> The Purple Twilight Shades > by Kentavritsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Entry: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”School-uniforms, only!” I ponder, as I step out of the elevator. “Silicone-wear, easy and clean!” I continue, as I walk towards the stairs up to my dorm-room. No marbles or marvels. The floor is clearly coated with black silicon. I have pink cherry-wood handrails; coated in clear, glossy Silicone. The intricate star-pattern in the black sky-dome ceiling is fascinating to behold. Just too bad, I don't have the time to study it right now. As I reach my door, I extend my hand and place my palm on the glossy, black, hexagonal plaque that controls the door to my new home. The cloak-hanger and shoe-rack are to the right and the girl's room to the left. The living-room is behind the door in the middle. The door to the living-room slides up, and I step into the room. I have the large-screen LED TV on the wall on my left, and the three on-seat sofas on the right. As I open the door to the bed-room, I see the double bed and a night-stand on each side. I find a frame with my mark on the night-stand of the first bed. There is a drawer, and there is a book in it. The book is entitled; The Purple Shades. I look at the book, for a minute. The book leaves me with a puzzled, but makes me want to read it soon. I put the book down, where I had found it and turn towards the wardrobe. As I open the doors, I find; tops, panties, gloves, stockings and what appears to be indoors boots. Curious? The clothes are arranged in ensembles or complete sets. “Maybe Rarity was here first? This style would be like her!” I ponder, in amusement. I close the wardrobe and turn back, open the door and step out into the living-room. I sit down in a sofa and relax. A moment later, Rarity opens the door and steps right in. “Hi, Rarity!” I exclaim, in a warm greeting. “Hi, Twilight!” she responds, grinning back at me. “I think we are going to enjoy our time here!” I suggest. “Yes, if this room is anything to go by. We certainly will!” she responds. “They even made the effort, to throw in what looks like a very interesting book!” I point out. “That does look promising, which book did they give you?” she inquires. “The Purple Shades!” I respond. “Shades, as in sunglasses?” she inquires. “Could be, or it is referring to nuances of the colour?” I put forth. “Both could be for you, but I may be interested too. Just let me know!” she suggests. “We do have an entire week, before the first class; if it is good, I'll pass it over well before that!” I promise. “Thank you, Twilight!” she responds. She sits in the other sofa for a few more minutes, before she slips out of her seat and walks over to the bed-room door and opens it. Quietly. As if these doors even could make the slightest of noises? Not that I would complain, I quite enjoy quiet. Just as I had expected, she goes for the wardrobe first. Checking the rest of the garments she will be wearing. “When I see the suite, that is our shared dorm-room; I am starting to appreciate the quality of education, I am looking forwards to here!”she mumbles. “Purple, all purple. Such a lovely rich purple!” she utters. The ensembles are looking quite presentable. On closer inspection, some of the suits are offering quite interesting options. Or, some very exciting alternatives. “All excitingly detailed, to the point where one could start to feel uncomfortable!” she realizes, with a nervous giggle. “No regular socks; only these highly detailed, full-length, toe-stockings? The other garments are in the same general style! Consistent, and stylish!” she exclaims. “This is starting to make me feel nude! Still, I like the quality and details!” she concludes. She closes the doors to the wardrobe, before she turns around and walks out to the living-room. The door to our bed-room closes behind her, just as she turns towards me with a smile. “You have seen the clothes in the wardrobe, Twilight?” she inquires. “Yes, I have. Interesting, to say the least!” I respond. “Interesting? Yes! I guess you could say that, indeed!” she puts forth, with some amusement. “For now, let's enjoy the day together? We could explore a fashion line-up tomorrow?” I suggest. “Just the two of us, together? Since it is you, that is quality-time well spent!” she points out. “I was expecting you to say something to that effect, I am looking forwards to share the evening with you!” I respond. “We are both Unicorns of style, do I really have to elaborate?” she offers. “When you put it that way, we are! Discovering over a cup of tea, makes it even more fun and exciting!” I put forth. “The lady-like approach, is the right way every time. Style and intellect, is the best solution to every situation!” she responds. “That certainly is my cup of tea!” I respond. “Maybe I should prepare some tea, and pour you a cup?” she offers. “Sounds like a treat, to me!” I respond. “Let us go up, to the secret garden!” I suggest. I walk towards our cloaking-room, and place the palm of my right hand on the plaque. “Secret garden?” she inquires. As I spread my fingers, a previously hidden door slides open. The stairs are revealed. “Our secret garden!” I explain. “This is why I chose the top floor!” I point out. “Ooh!” she exclaims, as she sees where I am going of to. ”This is reserved for the talented, and the stylish!” she concludes She hastily follows me, in a measured gait. A moment later, she enters the garden. The door had closed just a step behind her, as she walked up the flight of stairs behind me. “This is not for the average Unicorn, is it?” she inquires. “No, it is not!” I respond. “This is reserved for the talented, and the stylish enough to appreciate it!” I point out. “Since you clearly are talented, Twilight; I have to be the stylish?” she responds. The path from the door out to the garden is laid with black stone. Luscious grass covers the ground. The southern, alpha quadrant is featuring a labyrinth of beautiful, pleasantly fragrant and highly colour-full roses currently in bloom. It is still season for roses as we arrive. “That is where you intended for us to sit?” she inquires, pointing at the table on top of the roof of the building. “Just fluff up your cushion, before you sit down!” I tease. “Then you can prepare the tea for the both of us!” I suggest. “Certainly!” she answers, as she is fluffing up her cushion. As Rarity is fluffing up her cushion, it turns a crisp, white with blue diamonds. “How about that, Rarity?” I probe. “Unexpected, to say the least!” she responds. I fluff up my own cushion, only for it to turn a light purple with a large, magical star surrounded by its diminutive, companion stars. “That is you, Twilight!” she exclaims. “Yes, it certainly is!” I respond. With my cushion soft and comfortable, I turn to fetch our cups, I light up my horn. Rarity sees a small orb of purple light of magic appearing at the very tip of my horn. The orb brightens as it is expanding. After a moment, the light spreads down the length of my horn, like an avalanche. I feel the intensity and heat, as it reaches my skin, and I reach out for the door of the stone-cabinet that is just unearthed. We watch the door open, before us. I reach inside, and extract the elegant tea-set. She watches, as the set is floating through the air, in the secure grip of my purple magic. As I place the set down onto the table, I observe as she is starting to prepare the tea for the both of us. “Celestrial blend!” I exclaim. “Exactly!” she confirms, jovially. I observe the water in my cup heating up, under the strict control of Rarity's light blue magic. --- --- --- > Late Reading: 2 - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”I am curious!” I ponder; “What kind of a book, did they leave me with?” I continue. Of course, I still do wear my panties and top; just as the rules state. While I had considered to pull my stockings and gloves off, I ended up keeping them on. It is not as if they are in the way, I barely even feel them anymore. As a matter of fact, they are actually quite comfortable; once you have worn them for a while, you just can not help but getting used to wearing them. My friend Rarity is also lying in bed, on her side. Since she has a book of her own, I imagine she will be reading it for a few hours; before she turns over, and finally does fall asleep. I cast a side-glance towards Rarity, where she is resting on the other side of the bed in the small room. Just like me, she is wearing her uniform. She apparently did not bother changing clothes, before she went to bed either. Why bother, when the clothes are both comfortable and stylish? I could not blame her, exactly. “Comfortable?” I inquire. “Yes, thank you; and quite stylish enough, even for me!” she responds, affording me a side-glance to catch my eye. “Maybe we should take a closer look, tomorrow?” I suggest. “Yes, but we have all week!” she responds, now casting a glance at her own book. I catch the hint, knowing she is interested in what adventures her book may hold. I am alone in the small room, turning to the right to give myself a moment to see what I am looking like before I enter the next room. Nothing special, but I am nude. That much is obvious, but it does not bother me in the least. Right now; I am looking forwards towards what is awaiting me, in the next room. A promise that is already exciting me. As I finish examining myself, I have a picture of who I am, and what I look like. Everything has already been prepared for me, waiting for me on the other side of the concealed sliding door to my right. Since I am ready to move forwards, I turn towards the door; confirming my consent, by pressing the black surface on the wall to the side of the door. I need but extend my hand, and press the palm into the plaque. I spread my fingers as wide as I can, and the doors slide up. No sound and no hint towards the action, but I approach the entrance and step into the room before me. Once I have cleared the threshold of the door, the doors slide shut as quiet as they had slid up just a moment before. Had I turned around, I could have seen an identical plaque at the same position by the side of the door now behind me. Just that I never did turn around. Why? Why bother, I am absolutely certain, I do want this adventure and the experiences that are about to come with it. Looking down, I notice that the black stone-floor is coated with an inch-thick layer of rubber; corresponding to the frisky squeaking noises in my every step, as well as the generous bounce. This treat had been extended to the titanium walls, as well. Overhead, I have a mate, black rubber night-sky adorned with pin-prick LED stars. This illumination makes me enjoy myself even more, than I had been expecting. I could not complain, it is the little touches that makes this experience come to life. While I am ogling the surroundings within the room, the doors to the promised wardrobe slides up, in order to present me with the items I had chosen for myself. Made to measure, based on the scans submitted by Ellie the Waitress. I had been standing still, calm and collected, long enough for her to perform the task for me, as I move up to the floor, where I am now. “Interesting, do we have these scanners here on campus?” Twilight ponders. “These stockings are looking interesting, just right for what I had in mind!” I ponder, as I am examining the ensemble before me. “I was promised, that I should be able to walk with these beauties on!” I mumble, as I reach for the right stocking. These stockings are full-length, silicon white with what appears to be designer's hooves. Just that the individual hooves are metallic bloody red, with delight-ful suction. I lift up my right foot, just before I slide it into the stocking and slide it down. I feel the tight, smooth and slippery, wet surface inside the stocking as I continue to pull it all the way up my leg. I giggle. Standing on one foot is one thing, but standing on a single hoof does make for a very different challenge. Though I guess the suction would help, when I am the master of it. Once I finally had slipped the left stocking on, I stand on both hooves and consider which garment to put on next; taking the time to explore the suction, tentatively tugging at the right and left hooves just to get the feel of it. The sensitivity under both hooves is exciting, to me; just as the feel for the suction is enjoyable.  The hoof itself is fairly stiff, but gives of a squeak to accompany the regular and expected tap with each step.  I am almost enough distracted, to walk around the room just to hear the delicate little noises of my own hooves. As delightful as they are, it is not why I am here, or why I had chosen to ask for these specific stockings in the first place. As I once more turn my undivided attention towards the interior of this wardrobe, and the promised contents; I soon find what I am looking for, a pair of panties matching the pair of stockings I am already wearing. Now I afford myself only a slight tease; by permitting my hooves to stick just enough for a minor delaying impediment, and nothing more.  Lifting my hooves, right and left; stepping into my panties, before I pull them all the way up. With a few tentative tugs, I manage to get the garment into place; feeling the tightness, hugging my hips and thus increasing and furthering the feeling I had already built up with the stockings. While the stockings and panties may be separate and individual garments, they fit together seamlessly as a single ensemble.  That is what I see in the mirror before me, and that is how it feels to wear them together. Maybe this is why I chose the panties, directly after the stocking? Once I had put the panties on, I pull out the top; slipping it down over my head.  I give the top a few tentative tugs, in order to make sure it is on just right; so I can enjoy the perfect fit as intended. The top gives me a tight, comforting hugging feeling.  It had slipped into place eagerly; now holding on to the perfect position, once in place. As I lift my hands up, to grope myself; I feel the two twin orbs, firm and a bit squishy under pressure.  I find the B-cup comfortable; not too small, and not too large or heavy. Once in place, the top easily closes the gap to the panties I had just put on, a mere moment before.  From a pair of tights, into a sleeveless catsuit in an instant. I extract the right and left glove respectively, in turn; slipping my right hand into the glove and pulling it all the way up to my shoulder, before I repeat the process with the left glove.  I feel the tightness, all the way from my shoulders, and over the arms, hands and to the tip of each finger. Now I am feeling, as if I had been wearing the complete catsuit, in place of the previously sleeveless one.  I am silicone-white, from the neck down. As I lift my hands up before me, I see the tight material hugging my skin.  The shape imposed does appear rather complimentary, to me. What I see is clearly my hands, as if painted with white silicon, but with a hint of editing towards the designed appearance.  Though I guess the fingers still look a bit more, as if I had been wearing rubber-gloves, and the nails are looking like in an anime show. “Just one more garment left, before I am fully dressed up!” I ponder, giggling in excitement. As I reach forwards, inside the wardrobe; I grab the mask, intended for my face.  Just as the rest of the ensemble, or suit; it is clearly a glossy silicone-white rubbery garment.  I relish in the sensation of the smooth and slightly slippery surface, as I extract the face-mask. Once I had extracted the mask, I slowly and carefully press it up against my face, feeling the sleek silicon against my skin.  With just a little bit of an effort on my part, pressing the mask on and tugging at the edges a few times; the mask is a tight fit, I barely feel for more than a few minutes before it had slipped out of mind. Since I have finished, dressing up; I take a step back and close the wardrobe.  The doors quietly slide shut and I can no longer see the interior of the wardrobe, or the contents now hidden within. Since I am dressed up, I step towards the door and extend the palm of my right hand; pressing it towards the plaque, spreading my fingers as wide as I can.  The doors slide up and I step right in. The doors slide shut, silently, as I passed the threshold and I am standing in the next room. Just as the doors close behind me, a pair of doors identical to the doors of the wardrobe in the previous room swings up.  Behind the doors, is a small room; with shelves with the mistress’ personal products. As I am looking into the small room, I notice that my mistress is approaching me from inside.  She is pushing what is to pass for a comfortable chair before her. “She looks more like a sophisticated model, than a Barbie doll, but she still has a hint of a doll to her presence!” I ponder. She is bare-foot, but wears a suit identical to the one I am wearing; aside from the colouring pattern, of course.  The suit gives the impression of bare skin, almost to the point of nudity. She wears a tight silicon bathing-suit. She also wears metallic bloody red lip-gloss and deep, bright sapphire nail-polish as lacquer on all her nails.  While her toe-nails are cut short and polished smoothly, the finger-nails are inch-long, semi-square and semi-opaque. As I look closer at her hands; I notice that the nail starts just after the final joint of the finger, and she has bright, cerise touch-pads under the tips of her fingers, starting at the end of the final joint and all the way in under the nail.  She also has a suction-cup covering the palm of her hand. “Have a seat, please!” she offers, as she has entered the small room. “Thank you!” I respond, as I accept the offered seat, and sit down. Crystal-clear silicon-pads to cushion the seat, squishy, but very comfortable to me.  Under my back, rump and arms, but not under my hooves. Curious. Yet, I guess she does have a point, a reason behind the choice.  I will learn, soon enough. The cushions are not glued in place, or anything; just put into place.  She could pull any of these out from under me, at any time and for any reason. “Sapphire!” she exclaim, before she is producing what is to pass for nail-polish. “Spread your fingers, and relax!” she continues. “Okay!” I respond; as I follow her instructions, preparing to enjoy the attention she is granting me. With that, she is painting my nails; from thumb to pinkie, right and left.  Once the nails are polished, she cap the vial, and puts it away before she is producing the next vial.  