Lavender Lies

by IvoryBreeze

First published

Shining Armor takes a paternity test

After a negative paternity test Shining Armor takes time away from Princess Cadence

The Ugly Truth

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Shining Armor lied in bed dreading another day. He didn't see the point in anything anymore after finding out the truth. He entered the kitchen without combing his mane.

"Good morning darling!"

Princess Cadence said when she saw her husband, her mane was done and her tiara was on. Usually her beauty could get her out of sticky situations.


Shining mumbled.
He pulled out a newspaper in front of his pancakes shielding his face from his wife.

"How did you sleep?"

Cadence asked with a smile still glued on her face.


Shining Armor said.

"What's wrong darling?"

Cadence asked innocently.

"You know what's wrong you whore!"

Shining Armor stomped on the table.
Cadence was too stunned to speak.
Shining stormed out of the crystal castle.
He needed to talk to someone and get everything off his chest.
It all played out in his head again.
The paternity test. The look of sympathy from the doctor. The horrified look on Princess Cadences' face. The disgust he felt knowing the child he loves so dearly isn't even his. The fact he could be so oblivious to what was going on between Cadence and Firelight. Shining had been so busy being Captain of the royal guard; he was too busy and tired to notice anything suspicious going on. He was performing duties so much he was rarely home. He used to wonder what his wife did during the day. He didn't think it would be Starlight Glimmers' father.

Shining Armor shoved his way into the train station.

"A ticket to ponyville."

Shining demanded at the ticket booth. The ticket Master appeared frightened as he quickly sold the ticket to Shining. The ponies around him had fearful expressions on their faces. They weren't used to seeing royalty look so disorganized. The paparazzi snapped a few photos.

While Shining waited on the train he had time to think to himself for once. He had flashbacks of his marriage before Princess Cadences infidelity. The canterlot wedding, the day they met, the admiring glances they gave eachother when Cadence was only Twilights foul sitter. Now just a bittersweet memory. Shining wondered what made Cadence cheat. Was it because he was so busy? Was it because he wasn't good enough? Was it because he didn't give her enough attention? Did he completely fail at fulfilling his wife? The questions were on a loop in his head. If it weren't for Flurry Heart he would've never known about Princess Cadences infidelity.

"How stupid could I be?"

Shining mumbled to himself.

"And to be betrayed for a commoner!"

Shining smashed a China plate and wept into his own arms.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

The stewardess commanded since the other ponies complained. The train arrived at Sires Hallow. Where Firelight lives....

Shining Armor strode into town and saw a familiar looking stallion.

"Excuse me. Where is the nearest hotel?"

Shining asked the stallion giving him Deja vu.

"It's in the alley next to the pink cottage."

Said the stallion.
Shining Armor thanked him and entered the hotel.

"Are you THE Shining Armor?"

The receptionist squealed with delight.


Shining confirmed.

"What are you doing here in Sires Hallow?"

The receptionist asked.

"You know.. just a business trip."

Shining said with his head down, avoiding eye contact.

The receptionist gave him a weird look.

"Unfortunately, we're all booked. You're going to have to stay somewhere else."

The receptionist said passive aggressively.


Shining shouted before slamming his hoof on the desk and storming out.

Shining Armor stomped around Sires Hallow looking for someone to ask for directions to another hotel. He spotted the same stallion that gave him directions earlier.

"Hey, the hotel you suggested was booked. Do you happen to know of another hotel?"

Shining asked the purple stallion.

"That's the only hotel."

The stallion said.


Shining said sadly and stared at the ground.

"You can crash at my place."

The stallion said.

Deja vu

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Shining Armor unpacked his things in the guest bedroom of the familiar stallions house. Shining laid in bed taking a moment.

"This blanket smells like the perfume Cadence wears."

Shining Armor thought to himself. This made him depressed. He dragged himself out of bed and stumbled to the washing machine. After wrapping his head around how the washing machine works he tip toed through the living room and noticed a letter on the coffee table.

"The handwriting looks like Cadences, why does everything remind me of her?"

Shining held in his tears while finding another blanket.

Shining sobbed in bed about everything he lost.

The next morning Shining Armor woke up to the smell of pancakes and strawberries. Princess Cadences favorite.

"Why is everything so familiar?"

Shining thought to himself yet again.

