> Owner Of A Lonely Heart > by AlwaysDressesInStyle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Entry 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Today was the first day of school. I didn’t like it much. Mommy says I have to go back tomorrow. I guess that’s okay because at least then I’ll get to see the colt of my dreams. Oh Diary, he was just dreamy. He’s a little older, and he’s the big brother to Applejack. Applejack’s in my class but I don’t like her. She’s dirty and icky. Love, Rarity > Entry 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Today is the best day ever! I found out more about Big Macintosh! He’s so dreamy! He’s in 2nd grade and he has big giant muscles and I just know he’ll be my husband someday! He’s not much of a talker though, definitely the strong silent type. But that’s okay because I’ll do all the talking for him. He’s so perfect! Love, Rarity > Entry 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, I borrowed Daddy’s camera and took it to school with me today. I got lots of pictures of Big Macintosh from all angles. I put all the pictures on my dresser. He is just so dreamy! I think I love him! Love, Rarity > Entry 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, It’s Hearts & Hooves Day and I gave Big Macintosh a Valentine. But so did a lot of other fillies. I will destroy all of them and win his heart! He’s the best and he deserves the best young mare! And that’s me of course! Love, Rarity > Entry 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Big Macintosh is a big jerk! I was all over him and he didn’t say anything to me at all! I kept hinting that it would be lovely to take a walk through the orchard and all he could say was ‘eeeyup’ in that stupid drawl of his. And then his stupid sister told me to leave him alone so I kicked her in the shin and now I’m in trouble and it just isn’t fair! They just don’t know what it’s like to have their heart broken! Woe is me! This is the worst possible thing! Love, Rarity > Entry 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Ever since he who shall not be talked about broke my heart, I've taken an interest in what is supposedly Equestria’s favorite sport, baseball. Watching a bunch of muscular stallions running around and getting all sweaty does happen to have its benefits even if I couldn’t care less about who wins. Unless, of course, that dreamboat Slugger is playing. He sets my heart aflutter every time he steps up to the plate. Love, Rarity > Entry 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, I can’t believe it! The entire Detrot Tigers baseball team is coming to my little town of Ponyville to play an exhibition game! Slugger will be right here! I've already started begging Daddy to take me. He loves baseball so I’m sure it’ll happen! Love, Rarity > Entry 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Squee! Daddy got tickets to the game! He’s the greatest! I can’t wait to see Slugger up close and personal! I added a few baseball cards on my dresser. Hopefully I can get some great pictures of him at the game! Love, Rarity > Entry 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Today was a disaster! I think I can honestly say today was the worst day ever! without exaggerating. It began with such promise, when I went to see Slugger and the Detrot Tigers play the local Ponyville Athletic Club in an exhibition game. Daddy, silly pony he is, was rooting for the home team because he has friends playing for them. I, of course, was pulling for the Detrot Tigers and the hero of my heart, Slugger! We had great seats along the left field line. As Slugger is a left fielder, this was perfect! I could see every muscle ripple as he chased down fly balls. And then he was right there alongside our section of the bleachers and I called to him and he looked at me! He looked right at me! I think he was going to smile but then he got hit in the head with a fly ball because he was looking at me instead of paying attention to the game. I feel so bad! It was an accident! They wouldn’t even let me visit him in the hospital to apologize. But worst of all, dearest Diary, was what happened to his face! Taking a baseball to the side of the head does horrible things for the complexion. That perfect face will never be the same! I've ruined the most perfect stallion in all of Equestria! My life is over, Diary. Over! Worst. Day. Ever. Love, Rarity > Entry 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, I know it’s been a long time since I wrote in here, but I foolishly chose to close my heart to new loves after the disasters I've suffered previously. But today I saw him! His flank looked as if it was carved from solid marble. His coat is the same color as caramel… which also happens to be his name. I could just eat him up! Yummy! He's just so perfect. I