> Final Fantasy 14: Equestria Reborn > by Potato_frend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > For Day and Night part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the desert of Equestria stood an oasis, city-state, Canterlot. Races big to small go to partake of the city's recreation and markets; are protected by huge stone walls circling them. On today the fourth umbral moon during the tenth sun, two citizens from this majestic city-state embark on an adventure of a lifetime. A highlander hour with tan skin, blonde hair, and green apple eyes named Apple Jack is waking up in the living district of the immediate family of the Sister Blades. It isn't much it's better than when her family 1st got here as refugees of Ala-Neighgo, one family out of thousands, but through the hard work and determination of her older brother Big Macintosh won a place in the syndicate and created the grand company Sister Flames. Apple Jack was determined to win back her homeland from the Changling Empire as an adventurer! But first, she has to go across her district towards the district for Guild Masters and Merchants' families to wake up her adventure companion a dunes folk lalafell that has pink puffy hair with glossy crystal blue eyes and traditional gem symbolizing Nald'Thal in her forehead, but of course, she has to get dressed before any of that happen. (1) Once Apple Jack is dressed in her typical beginner adventuring gear she is stopped by a tiny girl's voice saying " A.J. is it that time already! Ah' don't wanna have to say goodbye yet!" She turned around to see a smaller highlander that was slightly less tan than her with ruby red hair in pigtails and red to orange hue eyes in an emerald green nightgown holding a stuffed equine species that had similar characteristics, which is weird, was her little sister Apple Bloom. "Ahh shucks, Apple Bloom I'm a not going away forever, Ah' make sure come back and visit." says A.J as she kneels to wrap her sister in a hug, "Plus, Ah' promised y'all I'll leave after the Royal Gala an Ah' never go back on a promise you know that." Pinkie then rolled out of bed and put Apple Bloom sniffles a bit, "Ah' know, Ah know, but is a little upsetting seeing you dressed like that." Apple Jack says in a low whisper trying to comfort her " Of course, Apple Bloom Ah' would be dressed like this today is when Ah' sign-up for the Adventurers' Guild." Then letting go of Apple Bloom, "But ah' first have found that tunes folk, though she's probably still in bed being lazy on every other Sun." Apple Bloom laughing at her sister's remark " Go get em' bug sis!" In the Guild and Merchant district... "Ahhh! I've overslept Gummy!" The pink puffy dunes folk shaking a stuffed Baritine Croc that was sitting right next to her in bed. Suddenly turning toward a wall saying "Oh hey, wait one moment..." Sticking her tiny tongue out and adjusting the point of view camera towards her, "There we go! Now, where was I, oh yes. Oh hey! Readers, I'm the tunes folk that A.J. mentioned earlier, my name is Pikamena Diane Pie or Pinkie Pie, or Pinkie, for short!" Pinkie then is rolling out of bed and putting on her adventuring gear, grabbing her stuff croc and thaumaturge scepter. On the way out she passed by two tans dunes folk one with grey hair in front of her hot pink eyes, and the other with light grey hair spiked up in the back with lime green eyes, both with the same gemstone as Pinkie in their head. "HEY LIMESTONE! HEY MARBLE! Where's the rest of the Pie crew?" Pinkie exclaims loudly to her sisters. The hot pink-eyed tunes folk know has Marble mumble. Limestone looking up said," Mom and Dad are their work and who knows where Maud is known where. And stop yelling your going to bust somebody's eardrum like that." Pinkie hugged her sister, " THANKS, SIS!" Running out of their condo. Marble screaming that way, " HEY, WATCH IT WITH THE SCREAMING PINKIE PIE. DIDN'T. I TELL YOU NOT TO DO THAT!" Then Pinkie turned around and headed backward, " Sorry Marble!" Turn Pinkie turns herself back around so she can head towards the royal promenade's aesthete shard so she meets up with Apple Jack. When she went down the long stairs from the merchant strip seeing A.J. calling out," Hey Pinkie, Ah' didn't think you'd be up yet." Afterwardnkie runs up and jumped on Apple Jack while cupping her cheeks," Are you serious Apple Jack! This is one of the most important days of our lives so far." At that point she got off of A.J. offering a tiny hand to help her up, Apple Jack refuses to see that she might crush Pinkie. Then Pinkie put the hand that she offered and placed it behind her head admitting," Though I did sleep a tiny-whinny bit over." "So you Pinkie Pie, but let's get going to the Adventures' Guild," Apple Jack sighed and went towards the blue shinny Crystal that is hovering over a golden stand with a metallic ring hovering around the whole thing, and stick her hand out so she can