> Creation > by Masked Brony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In the beginning. (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beginning, there was nothing except the Being. Time and Space meant nothing there was just the Being. The Being was contemplating the meaning of existence. What does it mean to be alive? What could Harmony be? What is Chaos? The Being couldn't come up with the answers but she did come up with an idea. To create a world that she could watch over and learn. She then created the ball of earth and filled it with mountains, forests, jungles, and oceans. Her creations would need light and darkness so she created the sun and the moon. Now what to fill it with? What manner of creatures should occupy the world? She filled it with simple beasts such as birds to fly in the sky and fishes to swim in the waters. She created cats and dogs to run in the fields, and manticores to roam the forest. She even created lions, tigers, and bears oh my. When she was done she looked around with a smile on her face and thought she was done, but soon she noticed something odd. She felt incomplete as if there was something missing. Yes, the world was filled with animals but they were of simple minds. Truly to find the answer to her questions she needed something with more awareness. She needed to create creatures that would answer that question but in order for them to do so, she needed to one thing when she creates them. She needed to give the inhabitants free will. First, she reached into the earth and pulled out a chunk of and created a pair of four-legged creatures. These creatures were given fur, a long neck, a mane down its neck, and even a tail. She extended their noses and gave them hooves to walk on. Before she finished the being reached into herself and pulled some of her essences and gave it to the new creatures and bound them to the earth. When she was done she looked at her creations and with a smile dub them Earth Ponies The being looked at the vast space of the world she created and it still felt a bit empty. The world was massive would the Earth Ponies be enough? Just as the thought came to mind a blue jay flew above and it gave her an idea. She created two more earth ponies and gave them wings on their backs before she bound them to the sky. Henceforth they will be known as Pegasus. "A pony for the earth and a pony for the sky," the Being said to herself in a soft feminine voice, "It's only fair that I create a pony for my essence." Once again from the earth the Being created two more ponies and gave them small horns on the top of their heads. When she was finished she connected them to the energy that permeates the world around them. For when she created the world she gave it a part of herself to it. These Unicorns could tap into that energy, which she would call Magic. With her job done she looked around and saw her little ponies frolicking in the fields a feeling of warmth in her chest, but then a terrible thought came to her. What if her precious little ponies couldn't find happiness? She couldn't have that at all! With her magic, she created a...spell and placed it on the ponies so that they can find their purpose in life. They will be called Cutie Marks and once the ponies found their purpose a mark will appear showing them and the world what their special talent is. Yet there was more to be done. The world was so vast there was much that could be added, and for the first time, the Being allowed her imagination to flow through her. She started simple and created large lizard-like creatures called dragons to live in the farthest mountains, in the frozen north she created the hardy yaks, in the deserts she created the wise zebras. Inspiration struck her and she created bull-like creatures called Minotaurs, put together an eagle and lion with wings, and called them griffons. She went even further and mixed a griffin with a pony to make the hippogriffs to live on the coast. The being went on to create Kirins, Changelings, and ponies made out of crystal. As she created these creatures to fill this world she unknowingly began to turn into a pony herself. Once she finished with her work she looked upon herself and saw what she had become. She had turned into a large version of her precious ponies, but instead of having one of the traits, she had all three. The wings from the pegasus to fly, control over magic with her unicorn horn, and the connection to the earth like Earth Ponies. With this realization came one last idea. She needed something to watch over her little ponies. It needed to be something that would be fair and treat everypony equally. Something that shared traits of all ponies, just like what she had become. A stroke of brilliance struck the Being as she gathered all of her remaining power even dipping into her world's magic she created one more pair of ponies. Alicorns is what she would call them. They will be the ones to teach and guide the future generations of ponies, and eventually the other races. This would be made easier as it would grant them the ability to tap into the magic of the world and extend their lives well beyond normal means. With her power expended the being looked around and saw what she had created. "This is good." As she looked around at her creations she smiled finally content with the world she created, but when she looked at herself she remembered what she had become. An alicorn with white fur and long flowing red mane, at that moment she knew that things will never be the same for her. "Well, I guess I'll find the answers to my questions myself," the alicorn said to herself as her creations, her little ponies, galloped to her. Soon the alicorn found herself surrounded by inquisitive ponies. One brave blue pegasus gathered her courage and flew up to her, "E-excuse me," the timid pegasus said before she asked, "W-who are you?" That was an excellent question. Who is she? What will she have them call her? She never had a name before, she never needed it. Now she does but she doesn't know what to do! The alicorn blinked as she felt heart thump wildly. Is this what it means to be alive? Is this the path to find out? A motherly smile graced her lips as she looked at the ponies before her, not quite understanding how her own creations could affect her this way and so soon. Yes, the alicorn knew that the path she is on is the one she was supposed to be on. Whatever happens on this journey she knows that she will not be alone. For these ponies before her will also be with her on this adventure with her. The alicorn boop the pegasus nose with her hoof before she answered... "You can call me...Faust."