Now she is coating the tips of my fingers, where she has her sensitive touch-pads. While I am not looking, I still know I have bright, cerise touch-pads, just like hers. Of course she is coating the palms of my hands, right and left; thus making producing a pair of fresh suction-cups, just like her very own. “There you go, feel free to squeeze the armrests, please!” she incites “Oh, squishy!” I exclaim.   “Delicious, isn’t it?” she inquires, as she is polishing my right hoof with the ruby-polish. She is starting from the upper rim and continues down, then starts anew; right and left, right and left.  As she is reaching the outer edge behind the hoof, she moves over to the left hoof; repeating the process, exactly as she had polished my right hoof.  A few minutes later, both my hooves are lacquered; hard and glossy, slippery and smooth. At this point, I can no longer feel the touch; if she is polishing the hoof, hard as it is coated with ruby. She lifts up my right hoof, coating it with suction-cup gel; leaving the hoof with delicious suction, which I could control at will.  I will just have to practice, in order to master this new addition. “Press your hooves down, gently please!” she instructs me, as she finished polishing my hooves and made sure they are a foot apart. I hear a twin squeak, as I do as she had told me; knowing the suction holds my hooves down, firmly. “If you could give your right and left hoof a tentative tug; to ascertain the suction is holding up, please!” she continues. “Okay!  Here goes!” I respond, as I give my right and left hoof a tentative tug. The only reaction is a squeak, but neither hoof budge in the least.  Without further instructions, I make another attempt, with the same result.  Once, twice, thrice; I tug at my hooves one at the time, still nothing more than increasingly loud squeaks, in return. Excellent, excellent; I am certain, the suction is sufficient, for you!” she points out, signing for me to cease my attempts to pull my hooves free from the floor. “Okay, Mistress!” I respond, relaxing in my still comfortable seat. “Lip-gloss, anyone?” she teases. “Yes, please!” I respond, nodding in ascent. Of course I accept the offered treat, and she readily produce the item before me.  I beam a wide grin at her, and she is applying the lip-gloss. I feel a wet gel spreading out over my lips, and feel my lips growing smooth and elastic; as they take on the promised wet-look high finish gloss. “There, perfect!” she announces, just as she draws the contours of my lips, with a clear lip-liner. “How does it feel?” she inquires, courtly. “Delicious; soft and smooth!” I proclaim. “This is, exactly why you do have a Mistress!” I ponder. “If you close your eyes, please; so that I can apply your eye-shadows!” she instructs me. With the grin still plastered onto my lips, I close my eyes, as per her instructions.  Once I had closed my eyes, she produces the promised shadow. I feel her applying the bright, cerise gel over my right and left eyelid.  The gel coats my supple skin, while leaving it more elastic and leaving the desired colour of the chosen shadow. As she had finished applying the shadows, she slipped away the container and produces a glossy and black mascara.  I feel the brush pulling at my eyelashes, as she applies the mascara. My eyelashes curls upwards progressively, while she is pulling at them.  While I can’t see it with closed eyes, but the lashes does become somewhat longer, before she had let go and finished the process. “There, perfect; you can open your eyes, since I am done with your make-up!” she announces. I open my eyes; finding myself staring into the reflection of my face, in the mirror she is holding up before me. “How does it look?” she inquires, eagerly with excitement lacing her voice generously. “That is exactly, how I feel!” I ponder, as I hear her excitement. “Excellent; I could not have done it better, myself!” I respond. “Of course, I could not; I don’t have access to the kind of expensive quality products she has, just as I am no makeup artist myself!” I ponder. “I take it, you are looking forwards, towards the premium treat, I have in store for you!” she exclaims. “As a matter of fact; yes, I do!” I respond; before she had even had the time to explain, exactly what this premium treat is. “Just a moment, and I will get right to it!” she points out, grinning. “I have nothing better to do, right now!” I respond; “But it feels a bit strange to sit here, with a Mistress tending to me like this!” I ponder, not yet feeling the ultimate effect of what she had already extended to me. I was to learn, soon enough; but, that will take a few more minutes. --- --- --- > Late Reading: 3 - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”Hang on to that grin; because I know you are going to enjoy, what I have in store for you!” she points out. “Oh!” I ponder, considering just how much, I have enjoyed her attention this far. Since I am not articulating anything, I do not notice how my lips are growing more rubbery as the time is progressing.  Not just the elasticity and smoothness, but also a characteristic stiffness maintaining my facial expression. “You do look very comfortable, and relaxed!” she observes, giggling. I just nod, not bothering to put more effort into a response.  Doing so, would counteract the mood, she put so much effort into creating for me.  Since she does not let this get to her, leaving me with the impression it is what she had been expecting all along; I don’t elaborate, knowing she does not expect a vocal response from me. She just winks at me, grinning excitedly. “This is, when it is getting exciting!” she points out. I notice how she is pulling the cushion out, from under my rump; yet, I sit just as comfortable as before.  She had posed me up, and propped me up to maintain the pose; by making my hooves stick to the floor, while I hold on to the armrests. Now Mistress produces a can of clear gel, marked; “Membrane-gel”.  She eagerly uncap the can and dip her right hand into the can, before she pulls the hand out of the can.  I can see the gel glistering on her hand, as she is reaching in, under my rump. “Membrane-gel, what is that?” I ponder. As the first hint of the gel touches my skin, I find myself relaxing.  The more of the gel is touching my skin, the more I find myself relaxing.  She is slowly, but carefully coating the rim of my anal orifice; before she advances, inside and further into the orifice.  As she progresses, I am losing control of the muscles the gel is touching. Though the gel soon is absorbed by my skin, forming the membrane it was named after. As she finally does pull back, and pull her hand out; I am completely relaxed, and have lost all control of the muscles of my anal orifice.  I may feel the touch, but that is about it. Once she had retracted her hand, she once more dip it into the clear gel; before she extends the hand, touching the petals of my orchid.  Now she continues to coat my orchid, before she is pressing the hand into the inner tunnel and all the way into my womb. Inch by inch, I find myself relax and lose the control of the muscles. Had I been numb, it would have scared me and made me very uncomfortable; now it is strangely comforting, as I am relaxed.  Just that I am relaxed, far deeper, than I had been expecting; and the relaxation is for deeper, than I had thought possible as well. Of course, she dips the hand into the gel once more, coating the hand in glistering viscous wonder. “Oh!” I exclaim, inwardly; “What could she possibly apply the gel to, this time?” I ponder. “Whoa!” I ponder, as I realize; what she had in mind, for me. While I had never imagined the gel applied there, but I guess it should have been obvious.  She is extending the index finger of her right hand; poking my belly bottom and push the finger in and thereby coats the gel into the new orifice, I had never realized I had had. “Why?” I ponder; “What could she possibly have in mind?” I continue. “That feels strange!” Twilight realizes; feeling the gel coating the belly button, as if she had been the girl in the story. Of course, the gel is forming a clear, rubbery membrane in the umbilicus, as it is saturating the top-layer of the skin.  The very same kind of membrane, already formed in the anal and vaginal orifice. If only I had known, just how elastic and durable this membrane is.  Yet, that is for me to experience; when Mistress choose to explore it, for me later. She momentarily tuck the clear membrane-gel away, in order to make room for another product I had never been expecting to see.  “Squishy gel” the label reads. “Squishy gel?” I ponder; “What could that possibly be?  What would she use that for?” I continue. Unknowingly, I unwittingly lick my lips excitedly in anticipation.  Somehow, I am starting to feel excitement, over what my Mistress is doing to me, and for me.  Not that I know how or why, but it is exciting me, nonetheless. She turns my chair around, so that she is standing behind me; whereupon she places her now gel-coated hands onto the tops of my breasts.  I feel the squishy gel spreading out, over the surface of the orbs; that are my breasts. The gel leaves a glossy surface, as she is rubbing it in; but then the gloss fades, as it is taking hold and its effect, is starting to make itself known.  While the squishy gel does not make my firm breasts and softer or squishy outright; but the effect will be felt, as I or anyone else with treated hands squeeze my breasts. For now, the obvious effect is how my nipples reveal themselves large and proud.  Maybe as much as an inch across and very sensitive. “Oooh!” I exclaim, inwardly. Once my nipples have been fully revealed, she turns my seat around and faces me; swapping the squishy gel for the membrane gel.  With that; she is coating my nipples and the areolas with the delicious gel, leaving the membrane coating them. “I wonder, how my nipples feel to touch, right now!” I ponder. As I attempt to lift my right hand up to my chest, I notice that I can’t lift the hand off of the armrest; since the suction-cup refuses to let go, and the sensitive touch-pads are sticking to the surface. “Ooh!  Interesting!” I ponder; “I guess I could get used to this, and explore the extension of just how strong this is!” I realize. “Excellent, excellent!” she pronounces; “the grip is holding your hand, isn’t it?” she then inquire. “Yes!” I ponder, nodding vigorously and approvingly. “Whoa!” Twilight ponders; “That is excitingly good grip; I could not pull either of my hands free, even if I tried!” she realizes. “Just do not let this hold you down!” Mistress offers; “You do not want this to distract you; from what I have in store, for you!” she then continues. Of course, I will never experience how my nipples feel to the touch; because she will continue my treat, thus changing my nipples further. Since she had finished applying the gel to my nipples, she continues; dipping her right hand into the membrane-gel once more, before she is lifting it up to my face.  I feel her fingers touching my lips, as she is coating them with the gel; as my lips are relaxing, she continues, by spreading the gel into my mouth and coating my teeth and tongue as well.  From there, she effortlessly continues down my throat. Little by little, I feel the effect of the gel; as my lips, my tongues and throat relaxes and I lose the control of the coated muscles. “There, that should mute you; just in case you feel the urge to speak, or distract me!” she informs me, giggling in excitement. “Yes, that had indeed rendered me perfectly mute!” I realize. “By Celestia, why did my mentor never try this on me?” Twilight realizes, in excitement. “Just hold on, this is merely the first step of the treat!” the Mistress assures me. With that; she swaps the membrane-gel, for plot-gel.  I am eagerly following her activity, as she uncaps the next can.  “Plot gel” the label reads. This is permanent plot-gel, of course; why bother with anything less, making the effect wear of?  I did not know of this, and my Mistress had not told me. She is dipping her right hand in the gel, coating her hand with generous amounts of the highly viscous gel; before she extends the hand towards me, spreading the gel over the membrane she had just supplied my rump with.  She starts with the outer rim; then continues in, into me, inch by inch. While my muscles maybe limp and relaxed; I still feel the touch of the gel on her hand, as she is spreading the gel further and further in. She stops and withdraws the hand, only after she had coated me all the way in; thus coating the membrane, only to turn the flesh into a stiff, solid and sensitive rubber.  This seems to be the purpose of the applied gel. She is facilitating enhanced sensitivity. In the process, she is leaving me tight as a drum. Once she had withdrawn the hand, she is once more dipping into the gel; now extending it towards my orchid, touching my petals and then slipping the hand into me.  I feel her hand continuing all the way into the womb as she is coating me with the gel. In the process, my orchid and womb turns into rubber, just as my rear orifice had just done. “Oooh!” I exclaim, inwardly; as my lips and tongue is incapable of producing sounds, in the current relaxed state. “I thought you would say that!” Mistress points out, as she sees how my expression is changing. I just nod. “Bit by bit, she is building me up; turning me into a doll, to be played with and to please!” I realize. Now she is once again, dipping her right hand into the gel; before she is reaching for me, my right nipple.  She touches my nipple, coating it with the gel and caressing me to please me in the process; as the nipple slowly turns into rubber, as it is saturated with the gel. As she is feeling the stiffness of the now hard nipple, she withdraws her hand; dipping it into the gel once more, before she is repeating the process, with my left nipple.  I feel her fingers caressing the nipple, as she is caressing it and coating it with the thick gel. With both solid rubber nipples vulcanized, I can but sit and wait for what is coming next. Her hand once again slip into the gel, a final time.  As her hand is coated with the gel, she is reaching for my face, her fingers touching my lips and I feel my lips slowly growing stiff and hard; as my flesh is turning into rubber, once and for all.  She has coated my lips, as she is slipping her hand into my mouth and continues to coat the inside of my mouth and my tongue; before her hand pushes forwards, all the way down my throat. Her hand is pulling back, as it slips out of my mouth and my lips contract back to the original smile I had been maintaining.  She is capping the can, before she is swapping it for the next and final product. “Wet Rubber Lubricant” the label on the large tube reads. “If she has vulcanized my plot; that would make sense!” I realize. I watch, as she is uncapping the tube and squeezes out gel in the palm of her cupped hand.  She is extending her hand towards me, my rump; touching the orifice and spreads the gel out, before she is continuing inch by inch into my rear orifice. “Wet, and certainly very slippery!” I exclaim, as I realize what the gel is. She is carefully lubricating my anal orifice, from the rim and all the way inside; now leaving me increasingly sensitive and excitable in the process. Her hand is dry, as all the lubrication is coating the walls of my anal orifice.  She knew exactly how much she needs to use, and this gel will not smear. As she is withdrawing her hand, she prepares to pour more gel into her hand; cupping the hand and push out more gel, before she is reaching for my orchid.  I feel her fingers touching me, the petals of the orchid as she coats my orchid with the gel; pushing forwards and inwards inch by inch, coating me internally and spreads the gel further inwards. Only once she had reached the end of my womb, does she pull her hands out of me.  As she extracted her hand, she once more spread gel into her cupped hand. “Slippery, and extremely wet!” Twilight ponders; "Sensitive and excessively excitable!” she realizes, a moment later. “She should have been finished, but something tells me she is not!” I ponder, in excitement. Before she is reaching for my belly button, she presses the tube there instead; squeezing the tube, thus filling the orifice generously. Now she is extending her right hand towards my face, touching my lips with the extended index-finger.  She then slips her hand into my mouth, once she had coated my lips with the slippery gel, promising me wetness and excitement I could never have been prepared for. She is slow and deliberate, as she is coating the lubrication all over the inside of my mouth and caresses my tongue in glee. It feels, as if she had applied an inch of gel in my mouth, and I am constantly aware of just how wet I am.  Not just in the orchid, but all the orifices. There is no way I could possibly ignore it, for an instant. Once she had capped the tube of lubrication, she produces a large can of gel.  She uncaps the can, demonstratively before me. She is choosing the smallest of the plug, from a set of anal plugs; showing me the selection, letting me know it is indeed the smallest she had.  This demonstration is deliberate, for my benefit. She dips the head of the plug in the clear gel, all the way down to an inch from the back.  I can see the plug glistering with the wet lubrication, not yet knowing what it is. The plug is not dripping, as she is slowly extending it towards my rump. I feel myself contracting, just as the very tip of the wet plug touches my rump.  She pushes the plug in, inch by inch; making me feel how the contraction grows more and more pronounced, and my rump tightens up more and more as the plug easily slips in.  The plug finally plops with a distinct pinch, as it rivets into my anal orifice. I can’t push it out, by any means, just as I never could have prevented the entry before; now the plug stays safely in place. “You are utterly incapable of climax, for as long as this plug is inside you!” Mistress enlightens me, with a wide grin. “I should have expected as much!” I simply realize, as the words are sinking in. While she had chosen the smallest plug, it is filling me up to the brim.  Does the size have anything to do, with my inability to climax? I do not know, but the thought never crosses my mind. “If she explained to me, I can’t have a climax; she also told me, she intends to make use of the fact!” I ponder. “Oups, I almost forgot!” Mistress points out, as she is producing a new tube. “Mound gel” the label reads. She uncaps the tube and pours gel into her right hand, before she is extending the hand towards me; slowly and deliberately caressing my mound, coating me with the gel.  