> Ones Left Behind > by Pon13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Left Behind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I should be at home making pots, we're no soldiers. We shouldn't even be here." - Equestrian conscript, battle of Filly Delphia A blue-furred satyr leaned back in his chair as a griffon droned on about the post-war history of Equestria. History wasn't Jax's strong suit, and to him, it was just simple propaganda written by the victors. Besides, it was painfully obvious when it was nothing more than plain nonsense if you looked a little deeper. "And that class is how the mighty New Union defeated the princesses and the humans…" The Griffon lecturer finished off, scribbling a few keywords on the blackboard. Jax's attention was far from the lesson. He glared at the clock on the classroom wall, hoping the seconds would tick faster. Only twenty minutes left, and he could finally escape this lecture. "As we know, Celestia, in her final moments, cast a spell that returned all humans and their tech to their home world," the Griffon said, approaching Jax's desk and leaning in close. "Leaving behind their satyr bastards." Having learned not to speak back from past experiences, Jax simply folded his arms and scowled in protest. "But as we all can see, we let them into our education system, hoping to replicate human technology." Jax glanced back at the clock, avoiding eye contact with the lecturer. The seconds seemed to drag slower than usual. He couldn't wait for the class to be dismissed. "So far, there has been nothing promis-" The griffon slammed his talon down on Jax's desk with a loud thump, causing him to flinch back to reality. "Jax! For the last time! Listen up, Tartarus spawn. The Emperor has granted you the right to education, yet you throw it back in his face!" He stared down at the satyr. "Must I remind you - Again - that all satyrs who do not pass this year will end up in the mines!" Before Jax could speak up, the bell rang, signaling the end of the final class for the day. The other students packed up their books and papers, and Jax followed suit. "Right class, before you go, we will be studying the Changeling Rebellion, so read up on the Changeling invasion of Canterlot in pre-war history." The griffon blocked Jax's quick escape by standing in his way, trapping him between two desks. "Jax, you're staying behind." As ordered, Jax returned to his desk and slumped back down in the chair as his classmates filtered out of the room. Out of all six months of being in college, not one student had muttered a single word to him. The lecturer griffon sighed, waiting for the last student to leave the classroom before shutting the door. Gently pulling the door closed with a click, he turned his attention to Jax. "Jax, you need to focus in class. I can't keep forging your grades like this." "I know, I know. But it's hard to focus, especially when the lesson is practically insulting," the satyr retorted. "As I explained last week, it's propaganda. I have to show that I'm keeping you in your place. Trust me, I don't like doing it either." "I can guess that, and I do understand somewhat." Jax sulked lower in his chair, seemingly defeated. "Glad we agree. But can you at least go easier on me during the lectures?" "No can do," the lecturer said, pulling out a small bottle from under his wing and placing it on the desk. "Anyway, rub this on your cheek and arms. It should cause a harmless red rash on your skin. Make it look like I roughed you up a bit." Jax withheld a grumble that was brewing under his breath, knowing the griffon was cutting him a break. He grabbed the bottle and rubbed the liquid on his cheek and arms, causing them to redden with a light burning sensation. The griffon inspected Jax's cheek and arms, satisfied with the outcome, he dismissed him in an almost military fashion. As Jax started to leave, he heard his lecturer speak up. "Make sure you fake a limp on your way home! Gotta make it believable!" Following the request, Jax faked a limp as he made his way out. A cool summer breeze washed over the satyr as he stepped outside onto the city streets. He paused to watch the hustle and bustle of Manehattan's busy life. Ponies, griffons, and minotaurs went about their daily business while the city guards watched over them. Pulling on his backpack, Jax made his way along the busy streets, looking at the buildings. It was hard to imagine that a massive battle took place on these very streets nearly twenty years ago. Most of the buildings had been rebuilt or demolished to give way to new apartments that towered over the older ones. But the old buildings fascinated Jax; they showed the real history with their battle scars. He could see a few odd bullet holes and darkened brickwork that were a testament to what happened here. Like clockwork, Jax spotted the minotaur guard patrol down the street, towering over the rest of Manehattan's inhabitants. Waiting for the guard to turn the other way, he slipped down an alleyway without being noticed. He quickly made his way down the littered path, checking over his shoulder to make sure he was not being followed. After a few moments, Jax arrived at an old factory hidden between the new city blocks, its chimney billowing out smoke. It signaled that his friend of many years, Hammer Fell, was home or at work. Jax couldn't remember ever seeing Hammer Fell outside of the factory, so he wasn't sure if it was his friend's workplace or home. Jax shrugged off the thoughts and knocked on the heavy iron doors. "Hammer Fell, it's me!" "Jax?" A gravelly voice came from behind the iron doors. "I need to talk to you." "Hang on, boy. Didn't your mother teach you patience? Give me a moment to get these doors open." Jax deadpanned at the reply, knowing full well that Hammer Fell knew his history. An eerie blue aura enveloped the doors, and with a loud, ear-piercing screech, they ground open to reveal an aged unicorn covered head to hoof in black soot, which obscured his faded blue coat and grey cropped mane. "Are you busy?" Jax asked, peering past the unicorn to spot hundreds of New Union firearms stacked on gun racks along the side wall. He pushed past Hammer Fell to get a closer look at the newly made guns. "I don't think busy is the word for it, boy," the old unicorn said, closing the doors behind him. "Are you making those muskets now?" Jax asked, lifting one for closer inspection. "Shh! If the guards catch you calling their guns that, they'll skewer you! They're called Griffins Thunder." Jax stifled a chuckle upon hearing the ridiculous name. "So why are you making mus-griff... ugh... guns now?" He couldn't call them Griffins Thunder with a straight face. "Well, it was a plan that backfired," the stallion unicorn said, wincing slightly at his slip of the tongue, as earlier, Griffon muskets were renowned for the risk of blowback when fired. "No pun intended, but to cut a long story short, I managed to get the blueprints you gave me to the last remaining free states for better guns. Your idea of putting grooves inside the barrel and lengthening it made the NU's Army lose hundreds of soldiers." A cold shiver ran down Jax's spine as he heard the news about the last batch of weapons he helped design. Knowing he was responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths in a way, he shook off the thought. If it kept those in the Free States free, then some hope existed for Equestria. "Well, as you can see, the NU got hold of one of those weapons and copied the design. Then, from there, they conscripted every blacksmith, gunsmith, and metalsmith to produce them as quickly as possible to replace their own," Hammer Fell explained, rubbing his head with his hooves, clearly stressed due to the workload. "So, what is it you want?" Jax opened his backpack and pulled out a few scraps of paper and some photos. "I've been working on blueprints for replicas of human guns