love him already! Love, Rarity > Entry 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Caramel x Rarity! With the popular magazines all making it a trend to smoosh the names of dating celebrities together I started playing around with our names. I know we're not dating, yet, but it's surely only a matter of time until I win his heart. Anyway, this is what I've come up with so far: Rarimel Carity I don't like either. The first reminds me of that horrible fiend who was always chasing the Smurfs and the second sounds like a carrot. Blah! Well, I guess when I'm famous he'll just have to stay home with our seven foals! That way he won't become famous too and they won't be able to make such horrid nicknames about our relationship. Love, Rarity > Entry 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Caramel told me he was gay but I don't know what that means. So I asked mother and she told me that it means happy. But I want him to be happy. And I guess being with me would make him unhappy? I really don't understand it but it figures. My life is a disaster, so who would ever want to hop on board this crashing train? Love, Rarity > Entry 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Dressing in black and writing angsty poetry is so clichéd and really should be beneath a young mare of my sophistication. Regardless, after much soul-searching I've decided that I may not be cut out for this whole love thing. I'm quite positive I'm broken and nopony could ever love me. Sigh. Love, Rarity > Entry 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, So here I sit listening to the same song over and over again. While the grammar makes me cringe, I cannot deny that the singer of Do Ya Think I’m Sexy is in fact, just that. I discovered this song quite by accident: I stumbled across some old records in the attic. Apparently Clod Stewart was a favorite of my mother's back before I was born. And while he's old enough to be my dad, there's no denying the attractiveness of this stallion. There's a concert coming up soon and I really want to go. But my parents are so busy with taking care of Sweetie Belle that they can't take me. I need to convince them that I'm finally old enough to go on my own. I'm fifteen, Diary. Fifteen is most certainly old enough to go to a concert solo. Love, Rarity > Entry 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Today is the best day ever! I got the tickets and I'm going to see that dreamboat Clod Stewart! I'm so excited! And get this, Diary. It's a concert in Canterlot! That's right, Diary. Canterlot! It's like a dream come true! The sexiest stallion in Equestria in the most fabulous city in all of Equestria! Does life get better than this? Well, maybe if all those steamy romance novels I read are right about the honeymoon. Speaking of honeymoons, maybe he'll ask me to marry him! He just got rid of that old nag he was seeing. I mean, ugh, she's like twenty-three. That's ancient! Love, Rarity > Entry 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Ugh, I have never been so infuriated in my life! I went to that concert and it was no problem convincing the bouncers to let me backstage. I just worked my feminine charms on them and they said I was 'perfect' and sent me in to see Clod Stewart. And there I was, Diary, flirting with him, and he was receptive! Finally, a stallion who likes me for me! He kept talking about how pretty I am. And how nice my flank is. Granted Diary, I am very pretty and my flank really is a very nice flank. I do watch what I eat and exercise regularly to make sure it stays such a nice flank. But my looks were all he could talk about. And then some other stallion (his manager I think?) comes in and asks me how old I am and when I tell them I'm fifteen they kicked me out. That's right, Diary, they kicked me out! So what if I'm only fifteen! I'm very mature and sophisticated for my age! Jerks. Love, Rarity PS: Mother and father are going to be mad but I broke all their Clod Stewart records. > Entry 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, After all these false starts, I think I may have finally found the right stallion after all. His name is Hoity Toity and while he may not be the most handsome stallion to ever grace my fantasies, he's one of the most brilliant fashion designers of our era. Yeah, he's a bit older but that's okay. The colts my age are way too immature. They're all interested in sports and disgusting bodily functions and making comments about my hindquarters. They remind me of that no-good Clod Stewart! But that's what makes Hoity so different. I'm sure he knows how to treat a mare like me right. Love, Rarity > Entry 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Hoity's coming to a fashion show in Ponyville! Denim Blue is hosting a fashion show at little old Ponyville's