As she is working the gel into the flesh of my mound, I feel how it is slowly swelling and starts to droop slightly. Once she is withdrawing her hand from my mound, I can see a slight hint of gloss to the skin of the mound. “Maybe; I could as well have it done, right now?” she inquires, indicating another treat. She caps the tube, before she is producing an identically looking tube. “Muzzle gel” the label reads. “Muzzle gel?” I ponder; as I realize what she is about to do, to me. I feel the wet gel touching my skin, as she is caressing the lower part of my face.  After a while, I realize that she is carefully avoiding my lips, but why? Of course, she had uncapped the tube, pouring the gel into her right hand, but I was no longer focusing on that.  I just feel her hand caressing my chin, my cheeks and the lower half of my nose. As my skin absorbs the gel, it is slowly swelling into the shape of a diminutive, equine muzzle; just as she had promised, as I read the label of the tube she presented before me just a moment before. Aside from the gel spreading out over my face, and her hand caressing my skin; I barely feel a thing, soon forgetting all about his.  The fact that she had lubricated my orifices, sensitizing me in the process just may have played into this. As my muzzle grows an inch, my tongue grows to adapt to the situation.  This is playing into how I do not feel the muzzle growing. The muzzle stops growing; after it had reached a total length of no more than two inches, maybe less. Had she presented me with a mirror, I would have seen the smoothly rounded shape of my new muzzle, where my nose had been.  There is no seem between the muzzle and the rest of my face, and the colour blends in perfectly. “Time to continue, plugging you up; you need to be fully prepared, in order to enjoy what I had planned for you!” she is enlightening me. “Oh, oh!” I ponder; “Oooh!” I realize, a moment later; as the words are sinking in. “She really did go all out, planning the treat for me!” I ponder. She picks up a clear, riveting plug and dips it into the lubrication.  As she pulls it out of the gel, I see it glistering in the light; just as the anal plug had, when she had pulled it out of the gel. She is extending her hand, reaching for my orchid; placing the tip of the plug in between the petals of my orchid, making my orchid contracted, directly on contact.  From there, she is pushing it in; making me feel just how eagerly and easily the plug is slipping in. I imagine she is actually holding it back, just to make sure it is not slipping in too fast. I feel a distinct pinch, as the plug plops; riveting itself into my orchid, holding on to me.  I feel the pinch, but soon forget all about it. The plug is filling me up to the brim, just as the previous plug still filling my rump. While I am still contracting around the plug, it is maintaining me fully open; making me conscious of just how open and accessible she had just made me.  The sensation, the feeling is not ebbing; remaining strong and on my mind. I can ignore this, no more than I could ignore how wet and excitable she had made me. “There, that should be putting you in the mood!” she declares, knowing I could not deny it. While I am mute, I make due with nodding. “Yes, Mistress; of course, I am!” I ponder. She produces a plug, five inches long and an inch thick; intended for my belly button, I thought it could be no more than an inch deep. She extends her hand, placing the tip of the plug at the entrance of my belly button; making me contract around it on contact.  She pushes it in, deeper and deeper; making me feel the skin stretch further and further as she continues to press the plug all the way in.  The sensation of how my skin is stretching diminishes and fades away; while I contract around it and the plug plops with a distinct pinch. The experience of the pinch, now familiar and expected. She only gives the plug a few tentative tugs, demonstrating the effect; making me feel my skin stretch like taught rubber coating my belly, with each individual tug.  Of course she is deliberate, in demonstrating her hold over me. The sensation is unfamiliar, but still delivers unexpected excitement in the process. “I see you enjoyed that!” she merely notes. As she lets go of the plug, she is producing a pair of vacuum-globes for my nipples.  I feel her pushing the clear globes onto my right and left nipple respectively; though the nipple is slightly larger than the whole in the globe.  Once the globe is in place, she squeezes it in order to produce the internal vacuum desired for the effect. Once she lets go of the globes, the vacuum forms and the globe is holding on to the nipple with aggressive eagerness; refusing to let go or be pulled off of my nipple. “One final item!” she concludes, as she is producing the clear muzzle tube. The next moment, I feel the tube slipping in between my lips.  From there, the tube continues to slide into my mouth and down my throat.  Only once the tube plops into place with a distinct pinch, I feel my tongue liberated.  Had my tongue not been limp, I could have been starting to move it once more. The tube pushes out, as my mouth contracts firmly around it.  Now she is applying gel along the rim of the soft and elastic rubber, making the rubber fuse with the skin round my muzzle. “While I am at it, I will show you something!” she explains, producing a muzzle-plug. With the plug in hand, she is pushing the plug into my mouth.  I feel the glossy, black rubber pushing out in my mouth and staying in place.  As she is pulling at the plug, I feel my muzzle stretching; almost as if it had been elastic rubber. “How about that?” she squeals, affording me a few more tugs.   With the plug in my mouth, while already mute, I could not answer, or respond since she is holding a firm grip around the plug.  As she gives the plug progressively harder tugs, my muzzle is stretching more and more. After a minute, as she had enjoyed her tease; she slips the plug out of my mouth and takes a step back, placing the plug where she had found it. Now she bends down, extending her right hand towards my right hoof.  She extends the index-finger and slips it in under my hoof from behind, killing the vacuum grip, in the process.  As the hoof is letting go, she is repeating the process and releases my left hoof. She is licking her lips, as she is repeating the process; as she releases my right and left hands.  The touch-pads are still sticking to the armrests, though. “Give your hands a few tentative tugs!” she instructs me. I do as I am told, feeling my pads stretching.  The pads still refuses to let go. While I follow her instructions, she produces a small bottle of clear liquid.  As she uncapped the bottle, she pours the liquid on the right and left hand, curiously enough permitting me to pull my hands free. --- --- --- > Early Reading: 4 Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I turn towards the next door, taking me towards the next step.  Extending my right hand towards the plaque, pressing my hand firmly onto it; before I spread my fingers, opening the door before myself. “I take it, you are ready for the treat!” she observes. Since I am still mute, I nod. She follows me through the door, just before it slides shut, inches behind her back. The door is so quiet, she does not even flinch. Or, is the effect of experience and practice? ”Since you have asked for this, I will put an effort into making you enjoy what I had in mind for you!” she muses. ”Oh!” I ponder; trying to figure out, just what exactly she had in stove for me. ”Stand right there!” she instructs me, indicating the spot on the floor, clearly marked with a cross. ”Of course!” I ponder, as I comply with her directions. ”Now; if you put your right hoof there!” she indicates, watching me placing the hoof where she had directed me to. ”And your left hoof, right there!” she continues, indicating where she had intended the other hoof to be. ”There is a slight change, compared with the other room!” she explains; producing a can of gel, applying the gel to the rim of my hooves. I ogle, as she is applying the gel, to the right and left hoof in turn; staring from the inner edge of the hoof and continues all the way out to the outer edge. ”Bondage gel - Type I” the label reads. ”That should hold you in place, for now!” she points out; ”You could give your right hoof a few tentative tugs, in order to confirm!” she continues. As I comply, I notice that the hoof barely budges at all. Of course; I had seen the line between the hoof and the floor vanish, as the gel was spread along the rim of the hoof. Well; both hooves, right and left, in turn. ”Now, your left hoof, please!” she continues. I comply, only to see the exact same result. The hoof had successfully been fused to the floor under-hoof. While I guess I could try to pull harder; she had not instructed me to, so I leave this for later. If and when she does instruct me to. ”Place your right hand on your breast, feel the smooth orb and the large nipple between your fingers!” she is instructing me; and I eagerly comply, sensing my skin under the palm of my hand. ”Before I continue; cup your left hand over your mound, then feel the plugged orchid under the tips of your fingers!” she continues; watching me comply, and observe the reaction on my face. ”Priceless!” she offers. If she is indicating the promise under the tips of my fingers, or the joy to watch me; I have no idea, but I am at least enjoying the effects of what she is offering me right now. Instinctively; Twilight is reaching down between her legs, placing her hand on her own mound. She feels the right index-finger slide over the slippery rubber that is the petals of her orchid, before the finger is slipping inside. ”Ooh, ooh!” escapes her mouth, as Twilight reacts to her self-imposed stimuli. ”Strange!” Twilight ponders; ”That does feel great, though!” she realizes. ”That does feel good, doesn't it!” Mistress pronounces, as she is watching me. ”Then it is time to move up!” she points out. ”Yes, please!” I ponder, looking forwards to what she is putting me through. ”On second though; I think you would enjoy a smoother, natural feel of these plugs?” she offers. ”Oh, yes; please do that, right now!” I ponder; realizing I had secretly been looking forwards, to exactly that. Since I had confirmed her suspicion; she is producing the tube containing the gel, required for this purpose. ”Smooth Plug seal – Type I” the label reads. She uncap the tube and applies the gel along the rim of my anal plug. Once the gel is in place, the plug is sealed smoothly. She extends the index-finger of her right hand, holding the tube in her left hand, slowly trailing the line of where my anal plug had been inserted. ”Ooh, ooh!” I ponder; as she is teasing me with the sensation, produced by her act of confirming the seal. ”There, looking great!” she pronounces, before she is moving to the next orchid. She applies the gel around the rim of my vaginal plug, before she is moving on to my belly button. Once the orifices had been sealed tight; she moves on, to demonstrate the effect, by sliding her finger over the seals in turn. As I look down, I notice how my belly button looks almost as if I had been nude, aside from the glossy white suit covering my belly. Further down, I can clearly see my orchid and its petals; the same glossy white, though I imagine the petals are slowly turning towards a bright pink hue. Maybe I am imagining this, but it is what I see. ”Beautiful, isn't it?” she exclaims. I nod, in approval; confirming my ascent, eagerly. ”Of course, this does mean; that the plug is more you than ever, as it is fused to you!” she giggles in obvious glee. ”Oh!” I ponder, as I realize what she had pointed out. She is stepping up behind me, watching me from behind. She is extending her right hand, reaching in between my legs and grabs the plug inserted into my belly button. A moment later, I feel her pulling her hand down, thus forcibly making me bend over. ”There, much better!” she exclaims; ”Maintain this posture!” she instructs me. Since my hooves had already fused to the floor, I do not fall over. As a matter of fact, it isn't all that hard to maintain the posture, either. For now, my arms are hanging limply; as I am anticipating, what she is to do next. While I am bending over, I notice the glossy surface of a pair of clear orbs before me. They look a bit large to grasp in one hand, but not more than I would find comfortable to squeeze. Of course, wouldn't that be what she had in mind? ”Since you have just found them, reach out and grasp these squishy orbs!” she is instructing me. As I comply, I realize that the surface is hard, but the orb itself is soft enough, for me to squeeze with my bare hand. Only when I do squeeze, it is comfortable to hold on to; but I do not let that bother me, or stop me right now. ”Maybe the surface had been solid, but I suspect the orb itself is merely a squishy gel!” I ponder. ”Exactly, deliciously squishy; wouldn't you say?” she inquires. ”Yes, it certainly is!” I ponder, as I nod. ”If only she knew just how squishy these balls are, but she will realize that soon enough!” she ponders, giggling inwardly. ”If not for the surface, I would have had this gel all over my hands!” I ponder, in delight. ”Pet, Pet!” Mistress exclaims. The next instant, squeaks are heard from behind an unseen door. "Clip, clop, clip, clop!” I hear, as the pet is stirring; moving towards the door. Mistress is turning towards the door, extending the palm of her right hand; pressing the palm down firmly, before she is spreading her fingers wide. The door opens as she is spreading her fingers; the Pet enters the room, and she once more closes the door behind her pet. A bright cerise, diminutive equine is trotting in and is approaching me. The pet stops and is hesitation, as if she was waiting for further instructions. ”Eat her!” Mistress instructs her equine pet. The Pony neighs in obvious excitement and delight, before she is continuing towards me. She once more stop, ogling me, observing me; as if she had been looking for something, searching for the treat she had just been promised. Now she is bouncing about, moving around me several times; before she is moving in from the right. Her right, that is. I notice her sneaking in under me, before she is reaching up towards my mound. ”Why does the Pet look and behave like Pinkie Pie?” Twilight is pondering, somewhat puzzled by her discovery. ”Cerise, not pink!” she then corrects herself, giggling at her initial mistake. As the cerise Pony is reaching for my mound, I can notice her extending her tongue towards my orchid. A moment later, the tip of her tongue is touching the petals of my orchid. From there, she continues to lap away at me. ”Ooh, ooh!” I ponder, as I am enjoying the first stage of her treat. ”I though you would say that!” Mistress offers, knowing exactly how I am feeling right now. The pet continues to lap away at me, the petals of my orchid for ten minutes; before she is pulling back and slips out from under me. That is, when she had felt my first orgasm. ”Had she been trained, to break of; when she senses the orgasm, in the target?” I ponder, ”That target, is me!” I realize. While the pet had stepped back, I realize that I am just as excited now; as I had been, as she ceased her activity. I do not experience diminished excitement, as time goes by; the excitement and pleasure remains intact and highly unchanged. It is merely pulsing like a beating heart, in order to maintain my focus. ”Good pet, good pet!” mistress commends the cerise Pony, patting her behind her ears. The pet is yapping and squeaking, in excitement. She had clearly enjoyed the treat, quite alot. Maybe not as much as I am, but she had clearly enjoyed it. ”Would Pinkie Pie act like this, if she had thought I had enjoyed it?” Twilight ponders, not quite able to make up her mind. The pet, named Pet is once more bouncing about in excitement. Waiting for the command to go back to please me. To push me from the orgasm, all the way to the orgasmic state. To see me peaked. Mistress is holding her pet back, waiting for me to adjust to the level of excitement. To the physical challenge involved in this much excitement. I feel my hear pound had, raising, as I am panting hard and fast. Slowly; little by little, I am adjusting, feeling my heart slow and by breath growing more steady. ”How long will she hold back?” I ponder, knowing I am about to learn that soon enough. Seconds ticking away, like minutes; minutes ticking away like hours, as I am trapped, where I am; midst the orgasm, I had been imparted. The time is short, and Mistress is ticking of the final moment. ”Pet, pet; finish her!” Mistress exclaims. The pet soon is bouncing about, closing in on me from the right. A moment later, she is standing under me once more; facing my orchid, eagerly sniffing the air. As she is extending her tongue, I soon feel her once more lapping away at me. Over and over, her tongue laps the petals of my orchid. Solid, coarse rubber coated with wet and slippery lubrication. Had I not already been ready to scream, I would have done so now; had I not been mute, my lips as hard as rubber. The pet only continues to lap away at me, as if I had been a tasty treat to her. Each time her tongue is touching me, she is building up more excitement and I am shivering in pleasure. I am incapable of ignoring or refusing what she is giving, had I wanted to. Only now, I am feeling myself revving up more and more. Like an engine given too much gas. I feel each and every individual stroke of her tongue sliding over the petals of my orchid; as she is pushing me from the one orgasm, and all the way up to the orgasmic state. After an hour, I peak; and she leaves me in the orgasmic state. Standing on all fours, I can not move. I may squeeze the balls in my hands, or try to let go of them and pull my hands free; yet I can but stand where I am, enduring the experience as best I can. There is no escape, and no surrender. The experience the pet had put me through, is the ticking of the clock reaching the steady tone. I had become the explosion, where everything is gone. For as long as the plug is embedded in my rump, I can not climax; only by pulling it out, can I be released, and be liberated. Yet, I have no desire to be, I have no desire; until the plug has been removed. I had failed to notice, Mistress leaving the room; her pet following in her footsteps, the door closing behind her. I am alone, with nothing but my orgasms as company. Why do I care; I have need, for nothing else. If Mistress could do nothing more for me, I do not hold it against her if she is stepping out of the room. She may serve another, while I am busy with my orgasms. Although, I do hope she will be back for me; to grant me a climax and release, just in time for me. As I am panting hard, fast; my hear is pounding harder than