gesturing to the human six.  “Oh, ok.” Stanley shrugged a bit. “Then how about…something super smart?” “So brainstorm or Greymatter?” Benjamin asked. “Or Jurrierig so you have speed building as well?”  Stanley smirked a bit. “Why not all three? Unless that would turn me into a freak.” “Uh, I'm not sure.” Benjamin said with a frown. “And I don't know how to un splice DNA.”  “Oh…then Brainstorm and Jurrierig.” Stanley said with a shrug. “Alright, let's hope you don't become a monster.” Benjamin nodded slowly, holding up his Omnitrix. “Omnitrix splice target with both Planchaküle and Cerebrocrustacean DNA.”  Stanley was hit by a beam from the omnitrix and he shivered, sliding back a bit. “That…felt weird.” He said as lines appeared on his forehead and a tail popped out from behind him. Benjamin covered his mouth with a small chuckle. “Ok, kinda looks cool.”  Stanley scratched his chin as his new tail wiggled around. “From your reaction and the fact I can feel some changes, I would say I have a tail now.” “Yeah, and lines on your head like Brainstorm. So you can probably open your skull.” Benjamin said with a smirk as everyone watched the two in confusion.  “So I am kinda like that plumber black ops guy now?” Stanley asked as he felt his head. “A little, but your head isn't any bigger.” Benjamin said with a chuckle.  “That's good.” Stanley said then he looked around. “My snow golems are still around, they must have survived the fight.” “They are?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking around before she was hit in the face with a snowball.  Stanley chuckled and put a hand in his backpack before pulling out another backpack. “Here, you may need this.” He tossed it to Benjamin. “Whoa, backpack mod.” Benjamin said with a grin.  “It comes with an inventory screen similar to the player’s as well as a built-in crafting table and furnace.” Stanley said before he looked down at his tail with annoyance as it wiggled around. “Oh, cool!” Benjamin said with a grin, putting it on before blinking a little at the screen. “Is there a way to shrink the screen?”  “I…didn’t think of it, if it is in the way just take your hand out of the backpack.” Stanley said while scratching the back of his head. “Alright then.” Benjamin said, removing his hand from the backpack as the screen went away. “Oh I'm gonna have some fun with this.”  “I would hope so.” Stanley said as he walked over to a wall and leaned on it. “If you have a token I can summon you and you can get pony scans.” Benjamin hummed a bit, looking down at the bag of tatinite. “I could probably make one out of Tatentite.”  “Do you know how to make one or need me to tell you?” Stanley asked with a raised eyebrow. “Uh, no… I don't.” Benjamin said with a frown, looking down at a piece of Tatentite.  “From what I was told, take something, speak a message then toss it into the air.” Stanley told him with crossed arms. “Hmmm.” Benjamin mumbled a bit, as he looked down at the tatinite. “I'm… not sure.” “Why not use this?” Argit asked, holding up the null void projector. “That can work, as long as it represents you or your character.” Stanley said before he smirked. “You could even use one of the plumber’s badges.” Argit's eyes widened as he quickly put the Null void gun away. “Wait, they're still here!?”  “Well duh!” Benjamin said, pointing to the plumbers a few feet away who were talking amongst themselves.  “You may have to get your eyes checked.” Stanley said with a chuckle. Argit blushed and frowned a bit, crossing his arms and looking away. “Shut up.”  “Ok Tsundere.” Benjamin chuckled.  Stanley shook his head with a chuckle. “You two must be close to joke around like that.” Agrit rolled his eyes. “You can say that.  We've known each other ever since Benji got here two years ago.”  “Two years? Huh…if you don’t count my time trapped in stone…I have only been like this for two days.” Stanley said after doing some fast math in his head. “Huh, why were you in stone?” Benjamin asked, frowning.  “Because Celestia and Luna thought I worked for some guy named Sombra, even though I just got done kicking his ass.” Stanley said with a frown. “Oh, they do tend to jump to conclusions.” Benjamin said with a nod.  Stanley sighed and scratched his head. “I did too…I assumed they were Sombra’s daughters or wives.” Benjamin couldn't help but smirk and laugh. “Them? His wives or daughters?”  Stanley shrugged and sighed. “I just got done fighting him and they rushed in looking for a fight, I assumed they were on his side.” “Fair enough.” Argit said with a shrug.  “Yeah, that does make sense.” Benjamin said with a nod.  Stanley smirked and looked over at the plumbers and whistled. “Yo, plumbers, do one of you mind if my friend here borrows your badge for a minute?” “Our plumber badge?” One of them asked in confusion. “I have an extra one.”  “Perfect, he needs it.” Stanley said while pointing a thumb at Benjamin.  The plumber raised an eyebrow before walking over with an orange plumbers badge. “Um, here ya go.”  “Thanks.” Benjamin said, looking the badge over a little. “Hmm.”  “The message should let others know what kind of person you are, and maybe add a phrase to summon you so that way they don't accidentally summon you.” Stanley said with a small smile. Benjamin nodded slowly as he thought about something. “My name is Benjamin, I am a Ben 10 displaced. Summon me or don't, doesn't matter.”  Stanley smiled a bit. “Now just toss it into the air and you're done.” Benjamin did so, tossing it into the sky before it glowed and vanished. “Huh, neat.”  “Hey! My badge!” The plumber shouted, before two more appeared, one landing in Benjamin’s hand the other bonking Stanley on his head. “Ow…” He grumbled. “You good?” Benjamin asked him.  “Yeah.” Stankey said as he rubbed his head and picked up the token. “Thanks for the token, if you want when I get home I’ll call you over for an alicorn, and unicorn scan. Seeing as I am in the crystal empire.”  “Sure, it could be cool. Not to mention crystal pony scans.” Benjamin said with a smirk. “Crystal ponies?” Stnaley asked before he scratched his chin. “You must mean the ponies that live in the empire.” “Yeah, they're all crystally and shiny while others aren't.” Benjamin said with a shrug.  “Huh, neat.” Stanley said as he pushed off the wall. “Welp, do you want to do anything else while I am here?” “Not really, I can send ya home if you want.” Benjamin said with a smile.  “Alright.” Stanley nodded before he looked around. “I’ll call ya soon.”  “Um, how do I send ya back?” Benjamin asked.  “All you have to do is say our contract is complete, or something along those lines.” Stanley said as he put the token into his pocket. “Give me a little bit to make sure the princesses and Queen aren’t freaking out.” “Alright, see ya soon. Our contract is complete.” Benjamin said.  A portal opened behind Stanley, it looked like the end portal but only two blocks high and no other blocks around it. “Strange, see ya soon. Oh and feel free to bring anyone you want.” He said before walking through the portal before it disappeared. “Anyone wanna come with me?” Benjamin asked the group of girls. “To see a completely alternative equestria different to the one you know of?”  “He…he said princesses, I can't go if Celestia is there…I am not ready to see her.” Sunset said while hugging herself. Benjamin frowned a bit, before smiling softly at her. “It won't be the same Celestia you know. At least I don't think so, and even if she is you won't be alone.”  “But…” Sunset said before the girls hugged her. “You don’t have to go, but if this is a different Celestia then it isn’t any different then speaking with Principal Celestia.” Rainbow said with a small smile. Sunset frowned a bit but sighed. “You're right, but if it is the same one…”  “Then I'll have Stanley send us back.” Benjamin said with a smile.  “Even if that does happen, I am sure Celestia would be happy to see you again.” Fluttershy said softly. Sunset took a deep breath but nodded a little. “O-ok.”  “Can we go!?” The three little girls asked as they came over. Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity all looked uncertain as Benjamin chuckled softly. “He did say I could bring whoever I wanted, I'm sure he's expecting them considering they're kids.” “Is it safe?” Applejack asked. Benjamin shrugged slightly. “It should be, " he said that the princesses, so that most likely means Celestia and Luna. And he said he was in the Empire so that most likely means Cadence and Twilight's brother.”  “Twilight has a brother?” Rarity asked. “Yeah, Shining Armor.” Benjamin said with a grin. “He's married to the princess of love Cadence.”  “Gag.” Rainbow said, making a gag sound while rolling her eyes. “Well anyway, to clear up any confusion. The reason I know about all this stuff from equestria, is because back home Twilight's life was a TV show.” Benjamin explained. “When she came here the first time was a movie.”  “Her life was a TV show?” Sunset asked, a bit jealous. “How much did it show of her life?” Rarity asked, sounding uncomfortable. “Nothing overly private. Mainly her and your pony counterparts adventures and friendship lessons… and a LOT of songs.” Benjamin said with a chuckle. “But after she came here you six got your own show.”  “We got our own show?” Rainbow asked with a smirk. “I was the star wasn’t I?” Benjamin smirked a bit. “Sorry Skittles, but that honor goes to Sunset mostly. But the show did revolve around your group.”  “Me?” Sunset asked with wide eyes. “Aww man.” Rainbow pouted and crossed her arms. Benjamin smirked more as he sat on the steps of the animal shelter, looking around at the destruction. “Mind if I ask y'all some questions? Like I'm mainly trying to confirm fan theories or debunk them.”  “I guess, as long as they aren’t too personal darling.” Rarity said as she crossed her arms. “Well if they are just too personal, let me know.” Benjamin said with a smile. “First question, Applejack are you and big Mac blood related? There's a theory where your just step siblings.”  “What?! Of course he is my blood kin!” Applejack said, upset. “Whoa, whoa. I didn't mean anything by it. It's just for the longest time the show didn't show your parents, so people came up with theories. I was just checking to see if it was real here or not.”  Applejack looked away as her eyes started to fill with tears. “Ya haven’t seen our folks ‘cause they passed away years ago, shortly after Bloom was born.” Benjamin sighed and nodded. “I know, and I'm sorry. The show did show them in a flashback…” Rainbow patted Applejack's back as she held back tears. Benjamin sighed and rubbed his face with a groan. “Ok, I have something to show you. But it will make you cry Applejack, it's a fan made video about your parents.” “A fan video of ma parents?” Applebloom asked as she got closer. Benjamin glanced at her and nodded a little. “It's a song, I'll only play the song since I don't know how they died and if the video is like how it happened I don't want to bring back bad memories.”  Benjamin pulled out an orange phone with three spikes on the top, before playing a song.  Both Applebloom and Applejack start to cry and hug each other. “That is our ma’s voice.” “Really?” Benjamin asked. “In the show she sounded completely different, but then again different realities, different ways of things being. Do you wanna watch the episode with the flashback? I have the whole show downloaded.”  “I wanna see me!” Rainbow shouted before Rarity pulled her back. “Ah…ah think we need some time before that Ben.” Applejack said softly. “Alright, sorry if I was being pushy.” Benjamin said with a small smile. “But if you ever want to watch it or even see what your parents looked like in the show I have pictures.”  “Can ah see?!” Applebloom asked with a wide smile.  Benjamin glanced at Applejack who sighed and nodded a little, before he showed applebloom a picture of two ponies. “Those are mah parents as ponies? They're so cute!”  Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked as well and smiled. “They are kinda cute.” “So, since things got out of hand just now. Sorry again Applejack. I actually only have one more question about a Fan theory and it involves you Sunset.”  “Me?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.  “Yes, if it's too personal again just say so. But… Do you have a brother named Sunburst?” Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow as her friends looked at her.  Sunset’s eyes widened. “Yes, but I haven’t seen him since I was a filly.” Benjamin grimmed more. “Really? Oh thank goodness, you have no idea how many people assumed you two were related just because of how similar you looked. And you'll be happy to hear he got into Celestia’s school.”  Sunset chuckled a bit and tried to hide her smile. “He did? Good for him.” “Yeah but from what the show said, he doesn't exactly have magic strong enough to do some spells.” Benjamin said with a shrug, before a vortex opened up. “Oh looks like it's time.”  “Oh…poor colt.” Sunset said before she looked at the vortex. “Are you sure I should go?” “Do you want to?” Benjamin asked with a gentle smile.  “Well…I am still scared of Celesria but…seeing another version of her may help.” Sunset said nervously. Benjamin rubbed his chin a bit as the other girls hugged Sunset again. “How about I give you an ID mask so she won't know it's you right away? That way when you're ready you can show her it's you.” “O-ok.” Sunset with a slow nod. Benjamin smiled a little as he pulled out another ID mask and began fiddling with it. “You coming too Argit?”  “Are you kidding? After today I'm gonna sleep for a year!” Argit said crossing his arms.  “Are ya sure miss? Don’t ya want to see another world?” Applebloom asked. Argit shrugged. “Eh, I've been to other planets. They're all relatively the same so it doesn't matter. Besides, I'm not a big pony person.”  “Well…ok, we’ll see ya when we get back.” Applebloom said before she and her friends ran through the vortex. Benjamin facepalmed with a groan before passing the ID mask to Sunset. “Here, I programmed it to make you look like a person from another show I know of.” He said rushing through the portal with the others.  “W-wait for me!” Sunset said as she jumped through the closing portal, while putting on the mask.  The group looked around in confusion as they excited the portal, noticing all the crystal walls and floor. “Whoa, this place is way more sparkly in person.” Benjamin said.  “Yeah, I think I will have to wear sunglasses when the sun shines on this place.” Stanley said from their left, looking over they saw him standing next to a group of anthro ponies. There was a tall white one with wings and a horn, wearing what seemed like white and good armor with a dress underneath. A blue one who also had wings and a horn, she was wearing armor as well, but hers was dark blue and black. A pink one with wings and a horn, she was in a beautiful light pink dress. A tall unicorn woman in a blue dress sitting in a throne and lastly a male unicorn in armor with blue hair. “Whoa, anthropomorphized world.” Benjamin said, blinking in surprise. “When you said Ponies I was assuming quadrupedal.” He said before bowing to them. “Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Prince Shining Armor… sorry to say I do not know you.” He said pointing at the unicorn mare.  “I am queen Amore.” She said with a small smile. “Queen of the crystal empire.” “What do you mean quadrupedal? Wouldn’t that just make them animals?” Stanley asked while scratching his head. “I take it you weren't a fan of the my little pony Friendship is magic television show.”  Benjamin raised an eyebrow, before looking at Amore. “Apologies, your majesty, where I come from. I have some knowledge of this world and I did not know of you. All I knew of was Sombra and then Princess Cadence ruling the empire.”  Amore frowned a bit and glanced at Cadence for a second. “Yes, Sombra was defeated and she did rule for a short time before I was saved by Stanley.”  “Ah, again I apologize for my ignorance.” Benjamin said, before looking at Stanley. “So what now?”  “Well, how about you get some scans while you're here and then we can walk around the empire before it gets too late.” He said with a shrug then he smirked. “I am sure the princesses would also like to see a male alicorn.” Benjamin frowned a bit with a sigh as he rubbed his face. “I swear If this ends up like Attea and Bullfrag I'm gonna punch you.”  Stanley smirked a bit as the ponies looked confused. “Relax, you are only here for however long you want. If they start acting like school children I’ll just send you home.” Benjamin groaned a bit as the humans with them looked confused as well as the ponies. “Fine… If I may princesses. My watch lets me transform into any species I meet that's different from my own DNA. Would it be alright if I scanned one of you?”  “Stanley explained this to us, and it would be interesting to see.” Celestia said with a nod as she stepped forward. Benjamin nodded and held up his Omnitrix, before the dial pad beeped. “Multiple uncataloged DNA detected, acquiring samples.”  “I forgot that this version did that.” Benjamin said, scratching his cheek.  “It won’t hurt us will it?” Shining Armor asked as he held a spear ready. Benjamin arched an eyebrow before looking down at his Omnitrix. “Samples acquired.” it beeped.  “Did it feel like it hurt?” Benjamin asked him with a grin.  Shining frowned but lowered his spear. “No.” “Chill man, he is harmless unless you attack him first.” Stanley said as he walked over and scratched his chin, looking at the omnitrix.  “I may turn into XLR8 to get the rest of the scans here.” Benjamin said, rubbing his chin. “Dragon, hippogriff, yak, so on.”  “Before you do, let me see your omnitrix for a moment?” Stanley asked as he placed his command block down between them.  “Uh sure?” Benjamin said, confused as he removed his Omnitrix and passed it to Stanley. “It can be removed!? Can I try!?” Scootaloo asked excitedly.  “No.” Both Stanley and Benjamin said at the same time as Stanley placed the omnitrix above his command block, then he started typing and humming.  “Aww.” Scootaloo said pointing.  “Sorry kid, it's too dangerous.” Benjamin said to her.  Stanley typed a few more things before the command block zapped the omnitrix a few times. “Done.” He handed the watch back to Benjamin. “Um, what did you do?” Benjamin asked. “Copied the blue prints onto the block.” Stanley said with a smirk. Benjamin's eyes widened. “Omnitrix mod… wait… can you spawn anything?”  “Maybe, or are you asking if I got spawn eggs of normal minecraft mobs?” Stanley said as he crossed his arms. “Minecraft mobs.” Benjamin said, crossing his arms. “Because I'm pretty sure villagers, illagers, and Piglings are smart enough for scans.”  “Yeah I can, just a sec.” Stanley said as he reached into his backpack and pulled out three spawn eggs. “Let’s go outside to do this.” “Alright.” Benjamin said with a nod.  Stanley looked around at the other humans and frowned. “Who is she?” He asked, pointing at Sunset. “Oh that's Sunny.” Benjamin said with a grin. “She's another friend from back home.” “U-um, yes h-hello.” She said bowing to them, as she noticed she was now a girl with an orange shirt and pink hair.  “Huh, ok.” He shrugged before he started walking. “We will be outside.” He told the princesses and queen. “Ok.” Amore said with a gentle smile as Celestia stared at Sunset.  “Do I know you?” She asked, arching an eyebrow. “Your voice sounds familiar.”  “N-no ma’am…” She said while looking down nervously. “Are you sure?” Celestia asked with a frown. “Your voice reminds me of a dear student of mine…” Stanley looked back. “Did Sunset not want to come?” He asked Benjamin from the door. Benjamin glanced back at the princesses and the girls, before whispering to Stanley. “Sunny is Sunset, I gave her an ID mask. She and her Celestia had a falling out so she's nervous.”  “Oh.” Stanley said softly before he shrugged. “Well it isn’t any of my business.”  Benjamin nodded softly as they walked outside. “Yeah, I was hoping it'll help her relax a bit.”  “Maybe, but if I got on her bad side I would be worried too, I mean I don’t want to get turned to stone again.” Stanley said as they walked down some stairs. “I think it's more of… they had a sort of mother daughter relationship type thing.” Benjamin said with a sigh.  “Oh.” Stanley said with a sigh and scratched his head. “Well I may have an idea that would help.”  “Oh?” Benjamin asked, walking outside.  “Yep.” Stanley smirked a bit before he held out a handful of ender pearls. “Here, toss them as far as you can and meet up with me on the edge of town.” “Um alright, but I think this might be something they should deal with themselves. Plus it's not the same Celestia and Sunset; these two don't know each other at all.” Benjamin said.  Stanley shrugged a bit before he tossed an ender pearl across town. “Alright, welp, see ya soon.” Then he teleported.  Benjamin raised an eyebrow again, bed pulling his arm back as far as he could and chucked the pearl sending it all the way to the edge of the city.  Stanley was making some cages with lava traps above them when Benjamin arrived. “There you are.” “Preparing to kill them once I scan them?” Benjamin asked with a grin.  “Yeah, I mean they are minecraft mobs, not real people.” Stanley said with a shrug. “I mean the Illager and Piglin I understand but why the villager?” Benjamin asked. “Also, think the enderman is smart enough to scan?”  “Worth a shot, there are some theories that they used to be ancient builders.” Stanley said as he made another cage. “And I don’t have a village set up for villagers yet so best not to make too many.” “Ah, ok.” Benjamin said with a nod. “And um, thanks for all the gold and stuff… I'm gonna need it.”  “I bet, now that we are stuck in new worlds with no way to go home.” Stanley said with a frown as he got up on top of the cages.  “Well for me it's not that big of a deal.” Benjamin said, shrugging. “This life is better than the one I had before. I was mainly referring to the fact that Scootaloo is either homeless or running away.”  “Scootaloo…that is the one with purple hair right?” Stanley asked as he dropped the eggs into each cage, spawning a villager,  illager, Pigling and an enderman. “Yep.” Benjamin nodded as his Omnitrix beebed again, starting to scan the four mobs.  “H-how’d you know about that?” A voice asked them, as Scootaloo came up behind them.  “Damn she is fast.” Stanley said before he filled the cages with lava, but the enderman teleported away. “Shit, I should have seen that coming.” Benjamin looked at Scootaloo for a moment and sighed softly, walking over and kneeling down. “Because Argit looked through your stuff that first night you three slept over. With how you acted to seeing the TV and your clothes being all torn up. Sure you look like a tomboy, but I can tell you don't normally get three meals a day. You're practically skin and bones, so I asked him to look through your stuff to see what was going on.”  “You looked through my stuff!?” She asked as she started to back away. Benjamin sighed a little bit. “Only because we were worried about you, we didn't steal anything and we didn't look at anything private.” “Everything in my bag is private!” Scootaloo yelled as she frowned at Benjamin. “Look kid, I wasn’t there but I am a good…somewhat good judge of character, and Benjamin honestly seems worried for you, so how about you scold him about the bag thing and then work out some kind of deal where you get to stay at his place till you can get a home of your own.” Stanley said as he started cleaning up the cages. Scootaloo's eyes widened in surprise. “Y-you’d let me live with you?”  Benjamin smiled softly as he gently ruffled her head. “Course I would, I can tell you're a smart if not rambunctious kid. I know what it's like on the streets and I wouldn't want you to go through that anymore…. If you want to live with me, that is, we did just meet and all.” Scootaloo looked away for a moment. “Give me some time to think about it.”  “Of course. And if you need any food or anything, just stop by ok?” Benjamin asked with a grin.  “I will keep it in mind.” Scootaloo said before Stanley walked up to them. “Finished cleaning up the cages, if you are gonna go scanning other creatures try to look like one of the locals, I don’t want to be blamed for anything you do.” He said before giving him a compass. “Before you go rest in a minecraft bed then you can find your way back here with that.” “Alright.” Benjamin said with a nod and a grin, looking at Scootaloo. “Wanna come squirt?”  “I guess.” She said with her arms crossed.  “Lets head back to the castle, I still need to find a house of my own but it is already night out.” Stanley said as he walked back to the castle and looked at the sky. Benjamin looked up at the sky as well as they walked. “Huh, ok then.” Scootaloo stared at the ground with a frown, stealing glances at Benjamin once in a while.  After a while they made it back to the castle and Stanley saw the crystal heart for the first time. “Huh, what is that?” “That's the crystal heart.” Benjamin said. “It's what protects the empire from the cold and evil magic.”  “Huh, neat.” Stanley said with a smirk. “I am gonna make one later.” “You probably shouldn't mess with it. Without it the empire would more than likely fall, and who knows what the command block will do to it.” Benjamin said with a small shrug.  “I can try to copy it without using the real one.” Stanley said as he started walking up the stairs. “Maybe.” Benjamin said, looking at Scootaloo. “You ok kid?” “I am thinking.” She said before looking away from him. “Alright, just making sure you weren't freaking out.” Benjamin said, as they walked into the castle.  Stanley looked around and smirked before he walked past Sunset, taking her ID mask as he did.  “Hey!” Sunset yelled worriedly, looking afraid as The ponies stared at her in shock and confusion.  “Changeling!” Shining armor yelled, holding up his spear.  “The hell is a changeling? And do they use these?” Stanley asked as he held up the mask.  “Changelings are a species here that use magic to transform.” Benjamin said, taking the ID mask and slapping him upside the head hard. “And not cool man!”  Sunset whimpered a little as her friends hugged her close. “S-sunset? Is… that you?” Celestia asked in a soft voice.  “Ow! How else was she gonna face her? Sometimes people need a push.” Stanley said while rubbing his head. “How about when she was ready!” Benjamin said with a frown as Sunset shook more, her legs nearly giving out. “Look at her, she's on the verge of a panic attack!”  Stanley rubbed the back of his head and sighed. “Ok, maybe I went overboard by taking the mask off her, but look at Celestia, she doesn’t seem pissed at all.” “I-i don't understand…” Celestia said softly, walking over to the still panicking Sunset.  Sunset panicked and tried to run but her legs gave out and she fell to the ground. “Sunset!” Celestia said, kneeling down and holding her. “Are you ok!?”  “I…I am….not your Sunset.” She said weakly. Celestia sighed softly and hugged her. “I know, but it is so nice to hold a version of you in my arms again.”  “Aww.” Stanley said before he walked over to a wall and leaned on it. Sunset shook more before slowly hugging Celestia back. “I…I’m sorry.” She said weakly. Celestia shook her head. “It's in the past.” “I…I ran away after you…after you banished me from the library…my heart was full of hate.” “I know, but I can tell this version of you had learned from your mistakes, and I can only pray the Sunset from this world can learn that as well.” Celestia said with a gentle smile.  “I-if she is in Canterlot high then I am sure she will.” Sunset said with a sniffle. She then looked at the humans that came with her. “These are some of my friends.” Celestia looked at them and smiled softly. “Thank you all for helping her.”  Applejack rubbed her head, Rainbow smiled and puffed out her chest, and Rarity smiled before bowing her head. “O-oh course, Sunset is our dear friend. We'd do anything for her.” Fluttershy said with a soft gentle smile as Pinkie bounced and clapped.  Stanley looked over at Benjamin. “Here, take this bed.” He handed over a minecraft bed. “Thanks.” Benjamin said, looking at the basic red bed. “So… Do I just plop it down and lay in it?”  “Yep.” Stanley nodded before he scratched his head. “But check the compass before you lay down then check it once you gotten up. The compass should be pointing towards the bed after that.” Benjamin looked at everyone that was watching him as he shrugged a bit, before putting it down and looking at the compass. “This is weird.” He said, before jumping into the bed and laying down. He got up a minute later and looked at the compass. “Yep it's pointing to the bed.”  “Alright, now you can just follow it back after you scan everything.” Stanley said with a smile. “Cool, you coming kid?” Benjamin asked Scootaloo, surprising the rainbooms.  “I can come?” Scootaloo asked. “She can go?” The others asked as Benjamin shrugged.  “Not fair!” The other two crusaders said.  “I offered before but I'm pretty sure she was distracted by something.” Benjamin said before smirking. “Unless you don't want to experience superSonic speeds while seeing cool Dragons, yaks, sea serpents and such.”  “Just be careful man. Who knows what this crazy world is like.” Stanley said as he stayed by the wall. Scootaloo was visibly vibrating in excitement before rushing over to Benjamin. “Let's go, let's go, let's go!’  Benjamin chuckled softly before smirking. “All I'm gonna do is turn into XLR8 and rush around while scanning…. And maybe stopping by Ponyville to mess with them a little and let Scootaloo meet her pony counterpart.”  “That's Scootaloo?” Luna asked in surprise, before looking at the other crusaders and facepaling. “How did we not notice this.”  “Alright, just don’t get hurt and watch out for zombies and giant spiders.” Stanley said with a smirk. “Giant spiders and zombies… now I wish I had a nemetrix.” Benjamin chuckled softly, touching his Omnitrix before humming and grinning, turning into a tall Alicorn with a muscular physique.  A single orange shoulder pad with spikes on his left shoulder with black pants, and two large gray wings to match his coat and orange mane. “If that's the case, we'll just fly over them.”  “Whoa!” The ponies said in awe. “Ha! You still have that mad max look.” Stanley said with a laugh. Benjamin chuckled softly. “So what you're saying is I'm still a badass.”  Stanley rolled his eyes while smiling. “I am saying you look like a try hard edgelord.” “And I didn't before? I must be losing my touch.” Benjamin chuckled a bit, before kneeling down near Scootaloo. “Climb on my back.”  She smiled widely as she climbed on his back, before he walked over to a window and flew out after opening it. “Weee!”  “He was hot.” Luna said suddenly, as Applejack and Rarity covered their sister's ears.  “Oh brother.” Stanley rolled his eyes.  “Luna please.” Celestia sighed, before smiling at Sunset. “Is there anything you want to do together?”  “I don't know…” Sunset said softly as she looked down. Celestia smiled softly as she hugged her again. “Don't worry, just take your time. Please just know I'm not mad.”  “I…I am so sorry.” Sunset said as she hugged Celestia back. “I know, so am I.” Celestia said with a sad smile, as the rainbooms looked out of place.  “Um… what should we do?” Applejack asked awkwardly.  “Oh I'd love to see some fashion from this wonderful place, it could help my career take off!” Rarity said with a wide smile.  “As you are guests of Stanley you are welcome to explore but I will assign guards to each of you to make sure you don’t get lost, and as you are from another world I can give you a small amount of money to buy some souvenirs.” Queen Amore said with a smile. “Oh my thank you!” Rarity said with a big smile and bowing.  “Thank ya kindly!” Both apples said with bows as Fluttershy smiled softly.  “Yay! New treats!” Pinkie giggled.  Queen Amore smiled warmly. “Stanley saved my life, this is the least I can do.” “Both our worlds have great heroes, Benjamin and Stanley both fought off a bully alien!” Sweetie said with a smile. “It was so cool!”  “Alien?” Amore asked, confused by the word. Applebloom nodded. “Yeah! Something from another planet, it destroyed half the city, but they teamed up and kicked his butt!”  “Truly?” Amore asked with a surprised look.  “Oh yeah, He seemed big but he was literally the size of an infant in a big mechanical suit.” Stanley laughed.  Pinkie giggled and nodded. “He even had a diaper on.” Amore covered her mouth to try and suppress a giggle. “That device on his wrist, you called it the Omnitrix correct?” She asked Stanley. “How does it work?”  “Well…it is super advanced technology that I couldn't possibly tell you how it works on a technical level, but basically it's stores DNA, the smallest part of a living being, and lets the wearer transform into whatever species they select however they don't turn into a clown but more like what they would've look like if they were born that species.” Stanley said before adding. “Not only that but it also transforms the wearer into the prime example of that species so perfectly fit in every way. There's also a bunch of safety features that keep it from being just stolen or the one wearing it from dying.”  “S-so he's unstoppable?” Shining Armor asked in shock.  “Pretty much.” Stanley said with a shrug. “I mean he can still be knocked unconscious and tied up, but you can’t kill him or remove the omnitrix without him doing so.”  “That is dangerous.” Shining said, shaking his head in disbelief.  “Why? Because you can't control him?” Stanley asked with a frown. “What? No! What happens if that watch malfunctions or he goes crazy!” Shining said with a deep frown. “What is anypony supposed to do if that happens!”  “Well first off, if the watch malfunctions it will probably send a signal out and the creator can just teleport right to him and fix it. If he goes nuts there is a police force made up of almost every alien that he has access to that can stop him.” Stanley said with a small frown. “And how much destruction and potential death could be caused before they arrive?” Shining Armor asked, crossing his arms. “I'm not saying the guy is gonna do any of that, but denying he's dangerous is just stupid.”  “Oh I know he is dangerous, but you have to realize if you treat someone as a threat eventually they will become one.” Stanley told him before adding. “Treat someone like a monster long enough and they'll become one.” Shining Armor hummed a bit, as Amore gave out handfuls of money to the human six. “Fair enough I suppose.”  Stanley hummed a bit. “Your highness, I think I will go looking for a house while my friends explore the empire, please don’t let anyone move this bed.”  “Very well, he could have put it in a more convenient spot though.” Amore said with a small grin, looking at the bed in the middle of the throne room.  Stanley chuckled and smirked. “True, oh and sometime later could I have access to any books that have information on the crystal heart? I want to try and create my own version.” “Create your own…?” Amore asked with a confused look, before the doors burst open and an orange velosotaper-like creature came to a stop with Scootaloo on its back. “I Fd up!” It said, turning into Benjamin with a flash.  Stanley blinked a few times. “Did you just censor yourself?” Benjamin pointed to the crusaders. “Kids. But anyway, I turned into XLR8 and when I went to scan a griffon nearby Scootaloo wandered into the pillager base! There's a Ravager after us, and I have never beaten one in the game before!”  Stanley blinked again before he sighed. “How far away is it?” He said equipping his armor as well as a shield and sword. “Um, probably about ten minutes or so.” Benjamin said, rubbing his chin. “Also, uh do you have any milk? I think I got the bad omen effect after killing a bannerman that tried to shoot Scootaloo.”  “It was cool!” Scootaloo said happily.  Stanley started to walk past them but dropped a bucket of milk. “Here you go, now I have to go fight.” “How do I drink this?” Benjamin asked, holding the flat Minecraft bucket before looking at Stanley. “I can distract it for you, in YouTube videos I watched about Minecraft that was the best way to deal with them.”  “I got it, and just hold it to your lips.” Stanley said before he left the throne room. Benjamin raised an eyebrow as he put the milk up to his lips and took a sip. “Huh, neat… I feel bad for leaving it to him..”  “Then go help.” Scootaloo said as she watched him drink from the bucket. “Are you really drinking from a flat bucket?” “Yup “ Benjamin said as the white on the bucket vanished and he blinked. “Huh, the bad omen effect must act differently to non minecrstians… good to know. Time to kick some butt.” He said rushing out the door.  When Benjamin caught up with Stanley he was already outside and working to the edge of town. “Oh, you are coming?” “Yep, once I drank the milk I wasn't afraid of the ravager anymore. The Minecraft effects seem to have different effects on non minecrstians.” Benjamin said before smirking. “Besides, I owe you for helping with Volcanus.”  “Huh, I will have to do some experimentation with different potions and effects.” Stanley said as he scratched his chin. “Anyway, what's the plan?” Benjamin asked with a grin.  “You keep it from getting to the city and I build a wall around it then we stab it till it dies.” Stanley said as he held up his sword. “Why not surround it with water and shoot it with arrows?” Benjamin asked, looking through his scans.  Stanley scratched his chin. “I suppose that could work.” “You ok? I know you wanted a break but all you've done is fight.” Benjamin said with a small frown.  “Trust me, after I get some rest I am putting up some automated defenses around the empire and then I'm going to just relax for a week. I…feel guilty that they have to deal with Minecraft mobs because I was sent to their world.” Stanley said as his forehead made some soft clicking sounds. Benjamin nodded slowly, before pointing to the distance. “There it is.”  “I see it.” Stanley held up a few buckets of water. “Here, try to trap it in water, I got a plan.”  “Alright, want me to put it in a ditch with Armadrillo?” Benjamin asked.  “That works.” Stanley nodded with a smile as he got more buckets ready. Benjamin smiled a bit as he touched his ultimatrix, suddenly turning into a tall yellow alien with metallic shoulder pads and orange spikes. His hands became drills before slamming them into the ground and cracking it around the rushing monster, causing the ground beneath it to crumble and fall. “Done!”  “Good work, now pour water on the edges.” Stanley said as he started doing just that.  Benjamin nodded and grabbed the buckets of water, dumping them onto the edges as the hole began flooding with water. Stanley looked down at the monster and rubbed his hands together as his forehead started to open and lightning sparks around the top of his brian.   “Oh I see what you're going for.” Benjamin said with a smile, turning back to his human form before shifting into a small orange and black battery like an alien with a single spike on his head. “Let's do this!” He said, his voice high pitched now.  “Say hello to about a hundred volts!” Stanley said before shooting a bolt of lightning at the water and shocked the Ravager. The ravager made multiple grunting noises before Benjamin started zapping the water as well, causing it to roar a little. “Whoa, I've never heard them make that sound before!”  “They weren’t real before.” Stanley said as he kept zapping the water. “Fair enough!” Benjamin said as he kept zapping the water. “How long until this thing dies!”  “From its reaction I would say right about…now.” Stanley said before the ravager fell over and disappeared. Benjamin sighed a bit as he looked at the hole. “What should we do about the hole?” Stanley closed his forehead and held up some dirt blocks. “Fill it in?” “Too bad we can't just pour lava in it and let it turn into obsidian… or make liquefied mud too poor in.” Benjamin said, taking some dirt as they started to fill it in, with the water source blocks became ice.  Stanley shrugged as he filled in the hole as well. “My blocks still work on minecraft physics, I may try to fix that later. But for now it works in my favor.”  “Fair enough.” Benjamin said with a sigh as he looked back up at the castle. “The next time I summon you I'll make sure it's a relaxing time.”  “I would like that, though if you do summon me when something big is happening I won’t mind as long as I get some tech.” Stanley said as they finished filling the hole. “Alright, next time you can have a null void gun.” Benjamin said with a grin before sighing. “I think I'm ready to head home, I wonder how everyone else is.”  “Exploring the city, Amore gave them some money for souvenirs, and if you can get it I would prefer a hoverboard.” Stanley said as he started walking back to the castle. “Alright… thanks for helping me with the scans and such.” Benjamin said with a grin. “Also I have an idea I'd like your help with once I get everything settled back home.”  “Sure, just give me a call when you need me.” Stanley said with a smile and looked ahead. “If I manage to make a copy of the heart I’ll give you one.” “Cool, not sure what it'll do for my world but cool.” Benjamin said with a smile.  “Make you a magical shield around your house?” Stanley asked, as if it was obvious.“  “Well maybe, or even a shield for the whole city in case another alien attacked.” Benjamin said as they got back to the throne room, hearing people talking.  “Come on Scoots, don't you wanna see the city?” Rainbow’s voice asked.  “Well… of course I do, but you taught me to be loyal to your friends. Benjamin's our friend right? It wouldn't be right if we left him out of seeing the city with us.” Scootaloo said as the two displaced opened the door.  “Yo, we are back, we beat the monster.” Stanley said as he walked over and destroyed the bed in the middle of the room. Rainbow looked at Scootaloo who stared at Benjamin nervously for a moment. “Aren't you gonna ask him?”  “Ask me what?” Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow. “Well…um….” Scootaloo started to say. Benjamin smiled a little on one side as Scootaloo fidgeted a little. “Take your time.”  Scootaloo sighed a bit. “Um… do you wanna check out the city with me, Sunset and Rainbow?”  Benjamin smiled a bit. “Sure kid, I will even get you something you want.” Scootaloo smiled widely. “Really!? Sweet!”  Benjamin chuckled a bit as he looked at Sunset. “You doing ok?”  “I…I had a long talk with Celestia and…I feel a little better but I am emotionally drained.” Sunset said with a small tired smile. Benjamin grinned a bit. “I bet you could use a nap. Let's get going so we can get back.”  Sunset nodded her head a bit. “Yeah.”  The group smiled more as they walked out of the throne room, with the ponies smiling softly at them.  Chapter end.  > Exploration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset smiled softly as Scootaloo rushed from window to window, looking around before she saw a necklace in a window. Benjamin noticed her looking at the necklace before she looked at the amount of bits it cost and walked away with a sad look, he grinned a bit before walking into the store when no one was watching.  “Where should we go?” Scootaloo asked with a grin.  “Why don’t you pick, I haven’t even heard of the Crystal Empire before so I don’t have any ideas of what they have here.” Sunset said to her with a smile. Scootaloo hummed a bit as Rainbow grinned. “We haven't eaten, how about we grab a bite to eat first?”  “Yeah that sounds good.” Scootaloo said with a nod. “Ok, what do you think Ben?” Sunset smiled, turning to look at Benjamin but frowned. “Where'd he go?”  “Yeah where did he go?” Benjamin asked from her other side. Sunset jumped a little as Scootaloo laughed. “That's not funny!” Sunset said with a frown.  “Sorry, I grabbed something from the store back there.” He said with a chuckle. “So I figured I'd have a little fun.”  Sunset was still frowning at him. “Jerk.” “Sorry. But I am ok with some food.” Benjamin chuckled. “I'm starving.”  “I do miss hay burgers…” Sunset said softly. “What is a hay burger?” Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow as the small group began walking.  Sunset blushed a bit. “It is the same as a hamburger but with fried hay in the form of a patty instead of meat.” Benjamin blinked a bit. “Huh, sounds tasty.”  “You want to try one?” Sunset asked him. “Sure, I'll try almost anything once.” Benjamin said with a shrug, as Scootaloo paused In front of a shop with a poster of some ponies in uniforms. “You like that poster?” Benjamin asked her.  “Yeah, they kinda look like the wonderbolts.” Scootaloo said as she looked at the poster more. “They probably are this world's wonderbolts.” Benjamin chuckled a bit, before walking inside and coming back a few minutes later with a rolled up poster. “Here ya go kid.”  Scootaloo frowned a bit. “But…I didn’t pay for it.” “I did, consider it an apology for what Argit did.” Benjamin said with a smile.  Scootaloo crossed her arms and thought about it. “Well…ok I guess, but don’t go getting me a ton of stuff…” Benjamin chuckled softly. “You got it kid, anyway let's get food.”  “Yay food!” She ran ahead.  “Wait! Don’t get lost!” Sunset said as she tried to chase after her. Benjamin chuckled a bit as he turned to Rainbow. “She's one rambunctious kid.” He said before they started running after Scootaloo as well.  “You don’t know the half of it.” Rainbow said as she easily kept up with him. “I bet you've got some stories about the stuff she's done.” Benjamin chuckled a bit as they reached Sunset and Scootaloo.  “Yeah, one time she tracked down where I lived and met my parents, they totally embarrassed the heck out of me.” Rainbow said with a small groan. Benjamin smirked a bit. “Oh yeah, I saw that in the TV show. The pony version anyway.”  “I was in the show!?” Scootaloo asked in awe.  “Yup, all three of you were. The storylines following you three were some of my favorites.”  “Really?” Scootaloo said before she looked nervous. “Um…can I meet pony me?” “The one from here? I don't see why not, we'd have to go to Ponyville for it. But if you mean the one in the Equestria Twilight is from, you'll have to wait till the portal opens again.” Benjamin said with a small grin. “Both actually but here would be good.” Scootaloo said before her stomach growled. “Sure but food first.” Benjamin said as they walked inside a restaurant.  Sunset followed him inside. “I hope the food is like how I remember.” “I wonder if they even have hay burgers here.” Benjamin mused. “According to the TV show and Stanley the empire had been gone for a thousand years or so.”  “Oh…no wonder I never heard of it.” Sunset said as they walked up to the counter. “Hello table for four please.” Benjamin said to the mare behind the counter.  “Of course, just the four of you?” She asked with a smile. “Yes ma'am.” Benjamin nodded as she led them to a table.  “Do you want menus or do you know what you want?” She asked as they sat down. “Do you have hay burgers by any chance?” Sunset asked.  “Yes we do.” She said with a smile. “I'd like three please.” Sunset said with a smile.  “I'll take three as well.” Benjamin said as Rainbow chuckled a bit.  “We'll need menus if you don't mind.” She said,  “Right away.” The mare said with a nod and walked off. “Can you eat hay now?” Benjamin asked Sunset. “Being human and all now”  “I…completely forgot.” Sunset said with a small frown and placed a hand to her belly. “I tried once but I got sick.” Benjamin nodded a little. “That's because humans can't digest hay, but I have a fix.” He said holding up his Omnitrix to Sunset. “Splice target with unicorn DNA.” He said before a yellow beam washed over her, a surge of magic enveloping her hands.  Sunset’s eyes widened as she felt magic again. “M-magic I…I have magic again.” “And you will from now on, unless you want me to remove it.” Benjamin said with a shrug. “But now you should be able to eat hay and digest it even if it'll be a little slow.”  “Ok, thank you so much. Being cut off from my magic made me feel naked.” Sunset siad with a smile to him. Benjamin blinked a bit before smirking at her. “That's not a sentence I'd ever thought I'd hear. But I'm happy I could help.”  “There's mostly hay…” Scootaloo said with a small frown.  Benjamin looked the menu over and pointed at a few items. “There is a meat section there.” “There is?” Rainbow asked, looking at the lower section of the menu. “Whoa, they do. Want some hot dogs squirt?”  “Yeah that sounds good.” Scootaloo said with a nod. The mare came back with six hay burgers before smirking at Rainbow and Scootaloo. “What can I get for you?”  “We'll take two hot dogs and some wings please.” Rainbow said with a smile.  “Alright.” The mare said with a small gulp. “That will be ready in a few minutes.” “Thank you.” Scootaloo said with a smile, as the mare walked away. “She seemed scared.”  “Well duh, they're vegetarians.” Benjamin chuckled, using his Omnitrix to shift into a unicorn, his mane being orange with a light gray coat as he took a bite out of a hay burger. His eyes widened in surprise before he took more bites. “This is the best thing I've ever had.”  Sunset giggled and smiled as she watched him. “You really like them?” She asked before taking a bite of hers. “Yeah, these are really good…” Benjamin said before frowning a little. “I hope I won't get sick when I turn human again… eh I'll deal with that later.” He said taking another bite.  “You sure do like taking risks.” Rainbow said as she watched him eat. Benjamin shrugged a bit. “Growing up I was never allowed to do anything, my parents would always force me to do extra curricular stuff. Or doing hobbies that would make it look better on a college resume and stuff. When I got here I decided to actually have fun and live my life the way I wanted to. Besides, I'm pretty sure my watch will convert the food into nutrients for my body when I turn back… maybe.” “Huh, that sucks.” Rainbow said with a frown. “That was the most tame thing they did to me, but anyway. Yeah I like taking some risks, but I never go overboard or put another's life in danger purposefully.” Benjamin shrugged more, before taking a drink of complimentary water the waitress has brought while they chatted.  “Man, sorry to hear your childhood sucked.” Rainbow said with a frown. Sunset frowned at Benjamin as well, as he looked down and off to the side. “Yeah well, that's water under the bridge now…” He said softly as the waitress brought the hot dogs and wings.  Sunset reached for his hand. “You don’t have to hide from your past.” Benjamin jerked his hand back from her, making her frown at him with a sad look. “Sorry… but it's too hard to talk about right now…” he mumbled, looking away.  “I understand.” Sunset said softly. “This is delicious!” Scootaloo said after taking a bite. Benjamin sighed and smirked softly. “It is that good huh? They probably have a personal chef for the meat stuff.”  “Most likely, ponies don’t even like thinking about meat.” Sunset said softly. Benjamin glanced at Sunset for a moment before looking back at Scootaloo. “Did you figure out where you wanna go? I can make a suggestion I think you'd probably like.”  “I thought we were going to a place called ponyville.” Scootaloo said. “Oh, right. Guess I forgot about that.” Benjamin said with a slight shrug. “But I'm not sure if my Alicorn form can carry us all.”  “Why not grab a cloud? I know a cloud walking spell then you can push the cloud with us on it.” Sunset suggested. “Huh, I've never touched a cloud before… that'll be interesting.” Benjamin said with a grin.  “You could just take the train.” A male voice said from another table. Benjamin looked over at the man and rubbed his chin a bit. “We could, but we have to be back here in two or three hours or so. It'll be faster to fly.” “Oh, sorry I can’t help.” The man said before turning to face them. “S-Sunburst?” Sunset asked softly in shock. “Sunset…?” He asked in shock as well.  Sunset flinched a bit and looked down. “Y-yes and no.” “Yes and no?” Sunburst asked in bewilderment as Benjamin patted Sunset’s shoulder.  “We'll go pay the bill, you catch up a little.” He said with a smile.  “But…” Sunset said, unsure. “He's your brother, no matter what.” Benjamin said with a small smile to Sunset before he, Scootaloo, and Rainbow walked up to the front counter.  “Sunset, what happened to you!” Sunburst asked with a frown. “Where's your horn?... Was that your coltfriend?” Sunset blushed and leaned her head back. “What!? N-no! He is just a new f-friend , that's all.” She placed a hand on her forehead. “And…my horn is missing because…well it's complicated.” “How complicated?” Sunburst asked with a small frown. “I know you don't have a lot of time to talk.”  Sunset looked down at the table. “I am not your Sunset, I am from another Equestria, more than that, ever since I ran away from Celestia I have been living in a world where everyone looks kind like I do, no horns, wings, or even magic.” Sunburst blinked a few times in confusion before tapping his chin. “So… multiverse theory.”  “Yeah pretty much.” Sunset said with a nod. “Um…question, how many alicorns are in this world?” “Three, why?” Sunburst asked, confused. Sunset sighed and looked around. “Ok look, there is going to be a new alicorn soon, you want to help your sister right?” “Of course I do, but what do you mean a new-” Sunburst started to say.  “Shhh, look.” Sunset started to say before she sighed. “Stay close to the castle and when there is a royal meeting you need to be in the castle and follow Twilight Sparkle through a magic mirror.”  “A… magic mirror?” Sunburst asked, frowning a little. “Is… is my sister in trouble?”  “I…she is in a very dark place because of her own choices… Twilight will help but…I think you would too.” Sunset said softly. Sunburst frowned more as he looked at his table. “I'll do what I can… I just hope it isn't too late.”  “It isn’t…she will need to learn a tough lesson but…she will be happy there.” Sunset said softly with a gentle smile. Sunburst nodded with a sigh, before grinning at her. “Thank you for explaining everything, maybe we can talk more the next time you're here. But for now don't keep your coltfriend waiting.”  Sunset bushed and smacked Sunburst's arm. “He isn’t my coltfriend!” Sunburst laughed and shook his head. “I've missed you Sunset.”  Sunset pouted before she smirked. “Well I don’t miss changing your diapers, little brother.” Sunburst blushed and huffed. “Yeah yeah, I was getting you back for all those jokes about me and Starlight when we were kids. Even if you aren't the same Sunset I grew up with, you're close enough.”  Sunset sighed and smiled sadly. “I am sorry about that, but honestly, you two were so cute together, did you ever end up asking her out?” Sunburst sighed softly and shook his head. “No, after I was accepted into Celestia's school we… lost contact with each other.”  Sunset sighed and slapped her forehead. “Dummy, she liked you!” Sunburst blushed a bit and crossed his arms. “Maybe where you're from, but… how could I possibly have known?” He asked, neither of them noticing Benjamin walking over.  “How could you have…Sunburst, she was practically flirting with you daily!” Sunset said while covering her face. “Just…try to write to her.” Sunburst sighed and frowned. “I could, but I don't know if she's even still living there or even…” “If she moved, maybe her family knows where she moved to.” Sunset suggested before placing a hand on Sunburst’s hand. “You know how mom won’t stop bugging you till you give her grand foals.” Sunburst groaned. “And what about you? You know she'd be ecstatic if you had some kids.”  Sunset blushed and rubbed her arm. “About that…I kinda…am still a teenager…so…probably not a good idea.” “A teenager?” Sunburst asked in confusion.  “The mirror portal she used to go to her new home made her younger.” Benjamin said, now human again as the two jumped.  Sunset frowned at him. “Don’t sneak up on people!” She sighed and looked down. “More like time kinda moves slower there, at least until I messed up. For me only a few years have passed since I ran away.” “Really…?” Sunburst asked with a small frown.  “Yeah.” She looked down. “So…just expect your sister to be mad and hurting, even though she is hurting everyone around her.” Sunburst hummed a bit. “Does that make me the older brother now?” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Only technically.” Benjamin chuckled softly. “Your age might catch up to you a bit though, since I mixed your DNA with a unicorn like this.”  “Probably not. Canterlot High's time moved slower than Equesttia’s. I left when I was a teen and when I came back to steal the element of magic years had passed.” “Yes, however you have unicorn blood now as a human. So if unicorn DNA ages faster than humans it'll balance out a little.” Benjamin explained with a smile.  Sunset raised an eyebrow. “How does that make any sense? Why would ponies age faster than humans?” Benjamin raised an eyebrow. “Have you not noticed ponies grow faster than humans, the DNA is naturally designed to grow faster.”  “They are?” She asked, confused. “Yeah? Just like dogs and cats.” Benjamin said with a shrug. “Or cows and so on, they grow faster.”  Sunset frowned at him. “Did you just compare ponies to animals?” Benjamin paused a bit as he saw the look Sunset was giving him. “Um… evolutionary speaking no, biologically speaking… yes? I'm not trying to be mean or anything, it's just… biology, you already look slightly taller and older since I mixed your DNA.”  “How long do humans live for?” Sunburst asked. Benjamin shrugged a little. “About… eighty or minty years depending on health and how healthy we eat.”  “Ponies can live up to two hundred years.” Sunburst said with a small frown. “Lifespan doesn't necessarily have to do with how fast you age. For example, I read an article that giant totus’s reach maturity after around six or seven years, but can then live for hundreds.” Benjamin said with a small shrug. “All I was trying to say is that now that you're part pony and part human your age may start catching up to you to an extent.”  Sunset crossed her arms and sighed. “If I start aging faster and become an old woman before my friends I am gonna kill you.” Benjamin rolled his eyes. “Oh please, if anything you'll probably just end up two or three years older than them.” “From what Sunset explained, it sounds like she was aging the same but the world she is staying in moved slower than Equestria.” Sunburst said, frowning a little. Benjamin shrugged a bit. “Maybe, that's why I've been using if, and maybe. Everything I've said is just theoretical, well… Aside from the animals aging faster and such, those are just fun facts from my world.”  Sunset sighed and shook her head. “Do we need to go?” “Yeah we probably should, you ready to?” Benjamin asked her with a grin.  Sunset looked at her brother. “Remember what I told you.” Sunburst nodded once before smirking. “Ok, and when you get back to your Equestria… introduce your coltfriend to mom and me.”  Sunset groaned and blushed bright red. “He isn't my coltfriend!” Benjamin raised an eyebrow as Sunburst started laughing. “Ok, ok. Just had to get one last jab in.”  “Jerk.” Sunset said before pushing Sunburst.  Sunburst laughed again as Sunset got up. “Thanks for talking with me and explaining everything sis.”  Sunset smiled a bit. “Even though you aren’t my brother, it was good talking to you.” Sunburst nodded and smiled softly. “I hope you can reconnect with your brother and family, have a safe trip.”  “Thank you.” Sunset hugged him before whispering. “And get a marefriend before you end up a crazy old wizard.” Sunburst huffed a bit before smirking and whispering. “And make sure you get birth control with your coltfriend.”  Sunset groaned and walked away. “Bye Sunburst.”  “Buy Sun shine!” He said, making Sunset blush red as Benjamin raised an eyebrow with a slight smirk.  “Sunshine huh?” He asked.  “Oh yeah that was her-” Sunburst started to say.  “Nothing! Let’s go!” Sunset started to push Benjamin out of the restaurant. “That was her childhood nickname because she was a bundle of Sunshine!” Sunburst said loud enough for them to hear, just as Sunset pushed Benjamin out the restaurant and onto the ground when she accidentally tripped him.  “Thanks a lot.” Benjamin mumbled a bit.  “S-sorry.” Sunset said sheepishly and held out a hand to help him up. He groaned a little as he took her hand and got up. “It's cool, not the first time a woman has pushed me around.” He said with a joking grin.  Sunset looked at him with a sad frown. “I am sorry to hear that.” Benjamin raised an eyebrow. “I was making a joke about ex girlfriends.”  “Still…” Sunset said with a frown. Benjamin shrugged a little bit. “Um, anyway. I had a better idea to get to Ponyville. Do you know how to teleport?”  “Of course I know how to teleport.” Sunset said as she crossed her arms. “I mastered the spell before I left.” “Then why don't you teleport us?” Benjamin asked.  “Are you nuts?” Sunset asked before she rubbed her forehead. “That would take a ton of magic, more than any unicorn could pull off alone. Not even Starswirl could teleport that far.”  “Oh, what if I used my Alicorn transformation? Could you walk me through teleportation?” Benjamin asked.  “Maybe…” Sunset said while rubbing her chin. “An alicorn would have enough magic…” “How hard is it to teleport?” Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow.  “Pretty hard.” Sunset said while rubbing her chin. “I could try to explain it but a book on it would be better.” Benjamin sighed and shrugged. “Oh well, since we don't have that I guess it's the cloud thing… unless one of the princesses could teleport us.”  Sunset looked nervous. “Celestia could for sure.” Benjamin noticed her nervous look as Scootaloo and Rainbow ran ahead back to the castle. “You know if you're still too nervous to talk to her, we can have her teleport those two while we fly.” He said to her.  “N-no we can ask…it is just…it feels like we are wasting her time.” Sunset said with a small frown. Benjamin hummed softly, before smiling softly at her. “Don't worry, the worst she can say is no. And if she does, we'll fly.”  “I guess…” Sunset said with a small sigh. Benjamin patted her shoulder. “It'll be ok, I know you're worried because of everything. But I'm sure she'll be happy to help you.”  Sunset nodded her head and started walking. “I…told Sunburst about when I am going to come here…I hope he is able to help his sister.” Benjamin smiled a little bit. “So do I, you've been through so much you deserve some happiness.”  Sunset hugged herself and looked down. “But I did so much bad…I threatened to take over Equestria.” The orange clad boy frowned a little bit before gently setting a hand on her shoulder. “But you've also begun your own redemption, you saw the way you were hurting others and are making an honest effort to change. You're doing everything you can to be better and now helping another version of you do the same, you deserve to be happy just like everyone else.”  “Maybe.” Sunset said but she did smile at him. He smiled back at her. “You do, everyone does. And you have friends that will always be there to help.”  “I know…it will just take some time to…believe it.” Sunset said softly before looking ahead. Benjamin nodded a little. “Yeah… you and I are in a similar boat when it comes to that.”  Sunset looked at him and was quiet for a moment, just before she was about to say something Stanley walked up to them. “Yo, Celestia said she and Luna are about to leave.” “Oh, ok. We'd better ask them to teleport us to Ponyville fast then.” Benjamin said with a grin. “Yeah, I am debating if I want to go or not.” Stanley said as he followed them to the castle. “Have you been to Ponyville?” Benjamin asked Stanley with a smirk. “That's where the pony versions of all the girls I'm here with live, except for Sunset here.”  “No idea.” Stanley said with a shrug. Benjamin shrugged a bit. “Ok.” “What is it like?” Stanley asked as he walked with them. “Usually a quiet, small town.” Benjamin said with a shrug.  “Huh, I passed over a small town when I ran away from the princesses.” Stanley said while scratching his chin. “That was probably it.” Benjamin said with a smirk, noticing Sunset was quiet. “You ok?”  “Huh? O-oh, yes I am just worried about seeing Twilight.” Sunset said softly. “Remember she hasn't met you here yet.” Benjamin said with a small frown.  “I know, telling Sunburst about me is one thing but what if this Twilight changes how she behaves because she meets me?” Sunset said while looking at Benjamine with clear worry on her face. Benjamin hummed a bit before smiling softly. “We can use the ID mask again, just introduce yourself as Gwen.”  Sunset looked down. “I guess what can work.” “I know lying doesn't feel right, but not all lies are bad.” Benjamin said with a small frown. “After all, if she acts differently to the Sunset she'll meet later thinking she's you. It could change everything.”  “I know.” Sunset said softly before she sighed. “I’ll use the mask.”  “Maybe when we get back you can write to the Twilight from our world, I'd love to meet her.” Benjamin said with a slight smirk.  “I think she would like to meet you too.” Sunset said before she pointed at his watch. “She would love to see that thing too.” “Not gonna happen.” Benjamin said. “She'd end up activating the self destruction mode.”  “It can self-destruct?” Sunset asked him, surprised. “Yeah, as a precaution in case it falls into the wrong hands.” Benjamin said with a shrug.  “And you aren’t the wrong hands, mister Mad Ben?” Stanley asked sarcastically with a laugh. “Oh haha.” Benjamin said, rolling his eyes. “I'm better than the original Mad Ben.”  “Good, I would hate to see your world turned into a wasteland.” Stanley said with a groan. “Then I’d have to clean it up or something.” “Why would you have to clean it up? You didn't do anything.” Benjamin said as they got to the throne room after minutes of walking.  “Duh, because I am the main character of this isekai.” Stanley said, as if it was obvious. Benjamin raised an eyebrow at him before shaking his head. “Anyway, hello your majestys.”  “Greetings again, did you come to see us pff Sunset?” Celestia asked with a soft smile. “W-well y-yes but um.” Sunset said with a nervous blush.  “We were wondering if you wouldn't mind teleporting the four of us to Ponyville. Scootaloo wants to meet her pony counterpart.” Benjamin said with a small smile. “Make that five, I may as well stick around him to keep him out of trouble.” Stanley said with a sigh and scratched his head. Celestia hummed a bit as Benjamin rolled his eyes at what Stanley had said. “Of course, but how will you return?”  “Can you make a Teleporter?” Benjamin asked Stanley.  “Maybe.” Stanley shrugged before he held up a potion. “I was just gonna run back.” “I guess that could work.” Benjamin said with a nod.  “I did it before…kinda.” Stanley said with a shrug. “I guess so, and technically I could upgrade the train.” Benjamin said with a small smirk. “I wonder why I didn't think of that before.”  “Upgrade the train?” Celestia asked.  “One of my aliens can merge with and improve most technology.” Benjamin explained. “So I can merge with the train and make it faster.”  “Yeah but won’t you time out?” Stanley asked. “Maybe, but I should be able to get us back fast enough before that.” Benjamin said with a shrug.  “Ok, but if you change back I am not stopping the train for you.” Stanley said before folding his arms behind his head. Benjamin shrugged. “That's fine, at that point I can fly.”  “Right, but can you fly and fight off mobs?” Stanley asked him while pointing at the moon. “Yes, Jetray and Astrodactyl have lasers and other weapons.” Benjamin said with a grin.  “Alright.” Stanley said with a nod. “Are you sure you'll be ok though?” Sunset asked Benjamin with a small frown.  “Yeah, heck I could probably use a transformation to race the train and still win.” He said with a small smirk.  “Wouldn't be much of a race if you used Jetray, seeing as he can travel at light speed or damn near it.” Stanley said as he looked around. “That's only in space.” Benjamin said before bowing to Celestia. “Sorry, we got side tracked. Would you mind teleporting us?” “I do not.” Celestia said with a smile. “Thank you ma'am.” Benjamin said again as Celestia smiled a little wider.  “You are quite polite, enjoy your time in Ponyville.” Celestia said, as her horn began glowing before the five of the humans were warped away to a small town.  “Ugh, that did not feel like an ender pearl teleport.” Stanley said as he stumbled and rubbed his head. “Because it wasn't.” Benjamin said, shaking his head as they looked around. “Seems like she teleported us to the middle of town.”  Stanley looked around and frowned. “Oh…yeah I flew past this town when I was on the run, and met a gray woman with crossed eyes.” “Must have been Dizzy doo, or Derpy as people have called her.” Benjamin said, pulling out the ID and programming it before slowly putting it on Sunset's face. Her appearance shifted from a red head with bacon-like hair to pure red as her clothes shifted to a pair of gray pants and black shoes with a red shirt and black overcoat. “Remember your name right now is Gwen.”  “Right.” Sunset nodded. “Eh, I didn’t stick around, I was on the run from the guards, remember?” Stanley said with a shrug. “Fair enough.” Benjamin said with a small smirk. “So considering we just popped up out of nowhere, and are obviously not ponies… five.”  “Five?” Rainbow asked, confused.  “Four.” He said counting down.  “Um. What's he doing?” Scootaloo asked.  “Three.” He continued. “I'm worried.” Sunset said with a frown. “Two.” Benjamin said before pointing to the side where they saw a group of six mares running towards them. “One.” He said as the group arrived.  “Huh, they look like your friends but…you know, ponies.” Stanley said before he shrugged. “I am gonna sit this fight out.” He walked over to a bench and sat down. Benjamin looked at the ponies and waved. “Hello.”  “Who the hay are you?” The pony version of Rainbow asked while glaring at the group. “I'm Benjamin, this is Gwen, and our Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.” Benjamin said with a smirk as the pony's eyes widened in shock. “And before you go off, we're from another dimension.”  “Changelings!” Pony Rainbow shouted before she flew after human Rainbow. Human Rainbow yelped before she ducked underneath her pony counterpart. “The fuck is a changeling!?”  Stanley groaned and started to stand up. “What is with ponies and jumping to conclusions?” Benjamin shrugged a bit before he grabbed pony Rainbow's fist glaring at her when she tried to punch human Rainbow. “Knock it off, I said we're from another dimension! If you don't believe me, write to Celestia, she's the one who teleported us here!” “Yeah right!” Pony Rainbow said as she struggled, Stanley walked over and started placing spider web blocks around her. “There, now she isn’t going anyway fast.”  Benjamin sighed and pinched his nose a little before looking at Twilight. “Just write to Celestia before I kick her flank.” “Like you could!” Pony Rainbow said as she flapped her wings and tried ro move but was slowed down heavily by the webs. “We don’t know who or what you are…” Twilight said. “I already said our names, and that we're from another dimension. We're humans.” Benjamin said, rolling his eyes. “We came here because Rainbow and Scootaloo wanted to meet their pony counterparts, gotta say not the best first impression.”  “No kidding, Pony Rainbow is a jerk.” Scootaloo said with a frown. “Applebloom and Sweetie Belle aren't going to believe this.”  “How do you know our sisters’ names?” Rarity asked with a look of horror. Stanley facepalmed and groaned. “For the last time, they are from another dimension. Pay attention or I'm sticking you all in web blocks!”  “Another dimension…” Twilight muttered in confusion, tapping her chin before her eyes widened. “Wait you mean-!”  “Yes, multiverse theory is real.” Benjamin said with a frown. “This is the Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo from our dimension. And this is Gwen, and my name is Benjamin. We're guests of Stanley here and of the crystal queen.”  “Crystal Queen? Do you mean Cadence?” Twilight asked, confused. “No, he means the real ruler of the empire.” Stanley said with a frown. Twilight looked even more confused before Benjamin sighed and pinched his nose again. “This would have been so much easier if Celestia came with us. Ok, Before the Empire vanished Queen Amore, the queen of the empire was mortally wounded and Stanley here gave her a magic item to help her heal. She became encased in stone, and was recently freed once she was fully healed.” “Basically that yeah.” Stanley said with a nod. The ponies stared at them in shock and confusion. “I… need to write to Cadence.” Twilight said with a frown.  “If y'all are from another dimension what's mah nickname fer mah family?” Applejack asked, crossing her arms.  “Why that question of all things?” Scootaloo asked, arching an eyebrow. “How could we possibly know that!”   Benjamin walked over and whispered in Applejack's ear, making her eyes widen. “Ya…Ya do know it…they are legit.” Applejack said in shock. The ponies eyes widened in shock as Human Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “How do you know her nickname?”  “I'm from a dimension where you're all a TV show, remember?” Benjamin asked her, arching an eyebrow.  “A TV show? What is a TV?” Twilight asked. Stanley groaned and lowered his head. “Damn, there is no tv here?” “TV is…” Benjamin started to say before rubbing his head. “The best way I can describe it that you'll understand is a magic box that shows other realities as entertainment.”  “Dude, you are gonna make them think we are gods.” Stanley said while rolling his eyes. “TVs are entertainment devices where we show moving pictures, they are a bunch of still images taken rapidly to mimic movement.” Twilight rubbed her chin. “I see. And there was entertainment of us?”  “Oh yeah, you guys are famous in my home dimension.” Benjamin said with a nod.  “I never saw it myself.” Stanley said with a weak shrug. “But from what I have seen of this world, it was probably a baby show.” “What's that supposed to mean!?” Both Rainbow's and Scootaloo yelled angrily.  Stanley pointed at the ponies. “Because they are so colorful and besides Sombra I haven’t heard of any other crime or bad guys, though I have only been awake for a few days.” “You've got a lot to learn man.” Benjamin said. “These six have stopped an Alicorn from making it eternal night, which would have killed all life, stopped Discord, an all -powerful spirit of chaos and befriended him, and helped stop Sombra before he could take control of the empire again! Plus in other realities I've seen them take on deities and other crap!”  “Huh, it still seems too girly for me to watch.” Stanley said with a shrug. Benjamin shrugged. “I thought so too until my niece got me into it.” He said looking at the main six. “I bet you have a ton of questions.”  “More than I can out.” Twilight said while looking between the two men, Benjamin chuckled a little. “Well we don't have a lot of time, Scootaloo here just wanted to meet her counterpart.”  “I still think you're changelings.” Pony Rainbow said as she was close to the edge of the web blocks. “Somepony get me out of this!” “Well technically I can transform like one.” Benjamin said, before walking over and grabbing Pony Rainbow by the arm and pulling her out of the webs the rest of the way.  “If you had a DNA scan, I don’t know if you got one while you were running around.” Stanley said before adding. “Also those web blocks were the only thing keeping her from attacking us.” “I did, much to their anger.” Benjamin said with a gentle chuckle. “But anyway, what questions do you have?” He asked the ponies.  “How did ya get here?” Applejack asked. “Why did you come here!?” Rainbow demanded. “What are you?” Twilight asked. “Ok, so. Me and Stanley here are displaced.” Benjamin began. “We were people who got items of some kind and were forced to go to different versions of Equestria. Stanley was sent to this one, while I was sent to one with humans, that's our species by the way. And as for how we got here, displaced people can use magic items to summon each other to their worlds called tokens. As far as we know only the displaced can use them. And again, we're here because Scootaloo and Rainbow here wanted to meet their pony counterparts.”  “Yeah, and you're a jerk.” Human Rainbow said with a frown to her counterpart.  “Wanna say that again?” Pony Rainbow said as she got in Human Rainbow’s face. “You're a jerk!” Human Rainbow said again, pushing her counterparts back a little as Benjamin groaned.  “Will you two knock it off before we put you both in a time out!” He said.  “Nah, let them kiss and make out, it is clear they like each other.” Stanley said with a smirk. “What!?” The two Rainbow's yelled in shock, with blushes as Benjamin sighed and pinched his nose more.  Stanley smirked a bit and started to laugh. “Stopped your fighting, didn't I?” The two Rainbow's glared at him, before each one punched him hard in the arms. “Jerk!” They both said. “Ow!” He said and backed away from them. “Whatever.” He mumbled and walked away. “Did you two really have to punch him? He was just having a little fun.” Benjamin said with a frown. “You could have handled that without violence.”  “I know but he was rude and got on my nerves.” Human Rainbow said. “Buck you, I am tired of ponies assuming I am into mares!” Pony Rainbow said. “Whoa, chill. He wasn't assuming anything. He said that to get you two to stop fighting, because we all know how stubborn you two are.” Benjamin said with a frown, before looking where Stanley went. “Honestly with everything he's been through it's a miracle he's cracking jokes.”  “What do you mean, what has he been through?” Fluttershy asked, sounding worried. Benjamin started telling them everything that Stanley told him that happened since the minecraftian’s arrival to Equestria. “And that doesn't even include the fact he helped me fight off an alien in our dimension.” “That…is sad but if he was innocent of any wrongdoing he should've stayed and explained himself to the princesses.” Twilight said with a frown. Benjamin rolled his eyes. “Oh sure, because he was in that kind of state of mind after fighting off Sombra and then being attacked. And by that logic the princesses should have asked him who he was before attacking.”  “He… has a point darling.” Rarity said with a small frown.  Scootaloo looked around and frowned. “So where am I…er my pony self?”  “She's probably at sweet Apple acres with the other crusaders.” Applejack said before humming. “Oh, why didn't our counterparts come with ya?”  “They did, they're at the Empire. Queen Amore gave them all bits to buy souvenirs. Truth be told, I didn't even think about asking them if they wanted to come here.” Benjamin said, rubbing his head. “But again, you can write to any of the princesses and ask if everything we've said is true, while we head to Sweet Apple acres.” “You aren’t going anywhere unsupervised by a few of us!” Pony Rainbow said with a frown. “No duh.” Benjamin said, rolling his eyes before pointing at Applejack. “It's her farm, we're not just gonna trespass.”  “He does have a point Dash.” Applejack said as she tipped her hat back. Pony Rainbow grumbled a bit as she crossed her arms angrily as Benjamin rolled his eyes again and looked over to where Stanley had gone. “Hey dude! We're going to the apple farm, ya coming?”  “Do whatever you want, I am gonna build a small hut for me here.” He said and walked further away. Benjamin frowned a bit as he mumbled. “Hope he doesn't need a building permit.” He said before nodding. “Alright! We'll be back in a bit!” Stanley just waved as he walked off. “Geez, that man is sad…” Human Rainbow said with a frown. “I wonder why.” Sunset said with a small frown. “He's alone in a new world, and has had to deal with all that. And when he cracked a joke to try and make some new friends, two of which were in his eyes gonna start fighting. He gets punched twice.”  Benjamin jabbed a thumb in Sunset's direction. “Listen to her, she's the smart one.”  Fluttershy frowned a bit. “I…I could go keep him company.” “Are you comfortable with that?” Benjamin asked her, archingher, arching an eyebrow.  “Well…he just needs a friend and I helped Discord make friends…maybe I can help him.” She said shyly. Benjamin nodded once. “Alright, good luck.”  She nodded softly before flapping her wings and flew after Stanley. “If she gets hurt I'm gonna-” Pony Rainbow said, clutching her fists.  “Oh knock it off, Stanley is a nice dude. He even helped Benjamin fight off an alien invasion that destroyed most of our city!” Human Rainbow said, shaking her head. “When he was supposed to be relaxing.”  Pony Rainbow huffed and looked away as she crossed her arms. “Whatever.” “Did you say alien invasion?” A small reptilian boy asked, hiding behind Twilight.  “Yeah, we have aliens in our world.” Benjamin said with a small smile to the kid. “I can transform into a few if you want to see some Spike.”  “R-really?” Spike asked. “So you are a changeling!” Pony Rainbow yelled angrily as Benjamin rolled his eyes.  “Firstly yes I can transform, but it's thanks to this watch on my wrist. Secondly, even if we were changelings, don't assume all changelings are evil just because chrysalis ordered her one hive to attack.”  “There are other changelings out there?” Twilight asked, worried. Benjamin shrugged. “There might be, I know of a few dimensions that have multiple hives of them. But every dimension is different.” He said as Twilight wrote everything down. “Now, what kind of alien do you want to see? Something big, small, made of fire, a fish, what?”  “Something cool!” Spike said, stepping out from behind Twilight. Benjamin laughed a bit. “That's kinda up to opinion, how about you pick?” He asked, kneeling down and touching his Omnitrix showing Spike all his scans.  “Whoa.” Spike slowly came closer and looked at the omnitrix. “Shinny.” “uncatologged DNA detected.” The watch beeped, as a yellow light washed over Spike from it.  “What was that?” Twilight asked, frowning as she pulled Spike away from Benjamin.  “Oh, sorry. My watch lets me scan DNA that's not human and transform into it. I can become a dragon now.” He explained.  “Cool! Which one is that?! Spike asked as he looked at the watch again. Benjamin shrugged a bit. “No clue, but if you want to pick one just touch the top with two fingers and it'll scroll through. Stop at the one you want for a few minutes and pull your fingers away, an hourglass dialpad will pop up and all you have to do is push it down.” He said as Twilight wrote everything down.  Spike did what Benjamin said and scrolled through the options but then he frowned. “I can’t tell what any of these look like.” Benjamin chuckled a bit. “I know what each one is, but for you it'll be a surprise.”  “This one.” He said and pointed at one of the holograms. Benjamin's eyes widened a bit as he looked slightly nervous that didn't go unnoticed by all the girls. “You don't want a different one?”  “Uh Spike-” Twilight started to say.  “Nope!” Spike said excitedly, having the hourglass pop up before slamming it down.  “Oh poop.” Benjamin mumbled, a bright orange light engulfing him before he grew to the size of a mountain with a white body and orange bladed arms with a giant frill. “Waybig!”  “Holy Celestia!” Pony Rainbow shouted. “He's huge!” Spike said, before they heard terrified screams as Ponies began running all over the place.  “My bad, I should have locked this form.” Benjamin said with a sigh, reaching up and touching the hourglass on his chest and returning to normal.  “That was cool!” Both Spike and Pinkie said at the same time. Benjamin chuckled softly. “That was a To'kustar, they're born in galaxy clusters.” “Applejack, what was that big monster!” A young voice yelled as three small ponies ran up to them.  “That was him.” Applejack said, pointing at Benjamin. “Girls, meet Benjamin, Rainbow Dash, Gwen, and Scootaloo.” “Wait what?!” Pony Scootaloo asked, looking at her counterpart.  “Sup.” Human Scootaloo said with a grin.  “There are two of ya?” Applebloom asked before the three fillies’ eyes widened, sucking in a huge amount of air to yell. “Not just them.” Benjamin said, pausing their scream. “You all do, but the others are back in the crystal empire.” The three let out their breaths before Sweetie Belle asked. “So…you aren’t changelings?” “Nope, we're humans from another world.” Benjamin said with a slight grin. “A parallel world to this one, most of the stuff is the same but small differences, such as no fur all over our bodies.”  “Weird.” Applebloom said before Applejack pulled on her ear.  “Don't be rude.” Human Scootaloo laughed. “But it is weird, none of us ever thought any of this was possible until Benjamin showed up.” Benjamin simply shrugged. “All I've done is-”  “Saved our town.” H-Rainbow said.  “Saved Argit from those knights.” Sunset said with a smile.  “Saved Fluttershy and us from that dude with the gun and knife who had been molesting her.” H-Scootaloo said.  Benjamin looked down at her. “You knew?” “You guys we're exactly quiet on the stairs while my friends were arguing over the pizza.” Scootaloo said with a shrug. “But it wasn't any of my business so I didn't say anything.”  “Wait, someone was molesting Fluttershy!?” The ponies asked in horror.  “Yeah but don't worry, I got rid of him for good.” Benjamin said with a serious look.  “Yeah, he sent the guy to some kind of superjail.” H-Rainbow said with a laugh. “Superjail?” Rarity asked, arching an eyebrow. “An interdimensional prison called the null void. It's where aliens that are the lowest of the low are sent. Honestly the dude is probably a pile of scat by now.” Benjamin said with a shrug.  Applejack and Rarity covered their sister’s ears while frowning at him. “What? You can't expect me to believe that Applebloom isn't used to that kind of talk from living on a farm.” Benjamin said, arching an eyebrow. “and I used the least nasty word I could think of. But the end is the same, the guy is gone. And good riddance.” He said, glaring off to the side at the ground as his fists clenched.  “Well as…true as your words are, it is still indecent to speak of such things in such a way around foals.” Rarity said while still frowning. Benjamin continued to glare off to the side before sighing softly and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Fine, sorry.” “Are you ok?” Sunset asked with a small frown.  Benjamin stayed silent for a moment as he held his nose still, before sighing again. “Fine.”  Sunset still looked worried but chose to remain silent for now. “So what now?” P-Scootaloo asked, arching an eyebrow.  “Do you want to play?” H-Scootaloo asked her counterpart. “Heck yeah, let's go play soccer or something!” P-Scootaloo said with a grin, as the kids ran off to the side to play.  Benjamin watched them go for a moment before turning and walking away. “I'm going for a walk, I need some time alone.”  “O-ok…I guess I will go look for Stanley.” Sunset said, looking at Benjamin sadly. H-Rainbow raised an eyebrow at Benjamin as he walked away, before looking at Sunset. “What's up with him?”  “I… don't know…” Sunset said sadly.  “His attitude changed completely when talking about that guy.” P-Rainbow said with a raised eyebrow.  “Perhaps some past trauma?” Rarity guessed. “Maybe…” Sunset said with a frown. “He snapped at our Pinkie the other day in a similar way, when she accidentally used the nickname his ex-girlfriend used for him. I have the feeling he has a lot of trauma.”  “Great, so a guy with a powerful magical artifact is unstable.” P-Rainbow said with a groan. “He doesn't seem unstable, maybe he just needs someone to talk to!” Pinkie said with a bright smile.  “Maybe…but he said he wants some alone time.” Sunset said with a sigh. Rarity smiled a little. “Perhaps, but darling sometimes a boy wants someone to talk to. They simply won't admit it.”  “Do you think so?” Sunset asked. Rarity nodded a little. “Of course darling.”  “Then, if it is ok with you all I will go check on him.” Sunset said with a soft smile. “Cours sugar cube.” Applejack said with a small smile, tilting her hat up. L Sunset nodded before running after Benjamin. Rarity giggled a little. “She likes him.”  H-Rainbow frowned at that before looking where Sunset had ran, crossing her arms as she thought about something. “So…what now?” Pinkie asked with a smile. “How about we watch the kids play and talk?” Applejack said with a smile, as the group began walking to where the kids were.  Meanwhile Sunset ran through town and into the forest where Benjamin had gone, rushing through the forest until she came across a clearing where Benjamin was sitting on a log near a lake.  Sunset slowed down and watched him as she walked up to him. “Benjamin?”  Benjamin’s head turned slightly to look at her, as she saw tears in his red stained eyes. “Yeah?”  She came over and sat down next to him. “I am sorry you are hurting.” Benjamin sighed and hung his head a little. “That's nothing new, I've been like this for eighteen years.”  Sunset reached her hand over to place on his. “You can talk about your troubles with your friends.” Benjamin sighed softly again before looking away. “It's… not a happy story… none of it.”  She frowned a bit more. “Well…if it was happy you wouldn’t be upset.”  Benjamin sighed more as he covered his face. “Fine but… you have to Pinkie Pie promise not to tell anyone else until I'm ready… I don't want others to pity me.”  Sunset nodded her head. “Ok, I promise.” Benjamin looked at her as she smiled softly, beginning the motion for the Pinkie Pie promise. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”  Benjamin took a breath and let it out with a sigh. “M-my niece… Amanda… s-she was… n-nine… a-and.” He croaked up. “She was raped and killed… s-she was like Scootaloo is to Rainbow. She followed me around everywhere and we did everything together… m-my family blamed me for it.” He said tears falling down his face as Sunset stared at him in horror. “I-i was an accident, and they always blamed me for everything. T-they even tried to say I did it to her, even after the DNA test came back negative… they made my life a living Tartarus…”  “I…I have no words.” Sunset said before she hugged him. “I am so sorry that happened to you and her.” Benjamin shook a little as he croaked out a sob. “T-the worst thing they ever did to me… in high school back home. I finally got the courage to ask out a girl I liked for a long time, and she said yes.” He said, shaking violently as fat teardrops fell down his face. “I-i asked her to marry me, and she agreed. O-on our wedding night… I found her cheating on me with my brother. T-the whole time they were together behind my back, the only reason she was with me was because they wanted to torture me as much as possible.”  “That…that monster! Noone should go through that!” Sunset said, still holding him. Benjamin choked out a sob again, hanging his head. “I-i was stupid to think she'd like me.”  “You weren’t stupid, everyone deserves to be loved.” She said as she closed her eyes and hugged him tighter. Benjamin sighed softly as he let her hug him, sitting there silently. “You don’t have to hold all this in, you can tell the others when you are ready.” “I-it's… just too painful…” He whimpered softly, hugging himself. “I ran away to escape all that, and got my Omnitrix thinking it was just a replica.” “But now you have a new life, new friends, and a new chance far away from those who hurt you.” Sunset said as she rubbed his shoulder. “You don’t have to forget or forgive, but you can move on, if you choose to.” “That's easier said than done…” Benjamin mumbled softly as he stared at the ground. “Sorry you got wrapped up in my drama….” “Hey, I came to you and asked. So if anyone is to blame it is me.” Sunset said with a soft smile. Benjamin chuckled softly and smiled at her a little with a sad smile. “You really do embody Empathy don't you?”  Sunset blushed and looked away. “I don’t know what you mean.” Benjamin laughed a bit. “Come on, you just sat here and held me, letting me get my pain out… you're the most empathetic person I've ever met. Thank you.”  Sunset blushed more and shyly looked at the ground. “You are welcome, but I didn’t do much, just be a shoulder for you to lean on.” “Maybe, but most of the time that's all someone needs.” Benjamin said, looking at her with a small smile. “So thanks… Sunshine.”  Sunset blushed even more and pushed him. “Don’t call me that!” Benjamin laughed a bit. “Aww, but it's cute.”  “Jerk.” Sunset said with a blush and huff. “I'm serious, it is cute.” Benjamin said with a smile. “I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, and I'm not making fun of it. Considering you literally just brought sunshine to me in my darkest moment so far, I feel like the nickname fits.”  Sunset stood up and took a few steps away, hiding her face. “Y-yeah sure, whatever you say. D-do you want to go back to the others?” “Yeah I guess we should, are you ok?” He asked, standing up with a raised eyebrow.  “Y-yeah I am fine.” She said, not looking at him. “Alright, let's go.” Benjamin said, rubbing the back of his neck. “And um, sorry for embarrassing you if I did and ruining the moment.”  “I…it’s fine, I am not used to boys being kind to me unless I am…was manipulating them.” Sunset said softly as they started walking back. Benjamin frowned slightly. “Seriously? No one's been nice to you since you changed?”  “Well…not really.” Sunset said before she sighed. “I still get mean looks or the comment ‘no offense’ after someone talked about something I did…” Benjamin frowned deeper, before gently setting a hand on her shoulder and pulling her into a side hug. “I'm sorry about that, but you'd better get used to it. Because I'm not gonna stop, I know you've changed for the better and I'll make sure everything else knows it too.” Sunset blushed more but smiled. “Thank you, just don’t go buying me flowers.” Benjamin blushed a little. “Ha, yeah ok. You don't seem like the flower kind of girl, more like a motorcycle ride to see a car show or something.”  “Well… you are partially right but flowers are still tasty.” Sunset said before looking away shyly. “Besides, what mare doesn’t enjoy getting flowers?” Benjamin chuckled softly. “Ok, you got me there. But I feel like that should be something someone who likes you more than a friend should do.” “I suppose, but that will be after a long time, after all everyone at the school hates me.” “Not everyone.” Benjamin said with a slight grin to her, as they reached Ponyville again.  Just before they could make it past the trees however an arrow flew past them, and they heard the sound of bones clanking together. “A skeleton.” Benjamin said with a frown.  “How is it moving on its own?” Sunset asked as she hid behind him. “Because it's from a video game, in real life I'm assuming it's cursed or something.” Benjamin said, touching his Omnitrix. “It'll burn in the sunlight if we can get it out there, but stay close, they're really good-” An arrow flew through the air before striking him in the shoulder as a skeleton with a wooden bow walked out from behind a tree as he held his shoulder. “Shots.”  “Benjamin!” Sunset glared at the skeleton before her hands became involved in magic and two trees on either side of the Skeleton were ripped out of the ground and slammed together crushing it.  Benjamin stared at the spot in surprise, eyes wide before looking at her. “Dang, you're strong.”  Sunset blushed and looked away embarrassed. “Well…I was Celestia’s student before, remember?” Benjamin smiled a little. “Yeah I know, and I can see why. You're very talented.” He said, before pulling the arrow out of his shoulder.  “We need to get you to a doctor.” Sunset said as she grabbed his good arm and started pulling him. “I'm not sure the pony doctors here will know how to treat a human.” Benjamin said with a slight shrug as blood dripped down his arm. “If we find Stanley he should have something to heal me.”  “Fine.” Sunset said as the two headed back to Ponyville. Benjamin winced a little as he looked at his bleeding shoulder. “Damn that thing got me good, in the game this would probably be about a heart and a half maybe.”  “It was close to your heart?” Sunset asked, worried. “Huh? Oh, no. In the game Minecraft, where Stanley gets his abilities and those mobs from, your health is shown by ten hearts. When I say it would have done a heart, maybe a heart and a half that's what I mean.” Benjamin explained.  “Oh, I am not much of a gamer.” Sunset said with a small blush. “Sorry.” Benjamin chuckled softly. “It's ok, if I could get a copy of the game maybe we could play together. It's an endless game where you can build and do anything you want.”  “Really? Sounds interesting.” She said as they passed a few ponies. The ponies stared at them for a moment as Benjamin nodded. “Yeah, it's fun, there are a couple of bosses you can fight but otherwise it's just nearly endless possibilities.”  “Wow, so Stanley has the powers of the player or something from that game?” She asked as they looked for their friends. “Basically yeah.” Benjamin said with a nod, wincing more as his bad shoulder got bumped.  “Where are they?” Sunset asked as she looked around, getting worried. “They're probably near the edge of town, the two Scootaloos, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle did say they were gonna play.” Benjamin said as they started making their way to the edge of town.  Sunset looked around before she saw a new wood cabin being made by Stanley. “Stanley!” Benjamin smiled a little as they approached him, seeing Fluttershy nearby who gasped at the sight of them. “Oh my, what happened!?”  “A skeleton shot him.” Sunset said with a frown.  “Dude, what the hell?” Stanley asked as he jumped down and looked Benjamin over, reaching into his backpack. “A lame skeleton got you?” “Ok, first of all we didn't know where it was. We were leaving the forest and it came out from behind a tree and shot me.” Benjamin said, rolling his eyes. “I'm just lucky it didn't hit my eye or chest since I didn't have a totem of undying out.”  Stanley rolled his eyes and pulled out a bottle and gave it to him. “Potion of healing.” “Thanks, honestly it's a good thing Gwen was there. As soon as the skeleton shot me she used her magic to rip two trees right out of the ground and crushed it with them. It was really cool.” Benjamin said before drinking the potion as Sunset blushed at the praise.  “Huh, magic seems useful.” Stanley said with a sigh. “I wonder if I can learn it.” “Maybe, with enough time.” Benjamin said, rolling his once injured shoulder as it began healing.  “You were able to pull two trees out of the ground? That's amazing!” Fluttershy said to Sunset with a smile. “You must consider Benjamin a deer friend to use that much power.”  Sunset blushed and looked away. “He is a friend…and it wasn’t that much power.” “Really? The only pony I know that could have done it is Twilight. And even then it'd be a challenge for her.” Fluttershy said in surprise.  Sunset looked at her surprised. “Really? But…it was just an overcharged telekinesis spell.” Benjamin chuckled a bit. “I bet Twilight could do it with more practice.” he said, glancing at Sunset for a moment. “Fully grown trees are probably pretty heavy for a unicorn to lift.”  “O-oh right, of course they are.” Sunset said nervously.  “Here.” Stanley gave Sunset a potion too. “You probably burned through a lot of magic, this may help.” “Thank you.” Sunset said, drinking it slowly before sticking out her tongue. “Oh yuck.”  “No one said they tasted good.” Benjamin said with a chuckle.  “Yeah…don’t ask what they are made from.” Stanley added. Benjamin shivered a little. “Yeah, gross. Anyway, have you seen anyone else? We should probably start heading back soon.”  Stanley shrugged a bit. “I have been making my little base here for whenever I am in town.”  “Alright, want any help?” Benjamin asked. “Might be a good idea to have an ender chest here.”  “Yeah, I am making a few to link to different towns.” Stanley said with a small shrug. “I am almost finished with the outside.” “Alright.” Benjamin said with a nod.  Stanley looked over to the forest where a beacon beam was shining. “I am wondering if I should make a beacon here too.” “Why not move that one half way between here and there?” Benjamin asked.  Stanley shrugged and looked back at Benjamin. “Because I would have to break the old one down.” “Fair enough.” Benjamin said with a shrug.  “So….” Stanley turned to look at Benjamin. “What shall we make the inside look like?” Benjamin shrugged again. “No clue, you could put down carpet and other stuff.”  “Yeah…how about a trapmat the door so anyone who isn’t me will fall into it?” Stanley suggested. “Not a bad idea, but maybe put something soft beneath or make it so they can get out if it's say a filly or someone trying to sell you cookies or something.” Benjamin said.  “I was thinking of putting it on the inside, so if they break in it traps them.” Stanley said as he opened the wooden doors. “Ah, ok then.” Benjamin said with a nod, as a ball flew over and bounced off his head sending him to the ground.  Stanley started to laugh. “That was freakin hilarious.” Benjamin groaned as he sat up, while Sunset knelt down. “Are you ok?”  “Yeah…” Benjamin said, shaking his head as the two Scootaloos and the rest of the group ran up to them. “Sorry Benjamin, we didn't mean to hit it that hard.” H-Scootaloo said with a small frown.  “It's fine.” He said, shaking his head more as he slowly got up.  “Are you sure? That ball knocked you down hard.” Stanley said, still chuckling a bit. “Yeah I'm sure.” Benjamin said, holding his head a bit. “Just not my day.” “Here.” Stanley pointed inside. “I will make some wool seats for everyone.” He walked inside. Sunset frowned more as a large bruise formed on Benjamin's head as they all walked in, while H-scootaloo frowned more. “Are you sure you're ok Benjamin?”  Stanley looked over as he placed a few wool blocks down in the middle of the room. “Yeah, I've dealt with worse.” He said, crossing his arms.  “Welp, welcome to my temporary home.” Stanley said before sitting on one of the wool blocks and sighing. “Still need to set some things up and make sure to boobietrap the house.” “Not a bad place.” Benjamin said, looking around a bit as P-Scootaloo frowned more. “Your forehead is starting to swell.” She said, “Sorry about hitting you as well.”  “It'll be ok, and I'm fine.” Benjamin said with a slightly annoyed tone.  “I could give you a few snowballs but I don’t think they are cold, I never noticed.” Stanley said with a shrug. “Eh It'll be ok, when we get back I'll put some ice on it.” Benjamin said with a small shrug.  “Alright.” Stanley said before he looked at the women from his world. “Unless I am here I don’t want anyone in my house.” “Alright, but you should have gotten a building permit.” Twilight said with a small frown. “It's a good thing this land is technically outside of Ponyville’s jurisdiction.”  “Duh, why do you think I built it so far out? One, to stay away from everyone, and two, so I wouldn’t need any permits or other red tape.” Stanley said with a roll of his eyes. “Besides, this isn't even my main house, it's going to be a back up for whenever I'm near this town.” “Alright.” Twilight said with a small nod.  Stanley sighed and leaned back only to fall onto his back. “Ow…fucking…” He grumbled as he got back up. “Look, I am still adjusting to being in a whole nother world, and the only human I have met is this guy.” He thumbed at Benjamin. “So don’t expect me to be all buddy buddy with a ton of aliens right away.” The ponies frowned a bit. “Well… that's understandable.” Fluttershy said softly.  Stanley looked at Benjamin. “Do you want another potion of healing?” “No, I'm ok. We should probably head back now anyway.” Benjamin said with a small smile.  “Alright, mind taking me back to the empire?” He asked before looking at the ponies. “After I set a trap.” “Sure, and do you guys have anything metal and spare parts lying around?” Benjamin asked the ponies.  “We have a small junk yard.” Pony Rainbow said with a shrug. “Is the scrap free or would I have to pay for it?” Benjamin asked, standing up.  “No pony is using it.” She said with a shrug. “Sounds free to me.” Stanley said as he broke the wood block in the middle of the room and started digging down. “Don’t mind me, just wait outside.” “Ok, I'm gonna build a car.” Benjamin said, standing up and walking outside.  “A car...can I keep it?” Stanley asked after a moment. “Sure!” Benjamin called from outside as Sunset and H-Scootaloo followed him.  “What's a car?” P-Rainbow asked her counterpart.  “A vehicle.” H-Rainbow said. “Like a carriage?” P-Scootaloo asked. “Kinda except it runs by itself.” H-Rainbow said with a small grin, before frowning. “But they're really hard to build, how the heck is he gonna do it?”  “P-probably like that.” Sunset said as she pointed to Benjamin as he was a small red alien moving around the junkyard, grabbing things and putting them together. “Whoa.” H-Rainbow said in surprise. “That watch is handy.”  “Is that what he can do?” Twilight asked with a starry eyed look. “I wonder what else he can turn into.” “Who knows, so far we've seen this one, that big one, he said he has a dragon, we saw him become a living pile of goo, two super fast creatures one that looked like a dinosaur and one that looked like a cat. A ball thing, and an Alicorn thus far.” Sunset started listing off the creatures Benjamin had become.  “Wait, he can turn into an alicorn!?” Twilight shouted, eyes wide. “Sure can!” A squeaky voice called from the junkyard, as they turned to see a large metallic vehicle shaking and barely standing on its wheels as Benjamin turned human again.  “Uh dude…are you sure that is gonna hold together?” H-Rainbow asked, looking unsure about getting into it. “Oh I'm not done yet.” Benjamin said, touching his Omnitrix again before turning into a black and orange bipedal creature that began merging with the vehicle. In an instant the entire machine was covered in black and orange lines, as the body contorted and reshaped itself into a more stable form.  “What in the name of Equestria?” Twilight said, staring in shock. “Surprised?” The machine suddenly asked, as it moved on its own over to them. “How are ya doing that?” Applebloom asked in wonderment.  “This form is called a galvanic mechamorph. Or Upgrade as I call him, it lets me fuse with any technology and well, upgrade or repair it.” Benjamin said, as the lines slowly retreated from the vehicle leaving the metallic bus shiny and new looking as he returned to normal. “Also as for how many transformations I have, I have over a million.”  “A…million…that…but…how?” Twilight said as her hair started to frazzle. Benjamin smirked a bit. “It's a big universe Twilight, though some of those transformations are probably subspecies of the same race.”  “Like the different kinds of pony?” H-Scootaloo asked. “Yup, which I can also transform into.” Benjamin said as Stanley came out of his house.  “Just a few last touches.” Stanley said before he placed a pressure plate on the inside of the door, closed the door and placed a sign next to the front door. “There.” On the sign it read, ‘do not enter or face your doom.’ Benjamin blinked once before turning to the pony CMC. “No going in there to get your danger facers cutie marks or whatever.”  “Aww.” The three said hanging their heads as their siblings smirked a bit.  Stanley dusted his hands and smirked as he walked over to the group. “Now anyone who tries to fuck with my shit gets what they deserve.” “Cool, everyone that's going to the crystal empire to meet your double climb aboard.” Benjamin said, getting into the bus as the four kids rushed in.  “Note that I will not be driving anyone back, so you'd be stuck there.” Stanley said as he walked into the bus. Benjamin rolled his eyes as the ponies looked worried for a moment. “Relax, you've got the train to bring you back.” He said, starting the bus with a roar of the engine.  Stanley leaned back in his seat. “Yeah, but do they have the money for it?” “Dude, you could spare a single bar of gold. It's not like you really need it anyway.” Benjamin rolled his eyes as the ponies got on the bus slowly.  “I could, but why?” Stanley asked with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t know them, if they made the foolish choice to go somewhere with no way back it's their fault.” Benjamin sighed a bit as he rubbed his eyes. “Alright, fine. I'll give you guys some gems to sell.”  “Thank ya partner.” Applejack said, tipping her hat back.  “You big softy.” Stanley said with a chuckle. “Better than making unnecessary enemies.” Benjamin said as he started driving.  “Weee!” Pinkie said with a smile.  “Eh, I would rather not be in a harem anime situation.” Stanley said with a shrug. “So I will avoid groups of women here.” Benjamin blinked a bit as he glanced at Stanley from the rearview mirror. “Do you think this is all a game or something?”  “I mean…kinda, my friends said there is no way back but there has to be. So this is just a temporary thing. In fact I bet if I kill Jean I'll be able to go home.” Stanley said with a smile as he folded his arms behind his head and leaned his head back. “Jean?” P-Scootaloo asked, looking confused as Benjamin glared forward at the road.  “The ender dragon.” Stanley said before he pointed up. “The last one, found only in the other dimension known as ‘The End’ and once defeated she leaves an egg behind for the player as a reward.” “What!? You want to kill an endangered creature!” Fluttershy asked in horror.  “To be fair, it's not sentient, attacks everything and is technically enslaving the end.” Benjamin said with a shrug.  “Yeah.” Stanley said before adding. “The thing is locked on a floating island, surrounded by pillars that will heal her, and attacks anything and everything that gets near. So it may be the last one, but it can never die until someone destroys those towers and finishes her off. Even if the ender dragon isn't sentient can you imagine oh hell like that being stuck to live forever.” “T-that's horrible.” Spike said with a frown.  “Yep, oh and there is also the fact that once you go to the end you can't leave till you kill her. One way trip.” Stanley added. “Unless you die and respawn.” Benjamin said. “That's the beauty of the ender chest.”  “Yeah, but that is in the game, I am not gonna risk dying to see if I respawn.” Stanley said with a sigh. “Fair enough, also you realize there's no guarantee you'll go home if you kill the ender dragon right?” Benjamin asked, sighing a little bit. “Also, this is taking longer than I imagined, anyone mind if I speed things up?”  “I don’t mind, I like to go fast.” P-Rainbow said. “If you are doing what I think you are gonna do, make sure to give us seat belts.” Stanley said before crossing his arms. “Alright.” Benjamin said, pulling over to the side of the road and turning into Upgrade again before merging with the vehicle.  “A-are we technically inside him now?” Rarity asked, sounding a bit grossed out. “Only if you think about it that way.” Benjamin's voice came from the ceiling as a large single circular eye appeared. “Please. Don't.” He said, as the bus began shifting into a plane.  “I bet she just wished it was the other way around.” Stanley said with a laugh. Rarity blushed bright red. “Excuse me!?”  “Please don't start anything.” Benjamin said with a sigh.  “Hey, if I can piss them off enough that they will avoid me, then I win.” Stanley said with a smirk. The ponies glared at Stanley as Benjamin sighed, before the new airplane took off into the air. “Well anyway hold on tight.” He said making seat belts around them all, before suddenly blasting off at high speeds and breaking the sound barrier.  “Weee!” Pinkie Pie and the two Scootaloos cheered. “Whoa!” Applejack said, holding onto her hat.  “You just broke the sound barrier as if it was nothing!” P-Rainbow said in shock.  “He is a jet right now, of course he can break the sound barrier, you act like it isn’t a common thing for aircraft to do that.” Stanley said while looking at her. “It's not.” P-Rainbow said with a frown.  “You gotta remember they don't have a lot of technology here.” Benjamin said.  “Oh…well I am sure they can catch up to humanity.” Stanley said as he leaned back to relax. Benjamin groaned a bit as the group flew through the sky back to the empire.  Chapter end. [/] > Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The group of ponies and four humans got out of the bus that Benjamin had upgraded, staring up at the crystal empire as Benjamin returned to normal with a crack of his back. “Alright, let's find the others and get home. I need a nap.”  “I bet you do.” Stanley said as he walked to the castle. “I will get the bus later.” Benjamin hummed a bit. “Actually I could use a vehicle back home too… think you could use the command block to make a copy of the bus that you could spawn in like a mod? That way I could take it with me?”  Stanley stared at him. “Blocks.” Was all he said. Benjamin raised an eyebrow before looking at the bus. “Wouldn't it copy it as it is? And then you could place the whole bus down like a bus and spawn it or something? Also if your command block is technology… couldn't I upgrade it with Upgrade and increase its abilities to do that?”  “I don’t want to risk breaking it.” Stanley said before he pointed at the wheels. “If I made a minecraft car the wheels would be square.” “Damn, ok.” Benjamin said with a sigh. “I wonder if there's a scrapyard here that I can use to make another car.”  “Or you could make one back in your world, better tech to use too.” Stanley suggested. Benjamin blinked a bit before grinning like a mad man and giggling wildly. “Oh-ho-ho, I am so, making Kevin's indestructible car!”  “Almost indestructible, remember it could be affected by magic in the end.” Stanley said with a laugh. “Yeah, except I can upgrade and get help making it magic proof!” Benjamin said, rubbing his hands together. “Oh I'm gonna have so much fun!”  “Just make sure Argit doesn’t steal it from you.” Stanley said with a chuckle. “Oh, I'm definitely adding a retinal and DNA scanner.” Benjamin laughed a bit as the group walked into town.  “Benjamin!” A familiar voice called out as H-Fluttershy ran over to them. “There you are, what happened to your head!?”  “Don't worry about it, it's not that big a deal.” Benjamin said with a small shrug.  “He got hit in the head with a ball.” P-Fluttershy said softly as she stared at her human counterpart. “What?!” H-Fluttershy asked with a frown checking Benjamin's head as he made an uncomfortable face. “O-oh wait… are you my counterpart?” She asked P-Fluttershy.  The pony nodded her head. “Y-yes I am.” She said shyly. “O-oh, um. Hello…” H-Fluttershy said with a small blush.  “H-hello to you too.” P-Fluttershy said softly before she looked between Benjamin and her counterpart. “Is…Is he your coltfriend?” Benjamin's eyes widened as H-Fluttershy blushed red. “W-what? N-no! He's just a f-friend…” she said softly.  “Th-then um…” P-Fluttershy shyly pointed at Benjamin’s face which was a few inches away from H-Fluttershy’s bust. H-Fluttershy blushed redder as she moved away quickly, leaving Benjamin blushing lightly as he pinched his nose a little. “I-i was checking his head!” She said with a deep blush.  “Sure you were.” Stanley said with a chuckle. “Did everyone have a good time? Spend your money well?” “O-oh um, y-yes. We've all gotten a few things. The others are at the c-castle.” H-Fluttershy said as Sunset crossed her arms a little.  “Then let's get going.” Rarity said with a smile. “I'm excited to meet my counterpart.”  “Yeah, let’s get you all headed home.” Stanley said before he yawned and started walking. Benjamin nodded as they all started walking to the castle, while H-Fluttershy and P-Fluttershy walked slowly behind the group. “Do you like him?” P-Fluttershy asked her counterpart soft.  H-Fluttersny blushed and looked down shyly. “I…don’t know.” She said just as softly. “He seems nice, how long have you known him?” P-Fluttershy asked softly still.  H-Fluttershy looked down. “Just a little over Two and a half days.”  “Really?” P-Fluttershy asked. “Well, maybe something will come of it.”  H-Fluttershy blushed and looked away. “I don't know, I am letting him stay at my animal shelter but besides that we haven’t…well…he also saved me from…a creepy old man.” P-Fluttershy looked at her in surprise. “Really? The others mentioned he said something about that but didn't go into detail.”  H-Fluttershy whimpered a bit. “He…he would come to my shelter offen, sometimes when I would order takeout when staying late, other times it would be random, and…he forced himself in and touched me… h-he even had me remove my clothes t-thankfully he never…”  P-Fluttershy gasped and hugged her counterpart. “I'm so sorry that happened to you!” H-Fluttershy hugged her back as they stopped for a moment. “Th-the others don’t know…not the full story.” “You should tell them.” P-Fluttershy said with a small frown, noticing Benjamin had stopped, causing the others to stop and look.  H-Fluttershy looked down. “I…can’t, it would only make them worry about me.” “Shy of course we're gonna worry.” H-Rainbow said, walking over and setting a hand on her friend's shoulder. “You can tell us anything, besides thanks to Benjamin, that guy is  gone forever. You don't have to hold it in.”  She sniffled and tried to hold it in, but as her pony friends all joined the hug she broke and started to cry heavily. “Darling, you should tell our counterparts.” Rarity said with a frown.  “She's right Sugarcube, ahm sure they'd be there for ya.” Applejack said with a gentle smile.  “I…I don’t want to worry them.” H-Fluttershy said weakly. H-Rainbow sighed and hugged H-Fluttershy again. “Shy, it's not worrying. We're already worried about you, you've been through something traumatic. And we'll always be here for you.”  Stanley looked back at the group and groaned a bit. “You could just see a therapist too.” H-Fluttershy whimpered more as H-Rainbow glared at Stanley, while Benjamin sighed. “Dude if she's not gonna open up to her friends she won't open up to a complete stranger.”  He shrugged a bit. “Because it is their job?” Benjamin sighed a little. “Let's just get going.” Stanley nodded and started walking to the castle. “So what is your plan after you get back to your world? What's your plan for getting home?” “Home?” Benjamin asked, arching an eyebrow. “If you mean the human world I came from, I'm not planning on going back.”  “You aren’t? Dude if you could make it back with the omnitrix you'd be set for life!” Stanley said in shock. Benjamin shrugged. “I'm better off where I am.”  “You are nuts.” Stanley said before whispering. “I mean yeah they look human enough, but I don't see myself dating anyone from the world those girls are from, let alone the ones from here.” “Then you're closed minded.” Benjamin said with a small shrug. “No, I am a human being.” Stanley said before looking back for a moment. “I mean just look at those horse faces they have, and your girls have those massive eyes.” Benjamin shrugged a bit. “Still a better life than the one I had back there.”  “Alright, well after I figure out how to make sure I survive I am going after the ender dragon and heading home.” Stanley said with a smirk. “If it works.” Benjamin said as the group walked into the castle.  “It is the only answer I can think of.” Stanley said with a shrug. Benjamin shrugged a bit as well as they walked into the throne room. “Good luck.”  “Stanley, you have returned.” Amore said with a smile after a guard had just whispered something to her. “Howdy partners y'all meet our counterparts?” H-Applejack asked as Benjamin smirked.  “What do you think?” He asked, as the pony versions of them walked in.  “Whoa.” H-Pinkie said as she looked at her pony self and rushed over, they looked at each other and giggled together. “Howdy.” P-applejack said with a grin to her counterpart, while the Rarity's started talking about fashion.  “Whoa.” The two Sweetie Belle's said as they looked at each other.  Twilight looked around and pouted a bit. “Th-there isn’t another me?” “Sorry, we haven't met a human you Twilight.” Sunset said with a small frown.  “Oh…” Twilight said sadly.  Benjamin frowned a little bit. “In a way Gwen is your counterpart. She's really smart like you and is amazing at magic.”  Sunset blushed and looked down shyly. “I am not that smart.” H-Rarity laughed a little. “Darling, you're the best tutor in the school.” Sunset blushed more and she looked away. “I just help out to make up for what I did.” “What did you do?” Twilight asked with a frown as Sunset's eyes widened.  “That's a bit too personal.” Benjamin said with a small smile. “But she's been doing her darndest to make up for everything.”  Stanley leaned on a wall. “I hope you all had fun while you were here.” “Yes darling. Thank you so much for letting us come here, I got some fantastic new outfits for new designs.” H-Rarity said with a smile.  “Thank ya.” H-Applejack and H-Applebloom said together.  “I wish we could stay and talk with ourselves more.” H- Sweetie Belle said sadly.  “That is nice, and just ask Benjamin to call me if you want to come, just wait a few weeks before that.” Stanley said with a small roll of his eyes. Both Rarity's frowned at his reaction as Benjamin sighed again, before looking at Twilight. “Maybe the next time we come here we'll have your counterpart with us.”  “I would like that, I will have to write down all my questions.” Twilight said with a smile. Benjamin chuckled a bit as he looked at Stanley. “We're ready to go home whenever you're ready to send us back.”  “Alright, stay safe out there man.” Stanley said before giving a two finger salute. “Our contract is complete.” Benjamin smiled more as a vortex opened up behind him. “See you soon man.” He said as the ponies and Humans said goodbye to each other.  “The next time you're here we're having a race so bring your scooter!” P-Scootaloo said with a grin.  H-Scootaloo smirked back as they fist bumped. “You got it!”  “Next time you're here we should have a tea party.” P-Sweetie Belle said with a smile to her counterpart. H- Sweetie Belle smiled back. “I'd love to!”  “When ya come back maybe we can brainstorm ideas to upgrade our treehouses!” P-Apllebloom said with a smile.  “Oh heck yeah!” H-Applebloom said, shaking her counterpart's hand before the three human crusaders went through the portal.  “I'd love to exchange ideas for new designs.” H-Rarity said to her counterpart.  “Oh absolutely, you are me after all.” P-Rarity said with a smile and giggle. “Ah could use a break from the farmworker next time yer here, maybe we could go to the spa and unwind a bit.” P-applejack said with a smile.  “The spa huh? Ahd like that a lot.” H-Applejack smiled.  “Party?” P-Pinkie asked her counterpart. “Party!” H-Pinkie said as the two hugged.  “So… um… sorry for attacking you.” P-Rainbow said with a frown to her counterpart.  H-Rainbow crossed her arms and sighed a bit. “You were worried about your friends, and those changeling things sound dangerous, so I get it.” She then smirked. “But do it again and I’ll kick your butt.” P-Rainbow smirked back. “Try it.”  P-Fluttershy hugged her counterpart and whispered in her ear. “When you come back we can feed the animals and relax. But you really should talk to your friends and a therapist.”  “I…I’d like that.” H-Fluttershy said softly before she sighed. “I…will think about it.” The human five walked back through the portal as Sunset looked at Twilight with a small smile. “It was nice meeting you Twilight.” “I agree, it was nice to meet you too.” Twilight said with a smile to her. Sunset smiled a little as she went through the portal, leaving Benjamin there before he smirked a little. He pulled out his orange Phone and looked at everyone, gesturing for them all to get closer together.  After a moment all of the ponies got next to each other and smiled, before he took a picture with his phone. “Later you guys, it's been fun!” Benjamin said, waving to them before jumping through the portal.  Benjamin looked around a little at the construction of the city, pausing as he and the girls saw the cop from the other day. “Hello again.” She said with a smile.  “Ma’am.” He said simply as he slipped his hands into his pockets. “How was the trip?” She asked with a small smile.  “Trip?” He asked, tilting his head and acting confused. She raised an eyebrow at him. “I was here when you left, do you not remember?”  “I have no idea what you're talking about, officer, me and my friends have been here the whole time.” He said with a small smirk. The women smirked a bit and chuckled. “I would actually like to speak with you, if you are free.”  “I guess.” He shrugged before looking at the girls. “Head inside.” “Why?” Scootaloo asked. “It can't be that bad.”  “Just go kid, have Argit buy you some take out or something.”  Scootaloo frowned more as the girls all went inside. “He doesn't have to be so rude.” Sweetie Belle said as Benjamin looked at the girl.  “So what's up?” He asked.  “I was not truthful with you the other day.” She said with a small frown.  “Oh? What about?” Benjamin asked as he crossed his arms. “I… am a plumber, I said the other day I was not.” She said with a frown. “My name is Rook-blanka.”  Benjamin blinked a bit. “Oh that, yeah I already had a guess you were… wait did you say Rook-Blanka?” “I did.” She said with a nod.  “Wow, I think I know of a counterpart for you in another world.” Benjamin said, rubbing his chin.  “A…counterpart?” She asked, confused. “Yes, from another reality.” Benjamin nodded.  “You are a strange human.” She said. Benjamin laughed a bit as he put his hands in his pockets again. “Maybe, but basically multiverse Theory is real.”  “Yes, well now that you know I am a plumber, what are you going to do?” “I have to finish investing The highbreed.” Benjamin said with a soft sigh.    “There has been no sign of any Highbreed on this planet.” She said to him. “Yeah? Tell that to the DNAliens I fought the other day, and the fact that a snowstorm hit without anyone knowing.” Benjamin said, crossing his arms.  “We have not seen these DNAliens, as you call them, and earth’s weather is nearly unpredictable.” She said back to him. Benjamin arched an eyebrow and grabbed her arm, pulling her inside and up to the apartment where the others were waiting. “They can tell you first hand I'm not lying, they saw the DNAlien with their own eyes.”  “Do you have video or photographic evidence?” She asked them. “U-um, m-my animal shelter has security cameras…” Fluttershy said timidly.  “What's a DNAlien again?” Pinkie asked.  “Y'all weren't here, when we first met Benjamin he stopped this yellow and black alien thing with tentacles for a mouth from stealing stuff from the radio store.” Applejack said with a tip of her hat.  The female alien raised an eyebrow. “I would like to see those security tapes.” “O-oh, o-ok.” Fluttershy said, leading her downstairs.  “Wow, she has a stick up her butt.” Rainbow said. “Yeah, she's very… by the book.” Benjamin said with a shrug. “She's an alien by the way.”  “Like the things your watch turns you into?” Rainbow asked. “Can you turn into her?” Applebloom asked. “If I scan her DNA I'll be able to become a Revonogander yes.” Benjamin said.  “Do it do it do it!” The three girls chant at him. Benjamin raised an eyebrow at them. “You realize I'm not a clown right? This watch isn't for party tricks.”  They smile sheepishly. “Sorry, it is just so cool what ya can do.” Applebloom said. Benjamin's frown slowly turned into a smirk. “Darn right it is, and I'll transform once.”  “Yay!” The three girls cheered. Rainbow smirked a bit. “Seems we found your weakness, adorable girls.” Benjamin looked down a little at the ground with a small frown. “Yeah… I guess they remind me of my niece…”  “We would love ta meet her if ya find a way to bring her here.” Applejack said with a smile. Benjamin clenched his teeth a little as he looked away, while Sunset set a hand on his shoulder. “That's… not gonna be possible…” she said sadly.  “What do ya…” Applejack started to ask before her eyes widened. “Oh…Ah see, ah am sorry Benjamin.” Benjamin sighed as he kept glaring away from them, before starting to walk out the door. “Sunset, go ahead and tell them what I told you about my niece. Just not the rest, I need some air.”  “O-oh, ok…” Sunset said sadly, as Benjamin left before Fluttershy and the police officer came back in.  “So what happened?” Rainbow asked Sunset. Sunset frowned more as she sighed. “He… he was watching his niece one day, when some people attacked them. H-his niece was…” Sunset said, finding it difficult to keep going.  “W-was what?” Pinkie asked with a worried frown as Applejack his her face with the hat.  “S-she was… R-raped and killed In front of him… that's why he got so upset earlier.” She said, looking at Rainbow.  Rainbow’s eyes widened before she cursed and looked away.  “Fuck! No wonder the dude got upset when that bastard was messing with Fluttershy!” Fluttershy covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes, while Pinkie shook with her hair flat while tears flowed down her cheeks. “O-oh my…”  “He…was really hurt by this and what happened after…” Sunset said as she looked at the ground. “W-what happened after?” Scootaloo asked shaking a little, as her friends and her held each other.  “Sorry… Pinkie pie promised not to say.” Sunset said softly.  “Oh… it must be worse then…” Rarity mumbled, covering her mouth as well.  Sunset looked away, having to cover her mouth to keep from saying any more. The police officer frowned and crossed her arms with a sigh. “I do not normally let emotion come with the job but… I hope those men had been castrated.”  “I hope so too.” Rainbow said with a nod. “What does castrated mean?” Scootaloo asked before Applebloom whispered into her ear. Scootaloo's eyes widened before she nodded. “Yeah they deserve that!”  “How could anyone be so cruel?” Fluttershy asked sadly.  “The universe isn't perfect.” Argit said from the couch. “Not everyone is nice…”  “I am sad to say, such things do happen…” The alien cop said with a frown. “Ah couldn't imagine what that did ta Benjamin.” Applejack said with a frown.  “Benji survived, and now he is the way he is.” Argit said while checking his finger nails. “It is interesting, going through such an event and yet still he is kind and willing to help others.” The plumber said, rubbing her chin.  “Maybe he just doesn’t want others to go through what he did.” Fluttershy said softly. “Maybe…” Sunset said with a frown.  “I feel sorry for the human.” Rook said as she looked back to where Benjamin had left. “I was going to offer him a sponsorship for the plumbers.” “The plumbers? Benji?” Argit asked before he burst out laughing.  Rook frowned at Argit. “What is so funny?” “You don't know Benji at all.” Argit said with a chuckle. “There's no way he'd fit in with the plumbers.”  “He helped catch a dangerous criminal, and protected all of you while doing so.” She said, not convinced to change her mind. “I kill.” Benjamin's voice said from behind them, making everyone jump and look at them. “If I need to.”  “I…see.” Rook said with a small frown. “Ya said the plumbers are cops right?” Applebloom asked. “Don't cops kill if needed?”  Applejack frowned at her sister, opening her mouth as Rook nodded a little. “We do, but we try not to.”  “Right.” Argit said sarcastically, not convinced. Benjamin shrugged as he sat down, staring at the ground. “I don't know…”  Sunset put her hand on his shoulder. “Do you want something to eat?” Benjamin glanced at her for a moment, before looking away with a slight nod. “Ok, I will take care of it, just sit down and relax.” Sunset said before she walked into the kitchen. Benjamin sighed again before leaning his head back, as Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom walked over to him. “U-um… c-could you tell us about her?”  “Girls, that's not appropriate!” Rarity said with a frown.  Benjamin sighed a bit before he rubbed Scootaloo’s head. “It’s ok, I can tell them.” “Are you sure?” Scootaloo asked with a small frown.  “Yeah… her name was Amanda…” Benjamin said with a soft sigh before smiling a little bit. “She loved to sing and help me whenever I would cook for her. She clung to me wherever I went…” “She sounds nice.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile. Benjamin sighed softly and nodded a little. “She was…”  “What did she look like?” Sweetie asked. Benjamin smiled a little as he looked up at the ceiling again. “She was a nine year old girl, she had long brown hair and typically wore black and Pink. Her favorite outfit was a pair of black shirts with a hoodie that had pony Pinkie pie on it.”  Pinkie smiled a bit. “So she liked me? Did I make her happy?” Benjamin nodded a little as his voice cracked slightly. “Y-yeah, i-i started watching the show with her. She's the reason I know anything about any of your pony selves.”  Scootaloo gave him a hug. “You don’t have to continue.” Rainbow looked at Scootaloo in surprise as Benjamin sighed softly and hugged Scootaloo back, surprising Argit this time. “It's ok… it's just nice to… talk about her again.”  Scootaloo looked up at him. “What did she like about the show?” Benjamin smiled a little bit. “She loved all the friendship lessons, and all the little jokes Pinkie made.”  Pinkie smiled a bit while the girls also smiled. “That's good she enjoyed it.” Benjamin nodded a little. “As for me I think my personal favorite thing about it…” he said before frowning a little again. “Was watching it with her…”  “Ah geez…” Argit said as he scratched his head. “You really cared for her didn’t ya?” Benjamin nodded slowly. “Yeah… I loved the squirt like a daughter.”  “Did ya…take care of things after?” Argit asked as gently as he could. Benjamin glared down at the ground and away as Sunset came back with a tuna melt. “That… too private.”  “I mean…like…” Argit rolled his hand a bit. “A funeral.” Benjamin sighed softly as he nodded a little. “There was one… but my family wouldn't let me be there. They blamed me for it… I never got to say goodbye…”  Argit sighed a bit and got up, heading for the door. “I will be back later, got some stuff I need to do.”  Benjamin nodded a little as Sunset slowly passed him the sandwich. “T-they wouldn't even let you say goodbye?” Pinkie asked, her hair deflating even more.  “N-no…” Benjamin said sadly, looking at the sandwich in surprise. “A-a Tuna melt?”  Sunset blushed a bit and looked away. “It is one of the few things I know how to make.” Benjamin looked at it as he took a bite, tears rolling down his face. “i-it's amazing…”  Sunset looked away shyly. “No, I probably burned it or something. “Better than what I've ever made…” He mumbled a bit, before taking another bite.  “That was her favorite food was it not?” Rook asked Benjamin, a small frown on her face.  Benjamin slowly nodded, mouth full as tears ran down his cheeks. Sunset gasped and covered her mouth. “I-I'm sorry, I didn't know!”  “It's alright… you didn't know.” He mumbled.  Sunset looked at him sadly. “Still…I…feel bad if I upset you.” “It's not upsetting… more of… nostalgic I guess…” he mumbled a little.  Fluttershy smiled softly. “It is good that you can keep the happy memories of her.” Benjamin sighed and nodded with a small smile, before looking at Scootaloo who was still hugging him. “Are you ok?”  “Yeah…just…having an emotional overload.” He said softly. She nodded a little. “Do… Do you want to be alone?”  “If it isn’t too much trouble.” He said softly. Scootaloo slowly stopped hugging him as everyone started walking out the door, leaving Scootaloo and Sunset alone with Benjamin for a moment. “Um, about what you asked me before… I wouldn't mind.” Scootaloo said with an embarrassed look as she rushed out the door. Sunset watched her go before she looked at him. “Don’t do anything dangerous, ok? You are our friend now, we care about you.” Benjamin sighed and looked away. “Yeah… ok…” Sunset sighed softly before she left as well.  Benjamin looked at her as she left, before getting up and heading to the bedroom. Outside all the girls stood around with frowns as Sunset came down, all looking worried about what they just heard. “Is there anything we can do?” Applebloom asked.  “I don’t think so girls, I think all we can do is be here for him.” Sunset said softly. “Ah can't believe someone would be so cruel.” Applejack said, glaring off to the side. “If ah ever find them ahm gonna beat them within an inch of their lives!”  “Maybe I could hack the city's birth records and see if there is a counterpart for him and his niece in the city.” Pinkie said, sounding very smart for a second. “You know how to hack?” Rainbow asked in surprise.  “I don't know if that's a good idea, Pinkie. How would we explain two of them?” Sunset asked with a small frown.  Pinkie just shrugged with a silly smile. “They are twins?” “I meant to the second Benjamin and his niece.” Sunset said with a frown. “Besides, who knows what that could do to him mentally. Suddenly seeing his dead niece alive again.”  Pinkie sighed a bit. “Ok, it was just an idea.” “A good one, it's just… we have to be careful. With everything he's going through and been through, it's a slippery slope.” Sunset said with a gentle smile.  Sweetie Belle rubbed her chin before her eyes widened and she whispered to the other two younger girls. “That's a great idea!” Scootaloo said with a smile, as the three girls ran off.  “Where are they going?” Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow. “No idea, but they better keep out of trouble.” Applejack said.  “I am sure they will be fine.” Rainbow said before she looked at the others. “What should we do though?” “How about we go to Sugar cube corner?!” Pinkie asked. “After what we just found out, I could use a milkshake.”  “When don’t you want a milkshake Pinkie?” Rainbow asked with a roll of her eyes. “When I'm sick.” Pinkie said with a smile, before it fell a little. “But… I just want to go somewhere comfortable after what we heard…”  “Ah will go with ya Pinks.” Applejack said as she walked over to the door. “As will I, it is a good idea to… unwind.” Rarity said with a sigh.  “I shall file a report on the DNAliens. And we shall begin investigating the highbreed.” Rook said.  “Will you be able to stop them?” Fluttershy asked shyly. “I do not know, the Highbreed are a very powerful and ancient race of aliens.” Rook said with a frown.  “How powerful could they be?” Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow. Rook looked at her and frowned slightly. “They have an army that can be stretched across the universe from what I have heard.” “Oh geez.” Rainbow said with a frown. “At least Benjamin was able to stop that one we saw.”  Rook shook her head. “That was a DNAlien, the servants of the highbreed.”  “A servant?” Fluttershy asked with a small squeak. “Yes.” Rook said with a nod.  “So it wasn't the boss?” Applejack asked.  “No, the DNAliens are mind controlled people from the planets the Highbreed wish to take over.” Rook said.  “Wait, so that was actually a human?!” Rainbow shouted. “Uh Dash, we saw that fer ourselves.” Applejack said.  “Yes darling, don't you remember? Benjamin used his watch to fix the poor dear once the fight was over.” Rarity said.  Rainbow scratched her head. “I looked away.”  “Back to the topic, yes, the DNAliens are the mind controlled inhabitants of a planet on the Highbreed’s radar. From what I have read they use a species called the Xenocite.” Rook said with a sigh.  “What can we do to help?” Rarity asked Rook. Rook shook her head. “I am sorry, only Plumbers are allowed to deal with this matter. You do not have the proper training.”  “We have stopped threats before.” Rainbow said before looking over at Sunset. “No offense.” “None taken.” Sunset said with a frown as Rook shook her head.  “I am sorry, but it is the protocol.” She said.  “We understand, but if you need any help please let us know.” Rarity said with a soft smile. Rook nodded a little before walking away, as the group slowly began walking in the opposite direction. Sunset however paused for a moment as she looked up at the open window of Benjamin's apartment.  “I hope he will be ok.” She said softly to herself before joining the others. The group slowly made their way to the sugar cube corner, sitting in their regular booth as they stared at the table. “Hello girls… why the sad faces?” Mrs. Cake asked them with a small frown as she came over.  “We…we just heard some sad news about a new friend.” Pinkie said, trying to force a smile. “Oh dear, is everything alright?” She asked with a small frown.  “Not… really.” Rainbow said with a frown.  “Can we get some milkshakes please?” Pinkie asked softly. “Of course dear.” Mrs. Cake said walking back to her husband behind the counter.  Rainbow scratched her head as she leaned it over the table. “Man…after hearing that I don’t know if I can be happy again.” “Don't say that, sure its sad but there's still plenty of things to be happy about.” Pinkie said with a frown.  “I know.” Rainbow said while waving her hand. “But that story really bummed me out.” “Ah agree, losen someone ya love like that… right Infront of ya…” Applejack said with a deep frown.  Rarity sighed a bit. “I don’t know what I would do if that happened to Sweetie.” Sunset looked worriedly at her friends. “Girls… what if he…”  They looked at her, confused. “What if he what?” Fluttershy asked. Sunset looked away worriedly. “What if… he tries to…k-kill-”  The other’s eyes widened. “Kill who?” Rarity asked in a whisper. Sunset looked away. “Himself… w-we don't know how long ago that happened to him…”  The girls looked among themselves. “We…didn’t think of that.” Rarity said with a frown. “W-we left him alone!” Fluttershy said with a frown.  “Do you think he would really do that?” Rainbow asked as she put her hands on the table. “W-we just met him… we don't know what he'd do…” Sunset said with a deep frown. “A-and add in all the stress from all that alien stuff…” “Should we head back or trust he will be ok?” Rarity asked with a worried frown. The group all looked at each other with frowns, as Mrs. Cake brought them their regular milkshakes. “Here you go girls.” “Thank you… Mrs. Cake, can we ask you a question?” Pinkie asked with a frown. “What should you do if someone you know went through something traumatic and you don't know if they're… ok?”  “Yeah, like… what would you do if they could… hurt themselves or worse but you don't know if they will?” Rainbow asked. “Oh my, such a dark subject um…” Mrs. Cake said before tapping her chin. “I suppose I would bring them some sweets and try to stay by their side until they were feeling better.” “But what if they wanted to be alone, but were  under a lot of stress…?” Applejack asked with a frown. “We made a new friend named Benjamin and… he was forced to watch someone he loved like a daughter be…” she paused for a moment.  “Be what dear?” Mrs. Cake asked worriedly as the girls looked at each other worried. “R-raped and killed.” Fluttershy said, tearing up as she shook. “We shouldn't be telling you this, it isn't our place but… he's under a lot of stress, and we don't know how long ago it was…”  Mrs. Cake covered her mouth for a moment before she nodded her head. “I will go make a to go order for you girls, you need to get back to him as soon as you can.” The group looked at each other in worry as Mrs. Cake went over to her husband and started talking with him. The two rushed into the kitchen as fast as they could, coming back with a large meal to go a few minutes later. “Here you go girls. I hope you all and your friend likes it.” Mrs. Cake said with a gentle smile.  “Thank you Mrs. Cake, I hope he does too.” Sunset said as she and the others picked up the food and started to leave. “Bring him by when he's feeling up to it, we'd love to meet him.” Mr. Cake called to them as he waved.  “Will do Mr. Cake!” Pinkie said before she went out the door. “We should hurry.” Sunset said with a frown, as the group rushed back to the apartment.  “I hope he is ok.” Rarity said as she panted from having to run. “So do I.” Sunset and Fluttershy said together, opening the door while looking around a little.  “Benjamin?” Sunset called out, however, they all grew worried when there was no response in the eerily quiet apartment.  Fluttershy checked the bedroom while Sunset checked the kitchen. “He isn’t here!” Fluttershy called out in worry. “He's not here either!” Sunset yelled as Rainbow rushed into the bathroom. “He's gone!” She called out.  “Where could he have gone?” Rarity asked after she sat down. “Who knows, with that watch he could be anywhere.” Rainbow said sitting down as well.  “What if a demon dog summoned him to her world?” Pinkie asked with a silly smile. “A what?” Applejack asked.  “What?” Pinkie asked back, tilting her head. “It's Pinkie, don't question it.” Rainbow said with a groan as she rested her head on the kitchen table. “How the hell didn't we think leaving him alone was a bad idea?” “I don’t know, but Pinkie did make a good point, what if he was summoned by another Displaced?” Rarity asked. “But what if he wasn't and he…” Fluttershy whimpered, shaking violently.  “Then five of us should go look for him and one of us should stay here. Just in case.” Sunset said with a nod.  “I will go looking, I still have some stuff I need to do anyway.” Rainbow said as she got up. “Ah think you should stay here and wait fer him Sunset.” Applejack said, making Fluttershy frown slightly. “Ya know more about his situation than any of us. He may need a friend to talk too when he gets back.”  “Alright, keep me posted if any of you see him.” Sunset said as she sat down and looked at her phone. “I don’t think any of us even asked for his number.” “We just met the guy… Wait, my parents have it!” Rainbow said. “He let me use his phone to call them when we got trapped by the blizzard!”  “Then go to them or call them and get the number.” Applejack said with a smile. “We can all have the number in our phones.” Rainbow pulled out her phone and walked away as Sunset sighed softly. “That's good, this was if something happens we can get a hold of him.”  “Assumin his phone can get calls when he is in another world.” Applejack said with a small frown. “I hope so…” Fluttershy said softly, as Rainbow came back over.  “Got it!” She said with a wide smile.  “Send it to me, I will try to call him.” Sunset said as she looked at her phone, waiting for the number. The group all glanced at each other before Rainbow shrugged and sent the number to Sunset. “Ok, but will his phone work in another world? It wouldn't have a connection.”  “That's what ah asked.” Applejack said as she crossed her arms. “I don’t know, but it is worth a try.” Sunset said as she dialed the number.  “I know, I was agreeing with you.” Rainbow patted Applejack's shoulder, as they watched Sunset and heard the phone ringing for a long time.  “Uh… Hello?” Benjamin's voice asked in confusion over the phone.  “Benjamin!” Sunset shouted in joy. “Oh thank Celestia you are alive!” “Ok I have a lot of questions, mainly how you're even able to call me. But my main one is why wouldn't I be alive?” He asked as Sunset put her phone on speaker and they could hear another voice in the background.  “Well darling…we..um…thought you may try to…hurt yourself.” Rarity said to him. “Look I appreciate the concern, but I've been dealing with this stuff for a long time. A lot longer than you probably imagine-” He started to say before they heard a clanking noise. “My phone!”  “Stop chatting and fight me!” They heard a female voice yell. “Who is that!? What's going on?” Sunset shouted into the phone. “Sorry, I'll have to call you back!” Benjamin said, as they heard a noise before a loud roar came over the phone. “Let me tell ya something Loona, the admittedly cooler character from hell of a boss! Wrath is gonna beat your ass!”  “It's helluva boss ya feline dumbass!” The group heard before the phone cut off.  “Did he say Luna?” Rainbow asked. “It sounded different but yes.” Sunset said, shaking her head. “Now I have more questions.”  “Well…I guess we know we can call him between worlds now.” Fluttershy said softly. “That's one of them, how is that even possible?” Sunset asked herself with a sigh. “oh whatever… at least we know he's ok…” She finished with a small smile.  “What should we do while we wait for him to get back?” Rainbow asked, tapping her foot. “We should probably see what the girls are doing, they ran off pretty quick before.” Applejack said with a soft sigh.  “I agree, who knows what they have planned.” Rarity said while sighing. The group got up while getting ready to leave, hearing a small snoring noise. Sunset rested her head gently on the arm of the couch as she snored softly, getting chuckles out of the others. “She must be exhausted after everything.” Pinkie said with a smile.  “She can stay here while we go.” Fluttershy said with a small smile. Rarity smiled a little as she covered Sunset up with a blanket, before they walked out the door. “Where should we look for them?” Rainbow asked.  “They are probably at their club house.” Applejack said with a sigh. “Thank goodness they had Big Mac upgrade the club house to have a heater and be insulated.”  “I can't really blame them, it is really cold.” Rainbow said with a slowly nod.  “Let’s go find them then.” Rarity said as they headed for Applejack’s farm. The group pulled up to the apple farm a few minutes later, getting out just as a young man with red skin and yellow hair pulled a cart full of apples to the barn. “Hey Mac! Are the crusaders in their clubhouse?” Applejack called to get brother. “Eyep.” Big Mac said with a nod. “Thanks!” Applejack said, while the group began walking through the apple orcher.  “Those girls better not be planning anything to cause trouble.” Rainbow said as she rubbed her arms. “Ahm not sure they are, after all they ran off after hearing that stuff about Benjamin.” Applejack said as they walked up to the clubhouse.  “I am sure they are doing something nice.” Pinkie said as she ate a cookie. “Like what?” Rainbow asked.  “I don’t know, just something nice.” Pinkie said with a shrug. “They are good girls after all.” “Well… that is true.” Applejack said with a small smile, knocking on the door.  “We are busy!” Scootaloo shouted through the door. “It's us, open up!” Applejack yelled.  “Applejack?” Applebloom asked before a ton of noise was heard. “What are you doing in there?” Rainbow asked.  “Nothing!” Three voices came from the inside. “Girls, we need to talk with you, please open the door.” Fluttershy said.  “Just a minute!” Sweetie Belle called out as more sounds of shuffling were heard. “Sweetie! You spilled your coco on my picture!” Scootaloo said with a sad tone.  “Sorry!” Sweetie Belle said before Applejack sighed and forced the door open. The older girls paused as they saw paper and coloring utensils all over the place, with loads of pictures scattered all over the floor. Scootaloo stared sadly at the picture on the table that was covered in coco, as the other crusaders smiled nervously at the older girls. “H-hi Applejack…” Applebloom said nervously.  “Girls, what are ya up to?” Applejack asked them while looking around confused. They figated a little nervously. “We… um…” Sweetie Belle started to say.  “We wanted to surprise Benjamin…” Scootaloo said sadly, picking up the picture she drew. “We were making pictures of him and his niece.”  The older girls’ eyes widened. “Oh Sweetie, that is so sweet.” Rarity said softly. “Yeah squirt, it may help him a lot.” Rainbow said with a sad smile. “Why didn't you want us to know?” Applejack asked with a small frown.  “We wanted it ta be a complete surprise…” Applebloom said looking over sadly at Scootaloo's ruined picture.  “Yeah, but all my hard work is ruined.” Scootaloo said with an upset frown. “Let's see that.” Rainbow said, looking at the picture as her eyes widened. “Whoa, Scoots. I didn't know you could draw like this, it looks exactly like Benjamin!”  Scootaloo blushed a bit and looked away. “No, I messed up his hair, watch, and his eyes are too big.” “Still, this is mighty impressive Scootaloo.” Applejack said, looking over Rainbow's shoulder. “How about we see if Sunset has some magic way of fixing it? Or would you rather try to redo it?”  “I can try to remake it.” Scootaloo said as she set the drawing down. Sweetie Belle rubbed her arm sadly. “I'm sorry Scoots, you've been working on that one drawing almost this whole time… and I ruined it.”  “It’s ok…it was an accident.” Scootaloo said softly. “The whole time?” Rainbow asked, before looking around at all the other pictures. “dang you girls draw fast.” “Well, we were just making random drawings. Scootaloo here got almost very detail on not just that picture of Benjamin, but this one as well.” Applebloom said, holding up a perfectly detailed picture of a young girl with long brown hair with black pants and a pink hoodie that had a pony on it with a pink curly mane as the girl did a peace sign with her tongue out and one eye closed.  “Wow.” Rainbow siad, blinking in shock. “If you keep up the work you could be a famous artist or something.” She said, rubbing Scootaloo’s head. Scootaloo blushed a bit as she fidgeted. “I-i was… gonna draw a hand on her head and have the two pictures connected…”  “Why didn’t you?” Applejack asked. “Well I was trying different positions for him to be in, kneeling down, standing up, showing off his watch or just having his arm down. I finally settled on his hand being in his pocket with him standing up… when…” She paused and looked at the picture. “Oh.” Applejack said before she smiled and rubbed Scootaloo’s back. “Want some help making a new one?” Scootaloo smiled a little before nodding softly. “Then let's get to work, you got any paper towels in here?” Rainbow asked with a smile, as she moved the papers away from the spilt coco.  “Here!” Sweetie Belle said with a bright smile passing her some as everyone started cleaning up the mess of coco, while Rarity used a portable burner in the clubhouse to make more.  With Sunset.  Sunset tossed and turned in her sleep a little bit, her mind racing a hundred miles and hour as within her mind she walked through a winter scene. Snow crunched under her feet that echoed for miles, as dead frozen trees stood all around her in a circle with wind blowing the numbing chill onto her face. “hello?” She called out, her voice echoing.  “Hello Sunset shimmer.” A gentle melodious voice said, the wind kicking up some snow to reveal a young girl with brown hair and a pink hoodie. “Wh-who are you?” Sunset asked before she looked down and saw she was a pony again. “You should already know that based on what my uncle told you.” The girl said with a gentle smile, as she walked closer to Sunset.  Sunset’s eyes widened. “You are Benjamin’s niece? But…but you’re…”  “Dead?” She asked with a gentle smile. “Yeah, I am. I have been for almost twenty years.”  “Twenty years? but…Benjamin doesn't look older than me and my friends.” Sunset said as she looked back at the girl. She smiled sadly. “I can't tell you how I know this, but displaced sometimes de-age when they become Displaced… but in my uncle's case I specifically asked for him to become younger.”  “You asked?” Sunset asked before she gulped. “Why are you here?” The girl sighed sadly as she looked at Sunset. “Because I need your help, please take care of my uncle.”  “I am his friend, I was going to do my best to help him already.” Sunset said before she looked nervous. “Do…do you have a message for him?” The girl smiled sadly and shook her head. “I'd love to, but I know he wouldn't believe you. And it would just make him mad… and when I say take care of him… I mean, watch over him. You and your friends weren't wrong when you thought he might hurt himself… he tried before the last time he was a teenager.”  Sunset gasped and covered her mouth. “No, me and the girls will keep an eye on him.” The girl sighed and smiled sadly. “It's funny, you remind me a lot of my uncle Dillan back before I died.” “I…do?” Sunset asked, surprised.  “Yeah, he was always… empathetic to others and would go out of his way to make them feel like they weren't alone.” She nodded a little bit, before looking down. “Now he just shuts himself away whenever someone tries to be nice to him… or at least he did until he met you.”  “Me? But…I didn’t do much.” Sunset said, confused. “I just tried to be there for him.” The girl smiled at Sunset. “And I know he told you about our family and how they treated him, it wasn't just them. The world thought he did it, so he hasn't had anyone to be there for him. It means more than you might think.”  “The…the world thought he was guilty? Wasn’t the real guy caught?” Sunset asked. “They were, but everyone blamed my uncle Dillan for letting it happen. Thinking he paid them to do it, or helped them, or even did it with them… he was widespread known as the boy that got his nine year old niece killed.”  Sunset shook her head. “Wait...Dillan? I thought your uncle was Benjamin.” Amanda smiled softly. “They're the same person, he changed his name after getting displaced… he probably wanted a fresh start.”  “O-oh.” Sunset said softly. “I guess that makes sense.” “Um… if you can… tell him I miss and love him.” Amanda said, tearing up. “A lot…”  “Of course, I promise and I will make him believe me too.” Sunset said with a smile. Amanda nodded a little as she smiled. “You're just the person I had hoped my uncle would meet…thank you.” She said as the world around them began shaking.  “Sunset.” Benjamin's voice rang through the area.  “Looks like you're being woken up.” Amanda smiled at Sunset. “Please make him happy again, I want my old uncle back and tell him his Amanda panda misses her uncle Dilly Willy.”  “I will…I will…I will….” Sunset said as the dream faded. Sunset slowly stirred in her dream as she slowly began waking up, mumbling to herself. “I will…”  “You will what?” Benjamin asked her, arching an eyebrow before Sunset saw his clothes ripped and torn.  “Benjamin!” Sunset sat up and gasped. “What happened to you?” “I was summoned by a displaced and ended up fighting her.” Benjamin said with a shrug.  “Why?” Sunset asked as she got off the couch and walked over to the cupboards, pulling out a first aid kit. “When she summoned me I fell on her head, and apparently she was already in a bad mood.” Benjamin said.  “Oh.” Sunset said as she held the first aid kit. “Sit down, I will help take care of any injuries.” “I'll be fi-” Benjamin started to say, stopping as Sunset glared at him a little. “... Fine.” He mumbled sitting on the couch.  Sunset opened the kit and started treating his cuts. “Benjamin…I…I want to tell you something that could upset you.” “Ok?” He said in confusion, glancing back at her. “What?”  Sunset was quiet for a moment as she tried to think how to say it. “I…saw your niece in a dream.” Benjamin frowned a bit. “Oh, I'm sorry if you had a nightmare about what I told you.”  “N-no…it wasn’t a nightmare…I think it was really her.” Sunset said softly before she looked at him. “Tell me, is your name Dillan?” Benjamin's eyes widened in shock as he got up, staring at her with his mouth agape. “H-how… A-argit doesn't even know that…”  Sunset gulped and she stayed sitting. “She told me…she also said that the whole world thought you did it, even after they were caught. And that she misses and loves you.” Benjamin's eyes filled with tears as he looked away, his hands shaking violently. “What you're saying is impossible! Y-you must used a spell or something to read my mind!”  “No, I didn’t.” Sunset said as she stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. “I saw her in my dream and she told me all that.” Benjamin shook more as he looked at her, tears flowing down his face. “And how can I possibly believe-” “She said, " Your Amanda Panda misses her uncle Dilly Willy.” Sunset told him with a soft frown.  Benjamin stared at her for a long time, his legs giving out as he fell to his knees with tears falling down his face. “h-how… how!?” He yelled in agony. “If you saw her does that mean she's not at peace!? Has she been in pain this whole time, is she in limbo!?” He shouted grabbing his head.  “N-no I don’t think she is in pain or anything like that.” Sunset said while hugging him. “I think she…she just wanted to help you.” Benjamin shook violently as he shook his head. “Why… I couldn't save her…”  Sunset rubbed his back. “I don’t know, but now you can protect everyone around you, if you want to you could make sure no one else goes through that.” Sunset's eyes widened as she felt some of Benjamin's scars through the rips on his coat and shirt. “I… I don't know what to do anymore…” Benjamin mumbled.  “You live, keep moving one step at a time.” Sunset said softly. Benjamin sighed a bit as he slowly got up off the floor, sitting on the couch. “That's not what I meant… I'm not sure what to do about… you, and everyone else. I'm not used to all this kindness… and Empathy.”  “You don’t have to do anything, we are your friends.” Sunset said as she got up as well. Benjamin snorted a little. “You're the only one that's put in any real effort into that you know. They don't know anything about me other than what happened to my…”  “You could tell them…they are your friends, and when you disappeared they were very worried.” Sunset told him. Benjamin frowned more as he glared at the floor. “No, I want to put that part of my life behind me for good.”  “It is your choice but take it from me, your past always comes back somehow.” Sunset said softly. Benjamin stared at the ground for a while before sighing softly. “I'm sorry, you're probably going through your own stuff. You don't need my drama.”  Sunset walked up to him and hugged him. “You are my friend, so your drama is my drama.” Benjamin shook slightly, before hugging her back much to her surprise. “Same to you.”  Sunset smiled and held the hug. “You can always count on me to be on your side Benjamin.” Benjamin smiled a little and pulled away from the hug looking at her, while still having his arms on her sides. “Back at ya, if you need anything. I'll be there.”  Sunset smiled and nodded, then she booped his nose. “What I need right now is for you to sit back down so I can finish treating your injuries. Can you imagine how Fluttershy would react if she came in and saw you all banged up?” Benjamin sighed softly and smiled as he sat down, looking at the ground as Sunset began bandaging him again. “Those nicknames… that my niece used. I'm surprised she told you.”  “Nickname? I thought Dillan was your real name but you changed it when you came here.” She said while working on his arms. “I meant… Amanda panda and… Dilly Willy…” He mumbled with an embarrassed blush.  Sunset giggled a little. “They aren’t that embarrassing.” Benjamin sighed again. “I know, but she never told anyone about them before… and could you do me a favor? Don't tell anyone my real name… I want to wait a little while.”  “I understand, you can tell them when you are ready.” She said as she patted his shoulder. “Are you hurt anywhere else?” “No… thanks…” He said softly.  “It's ok…um…” Sunset looked around before her eyes widened and she picked up the to-go bag from sugar cube corner and handed it to him. “This is from all of us as well as Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Benjamin looked at it confused as he slowly took it. “What is it?”  “Some snacks and other sweets.” Sunset said with a smile. Benjamin looked down at the bag but smiled softly. “Wanna share?”  “If you want to share.” She said with a smile. He chuckled softly as he offered her some of the food with a smile. “Thanks.” She sat next to him and took the offered food. Benjamin smiled a little as he looked at the ground, taking a bite of a cookie as he thought about something. “Hey… um… thank you.”  “You are welcome.” She said and smiled at him.  Benjamin smiled back at her with a light blush, looking away as he thought to himself. “Maybe this world will be better.”  Chapter end.  > Feelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin sighed a little as he leaned his head back, closing his eyes while thinking about how much things had changed in the last few days. “Just a few days ago I was alone like I liked it… now here I am sharing candy and treats with a cute girl…”  “Benjamin, are you ok?” Sunset asked him softly.  “Yeah, just thinking.” He said.  “About what?” Sunset asked him softly. Benjamin stayed silent for a little while, before sighing. “The last few days I guess…”  “I see.” Sunset said softly and looked at the table. “I hope you can find your happiness in this world.” Benjamin glanced at her for a moment, before smiling softly. “Maybe… but it'll take a long time…”  “I guess so.” Sunset said before taking a cookie. “Do…you want us to give you space? Because sometimes it seems like you don’t like us being around.” Benjamin frowned a little bit, before sitting up while taking a cookie as well. “It's not that, I'm just not used to it… I… don't mind you being around…”  Sunset smiled a little. “That's good, I would hate to make you feel bad because we make you remember…her.” Benjamin looked down more as he sighed. “It's not that… the crusaders… they do remind me of her but in a good way I guess… and I'm just… I don't know. Not used to it all.”  “The kindness?” Sunset asked softly. Benjamin sighed and nodded softly, looking at his hands as he pulled them together. “Yeah…”  “I am sorry you had to go through that, but you are safe here.” She said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Sunset noticed Benjamin's shoulder shaking a little, as he sighed softly. “Y-yeah… Thanks Sunshine.”  