and even their 'bullets'..." Hammer Fell's eyes shot open. "Come on, we can't talk here, especially about this." Snatching the papers and photos from the satyr with his magic, he looked over them in awe. "Follow me." Descending to the basement, they entered a dark, damp room with old blueprints and photos of weaponry dotted around the walls, lit by a few lamps. Hammer Fell approached an old wooden table in the middle and waved Jax over. "As you can see in the photo, that soldier there is carrying what they called a 'bolt-action' rifle. From what I read, they used to pull back on that lever to prime the gun." Jax ran his finger over the rough blueprints, using the old photos of human soldiers holding their weapons as a reference. Hammer Fell sat in silence for a while, processing the information before perking up with a confused expression. "Where does the powder go?" "Inside the old casings you gave me. The powder is inside the bullet. I'm honestly surprised you found them. I thought ALL human tech returned with them." "Boy, you're smart, but you still need to learn to see the bigger picture." "What do you mean?" "Don't you think Celestia would let a chance to advance her own military technology just slip by?" "So, what happened? We could've won!" Jax threw his arms up in frustration. "Let’s just say a few infamous humans didn't take borrowing human ideas too well and caused the Canterlot Vaults incident." "I was always told it was the griffins who destroyed the Canterlot Vaults." Hammer Fell raised his hoof to his face and sighed, shaking his head. "Boy... How in Tartarus could they sneak into Canterlot and a secret, high-security military base and plant a bomb big enough to wipe out three blocks of houses, and on top of that, make it out alive?" "Oh..." Jax hadn't thought about that. "The truth is, Celestia and Luna crafted the biggest cover-up in Equestrian history to save pony-human relations." "So, do you reckon you can make a prototype?" Jax changed the subject. "Prototype!?" Hammer Fell bolted upright and stared at the satyr, even though he had to look up to meet his gaze. "Do you know what will happen if I get caught? I would be... ugh, how did the humans put it... 'Fucked.' I would be stuffed in some underground bunker and interrogated, probably tortured for that information. The NU will freak out if these go into production in the Free States." A huge grin crossed his face. "And boy... I wouldn't have it any other way." "Really?" Jax was taken aback by his long-winded answer. "Certainly. I'll have something for you tomorrow." "Tomorrow?" "Yes, tomorrow, and you need to get going too. Curfew will start soon." "Curfew?" "For Celestia's sake, boy, piss off. I've got work to do." A magical aura enveloped Jax as the unicorn dragged him out of the basement and out through the iron doors. Jax tried to turn around to ask if he would need help, only to find the iron doors slamming in his face. With a sigh, the satyr turned on his hooves and made his way back to his college dorm – well, a glorified broom closet with a mattress, for that matter. > Leaving Behind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Humans come honor leaves, this isn't a battle as it's a game to them. Call the retreat." - Griffon Officer, First battle of Baltimare The next day Jax finds himself in the same old routine, get up, wash,get dressed and get to class and watch the clock tick by through out the day then finish with 'history' lessons at the end. With the Lecturer droning on again all Jax can think about is the new prototype gun and watch the seconds tick by on the clock. Once again time seems to crawl on. "And as Queen Chrysalis attacks our new Emperor, he kills her with a single feather and if you done your research, you'll find Chrysalis defeating Celestia during the Changeling invasion of Canterlot It goes to show how weak Celestia actually was." The griffon marches back on forth in front of the class with reading from a book held in on talon. "Thus ended the Changeling Rebellion." He slams the book shut once he finishes. "Sir?" A pegasus raises a hoof from the back. "Yes Sunny Spells?" "I'm not sure if I got this correct. Did the Changelings use the remains old Canterlot Vaults Tunnels as a forward base for the rebellion? Also, what were the Canterlot Vaults?" The question catches Jax's attention as this came up in conversation with Hammer Fell yesterday . He notices the griffin lecturer hesitates on his answer. "If you think back about few months ago it was mentioned. The vaults were a military ammo depot for the royal guard’s artillery. You should have notes in your workbook on the story of a heroic group of griffons sneaking in and blowing the vaults up." "Ammo depot? what kind of ammo were they storin-" Sunny Spells tries to reply before she was cut off by the bell. "Black powder…Now class tomorrow we will wrap this all up with the crystal empires collapse and the disappearance of Luna and the elements. Jax, I noticed you were once again daydreaming. Please stay seated. " Just like yesterday, the griffon done the routine of closing the door after the last student had left. Jax got up from his chair and followed the griffon to his desk. With the question from Sunny Spells and the reaction from the lecturer his curiosity has now peaked. The Lecturer knows something. "Sir…" "Yes Jax, I'm busy marking you can leave after ten minutes." The griffon flicks through a students work. Muttering about the stupid answers from ponies. "What do you know of the Vaults really?" "Didn't you listen? They were military-" "Base for the development of human weapons." Jax cuts him off. A silence descends over the two . The griffon stares at him with his beak agape. In a split seconded he grabbed Jax by the collar and pulled him halfway over the desk. "Where in the name of the emperor did you hear that?" He whispers in a harsh tone while Jax tries and pull back before there's no letting go until he get a satisfying answer. "Well!?" His voice grew louder. "Out with it!" "I-I read some books on it!" The satyr blurts out desperately to escape his grasp. "What books?" "Books from under the count in East-side Market." Jax replies quickly hoping he'll buy into the lie. The griffon lets go and slouches back into his chair. "I've heard rumors about the selling of banned books at one of the stalls there." He stands up and looks out the window and sighs. "Fine, it's true and don't put that in your paper for Emperors sake." "So what did happen?" Continuing to stare out the window the lecturer recounts the memory. "The Vault did explode, but by human hands. Everything was destroyed in the vault as it went up in flames. They say it took the royal guard five days to put the fire out under Canterlot. That and the New Union Army has had that place on lock down for over twenty years. I was stationed there when I were a soldier. I saw other officials in bio-suits enter there but never come out, whatever is down there all I can say it contains something deadly" "If it were dangerous down there then how did the changelings make a hive there?" Jax asks feeling a little braver to push for more information. He looks back at him with a thousand-yard stare."It changed the changelings." "How?" "Just go." "Sir?" "I said go! Get out!" Jax stumbles back and runs to the door with the Griffons outburst. Looking back he notices his lecturer has now buried his face in his talons. What happened there has scared him for life. But either way, it did shed some light on the old griffon. Walking to Hammer Fell’s place Jax couldn’t help to wonder what his lecturer had been through. It kind of made sense that he were a soldier who fought in the war, he always had that well disciplined attitude when teaching. As Jax thought about the vaults it dawns on him that Hammer Fell seems to know a bit about them also. Maybe it's worth asking. Snapping back to reality, Jax notices he's already at the