> Her Assistant > by Lilsane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Being Her Assistant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a quick yawn and rubbing the rest of the sleep out of your eyes, getting on board to the train. It was pretty early in the morning but you needed to catch the earliest scheduled train to be able to make it back in time with the report. You've been working as a personal assistant, or in this case, an inspector for about three years now. In all honesty you're over qualified to be an official one by now, but the pay isn't that much higher than you make at the moment, plus you enjoy what you do now. Rarely do you ever go to these inspections alone, but every now and then the director is too busy with reports or reevaluating some contract. Either way, she has been too busy lately with all the requests from companies who wish to partake as a investor or take a vendor spot for this years Equestria Games. Finding a good window seat, you plop your rump down onto the seat with your bag on the seat next to yours. You give out a sigh of relief feeling yourself beginning to relax, its been a long weekend for you. You had to make some warehouse inspections down in Hollow Shades to make sure they were up to date safety protocols, a safe work environment for both employees and customers. Most of the warehouses passed the inspection no problem, all except one. Opening your bag you take out a folder along with your red pen which you place in your mouth. Opening the folder, you flip through the pages until you reach to the inspection forms for the Filthy Rich's Shade-Y Bargains. You honestly think that is one of the dumbest names for a warehouse, even though he was trying to be clever with its destination. Going down the list you make sure everything is correct. Closing you eyes, pictures begin to pop up in your head. You begin to mentally sort through each and every picture. Inspecting them closely to see if you missed anything the first time around. You see the hole you already checked as hazardous, the few loose wires, some mold in a few spots, along with many other hazardous objects. "How could a somepony run a business like this?" Never liking how higher company types always seemed to cut a few corners and make a unsafe environment for workers and customers alike was one of the reasons why you took up this profession. It always made you sad when they don’t care about them getting harmed because they wanted to save a few bits. Either way, it didn’t matter in the long run, the inspection company you worked for was very strict and thorough. And because it was the biggest in Equestria, they would always be called in when needed. Which happened very often. After triple checking through your mental photos, making sure you didn’t miss anything, you place the folder back into the bag and zip it closed. Kept the pen in your mouth though, you really needed something in your mouth. …not what you meant you perverts. You always enjoyed having a smoke after working, it relaxed you from all the stress and tension that would build up in your body after some manager would yell at you, or try to bribe you to look the other way on some issues only to fail. Both your parents and your boss never liked you smoking, but at least the boss understood the need to have an outlet like this, especially with this kind of job dealing with greedy bastards. But you never did smoke when others were around or in places where you knew you shouldn’t, common decency was one of the things you learned growing up. That and common sense. Especially after dealing with dumb threats from this manager at the warehouse when he found out about all the 'missed' details they seemed to have, again, 'missed'. You dealt with ponies like him before though, when bribing never worked they always loved to make it seem like you were the one to blame. So the alternative was lightly chewing on the end of your pen as you looked out the window, you didn’t know when but your train already departed the station and was heading back to Canterlot, city of the head business and what you call home. Not one of the best choices when it comes to ponies but it is basically the center of Equestria, so it's easier to dispatch and head out to any destination if necessary. You look at the watch and you still have a good half a day before you make it back, so deciding that it would be best to get some rest before you reach there and head straight to work. Crossing your arms and resting your head against the window you allow the heaviness in your eyes to droop down until everything becomes black. --- "Every company inspection except for this one passed with little to no issues, Ma'am" placing the folder on her desk, with the rejected one on the bottom. "I already informed them about the issues along with giving them a copy of what could be improved and needed to be fixed." Looking at the files one by one, she stops when she reaches the last page that you saved for the one that didn’t pass the inspection. She goes through the details written on the form and begins to jot down little notes, mostly for when she has to call Filthy Rich himself and inform him about the details of his warehouse. "Very good, Fixer" You always hated that nickname. And she knew about it. "Don't call me Fixer, Ma'am" "Well then, Fixer, I would greatly appreciate it if you would not call me Ma'am" giving victorious smug look on her face as she glances at your direction. Giving a sigh, you nod your head. You always called her that