> Amending Fences Alternate Ending (sorta) > by kleec13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Amending Fences Alternate Ending (sorta) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moon Dancer had just gotten a new book out of the library, when she saw a familiar face come towards her. “Sunrise Spark!” “Hey sis,” said the older unicorn. “I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d see you. It’s been a while.” “Um, yeah it has,” Moon Dancer said. Awkward silence followed. “You got anything going on?” Sunrise Spark asked. “Mind if I visit?” “Uh… Sure, I guess you can,” Moon Dancer said, turning and gesturing for her sister to follow her. At the house, Moon Dancer showed her sister to the living room.  “I guess I should offer you some water or something, right?” she noted. “Need anything?” “No, I’m fine,” said Sunrise Spark. “Okay then.” Moon Dancer walked towards her chair and sat as she took out a book. Sunrise Spark also had a bag on her, and she took out a newspaper. “Did you hear Twilight has a castle now?” she asked her younger sister. “Um-hm…” Moon Dancer said, not moving her eyes from the page. “It’s quite nice,” Sunrise Spark continued. “Super big. Although, with only her and Spike living there, I imagine it can be too much sometimes.” “Um-hm…” Moon Dancer said again. Sunrise Spark rolled her eyes just like she did when she was a filly and Moon Dancer was stuck in a book and refused to listen. “What exactly… happened between you two? You never told me,” Sunrise Spark reminded her younger sister. “Sure I did. My friends convinced me to throw a party. Twilight was invited and stood me up.” “Yes, but there’s got to be more to it than that,” Sunrise Spark insisted. Moon Dancer looked up from her book at her sister then back at her book. Sunrise Spark used her magic to take the book away. “Moon Dancer, listen to me,” she demanded. “I know you were hurt when Twilight didn’t show at your party. Anypony would be. But haven’t you even bothered to try and hear her side? Based on what I know about Twilight, this could just be a big misunderstanding.” “Her side? I’m your sister! You shouldn’t care about her side.” “You being my sister is precisely why I care about her side,” Sunrise Spark retorted. “I hate how much what happened changed you. You need to get closure. I think talking to Twilight is how you could do that.” “Who said I hadn’t gotten closure?” Moon Dancer snapped. “I’m fine.” Sunrise Spark shook her head. “No. You want everypony to think you’re happy alone in your house studying. And I know you’re not the most social pony around. There’s nothing wrong with that. But we grew up together. I know you’re not as fine as you’re saying.” “So what do you want me to do about it, huh?” Moon Dancer asked. “Put myself out there so I could get hurt again? Convince myself that ponies like me only for it to come crashing down? Yeah, right.” Sunrise Spark put a hoof to her face as her patience was running thin. “You know what Moon Dancer, you are going to get hurt again!!!!” she exclaimed. “I know that sounds harsh. But I mean it. Good things in life require effort. Relationships take work and not all will last. You’re going to suffer the consequences of other pony’s mistakes. You yourself are going to make mistakes. But you find ways to make it through. I’ll be here to help you make it through.” “Will you really?” Moon Dancer asked. “You haven’t been any help until now.” “You’re right,” Sunrise Spark responded immediately. “I’m sorry. I should have talked to you about this sooner. I just thought it was your problem and I shouldn’t meddle. But I know better now.” Moon Dancer got a better glance at her sister’s gaze as she tried to process everything that was told to her. Perhaps Moon Dancer had been too hard on her sister over the years. And perhaps she had been too hard on Twilight. Ponies sometimes don’t know you’re hurting until you tell them. As hard as communicating your needs might be, if you don’t communicate them, they often can’t be met. “What you said wasn’t easy to hear,” Moon Dancer admitted. “But I guess I needed to hear it. And… I know you’re sorry. You’re my sister. And I love you.” “I love you too, Moon Dancer. “But I won’t keep you. See ya round.” “Wait,” Moon Dancer replied as she levitated some paper and writing utensils. “I… I’d like for you to read my letter when it’s done.” “Sure,” Sunrise Spark agreed. Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, Well, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Princess, huh? And of friendship, no less. Can’t say I ever saw that coming, I’ll admit. But from what I’ve heard, it suits you. You’re certainly not the same pony you were when we last parted ways. Wish I could say the same about me. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Why am I writing to you after all these years? Well, I ran into my sister. She heard about your new castle and wondered what happened between us. And honestly Twi… I’m not entirely sure what happened. Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Okay, you had to save Equestria. But why didn’t you ever think to talk to me, or anypony else in Canterlot, quite frankly? You knew how much that party meant to me, didn’t you? Were you too important for just some old unicorn back in Canterlot?  Years ago, I would have written those questions out of anger and frustration. But now, especially after talking with my sister, I’m writing them just wanting the answers. We were friends. How could it have all ended just like that?  Hope to hear from you soon, Moon Dancer “Couldn’t have written it better myself,” said Sunrise Spark. “You really think this was all a big misunderstanding?” Moon Dancer asked, putting all her writing equipment away. “I guess you’re just going to have to wait and see.” Moon Dancer looked at the letter and at her sister. “Wanna spend the night?” she asked. Sunrise Spark’s eyes widened. “I’d love to. That’s certainly a change from the Moon Dancer from earlier this afternoon.” “Well, all this time we’ve just been talking about me,” Moon Dancer said. “How are you?”