iron doors of the factory house. Realizing that he forgot to check if he was followed he gave a quick check before knocking. "Hammer Fell?" "Hang on!" The metal doors flew open with a familiar loud screech with the unicorn quickly ushering Jax inside. "Follow me, she's a beauty!" After descending to the basement, you see the new prototype gun laid out neatly on the table. "I call it the ‘Hammer Field Rifle’ What you think?” “I think you’re taking all the credit” Jax folds his arms with a frown. "I’ve been working non-stop on this since you left yesterday. I at least deserve most of the credit.” “Personally, I don’t want my name attached to it anyway.” Jax shrugs as he takes a moment to admire the guns beauty. Honestly Hammer Fell went all out on this one, even though it's a prototype. By the looks of it he used the stock and a modified barrel from a musket but removed the flint lock and replaced it with the bolt action mechanism. "The magazines on the table. Well that’s what the humans called them anyway, from what I remember.” “This is amazing! Hammer Fell you really out done yourself.” The satyr is in awe at the unicorns work. "Wouldn’t have done it without you boy. But in regards to the rounds, I manged to make fifty. They take much longer to make than a musket ball” “Still I’m amazed on how you made all this so quickly.” ”That’s because it’s his special talent. Isn’t that right, Lieutenant Lock” A voice chips in as a figure descends the stairs. Almost instinctively, Jax slip in the magazine and haphazardly bring the stock to his shoulder. "Well I can recognize that voice from anywhere, It's been a while Major.” "Sir!?" Jax recognizes the griffon as he steps into the light. "Jax. Lower your weapon." The griffon said calmly. "What’s going on? You two know each other?" Jax continue his aim at him. "Yes we do." The griffin ex major replied. "Me and Lieutenant Lock met at the battle of Canterlot." "Boy. Do as he says and lower your weapon." The satyr does as Hammer Fell says and aims the barrel down. "So as we are all acquainted, I can tell you there are guards upstairs. I can safely say both of you are under arrest." Before Jax can act Hammer Fell speaks up. "Just give him the gun." After handing the griffon the gun, they all headed upstairs to find another griffon and two minotaur guards "Very good Major." The other griffin dressed in a New Unions officer uniform speaks up. "Now, whom may I ask designed the gun?" Jax opens his mouth to speak but his unicorn friend buts in. ”I did.” "I doubt that, pony. Guards detain the Satyr for interrogation and kill the unicorn." The officer orders as the two guards make their way towards Jax and Hammer Fell. ”What!? NO! You said you wouldn't hurt him!” Major call out, as he flung himself towards the other griffon and clubbing him with the stock of the prototype gun knocking him out cold. A beam of light crackles from Hammer Fells horn striking the minotaur guard in the chest, knocking him over. Jax looks around to see the other guard moments away from swing his giant axe at him. All he could do is shield himself with his arms and brace for a horrible end. Crack! A gun shot rings out through the factory. A loud ringing in everyones ears mutes the sound of the ongoing commotion. Looking up, Jax see the huge minotaur with a nasty wound in his chest stumble forward then proceeds fall on him. Darkness. All the satyr could see is blackness. In a panic he tries and flail around frantically in the dark void. Upon realizing he didn't have a body his mind shoots into overdrive praying to any god or goddess who may be listening. A few moments passes In the distance he can see a tall dark figure emerge from the black veil. He comes to recognize the black and blue unicorn with wings. He thinks back to seeing images of her back in class. "Is that Luna? " He mutters to himself. The only difference is that in the images from the history books is that she lacks any scars which seemed to cover her head to hoof. Her horn starts to glow brightly as Jax is engulfed in a blinding light. As the satyrs' senses floods back to him, he finds himself in a throne room. Looking around he notices the banners of the princess’s hanging from the ceiling. He glances around once again to find Celestia herself calling for her guards. Sounds ongoing battle echo's through the halls of the castle leading out of the throne room. "Oh so you know what it capable of. Now imagine the Vaults gets a second blast inside the glowstone stores?" A weird bug like unicorn creature let out a wicked laugh catching Jax's attention. ”Imagine the devastation…Celestia…Think about it” A few black chitin guards pile through the doors at the side of the throne room followed by a few human soldiers dressed in their signature camouflage armor holding their deadly guns. “Those must be changelings” He mutters to himself looking back at the bug type ponies. "Chrysalis…" Celestia spoke up. "I got a proposition to make." Chrysalis replies with an evil grin as she approaches the alicorn. "I’m not interested." Celestia horn start to glow as she charges a powerful spell. "I wouldn’t do that if I was you… Let just say if I die, everypony in Canterlot dies with me." With the spell still charged, Celestia wait for Chrysalis to continue. "Now Celestia, my proposition is this. You send the human’s home and everypony lives." Celestia glares at the human soldiers. "Must I remind you that you all volunteered to join this war." "That you did. But lets just say we are getting homesick." A human soldier retorts back. "I don’t think so. I don’t know how you got past the guards or even get into Canterlot, this war is won Chrysalis. The our armies are pushing in to griffon territories as we speak. I suggest you surrender.” "I don’t think you get it do you…Canterlot Vaults…Does that ring any bells? We changelings have acquired certain human explosives…" "You wouldn’t…" ”This city is sitting on a ticking time bomb. Your choice.” Celestia locks stares with Chrysalis as she runs over different outcomes in her head. With a sigh she charges a spell to send the humans in her throne room home. "No no no, that wont do at all! that spell is too weak here take this!" Chrysalis charges her horn and fires at Celestia causing a magical outburst sending shock wave that blinds Jax who is still watching on causing him to jolt awake can look around in a daze. Jax feels that he is being pulled along in a wooden cart or something. Every now and again the cart will hit a bump causing him to smack his head on the hard wood. He hears his lecturer and Hammer Fell talk among themselves. He opens one of his eyes to find the old unicorn pulling the cart. Looking around to find that he is being pulled along a dark tunnel, that being dimly lit by Hammer Fells horn. Jax hears the old unicorn speak up with disbelief in his voice. "So lets get this straight, you followed Jax to my factory, then called the guards once you saw him enter.” "Correct.” The ex major replies. "And when you found out we developed human weaponry, you wanted Jax to admit he did it so the NU will take him away so he can help advance theirs?" "I was hoping they would give him a well-paid job and a nice life." "Okay so at the expense of my life? They would’ve killed me Major!" Jax never really realize how much lecturer cared for him, then again, he was willing to kill your only friend. He glare at Major not sure what to think of him anymore. "I wanted you dead anyway. You killed many good soldiers of mine, Lock" Majors voice dropped into a snarl. Hammer Fell snaps back "And you killed all of mine…" The satyr could feel the tension between the two ex-soldiers. 