I could have imagined, and faster than I should be comfortable with. It is not slowing, but I am oblivious of it. The door slides up, and Mistress is entering the room. She is stepping up to me, touching the base of the plug inserted into my anal cavity, the one preventing me from experiencing the long overdue climax. I feel the finger slowly caressing the base of my anal plug. Yet, I can't consciously experiencing it, right now. She is still teasing my subconscious. After a moment, well after the door had once more closed behind her; she is giving the plug a tentative tug, then another and another. Yet, she is staying just under the limit; permitting her to extract the plug, thus keeping me in the loop. While within the zone, I am continuously experiencing the orgasm; over and over, no end. Just as she had informed be, before I had entered the room; I am utterly incapable of climax, for as long as she says so. She is maintaining her hold, over me. I do not have climax. Not yet. All of a sudden; she is producing another, hidden tube. ”Smooth Plug seal – Type II” the label reads. ”Here is a surprise-gift, from me to you!” she explains. With that, she is applying the gel to the rim of the plug; previously fused to me, by rump. As the gel is spread out along the rim, the plug is fusing further; as the seal is growing stronger, the bod between me and the plug is strengthened even further. She had pushed me to phase 2. She observes the process, of the gel slowly curing; only once the gel is cured, she is once more touching the base of my anal plug. After a moment of teasing, she is grabbing the plug, once more; slowly and carefully giving the tug a tentative tug. Once, twice, thrice; she is tugging at the plug, yet staying just within the safe strength of the seal. Never really risking to break the delicate seal, she just put into place. She once more lets go of the plug, only to produce yet another tube of gel. She offers me the gel, for me to enjoy what she had offered, all the more. I may not know of it, as I am not aware of anything she does right now; yet she knows, I will enjoy what she is doing for me. ”Smooth Plug seal – Type III” the label reads. Little by little, she is applying the gel between the plug and my flesh. As the gel touches solid flesh and rubber plug, the two are fused; only firmer and more pronounced than before. The gel cures, leaving the seal stronger. Once the gel is cured, she starts all over; touching the base of the plug, teasing me. A minute later, she is grabbing the plug; giving it a tentative tug, feeling the strength of the seal the gel is providing. Could she have dissolved the seal? I have no idea, and I do not care. That is not the point. She is giving the plug a second and third tug. Once, twice, thrice. Another moment, before she is yanking the plug right out of me; breaking the seal, yet leaving the effect of the seal still very much intact. I am waiting, then the climax is hitting home; my eyes slowly focus on what is before me, no longer glazed over. I am awake and conscious. Conscious, for a few moments; before the moment is catching up with me, the exhaustion is taking its toll upon me. I could run from this, no longer. Another minute, and I am unconscious and collapse on the floor. Yet, my hooves and hands keep me from becoming a pile on the floor. I can not move, where I am. She is pouring a clear liquid over my hands, thus momentarily freeing me from the orbs I had been holding onto. With my hands free, she leaves them on the floor mere inches from these clear orbs. She applies the liquid, onto the bondage gel that fused my hooves to the floor; step-by-step, she is liberating me and my hooves. As my hooves finally are free, she leaves my lying on my back. As she is raising to her feet, she is approaching the door to the next room; extending the palm of her right hand towards the plaque. She is pressing the palm towards the plaque, before she is spreading her fingers, wide. The door opens, and she is carrying me into the next room. She is depositing me onto a bed. I am lying, limp and motionless on the top of the bed she had just offered me. Clear silicon, with a sheet of clear silicon. It is looking, as if I had been floating in med-air. I do not care; but maybe I would have found this amusing, once I am waking up. With all the excitement in mind; I am quite spent, exhausted. It isn't, as if I am going to wake up, any time soon. I am unconscious and need hours to recuperate, from the experienced I had been exposed to. Not that I mind, I had indeed been enjoying this for quite some time. --- --- --- > Early Reading: 5 – Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “That was quite the ride!” Twilight breathes. She is casting a glance towards her friend, Rarity; finding her still engrossed in her very own story, from the book she had been imparted with. “Oh!” Twilight ponders; “I guess she is enjoying her story as much as I am enjoying mine!” she continues. “Wait, where am I?” I breathe, as I finally do manage to open my eyes. I appear to be wearing the suit, I had been promised; yet everything I see is entirely unfamiliar, and the bed is crystal clear. As I am probing my crouch, I realize that she had extracted the plugs. Even the plug in my belly button had been carefully removed. Why does this make mee feel open and vulnerable? Empty, perhaps. “She certainly did turn my orchid into rubber, but it feels just as good as I had envisioned it. The petals of the orchid is just as slippery and wet, as I had felt they should be. That feels good!” I exclaim, without a thought. “Wait, she had extracted the tube from my mouth, too!” I realize, not that I mind. “Why do I have an urge, to ask Rarity to eat me?” Twilight ponders, contemplating her emotions and feelings. Twilight does stay quiet, however; not quite commited, to distract Rarity from the story she is reading. Since the plugs had been extracted, I could safely play with myself, in order to examine my plot. What signs remain, of the treat I had been given the day before. It is clearly the day before, considering how exhausted I had been. “I feel an urge, I need to explore what she had just made me into!” I ponder; “Which means I need to start, from the core!” I continue. My right hand slowly slide down my belly towards my crotch, delicately slipping over the smooth skin of my belly; all the way down to the mound, then up to the orchid. “Slip, and slide!” I ponder, giggling at myself. “Ooh, ooh!” I ponder; as the tips of my fingers finally is reaching the upper edge, of the petals of my orchid. I could not help myself, but an excited squeal escapes my mouth. From the sleek and slippery skin of my belly, and up to the stiff and sensitive petals of my orchid is just doing it for me. My mind goes fuzzy and out of focus, as the tips of my fingers are caressing the petals of my orchid. Had that plug been inside, the excitement would have been stuck with me. As it is now, it is just slowly dripping off of me, in a very slow pace. Even without that plug, the excitement is still lingering considerably longer, than I had been expected. I had simply been ill prepared for what I am encountering. Not such a bad thing; it is after all feeling very good, right now. I find the surface of the petals very wet and slippery, yet nothing is smearing onto my fingers. The surface underneath is coarse and the rubber is quite hard and stiff, until challenged. While the orchid is completely vulcanized, true and through; I notice the trace on the bridge, back to my rump, and the solid rubber in the orifice itself. First impression, leaves me with the slippery lubrication, and the hard rubber; before I push forwards, only to find the elasticity as my finger is slipping inside with ease. “What should I do now?” I ponder; “Should I proceed to the next, or continue to explore this further?” I consider. In the end, I continue to push forwards. My left hand, joining the right in this endeavour. As stiff as the rubber is, it is elastic enough; to permit me to slip in a pair of fingers with comforting ease. I pull my hands a few inches apart, before I had even realized, what I was doing; with little to no initial friction or resistance, finding it increasingly curious and then deliciously frightening. I had been left open, to suggestions; vulnerable, in my lack of resistance. If my fingers bend just a bit, I can hold on; or I could feel the grip slip away. Incidentally, I lost the grip and my fingers are slipping out, before I could make up my mind. There is a squishy noise; as I find myself contract, back to normal. Almost, as if nothing had really happened in the first place. “Oh! I guess I should proceed with the exploration, then!” I ponder. For now, I leave my left hand resting alongside the hip. This will be a temporary default position, for the time I am exploring myself. I pull my right hand back, feeling the slippery surface of my mound and the wet surface of the petals of my orchid; while I am moving my right hand further up to my belly. It isn't, as if I could miss my belly button, as small as it may be. I play with the thought, as I extend my right index-finger and trace the rim of the belly button. I find it wet, slippery and quite excitable under the tip of the finger. While it is initially hard, and stiff to the touch; I soon slip the finger into what is now an orifice. I feel the skin spread, with ease; and I am provoked into pushing further and further in, stretching the skin and flesh even further. “Oh!” I gape, my mouth slowly forming the capital O. I find it sensitive, and quite excitable to the touch; enjoying the sensations, and the experience of it. It is just new and unsettling to feel the skin stretching, so much further than I am used to. In the end; I refrain from extending the orifice further, than the length of the one index-finger. Feeling the skin stretching this much, is enough for me, this time. I may know, it could stretch further, but why do I have to push it to the limit; I can easily save some fun for later, when I had confirmed that her change is indeed still in place? “If she had used the permanent Plot-gel, there is no reason to suspect this will reverse!” I ponder, giggling at the thought. “My mistress is playing for keeps, she changed me and I will have to live with it; if I like it or not, this is who she had made me into!” I realize. As I pull out the finger, it slides out; almost by itself, aided by the lubrication she had applied. The lubrication is still in effect, not letting go. Of course, why worry about the lubrication wearing off; when the orifice itself is still in place, the way she had created it, when she had managed to alter me in the first place. My hand continues to slide up the skin of my belly, soon reaching the breast. My breast still a perfect, delicious orb. Would my breasts stay, as they are now; for the duration of my life, and possibly beyond? I do not know, and I don't care right now. I just enjoy the work she had put into it, and the effects the changes have over me. What if I had not truly enjoyed the new me, she had turned me into? If I could not truly accept the transformation she pushed me through? All the details she had change, when she adjusted me? I would have been miserable, and possibly in pain. Now, thankfully; I do enjoy myself, accepting the changes. While my breasts are firm, they are still soft and jiggles naturally. The nipples are hard and erect, yet elastic. I do enjoy the coarse surface under the slippery and wet lubrication she had put effort into applying. While she had made the point and teased my nipples; she never demonstrated, the limit of what they are, or what they could do. I know my nipples are sensitive, but have no idea; as to exactly how sensitive or excitable they are. I place the tip of my extended index-finger on the top of the right nipple, slowly stroking the surface of the tip for a moment; enjoying the sensations, I am eliciting in the process. Before I move up, I pinch the nipple between my nails, stretching it just enough to make the point. I giggle at the reaction. In the end, I place the sensitive touch-pad on the middle of my lower lip; before I start rubbing, then slide it along the lip. As I feel the effect of the slippery, wet lubrication; I soon push the finger down, feeling the finger slip in, quite effortlessly with no real resistance. If I had tried to squeeze my lips tight, would have done no difference to me. “Should I deny; or should I grant my Mistress the pleasure, of demonstrating the extent of this change?” I ponder, leaning towards having her doing the honours. I have confirmed, that the changes does hold; I do not need to do this, all by myself. She is willing and quite capable, of performing; what I had in mind. While I guess she will not feel crossed; but she is more experienced, and far better equipped to perform this for me. I certainly do not expect any punishment, for disobedience; she never told me, not to explore myself. Of course, I would not remember if she had; and I was too exhausted, at the time. Before I had the time, to make up my mind; she is entering the room, in which I am currently resting. Maybe I had heard her steps, as she entered the room, but I am still exhausted. I need something more, in order to build up my strength; from the excitement, she had exposed me to. It isn't, as if I am about to complain now. “You have discovered the changes, I imparted you with; I take it!” she points out. “Oh, yes; I certainly have, and I am enjoying it!” I respond. “Excellent, excellent!” she exclaims; “This way, please!” she offers. She is indicating for me, to open the next door. As I approach the door, I extend the palm of my right hand; pressing my palm firmly onto the plaque, spreading my fingers wide, in order to open the door. As the door is sliding up, she is entering the next room; I follow her, just a step behind. I walk behind her, like a shadow. The door is closing behind me, just as I clear the threshold. I barely hear the door close shut behind me. “You need to feed, before I demonstrate the depth of the changes I imparted you with!” she informs me. “Yes, please!” I respond, nodding. I know she is right, I really do need to eat something; in order to recuperate, to build up my strength. I want to explore what she had given me, but I do not wish to faint due to fatigue or anything of the sort. “Normally, I would have loved to offer you a cup of tea!” she explains; “At the moment, you need something very different!” she continues. “Oh? Of course!” I respond. I know she is right, and that tea would have been quite delicious indeed. Yet, it is not what I need, right now. As sad as that may be. First now, I realize the room is in the same style as the previous room, and the room before that. Had I been distracted, or am I just too exhausted to notice it right away? Either way, it feels good, to walk on the crystal-clear silicon the floor had been coated with. I can't deny that. Not now, and not ever. “I have prepared something for you, if you would be so kind as to step into that booth!” she points out, indicating the first booth on the right. “Yes, please!” I respond, before I had the time to think. As I had been instructed, I approach the booth she indicated. I step in, into the fairly cramped booth. The walls are crystal-clear, see-through. It is not glass, naturally. Once inside, a seat is emerging from the floor. Like the walls, it is crystal clear. I know it is there, only because I can see reflections, on the smooth, glossy surface. “Have a seat, please!” she offers. As I sit down, she is stepping up behind me. I feel her slipping her fingers into my rump, grabbing a firm grip and forcibly dilates my orifice. Before I knew it, she is pulling down; spreading my rump out over the round seat and lets go. “Oh, oh!” I exclaim; under my breath, as I realize exactly what she is doing. “How is that? I hope it is not too large, for you!” she inquires. “It feels strange, but comfortable!” I respond. “Excellent, excellent!” she points out. “I suspect; I can't lift my rump from the seat, though!” I add, almost as an afterthought. “Exactly!” she confirms; “Now, if you relax and I will make you comfortable!” she instructs me. As I relax; she is producing a tube containing a gel for my benefit, before she is helping me placing my hooves where she had intended for me to place them. She is applying the gel to the rim of my right and left hoof, respectively. While I watch, the line between the hoof and the floor slowly vanish; as if she had been deleting a line on a digital image, of me. As I watch my hooves fuse to the floor, the silicon is merging with my hooves. I can see the process taking place as my hooves are growing glossy, in the same manner as the clear silicon under my hooves. “Press the palms of your hands onto the wall before you, firmly; spread your fingers, as wide as you can!” she is instructing me. I extend my hands, lifting them up towards the clear silicon that is the inner wall of the booth; pressing the palms of my hands firmly onto the wall. As I am spreading my fingers, I can see her applying a thin line of clear gel along the border between my hands and the wall. “Glossy Bondage gel – Type I” the label reads. As she is capping the tube and puts it aside, my hands had already fused to the wall. The effect is as clear, as when she had fused my hooves to the floor. Only now, I notice my hands are turning more glossy. “Should I attempt to pull free, in only to confirm that I am truly stuck?” I ponder; “Because I am not really invested, in pulling myself free, right now!” I continue. I know type I is more than enough, to hold me in place; unless I am willing to take the risk of injury, from pulling much harder than I am prepared to. I end up, giving my hooves a tentative tug, right and left; before I give my hands a tentative tug, right and left. I am in deed just as suck as I had imagined. “Now, since I do have your undivided attention; it is time to present you with the meal, I had prepared for you!” she offers, generously. She does indeed have my undivided attention, I can't leave the booth into which she had directed me. Before me, I can see the head of the plug presented to me; intended to serve the meal, she is about to offer me. The plug is crystal-clear, just as everything in the booth. “Three inches?” I ponder, as the plug is extending towards me, further and further. The shaft itself, is merely two inches, smooth; if you ignore the grooves around the shaft, that is. “Bon Appetite!” she is offering me. I extend my head, towards the tip of the head; intending an impromptu kiss, before I realize it is pushing forwards. My lips part and the head is slowly, but undeniblgly pushing forwards and into my