only boutique! I'm hoping mother and father will let me apprentice there someday! Especially if Hoity Toity approves of her work! Love, Rarity > Entry 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Well, I guess I won't be apprenticing under Denim Blue. And let me just say that Hoity Toity is the single most reprehensible stallion I've ever had the misfortune of meeting. Well, perhaps 'meeting' is the wrong word. I never spoke to him. I didn't want to speak to him after the awful tirade he spewed at poor Denim. While I agree that I've seen better, I'd never say Denim Blue's designs were 'without merit' and that ponies should 'avert their eyes from such fashion calamities'. Denim Blue likes denim. It's kind of her thing. Let me correct that: denim was her thing. She packed up and left town, leaving Ponyville's only boutique vacant. How will I ever apprentice now, Diary? Hoity is arrogant, rude, and self-centered. And he's ugly. All old and wrinkly and icky. The single worst pony I've ever met, and if I want to be in fashion, I'll somehow need to get his approval. Diary, I just don't think such a thing is ponily possible! Love, Rarity > Entry 20 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, I don't know how I didn't realize this sooner. All of these awful relationship failures were obviously fate's way of saving me from myself. Yes, Diary, sometimes I do rush into things headfirst. I'm a mare who knows what she wants, and works hard to get it. And a mare like me deserves the best, does she not? I can only be talking about one stallion, Diary. Yes, the richest, most handsome pony in all of Equestria. And the only prince amongst the royalty. Why, if I married him, I could be Princess Rarity! Can you imagine that, Diary? Me, a princess! Princess Rarity has a lovely ring to it, does it not? Now that I know who my special somepony is, all I need to do is figure out how to meet Prince Blueblood. Someday, Diary. Someday. Love, Rarity > Entry 21 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Princess Rarity! Princess Rarity! Princess Rarity! Love, Rarity > Entry 22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, I suppose I've neglected you for quite some time. Years, as a matter of fact. It turns out meeting a prince is perhaps, slightly more challenging than I had originally imagined. Even with all my feminine charms, I've never managed to be invited to any royal functions. They just don't know what they're missing. I am Rarity, dearest Diary, and hear me roar! I'm a lady, and finally, finally I shall be treated as one by the most charming prince to ever live! Thanks to my new friend Twilight Sparkle, I've been invited to the Grand Galloping Gala. Yes, Diary, you read that right. The Grand Galloping Gala. The biggest, most important social event in all of Canterlot. The elites and nobles will all be there. Truly, anypony who's anypony will be there. And I'll hobnob with them all and woo my prince all at the same time! Once I'm a princess, they'll all want to wear my fashions. My dress is made, thanks to my friends for picking it up where I left off after a fiasco I won't mention here. Let's just say it involved Hoity Toity, who may not be as mean as I originally thought all those years ago. Especially if he helps me get my dresses in Canterlot. Love, Rarity > Entry 23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Fate, it appears, is mocking me. I fear I may be the universe's laughingstock. The Grand Galloping Gala has come and gone, and with it all hopes of my ever becoming a princess. Blueblood, and I refuse to acknowledge his title as he obviously doesn't deserve it, is singlehoofedly the worst pony I've ever met. Everything bad I said about Hoity Toity, magnified by a thousand. No, make that a million. I was a mere accessory to him. Worse, he used me as a shield to block him from getting cake splattered on him. Instead it got all over me, and my pretty dress. And I do believe some is smudging your pages as I write this, Diary. I'm sorry, but I need to vent more than I need to bathe, though that is most definitely the next item on my agenda. Ugh, I swear I smell like Pinkie Pie! She dabs some frosting behind her ears instead of perfume. She's admitted such to me before. And now, well, let's just say I feel as if I bathed in frosting. Blueblood cares nothing for me, and the feeling is mutual. Though I'm sure he's feeling something for me now: specifically disdain. I made sure to ruin his night after he ruined mine. I suppose, Diary, that it was quite petty of me to do so. Like I care. It was... shall we say 'satisfying'? Yes, Diary, I suppose that's indeed the correct word. It was satisfying. Love, Rarity > Entry 24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Today was the first time I set hoof in Canterlot since the disaster