> Friendship UA > by Whimsical > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: W55.12XA > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Izuku Sunday, March 14th, 2214, 4:29 PM Izuku walked back and forth along the shoreline of Takoba beach, staring out at the ocean. It took a bit of an effort to get past all the trash, but thankfully once you were at the coastline, it wasn't as much of an obstruction. It seemed to Izuku that it was actually getting easier, like there was less trash to move through, or more likely that he was getting more used to it. He often found himself walking out here, away from Kacchan, away from Tsubasa, away from everyone. Letting his thoughts drift among the crashing of the waves and the squawking of the seagulls. He didn't know how long he spent just standing there, but eventually, he noticed the sun setting on the horizon. It felt like the end of a chapter, but his mind was made up. He held his U.A. application sheet in front of him. Unbidden, it brought back painful memories. “What, you think you could be a hero, Deku? Give me a break; they’d be scraping you off the pavement before homeroom.” “I know you have your heart set on this Izuku, but have you considered other career paths? You don't need to be a hero to help people. There are many ways someone without a quirk can improve the lives of others.” “Pros are always risking their lives. I cannot simply say, ‘You can become a hero even without power.’ If you want to help others, then you could also become a police officer.” That last one hurt the most. If even All Might didn't think he could be a hero, then he should just take this stupid sheet of paper and throw it in the ocean. He had decided he would do just that, but... but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. ‘If I can't be a hero, then shouldn't I stop pretending? Like ripping off a bandaid, it will hurt now, but at least it will be over and done with. But this is my dream. I don't want to give up on it so easily without even a fight. Shouldn't I at least try? ‘If I fail? Would I be able to live with that? I could pass. It's not impossible. This isn't my first setback. I didn't stop before. Is it possible, though? When was the last time a quirkless boy managed to do anything? Could I live with myself if I just give up? Would I be able to sleep at night knowing I just ran away?’ Izuku just couldn't make up his mind. He kept coming up with arguments and counterarguments, for and against. Each seemed perfectly valid, and each time he thought he settled on something, he thought of a reason why he should do the other.  Finally, he reached into his pocket with his left hand—he was still holding his application—and pulled out a coin. "Heads, I give them my application. Tails, I throw away my hopes and dreams." He tossed the coin into the air. Twilight Sparkle "Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie arrived at the House of Enchanted Comics. She raised her hoof to the door and—" "Uh, Pinkie, who are you—you know what, never mind,” Rainbow said, punctuating the end of her sentence with a sigh. Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie arrived at the House of Enchanted Comics. Twilight rolled her eyes at Pinkie being Pinkie, but was happy she was here, both because she knew the way, thankfully, and because—actually, why did she invite Pinkie on this excursion? Pinkie shrugged as if in answer to Twilight’s question. Twilight wondered if that was something related to Pinkie Sense or something else entirely. Then she decided she probably didn't want to know. Twilight approached the door and spared a glance towards Rainbow. Her job was clear at least; backup in case things went south. It was unlikely. Surely the owner would understand her concerns if she presented them in a logical way, but it never hurt to be too careful. Twilight placed her hoof on the door and pushed it open. The store was surprisingly ordinary. Twilight had expected the store's aesthetic to lean more heavily into the "Enchanted" part of the House of Enchanted Comics. Instead, it seemed to take the "House" of Enchanted Comics and run with it. Large wooden bookshelves lined most of the walls with various comics on them, but there weren't any stands in the middle of the room. The wall on her far left actually housed a fireplace and a pair of recliners with a coffee table between them, which featured a potted plant. The only part of the room that gave away that it was a storefront was the countertop on the opposite wall with a cash register resting upon its smooth wooden surface.  A purple Unicorn mare stood behind the register and gave Twilight and her friends a friendly wave as they entered the establishment. "Hello. Welcome to the House of Enchanted Comics, where you can relax and enjoy a truly magical story." "Thank you. It is a lovely space you have here, but I'm afraid I'm here on royal Princess of Friendship business and not pleasure." Twilight gave the salespony a smile and walked over to the counter, while Rainbow walked over to one of the shelves and pretended to be a customer. "Daring Do and the Towers of Pnakotus!" Rainbow Dash took the comic from the shelf and haphazardly tossed it onto a nearby table. While Rainbow walked over to one of the shelves and "pretended" to be a customer, she corrected. The mare's eyes lit up with stars. "Whatever I can do to help. Do you need a book to teach the lessons of friendship to an as-of-yet undiscovered pony tribe? Do you need to practice a dangerous route through the badlands, and only our comics can provide an accurate representation? Is the last Daring Do comic actually a secret treasure map to the lost treasure of—" "Actually, it's about the lack of warnings or safety instructions on magical comic books." Twilight said, cutting the salespony off before her suggestions got even more outlandish. 'Maybe that's why Pinkie Pie is here. They seem like they'd get along.' "Can I speak with the owner of this establishment?" "Oh, uh... Yes, let me get him for you." The pony looked quite embarrassed given the situation. "Please, wait here just a moment." The salespony walked into the backroom, leaving the store to her, Rainbow, and Pinkie. It should have been her, Rainbow, and Pinkie, but when she turned to Rainbow Dash she just found the latest Daring Do comic in her place. 'Really?' Twilight turned to Pinkie. "Can you believe Rainbow? I know she likes Daring Do but—" instead of finding Pinkie, she found another comic. "Fun, Fun Baking with Ms. Cupcake..." Twilight let out a sigh, then walked over to one of the recliners to wait. She couldn't be too upset with her friends; it wasn't like she was going to end up in a battle for the fate of Equestria at a comic book shop. Todoroki We should discuss this in person. Let's meet at Chiko's. 4:30. There can still be justice in the world. That message was why Todoroki had found himself at an out-of-the-way restaurant with—depending on who you asked—one of the most brilliant geneticists currently living in Japan, or one of its most infamous crime lords. Her formal manner of dress—a purple business suit and blue-green shirt—could go with either of those descriptions. 'What I don't get is why you're so willing to trust me. The pros can't get to you, but you tell a kid your secret? Are you trying to get caught?' "This still doesn't feel right to me." Todoroki looked Starlight Glimmer in the eyes, a much easier task to do when they were sitting down. Starlight was at least ten years his senior and a full head taller than him. "My father might be a bastard, but you're still criminals, good intentions or not." "We're not asking you to join us, only to do what you know must be done. You know your father better than anyone; how do you think this ends? If you continue to reject him as you have, do you really think he's just going to take it lying down? He's just going to find another wife, have another kid, and try again," Starlight said. Her accent was surprisingly good; if Todoroki hadn't known better, he would have missed the slight American clip to her voice. 'Damn it, why do you always have to make so much sense? I should have turned you in by now.' This wasn't the first time Starlight had made the argument, but hearing it again was persuasive. He wasn't nearly as good at finding the right words as she seemed to be. "I know, but you still..." "Break the law? Yes, but only to do what is right, and never more than is needed," Starlight said firmly before continuing in a more reserved tone. "Honestly I wish we didn't have to, but so often there isn't any other choice. This time, at least, we needn't do anything extreme. You want justice, and we want it too. For different reasons perhaps, but our goals in this matter do align." Todoroki had a moment to think as Starlight started on her bowl of soup. "And just what are your goals here? If you want to take down some asshole that's let his quirk go to his head, you could probably just pull some hoodlum off the street for that. What's your game here Starlight?" He knew that wasn't the right question to ask. 