mouth. I feel the head pushing all the way into my mouth, before it continues down my throat; stopping only before it would have prevented me to breathe. With the plug in my mouth, I am limited to breathe through my nostrils. The plug is warm, squirming in my mouth and constantly pulls my head back, towards the wall before me. It is slippery as if covered with a thick and sticky goo. “There, that wasn't so bad, now was it?” she inquired. I wanted to tell her, but now I can not even nod my head in ascent. While the plug is in my mouth, I can't move my head in the least. My lips are spread wide, as is my throat. It is filling my mouth to the brim. When the plug is stretching and contracting, my muzzle and throat is stretching or pulled out, with it. There is nothing I can do about it. This is part of the demonstration, she had promised me before. I am swallowing it whole; and with it, I am swallowing the meal, she had promised me. “I did not know I could take that into my mouth!” Twilight realizes. While I guess, this had never been quite a shock to me; but it is still quite a lot to take in for me, even after the preparation my mistress had pushed me through. She had known, exactly how much she had enabled me to take in; without making me uncomfortable, or injuring me in the process. She certainly knows, what she is doing to me. “While you are enjoying your meal, I will leave you to enjoy yourself!” she explains, just before she is stepping out of the room. I did not see her placing her hand on the plaque, and I had not seen her exiting the room. Nether had I seen or heard the door go up, or her entering as I had finished my meal. The door slides shut behind her, just before the meal is completed. My belly is filled to the brim, and I can take no more. While I can't say that I had enjoyed the taste, but I had enjoyed her demonstration. In essence, she is giving me what I had asked of her. Even if I may not have known what I wanted, or even know what I need even now. She had changed me, in the process; as she had adjusted me, according to what I had asked her to give me in the first place. Now I am enjoying, what she is giving me. “I need you to pull free, by yourself; before I can liberate you, from this booth!” she explains. “Pull free?” I ponder; “She does mean, that I need to pull away from that plug in my mouth?” I continue. I had already tried to pull my hands and hooves free, so that could not be it. I try to pull my head back. No immediate result. I still feel the shaft of the plug squirming in my mouth and down my throat, while the head is still firmly in place. I certainly can't squeeze my mouth shut, or push it out; she had made absolutely certain of that, since I have no control of the muscles required for it. Each and every muscle completely relaxed, while I am contracting around the plug. That is how the plot gel works. I pull my head back, as I am pushing the wall before me as far away as I possibly can. Then I push again, and again, and again; once, twice and thrice. Over and over again. Little by little; I feel the plug retracting, as I constantly renews my effort. After several minutes of hard work, I feel the head slowly starting to pull back. With each pull, it is slowly slipping out of me. I feel it sliding up through my throat and into my mouth. Of course, once it is reaching my mouth, I find my lips contracting harder than before. I am contracting harder and harder, as a result of the head being in my mouth. If I am looking down, I can now see the entire shaft of the plug; all the way from my lips, to the wall where it came from. As I am trying to pull back, the plug is stretching more and more. Several minutes later, the plug starts to pull back; a moment later, I feel my lips smacking the wall before me. I pull frantically, as the head of the plug is starting to stretch my tight lips. After several attempts, the plug is slipping out of my mouth and my head is free. “There, you made it!” she exclaims. “Will she finally liberate me?” I ponder. “One small detail, before I let you out of here!” she points out. I feel her hands around my waist, gently squeezing me from behind. “That feels good!” I realize, as I am enjoying her touch. Of course, I should have been expecting this. Shouldn't I? She does enjoy teasing me, by demonstrating the effects of how she had adjusting me. Now I feel her hands sliding forwards, slowly. She is moving towards my belly, my belly button. I feel the right and left long-finger slipping into my belly button. The index-fingers following, just behind. With four fingers over the rim, she is slowly starting to pull her hands apart, thus dilating my belly button like the orifice it is. While she is spreading the orifice, she is slowly slipping in one finger at the time, gaining a firmer and more secure grip along the way. “Too bad, you can't push your hand in?” she inquires. “Could I have done that?” I inquire. “Yes, but of course!” she informs me. “Oh, oh; ooh!” I mouth, in surprised response. “Why not?” she inquires; “It isn't, as if you can't stretch that far; you have seen that, haven't you?” she continues. “How would I know, Mistress?” I respond; “When you put it that way!” I continue. “I will give you the chance, when you are ready!” she points out. “That feels strange!” I ponder, as I feel, just how far she had dilated me; “It is as if my skin had become elastic silicon, and my flesh had been squishy gel!” I continue, not realizing just how close to the truth that is. There is a pinch, the instant after she had let go of my belly button. Of course, she just had to do that; or, had her fingers slipped on the wet gel she had introduced into the newly formed orifice? Either way, she had let go of my belly now. She had produced a gel, with which she is now washing the bondage gel right off of my hooves and thus breaking me free from the floor. As she had liberated my right and left hooves; she continues by applying the product towards my hands, right and left. “There, how is that?” she inquires. I had pulled my hooves away from the floor, then my hands from the wall before me. Right now, I was not prepared to incidentally trap myself in her previous work, just in case residue could be strong enough to grab hold of me. “Oh!” I exclaim; Thank you, Mistress; that feels great!” I respond. With that, I feel her slipping her fingers in, into my rear orifice and spreading me wide enough for me to stand up. A moment later, she is letting go of my rump. I experience a pinch, as I am contracting around the air. “If you do not mind, I have another treat prepared for you!” she offers. “Yes, please!” I respond. She is producing an anal tube, made out of crystal-clear silicon. I feel the tube slipping in, as she is pushing it into my rump. As she is letting go, I feel the orifice remaining wide open, while I am contracting around it. Without a word, she is producing my vaginal tube, pushing it into place. I feel the tube slipping in, effortlessly. I am contracting around it, as it is leaving me wide open. “Now, if you please; put your hands together, fingers interlaced!” she explains. While I am complying, she is slipping her fingers into my belly button and dilating me. Just three inches, but that should be more than enough for me. “Place your hands on your belly, then press them in!” she instructs me; “Firmly!” she adds. “Yes, Mistress!” I respond, as I follow the instructions she had just given me. I feel the rim of the orifice stretching, as myhands are slipping inside. I find myself stretching, just enough to permit both my hands inside. As she is letting go, I am contracting; trapping my hand inside. Both hand securely trapped. “Oh!” I exclaim. “Now, to the fun part!” she points out; “If you would be so kind, as to pull your hands out?” she instructs me. As I pull, I find the skin of my belly stretching, but I am contracted; my hands do not come out, as hard as I may try to pull. Maybe the position is making it hard to pull; but I can't pull hard enough, to pull my hands out. “There, Excellent!” she exclaims; “Feel free to enjoy the experience, for all it is worth!” she offers. “I will leave you with a gift, for you to enjoy!” she explains. Mistress is producing a muzzle, with a mouth-tube; introducing it, by inserting the tube between my lips, all the way into my mouth and leaves it there. She is producing a tube of squishy gel, applying it to the rim of the muzzle. While I am contracting around the mouth-tube, it is pushing out and forcibly maintaining my mouth wide open. If I try to close my mouth, I soon realize it is utterly impossible for me. I am incapable of pressing my lips together. I am incidentally muted, by the action. Now she is stepping up behind me, slipping her fingers in into the orifice; urging me to pull my hands out. I soon manage to pull my hands out, as she had dilated me enough to permit me to. Just one small detail, for a moment my hands are refusing to come apart. Not quite fused, and my hands are not sticky or slippery from the insertion. “That was strange!” Twilight exclaims; “But exciting!” she continues. Twilight opens her eyes, as she is putting an effort into disengaging herself from the story that had been capturing her undivided attention. “It felt almost like Hay-cart's method!” Twilight points out; “But not quite the texture or topic I had been expecting from that kind of an exploration within a book!” she continues. “I take it, you have been enjoying your book?” Rarity inquires, stirred by Twilight's exclamations. “Yes, I have been enjoying the book quite a lot!” Twilight responds; “Maybe you would have a look at it, after you are done with the book you are reading, rarity?” Twilight offers. “Thank you, Twilight; I just may take you up, on the generous offer!” Rarity responds. “I am enjoying my book, quite Royally, thanks for asking!” Rarity adds. Rarity is lifting her head from the book, sniffing the air; distracted from an unexpected scent. As she is trying to make out exactly what the scent is, and where it is coming from; she is turning towards her friend, Twilight. “Do you sense that exciting scent?” Rarity inquires, after a moment of sniffing. “Uh, what scent; Rarity?” Twilight responds, not quite understanding the question; since she can't pick up on the scent. “No?” Rarity inquires; “I am certain, it is coming from your direction!” she elaborates. “The only reason, behind me not picking up on it; would be if it is me you are sensing, I believe!” Twilight responds. “That certainly does make sense, Twilight!” Rarity offers. With that, Rarity is starting to move towards Twilight; confirming that the scent indeed does come from her friend, Twilight. After a moment, Rarity is practically on top of her friend; her lips almost touching Twilight's lips. Twilight is instinctively parting her lips, returning what turns into a kiss from Rarity. “Odd, but it feels good!” Rarity ponders; “Smooth and wet! She is most certainly turned on!” she concludes, not knowing where the change had come from. As Rarity is licking her lips in order to wet them; her tongue incidentally enters Twilight's mouth. Twilight responds, by extending her tongue an inch into Rarity's mouth; taking her action as an active invite, based on Rarity being excited. --- --- --- > A Rare Discovery: 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Her lips, so smooth and wet!” I ponder. “She enjoys it, she wants me to push forwards!” Twilight responds. “She clearly took that, as an invite; but I can't complain, I enjoy it to much!” I ponder; “And, and, and I like being on top of her!” I conclude. “I had never expected Rarity like my rubbery lips, coated with lubricant and glossy!” she considers, taken aback by my advances. “Whatever lip-gloss, or lip-stick she is using; I need to know, so I can be as fabulous as I can be!” I consider. Twilight is placing her hands on my hips, permitting her hands to slide towards my waist; before she is gaining a firm grip, holding me close. I do not resist, I do not want to. Right now, I want her as close as she is comfortable with. “Wait, why is she smooth and slippery in her mouth? She did not drink lubrication, before she turned towards me?” I ponder; without breaking the kiss, in order to ask. While she herself had never had any lubrication even remotely close to her mouth, that isn't too far from the truth; even if this effect may be temporary, and wear off as she is letting go of the book she had just been reading. If reading was the right word, that is. Either way, she had been enjoying the adventure exposing her to the effect. One small detail, a kiss can only be maintained for so long; we break the kiss, even if it is not exactly for breathing. It had been great, at least on my part, while I do not doubt she had enjoyed it with me; I could never have enjoyed it, had she not enjoyed it in the first place. In the name of my element, Generosity; her joy, is what I am enjoying. “Ooh, ooh!” she exclaims; “I had never expected you, to enjoy it quite this much!” she continues. “No? “ I inquire; “That is what I was thinking!” I respond. “I was excited, and you were responding to me!” she points out; “Of course I was enjoying it!” she continues. “I certainly could feel your excitement, coming through loud and clear!” I point out; “And since you enjoyed it, it started to excite me too!” I continue. “My excitement was inspired; and you tied right back to it, as you were responding to me!” she explains; “Were you following me, or were you inspired by something more?” she inquires. I pull away, kneeling beside her, and she is following suit. She is looking into my eyes, and I return her gaze. Though I guess I could not help myself, scanning her body as well. Her eyes had never changed, but her lips does look as if coated with rubber or silicon. I could not quite make out, which it is. On closer inspection, the same glossy effect is coating her nipples and her orchid as well. Am I mistaken; but it is in her belly button too. The one thing I am clearly missing, due to not being in my sight; is the coating in her rump. Maybe I should not probe that right now, or even ask Twilight. “May I?” I inquire, as I am extending the index-finger, of my right hand towards her belly. “Why not; if you imagine you will like, what you find?” she responds, giggling. “If it does not bother you; I doubt it could turn me of, right now!” I respond. As I reach out, the tip of my finger soon reaches its target and I feel the slippery orifice; as it had been crafted from within the story, she had just been reading. I notice her excited reaction, as my finger is slipping in and stretching the skin inside her belly button. I feel the slippery silicon stretch far beyond my expectation, before I am pulling back in embarrassment. “You enjoyed it?” I inquire. “Yes!” she responds; “Does that bother or excite you?” she inquires, in turn. “I am leaning towards excites me!” I offer, truth-fully. “Oh, thank you!” she responds; “In that case, maybe I could tempt you farther?” she inquires. “Yes, dear!” I respond; “You certainly could, if you are comfortable with that!” I add, smiling back at her. “For you, Rarity; any time you like!” she responds. “In that case!” I respond, as I am reaching for her glossy rubber-orchid. “Yes, please; Rarity, by all means!” she responds; “If you like it, please continue!” she offers, now giggling. I feel the petals of her orchid, slippery and wet; coating the hard rubber that is her plot. Slowly, carefully; I am caressing her, feeling the excited heat under the surface. “Oh, oh! Ooooh!” I exclaim. She is echoing my excitement. I guess I could not blame her, considering what she must be feeling; even if I can't imagine what it is like, for her. After a minute, I lift my index-finger; rubbing it, against my thumb. I realize that her slippery juices are not smearing, by any means. “Uh?” I exclaim; “How does this even work? It is not smearing, yet I can clearly feel, it is wet and slippery!” I continue. “You tell me, your guess is as good as mind!” she ponders, but does not put words to her thought. “It did not smear before; so I guess it should not smear now, either!” she then responds. “In the story, you explored in your book?” I inquire. “Yes, exactly!” she responds. “Now she is making me want to read her book, even knowing it is not the kind of adventure I would have chosen!” I ponder. The story she had been reading, seems to contain a mystery, and fabulous clothes very different from what I use to make. As I continue to caress the petals of her orchid, I notice her breath quickening, leaving her breathe faster and faster. I soon notice her heart-rate going up. Since she had invited me, I dare to take this a step further. Maybe she would protest, or maybe she is loving it; without knowing it, just yet. “Comfortable?” I inquire. “Yes, yes, yes!” she mumbles, under her breath. “Oh, oh!” I ponder, knowing exactly where I have her. “I will take this, to the next level!” I ponder; “Hope you are still enjoying what I had in mind!” I then add. She just nod, and I help her pulling her arms in under her back; observing her grabbing the opposing elbow in a firm grip. “Oh, I had not expected that!” I mumble, as I slide down. A moment later, I place my lips onto the top of her mound; parting my lips and extend the tip of my tongue, carefully licking the petals of her already wet orchid. I notice her heart-rate going up, but her lips are sealed; she is quiet, as if a memory is muting her. Now I decide to probe deeper, grabbing her rump with my bare hands; sliding forwards, finding the tips of my index-fingers sliding into the prepared orifice. My hands slide an inch farther, granting me a firm grip; I take it and slowly part my hands an inch and then two. “Ooh!” I realize; “Delicious, slippery and wet; yet firm and tight!” I continue. I certainly had not expected this, and have no idea as to what it does mean. Does it mean anything for her, or is it just a tease to please me? “Does she like me to dilate her rump, and if so; how far do I dare to go?” I ponder. With sealed lips, she can tell me exactly nothing; and with my fingers working as the plug, she is incapable of climax. I am oblivious of these facts, because she had failed to inform me; while she had the chance, if she had in fact realized the connection in real life. Since I want to explore it, I am going slow; just as much for my own entertainment, as for her pleasure and excitement. Had I known, maybe I would have been acting differently; but I do not, so I have only my instinct to go on. “She is so sweet and delicious, should I have tried this earlier?” I consider. Of course, she had never been quite this delicious before, I may never have enjoyed it, the way I do now. She has just read a few chapters of the