warp. Pinkie started to do the same thing but yelled," GAH!" "What's it now sugar-cube, " A.J. deadpan. She started flailing her arms around, "I forgot to attend to the Aetheryte shard!" Apple Jack kneels and pats Pinkie," How about we use the main Aetheryte plaza and Ah' dunno, walk?" "Oh yeah, kind of forgot let's go!" A.J. rolls her eyes for a bit and proceeds to warp at the aesthete plaza. After both warpings, they arrive in a big circular room that has the looks of a massive version of an Aetheryte shard but two metallic rings are going across with more noticeable crystal blue shards embedded in the rings. As the two of them walwalkt thetheircular room, a small half-flight of double-wide stairs that has stone collum with ld and dark purple banners on top, also more on the metallic light posts, signaling that is about time for the Gala. They walk past a slightly bigger flight of stairs that heads in the direction of crafting/ gathering guilds and the marketplace and stop a little short of the Adventures' Guild on the right, but on the left, there is a peach Midlander Hyur with light violet hair know as Charm arguing near a pale Wildwood Elezen that has a messy moderate purple hair with light blue highlights and Persian blue eyes in beginning adventuring gear. "Should we stop them," Pinkie whispered. "Nah, not our place to get involved." Pinkie points at the weathered shortsword"But she's a gladiator like Big Mac and adventure like us," pointing at the two of them to emphasize her point. "So," asked A.J. placidly. Pinkgrabbedderthei g, "So! She could be a great adventuring buddy!" Then the Wildwood turn towards them asking, "Where's the Adventures' Guild at?" Apple Jack starts, "Umm..." Pinkie then cut her off, "Hi I'm Pinkie Pie," pointing at Apple Jack, "That is Apple Jack," then pointing at the adventures' Guild on the right, "and that is the Adventures' Guild!" The Wildwood gave her a quizzical look, "Rude much?" Apple Jack just shrugged, "Now she's just excited and is Pinkie Pie." Wildwood now looks confused, "Okay I get the first part but the second..." Her voice trailed off. Apple JaJack'serestser hand on the shoulder of the new elven, "Trust me it does." Taking her hand off to give a handshake, " We've might have started on the wrong foot. Howdy, I'm an Obviously Apple Jack, What's your name, partner?" Elezen slightly scowling while accepting the had shake, "Hello I'm Starlight Glimmer and I'm not your 'partner', But I thought the adventures' Guild was farther up ahead A.j. went on, "Sorry mah Ala-neighgan accent is comin' out, but it was until five years ago when seventh umbral calamity happens and wiped it out." "It's okay I'm still a bit touchy about friends," then Starlight back peddled, "Who, who, WHAT?! A seventh umbral calamity?" Pinkie jumped up to reach face height since she was shorter than everybody else, "Duh, that's when five years ago the Changling Empire brought Down the lesser moon Lunafreya leading to the escape of the sirens! Only a person living underneath a rock wouldn't know, and trust me I would know because..." She stop to see that Apple Jack was glaring down at her. "I know about the Empire," Starlight suddenly looking mournful, "But that means North is gone." After that, Pinkie's hair deflates a little," Yah I heard that he was a great mage. Why don't we sign up at the guild." "Yeah," the other two agreed by the sudden mood killer. Three of them gogo the fa light of stairs that curves around a fountain on both sides to get to the guild's hall. Seeing a tan tunes folk Calafell that has a black bun with grey highlights that have lightened age and glossy pink eyes. "Hey Booksmart, we're here to sign up," Pinkie says excitedly with her hair reinflated. Not batting an eye at pinkie's hair, "Oh is it that time already." Booksmart then looks at Starlight, "Oh a new face, welcome just write down your name here." Then she scribbles her name in. "Huh, I think I saw your name once, but cannot remember have we ever met before? Oh let's not worry about the past or else we would be here all day. Just head down towards your Guild to meet their instructors," Booksmartexplainss, "Oh can you two show where hers is." "Yepperdo! My guild is at the end" Pinkie says as she points behind her. " Alright Pinkie, mah' is also in the same direction, but," Apple Jack starts thinking out aloud, "Gladiator's Guild is farther than the pugilists'." "It's a gladiator's Guild so there must be a colosseum, and if that is still in the same place since the last time I was here," Starlight starts to explain. "That means you would know where it is," Pinkie interrupts, "woohoo, that means you won't get lost because it's very easy to get lost here in Canterlot." "Or I can give her a map and Mark where she needs to go," Booksmart suggests. "Why in tarnation did ask us to show where she'd go?" A.J.ask asks not patiently. Booksmart shrugs, "To see what would you guys do." Then