'This probably be a good time to wake up' he thought to himself. He gave a stretch out and fake a loud yawn only to yelp in pain as he clutches his ribs. Hammer Fell looks back at the cart and spoke in a chirpy voice as if the argument never happened. ”Ah, boy. I was getting worried. Try and not move around too much. I got a feeling you have one or two broken ribs.” Jax speaks up with a dry throat. "Where are we?" "Manehatten Tunnels my boy, also take a swig of water from the canteen, It should be somewhere in the cart." “Tunnels? Does every city have them or something?” Jax replies as he fumbles around in the dark looking for the water. He finally finds it then took a few big swigs of the fresh cool liquid. "No, no. It’s an old supply tunnel made before the war. As Manehatten grew in size the supplies used to be shipped to the old factory through here.” "Where does it lead?" "To the old northern docks. I got a contact there to get us out of this city." "What are we going to do now? Killing guards and an officer, I bet the whole city is after us by now. We’re going to end up being caught!" Jax starts to panic as he recalls whats happened. "Not to worry, we got at least a day before they find their bodies and worked out what happened." The griffin finally speaks up. "And on top of that it’ll take more time to identify the officer after being in a furnace for a long while." "Like what he said boy, nothing to worry about. I’m taking you to somewhere safe, you’ll should be alright there but I’m not sure what bird brain is doing once we’re out of these tunnels" "I’m coming with you. How much I hate to do it. I have no other option; I have more chance of surviving with you two." "What so you can kill me in my sleep and offer Jax as a token for your life?" "I would never do that. I have honor. Only killing you in a fair duel would satisfy my hate for you." "Same here, Major. Same here." Hammer Fell sighs after a moment of silence. "Anyway I guess having somepony with wings would be useful for our journey. But after we make it to the mountains, I want you gone." A good while later the group finally make it to the end of the tunnel. Jax had to walk the rest of the way as Major deemed him fit to walk. Even though a sharp pain shot through his chest every time you took a step. Hammer Fell agreed with him saying it’s ‘good character building’. The pain got worse as Hammer Fell dumps an ammo bag on your back and made you carry the prototype rifle. The other two carried their own share of supplies in saddle bags as well as a NU musket slung over their backs. The satyr, unicorn and the griffon step out into the old docks through a rusted iron door and look up to see an orange sky. The sunset bathes the docks in an orange glow adding to the sight of decay. The docks are completely empty and void of life. Nothing more than a few abandoned cargo crates and decaying boats. Jax clutches his side to ease the pain on his ribs as he took a deep breath as he's glad to be out of those tunnels. > Leaving Them Behind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Queen has Fallen! I repeat the Queen has Fallen. All changelings are to attack New Union soldiers on sight." - Changeling Hivemind broadcast by Thorax - Start of the Changeling Rebellion ”Keep quiet and follow me” Hammer Fell whispers with authority. Jax notices the unicorns instinctive change of attitude due to many years in service. Jax and Major follow the unicorn to an old sloop boat that has seen too many days at sea. The wood rot of the vessel can be clearly seen as it bobs up and down in the gentle waves. It's masts frayed and torn with a sickly yellow hue. The sloop should of been decommissioned years ago. ”Skipper!” Hammer Fell yells out to the boat. “Thats cliche.” Jax mutters quietly still slightly irritated by the pain in his chest. ”Quiet boy!” The unicorn snaps back. ”Skipper! its me Lock, I’m calling in a favor!” The boat hatch opens, and a dusty grey earth pony with a dark green mane drunkenly stumbles out onto the deck. His eyes are blood shocked as he stumbles around on his hooves on deck. ”Well... I be bucked. I-I thought I was hearing things. Lock its really you!” The sailor pony stumbles over his words. ”Yeah, I’m glad to see you too.” ”It was getting lonely out here. These docks weren’t like they used to be.” Skipper stumbles over his hooves. “And he’s drunk... The cliché strikes again, or is it just a sailor thing?” Jax folds his arms shortly before receiving a jab to his thigh from Hammer Fell. ”Shut it,” The unicorn scolds the satyr "”Skipper I need you to get us across the water towards north.” ”Su- Sure.. thing, You're in luck too there's a wind blow from the south too." The drunk pony kicks over a plank to make a make shift gangway. "We’ll be there in no time. Hop aboard.” Major speaks up as he backs eyes the sloop. ”I think I’ll take my chances and fly across.” ”Just get on board you stupid cat. No griffon can fly that distance, at night no less.” Hammer Fell fires a hoof towards the vessel. "Or you can leave Jax with me." Major looks between Jax and the rotten ship ”That thing is a death trap. It will bucking sink as soon we leave the dock! To make things worst an old drunk is sailing it!” Look at the rot even more the griffon arches his back like a house cat back backs away. Hammer Fell watches on as his lips curl into a smile. He can't believe what he is seeing ”Are..are you really that scared of sailing. Or is it true about the griffons fear of water?” ”What!? NO! I mean I know a death trap when I see one!” Major snaps back. Hammer Fell trots beside the sacred griffin and speaks to him softly as he magically lifts his musket from his back with great care. ”Now look at that boat and a tell me what's unsafe about it..” Major points his talon at the decaying hull ”Well for one th-” SMACK! Hammer Fell hits him on the back of his head with the stock of the musket. The griffon falls into a heap on the cold cobble stone dock. ”Boy, help me get this scaredy cat on the boat.” The waves gently hitting the side of the boat cause it to rock side to side and it leaves the docks. To Jax's surprise Skipper can sail the ship pretty well by himself, even in his drunken state. Placing his elbows on the side of the ship the satyr watches at the moon rising from the horizon as he descends into deeper thought. Who is still raising the sun and moon? Thinking back he taught in school the sun rises due the emperor's will. He let out a dismissive snort. Maybe the princesses of the sun and moon has something to do with it. It’s not that hard to make that connection. Then again there’s only one left, to to his best guess Luna has taken on the role. He think back to your dream or flashback or whatever that was. "Why did she want me to know what happened?" The satyr mutters to himself. "And why did some humans choose to help the changeling queen and betray Celestia?" He rubs his eyes as more questions arises in his mind. The only thing that Jax knew for certain is the first princess he saw was Luna and she may still be alive. ”A bit for your thoughts boy?” Hammer Fell speaks up noticing Jax with a distant look upon his face. “Hammer Fell!...right...sorry…” The satyr jolts away from the side. The old unicorn laughs "Didn’t mean to startle you," His mirth slips to a more concerned expression. "but what’s up? You’ve been looking out over the water for an hour now.” "Has it been that long?" Jax mostly asks himself before turning around to face the unicorn “Hey Hammer, What happened to Luna?” "Boy, honestly those questions will lead you into some trouble. But the short story is, no-pony knows. As Canterlot fell into the NU’s rule," Hammer Fell shrugs he sholders "Luna took off with her thestral soldiers Well that’s the last time anypony seen her I guess.” Jax groans in response knowing full well it just poses more questions other than answers. A yawn creeps up on the young satyr. "Maybe it’s time to catch some sleep," As he turns around, he notices Major sprawled out on the deck still out cold. “Is he going to be okay?” the biped points a finger towards the griffon. "Him? He'll be fine, I hit him harder than that in the battle of Canterlot. See that scar