'His power and influence. That's why. But why do you need my help? No, that's also the wrong question.' He knew the question most pressing to him. 'Why haven't I turned you in yet?' Starlight set down her spoon and placed her hands in her lap before she responded. "This isn't a game and this isn't just about me. What we want is to bring down those that abuse their quirk for their own gain at the expense of others." Starlight looked Todoroki square in the eyes. "I know that's not a surprise to you. We both know that Endeavor has abused not only his quirk but his position in society and that he needs to be brought down. I know you don't want to work with us, but I also know that you know this is right." 'You're a lot like my father,' Todoroki pondered. 'Confident. Always getting what you want. Always wanting everyone to agree with you. You make it seem like you're giving me a choice in the matter, but you fully expect that I'm going to agree with you by the end of this.' Starlight turned back to her soup. "Take your time to consider it. Despite my insistence, I won't force you into working with us. Take it from me; when I start looking for reasons to not do something, it tends to be because I know it's what must be done. I just don't want to admit it at the time." 'Why haven't I turned you in yet? Because I want to agree with you.' He didn't want to admit that, but he couldn't avoid it any longer. 'You and him always seem to get what you want. The difference is, he uses power and influence to control others. You just settle for being right.' He couldn't deny it any more. 'And you're not wrong here, are you? If I don't stop him, then who will? How many more lives will he have to ruin before I say enough is enough?' "I..." He swallowed. The words were still hard to say, as true as they were. "What do you need me to do? I wish I could feel better about this, but you're right. This cannot go on any longer." That was it. 'There's no turning back any more.' Twilight Sparkle ‘It wasn't like she was going to end up in a battle for the fate of Equestria at a comic book shop.’ Why did she always have to be wrong about these things, for Celestia's sake. Twilight Sparkle found herself hurtling through the air, her horn and wings bound by some strange magic chains. She worked as fast as she could to counteract it, but Artistic Flare—the owner of the House of Enchanted Comics—was a skilled Unicorn made dangerous by Dusklight's Diamond. 'Where does everypony find these things? Do you just walk into a back alley store and have a dark artifact gift wrapped for you?' She applied several counterspells to the magic binding her and, after several precious seconds, was able to loosen up the chains on her wings. 'Ok, that helps. Step one: get some semblance of control. Check. Step two of uncontrolled aerial descent (dark magic variant): find a place to land in the event I can't counterspell the magic entirely.' Twilight scanned the unfamiliar landscape below her and decided upon a nearby beach. Hopefully the soft sand could mitigate the impact should the worst happen. She twisted her body and did what angling she could with her wings to bring her path in line with the beach. Then she renewed her counterspell efforts in full. Normally countering this type of spell would be easy. Just find a weak point in the spell and pull it apart, much like unraveling a piece of cloth by pulling on a loose thread. No matter how powerful the Unicorn, you can only do so much on the fly, so this spell couldn't be tied together perfectly. The problem was the spell was also keeping her from using magic through her horn. If she wasn't an Alicorn, Twilight would be dead. As an Alicorn, she could use her Earth Pony magic as a vessel to cast spells internally. Unfortunately, Twilight had mostly neglected that part of being an Alicorn. Thus it was like trying to get somepony that didn't speak your language to pull the thread for you. Oh, and they had never heard of cloth before, and seem confused by the idea of a thread. Twilight could think of a better analogy when she wasn't falling to her death. Finally, she managed to find a particularly shoddy piece of spellwork, weak enough that it didn't require any finesse to tear apart. The chains binding her evaporated into the air, and she spread her wings. "Now just to—" She looked down. "Hey! Watch out!" Twilight realized too late she managed to break the spell only a few feet off the ground. She did her best to recover, spreading her wings and starting a spell to cancel her momentum, but it was too late. She crashed head first into the strange creature in front of her, sending them both careening into the sand of the beach. She felt the force hit her all at once, and it was only by her reactions—honed by countless failed attempts at flying—that she was able to use her magic to distribute the impact force to her body evenly. It still hurt, but the spell could be cast instantly and kept her from breaking anything. With another quick spell, the pain in Twilight's body faded. She would have to deal with it later; this was just a delay, but she needed to be able to think clearly right now. She brought herself up to her hooves, then felt something warm trickle down her face, between her eyes. 'Is that...' she rubbed the area with her hoof, and when she pulled it away there was fresh blood on her coat. In shock, she looked down at the sight before her. The creature she had crashed into lay on the sand with a hole the size of her horn gouged into its chest. 'Oh no.' "No, no, no no." She didn't, she couldn't have. She checked for a pulse, but she couldn't see how it could have survived the impact. Twilight blinked, she couldn't afford to freeze. She took all of the mounting panic, pain, and thoughts of 'I killed it,' and shoved them as far away from her conscious thoughts as she could. She had to set this right; panic could come later. "Ok, start over from step one." She checked the creature over again and did a quick scan with her magic to get an idea of the creature's anatomy. "Male, if they're anything like the other creatures in Equestria. Intelligent; their clothing was clearly designed with aesthetics in mind. And... dead. No wait—" She almost missed it, the ever so faint beating of a heart. "Just barely alive."  Twilight could hardly believe it. 'He survived? Well, “survived” probably isn't the best—No. No time for that; if he's alive, then I can still save him. But how?' There was precious little time, and Twilight wasn't a doctor. The healing spells she knew were all for minor injuries, and she didn't even know if they were compatible with non-ponies. The outlook was grim, and it was all her fault. 'No, don't think like that. Be productive.' Slowly, an idea started to form. Applications of several spells she knew started to slot themselves together. A picture formed, but one that Twilight had to admit was on the border—and that might be too kind of a word—of magical ethics. She looked down to her bloodstained hoof. 'I'll do what I have to, to make this right. Oh, Celestia, I hope this is the right thing to do.' Twilight started her spellwork, beginning with a detailed magical scan of herself. She needed a template and she was the only living thing around that she could use. Second, she performed the same scan on the creature in front of her. This spell wouldn't be reversible, but a subsequent application would be possible. The only problem was that the scan also included a gaping hole in it, in both senses of the phrase. 'It will have to do. If I can find another of his kind I should be able to fill in that... gap.' Twilight cringed, then continued onward. The next step was working together all of the individual pieces of the spell. The core of it was a spell that would change whichever pony the spell was cast upon to match the template. She had once used it to transform herself and her friends into Breezies after an incident. That spell wasn't perfect; it wasn't intended for long term use, and it didn't need to be exact. This spell needed to be all of those things. With the details worked out, Twilight lit her horn and began applying the template of herself onto the near-dead body laying in front of her. She didn't have time to make the spell flawless from the outset and instead made it flexible, able to be adjusted as it was being cast, so that Twilight could make corrections as she saw it take effect. Twilight lost track of time—though it was probably best measured in hours—as she cast the spell, writing and rewriting the finer details. It certainly wouldn't be pleasant for anypony conscious. By the end of the process, her horn felt like it was on fire, but it had worked, at least as far as she could tell. Twilight looked down at the green Alicorn now in front of her. It had worked, and now she could panic. Izuku Izuku didn't know why he was feeling groggy all of a sudden. He tried to think back, but things were fuzzy. He had been on the beach about to toss a coin... no, he did that. It had landed on...  