since you started working as her assistant, so it was in a way a force of habit now. "Yes, Ma- Ms. Harshwhinny" With a full smile, she returns with the last of her notes and places it next to the phone, making sure she wouldn’t forget to call before the end of the day. You and her go back to when you first started. She was your mentor before she became president of the company. She taught you everything you would need to know when doing inspections along with how to travel, from packing lightly along with finding cheap places to stay for the night. Which was embarrassing considering you two would share a bed to save some bits on overnight inspections. She was very grabby in her sleep, and would almost squeeze the living breath out of you. You wonder how you ever survived her grip those nights. Didn't help you would have to use all your willpower so a certain... 'guest', wouldn't arrive. She was very hot looking mare, even if she was twice your age, and yet still attractive. Shaking the blush off your face from the memories, you look over to see a stack of papers about the size of a foal at the edge of her desk. "Those the request forms to setup vendors at the games?" She sighs and nods, laying her head down on the desk. "I'm about halfway done with the investor forms and they all need to be done by tomorrow, so I'll be pulling another all nighter." You tsk at her as you reach and grab the stack of vendor forms from her desk. She looks at you in surprise, but smiles giving you her thanks. "What would I do without you" she questions you giving a sincere smile. "Probably be living in your office" you grin back at her. "But I'm sure anypony else you might have trained would have been like me" "No, you're one of a kind. I've had many assistants before you and they would either request a transfer or quit. None of them couldn't handle my training. And I'm glad you came along," The last sentence sounded...different, somewhat sensual. Your eyes go wide and you blush looking away, not wanting to read anything into it. You notice the picture she took with the both of you on her desk before you head out of her office for her to make her phone call and hopefully take a break. You have a exact copy in the notebook you carry around when you travel. It was after a beach house inspection, you convinced her that the two of you should go to the beach since the inspection finished early. She enjoyed herself and wanted a picture, one of her arms putting you in a headlock to keep you in place while the other held the camera. Passing by some co-workers, you wave back to the few that wave at you. Most of the co-workers were friendly and nice. But there was always the few that would hate the others for one reason or another. In your case, they felt like you rose through the company quickly by using Ms. Harshwhinny's success. In a way they were probably right. She was a good teacher, harsh but good, and she always kept you as her personal assistant. Even when offered more experienced workers, she kept you. You always made sure to work hard and improve yourself so you wouldn’t drag her down or her reputation. Reaching to your office you sit down, placing the forms on one side of the desk. Pulling out two trays you begin going through the requests. Placing the ones that seem inappropriate in the rejection tray while you put the ones that could be a good vendor for the games in another as a possibility, while sorting them through some of the names you remember, from inspection or just knowing them. You wonder if the Apple Family request is from Ponyville or if it's one of the other families across Equestria. Looking at the signature on the bottom you give a confident smirk, knowing just who's handwriting it belongs to, Applejack. And another from Sugar Cube Corner, which you knew for sure was from Ponyville. Considering there were small balloons all over the form, it had to belong to Pinkie Pie. You would love to see some of your friends down there again, it has been some time since you were back in your hometown. If anything maybe you can have them combine their request so they would have a higher chance of being accepted. You write down a little note on both of the forms before throwing them in the right tray. After going through the papers in triplicate, you decided on thirty possible vendors for the events. The event games didn’t need that many but you would like for Ms. Harshwhinny to have some options before making the final choices. Speaking of… You nearly jump and have a heart attack when you hear loud shouting, it could be heard throughout the floor, making many others jump in surprise as well. Peeking out of your office, you find the source coming from Harshwhinny's office. Looking back you see everypony else shaking in few, all looking your way, wanting you to check on her. You sigh before you head closer to the source of the shouting, with the trays in your hands. When you reach her door, you look back at your coworkers, who are now saluting you as if your about to go on a mission and never return. They do that every time. Which is what it felt like every time, you've seen her at her worst and angriest, and to you, it's pretty terrifying. Slowly reaching for the knob you turn slowly as you open the door carefully. When you peek inside she is slamming the phone down and cussing like no tomorrow into her desk. Wow, it must've been really bad. Knocking a few times to inform her of your presence, you slip inside and shut the door behind you. She doesn't even bother lifting her head