under his wing?” The unicorn motioned Jax to take a closer look at the major. Jax can just make out a long scar running down the underside of his wing in the moonlight. ”Got him with my spear. But the main reason I knocked him out because he wouldn’t have made it to the other side of the water. Fly over this amount of water would probably prove fatal to him.” Jax tries to image the fight between Hammer Fell and the Major though he does find it funny seeing two enemies having to work together. Yet he does worry about them butchering each other, they are his friends after all. “Are you worried about him waking up. I think he’ll be pretty annoyed.” ”Heh, that the reason I left him on deck. Hopefully he’ll freak out when he see’s the water and forget I hit him.” “I think I’m going to hit the hay.” Jax struggles to say through a yawn. After asking Skipper where he can can sleep, Jax make his way to his ‘bed’. Skipper called it a bed, but it more like a pile of old sails. Letting out a groan the satyr bunches up some sails so its at least comfy enough to lay on. Once again Jax is surrounded by blackness. Unlike before he keeps calm and wait for Luna to arrive again. A bit of disappointment sets in as she doesn’t appear this time, but once again a bright light fills his sight. He find himself self in a different place and time. Standing in room full of mirrors where he sees Luna and Celestia talking. ”Art thou positive about this dear sister?” Luna stop her dear sister before she goes through the mirror portal. ”We have no option.” Celestia replies trying to sound sure. ”Will the humans help us?” ”I’m sure. I’ve been doing negations with them for a long time. I can safely say they would at least one or two of their countries would consider.” ”Very well, sister be safe and bring us the good news.” A loud squawk cuts the dream short as Jax lays there gathering he senses. Another loud squawk pierces his ears, in a panic he get to his hooves and stumble on deck. ”Major! calm down!” Hammer Fell yells at the distressed griffon. ”Listen to me! look over there, land is only while away.” The disgruntled unicorn fires a hoof towards the land that is slowly appearing on the horizon ”How can I calm down! You put me on this deathtrap! I’m going to tear you apart.” Major pants between his shouts. He looks livid , so much for Hammer Fells plan. ”Fine, come and get me you old feather duster.” The old unicorn readies his hooves for a fight. The griffin looks like he was going to pounce onto Hammer Fell, only for a freak wave to hit the side of the boat cause it to creak loudly braking Majors resolve for a fight. "Get me off this bucking boat!” In a pathetic display for the griffon, Major covers his face with his talons and starts shivering. Hammer Fell turns to you and shakes his head being slightly amused. "Boy, believe it or not he was the most feared griffon on the battlefield...” A smile breaks out on the unicorn’s face. "Now look at him” the unicorn eventually breaks into a wholehearted laugh. The sun starts to peak over the horizon as the ship pulls up to an old dock. Not much remains other than a floating harbor and an old deprecated shack. Gathering all their belongings Jax and Hammer Fell make their way off the sloop. Major has already flew the last few hundred yards to get off the ship as quickly as possible, he cheers on with joy of being back on land. ”Sweet Celestia, land!” Major exclaims. ”Huh, never thought I’d hear a griffin say that.” Hammer Fell mutters as he watches the griffon over his shoulder. Drawing his attention to the old sailor he spots him carrying a spear with a set of saddlebags on his back. "Hey Skipper what are-" The unicorn looks on in horror as the sloop sails off by itself. "Skipper! your ship!" Skipper doesn't bother to look back out to sea as a deafening explosion erupts from the ship. "You did me well old girl.” He looks down at the ground not baring to see his ship slowly sink into the depths. ”In Celestia’s name Skipper!” Hammer Fell yells at him. "I was planning to go down with my ship last night.” Skipper says in a unnerving tone as he pushes pass the unicorn he pauses almost out of ear shot, "One last adventure don't you think Lock?" The group of four walk through the farmlands keeping their eye out for griffon or minotaur patrols. It seems luck is in their favor as not a single patrol has been seen. After a few miles Jax got used to the pain from his ribs, though stepping into a pothole or any sudden movement causes the pain to flair. Clutching his side he quickly jogs up to Hammer Fell who was walking upfront alone. "Well that makes four of us now. If we gain another, it’ll make a full unit.” Hammer Fell chuckles as he glances at Jax walking beside him. "So you were a lieutenant?" Jax questions the old unicorn. "Correct." The smile on Hammer slips away as the same questions always seems to follow when others ask. "Do you miss them? I mean your soldiers?" ”That I do boy. Me and that platoon went to Tartarus and back,” The unicorn looks over his shoulder and glares at Major who is chatting away with Skipper. Facing front again Hammer Fell sighs, slowly shaking his head, ”I bet the rest of my bits that you going to ask about me and Major.” “Yeah I was going to ask that.” ”Well towards the end of the war, I was stationed in Canterlot, in preparation for the siege. I was my platoons’ job to defend the remains of the vaults. How the battle played out, I can safely say it was the Majors job to secure it.” “I guessing him being a Major, he outnumbers you?” ”You been reading those military books again?” The small smile grows on Hammers face. ”You are right though, My platoon defended that place for three days straight. Even when the walls fell and the rest of the army retreated to the castle, we stayed.” “How did you hold out for that long?” Jax pushes on for more information he knew Hammer Fell never really talks about the battles, in fact all he knew of the unicorn that he were a soldier during the war. ”We retreated into the remains of the tunnels so the griffins didn’t have an aerial advantage.” The unicorn gave the same thousand-yard stare as Major did when he was asked him about the Vaults. ”That place quickly went south. I can still remember the stench of rotting bodies and the blood...” Hammer Fells shakes in images from his mind. ”Ugh...sorry boy. Same scars never heal. Can we talk about something else.” “Yeah...sure.” Jax admires a quaint farm cottage and the stone wall that marks the garden's edge. Hammer stops with his ears twitching as something has put him on alert, almost instantly he pulls the satyr down behind the wall with his magic. Major and Skipper follows suit. "Whats..." "Shh!" Hammer Fell hushes Jax. The door of the cottage burst open. A sobbing mare and a terrified male satyr makes their way outside followed by two griffon guards. The four peaks over the wall as they observe the situation. Jax notices the satyr is of similar age as him. It was a given since the humans were around only for a few years. ”Please don't hurt us!” The mare sobs and pleas as she holds on to her satyr. Mam, you have been found guilty under the new law of birth rights. A griffin spoke up wearing an officer's hat while he loads his flintlock pistol. ”By giving birth of a satyr you have committed the crime of treason.” ”But that was nineteen years ag-” The mare jolts and slumps forward. "Mom!" The satyr screams in anguish. The other griffon aims his pistol at the satyr trembling with is aim. "Well rookie...Shoot him," The officer griffon reloads his gun. "Or I will." "This- this isn't right... There's no honor in this..." His talon holding the pistol shakes even more. "I can't" "Honor is following orders without question rookie," The officer aims his pistol at the satyr. Bang! Crack! The satyr gurgles as he tries to scream only to twitch in his death throws. The officer slumps face first into the grass with a gaping