book, responsible for her predicament and condition. I could only imagine, she has been enjoying that book quite royally; just as I am enjoying her now, because of that. Should I be ashamed, or proud of this? I can not help myself; and she seems to be enjoying what I am doing to and for her, right now. “This is almost, like enjoying a cone of ice-cream!” I realize; half in chock, and half in delight. “If she is enjoying it; I should give her, as much of it, as I possibly can!” I ponder. With a firm grip, I hold on to her; lapping away at her, as I am enjoying myself more than I had been expecting. If only I had known? I can't let her down, right now. Trying to maintain a gentle, lady-like grip; not too hard or firm, and not too loose and weak. Too hard could hurt her, or pull her out of the moment; too loose could slip out, or lose her in the process. "What was that?” I ponder; as I feel her first orgasm, pinching my tongue, after ten minutes. I stop, for a moment, contemplating; just how I am to react, and how I am to proceed. When I realize, she is not trying to push me out; I decide to continue, lapping away at her, in the hopes she is still enjoying it. I want to please her. Not just because she is my roommate and friend, but because I know she likes it, and I am enjoying doing this for her. Maybe she would do it for me, or something else she thinks I enjoy; later, when I need it. I do not know, but I play this for myself, betting on her being a true friend. It is, what you do for a friend, after all. Wouldn't you? “I just hope; I do not slip out prematurely, or do it wrong!” I ponder, as I start lapping at the petals of her orchid. After a few minutes, I am feeling frisky and adventurous; pushing on harder, as I feel my tongue slipping into her. I feel the elasticity opening her up, before my increased pressure. Only now, I am slowing down; in the hopes to maintain the excitement, for as long as I could possibly manage it. Just as my tongue slip an inch in, I feel the next orgasm; but I had made up my mind, she is enjoying it. I keep going, picturing her having a second orgasm; but why not, it isn't impossible. Then again, there is another, and another, faster and faster, harder and harder. Since she is wet, and exceedingly elastic; it is no problem, lapping further and further. I continue, determined that she is enjoying this as much as I am. Why not? So long as she is wet, she is bound to enjoy herself; and me, isn't she? At least, that is what I had been told. There is no lubrication, that can keep her wet and sweet; for a prolonged time, beyond her excitement is running dry. Is there? Is it her sweetness, that keeps me in place; or is it my lady-like generosity, that makes me continue to please her? She certainly is sweet enough, and no matter how much I am lapping away at her; she is still as slippery and wet, as she had been from the very start. If this is taxing on me, makes no difference to me; I am enjoying it, and knowing she is excited, I could not just let her down. After a while, I lost track of time; maybe I had enjoyed it too much, or I had slipped into the state where time is losing meaning. Either way, I just kept going; only looking out for the signs, telling me I need to stop. She said nothing, and did never give me the impression, she wanted or needed me to stop. An hour after she had her first orgasm, she slipped into her orgasmic state; I did not notice, and thus simply kept going. Did I enjoy myself too much? I felt her orgasms tighter and more pronounced, to the point they turned into one. I kept going, I keep going, and I will continue. At some point, I lost the grip; thus my fingers slipped out and her rump collapsed in upon itself. As I lost the grip, it was only a matter of time; before she was experiencing her climax, and the game had come to an end. Her previously glazed over eyes clear, and she is turning towards me. She is smiling, grinning excitedly at me. I just see her pleased smile, it is all I had been looking for. She did not complain, why should she. She had enjoyed the treat I had offered her. As she is looking at me, still beaming with pent up joy; she is trying to say something, before she could manage to part her lips. The tip of her muzzle, stretching, as she tries to part her lips. She failed, for a good long while; several unmeasured minutes, but she still tried. “I did not break off, too early?” I inquire, somewhat worried. She merely shakes her head, still smiling. “You enjoyed it?” I press on; eager to learn, how it had been for her. She nods, vigorously; renewing her effort, to part her lips so she could express what she had experienced. She failed to part her lips, but it did not get to her. “Thank Celestia!” I sigh, in relief. “And thank you, Rarity; that was pure bliss!” she responds; as her lips finally part enough, for her to utter the words. “It was?” I inquire. “Oh, yes; if only I could let you experience, what you just gave me!” she then adds. “That would be nice, but I don't think I could enjoy it that much!” I respond. “You may have to read the book, first!” she blurts out. “You think?” I inquire. “Yes, I believe so!” she responds; “Because the experiences from the book suggests it, based on similarity!” she then adds. “Oh!” I mumble; “I guess I will just have to read your book, then; after you have finished, reading it!” I continue. “Then you could finish reading yours, while I finish reading mine?” she suggests. “Sounds reasonable!” I respond; “And I do enjoy reading my book, too!” I then add. “That is good!” she responds; “But, right now I think I will need a cup of tea!” she concludes, right to the point. “Me too!” I agree; “Maybe we should go up, and enjoy it there?” I offer. “Yes, please; that would be great, I would love that!” she responds. “Since we are just going up, we don't need to dress up, but if we had gone out in public, that may have been an issue!” I point out. “Yes, that is our private retreat!” she points out. “I am quite comfortable, with going there with you!” I point out; “Particularly after our private adventure!” I add. “If you enjoyed it, we can have more adventures later!” she explains, to the point. “Since we have everything we need, up there; we do not need to prepare anything!” I point out. With that, I am sitting up, before I slide out of bed and raise to my hooves. I know Twilight is a step behind, mainly because I had been on top of her. “Clip, clop!” I hear her hooves squeak, as they hit the floor. “Clip, clop; clip, clop!” I hear, as I continue towards the door. “Clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard from her hooves; as she is following me, a mere step behind. I extend the right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque and spreads my fingers as wide as I can; opening the door, before I am stepping through. I retract my hand, and she is stepping over the threshold behind me. The door is closing behind her back, quietly. I open the next door, and she is following me. We continue to the final door, and I open it; before we continue up the flight of stairs. Finally, outside. I am alone, with only Twilight beside me. It is quiet, aside from the wind; blowing through the foliage, of the trees. Such tranquility, one could cry. “I hope you enjoyed it!” Twilight puts forth, as we are walking over the path. “I certainly did!” I respond; “Did you enjoy it, too?” I inquire. “Yes!” she responds; “I just had not expected the effect to be quite this strong, out of the adventure!” she then explains. “So, you were experiencing effects; lingering from the story, you were reading?” I inquire, curiosity peaked. “Yes; I guess that is the best way to describe my experience, with you!” she responds; “And you invoked the effect, of what she exposed me to!” she adds. “Would you want us to investigate this farther?” I inquire. “That seems the only reasonable cause of action!” she responds. “So you do not believe, your reaction was a coincidence?” I inquire. “No, not really. What I experienced, in and out of the story; is far too similar, to be coincidental!” she responds. “Makes sense, I guess. Besides, I am looking forwards to a cup of tea; with just the two of us, together!” I point out. color=#AA22BB]“Now is the best time; for that tea, together!” she offers. Just like the other day, the roses in the Alpha quadrant is still in bloom. Very beautiful, and very fragrant. Pleasantly so. Our cushions remain, as we had left them; fluffed up and comfortable, sporting our colours and marks. color=#AA22BB]“I feel right at home, up here!” she confirms, as I am lighting up my horn. My horn aglow, I focus my magic, reaching out, extracting the cups and pot. I place the cups before us, and the teapot in the middle of the table, between us. I prepare the tea, before I am heating up the water in the pot. Minutes later, the scent of our tea is starting to spread out. As the tea is boiling, the air is saturated with the scent, of the tea she had chosen for the two of us. Once the tea is ready, I pour a cup of tea for her, then one for myself. Just like the Lady I am, I can't help but pour up the tea for her first, before I could pour up tea for myself. “Thank you, Rarity; it smells just right, for a moment together!” she points out, smiling. “Thank you, Dear; it certainly does, and this is such a great day for a cup of tea!” I respond. “Such a lovely sun-raise; almost as if I had seen Celestia herself raising the sun, for just the two of us!” she offers, generously. “It promises an enjoyable day, watching the sun raise with a cup of tea with a good friend!” I point out. “A good friend, to share a moment like this; always makes for a good day, and a good friend always makes the moment brighter!” she responds, as she is lifting her cup. I lift up my cup, enjoying the first sip. This is indeed a promising beginning of the day, and her company makes it all the better. I could not deny it. Not that I had wanted to. I am enjoying the tea, as I watch her lifting her cup to her lips, taking her first sip. We enjoy the tea, in silence; quietly contemplating the moment, and what we have together. As the cup empties, I offer a refill. She is accepting, and I am pouring a cup for the both of us. Time lingers, as the moment is maintained. In the end; the pot is empty, and we have had our fill. She puts the pot and cups back, where we had initially found them; for another day. “That was special, we have to do this again!” she offers. “Yes, it was indeed!” I respond; “I would love to!” I continue. Since everything had been done, I raise to my hooves, and she is following me towards the stairs. Negotiating steps, downwards; is a curious challenge, one I have no problem accepting. She certainly has no problem, and neither do I. --- --- --- > An Experiment Initiated: 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I was considering, what we were discussing earlier; just before we went up to the secret garden, for a cup of tea!” I offer, eager to explore what we had been discussing. “Oh!” she responds; “You mean, that adventure, just after I had left the book on my night-stand?” she inquires. “Yes, exactly!” I respond; “I recall; you had enjoyed it, quite royally!” I confirm. “Yes, I was indeed enjoying it!” she continues. “Good, then I was not mistaken; thank you, Dear!” I offer; “I was considering, trying something out, to see if our picture of the event is, what we thought it was!” I add. “An experiment, intended to recreate a part of the adventure; to see if we were right, confirming or denying the original assumption?” she inquires. “I believe, that is the idea; if you are willing to partake, all assuming we can recreate the scene reliably such as we picture it!” I explain. “Sounds like fun, I am in; which part would you suggest, we try to recreate?” she responds. “Assuming we can find the item, my first idea is to see how you react on my fingers probing your rump!” I suggest; “Just that I can't do that, for as long as I imagine is due!” I continue. “Oh, that? I guess we need a proper toy, to recreate that part!” she points out. “If you have a tube or plug, available in your wardrobe; we could explore this, just before we go to bed?” I suggest. “Sounds like an idea, I will just have to check; in order to see, if I can find the item you are referring to!” she points out. “Since you are the one using it, that would make perfect sense!” I respond. “Yes, it does; I'll check that, right away!” she offers; as she is going towards her closet, in search of the item I had mentioned. “I think our respective wardrobes are coming with identical items, only fitting the current owner of the specific wardrobe!” I ponder, following her towards the bed-room. “For what it is worth, I really do hope you will find a fitting tube for our experiment!” I offer; “One that is doing exactly what we want it to do, for you!” I continue, as I approach my own wardrobe. “Me too, but you never know!” she responds, as she is opening the door to her wardrobe. I had been looking closer at the accessories, but had not gone into detail. The toys had never been interesting, so I had never really examined them. Maybe I should have, because then I would have seen the tube I was hoping she should find. “If my boots are found under the suit, the accessories are located at the height of where they are supposed to be used?” I ponder; “Which means; her tube or plug should be at mid-level, matching where her croutch is!” I ponder. As I step into the room, I open the door to my very own wardrobe. When I scan the interior, I soon find where the items should be located. Of course, this is also exactly where I am finding the tube in mind. “How large would I need her tube or plug to be?” I consider, comparing the items with what I recall from the experience of the time of play. “One inch is not enough, two inches is risky; I would feel safe with nothing less than three, four may work and five inches just looks too much!” I ponder; “But what do I know, it is her experience we are trying to recreate here!” I conclude. “How is it going, are you finding what you are looking for?” I inquire. “These should be just about right, for the night!” she responds. “Good, because now we can continue with something fun; while we are waiting for the right time!” I point out. “Going by what I recall, from before you started; these should be just right, even if my recollection may be a bit fuzzy from all you gave me!” she concludes. “Pick up your choice, and leave it on the night-stand!” I point out. “Okay!” she responds, as she is withdrawing, from inside of her wardrobe. I am watching her closing the door, before she turns around towards her night-stand; then she takes the few steps and opens the drawer. She is placing the tube in, as I had told her; before she closes the drawer and finally returns towards me. “There, all set for tonight!” I point out. “Yes!” she responds, giggling as she is nodding. “Okay, I guess it is time to see, just how well this is holding up!” Twilight suggests. “Should you or I perform the insertion?” I inquire. “Just let me get into bed, and you can do the honours!” she offers. “Thank you, Dear; just indicate when, and I will do it for you!” I respond, as I am watching her climbing up onto the bed. She had opened the drawer of her night-stand, showing the crystal clear tube waiting for me to insert it; just as soon as she is ready, that is. She is folding up the quilt and slips in under it, leaving herself exposed; in order for me to help her, inserting the tube for her. “Since this is the one you chose, I will insert it for you!” I offer. “Thank you, Dear!” she exclaims, as I am picking up the chosen tube. “I just hope, this will work; and that it is as easy, as it had been to slip my fingers in in the morning!” I ponder. “If this is the one she had chose, but it does feel a bit larger than I would have been comfortable with!” I consider; as I feel the smooth and slippery five inch tube in my hand, playing with the idea. Of course, I know this is indeed the tube of her choice; I had seen her putting it there, before. “For some reason, I want you on your back; so that I can see it take effect, assuming it is still working!” I point out, explaining my situation. “Oh, okay!” she responds, turning around; “I am just looking forwards to read my book, for a moment; before I am falling asleep!” she continues. “I know, and I will help you to turn around; if you need help, my Dear!” I offer. Since I am standing by the side of her bed, with the tube in my hand; I need but to lean over her, reaching for her crotch. From there, I slip my hand in between her legs; feeling my way towards her rear orifice, before I press the tube into her anal cavity. While it is resisting, initially; I merely need to push a little bit harder, in order for the tube to start sliding in. Once it is sliding in, I am pulling back; not to push it in too fast, or too far. “Thank you.. !” she responds. I see the tube plop, riveting itself firmly into place; noting she experiences a distinct pinch, just as her lips starts to seal over. With that, she is utterly incapable of having climax. “I guess that confirms the first part!” I point out, giggling. She just nods, mute and thus incapable of expressing anything verbally. “Maybe I should tease her, for just little bit? A minute or two!” I ponder. “I hope this will feel, just as good as it did in the morning; when I was eating you!” I offer, as I am mounting her bed. She just nods, and I approach her; closing in on her freely presented mound, placing my lips squarely on her orchid. Since she does by no means protest, I move onto lapping at her. She is just as wet as she had been in the morning, and just as deliciously sweet as back then. As I had started to eat her, I could barely contain myself. My hands soon reaching for her hips and then back under her rump, leading to my discovery of the tube I had just inserted; deep within her, holding her in the desired state. While I may have intended for this to last but a minute or two, I found myself lingering for considerably longer; feeling her first orgasm, with my tongue inside her, as I am lapping away at her. Just as in the morning, I clearly feel her orgasm; as she is contracting, momentarily pinching my tongue. I find it exciting, but realize I had to break of now. I have no intent, distracting her too much; so she could not read her book, or sleep the entire night. Now I make due, with just caressing her rump; feeling the firm orifice, with a hint of squishy quality to it. If this is good or bad, but she manages to have a second orgasm; before I had pulled out, letting go of her. Now I am pulling out, up towards her face; affording her a kiss, squarely on her now sealed lips. While tightly sealed, I still do feel