up, only mumbles into the desk in frustration. "The call with Mr. Rich that bad?" She shakes her head 'no' before rolling it to the side with her cheek resting against the desk. "That call was fine, he was furious to find out that the manager up there hasn’t been up to date with the safety issues, and apparently it wasn’t the first time either. He was warned many times before that. It was the call after from said manager." Raising an eyebrow giving her a questioned look, you set down the trays next to her before walking behind her chair. She removes her face from the desk and leans back against the chair, softly cooing as she feels your hands on her shoulders, you begin to gently massage them. This wasn't the first time you did this to calm her down, she was reluctant at first but gave in after feeling how your hands worked. You were glad you learned this back when you would do this with Applejack, after she had a hard day on the farm. "The manager was furious for being let go. Apparently he blamed you for being let go. He called demanding a re-inspection and to have you fired." Continuing on massaging her shoulders, you press your two thumbs on the back of her neck and gently rotate them in a small, circular motion. She begins to slowly relax against your grip, you had to learn a few tricks to calm her down these past years, because of this though, everypony else relies on you when those times appear. You were fine with it, but you were afraid of the day when these techniques wouldn't work anymore. Nopony would be able to stop her wrath. An image of her with blood on her hands laughing maniacally on top of her enemies, even the rulers of Equestria beaten under her pops into your head, leaving you slightly horrified that it could be a actual possibility. "I tried, I really tried to be calm and explain to him the reasons. But when he began threatening about burning your place down along with you trapped in it, I lost it." You feel the stress return in her shoulders again. Huh, guess his threats from when you were there changed from making sure you would never work again to being slowly killed. Guess you technically work if you were dead, so maybe it was still the same threat. It goes to show you how some ponies think about others. You shrug it off telling her that it most likely won't happen. That it probably was just probably in the heat of the moment kind of deal. She already knows that this happens every now and then when someone isn't happy with their evaluations. She's silent though, you can tell she is still worried. Attempting to change the subject, you stop massaging her shoulders and walk around the desk and show her the request forms, pointing out which tray holds the ones you think would be perfect for the Equestrian Games, while the other tray holding the rejected ones with a note on each request why you think they wouldn’t be appropriate at the games. It seems to do the job as she looks through them, her face returns the 'professional' look, the one you know and love to look at. Under an hour later she has made her choices, deciding to see if the Apple Family and Sugar Cube Corner would do a joint vendor, which is great for you, now you only need to go to one vendor to eat all their delicious desserts! Oh, and to talk to them of course. With the work day now coming to an end, everypony began packing up and heading their separate ways. You and Ms. Harshwhinny are usually the last to leave, just to make sure everything is in order. Once everything is in check, you both begin to head down and out through the front door, waving your goodbyes to the night shift security. Usually you two talk about your plans for the rest of night during the walks home since you both go the same direction. Once hitting the street to go your separate ways, she surprises you by giving you a hug good night and telling you to stay safe. You blush but wrap your arms around her returning the hug, she must still be worried about that threat from earlier. You tell her everything will be fine, but that you will watch out anyways for her sake. She slowly nuzzles your cheek and whispers a thank you into your ear before letting go and walking away. It caught you by surprise to be honest, she has never been this affectionate before. Heh, maybe you need to be threatened more often. Rubbing the spot she nuzzled you, you begin to walk the path leading to your place. --- It was nice to have relaxing hot shower when you made it back to your apartment, a long shower you might add. Your place wasn’t really big, but it was your home. It was just a one room apartment, but it fit your needs and you wouldn’t want it any other way. Was also nice that it was well insulated during these cold nights, since you enjoyed being nude or just in your boxers most of the time when alone. Finally drying yourself off, mane and all, you throw the damp towel off to the side to wash along with all you other dirty clothes, it was almost time to wash all your clothes. You always hated washing clothes. If you could, you would rather just throw away the dirty clothes and just keep buying clean ones. That's how much you hated washing clothes. Saving it for another day though, you put on some boxers and head out to the balcony. Feeling the cool air against your fur, you go for your pack of smokes that you leave out there. You never smoked inside, you didn't want the smell to linger in case you ever had guests. Lighting one, you lean to the edge while you look out in the distance. The night life of Canterlot is always