'Watch out!'  He had turned and his vision was filled by an indistinct mess of purple. He remembered a spike of pain, and then several indescribable senasions. Now he felt like he had just woken up after going to sleep way too late—probably compiling his hero notes again. But he wasn't in bed. He could feel the sand beneath him, though it felt... more distant? He cracked his eyes open and the light from the sky was blinding. There was also a noise in the background, though he couldn't quite make it out. He turned his head to face it—for some reason he couldn't quite seem to move as he intended—and the sight before him wasn't what he expected to see—whatever that was. A purple-winged-and-horned horse-like creature was pacing back and forth. The turn of his head also seemed to bring what they were saying into focus. "... Celestia, oh Celestia. What have I done? What could I have done? What would you have done?" the purple horse repeated these questions between bouts of hyperventilating during its frantic pacing. "Who's Celestia?" It was the first thing that came to his mind. He only realized he spoke it out loud when the creature stopped dead in its tracks, almost like someone pushed pause on a video. "You're awake? Oh, thank Celestia, you're awake!" the purple horse turned to face Izuku. "I was worried something had gone horribly wrong. Well, more horribly wrong. But it didn't, and you're all right. Well, I hope you're all right. You are all right, right?" "Yeah..." 'No not at all, why are you looking at me like that? How does that smile even fit on your face? Why does everything else about you scream "sanity was my dump stat"?' Izuku would have backed away if he could, but he. Just. Couldn't. Something was indeed very wrong; he just couldn't place it, and he had a feeling it was because whatever happened was so unimaginably wrong that he didn't want to figure it out. "Oh, oh good. That was really close. Sorry, where are my manners; I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship." Twilight extended a hoof towards Izuku. 'Twilight Sparkle.' Izuku turned the name over in his head a couple of times, seeing if he could place it. It was clearly American, but it didn't ring a bell. 'Well, best not to get on her bad side.' "Uh... yah... I'm Izuku, Izuku Mid—" he stopped when he went to shake her hoof and saw a green stump where his hand should be. His eyes went wide at the sight, and he saw Twilight look from the stump of his hand, to him, and back to the stump. "Ok, there is something I need to explain. It's not as bad as it looks, so don't panic." Todoroki "I would like to discuss some of the finer details between just the two of us," Starlight said to Endeavor. It was the cue for Todoroki to excuse himself from the meeting that Starlight had arranged—rather last minute—at his father's hero agency. 'I wonder if Starlight needed to give him more than a name to arrange this meeting.' Todoroki stepped out of the meeting room and made his way to his father's office. 'The top geneticist—working on the bleeding edge of quirk research, no less—asking about his son's quirk. I don't think she could have spoon fed that bastard more perfect bait than that.' In front of the office in question, Todoroki saw a man—presumably the person he was supposed to meet—waiting in front of the door. His green hair was combed down over the back of his neck and brushed against the collar of his lab coat, which covered otherwise unremarkable clothing. Todoroki checked to make sure the hallway was clear—probably the fifth time he had looked over his shoulder since leaving the meeting—then cleared his throat. He could give one of three codewords here: 'Mint', 'Photocopier', or 'Mr. Horikoshi.' He just needed a sentence that seemed natural "Working late?" It wasn't the question that was important, but what would come next, "We're having a meeting in the other room. If you don't have anything else, I could probably get some mint tea." Todoroki could feel his hands shake as he waited for a response. 'Because, of course, I'm just known for my hospitality.' "No, but thank you. I brought something from home. Thank you for the hospitality though; much better than you get back at Tokyo," the man replied. 'Tokyo. That's the response word. It is him.' Todoroki checked to make sure they were alone and— "Will you stop that?" the man hissed in a particularly loud whisper. "We're just two people having a friendly conversation. The only suspicious thing here is you constantly looking over your shoulder. Presentation is everything; act like you're supposed to be here, and people will think you're supposed to be here." "Fine. Let's just get this over with." Todoroki unlocked the door with the key he had taken from home. "Before anyone catches us in here and starts asking questions." The last thing Todoroki wanted to do was explain to someone why he had broken into his father's office. "No one's going to be asking any questions. Again, presentation. Your father owns the agency; it's not strange for you to be in his office—or, at least, no one is going to think that if you don't look like you just stuffed a body into a closet. By the same token, if people see me in the office with you, they'll just assume I'm supposed to be there. But, if it makes you feel better, should anyone ask—and they won't, trust me—I'm just one of Starlight's assistants, and you're showing me around as a courtesy while your father and Starlight talk in private. If they press further for some reason, my name's Hazard and I'm a chemist; that should be enough for them." 'Just what is up with that man? Hazard was it? Just an American then? Or is that an alias?' Todorki walked into Endeavor's office and closed the door behind him. 'He probably is a chemist, or at least has some knowledge about chemistry. It would be too easy to get caught if someone asked him about his knowledge otherwise. If that's the case, then why is he working with Starlight? It's not the kind of career path that leads one to be breaking into offices.' The office was rather large and ornately decorated with bookshelves on the far end and a table and chairs on the right-hand side. What he and Hazard were interested in, however, was the desk with a computer on the right side of the room in front of a large window that took up the majority of the wall. Hazard walked over to the computer and plugged in what looked like a small laptop computer. "Well let's hope this works. I'll admit I'm not really much of a hacker, but the guy that put this together really wouldn't blend in that well." Hazard flipped the screen open and text started scrolling quickly down the display. "Well, since we're stuck waiting, what about your part in this? I doubt your father's dumb enough to just have a document that says, 'How I arranged an illegal quirk marrige and put my wife in the loony bin—'" "Don't bring my mother into this." Todoroki said the words louder than intended. 'No that's not the problem. Just, why did you have to say it like that?' Something about Hazard rubbed Todoroki the wrong way; he seemed almost flippant about the whole situation. 'I thought the people that worked for Starlight were supposed to be—' He searched for the right word, but couldn’t find it. What had he expected? For them to all be exactly like Starlight. 'Probably.' "That's fair, though expect that and much worse from the press when the story gets out. You're recounting your experiences with Endeavor, so they will put you front and center in the news. There's no escaping that." Hazard looked over at the laptop as the text displayed on the screen seemed to have a different structure to it now. "Now we can prepare you for that, but as I understand it, you want to cut ties with us as soon as possible." 