of a gala. Well, that's not entirely true. I was briefly at the castle to help save Equestria from this really nasty chaos creature named Discord. But that's a tale for my friendship journal and not my personal one. Now though, I'm staying at the castle by invitation of none other than Princess Celestia herself! Eat your heart out, Blueblood. Princess Celestia likes me better than she likes you. Granted, in a popularity contest, I'm pretty sure even a dingy diamond dog could beat Blueblood. But I'm getting sidetracked, dearest Diary. I finally had my chance to mingle with the Canterlot elites for real! Some, like Jet Set and Upper Crust, were simply awful. But then I met Fancy Pants. I've never met a pony so sophisticated in all my years! He even wears a monocle. Can you believe that, Diary? A monocle in this day and age! And he makes it work! He's everything Hoity Toity wishes he was. He's so perfect! There's one itty bitty little problem. Fleur-de-lis. Yes, the famous model. The one who I've yearned to work with for years. She's uh, sort of his marefriend. Of course all the good ones are taken. Why wouldn't they be? Still, I think I could persuade him to drop her for me. I may not be as tall or as thin, but I've already won him over with my charm. She's eye candy, and I'm substance. A stallion like Fancy Pants obviously wants more than a mare like she could ever offer him. His stamp of approval has already opened a multitude of doors for me, starting with a box seat at a Wonderbolts Derby! Rainbow Dash would be so jealous! Love, Rarity > Entry 25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, I came so close to doing something horrible. I'm so ashamed of myself, I can't believe I actually considered breaking up Fancy Pants and Fleur-de-lis. I can't believe I planned it out in great detail. I can't believe I even put such a petty plan in motion. She's a lovely mare, not nearly as shallow as I imagined she was. All the pieces were in position, and yet, I just couldn't do it, Diary. I'm not that kind of mare. I don't think I could live with myself if I'd gone through with it. So congratulations, Fleur-de-lis, I concede defeat. Just... make him happy. That's all I ask. He deserves it. Love, Rarity > Entry 26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, A new contender for my heart has emerged! A pegasus! There aren't many pegasi around here. Ponyville is primarily an earth pony town, and while unicorns are a sizable minority, most pegasus ponies don't like being grounded for any length of time. And to be completely honest, I've always been primarily attracted to unicorn stallions with long horns. Still, I can appreciate a pegasus' toned physique. I've sized Rainbow Dash enough times to be quite jealous of her lean flanks. Not that I don't appreciate my own curves, but she burns so many calories she actively eats carbs like they're going out of style, while I have to relegate myself to salads and tiny portions. But I'm getting off topic. This isn't my rants journal. Those are all far thicker than you, Diary. In a way you're like Rainbow Dash and they're like Bulk Biceps. Speaking of Bulk, he seems like a nice enough stallion, but he doesn't set my heart aflutter like Thunderlane does. He's way too big and muscular. Thunder Lane, on the other hoof, has got quite the physique. And those rippling muscles even saved my life! There I was, falling to my doom (again!) and this amazing stallion just plucked me out of the air like it was nothing. He's kind of goofy and he has a corny sense of humor that reminds me of father's. There's only one problem. Well, two problems to be precise: Flitter and Cloudchaser. Yes, the twins we like to call the pegasisters behind their backs. While neither of them is actually dating Thunderlane (I won't make that mistake ever again - I would never have forgiven myself if I'd come between Fancy Pants and Fleur-de-lis!), it's obvious that one (or perhaps both?) of them likes him. And perhaps a third problem as well: I'm sure I've seen Blossomforth giving me the evil eye around town too. To be fair there are more pegasus mares in town than there are pegasus stallions, and Thunderlane is by far the cream of the crop. But every time I try to see Thunderlane he's always with at least one of these other mares. Almost as if they're protecting their territory. I'm being blocked, Diary, and I don't like it one bit. Love, Rarity > Entry 27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Tartarus hath no fury like a mare scorned. Cloudchaser and I had an altercation outside Quills & Sofas earlier. I fear it might even have come to blows had Flitter and Blossomforth not separated us. I was mad at the time, Diary, but now I'm filled with nothing but pity for all three of them. They all like Thunderlane; Cloudchaser perhaps most