nice, seeing how lively it is with it's clubs and night shops. All the lights from every shop and club would always synch beautifully together and create a nice image for you to keep in your head. This is what you loved about living here. You wonder if Octavia is performing at the concert hall this night, or that maybe her roommate Vinyl is playing at one of the clubs. You missed talking to Octavia, even though she could be uptight at times she knew how to let loose. It must be because of her roommate. You always teased her about having a crush on Vinyl, which she would respond by putting you in a headlock until you took what you said back. You decided to make a bet with her and told that at the end the two of them would hook up, she accepted saying it would never happen. Ah the memories. Finally finishing your smoke, you put it out in the ashtray and head back inside. You plop yourself on your bed, allowing yourself to sink deeper into the mattress feeling relaxed. Thinking back, it has been a busy week for you. Traveling around is always relaxing for you, but the ponies and griffons you have to deal with can be so stressful most of the time. You always wonder why they don't just fix the issues you bring up to them rather then trying to bribe you. In the end they would be paying more through bribes then in repairs. Now that you consider it, you never had to deal with these kinds of stresses while dealing with dragons. It must be a code of honor kind of thing. Although dragons never tend to bribe you and would always take what you say during the inspections to heart, you did find out that some dragons are very... flirtatious. You never understood why some would hit on you, you knew that they were attracted to ones that are held high in society. But you never considered yourself one of those, you may be the assistant to someone powerful, but you never took advantage of it. Whatever they saw in you, you probably couldn't see it for yourself. Your thoughts begin to slowly drift as you feel your eyes become heavy. Closing them you allow yourself to fall deep into slumber. --- It's been a week now and no sight of Filthy Rich's ex manager. You feel like you're in the clear now, even though you didn't worry too much about it. Threats came with the job, there would always be somepony or someone who would be unhappy with your inspections. The week has been pretty busy for you to even stay in Canterlot for this week anyways. Ms. Harshwhinny made her final decisions with which companies she would choose for the games. She had to stay in Canterlot for when the investors would arrive. So it was your job now to travel and inform the ones that would be a vendor for the games, leaving them with the proper paperwork on what they will need for when the time arrives. It could have easily been done through telephone and mail, but you were taught by her that it was important to keep appearance for the company. Plus this would mean they have no excuses about not getting the message or receiving the proper papers in the mail. You already informed most of the companies that would be participating, you only had one more destination left, and that was Ponyville. In which you decided would be your last stop before heading back to Canterlot. You wanted to spend what was left of your time in your home town to visit your parents and friends. When you arrived in Ponyville, you were greeted by Pinkie, who used what she calls her 'Pinkie Senses'. You never questioned it, anypony who grew up in Ponyville when she arrived knows not to ever question it. It was perfect because she brought along Applejack, so you were able to talk to both of them about the vendor position, which they happily accepted. The three of you casually chatted, catching up from old times. They were probably your closest friends here, you were never really friends with the other elements. After it became dusk, you decided it was best to head on out. Giving them the proper forms and your card so they can keep in touch, you head to your parent's house. You wanted to catch up more with Applejack, but you probably made your parents wait long enough. Well, you would have if they knew you were coming. When you arrived your mother was surprised, she gave you a tight hug, but also slapped you for having such bad timing. You were lucky that you toughened up under her, or they would pack a wallop. Your father and mother were just about to head for a important dinner meeting with one of their clients. You told them you would be in town for a few days so you would talk to them tomorrow. They pressured you to stay at their place until you had to go back, giving you your old room. It still looked the same as the day you left. You were honestly touched that they haven't boxed all your stuff and turned it into a guest room or something. Looking around the room you see bits and pieces of memory return with each object you see. Most of them are happy, and some are sad. The one that conflicts your feelings the most is the one picture with Applejack and you after a big harvest, with one of her arms putting you in a headlock. Seriously what is it with mares and headlocks?! Applejack was your childhood friend. You both grew up and went through a lot together. Both good and bad, but you both were always there for one and another. When high school came around, you both were in love. Happy for becoming the best of childhood friends to high school lovers. Sadly though, it ended at the senior year. You both had a long talk about the future, and what you both