her lips; just as I had seen and felt them before. I disengage and climb off of her, sliding of the bed; before I set hoof on the floor and walk around the bed to my side. Maybe I could have just rolled over, to my side; but this somehow felt more right, for me. While I am walking over to my side of our bed, she folds the quilt back over herself; before she turns over, and pick up her book. She is opening her book, just as I reach my side of the bed. Once I am on my side of the bed, I fold the quilt back, climbing up onto the bed; unfold the quilt, and pick up my own book. I open the book, and start to read. The book is quite exciting, to me; I had been reading for a few hours, last night, and I had been reading a bit more in the morning. Now I close the book, putting it aside; as I had placed the book on the night-stand, I turn over to my friend, Twilight. “Seems, she had enjoyed her book; just as much as I had, but she is just putting it aside!” I ponder. “Good morning, Twilight!” I exclaim. She does remain quiet, lips still tightly sealed; but she is turning towards me, nodding. She just looks at me, gazing into my eyes. Is there pleading, in her eyes; am I imagining this, and what is she pleading for? “Oh, of course; she can't tell me what she needs, but she can answer my questions!” I ponder; “I just need to ask her, the right questions, so she can let me know, exactly what she needs me to do!” I continue. “Slept well?” I inquire, and she nods. “Enjoyed your book?” I inquire; she nods quite vigorously, her eyes still pleading. “Excited?” I inquire, she once more nods, vigorously. “I am closing in, on what she needs me to do, for her!” I ponder. A moment later, I notice her blinking. Is she winking at me? “Would you like me to give you more?” I inquire, and she is nodding. Of course she did want more, expecting it to feel better by the minute I am eating her; she could not willingly break of, in the state in which she had found herself. Her excitement, fueling her orgasms; slow and far between, but she is still having them. “If you don't mind, I will come over to you; folding the quilt, so that I can give you what you need!” I offer, she nods once more. With the quilt beautifully folded up, I slip my legs out of bed and down onto the floor; before I raise to my hooves, and walk around our bed. As I reach her side of the bed, I face her, looking at her, once more. “Since she wants me to eat her, that is exactly what I will do!” I ponder, as I am mounting her bed. “Okay, here you go!” I offer, as I am approaching her mound. I part my lips, placing a kiss squarely on the petals of her orchid, extending my tongue. I tentatively start lapping away, finding her just as juicy and sweet as I remember her from the day before. Strangely enough, she is always this juicy and sweet. No more, and no less. While I do enjoy it, should I have been suspicious? For now, the notion fails to enter my head. Do I enjoy it, too much? Then again, she seems to enjoy it, too. “Maybe I could afford her an hour?“ I ponder; “Well, why not; she certainly is worth it, she is my friend!” I add. A very close friend, and we are sharing the room here, I know she would have done the same for me, if our positions had been reversed. I am lapping away at the petals of her orchid, as I am eating her up; my hands soon finding their way back to her rump, giving me a firm grip, even despite the slippery surface I am to hold on to. “Does her rump excite me, wet as it is; or is this wetness exciting me even more?” I ponder; as I am enjoying myself, as I am doing my best to please her. As I am holding on to her rump, the tips of my fingers are rubbing the rim; caressing her from within. I could not prevent it, if I had tried; but I don't really want to, unless she had told me to. This tube is giving me a better grip, than I had had the day before; before I had inserted the tube, into her rump. Fascinating, exciting. Why had I not thought of this before? Oh, yes; I had not even known she wanted me on top of her before I met her in this room. Since she had already been excited enough, to orgasms before; the orgasms had not quite registered, I just feel them growing tighter and faster as I keep stimulating her. “Is this me, how I am pleasing her; or is it from the affliction, and the tube I had inserted into her the day before?” I ponder; “For now, I will assume she enjoys what I am doing for her!” I conclude. Before I knew it, the hour is up; she had reached the orgasmic state, wherein she is experiencing a continuous orgasms. She is peaked, and can't be more excited, than she is now. I ignored it, more for my own pleasure than anything. It could not hurt, she is certainly enjoying herself. I could as well permit her just little bit more fun. While it had never been a full hour; since I had given her more than the ten minutes, to reach orgasms, the previous night. I am not aware of, and I do not recall exactly how long I had spent; eating her, lapping away at her orchid, and its petals. I had enjoyed it, and so had she. That much I do know, from what I do recall. In her orgasmic state, I simply feel her orchid constantly throbbing; as it is contracting, actively around my tongue. I can no longer count her orgasms, as if I had felt the urge. Somehow, I had grown used to it; now finding it enjoyable, and exciting. “I could get used to this!” I realize; “If she wants me to; I would be only too happy, to do this for her!” I ponder. Why does this make me think of being at the Spa, when she is caressing my tongue, with each orgasms?” I consider. I can't up and ask her that, right now; not just because I am enjoying to eat her now, but it does not feel tactful and elegant enough to ask her right now. “An orgasm is positive, something good; signifying joy, and excitement!” I ponder; “But it is private, touch; you don't just as about these things, right of the bat!” I continue. She may be my friend, and roommate; but that does not mean, that I can ignore her feelings and sensitivities. A Lady like me, just do not go of and trample others feelings. In the end I pull back, just like the first time, yesterday; slowly pulling my tongue out of her, slowing down to a virtual stand-still. Finally, I stop; pulling my head out of her crotch, looking up at her. As I look into her eyes; I notice them being glazed over, since she had once more reached the orgasmic state. “In this state, she can't extract the tube by herself, she needs me, to extract it for her!” I ponder. With my fingers still maintaining a firm grip, I give her a few more teasing moments; caressing her rump, with the tips of my fingers. I need to pull the tube, out of her; but am a bit undecided, right now. Is it uncertainty, as to exactly how to extract the tube; or, is it just that I enjoy teasing her? When is the right time; now, or in a few more minutes? “Since she is enjoying it, still; I think I could afford to give her a few more minutes, and explore another item!” I ponder; “Maybe I should give her nipples a few minutes, just for the fun of it?” I conclude. I slowly let go of her rump, pulling myself up; my face reaching her chest, permitting me to explore the new idea. I start by lapping at the right nipple, then places a wet kiss on the top of her rather large nipple, before I am pushing forwards. The size is chocking me, when I am finally taking the nipple into my mouth. With the entire nipple in my mouth, I start licking it; enjoying the moment, hoping she is enjoying this. “I may have to try this again, later; when I have extracted the tube, so I can ask her about how this feels to her!” I realize. I suck in, lightly, before I am starting to pull back. Now I realize, it is a challenge to pull away; while I am sucking, when her nipple is this large. As slippery as it is, coated with lubrication; it is still just as hard, and the surface is quite coarse under the lubrication. It is, exactly as her Mistress in the book had prepared her. I could do nothing about it, partially because I am oblivious as to what she had even done. I suck slightly harder, then pull harder; such harder, and pull even harder still. I continue like this, until I feel the nipple slipping out of my mouth. Her nipple had slipped out of my mouth, with a distinct sucking noise; then I move my focus to the other, left nipple. I lick the tip of the wet nipple, placing a kiss on the top; before I push forwards, feeling the nipple slip in between my tight pressed lips. With the nipple in my mouth, I am licking it for several minutes, enjoying the slippery surface and the coarseness underneath. I continue licking, as I am starting to suck. I start to pull back, then sucking harder; pulling harder, and sucking harder and harder as I go. Her nipple is stretching, just enough for me, to notice it. I doubt she is consciously aware of this, but she is still bound to feel it. Even if that would have to be subconsciously. I keep teasing her, until the nipple is slipping out of my mouth. “Still glazed over!” I realize, as I am looking up; “How long can this hold on?” I ponder. “I could as well help her out, or she is missing out on the entire day!” I ponder; “And she will miss out on reading, I know she is looking forwards to!” I continue. Now I am pulling down, pushing her up to the point I can once more reach her rump, comfortably. Once I have reached a comfortable position, I reach for her waist; permitting my hands slide down towards her rump, before my fingers are once more slipping in. I push harder, feeling my fingers slipping in; giving me a firm grip of her, permitting me to maintain a comfortable hold of the plug, I had inserted into her rump, the day before. First I just tease the rim of her rump, by caressing the squishy silicon; before I am grabbing an even stronger hold, slowly pulling at the tube. At first, nothing happens. I start to pull harder, but still nothing happens. Only once I slip my thumbs in, under the tube; am I able to pull at it, slowly extracting the tube from inside of her rump. I feel the hard, firm tube stretch; like an elastic gummy-worm, refusing to let go. I pull harder, and harder; feeling the tube stretch further and further, before I manage to actually pull it out. Inch by inch, the large tube is finally coming out. In the end, it is finally losing the grip; then it is snapping back, almost whipping my fingers in the process. A moment after the tube had come out of her; she is clearly experiencing the long awaited climax, before she is coming back and gaining focus. Her eyes are no longer glazed over, and she manages to focus on me. “Oooh, oooh, oooh!” she moans, as her lips slowly unseals and she can part her lips enough to articulate. “It was that good?” I inquire; “Then I really need to read that book, once you are done with it!” I continue. “Ooh, ooh!” she responds; “Yes, it was indeed that good!” she continues. “I think you need a cup of tea, urgently; and I certainly need a cup, too!” I point out. “A cup of tea, certainly would not be wrong; right now, if you could help me up to our secret garden!” she points out. “Certainly!” I respond; “My pleasure!” I add. “Thank you, Rarity!” she offers; now weaker, since the exhaustion is taking its toll. “I need to hurry!” I realize. --- --- --- > An Early, Rare Read: 8 – Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am standing beside our bed, on Twilight's side; looking at her, as she looks a bit weak. I reach for her, as she is reaching for me; helping her up, out of the bed. She is clearly leaning against my shoulder, as I am leading her out of the room. As I reach the door, I extend the palm of my right hand; pressing the hand against the plaque, spreading my fingers wide. When the door finally slides up, I step over the threshold with her still leaning against me. The door quietly close behind me, while I continue towards the next door. I open each door in turn, stepping over the threshold with her leaning against me, for support. Now I am helping her, up the flight of stairs to the secret garden; here I had promised her, I will prepare and serve tea, for the both of us. As we reach the summit of the stairs, I guide her towards the table; helping her sit down comfortably, on her cushion. I sit down on my white cushion, with the three Diamonds; facing her, looking at her as she is facing me. “There, just relax, Dear!” I offer. She leans forwards, supporting herself by resting her arms on the table; but says nothing, maybe there is nothing that needs to be said? I look down; observing the indoors boots I wear, on my equine hooves. I focus on the task at hand; taking but a moment, before I once more raise to my hooves. I step over and extract the cups and teapot, bringing them to the table with me. With a pot full of water, I am getting right to it. Filling it with the tea-leaves; before I heat up the water, to the boiling point. Now I permit the leaves to soak, in order to infuse the water with the tea. A minute later, I extract the leaves and put them aside. “Almost done!” I offer, as I pour tea into her cup, before I fill my own cup as well. “Thank you; Rarity!” she exclaims. “You are quite welcome, Dear!” I respond. As the tea is cooling down, to manageable levels; she is lighting up her horn. Now we lift our cups up, to our lips; slowly sipping the tea, before placing the cup back onto the table. “Ah, delicious!” she responds. “Thank you, Dear!” I respond;”it is my favourite blend, you know” I continue. “I could very much imagine!” she responds, as she is sipping on her tea. I observe her, as she is slowly regaining her strength; as she is enjoying the tea, relaxing in her seat. Since she is slowly coming back, I am relieved, able to relax. “Tea always brings me right back; though I need a good tea, of course!” I offer. She is quietly enjoying the tea, as I continue to observe her. I can clearly see, the energy returning to her; as she continues to sip on the tea. I just need to pour her another cup of tea, once in a while. Likewise, I pour myself a refill, as the cup is emptied. An empty cup, is no good. “I can see that, and it is indeed very good tea!” she responds, graciously. She is such a good company, to me; a sophisticated Unicorn, I can relate to. Not a brutish Pegasus, or Earth-Pony. Of course; Twilight is exceptional, even amongst Unicorns. I have to admit. There is something special, about her. “Besides, she is enjoying my company, as well!” I ponder. “Some more tea, Dear?” I inquire; just as she is taking the last sip, emptying her cup. “Yes, please!” she responds. I fill the cup, for her; enjoying it, being the gracious hostess for her. How could I not? It is the style of the Lady I like to be. I am living up to it. “Thank you, Rarity!” she offers, while I am filling her cup. Naturally, I am filling my own cup, while I am at it. I love the tea, just as much as she is; just as I enjoy sharing the moment, with her right now. Pouring a cup of tea for her, and myself; is the easiest way to share a moment, and I intend to love every drop and instant of this with her. Another sip, and another moment; together, that is. After two cups of steaming hot tea, she is once more herself again. How much she is affected, by what she had been reading; I have no idea, but if she wants to enjoy it with me, who am I to complain? I am offering her the third cup, filling her up; sharing the tea, with her. Just as her I am enjoying the cup, and the moment. We are watching the roses, as the sun is shining down upon them, from on high. “That was a great night, thanks to you Rarity!” she points out. “Since you are doing better, I think I should look into something!” I explain. “Would you mind, if I am tagging along?” she inquires. “By all means, I love your company!” I respond. I pick up the cups, and she carries the pot, as we are cleaning up after the little picnic. Once everything is ready, for us to have the next one; we turn towards the stairs down to the lower level of the garden. I follow the path, then down the flight of stairs. Once down, I am opening the door, with her a step behind; the door quietly closes, just behind her. “Such a lovely garden, we have up there!” I point out. “Yes, we certainly do; and I love sharing it with you, every time!” she points out. I open the door, to the walk-in closet; behind our closet in the bed-room. She follows me. Once inside, the door closes behind her. Now I open the door, into the private studio; where I can design and craft wears, as I please. “Would you like to try these boots on?” I inquire. “Yes, please; since it is your design, I would love to!” she responds. I pick up a pair of metallic electric blue silicon boots, designed for her; placing them onto the floor before her, ready for her to step right into them. She looks down, observing her mark; inside the boots, looking curiously at me. A moment later, she is putting them on. The boots contract around her hooves with a distinct, sucking squeak, leaving her with the impression of silicon-coated hooves. While she is distracted by her boots, I place my own boots on the floor; stepping right into them. The effect is the same as she had experienced, of course. The only difference, between the otherwise identical boots; is that mine has my three diamonds, in the place of her star with diminutive companion stars. “Curious!” she merely exclaims. “You like the boots?” I inquire. “Yes, I love these boots; you put such effort into crafting for me!” she responds. “I have another surprise for you, if you would like trying them on!” I offer; “But I think we should try an experiment, just for the fun of it!” I respond. With that, I am presenting her with a pair of glistering, black silicon panties. It is just her size, but she needs to try them out for herself; in order to preserve the fun, and surprise I had in mind for her. She eagerly accept the panties, so I lead her out of the wardrobe; through the living-room, and back to our bed-room. I open her wardrobe, then extract her largest tube; quietly closing the wardrobe, before I insert the tube from behind. For the sake of the experiment, I open my own wardrobe; pick up my counter-part, inserting it into my rear orifice. “Now, if you would slip the panties on; with me, in just a moment!” I suggest. “Okay!” she responds. I stand before her, facing her; as we are standing at the foot-end of our bed, finally stepping into my panties. I observer, as she is pulling her very own panties up; and gives her panties a few tentative tugs. As she is letting go of her panties, she has a perfect fit. Our panties now appearing, as if painted on; covering up the inserted tube, preventing us from extracting it by ourselves. “Please, mirror my moves!” I explain. “Okay!” she responds. As I am moving, to lift my right hoof, so does she. She