'That much is true, at least. Associating with criminals is the last thing I want to make a habit of. I don't think I'll need help telling the press the truth.' Todoroki took out a flash drive and placed it on the desk. "My statement, and I'll pass on your offer. Whatever you guys are planning after this, I don't want any part of it." Hazard took the flash drive and placed it in his coat's pocket. "I didn't say you had to be a part of any plans, but have it your way." Hazard unplugged the small computer—it must have finished its search—and attached it to a harness on the inside of his lab coat, which he then buttoned up. "That should do it. With any luck, your father's reputation will be a smoldering pile of ash by tomorrow afternoon." He turned to leave, then paused for a moment like he was going to say something. Whatever it was, he evidently thought better of it as he shook his head before continuing out the door and down the hall. Izuku "I said not to panic," Twilight said, more firmly than the last two times. "You turned me into a pony," Izuku responded for the third time. 'Magic is real. Other worlds exist. You're a talking pony. I'm a talking pony. How do you expect me not to panic?' "It was the only way I could save you," Twilight countered for the third time. Unable to come up with a good response, Izuku just rubbed his head with his hooves, deciding to file all of his thoughts about these world shattering revelations under "later".  'Ok, think about this rationally. It probably was the only way she could save me. But, a pony?' Izuku took a few deep breaths. "Ok, ok. I know, you saved me, this is just so much to take in."  How was he going to explain this to his mom? 'Sorry I'm late, a purple pony princess crashed into me from the sky. I almost died, but don't worry, she turned me into a pony so everything's ok now. How was your day?' Twilight walked over and rested one of her wings on Izuku's shoulder. It was surprisingly soft. "I know. Just remember that this isn't permanent. I just need time and another human." She gave a reassuring smile. "Is your home nearby? We should probably get you someplace safe, then we can get you back to normal." Izuku nodded. "It's this way." Izuku turned towards the entrance to the beach. His attempt at walking over was cut off as he nearly tripped over himself trying to stand on two legs. "Right, quadruped." Trying to stay on four legs, he attempted to head back towards the highway. Unsuccessfully. 'This is much harder than it looks.' "There is a bit of a rhythm to it," Twilight chimed in. "Left front up, right hind up, left front down, right front up—" Izuku fell over on his side. 'Ok, just how do you balance with only your left legs?' Getting up was less of a difficult task. He rolled onto his chest, then his body seemed to feel lighter as he rose to a standing position before promptly falling over again because standing apparently wasn't something he could do either. Instead, he was able to land on his front hooves rather than his back or side again. Twilight studied Izuku for a moment. "Ok, maybe it would be easier to start with a trot. Raise a front hoof and the opposite back hoof, bring them forward, then repeat with the opposite set." She performed a slow trot in a circle to demonstrate the motions. 'This is easier.' Izuku was able to copy Twilight's movements with only a bit of effort. The motions were simple; the hardest part was actively keeping himself from trying to stand on two legs. While he couldn't go fast, he could at least go. "I, uh, didn't thank you for saving me, did I?" Izuku said as he started toward the entrance of the beach. "Thank you for that. If you weren't—never mind." 'If you weren't here I would be dead,' was what he was going to say, but he realized the problem with that statement. "It was nothing." Twilight looked off towards the side. "I just did what anypony would have done." 'Liar.' Izuku continued down the path, though the trash was giving him more trouble than usual. A thought occurred to him, and he looked towards the wings at his side. 'I mean, why not?' Getting them to move at first was a challenge; having wings was decidedly not a natural feeling. He did eventually manage to move them in a way that could be considered flapping, in slow motion, if you looked at it sideways. "It's not as easy as it looks," Twilight said from behind Izuku. "Hmm?" he turned back to face Twilight. He didn't like the way sounds seemed to fade away if he wasn't facing them. "Flying. Pegasi make it look easy, but I ended up crashing more times than I can count before I was able to do anything more than just hover in place." Izuku noticed a slight blush on Twilight's face, probably from a memory of some embarrassing attempt. Izuku led them to the main roadway, then started trotting along the sidewalk towards home. This gave him time to think while Twilight seemed distracted taking in all of the sights. It was still hard to believe that she was from an entirely different world, and not just—as he had originally thought—America. "When you think about it, it's not that different from a mutation quirk. She was able to save me, and—" "You know you're talking to yourself, right?" Twilight said something from behind him. "Sorry, what was that? I've been having trouble hearing since..." He gestured to his—now pony—form. "At least, if I'm not looking at you it's hard." "I see." Twilight seemed to think for a few moments. "Oh, of course. Pony ears. I guess it works differently for humans. You need to point your ears at something if you want to hear it." She swiveled her ears around to accentuate the point. "Anyway, I was saying that you were talking to yourself. I wasn't sure if you know." "Oh, sorry. I do that sometimes." Izuku turned his head away while keeping his ears trained on Twilight. It was a very disorienting sensation. Twilight's voice was the same volume in both ears, which his brain told him meant she should be right in front of him. On the other hand, another part of his brain took the position of his ears into account and placed her behind him and off to the side. It was like the feeling you get when you flip your tongue over and touch the top of it to your bottom teeth—it felt like Twilight was speaking from two places at once, even though Izuku could only hear one source of sound. 'Hopefully that's not hardwired into my brain.' He decided to focus on his ears. He needed to practice if he wanted to move past the disorientation. He moved them around to get a feel for their range of motion. In doing so, he found his hearing had improved; he just needed to be selective with what he focused on. The two ponies continued down the sidewalk, and Izuku saw a group of people walking towards them. 'Oh no, I can't let them see me like this.' He turned to Twilight, 'And what are they going to think of a pony from another world?' Izuku braced himself, but as they passed by the group, there was a surprising lack of a reaction. 'Do they just think it's a quirk?' Izuku wondered. He thought back to the video he had watched of Slide Ruler's lecture on Quirk Mechanics given at Harvard a few years ago. 'Even the most extreme mutation quirks can't go this far. They would still look roughly human, be bipedal or at least capable of walking on two legs, have arms... Do most people just not know this?' It was probably for the best, people were becoming more common the closer they got toward the centre of the city. There would be a side path they would turn on to up ahead, but it was still a ways away. The less attention they drew to themselves the better in the end. Izuku turned his thoughts back to his current situation. 'I guess I'm just going to have to make the best of this for a time.' He wondered how long it would be before Twilight could turn him back. 'A few days? A week? Longer?' At least it was spring break; if this had happened a few days earlier, it would have made for some awkward conversations. Awkward conversations like the one he'd had with All Might on that fateful day. ‘I cannot simply say, "You can become a hero even without power."’ All Might had said it before taking that sludge villain into custody. 'Even All Might, the greatest hero, doesn't think you can make it without a quirk.' Izuku lingered on that thought and on those words for a time. The rhythmic clip-clopping of hooves made it easy for Izuku to get lost in thought. He only really noticed when he was broken out of his reverie by the sound of metal clanking against metal. 'What was that?' He turned toward the source of the sound and noticed a soda can rolling beside a trash bin and two people continuing in the opposite direction. 'Really, they're not even going to bother to pick it up?' "Hey—" He was going to call the couple out, but his attention was suddenly drawn to Twilight's horn, which was glowing with a magenta light. That same light surrounded the discarded can, and he watched as the can lifted itself into the air and gracefully fell into the waste receptacle. 