wanted. She wanted to stay in Ponyville for her family and farm, and you wanted to travel and learn how to make Equestria a safer place for all races. After you left Ponyville for an low paying assistance position, you sent her letters. And she wrote back, and you both were able to repair what felt like a broken friendship. You two may not have been together to help each other out anymore, but you two made sure to call and write letters. A long distance relationship could have worked, but that was all in the past now. She was definitely a lot taller now, she probably has a good half hoof on you now. Looks a lot stronger too, probably due to the farm life she has. You smile at the picture, and you remember something. Rustling through your bag, you pull out another picture you always keep with you. The one of you and Ms. Harshwhinny when you first started working as her assistant. You decide to put it in a frame instead of keeping it in your notebook, will probably be safer in one anyways. Placing the picture next to the one with Applejack, you smile. They're so similar, their smiles, how happy they look, and even the headlock. Thinking about your past love and your unrequited one makes you feel at peace. Like nothing could go wrong. --- It's hot... Too hot... You wake up quickly, sweating madly. You don't know why but you feel something is wrong. Very wrong. Noticing a orange glow right outside your door, you quickly realize why it's so hot. The house is on fire! You begin to panic as you grab your bag on instinct, heading for the door. Stopping yourself before you grab the knob, you remember bits of information of never grabbing metal doorknobs in a fire. You can feel just how hot it is, and you are not even directly touching it yet. You quickly pull out and wrap one of your spare shirts from your bag around your hand. Placing it on the door, you can still feel the burning sensation, but it's bearable enough. Opening the door you are blinded with the flames that destroy the place you grew up in. The air above was filled with smoke as you can hear the roof cracking and giving away. The burning sensation is so strong you can feel parts of your fur being singed off. Wrapping the spare shirt around your mouth, in hopes to lessen the chance of breathing in too much smoke, you begin trying to move your way to the front door. Slowly heading down the stairs you can see parts of the walls and roof falling off around you. Everything that made this your parent's home is now being engulfed by the flames. You pray that it's still early in the night for your parents to have come back from their dinner meeting. Finally reaching the bottom, you quickly bolt to the door. But you stop yourself, your hand just right above the doorknob, and you can feel your heartbeat go faster and faster by the second. You check your bag frantically in hopes that they're there. They're not. You didn't grab the pictures! You knew it was stupid, but your brain wasn't thinking, or you couldn't hear it screaming at you. Without care you quickly rush up the stairs and back to your room, which is now engulfed in fire as well. Luckily the flames haven't consumed the two pictures yet. Grabbing them and shoving them into the bag, you rush for the door. Only to have the roof come crashing down and blocking the path out of your room. Cursing at yourself, you quickly rush for the window. But luck isn't on your side as another part of the room comes falling down right above you. You feel yourself forced on the ground and pinned down. Coughing and gasping for air you force yourself to push the burning wood off you. Everything hurts. You didn't think this was the way you were going to die. You always assumed a mare would headlock you to death. Finally freeing your body from the lumber, your about to move. Only to be stopped in place and feeling a painful tug at your lower back. Your fears are confirmed when you see your tail trapped between some rubble, close to the base. You frantically pull as hard as you can but your tail won't come free. You really begin to believe you are going to die. You inhaled too much smoke and everything is becoming blurry in your vision. As your hope begins to fade you hear a voice angrily shouting at you. A familiar harsh voice. Her voice. With one last ditch effort and all your might, you chuck the bag at the window. The bag flies through it shattering most of the window, some of the glass pieces falling close to you. You desperately reach out and try to grab one of the larger pieces. Finally obtaining one, you put part of your arm in your mouth and close your eyes, knowing this was a stupid idea. Using as much strength as you could muster, you bring the broken glass piece down to the base of your tail, cutting right though it. You bite down on your arm hard and hope that you don't swallow your tongue from how painful it is. With yourself free you drag yourself to the window. You couldn't breath due to the smoke, your arm and the base of your tail were bleeding, and you had no strength left. You press yourself against the shattered window, and feel some of the pieces press into your stomach as you let gravity take over and pull the rest of your body out of the window. You feel how fast the ground is coming before closing your eyes. You've done all you can. --- Rhythmic beeps fills your ears. Opening your eyes slowly you find just how heavy they feel. The room is dark, you assume it's night time. You move your eyes slowly around the room, seeing many machines, a heart monitor and one