gunshot to his back. The other griffon looks up to find Jax aiming his gun over the wall standing in dead silence. A dead weight sinks into Jax's stomach knowing full well he's just taken a life, and not quick enough to save another. The rest of the group aim their muskets over the wall at the rookie guard who simply drops his pistol. Taking the initiative Major hops over the wall and apprehends him. "What in the name of emperor was that!" Major bellows at the guard. Jax still with his gun held up to his shoulder froze in place tears running down cheeks. ”Jax!....You bucking idiot!” The unicorn scorns him as he uses his magic to turn Jax's head to face him - "You are luck-" "I-I..." Hammer Fell knew that look, he seen so many give the same expression after coming back from their first battle. "Skipper check the cottage." He orders the sailor pony before wrapping a foreleg around Jax who is now slouching against the wall. Jax didn't know what came over him, how could he take a life so easily yet be so incompetent to save another. "He was scared Hammer." Jax mutters out between sobs. "There was nothing we could of done. but heavens sake don't run into conflict like that." Hammer Fell pulls Jax up gently with his magic. "Boy. If I did you would be dead right now if the other wasn't a rookie. He would have killed you first, as you were the closest potential threat.” "I'm sorry I didn't..." "Nevermind, lets go inside and find supplies, this family won't be using them." Hammer Fell starts to head towards the cottage. Major stops him in the tracks holding a piece of paper. ”I think you should see this…” Snatching the paper from Major he reads it. "It’s orders, straight from the emperor himself" Hammer Fell read out the rest aloud, ”The year trail of Project Human have been cut short. After six months in education and funding the satyr abomination has failed to produce any progress on human technologies. The courts have deemed satyrs a threat to national security. Officers are now granted the rights to trial and execution…” Major looks at Hammer Fell, with an emotion that indicated betrayal. ”I bet your well happy now, knowing you two fought for this!” Hammer Fell barks at the Major and the rookie guard before diverting his attention a Jax who is stood in the doorway ”Boy go upstairs with Skipper and tell him to look for anything that's useful for supplies. Mainly food and bits. I'll check the room below.” Major turns towards the guard and throws a punch that clips his beak. "If you know what's good for you, then ditch the uniform, change your name and quit playing toy soldiers." The guard just nods with absolute fear in his eyes, with a flap of his wings he took off. Jax climbs the stairs to hear Skipper in one of the upstairs rooms. He hears him talking to someone as if they are a foal. Making his way along the hallway Jax side steps a dead stallion with a massive wound to the chest. By the state of things there were definitely a struggle that taken place here. Noticing a short sword lay next to the stallion shown that he died defending his family. Jax guessed that the dead pony must of been a step father to the satyr. "Come on, I ain't going to hurt you." Skipper beckons with a hoof as a small face of a filly slips back under the bed. "Skipper?" Jax peers into a bedroom. ”Hey Jax, there’s a filly under the bed. Poor things terrified. Do you reckon you can talk her out from under the bed?” "Sure," Jax enters the room. Grabbing Skippers shoulder he whispers in his ear to hide the body outside the door. The sailor nods and grabs the sheet off the fillies’ bed. “Hey…” Crouches down to see the filly, not sure what to say he decides something simple "Are you hurt?" ”Brother?” A small voice comes from under the bed. Jax looks down at his legs. Then glances out the window to see Major dragging the other satyr into a dug grave. He spots the legs of the satyr are of the same color. “No, Im not your brother,” Getting on his hand's and knees he see's the light yellow filly. “My name’s Jax, I’m from Manehatten.” The filly shuffles back further, her face stained with tears. A long silence come from under the bed, Jax opens his mouth to speak. Instead the young filly cuts in. ”Have you seen my mom and dad?” Jax just looks at Skipper who returns through the door. Giving him a pleading look only to get a shrug in return. "I think she's got the hint Jax." Skipper finally speaks up. Slipping past Jax he lays down on the floor to speak to the filly. "Hey, it's me again, The mean griffons are gone now, its safe to come out." "But.." The filly wimpers. "Come on, you can't stay here, we got to go." Skipper gives her a kind smile. Finally the filly gives in and slowly crawls out from under the bed. On the way out Jax grabs the fillies little woolly scarf and hat and shoves them in his rucksack. He does the last scan of the room and grabs a small teddy bear before leaving. The three makes their way along the hallway. The body is now gone, Jax nods to Skipper for his quick thinking. As they descend the stairs they spot Hammer Fell watching Major with a shovel in the garden. The unicorn looks back at them. ”Oh great…. I was fearing this would happen.” He looks at the young filly. There was little conversation after saying a few words over the new graves, only a few questions for the little filly, she didn't say much other than her name is Little Bale. The countryside had a odd stillness to it other than a gentle wind and a odd bird tweeting in the afternoon sun. The young filly is now laying on Skippers back as he hums a song. She has taken to the old earth pony. ”Mr Skipper?” Little Bale speaks up. "Hmm?" Skipper cuts his humming. "Do you know the song, oh I forgot the name of it." The filly starts to choke up as she couldn't remember the name of the song. "My mom used to sing it to me and my brother." "Well can you sing a bit?" ”~There's a rhythm and rush these days~” Little Bale sings out of tune. ”Your in luck, that's a human song and I do recognize it.” ”Really? My mom told me my brothers' real dad use to sing it to him” Little Bale perks up a little "Can you sing it?" Skipper clears his throat and starts to sing. "There's a rhythm in rush these days ~Where the lights don't move and the colors don't fade ~ Leaves you empty with nothing but dreams ~In a world gone shallow ~ In a world gone mean..." The others has to admit that Skipper has a pretty good voice. He's gravely low voice makes the song somewhat soothing yet slightly haunting at the same time. To Little Bale on the other-hand was soothing as she starts to doze on skippers back giving a sniffle now and again between her breathing. "~To feel your heart as it's keeping time ~We'll do whatever just to stay alive..." Skipper finishes the last verse he looks over his shoulder to see the young filly fast asleep. Everyone looks at Major who stops in his tracks with a surprised expression on his face. "Alright Major?" Hammer Fell asks the griffon. "Yeah, I'm surprised you all didn't burst into song like you ponies do," Major turn as continue to walk "I think I would have to shoot you all if you did." "You sour puss." Skipper chuckles. "You're just jealous." > Leaving the Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The weather today will be sunny spells in the morning, and overcast in early afternoon with a high chance of light artillery barrages though out the night." Pegasi battlefield weather control officer - Siege of fort Griffstone The sun makes its descent below the horizon as Jax falls a little behind in the group. Lost in the web of his home thoughts he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. Would he flt the the same way if he pulled the trigger just a fraction sooner. The more he thought about it the more he tumbles into despair. What is he doing here? He feels as if life just starting to pull him along and he's no longer in control. Hammer Fell spots the satyr lagging