'Is this another thing she can do with magic?' ‘I cannot simply say, "You can become a hero even without power."’ The revelation hit Izuku in much the same way that All Might would hit a villain—hard. 'It might not be exactly what I had in mind. But maybe a path has opened up for me.' "Twilight?" Izuku nearly panicked. 'Am I really about to do this? Shouldn't I think this through a little more?' "Yes?" Twilight inclined her head towards Izuku. "I..." The words nearly died in his throat. 'No backing down now, just go for it.' Izuku recomposed himself, then started again "I've wanted all my life to be a hero. To be able to save people. I thought it wasn't meant to be, but... You saved me, so if I'm a pony like you, then could I also save people?" Izuku winced. 'Was that too direct?' He had needed to get the words out, but there was probably a better way than that to say them. "Izuku." Twilight let his name hang there a moment before continuing. "I've had to save my world on a few occasions. It isn't something glorious, just something I needed to do. If you really want to save people, then yes, you can. If you're looking for something more, though," Twilight paused, likely to collect her thoughts. "Being a hero isn't a means to an end; it's something you do because it's right. Do you understand that?" "I do." There was no hesitation. "I want to be a hero so that others may smile, despite the danger we face." Twilight seemed to consider this. "And you understand that I cannot spend too long in this world? I trust that my friends can handle the... situation that brought me here, but I will need to return. When I do, I don't think I will be able to return to this world. I have a magical connection back to Equestria; it's complicated, but the important part is that I can follow it back. I don't have that kind of a connection to this place, so coming back is likely not possible." 'In other words, I wont get to change my mind later.' This gave Izuku some pause. He closed his eyes, then gave a nod. "I understand." Twilight Sparkle "I understand." Izuku spoke the words with a sense of finality. Twilight, on the other hoof, was now working through the implications of what had just happened, and what she had done. She was glad that Izuku wanted to do good, but thinking of all the things she was going to need to teach him drew her attention to an inescapable fact. 'I just gave all of the power of an Alicorn to a random pony.' She gave thanks to Celestia that Izuku seemed to be a genuinely good person, but also had to acknowledge how catastrophically bad things could have been if he were not. "You've chosen a hard path to trot." Twilight took a moment to collect her thoughts; so much needed to be done. "We don't have much time. We have so much material that we will need to cover. You'll need to start with the fundamentals; you can't build a house without a foundation. But actually being a hero also requires you to learn advanced concepts. I'll do what I can to teach you, and I can write some books on the more advanced topics we won't give time to get to. But I can't stay here forever; I have responsibilities back in my world, not to mention friends and family." Izuku gave Twilight a nod, and she took it as an invitation to continue. "In Equestria, most ponies belong to one of three tribes: Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns. What you are is a combination of all three, an Alicorn..." Cherry Rose Cherry was staring out at Takoba beach. It was on the route back to her newly furnished home, and while she normally didn't pay much mind to the trash-laiden shores, today something caught her eye. A pink girl with antennae growing from her hair was cleaning up the shores. It was something she found inspiring, not the sort of thing you would have seen in the American city Cherry had grown up in. She decided to watch for a time, while drifting between the scene in front of her and her own idle thoughts. As she turned to leave she saw something glinting in the sand of the beach. She reached into her jacket and pulled out a small pocket knife. With a quick flick of her wrist, the knife seemed to cut into the fabric of space, slicing open a portal in the air above the knife, and in the sand below what she realized was a coin. 'Lucky!' She looked at the coin as it fell into her open palm and found All Might's emblazoned face staring back at her. > Chapter 2: How Twi Met Your Mother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle (5 AM) Twilight found herself sitting down on a picnic blanket, enjoying a daffodil and daisy sandwich. There was a cool breeze that rustled the vibrantly green grass in the clearing. She looked around the blanket and saw the smiling faces of her friends. "I know," Rarity chimed in. "You must give my best to Spike. These are simply divine." A pang of sadness accompanied that name. 'Where is Spike, anyway? Shouldn't he be here?' The answer came to her quickly. 'Right, he's cleaning the library.' "I should get going. I don't want to leave Spike alone for too long." Twilight turned away from her friends, then paused. 'Why do I feel this... trepidation?' Looking back, she added, "I'll see you again soon." Applejack stood up, her expression was a mix of concern and worry. "Now Twilight, I thought you knew better than to tell fibs like that." "Applejack, what are you—" Twilight fell as clouds flew past her, seeming to rise up to the heavens. Above her she saw something bright. 'Is that the sun?' She stretched out a hoof to try and reach towards it. As she did, she caught sight of something else. 'Another sun. That's... that's.... Izuku's sun. Their world. That's right, this is—' Twilight's sense of awareness returned to her and hit her hard. The memories of her short encounter with Artistic Flare, the feeling of falling through this space between worlds, and the memories of meeting Izuku. Twilight found herself in the familiar state of hurtling through the sky towards the beach below her. She scanned the shoreline, expecting to see Izuku and bracing herself for the unpleasant memory that should surely follow. She found nothing except an empty beach and waters reflecting an overcast sky.  'This feels… different.'  It took Twilight a moment to place it before realizing she had the use of her wings this time. She tried to course correct—to actually land on the beach as opposed to crashing into it—but the corrections were too sudden, and she threw herself into a tumble. Twilight took a deep breath and tried to think back to the checklist she made when Rainbow Dash was teaching her how to fly. "Step one was—" Before she could start on the list, Twilight found herself suspended in the air, her momentum brought to a stop just before impacting the water below her. "What? How?"  Twilight's wings twitched as she scanned across the gray waters below her with both her eyes and ears for a sign of what had happened. When she turned her focus upwards, Twilight's ears stood on end, her wings quickly following suit. Above was not just an overcast sky; hanging—imposing—above her was a large moon, not the one from this world or the one that should be from Equestria—at least not any more. It was a sight that she only expected to see again in history books and fantastical tales… the Mare in the Moon. "You can't be here; we defeated you!" Twilight shouted up to the moon—large, silver, and uncaring. Twilight didn't know if she was expecting a response or not. If she was, it wasn't in the form of the sky being torn apart like fabric, the stars now gleaming from up above. "If you're back, we will stop you! The magic of friendship is—"  Twilight was cut off as her vision was clouded by pools of pitch darkness, swallowing everything from above. All that was left was Twilight, the moon, and the image of the mare upon its surface. Twilight awoke with a scream as she threw off the covers of her futon. Every fiber of her being told her to run, to get away, as far away from the dark room she woke up in as possible. Something horrible had happened. That she needed to get back to her friends, to Spike, to the princess. 'No!' She stamped out the thoughts. 'I promised to help Izuku.' She needed to teach him the ins and outs of being a pony. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling. 'There's too much to do. It's not just teaching him the basics; I'll need to ensure that he can continue to learn even after I return to Equestria.'  