of those oxygen breathing machine among them. The oxygen mask must have been used recently, since it looks like it's plugged in but isn't being used. Looking down at your body you can tell that it's mostly wrapped, with needles and patches pressed against your body. You don't even want to know what that attachment you feel on your nether region is. The sounds of light snoring interrupts your thoughts. Looking to the side you see a familiar silhouette laying against the bed. One of her hands is gently gripping onto yours. You smile and grip her hand back, it feels warm. You close your eyes again and decide it's best not to wake her, she rarely sleeps as it is and no matter how much she's already had she probably needed more. It feels nice to hold her hand like this. You attempt to try to go back to sleep. Until you feel something moving. Your eyes quickly shoot open as you feel a pair of lips press against yours. She's staring into yours, as if any second a dam is about to break and release her tears. You can feel her grip growing tighter on your hand as if she let go you would disappear. You're too shocked to respond, you can feel your heart's pace quicken, making the heart monitor beep faster as a result. Finally releasing the kiss, you can tell that her whole body is trembling, not blinking once as she continues to look at you. "P-please be real, don't let this be another dream" only speaking in a whisper out as she lets out a small stream of tears flowing from her eyes. You've never seen her this scared. She was always strong and brave, never letting anything get to her. "Ma'am," responding to her by attempting to grip her hand tighter, hoping it will give her the answer she seeks. It does, she leans back into you wrapping her other hand around you, giving you a hug. You would return the hug but you don't really have the strength to. Thankfully she isn't pressing against any of the needles, you're pretty sure it would hurt as all hell if she did. You both take comfort in the hug and let yourselves stay like this for quite some time. "Don't call me that, jerk" --- The morning finally arrives, with one of the doctors coming in to check up on you and seeing your boss sleeping against your chest with your hand wrapped around her. After the examination and all the tests, you were confirmed to be okay. You still had to stay for them to keep a eye on you and for your physical therapy, but you didn't mind too much. They were able to heal the base of your tail, which barely showed any indication of your actual tail returning. You still had many burn marks along with some scars on your stomach from the glass. Through magic the fur would grow back very slowly, but it will take some time, the same with your tail. You were told that you were out for three weeks, and that after the first week of being at Ponyville hospital, Ms. Harshwhinny demanded you to be transferred to the Elite Canterlot hospital. Honestly you were surprise she would do that, since she always hated how much they overcharge there. But the doctors were of the best there and she wanted the best for you. She informed you that Applejack was the one that saved you. Apparently she was heading over to your house at the time to ask you some questions about how fill out the form when she saw that the house on fire. She was about to run in but saw the bag going through the glass, and that a few seconds later seeing you fall out as well. She caught you before you plummeted head first into the ground and quickly rushed you to the hospital. There were witnesses that said they saw a suspicious stallion running away from the scene, to only return several hours later in a panic state after escaping from the Everfree Forest. Apparently he ran into one of the creatures of the forest and barely escaped with his own life. He was arrested and confessed that he was stalking you, waiting for the perfect moment to exact his revenge. Your mother apparently passed out when she first saw you after she barged into the surgery room when they were removing the glass that was stuck in your stomach. Your father nearly beat the stallion that did this to you to death. The police turned a blind eye while this was happening, they knew your father and would cover for him. When they got the call from the hospital informing them about you waking up, they took the first train up to Canterlot to visit you. Again, your mom slapped you when she first saw you, then hugged you. She was in tears crying, thinking she lost you. You felt bad, you should have taken the threat more seriously. Your father only smiled at you, he knew you would pull through. Especially after some of the stuff you and Applejack did as a kid, he knew you were tough. Applejack didn't come up to visit after you were transferred. When you asked Ms. Harshwhinny about it she just humphed and look away while crossing her arms. You didn't know what that meant but you figured you would visit her after you were released, you still needed to thank her for saving you. You honestly thought you were a goner. Octavia visited every once in awhile. At first she was mad at for being so stupid and getting yourself nearly killed, but she was glad that you were alive. Some nights she would play a personal concert for just you, and Harshwhinny since she was always there. She even told you that she got together with Vinyl, grinning and holding out your hand for the won bet. She smiled and said that she was paying the bet through the personal concerts. While you were out, the company pitched in to