I am a piloting god

by Gallants

First published

A Quarian and Volus escaped capture from a group of Blood Packs, after a small argument they crashland in Equestria.

Neela'Xeeda co-pilot of The Amalour Premonition, sorta daughter to an old Krogan mechanic, best friends with an ex-criminal Turian mechanic, and stuck on a new planet with a useless Volus who thinks he's a Piloting God. I would have even preferred the doctor over him. On top of that, we lost a beautiful corvette because of him at least I copied some data from it.


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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," my rough voice blurted out as I struck the side of the interior hull, "I can't believe you just took off without them, Willow," dropping into the co-pilot's seat I brought my hands to my mask, a labored breath left my mouth.

"We had no choice Neela, not even my piloting," he stopped talking and took a deep ragged breath, "would have been able to get us out if the blood pack had more time to get ships in the air," I stared out of our commandeered ships viewport, with only the thoughts of Willow beliefs telling me that it was probably a good thing we left when we had the chance. Leaning back I closed my eyes and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

"Perhaps," his ammonia inhalation connection fluttered to life, "that was a warning system." that is what woke me up along with the shaking of a mass driver round making contact with our mass effect field.

"Perhaps, PERHAPS THAT WAS A WARNING A SYSTEM!" I roared gripping the co-pilot's controls and whipping the ship into a steep port curve.

Attempting to regain control, Willow stared at me. "You stupid girl your lack of experience will get us both killed," I shoved off the controls, his breaths became quickened as he saw me approaching a relay head-on.

"You better strap down while I get these coordinates put in," I told deftly working my Omni-tool my other hand adjusting our flight path to avoid incoming rounds from the pursuing ships. As we approached the relay I made a sharp starboard maneuver and a missile blew through the shields forcing us directly through the core of the relay instead of the route I had prepared. There was a blinding light as we were thrown through the relay before darkness overtook us, I gazed out of the viewport upon the nothing before green eyes stared at me suddenly the FTL drive kicked to life forcing us out of the abyss.

When the jump was completed an alarm blared, Willow and I jumped into action to find the source and we didn't need to as the power cut off to the rest of the ship engulfing us in darkness. Ducking underneath the controls I attempted to drown out the insults my compatriot was flinging at me as I tried to force some energy back to the controls so I could aim our crash.

I couldn't see what was going on while attempting to jury rig power to the controls as we careened towards the ground of a green planet, with the final wire being twisted into position a surge ran through my suit and blew the LED of my helmets light; I popped up to take control and was barely able to avoid a large bird before I looked to the side to see Willow pushing the ship into a dive tearing us through white trees that dotted the forest we crashed into.

Shakily getting to my feet I inspected what was left of the helm after the crash and listened to the crackling of the flames that were creeping through the ajar door, Willow lay there unconscious I drew my M-3 Predator and took aim, "You never were a good pilot," I said and pulled the trigger.


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"Geez, Twilight I understand you're excited about this meteor but did you have to drag me to it?" Rainbow Dash asked gliding beside her friend.

"Well for starters, the proper term would be meteorite Rainbow, and if it is really as large as you said there'll be a new classification needed and we'll be the ones to come up with a name for it," Twilight said while bearing a wide smile that was quickly wiped off of her face as a resounding crack tore through the air dryly swallowing, "We better go see what that was," she choked out before breaking off into a gallop.

The sight before the ponies was astounding a metal-smoking object was before them, "I think it might have been aliens and not a meteor Twi," Dash whispered while Twilight stood next to her nodding her focus fixed on the creature that was dragging something out of the wreckage. Twilight took a heedful step forward.

I looked up at the sky while dragging Willow's body out of the wreckage I stopped for a moment and let out a sigh before dragging him further from the burning hunk of metal. The snapping of a twig caused me to turn on my heels bringing my predator to the ready, when I just saw two pastel-colored creatures staring at me I lowered my weapon about to get back to dragging Willow before I noticed the packs on the haunches of the purple one I quickly scanned the surrounding area in an attempt to spot the owners unable to I just grabbed Willow and continued pulling him.

Dropping to the ground with heavy breaths my eyes settled on Willow and how he lay motionless the cuts on the surface of his suit from the glass he was dragged through, "For such a short bosh'tet you're really heavy,"

"It probably doesn't help that they're dead weight," jumping to my feet I reached across my body for my pistol and looked around but only saw the purple creature looking at me taking a few steps back, "I'm sorry if I scared you if you need help getting to town Rainbow and I can help," I dropped to the ground and let a small laugh.

"it talks there were no owners because it's sapient."

"Sure, I suppose I'll also need to speak to the governing body, get somethings sorted," I stared at the remains of the ship, it had been a beauty, "We should put that out before it spreads first," the creature glanced at the burning hull of the ship.

"I suppose we should, Rainbow get some clouds ready I'll set a force-field around the fire to keep it from spreading," Rainbow took to the air after the purple one told her and she created an impressive biotic bubble around the flames. I kept an eye out for the brigade Rainbow went to get, instead, I saw her pushing literal clouds above the fire she signaled to purple who opened her bubble; Rainbow jumped on top of the clouds causing rain to pour down snuffing the rest of the flames. As captivated as I was I never noticed purple dropping her bubble before she poked my thigh, "Come on we should get your friend to the hospital,"

Snorting I informed her, "He's not my friend,"