of all. The problem is they're waiting on him to make a decision as to which one he likes best. It stands to reason they don't want to make things even murkier by adding a fourth mare to the equation. I get the impression he's been stringing all three of them along for years. I can't hate them. I'd do the same thing if I were in their horseshoes. No, Diary, I take that back. I wouldn't do what they're doing. I'd walk. I have more dignity and respect for myself than that. At least two of them are going to have their hearts broken, and if he's been stringing them along as long as I think he has... I daresay all three of them will be heartbroken when all is said and done. I shall have ice cream and new dresses ready for all three when the day comes. Solidarity with my fellow rejects! Love, Rarity > Entry 28 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Well that escalated quickly. My advances on Thunderlane prompted the three of them to confront Thunderlane and force him to make a decision. He chose all three of them. I'm sure that sounded better in his head. Then he tried to pick just the twins. I understand he should be released from the hospital in a few weeks. Until then I'm hiding three scorned pegasus mares in Carousel Boutique's basement just in case any Royal Guards show up in Ponyville (there are perks to being an Element of Harmony – nopony's going to be busting down my door looking for them... good thing I'm not the Element of Honesty). They've been supplied with plenty of tissues, ice cream, and new outfits. And we've all been taking turns playing with the new darts I got. Our aim is improving, especially since Cloudchaser thought to put a picture of Thunderlane right over the bullseye. We'll get through this together and be better off for it. And he'll be better off if he relocates to another city. I understand even Bulk Biceps wants to rearrange his face now for what he did to them. Love, Rarity > Entry 29 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Today I visited Thunderlane in the hospital. He tried flirting with me, but I shut him down just as quickly. The good news is he told the hospital he had a nasty crash while flying, so no Royal Guards are looking for Blossomforth or the pegasisters. The bad news is he's still part of the Wonderbolts Reserves. As is Cloudchaser. Even if he moves out of town he's still going to see her any time they're on duty. So we talked for a while. He's not planning on quitting the Reserves, so I suggested he pick Cloudchaser. It's only been a week. She's mad, but she hasn't gotten over him just yet. If he says the right things, he could win her back. It's a good thing for him I happen to know all the ways to a mare's heart. It's an even better thing for him that my generosity's running out and I want to evict three freeloading pegasi from my basement. They have their own homes. Love, Rarity > Entry 30 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, If only I could solve my own love problems as easily as I solved this one. Thunderlane asked Cloudchaser out and she said 'yes'. Flitter is supporting her sister, and Blossomforth is disappointed but not completely devastated. I spent a week with the three of them. It wasn't hard to figure out which one of them liked him the most. Now that my unexpected house guests are gone I need to work off the five pounds I gained eating all that ice cream... Of course it all went straight to my flank. Because life hates me. Love, Rarity > Entry 31 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, As Ponyville Days Pony of Ceremonies, I was in the perfect position to meet the stallion of my dreams: Trenderhoof. And of course he only has eyes for Applejack. Applejack of all ponies! Can you believe that, Diary? And of course that imbecilic redneck isn't interested in the handsomest travel writer in all Equestria. No, she can't be bothered. That would take her away from the menial work of farming. I wanted to throttle her, Diary, I really did. But she couldn't help Trend falling head over hooves for her any more than I could help him not falling head over hooves for me. With the benefit of hindsight, I suppose she wishes she could have changed the target of her affections to me just to get both of us out of her mane. Love, Rarity ...Please, somepony love Rarity. Please? Is that too much to ask? > Entry 32 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, As I was rereading the previous entries about Thunderlane, it got me to thinking. A strong, muscular pegasus. One who's saved me multiple times. With lean flanks without so much as an ounce of fat on them. And the boldest, brightest mane of all. My hero; the stallion of my dreams.... who says he has to be a stallion? Why can't she be a mare? A very beautiful one, even if she refuses to let me style her mane