helping with the work load. They felt that they owed you since you would always take one for the team when their boss wasn't in a good mood. It was a surprise to see them working the extra hours for your sake. Ms. Harshwhinny even got to get everything done early because of it, but instead of heading home she would always head straight to the hospital. She even made sure you were placed in one of the best private rooms available, which came with a shower installed in the bathroom. So she only ever went home to grab a spare set of clothes. As for Ms. Harshwhinny. You both talked about what you two meant to each other. After confessing your feelings she confessed hers, she felt that she was too old for you and didn't want to scare you away. But you didn't care about that, to you she was the most attractive mare you ever laid eyes on. You knew the real her, not the facade she puts up in public for the sake of professionalism, but the one who likes to have fun and to be normal. Since you didn't need the needles anymore, as well as that terrible device for your nether region removed, she was able to sleep with you at night. She would always wrap herself around you so you couldn't escape. Her grip was still painful, but you wouldn't have it any other way. After the first night of confessing your feelings, the two of you explored each others bodies. At first she was careful not to hurt you, but once she got into it she couldn't control herself. This soon became part of your physical training. At first she would do most of the work but as you got better you became more active. You were glad the room was mostly sound proof. Mostly. During one of your escapades you accidentally hit the 'Call Nurse' button. Which lead to you two getting caught in a awkward position. --- You spent another month there for the real physical training. You still had to go back for it but you were able to move around on your own, and with your girlfriend being your caretaker, you couldn't be any happier. Especially when you would convince her to either wear a nurse outfit or a maid one. She would probably get you back for this, but you will enjoy it while it lasts. You couldn't hep but ravage her on the spot when she would tease you. Your fur grew back, it was a lighter shade then your natural color, but it was fine, to you it looked like spots. Your tail was slowly growing back as well, there wasn't much to it but you were just happy there was something there. You were finally able to go back to work, sort of. Ms. Harshwhinny would bring home some work for you so you weren't bored out of your mind during the day, television and video games can only keep you occupied for so long. You missed traveling, but you knew that she would probably kill you if you attempted any strenuous work. Paperwork was always boring but very essential to the job, so you couldn't complain too much. Especially when she convinced you to stop for the night for some 'fun'. The Equestria Games soon arrived and you both went to the event to watch over. At the start of the Equestria games, you don't think you will be able to be any help in anyway, but you go with Ms. Harshwhinny for moral support. She hasn't been feeling very well for the past few days. At first you thought it was some food poisoning from that B Star restaurant you two went to before hoof, but she told you it wasn't and that she would be fine. As long as she felt like she was okay you wouldn't try to worry about it too much. She made her speech after the opening ceremony for the games over the speaker, it was the usual bit, about how she welcomed each team from different parts of Equestria would be going for the gold and having fair matches. What surprised you next came after that. "I would like to thank everypony for such great support over the years, but this will be my last year as the official inspector for the Equestria Games." Everyone gasped at the announcement, they all knew for how long she has worked for the games. Even you were caught off guard, you didn't think anything would stop her. "Due to happy circumstances, I will be taking my leave from the games and giving my position to the one stallion I trust the most." Oh boy she wasn't going to say you, was she? "The one who I call..." Oh no... this is her revenge for making her wear all those embarrassing clothes. A nation wide announcement of all things! "FIXER! THE FATHER OF MY CHILD!" Oh dammit, you knew she was going to use that nickna- Wait...did she just say what you think she did? You look down from where you are seated, noticing the whole audience looking at you in shock and surprise. But none of that registered, you only saw her. She was smiling at you, that smile that grew to know and love. The mare you love. With all your might you run straight down and on to the stage, throwing her up in the air with excitement. She screams with how high you threw her. Catching her, and wrapping your arms around her, you both stare into each others eyes before kissing. Ignoring the crowd's cheers, this was the happiest day of your life. And you wanted to show it to the whole world. Many things were about to change in your life. You knew she would require more free time, you highly doubt she would step down as president of the company though. But you would work harder, you would make sure she could still be a mother. And you would make sure you could be the best father you could be, no matter what it took. It looks like you would be her assistant for the rest of your life, and you couldn't be any happier.