She knew that this was going to be an arduous process—it was always going to be given the careful consideration required and the short timeline she had—but she didn't appreciate the new wrench that had been thrown into a plan that was already on shaky ground to begin with. If Twilight was expecting long and sleepless nights before, she couldn't even begin to comprehend what it would entail to do all of that while also plotting a route across an ocean. 'One problem at a time, Twilight.' She took a few breaths to steady herself before she could relapse into full blown panic, then contemplated her next move. Finally, Twilight decided to throw open the blinds to the living room. She turned to the kitchen behind her, the next move suddenly becoming clear to her. Among the thoughts of lesson plans for Izuku, the chapters she would have to write for the books she would leave him, and distances between the small landmasses around the island nation she found herself on, a new thought, like a revelation dawned on her, one that would fill her with hope or dread depending upon the conclusion that it led her to. 'Please, please, please have coffee in this world.' Izuku (Ten Hours Ago) Izuku found himself perplexed by the object in front of him. 'How, exactly, am I supposed to use this?' The object was simple in its complexity, the secrets of which continued to elude him. "So, uh..." came the confused cry of Twilight, who must certainly be equally baffled by this epitome of human architecture. "Are you going to keep staring at that door knob, or are we going inside?" "Right, right." Izuku tried to open the door with his hooves. Thankfully, he didn't trip on his back hooves, since he could support himself with the door. Unfortunately, hooves lacked a certain... effectiveness—or, depending on who you would ask, basic competency—at gripping smooth, round objects. He was able to get a little rotation out of the knob by using his wrists, but it was to no avail. 'How am I going to be a hero like this.' Izuku shuddered at the thought of chasing down a villain, only to be stopped in his tracks by a simple door. Twilight seemed to look embarrassed at Izuku's efforts. He was about to try wedging the knob in the space between his horn and forehead when she bit down on the knob with her teeth, turned, and pushed the door open. "Right... that should have been my first thought." Izuku blinked as he stared into the hallway of his apartment. "Mom, I'm home," he said with trepidation. 'Now I really have to do this. What am I going to say to her? Will I even get to say anything before she freaks out?' "Izuku?" he heard his mom call back, a hint of worry in her voice. "Is everything all right? You've been out far later than usual and—" She poked her head out of the door on the far side of the hallway and froze in the middle of the frame. "Izu... ku?" 'What to say, what to say. "I know this looks bad but..." No, that makes it sound worse. "I almost died, this was the only way Twilight, the pony over there, could—" Who am I kidding, I wouldn't get past "I almost died." "Mom, please hear me out. I'm not hurt, but I can't sum up what happened quickly. I'll explain everything, but let's sit down first, ok?" Yeah, that sounds good.' Izuku steadied himself; he needed to speak calmly for this to not end badly. "Mom, please—" "Izuku! What happened to you?'" His mother ran over to him and hugged him, tears streaming from her eyes while she ran her hand across the back of Izuku's mane, not giving Izuku a chance to get another word in. "Are you ok? Does it hurt? What can I do to help you?" She then turned to look at Twilight, as if noticing her for the first time. "What did you do to my baby, you villain?" she cried. 'I didn't expect that to feel so nice.' Izuku lost himself for a moment as his mom pet the back of his head. "Mom, listen. I know this seems crazy, but Twilight didn't do anything wrong, she's not a villain. She actually saved my life. Please, can we all sit down and talk?" "You almost died?" Inko burst into tears as she glomped Izuku, her expression a mix of panic and concern. "Izuku!” Izuku awkwardly wrapped his forelegs around his mom as he tried to calm her down enough to actually explain. Cherry Rose (One Year Ago) Cherry looked in disbelief at the U.A. trifold that Pony had placed in front of her before taking her usual seat at the head of the table, with Pony seated to her right. The dining room they were in was rather ornate; the building had been in the family for more than a few generations, though gone now were the days of lengthy meetings with board members and the forging of alliances over this or that endeavor. She had moved on to better things, more important things, but that was for later. Right now, Pony was looking up at her as if this was the most important thing in the world, and maybe she was right. "You want to go to U.A.?" Cherry said it with more venom than she intended; that much was obvious from Pony’s hurt expression. "Sorry," she quickly corrected, "but where is this coming from? You've never mentioned wanting to be a hero before." "I didn't want to hurt you. I still don't." Pony seemed to be avoiding eye contact with Cherry. "But Mom was a hero, and I still remember how happy it made her when she talked about making the world a better place. I want to do that too, and since we're moving to Japan…" 'Do I know her so little that I completely missed this?' Cherry looked down as she thought of her sister—Mare. Even years later it was hard to hold back her tears. 'You were always so much better at this than me. I'm just a shitty replacement, aren't I?' Lost in thought as she was, Cherry couldn't help but think of how much Pony resembled her sister, and by extension, her (at least if you ignored the horns). 'I guess the wavy hair runs in the family. The blonde actually looks good; maybe I shouldn't dye my hair, though I do like this shade.' Cherry ran her fingers through her dull red hair. It was a distraction from the main issue, but she wasn't going to complain about having a few moments of pleasant thoughts before she needed to weigh crushing Pony's dreams against her safety. 'Don't know if I could pull off something so casual though. I've grown rather fond of business formal.' Cherry paused for a moment as she found the thought amusing. 'Never thought I would catch myself thinking that…' She was getting a little too distracted. 'I need to give her an answer…' "I understand, I'll have to think about it." A coward's response—and a lie; thinking about it was the last thing Cherry wanted to do. 'If I lost both of you, I...' she shuddered at the thought, then pushed it—rather forcefully—from her conscious mind. "You should probably think more about it too. U.A. might be one of the highest regarded hero schools, but just because we're going to be close doesn't mean you should make such a life-changing decision because of it." "It was the school Mom went to," came Pony's simple response. 'Yah, just a shitty replacement.' Cherry couldn't hold back her tears any more. Her thoughts were filled with memory after memory of her sister. How happy she looked when she was accepted to U.A, how even more happy she looked when she passed her licensing exam, the tales she would tell of the villains she fought and the disasters she averted. Those were happy memories, but Cherry knew how it had ended. She remembered that day clearly. She was watching her sister on a Japanese news livestream—she didn't understand any of it at the time, but she liked to be there in spirit—pulling people from a burning apartment. It was going well until the explosion—she was told it was because one of the residents had illegally stored propane tanks in their room—and the building collapsed further. She promptly pushed that memory from her mind; she didn't want to think of her sister burning alive. At least she took it better than her sister's husband, Takeru. He was a wreck after the incident, and Cherry was worried he'd end up turning to drink with how depressed he looked. To his credit, he didn't, but he knew he couldn't take care of a child like that. The thought of what Pony must have gone through. She couldn't help but picture how the scene would have played out. Pony and her father watching the news on the TV, the look of shock and pain on Pony's face. Pony's cry of— "Mom." Pony filled Cherry's vision, having tilted her head so that she was looking directly at her. "Are you ok? You've been crying and—Oh, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said anything and—" Cherry just wrapped her arms around Pony and pulled her into a hug. Izuku (Nine Hours Ago) "...and then we walked, or trotted I guess, back here." Izuku looked awkwardly over to his mother. While he had succeeded in getting them seated at the dining table, he had not yet successfully escaped her grasp. And so, he sat on a chair at the table, with his mother holding onto him and her chair only resting on two legs, while Twilight sat across from them. 