Shining Armor stumbled into the kitchen unkempt as always.

"Morning Buddy!"

The Purple stallion said.

Shining gave a meek reply and stared at the floor awkwardly.

"So want some pancakes?"

The purple stallion asked.

"Yes, of course."

Shining Armor said.

Shining and the middle aged purple stallion sat together eating breakfast.

"Has something been bothering you?"

The purple stallion asked almost passive aggressively.

"It's just, everything reminds me of my wife that cheated on me."

Shining Armor replied.

The purple stallion looked shocked and guilty.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, it must be hard."

Shining continued staring at the floor.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

The purple stallion asked.

"It's alright"

Shining Armor replied before heading back to his room; except this time he took the familiar letter with him.

Shining opened the letter that looked so familiar to his wife's out of curiosity and started to read it. He gasped out loud in shock. The letter read:

Dear Firelight, I'll be back in Sires Hallow soon. I really miss you. My husband still hasn't noticed much. He's been working late as always while I take care of the baby. Don't worry though. I'm leaving him soon because I learned the hard way not to stay with someone for money or because you two were high school sweethearts. Then me and you can be together and raise our baby together and live happily ever after. Then we will get the simple life we deserve. Away from crystal ponies expectations and royal duties and that exhausting yet boring life. Love, Cadence

Shining Armor couldn't believe his eyes. The purple stallion was Firelight! The one that Princess Cadence had been cheating on him for.

I haven't added to this in forever

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Shining Armor screamed. He couldn't believe a broke middle aged stallion from sires hallow stole his wife. He felt humiliation as if he'd never felt it before. This was the worst thing to ever happen to him. He thought for a moment before deciding what to do. He reflected on his royal status and pondered what he could get away with.

"Hmm. I'm rich and powerful I could probably get away with murder."

Shining Armor thought to himself. However he was unsure about doing something so evil. Would it be hypocritical to become what he fought against? What would happen if his beloved sister found out? Would she forgive him? Would he be disowned by his loved ones? Would he lose his title as co-ruler of the Crystal Empire? He felt so conflicted, enraged, betrayed, confused, depressed, anxious, and lost. He needed a long walk. This was going to be the hardest decision Shining Armor had ever made. Should he resort to violence? Play the long game? Run away, change his name, disguise himself, and start a new life? Before he could go on that walk Firelight knocked on his door.

"Are you okay in there?"

Firelight asked. Shining Armor couldn't take it anymore. The betrayal. The stress. The way his perfect life came crashing down at his hooves. Everything he had worked so hard for was destroyed. The worst part is the culprit has the nerve to ask if he is okay. Shining Armor ripped the door off it's hinges and started beating Firelights face in. Adrenaline rushed through his veins. He had enough of this living hell.

"What the hell, stallion!"

Firelight screamed.

"This is for fucking my wife, knocking her up, and ruining everything I worked so hard for! Do you know what that feels like, huh? No! You don't! You'll never understand the pain I feel! Your broke ass ruined everything!"

Shining Armor screamed at the top of his lungs straining his vocal chords. He imagined Cadence and Firelight conceiving Flurry Heart. The thrusting and moaning, tangled sheets, the pink princess accidentally calling out Shining Armors name instead of Firelights. It was disgusting imagery that made him nauseated. He violently puked on the wounded and bloody purple stallion that ruined his life. Firelight stood no chance against the muscular former captain of the royal guard. He was fucked. And not in the fun way. Firelight begged for mercy while Shining Armor showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. The priviledged white stallion continued stomping on Firelights face as hard as his body would let him. This was the worst day of both of their lives. Things couldn't possibly get worse.

A few hours went by Firelight was put in the hospital by his landlord who heard him screaming when Shining Armor was beating him relentlessly. Shining Armor threatened to ruin the landlords life if word got out about this. Beating Firelight was a nice release but he still knew he was at rock bottom. His life was ruined and it wasn't even his fault.

He looked at a map wondering where to go from here. He pondered if he could handle being the co-ruler of the Crystal Empire for the rest of his life. If he could pretend to be happy with his wife who betrayed him. Raise a child that isn't his.
Live a life of repression and quiet desperation. Protect an empire for someone he loathed. Someone who ruined his life and screwed him over.

Hell no.

Shining Armor left Sire's Hollow and was never seen or heard from again.