makes a curious look, as her hoof simply refuses to lift from the floor, as if it had been fused to the floor. Of course, my right hoof doesn't budge, either. I move to lift my left hoof, with exactly the same result; as she is trying to mirror my move, she is stuck with exactly the same result. “Oh?” she inquires, not quite sure as to what to make out of the result. “As I had expected, I suspect we are stuck!” I explain. “How, why?” she inquires. “The tube is too large, for your hooves to let go; then again, so is mine!” I propose. “Are you suggesting, the suction is related to the size of the inserted tube or plug?” she inquires. “The larger tub, or plug you insert; the more dilated your orifice would be, and the harder it is for us to lift our hooves off of the smooth floor, in here!” I explain. “Oh!” she giggles; “And you chose a rather large tube, for us?” she points out. “Yes, I did indeed!” I respond, matter of fact; “I guess you could say that!” I add, almost as an afterthought. “I noticed that, but it is comfortable; considering the past few days, you know!” she responds, still giggling. “That is why we are here; based on your recent experiences, you enjoyed so much!” I offer. “Last week, I doubt I would have feared this tube; and would not have enjoyed it, at all!” she responds. “Last week, we would not have been here; now we are, and I am enjoying this with you!” I put forth. Now I am placing my hands on my hips, signing for the scan; watching her mirroring my pose, accepting the scan for herself. I reach forwards, towards her; before I am stretching my arms towards the sides. As I watch her mirroring my pose; I bend my arms behind my back, grabbing my elbows. I also bend my arms further back, placing my hands on my shoulder-blades, mimicking the wing-pose of a bird. For the sake of fun, I continue; making a few more poses, just for the fun of it. Twilight is still mirroring my moves. I and up, placing my hands back on my hips; signaling that the scan is complete. “That was fun, I just had never expected you to lead this exercise for me!” she exclaims. “No, I guess you had not expected this?” I inquire. “No, not really!” she responds. “Every-pony does something you don't expect, every now and then!” I point out; “If we had not been stuck onto the floor, you could have found my little gift for you!” I add, matter of fact. “You made a gift, for me?” she responds; “I guess I will see it, when you feel it is right, to hand it over?” she puts forth. “Yes, exactly; it is in my studio, on the table!” I point out. “Oh!” she mouths, giggling. “You could place her, on your night-stand; then you can take her with you home as a memory of this moment, and play with her when you feel like it!” I explain. “Her?” she inquires. “Yes, her; I will explain, once we step into the studio!” I explain. “Thank you, Rarity!”she responds. “You are quite welcome, my Dear!” I point out. For demonstrative purposes; I permit my hands to explore the surface of the panties I had just put on. I do enjoy the smooth surface of the black silicon I had crafted these panties out of. Incidentally, she is still mirroring my movements, thus explores her own panties, right along with me. “These panties are deliciously smooth; almost as if I had been nude all along!” she points out; “But alas, where is the border between my flesh and the panties?” she inquires; “I can't seem to find it, right now!” she then concludes, somewhat worried. “Thank you, Dear!” I respond; “That, is intentional! You know!” I answer. “Then, what is the purpose of these panties, and how do I take them off?” she inquires. “Well, you don't; and that is part of the purpose of them, leaving your hips sealed up, tightly!” I explain; “But alas, since we are together; we can help one-another out, with this!” I explain. “Are you telling me, we are left at the mercy of one-another?” she inquire. “Exactly!” I point out. “Since I assume, you chose these tubes for us, on purpose and for a reason; was it your intention, to use this moment for something more than just us having an intimate moment together?” she inquires. “Quite correct, my Dear; the reason is, for the scan that permitted me to design the gift!” I explain. “So the gift will be a perfect likeness, of us?” she inquires. “Exactly; this way you can see you, or me! Not a mere replica, intended to look like us!” I point out. “Scary, but curious; at the same time, I guess I will just have to wait and see, when you present me with the gift, then!” she suggests. “When you put it that way; I guess it is a bit scary, too!” I admit; “At least; I will not make you wait, that much longer!” I promise. “Curious, but I guess it is a bit scary; having my hooves stuck onto the floor and the panties as my skin!” Rarity realizes. I demonstratively make an attempt, tugging at my right and left hoof, respectively. Right, left; right, left; right, left. While I know my hooves will not get off of the floor, it is still fun to make the point; as an exercise, in humorous futility. She giggles, at my futility; as she is finding herself mirroring my exercise, even when she knows the outcome. “This is my book; and its logic is independent, of the logic in her book!” Rarity realizes, giggling to herself about the realization. “I guess I have had enough fun, it is time; we pull the plug, on this little game!” I ponder. I reach forth, placing my hands on her hips; caressing her, as I am slipping my fingers in under her panties. Conveniently, I feel her hands on my hips; as she is slipping her hands in, under my panties as well. Knowing she had grasped my intent, I slide my fingers in towards the tube embedded into her rump, spreading her orifice wide open. From there, I slip my fingers in and tease her by caressing the inside of her tube; before I grab the tube and slowly extract it from inside her panties. I leave the panties on, on purpose; just for the fun of it. As the tube had been extracted, I repeat the exercise, lifting my right and left hoof, respectively. “Whoa! Curious!” she exclaims, as she realizes her hooves now are free. “I guess, I could as well present you; with your gift, now?” I offer. She just nods, and I lead her back into my studio. She scans the room, curious, as to what I had had in mind. On a table in the corner to the right, she finds what she had been looking for. Two statutes; in the image of her and me, respectively. She instantly freezes up, as she sees the intended gift. “These, these, these; look like us, and in great detail!” she points out. “Of course; it wouldn't do, if they did not resemble us! You think?” I point out, in response. “Now you can have me with you, anywhere you go; if we are separated, after class!” I offer. These statutes are white and purple, coated with silicon reminiscent of the school policy. Though we are still wearing the stockings and gloves. “I guess, this would be a great memento; reminding me of our friendship, and everything fun we will have gone through, when we graduate from this school!” she exclaims. “If you want, you could make her dance and play music; unless you are in the mood for a conversation, in which case she will be responding to what you say!” I explain. “Like a music-box, with a ballerina-figurine? The base does look the part!” she responds; “Are you saying, these will work; like a telephone hot-line between the two of us?” she inquires. “Yes, exactly; and now, she will dance exactly like you or me, respectively!” I respond; “Is that so bad? The tele-phone hot-line sounds excellent, to me!” I respond. “So you are basically combining ; a ballerina music-box, with a tele-phone hot-line between the two of us?” she inquires; “And all this, in an individually sculpted likeness of the two of us?” she continues; “I guess that proves beyond doubt, that you deserve to share this room with me!” she concludes. “That is the general idea, of it!” I explain; “Thank you, Dear!” I continue; “We can test these later; but I think we should conclude the previous experiment, first! Don't you think?” I conclude. “Makes sense, because I picture myself sharing the room with you, for several years!” she responds, elaborating on her plans; “Okay, what did you have in mind?” she inquires; “The smallest tubes, under the panties?” she ponders. “I am looking forwards to several years of study and practice here; sharing room with you, and exploring our opportunities together!” I confirm; “The smallest tube seems the obvious choice, for the next step!” I explain; “But then I suggest, we wear the panties under the uniform; making it more intimate, and private for the two of us!” I conclude. “The smallest tube, seems right, to me; you have proven, that the tube gives enough suction to hold you in place!” she offers; “Depending on the result; we could try one size larger tube, step-by-step!” she continues; “Wearing these under the uniform would make it literally invisible to everyone, while we still know it is there!” she offers. “If we walk out, to the bed-room; we can explore these possibilities, and more!” I point out, leading the way. She quietly follows me out of my studio; as I am continuing, towards our shared bed-room. Once there, we open the wardrobes, putting the large tubes back, selecting the smallest once for the next step. The smallest tube is a mere inch, not much; but it is still enough, for a first step. “Since we are alone, in the intimate privacy of our bed-room; maybe this is the perfect time, for us to strip out of these black panties?” I suggest. “Sounds reasonable!” she merely responds; “Should we do it together; or should you help me first, or should I help you out first?” she inquires. “While it should be quite possible; for us to do it together, I still think it is better if I helped you out first!” I explain. “Okay! Of course!” she responds; “That would work, just as well as either of the given options!” she continues. I once more place my hands on her hips, caressing her; as I am slipping my fingers in under the black silicon coating her almost all the way up to her hips. As my fingers slip in under the rim of her panties, I grab a firm grip, before I am starting to pull the panties down. “If you would step out of the panties, now; please!” I offer, watching her stepping right out of her panties. “Okay, my turn!” she responds. I enjoy her hands on my hips, as she is caressing me in her search for the rim of my panties. A moment later, she is finding it; slipping her fingers in and taking a firm grip; before she is starting to slide my panties down. Inch by inch, she pulls my panties down; over my knees and my ankles. “There, step out of the panties now, please!” she echoes. I step out of the panties, just as she had told me to. With that, she places the black silicon panties onto the bed on my side. I had placed hers on the other side of the bed, so we can have them at our finger-tips, when we choose to put them on, once more. “You want me to insert it from behind, or facing you?” I inquire. “I think I prefer the more intimate, over the sneaking it in from behind!” she points out. “I am all with you there, I just had to ask you; in order to make sure, over assuming something that could prove to be incorrect!” I respond. “Of course; never assume anything, unless you have good reason to believe you know!” she points out. “I will just pick up your one-inch tube, before I can insert it, for you!” I offer, before I am picking it up for her. “Then I will pick up your one-inch tube, once you have successfully inserted mine!” she responds. “Of course!” I confirm; as I reach in between her legs, before I insert her tube into her anal cavity. “Oh!” she exclaims, as the tube is sliding in; “Oh, oh!” she continues, as it plops and thus is riveted firmly into place. “Time for you, to step over to my wardrobe; pick up my tube of choice, then come back in order to insert it for me!” I offer. “Oh, but of course!” she responds, as she is about to turn towards the task at hand. “Clip, clop; clip, clop! Clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard from her hooves, squeaking with considerable emphasis. “Curious; this is indeed a considerable suction, but no more than I can compensate for as I walk over to your wardrobe!” she exclaims, in obvious fascination. “Excellent, excellent!” I respond; “Interesting, quite interesting indeed, my Dear!” I conclude. “Exactly!” she responds; as she is grabbing the desired tube, for me. With my tube in hand, she soon returns to face me. From there, she is reaching in between my legs; inserting the tube into my anal cavity, just as intended. I feel the tube slipping in; before it is plopping with a distinct pinch, as it is riveting itself into me. Had I tried, I know I could not have extracted it; it is supposed to be extracted by my companion: Twilight Sparle, my friend. Of course, her situation is identical, just mirroring my situation; since I am the only one who can extract it for her. As I lift my right and left hoof, respectively in order; I feel the effect, of the increased suction enforced by the plug inserted into me, now dilating my rear orifice. “You want, to try out the next step too?” I inquire; “Should we try the direct or indirect insertion?” I then add. “The two-inch tube, without anything under!” she responds; “Yes, exactly!” she then confirms. “Then I will extract your tube, first; then you extract mind, so we can swap tubes and run the next experiment!” I point out. “Exactly!” she responds; nodding vigorously, as she is assuming the position that makes the extraction easy and comfortable. “Here goes!” I point out; before I am reaching in between her legs, grabbing her tube and extract it for her. “Thank you, Rare!” she responds. I assume the pose; intended for it to be comfortable for me, and easy for her to extract my tube. “Here goes!” she echoes; as she is reaching in between my legs, then promptly grabs the tube and extracts it for me. “Thank you, Dear!” I respond; “Time for the swap, before we can perform the next experiment as intended!” I point out. “Exactly!” she exclaims. I return to my wardrobe, putting the first tube back into place; before I choose the second one. With the two-inch tube in hand, I return from my wardrobe; knowing she had already performed her swap, just as I did mine. “At least, I can slip my uniform-panties off by myself, and you can slip out of yours, without any help!” I offer. “As exciting as that could have been, you are quite correct!” she responds; “This should save us a moment; we can have more fun with, later!” she then adds. I simply slip out of my panties, watching her mirroring my moves; then I kick them up and leave them on the bed, beside my tube. “Okay, here goes!” I point out; “The next step of our experiment!” I explain, announcing the intent. “Ready, when you are; insert the tube, when you are ready!” she declares. “Okay!” I respond; picking up her two-inch tube in my right hand, before I am reaching in between her legs and insert the tube into her anal cavity, just as intended. “Feeling good!” she announces; as she is picking up my two-inch tube, reaches in between my legs and insert the tube, into my anal cavity. “Oh, oh!” I exclaim; as the tube is entering my rear orifice; “Ooh, ooh!” I continue; as I feel the distinct pinch from the tube riveting itself into me, as it plops. “Here comes the fun part!” she points out. I lift my right hoof, then puts it back down. Now I am lifting my left hoof, before I am putting that down too. “Interesting!” she exclaims; “The suction seems to double with the tube-swap!” she concludes. “I feel wide open, now with the second tube; it is much more distinct and pronounced, with the larger two.inch tube, that it had been with the smaller one-inch tube!” I point out. “Yes, the effect certainly is considerably more pronounced now!” she responds. “Dare to try on the black panties over the tube?” I inquire. “So long as I know you can help me, taking it off!” she responds. With that, I pick up her panties and slip them right on, as she is eagerly stepping into them. I give her a few tentative tugs, in order to ascertain that perfect fit. “I guess it is my turn, if you care to assist me!” I point out. “Certainly, Rare!” she responds. She is picking up the panties; I am stepping into them and she is pulling them all the way up. Only affording then a few tentative tugs, in order to ascertain the perfect fit, for me. “So deliciously smooth and slippery!” she exclaims; as she is exploring the feel of her newly put on, black silicon-panties. “Excellent, excellent!” I exclaim; “Then it is time to conclude this!” I point out. As I pick up my white silicon-panties, she mirrors my move; then I step into the panties and pull them all the way up, thus completing the uniform once more. “Curious, I can once more see and feel my orchid and rump!” she exclaims. “Then these panties are indeed our private, intimate little secret, my Dear!” I exclaim, in obvious excitement. “Indeed, they certainly are!” she muses, in shared excitement. “Just be careful, the suction is quite substantial now!” I point out. “I wonder; exactly how good is the suction, right now!” she puts forth. “Only one way, to find out; I suggest we explore this, outside of our bed-room, though!” I offer. With that, I turn to walk out of the room, she follows me just a step behind. “Clip, clop; clip, clop!” we hear the squeaking noises, from our hooves; as we file out of the bed-room. “This feels like quite the exercise, just to walk around in the room!” she points out. “Yes, I guess that was an unexpected side-effect; but we could make good use of this, if we handle it correctly!” I respond; “It could be plenty of fun!” I then add. “So long as you maintain one hoof on the would-be floor, you should be safe!” she suggests. “Sounds reasonable, to me!” I respond. I watch her placing her right hoof onto the wall, then her left. She is lifting her right hoof with some effort, placing it before her left hoof. The suction is clearly holding. She continues, walking all the way up to the ceiling. Now she is putting her right hoof on the ceiling, before she continues with her left hoof. She continues to walk a few more steps, before she turns around and walks back to the wall. From there, she walks down to the floor and back to me. “This does call out for some celebration; I am eager to enjoy a cup of tea with you, Rare!” she exclaims. “A cup of tea would be nice!” I respond. She continues to walk out, opening one door after the other on her way. I am following her a step behind, barely noticing the door sliding shut a mere inch behind my back. As she is leading me up the flight of stairs, we once more emerge in the secret garden. She walks on the path of the Alpha quadrant, to the stairs up to the top. I follow her. --- --- ---