'At least she's listening now.' Inko carefully poked at Izuku’s chest, as if making sure there wasn’t still a hole there. “You’re really fine?” She looked Izuku right in the eyes, tears still streaming down them. "Really, really fine?" The words came out as more of a plea than a question. "Yes Mom, I'm really, really fine." Izuku wiped the tears from his mom's eyes—and his coat did a good job of soaking them up. 'This is it, the moment of truth.' Izuku took a deep breath. "I might actually be able to be a hero now." Inko’s death grip on Izuku tightened. 'A horn to the chest couldn't do me in, but if you keep this up, you might actually succeed.' Izuku gasped for breath. "Mom. Please. Air." Inko loosened her grip enough to let Izuku breathe—barely—as she took a moment to gather her thoughts. “You said she could turn you back. Are you saying you want to stay like this? You’ll be okay with that?” 'Will I be ok with this?' Izuku asked himself, then thought back to Twilight's use of magic. 'She used that magic to save my life.' Izuku nodded. "Yes. I've given it a lot of thought. I didn't see it at first, but if I stay like this I can be a hero. I can save people, just like All Might and Twilight." Twilight inclined her head towards Izuku. "Well, maybe not just like me. Turning ponies into ponies—I mean, turning people into ponies—probably isn't the go-to solution most of the time. At least, I would hope it isn't." “And nothing bad is going to happen to him if he stays a pony?” Inko turned her gaze towards Twilight with an expression that clearly said 'Answer honestly, or magic won't be enough to save you.' "Aside from some trips and falls while he gets used to an entirely new body, no. There shouldn't be any negative side effects." Twilight said, apparently oblivious to the intensity of the stare Inko was giving her, or the fact that the room was now the site of a localized heat wave. Inko nodded and finally let Izuku go, though only with one arm. “I hope you don’t mind then if I have a doctor check him over, just to be sure.” She began pulling her phone from the kitchen counter to herself with her quirk, grasping at the air to pull it closer inch-by-inch. Normally it would take a moment for Inko to move the phone over from the kitchen; however, this time it glowed green and just flew over. 'Did I?' It took a moment for Izuku to process what happened, between the glowing green light and the strange feeling on his horn. It took him another moment to process that everyone was now looking at him. The shock caused Izuku to drop the phone, the light surrounding it flickering out. 'Oh crap.' He tried to use magic—his magic—again to catch the phone, but he wasn't really sure how he’d done it in the first place. 'It was so natural before, I should be able to—' The phone glowed purple as Twilight plucked the phone out of the air and laid it to rest upon the table in front of her. "Well, that's one disaster averted," Twilight said, looking up at Izuku. "Though I can't say I expected you to be able to use your magic without any guidance. That's quite the feat." 'I hope she doesn't think I'm some kind of prodigy or something. I wasn't even able to catch it the second time.' Izuku rubbed the back of his head—or at least tried to, his body wasn't exactly well suited to the task. "I don't think it was that impressive. It was probably just because Mom's quirk is telekinesis. I've seen her use it hundreds of times. It's nothing special, really." "I wouldn't sell yourself short; many Unicorns struggle with even the basics at first, and they've had years before their first lessons." Twilight turned the smartphone around in her magic. It looked to Izuku as if she was hoping she could discern its purpose by staring at it hard enough. "Fascinating. I can't tell what it's for, but the construction is so small, it fits right in your hoof." The smartphone made a chime and the screen lit up, followed shortly by Twilight's expression. "Ooh, what's this? '#2 hero Endeavor perpetrated domestic abuse, leaked documents reveal.'" Twilight read the words carefully. "A device for communication? That must come in handy. Who has the companion device?' 'Really? Endeavor? I knew he could be a bit intense, but to go that far...' It was a shock, to be sure, but Izuku decided to focus his attention back to the conversion at hand. "It doesn't work quite like that. We have a global network of all sorts of devices that communicate between each other all the time. In this case, the Tokyo Reporter reported a story, and that got sent to Mom's phone, where it showed an alert to you." "A global network." Twilight paused, a look of concentration on her face. "Back in Equestria, I had read papers of how that might be accomplished using magic. It was mostly theoretical, and given the infrastructure that would be required, it stayed that way. But the possibilities it put forth…" Twilight looked up at Izuku, floating the smartphone over to him. "Can you show me how this device works?" "No problem, Twilight." Izuku took the phone in his hooves. Luckily, Inko didn't use a password, so he wouldn't have to fiddle around with typing in a code. He tapped his hoof on the icon for TheTube and… and… "That's funny, it's not working."  He tried tapping the icon a few more times. "Maybe something's wrong with that one, let's try Memeagram…" Inko hesitantly held up one of her hands. “Um... sweetie?” Izuku turned his attention away from the phone for a moment, and she wiggled her fingers. Izuku stared blankly at her for a moment before his eyes widened in realization. "Right, a normal smartphone isn't going to work with hooves. You would need either a device made for people with mutation quirks or a glove for much the same purpose." Izuku handed the phone back to Inko. 'Just how many things am I going to have to do differently now?' The thought troubled Izuku, not only in regards to the list he was now forming of things he was going to have to find work arounds for, but of the realization that at any point, some ordinary task could suddenly find itself being an extraordinary obstacle. Izuku turned his attention back to Twilight and his mom. Apparently while he was reevaluating even the most basic of tasks in his life, Inko was helping Twilight discover the wonders of modern technology. He pondered for a moment what it would be like to suddenly find himself in an alien world with technology light years ahead of his own. Then he decided he didn't like where his thoughts were going and so decided to listen in on the conversation—and get some more practice with his pony ears while he was at it. "What an interesting orthography. I don't think we have anything like this in Equestria," Twilight exclaimed, and Izuku could see she was studying the screen closely. "I think my translation spell should still work, or, at least, I hope it does." Izuku blinked from the sudden flash of light from Twilight's horn. 'Translation spell? That sounds like it could be useful.' He made a mental note to ask Twilight about it later. Right now, he could feel all of the day’s events catching up to him, and the thought of resting his head on a soft pillow was growing more attractive the more he thought about it. "'#2 hero Endeavor perpetrated domestic abuse. U.A. to unveil new foreign exchange program. #17 hero Void Out still missing. New link between Starlight Glimmer and Equalizer movement? New theater production all the craze—' This is absolutely fascinating, to see the concept so fully realized. Seeing all of this, I can't help but think of how foalish it was for us not to explore this concept further back in Equestria." Izuku could swear he could see stars in Twilight's eyes, though maybe it was just the onset of sudden dizziness he got when listening to something in a different direction than where he was facing. "I think I'm going to turn in early. It's been a long day." Izuku got up from the table and just barely avoided toppling onto his backside. 