and make her look pretty. Could I love another mare? Honestly, I'd never really considered the possibility until now. Not that I haven't looked at mares before – in my line of work I need to be able to accentuate the beauty in anypony, and the vast majority of my clients are female. I can certainly appreciate the female form. And there was Fluttershy's brief foray into modeling. I recognized immediately she had the perfect build to be a model, even if she ultimately lacked the desire. But what would Rainbow say? Is she even into mares? Every time I bring up the subject of romance around Rainbow Dash she changes the subject quickly. Is it that the subject makes her uncomfortable, or is she hiding something. Or perhaps somepony? Could Rainbow be in a secret relationship with somepony already? Well, Diary, I suppose there's only one way to find out. I'll just have to ask Rainbow Dash in a way where she can neither evade the question nor fly away at high speed. I'll have to fight dirty. All's fair in love and war, as they say! Love, Rarity > Entry 33 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, It took a few days, but I finally cornered Rainbow Dash somewhere she couldn't easily escape. The real irony of the situation is she came to me. We've been hanging out (as she would put it) more frequently ever since I saved her reputation with the Wonderbolts when Windrider tried to frame her. Maybe I'm just blind and we're already falling into a relationship. It's not like I have any experience with those aside from what I've read in those bit store novels. Which, to be fair, don't seem to be particularly grounded in reality. At least not reality as I've observed it... And I'm rambling again. Is it me, or am I doing that more these days than I used to? Anyways, I finally got Rainbow alone and we talked all about the subjects she normally hates talking about. She's career driven. No interest in romance at the moment, but she appreciated me inquiring about it. And she even stated that once she's retired from the Wonderbolts I should look her up if I'm still single. She doesn't want me to wait for her, but that's probably just her way of telling me she isn't interested. Oh Diary, I'm not even sure I like mares that way and I still feel devastated. This is one of my best friends in the whole world. If she can't love me... who can? Love, Rarity > Entry 34 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, Today was my weekly spa appointment with Fluttershy. We've kept this tradition for quite some time, and it always relaxes her as much as it does me. I could live at the spa, truthfully. I suppose depending on who you ask, I already do. The spa also presents a unique opportunity to admire the scenery. I'm still not sure about liking mares, so I kept sneaking peeks at Fluttershy. She's gorgeous, but there's a reason she used to be a model, after all. And that reason is mostly because I forced her into it so I could live vicariously through her... but I digress. But the point is we tell each other everything at our weekly spa dates. She knows all about my previous crushes, well, except for Rainbow Dash. I don't think I'll be admitting that one to her or any of the rest of our friends. But that also means I know she's single. Don't even think about it, Rarity. Where did that line of text come from? I didn't write that. Of course you didn't write that. I did. Twilight knows a spell that lets her appear inside books. But Twilight doesn't know about this particular book. So, you must be Discord. Guessed it in one! Using both brain cells today? Are you interested in Fluttershy? I'm always interested in Fluttershy. As a significant other? No. That's a commitment, and that's the antithesis of chaos. I'm above such petty physical concepts as dating, Rarity. But I do know that ponies in relationships tend to spend a lot of time with one another. And I, for one, am not willing to give up any of the few moments I get to spend with Fluttershy. So if you feel brave enough to make a move, know that in advance. You're to never even think about limiting our time together. And if she tries to, you're to refuse her. But also know this: if you hurt her, I will break you. Body, mind, and soul. Okay, so Fluttershy's off limits. You know she's not going to like you doing this. She'll never find out. With a flash the entire journal entry disappeared right in front of Rarity, as if it had been written in disappearing ink. She shuddered. > Entry 35 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, I suppose I may as well consider my other friends. Applejack? They say opposites attract, after all. That said, I must say I didn't see her appeal when Trenderhoof was fawning all over her. And I still don't. We're good friends, but I just can't see myself falling for her any more than I could