here a loud belly grumbling."Eh sorry, guys I was in a rush this morning and skipped breakfast," Pinkie explain with an over-the-top shrug. Booksmart giggles a little bit, "How about I feed you guys?" "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude," Starlight asks questionably. Pinkie looked at Starlight, "We'll need the food so we can learn more about adventuring and our classes, plus I like food." Apple Jack starts to fiddle with her hora that goes around her knuckles, "Ah' already ate but I don' mind eating again so I a can continue on doin' what ah' do." Booksmart put her hands on her hips, "So what would guys like to eat?" "Ooh, Ooh, I would like to have Marmot steak with mashed potatoes." "Ah' have a Chanterelle saute easy on the oil please, and thank ya'." "Um, what is there to have," Starlight asked. Booksmart wrote down Pinkie's and A.J.'s order, "Well there are the two things that they ordered but there is also frumenty, Three toad legs, and flatbread." Starlight thinking this over, ' Three toad legs doesn't sound good and flatbread is bland but so is Frumenty also friendly is bland though, so I guess I'll have, "Frumenty please." Booksmart looks up at Starlight, " Which flavor? Rowanberry, cinnamon stick, or honey?" Starlight shrugging, "I guess cinnamon stick." Booksmart looking at her list, "Let me see if got this right? Pinkie wants a Marmot Steak, Apple Jack wants Chanterelle to saute easy with oil, and Starlight, right, wants cinnamon stick flavored Frumenty. (4) Pinkie looks at her friends, " Yep, everything but my mashed potatoes." Booksmart winced, "The delivery never came sorry, Pinkie, but I can get you a rowanberry shaved ice. Pinkie sighed"Okay but only you if let us solve the delivery mystery." Booksmart looks up and taps her chin, "Well I was thinking about getting either getting the Sister Blades or Blueblood Knuckles to do it, but if guys think you can handle it be my guest, before that though go your guilds, rules are rules. And make sure you guys handle it before sundown. Or else I'll have to get the Blades, the Knuckles, or another adventurer." It was Apple Jack's turn to look at her friends and answer, " Alrighty then you've gotten yourself a deal Ms. Booksmart, but before that, let's eat y'all." The other two nod confidently at A.J. response. Booksmart smile and says, "Alright then your food should be out here between 10-15 minutes, and find yourself a seat." This is the first hard long look at the Guild interior for Starlight, seeing it was a circular room with three doors heading outside. They are standing in front of a desk that had Booksmart on her stool and there is a mini stair down where all the tables reside in a smaller circle than the room. To the left of them, there is a door, also another desk with a catgirl behind it in a feathered hat and wool vest probably learn what's that about later. "Hey, slowpoke we found a table," Pinkie exclaimed while bouncing up and down beside a table that was in the far left corner. Starlight responded, "Coming!" She quickly got over to the table, " Is there anything you guys want to talk about while we wait." Apple Jack then places her hand on the table like a chin rest, "Yah, who should be our party leader, and what should we do if A, the delivery case fails, or B, after we solve the case." Pinkie standing on her chair so she can lean on the table, " We're not failing Booksmart or ourselves on this mystery, and I think Starlight would be a great party leader seeing that she has already done this before." Starlight lean back and looked at Pinkie questionably, "How did you know that I certainly haven't." Sitting back in the chair Pinkie waved her hand innocently, "Oh I have read the description box and saw how you reacted when you heard about calamity. I had put two and two together seeing that you are one of the missing warriors of light." A.J. lean back so far that her chair is resting on the back of her legs, "Now come on Pinkie the warriors of light vanished without a trace, so surely Starlight ain't one of them." Starlight looks down guilty and admits, " Actually I am and I don't know how I got here five years into the future." Apple Jack was shocked," How are you even alive? Where are the others? What happened back then?" Starlight sough, " I don't know but I hope someone else made it to the future with me." There was an awkward silence until the food got there. Booksmart walked up to the table with the food and handed their respective dishes to them. Then, they continued to eat in silence with the background noise filling the air. Once they were done A.J. coughed, " Sorry if we brought up something that made you upset, but the past is in the past, and maybe we can find out what happened to your friends." Pinkie nodded in agreement, "Yeah, but we should head over to our respective guilds though." "Okay then," starlight let out, "Let's start our new adventure in Equestria Reborn"