behind with a lost expression on his face. Slowing down his pace, he trotted beside Jax. "I know how you're feeling right now. Trust me I've been though it, I bet the others have as well." "I'm not a soldier Hammer..." Jax gives a flat reply devoid of emotion. "I wasn't at first either. I used to be a blacksmith before getting conscripted." Jax screws up his face in confusion. "Surely making new weapons were just as useful as the soldier who used them." The unicorn feels relieved that he could get at least a conversation out of him, even though the war isn't his favorite thing to discuss with others. "Like I said, conscripted. Equestria was running out of soldiers that were able to fight towards the end," Hammer Fell thinks back to his first battles. " I was a lot like you. I know the feeling of your agency being stripped away from you by seemingly unseen forces." "What kept you going?" The satyr trying to take everything in still attempting to seek answers. "I made sure everyone I cared about survives." "That other satyr didn't survive." Hammer Fell huffs as Jax has completely missed the point "Did you know him?" The satyr furrows his brows not expecting a question like that. "Of course not." "Then sadly he wasn't your concern." Skipper who had been listening in on the conversation chimes in over his shoulder "If I could hold a musket properly, it would be of my concern." "We're not heroes Skipper. We can't save everypony we come across!" Hammer Fell Retorts. "Well we got to try! What else is there if you don't!?" Skipper snaps back. "Quit your bickering!" Major slams a talon to the ground. "Jax, there was nothing you could of done. You tried and failed. If you wan't to avoid it happening again in the future you need to be prepared." The griffon sighs as his face softens. "We all need a rest." "I agree, we do." says Hammer Fell "It'll be completely dark soon." The griffon scans the country side for a good place to camp for the night. He could make out a silhouette of a barn in the distance. "Over there, I can see a barn. At least we'll have a roof over our heads tonight." After a quick march through the dark, the barn came into view. A faint glow of light casts through the gaps in the wooden walls. Major curses himself under his breath as he should of seen it sooner. No doubt the light means the barn already has a residence. Hammer Fell already took point beside the open barn doors. A moment of hesitation from Jax he takes the other side. Hammer Fell holds up a hoof for the satyr to stay put as he ready his weapon and turns the corner. To his surprise he spots a young mare with a light pink coat and a brown mane sorting through her saddle bags. ”Excuse me ma’am..” Hammer catches her attention. The mare stumbles to her hooves ready to take flight. The rest of the group slip through the door. The mare is startled by the weapons everyone is carrying starts to panic. "Please don't..." The unicorn motions with a hoof for everyone to lower their weapons. ”No need to worry. We mean no harm. We are looking for a safe place to camp for the night.” The mare looks over the intruders, not sure to make of them. ”You do not look like the normal patrol. Well I guess he does,” she says pointing a hoof at the Major, who just huffs in response. ”No, we are not the New Union, I promise you.” Hammer fell reassures the mare. The mare gives them a once over again biting inside of her mouth as she processes the situation. After a few moments she gives out an excited gasp "You're revolutionaries!” She lets out a small squeal. "I bet your heading to the rebel camps up north! Oh this is great, I'm heading there myself! Look," She opens her saddle bag filled with medical supplies, "I'm a doctor, I'm pretty sure ponies are getting hurt up there so I can be of use." The next five minutes consisted of the mare over the idea of a uprising and why Equestria should be brought back to it's former glory. "Foals and their idealism. They all change their tune once the war machine starts turning." Hammer Fell mutters to Major who nods in agreement. Jax couldn’t wait for her to stop talking as the conversation held no value to him, he follows the wall of the barn to creep past her to find a place to rest. To his dismay the mare turns to him. ”Oh another satyr. You look just like my friend who lives a few mile's south of here. I suppose to be meeting him tonight. That idiot is always late,” The mare giggles. "Oh you'll like him, Little Bales over there, he's her big step broth-," The doctor looks at Skipper quizzically, "Why do you have Little Bale?" ”Let me handle this.” Hammer Fell quickly chimes in before any of the others could speak , he pulls out the officers orders with his magic then floats it over to the mare. "I'm sorry miss, but I believe your wait will be in vain." The mare looks up from the orders with tears in her eyes. "How, how can anypony give such an order!" Jax speaks up tucking his legs to his chest as he leans against a hay bale. "I'm sorry, I wasn't quick enough." The lead weight returns to his stomach after his half confession. The mare turns to Jax to unload her boiling emotions onto him, before she could open her mouth she felt a talon that slightly squeezes her shoulder. A gesture that sat between a warning and comfort. Still holding the mare's shoulder Major speaks in the satyrs defense. "He was the first into the fight trying to save them. With out him, Little Bale would of dead too." "I-I'm sorry." The mare mutters brushing off Majors talon. "Spring Heal?" Little Bale sleepily rubs her eyes then jumps off Skippers back. "What's going on?" "Hey, sweetie." Spring Heal sniffs and wipes away her tears. "Your new friends told me the news." Little Bale quickly runs over to Spring Heal and hugs her tightly, sobbing as her bottled up emotions floods out in tears. Some times passes within the barn, everyone found somewhere to sit or lay being on the floor or on the stored hay bales. Skipper is sat talking to Little Bale and Spring Heal, he takes a last gulp from his ale bottle before reaching for another one and pulling the cork from the top with his teeth. ”You know it’s irresponsible to drink like that in front of young ones..." Major walks over and tries to snatch the bottle but Skipper pulls the bottle away. ”My parents used to do it.” The earth pony swigs his drink in defiance. "Yeah and look how you turned out.” ”It’s nothing to do with that.” Skipper takes another sip halfway through his reply,"”You mentioned you took up teaching after the war and Hammer Fell went back to smithing. And me?” He gulps down a fair amount to drive home the point "I took up drinking." ”Leave him be, Major.” Hammer Fell speaks up from across the barn. ”We all have coping mechanisms to deal with our past. I’m sure you do too.” He turns to Jax and smiles. ”Boy, I'm sure yours will come shortly.” Jax didn't reply back, without a moments notice he scrambles to his hooves and storms out the barn. "Oh no, boy, get back here!" Hammer Fell yells after him getting to his hooves. "There will be no young angsty satyrs on my watch. "Sit down Hammer," Major is already making his way after Jax, "I'll talk to him." Leaving the barn Major spots Jax a few yards away standing motionless looking into the night. Jax hears the muffled sounds of paws flatting the grass. "What you want." "Cut the attitude." Major orders, "I know it's been hard on you. But you need to pull yourself out of this self pity." "I wish I could!" Jax throws up his arms. "I don't want to do this! I don't want to be here!" "And you think I do?" The griffon retorts. Jax turns his down and looks down at the major, tears glisten in the moonlight as they stream down the young satyrs face. "I feel so lost! Everything I know has been turned on it's head and worst of all" Jax's voice creeps up in volume "Worst of all the county that I live in wants me dead for who I am." "I almost broke a promise that's dear