'Well, that's a minor improvement at least.' Twilight Sparkle (Seven Hours Ago) Twilight wasn't sure when she completely lost track of time. Probably some time after Inko showed her a larger version of the "smartphone" (which—sadly—wasn't sentient) called a "computer" and was apparently used by the family. It took some time to become acquainted with its methods of operation, how the keyboard and "mouse" related to the screen and the various symbols on it. After some instruction, she settled on the use of Midori to browse the "web" 'also called the internet, see citation on—wait, too early for that'. The sheer amount of knowledge she found herself with access to was something she could only have dreamed of before. She had previously thought the invention of the public library was ponykind's greatest achievement, but if something like this was possible, it would be like going from carving letters in stone to the invention of the printing press. It was while watching a documentary on the history of the internet on TheTube that one of the recommended videos caught Twilight's eye. "HOW I LEARNED TO LIVE BETTER AND BE MY OWN BOSS WITH FLIFLAM HEALTHSTYLES AND YOU CAN TOO," she read the words aloud quietly. A few clicks later and she found herself staring at the likenesses of Flim and Flam—though much more human in appearance—on a page listing all the "wonders" of Fliflam. It seemed to be quite the enticing offer, almost too good to be true, and knowing the Flam Flam brothers, it certainly was. The offer aside, it left Twilight with a far more pressing question 'How and why are they in an entirely different world?' She thought it unlikely that they had managed to unlock the secrets of multiversal travel, and other hypotheses were equally unlikely. Rather than trying to just throw out wild guesses, Twilight decided to take the opportunity to leverage the incredible technology she had at her disposal and put the full power of Wahoo! to the test. She typed Flim and Flam's names into the search engine and quickly found all sorts of information on them. The results were a mix between articles detailing several investigations into Fliflam Healthstyles in multiple countries, and callouts on various social media platforms from ponies people she assumed were upset with them. 'Wait, is that Applejack?' Among the callouts was one attributed to Applejack, accompanied by an image that looked like how she would picture Applejack looking as a human. This led Twilight down a rabbithole of searching for her friends and surprisingly getting results. Rarity's Carousel Boutique was an international sensation in this world. Sweet Apple Acres was a household name across the ocean. She was surprised to see Pinkie Pie as a pony—well it was Pinkie Pie, so not that much of a surprise—before learning what a "vtuber" was. Rainbow Dash's name only turned up on some social media pages, though from what Twilight could tell, she was a test pilot for various aircrafts—another type of technology that made Twilight's mind reel from the sheer possibilities. Try as she may, she couldn't find anything about Fluttershy or if she even existed in this world, which Twilight probably should have suspected would be the case. 'Ok, so it's clear that somehow there are counterparts of at least some ponies from Equestria in this world. Is that just the nature of alternate realities, or just this one? I was taken here through a comic book; does that have an impact?' Twilight's thoughts were only interrupted by another idea that came to her, a curiosity so great that even the uncountable implications of this new revelation could not stay her hoof of magic. She turned her attention back to the search engine. "T-w-i-l-i-g-h-t S-p-a-r-k-l-e." A click soon followed. 'This was a mistake.' Twilight stared at the results, the possibilities of which were less numerous than before, but far more frightening. 'Twilight Sparkle found not guilty in arson case killing 3.' Twilight's heart sank. She wanted to walk away from the machine in front of her and just pretend she never saw anything. 'Everypony else's lives seem to match who they are in Equestria, so does this mean…' she started to walk away, but the thought of not knowing was somehow more frightening. Reluctantly, Twilight opened the article and started reading. It was an article from some years ago detailing an incident that had happened around the time when the Twilight of this world, while studying abroad, set fire to her apartment. The flames spread to the adjacent buildings before help could arrive, and the fire and subsequent explosion cost the lives of two residents and a hero that had entered the building to save them. The subsequent court case was reported nationally, with the defense presenting evidence that showed that Twilight's actions followed a pattern consistent with those that suffered from the effects of mind-altering quirks. "Twilight shouldn't be held responsible for the events that transpired on that night. She was used as a puppet by a heinous individual, playing with people's lives. That person is not only responsible for the deaths of Toshiko Sawaya, Etsuko Sawaya, and Mare Tsunotori, but is also responsible for the life of Twilight Sparkle, who has yet to recover from the assault on her mind, and experts are unsure if she ever will." Twilight read the excerpt from the defense's closing statement. The article concluded with a verdict of not guilty by reason of induced insanity. After the trial, Twilight was placed in the care of a facility that dealt with people suffering from similar afflictions, then later moved to an American facility so her family could visit her. There was also a note from the author of the article informing the reader that normal mental illness presented much differently than quirk-induced ailments, and that violence is not common outside of such artificial stimuli. Twilight struggled to process the information she just read. Between the sheer wrongness of what had happened and what had been done to her counterpart in this world, she knew she had to do something, but what she had to do she couldn't put her hoof on. She tried to find more information, but everything was just another retelling of the events, the person truly responsible having never been found. 'If nothing was found, then I'll have to do it myself. There's only one pony that knows the full story, so I'll just have to talk to her and go from there.' A plan was starting to form in Twilight's mind, one that clearly did not integrate well with her existing commitments in this world. 'Right, Izuku. I'll have to wait until the end of summer at least. Then go to this "America." Then I can write down the lessons I need to leave him with, then return to Equestria. I can do this!' Twilight thought, not entirely sure if she could do this. "First thing’s first, planning. Air travel from and to anywhere is possible; I should start there.'  The first thing Twilight learned about international air travel was that she was going to need documentation that she very much did not have, and would likely find herself in a very difficult situation if she was found without. The second thing she learned was that those requirements were not specific to air travel. 'This isn't going to work; it's too far to fly on my wings, and even getting out of the country doesn't seem possible with these restrictions.' She wondered if maybe she could convince people she was from a different world, but then thought better of it. 'Even if they do believe me, that cannot be a means to an end. I would need to represent Equestria and open formal diplomatic relations, assuming that's in both Equestria and this world's best interests, and would need to give that my full attention.' The only option that seemed left open to Twilight was to make the crossing on her own, barring some mind-breaking piece of technology existing in this world. If nothing else, Twilight was still amazed—and thankful—for how easy it was to find almost anything she was looking for. It was mere minutes between the idea and the moment when she had detailed maps of the ocean she had to cross. 'If the measurements and scale work out how I think they do, and I'm reading this map right, I think this might be possible.' Twilight drew lines—again using what she now considered an informational multi-tool—from what she assumed were small islands that connected them to other islands that she hoped she could reach with a combination of teleports and flight. 'This could probably be better, but I think it shows that a route is possible.' The resulting map was a bit of a mess, but it was a contiguous line from Japan to America and she could make it better later. A glance at the bottom of the screen revealed the unsettling truth: It was 1 AM and she would have to turn in with only the possibility that a plan was possible, no resolution to the untold pages of questions she needed answers to, and no idea on how she was going to integrate that with her other responsibilities. She didn't like that the day ended on a cliffhanger, but as the computer went through its shutdown procedures and Twilight realized more and more than she needed to go through hers, the fact was that she had accomplished all she could and she would have to wait until she could work out the rest.