Sunset blushed and lightly shoved him. “Hey! I said don’t call me that.” She pouted and crossed her arms. Benjamin chuckled a bit. “Come on, it's not that embarrassing of a nickname. And I think it's pretty cute, it's good you have such a close bond to your family…”  Sunset was still blushing and pouting. “I guess, it is still embarrassing though, please don’t spread it around.” “I won't, it's a little secret between friends.” Benjamin said with a smile.  Sunset looked at him with a small smile. “Sure, between friends.” Benjamin looked away a bit with a small sigh as he got up and walked over to the piano, playing a few keys as he looked at Sunset. “So what do you girls do for fun?”  “I would think the same as just about anyone.” Sunset said with a shrug. “Some of us follow our hobbies, some of us go shopping, some play video games, or just spend time on the Internet or on our phones. That is when we aren’t hanging out with each other.” Benjamin nodded a little as he kept playing the keys. “That makes sense, I mostly just tend to play videogames or the piano and sing.”  “What kind of songs can you play?” Sunset asked him. Benjamin paused for a moment as he smiled softly, sitting down and beginning to play the piano more. “Mostly songs my niece loved…”  “Do you mind showing me?” Sunset asked with a smile. Benjamin smiled a little more. “Ok, but promise you won't laugh. I'm not the best singer.” Sunset smiled and giggled a bit. “Trust me, you can’t be worse than Sunburst whenever a heartsong comes through.” Benjamin smiled a little as he started playing the piano again. “When daytime turns to night, When the moon shines bright. When you're tucked in tight,When Everything's Alright. Slip Softly to that place. Where secret thoughts run free, there come face to face. With who you want to be, so , swim across the Ocean Blue. Fly a rocket to the Moon. You can change your life, or you can change the world!”  “Wow.” Sunset said softly. “Take a Chance don't be afraid. Life is your to live! Take a Chance and in the best is yet to come! Make a Wish, Its up to you, find the strength inside. And watch your dreams come true. You don't need a shooting star, the magic's right there in your heart! Close your eyes, believe, And Make a wish!”  Benjamin sange louder and bolder as Sunset watched him, staring at him intently as he suddenly spoke again. “Chiisaki mono sore wa watashi, Watashi desu magire naku. Kagami no naka kokorobososa dake ga! Dare ni makenai ashita ni naru yo”  She blinked in surprise. “Is he singing in Japanese? It's so hard to speak, let alone sing!”  “Soshite watashi wa osanai koro ni. Sukoshizutsu modotte yuku. Imi mo shirazu utau koi no uta o Hometekureta ano hi ni. Sora o aogeba. Michite kuru watashi no koe ga, Sara sara nagaru kaze no naka de kimi mo! Fuwari mai agare! Koe ga kikoeru Yukubeki michi yubisashite iru. Sara sara nagaru kaze no naka de hitori! Watashi utatte imasu ” Benjamin smiled a little as he looked over at Sunset.  “I've always hope for happiness and finally fullfilled my wish! Cause I just need to see you smiiiiile! Sora o (Make a Wish) aogeba (it's up tp you)! Michite kuru watashi no koe ga(watch your dreams come true), Sara sara nagaru kaze no naka de kimi mo. Fuwari (in my heart) mai(believe) agare!”  Sunset blushed slightly as he looked at her, continuing his song while playing the piano expertly. “Make a Wish. Its up to you, find the strenght inside! And watch your dreams come true, You don't need a shooting star! The magic's right there in your heart. Close your eyes believe, And Make a wish! Make a Wish…”  “Wow, you have an amazing singing voice.” Sunset said with a smile. Benjamin blushed as he looked away. “O-oh um thanks… I took a lot of electives in school to try and make my parents proud. Even though it never worked… all it did was make people call me a Mary  Sue or something.” “You would have been Celestia’s student if you were born a pony! You are amazing.” Sunset said while still smiling. Benjamin blushed red as he looked away. “I'm not that good…”  “Are you kidding? I bet you could win any school competition that involves showing talent or singing or anything like that.” Sunset said as she grinned at him. Benjamin blushed more as he looked away. “T-thanks…”  “You don’t have to be shy.” She said with a small laugh. Benjamin crossed his arms and frowned. “I have stage fright ok? You're the only person other than my niece I've ever sang for.”  “Oh, maybe me and the girls can help you get over your stage fright!” Sunset said as she took another cookie. Benjamin slumped slightly as Sunset noticed his frown. “Maybe…”  “Only if you want to.” She said softly. Benjamin sighed a bit. “No… I don't… at least not right now. It's more special if I save singing for special occasions…” “Alright, I understand.” She said with a smile. “Do you want to do anything else?” Benjamin chuckled a bit and smirked playfully at her. “Did you really just ask that when we're the only two here? A boy, a girl. Alone?”  Sunset blushed and frowned at him. “I meant like watch tv or something, jerk!” Benjamin grinned a bit more. “What? I obviously meant playing a video game, get your mind out of the gutter.”  Sunset groaned and threw a pillow at him. “Jerk!” Benjamin laughed a bit more. “Come on, isn't this what friends do? Tease and poke fun at each other?”  Sunset chuckled and shook her head. “I guess so…to be honest, before Twilight…stopped me, I never really had friends…” She looked down. “I just used ponies and people to get what I want.” Benjamin looked at her and got up from the piano, walking over and sitting next to her. “I get it, remember how I said people in school would call me a Mary Sue? Well that's because of how good I had become at everything, I spent every day practicing multiple skills from dawn to dusk… and because of that everyone thought I was a stuck up ass who thought he was better than them. I had no friends either. So we're in a similar boat, but hey weather it sinks or floats at least we're not alone right?” He asked her, holding up his fist for a fist bump.  Sunset smiled and pumped his fist. “Sure, and wouldn't it be Gary Sue? Or are you hiding a set of tits under your shirt?” She asked with a small teasing smirk. Benjamin grinned back at her. “Wanna find out?”  Sunset bushed a bit. “You’re teasing me again aren’t you?” “Yes. No. Possibly.” Benjamin said with a grin.  Sunset was blushing red before she smirked. “Ok, show me, if you're a girl then no big deal, I am too, if not boys walk around shirtless all the time here.” Benjamin grinned a bit as he stood up, grabbing the rim of his shirt and starting to pull it off. Sunset blushed more as he was actually doing it. Her eyes widened at what she was seeing, his body completely toned and refined as he stopped taking off his shirt. “Uh oh. I'm stuck.”  “Stuck?” Sunset asked as she blinked, snapping out of her trance. “What do you mean you are stuck, it is a shirt.” Benjamin chuckled a bit. “It's more of my arms… the shirt is stuck because of the angle…”  Sunset blinked a bit before she giggled a little. “Were you trying to take your shirt off like in the movies?” “Hey! It's cool and you know it! Just help me out!” He said, struggling to take it off.  Sunset was still giggling as she got up and walked over. “Alright, stop struggling.” Benjamin sighed and stopped moving, letting Sunset grab the shirt and start pulling on it as the door opened. “Hey Sunset, we're ba-” Rainbow started to say, as she, Applejack, Applebloom, Rarity,Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, and Pinkie pie watched on just as Sunset pulled Benjamin shirt off sending the two of them to the floor on top of each other with red blushes.  “Uh…” Sunset started as her face got redder.  “This isn’t what it looks like?” Benjamin finished also turning red. The group stared at them before Rainbow slowly started closing the door. “Use protection!” She said as Benjamin got off of Sunset quickly.  “Rainbow!” Sunset yelled, making the girl laugh and open the door again.  “Calm down, I'm just teasing you. We saw how he was stuck just now, but how'd that happen?” Rainbow asked, as she and the others walked in. “I was messing with Sunset about my gender and took off my shirt to prove a point. But I don't think she thought I'd actually do it.” Benjamin said, noticing Rarity, Sunset, and Fluttershy staring at his body a little. “I'm gonna put my shirt back on.”  “What happened?” Sweetie Belle asked, pointing to a long scar down his chest.  “Oh, that's nothing.” He said, putting his shirt back on. “When I was fourteen a car hit me and sent me flying into a shop, a large shard of glass cut me pretty deep.”  The girls gapped and Rainbow let out a whistle. “Dang, you have to be tough to survive something like that.” Benjamin shrugged slightly as he put his shirt back on, giving them all a good look at his abs. “My parents had me in a self defense class since I was three, so even at fourteen I could hold my own against people three times my size. Like I was telling Sunset, people always used to call me a ma… Gary Sue. Because of how much time I spent practicing a bunch of skills.”  “Dude, that is awesome! We have to spare!” Rainbow said with a grin, before Rarity elbowed her. “Rainbow please try to be more thoughtful darling” Rarity said, as Benjamin chuckled softly.  “Don't worry, we can spar. Just name a time and place.” He said with a grin. “But I'll warn you, I don't hold back.”  “How about after school in the gym? They let us use it for after school activities.” Rainbow said with a smile. Benjamin shrugged slightly. “Sure, I don't mind.”  Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo walked up to Benjamin and hid something behind their backs. “Mister Benjamin?” Sweetie Belle called to get his attention.  “Yeah?” He asked them with a smile.  “We know ya have had a sad time lately.” Applebloom started. “So we wanted to help you cheer up a little.” Sweetie Belle continued. “So we made these for you.” Scootaloo finished before they all held up boxes filled with drawings. Benjamin stared at the boxes in surprise as he took them, looking at each picture with a smile forming on his face. “Thank you, this is really nice.”  “Wait till ya see Scootaloo’s, she is an amazon drawer.” Applebloom said with a smile. Scootaloo blushed in embarrassment as Benjamin smiled and looked through the pictures, pausing as his eyes widened in shock. “T-this picture…” he said, pulling out the picture Scootaloo drew of his niece.  Scootaloo frowned a bit worried. “Is…is it wrong?” Benjamin smiled a little as he shook his head. “No, it's… awesome. You didn't happen to go through my coat pockets did you?” He asked, as the group realized Scootaloo was still wearing his jacket from the snowball fight.  “No, why?” She asked with a frown.  “Mind handing me the locket in the top left pocket?” He asked.  Scootaloo felt around before pulling out the locket.” This one?” “Yeah, open it.” Benjamin said with a grin, as Scootaloo clicked open the circular locket revealing a picture of a young girl in a pink shirt and black pants doing a peace sign.  Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “It looks just like my drawing?!” Sunset looked over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow. “I wonder if Scootaloo is psychic.” When the others give her strange looks, making her blush. “When I first got here and I found out I didn't have any magic I looked up any other ways I might have power in this world and found out about psychics and all that supernatural stuff.” Benjamin smiled a little bit. “Or maybe I just explained what she was like and she got a good sense of what to draw…. Unless she has equestrian magic of her own somehow.” Scootaloo looked confused. “Equestrian magic?” “You know the magic that comes from Equestria, where princess Twilight is from.” Benjamin said, looking at her. “The ones your sisters used?”  Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “Oh! But I thought all that came from Twilight.”  Benjamin chuckled a bit as he grinned. “Not everything is as it seems Squirt.”  “Speaking of magic…” Sunset said as she looked at her hand. “I wonder…” She closed her hand and focused, forming magic around her hands and then she grew pony ears and her tail grew longer. The others looked at her in shock, as Benjamin grinned. “Oh that's cool.”  Sunset looked at herself. “I…transformed? I guess pony magic does this to humans in this world.” “I wonder if this counts as a genetic transformation as well.” Benjamin said, looking Sunset over.  Sunset looked at herself in a mirror while Sweetie Belle walked over and played with her longer hair. “Wow, your hair is pretty like this.” “Sweetie!” Rarity pulled her back. “It's ok Rarity, I appreciate the compliment Sweetie Belle.” Sunset said with a smile, as Benjamin chuckled softly.  “Did you honestly expect her to not be curious? Isn't this the first time she's seen it up close?” Benjamin asked.  “Yeah!” The girls said together. “Last time the teachers kept everyone back until everyone changed back to normal.” Scootaloo said. Rarity blushed a bit. “Of course they did, it was dangerous! And even if you're excited to see it you shouldn't just touch her hair without asking!”  “How was it dangerous? You already beat Sunset and everything was over.” Scootaloo said with a frown. Sunset frowned as Rarity sighed. “Because back then we didn't know if the magic was dangerous or not.” Applejack explained, while Benjamin gently poked Sunset's side.  “You ok?” He asked in a whisper. “Being reminded of that and all.”  “I…I am used to it.” She said softly. Benjamin frowned a bit more as the others looked at them. “We should get going, it's starting to get late. And we all have school tomorrow.” Rarity said with a smile.  “Aww.” The three girls pouted. “Now come on y'all, let's get some sleep. We've all had a rough couple of days.” Applejack said, talking Applebloom's hand.  “Scoots you want me to take ya home?” Rainbow asked with a smile.  Scootaloo’s eyes widened a bit. “Nah, I will be fine. Besides, I still have my bus pass for the weekend to use.” “Are you sure?” Rainbow asked with a small frown.  “Yeah, I mean why waste money…right?” She said with a small smile.  “Alright, see ya at school.” Rainbow smiled and ruffled her head, as the group left, leaving Benjamin, Sunset, and Scootaloo.  “I should head home too, the weather channel said there may be another snowstorm tonight.” Sunset said with a smile.  “Bye Sunset, see you tomorrow.” Scootaloo said as Sunset left, then she looked up at Benjamin. “Um…you are still ok with me staying here right?” Benjamin smiled softly as he rubbed her head. “Of course, and I'm sorry again for my friend going through your bag.”  “It is my fault for leaving it where he could.” She said and frowned. “I need to be more careful.” Benjamin frowned a bit as he knelt In Front of her. “Maybe, but you're safe here ok? You don't have to worry about me looking in it or stealing anything.” He said with a gentle smile. “Do you want something to eat?”  “Yes please.” She said softly and pulled the jacket she was wearing tighter around herself. “Ok, we'll have to go to the store. Are you ok with that?” He asked with a smile.  “Yeah I guess so.” She said before she looked down. “Do you want your coat back?” “No, it's ok. You can keep it if it keeps you warm.” He said with a gentle smile as they walked to the door.  “Ok, what about your friend? When will he be back?” She asked as she followed him out. “I'm not sure, but he can take care of himself.” Benjamin said with a small frown, locking the apartment door. “I just wonder where the idiot went to.”  “He is your friend right?” She asked as she followed him. “Yeah… it's complicated though.” Benjamin said as they walked down the road.  “Complicated? Is that way you call him names?” She asked.  “That's just how we show our affection to each other. But he is an idiot, he doesn't think before acting… and a lot of the time it leads to him causing problems.” Benjamin chuckled a bit, as the two walked snow slowly began falling again. “Zip up the coat so you don't get sick.” “Ok.” She zipped it up and looked up at the sky. “Why is it snowing so much lately?” Benjamin hummed a bit as he looked up at the sky. “Who knows, but at least we get to have fun snowball fights and such.”  “Yeah that was fun, at least until that guy made a ton of those snowmen.” She said with a small pout. Benjamin grinned a bit as he rubbed her head. “Hey don't worry, we can have another one soon.”  “Cool!” She said with a smile.  “We'd better hurry.” Benjamin chuckled softly when the snow started falling heavier, the two walked into the local supermarket. “Ok, what should we get?”  “I don’t know.” She said as she looked around. Benjamin hummed a bit as he got a cart and started walking down the aisle. “Well what's your favorite food?”  “Corn Dogs.” She said quickly. Benjamin grinned a bit. “Ok, how about we get corn dogs, pizza and chips? We can also grab some ice cream and hot chocolate.”  “Really!?” She gasped with wide eyes. He smiled a little more and nodded. “Yeah, after all. It's not every day you get a new home right?”  She squealed and ran deeper into the store, as Benjamin laughed and chased after her. “Wait up Squirt!”  “I’m so happy!” She cheered as she ran. “Scootaloo, stop!” Benjamin said, making her stop at his tone and letting him catch up. “I get you're happy, but pace yourself ok?”  She nodded and looked at the ground, shaking a little. “Yes sir.” Benjamin frowned a bit, kneeling next to her as he gently pulled her into a hug. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”  “I…I shouldn’t have run off like that…I’m sorry.” “It's ok, I understand you being happy and excited about everything. Just be more careful ok?” Benjamin asked her with a small smile. “Ok.” She nodded, a little more relaxed. Benjamin smiled again as he rubbed her head again, before pointing to the candy aisle. “Go ahead and pick out a treat and meet me in the frozen section ok?”  She smiled a bit. “Ok.” She walked over to the candy. Benjamin smiled softly as he watched her, before heading to the freezer section. As he walked he heard the front door open again, glancing over he frowned a bit as someone in a black hoodie walked in with their hands in their pockets. “I got some candy!” Scootaloo said as she rushed back over to Benjamin with a smile.  “That's good, can you do me a favor and go wait in the back of the store?” He whispered to her. “Huh? Why?” Scootaloo asked, frowning. “I-is something wrong?”  “I am not sure, but just to be safe go to the back of the store.” He said softly. Scootaloo nodded a little, starting to go to the back before a loud bang rang out. “No one moves! This is a robbery!”  Benjamin frowned and looked around to check for hostages and witnesses. He frowned deeper as he saw the gun the man was holding, pointing it at the cashier while a mother and her child huddled together in a corner. “Scootaloo, stay behind me.”  “Are we gonna die?” Scootaloo asked as she hid behind him. “No, I swear I'll keep you safe.” Benjamin said, rubbing her head gently.  “Give me the money, now!” The robber shouted to the cashier.  “I-i can't, I have no way to open the register without ringing up a purchase!” The cashier said, shaking in fear as Benjamin slowly snuck up behind the gunman.  “Then fucking ring something up to open it!” The robber shouted while thrusting the gun in their face. “How about I do it?” Benjamin said, causing the robber to turn around in shock pointing the gun at him before Benjamin suddenly grabbed the gun and forced it upwards.  The robber panicked and fired the gun. “Let go!” He tried to pull free. “Hmm… no.” Benjamin said, glancing at where the shot was fired, seeing the camera with a hole in it before kneeing the robber in the gut followed by a punch in the face and sending him into the counter.  The cashier yelled as they moved away from the robber. “Damn you!” The robber yelled, pulling out a knife as Benjamin threw the gun to the side after removing the clip.  “Oh no a knife, I'm so scared.” Benjamin said mockingly.  “You’re gonna die here!” The robber ran at Benjamin, ready to stab him. Benjamin smirked as the robber thrusted the knife in his direction, only for Benjamin to easily sidestep it and grab his wrist using the momentum the robber built up to toss him away through the glass doors just as the police arrived. “Well that was easy.”  Benjamin turned around to see Scootaloo staring at him with her mouth wide open in shock. “That was amazing!”  Benjamin smiled a little as he chuckled. “I told you I was good at martial arts.”  “You were all-” Scootaloo started doing fake karate all over the place and making sound effects. Benjamin chuckled a bit, smiling at her as the police took the robber into custody. “Let’s get the food and head home.” He said with a smile. Scootaloo nodded vigorously as the cashier came over with an older man. “This is the man that stopped the robber.”  “Hello young man, I am the owner of this store.” The older man said. “Whatever you want today will be free, and half off for life. Thank you so much for helping.”  “Wow, isn’t that awesome Benjamin?” Scootaloo asked with stars in her eyes. Benjamin smiled at her as the owner laughed softly. “You have a fan, thank you again.” “Of course sir.” Benjamin said with a small smile. “I'm sorry about the camera. I didn't realize the gun was pointing at it.”  The owner sighed and looked at the camera. “Don’t worry about it, as long as it saw his face so we have proof then it's all ok.” Benjamin nodded a little, as he and Scootaloo went to get their groceries. “Still, thank you for the free food.” Benjamin said as he shook the owner’s hand. “Thank you for keeping everyone safe.” The owner said with a smile.  “Once again, you are in the middle of something.” A familiar voice said, as Rook walked over to Benjamin.  “Complete coincidence I assure you. I was just here getting some groceries with my…” He pushed for a moment before saying. “Little sister.” Scootaloo looked up at him as Rook sighed and rubbed her head. “Very well, witnesses report you stopped the robber. So I shall give you a warning, considering you aided in stopping Volcanus.”  Benjamin raised an eyebrow. “A warning?” “Please stop interfering with police matters. It is not allowed.” Rook said.  “Technically I didn't interfere. I just happened to be here and was caught up in the situation so I stopped the situation from escalating.”  Benjamin said with a shit eating grin. Rook stared at him with a blank expression. “You should have waited for the police, I understand the want to protect a sibling. However it is not safe. You can, however, apply to become a plumber.”  Benjamin frowned and shook his head. “No thanks, too much red tape.” “Red tape?” Rook asked.  Benjamin sighed and rubbed his face. “If I see a problem I want to deal with it then and then not file a report only to get told I can’t interfere because of some rule or bylaw.” “I see. That is a shame.” Rook said, walking away. “If you change your mind, let me know. Since you have a sister to look after you'd be getting paid more while also having access to galvins if something were to happen to the Omnitrix.”  Scootaloo looked at Benjamin and asked. “What’s wrong with being one of them?” “They're… too by the books.” Benjamin said with a sigh. “But… it may be a good idea…”  “Can I be a plumber?” She asked him with a small smile.  “Only once you're old enough.” Benjamin grinned a little bit, as they started walking to the entrance. “Oh wait, do you have other clothes and such?”  “All in my backpack.” She said softly. Benjamin gently rubbed her head. “Would you like some new ones?” “Yeah, but I don’t have the money.” She sighed and looked down. Benjamin smiled a little as he knelt down and lifted her head to look at him. “Hey, since you're staying with me. I'll pay for them, you can repay me later on if you want to, but I don't mind helping you.”  “What? Why?” She asked, confused. Benjamin smiled a little. “Do I need a reason?”  “Well…yeah, nothing is free.” She said, a little suspicious. Benjamin looked at her with a raised eyebrow, before grinning a bit. “Ok, then what I want from you in exchange. Is for you to be happy and safe.” She pouted a bit. “That isn’t…” She sighed and smiled a bit. “Ok mister Benjamin.” Benjamin smiled a little more as he rubbed her head. “Listen… you remind me of my niece. So I just want to help you out, I'm sorry if it's weirding you out.”  She sighed and nodded her head. “Ok, I understand.” Benjamin smiled a little as they went to the clothing section. “Go ahead and pick out anything you want.”  “I can get anything?” She asked him. “Of course, whatever is comfortable.” Benjamin said.  She smiled and rushed into the girls section. “Ok!” Benjamin smiled a little as he looked at his phone noting a text from an unknown number. “Who is this?” He texted.  “Sunset.” The number replied. “I was just seeing if you were doing alright.”  Benjamin had a small smile before he replied. “Yeah, I'm ok. Scootaloo got a text from her family saying they were going on a business trip. So she's gonna be staying with me for a few days, we're currently at the store getting stuff for dinner.”  “Oh? Wouldn’ she be better off with Rainbow?” Sunset texted back. “Possibly, but since it's so late I offered her to stay with me. And she told them where she was staying, so it's a little late now.” He texted back, watching as Scootaloo got some clothes.  “Ok, well if you need any help with girl things just give me or the girls a call.” She texted back. “I appreciate it, right now we're getting her some clothes since this was last minute. So it may be a little… weird for her. If you don't mind stopping by the store if you live close enough.” Benjamin texted before glancing outside at the snow. “Be careful if you do come, the snow is piling up fast.”  “Don’t worry, I practiced and cna cast a warmth spell before I leave the house.”  “Alright, see ya soon then.” He texted, before looking at Scootaloo. “Hey Squirt, Sunset's on her way to help you pick out some new clothes.” “O-ok, she doesn’t know…my secret, does she?” Scootaloo asked as she held a warm looking shirt. “No, I told her your family went on a business trip. And you're staying with me because it's last minute.” Benjamin said with a gentle smile.  “Ok.” She nodded and went back to picking out clothes. Benjamin sighed a bit as he crossed his arms with a small smile, watching her look through the clothes.  She looked around before moving into the underwear section. Benjamin looked away to give her some privacy, looking at the door just as Sunset walked through while looking at the broken glass.  “Hey.” She walked up to him and shivered. “Even with my spell I got a little chilly.”  “You don't have a jacket?” Benjamin asked her with a slight grin.  “I do, but I had faith in my magic.” She said with a roll of her eyes. She looked around and asked. “Where is Scootaloo?” “She's in the underwear section.” He said pointing to the clothing area. “Which is why I figured it would be better for a girl to help her with.”  “Right.” Sunset said with a smile. “I think there is a spot for fathers and husbands to sit while their girls shop.” She teased with a giggle before heading for Scootaloo. “And which one would I be to you? The husband or daddy?” He asked with a teasing grin as he walked to sit down.  Sunset rolled her eyes. “Annoying friend.” “You know you love it.” Benjamin said with a chuckle, sitting down as Sunset went over to Scootaloo.  “Hey kiddo, need some help?” Sunset asked her with a smile. “Yeah, I think i know which ones I want. I just don't want Benjamin seeing them, it's embarrassing.” Scootaloo said with a groan.  “Trust me I know the pain of indecision. Do you have a preference?” She asked as she looked over at the panties. Scootaloo picked up a pair of teddy bear panties and a pair of giraffe panties with a blush. Sunset giggled softly and smiled. “Alright, they seem good, no one is gonna see them but you anyway.” Scootaloo smiled a little bit. “Sorry you had to come here for this…b-but um could you help me get something else?” She asked with a blush, whispering in Sunset’s ear.  Sunset’s eyes widened before she nodded her head. “Sure, I can help you with that.” “Thank you…” She said softly.  “Not a problem, you’d be surprised how stressed I was when I found out I needed that stuff here.” Sunset told her as they moved on to a different part of the store. “I'm just embarrassed… and I really don't want Benjamin seeing those…” Scootaloo said, crossing her arms, before smiling widely. “Oh but you missed it! Benjamin stopped a robber from robbing the store!”  “Did he?” She asked with a smile. “Yeah! It was so cool he was all like, pow! Boom! He fought him off even though he had a gun and a knife!” Scootaloo said while doing poses.  “Wow.” Sunset said in surprise. Scootaloo smiled wider. “It was really cool! The owner even gave him the groceries for free while giving him half off everything else!” “Wow, that is nice of them.” She said before she grabbed a few boxes. “Have you used any of these before?” “N-no…” Scootaloo said with a blush. “It… just started.”  “O-oh um ok.” Sunset said softly before gently explaining how to use each product. Scootaloo nodded a little. “O-ok, thank you…”  Sunset smiled softly. “It’s no trouble, do you want me to check out with these?” “Y-yes please…” Scootaloo said, looking down. “Alright, I will get these, and later show you how to use them.” She said softly before Sunset took the box and headed for the counter. Scootaloo smiled a little as she made her way over to Benjamin. “Got everything ya need squirt?” He asked her with a smile.  “Y-yeah, thank you.” She said before shyly hiding what she had. Benjamin nodded as they went to the register, as Scootaloo noticed a leather jacket in the cart. “What's that for?” She asked, pointing at it. “Sunset, it's getting later out and colder. She said she got chilly even with her warmth spell.” Benjamin said.  “Oh.” Scootaloo said with a small nod. Benjamin smiled a little at her. “What movie should we watch tonight?”  “I don’t know, maybe something cool?” Scootaloo suggested. Benjamin hummed a bit as they waited in line. “Have you ever seen the movie Jurassic park? Are those a thing here?”  “I have heard of them.” Scootaloo said with a grin. “Oh good, they're my favorite movies. Next to Tremors.” Benjamin said with a chuckle.  “Tremors?” Scootaloo asked with a tilt of her head. “An old movie series about giant worms that eat people, they burrow through the ground and come up without warning.” Benjamin said with a grin.  “Ooo!” Scootaloo smiled. “That one!” “Probably not a good idea.” Sunset said as she walked up to them. “How come?” Benjamin asked her, as the cashier started ringing up their purchases.  Sunset leaned in and whispered something to his ear. Benjamin's eyes widened a bit. “Ohhh, um. Ok, Jurassic Park it is.”  “Aww.” Scootaloo said with a pout. Benjamin smiled a little. “Don't worry, we can watch it another time.” He said paying for the stuff.  Scootaloo sighed a bit. “Ok.” Sunset placed a hand on Benjamin’s shoulder. “I need to come back to your place for a bit, if you want after that I’ll head home.” “That's fine, but if it gets too cold or the snow gets too deep you're staying over.” Benjamin said with a smile, before passing her the leather jacket. “Here, this seemed your style.” She looked at it and smiled softly. “Thank you…I was actually saving up for a new one.” “No problem, it's the least I could do since you went out of your way to come here and help.” Benjamin said with a smile. “Also you're welcome to stay for dinner, we're having pizza, corn dogs, hot chocolate, chips, wings… basically just a fun junk food day.”  Sunset’s eyes widened a bit as her stomach growled. “W-wow, that all sounds…really good.” Scootaloo and Benjamin laughed softly. “Then let's get back so we can get cooking.” He said as they started walking.  “Alright.” Sunset smiled and put on her new jacket. “This isn’t gonna like…bankrupt you, is it?” “What dinner and everything? Nah, don't forget Stanley gave me a chest that duplicates stuff. Plus he gave me diamonds and gold, all I have to do is go sell them.”  “Oh right.” She laughed softly. “I did, actually.” He grinned a bit as Scootaloo looked between the two of them. “It's ok, a lot has happened since then.”  “I guess so.” Sunset said with a nod. “Will you need any help cooking?” “If you want to, but I'm pretty good at cooking.” Benjamin said, noticing Scootaloo falling behind because of the snow building up. “Hey kid.” He said, kneeling down with his back to her. “Climb on.”  “I…I am ok.” She said, shyly looking away. “You sure? I don't mind.” Benjamin said, smiling softly at her.  “It’s ok Scootaloo, it will be fine.” Sunset encouraged. Scootaloo blushed a bit as she sighed, slowly climbing onto his back while he held her legs to keep her in place. “Alright, let's get back.” Benjamin said with a smile as they started walking again.  Sunset hummed a bit. “Do you think after school you could show me more of your transformations?”  “Sure, but with all this snow I doubt we'll have it.” Benjamin said, looking around at the accumulating snow.  “This snow is strange, it is too early for a heavy snowfall like this.” Sunset said with a frown. “It's most likely the highbreed and DNAliens…” Benjamin said with a frown.  “What? But…they are gonna freeze everyone.” Sunset said with a frown of her own. “I know, they see everyone as inferior or subspecies. Apparently they're the oldest race in the universe.” Benjamin said with a small sigh, as they got back to the animal sanctuary.  “Then why don’t they help everyone?” Scootaloo asked. “Because they're dying, they see us all and all races as garbage basically. So they don't want to breed outside of their own species or families and the genetic diversity is killing them.” Benjamin said, letting Scootaloo down.  “That’s sad.” Scootaloo said sadly. “Yes it is…” Benjamin said with a sigh as the three went upstairs to the apartment.  “Can you help them stop being evil?” Scootaloo asked him. Benjamin paused for a moment before sighing and smiling at her. “If I can, but sometimes creature's don't want to change.”  “Oh.” She looked down sadly. Benjamin smiled a little as he rubbed her head. “Hey, how about you go take a shower and get ready for bed while I make dinner.”  “Ok.” She walked into the bathroom while Sunset sighed and shook her head. “Hearing sad news now won’t help her.” “Sorry…” Benjamin said with a soft sigh as he went into the kitchen. “Do you want me to stay and help?” Sunset asked before clarifying. “You know, with girl things.” Benjamin nodded and rubbed his face. “Yeah, I am not comfortable with teaching her how to use a pad and everything.”  Sunset giggled a little and rubbed his back. “Don’t worry, I can handle that, just be gentle with her for the next few days. She is gonna be very emotional and well… She may say things that could hurt you.” “That's fine…” Benjamin said with a gentle smile, as he got the frozen pizza out and put them in the oven. Sunset looked out the window for a moment. “Do you think me and our friends can help you, or do you think we would just be in the way?” Benjamin hummed a bit. “I think you could help, but you'd all have to learn about the aliens.”  She smiled at him. “I am sure the girls and I would love to help anyway we can.” Benjamin smiled softly and nodded a little. “Thank you…”  She smiled at him. “Not a problem.” Benjamin looked away a little as Sunset put her hands in the pockets of her new coat, pulling out a small box. “What's this?” She asked.  “Oh, um…” Benjamin said, looking away. “I saw you looking at it in Stanley's world so I got it for you.”  Sunset looked confused for a second before she opened the box only for her eyes to widen and for her to immediately slam it shut. “O-oh…um…I am flattered but…I don’t think we should…I mean…we just met and…” Benjamin raised an eyebrow at her. “Um… what?”  Sunset gently pushed the box into his hand with a blush. “I am sorry but…I don’t want to marry you.” Benjamin's eyes widened in shock as he jumped back, causing the box to fall on the floor opening as a necklace that was a half red and half yellow sun with a red ruby in the middle of it. “What!? That isn't what I meant at all! I saw you looking at it and thought you liked it!”  Sunset was still blushing. “I was…I was thinking about what it would be like to be asked to be married, those necklaces are like wedding rings.”  Benjamin and Sunset stared at each other with blushes before Benjamin slowly picked up the necklace. “O-oh, I-I'm sorry… i-i just thought you'd like it…”  She looked away shyly. “It…it is a nice necklace but…I am not ready for one like it.” Benjamin blushed more as he looked at the necklace. “Y-you can keep it if you want to… without it meaning… that. Just a gift from a friend, I-I'm uh… not very comfortable keeping it now and it would feel mean to just sell it or something…”  Sunset fidgested a bit. “Um…” Benjamin shakily held it out to her as he looked away. “O-on the bright side… no one here will know that it means… that…”  “R-right.” She said softly before taking it. Benjamin and Sunset looked away from each other awkwardly, blushes still on their faces as Scootaloo popped her head out of the bathroom. “S-sunset? C-can you help me?” “O-oh right, I will be right there.” Sunset said quickly before moving around Benjamin. “Excuse me.” “R-right, sorry.” Benjamin said with a blush, as the two looked at each other again for a moment. “A-and um… sorry about all the teasing an such…”  “Y-yeah.” She said before rushing into the bathroom with Scootaloo. “Geez that was painful.” Argit said from the doorway, carrying a box inside. Benjamin frowned at him as he crossed his arms. “I didn't know the necklace meant that ok!? And where have you been?”  “Just calling a favor to get something.” Argit said as he set the large box down on the table. “Now just open it before I change my mind.” He flopped onto the couch.  Benjamin raised an eyebrow and opened the box. Inside was a strange device that looked like some kind of space printer with a headset connected to it. “Um… what is this?”  Argit sighed and looked away. “A memory scanner, just…put it on and think of a memory and it can print out a picture of it.” Benjamin blinked in confusion as he picked up the helmet. “Uh… ok?”  Argit groaned and rubbed his face. “Just put it on and think of your niece!” Benjamin’s eyes widened again in surprise as he looked at the helmet, slowly putting it on and thinking of all the fun and happy times he had with Amanda. Argit got up and pushed a few buttons before the device started to print out the memories Benjamin was thinking of. “Why'd you do this?” Benjamin asked Argit as more pictures printed.  Argit crossed his arms and turned away from Benjamin. “I did it so you’d stop moping around.” “Dude, I was fine… but… thanks.” Benjamin said softly as the pictures stopped printing.  “Whatever, don’t mention it.” Argit said as he walked over to the couch and laid on it. Benjamin looked at all the photos with a gentle smile as Sunset and Scootaloo came out of the bathroom.  “Oh, hello Argit.” Sunset said when she noticed him. “Hey.” Argit said with a grin. “Future misses Benji.”  Sunset blushed bright red. “What!?” Benjamin groaned and facepalmed. “He saw… that.”  Sunset covered her face. “Oh my gosh…this is so embarrassing.” Argit laughed while Scootaloo looked confused. “Calm down, I'm only playing around. How was Benji supposed to know what that necklace symbolized?” “I…I understand that…it is just shocking to get something like that.” Sunset said, looking away. Benjamin sighed and went back into the kitchen. “Dinner will be ready soon…”  “I will start the movie!” Scootaloo said as she ran over to the tv. Sunset frowned a bit as she glanced at Benjamin with a soft blush, before going over and helping him. “I-i got it…” Benjamin said avoiding eye contact with her.  “Geez, you two are like nervous children, just kiss and get it over with.” Argit said from the couch. The two blushed redder as they glared at Argit. “We're not gonna kiss, we're just friends!” They both said.  “Uh huh, sure. That's why the two of you are blushing, saying the same thing at the same time, and can’t even look at each other.” He said with a chuckle. They looked at each other again before looking away while continuing to cook. “Ew…” Scootaloo said.  “What’s your problem kid? That's how you make more little ones.” He said with a smirk. Scootaloo gagged and she glared at him. “Ew! I don't wanna hear that!”  “Argit, leave her alone!” Benjamin said with a stern glare.  “Whatever.” He said and closed his eyes. “So what movie are we watching?” “Jurassic Park.” Benjamin said, taking the pizza out of the oven.  “Ugh, that movie? It is so lame, the science is all wrong and the safety measures that were taken to keep the dinosaurs and the people separated is laughable at best.” “Hey I like it “ Benjamin said with a small frown.  “We could watch Termers instead!” Scootaloo said with a wide smile.  “That documentary where a group of humans kill off an endangered species?” “It's not a documentary, it's just a movie. But yeah, they're good movies…” Benjamin said, glancing at Sunset again for a moment.  “Yes it is, those alien animals were placed in that spot to keep them safe, the  humans moved there and killed them off.” Argit said with a frown. “Aliens?” Benjamin asked, looking at Argit. “They aren't aliens, they've been on earth since before the dinosaurs.”  “That's what the movie says but in reality they are extra terrestrial animals.” Argit pointed out before tossing a device to Benjamin. “Just check up the extra net for graboids.” Benjamin frowned as he looked it up, his eyes widening in shock. “Oh crap… wait! How do you explain the different variants then?”  “Variants?” Argit asked, arching an eyebrow.  “What do you mean?” Sunset asked him. “You know, the different Gravois and assblasters and shreakers from the fith, sixth and seventh movies,” Benjamin said.   “What? There's only three movies out.” Scootaloo said with a frow. “Huh, must be a universal difference. If they do exist in this universe then they're probably evolutionarily branch offs.” Argit said as he sat up before he smirked. “Please tell me they killed a ton of humans.” Benjamin frowned and glared at Argit a little. “Yeah, they did. Also whoever chose to put them here should be beaten up. Everyone in the galaxy complains about how violent humans are, but it's stupid decisions like that that cause humans to be violent.”  Argit shrugged and leaned back. “Good luck, they were put on this mud ball back when you all were still in caves.” “And did anyone seriously not expect us to fight back?” Scootaloo asked, frowning.  “They probably expected you to be food.” Argit said with a small snicker. “But you humans are a stubborn species.” Scootaloo and Benjamin frowned at him more as Benjamin sighed and chuckled. “Yeah we are, why do you think I can kick butt so easily?” He asked, pulling out the corn dogs and wings out of the oven.  “Oh I know you are super stubborn.” Argit said with a smirk. “But yeah we can watch whatever you want, just expect me to cheer whenever a stupid human dies.” “You're mean.” Scootaloo said, sticking her tongue out at him as Benjamin brought over the food.  Argit stuck his tongue out at her before saying. “It's a cruel universe kid, and I am just average when it comes to the mean, nice, evil scale.” “Ok children, dinners ready.” Benjamin said, giving Scootaloo her hot coco.  “Hey, who are you calling children?” Argit asked with a frown. Benjamin looked at him with a raised eyebrow before walking into the kitchen again not saying anything. “You don't want me to respond to that.” Argit huffed and crossed his arms. “I am not a child!” “Then stop arguing with one like one.” Sunset said as Benjamin laughed.  Argit rolled his eyes and huffed, causing Scootaloo to giggle as Benjamin offered Argit some hot coco. “Calm down man, it's supposed to be a fun night.”  “Yeah yeah.” He took the coco. Scootaloo took a sip of the coco as she snuggled into the blanket she was using. “This is cozy.” “It sure does look cozy.” Sunset said with a smile. “Then come here!” Scootaloo said with a smile, making room for Sunset on the couch next to her with the blanket.  Sunset giggled and joined her. “Ok.” Benjamin smiled softly at the two as they both stopped their coco, turning his attention to the TV as Scootaloo put the blanket along his lap as well. “What are you doing?” He asked with a smile.  “Don’t you want to be cozy too?” Scootaloo asked him.  Benjamin chuckled softly, nodding a little. “Ok fair enough.”  “Aww look at the happy little family.” Argit said with a grin.  Sunset frowned and made a magical hand to flick Argit’s forehead. “Hey!” Argit said with a frown. “Look at you three, you literally look like a family!”  “Argit.” Benjamin said with a frown. Argit groaned a bit as he took a bite of pizza, shaking his head a little as Scootaloo fidgeted slightly. “Are you ok?” Sunset whispered to her. She nodded a little. “Y-yeah.”  “Cramps?” Sunset asked in a whisper. “N-no nothing like that… just what Argit said.” Scootaloo said softly.  “Oh, I am sorry if he bothered you.” Sunset said softly. Scootaloo blushed a bit as she looked down. “I-it's not that… my um, my family is always busy. So… this is nice.”  “Oh.” Sunset said in surprise before Benjamin wrapped an arm around Scootaloo. “Hey, you can enjoy it while you're here.” Benjamin said with a smile.  “Ok.” She said with a small smile.  Benjamin smiled a little more as Scootaloo leaned on him while watching the movie, not noticing Sunset watching them with a smile. “Yeah, yeah. Enough sappy talk, let's finish the movie.”  “Ok mister crabby pants.” Sunset said with a giggle. Benjamin smiled softly as Argit huffed, while Scootaloo finished her hot coco. “Do you want some more?”  “I am good.” She said and snuggled more into the blanket. Benjamin smiled a little more, before getting up and going into the kitchen. Argit smirked and shook his cup. “I’d like some more Benji.” “Ok.” Benjamin said, coming back with four bowls of ice cream and another hot coco.  “Oooh.” Argit said with a grin. “Ice cream!” Scootaloo said excitedly.  “Thank you.” Sunset said with a gentle smile.  Benjamin smiled as he sat back down. “It is nothing.” Argit snickered a bit as a human got eaten by a graboid. “That was funny.” Sunset frowned at him. “Someone just died, how is that funny?” “Because they deserved it.” Argit said, rolling his eyes.  “Ok, Argit. I get you don't like humans, but please shut up.” Benjamin said, rubbing his eyes. “It's not funny when a creature dies, the graboids attack and eat everything. Have some Empathy and imagine how it'd be if it was your species or friend that got eaten.”  “Yeah! Wouldn't you be sad if Benjamin got eaten?” Scootaloo asked the alien.  Argit crossed his arms and huffed. “Whatever.” Benjamin grinned and lightly punched Argit's arm. “Come on, admit you'd be sad.”  “Maybe a small amount.” He said with a small huff. The three humans chuckled softly as the movie continued to play. “Mister Benjamin… thank you again for letting me stay here…” Scootaloo said after a little bit.  “No problem, I couldn’t let you walk home in this storm.” He said while rubbing her head. Scootaloo smiled a little along with Sunset, as Argit rolled his eyes. “Same old benji.” He said with a smirk.  “Whoa! That is smart using that old truck like that.” Sunset said with a smile. Benjamin glanced at her with a small smile and a light blush. “Yeah, that's just the first smart thing they get up to.”  She giggled and smirked. “I can tell.” Argit looked between Sunset and Benjamin with a small grin, as Benjamin looked back at the movie. “Personally, my favorite movie is the third one.”  “Why, what happens in it?” Scootaloo asked. “Well, in the second movie it shows the graboids have a second form. Kinda like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. In the third movie it shows the third form and how it flies. It's really cool to me.” Benjamin said with a chuckle.  Argit chuckled and smirked. “You mean the assblaster?” “That can't be its name!” Scootaloo said with a laugh.  “Actually it is. And yes, it's way too funny.” Benjamin said with a laugh.  “If you name one of your aliens that I will quill you every day until you change it.” Argit said with a chuckle. “Ah, like Tartarus I would.” Benjamin said with a grin.  “I don’t know, some of your alien names are…lame.” Argit said with a chuckle. “Technically I didn't name them, I took the names from the original Ben Tennyson.” Benjamin said with a chuckle.  “Uh huh, sure.” Argit said, not convinced. “Believe me or not, I don't care.” Benjamin said with a chuckle as Scootaloo looked at Argit.  “What are some of the names?” She asked.  “Eye-guy, Four Arms, Diamond Head, Way Big, I could go on and on.” Argit said with a chuckle. “To be fair, what would you name an alien with eyes all over its body? Also all of those names were from when Ben was ten years old.” Benjamin said rolling his eyes. Argit shrugged before suggesting. “Why not See-more?” Benjamin blinked a bit. “Huh… not bad. Then again even the original Ben admitted the name was lame when he met his dimension 23 counterpart.”  “You should rename your aliens, make them your own.” Sunset said with a smile. Benjamin smiled a little as he rubbed the back of his neck. “The new transformations I will, but the old ones are too nostalgic.”  “Speaking of new.” Argit reached over and grabbed Benjamin’s watch. “You should use my species sometime.” “I will, and I think I have a good name for it. Quilshot.” Benjamin said with a small smirk.  “Quilshot?” Argit asked with a raised eyebrow. “Hmm…I guess it can work.” “It's a lot harder to come up with names than I thought.” Benjamin said with a small chuckle. “Oh but I do have a name for my dragon transformation that kinda matches how dragons name themselves.”  “What is it?” Sunset asked. “Shard, they tend to have names related to fire of some kind. But there are some with different names, like Spike Princess Twilight's Little brother.” Benjamin explained.  “Huh, sounds like a strong name.” Sunset said with a smile. Benjamin blushed a bit as he looked away. “Thanks…”  Scootaloo yelped as the whole creature came shooting out of the ground in the movie. Argit laughed while Benjamin and Sunset smiled softly, each one setting a hand on her shoulders. “You ok?” Benjamin asked.  “Yeah, I just didn't expect it to be so big.” She said while shaking. Benjamin smiled softly, as he wrapped an arm around her and gently rubbed her shoulder. “It's ok, they're not around here.”  Argit smirked as he made his voice spooky. “That we know of.” Scootaloo shook more as Benjamin frowned more. “Don't worry, even if they did. I'd send them away.”  “Really?” She asked him, calming down. Benjamin smiled and nodded. “Yep, with me here you've got nothing to worry about.” She smiled and relaxed more. “Ok.” Argit smirked a bit while Sunset smiled gently at them. “He's so good with kids.”  Argut got up and stretched. “I’m getting tired, see ya.” He headed for the door. “Where are you going?” Benjamin asked in confusion. “I thought you were staying with me.”  “Down stairs, I don’t want to interrupt your time with your little family here.” He said with a chuckle. The three frowned at him as he took a picture, grinning as he passed it to them. “Huh… we… kind a look like a family…” Benjamin said softly.  “Night Benji!” He headed down stairs. Sunset miled smileda little bit as Scootaloo yawned and stretched. “Are you ready for bed?” Benjamin asked her.  “I can stay up.” She said before yawning again. Benjamin smiled a little as he wrapped another blanket around her, as they continued to watch the movie. After a few more minutes she fell asleep leaning on him as she slept. Sunset giggled softly as Benjamin chuckled. “I'll put her to bed.” He said, gently picking Scootaloo up.  “Ok, I will get the couch and floor ready for us.” Sunset said softly. “Ok.” Benjamin said with a gentle smile carrying Scootaloo into the bedroom.  Sunset started getting pillows and blankets set up on the floor and couch. Benjamin came back, a few minutes later, looking at her as she made their beds. “I can finish that, you can go take a shower for bed if you want to.”  “I am alright, go ahead and shower fist.” She said. “You're the guest, you should relax.” Benjamin said with a gentle smile.  “Ok.” She smiled a bit. “Thank you.” She walked to the bathroom. Benjamin smiled softly while he finished making the beds, sitting on the couch and looking at the photos of his niece.  After a bit Sunset came back out in pajamas. “Hey, the bathroom is all yours.” “Oh, thank you.” Benjamin said, getting up and heading over to the bathroom as Sunset saw the photos of his niece.  She picked up a photo and looked at it with a soft smile. Her smiled faded softly as she flipped through the pictures, stopping at one that showed Benjamin with a black eye and broken nose with a smile on his face.  “What happened here?” She whispered to herself. As she kept flipping through the pictures, she noticed worse and worse injuries on his body. A broken leg here, an arm in a cast there, a few teeth missing. However in each one he always has a smile on his face, always at his niece despite her worried and sad looks.  Sunset looked more and more worried as the injuries get worse. The final picture she looked at was of a hospital room, with Benjamin laying in the bed as his niece held onto him bandages wrapped around his midsection and chest with a small bit of red seeping through it.  Sunset covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes. “Hey, what are you looking at?” Benjamin asked, walking out of the bathroom. Sunset turned to look at him, her eyes being drawn to the large scar along his chest as he dried his hair.  “I…I’m sorry..I just wanted to see the photos but…” She looked down at the image again.   Benjamin glanced down at the photo she had in her hand. “Oh, that was when I was in the hospital after that accident I told you guys about.”  “B-but every photo was worse than the last…what happened to you?” Sunset asked him. Benjamin looked down a little as he sighed. “My family… mainly my brother and father.”  “Oh…” Sunset said while looking at him sadly. Benjamin glanced at her and smiled softly. “Don't worry, it's in the past…”  “But…you were hurt so bad…” She said sadly. Benjamin stared at the ground for a while. “Yeah… I know.”  Sunset fidgeted a bit. “Would you like a hug?” Benjamin blushed a bit as he looked away. “i-i… wouldn't mind…”  She hugged him and held him tightly. “I am so sorry you had a rough life.” Benjamin blushed a bit as he slowly hugged her back. “T-thanks…”  Sunset kept the hug for a while before she stepped back. “Sorry if that was awkward.” “I-it's ok…” Benjamin said with a blush as he looked away.  Sunset looked down a bit. “I guess we should get to sleep.” “We can watch TV until we fall asleep if you want.” Benjamin said with a gentle smile.  “Ok.” She nodded and got on the couch. Benjamin smiled a little at her as he laid down on the floor, covering up with his blanket. “You can pick whatever you want to watch.”  “Uh…how about the news?” She asked with a small smile. Benjamin smiled softly and turned on the news station, before shutting off the lights. They watched the news for a little while before Sunset fell asleep first. Benjamin looked up at her with a gentle smile, as his eyes slowly closed to fall asleep as well.  Chapter end.