to me, I killed an officer, I’ve been shoved on a boat with an old enemy, and to top things off I just found out everything I fought for is leading to a genocide.” The Majors voice matches the satyrs. "It hasn't been a great for me either." "A promise?" Jax says quietly. "Yeah I... this feels like the wrong time but I knew your mother." The Major sits on the grass, "She made me promise that you'll be looked after." "You knew her!?" Jax is advisably startled at the new information. His face changes as something dawns on him. Anger flares up inside of him "You made that promise and you still tried to sell me and Hammer out to the guards!?" Guilt slowly creeps over the griffon. "I didn't think, I wasn't thinking. You started asking questions that would get you killed and I had to know where it was all coming from. And yes, I followed you to the old factory house. But once I saw Hammer Fells face..." The griffon sighs. "I let old grudges get the better of me." Jax feels mentally and emotionally exhausted. Letting his legs of limp he slumps back onto the grass. He couldn't believe Major knew his mother. The Majors actions do make sense now, the satyr did wonder why would he leave his whole life behind just to make sure Jax was somewhere safe. On top of that he easily killed one of his own so easily to protect him. "I understand you fought on opposite sides, but why do you hate Hammer so much?" asks Jax. The griffon takes a while to reply as he gathers his thoughts. "He showed me who I really am." Major looks down at the grass running his talon through the blades. "Don't let me ever catch you telling Hammer Fell this, but fighting in those tunnels against his soldiers still haunts me to this day. Not because of the bloodshed, it because that day, when I finally captured Lieutenant Lock, I realized what I monster I have became.” "What happened?" ”There’s one thing killing another, but taking everything ones got - it breaks them. When me and my troops had him surrounded, he was standing all alone over his butchered soldiers around him. It was the look he gave me when I spared his life and I was a look I’ll never forget.” Major rubs his eyes with his talons being careful of his claws. “What stood in front of me was a broken stallion. I took everything from him that day.” “Does he know you spared his life?” ”Yes he does, that's why he hates me. Look in the door there.” Major tilts his head towards the barn door. "See him watching us? You gave him something to fight for. He's worried I'll one day take that from him too." "I really don’t want you two tearing each other apart.” Jax says trying to hide his worry. "I wouldn't fret about that. Hammer is smart and very tactical minded like me, he knows if he takes me out he risks loosing you," Major stands up from the grass. "If I hurt him, I guess you'll never forgive me." Jax nods. "Then it's a stalemate." Major taps Jaxs' shoulder "Come lets head back inside." "I'll be in a minute." "Just don't stay out too long, it's starting to get cold." Major turns and heads back back in the barn. Hammer Fell watches the griffon enter without Jax, "Is he alright?" Major nods, "He'll be fine, it's been a little bit too much for the boy." The griffon says nothing more and walks past the unicorn, finding a spare hay bale he leaps on top of it , circling once around he lays down placing the bottom of his beak on his forelegs. Skipper starts to smirk at the display. "Sweet Celestia! Hammer Fells right, you griffons are giant house cats." The sailor ponies quip causes everyone in the barn to chuckle, except for Major who just grunts and turns his head. It's been a good while when Jax decided to come back into the barn. He see's Major asleep on top of a hay bale, Spring Heal and Little bale cuddled up gently breathing as they slumber. Nearby Skipper is sprawled out on his stomach snoring loudly. "Decided to call it a night boy?” Hammer Fell speaks up not bothering to opening his eyes. “Looks like it but I think I’ll be joining them soon.” He lets out a tired yawn. "Yeah, I am." Jax see Skipper start to twitch and mumble in his sleep. Major is also doing the same with his hind leg kicking off the side of the hay bale. “Hammer Fell?” Jax calls out quietly. The old unicorn cracks open his eyes to see what Jax is looking at. ”Bad dreams boy. They sold their right for peaceful dreams by becoming a soldier,”Hammer answers before giving a chuckle. "I wonder what horrors my head conjures up tonight.” Jax finds his spot that he had prior to storming out. Leaning back against the hay bale he wriggles around to get into a comfortable position and not to cause more pain to his ribs. He prays to Luna for peaceful dreams tonight as the thought of what happened recently starts to creep back into his mind. “Good night Hammer Fell.” ”Good night my boy.” Jax feels his body protest as he tries to move his back chest aches as he stirs awake. He was certain that he didn't dream last night from what he remembers. He joints pop and click as he pushes himself up into a sitting position. Raising his hands he shield his eyes from morning sun as it shines through the barn door. ”I guess we're taking them with us then.” Skipper replies to Hammer Fell finishing their heated discussion over Little Bale and Spring Heal. "You're right, we can't leave them here. I really don't think Spring is in the right frame of mind to have a filly dumped on her." Hammer eventually agree's with Skipper. ”Should we wake them?” Skipper asks looking at the mare and filly. ”No not yet. Lets wake the other two first.” ”Already wake.” Major strolls over to the others. "It's hard to sleep in when you two are bickering like a married couple." Jax stumbles over to them rubbing his eyes. "Morning." "You feeling alright?" Hammer asks the half asleep satyr. "Feeling a little better." Jax shrugs. "Good," Hammer Fell levitates the bag over, "Everyone grab a snack for breakfast, Skipper wake up the fillies.” After everyone ate, everyone picks up their bags and belongings and heads out the barn. Almost like the day before Jax and Hammer Fell is ahead of the group with Major and the others behind. As they make a little way down the road Skipper starts humming as usual with Little Bale laying on his back while Spring walks on in thought. ”You wouldn't know any songs from us griffons?” Major interrupts his humming. “That I do, you griffons do write the finest songs.” Skipper replies as a smile creeps onto Majors beak. Clearing his throat Skipper starts to sing. "Bawk bawk bawk….bawk..bawk!” Major's smile intently falls into a frown the rest group burst into laughter, even a chuckle from Spring due to Skippers antics. ”Very funny you old drunk.” Major stretches his wings out, ”I’m going to make myself useful and scout ahead.” With that the griffon zips up in the air. ”You know who you keep on insulting right?” Hammer Fells looks of his shoulder failing to hide his grin "I’m surprised he hasn't tore you a new rear end yet.” Skipper shrugs. Jax isn't sure how many miles they have walked, but the sun now stands at late afternoon. Shortly after Majors return from 'scouting', most of the walk was filled with arguing between Springs and Major.The mare only commented on Majors scar that it would of been less prevalent if it was stitched correctly. As they walk further the mountains fade in view from the cold blue skies around them. The mountain ranges stretches far as the eye can see. The air become cold accompanied with a crisp wind that blew specs of snow lazily through the air. The satyr subs his arms to keep warm, his dirty college uniform isn't doing well keeping the cold from Jaxs' skin. "Hey, Hammer Fell?" Jax shivers. "Yes boy?" Hammer Fell answers still looking ahead admiring the mountain range. "I'm going to need warmer clothes." The unicorn stops and looks at the shaking satyr. "There's a small village not far from here and it on route too. There's a market there too."