see her falling for me. Twilight? Well, she's from Canterlot, the greatest city in all of Equestria. But... so are a number of other ponies in my social circle these days. I even have a shop there now. She's a dear friend, Diary, but she'll never be what I'm looking for. And the same is true of Pinkie Pie. I could handle Pinkie Pie better if she came with an 'off' switch. I love her like I love all my friends, but she can be overwhelming at times. She thinks so radically different than any of the rest of us. I daresay I don't understand her most of the time. And I suspect she's madly in love with Rainbow Dash. She seems... far too attached to 'Dashie'. My employees? Coco Pommel and Sassy Saddles. Certainly both are attractive mares, and Coco certainly has that whole shy thing going for her. She makes it work better than Fluttershy does. But good help is terribly hard to find, and should a relationship with either fail to work out it could critically damage my brand and my image. No, it's safest to leave personal feelings out and keep these relationships strictly professional. There's one other possibility. The one I've refrained from talking about this whole time. I think I shall sleep on this one before putting my thoughts to paper. Good night, Diary. Love, Rarity > Entry 36 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, So Spike. He's had a crush on me since the moment he laid eyes on me years ago. I've taken advantage of that once or twice. What? Don't look at me like that, Diary. You're a book. You shouldn't be looking at anything. Fine, I admit I take advantage of Spike all the time. Less nowadays than I used to, but he's growing up. There are other things for him to do now then hang around Carousel Boutique and offer to do things for me. And there are other dragons to spend time with too. There's Ember and Smolder. I don't know anything about dragon ideals of beauty, but they're both female and they're both only a smidge older than he is. While I'm ancient compared to him. When did I get so old, Diary? He's...almost old enough now. At least by pony laws. Dragon culture is so radically different than our own. I've seen what Spike looks like when he grows up. If a dragon can grow up that quickly just by increasing the size of his hoard, then truly there's no real way to accurately gauge a dragon's age. But that also turned him into a nearly mindless beast, consumed entirely with acquiring more and more. While I don't doubt his love for me, I can't get over the species difference. I do love Spikey-Wikey. He's a sweet dragon. But he's a dragon. Someday he's going to tower over me. He'll be so big he won't fit in a normal house (or a boutique). He'll be so big he might not even notice that he stepped on me. Furthermore, he'll live for thousands of years, while I'll shrivel up and die in another century. It wouldn't be fair to Spike to saddle him with an old nag like me. Sometimes the hardest part of love is letting go. Love, Rarity > Entry 37 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Diary, I hate you. No, it's more than that. I truly, honestly have come to absolutely despise you, Diary. You're a good-looking journal; filly me did have great taste. I'd expect nothing else from moi, you know. No, it's as I go back and reread these entries that I've come to realize that you, yes you, Diary, represent everything about myself that I hate. I'm almost thirty, Diary. I'm over the hill, Diary. My best years are behind me. Why, I practically have one hoof in the grave already! Do you realize that means I've been writing in you for well over two decades? Spilling all my secrets over your pages in ink, and running the risk of Sweetie Belle reading you and discovering all my deepest secrets. Or worse, publishing them in her school newspaper like my other journals. My younger sister, who I might add, is getting married this weekend. She wasn't even born when I started writing in you, Diary. I never found true love. Instead true love found me. Oh, I resisted it for a long time. But Diary, deep down inside we both knew this day was coming. All those years I was terrified of becoming a crazy cat pony? Why, Diary? Why did I think this is the worst possible fate? It isn't. I'd love to say our time together was pleasant, Diary, but we both know that would be a lie. You're the record of all my hopes and dreams failures. Now the time has come for you to die in a fire, Diary. Quite literally, I'm afraid. Burn, Diary, burn. Sincerely, Rarity Rarity levitated the bound diary into the flickering flames of her fireplace. The flames slowly consumed the ghosts of Rarity's past as she cuddled on the couch with the ones she truly loved: Opalescence, her snow white companion of many years, Obsidian, a purely black cat, Quartz, a pink point Siamese, and Topaz, a Chartreux.